A Most Excellent Podcast

This week, the show is a most excellent podcast. This is due in part to the events of this week. Nothing inspires me more than being in the middle of a crap storm. I’m also getting better at this. I feel more comfortable, but I also feel more confident. That’s because a lot of you have been kind enough to send along encouragement, It means a lot and I truly appreciate it.

This week is mostly about the rage virus infecting our rulers and their hired thugs on our streets. I’ve also got a bit on a SJW grifter, a bit on Elon Musk, something on the cuckening and a bit at the end that I like a lot. I was going to call it “A Letter From A Charlottesville Jail” but I don’t know if most people would get the reference. They would assume I was in jail. But look it up and you’ll see my meaning maybe.

This week, Spreaker has the full show. YouTube has the full show and some new graphics to distinguish the bits from the full show. I am now on iTunes, which means the Apple Nazis can listen to me on their Hitler phones.

I have been threatening to stream this to GabTV amd this weekend I plan to finally do it. I’ll update the site when that is working, if I’m able to do it.

This Week’s Show

  • 00:00: Perfunctory Opening Comments
  • 02:00: The Struggle (Link)
  • 12:00: Starting New (Link) (Link)
  • 22:15: Crazy Zaleski (Link) (Link)
  • 27:15: BernieCare (Link)
  • 32:30: The Cuckening (Link) (Link)
  • 37:30: Elon Musk (Link)
  • 42:45: Brain Damage (Link)
  • 48:00: Choose Wisely
  • 58:00: Closing

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Saml Adams
Saml Adams
7 years ago

“Joel, let me give you piece of advice. Never, never, ever fuck with another man’s livelihood”. You hit the point on the end. Take the middle and start forcing it to pick sides and two things will happen. The left will get the half that decides to go passively along. But that’s it, they are passive. They’ve given up and turned their belly to the other dog. The other half will say fuck it and throw in with “men of action” and that half will be motivated. Problem for the left is that half will have brains, money and arms.

Hanging In
Hanging In
7 years ago

Nice job, Zman. Glen Filthie is correct – this is a tall cool glass of water. Thank you.
You’re now an unofficial thought leader on the dissident right.

Reply to  Hanging In
7 years ago

How do you know that Z man is a right winger? Maybe most of his economic ideals are thoroughly left wing in substance.

Reply to  Allan
7 years ago

Well hanging in uses the term dissident right. A term z man has used to describe himself on multiple occasions

7 years ago

He’s not kidding, folks, this podcast is indeed most excellent.

Zman–thanks for cheering us up.

7 years ago

Captain Buttplug? Is that Gavin McInnes? Just guessing.

Glen Filthie
Glen Filthie
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

That kid’s a piece of work – and I love the name you came up with for him. I pretty much wrote him off as a clown long ago – he’s just another performance artist. But – This is why I listen to your podcasts. There’s REASON here. All this leftist lunacy and rage and violence is contagious and it sets up in our guys and the thing just goes to hell from there. At this blog, I feel like I am at a dinner party in a clean upscale house with white carpets, enjoying a drink whilst being regaled… Read more »

Reply to  Glen Filthie
7 years ago

But we need those clowns badly!

I’m from Europe, for example, and it’s not uncommon here for people to get 100% of their news about America from the Daily show and John Oliver.

Reply to  guest
7 years ago

That’s where most of my friends get there news from as well, here in the US.

Reply to  Alzaebo
7 years ago

You need to find better friends.

Reply to  Allan
7 years ago

One is my bestest best friend of 53 years, since we were 5 years old. Fascinating to watch, hard to take at times.

7 years ago

Great MLK reference! Keep up the outstanding work, both in the written and spoken word. Your blog is a first stop for me daily.

Reply to  Sluf
7 years ago

Zman isn’t just a first stop, he’s a lifejacket.
Nobody cuts through the the bullsh*t like this guy. As educational as Rush was.

7 years ago

Zman, I too have had some good conversations over the past few days with friends about race realism and politics thanks to the left bringing down these statues. It helped that (after a bit of hesitation) Trump finally came out and said what needed to be said. His words coupled with the video in Durham provided a powerful visual that helped shift the conversation for a lot of people to where it needed to be. Trump is taking some unnecessary arrows over this because (as you point out) we are not being smart on symbolism. Those on the right in… Read more »

Eclectic Esoteric
Eclectic Esoteric
7 years ago

The deranged invertebrate rhinos should demonstrate their solidarity with the totalitarian left by cashing out, piling their dead white presidents in a huge bonfire and self immolate.

7 years ago

It was all most excellent. I especially appreciated the ‘choose wisely’ segment. Very timely considering the harassment of Amren announced just today.

7 years ago

Medicare for all. Hey, Brazil has Medicare for all! You guys are gonna love it! We pay for it with some of the highest taxes in the hemisphere. And then we pay again for private health care to the tune of $600 per month for a family of four. Sure, things can get tight, what with the obligatory private school tuition of $600 per month per child on top of that. Won’t be long before the coyotes get run out of business. No sense in paying the fee to get more of the same.

Reply to  Epicaric
7 years ago

The Bernie Bros are also looking in from the outside, as we do. We have that in common. They just have a wacky set of proposed solutions. A large number may come around over time.

7 years ago

Completely agree with your last point about being forced to make a choice. It’s pretty much exactly the way I feel. They expect me to embrace absolute craziness – which goes completely against everything I have learned in my life from everything I have experienced. In what lunatic world would I do that? They’ve created the perfect recipe to piss me off. And yes – when you take away everything from a person – you have given them nothing to lose. I’ve made the argument in the past to lefties when I was arguing with them and they said stupid… Read more »

7 years ago

As good as advertised. At least three involuntary, audible “mmm!”s when your brain acknowledges a brilliant moment of insight and clarity.

The final segment is something particularly special.


Eclectic Esoteric
Eclectic Esoteric
7 years ago
Kentucky Headhunter
Kentucky Headhunter
7 years ago
Eclectic Esoteric
Eclectic Esoteric
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Google is the bakery that refused to bake a cake for the nazi wedding. We’ll see how those double standards hold up in court.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Eclectic Esoteric
7 years ago

Fabulous point.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

How much do you trust the courts z man? If addressed in podcast my apologies have yet to listen.

Reply to  Kentucky Headhunter
7 years ago

I usually read Alternative Right with Andy Nowicki and Colin Liddell daily. I got this message today. Wonder what happened?
“Blog has been removed
Sorry, the blog at alternative-right.blogspot.com has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.”

Reply to  Bunny
7 years ago

Hmm, I didn’t realize Alternative Right was under scrutiny. “Andy Nowicki aka the Nameless One is the assistant editor of the white supremacist Alternative Right blog, which was founded by alt right leader Richard Spencer. The Alternative Right weighs in on the alt right hot topics, from ‘white sharia’ and racial disparities in IQs, to the distinctions in thought between the ‘normie’ world versus the alt right. While Nowicki claims he is not a white nationalist, he shares many of those views. As an editor of Alternative Right, he gives voice to the ideology of white nationalists and figures on… Read more »

7 years ago

Very long time reader, Z, and this is the first podcast I’ve listened to, and my first reply. The post volume+quality of your blog is outstanding, and I’m starting to see links back to you in multiple places, job well done. Your Badder Thoughts are presented calmly, reasonably, so that Mr. Norm L. White listens/reads without triggering “this isn’t allowed” defenses. That’s something so utterly lost on the SpergTroopers of TRS, David Duke, et al. I am curious about your thoughts regarding Europa, AtomWaffen Division, etc. For some reason their youthfulness kinda cancels out the “don’t do the Nazi thing,… Read more »

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

A lot of you guys really hate Elton Musk. I don’t. I also don’t begrudge him all his billions from the government. Why? The stuff we’re paying him for is stuff I support. I want a cheap launcher for the country. Boeing has taken, quote,”…During the joint Senate-NASA presentation in September 2011, it was stated that the SLS program has a projected development cost of $18 billion through 2017, with $10 billion for the SLS rocket, $6 billion for the Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle and $2 billion for upgrades to the launch pad and other facilities at Kennedy Space Center…”.… Read more »

Bruno the Arrogant
Bruno the Arrogant
Reply to  Sam J.
7 years ago

Trying to understand Musk in a political context is missing the point. Simply, the guy has no goals on Earth. Everything he’s involved with has an application for colonizing Mars, which is what obsesses him. Aside from SpaceX, look at Tesla – transportation will be needed on Mars, but their ain’t no oil on Mars! What to do? Electric cars and solar power make sense – more sense than they make on Earth! The surface of Mars offers no protection from radiation. People on Mars will need to live underground. Look at what the Boring Company is involved in –… Read more »

White hat
White hat
7 years ago

Only demographics matter.

7 years ago

“Oxi” crops up because the products use oxygen bleach which doesn’t damage fabric as chlorine does. And it’s particularly effective against biological stains like blood.

A.T. Tapman (Merica)
A.T. Tapman (Merica)
7 years ago

I agree, a most excellent podcast!

7 years ago

Curious to know what your opinion of Instapundit is these days. I’ve been reading it since about 2003, and like most I was not impressed by its merger with PJM a few years ago. PJM is a pathetic, virtue signalling collection of self described reformed liberals, female scolds, warmongers, charity cases, and fanatical loonies like David Goldman. The merger by itself wouldn’t really be an issue, as Glenn used to be the sole contributor to his own feed, but unfortunately has allowed a handful of PJM’s more warmongerish representatives of the polite right contribute as of the last couple years,… Read more »

L. Beau Macaroni
L. Beau Macaroni
Reply to  Mike@Mike.Mike
7 years ago

That’s “boot-polishing yes-man” to you, troglodyte! (I comment over there using the same screen name that I use here.)

Sent from my Hitler-phone.

Reply to  Mike@Mike.Mike
7 years ago

Just like Ace of Spades, you find nuggets and you find dreck. Still good enough to scroll through and go hunting for the worthy bits.

Frankly, I am down to exactly one site that is a must-read. Hope I am not overdoing the comments lately.

Listened to my first podcast tonight. Nice job.

James LePore
7 years ago

Regarding imagery, let’s start by calling Antifa Antifaban, and using this image whenever talking about them online (replacing Taliban with Antifaban):

Eclectic Esoteric
Eclectic Esoteric
7 years ago
7 years ago

One point that is rarely covered in the diversity complaints about software companies.

Computer Science Programs graduate 5 men for every woman. Bitching to Google or Intel or Apple that women are underrepresented by 5 : 1 is a basic supply problem.

If women choose to study other fields, that’s not Google’s or any other tech companies fault.

Frolix 8
Frolix 8
7 years ago

Hey in your last section, you mentioned the threatening e-mails you receive. I think you should have a section on your website where you show some of those off. Nothing enrages lefty more than exposing them at their most vicious

Frolix 8
Frolix 8
7 years ago

Say, what is the opening music?

7 years ago

Once again. You hit it out of the park. Not to be too much a lickspittle, but you say the things and elucidate the ideas I would present if only I were so eloquent. Good job.

White hat
White hat
7 years ago

I listened to the program and I have to say you have a really nice and clear voice. It’s a little halting due to maintaining a stream of conciousness without break, don’t worry about that, you can be a bit more conversational and guests are good for this. In terms of health care the solution is simple. Here it is, all citizens get Medicare automatically – no sign up required. its a B-C level of cover, which will cover adequately but timing/choice is limited and is mainly for doctor and hospital treatments. This base safetynet cover is paid for purchase… Read more »

Miss Conduct
Miss Conduct
7 years ago

There’s a lot of talk about concussions and CTE in hockey as well. I’ve begun to think there’s something to it, but I hadn’t realized that the study you referred to had no controls, and the way the sample was selected was so unempirical. In hockey it’s linked to the movement to ban fighting from the game, so of course the chicks and cucks and manlets are on board. Surely more concussions are sustained from heads hitting the boards and the ice. Only a few of the less talented players fight. Guys who can score don’t have to drop the… Read more »

7 years ago

Denninger has covered what the problem with the healthcare sector is – and that is monopolistic behavior and lack of government enforcement of laws already on the books.

The problem with healthcare is cost. If healthcare was something that cost so damn much – we wouldn’t even be talking about government solutions in the first place.

Who that
Who that
7 years ago

Only mothers should be put on a pedestal.

James LePore
7 years ago


Eclectic Esoteric
Eclectic Esoteric
7 years ago

The best way to fight totalitarianism is in the bullseye – home, schools, church and community. Critical thinking skills are the best defense against cultural marxism’s threat to our constitutional republic.

Reply to  Eclectic Esoteric
7 years ago

Great podcast, Z-man. It was realistic, but didn’t have the black-pilled game over sentiment that I’ve seen a lot of this week across cosa nostra. Thanks for the positivity. I listened to this on your youtube channel.

7 years ago

Your voice reminds me of Daniel Dennett

7 years ago
Trent Denton
Trent Denton
7 years ago



So long Bannon you POS

white supremacy will not be tolerated

Reply to  Trent Denton
7 years ago

What is “white supremacy”?

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Allan
7 years ago

White supremacy is noticing that white people are mediocre while some others are less than mediocre.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  james wilson
7 years ago

Ding, Ding, Ding. The winner!

Reply to  Trent Denton
7 years ago

I was right. Red China- created by the same bolshie folks who gave us the USSR- was raised up when the Soviet Union fell.

Bannon sought to belay the coming One Belt-UN hegemony. We forget that the USSR claimed fealty over 2/3 of the world’s surface in 1970, as the termites quietly grew their Deep State in the West.

Trent Denton
Trent Denton
7 years ago

Wait a minute-you talk about teams and heritage….

Problem for you guys-NO ONE is attracted to “white” heritage

Even white women reject it

Reply to  Trent Denton
7 years ago

Not in your progressive bubble. Out here in the real world things are different.

Eis Augen
Reply to  Trent Denton
7 years ago

You’re not a Very Smart Brotha.

Reply to  Trent Denton
7 years ago

Your comments aren’t even germaine to the conversation. This is just verbal graffiti cut and pasted from some other thread or argument. A generalized rant that you consider good for all occasions (and threads). I don’t know why Zman keeps you around, you don’t even show the rest of us the courtesy of commenting, for real, to the subject at hand.

Trent Denton
Trent Denton
7 years ago

My gosh.

These were literal Nazis. Are you seriously defending these people? It sure sounds like it.

I might not agree with all of antifa’s methods and goals but there is no gray area when it comes to actual white supremacists.

How are you gainfully employed and what has put such hate in your heart?

Side note-what beef do you have ramzpaul? You guys agree on everything