Public Acts Of Piety

Scipio Africanus was a great Roman general. He was the man who bested Hannibal, the great Carthaginian general, at the Battle of Zama. In addition to being a great general, Scipio was a great politician. Then as a now, you did not get a chance to be a great general unless you were good at politics. Politics being what it is, even the great Scipio had his enemies. For example, the warmongering lunatic Cato the Elder, the neocon of his day, accused Scipio of corruption, after he had retired from public life.

One of the ways Scipio navigated his way through the political system was by showing the Roman public he was a man of great piety. He showed his filial piety by risking his life to save his father’s life, when he was wounded and surrounded by enemies at the battle of Ticinus. Later, he volunteered to take command of the army of Spain, even though it was not a glamorous position, in order to follow in his father’s path. Scipio also made sure the public saw him making sacrifices to the gods and conducting himself with great probity.

The point of this, is that it is a natural part of civic life, for the rulers to make a big show of their honor and morality. As in the case of Scipio, public acts of piety are an important part of the political process. They signal to the public and the political class, that the person supports and defends the codes of society. There is the civic code, which defines the political life of society. Then there is the moral code, usually religion, that defines the daily life of the people. The shrewd politician is careful to make sure he is good at both.

This works out well when there is a commonly held religion, even in a very general sense like Christianity. A century ago, an American politician was expected to be seen going to church, for example. He would salt his language with references to the Bible and religious teaching, in order to signal that he was a good Christian. Of course, it was also important to have a unifying set of civil customs. A century ago, most Americans agreed on a set of beliefs, which constituted being a good citizen, Politicians signaled them as well.

Today, we live in a post-Christian age, where most of ruling class is unfamiliar with traditional religion and often hostile to it. Instead, our rulers believe in a grab bag of fads that define multiculturalism. Political correctness is the enforcement arm of this amorphous new faith, so signaling agreement with the current PC causes is how our rulers try to tell us they are moral people. People hoping to rise into the upper ranks, invest all of their time in public acts of piety, often on-line, to prove they are worthy of admission.

Similarly, there is no agreed upon civics. Instead, it is a collection of mystical chants based loosely around the concept of democracy. In the cosmopolitan globalism of our age, there is no longer the concept of citizenship, so it is impossible to appeal to our patriotism and civic duty. Instead, our rulers invest their time worshiping undefined things like “our democracy” often using the same language of the prior era. The difference is, “our way of life” meant something, while “our democracy” means pretty much nothing.

The thing is those old sets of codes had limits built into their definitions. One was pious, in the Christian sense, as long as you lacked the sins common to most men. There was no level beyond pious and even the most faithful man was always tempted. Perfection was not an option. Similarly, civic pride had a natural limit. You were a good citizen, as long as you lacked the things associated with being a bad citizen. In other words, piety was not about what you had, it was about what you lacked, with zero being the natural limit.

In the new religion, there is no limiting principle. It is utopian nature encourages the adherent to seek the next step, the next higher plane of piety. Twenty years ago, being nice to homosexuals was a sign of goodness. Then embracing the homosexual lifestyle was the next level of piety. Then civil marriage then marriage and now we have people demanding schoolboys wear sundresses. Since multiculturalism is, by definition, the nullification of culture, there is no limit to how much one can hate their own society.

That is the other thing that makes the new religion so bizarre and erratic. There is no well defined promised land to this utopian cult. They talk about equality, but in the vaguest terms. There is no standard of equality against which we can measure progress. There is just the demand for more equal. The same is true of justice. There is no definition of the concept, which is why it most often sounds like vengeance. No matter how much the despised group does, it is never enough. “We can always do more” is the only rule.

Reality is the natural barrier between the fanatics and their desired utopia. Their inability to reach the promised land, however, does not cause them to reconsider the project. Instead, they re-double their efforts, staking out even more bizarre positions. Thirty years ago, homosexual marriage was a punch line for popular comics. Today, laughing at those jokes gets you thrown in jail. Just take a moment and consider what comes after the compulsory acceptance of transvestites. The new religion moves quickly.

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Glen Filthie
Glen Filthie
6 years ago

Oh ye of little faith. The reformation is coming. For me it started already. 7 years ago my daughter came home and proudly announced that she was gay. Not only that, we were all going to live under the rainbow where she and her ugly love partner would tell us all what to say and think. My in laws made a big show of accepting this. My mother claimed that times were changed and we were different and better people now. My dad, afraid to speak against his idiot wife, stayed silent. I lost all respect or him. I asked… Read more »

Reply to  Glen Filthie
6 years ago

Glen – good for you! I believe you’re onto something here. The sane people who have been biting their tongues for at least a decade or two (like me) will have to find their balls, join you and finally have the nerve to tell these turds to FOAD. My default mode for quite some time has been to avoid in-laws and their ilk entirely and simply not attend family functions. If I did attend, I would either have to listen to their horseshit or flat out start arguing with them. Wish I could be like Jack Nicholson in Five Easy… Read more »

Glen Filthie
Glen Filthie
Reply to  Eduardo
6 years ago

Yup. I did the same for years. And it’s just as you say: most of those turds do it and keep getting incrementally worse – because nobody says anything. You will know your time when it comes. If your family is like mine, eventually they WILL back you into that corner – and you will have to make a choice. Things may not always be like this either. This summer, I may drop in on the relatives and see if they want to think differently about things and start acting like adults. If not – we’ll head on back out… Read more »

Reply to  Glen Filthie
6 years ago

I think the perverts are going to find normalizing pedophilia to be a bridge too far. I have my doubts we’ll be able to roll back the depravity that’s already taken hold, but I hope we can stop them here.

Reply to  Porgy_Tirebiter
6 years ago


Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Porgy_Tirebiter
6 years ago

It will get rolled back, and then some. It’s nature’s way.

Reply to  Glen Filthie
6 years ago

Respect to you brother. I haven’t been hit as hard as you but my sister won’t speak to me because I’m not a feminist.

Glen Filthie
Glen Filthie
Reply to  LineInTheSand
6 years ago

It’s the shits, LIS – but there’s nothing you can do. Us guys tend to take this stuff hard because we are genetically programmed to protect our families and be responsible for them. But until she sees reason – you’re both better off.

Reply to  Glen Filthie
6 years ago

Excellent post! Thanks

6 years ago

It’s pretty classic “Opposite Rule” Liberalism: take the opposite of what normal people think, say, and do, and then adopt the opposite while calling it “progressive”. If a normal person has an instinct about something, whether it’s a personal decision or a matter of public policy, just assume they are actively working to advance the exact opposite. That’s why it does no good to say their impulses and ideas are unConstitutional. They are anti-Constitutional, which is a big difference. That’s how you get the first generation in American history protesting to have their rights taken away from them by the… Read more »

Reply to  hokkoda
6 years ago

“The first generation in American history protesting to have their rights taken away from them by the government”. Good one, so true.

6 years ago

We should always fight on even though the cause probably is lost. Something to be gained personally and maybe give some extra time for a decent life for those we love. BUT, all this insanity is not the cause of our problems but the result of our decadence and sinful ways for generations. (Yeah, I got religious there) Birth Control, heinous war crimes, prosperity and you name it brought us here. We are not the first. James Burnham was the first of many modern writers on the right to take notice. I would take the world he lamented 50 or… Read more »

Reply to  David+Wright
6 years ago

You don’t know that it’s lost.

Listen to what Jordan Peterson says during this talk (it’s long – but worth listening to until the end).

And note that during the entire event – the barbarians are LITERALLY banging on the windows outside:

Reply to  calsdad
6 years ago

Yes, Jordan the truth teller until “he can’t”

Listen to Merlin:

Reply to  calsdad
6 years ago

Ol’ Jordan believes we can talk our way out of this because talking is his tool and he is good at it. I got talked into moving a piano downstairs one day a long time ago and wound up getting chased by it, slowly at first and then I just ran for my life. I enjoy listening to Peterson talk but I don’t take him too seriously. The piano is gaining on us.

Reply to  james+wilson
6 years ago

Actually professor Peterson does not believe we can talk our way out of this. And he laments on this point quite often. His goal is to make more people aware of it-and elucidates that quite often if you’d actually listen to him speak.

Spud Boy
Spud Boy
6 years ago

I predict the next big frontier is going to be animal rights. In a few years, eating a cheeseburger is going to be considered a heinous act of unimaginable cruelty.

Reply to  Spud Boy
6 years ago

Or normalizing sex with them.

Reply to  David+Wright
6 years ago

Or both! yes, you are correct. animal rights is the next big thing.
they will leave agriculture alone for a while , and use it to drive control of the rural areas of the country. they want us all in the cities where they can keep a closer eye on us.

Reply to  David+Wright
6 years ago

You guys aren’t paying attention.

It’s going to be polygamy and sex with minors.

The trial balloons have already been floated.

Special rights for Muslims and other minorities are probably a close second choice. It’s plainly obvious the the lunatic left also have that one on the agenda seeing as how muslim “leaders” keep showing in places like the pussy hat marches and other venues where there really shouldn’t be any common ground.

Reply to  David+Wright
6 years ago

Nah, the Kiddie Diddlers will get their shot first.

Reply to  bilejones
6 years ago

You have one too many words in that sentence.

Reply to  LFMayor
6 years ago

Their, there, they’re.

Reply to  bilejones
6 years ago

Like so many other lurches to the left, pedophilia will get a boost from some judge who feels it is his duty to enact social change to shock the normies in Squaresville.

Pimpkin's Nephew
Pimpkin's Nephew
Reply to  Spud Boy
6 years ago

And don’t rule out cannibalism as a “right” a few years down the line.

D&D Dave in the Bubble
D&D Dave in the Bubble
6 years ago

“They talk about equality, but in the vaguest terms.” It’s the only way the regressive PC Utopians can talk about equality. Well that and out and out lies like the fictious gender pay gap but I digress. Ask a regressive who believes in the Utopian fairytale about a place where everybody is equal. Ask them if affirmative action will still be necessary to insure equality. Ask them how will they find equality for the fat, ugly girl who can’t get a boyfriend and the hot thin model who scores all the rich, attractive males. Will there be a law mandating… Read more »

Reply to  D&D Dave in the Bubble
6 years ago

THE YEAR WAS 2081, and everybody was finally equal.

D&D Dave in the Bubble
D&D Dave in the Bubble
Reply to  DLS
6 years ago

Ha, that was perfect. Yeah I could see the Regressives coming up with the office of the “United States Handicapper General” to even up the score.

Reply to  DLS
6 years ago

I forgot to refresh, and your post beat mine.

Soviet of Washington
Soviet of Washington
Reply to  Ron
6 years ago

Hillary make a perfect Diana Moon Glampers.

Reply to  D&D Dave in the Bubble
6 years ago

Kurt Vonnegut has your exact concerns covered in his book, “Harrison Bergeron”,

6 years ago

Trudeau is a perfect example of your description of a post-modern politician employing fad-speak such as “Humankind”. A Orwellian politician who can easily shift in mid-sentence to say “We’ve had always been at war with Eurasia” after just fulsomely praising Eurasia as being one of their most stalwart and faithful allies without breaking his facial expression.

Glen Filthie
Glen Filthie
Reply to  Ron
6 years ago

Turdo La Doo is largely (and correctly) regarded as an idiot. His mother was laterally a bipolar whore, and his father was a closet twink. The only reason he got elected was his looks that appeal to women.
The good news is he will get the liberals kicked to he curb in the next election.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Glen Filthie
6 years ago

Running around NYC showing everybody her cooter…

Reply to  Ron
6 years ago

I was thinking of Trudeau and his endless virtue signalling all the way through the article.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Great hair though…

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  Ron
6 years ago

Total doofus. Is his father really Fidel Castro? His mother, Margaret, was doing the dirty with just about every guy out there. Let’s get a DNA check ASAP.

6 years ago

The end-state of Progressive conversion is total hive-mindedness. All members of the proletariat must act and behave according to diktat from on-high. No deviation of approved thought may be permitted under penalty of incarceration or death. Individuality is a disease that must be stamped out at all cost. This is no trivial dichotomy of core belief, this is about basic survival.

Slovenian Guest
Slovenian Guest
6 years ago

>Multiculturalism is, by definition, the nullification of culture, there’s no limit to how much one can hate their own society.

That’s gold Z, gold! But i can do you one better: Diversity is like death, everything it touches withers away. Hence the death cult moniker, because it always ends in a death march, our deplorable souls have to be saved from eternal damnation even against, or especially against our will!

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
6 years ago

All this public insanity will burn itself out, and sooner rather than later. Important to keep track of the names of those who promoted it, to keep them out of anything new.

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

I sadly have faith in our further ability to plunge to new uncharted depths of insanity/depravity for a good while yet.

Reply to  thud
6 years ago

Who is this “our” you speak of kemosabe?

Reply to  calsdad
6 years ago

not me…honest officer!

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

It happened in the 70’s which is how Reagan got in. Clinton was supposedly this new style dem in response to the crazies from the 60’s and 70’s. We never go all the way back to normal, but the pendulum does swing both directions.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Human sacrifice was encoded in Roe v Wade. Baal got nuthin’ on Planned Parenthood.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

Infanticide is common in many probably most cultures and even was common in the Middle Ages in Christendom Some Western European cultures consider it disgusting as do some Christian ones of course but far more cultures are fine with some form of it it than not. In Christendom if the historians are correct was officially discouraged by church writing but abandonment was ignored since they knew some babies were defective, some people were poor and some people could not parent Now there is a lot of virtue signaling involved with the abortion issue in the US on both sides and… Read more »

Reply to  A.B. Prosper
6 years ago

A.B. Prosper, your ignorance level is high. You state: “Christians who have a religious assumption, not backed by Scripture” The Bible: “Now the word of the Lord came to me, saying, Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you.” “And when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb” “He will be filled with the Holy Spirit, even before his birth.” You also state: “The pro choice or pro abortion people at least are consistent and mostly rational.” Pro-Life position: It’s human life from conception to… Read more »

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  DLS
6 years ago

Note my choice of words, that I know of. So I happily stand corrected. Thanks. That said and in line with the original post, pieties that make sense for the Christian Right are meaningless to people who don’t follow the same creed. More importantly Christians are a distinct minority in the developed White World and while that may change do to differential fertility rates, it may also not. All religions have their day and if Western Christianity is nearing its end and it seems to be a key pillar of our social order we have a fooking big problem We… Read more »

Reply to  A.B. Prosper
6 years ago

The West replacement rate is way below the minimum. We are so sophisticated by practicing abortion, same sex marriage, and eliminating marriage altogether that we are breeding ourselves out of existence. Iceland’s agenda to abort all children based on testing to remove any child with birth defects seems like great idea–Until you realize it will cull out geniuses like Stephen Hawking who have defective bodies but brilliant minds.

Darth Curmudgeon
Darth Curmudgeon
Reply to  Ron
6 years ago

The responsible American is likely paying 40-45% in taxes when you add up federal, state, local, property, and sales taxes. I don’t even know how to factor all the QE into it but taxation through inflation is a real thing. They just can’t afford another kid, or a first kid. Why are they taxed so high? To pay bottom feeder women to mass produce halfwit thugs who grow up without a father. Even if a man wants to raise one of these children the state keeps him at bay at the mother’s behest, so she can get more child support.… Read more »

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

And Rachael Carlson, whose “Silent Spring ” led to the banning of DDT pisses all over both.

There are some 60 million deaths from Malaria that she can claim credit for.

2016 btw was the first year when more Negroes were aborted in NYC than born alive.
It’s important to get an early start on the killing.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  bilejones
6 years ago

The last two bits sound a lot like the Lefts racial virtue signaling to me which is not a surprise since Soc Jus and Leftism are mutant Protestant strands

In any case why should I be bothered if someone who is not my race, culture or tribe and who is with near certitude going to be a problem in my society either ideologically or via crime is never born by the choices of members of his own tribe ?

Reply to  A.B. Prosper
6 years ago

“In any case why should I be bothered if someone who is not my race, culture or tribe and who is with near certitude going to be a problem in my society either ideologically or via crime is never born by the choices of members of his own tribe ?” 1. Abortion is immoral. Margret Sanger’s promotion for it in the US was based on the desire to remove undesirables, including blacks. That is a bait and switch method of subtle genocide, not “pro-choice”, hence immoral also. 2. You and I are being forced to pay for it via our… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

At this point it may be more accurate to say we’re seeing a oscillating wave function heading to a collapse. Jerry Brown (yes that guy) described it well recently when he said what follows Trump is an even more rabid left taking power, which will be followed by an equal shift the other way and so on. The end result of that is the bridge going down with all aboard. Don’t know if I want to be around for that.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Herrman
6 years ago

“Galloping Gertie”

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

that is exactly correct. gay marriage failed on every ballot initiative they put forth . every “defense of marriage ” ballot proposal passed. But now here we are. When it really matters, the press,courts, and media rule with impunity. elections do not change that. they are the mechanism that drives the ratchet.

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Good. Just make sure you’re not the person getting caught in the net to be burnt at the stake. I don’t think a lot of people really comprehend human behavior very well. Yes – the behavior next time around will likely involve human sacrifice or legalizing child rape or some such other crazy shit. The thing is – once they do that – they suddenly incentivize a whole bunch more people to oppose them. As an example of how these things go – I always go back to a story I read in the advice column of one of those… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

” Reagan was a brief respite, ”
What sort of fantasy world do you live in?

Here on planet earth:

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

You think the facts are incorrect?

Please give me the numbers (and cite sources please) that refute the ones in the Mises article.

You are, of course, doing the low IQ SJW knee-jerk reaction of denying reality because it’s presented from a source to which you are ideologicaly opposed.

Mark Stoval
Mark Stoval
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

I think you mean 1954. My mother (83) was just telling me how the country went to hell at the end of the 50s and has been getting worse faster and faster. Hard to argue with her on that one.

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

I was, and Mark Stoval’s mother was correct. There was a century between 1945 and 1955.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

I can remember the (late) 60’s and the (early) 80’s and the latter were hands down more fun — for everyone. Listen to the music “walking on sunshine” for cryin’ out loud 🙂

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

So would a lot of Black people. The 80’s were the last White decade (counting 80’s as ending eh 1992 or so)

That said Reagan made a lot of mistakes, Amnesty was the biggest I think and maybe his selection of Bush Senior for V.P. which dragged us into GW 1 and sent the decades to follow into a tale spin.

As for spending, Money seems to be the only thing the Libertarian fucktards care much about and its the least important issue facing America period since our currency is sovereign and our economy is 80% domestic

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

I’m a tad younger than you but I was there, It was a very good time to be alive for Americans especially.

Joe Mack
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Hell yeah, 22, young dumb and full of cum!

Reply to  bilejones
6 years ago

bilejones, Most of the government growth under Reagan was in SSN/Medicare. Dems controlled the House for all 8 years of his term. I know libertarians are all theory, but honestly how much do you think was possible? You really think the economy was better under Ford and Carter? You prefer stagflation, 18% mortgage rates and double digit inflation? Reagan was not perfect, but get real.

Andy Texan
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Not human sacrifice so much as repression of dissenters. It probably won’t get all the way to ‘re-education’ camps and firing squads but these are well known options.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Andy Texan
6 years ago

It will be more subtle than that, but the result will be the same.

Darth Curmudgeon
Darth Curmudgeon
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

As I tell my IRL friends, Trump is at least 4, perhaps 8 years of breathing room. Use this time to get out of debt and buy things you need (not want).

Bruno the Arrogant
Bruno the Arrogant
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Personally, I hope to live long enough to look out my window and see an Enlightened™ corpse swinging from every lamppost.

Reply to  Bruno the Arrogant
6 years ago

I am willing to let the invader-americans and such go home peaceably. Those Americans who let them in and pushed their death-cults will get no such mercy.

David Wright
Reply to  roo_ster
6 years ago

The traitor gets the bullet.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Bruno the Arrogant
6 years ago

That’s one way to get woke I guess.

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

The “I’ve been hearing that for a while” response is typically what I get out of so-called conservatives I deal with when I tell them : “let the lefties go full retard – sooner or later they’ll burn down their own house”. Now – I will admit that going back in time I really thought this whole thing would have burned out before it reached the current levels of insanity – but, I still think the same underlying dynamics exist, namely that “society” will only tolerate insanity up to a certain level before it punches back. It seems we are… Read more »

Reply to  calsdad
6 years ago

Agreed, sir. We just haven’t had an Eligabilus or Commodus yet, few more swings of that pendulum and up is go. It took Rome five of them, in a row even, right?
Society has a vested interest in keeping the mathWhiteys vested. You think a magical ethnic woman can screw up a walkway?
Pshaw! That was just raw ineptitude. Purposeful destruction is an art, intellect and experience reforged with the fires of injustice and fury and hopelessness.
They know not what they do.

Mark Stoval
Mark Stoval
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

And I have been hearing that for at least 50 years. I know I will not live to see it happen. Perhaps I can look down from the next world and see it.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

I’m keeping track of the names of the promoters for other reasons.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

It won’t, it will just get worse. Trump slowed it down a bit, but it’s getting progressively worse. However identity politics(tribalism) is only going to get worse as the Dems have fully embraced it.

And they have targeted whites for extinction. Even the cuckGOP wants us gone. When Trump leaves office, the progs and cucks are going to pull out the stops to make sure we never elect another Trump type politician. IOW we will be punished.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Rod1963
6 years ago

Rod, you should kill yourself now, just to deprive them of the pleasure.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Rod1963
6 years ago


Even so that side has hundreds of millions of firearms , tens of millions of veterans and if you/they can’t figure out how to fight, extinction was well earned.

If to paraphrase Adams people have gotten so comfortable with their chains , they get what’s coming to them

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

I certainly don’t see it burning out. If anything it burns brighter and more intensely with each new absurdity.

Darth Curmudgeon
Darth Curmudgeon
Reply to  Rev.Hoagie
6 years ago

Our technology can extend the life of this insanity long after it would have burned out otherwise. To use a financial concept as a metaphor for society at large: “Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.”

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
6 years ago

Alternatively: If we look at recent history, the just-as-likely answer is that it’s not Weimar without end, it’s you-know-who. IOW, at some point the social order snaps, often suddenly. Then comes authoritarianism (or foreign conquest) usually by popular request. Oversimplified version: Defeat -> Degeneracy -> Depravity -> Disorder -> Desperation -> Dictatorship. The early D’s may occur in different sequence, but key point is however a society gets to Disorder, some group will restore order to the gratitude of (most of) the survivors. Progs. are incapable of doing this It’s the movie that ran in Russia right after the fall… Read more »

Reply to  Al from da Nort
6 years ago

Authoritarianism finds a ready place in a wounded host. Civilizations collapse from the inside out. The cultural gyre is a widening one that has no possibility of finding its way back, IMHO.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

Ah, but in nature and in human history, any entity that gives off waves of weakness inevitably attracts predators. The banal motivation posters in the coffee room are not always wrong. The slowest gazelle *does* have to outrun the fastest lion to stay in the gene pool.

Likewise the sickest culture *does* have to be able to hold off its strongest neighbor in order to ‘persist’.

So sources for the wounding of a disease-weakened host abound and watch the widening gyre for an opening. Maybe it’s even Canada once the Chinese take over 😉

6 years ago

I have a hunch that Sports will be the Sampson that tears down the Temple. My wife’s cousin is an upper-mid level tennis player and if he could overcome the embarrassment and start putting on the party frocks He’d enjoy a sizable increase in income. Roger Federer a Swiss chap who reputedly knows how to hold a racket, is on record as saying that any man who plays full-time will beat any woman, even the Williams “sisters”. A couple of years ago the Australian nation women’s soccer team were humiliated by a boys under 17 team 6-0. In towns like… Read more »

Reply to  bilejones
6 years ago

It is impossible to rub the face of a person into reality when his head is up his ass, and I do not make a joke. The SJW cannot be embarrassed by other than his hive. The need to feel oneself part of something is especially overwhelming in people who have no self. If you were to talk them out of what is false they would be a hostile act because they would be left with nothing.
Reply to  james+wilson
6 years ago

“The SJW cannot be embarrassed by other than his hive.”

This is true. It is also evidence that the collectivists groupies are in fact mostly a cult. They believe contradictory and irrational things, and they can’t see it, or more correctly they will not see it. You cannot reason with a cult.

6 years ago

The Reds are already discussing pedophilia as being normal. So, we know where they’re going.

Reply to  Pat_Hines
6 years ago

I agree. Just like “Will and Grace” made homosexuals lovable, there will be a similar show about pederasts. Specifically, there will be a hip show about an older gay man who wants to plow an adolescent boy. They will make the older man a sort of charming Elton John and they will present it like he has a chaste crush on a 14 year old boy. The producers of the show will adorn the dialog with sentimental treacle but the end result will be that progressive women viewers will be crying at the beauty of the fact that a 45… Read more »

Reply to  LineInTheSand
6 years ago

We’re already seeing that. During this year’s Oscar’s, one of the movies up for multiple nominations centered on a homosexual relationship between an adult male and a boy still in his teens. The boy was in that age range where he is technically an adult but looks like a junior high student.

Joe Mack
Reply to  Kendoka1998
6 years ago

Child sex and bestiality race to become progs next Cause.

6 years ago

Post modernism won. The Left won, The Left won in that they have infiltrated and own every institution in America: Christian churches, corporations, local and State government agencies, news media, Hollywood, Wall Street, banking, primary education, secondary education, Sports, Inc., the Democratic Party, big chunks of the Republican party, and on and on. They set the narrative, they set the terms of debate, they set the rules that get you kicked out of things. So, what is needed is a true Resistance movement to VOID, undo, reject and replace the left, and all their systems. . This probably can not… Read more »

Reply to  Jackson
6 years ago

It’s time to stop observing and start fixing. What’s the z-man strategy to get out of this mess?

Reply to  Matt
6 years ago

I am not sure this is the place for what you are looking for. This blog still has value, in that those of us red-pilled types find that we are not alone, that others share our views and outlook, more or less. Given the media-approved assault on all of our cognitive senses, 24/7, it is good to know we are not alone. We are all living in the belly of the cultural beast, so to speak. Where, when, and how we accomplish anything is an open question, but a good first step is knowing what you stand for. Z-man’s site… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Suggest you bring along a paper towel for addressing that aloof condensation.

Reply to  Matt
6 years ago

hogwash. words. words. words. all you guys complaining about too many words and not enough action, yet NO ONE so far has come up with an action plan! i’m on board guys, just clue me in on the plan!

Reply to  Jackson
6 years ago

“Richard Spencer, Cernovich, Jordan Peterson. And movements: alt-right, white nationalist, alt light, manosphere, NRx: you know more than all of them, they are all mistaken.”

We call this constructive criticism.

Reply to  Jackson
6 years ago

ok, action jackson, sounds good. you’re right. we need foot soldiers and generals. sooo, what’s your plan? “I think, increasingly, the field belongs to those who will dare to provide a strategy and a goal”.

Reply to  ifrank
6 years ago

The Z-man is not Robert E Lee or stonewall Jackson, he is Horace Greeley.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  Jackson
6 years ago

Jackson; You write a pretty mean critique for someone so critical of them. But you’re right about one thing: The need for consistent effort directed by strategy. Absent strategy, enthusiasm alone would be like being the bull charging The Cloud’s cape. So what’s your strategy_? There are a number of avenues open. Given what we have recently learned about the Deep State’s all-pervasive surveillance capabilities I’d say direct action in the streets like Antifa is a bad choice. Since The Cloud aims for a re-run of the USSR this time run by cultural Marxism instead of economic Marxism, we ought… Read more »

Reply to  Al from da Nort
6 years ago

So many of the Left’s institutions simply assume away human nature, and offer things that have no fundamental value. Without value, there is no demand. Starve ‘em out.

Reply to  Jackson
6 years ago

Wow what an insightful comment! I’ve been starting to feel the same thing about this blog. This is a young man’s game in the battle is being fought while the Z-man seems to sit in a chair above us all and pontificate and criticize, while offering no solutions and refusing to get his hands dirty. I too am now leaving this blog -And will be joining with some of the more vociferous and dissident types on our side. ( the types this blog frequently seems to criticize unfortunately)

Reply to  Dingus
6 years ago

with honest respect to Z and all, i’ve had the same sense and agree with jackson mostly. i will come back occasionally for an insight – for instance, i did print one recent article on morality to illustrate for my not yet red pilled daughter struggling with her morality class. but by and large, i note Z is unwilling or unable to put his contributions in a fuller historical context and note where the deficiency in action needs rectifying, if we are going to have this culture survive. i suspect the bipolar divergence will soon enough bring a reckoning –… Read more »

6 years ago

Modern ‘piety’ of this sort is driven less by a desire to conform to the sacred expectation of society and more driven by fear. It’s fear of being on the wrong side of the inquisitors.

There is another kind of ‘piety’ common mostly on the right, which is a kind of slavish dutifulness among some sons to follow their father’s path exactly. I’m talking specifically about the Bush and Romney dynasties (the Kennedys had a similar thing but they appear to have descended into the kind of inbred New England depravity you find in HP Lovecraft stories).

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
6 years ago

The accepted and defended depraved morality of today is no surprise to anyone who’s been paying attention.

Matthew 24:37-51 King James Version (KJV)

37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark,

39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

James LePore
6 years ago

What comes next is forced diversity, via a lottery. We need more transvestites so they won’t feel like an oppressed minority? We pick fifty thousand men’s names at random and force them to start taking estrogen, wearing dresses and having surgery. We need less Asians because they’re too smart? We pick fifty thousand names from a hat and gas them. White men, we round up, put in camps and make them slave labor. The lotteries will of course be rigged. Can’t have any Clinton or Kennedy men changed into women or made slaves.

6 years ago

“That’s the other thing that makes the new religion so bizarre and erratic.” It is only bizarre and erratic to those who reject the Jewish Question, because they are afraid of losing status. Those of us who aren’t too cowardly to publicly notice patterns find the new religion perfectly consistent & steadfast. It uniformly disparages all traditional white practices, norms & institutions as low-status & immoral. And praises as high status & moral any anti-white practices, norms & institutions developed by the largely Jewish intelligentsia clustered in our elite universities. This indoctrinates the upper & middle class that rely on… Read more »

6 years ago

-Looks at gender-random walk biased towards social gender privilege level -9

-wonders if it is trisexual interested in non-binary exchange of gametes, nods politely

-GRW -9 wags non-conforming menta-physical tail acknowledging my advance

-Robosexual borg mediator asks both parties to consent to non-asexual banter

-Eye contact made

– KLAXON SOUNDS, robosexual borg uses metal arm to distance me and GRW -9

– Levels of oppression incompatible

– Sighs of relief as safety of all parties ensured by robosexual borg

– Obama be praised

6 years ago

I’ve not gotten much traction here in the past, but I believe that the era most like this one is the period between the Macabean revolt and the Second Jewish revolt. Greek and Roman sophisticates were telling Jewish rustics that it was OK to expose their unwanted babies, sell their daughters into prostitution, and let their sons study at the academy and get buggered by some wannabe Socrates. When the Jewish rustics wouldn’t do those things, the Gentiles tried to force them. The Jews would rather fight than switch. The Christians chose martyrdom and subversion instead.

6 years ago

I just don’t have the legs to carry off a dress so I guess I’ll just stick to how God made me.

6 years ago

Odd times promote odd behavior. During the decline of Rome the use of adoption was used to manipulate and preserve inheritances, as well as to enable unconventional relationships. Men would adopt younger men, not only to confer their legacy upon them but in order to give an official legitimacy to homosexual conduct. In the French Revolution there was an instance of a man, Jacques-Rose Recamier, marrying his own illegitimate daughter in order to have a means of preserving his own legacy. That particular marriage was never physically consumated, but I suspect that if such an arrangement were to happen today… Read more »

6 years ago

Clint Eastwood seemed way ahead of his time with some of his movies. I wonder if he had PC culture in mind when he has a fanatical antagonist say “Doin’ Right Ain’t Got No End”. (And immediately get laughed at by an old lady.

6 years ago

Matthew 12:25 New International Version (NIV)
25 Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.

6 years ago

“Black boys raised in America, even in the wealthiest families and living in some of the most well-to-do neighborhoods, still earn less in adulthood than white boys … ”

The New York Times triple-downs on 1. IQ tests not valid 2. Intelligence not inheritable and 3. It must be racism.

6 years ago

I think this will all burn out…after it has been nuked from orbit….Then the Remnant can start over with Christian family life…

D&D Dave in the Bubble
D&D Dave in the Bubble
Reply to  pyrrhus
6 years ago

We wouldn’t have to nuke from orbit. The regressives almost seem to be begging for a civil war. If they get it, they will get routed to such a degree you’d think Gen Custer had better odds against the Sioux.

Reply to  D&D Dave in the Bubble
6 years ago

We right wingers always say we’d win a civil war because we have the guns or they have the soyboys, but they also have an endless supply of third world mercenaries, er immigrants to do their fighting for them.

D&D Dave in the Bubble
D&D Dave in the Bubble
Reply to  Corn
6 years ago

Yeah but I think the military and police forces would overwhemlingly lean right in such a scenario. Sure the Urban centers would be non-stop chaos, but just lay siege to them.

D&D Dave in the Bubble
D&D Dave in the Bubble
Reply to  D&D Dave in the Bubble
6 years ago

Also, let’s just say that in your scenario, the 3rd world mercaneries (ISIS, Taliban, AlQueda, etc) come and fight on behalf of the left and help them win. They are not going to pack up and go back home. With the main opposition to them defeated, they will stay and wipe out their regressive hosts with barely a sweat and take over the country.

So for the left, that scenario is a Lose-Lose unless they are perverted enough to think that its okay to get their heads chopped off since we got ours chopped off first.

Reply to  D&D Dave in the Bubble
6 years ago

The Islamics are mainly concerned about their own lands and getting the NATO thugs out of them.
Our primary concens should be two fold.
1, Beaners
2. Churches: Catholics, Baptist, Lutherans etc and the charitable arms they have set up to promote immigration from such bastions of tranquility as Somalia.
A few of these fuckers dying wouldn’t be a bad thing.

Reply to  bilejones
6 years ago

CAIR and similar groups follow the Islamic demand that they infiltrate and convert non-Muslim cultures, like ours, to their cause. It is “God’s will”, according to them. Their incessant caterwauling about islamophobia (a mostly nonexistent crime that is an invented fiction) is their tool of choice, because the snowflakes fall for it every time.

So while I agree that the Muslims over there are not exactly in control of things any more, they continue to exercise a form of brainwashing of the gullible over here.

Reply to  D&D Dave in the Bubble
6 years ago

Have you missed the Trump/Milo/Spencer rallies where the police stand down as antifa riots? Most of the military and police will follow the orders of the politically-appointed generals/chiefs to ensure their pensions. Also, have you looked at the ethnic composition of many armed forces and police forces?

Reply to  D&D Dave in the Bubble
6 years ago

Unduly optimistic. Many or most will follow orders. Those that won’t will be replaced.

Reply to  Corn
6 years ago

We have your nom de blog. No corn, no populous third world. No urban vote gardens.
A few walking skeletons to pile up and burn.

The Quitzak Haderach (so) will control the starch!

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Corn
6 years ago

don’t think the brown brigades are going to be fighting for ole mr lefty. am thinking they are planning on mr lefty going in the cooking pot…

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Corn
6 years ago

Not an endless supply of food to feed them with though.

The food supply is brittle and if it goes hot, heaven forfend famine will be a primary weapon if not by the rebels than the state.

6 years ago

Signs that human sacrifice could well make a comeback, with plenty of apologists:

Students today have been so brainwashed by the “who am I to judge” mania, they can’t even read a story like ‘The Lottery’ anymore and draw the normal conclusions.

Reply to  Dr.+Mabuse
6 years ago

that shirley jackson story haunts me to this day – required reading in high school, probably of no account to anyone anymore.

6 years ago