The Little White Book

Edit: I was working from the draft copy that Greg was kind enough to send me over the summer. He changed the chapter titled “Slow Cleanse” in the final version and made clear that “ethnic cleaning” is used as a leftist slur. The irony here is this was a recommendation  I made after I read the draft. My apologies to Greg and the readers for the error.

What is “white nationalism”? If you ask a Progressive, you will get a list of the other abracadabra phrases they use to label heretics. A white person insufficiently enthusiastic for things like egalitarianism, unlimited immigration or racial quotas is dismissed as a white nationalist. They call President Trump a white nationalist, for example. For normal people, the term conjures images of white separatists, maybe, or perhaps nothing at all. Unlike black nationalism, the phrase white nationalism lacks an agreed upon definition.

Greg Johnson, in his new book The White Nationalist Manifesto, sets out to define white nationalism and also make the case for it. The book is a series of essays, grouped around three major themes. The first section focuses on the state of white people, the forces operating against whites and the need to restore white homelands. The second section covers the basic concepts of white nationalism. The final section addresses the cultural and political movement necessary to make White Nationalism a reality.

The first thing that recommends the book is the structure. In this age of short attention spans, breaking it into a series of essays is more effective. Writers will have to come to terms with the fact that their audience simply lacks the patience to read long complex arguments. In the case of something like white nationalism, the format allows the reader to quarrel with one or two points without having to reject the over all argument. Even people comfortable with white identity politics are going to have their disagreements.

There’s also the fact that most white people remain allergic to thinking sensibly about the issues facing white people. The adherents of Frankfurt School arguments and tactics have been in control of public discourse for generations. They have controlled the school curriculum since the 60’s. As a result, few white people alive today have ever existed outside the poaching liquid of multiculturalism. Short, easy to digest arguments that explain the basics of white identity politics provide a useful antidote to this conditioning.

Perhaps the most important argument in the book is at the beginning, where Johnson lays out the facts of white demographics. To people familiar with white identity politics, none of this will be new. Sadly though, most white people simply have no idea they are members of an endangered species. Even when the facts are presented to them, they will find some way to deny reality. Again, generations of proselytizing by an alien intellectual elite have conditioned whites to avoid facing the reality of their own dispossession.

The other aspect of this is the cause. The public polices that are putting whites in danger are not accidental. He makes the important point that the elites pushing these polices have to know the results of those polices in advance. Otherwise, it means the cultural and political elites are smart enough to craft and implement these policies, but too ignorant of reality to understand the inevitable consequences. In other words the ads on your television that always feature a brown man and a white women are calculated.

That removes the handy excuse whites have used for generations for not rising up against their rulers. For as long as anyone reading this has been alive, the claim has been that all the opposition needs to do is craft the right argument. Once they do that, the ruling class will throw down their weapons and embrace us as brothers. The responsibility is shifted from the people implementing public policy to the victims. By eliminating the excuse that they simply don’t know, the burden shifts back to the elites.

Another highly useful essay is titled Homogeneity, chapter eleven in the book. For American readers this is going to be challenging because the argument in favor of homogeneity contradicts everything they have been taught about diversity. The challenge presented in this chapter is that everything about observable reality makes clear that ethnically homogeneous societies are healthier and happier. More important, up until fifty years ago, everyone understood this, even in America. It’s a big red-pill for normie.

Now, in fairness, the book could do a better job explaining white demography. The empirically minded will hate the fact that Johnson makes a lot of assumptions, without providing studies, graphs and so forth. For American readers, an essay on the history and nature of white American ethnicity would be helpful. For generations, whites have been pitted against one another on ethnic and regional lines, so thinking about white identity is very difficult. White Americans don’t exist, even to themselves.

I’m also firmly in the camp that thinks we have to be careful with the choice of words, when it comes to discussing these topics. White nationalism is going to conjure mostly negative images. The essay titled The Slow Cleanse uses the phrase “ethnic cleansing”, which brings to mind firing squads and death camps.The word “cleanse” reminds people of Hollywood weirdos drinking prune juice for a week. Fair or foul, the bad guys control the language, so using words and phrases that make that hard for them is important.

That said, a big part of this project is the rejection of the prevailing moral orthodoxy. This does not mean the puerile role playing that came to define the alt-right. That’s just juvenile rebellion that accepts the moral supremacy of the Left. The proper way to reject the prevailing orthodoxy is to not be bound by it and not react to it. One way to do that is to return to the clear use of language. Nothing infuriates the people in power more than the indifference of their subjects, so maybe Johnson is on the right path with the language.

Finally, the target audience for the book is not your MAGA hat wearing granny or the Ben Shapiro loving CivNat. The book is best aimed at the type of person who generally knows the reality of race, but maybe thinks “racism” is crude or low-class. What a book like this does is provide language and arguments that the typical white person can use to inoculate their own mind to the prevailing culture. It also supplies the tools to help bring people over to this side of the great divide. It’s the Little Red Book for modern white people.

99 thoughts on “The Little White Book

  1. EDITED:
    ” The proper way to reject the prevailing orthodoxy is to not be bound by it and not react to it. One way to do that is to return to the clear use of language. Nothing infuriates the people in power more than the indifference of their subjects, . . . ”
    spiritual aikido: parrying past in-coming/passing distracting “objects” of hostility/ill-regard without losing One’s “conscious centeredness”. The urge to perhaps stick a foot out when it passes by is, in itself, a discursion. A comparitive comprehension of another language and its idioms – especially one incorporating tones for definition – amply the understanding/significance of “language” as something of much more import than basic practical/social negotiation.

  2. Very good critique, and analysis as usual from “Z”. Thx.

    Spiritual Aikido: parrying past in-coming/passing distracting “objects” of hostility/ill-regard without losing One’s “conscious centeredness”. The urge to perhaps stick a foot out when it passes by is, in itself, a discursion. A comparitive comprehension of another language and its idioms – especially one incorporating tones for definition – amply the understanding/significance of “language” as something of much more import than basic practical/social negotiation.

  3. I first noticed “white nationalist” spoken by Juan Williams about three months before the election. Other panel members’ body language hinted something had happened. Williams seemed to glance around, and I replayed the clip. Was I hearing a new campaign trial balloon?

    Eventually I ran a search on a Twitter “first use” tool. Seems the “white nationalist term” wasn’t in ordinary usage until that time I first heard it on The Five.

    Cognitive manipulation, ya think?

  4. I try not to post links, but since it’s a casual Sunday…here’s an interview with the late J. Bowden. His answer to the question below is kinda funny to me. I guess because I’ve never heard it put this way. Shades of Yogi Berra, but I don’t think he’s being cute.

    Q: Many people who aren’t liberals become communists, Marxists. You didn’t feel drawn towards those ideologies?

    JB: No, because I’ve always believed in human inequality.

  5. Unfortunately, it does not matter how good the book is or how good the arguments are. White nationalism and supremacy fails because no one wants to be associated with it due to the social consequences.

  6. Another excellent post Zman. A couple of years back, I read a long article on the interwebz about a generational desegregation of the US. The article outlined a process over 20-30-40 years, slowly but steadily turning the US back to more like pre-1965 America. It was a very compelling article. IIRC, it was written by Greg Johnson, but I’ve never found it on his site, so I may be mistaken about his authorship. Does this sound familiar to anyone?

      • Line, this is better, and shrewder, than I’d have expected from him.
        The *humane* aspects of this are crucial.
        If WNs push into effect violent policies, we will see (painstakingly-achieved) white unity evaporate, unless they get to establish a draconian Superstate enforcing such unity.

        “it is difficult to mobilize people to commit mass murder, and it is risky, because the victims would fight back and perhaps win, in which case one’s own people might be wiped out in retaliation….
        the primary demographic threat from non-whites comes from people of child-bearing age, who should be our focus. Therefore, non-whites over the age of 50 who are productive and orderly citizens should have *nothing to fear* from us….
        Such policies would create entirely white homelands within a few decades, and the process would be orderly, humane, and consistent with the human rights of all parties.”

        I’d lean toward giving those under-50s more slack, if they permitted themselves to be permanently sterilized.

        • And, such a draconian Superstate would be so very vulnerable to guerilla sabotage, esp. as long as we have a JIT economy, or as long as other countries had the means to insert anti-regime propaganda into the hearts of the populace here.

      • As it happens, Greg’s site today has a powerful, related post, at .

        One gem there is:
        “Advocating for, or empowering, whites means providing them with the information *they* need to make informed decisions, rather than trying to force our conclusions onto them….
        In order to break through the barrier of prejudice when interacting with other whites, we need to make *them* our focus, and not our vision of the future.”

        If you hope to win over a white man, give him his *due* as a white man, and give him *time* to reflect on your views.

  7. I work in a bank and the banking regulators check our advertising to make sure it’s diverse, or they will fine us.

  8. “Ben Shapiro loving CivNat”

    Foxnews ran an article on its website promoting Shapiro’s new show. I left a comment on the article was got called a snowflake three times. The Boomer Conservative memes are real, and they certainly do love little Benny.

  9. Lester, I look forward to checking out this Houck fellow. I just read an interview with him, and he gave me the idea of doing what advertising and the Left does so well, which is framing the good guys as protectors of the children.

    Houck: “The Left would happily resign their children to being despised and hated minorities in their own homelands, so they can feel good about granting asylum to boat-loads of alien men.”

  10. Great post, and I’m sure the book is intelligent and useful, because I know that the author clearly is. More to say about this later, but just to add additional helpful info… Another excellent writer and explicator on these themes is fellow counter-currents writer Richard Houck. His new book “Liberalism Unmasked” looks like a real go-to text (I’ve only read excerpts so far), but he has three essays on counter-currents which are essential reading: “The War Against White Women”, and a blistering two-part essay on the deliberate Kulturkrieg of endlessly promoting black-M / white F pairings in advertising: the (((deliberate))) colonization of white wombs, as some bloggers pointedly phrase it.

    Houck’s Twitter feed, @heywildrich, is also a highly informative and very entertaining read. The guy’s a scream, plus he’s dead-on persuasive as hell. Run don’t walk.

    A regular bouquet of red pills for that special blonde gal in your life who needs to wake up, marry young, marry white, and start having White babies IMMEDIATELY.

    There can be no greater or more crucial revolutionary act at present, than HAVING WHITE BABIES. If nothing else, just picture the growls of pain on Shlomo’s face when he/it sees ’em.

  11. I didn’t quite follow the “cleanse” part. Does he make the argument for, or against its use?

    This is one area where the WNs consistently screw up. Using phrases like “ethnic cleansing” and “white genocide” are not a clever way of co-opting the left’s language. They’re phrases that are so self-evidently inconsistent with reality that it causes most white liberals to tune them out and write the speaker off as a nutjob.

    It’s a combination of poor framing (“WE’RE the victims!” – playing by the left’s rules) and confusing rhetoric with dialectic – imagining that the listener will work through all of the logical steps required for the phrase to make sense. Maybe it’s been useful as a recruiting tool for other WNs, but as several folks in the NRx sphere have correctly pointed out, the WN movement has largely been effective at recruiting more WNs and nothing else.

    • Lance, it’s a fine line, this rhetorical game. On one hand, you don’t want to sound so vanilla that people won’t realize there’s a new group of people that matter (us). Calling ourselves Conservative is a failure in this regard. On the other hand, you don’t want to sound so radical that people won’t take you seriously. Calling ourselves “White anything” may be a failure in this regard. I don’t know. It takes good judgment to decide on the right terms for the right time.

      Things have gotten so obviously ugly against whites…things have gotten so obviously tribal, (even to normie) that the term “White Nationalist” may just be appropriate at this point in time. It’s probably a little early for it, but it’s not as absurd a label as it would’ve been just 2 years ago.

      I’m surprised that the MSM calls certain groups “White Nationalists” rather than calling them “White Separatists”, which is surely what they’d prefer to label them as.

      • Calling ourselves “White anything” may be a failure in this regard.

        Go for ‘European’. Superficially race-neutral, deep cultural roots. The term ‘white’ is anodyne, bland and associated with Duke-types, effectively a derogative term.

        If you’re ‘European’, you stand on the shoulders of Aristotle, Charlemagne and Mozart, nothing whatsoever to do with your skin color (although Europeans so happen to be white.).

        • Not bad, Felix.
          An alternative is “I’m for the defense of *Western* Civ!”
          This may be esp. effective with those Normies familiar with SJWs’ common dissing of Western Civ.

          • Yes, even better, less racial. And I realise ‘European’ is a bit of a hard sell in the US.

          • Yeah, let’s make the issue, *not us*, but SJWs’ brattiness toward *all* who dissent from them, on gender as much as anything else!
            They’re the gift that keeps on giving, most recently on Kavanaugh.
            Their anti-Trump hysteria may well become a dream come true for us, esp. if the FISA etc. stuff goes like Joe Digenova etc. expect..

          • If you’re Western, you stand on the shoulders of Newton, Edison, and Einstein.
            Because of guys like them, you’ve got 24/7 electricity, instead of having to sh*t in your pants about stuff like that, as they do in sh*thole countries.

        • Just use common sense and say what mean to say however you please. PC be damned. I think it could catch on.

        • Between this and your comment above about being purposefully vague you seem to be one of the only people that truly understands how to win the cultural war.

          You MUST use subtlety and subterfuge because you are basically deep behind enemy lines now anywhere in the West.

          The term white nationalism has such a stink and odor associated with it I need a shower just thinking about it. The fact that an otherwise well written book chose that as its de facto naming convention utterly destroys anything contained within its pages.

          ‘European’ is the correct term / play here and soon it will be an epithet like white nationalist because in the eyes of the left it is NOT ok to be white.

          WN is a non-starter in any conversation. It is David Duke, KKK, Nazi larper all day, every day and stinks of loserdom. Pass…

          • Dear Apex “The Lion & Shark Killer” Predator, I feel I’m a pretty normal guy, and I must say, in light of the anti white onslaught of the last year alone, “White Nationalist” doesn’t sound so crazy anymore. It really doesn’t. Things are moving fast. You’re living in 2015.

      • Completely agree, Frip. The “Conservative” label is dead, or should be; they’ve conserved nothing and are little more than gatekeepers of yesterday’s liberal narrative.

        However, without some structural changes, I predict WNs going the same way as MRAs and Conservatives. It’s the same pattern: the movement starts with good ideas, valid concerns, hard data… but is inept at organization and persuasion, does not offer any realistic solutions and never builds up enough institutional power to demand them anyway.

        What the west needs is for people to BUILD things. Entertainment, education, marketing, retail distribution, legal defense… anything that would allow dissidents and their normie friends to escape the influence Globohomo Inc. What WNs and MRAs have are an army of bloggers (no disrespect, Zman), vloggers, book authors and recruiters.

        Tianming – the natural order gives power to the worthy and takes it from the unworthy. Nobody likes a whiner. If WNs want to be taken seriously, they should earn respect by convincing others of the great things they’re going to achieve, and actually achieving some of those things. Ditch the whiny-bitchery of the MRAs and the rancid democratic activism of the Conservatives.

        • Lance, you show much thoughtfulness here, so any elaboration would help, e.g. about the how, and how fast, of “organization and persuasion… to BUILD things. Entertainment, education, … legal defense… anything that would allow dissidents and their normie friends to escape…”

          I gather that, insofar as the Left built such things, it took many decades.
          Insofar as the Left “achieved some of those things”, which such things do you think made the most difference, and how fast?

          Also, when you rip the MRA’s bitchery, which MRA types do see as least bitchy? How do you categorize Whiskey, or AE?

          • And, would Dalrock qualify as an MRA-type who actually provides useful advice, to those seeking more than just being better PUAs?

          • I’m not so sure that the left really built much. The left co-opts and destroys. It’s “marching through the institutions”. Hollywood was not always a left-wing cesspool; environmentalism used to be called “conservationism”; most of the tech companies were founded on libertarian principles. Unfortunately, the process is irreversible; the right cannot “take back” its institutions any more than you can “take back” those moldy leftovers that’ve been sitting in the back of your fridge for 4 months. We have to throw them away and start over.

            As for HOW to build? There’s no recipe for this. Choose a converged institution and compete. Use whatever skills and knowledge you have, start small, and try to exploit their structural weaknesses. If you’re an educator, design home-schooling curricula, or set up private tutoring or online courses. If you’re a technologist, work on alt-tech like social media. If you’re in banking, pool resources to set up a credit union offering financial services to businesses getting screwed by the bigger banks, Visa, etc.

            Vox Day is a great template, in my opinion. He doesn’t just write books, he started a publishing company and is relentlessly scooping up talent from the converged publishers. He used his own talents to bootstrap a force-multiplier for other people’s talents. And I’m sure it was a slow and painful process, but he didn’t start with billions of dollars and it didn’t take him 50 years.

            We need to see more of this, in other industries – and, very importantly, it can’t be a “white nationalist comedy club”, it has to be a “popular comedy club that is run by white nationalists”. The difference is subtle but important; the latter can be written off as fringe, the former is a demonstration of power and authority in mainstream society.

            This means having the ability to maintain a degree of separation between business/art and politics. SJWs can never do this, which is why they destroy everything they touch. In my experience, WNs have this problem too. For example, many of them cannot stop bringing the “JQ” into literally every single conversation, no matter how irrelevant it is. That’s just a really obvious example, though, I don’t mean to single it out; any kind of monomania is a problem.

            AE = Audacious Epigone? I’ve never heard him refer to himself as an MRA and I certainly don’t think of him as one.

          • I’m not so sure that the left really built much. The left co-opts and destroys. It’s “marching through the institutions”. Hollywood was not always a left-wing cesspool; environmentalism used to be called “conservationism”; most of the tech companies were founded on libertarian principles. Unfortunately, the process is irreversible; the right cannot “take back” its institutions any more than you can “take back” those moldy leftovers that’ve been sitting in the back of your fridge for 4 months. We have to throw them away and start over.

            As for HOW to build? There’s no recipe for this. Choose a converged institution and compete. Use whatever skills and knowledge you have, start small, and try to exploit their structural weaknesses. If you’re an educator, design home-schooling curricula, or set up private tutoring or online courses. If you’re a technologist, work on alt-tech like social media. If you’re in banking, pool resources to set up a credit union offering financial services to businesses getting screwed by the bigger banks, Visa, etc.

            Vox Day is a great template, in my opinion. He doesn’t just write books, he started a publishing company and is relentlessly scooping up talent from the converged publishers. He used his own talents to bootstrap a force-multiplier for other people’s talents. And I’m sure it was a slow and painful process, but he didn’t start with billions of dollars and it didn’t take him 50 years.

            We need to see more of this, in other industries – and, very importantly, it can’t be a “white nationalist comedy club”, it has to be a “popular comedy club that is run by white nationalists”. The difference is subtle but important; the latter can be written off as fringe, the former is a demonstration of power and authority in mainstream society.

            This means having the ability to maintain a degree of separation between business/art and politics. SJWs can never do this, which is why they destroy everything they touch. In my experience, WNs have this problem too. For example, many of them cannot stop bringing the “JQ” into literally every single conversation, no matter how irrelevant it is. That’s just a really obvious example, though, I don’t mean to single it out; any kind of monomania is a problem.

            AE = Audacious Epigone? I’ve never heard him refer to himself as an MRA and I certainly don’t think of him as one.

          • I tried twice to post a longer reply, but they seem to be disappearing, so… I’ll try a shorter one, see if that works.

            The left doesn’t really build, it just hijacks. Most of today’s left-wing institutions used to be apolitical or even slightly right-wing, like environmentalism. But leftists also tend to destroy what they take over, which is why it’s useless for the right to try to take them “back”.

            Anyway, building means force-multiplying: writers start or join publishing companies (like Vox Day); entertainers start networks and comedy clubs; bankers and investors start credit unions; educators start home-schooling programs and online courses. Use your talent to first establish yourself as independent, then build something bigger.

            It’s really no different from any other form of entrepreneurship, with the exception that the proprietor is right-wing (or WN, whatever) and hostile toward entryists. Ditch the monomania – if you’re woke on the JQ, good for you, but don’t make every meeting about it. And just generally try not to be an asshat and embarrass yourself like Torba.

            If AE = Audacious Epigone then I don’t consider him MRA and don’t think he does either.

          • Thanx much, Lance, for your extensive reply.

            I indeed meant Audacious.
            To go another way on this, do you include, say, Heartiste in your list of those MRAs?

            On monomaniacs, yeah, bringing the “JQ” into literally every single conversation gives them away, as utterly lacking open-mindedness on that issue, and leads to the wager that they’re grinding axe on most other issues.

          • And there go my 3 replies, 2 identical and one summary… hah, next time I’ll be more patient.

            Anyway, Jaqship: I don’t include Heartiste under the “MRA” umbrella either. Game is almost the polar opposite of MRA; even if it feels skeezy to some people, it’s fundamentally about men accepting women for what they are and taking control of their own lives. It’s male empowerment.

            MRA is people like the Honey Badgers and MGTOW movements. They treat men’s issues the same way feminists treat women’s issues: as problems that need social awareness and state intervention to solve. But while this mostly works for women because it elicits sympathy from softer men (damn that biology!), with MRA it elicits nothing but disgust from women, and for obvious reasons doesn’t attract any powerful men.

            To put it much more bluntly: game embraces the natural order, MRA and MGTOW try to deny it.

            Not sure what to call Dalrock. He’s put some interesting ideas out there, especially his Monogamy-Hypergamy Continuum (investment vs. choice). There’s value in searching for the best, most truthful conceptual framework of socio-sexual hierarchy. That’s not MRA per se, it’s just philosophy. The key word is the “A” – that is, Activism – which is an inherently feminine activity. I don’t see Dalrock doing or advocating much of that, but I’m also not an avid follower of him so I may have missed a lot.

    • Lance, the prospect that something “causes most white liberals to tune them out” shouldn’t make us hesitate.
      We must ensure that Normies don’t tune us out, but now that the NYT’s Jeong boasted about “white extinction”, we can use “white genocide” without being dissed as nut jobs.

      • Sorry, but that’s not how it works.

        You have to consider what normal people imagine when they hear these words. For the overwhelming majority, left or anti-left, the phrase “ethnic cleansing” or “genocide” implies machine guns, nerve gas and neutron bombs. Compared to the abstract reality of “low fertility and mass immigration”, it’s a laughable claim – and you will get laughed at for making it.

        You can talk all you want about how the decline in fertility seems deliberately-orchestrated and the mass immigration is unnecessary and historically unprecedented, but by then the normie (not leftists, whom you shouldn’t engage with at all – I’m talking about 95% of the western world’s population) has already written you off as a clown.

        I’m not going to comment on the other aspects of white nationalist doctrine. They make many good arguments, with plenty of hard data to back them up. Their rhetoric, however, is consistently awful. I can’t think of a single one who’s done anything significant to move the overton window; maybe Steve Sailer but he’s not really what I’d consider a WN.

        • Fair enough, Lance, “white extinction” may be safer than “white genocide”.
          So, let’s hit hard as hell on Jeong’s “white extinction”, and how the whole Establishment has given NYT a pass on rhetoric which, applied to PoCs, would’ve gotten her fired ASAP.

  12. Yannow Z, I wonder if it’s even possible to win unless we control the language. I mean – sheesh, how much easier it would be for everyone if we could just honestly differentiate between black people and ni&&ers.

    If you control the language you control a large part of the thinking.

    • There’s no good reason to use the word n–gg–r. Even when differentiating between normal blacks and bad blacks. As with white people, there’s no reason to call them white trash. Just say trash, for ANY color of human. I’m not being PC just to be PC. Using the word n–gg–er is bad for us in every way. And good for us in not a single way. (I’m only referring to public discourse. Speak as you please among like-minded friends).

        • Funny. Not sure if I should be offended. Anyway, lucky for me CNN didn’t do news that night. I think it was last Sunday. Instead they showed Anthony Bourdain’s “Parts Unknown”. So we learned about Basque cuisine.

      • OK Frip, but hit ’em good and hard with “thugs”, no matter how much SJWs whine about how that’s a “racist” code word:

        “If blacks hadn’t so often behaved like thugs, it wouldn’t have become a code word!”

      • Whites calling blacks ni&&ers was normal in this country up until the ERA and AA was enforced by angry men with guns.

        Hell we used to have certain nuts that were colloquially known as “niggertoes”.

        Blacks normally refer to each other as niggers when they talk to each other.

        All of this, including Disney’s “Song of the South” have vanished down the PC/MC maw never to be seen again.

        • After what we did to them, blacks can call each other whatever they want. I think we should shut the fuck up about it. So, we don’t get to say n*g*r, but they get to say nigga. SO WHAT!

          That’s all I’m gonna say about it. No intention of waring with my buds here.

  13. Thanks for the review. Building the intellectual foundation for our case is going to be critical. Twitter trolling is always fun as is getting free publicity with leftist point-and-sputter articles but there needs to be more. We have the facts on our side, it is valuable to continue to push the facts as often as possible as convincingly as possible.

    • Having your ideological foundation clear in your mind is fine, but it’s a poor platform for propaganda, because you give your enemy a target – an invitation to attack. Always deny you even have an ideology, don’t give them anything, but keep it nebulous and concentrate on ridiculing the enemy’s foundation. That’s the recipe that got Trump to Pennsylvania Avenue.

      Likewise, we don’t need leadership, because that gives the enemy an opportunity to personalize the conflict, to tar all of us by smearing that one person.

      Also, don’t give them an organisation to target, every freedom fighter should be a cell of one.

      • Great stuff, Felix.
        Yes, deny you even have an ideology.
        Instead, if you stick to facts, present *various* viable (by our lights) *Alternative* solutions to the mess made by the SJWs, and be open-minded toward others’ viable Alternatives, you can show yourself to be a conscientious steward of the legit interests of *white people*.

        • Not to be pedantic, but isn’t the stewardship of white interests itself an ideology? Encouraging our people to proclaim they have no ideology reminds me of those on our team who want to invent new names for our cause whenever the current name gets criticized. These tactics may afford some short term advantages, but most people will eventually see that we have an ideology and it is white nationalism.

          Why did you put white people in quotes?

          • “Isn’t the stewardship of white interests itself an ideology?”
            Not, I’ll wager, in the sense meant by Felix early in this thread.
            He was responding to Random Dude on “continue to push the facts” (as opposed to preaching ideology as such?).

            “most people will eventually see that we have an ideology”, only if we form a specific organization.
            I’ll wager that Felix is talking about how we act now, while we’re still an (utterly authentic) grass-roots movement, which has a need to present *values*, but no need to get mired in splitting-hairs ideological debates.

            I use asterisks in lieu of caps, not as quotes.

          • Let’s let the SJWs tear each other to bits with Loyalty Oath BS.
            We’re trying to move people’s hearts.

  14. The Kindle book is still available on Amazon. I can’t believe they haven’t banned it yet. And apparently the sjw haven’t found it so far either because there are zero one star reviews. I’m sure they’ll start piling up pretty soon though if I know those kooky leftist!

    • I talked to Greg about this in Denmark. He has not run into any problems with on-line sellers. A guy like Roosh goes out of his way to make a nuisance of himself and gets banned. It is a good example of how you should avoid turning yourself into low hanging fruit for the Left. Their people are lazy and stupid, so they go after the easy targets. Therefore, don’t be an easy target and you avoid most trouble.

      • OT but speaking of Denmark – Tiina had very kind words to say about you on Ramzpaul’s latest Happy Homelands. You have a fan in Finland!

  15. Z: “alien intellectual elite” Really great. The word “alien” lends a fresh, funny and important dimension to the common term “intellectual elite”. Like the acronym MSM, I hope this becomes known as AIE.

    I agree with everything in the “Slow Cleanse”/”Ethnic Cleanse” paragraph. Weird and dumb.

    I hope Johnson left the JQ alone in this new book. Normie and even Alt-Right normie isn’t nearly ready.

    Speaking of weird. Why isn’t David Duke a bigger name/force on the Alt Right? To those, like me, who are only recently familiar with the Alt Right/D-Right movement, Duke seemed to be the guy who started it all, at least on the strictly political party level, back in the 80’s. I don’t know much about him. I heard him in a discussion a few months back, and he seemed narcissistic. And he looks odd. Is he smart? Or just a goofball? There must be a reason why he’s not a bigger player in our thing.

    • On Duke:
      He’s a former Klanner.
      Goes around referring to himself as Doctor (Bogus eastern euro phd.)
      Looks weird? Surgical enhancement.
      Doesn’t offer anything outside of the white racial angle, or hasnt in a long time.
      Others can add , I’m sure.

      • Duke was such an attention whore in the 80’s, he gladly became the organ grinder’s monkey. Whenever Tim Russert need a Nazi, he could country on Duke to show up and play the role. T=he’s a pretty good example of what not to do. Too bad guys like Richard Spencer did not learn the lesson. There’s simply no value in going on mainstream media platforms. Similarly, there’s no point to public activism like rallies and protests. That’s the lesson of all those old guys like Duke.

        • there’s no point to public activism like rallies and protests.

          By protesting, you implicitly denounce democracy: legitimately elected leaders decided so-and-so, but I am not satisfied with that, I want special treatment.

          • I think most normal people hate public protests, unless they are funny or intended to mock the idea of protests. Otherwise, the people we wish to attract, find public activism to be off-putting, at best. The reason is that the public protest is about intimidation. That’s the point of it. it is saying, “See? Look at how many we are and how angry we are. You better think about what you’re doing.”

            Now, there is nothing wrong with posting signs, handing out leaflets or engaging in some subversion. That can be quite effective, because it makes no demands on others.

        • The reason non-political people are familiar with the idea of a white ethnostate is because Spencer did lots of mainstream media. You may say that most of these people disdain the idea, but it is progress that people are aware of it as a possibility.

          • That’s the point. He did a bunch of media and it got him labeled as the preppy racist. Sure, a small number of people were made aware as a result, but the trade-off for him turned out to be a disaster. That was the lesson of David Duke. Once you agree to be a stage prop for Lefty, you inevitably help him mat your expense. It’s why so-called conservatives should never talk to lefty media as well.

          • Z, if you had been advising Spencer in 2016, before Heilgate and Cville, what would you have counselled? (Of course, hindsight is 20/20.)

          • 1) Make other people come to you. In the case of the media, make them abide by your terms. The alleged point of the alt-right was as a revolt against the orthodoxy. It should appear to exist entirely outside of the mass media.

            2) Use scarcity to create mystery. Being too available makes a person uninteresting and easy to categorize. When the leader of something speaks, it needs to command attention. If you’re out all the time talking to the troops, you’re just another guy.

            3) Concentrate on building up what it means to be alt-right. A catchy label is easily corrupted/hijacked when it is not backed by a filled out definition. “This is who we are, this is what defines us and this is what we want.” That way, grifters can’t create their version of your brand.

            All that said, successful mass movement always outgrow their first leaders. The reason is, the first guys need to be more brave than smart. Once they have some success, the movement needs leaders who are more smart than brave.

    • Duke is s goofball, right about a few things, but wrong about much, IMHO. He also has ties to the actual Klan, which has been a wholly owned crab trap of the FBI since at least the 1960’s, so he’s not to be trusted. This goes triple for Nazis, who were 1) German supremacists, not white nationalists, who were responsible for killing more white people than anyone except the Commies; 2) Losers; and 3) Responsible for giving nationalism a worse name than any of it’s enemies have ever done. NatSoc organizations are also almost all deeply penetrated by our enemies. Proceed with caution…

      • What does “ties to the actual Klan” mean? Duke headed a group he founded, right? As far as I know, it was a phase not a link.

    • Yes, when Gandhi referred to the Brits ruling India as an “alien force”, that hit home, and created outrage amongst the rulers. One Colonel Blimp type even retorted “India IS Britain”, inadvertently trolling the whole Raj.

    • David Duke has never been arrested. He is almost certainly like Richard Spencer and Jean Le Pen before him in the pay of the police/security services. Le Pen the elder admitted it and lives in a mansion. His daughter is being set to the funny farm for posting images of ISIS atrocities and asking the French if they wanted more of that by importing ISIS deserters from Syria.

      Authorities will tell you who they fear.

  16. The proper way to reject the prevailing orthodoxy is to not be bound by it and not react to it. One way to do that is to return to the clear use of language.

    Why don’t you follow your own advice?

    What a book like this does is provide language and arguments that the typical white person can use to inoculate their own mind to the prevailing culture.

    This is obviously ungrammatical. The subject of the secondary clause is “typical white person [singular].” You use “their … mind” [plural “their” with singular “mind”]. You’ve internalized the politically correct demand to avoid “his,” but “his” traditionally means his or hers, or you could have simply said “his or her.”

    I expect you’ll say I’m nitpicking or a grammar Nazi. But adopting the enemy’s crimes against the language is conceding the fight in some portion, and repeated over time, you are doing some of the loony Left’s work for it.

    Otherwise, good post as usual.

    • ‘Their’ is, in this case, a gender neutral singular, nothing to do with personal pronouns.

      I expect you’ll say I’m nitpicking or a grammar Nazi.

      You’re both. You’re also wrong.

    • You pick on this “grammar” issue and ignore the three mispellings of policies (probably auto corrected to “polices” but the fourth instance in the paragraph is spelled correctly). Ha, you are obviously SA and not SS. It’s the Eastern Front for you…

      • I don’t call out every misspelling in the blog. That would be irritating. But when Zman follows the cultural-Marxist style playbook it seems to be worth pointing out occasionally whose lead he is following.

  17. Not having cable television for many years I finally went to the sling app a while back. This gives about twenty popular channels with local sportsball. Still it is extremely rare for me to watch and then when I do, give up. Too many freaking commercials. That would be bad enough but is rather shocking how they have doubled down on the poz. Miscegenation and the like, mullattos and so on.

    Do a test and go to any major bank, store, insurance website etc. You would think three quaters of America’s population is black with a strong minority of asians.
    Yeah, it’s a strategy.

    • I’m a cord cutter, so I watch only streaming apps like Pluto TV. There is a commercial featuring a black tranny that was discriminated against by his/her landlord. Another commercial featured a lesbian “married” couple who was discriminated against because a doctor refused service to their “daughter.”

      I would love to hear the Conservative solution to this madness.

    • “Do a test and go to any major bank, store, insurance website etc. You would think three quaters of America’s population is black with a strong minority of asians.”

      Yep. This is true not just of their ads of their alleged customer base but also their employees, but I spent much of my professional career working for some of the largest financial services companies in the world and our offices were giant cubicle farms full of white people. There were some Indian/Paki/Asians in IT but when it came to the regular rank and file professional staff, middle and upper management, sales, etc. it was all white. Most of our clients were also white. Outside of diversity offices I am pretty sure this is true of most all of corporate America.

  18. …the ads on your television that always feature a brown man and a white women are calculated.

    Here in Europe, tobacco products have scare pictures on the package: people dying of cancer, close-ups of tumors, newborns in oxygen tents, mothers smoking while breast feeding etc.

    I’ve noticed that these labels feature white people exclusively. How are things on your side of the pond?

    • We banned all tobacco ads and stores keep their tobacco hidden away from plain sight. Now, for everything else, the white guy is always the stupid person, while the black is always a super genius. It’s so obvious no one even laughs at ti anymore. The one exception to this rule is the black guy gets to be dumb if the black woman needs to be smart.

      My guess is, space aliens watching us think we worship black people as gods.

      • This fits neatly with the bioleninist hypothesis. Negros owe their very existence and everything in it to the neoliberal established order.

      • Generally, we do. Black domination of Sports ball pretty much made Blacks into gods from the objects of derision just casually in say, old Three Stooges shorts, Jack Benny comedy routines, the Topper Movies, etc. Now the only males allowed to be non-soy lattes if you know what I mean are Black athletes and rappers (and aspiring rappers).

        But woe betide the 17 year old boy who tweets out Rap lyrics. Off to the re-education camp with him.

        As “Paul Kersey” noted, it all began with Sportsball dominance.

      • Where’s Ward Cleaver when we need him? I might even settle for the affable Al Bundy over the feckless white males splayed on today’s TV.

    • @Felix_Krull: Having just returned from a trip to Rome, I could see that all those scary European tobacco ads are not very effective, but, as long as the people who make the ads feel good about themselves, that’s all that matters.

      • Well, my take was more sinister: that they deliberately avoid putting brown people in a negative context like tobacco warnings. It’s not that surprising in itself, but the globohomo attention to detail is chilling.

        And no, the scare ads don’t work very well, at least not after the initial shock value has been spent. I’m surprised they haven’t already put similar warnings on snacks and soft drinks and such.

    • The anti-smoking ads on TV almost always feature a good looking white man or woman. Very rarely a black and never a Mexican.

    • I’ve seen a brown guy on a tobacco ad it said “smoking causes impotence” and the picture basically showed his privates burned out

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