The No State Solution

One of the reasons our rulers are cracking down on speech is that even the most tepid debate will lead to uncomfortable questions. Just look at a public discussion of immigration. You cannot get into the discussion unless you agree that immigration is always good. The reason for that is no one in charge ever wants to address the one question that is never asked, which is, how many? How many immigrants should we take? Should Germany take a million Arabs or ten million? How about 100 million?

There are two reasons to avoid the numbers question. If you agree that one million is a reasonable cap for Germany, the implication is that there is a level where you have too many Muslims or Africans. Then the debate is why is one million Arabs too many, but 75 million Germans not enough? In other words, you can quickly move from a place where questioning immigration is taboo to a debate about how and why it is necessary to limit the number of migrants. The last question, of course, is the nuclear question.

The other reason to avoid talking about numbers is it would reveal a truth that our betters would prefer remain concealed. If the goal is to move to a post-national world where borders are meaningless, then talking numbers would give the game away. The people who dream of a borderless world have to admit the numbers don’t matter to them. The right number of migrants for Germany is simply the number who physically make it to Germany, because “Germany” is just an historical fiction anyway,

Muzzling debate in America is possible because the people in charge are smart enough, at least for now, to silence anyone who has questions. Most Americans see immigration debated on TV and assume the “two sides” are both in favor of unlimited immigration. Only bigots and racists question the sanctity of immigration and dare challenge the edicts of the Giant Green Statue. But, that’s not the case everywhere as we see in this story from the UN.

In a 23-page report by the U.N. Human Rights Council, Trump is requested to set free all foreign nationals who are currently awaiting immigration hearings in the United States,Reuters reported.

“The Working Group is of the view that all administrative detention, in particular of immigrants in an irregular situation, should be in accordance with international human rights law; and that such detention is to be a measure of last resort, necessary and proportionate and be not punitive in nature, and that alternatives to detention are to be sought whenever possible,” the panel said.

What you see here is the core issue between Poland and the EU over accepting migrants into Poland. It’s not about whether Poland or the EU gets to determine how many and what type of migrant Poland must take. It’s whether anyone can set any limits on immigration at all. The UN is making clear that no country can determine who may enter its lands for settlement. The issue here is whether countries should exist and the UN is making clear they think the future is post-national.

Part of what you see with the open borders people is their belief that their unique situation can scale up to the stars. The UN is a heavily guarded playpen for the rich brats of the world’s political elite. These brats look around and see a rainbow of colors getting along like old chums. They jump from there to assuming that this can be done everywhere, not realizing the global elite can only get along when there are men with guns keeping the peace.

Another aspect to this is simply spite. Ruling elites have always, at some level, been at odds with those over whom they rule. The “burden of leadership” means giving up time and energy to the maintenance of order and the perpetuation of society. It’s only natural to resent it a little. What we have today is a ruling elite that hates the majority of the people, namely the white people. Notice the UN is not making open borders arguments for Africa or China. Open borders only applies to white countries, never anywhere else.

Christopher Caldwell famously pointed out that “One moves swiftly and imperceptibly from a world in which affirmative action can’t be ended because its beneficiaries are too weak to a world in which it can’t be ended because its beneficiaries are too strong.” The same thing is happening with whites in their own lands. At first, the number of nonwhites was too small to make a strong case against immigration. Now, the numbers are too large to do anything about it. The West is about to be over run.

Of course, the question sensible whites ask is how exactly the borderless world is going to function. The West exists because whites buy into the system. As America careens into a dystopian nightmare where feral mobs pull down the symbols of the nation, how much longer will those Constitution loving, patriotic Americans, who keep the country running, buy into the system? In Europe, hardly anyone is willing to fight for their country when asked by pollsters. Why would they? Their countries no longer exist.

In a borderless world, why would anyone have any loyalty to anyone or anything outside their tribe? How could there even be a state? In theory, the custodial state solves this by having corporations police the people, but as we see with the high tech firms, tribalism begins to rot them out from the inside. The cost of propping up cash furnaces like Twitter eventually becomes too much to bear, even for the true believers. Large scale social institutions can only exist in a world of large scale social trust.

The cucks can mew about identity politics, but tribalism is the inevitable politics of multiculturalism. In fact, in a multi-ethnic, multicultural world, there can only be identity politics. Everyone is forced to root for their own team exclusively. The only way to prevent identity politics is to prevent multiculturalism and that can only happen in a world where each people has their own nation and well-defined and enforced borders. The alternative is the no state solution where it is every tribe for themselves, or else this happens.

117 thoughts on “The No State Solution

  1. This is not a new strategy. If only the American education system actually had the goal of educating Americans. In a post-9/11 world, it’s inexcusable that a person can graduate from high school without knowing the definition of the word, “Hijrah”.

    In the 620’s, Mohammed sent moderate Muslims away from Mecca. Their instructions were to find a new place to live and to be peaceful. They found such a place in the city if Yathrib. Slowly, Mohammed sent more Muslims, and then more Muslims. Once the Muslim presence his about 10%, they started demanding special treatment. As it hit 15%, they demanded Muslim laws begin to be enforced, blasphemy laws, for example. By the time the terrorism started, there were already too many Muslims inside the city to keep order.

    The tactic worked. The city of Yathrib still exists today, but under the name it’s held since the 630’s: Medina.

    The story of Yathrib will become the story of Malmo, Paris, London, and Minneapolis.

  2. Google, Fecesbook, Paypal and some of these other internet companies need to be declared public utilities like radio or TV.

    It will be a great day in this country when we can round up all the leftist and have them physically removed from society along with their cuckervative allies.

  3. I think a lot of us have simply asked for that last cigarette.
    We will continue to try and survive, but to take time off from that is time wasted. We see the end of our culture in sight.
    One wonders what the elites will do once they lose our support/money/produce? Are they collectively that stupid, they don’t realise we are the ones driving the economy and making their lives possible?

  4. I’m reading Robert Greene’s The 48 Laws of Power.

    One of the 48 Chapters deals with revolutions.
    Those who commence them most rarely are those who bring them to completion, he says.

    He also says… that the unavoidable outcome is a return to the past — of course with new symbols, new names, newly named institutions (that have the same functions and functioning of the apparently replaced ones)…

    This is to say: it’s a possibility the pressure to end ethnocentrism will lead to a state of as high ethnocentrism as in the past, after a while.

  5. In a tribal society men’s status will improve. Who would you rather be. A pashtun, or today’s swede?

  6. How many “immigrants” is Mexico taking? Saudi Arabia? Zimbabwe? Red China? Yeah, none. Only the white nations have to. Screw the UN. I want them out of my country. Send them to Gambia or another suitable shithole.

  7. Z Man;
    I don’t get why nobody is looking at the multi-ethnic empire gambit as the misty moonlight Cloud-dream plan. Just like Europe before nation states became a thing during the French Revolution. Likewise in the Moslem Lands until 1914.

    Not only were the pre-revolutionary elite able to live like kings, as during the Baroque Era, many of them *were* kings, just small ones who had a suzerain over them. Hell, apparently most of the world was organized like that dating back beyond biblical times. Certainly this is the basic polity earlier than the era of The Iliad and The Odyssey, which clearly reflect this structure.

    In this vision, the UN would then be the Vatican or The Grand Mosque, adjudicating questions of interpretation of the one true faith. Instead of the right to rule being decided by scheming backed up by war (as in the bad old days), they’d have op-ed volleys in the NYT and WaPo backed up by a Twitter storm or a street demonstration or two…

    Could our elite really be so stupid_? Why, yes, yes they could. Is that not one of the true existential questions of our day_?

  8. The Kalergi Plan…The Globalist/Communist/Marxists are doing exactly what they said they were going to do…. Richard Kalergi and the Kalergi Plan…He was the founding father of the Europena Union.. In 1923 Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi wrote his Kalergi Plan (Manifesto) to form a European Union and get rid of the white race through the Multiculturalism of Europe… But Hitler understood perfectly what these Communist globalists (Jews) wanted to do and it wasn’t until 1925 that Hitler wrote his Mein Kampf as a means to preserve the white race from the agendas of the Jewish led Communist Globalists global planners,…,Kalergi described his dreams for a One World Government with its foundations in the European Union. He states that the peoples of Europe should interbreed with Asians and other … to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the current diversity of peoples and … The belief that the peoples of Europe should be mixed with Africans and AsiansHe hoped that the European project would go on to become the blueprint for a society run entirely by the global elite over a completely powerless population. He wrote that he wished to see the end of national sovereignty and self-determination and he believed that nationalism, and indeed the very concept of nations, could be demolished through multi-culturalism. He wrote that a society that was racially and ethnically diverse was one which was easily controllable by the political elite. According to Kalegri, a diverse and multi-cultural people were easy to control as they had no common identity to rally behind in the event of a political crisis. In addition to that, a diverse population would be easy to conquer by the means of divide and rule. The newly arrived immigrants would be pitted against the native people with both sides believing that they were a persecuted minority languishing under a system of law that was rigged against their favour. Over the years, the European Union has gradually eroded aspects of national sovereignty for nation states, often making national law subordinate to that decided by unelected figures at the head of the international organization. There has also been a concerted attempt to chip away at nationalist sentiments and nation-orientated social projects by such policy decisions as freedom of movement and Angela Merkel’s open door policy towards Syrian refugees. While Kalergi’s text might seem to be a relic of a more authoritarian and intellectually warped era, it is notable that he is still celebrated and honored among key members of the European Union today. The Kalergi prize, otherwise known as the Charlemagne Prize, was created in his honor to be awarded to European figures who have helped to promote his plan. Among those awarded this prize in recent years are Angela Merkel, Herman Van Rompuy (the former Prime Minister of Belgium and first President of the European Council) and Pope Francis, Bill Clinton. The fact that Kalergis Plan is still apparently alive in the minds of many prominent Europeans has led to the suggestion that this is what lies at the obvious antipathy towards the president-elect Donald Trump by European leaders. Kalergi hoped that the United States would be the next region to fall under the One World Government.

  9. The Kalergi Plan…The Globalist/Communist/Marxists are doing exactly what they said they were going to do…. Richard Kalergi and the Kalergi Plan…He was the founding father of the Europena Union.. In 1923 Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi wrote his Kalergi Plan (Manifesto) to form a European Union and get rid of the white race through the Multiculturalism of Europe… But Hitler understood perfectly what these Communist globalists (Jews) wanted to do and it wasn’t until 1925 that Hitler wrote his Mein Kampf as a means to preserve the white race from the agendas of the Jewish led Communist Globalists global planners,…,Kalergi described his dreams for a One World Government with its foundations in the European Union. He states that the peoples of Europe should interbreed with Asians and other … to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the current diversity of peoples and … The belief that the peoples of Europe should be mixed with Africans and AsiansHe hoped that the European project would go on to become the blueprint for a society run entirely by the global elite over a completely powerless population. He wrote that he wished to see the end of national sovereignty and self-determination and he believed that nationalism, and indeed the very concept of nations, could be demolished through multi-culturalism. He wrote that a society that was racially and ethnically diverse was one which was easily controllable by the political elite. According to Kalegri, a diverse and multi-cultural people were easy to control as they had no common identity to rally behind in the event of a political crisis. In addition to that, a diverse population would be easy to conquer by the means of divide and rule. The newly arrived immigrants would be pitted against the native people with both sides believing that they were a persecuted minority languishing under a system of law that was rigged against their favour. Over the years, the European Union has gradually eroded aspects of national sovereignty for nation states, often making national law subordinate to that decided by unelected figures at the head of the international organization. There has also been a concerted attempt to chip away at nationalist sentiments and nation-orientated social projects by such policy decisions as freedom of movement and Angela Merkel’s open door policy towards Syrian refugees. While Kalergi’s text might seem to be a relic of a more authoritarian and intellectually warped era, it is notable that he is still celebrated and honored among key members of the European Union today. The Kalergi prize, otherwise known as the Charlemagne Prize, was created in his honor to be awarded to European figures who have helped to promote his plan. Among those awarded this prize in recent years are Angela Merkel, Herman Van Rompuy (the former Prime Minister of Belgium and first President of the European Council) and Pope Francis, Bill Clinton. The fact that Kalergis Plan is still apparently alive in the minds of many prominent Europeans has led to the suggestion that this is what lies at the obvious antipathy towards the president-elect Donald Trump by European leaders. Kalergi hoped that the United States would be the next region to fall under the One World Government.

  10. Poor CONservaties, they truly are in pinch now.

    They can’t cuck any harder, so what do they do?

    Switch party affiliation outright?

    Will we see republicans en masse switching sides because of Charlottesville? It’s the perfect pretext half of them were waiting for anyway!

    • These pathetic nimrods can’t run fast enough to the comfort of the anti-racist narrative. The anti-racist meme has been broached by the President. But I ask you what is the ‘evil’ of racism? That some people get their feelings hurt? Is that what it all comes down too?

  11. The UN wants us to take in more immigrants. Perhaps the money we spend on the UN should be earmarked for these immigrants instead.

    • The UN is a neo-colonial organisation kept alive by western funding. All conventions within the UN are non-binding and they are only ratified by western countries unilateral. Refugees in camps in the near area are not funded by that country but by the west though the UN. So, all refugees in the world is funded by the west.Humaniterian aid is also something that is only given by the west. The humanitarian idea is post-modern from of christianity in the west. It is our theocracy. Many African “countries” are only on the map due to funding by western states. So, de-colonisation never happened. It just got another framework with “independence”. The west are on the moral level still imperies and we see imperial stretch is now inside the western countries do to importation of people that come form “countries” that is illegitimate according to the normative imperie of the west.

  12. I live in Denmark and read some post from Sweden. A journalist, Jens Gaman who works at swedish radio did a post on FB a few days ago about the ending of Sweden and how it will hit the wall.He thought that the state would collapse and run out of money. People who worked in the privat sector had no idea how close to a collapse the public sector. People who works there have reached their limits. The swedish society would go into a state where people who can flee would do it and those who can would stay. The country would end in city zones with chaos and people would go to the country side. But, even there the anarchy would come. Politicians would say that they have been naive. The country would balkanise into a war zone. He quotes Hobbes in the end for“Hell is truth seen too late.” and says Hobbes was right. It is interesting that he can make the post because a year ago he would have been shame out. I see as a symptom of not being loyal to this utopia anymore. His post can be read here in swedish and a autotranslate to english is in the bottom;

    • There needs to be a colossally failed state due to immigration to wke people up.
      It does not seem to me that it was unjust if it was Sweden.

  13. If the very dark nature of a very real conspiracy being discussed here is true,how many leftists in academia and the media, and every day normal nice but clueless people are going to be utterly thunderstruck when the boom comes down? My guess is a large percentage of Americans.

    • When the institutions of the center cannot hold, bad things happen. The model for the left is the Russian Revolution, or possibly the rise of the German Fascists (but with, you know, “better leaders”).

      What they are likely to get is the French Revolution, which was followed by Napoleon. Not a good game plan.

      • France, at the time of the revolution, was the center of culture and Western life. Well, Paris was, and the wealth and power of the upper class in Paris dominated the rest of a rural and agrarian country, in which the Rural French dirt people and the Parisian cloud people had almost nothing in common. The revolution started as a move to improve mankind. Law, culture, and all the institutions were to be ripped down and remade in the name of equality and in order to elevate Man over God, Nature, and History. This movement gave us conscription, the beginnings of Communist thought, and the Metric System. Decimalizing the traditional calendar failed. It resulted in deadly purges and counter purges. Lists were created of “enemies of the state”, and these people were hunted down and executed. People disinterested in taking sides were considered the enemy of all, and were slaughtered by all sides.

        Does any of this sound ominously analogous?

  14. Welcome to the new Dark Ages, or Migration Era 2.0 now with guns , bombs and home made germ warfare .

    In some respects though, its will be a good thing. From bones we saw significant improvement in the health of large swathes of the population of Europe once Rome was gone.

    I suspect after the violence is done and new tribe lands form out, mental and physical health will improve for future generations

    No more sterile cat ladies, no more SLJW’s , cell phone zombies or any of the other puerile ills that plague the country

    Life will be harder on the material level but tribalism and tradition for all its flaws nourishes the human spirit and its needs very well.

    The trick though is going t be surviving the collapse and not being an anonymous skull on the skull pile

  15. You fools forget Zimbabwe was a fine country before European intervention. Kind of like the rest of the world. When a Black man robs a White man he’s a murderer and thief ! When a white man enslaves , colonizes a Black man then God has anointed the White person in a Good Work

    I tip my hate to president Mugabe. It is time to end white privilege and achieve justice against white supremacy

    • I agree Trent Denton, white people are horrible and can’t be trusted. But since we still haven’t overcome our endemic racism 160 years after slavery and 50 years after the Civil Rights Act, we must come to the sorry conclusion our racism will never be vanquished.
      Therefore, the only proper thing to do is for all the black people to leave, and set up their own nation free from the White Devil. Somehow we white folk will have to muddle along without the sterling cultural and intellectual contributions from our dusky brothers and sisters.
      Or if you’d prefer, Trent Denton, perhaps all the white people could leave, say, five southern states and carve out a separate black nation, which I’m sure would prosper beyond imagining once Whitey gets outta the way.
      After all, one billion starving Africans can’t be wrong.

      • Nope sorry not good enough

        You are still a threat to invade other lands and break the peace and prosperity.

        We need to examine all solutions to facilitate an outcome where all can treated with due deference

        • LOL.

          You just admitted there IS white supremacy. Otherwise the invasion you’re referring to – would not be such a threat – because it would be going the other way.

          The reason why there’s a race problem here in this country – is because the problem was imported. The problem didn’t get here by itself. The problem being imported into Europe right now – is also getting there with a LOT of help. Absent that it would not be bringing itself there all on it’s own.

          The solution – at least here in this country – is to start running the boats and the planes – back the other way.

          What Trent Denton is advocating for is a Kenyansian economics. Grass huts for everybody.

        • “All solutions” kinda like “final solution”? pretty clear what your racist aims are: Total and complete elimination and subjugation of white peoples.

      • My question is why does z man, unz, vs, tolerate this unfunny larper? He contributes nothing to the conversation. Does he really bring in that many more clicks, comments and page views? Is that worth it to let him derail your comments section?

    • I agree we need to end white privilege and white supremacy, and the only way to end the tyranny is to separate whites from everyone else. Everyone else leaves the USA, and then builds a wall around it to keep our pasty evilness inside.

    • Self-immolation is “the right thing?” Interesting the shitty article talks about “own best interests” but doesn’t acknowledge that whites have legitimate interests as well. Why are your posts all such shitty trolls with obvious hypocrisy front and center?

    • They are free to return to the land of their birth where they will be treated as they should be treated. You are also free to find a more hospitable venue. Leave now, beat the rush.

  16. By the way, VDare has been shut out by PayPal, as have a whole slew of lesser known sites. CounterCurrents is getting the same treatment.
    Major credit card companies are also jumping on the bandwagon and refusing to process payments from “white nationalist” sites.
    The removal of monuments is going into overdrive.
    Charlottesville was definitely a set up, top to bottom.

    • It was the excuse they’d been waiting for to do what they’d been planning to do right after HRC took office.

  17. Busy today so not a lot of time for a considered comment, so here are my quick thoughts:

    The move from the Democrats to remove Confederate statues is clearly a political wedge move. Democrats have little white constituency South of the Mason-Dixon line, and it will play well with their core voters of blacks and Northern liberals. I suspect Hispanics and Asians could care less.

    Normies and moderates aren’t going to object to obliterating the history of the Confederacy. The best response to this is to agree and amplify (H/T Vox Popoli). Most of the Founding Fathers were slaveowners and white supremacists. They need to be erased from History. Washington & Jefferson Monuments need to go. Lincoln did not own slaves but was a white supremacist. Lincoln Monument needs to go. Ditto Mt. Rushmore. If we’re going to impose a purity test on our history let’s do it right.

    The time is coming when Normies and moderates will have to pick sides. Let’s make it clear to them what’s at stake here.

    • disagree, my sense is a large majority of Americans object very strongly to the statue desecration. expecting the dems to be slaughtered at the next mid-terms.

  18. Looks like another murder by vehicle in Barcelona, at least 13 dead.
    I’m sure the national hissyfits will be in full force by the likes of Kimmel, Colbert and the usual suspects. We have to get to the bottom of this hatred and stop it now.

    Oh wait, NO THEY WON’T. Wrong group.
    I need to add to my liberal tears jar.

    • Things won’t become very interesting until a few white males give up on their own kind and coordinate a world war on all premenopausal white females. Then little white SJ rats in high schools, colleges, HR departments, and elsewhere will learn the hard way how foolish they and their predecessors have been.

      It’s not difficult to predict the sort of propaganda that will be encountered. For example:


      • I understand where you are coming from. I’d say that many if not most white females are basically race traitors. I married my wife because of her personal attributes, but thinking back on things I think something that may have been an unconscious motivation was the fact that despite the fact that she wasn’t American her values and cultural proclivities made her more white and Western than the girls I went to school with.

  19. Obama is the Robert Mugabe of American presidents and is still working toward the Zimbabwean vision. The police stand down and allow the lefties to attack the righties without consequence at the behest of liberal governors via liberal mayors.

    Why flood the country with immigrants who will never assimilate and freely state their intention to kill us? Our extinction is clearly part of the battle plan.

  20. The escalation of removal of Confederate statues and plaques after Charlottesville is stunning. Almost like our betters were just waiting for the right moment, or maybe the rally was a complete set up from the beginning.
    Serious and open discussion all over the mainstream media outlets of not just Confederate statues, but the Founding Fathers as well. open discussion is a tell that they are waiting for the next manufactured “event” by the right to rip everything down.
    Or maybe they won’t even wait for that.

    • It feels like it is operating from a playbook, doesn’t it?

      They also seem to be calibrating their activities and messaging to zero in on Trump’s weak point, which is to take a logical, if controversial stand, and then encourage him to double down on it. He could have ignored the press questioning a couple of days ago, but his nature would not allow it. If he is operating by the seat of his pants, which it really looks like he is doing, he needs to be much quicker to recalibrate his messaging on the fly. I am not sure he is up to it.

      • At the height of the media hate storm that followed Charlottesville, Trump stood up for the Dirt People. I don’t think he needs to recalibrate his message, which basically was that Antifa and White Supremacists are both scum. I think people like Kessler need to rethink their tactics. And their imagery.

        • Given what has been just learned about Kessler’s recent background (i.e. before 11/16 he was evidently part of Occupy, a CNN stringer and an Obama supporter), the first question that needs to be answered is who he is actually working for.

          If he is a not-so-deep cover provocateur, his tactics are perfect, as is is imagery.

          • If you’re right, that is, if he’s a paid provocateur, then Soros comes to mind, or the Obama cartel.

          • This will sound strange, but obama voters and Occupy protesters joining the alt-right isn’t unheard of. Rare, but I know a couple people like that. Today’s Leftism is very unpalatable to true liberals.

            I don’t know anything about Kessler either way, just saying his conversion isn’t as screwy as it might seem.

          • The question that never gets asks Is “where is the evidence that whites are not supreme?”
            90% of the modern world was built by them.

      • Once you have clearly and publicly made your point, and someone (the press, in this case) gets in your face to argue the point, respond with the Breitbart “so?”, then move on. Don’t make the same point all over again. There is too much else that still needs to be done as soon as possible.

    • This little earthquake will produce a tsunami in the 2020 election without the benefit of voter fraud.

      • As long as Trump positions himself as “disciplined” in his thinking and not “angry” and “crazy”, in the eyes of the vast middle swath of voters who don’t think rationally, but just go with their gut. They will tolerate only so much drama, anger, and crazy. The press and most of Washington are working 24/7 to paint him as a loon. The CEOs are, in part, a good proxy for that middle voter, who are their employees and customers. Trump needs to pick his fights and know when not to double down. His supporters will forgive him that. He has time and room to make things right (and I don’t mean backing off by one iota, but by dropping the argument for now, having made his point). Let the left go crazy trying to bait him from here, it works against them when he doesn’t take the bait every time, right away.

        • “The CEOs are, in part, a good proxy for that middle voter,” Do you mean the CEOs are NOT virtue signaling when dumping Trump? If so they sure fooled me.

          • Virtue signaling, too, in part. They can afford to virtue signal if doing so won’t piss off the people in the middle. This suggests a small wedge (for now) has been put between Trump and the middle of the political spectrum. At least the CEOs think so.

          • Are you kidding me with “The CEO’s are a good proxy for the middle voter?” What a crock! Look at the who’s who list and what companies they represent. True globalists and not a “middle” of anything in there whatsoever. It is pure crony capitalism and like the Left, they have figured they were wasting their time being on the President’s councils. They will reform in more private conclaves’ to continue the attempt to take him down.

  21. What do these people actually WANT? I could understand — and even sorta respect, in a sick way — the UN bootlick who simply said “I’ve got mine, and I’m gonna keep mine; fuck you, honky.” At least he’s honest, with a rational (though vile) motive. These other ones, though, actively prefer degradation and filth, even though it will swallow them, too (and not even close to last). There’s the Sistine Chapel, and there’s a whole group of folks who can’t be bothered to open the toilet before taking a dump…and a whole bunch of very rich, very white people, seeing those choices before them, reflexively choose the seat-shitters. What am I missing here? Those Left-Behind, the-world-is-in-the-grip-of-Antichrist loons all of a sudden seem pretty reasonable.

    • The very rich, very white people see no threat from the seat-shitters. They don’t have the resources, intelligence, or social organization to threaten them. Their only threat is to multiply and ultimately overrun them. But an armed, organized, and aware underclass (see TomA’s comment above) is a huge threat to them. Perversely, the seat-shitters are a tool to be used against the underclass.

      The left loves mankind, it’s people they can’t stand. Supporting the seat-shitters allows them to intellectually cover both halves of that old chestnut.

      • The very rich, very white see such as their “privilege.” And if that won’t cut it, then they think they can buy their way out of trouble. But I wonder what was going through Marie Antoinette’s mind as the guillotine came down on her neck?

    • Many of those whites are really (((white))). This is what they do. To what degree its biological or cultural can be endlessly debated. For a start, check out “Culture of Critique” by Kevin MacDonald

  22. What the elites fear most is an intelligent, motivated, and armed underclass; because they will be extremely difficult to subjugate. Even a tyrannical government cannot implement overt firearm confiscation without tipping their hand, so the next best thing is to dilute the population with needy sheeple and gum up the works. The false-flag operations have now begun. Phase II is to instigate blue-on-green conflict and decimation. These guys are playing chess; we need to be thinking several moves ahead too.

  23. the behavior of our current political class make the actions taken during the french revolution make a lot more sense. the best thing the US military could do, is nuke all the major American cities.

    do we have out own Franco or Pinochet, planning his move?

    • Just as a hypothetical, I wonder would what would be the result if D.C., NYC, Chicago, LA, San Francisco, Boston, and maybe Philadelphia and Atlanta were vaporized by aliens. What would arise to fill the vacuum?

        • Pithy, but not terribly descriptive. I’m thinking more along the lines of would the U.S. break apart into 5-6 regional super-states? How many working people would become destitute overnight because the federal government is their actual employer though they work for private entities (healthcare comes to mind). Or would local economies actually improve if the current national distribution model was eradicated by trade borders between the new regional entities?

          • the thing is the leftists in this country have to be expelled or eliminated, otherwise they eventually take over and do same to us.

            once that is done, there is plenty of land and work for everyone; after population drops by 30 – 40 percent. no need for partitioning.

          • Most people would. Government at every level is (according to the Heritage I think) 40% of so of the GDP

            This is not caused by excess taxes or regulation or the usual Republican shibboleths though those contribute.

            Its actually automation and immigration.

            Functionally efficiency is growing government by eliminating private sector jobs, first in agriculture, than in manufacturing, now in well paid service. jobs

            The logical medium term solution would be closed borders and repatriation but it won’t fix things

            To do that wages measured as percent GDP must roughly double economies of scale be limited and the work week lowered

            On top of that large amounts of inequality cannot be tolerated , personal incomes and wealth also must be limited

            And yeah I can hear the screams of Socialism , its not. Its actually Distributism since the private sector is to be cherished not destroyed

            Continuing on the path we are on is basically leading to Socialism basically the way Marx suggested , people don’t have work, they vote for a bigger state

            The state grows, efficiency grows cutting off consumers , the businesses vote for a bigger state and pretty soon. Boom Socialism

            Its not classic “government owns means of production” or “stateless socialism” like AntiFa is on about but something like where there is no functional difference between corporation and government and say Google serves as the Bureau of censors

            Its still a Totalitarian State in the end if you can’t communicate freely. can’t get benefits if you aren’t subject to regular search and unless you do exactly as your boss say, believe what he wants, you starve

      • The military is not going to “nuke” any American cities. First of all, military leadership is part of the elite … they have been carefully selected. ANY non-conformists are weeded out before they can even get to senior field grade (for Army) ranks. Same for other services. Out elites are not going to take any chances on potential rogue generals or admirals. That’s a liberal / leftist fantasy nightmare only — something to scare their ignorant followers only, and plant suspicion in their minds.

      • A lot of people were crossing fingers when Norks were threatening to nuke us. “Oh God no, don’t take out SanFran, thats our cultural capital and would really hurt us bad!”

        • Nope, don’t think that would happen. Our enemies learned a lot of lessons from the Vietnam War and that was the benefits to be had from getting public support. Support for the “underdog” commies, the Left being against any war for whatever purpose and protesting; support from a liberal media that would call for defeat by withdrawal of troops and funding, and of course reparations for all the evils we have done. No, a Leftist city is an ally to the commies.

  24. Of course the UN supports a borderless world. Their bureaucrats and functionaries are the direct beneficiaries of such an outcome. Never, ever underestimate the power of self-interest in these things.

  25. Has anyone else noticed that this blog is getting extremely slow to load? As if some entity is deliberately slowing down the process?

    • Traffic is way up. I’ll probably have to upgrade the backend at some point in the near future. The price of fame…

      • Google now requires login to visit SBPDL. The deplatforming noose is tightening. I hope you have backup plans.

  26. What you wrote describes the mentality of the university, too: “Part of what you see with the open borders people is their belief that their unique situation can scale up to the stars. The UN is a heavily guarded playpen for the rich brats of the world’s political elite. These brats look around and see a rainbow of colors getting along like old chums. They jump from there to assuming that this can be done everywhere, not realizing the global elite can only get along when there are men with guns keeping the peace. They live in a fortified compound and they want that for everyone.”

    One other thought about Europeans not being willing to fight for their countries. It was policy in the late Roman Empire to assign soldiers to frontiers where they had no national or family ties, and thus would be less inclined to rebellion spurred on by love of country or people. This in turn fed some of the apathy toward fighting against barbarians who crossed those frontiers, which then led to the emperors having to pay off the barbarians in hopes of keeping them out. Our current circumstance involves a similar psychology. The Roman soldier was an alien where he served, and this alienation inhibited his desire to act like a soldier would act in defending his own country. Unlimited immigration makes people aliens in their own countries. When ones culture reaches a critical point of deracination motivational ties are severed.

    This may be why we see mercenary armies almost exclusively in the developed world today. It’s a bad sign.

  27. “…or this happens.”
    Judas Preist. The first time Mugabe’s rule was contested, not so much happened.
    The second time, again, not much.

    The third time, a tourist saw many people getting rides in wheelbarrows. He laughed and called out, “How much do they pay you for a ride like that?”

    The man pushing the wheelbarrow said back: “Nothing. These are our friends, our relatives. Their arms and legs have been broken, and they cannot walk.”

    • Mugabe is a logical man. If he opens up prosecution for those who killed white farmers, he opens it up for his entire government. Same reason the left can’t tolerate free speech. They tell us we can’t use slippery slope arguments against what they do, but they damn well recognize the nose under the camel’s tent when it comes to defending their own turf.

  28. Feel free to educate me if you must 🙂 but didn’t the elites of the late 19th Century do exactly this with the Middle East (the remnants of the Ottoman Empire) and then have to go back in and impose arbitrary “national borders” on the warring tribes? I’ve read that Iraq, for example, was essentially a shape drawn around three tribes that didn’t get along, who were then told that they were now part of the new nation and had to get along. :-/ So the powerful idiots would be re-enacting the same disaster, only on Europe and America.

    • I think the mistake our side too often makes is to assume the other side is thinking this stuff through. They are not thinking at all. It is pure emotion. They are in a full blown purity spiral now. It how they went from controlling the narrative on Sunday to scaring the hell out of middle America by Wednesday. It’s the same with open borders. First immigration became a totem and then the race was one to see who could stake out the most extreme position.

      Regardless, the 21st century will make the 20th look like a time of peace and tranquility.

      • The leftists and globalists are running into a problem, which is that the man in the street just won’t quite play along. So their new strategy is to divide and conquer. Force people to take sides, and turn those sides against each other. Last weekend’s set-up job was masterful, and Trump fell into the trap. DJT is now positioning himself on one side of the issue instead of being a disinterested and disgusted person caught in the middle. Big mistake, whether or not he is actually correct in his statements. The globalists got what they wanted out of last weekend, more than they ever could have expected.

        In 1789 France, was any “side” the good guys? The people in the middle were persecuted by all sides.

        The new marching orders for the left, and the globalists, is to politicize everything and force everyone to take a side. It was always part of the plan, now it is front and center. We need leadership to stand up against all of this (the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, borders, language, culture), and to do so in a way that earns the support of the person caught in the middle. Trump has been that guy, but his vanity and his “in your face” New York style is killing him on this.

        • Read Art. VII of the Constitution. The one clause there pretends to state, before “Establishment”, the law about how to convert A7 and the other articles into law. The illicit presupposition could not be more obvious, and we should count its presence there as more evidence that modern republicanism is a great, rickety house constructed with frauds. Other frauds of our republicanism include superstition about a “Creator” and some egalitarian pabulum entangled with it in the Declaration of Independence.

      • The other side may not be thinking things through. But it’s a good bet that every time they do this, someone who *is* thinking manages to make money from the results.

        So instead of being just a bunch of crazies, the Left is a protected profit center.

      • I know I sound like a broken record, but the implication that the “other side” isn’t thinking this stuff through is not true at the top level. Admittedly, their foot soldiers don’t, but the (((elite))) doesn’t want or need them to. No, the upper echelons of the “other side” have their strategy based on taking advantage of human nature and have it down to a mathematically based science. You don’t gain control of finance, government, education, media, and religion without a plan. Nothing that happens in politics happens by accident, as FDR pointed out. This does not assume omnipotence or omniscience by our enemies. It is no more impossible than harnessing electricity once was. This is why the (((elite))) have always groomed and rewarded the most talented scientists, engineers, and inventors. However, I think they see that they will be able to “grow” the humans they need via genetic engineering at this point. Then, they can truly do away with the White family.

        No, by having contempt for the masses and using logic and an understanding of human nature, while forcing the majority of the population to make decisions on emotion, you control the field. I have given up on expecting the average person to achieve enlightenment and then begin to base their actions on rational decisions that benefit themselves and the social organism they exist within. In any given situation, a minority will look at it and think, “Is that really true? Quo bono?” The majority will look around for someone to tell them what to think. This is why you have Republicrats and Demopublicans. This is why you have corporate religions. These are just groups with a prefab ideology built in. It allows a sense of certainty and security for those that have never been taught to trust their own thought processes. Maybe because they are genetically incapable of it, I don’t know. Regardless, the elite will be happy to provide all the pre-digested philosophies and religions for those that will not think for themselves. And they do!

        • You don’t sound like a broken record to me. There is a well-funded core to all of this disastrous nonsense. If that core stopped paying the bills, all these “movements” would fade away.

          The Left no longer represents anything other than the promotion of chaos. It’s the boredom of plutocrats whose lives are otherwise distasteful and pointless, and whose colossal wealth protects them from consequence,

        • Don’t read too much into them. The thing you fail to understand it wasn’t the current crop of elites who took control things. It goes back to Carnegie, Rockefeller and Morgan who started controlling finance, heavy industry, mining, banking, news, controlling politicians and even education in this country. Over time it extended to our very culture itself.

          The current crop of elites just inherited the great machine that others built. Most of them are mental and moral pipsqueaks compared to the founders. of this oligarchic system. This is why they are making mistake after mistake. The system is ready to blow up and take them out and they don’t even notice.

          They aren’t even self-serving pragmatists because if they were they wouldn’t let the system go straight to hell.

          And if the economy doesn’t go, it will be the legions of Maoists they’ve created that are plain ass crazies that have placed us at the precipice of a civil/class war.

          • It goes back much further than Carnegie, Rockefeller and Morgan. It goes back to Babylon. I can trace the modern day beginnings back to the formation of the bank of England at the end of the 17th century. Don’t confuse the idiots that have name recognition like George Soros or Zuckerberg as being the decision makers. The people at the very top are utterly anonymous to us. And they are hand-picked by the “prince of this world” and are not mental pipsqueaks. They are amoral at best and immoral at worst.

        • Great post. The 1 thing I’d add is that Trump + alt-right is a black swan event. Combined with the masses finally waking up to the MSMs complete lack of trustworthiness, they see dangerous possibilities of defeat. They have control of the money, of the institutions… but they are losing control of a large segment of the population. The most dangerous segment, at that.

      • The reason the Civil War came to such an abrupt conclusion was the agreement that there would be no war crimes / treason trials for the Confederates. Grant went to the mat for them.

        What we’re seeing with these statues is an attempt to convict the South of treason 150 years after the war ended. And these lunatics on the Left are risking the kinds of reprisals and violence that Grant and others so skillfully avoided after Appomattox.

        Flash forward to the news today where I saw Hillary Clinton gave $800K to “the Resistance”. I also recently saw in the NYT pictures of “the Resistance” members of Antifa carrying semiautomatic weapons at the so called counter protests.

        That means Hillary Clinton is financing the arming of a terrorist/extremist group. It is not going to take people long to put that shit together.

        People forget that in the 20’s and 30’s the biggest blood feuds were between the Marxists and the Fascists. In fact, the term “anti-fascist” (ie. Antifa) has always been closely associated with Communism and Marxism (Franco’s enemies in Spain, for example).

        Your average American has no idea what Antifa is, and that they’re every bit as bad as the fascists they purport to oppose.

        • These are all great points that need to get out there. Washington and the media will continue to point and shout “squirrel” to avoid the discussions.

        • The “fascists” at Unite the Right were far more likely to be libertarians, actually 😉

          There are a small number of people that get into the whole nazi aesthetic, but for the most part its just a defense against the Left. Traditionally, the Left calls the other side a ‘bad word’ then the other side spends the whole time defending itself from that word while the Left makes points and accomplishes things. You’ve seen this play out with Republicans of the past few decades.

          • Another example of the dumbing down of our educational system. Grownups basically calling each other names rather than debating the issues with thought and intelligence. Instead of one calling another on the playground “stupid”, now it is “raycis”. What a bunch of morons.

        • Hokoda, you give today’s younger generation way too much credit for history knowledge. Most don’t even know what the Civil War was about much less that there were no war crime consequences for the South.

          What I see is idiots replaying what they saw as children, tearing down a statue, ala Saddam Hussein, and the spitting and stomping on them without a clue as to the cultural significance of such actions to the Iraqi’s. They are “playing” like they are “victors.” But they are a bunch of pussies. I am waiting for a larger repeat of Berkeley where Antifa gets it’s ass handed to them and they are left on the ground with bloodied noses wondering what the hell happened. Dressed in black and wearing masks! Geesh. What is this ComiCon?

      • Since I stopped Banktserism in Sodom on Hudson I’ve always lived within 3 or 4 miles of a food jar farm stand.
        This was not accidental.
        My neighbors are armed to the teeth and I would not fuck with them.
        The darkest skin around is that on the back of my 16 year old boys neck from his lifeguarding.

        Most houses are not locked.

    • Iraq was based on three Ottoman provinces, Arab-Shia majority Basara, Arab-mixed Sunni & Shia Baghdad and Kurdish majority Mosul which was known to have oil and was added to ensure the newly created Iraq wasn’t a drain on the budget.

    • After WWI, a new type of thinking emerged. Because that war came out of a small conflict in the Balkans, it was of the utmost importance to not make the same mistakes. As is par for the course, the world decided to make brand new mistakes instead! The thought process was that if you put warring factions in a country together, they would learn to get along, rather than invade each other. That’s where Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia came from.

      This thinking came from a good place, but didn’t work. The Brits tried it not just in Eastern Europe, but in the Middle East and later in India.

  29. From Eric Hoffer’s True Believer:
    “The radical and the reactionary loath the present.” Thus, by regarding the modern world as vile and worthless, mass movements inspire a perpetual battle against the present. Now they are trying to erase the past which reminds them of what they are not or could ever be.

    This doesn’t explain everything but a large part of what is going on is just hatred for their pathetic lives. The rich and influential, well your take on them is spot on.

    • Excellent reference, David. I’ll offer this quote from Chantal Delsol to continue the line of thought:

      Twentieth Century Totalitarianism – Delsol

      “Twentieth century totalitarianism treated those it ruled as a multitude of faceless individuals. They were not considered persons, but were denied their dignity and forbidden from developing true relationships with others. Admonitions against close family ties or close friendships were the essence of this particular form of dehumanization. Nor were individuals considered subjects. They were deprived of freedom of thought and the freedom to shape their own destinies.”

      “Western society in late modernity is reminiscent of holism in its effacement of the subject: the individual confirms the common conscience and avoids personal responsibility. It is reminiscent of totalitarianism in that it has in common the construction of collectives or masses and its weakening of the person-subject, who has trouble dealing with difference and participating in heterogeneous groups. Neither communitarian nor totalitarian, yet sharing common characteristics with both, the society of late-modern individuals is one of spontaneous gregariousness. It is merely a renewed form of the age-old phenomenon of involuntary servitude.”

      Chantal Delsol, “Unlearned Lessons of the Twentieth Century – An essay on Late Modernity”, pp.135

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