Noah Future

Lefty rage gets all of the attention because they control the media  Their endless tantrums about losing the 2016 election, as well as their increasingly shrill anti-white rhetoric, is flooding the zone. Lost in all of this is the collapse of neoconservatives into a squalor of vulgarity, dishonesty, and paranoia. Whatever it was, the political movement of Norman Podhoretz and Irving Kristol is now just bigoted rage-heads. This Noah Rothman column is a good example.

The word “ethics” appears prominently in the biographies of the authors who co-wrote a recent Washington Post op-ed lamenting the “taboo” associated with “talking about overpopulation.” Frances Kissling is the president of the Center for Health, Ethics, and Social Policy. Peter Singer is a professor of bioethics at Princeton University. Only Jotham Musinguzi, the “director general of Uganda’s National Population Council,” doesn’t mention “ethics” in the bio. That’s good because the Malthusian views promulgated in the piece are anything but ethical.


Because population control is not a problem in the developed world, where birthrates are declining below even replacement rates, population controllers tend to fixate on sexual habits in the developing world. The authors of this op-ed are no exception. They draw an almost always fallacious straight-line projection to conclude that—in the unlikely event that nothing changes between today and 2100—a population crisis should afflict a variety of Sub-Saharan African nations. To avert this crisis, they advocate promoting and supporting proper sexual hygiene, to which almost no one would object. But their authors’ core agenda isn’t the distribution of prophylactics. They seek to de-stigmatize abortion in the equatorial world, which is controversial for reasons that have nothing to do with faith. After all, it was The Population Bomb and its progenitors that lent renewed legitimacy to old arguments that inevitably result in targeting black and brown populations with sterilization and eugenics.

This is the default approach for Rothman and most of the neocon tribe. Instead of simply disagreeing with someone, they first paint the person as immoral, beyond the pale and therefore fair game for whatever accusation they can conjure. Before offering any evidence, Rothman strongly implies the authors of the Washington Post article are unethical people. He never backs this up with evidence. The fact that he does not like or understand their argument is enough for him to slime the authors.

If you read the WaPo article, you’ll see that it is a good faith effort to talk about the population explosion in Africa. They blame Paul Ehrlich for discrediting the topic of population growth, because they are forbidden to discuss the real issue. To talk about the world’s most important graph, is to risk being called a racist by slime merchants like Noah Rothman, so they dance around it. The piece is actually fair and reasonable, given that it appears the Washington Post.

Now, Rothman is a stupid person, so it is no surprise that he is wildly ignorant of Malthus and population issues. Stupid may be the wrong word. Ignorant is a better word, as he makes to no effort to know about these things. He’s too busy claiming everyone who disagrees with him is immoral. His game is to attack and then cry out in pain when the other side mounts a defense. His likes to paint himself as the moral actor, forced to do horrible things to his enemies.

He is also a serial liar. He smears people all the time and then lies to their face about what he wrote. This classic Tucker Carlson segment is a great example. Rothman lies in his column about something Carlson said. When confronted with it, he then lies about what he wrote. When his own words are read back to him, he changes the subject, only to start lying about what the Secretary of Defense said. When confronted on that, he starts lying about other stuff. Noah Rothman is incapable to telling the truth.

Again, whatever it was, neoconservatism is now just a death cult. It is a strange blend of Zionism and anti-majoritarianism, that lacks an intellectual core. The list of neocon thinkers is not exactly a glittering array of heavy weight intellectuals. Rothman is a smarmy twerp. John Podhoretz is a vulgarian. Max Boot appears to be struggling with mental illness. Bill Kristol is a bitter old fool. Jonah Goldberg is a frumpy dufus. It’s like a Jewish version of the Kennedy family, minus the homicides.

That gets to the heart of it. The Jewish century was powered by a generation of Jewish men who were smart, educated and embraced by a majority ruling class that had built the foundation of the American empire. Not only could neoconservatism only happen in America, it could only happen in Cold War America. Today’s America is a different place and today’s neocons are a collection of feckless heirs, playing make believe as they squander their inheritance. The term of art is reversion to the mean.

Just like the reckless kid with a trust fund, the neocons have caused a lot of damage and continue to be a menace. Their efforts to undermine Trump’s Korea initiative and their efforts to entangle us in the Syrian civil war are two obvious examples. The fact that the New York Times and Washington Post are festooned with these loons, means they will pollute public discourse for a while longer. The good news is that guys like Noah Rothman are the future of the movement, which means it has no future.

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6 years ago

Populations don’t just explode all on their own. If you keep popping out babies and they die of starvation – well then you don’t have much of a population explosion – do you? As Sam Kinison said so many years ago in a comment about the (latest) Ethiopian famine “crisis” – why don’t they move to where the food is? My point here is – why the hell is the population of Africa exploding in the first place? Seems like somebody must be feeding all those hungry mouths. And if I believe what I’ve read – it’s people in the… Read more »

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

I get the idea, but embargo is a proper term for the blocking of trading goods or goods for cash. There is no trade in charity.

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

It will happen when whites diminish in the overall size or their populations. For whites, it will become a fight for their daily survival. What do you think will happen when white Americans and Europeans reach population levels of say…oh…10 percent? I probably won’t see that in my lifetime but I fully expect whites in America to reach that level. And it won’t be pleasant for them. What will the USA look like then? Brazil? Who’s going to feed the oh so noble people of Africa when that day comes? The Chinese? Because we all know how well the Chinese… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Consider the WaPo writers’ casual, “but-of-course, any-reasonable-person -would-agree-with-this” advocacy of universally availabile abortion and morning after pills to people in the third world. Ruth Bater Ginsberg has referred to abortion as a useful instrument of controlling undersirable populations. In his somewhat less deplorable youth, Jessie Jackson made the surprisingly cogent comment that abortion is genocide of the black race. Genocide not only can happen, it is going on right before our eyes. I’ve never heard of Rothman before, but I think he’s spot on for calling out the WaPo writers’ — to put it quite mildly — moral obtuseness in… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

If we leave out War and Famine, then only Plague is left. All 3 horsemen seem inevitable.

Reply to  calsdad
6 years ago

They will move to where the food is! That’s THE problem. Fortress America! The Euro-trash are on their own as far as i’m concerned. Well, maybe we let their well-balanced attractive young women emigrate… Maybe their top scientists… Damn it is hard not to go wobbly.

Reply to  Sidvic
6 years ago

I vote for wobbly. WAY wobbly.
Let us bring sense and competition back to our dear ladies.

I, for one, welcome our Nordic overbabes!
3 Scandis for every man!
I mean, have you SEEN Ukrainian wimmin?

(Side benefit- polygamy would give the girls all the social/sexual drama they crave!)

Reply to  calsdad
6 years ago

Calsdad: “In other words – stop feeding them. After that – the problem solves itself.” Being an engineer you’re under the impression that fixing a human geopolitical problem is as cut & dry as repairing a vacuum cleaner. You are why companies have separate departments for marketing and engineering.

Reply to  Frip
6 years ago

Tell us more on how Niggers are just like Whitey can totally live in his societies in hugh numbers. Cuck.

Reply to  Aldo
6 years ago

Not moralizing. Just saying Cal’s plan isn’t politically feasible.

Reply to  Frip
6 years ago

Do you non-ironically say that Negroes just need Jebus to be like Whitey?

bad guest
bad guest
Reply to  Frip
6 years ago

Yes, it’s the job of the marketing department to take the logical solution that the engineers formulate and dress it up, give it pizzazz and figure out a way to bullshit the customer into buying it.

6 years ago

I lack the words to describe how much i despise noah rothman.

The neocons do not murder with their own hands, they merely egg on others to murder for neocon tribal benefits.

I will shed no tears when justice finds them, in this life. Or the next.

6 years ago

I must admit that the last 10yrs have made it increasingly to maintain my philosemitic views. For sure, i despise that smarmy J Goldberg. What’s with Rothman’s effete voice? These metrosexual accents really make my skin crawl.

Reply to  Sidvic
6 years ago

*increasingly difficult* fixed it!

6 years ago

Insightful didn’t think about this angle. I watched the segment where Carlson took on Rothman for his lies. Rothman literally self-destructed while talking to him. It was amusing. What a dishonest POS who couldn’t even own up to his lies. That said, while the Neo-cons are slowly imploding, Trump now has to deal with all the RINO’s on the CofC payroll that are going on Fox and screaming about his trade fights, etc. They are demanding that Trump consult with them – IOW fold on trade and go back to letting white middle-class America get a**raped. This particular bunch is… Read more »

George Orwell
George Orwell
6 years ago

“It’s like a Jewish version of the Kennedy family, minus the homicides.”

Johannes Topp
Johannes Topp
Reply to  George Orwell
6 years ago

I came here to say that too! Fantastic line.

My father once told me years ago, “The less you know about the Kennedy’s, the easier it is to like them.”

6 years ago

Speaking of nasty little Jews.

Shapiro just openly came out as a NeverTrumper and wants to see Trump impeached.

Via Gateway pundit

This won’t be good for his listeners.

The Jews really cannot contain their hatred of Trump. He is just driving them insane with rage.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Rod1963
6 years ago

Lots of badthinkers openly believed Jews held a stranglehold on public discussion, and whaddaya know now goodthinker Jews are behaving as if something was stolen from them after the God Emperor talked over their heads with a few tweets.

Maa Shyuejinn
Maa Shyuejinn
Reply to  Rod1963
6 years ago

“THE Jews canot contain their hatred”
What makes you so sure that all 14 million of THE Jews in the world think exactly alike? You make THE Jews sound like very stupid, unrevsonable people.

Do Trump’s Jewish daughter, Jewish son-in-law and Jewish grandchildren also hate him? Poor Trump!

Reply to  Maa Shyuejinn
6 years ago

Ah the old N.A.X.A.L.T argument. Well then, it’s up to the sane ones to police the crazies. But they don’t, do they. No, they make lame excuses for them, just like you’re doing here. I’m sure there were lots of Germans or Japanese that were against WW2, they still got bombs dropped on them. See where I’m going with this?

Reply to  Maa Shyuejinn
6 years ago

Ivanka: “Daddy, do something liberal!”

George Orwell
George Orwell
6 years ago

“They blame Paul Ehrlich for discrediting the topic of population growth, because they are forbidden to discuss the real issue. To talk about the world’s most important graph, is to risk being called a racist by slime merchants like Noah Rothman, so they dance around it.” While one must be very circumspect regarding the assumption that current trends will persist, if the graph is off by a full 100% the 2100 population of Africa would result in about 2 billion versus 600 million for Europe. Were the 2100 population even reduced to 1 billion, a healthy proportion thereof would nevertheless… Read more »

6 years ago

Our culture is a like a believer facing disconfirming evidence, which is that blacks are more violent, dumb, and helpless. Yet all the elites enforce the view that this is our fault and we must restore them. What will it take for the believer facing disconfirming evidence to reject the belief?

Will we ever decide to stop sending food to Africa? Is there a straw that will break the camel’s back? Will anything short of an economic crash prevent us from financing the African birth explosion?

Din C. Nuffin
Din C. Nuffin
Reply to  LineInTheSand
6 years ago

“We” will quit feeding them right after “we” start shooting illegals at the border. Simple solutions, difficult to implement.

bad guest
bad guest
Reply to  LineInTheSand
6 years ago

Will we ever decide to stop sending food to Africa?

After President Ocasio-Cortez takes office in 2020 our reawakened sense of unity with and responsibility to people of color world wide (dormant during the reign of the evil orange-haired one) will move the nation to do just the opposite. We’ll increase aid to Africa and begin programs to voluntarily take in increasing numbers of Africa’s population so that we can benefit from the enhanced vibrancy and diversity that we will realize.

6 years ago

My doctor cousin goes to Haiti often. He said they all live on donated rice and beans, and also go into the jungle and pick fruit. He said he will ask them,”how long has your knee been hurting?” They can’t say, because they have no conception of time beyond the moment. However this gives them the ability to be happy in any circumstance,probably more happy than white Americans, just as black Americans have low suicide rates.

6 years ago

People tend to have larger families in situations where there is little rule of law and property rights are uncertain. A big family in these situations is seen as a source of wealth and old age insurance, especially for the women, but the men get something out of it when they sell a daughter for marriage, too. It also means that the individuals born into these families are devalued. When resource scarcity arises these devalued people emigrate, not only to Europe, but to other African countries. This is not even a new phenomenon. I saw it personally as a kid.… Read more »

6 years ago

I think this is one of your best posts to date. Very insightful. Thanks.

6 years ago

Rothman is yet more evidence physiognomy is real. Bet he likes to catch…

As for Africa, end the food aid and the problem will be solved as others have noted. Let the Chinese deal with it. Any media that goes to Africa gets quarantined for 30 days. Ebola is rather pernicious. Pipe dreams but the problem would be resolved.

6 years ago

To be fair to Mr. Rothman, it’s easy to dismiss Peter “let’s have sex with animals and abort one year olds” Singer as unethical.

6 years ago

Each of the writers that you mention in this post are the effective equivalent of a communicable disease, and are best avoided. Some of them can infect you with stupidity, some with mental illness, and some are doing intentional harm for nefarious purpose. All are a scourge on society.

6 years ago

“… neoconservatism is now just an ethnocentric death cult.”

I’m not sure “ethnocentric” is the appropriate concept. These people have rejected Western Civilization to obtain the approval of its enemies. Some of them simply for a paycheck.



Reply to  EndOfPatience
6 years ago

Read a few issues of Commentary magazine. What used to be a go to source of discussions on affairs foreign and domestic became practically all Israel all the time when the younger Podhoretz took over. Probably because donors wanted it that way. The ethnocentric label works.

6 years ago

The africa problem will solve itself one way or another.

Either we stop feeding the savages or they overrun us and no white people are left to feed them.

They will lay waste to the cities like Chicago and Detroit killing each other and dying of hunger.

Hopefully there will be enough whites left over to repopulate and we can learn from our mistakes.

6 years ago

Have to admit just skimmed over the article reading the cliff if you will, but this would seem a good strategy for the white race.

*** Second: White people are prone to moralistic outrage. We have to convince them that what is happening to us is a moral outrage. Morally outraged White people are a formidable force ***

Reply to  sirlancelot
6 years ago

Agree. But to appear moral now you must advocate for the protection of a perceived victim. How do we promote ourselves as victims when everyone hates us? When we’re painted as the domineering misery makers. Obvious answer: We advocate for poor working class whites, blacks, and hispanic current citizens. And for the protection of our citizens from the criminal foreign. This is all Trump / populists can hope to do on the morally outraged front. And they’re doing it.

joey junger
joey junger
6 years ago

That is really the problem with the neocons: the lunacy/fanaticism. I don’t typically fret about the war profiteers anywhere to the extent that I do about the messianic democracy-spreaders. I once asked a pretty good history professor, “Do you think the war profiteers sit around in a smoky backroom and say, ‘Let’s start a war to make some money’?” I’ll never forget his response: “You don’t need to call the pigs to the trough; they know when it’s feeding time.” The point is that the war was sold (or the men were lured to the hog-pen) by types like David… Read more »

PV van der Byl
PV van der Byl
6 years ago

I hadn’t even heard of Noah Rothman until just now even though I am reasonably familiar with the neoconservative movement, at least as it was years ago. Along with National Review, I subscribed to Commentary from the late 70s until the mid 90s. I admired the late Irving Kristol and the now very elderly Norman Podhoretz. They had important things to say during the Cold War. But the following generation was made up entirely of non-entities.

Evidently, Rothman doesn’t even have his own Wikipedia page. Has he ever written a book?

6 years ago

The neocon/globalist alliance has much to answer for…

Illustrating the Zman’s point:

“Of Course, It Could Not Happen Here”
By Roger Cohen
The New York Times

“The abduction of a Russian girl by Moroccan migrants at a Spanish beach resort causes an uproar. It turns out to be “fake news,” the work of Russian cyber-geeks deployed for information warfare, but not before rightist leaders across the European Union have denounced the “foreign animals” holding “little Tatiana.” “

Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

The primary driver of mad fantasy and preemptive aggression is self-pity.

The problem seems to be a tendency to firmly believe one’s own lies- whatever they are at this moment- and then act on them.

Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

PS- I note that the “climate crisis”, with it’s imagined hordes of “environmental refugees” and “failure of rapacious capitalism”, was a broad-scale attempt to get people moving. (And control resources with a new currency/exchange system of ‘carbon credits’.) Didn’t happen, so a few brushfire wars were started. Some folks saw a chance to grab stuff. Syria, for instance, was ignored because “they didn’t have any oil.” Then Genie Energy discovered the Golan Heights and offshore deposits. Earlier actions in Serbia/Bosnia and Afghanistan offered uranium and lithium, and South Africa offers reclamation of gold and diamond mines. I see the “Muslim… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

Okay, one more. Reading the NYT comments now, boy howdy does that marketing work!

*Thulsa Doom voice*
“Come to me, little one. Yes, come!”

6 years ago

So who are we rooting for in the World Cup? I reflexively always think England. But I just looked at the various team rosters. I think we should get behind Russia.

King Tut
King Tut
Reply to  Frip
6 years ago

Russia unlikely to win. The two most fancied teams still remaining are France and Brazil. But if you’re looking for white team to back then Croatia is an outlier. They have looked very accomplished so far. They play Denmark in the next round.

Reply to  King Tut
6 years ago

Croatia and Belgium look the best to me so far. I called Mexico as being one-dimensional when everyone was swooning over their 1-0 win over Germany. I take soccer very seriously. So much so I’m surprised the game of soccer is even allowed in the United States because it entails realizations that are flagrantly poltically incorrect. Anyone else notice that not a single African or Arab team made it into final 16?

Reply to  Frip
6 years ago

If you have to listen to the English media and the schizoid way they deal with the national team you would be very uninclined to see England win. The tabloids will fixate on one individuals part in a loss and destroy them over it. Gareth Southgate 1996, Beckham 1998, 2006. I don’t think England are actually talented enough to do it all in all. I’d like to see Russia do well, I’d love to see Croatia win but its unlikely. All in all Spain look like a decent bet now UareGay knocked Portugal out.

6 years ago

“Now, Rothman is a stupid person, so it is no surprise that he is wildly ignorant of Malthus and population issues. Stupid may be the wrong word. Ignorant is a better word, as he makes to no effort to know about these things. He’s too busy claiming everyone who disagrees with him is immoral.” This is pretty much the heart of the issue; whatever college used to be, these days (outside of one or two departments – I’m thinking medicine and STEM) this is what everyone learns; how to denounce heretics from the mainstream orthodoxy. Rothman isn’t trying to know… Read more »

6 years ago

“Russian takeover! Trump is Putin’s puppet, with Kompromat by pissing prostitutes!”

Everybody here was raised under the unceasing din of the Cold War. “The Russians are coming!”

Odd, isn’t it, that the very quiet, very real globalist takeover was by someone else-

The very someone’s who are back to using a worn, yet reliable tool?

Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

Ha ha! The liberals in terror of Trump’s Red Amerikkka want to emigrate-

But no country will let them in because of their restrictive immigration laws!

Perhaps a little tanning lotion, so they could join their beloved People of Color on a boat…?

6 years ago

Attack and cry out in pain. I think there was a certain German in the 16th century regarding something similar. As an aside, and I’m indifferent to a lot of the jq stuff, does anywelse think it’s the difference between hysterical virtue signalling sans consequence (((Neo Con))) and actual realpolitik ( Israelis).

Reply to  Shane
6 years ago

Meant to clarify that. Israelis can be pretty ruthless, but they are a group defending a territory. They can be pretty pragmatic, as actions have consequences.The (((Neo Con))) establishment have a tendency, similar to (((liberal elites))) and White liberals a reflexive neurotic moral preaching, and preening as White America’s invariably the one doing the paying, fighting, dying, and maintaining. Like Taleb, skin in the game. Similar to Europes defence forces post Cold War. The thing that the (((Neo Con’s))) and (((Liberal Diaspora))) don’t take into account is a declined America isnt capable of being a Golem Goy. After which it’s… Read more »