Not My President

There is a debate in dissident circles about the political acumen and the integrity of President Trump. One side looks at all the zigzagging and flip-flopping on DACA and concludes that Trump is just a liar, who has figured out how to con well-meaning white Boomers. The other side looks at the same issue and sees a strategy intended to move the ball forward on the immigration issue as a whole. His latest antics over the gun issue, however, suggest that is he is just a stupid bullshitter who got lucky.

The gun issue has always been the one thing in American politics where you can reveal both the integrity and the intelligence of someone. Gun grabbers are always very stupid or very dishonest. Sometimes they are both. The 2A people are often just reflexively opposed to gun grabbing, without having thought it through, but gun grabbers are never honest or informed. It is the main reason that the NRA has been successful. They have been blessed with an enemy incapable of honesty and unwilling to learn the facts.

Now, that enemy includes President Trump.

Trump knows even less about the gun issue than he does about marital fidelity, so no one on the 2A side figured he would be our champion. The assumption was that he knew enough to avoid the topic and not get in bed with the gun grabbers. On an issue like guns, doing nothing is usually the best course. Most states are sensible on guns, so letting the states handle it is good for us. Instead, it turns out that Trump is making the classic Republican error of taking advice from his enemies.

It would be one thing if Trump did the rope-a-dope, promising to sign a bill that everyone knows has no chance of becoming reality. Shining people on like he is doing with DACA is standard politics. This gun grabbing lunacy he is spouting is damaging to the cause of gun owners and it reveals Trump to be a mendacious blockhead, with no idea why he is in the White House. It is no longer possible to argue that his maneuverings are super-clever 4-D chess. Trump is simply an unreliable liar.

What is most offensive to the 2A community about what Trump is doing is that he is legitimizing that which our side has worked for generations to de-legitimize. One is using non-democratic methods to get around the people on gun control. His plan to ban bump-stocks by fiat is dangerous lunacy on its face. Worse yet, his endorsement of extra-judicial confiscation of guns on mental health grounds, elevates a crackpot scheme of the Left to something worthy of public debate.

Put another way, this jackass has undone generations of hard work by the very people who put him in office. Not even that feckless nitwit George Bush did something this egregiously stupid. Even Barak Obama was unwilling to go this far. This idiocy is right up there with Poppy Bush breaking his tax promise in order to get the Democrats in Washington to like him. It worked. They loved him, which was why he was a one term president. Trump is now setting himself up to follow Bush into the void of stupidity.

Now, the counter argument you will hear is that Trump is just playing more 4-D chess and this will amount to nothing. Well, a smart politician would know enough to not do that with this issue. This is not a parlor game. The pro-gun voter has no sense of humor on this stuff and they have zero tolerance for limp-wristed politicians too afraid of the girls to do the right thing. Speaking only for myself, I would vote for a gay black Muslim over Trump right now. That is right. I would vote for Obama over Trump.

I think everyone who voted for Trump understood they were getting a guy who would be long on bullshit and short on tangible accomplishments. The point of voting for him was to send a message, but also legitimize populist issues. Trump was the guy who would flip over the tables and discredit the status quo, opening the door for ambitious politicians to run on patriotic issues like immigration reform. Trump would maybe do a few things, but the real work would be up to those who come next.

So far, Trump is looking like he is not going to deliver anything other than blowing his own horn every day. Worse yet, the trade-off for his vanity will be the undermining of the one cause that truly defines what is left of old stock America. By legitimizing gun-grabbing and executive fiat, he has just made it possible for the next President Obama to DACA the gun issue, by issuing new gun laws via executive order. Trump is proving to be one step forward and ten steps backward.

The one lesson of the Trump era is to not put too much stock in what Trump says. He is, after all, a bullshitter. He is also a guy who will wheel on a dime if he senses he is on the wrong side. He is rather shameless in that regard. Still, the damage he has done to the cause of gun rights is incalculable and it will not be forgotten. Unless he eventually signs off on some bold pro-gun laws, lots of his voters will choose to spend next election day at the range, rather than cast a vote for a duplicitous gun grabber.

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6 years ago

The press takes him literally, but not seriously; his supporters take him seriously, but not literally. — Salena Zito

Z just joined the ranks of the press.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Unless all you 2A “warriors” are willing and ready to put those guns to use — which you manifestly are not — then what is the point of all your fantasizing about “doing the gun grabbers”? In the meantime, the country has been handed over to the left part and parcel. It’s all just another kind of cargo cult…

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Again, you are reading things I haven’t written. Now the spittle has been replaced with foam, so you might want to get checked for rabies.

Tully Bascombe
Tully Bascombe
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

That is one hilarious mental picture

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

How about I give YOU an argument? When was the last Time Trump spoke ‘serious compromise’ to a leftist, and then actually followed through on that compromise? *crickets chirp* When was the last time he did it and turned it into a dem backstabbing opportunity? Oh, wait, every single time. “Many ideas, some good & some not so good, emerged from our bipartisan meeting on school safety yesterday at the White House. Background Checks a big part of conversation. Gun free zones are proven targets of killers. After many years, a Bill should emerge. Respect 2nd Amendment!” The Tweet is… Read more »

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

Speak for yourself great man. A little after you demonstrate ability I might consider listening to you

In the meantime, I still have my weapons. Wanna take them? Bring extra, and be sure and do it right, because it’s liable to get complex and uncertain if it jumps script. I am far, far from alone.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  LFMayor
6 years ago

Too bad you weren’t a Branch Davidian. They could have used a hard core life taker like yourself. Guffaw.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

I am what I am. Armed. Now go sell your north face queer jacket and buy an AR15, your chin Muzak won’t get much traction in the weather that comes.

Tully Bascombe
Tully Bascombe
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

You wouldn’t know that by listening to the way gun grabbers talk. They don’t seem too terribly convinced by these “gun advocates” rhetoric. I’d say they’re even bolder now, at least back in the day they used to lie about not wanting all of our guns, now the Dems are pushing legislation to ban all semi auto firearms.

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Endowment member of the NRA and also a physician who has been involved in involuntary commitment proceedings of dangerous people.

There are instances where you just can’t afford to fuck around. Stopping a crazy guy with access to weapons is one of them.

The key for us is keeping the system reasonable, the key for the other side is making it otherwise.

Trump has had a conceal carry permit for decades. I doubt he carries a revolver.

He’s not giving up his right to carry, and he isn’t taking ours, either.

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

The detail Not being discussed in an adult common-sense way is that IF existing laws had been enforced, by our Gubmmint Bettors (betting that no one ever lost a pension by cowering outside)…

No emergency/extraordinary measures to ‘commit/disarm’ would have been required in the last several massacres.

How is ‘moreBetter Gubmint’ the answer to systematic Gubmint neglect/malfeasance/design and ineptitude?

Reply to  TBoone
6 years ago

But the Dem controlled Broward County would have been remiss in enforcing all of the elements that were available to them in restraining the nutjob beforehand. The Left NEEDS these shootings to press their case. They aren’t about to hurt their own cause by doing the things they are supposed to do to prevent them.

The dead kids are just some broken eggs needed to make the gun-ban omelette.

Spud Boy
Spud Boy
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

“…the Left sets about declaring large swaths of the population crazy…”

I don’t see that happening. There are the courts, ability to sue, and other checks and balances that would prevent it.

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

In MA the Attorney General – Maura Healey – reinterpreted the firearms laws that have been in place (MA basically has the same laws as the old expired Federal AWB) for decades now. She RETROACTIVELY declared that further sales of AR-15 (and a few other “assault weapons”) was illegal and must stop IMMEDIATELY. Her ruling (which the wording changed on weekly) – also declared that all previous sales had been in error – because the law had been “interpreted incorrectly”. For those who don’t understand: the AWB never outright banned firearms like AR-15’s and FALs and so forth. What it… Read more »

Reply to  Spud Boy
6 years ago

You mean like in Virginia?!!!


Reply to  Spud Boy
6 years ago

@spud boy,
It’s already happening, for VA patients, social security recipients that need help figuring their taxes, and more.

Reply to  Spud Boy
6 years ago


Not paying attention award for March 1, 2018


Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Exactly. Look, once and for all: the Left does not argue in Good Faith. Like an idiotic Charlie Brown that keeps thinking that Lucy is being honest *this time*, so-called Conservatives love nothing better than abandoning their principles to appear “reasonable” to liberals. It doesn’t work. It impresses nobody. It’s simply a surrender to a tired old Alinskyite trick. The years when we could have negotiated with the Left are long, long gone, if they ever existed.

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Yes – that’s also (unfortunately) another vital piece of the issue. Who gets to determine who is is crazy? We’ve already got the evidence that certain political groups will use the designation of “insane” to silence their political enemies. And – as you said: the left has become very in your face and right out in the open and loud about declaring large groups of the population as “crazy”. I believe this is probably part of the reason why this country originally had a militia. Edwin Viera has pointed out that weapons ownership was not the free-for-all that an awful… Read more »

Reply to  Teapartydoc
6 years ago

You hit on the key issue here: that there are crazy people out there who really should not have access to weaponry. The problem is that the leftie gun grabbers have been talking about all these “reasonable measures” for as long as I can remember (which is decades). And that whole ” you don’t need a gun – the police will handle it” has also been excuse #1 in my mind every time they want to ban something or start trending towards confiscation. This combined with history of what happens when gun grabbers get their way ( read this:… Read more »

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Teapartydoc
6 years ago

Yeah, this is a toughie. Been on the intake side where we got the EDP dispatch and have to go convince the person it would be a great idea to go with our EMT and the nice ambulance guys for a mandatory 72 hour hold to get back on the meds. And some of those folks were scary, particularly the ones that were not members of the local frequent fliers club whose idiosyncrasies we knew well. And a couple incidents where PD ascertained there were firearms available to this person and took them. On the other hand, read enough to… Read more »

Pip McGuigen
Reply to  Teapartydoc
6 years ago

I think so Selena but he will be back after his migraine subsides.

Concept Delta
Concept Delta
Reply to  Teapartydoc
6 years ago

Yeah, Z go played by the Fake News on this one. Trump is a *master negotiator* and has done more for conservatives in 1 year than everyone since Reagan combined.

Protecting children by training and arming qualified teachers is a *winning issue*. Go on the offensive and make the enemy try to justify disarming teachers and endangering children’s lives.

6 years ago

Hard to believe he would misread the political landscape this badly. Is there nobody in the White House that can explain to him that he is betraying the core of his base on the single issue they care the most about? Somebody should schedule one of those big arena rallies for Trump next week. When he finds himself standing in an empty building with his own people protesting outside, maybe he’ll get it

Poppy Bush lost millions of his voters to Perot because of the tax betrayal AND his Assault Weapon Ban.

Reply to  Drake
6 years ago

I find that hard to believe. Blundering into the political strategy he used is unlikely as it was not in any way conventional or intuitive to an urban upper class member, even one familiar with the blue collar culture of long island and the boroughs. Guns are a widely understood third rail even to prog diaspora elites, hence all the money and time spent pushing to change that with younger generations. My read is that this is either a poor attempt to manipulate the left or an indication that he has given up fighting the neolib establishment. Given the timing,… Read more »

6 years ago

I was on the Trump train early, and I had been an ardent supporter in debates with friends and family. This, however, is inexcusable. I don’t see a way for him to spin his way out of this. I have to admit that I was wrong. He just shat on a huge chunk of his core supporters. I’m out.

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

In tennis it’s called an unforced error. Trump’s game is golf, but I can’t think of anything ever done in that game to match this mistake. Maybe Tin Cup, but that’s a movie.

Randall B
Randall B
Reply to  james+wilson
6 years ago

topping the ball?

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

If he swings, it will take me a lot longer to get over this than it took me to get wound up. Will we ever be able to trust him. I still wonder what would have happened if the Dems had taken him up on the DACA offer.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Wiscored
6 years ago

And where is it you plan on going, now that you are “out”? I hear the Judean People’s Front have a decent manifesto…

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

The range.

bad guest
bad guest
6 years ago

Am I an idiot for thinking that whole blog post was rather obvious satire?

Trump’s just taking some of the steam out of the frenzied liberal mob. Now that he’s given in to them – or so they think – they have nothing to be riled up about. So they can all go home and look for something else to get excited about.

Trump wants to be relected. Unless he’s lost his everloving mind, he knows that gun control of any sort is not the way to do that.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  bad guest
6 years ago

Trump already came out and said the 2A should be respected. But all the old worriers will always be on the look out for a chance to go “whoa whoa whoa”.

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

This is exactly why we are not going to be able to talk our way out of the mess we’re in. Social trust is declining rapidly and we can no longer find any permanence in other people’s statements. And expressing anger at this problem isn’t going to make it go away.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

No one can respect the 2A who does not know what the source of it’s being is, which is not self protection, a thing considered so elemental that no one in that day would think to discuss it. The 2A is to ensure that government maintains a certain level of fear for the governed. Everything the left does tells you they understand this perfectly.

bad guest
bad guest
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Well you’re going to have to a better job than this.

Maybe you should review the Wakanda Curriculum for some tips:

Occassional Commenter
Occassional Commenter
Reply to  bad guest
6 years ago

“That connection is untrusted.”

Chief ShortingBull
Chief ShortingBull
6 years ago

Does he have any idea what his enemies are going to do to him once he’s been removed from office? That weaponized IRS and DOJ that he has done nothing about will asset strip him and his entire family then drag them into court under the cloud of 1000 indictments. And that’s just for starters. Is he really this stupid?

Nunnya Bidnez, jr
Nunnya Bidnez, jr
6 years ago

Trump has had a concealed carry permit, and has carried a gun on himself, for at least 30 years.
He is not our enemy.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Nunnya Bidnez, jr
6 years ago

Trump has to battle the progs *and* the cucks. If the GOP were not so duplicitous perhaps Trump could take a more straight forward approach to things. But they are all snakes so he has to go about things in an apparently haphazard fashion. Why not wait until something bad actually happens, before filling your britches?

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

Because – as ZMan said: When people start saying the things Trump is saying on this issue – they need to know – like RIGHT NOW – that they’re going to burn if they don’t walk it back.

Trump appears to be pandering to the lunacy that is coming out of the left on this issue. You can’t bargain or try to placate lunatics. You have to tell them to STFU – and mean it.

Reply to  calsdad
6 years ago

And it’s easy for Z(trans)Man to sit on his little blog and make demands while Trump is facing the largest, coordinated media assault in human history.

Richard Charles
Richard Charles
Reply to  Nunnya Bidnez, jr
6 years ago

Diane Feinstein packed for decades

Still tries to ban guns

6 years ago

Zman, the problem with your “voting for a black gay muslim” approach is that it will get you more wise latinas on the supreme court who will have no problem interpreting the 2A out of existence. I agree with you entirely on the substance of Trump’s position, but let’s keep our heads.

6 years ago

I remember driving out west 10 years ago and seeing all the billboards for hydroponic equipment. I don’t think they were growing tomatoes. Due to demographics national gun control is coming. Following the lead of Mary Jane growers, thousands of garage gun manufacturing shops throughout the US, Canada, and Mexico isn’t completely bad, from high regulation, to no regulation.

Brother John
6 years ago

If it were *anybody* else, I would agree 100%. But it isn’t. There have been too many shiny objects dropped for the press to obsess over at this point for me to simply rule it out.

That said, however, there have been some colossally terrible things said in the past two weeks. But we’re too used to being defeated, and we now believe everything said *against* our cause(s) and nothing said *for* it/them.

Dan S
Dan S
6 years ago

I’d say wait until the midterms, then he might push more if he gets more Republicans. Though if he does prove squishy on the gun issue, he’ll most certainly lose the House and Senate. And then will be impeached. Amazing he’s this short-sighted in thinking.

Reply to  Dan S
6 years ago

You’re assuming he cares. He’s a bit of a rogue. But an effort to impeach Trump would be wonderfully energizing to the right even if by then we’re privately thinking “good riddance.”

6 years ago

Finally calling a spade a spade.

Reply to  J+Clivas
6 years ago

I was puzzling over why so many cucks and boomers are losing their cereal over this post by Zman. Then I remembered he has a large jewish readership and it clicked. Alt-jew is finally making their voice heard on the z blog. If Trump has made anything clear it’s his unwavering support for Zionism. No matter how foolish or silly Trump makes himself look they must defend him at all costs, even if it means throwing the 2nd Amendment and due process out the window.

Reply to  Roulf
6 years ago

Trump is no Zionist, he just doesn’t care about religion and is happy to throw them enough bones to keep them happy. It’s the old GOP strategy of trading infinite support for Israel in return for Jews putting up with a small measure of red-state social conservatism. As an NY realtor/casino mogul Trump knows he needs to keep his bagel well-loxed. Should another Supreme Court appointment come up you can bet Trump will try his best to sell out the pro-lifers — though if they’re smart (don’t you laugh) they could make it difficult for him.

The Anti-Gnostic
The Anti-Gnostic
Reply to  Sanatee
6 years ago

Trump favors Jew interests. Just follow his investments.

And it looks like Vox Day, once again, is stirring up trouble within the Alt Right.

Trump makes up things as he goes along. He’s not a conservative, nor a Populist. He is a showman.

6 years ago

Ok, Z, I’ll make a bargin with you. I just set a reminder for myself, on April 1st (appropriately, both Easter Sunday and April Fool’s day) called “go mock Zman for his stupid blackpilling”. I’ll bet you that aside from a possible bumpstock ban no significant action will have been taken on guns except that things may get slightly better. The rough equivalent of a lawn darts ban, taking away a retarded toy from the sort of retards who would play with that sort of retarded toy. If not, I’ll cordially apologize and admit I was wrong, wrong wrong, all… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

That would be why most people would worry less about rhetoric and more about the supreme court. Further, this is a radical change in tone from your previous comments about trump being dumb gasbag cheeto hands DRUMPFH. Now we’re talking about the slow evolution of political thought on the issue of gun control over years and multiple presidential elections. In which case, Trump has at most made a minor misstep in the struggle of years and years. Is that what you’re conceeding? Given that bump stocks have been out for about a year and must have come within an ace… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

So we’ve gone from “DRUMPHGHF the TRAITOR” to ‘this is a misstep” (that he corrected with bringing in the NRA for a closed doors convo).

So basically you went full hysteric woman over a misstep (at worst).

And you’re already walking it back from “ALL THE GUNS ARE GONE TOMORROW THE RAPE IS COMING MY ANUS IS LUBED” to “this is a mistake.”

Reply to  IMTRD
6 years ago

Z is one of the last white men in Wakanda. He has good reasons to take 2A seriously.

Reply to  zreader
6 years ago

The fact that he and everyone in his entire geographical locations are failures does not, again, indicate I should have confidence in his judgement.

I like people that don’t get invaded.

Reply to  IMTRD
6 years ago

Well this retard wants his “Jarts” back. It was a fun game and my brother’s eye healed eventually. With this ban it was all down hill after that.

Reply to  IMTRD
6 years ago

He supports politicized psychiatry and gun confiscation without due process. Enjoy your diagnosis, comrade.

Reply to  Sne
6 years ago

At this point either you trust Trump or you should’ve long since given up internet poasting on Boomer Blogs to finish your compound innawoods.

Since you’re still using an easily tracked internet connection to disagree with the government, I assume you don’t actually believe your own line, or you’re dumb.

Glen Filthie
Glen Filthie
6 years ago

I am a gun nut. with firearms ranging from black assault rifles right on down to black powder muzzle loaders. There is no doubt in my mind that Lefty wants them ALL, not just the black guns. I firmly believe that if progs start messing with the second amendment – not only is that wrong headed and stupid – they won’t stop there. They will go after other rights and freedoms they don’t like and they will have the precedent to do it. My advice to everyone is bite the bullet, buy an AR15 NOW, and stock up on high… Read more »

Reply to  Glen Filthie
6 years ago

If there’s a civil war, it will be a sniper’s war. A decent hunting rifle will be more effective.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Drake
6 years ago

Nothing says “anxiety” like the thought of having to maintain a 600 yard secure perimeter. That or Chechen practice of using silenced .22 headshots in urban settings.

Reply to  Saml Adams
6 years ago

There are enough .50 cals and .338 Lapunas in circulation that 600 yards is just semi-secure. 2 Kilometers is safe.

6 years ago

This is a harsh one Z, not that it isn’t deserved.
Your remark about marital infidelity reminded me of the old political adage that if they will lie to their wife why wouldn’t they do the same to us.
Of course, find me one who doesn’t especially in this day and age. Spence? Lately I have been defaulting to my full on apathy mode. It’s hard.

When we get Michelle Obama or Oprah in 2020 things will be righted again. Oprah is waiting for the go ahead from God.

Reply to  David+Wright
6 years ago

I have given up on expecting any moral leadership from politicians. My only grade now is based on whether they advocate my position or not. We have lost so much ground to the left in the last century because they have no rules except winning, and our bow-tied leaders on the right only want MSM approval and to keep their jobs. Trump is the first Repub leader since Lee Atwater to fight back. But he sure is playing with fire on guns and DACA.

Reply to  DLS
6 years ago

The Left win because the faggots like those around here take their little balls and go home at the slightest bump in the road. You cum belchers might as well all just start manning glory holes at the tranny clubs.

Reply to  DLS
6 years ago

“I have given up on expecting any moral leadership from politicians.”

Talk about taking a cuck position. Either you stand for your principles or it is a free for all. Note that your statement is basically throwing your arms up in the air and enabling the hucksters and manospherists free reign.

Reply to  David+Wright
6 years ago

Just my 37 cents. The Oprah doesn’t believe in God. She’s all about “angels”. Or was…

Funny that.

What’s that old “closing time” chestnut?

When all else fails, lower your standards….

Reply to  TBoone
6 years ago

When all else fails, lower your standards….

A 2 at 10 is a 10 at 2.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  zreader
6 years ago

Or an “Irish 10”, take a “4” and add a six pack.

Reply to  TBoone
6 years ago

I always thought of it as, “As things develop, the formerly unbearable becomes the only choice.” Your way of saying it is much more concise.

Director Mitch
6 years ago

I’m not particularly worried. A bump stock can be 3D printed and is nothing more than a toy accessory anyway, and I think the legal age to buy guns should be 21, like drinking in most states (and voting if we could do it). But before a law is passed, however, I would like the same cake baker nazis tell me how a store can refuse to sell a legal item to anyone for any reason if they are legally entitled. If I had the money, I would grab an 18 year old, sue Walmart for refusing to sell him… Read more »

Reply to  Director Mitch
6 years ago

I find the bump stock bans troubling, and it’s not clear to me that the Feds have authority to ban them. A bump stock is simply a hunk of plastic. It has no utility until the user affixes it to a firearm. I have the same issue with high-capacity magazines, which are nothing more than a metal box with a spring and a plate inside. States have plenary jurisdiction and can probably ban them under any number of powers, but I don’t see a good argument that the Feds can ban individuals from owning these devices. (The Feds can probably… Read more »

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Guest
6 years ago

Well, that’s the argument I’ve used with Progs. Describe what you are banning. In precise, legal terms that can be understood and enforced. They can’t. When they say “AR-15s”, I ask “do you mean direct gas impingement systems?”. Even here in NY, can’t buy that operating system with a pistol grip, but can with a straight stock. A good old fashioned Garand gas piston/rotating bolt is perfectly legal. Funny thing here is all the SAFE legislation and crap has made zero difference in crime rates. Ask any senior NYPD guy and he’ll tell you the guns are available, but the… Read more »

Reply to  Director Mitch
6 years ago

“The rest was just blowing smoke to politically disarm the those crisis actor kids. You don’t realize what damage they’re doing, and something had to be done to take some wind out of their sails.” I think that’s a very good point. And having raised kids himself, he seems to know how to deflect them when they’re in full manipulation mode. Of all those marching, demonstrating teenagers, probably only 2% have what it takes to be really committed activists. The rest are on a self-righteous thrill ride. One thing about teenagers is, they have short attention spans. So this Children’s… Read more »

Klark Sunshine
Klark Sunshine
6 years ago

Do not forget… Trump is a negotiator. He might trade something gun for the wall. Of course, it will be key to not give it away to the left in exchange for nothing.

We’ve seen Trump’s crazy before. He uses it to draw his enemies out. It’s already been noted, 2A is safe. Every time the left remotely hints at gun grabbing, sales go through the roof and Rs shut the F up. Trump is ramping up the crazy to scare the left. You want your diversity areas safer? Block inflows with a wall and disarm them!

A Southern Cuck
A Southern Cuck
Reply to  Klark Sunshine
6 years ago

Trump is a genius. He’s drawing the cucks in and rallying them. This IS their key issue, he knew it would work. They don’t understand he’ll flip-flop at the right moment, get the wall, and then double cross the left.

Jim in Alaska
6 years ago

Am, I happy with President Trump’s stated position? Hell no.

None the less back in 2016 we had two choices, I’m still delighted Hillary wasn’t chosen.

Pimpkin's Nephew
Pimpkin's Nephew
Reply to  Jim in Alaska
6 years ago

It was the “Flight 93” election after all. And the Capitol – or White House – is still there, if only just. We bought ourselves 2-4 more years’ prep time for what surely must come.

6 years ago

Every Democratic politician ever:
“We don’t want your guns. We just want sensible legislation to keep guns away from criminals. We’re not trying to disarm the law abiding.”

Same Dems three days later:
“Australia and the UK are inspiring models for gun control legislation.”

Reply to  Corn
6 years ago

Trump: “I love DREAMers”.

Trump, 3 days later: “No DREAMer deal without the wall”.

Trump, 3 months later: Wall construction started, no DREAMer deal.

Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago


6 years ago

Here’s why 2A and keeping our guns is important. Black run South Africa has just voted to confiscate white owned farm land. That’s our fate in the not too distant future. Please stop and think about all this “hate whitey” speech and PR by the MSM, Hollywood and the Left. We are being demonized and made to be sub-human creatures who need to be punished. It’s not going to stop, it’s going to get worse. The Left has no limits, it always wants more. Look what’;s happening on Youtube. If Trump is actually serious about what he said, he’s finished… Read more »

Pimpkin's Nephew
Pimpkin's Nephew
Reply to  Rod1963
6 years ago

“The Left has no limits, it always wants more”.

That’s just it. They’ve hollowed out just about every other component of the Constitution to get what they want; the 2nd Amendment is almost the only strategic position they haven’t been able to take.

But they are closer now than ever, thanks to a school shooting and a feckless president.

Reply to  Rod1963
6 years ago

Per the 2/28/18 (on-line New Zealand Herald), Julius Malema introduced the land expropriation bill in South Africa, which passed by a huge margin. His 2016 quote—“(he was) not calling for the slaughter of ‘white people’, at least for now”. And so it goes…

Oh yes, and also mention of accusations of some South African political parties “inciting a spate of attacks on white farmers, characterized by extreme brutality, rape, and torture. Last year, more than 70 people (South African white farmers) were killed in more than 340 such attacks”.

Pimpkin's Nephew
Pimpkin's Nephew
Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

I guess South Africa isn’t “a nation of immigrants”.

Monty James
6 years ago

What I hated was the “stand up to the NRA” comment he made to his own side with Dianne Feinstein sitting right next to him. That is simply accepting the Left’s framing of the issue. Aargh. The legality of bump stocks is based on an administrative ruling by the BATFags. There had been an after market stock for Ruger 10/22s which had a spring which provided energy to continuously move the rifle back and forth once the trigger was pulled. BATF ruled was that this made the weapon functionally fully automatic and subjected it to NFA 1934. The SlideFire stock… Read more »

Reply to  Monty James
6 years ago

*society crumbles*
Boomers: “LOL That’s the free market kiddo!”
*fatherless children running wild and crazy*
Boomers: “Heh, can’t keep a good woman down!”
*all blue collar manufacturing moves to Chinese slave labor*
Boomers: “Just get another job”
*someone threatens the sanctity of a BoomerToy(tm)*

The only thing wrong with vietnam was not using you people in human wave attacks.

Reply to  Monty James
6 years ago

Trumpo is acuck and a Dem really as his donation pattern shows. He agrees with Feinstein. As a future Reginald Denny I need a gun to make the Damien Football Williams pay when they go Wakanda. Which is coming hence the need for corporate leaders to disarm us and make us defenseless.

I’m sure his iudiot daughter put him up to this but its also his instinct. No wall, noi border, gun ban. Tell me how he’s not Hillary?

Reply to  Whiskey
6 years ago

With Hillary you would now have 5 SCOTUS votes, with more coming, to rule that the living constitution is crying with the kids, and the 2A is obsolete.

Pimpkin's Nephew
Pimpkin's Nephew
Reply to  Whiskey
6 years ago

Reginald Denny was especially good as the architect in ‘Mr Blandings Builds His Dream House’.

The Donald is not Hillary in that he hasn’t had people killed, doesn’t do drugs and isn’t a lesbian.

6 years ago

Your analysis is premature. It may turn out to be correct, but there are thousands of moving parts here on every side of the issue. Like you, I didn’t like the President’s comments. I see the 2A as our ultimate backstop against totalitarianism. Which we all feel ourselves being pushed back closer and closer to. So, to begin dismantling that last-resort protection is properly alarming to us. But POTUS isn’t a politician. He steps in things all the time that seem absurd because no politician would make that mistake. You do that very thing here with “even George W. Bush… Read more »

6 years ago

Eh. Last week, people on the other side were torching him for saying we should arm select teachers. Perfectly common sense thing to shorten the time between when a killer starts shooting and when armed resistance arrives. (that ends the fantasy, and the shooters usually either kill themselves or get shot, and mass shooting ends) Perfectly rational thing to do which ALSO COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY deprives a perpetrator of his “due process rights”. If a teacher shoots a mass killer, the government just executed a criminal without due process by definition. We just have decided that this is OK. Result?… Read more »

Reply to  hokkoda
6 years ago

ALSO COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY deprives a perpetrator of his “due process rights”

Nah. We’ve been able to kill the perpetrator to defend ourselves since forever. There’s no reason to put yourself in danger so a court can decide if that person broke the law.

Reply to  Bob
6 years ago

That’s my point. We have legal procedures in this country which give private citizens, and the government, the right to deprive an individual of his life and property if he/she is deemed a legitimate threat…and we do not need to go to court in advance to take these steps. You, me, the cops, we can pull the effing trigger, and let the courts sort it out later. That’s the basic reason why George Zimmerman was not convicted, along with many, many, police officer-involved shootings. To use your words, “There’s no reason to put the public in danger so a court… Read more »

Reply to  hokkoda
6 years ago

Trump really does operate as an animated stream of consciousness in his conversations. Channel it, put it in context, then push him, hard, in the right direction. His instincts are on our side, we need to work him to follow through. Our turning our backs on him and shunning him is EXACTLY what the Left is, ahem, gunning for. They salivate like hungry hyenas at the prospect. Don’t give them the satisfaction. Hopefully I am channeling, putting in context, and shoving hard for your stream of consciousness to lead you in the right direction (not you Hokkoda).

Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

I think people are listening to the media spin on this. Trump is an actual LEADER. What you see when you watch him in that meeting is an actual leader, ACTUALLY THINKING. He’s not worried about polls and being on the “right side” with this or that group. He’s legitimately asking what we can do to keep guns out of the hands of stark raving mad lunatics. I wouldn’t even call it stream of consciousness which is kinda random. Looked and sounded to me like he was offering up actual frickin’ ideas instead of the usual bombast and speechifying. It’s… Read more »

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
6 years ago

“the sky is falling, the sky is falling”

How did all these guns protect the constitution? They didn’t. How did all these guns protect unborn children? They didn’t. And on and on and on. The majority of Americans just don’t care about anything except feeding their fat faces, and getting high/drunk/stoned.

Zman has never been a Trump guy and never will. This is just a temper tantrum column; you can practically see the spittle on the screen.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Replaced by whom? Jeb? Hillary? Kamala?

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

My hunch is that Trump is not playing politics with this issue and simply believes his approach is common sense. I agree this is naivete on the scale of Bush I, and Trump is only setting the stage for further gun restrictions. You can give no quarter to the anti-constitutionalists. The 2A was meant to protect us from the government, which has gone from muskets to SWAT teams. We need our own SWAT teams just to keep up, which means less restrictions, not more. I still think overall Trump has moved the ball from our own 20 yard line to… Read more »

Reply to  DLS
6 years ago

The 2A is also designed let people enforce an orderly society, from those who would destroy that: ====== I have little medical training as it is not my field, however I have probably seen more human anatomy than most doctors… not less than multiple thousands of bodies on the ground and parts of them hanging from bushes, on rocks and lodged in tree limbs. Images of 206 dead lining both sides of a makeshift airstrip in the middle of nowhere once… most killed in about 45 minutes by a tribe with weapons, against a tribe without. I know there… Read more »

Reply to  calsdad
6 years ago

Agreed. Without weapons one is a sheep

Without weapons one is not a man

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Exactly. I used to use the following argument for why I voted Republican over Democrat: ” The Democrats come right out and say they’re going to raise my taxes. The Republicans at least *say* they’re going to lower them. Now I know the Republicans are likely lying to me – but when they lie to me – at least I have something I can screw them with if they don’t keep their promise. If I vote Democrat – knowing full well they just SAID they’re going to screw me – now I’m the idiot if I vote for them thinking… Read more »

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

Right… because you can predict the future and know for a fact that no one else is capable of rising up on the right to fight for us. Talk about ‘the sky is falling’, smh. Grow a pair, Karl. If Trump is the best we can do then this country is indeed screwed.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Roulf
6 years ago

You sound like a homo. And a naive simpleton. Please stop talking about my balls.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

A few posts back Zman mentioned the right historically having a good sense of self-awareness. I suggest you deploy some. Guys like you who blindly defend Trump when he makes boneheaded moves do our side a disservice. You’ve reduced yourself to the level of a lobotomized Obama-bot, the only difference is you wear a red MAGA hat. And you think I’m naive simpleton? lol, ok.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Roulf
6 years ago

blah blah blah

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

Every POTUS in our nation’s brief history has had a group of slobbering worshipers. Nothing new about your zealotry.

Reply to  Roulf
6 years ago

Yeah that’s so much worse than voting for gay Muslims. Fuck all you panicky little gamma girls.

Do gay Muslims throw themselves off the roof?

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago The American people lost their Constitutional Republic a long time ago. People are being called conspiracy nut jobs for suggesting their government would hurt them Should Trump decide to endorse this legislation, any defiant gesture American Citizens make could tag them as “terrorist”. These are certainly interesting times. There are currently so many black swans out there it will be easy for our government to chose one and pursue an agenda. And the MSM will do what the PTB tell them to. You say you want a revolution ? Ban Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare, Food Stamps,… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Rifles are merely tools, too. The Idiots had best not leave us no viable avenue but to use them. I’m no Colonel Travis. Yet.

A Southern Cuck
A Southern Cuck
Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

The cucking in this comment section is strong. If Progs and socialCUCKS have one thing in common, it’s their distaste for compromise and pragmatism. “Trump isn’t pure enough! Boo-Hoo, wo is us! Protect us from those evil Progs!”

The socialCUCKS always vote R. The crazier the anti-gun rhetoric gets, the more reliable R voters cucks become.

Trump is a genius.

Pip McGuigen
Reply to  A Southern Cuck
6 years ago

I’m with you pardner….Texan by birth but consider myself a southerner.

The Anti-Gnostic
The Anti-Gnostic
Reply to  A Southern Cuck
6 years ago

The GOP has had THEIR agenda go through since there is not (D) president in the White House. He may have championed the issues, but the real leg work was done by the party. Trump is riding on their coat tails.

6 years ago

Zman, I love you, man, but you need to be talked down from the ledge. Trump is not an idiot. You mentioned DACA, so you know we’ve been down this path before. He lost me when he said almost two million wetbacks should get amnesty. Now we know that is not happening. Trump has not built the wall, that is true. But I imagine myself as president and how I’d turn the ship of state around. Ship: Something that is not easily or quickly turned. DACA is dead. Trump is working at the margins in slowing immigration – illegal and… Read more »

6 years ago

This is what happens when Trump talks first and thinks later. He does it all the time. We need to keep the pressure on him 24/7, but understand that he is a normie dealing with a bunch of abnormal people in DC. He is learning as he goes, and he does appear to be a quick learner. As Karl keeps pointing out, are you gonna go with McTurtle and Eddie Munster instead? Speaking of normies and DC, the Hope Hicks resignation is instructive. She started out as a model and working for Ivanka, segued into Trump’s businesses, and then into… Read more »

6 years ago

No one (including Trump) is immune from the epidemic of stupidity. It has now become so pervasive in our culture that it’s like gravity, constantly pulling our thinking capacity downward.

We’ve been veering into the ditch for quite a while now. Conservatives want to enter the ditch more slowly, and Progressives want to head for the cliff immediately. Slow death or suicide. May you live in interesting times.

6 years ago

Someone needs to explain to Trump that executive orders apply only to those employed by the fedgov, not the entire population. Does he think he owns us??

Haxo Angmark
Reply to  roger
6 years ago

Trump INTENDS his bogus exec orders to be overturned by the (((courts))). It’s all a dog&pony show. As Prez he has the power to send in Federal Marshals and arrest the (((Sanctuary City Mayors))) tomorrow. He won’t do it, though, because (((those who control his debt))) will permit no such thing.


Reply to  roger
6 years ago

It never ceases to amaze me how many people think executive orders are law.

Pip McGuigen
6 years ago

I read everything The Z man wtites. Today I am calling bullshit on this column and what he predicts. His handlers are smarter than what you insinuate. So is he. Stand your ground Zman but stop the blather about what he is going to do. It does our side no good for you to rock the boat.

6 years ago

Remain calm.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Cloudbuster
6 years ago


6 years ago

It’s pretty discouraging, but I’m not giving up yet. We’ll see what actually happens. As Jerry Pournelle used to say “Despair is a sin…”

6 years ago

From day one Trump has stumbled into every trap Obama and his henchmen have laid. From Flynn to Comey to Mueller – he’s been 5 steps behind. It has SERIOUSLY hindered his agenda and put immense stress on this administration. These traps were recognizable, avoidable and unnecessary. Anyone suggesting Trump is allowing himself and his staff to be fed through the meat grinder in order to ‘draw his enemies into a trap’ is certifiably blind. Another common argument from loser-minded cuckolds is that Trump must push every facet of his agenda in a round about, sneaky manner. This is patently… Read more »

Reply to  Roulf
6 years ago

He still saved us from Hillary, for which I am eternally grateful.

Andy Texan
Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

He gets the benefit of my doubt. I will wait for actual negative result over mere blather before taking a stand. Trump’s guide-star should be mobilize the base and take back America.

Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

Nonsense. Did Trump walk into the voting booth and pull that lever for you? No one ‘saved’ you from Hillary. You and I and millions of others did. The fact that you guys can’t criticize Trump, even in a light-hearted, joking manner makes you look like death cult progressives gazing at themselves in a mirror. It makes you weak. It makes you put up with crap when if it was anyone else spouting this garbage you would be tearing down the doors and burning up the phones demanding they respect the things that we (and our sires) have fought for… Read more »

Reply to  Roulf
6 years ago

Look, I am not happy with his 2A positioning, but I will take what I can get. You fight the battles with what you have, not what you wish you had. He has done a better job, on the whole, than I would have expected by now out of any “electable” candidate from the 2016 election process. Do not let the perfect be the enemy of the good. And don’t turn your back on Trump. By doing so, you fall into the trap set by the Left and the media. Trump is full of flaws and contradictions, but, honestly, give… Read more »

Chief IlliniCake
Chief IlliniCake
Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

Those are crickets you’re hearing, Dutch. Not only do they not have anyone, they really don’t have anyone who could withstand 1/16 of the withering attack Trump and his family have endured. While still succeeding. This melee here smacks of the comment sections all over the right side of the political spectrum during the primary where if Cruz was your guy you were a stooge for Goldman Sachs and his EVIL Wife who’s but a Soulless Shill for the CFR, and if you were for Trump you were a mayonnaise-sandwich eating, knuckle-dragging, eminent-domain loving closet Democrat. Yes, it warms the… Read more »

Reply to  Roulf
6 years ago

So..we’d be better off with Hillary? Or we should’ve all voted for Jeb? Which would be a vote for Hillary. I don’t get it. Prez isn’t above criticism, but I think he’s doing okay under the circumstances. He has the entire Washington establishment actively sabotaging everything he does, says, plans or even thinks about. The other party is fully mobilized (no surprise). The media is a 24/7 anti-Trump hate-fest. Western European leaders can’t go a day without heaping hate on him. His own party has spewed bile at him since he announced his candidacy. And he just keeps winning. I’ve… Read more »

Reply to  J_Longstreet
6 years ago

Why do Republicans insist on reverting this this binary outcome? Any criticism of Trump makes that person an instant Hillary supporter. It’s like reading the comment section of Breitbart.

Trump is given plenty of slack from the plebs, partially due to said media constantly attacking him. Every now and then all politicians need to be reminded of who put them in office and who can remove them should they wander too far off the range.

Jeff Taylor
Jeff Taylor
6 years ago

Hard for me to believe you’re this dense when it comes to understanding Trump. Do you honestly expect him to broadcast his every move? Can you not imagine him using deception to position himself and make his political opponents look bad? Have you been paying attention?

I just don’t understand how you can sperg out and blackpill this hard. Are you an ex-libertarian?

Concept Delta
Concept Delta
Reply to  Jeff Taylor
6 years ago

My thoughts exactly. Vox Day can be obnoxious, but he understands this much better (

6 years ago

Setting the gun shitshow aside, I disagree that Trump has accomplished nothing. His wonderful use of Twitter plus the Russia fetish has kept the MSM focused on the bullshit of the day and therefore not paying much attention, if any, to the growing list of accomplishments documented by the Heritage Foundation.

With 2-3 more SCOTUS replacements coming in the next 18-24 months… the winning will continue.

6 years ago

Get real. The Donks will never vote for a repeal of the Gun Free Zones. Trump has just pulled their teeth, and you didn’t even catch it.

6 years ago

America is a one party system. “Voting” with anything but rule .308 is a form of masturbation. It may make you feel better but it does little else. This very stupid and short sighted act by PT Barnum er “DA Donald” just cost Trump and the Republicans the rural south and mid west in the mid terms and maybe 2020. But maybe it was supposed to do just that. I know that the Republicrats have lost me for good with this one. It is passed time we let the communist take over, start the civil war we all know is… Read more »

6 years ago

Maybe Trump won’t actually do anything on guns. I hope so. But am I really supposed to give him some kind of big thumbs up if he doesn’t? Don’t think so. He’s a Republican. He’s not *supposed* to pass any new gun control laws. As Chris Rock said, you don’t get extra credit for doing stuff you’re just *supposed* to do. “I know I said I might pass the most radical new gun control in 25 years, but in the end, I didn’t!” What do you want, a cookie? Even if he doesn’t sign any, demonizing his closest allies and… Read more »

Din C. Nuffin
Din C. Nuffin
6 years ago

Ironic. ZMan pisses of half his base by criticizing Trump for pissing off half of his base. Great theater.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
6 years ago

What this post has shown me is that the all-or-nothing attitude so rife here, is exactly what has allowed the left to take over and dominate this society. And at the end of the day, it is just an excuse to bitch and moan and never do anything about it. Trump has done more to swing American society back the other way, than every other GOP president this century — added together. Because none of them did a damn thing other than make speeches. And yet all the hungry kittens here just mewl and mewl because he made a few… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

I don’t see that, Z. The Kristol-Kasich-Bush-Romney argument is to surrender on everything. A never-ending compromise with leftists where our side caves and given them most of what they demand and call it bipartisan. Then the left comes back immediately and demands the rest of what they wanted, so our side caves and gives them most of what they want again. All in a futile effort to get the media to like them and crow about how “sensible” they are for reaching across the aisle. Trump isn’t doing any of that. If anything, you sound more like the National Review… Read more »

Reply to  J_Longstreet
6 years ago

I am firmly in Karl’s and J_Longstreet’s camp on this one. I will drop Trump, once I see a better choice. It ain’t there, and it ain’t gonna be there. DC is the place for weirdos, and normies get run out, one way or another. It takes a certain sort of personal weirdness and dedication to pursue what Trump is doing, see it through as best you can, and use all of the diversionary tactics and unexpected twists to get from here to there. Is Trump a mental 5D Superman? Is he lucky? Is he some sort of idiot savant?… Read more »

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

Thanks for the laugh:
“Trump has done more to swing American society back the other way, than every other GOP president this century”

The competition, of course, consists of Bush the Lesser.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

The only people I see on this blog taking the ‘all-or-nothing’ approach is you MAGA boomers and Zionists. You can’t handle any criticism of your boy so you whine and throw out one liners like “The only choices you will have in the future will be Trump or some rehash of Hillary.” or “We are lost without Trump”. Could you be anymore of a cuckold? What are you going to do when Trump is really gone? Find a shiny new politician to define you and your ideals? Loyalty has it’s limits. If you can’t handle or admit that then the… Read more »

6 years ago

If you think Lagos on the Chesapeake is bad now, Just walt until the power goes out tomorrow.

6 years ago

Trump was for a national firearm waiting period for the decades he was a New York Democrat. Trump had the Clintons at his wedding and they were laughing it up at the reception. Trump loves unconstitutional asset forfeiture and so does his attorney general Jeff Sessions, and Trump loves eminent domain, so he’s not a Constitutional guy or a property rights guy. He’s a big government guy. Trump donated a lot of money to Democrats, but he also donated a million dollars to Mitch McConnell’s reelection campaign PAC when I was volunteering my butt off trying to replace King Of… Read more »

6 years ago

O ye of little faith……

6 years ago

O ye of little faith…..

Reply to  Shelby
6 years ago

Faith in what or whom?

6 years ago

In the same week that Don announced he would like a second term, he says the one thing that guarantees he will be disappointed in that quest – as I explained to him in my email yesterday. The wall at the Mexican border is a fools errand and its inevitable absence will not affect my vote; however, a roll over on gun control, and I will vote for plan B.

6 years ago

A President who stands for nothing and is surrounded by liberals = disaster and betrayal.

6 years ago

I see this sort of post, a lot. I believe we need to ask one question. Looking back, when has President Trump gone back on what he said he would do? He has been blamed for turning back on what he said but the final product was exactly what he said he would do. I am a huge Firearms supporter. I have been a Life Member of the NRA since age 16 and have been putting on a Gun Show for over 30 years. I was collecting items that were made illegal in 1968 and watch closely for that “camel’s… Read more »

Unslung Hero
Unslung Hero
6 years ago

I believe that Trump is just staying out ahead of the demoncrats on the gun ban issues they cry about and something else will come up next week. He doesn’t intend to do anything gun control wise, but his comments let the media and certain loud mouth politicians lose balance in response.
He ain’t stupid and loves to rile up people…..

6 years ago

Donald J. Trump


Donald J. Trump
‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
2h2 hours ago

Good (Great) meeting in the Oval Office tonight with the NRA!
10:04 PM – Mar 1, 2018

6 years ago

With the non-stop incessant coverage of the shooting I believe the president put a stopgap measure and told his critics what they wanted to hear. as mentioned before this will take the wind out of their sails and give him some breathing room. He could very well be a sell-out but I doubt that based on his past history. He obviously knows his base is very pro-second Amendment and if he’s seriously looking to get reelected he’s not going to jeopardize that. I take all the media coverage with a grain of salt these days . Even you mr. Z… Read more »

6 years ago

Don is a “ready, fire, aim” kind of guy. Some of the time he hits his target and some of the time he shoots himself in the foot. This one was not just a flesh wound. Thanks Z for expressing my views precisely and with remarkable restraint.

Pimpkin's Nephew
Pimpkin's Nephew
6 years ago

Ours is an age of moral chaos. It won’t end well, but it will end soon – we can’t go on like this. The empty-headed fanaticism of one side scores victories on all fronts, while our side seeks leadership from a man who, for all his brashness and intelligence, doesn’t seem to know what it’s all about.

I won’t give up – yet – on the Donald. But the day is growing late. 2020 appears to be the official date at which America goes full communist. I just hope it won’t be the Pol Pot variety.