The French Election

Most people reading this probably have little interest in French politics so the presidential election today is a bit of a non-story. Macron will win with 60% of the vote as he has the full backing of the European establishment and the cosmopolitan class in France. Unlike the US, French elections are basically a collection of city elections. If you can win Paris, you win France. Imagine if Manhattan dictated our election results.

One reason for this is French politics have largely been conducted in a narrow space of post-war cosmopolitan social democracy. Like teenagers who define themselves by their contentious relationship with their parents, European political elites defined themselves by how petulant they could be toward the Americans. As a result, there is a fundamental lack of seriousness in French political culture. They vote for the cool kids, not the smart kids.

Still, it bears watching for those on the Dissident Right as it helps frame the coming battles in the West over the central conflict of our age. European elites imagine a pan-European feudalism where the peasantry has no identity of their own. The resistance imagines a continent of states governed by national populism that corresponds with their unique cultural heritage. The flash point is immigration from the south, particularly Islam.

The last time a non-approved candidate made it to the second round of the French presidential election was 15 years ago when Le Pen’s father did it. He got 18% of the vote in the second round, but his success had a sobering effect on the French political class after what they saw as a close call with fascism. They started to take the Right more seriously, which is why the mainstream parties have largely converged on all issues.

This time, Le Pen is hoping to break 40%, but there is zero chance she will will win or even make it close. It’s not so much that Macron has much appeal as that Le Pen is not a great politician for France. Her cause needs a roguish male to lead the party, someone who has some flare and has had some success in other areas. France has always needed a man on a horse to restore order and national pride.

That’s why the final number will matter. If Le Pen does break 40%, that will open a lot of eyes in the French political class. If you are an ambitious politician, you will now have a base of 40% to work from simply by adopting the immigration arguments of Le Pen. Avoid some of the weird and unpleasant aspects of the National Front and you can become the great compromise that unites France. That’s the hope anyway, from the Civic Nationalists.

It’s also the fear of the globalists who keep trying to make this election look like a horse race. They desperately want a resounding victory for Macron and they want to have a trophy they can hold up, claiming the Far Right is now dead. The obituaries for Le Pen and her issues are all written and ready to go as soon as the vote is counted. By pretending it is close, they can cast any win as a massive defeat for the Right.

The reality is something different. France, as a self-governing political entity, was probably broken in the Great War, but it was most certainly broken in the Second World War. Getting run over by the Huns and then having most of your political class collaborate with them will do that to a country. If that was not enough, being relegated to the kiddie table during the Cold War finished off what was left of responsible French leadership.

It’s why Macron winning is probably a good thing for France. He is an accelerationist, who wants to fling open the gates and invite in millions of Muslims. He wants to hand over to Brussels what’s left of  French sovereignty. Nothing undermines the legitimacy of the rulers like seeing them on their knees, kissing the feet of foreigners. Macron is Marshal Philippe Pétain, without any of the military success on his resume.

If there is any hope for a revival of French culture it will only come through total French humiliation and despair. Once a majority of Frenchmen no longer see any reason to support the status quo, to remain loyal to their betters, then things change and change rapidly. It will not happen through elections and political activism. Democracy is good at driving a country off a cliff. It is useless in pulling it back onto the road. France needs to vote itself off the cliff in order to clear the field for what comes next.

Of course, what comes next may simply be the end of France. There is nothing magical about the land on which the French people live. When Caesar conquered Gaul, he did not conquer the French. When the peasants stormed the Bastille, most people in France did not speak French. The point being, there is nothing permanent about France. Maybe what comes next is the slow invasion of Europe from the south and the death of Europe. It could simply be reversion to the mean and nature is now reclaiming an exception.

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7 years ago

“If there is any hope for a revival of French culture it will only come through total French humiliation and despair.” Well, looking on the bright side- they have certainly voted for more humiliation and despair, so let’s hope that works out for them. Seems to me that they’ve voted to terminate France and establish a new Caliphate, but I’ve been wrong before, and little surprises me anymore. I’ve enjoyed French food & French art; got discriminated against in Paris because I was a “Yankee warmonger;” got feted in a Parisian hotel, as its owner was freed from the Nazis… Read more »

Reply to  eskyman
7 years ago

Me too.

7 years ago

“They vote for the cool kids, not the smart kids.”
That sounds at least as much like American politics as French. At least since JFK’s hair beat NIxon’s five o’clock shadow.

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
7 years ago

“As a result, there is a fundamental lack of seriousness in French political culture. They vote for the cool kids, not the smart kids.” Then why are they so opposed to Le Pen if they are not serious? Why did more than 80% of the electorate vote in the first round if they are not serious. And the French vainly think they are the “cool kids”. They have become more and more vain as they have been relegated to the back burner of Europe. But, never doubt how “serious” they are about their vanity. Now, I could agree if you… Read more »

Reply to  Anonymous White Male
7 years ago

Guy Mollet proposed during the Suez Crisis a union with the UK with Elizabeth as the head of State and a joint citizenship. Aim: to be the big cheese in the Med basin and reconquer the nearby Muslim lands and remain a force in world affairs with an economy to match. Eden unwisely rejected it, and defeat in Suez made it moot (thanks Ike!). Pretty much like the US and UK and Germany, France is a sinkhole of nasty urban places filled with non-Whites a few sheltered White elites. With of course the pill, condom, anonymous urban living, mass media… Read more »

Reply to  Anonymous White Male
7 years ago

Let me add, Mollet’s model and its failure was tragic. He was a man of the Left, who wanted an Imperial and Military presence, for both France the UK. I’d like “everyone in the party man!” because it insures me from political risk of a new faction gaining power and deciding to go full Third World immigration. I work in Software Development and have seen first hand how whole sections of companies and sectors are nothing more than H1-B body shops with No White Man Need Apply. [Microsoft products are so crummy because of this — they have almost no… Read more »

Reply to  Anonymous White Male
7 years ago

I think the Jerry Lewis thing had a lot to do with people virtue signaling about liking a Jew. He was any easy way to do it with no personal investment involved. If any people is into virtue signaling, it’s the French.

7 years ago

A small disagreement: people who come here care very much indeed about European elections.

Macron Petain! So Vichy.
I defer to you, Frau Merkel, und ze oppergruppenfuhrer blue-haired vegan slam poets.

7 years ago

I would join the others here who pointed out Suez as an inflection point in French history and amplify it a bit. After Suez, the French could no longer act as a great power, no longer trust the United States, and no longer trust Britain to act independently of the US even when it came to shared great power interests. After that, all that was left was the farce of Gaullism and decline. By the way, France’s revenge for Suez was its very real threat to force the US into default during the dollar crisis (by cashing in its dollar-denominated… Read more »

7 years ago

“French politics.” Enjoyed that line! It brought to mind one of my favorite made for TV movies, The Scarlet Pimpernel (1982 – Anthony Andrews, Jane Seymour, Ian McKellen). A good scene is when British Sir Percy Blakeney, Baronet (Andrews – secretly the Scarlet Pimpernel) is dressing down pompous Leftist French Revolutionary Chauvelin (McKellen): Chauvelin: We shall execute our king instead, sir, and exalt our tailors. Sir Percy: More’s the pity. Then your tailors will rule the land, and no one will make the clothes. So much for French fashion, and French politics. Guess some things don’t really change. Here’s the… Read more »

7 years ago

Looks like the French went for a bit of food on the table and some jingle in the jeans. Venezuelans did that, too, though the deep pockets in Caracas were not as deep as those in Paris or Brussels.

Steve Ryan
7 years ago

Vercingetorix 2022!

Kodus on starting a firestorm on VD. Your libertarianism post really got the Dread Ilk on a roll!

Steve Ryan
Reply to  Steve Ryan
7 years ago

Ah, autocorrect…Kudos!

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Kodos? The Executioner?

7 years ago

“France, as a self-governing political entity, was probably broken in the Great War, but it was most certainly broken in the Second World War. ” In the immediate post-war period Britain and France did try for a recovery of sorts, if not to the level of the superpowers then at least as something with clout outside the immediate west European neighborhood. Suez was the final straw that wiped them out almost completely. “Of course, what comes next may simply be the end of France. There is nothing magical about the land on which the French people live. ” France breaking… Read more »

7 years ago

I’m noticing that Brexit and Trump were in English-speaking countries. There is a critical mass of alt-Right propaganda in English, but perhaps not in French – yet.

7 years ago

Presumably the Globalists envision a two-tier society — upper-tier Atheist White Elite (AWEsomes?), lower-tier Muslim Brown (MoB?). Or rather two societies, one on top of the other. Are there any indications that the Globalists are working on how to protect the AWEsomes from the MoB? Walled-off AWEsome neighborhoods in Paris? Helicopter landing-pads with laser-cannon? Fortress-like corporate skyscrapers?

Reply to  Garr
7 years ago

Qatar and Abu Dhabi are the models here?

7 years ago

More of the same. The meme for LePen on the DS is her riding that flying dog from The Neverending Story.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

I believe that most binary choice elections crystalize down to an unspoken “ugly truth” question that is never publicly discussed but that catches the current mood of the electorate. Way back in 1992, in Canada, (talk about politics that nobody is watching), an ill-conceived Constitutional Referendum was held that resulted in an embarrassing loss for the ruling Progressive Conservative (sigh, don’t ask, it’s Canada) party. The merits of the proposal didn’t matter a whit; what mattered was that it gave the country an opportunity to cast a screw-you vote to the Elites that run the country (sound familiar?) For Brexit,… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

One problem for the New Class is that they are running out boltholes. They are shitting in every room in the mansion, so to say

7 years ago

What language did most people speak in France in 1789?

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Ripple
7 years ago

Three million of 25 million spoke Parisian French. 80% of the population were peasants, and 99% of those were illiterate by the design of the Church and the ruling class. The regional languages were, among others, Breton, Norman, Picard, Provençal, Gascon, Basque, Corsican Italian, forms of German, and dialects of said languages. There are still 400,000 Frankish speakers in northwest France. Add very bad roads to intentional illiteracy and this is situation normal anywhere. To this day Parisians turn away from Canadian French like a bad smell. I prefer the sound of it, with a Teutonic ring and lacking the… Read more »

Reply to  james wilson
7 years ago

Likewise Louisiana Cajun French. The ancestors of both the Cajuns and Quebeckers were separated from the Parisians centuries ago, and evolved independently. I understand that Canadian and Louisiana French are closer to each other.

Reply to  james wilson
7 years ago

Just a question of taste, but I believe the most mellifluous French is Belgian French.

7 years ago

[…] Via WRSA, this from Z man. […]

7 years ago

Our next revolution will almost certainly be French style.

Reading yesterday’s comments, conservatives conveniently forget- as they always forget- that they spent decades with one focus: putting libertarians in jail.

Not SJWs, racebaiters, trade unionists, open border opportunists, warmongers, anti-tobacco zealots, or snitches and secret police.

All while quoting the Constitution.

We are now to sing your hosannahs!
Victory is at hand!
We have made our fair land safe for new brothers, Welcome oh yearning masses!

karl hungus
karl hungus
Reply to  Alzaebo
7 years ago

you sound drunk; stinking drunk even 🙁

Reply to  Alzaebo
7 years ago

Which conservatives, where, what decades, which libertarians? (Not disagreeing, just wondering what you have in mind.

Reply to  Garr
7 years ago


Reply to  Alzaebo
7 years ago

You are making no sense

Reply to  Alzaebo
7 years ago

So much bitter irony. It’s not our fault your little movement was high-jacked by left-wing open borders pot-smoking hippies. If you don’t like it then take your fight to them, hypocrite. Why cling to the name ‘libertarian’ any longer if you don’t agree with their official positions? At least The Gipper took it like a man when the Dems left him, don’t loose your head or anything…

Reply to  Roulf
7 years ago

Dammit. Had to upvote that- it ain’t what it was, is it?