The Un-Americans

One of the things that has always been true about America is that you never question someone’s patriotism unless you have strong evidence. Part of this is due to the immigrant back story of most Americans, but a bigger part is the fragmented nature of the country. Patriotism is the glue that holds the American Nations together. Different groups from different regions stick together because of a common national creed. This also works across class lines. The rich, the middle and the poor are equally patriotic.

One result of this has been a desire by leaders to not look like fops. Politicians, businessmen, even generals, have always done the every-man act in order to seem like one of the folks. We do not have a hereditary class, but we do have rich people. Rather than a rigid class system, the rich make sure to let the lower classes know they have the same duty to the country as everyone else. This soul and soil nationalism, rather than blood and soil, is what binds the social classes and the regional cultures together. At least it used too.

That is certainly not the way things are now. Our cultural and political leaders go out of their way to signal their hostility to the lower classes. In fact, it has become so common for our betters to sneer at us, they are competing with one another to prove just how much they hate Americans. Of course, they mean white Americans. The swarthy recent imports are the best, but the old stock, well, they are the worst, according to the people claiming to represent us. It really is remarkable just how much they detest us.

A commenter on Steve Sailer’s blog asked, in response to this David Brooks column, “Has there ever been another time in American history when American elites felt this comfortable expressing such open contempt and hatred for their fellow citizens?” It is a good question. Certainly, elites from some sections have hated the people of other sections. Virginia gentry, prior to the Civil War, thought the goobers from West Virginia were worst than Indians. New Englanders hate the South. Everyone hates Cleveland.

What we are seeing today is different. It is a public hatred directed at the fundamental nature of America, and by extension, Americans. Here is an example from Bill Kristol in response to an immigration segment on Fox News. What Kristol is arguing is that Americans, as in current citizens, have no right to discuss immigration policy. It is immoral for us to say anything about it. On the other hand, non-Americans, people not currently citizens, have a moral duty to cross the border and settle in your neighborhood.

Kristol is hardly alone. It is not strictly a Jewish thing either. Lyndsey Graham is not Jewish, as far as anyone knows. He no longer thinks America should exist. He denies that the current citizens have any right to exist whatsoever. Granted, he is a shrieking hysteric, prone to hyperbole, but there is only one way to interpret what he is saying. Being an American is no longer permissible. In fact, the underlying rationale of the open borders side is that the current Americans are just no good and need to be replaced.

Now, this turn in elite opinion has been a long time coming. In the Clinton years, suddenly comfortable Boomers started buying McMansions and pretending they were too good for the hoi polloi in flyover country. Progressive politics moved away from the bread and butter economic issues and onto esoteric identity politics. This snootiness was most apparent when the Left went to war on Walmart. Once Progressives stopped pretending to like normal Americans, the so-called Conservatives joined them.

Elites have always had a disdain for the lower classes. This has been true at all times and all places. Elites have also always had a duty to look out for the interests of the lower classes. The ruling class may not have liked the people over whom they ruled, but they were duty bound to look out for them and keep their opinions to themselves. What is happening in modern America is the ruling class is rejecting their duty to their fellow citizen, because they have contempt for the very notion that we are their fellow citizens.

There really is no example from history where the ruling class revolted and declared war on its subjects. That is where we are today in America. When Trump gave his State of the Union, most of the people in the building hated him because he holds onto the old fashioned belief that the American government should serve the American people. As far as they are concerned, he’s not just a class traitor, he is insane. After all, why would anyone think the people in charge have any responsibility to the rabble?

It used to be that “un-American” meant counter to the American system and the American creed. The people charged with policing that were the people in charge. Today, being un-American is a badge of honor for the people in charge. A US Congressman actually fled the building when the crowd started in with a patriotic chant during Trump’s address to Congress. You can be sure he was the toast of the city, a hero to his coevals in the political class. Bizarre as it sounds, America is a country now ruled by un-Americans.

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6 years ago

Going off an a tangent but Zman linked to an article about Luis “my only loyalty is to the immigrant community “ Gutierrez storming out…. can we just issue a perfunctory apology for 120 years of colonialism and grant Puerto Rico independence? Make Luis the president for all I care. The native language isn’t English, they have their own flag, they have their own Olympic teams, but when they need money they’re true blue Americans just like me and you! Gutierrez disgusts me. He’s the walking embodiment of all the things wrong with post ‘65 immigration. The whole “in America… Read more »

Reply to  Corn
6 years ago

Louie G. was born in Chicago. The whole accent thing is as phony as everything else about him.

Reply to  Corn
6 years ago
bad guest
bad guest
Reply to  Corn
6 years ago

and grant Puerto Rico independence?..Now some of the PR movers and shakers are calling for statehood. Funny how quickly the political winds can shift given the right circum$tance$

Monty James
6 years ago

I’ve always been annoyed by the “nation of immigrants” trope. One can identify roughly four distinct cultures (might not be the right word) in the history of this country: • Stone-Age, the various peoples that were here when the- • Settlers came from the British Isles and create the state which would admit • Immigrants, who landed on a system already in place, and some of these and some of the settlers would mutate into- • Post-Americans, the trans-national progressives who mean to lord it over the rest of us for the balance of history. I realize there are many… Read more »

Reply to  Monty James
6 years ago

You missed the most destructive wave: the two million Eastern European Jews who were imported between 1880 and 1920.
100 years on, they’ve damn near destroyed the host society.

6 years ago

I think you nailed it. The first thing that came up in my mind after I read the speech and the reactions on it, was “The representatives no longer represent their voters”. Except for Trump.

Reply to  Rien
6 years ago

As always, they represent their donors.

Reply to  Rien
6 years ago

And that’s why they hate him so.

6 years ago

We are being colonized by globalist elites. They are supporting the minorities against the majority

Reply to  Tykebomb
6 years ago

Pithy. Prescient. Penetrating.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Tykebomb
6 years ago

Brevity is the soul of wit. Well done.

Pimpkin\'s Nephew
Pimpkin\'s Nephew
Reply to  Tykebomb
6 years ago

Not a new point. But thank you for keeping it real.

The transnational controllers watch their monitors and laugh at how we succumb to the racial text they’ve written; the secret police in late imperial Russia incited pogroms to keep the heat off the dying monarchy but that all failed because their technology was not so good.

The technology now is all set. The human race can be managed and studied now, and paradise is here – for the laughing and glass-clinking controllers on their yachts, with their post-chaos island strong points.

Cat Mingus
Cat Mingus
Reply to  Pimpkin\'s Nephew
6 years ago

No doubt they believe they are safe on their islands of thought and the islands they’ll flee to when they start the ‘final solution.’ But God knows where they are at all times: “And every island disappeared, and all the mountains were leveled.” (Rev. 16:20)

6 years ago

Can’t help but dislike the use of the word “elite” when used to describe mediocrities with money, celebrity, “doctorates” earned in a rigged and ruined university system, a “public” voice in “mass media” financed by non-patriotic, Gramsci-minded “cultural hegemony” revolutionaries, and so on; such folks are at best self-proclaimed elites, but in my book they’re enemies, pure and simple. If Trump were Stalin or Mao, they’d be purged in a NY minute. My heart beats a bit faster when I fantasize them being sent to Alaska to work on pipelines dressed in their designer pajamas.

Reply to  Montefrio
6 years ago

Or dragging a cotton sack in a Southern field.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
6 years ago

“…Europeans as in current citizens, have no right to discuss immigration policy. It is immoral for us to say anything about it. On the other hand, non-European, people not currently citizens, have a moral duty to cross the border and settle in your neighborhood.”

Same story, different location.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
6 years ago

Your rulers despise you. They import rapists, ignore the results, and punish you if you dare complain.

6 years ago

I think there is an example of the ruling class revolting and declaring war on its subjects: Henry VIII. The ruling class got what they wanted – hell, the TV show Downton Abbey was all about a family whose ancestor took possession of an abbey – and the regular people lost those things that were most important to them.

There was a revolt, of course. But they were all cut to pieces, or wished they had been, the ordinary soldiers understanding where their bread was buttered.

Black pill for the day.

Reply to  BTP
6 years ago

And today’s armed thugs will do the same.
No one in a government costume is on your side. Shiny tin badges are warning signs.

Reply to  bilejones
6 years ago

Shiny tin badges are also great targets.

Reply to  BTP
6 years ago

Another from an unexpected corner: the French Revolution. Just finished The Ancien Regime vol1 by Pierre Goubert. The Classical or Marxist interpretation of the revolution was that it was a revolt of pre-capitalist bourgeoisie against the old feudal nobility. Goubert does a good job of using demographic statistics and historical evidence to show that there was so much overlap between those two that the classical interpretation falls apart. p. 251-2 “There is no evidence of conflict between a ‘feudal’ aristocracy and a ‘capitalist’ bourgeoisie…the true rift lay not between the big bourgeoisie and the old nobility, both of these experienced… Read more »

Pimpkin\'s Nephew
Pimpkin\'s Nephew
Reply to  teapartydoc
6 years ago

Marx hated the burghers. He was a brilliant man, in my opinion, but the fiction of a potent ‘bourgeoisie’ was a fever in his mind which led him to design a theory of history that satisfied his animus, leaving the hated burghers dead or carrying pails of water to their superiors.

The middle class always faces a 2-front war, and its deserters always jump the line to the West – toward the rulers. Thus Brooks and his despicable clones through all time,

Reply to  Pimpkin\'s Nephew
6 years ago

I can’t speak for Gaubert, but I would think, according to how he did his research, that he would challenge us to define “middle class”. Once you began deciding on criteria, you would find that there are many who would be better off classified among the elites because of influence that cannot be quantified. It’s like a mafia capo who lives in a simple house and you can’t figure out where his income arises. The difficulty extends itself in the other direction, as well. There were peasants who were much better off than significant portions of the nobility of the… Read more »

6 years ago

I think there is an underlying understanding of this issue among a lot of people – but it manifests in different ways. On the left – because they’re “sensitive” – and these days they’re also a bunch of stinking commies – this realization manifests in their hatred of the “rich”. They’re too blind and ignorant though to see that it’s the government itself that is the worst manifestation of the hatred by the elites of the lower classes. In the right side of things – this understanding manifests itself pretty well among the patriot movement , is elaborated upon pretty… Read more »

Reply to  calsdad
6 years ago

I wish it was as simple as shooting 100 people in the head but the rot runs much deeper than that in this country I’m afraid.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Corn
6 years ago

oh i think that shooting the right 100 people would do the trick. especially if you leave the bodies out in the open…

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

I don’t blame anyone for that opinion but its part of the underlying desire to flee or to avoid the chaos The “actual Right” is in some sense Law vs the Left’s Chaos and is terrified of instability I’m mean look at the Lefts reaction to the election of President Trump whose a moderate live and let live reformer. Imagine how they’d react to say Martial Law Pence and actually imposing order no matter what the cost assuming resistance was crushed, I’d suspect a lot of them would just suicide since like most “R” selected rabbits they can’t cope with… Read more »

Wiley Riveaux
Wiley Riveaux
Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

I suggest we take a crack at putting the list together as a group project. Start with a list of 10 to get things rolling and prompt discussion around selection criteria for the list. For example, Soros and both Clintons would be on my initial list, but do we also include despicable, but relatively harmless, inmbeciles like Maxine Waters? What criteria do we use as we identify people on who we perceive to be enemies of freedom and our noble shared culture? Fast forward, we have the list in hand, now what? In order to make good on the proposed… Read more »

Reply to  Wiley Riveaux
6 years ago

Well, if someone DOES decide to put a list together, there’s no way Obama, Graham, Kristol, Pelosi and Schumer don’t make the top 20. I’d also add McCain and Ginsberg, but with luck it won’t be too long before neither one is down for breakfast. Little Georgie Will should make the list, but he’s so insufferable no one really pays much attention to him.

Reply to  RafterRat
6 years ago

There are people who have already put thought into what should happen to members of the media who have acted as willing accomplices to all of these corrupt higher ups in the government (this is just an interesting little fiction story) Matt Bracken – What I Saw At the Coup ===== The first real jolt indicating a serious problem with the plan came when television reporter Cathy Carlsen was killed in Norfolk, shot dead while covering the commissioning of the Harvey Milk, the Navy’s newest destroyer. That she was killed was bad enough. That it happened on a “secure”… Read more »

Peter D Klein
Peter D Klein
Reply to  calsdad
6 years ago

What about targeting the media’s distribution capabilities? I mean, turn on the TV and nothing but static. That, in truth would be a case of vandalism. Of course, when the media channels were restored they would sell the act as terrorism. But beyond the reach of their propaganda, most American’s would be quietly admiring their saviors, those who blocked the programming and ended the life long trance.

If I could suggest one message be written across that static, it would be…
“You Are the Hero of Your Own Story.”

Occassional Commenter
Occassional Commenter
Reply to  Wiley Riveaux
6 years ago

This is the fastest way to get on an FBI/NSA watch list.

Reply to  Occassional Commenter
6 years ago

If you’re not on the list already – you’re not doing it right.

bad guest
bad guest
Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

It would be a good start, at least.

Reply to  calsdad
6 years ago

“Sharpen your tusks. I simply don’t believe we are going to be able to vote our way out of the pig trap.”

…..from your link. The post is worth the read. Tim

6 years ago

Over at InstaPundit, Sarah Hoyt highlighted this column by Daniel Greenfield: TRUMP DIVIDES AMERICANS AND UN-AMERICANS The greatest American speech of the century. It’s not a bad column, but I have not received much sympathy for noting that in this passage, listing iconic American, patriotic mentions for which American officials stood in respect, one of these things is not like the others: At the State of the Union, we saw those two halves divide up the House Chamber. We saw American elected officials stand for the flag, for the anthem, for veterans, for Jerusalem and for In God We… Read more »

Reply to  Cloudbuster
6 years ago

And why should Americans stand for “Jerusalem”?

these are the Zionist filth who have destroyed the US.

6 years ago

“When Trump gave his State of the Union, most of the people in the building hated him because he holds onto the old fashioned belief that the American government should serve the American people. As far as they are concerned, he’s not just a class traitor, he is insane. After all, why would anyone think the people in charge have any responsibility to the rabble?” This article is spot on, I think. They do hate him. But I doubt that the people labeling Trump insane believe he is, actually, insane. I suspect they know he is clear-headed as can be.… Read more »

Reply to  Cerulean
6 years ago

“…most of the people in the building hated him…” Riiiight.

That’s the reason that the people in that building started chanting, “USA! USA! USA!,” because they hated Trump- is that what you’re saying? All that Trump hatred was so fierce that slimy little Luis Gutierrez had to run away, since he didn’t want to be associated with all that Trump hatred?

I’ll have to ask you all to show your work on this point, as your logic is not apparent to me!

(I do hope it’s not Common Core logic, I’ve never understood that either.)

6 years ago

I think things really started to turn to ca-ca when the socialist dribble penned by Brooklyn’s own Emma Lazarus was ensconced in bronze on the Statue of Liberty, forever changing what the structure celebrated. “Give me your tired, your poor,. Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,. The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.”…. Uhhh, that’s some seriously F-ed up bullsh!t, there. And not just because some countries have wretched masses who are orders of magnitude wretcheder than others (i.e, see “shitholes”). No, what we should have done is what the Swiss have done. Let virtually nobody in, if you… Read more »

Reply to  ChiefIlliniCake
6 years ago

“I think things really started to turn to ca-ca when the socialist dribble penned by Brooklyn’s own Emma Lazarus was ensconced in bronze on the Statue of Liberty”

I don’t remember who it was but one of Steve Sailer’s commenters said a few years back America really starting running off the rails when the national narrative or founding mythology shifted from “nation of pioneers” to “nation of immigrants”.

When the Westerns were replaced as box office draws by the Godfathers, Gangs of New York etc.

Kentucky Headhunter
6 years ago

“Sire, the peasants are revolting!”

“You said it. They stink on ice.”

Worldly Wiseman
Worldly Wiseman
6 years ago

Hatred is directed at middle class, potential competition not the lower classes. They are a cannon fodder in this fight

Reply to  Worldly Wiseman
6 years ago

Near the end, the Roman Middle Class was taxed out of existence. Artisans were willing to sell themselves into slavery to avoid the crushing taxes. That was and always will be the dream of the Patricians and cloud people – even though it means the barbarians will be at the gates shortly and nobody will lift a finger.

Reply to  Drake
6 years ago

Won’t lift a finger? Who opened the bars on the gates?

6 years ago

“Today, being un-American is a badge of honor for the people in charge. … America is a country now ruled by un-Americans.” That’s how I always felt about Obama. Whereas Jimmy Carter didn’t think much of this country or its people, Obama hates this country and its people. He couldn’t wait to travel around the world to tell everyone how much we sucked. That’s why the birther thing got so much traction. Obama acted like a hostile foreign ruler determined to put the screws to the occupied. No one would have ever entertained the idea that Reagan or Trump was… Read more »

Pimpkin\'s Nephew
Pimpkin\'s Nephew
Reply to  MikeW
6 years ago

In fairness to our enemies, as we face the last convulsions of the nation we loved, I still ask in all sincerity: What’s the reason for the hate? You grew up here, you speak our language, you share our racial heritage, you aspire to our standard of material life, you gain an ‘education’ at our schools and universities, you drive your car through our open terrain, on well-engineered roads, from coast to coast, you enjoy privileges that no dynastic family would have but envied.

A.T. Tapman (Merica)
A.T. Tapman (Merica)
Reply to  Pimpkin\'s Nephew
6 years ago

It is because we exist. Every great religion needs a great antagonist.

6 years ago

Noblesse Oblige is a distinctly European concept. It’s no surprise that as our leaders become less European and more distinctly (((non-European))) the vestiges of noblesse oblige is in decline.

6 years ago

There is genuine malice in the hatred that the ruling class openly espouses toward common folk, but that behavior breeds extreme arrogance and blindness. They think common equals stupid, and hence is of no consequence. They think they can act with impunity because they are untouchable. Won’t they be surprised when they find out that no one is guarding their six.

Reply to  TomA
6 years ago

TomA… re: “…no one is guarding their six.” What does that mean?

A.T. Tapman (Merica)
A.T. Tapman (Merica)
Reply to  Lyon
6 years ago

Picture standing in the center of a clockface facing 12.

6 years ago

It doesn’t sound bizarre at all. The most ubiquitous information vehicles that inform/transform us (brainwash us ) as a nation come from the mainstream media, pop culture and the government education system, which are all converged, self loathing, American hating entities. The arguments here and elsewhere hardly get an ear, but the intuitive nature of many Americans, whether they can articulate counter argument to the Zeitgeist or not at least keep the civilized American ship afloat…for now. I have enough horse sense to know that the gulf between the pro American and anti-American entities will never be bridged. I mean… Read more »

6 years ago

“Lyndsey Graham is not Jewish”

But he does farm out most of his decision making to AIPAC. There are certainly other class and business interests working to keep the borders open, but in Graham’s case it would probably not be inaccurate to simply call it Jewish Influence.

Reply to  Issac
6 years ago

He’s damaged goods. See his Wiki entry…

6 years ago

Sure, contempt for the white rabble is not strictly a Jewish thing.
But the upper-crust whites express that contempt by avoidance & hidden sneers amongst themselves.
Jews express it by creating a moral framework that demonizes those lower-caste whites as irredeemably evil, suffuses the academic & media with that morality & seeks to elevate every other racial group in America & the world above those whites.
Big difference.

6 years ago

The best part was Guitierrez saying he was late for a meeting. That he felt the need to make this kind of excuse tells you just how well it is going over with the public. His reaction will have an effect on voters much the same way that all those Mexican flags killed the Kennedy/McCain amnesty bill in 2007. The Open Borders propaganda operates on the assumption that people are not openly told or shown how much these newly minted immigrants hate our guts. It’s always with the face of children. (kinda like pot legalization with the wounded vets and… Read more »

A.T. Tapman (Merica)
A.T. Tapman (Merica)
Reply to  hokkoda
6 years ago

Gutierrez also floated the story that he had a case of Montezuma’s revenge. It seems fitting.

Reply to  hokkoda
6 years ago

Yes, yes. Those pesky meetings at 10pm on a Tuesday night during the State of the Union address where, incidentally, you’re having your guts stomped out on national television by your mortal enemy while the crowd chants “USA! USA!!!”

That kind of meeting, Luis?

Christopher Chantrill
Christopher Chantrill
6 years ago

And Trump spent 90 minutes of SOTU praising the ordinary middle class up in the gallery for its day-to-day acts of responsibility and courage.

How dare he!

6 years ago

Christopher Lasch saw this development coming in his book “The Revolt of the Elites and the Betrayal of Democracy” from 1996. He also addressed the social-constuctivisem/post-moderinism and political correctness at the universities.

6 years ago

When I left my house to take my dog to the park for his exercise, two white fellows were working on replacing a sidewalk across the street from me. I backed out the driveway carefully with my window rolled down. As I was slowly maneuvering, I could hear the two blue collar guys talking. They were discussing the politics of gerrymandering. I didn’t get to hear the full context of their conversation or what state they might be looking at because I drove away too soon, but I marveled how these dumb, blue collar, white redneck morons could possibly consider… Read more »

6 years ago

I put a Roman spin on it. The Patricians (or the cloud people the Patricians pay to represent them) and their Prole allies (who they pay off with welfare from my tax-dollars in return for votes) want a government run by professionals for their benefit.

Us Equestrians and working Plebeians want to left alone without much government. But, we have to fight a resistance to keep from getting taxed and regulated into serfdom.

6 years ago

Flaunting their hatred for whites is virtue signaling for the left. It passes for moral substance in the otherkin tribe. They are deluded, of course.

6 years ago

One other point, I read today that somebody is spreading a rumor that FBI Director Wray will resign if “the memo” is released. I believe in the context of the above post by Zman, and in the general spirit of putting the so-called elites in their place, the response from Trump ought to be:

“Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.”

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Did you then summarily sack him because he proved himself a pussy?

Please let it be so.

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Yup, I had a guy threaten to quit if I didn’t give him a raise. I told him he should take the job if it was a better deal for his family. His eyebrows went up, and he stayed in the company another 3-4 years.

Always have a Plan B.

walt reed
walt reed
6 years ago

One of your best Z. A tip of the hat to Sailer also.

Bruno the Arrogant
Bruno the Arrogant
6 years ago

Zman gets it. I don’t think anyone since Joe Sobran has articulated our relationship to our rulers so well. I doff my cap!

Reply to  Bruno the Arrogant
6 years ago

The Sobran “Hive” is clearly still going strong.
It will require violence.

6 years ago

I’m looking forward to putting these people against a wall soon.

6 years ago

There are many, many examples of the ruling class viewing their people as an obstacle to family dynastic ambitions: Genoa, Milan, Florence, Thebes, Athens, Pisa, the late Roman Republic and Empires, the Kingdom of Naples.

Indeed the late Greek City States and Italian City States were plagued by instability caused by oligarchic dynasties viewing with contempt and producing bad government on their people.

Pimpkin\'s Nephew
Pimpkin\'s Nephew
6 years ago

Two quotes:

“Has there ever been another time in American history when American elites felt this comfortable expressing such open contempt and hatred for their fellow citizens?” -commenter at Sailor’s blog.

“Everyone hates Cleveland”. – Zman.

Based on your extensive notes and comments on ‘Lagos on the Chesapeake’, and my own experience with both cities, I’m just wondering what the gratuitous stab is all about.

‘Everyone hates LeBron James’, on the other hand, is axiomatic…

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Pimpkin\'s Nephew
6 years ago

National media has always despised Cleveland, and from my experience as a native, many of us have an inferiority complex vis a vis the neighboring Pittsburgh and Columbus. A long time ago, Cleveland actually was the fifth largest city in the US.

The river also burned back in the 1970s.

6 years ago

Someone, somewhere has pictures of the kiddie diddler Graham. It is well past time they saw the light of day.

A.T. Tapman (Merica)
A.T. Tapman (Merica)
Reply to  bilejones
6 years ago

Vids of Xr. Graham as the designated powerbottom in a homo gangbang keep Lin on the straight? and narrow.

6 years ago

I’m not sure calls to “duty” or “noblesse oblige” are the best appeal to any elite, although there may have been a time when those concepts resonated more deeply. Seems very clear to me that historically there is only so much abuse the masses will absorb. I find the best motivation for any elite is self interest and self preservation. I understand the elites believe they are safe and exempt from repercussion now, and
that is my biggest frustration: Within the current social/state/banking arrangements, I think they are assessing the situation accurately.

Rabbi High Comma
Rabbi High Comma
Reply to  anonymous
6 years ago

They began openly displaying their hate after the TARP bailout. The idea was floated with a whiff of “I can’t believe we’re trying to do this. Do you think they will buy it, or revolt?”. That 8 years of Obama’s “fundamental transformation” followed allowed them to roll around in an orgy of hatred for Whites in manners from the Soviet (HUD targeting of areas deemed “too White”, IRS targeting of Tea Party groups) to the petty (taxation on tanning salons) to the conspiratorial (Fast and Furious).

But those guns….it’s what keeps them up at night.

6 years ago

Southern plantation owners chose importing foreigners over their white brethren. Slaves were taller than whites, means had a higher living standard.

6 years ago

The words Involuntary Defenestration don’t appear nearly as often as they should.

6 years ago

No podcast today?

My Friday is ruined.

6 years ago

The problem with America is too many Americans.

6 years ago

[…] a central plank of your philosophy is that native stock Americans need to be replaced, you’re un-American. Steve Sailer once described neoconservatism as “invade the world, invite the world” […]

6 years ago

The elites have decided that we need to reduce the world pop. With automation they no longer need the common man to be at their beck and call. They see a future where the common are all replaced.

Dennis Hannon
Dennis Hannon
6 years ago

Maybe the House of Representatives should form a committee on American activities, since they now are highly suspect, if not verboten altogether.

Spud Boy
Spud Boy
6 years ago

“I wish it was as simple as shooting 100 people in the head…”

“oh i think that shooting the right 100 people would do the trick. especially if you leave the bodies out in the open…”

What do you idiots think this is, a private conversation in a hot tub somewhere?

Reply to  Spud Boy
6 years ago

What are you all cucked up about? You hit this URL. You commented. THEY, those omnipotent beings you’re so awed by… they don’t care if it was simply to scold us to good behavior. Your sorry little narrow shouldered bitch ass will be slated for the rail cars right along with the rest of us
Or, you could Man the fuck up and start helping.
Buy some gats and start some PT. You’ll soon feel better

Reply to  Spud Boy
6 years ago

Obama’s mentor and ghostwriter estimated he’d need to exterminate a quarter of the population before Utopia could reign. He later moderated the estimate down to 40 million. Did this ever hold Bill Ayers back? Here we are keeping things within three digits. If you don’t kill a few traitors why would they take you seriously? They don’t,they won’t, and they shouldn’t.