The Pale Man’s Burden

Georgia is one of the places to watch if you want to get a partial glimpse into the future, as it is 61% white, but a growing portion of its white population is from outside the south. The Atlanta area has grown like a weed and much of the growth has come from attracting outsiders. A big chunk of those outsiders are Hispanics, so the state has a little bit of everything, as far as demographic challenges. As a result, it will be one of the first states to realize democracy cannot work in a multi-racial, multi-ethnic society.

This story from the past election is a good example of something that pale-folk will come to realize all over the country. That is, you can run out of places to hide. Georgia “solved” the problems of Atlanta by allowing the better parts to secede from the city proper, thus avoiding the challenges of being pale in a diverse city. This concept was applied to other areas that found themselves with a pale tax base, governed by a vibrant majority. Instead the residents fleeing the jurisdiction, the jurisdiction fled the people, so to speak.

As is the case with all such schemes, the Left soon figures out how to defeat them and that seems to be the case with this latest proposal. The author of that piece is an anti-white, so he is a useful example of the attitudes the pale-folk will face in the future, as they seek out new ways to maintain their own communities. The hostile tone masks an important assumption among the diverse. That is, It’s not that they oppose free association. It’s that the diverse have a right to be in close proximity to pale-folk.

It is a strange alteration in the dynamics of race relations that goes unremarked, because the people in charge are still locked in another era. They frame everything as a fight over denying the diverse the same access as the pale. That shipped sailed a long time ago, as the diverse now have greater access than the pale. Even new arrivals from lands over the horizon have special access. Every federal government IT contractor is from South Asia for a reason. That’s right, Indians have a special door just like blacks.

There are so many special doors now, all of which reading “no white men may pass” that it has become a racket in itself. There are firms around Washington that exist just to provide diversity to the government contractor. They are not explicit, but it is the thing everyone knows, but no one says. After generations of this stuff, no one thinks about it anymore. The only people fighting it are East Asians at Harvard, who are basically squabbling with other diverse people over how to slice up the pie. Otherwise, anti-white is the norm.

The new reality that has gone unremarked is something you get a glimpse of in that story out of Georgia. The diverse now demand access to the pale. Even if the pale find some way to carve out their own places, but remain within the law, the diverse will find some way to force their way inside. In other words, the Danegeld of the Civil Rights Movement, which was affirmative action, was not enough. It turns out Kipling was right about the Danegeld. Once you have paid the diverse, you never get rid of the diverse.

That’s what makes Georgia an interesting case to follow. In other jurisdiction, the pale simply keep moving. In Lagos on the Chesapeake, the pale first decamped to the first suburbs, just on the edge of the city. Pale-folk could still bus into jobs in the city, but avoid being killed on their own streets at night. But then the the diverse could take the same buses out to the suburbs, so the pale moved further away. Those inner suburbs decayed and many are now dumping grounds for Hispanics and Africans.

As we saw in the Obama  years, the people in charge are plotting to solve this problem with housing laws. The usual suspects have been hard at work on this for a couple of decades at least. The Obama Administration plan called Affirmative Housing or some such nonsense, was basically an effort to compel pale-folk to live among the diverse, by forcing them to have the diverse in their areas. In other words, the same logic they use to diversify schools would be applied to pale areas in order to make them vibrant.

The underlying assumption to all of this is that the diverse have a natural right to access to the pale. We’ve gone from a mindset that says the diverse should have the same rules as the pale, a sensible thing on the surface, to a mindset that treats the pale-folk as a public good, to which the diverse have a natural right. Given the use of disparate impact law, it is not going to be long before the pale will be responsible for making sure they make themselves available to the diverse. They will have to prove they are accessible.

The Civil Rights Movement was always about the pale people. The usual suspects just used blacks as a weapon in their war on pale people. Most people get that, but still cling to the old pale ideas about equality of access and so forth. Those habits of mind that make pale society so successful, make pale societies vulnerable. As long as pale-folk have had a place to run, they have preferred to hold onto those old pale ideals, rather than face the reality of what’s happening. Disorganized retreat before dishonor!

As we see in Georgia and other places, the trap is slamming shut and the pale will no longer have the luxury of heading off for paler pastures. That’s part of what sparked the emergence of the alt-right. It was suburban pale boys suddenly facing the reality of diversity. They found out that libertarianism is no match for organized vibrancy and that dropped the scales from their eyes. The pale man’s burden is an unsustainable Danegled that just makes the final resolution that much more costly.

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5 years ago

They dont get it. we had peace as long as whites could avoid the aggression and stupidity of ‘diversity’ by moving away. It was cheaper and easier than fighting. Once they can no longer flee, whites will eventually adopt the logic that fighting is easier. It wont happen soon. White delusions and narcissism need to be shattered first, but it will happen. As diversity puts its boot on the necks of whites, I predict the rise of white street gangs. These gangs will be politicized and enjoy a level of tacit support in their communities who will tolerate them because… Read more »

Old cracker
Old cracker
Reply to  Dirtnapninja
5 years ago

Your words to God’s ear!

Reply to  Dirtnapninja
5 years ago

What our betters don’t realize, or maybe they do with their push for more gun laws, is what will happen. Always leave your enemy an out. When you box them in a corner they will fight most ferociously.

Babe Ruthless
Babe Ruthless
Reply to  Dirtnapninja
5 years ago

Good vlog on how small-group political action (either good or bad) must have some kind of larger institutional backing to work. This implies that some kind of “authority” has to be on your side in this sort of thing. (Cf. Charlottesville fiasco.) That’s why it’s very important to keep trying to reach White Normie and his communities and institutions, to legitimize Our Thing and delegitimize their thing.

Reply to  Dirtnapninja
5 years ago

Highly unlikely White men are too atomized. Collective action is not possible. More like a hundred line wolf nutcases bloom. Beck even nutty Iranian fitness video chicks have shot up Youtube iffices

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Whiskey
5 years ago

Hey Whiskey. Miss your blog posts People can change and I’ll note thousands of people went to aid the Bundy’s who belong to a a much loathed group, being LDS on shaky grounds. The were there a long time and ready to fight And sure there were infiltrators, Whites are still a bit too trusting and tolerant. This can change fast I’ll speak from experience , around here in So Cal , its about 40% Latino , 30% White 30% everyone else there is a bit of White solidarity. Its quiet consisting mainly of giving better, more trusting service and… Read more »

Reply to  Dirtnapninja
5 years ago

I, like many others, would rather not fight. That option is being closed off.

I look at Europe (and, increasingly America) and wonder when your prediction – of white people saying THIS FAR, NO FARTHER – will commence.

Western Civilization is the greatest civilization – ever. It needs defending.

Reply to  Dirtnapninja
5 years ago

Britain, our mother country, put paid to the skinhead yobbos and their anti-Paki campaigns. Women, Leftists, and Habib cheered, of course.

Reply to  Dirtnapninja
5 years ago

I see all these pictures of downtown areas boarded up and empty after the urban dwellers pursue the whites to the suburbs, e.g. Baltimore. How about the whites do an about face and retake the blighted areas? A sort of militant gentrfication and leave the vibrants to their own devices in the burbs. Fill the city up so there is no room for invaders? Just a thought

Reply to  Dtbb
5 years ago

You have to have coordination and organization for that to materialize and so far that isn’t happening…I agree with you though it could be done if enough people got on board…

Reply to  Dtbb
5 years ago

The feds won’t ever allow that. In coordination with the local government, they’ll tax some business into oblivion or just take the property (thanks, Kelo) and put up a 30 story Cabrini Green.

Reply to  Dtbb
5 years ago

Urban pioneers are ghey White men who spend quite a bit of time at the gym, and might own personal protection firearms. No kids, no problem with vibrant skools, and appreciate repairable wonderful architecture for a low price. Gentrification and doubling prices every 5 years commences when you get about 30% of houses owned by future-wealthy GWM’s.

Reply to  Dirtnapninja
5 years ago

Identity politics reduced to its purest form is the prison rec yard.

5 years ago

I’ve lived in the ATL metro area for most of my professional career and even though I like a lot of things about the area (lots of activities, great restaurants, proximity to the north Georgia mountains and waterfalls and short drives to great spots in the SE such as Charleston, NW Florida and others), I’m ready to leave because of the constant moves we’ve had to make. Before I had my red pill moment in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, I criticized my late grandfather’s racism and thought myself better, because I had a “diverse” crew of friends. I played… Read more »

Reply to  Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
5 years ago

I’m in a city that’s half Hispanic and growing more so. But I sort have been here all my life. There is probably no one I do business with that is not Hispanic. Oddly, I’m fairly impressed with most all such interactions. But these folk also have been here for multiple generations and are somewhat acculturated to the American ethos. It seems (IMO) that it is the newly arrived illegals that are the straw that is breaking the back of what was formally a pretty good relationship. We need to halt all immigrant inflow for a generation or two to… Read more »

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago

There is still a lot of diversity within the Hispanic community. I grew up with Cubans–I look like a left winger compared to most of them. And they despised Venezuelans, Dominicans and Mexicans. Work closely with an Argentine that IDs more closely with Anglos in the US than any of his “bros” in the rest of Latin American (with Chile as the exception)–he thinks Pinochet was a fine guy.

Reply to  Saml Adams
5 years ago

Sami, Argentines would ID with “Whites” The country is mostly white (made up by a *solicited* influx of Europeans in the early 20th century.). Read a bit of the history of Argentina. It’s a eye opener for all of us on how quickly a country can be transformed via selective immigration. Only in our case, we are not importing a superior population. 😉

De Ferrers
De Ferrers
Reply to  Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
5 years ago

Tennessee brother. Super majority republicans in legislature. Blackburn is our new senator. My county is 97 percent anglo, despite being in driving distance of a major city.

Reply to  De Ferrers
5 years ago

Yeah, was just thinking that. Live rurally. “They” don’t like rural. Some of those nice states in the middle — Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee — visit the city if ya want, but don’t live there. Of course, it helps to have a career planned out so you can live anywhere (teaching, and it could sure use some more cons/trads.)

Reply to  Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
5 years ago

…great restaurants…

And later, historians asked, “Why did they give up their nation without a fight?”

The answer they discovered? They did it for the ethnic restaurants.

Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

We didn’t need regime change, we needed cuisine change.

Milestone D
Milestone D
Reply to  Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
5 years ago

I went to college in Atlanta and lived in Georgia off and on as an adult. Your comment about Abrams’ result is spot-on. When I heard that the Dems nominated her, I figured they were conceding the race as I thought there was Zero chance a fat, black woman could win in my state. Her vote totals frankly shocked me. And from what I can tell, her increased vote totals (compared to Jimmy Carter’s relative who ran in 2014) came from north Atlanta suburbs, which means carpetbagger Yankees bringing their corrupted political preferences with them. What made Atlanta “work” (to… Read more »

5 years ago

This is death by cancer, slow and insidious. This strategy is optimum for them because the host dies so slowly that it never recognizes the threat and consequently remains docile until the very end. Alternately, if they become too bold and act too quickly, they risk waking up the host prematurely and then have to deal with a backlash. If they are not careful, their impatience and arrogance will be their undoing. South Africa will be the canary in the coal mine, and I’m guessing Europe will wake up before we do.

Ris Eruwaedhiel
Ris Eruwaedhiel
5 years ago

To some, people have a “right” to migrate to any White nation they choose and it’s “racist” to deny them entry. No one says that people have a right to migrate to, say, Japan, though many would like to.

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
Reply to  Ris Eruwaedhiel
5 years ago

It never seems to be said that poor areas, and Third World countries in particular, are suffering from a deficit of whites. Domestically, it is slandered as gentrification. Internationally, any mass settlement of expatriates would probably be called neocolonialism. Western immigration policies serve to strip mine many Third World countries of their High IQ population, but this is rarely condemned as elites back home enjoy the remittance income.

Reply to  Ris Eruwaedhiel
5 years ago

That’s because unlike us Japan does not permit people to immigrate, migrate or seek asylum.

Wilson McWilliams
Wilson McWilliams
Reply to  Hoagie
5 years ago

Actually, you can emigrate to Japan, it’s just really difficult… as it should be, if a nation’s rulers gave a shit about the nation’s people and culture.

The Japanese government does. The USG does not. Another win for team “democracy”.

Reply to  Wilson McWilliams
5 years ago

Sure–except in the case of Japan, the nation will die out in about 200 years or less from lack of children.

Reply to  dad29
5 years ago

The American “nation” will be dead in thirty.

Reply to  dad29
5 years ago

You assume that low birth rates will continue forever. If Japan maintains its splendid isolation then at some point the internal economics will flip and natalism will spring up again.

Daniel K Day
Daniel K Day
Reply to  Nikk
5 years ago

As a matter of fact, the internal economics are forcing the Japanese government to plan on importing half a million foreigners, mainly men, and giving them temporary work permits. I should probably say “temporary” in sneer quotes. Big business is all for it.
What will big business say when those men marry Japanese wives and apply for spouse visas?

Reply to  dad29
5 years ago

Due to the nature of Ornamentals if they see a point where they’ll “die out” they will require people have 2-3-10 children or whatever is needed. They are not stupid round eyes who will import Mohammedans and Africans to solve a Japanese problem.

Zeroth Tollrants
Zeroth Tollrants
Reply to  dad29
5 years ago

This is not true. You’ve been gaslit by Western propaganda.

Reply to  Zeroth Tollrants
5 years ago

Right, just like all those Koch fellows screaming for open borders cause they can’t find cheap labor quickly enough.

5 years ago

So what is happening to us white folks, being forced to be diversity foster parents to the vibrants? We can’t outrun them anymore I guess, time to take that stand we didn’t want to make. ( by white folks I am not referring to our whiter and better gene stocked overlords?

Toddy Cat
Toddy Cat
Reply to  David_Wright
5 years ago

Vibrants want access to whites for the same reason that wolves want access to sheep, it’s no big mystery. And no matter where the sheep go, the wolves will follow. The only answer is to stop being prey, which is basically what the alt-right is all about, and why the Vibrants and their masters hate it so much. Suddenly, and totally unexpectedly, some of the sheep have started sprouting some nasty looking horns, and have actually impaled a wolf or two. Interesting times ahead.

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  Toddy Cat
5 years ago

I want cheering up. What wolves have been impaled?

Reply to  Gravity Denier
5 years ago

Gamergate managed to draw blood from the games press. It could be argued that a few hundred thousand whites in MI, OH, and PA who have voted reliably blue for decades made the big jump to Trump because they got redpilled, so the progressive left got impaled in 2016. The decline of NASCAR and the pushback against the NFL anthem protests might well have something to do with Whitey awakening.

Reply to  Toddy Cat
5 years ago

Well wolves run in packs so unless the wolfhounds start doing that as well then they will go down one at a time…

Spud Boy
Spud Boy
5 years ago

Affirmative Action, which took off in the late 1970s, was the camel’s nose in the tent. Now the camel is fully inside the tent and shitting in your breakfast.

AA so incensed me at the time that I wrote a research paper for my college english class in 1981 opposing it. To this day, I still can’t believe the Supreme Court allows it.

5 years ago

The dirty little secret is that hispanic people hate black people more than the KKK ever did. Black people are going to have big problems of their own in the future in this U.S.A.

Babe Ruthless
Babe Ruthless
Reply to  George
5 years ago

The “melting pot” is turning into a big, rancid stew.

Kevin Balch
Kevin Balch
Reply to  Babe Ruthless
5 years ago

It’s a cannibal’s pot.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  George
5 years ago

Grew up around a lot of Cubans. During the Liberty City riots there was an attempt to take that shit into the Cuban neighborhoods. Lasted a bit less than a nano-second as the old Bay of Pigs and Alpha 66 guys took care of business.

Reply to  Saml Adams
5 years ago

Like the armed Korean shopowners on the roofs of their businesses in the Rodney King riots. Don’t screw with the Koreans.

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

So what happened to South Central after the diverse razed small diverse businesses?

Big Korean warehouses with gold lettering and big iron fences happened.
Smart Koreans took major advantage of the resulting minority enterprise zones.

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

Koreans are smart, savvy, and committed. One of the reasons that China supports NK and the partition of Korea, is that the Koreans scare the Chinese shitless.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

I’ve always found cultures that managed to survive for millennia while parked next to or between great powers interesting Korea is a prime example. They should have been stamped out long ago. But they survived.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  George
5 years ago

Here in California we have outright ethnic cleansing of Blacks in many neighborhoods. The Feds prosecuted a few guys for it but unlike Whites ,Mexicans anfd others don’t give a shit and will die or do the time as needed and without shame. Its still going on quietly for the most part too. I respect that a lot but if Y/T goes down that route and he might and is strong enough to make it stick its the end of the post modern era. Maybe this is a good thing but there are a few medical breakthroughs I’d like that… Read more »

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  A.B. Prosper
5 years ago

From what I’ve heard, Compton, CA (“Straight outta Compton!”) is now Mexican. That didn’t take long.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Wolf Barney
5 years ago

I’ve been there and it majority is . Its also better though not Mi Barrio if you know what I mean

Kevin Balch
Kevin Balch
Reply to  Wolf Barney
5 years ago

Compton is 2/3 latino yet most of its elected officials are black. So much for a government that looks like the people it represents.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  George
5 years ago

The Coalition of the Fringes will be at each others’ throats. No other races are welcoming like high-trust virtue-signalling Scandinavians. It would be fun to watch if I could watch it from a place free of diversity.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
5 years ago

Was at ground zero when Obama’s HUD tried to nullify and rewrite local zoning laws. The County Exec that explained in a WSJ editorial that he would go to jail rather than submit is a friend of mine. In our little village HUD’s formula for calculating how much “low income” housing we’d need to build to “comply” represented 400% of the local annual budget. Never mind that there is almost no buildable land…they had a solution…rezone for multi-family in any single family zone that might have an empty lot or purchase a home and demolish it. School cost calculations never… Read more »

Lester Maddox
Lester Maddox
5 years ago

Eagle’s Nest was an attempt to cull the funding of low income, low property value (read diversity,) areas which remain dependant on the higher income, higher property value (read white,) areas to bankroll the cost of increasingly expensive public services. Something similar has been happening, albeit more surreptitiously, in a small town in north Gwinnett County. The city has the highest-ranked elementary school in the state and a top-ranked middle and high school. It is curious to note how new subdivisions are springing up throughout the city, but the lower property value neighborhoods <300k, are strategically zoned for Gwinnett County… Read more »

5 years ago

The Civil Rights Movement was always about the pale people. The usual suspects just used blacks as a weapon in their war on pale people. Most people get that, but still cling to the old pale ideas about equality of access and so forth. I really don’t think most people get that. I’ve dropped a few controversial posts about race on InstaPundit lately, such as in regard to the Harvard Asian admissions controversy that I am not eager to be ruled by an Asian elite and we’re being played for suckers, and I got hit with an avalanche of egalitarianism… Read more »

Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago
Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Does the TruCon who told you:

Disagree. First, free yourself from the partisan categories de jour…

have any clue your quote came from 1897?

Same reply – “…amended under its own terms” – as if that matters. “At least we followed the rules” PotA meme needed.

Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

They haven’t come to the realization that you can’t reason with a people who want you dead…

Kevin Balch
Kevin Balch
5 years ago

Our current trajectory is based on several false assumptions. 1. People are Lego bricks that differ only in color and can be snapped together into any society desired. 2. Democracy is a workable system of government over large geographic areas containing a polyglot of races, religions, cultures etc. 3. IQ and future time orientation do not matter. 4. Diversity is our greatest strength. 5. Money can be created by a cartel of private banks based on controlled purchases of government debt that must continuously increase to sustain the system. 5. A society can function when there are more takers than… Read more »

Reply to  Kevin Balch
5 years ago

Tell that to the 100,000 Somalis in Minnesota!

Reply to  Kevin Balch
5 years ago

Ozarks, baby. 99.9% pure, like the soap. St. Louis and Little Rock are fur enuff away.

Reply to  Shrugger
5 years ago

Got ‘cha — right there ya go. With no TV and selective books and internet rather than H-weird movies for entertainment, you can forget “vibrancy” is in existence.

Reply to  Kevin Balch
5 years ago

The Russians of the 1920s might beg to disagree with your final paragraph.

Reply to  Kevin Balch
5 years ago

The Great Plains are still pretty wide open and spacious.

5 years ago

Without a judicial system totally infested by Lefty activists who are making social policy via edict none of this would be happening. Worse the the DOJ has been at the forefront of this. I remember during the Obama regime, they sent DOJ lawyers to threaten may town’s mayor because he made noises about not wanting anymore section 8 due to public outcry. When you really stop and think about it, the government is our real threat. They are really pushing to eradicate heritage whites and the country itself. If you oppose what they want, they send lots of angry white… Read more »

Reply to  Rod1963
5 years ago

Yep without a doubt Brother… Problem is everyone is still to comfortable under the current system to do anything about it besides of course bitch about it…

Reply to  Rod1963
5 years ago

…and no matter how much they say it’ll benefit “the people,” every bit of tax money for any purpose goes through congress and the bureaucrats, who skim off a good 10-20% for themselves and their friends. God help us if single payer ever goes through.

Frederick V
5 years ago

The whole state of California is going the way of the most corrupt city of Bell, CA. Retard level hispanics enriching themselves, well, because they could. That is the template. Non-whites seem to have this insatiable desire to raid the local treasury and empty it as fast as possible. You see it in every major city run by blacks and Hispanics. Detroit’s Kwame Fitzpatrick (who did not have an administration so much as a “posse”) quite notable as all the Hernandezes and Rizzos of places like Bell. I think that in terms of evolutionary biology, when we are dealing with… Read more »

Reply to  Frederick V
5 years ago

As much as I hate the whole Affirmative Housing thing, it does make the limousine liberals eat their own cooking. Though I am confident that somehow Malibu and Montecito will be left out of it all.

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

it does make the limousine liberals eat their own cooking

No, it never does. They never allow it in their own neighborhoods.

Babe Ruthless
Babe Ruthless
5 years ago

Haha, just let them find me in my Antarctic ice cave!

(Babe Ruthless, 2028: “Remember when the ‘let them find me in my Antarctic ice cave’ thing was just a joke?”)

Kevin Balch
Kevin Balch
Reply to  Babe Ruthless
5 years ago

A new meaning to the term “Pale of settlement”.

Reply to  Babe Ruthless
5 years ago

Iceland Babe…

5 years ago

And, right on time, today’s WP article, “How white racism destroys black wealth”. I’ll save you the trouble of reading it. Adjusting for home quality, crime rates, and other such things, a house in a black neighborhood sells for an average of $48k less than the same house outside the black neighborhood. It’s all because of “decades of racist policies”. No mention that, just maybe, people simply don’t want to live in black neighborhoods… To top it off, “‘If we can detect how much racism depletes wealth from black homeowners (already stated at $48k average), we can begin to address… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

By the way, the black homeowner paid $48k less as well. So let’s have him buy a house at a discount and then refund him the amount of the discount. Right.

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

Well of course Dutch otherwise you’re just a big mean wacist…Or is that Waaaacyyyyst…I can’t keep track of them all…

Chaotic Neutral
Chaotic Neutral
5 years ago

This was good. What you see where I live, a typical southeast metropolis, is white flight to ever more distant suburbs and exurbs, which become paradisical swipple whitopias(with a dash of hick ; ))for about a decade. This is great, but at some point, there will be no farther to run, and they will have to stand and fight, but by then the demographic writing will be on the wall. The time to resist is now…or was it yesterday?

5 years ago

Both my kids’ high school and UC colleges were almost all high achieving white and Asian (that’s what self-segregation does), with a few blacks thrown into the mix, likely through the AA boondoggle. At the graduation ceremonies, there was a bit of public preening by some of the graduates and cheering by their families in the audience. For the few blacks, it was NFL style end zone dances on the stage and absolute bedlam from the families. I am sure it would be described in a formal review as “we express our jubilation more outwardly than the rest of you”,… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

…..and for a degree in sociology, anthro, or one of the other therapy studies, no less……where you never even have to touch a calculator, let alone how to use it.

Babe Ruthless
Babe Ruthless
5 years ago

Speaking of “access to the pale,” surely everybody remembers this: Male, Pale and Stale University Professors to be Given ‘Reverse Mentors’.

Literal physical face-to-face access to white men, who can’t even be alone any more.

Pretty soon, it’s going to be like one of those Hollywood movies where the white guy and black guy are handcuffed together.

We’re going to have to cut the chains of those handcuffs.

House of Pancakes
House of Pancakes
Reply to  Babe Ruthless
5 years ago

It would be funny to see one of those movies where the black guy and the white guy are handcuffed together, trying to outrun the Feds, and slowly learning a grudging newfound respect for rack other. Only in this movie, the white guy knows how to do everything cleverly, the black guy is just a constant bumbling nuisance. They finally break into a tool shed where the white guy finds a hacksaw… WHITE GUY: Eureka! Now we can go our separate ways! BLACK GUY: Actually, I was, uh, sort of starting to like the handcuffs. Maybe we could keep them… Read more »

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
Reply to  Babe Ruthless
5 years ago

Its ludicrous to think that a growing population of lower-income people would be anything but envious of a decadent legacy population.

Reply to  Babe Ruthless
5 years ago

Wow, it’s going to be a pain in the ass for me to haul around that corpse, but I’m afraid if I just cut the wrist off, they’ll assign me a new one.

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  Babe Ruthless
5 years ago

If you want to get a sense of the state of play in the U.K., check out the comments. On one hand, many of them scathingly savage the anti-white, anti-male scheme. (“Sounds rather like the discredited ‘recovered’ memory debacle to me, but then I might be unconsciously against such stupidity.”) It’s a little surprising that a major British news source, even the supposedly conservative Telegraph, would publish such Crimethink. But it comes off as no more than witty griping. About the strongest call to action is urging pale stale male victims to join UKIP. I don’t follow UKIP’s positions closely,… Read more »

Reply to  Gravity Denier
5 years ago

EDL and a few other organisations have held some marches. Britian First seems to have caught the attention of the elite. One British politician killed by a right winger prior to the Brexit vote. Another dude drove his car into a group outside a mosque.Tommy Robinson has ,arguably, articulated the real situation more accurately than any American I can think of. The new head of UKIP has really started to talk about the importance of demographic change . The Daily Telegraph is a middle class rag so you are probably not going to understand the temper of the average Brit… Read more »

Reply to  Gwithian
5 years ago

I live a few miles outside my hometown of Liverpool a city now maybe only 85%+ white. Where I now live I’d guess its 97%+ and not likely to change soon and the working class lads who work for me sound like adverts for stormfront (if they knew what that was). The average working brit fucking loathes London and the shit it contains.

Reply to  thud
5 years ago

Ah, I was born in Anfield…

Reply to  thud
5 years ago

Thud I know you guys are short on guns over there but they still let you have matches correct…May there be a favorable wind in your future…

King Tut
King Tut
Reply to  Gravity Denier
5 years ago

There is no link to the article to which you refer but as a Brit I can tell you that the state of play here has been bad for a very long time. To give you some idea, imagine the most cucked, RINO, neverTrumper Republican and he is still George S. Patton compared to any of his counterparts in the British Conservative Party. The opposition Labour Party is now entirely in the hands of outright Maoists. Every institution has been reorganised around anti-native narrative and full poz degeneracy. UKIP was established in the 1990’s as an anti-EU party and, once… Read more »

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  King Tut
5 years ago

The link is several comments upthread under the heading Babe Ruthless.

King Tut
King Tut
Reply to  Gravity Denier
5 years ago

Yes, realised that only after I posted. Thanks.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
5 years ago

Out here in California, we had to deal with this years ago. Just why did so many of the pale folk in my area become rabid environmentalists sometime in the mid 90’s? The answer is that earth worshiping is a perfect cover to put in all kinds of land-use and urban sprawl laws, where any lawyer can stop a building project in its tracks for years. Marin County brought this to a high art. An artificial housing shortage was created shortly thereafter. Even if Juan can afford the 3% down to get into a half million shack, he needs a… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
5 years ago

California is completely feudal in its social structure. The greenie-environmental-hippie-Democrat overlay gives intellectual cover to the whole thing.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

My only recommendation for the Atlanta area, and others like it is a movement for greenbelts and wilderness areas, and lots of parks with hiking and cycling trails. No more 3000 homes being put in with a Chik-Fil-A on the corner. Exclusivity is the new paleness. Also, increase the gas tax to keep them out of the ex-urbs. Here’s another thing. These Republicans love developers. Developers are NOT your friend. They’re the first ones to hire illegal aliens at the gas station. More developers means more Manuel labor. They would build 100,000 houses at a time if you let them.… Read more »

Kevin Balch
Kevin Balch
Reply to  JR Wirth
5 years ago

Gavin Newsom wants to quadruple the annual rate of housing construction by forcing cities to meet affordable housing targets in order to get rewarded with money from the bond measures for housing thst were passed earlier this month. The home construction industry will gladly take their share of the loot. Also, local housing density and other zoning laws will be weakened.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Kevin Balch
5 years ago

Think of that as if it was a Trump promise. The same as saying “we’re going to build a new GM factory in OH, shiny and new.” Not happening. All these politicians say that to placate the masses, but the law never gets passed. Vested interests are entrenched.

Kevin Balch
Kevin Balch
Reply to  JR Wirth
5 years ago

He’s got a veto-proof majority in the legislature. The home builders, bankers etc. can profit from this. They have convinced themselves the state has a budget surplus. 4dAZQ

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
5 years ago

The major challenge of the current period is the adjustment of deindustrialization in the First World. No country has escaped it, some like Japan have minimized it, while Germany was able to inflict the pain onto Southern Europe. The coming challenge of the next several decades is the possibility that large amounts of unskilled labor could be automated out of existence. Some predict that population aging is one way out, as Boomers are tortured to death by vibrants in nursing homes.

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
Reply to  DeBeers Diamonds
5 years ago

There has been skepticism of automation here, but I have to note the considerable investments that the tech oligarchy is making into robots, AI and machine learning; along with their doomsday homes in New Zealand. Will this mean enough wealth to give everyone their panem et circuses? Or the prelude to Skynet?

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  DeBeers Diamonds
5 years ago

AI is a funny thing–smart and dumb at the same time. Worked on two initial applications of the unbundled Watson technology in financial services and the results were underwhelming. Doesn’t mean it won’t work, but there is a long road to the robot overlords. What I do see is the failing of our education system to produce graduates with the needed technology and financial/analytical skills. Right now the overlords are more likely to be named Ajit and Wang than Watson.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  DeBeers Diamonds
5 years ago

Its a prelude to the Georgia Guidestones

500 million they chose get to live, the rest die.

As such a post robot future if we have one will be more like Warhammer 40K or Dune I suspect

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
Reply to  DeBeers Diamonds
5 years ago

Alongside the dichotomy of fight/flight, is the option we typically despise worst of all. Surrender and collaboration. This is not something we will have any role in choosing, it entirely depends on the mindset of the victor. The so-called “Fred Reed option”

House of Pancakes
House of Pancakes
5 years ago

Donald Trump was the last chance for a peaceful, rational resolution to all this. He was the most you could possibly expect for a pro-White, pro actual-American (viz. not Paperwork-American), center-right President that this country could realistically hope for. His campaign policy proposals were rational and thoughtful, not at all Far Right Extreme Naziball. He used his own money, and so did not owe (((political favors))). He had visible popularity and enthusiasm which the Sea-Hag did not, his base was energized, steadfast in the face of psycho leftard political violence and civil harassment, and visibly, actually American. He came into… Read more »

Chad Thundercock
Chad Thundercock
Reply to  House of Pancakes
5 years ago

Nothing is going to happen until the American Empire goes tits up. Once the economy heads south and there ain’t no more gibsmedats then the real fun is going to start. Buy ammo, cuz you don’t have enough.

Reply to  House of Pancakes
5 years ago

Possibly, say, 50 sovereign states?

Reply to  House of Pancakes
5 years ago

And instead we got tax cuts, a musical comedy show with North Korea, and –wait for it… favors for Israel.

You forgot prison reform.

5 years ago

Don Advo on SF Radio had an eloquent way of putting it: it used to be the case under slavery that Whites had a right to compel the physical presence of Negroes. After the Brown decision, this was reversed. Now Blacks (and others) have a right to compel the physical presence of Whites (children in that case, but it’s been expanded). In essence they now have property rights over White people.

5 years ago

White guy moving is the deal around San Diego, either to Montana and Idaho, or close by to the north and the northeast. Lots of it. Self-segregation.

Along those lines, note that Trudeau in Canada is fully buying in to the “no borders” U.N. thing. Time to step back and see how all that is going to work out. Maybe we can transit all of our border jumpers to Canada on a one-way bus trip. Of course, being Canadians, the displaced whites will probably apologize for everything on their way out.

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

How do you say “British Columbia” in Chinese? Or will they just give it a new name altogether?


Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

the folks leaving California ruin everything they touch. they take their stupid voting habits and guilt with them . why do you thingk Colorado turned blue? and is now ainti-gun and on the road to becoming a sanctuary state. now even Idaho, the GOP chamber of commerce types business owners is bringing in diversity

Reply to  miforest
5 years ago

Even Idaho. Our complacency started there at Ruby Ridge…….

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

Don’t get your hopes up. In Missoula at least we are afflicted with an outfit called Soft Landings headed by a women who moved in just for the purpose of seeding the area with vibrant people from every shithole country in the word—literally. Money comes from Catholic Charities and some Lutheran outfit. This was one of Obumble’s projects of infiltrating white enclaves with the lowest IQ’s he could find. Add to that the University here that seems to attract every looney liberal kid from around the U.S. and you have the makings for another Detroit. Same goes for Bozeman, Great… Read more »

Reply to  Dennis
5 years ago

The Mainline churches are all in on this stuff. They get a two-fer. They get to destroy the traditional community ties and role of the congregations, and they get to distribute the people around. The Mainlines are going to go for on-line congregations soon, and get rid of the physical chapels and sanctuaries all together. The church version of Politico or Huffington Post, and a completion of the atomization of the membership.

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

“The Mainlines are going to go for on-line congregations soon, and get rid of the physical chapels and sanctuaries all together.” Nah. C’mon man, reel it in a bit. People like to be together. That’s why they go to church.

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

*whispers to Dutch*
Crystal City, CA
Undiscovered coastal paradise
20 miles south of Oregon border
Temps average between 40-70, all year, small town, 85% YT
The frequent town fairs are Old Wierd America

The Pacific can be your backyard, the forest your front, for 100-200K
Watch out for the elk herds when driving

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

Shhh-don’t tell anyone…(the airport right on the coast is cool, looks like you changed the town name a bit)

I do have my high desert space staked out, paid for, and mostly built out. Stars at night, cold water in the well, and off the grids. I love the desert.

The cool thing about California is that there are all sorts of pockets of like-thinking people, living in and around little anonymous dots on the emptier parts of the map. Wide spaces along the road and at the far end of obscure little turn-outs.

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

Crystal City, CA has Crystal City, TX all beat then, except for the taxes and government.

Speaking of Crystal City, CA, have you ever seen the (not very good movie) “The Last Valley.” Won’t do any good living in either Crystal City, if it can’t be defended.

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

Went to school just south of CC, CA. Ah, the Lost Coast and the redwoods! Often wonder if it’s as good as it was in the 90s. It was paradise then, just as San Diego was in the 70s.

Based Millennial
Based Millennial
5 years ago

Based on what happened in South Africa, I think white will fall asleep and still virtue signal even as everything is literally collapsing. My co-worker is South African (British, no Afrikaaner) and he is your typical insufferable white liberal. He’s snobbish to Trump, claims all the race problems are exaggerated, etc. This in a country where whites are now in the end stage of the racial genocide. On the other hand, Americans were traditionally fighters and frontiersmen compared to the deferential nod to authority that most Europeans had for monarchy and central government. Even after decades of suburbanization and the… Read more »

Reply to  Based Millennial
5 years ago

Yup, even South African “conservatives” like the execrable Kim du Toit, while admitting the disaster of modern South Africa, will not disavow their support of ending Apartheid.

My assumption is that most White American conservatives will be the same. They’ll be confiscating White lands and businesses and White conservatives will be harumphing that the only proper way to do that is with a Constitutional amendment.

Chad Thundercock
Chad Thundercock
Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

Coming soon to NR “ The Conservative Case for taking Whitey’s stuff” by Jonah Goldberg

Reply to  Based Millennial
5 years ago

The Boers were fighters and frontiersmen, too. Look what happened in South Africa.

Reply to  Based Millennial
5 years ago

Affirmative action, PC, Whiteness studies all came from the US. I think you overestimate the percentage of the US population which is descended from pioneers. Most European countries had political movements concerned with racial issues long before the rise of the alt-right.

Reply to  Based Millennial
5 years ago

On the other hand, Americans were traditionally fighters and frontiersmen. On the other hand? Do you know anything about SA history? It was the US where the alt-right appeared and flourished, with Europeans copying elements of it. The alt-right is an internet movement, but it was in the US that Cultmarx flourished, and Europeans are waaaaay to the right of the US when it comes to immigration. Most countries on the mainland have had white nationalist parties in parliament for the last twenty years, at least. You don’t even have a civic nationalist party to vote for. Wake up! America… Read more »

5 years ago

Reading anything from mainstream publications or textbooks that mentions white flight is a lesson in PC speak. What a shock it would be to come across just one normal-language sentence, such as, “and then the whites left because they don’t like blacks.” Or “the whites left because they’re afraid of blacks.” They MIGHT write, “whites left because of a spike in crime”, but the next sentence will be that it’s whitey’s fault. This stuff used to drive me crazy in school and make me feel bad about myself. Where was MY safe space? Where was MY trigger warning?

Reply to  Frip
5 years ago

The issue isn’t being ‘afraid of blacks’ …the issue is ‘don’t want to go to jail for shooting a piece of shit’…i, and most people I know, tolerate things to a degree…but it’s rapidly approaching a point where tolerance is overrated…

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
5 years ago

Unfortunately, the USA is a very big place. Too big. I grew up in New England but have lived in California for almost 40 years. When I moved here huWhytes made up almost 70% of the state. Today it’s half that, if even that. Most of the huWhytes I knew when I first moved here are now somewhere in the Rocky Mountain corridor. Many of them Californicating the area they’ve settled. It’s tempting to think that we’ve finally hit a wall and now need to react, but we may not be there yet. There are still too many places to… Read more »

5 years ago

“ The timing and the optics were terrible: The group was making this Southern secession play right after Stockbridge elected its first black mayor and its first all-black city council.”

Gee, sounds like Stockbridge isn’t celebrating diversity.

Kevin Balch
Kevin Balch
Reply to  Corn
5 years ago

Even the new town was going to be quite “diverse and vibrant”

5 years ago

Mark Zuckerberg and Hack Dorsey are all over this.

In the future every person of color in the world will have fractional ownership of a White person. On demand. Via an app,

Reply to  Whiskey
5 years ago

Are you saying they don’t already? Last year I paid enough in taxes to support a family of five above the poverty line. If only they’d give me the name of the Black family I’m supporting so I could make sure Massa is happy.

5 years ago

When I lived in Atlanta, the chamber of commerce types came up with the unctuous motto, “Atlanta: the City too Busy to Hate”. Most thinking white people knew that this was aimed clearly at whites who did not want to join the civil rights carnival. But those few of us who didn’t mind voicing our dissent at the time rephrased it, “Atlanta: the City too Busy to Think”. And we’re getting the last laugh.

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

I remember the triumphant stories of “The New South.” That was a foreshadowing of the “we’re getting rid of the Whites” blatant hate we see today.

Kevin Balch
Kevin Balch
Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

The elevators in the Atlanta transit stations have urine detectors.

Reply to  Kevin Balch
5 years ago

They should rename Colony Square “Jungle Plaza”.

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

Trivia: NYC just decriminalized turnstyle- hopping ‘cos it had a “disparate impact.” Turns out 90% were of a kind…

5 years ago

Fortified homes as exist in South Africa are our future. Have a friend in L.A. that bought a home in a vibrant community and he put up an eight foot concrete wall topped with another couple of feet of “decorative” iron spikes, a heavy duty gate, and reinforced burglar bars on the front windows. With the money he saved buying in the ghetto he built, what can only be described as, a resort in the back yard. The kids, of course, go private schools. The other chink in their armor is that there is not much need for cities anymore.… Read more »

Based Millennial
Based Millennial
Reply to  Mcleod
5 years ago

Our work life would be much easier if everyone can telecommute. Technologies like WebEx and Cisco, along with VPN and chat groups allow for anyone to work remotely. It’s here that I blame managers. Many are such control freaks that they still force people to come and commute in the cities. They feel that no one will work without their presence. Meanwhile, they’d get more productivity if they transformed that 1-2 hours lost in commuting into work done from telecommuting.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Based Millennial
5 years ago

I run almost my whole team virtually now. In fact haven’t been in the office or home for more than two days for the last three weeks.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Mcleod
5 years ago

Your ability to telecommute is a product of cheap energy and a complex system that won’t be easy to maintain as the US goes Brazil. For most people don’t count on it all working or even having a job in a few years. Even if you are essential , a broke nation run into the ground and being looted will gladly not do essential things We already don’t , US Infrastructure is crumbling and that lack of action is responsible for the worst fires in Califnria history That said the biggest problem is that people on the Right can’t realize… Read more »

5 years ago
Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  miforest
5 years ago

They’re working on all 50 states. A few weeks ago, the NYT article pointing out the problem of too much whiteness in Vermont, now even Idaho is importing diversity. Back in the 90’s and 00’s, in places like Vdare, it was said that the problems of diversity in California are coming to your state. That scenario seemed like it would take a long time, but here we are.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
5 years ago

New American and African blacks arriving in my Idaho city every week. It was a trickle under Obama, now a flood since Trump took office.

5 years ago

OT: Libertardians, living up to stereotypes:

If You Like Sex, Drugs, and/or Robots, Please Donate to Reason!

What a shitshow.

Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

Like the morons at Reason you obviously confuse libertarians with libertines.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  bilejones
5 years ago

Having the freedom to do something fun means many people will do that thing if they can.

Liberty and Libertarian always leads to Libertines

And note yes this can be good, owning firearms is hugely beneficial as are many of the things in the bill of rights but there are good reason sex , porn and the like were heavily regulated by the State as after a point drugs and robots/automation (obliquely its partially why we have a 30 hour week )

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  A.B. Prosper
5 years ago

That is 40 hour work week. Not 30.

Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

Saw a comment, “the Jewish libertarians at Reason”.

Is that true? How did libism turn from “Tenth Amendment Constitutionalism” to “open borders economy”?

Zeroth Tollrants
Zeroth Tollrants
5 years ago

As your Atlanta born, current GA resident commenter, I’d like to say thanks for highlighting our plight. Since the mid 60s, my family has played Anne Frank in this state, in an attempt to avoid the vibrancy. I’ve lived pretty much all around the suburban metro area, currently NE of the city proper, about 40 min out. While my tiny area is an oasis in the sea of diversity, they have steadily pushed in, leaving little time left before it’s time to flee, this time permanently. The biggest issue facing my area is less black and more Hispanic and non-model… Read more »

Reply to  Zeroth Tollrants
5 years ago

I visited Atlanta in my early 20’s. Went into the main library and it was full of gay celebration posters. Lincoln’s Gay! Shakespear’s Gay! type shit. This was way back in the 90’s, when they didn’t even have to do that. Atlanta was so desperate to be Yankee it was embarrassing. No integrity. F**k Atlanta.

Lance E
5 years ago

If only there were some way to apply these policies to the white liberals who support diversity (at a safe distance, of course) and not the white conservatives who oppose it.

Of course in reality it’s the opposite. You *could* view this as the dusky vs. the pale, but in reality it’s a form of class warfare, with white bourgeoisie using these policies as a way of dumping their “problems” on the white proles.

5 years ago

I still can’t believe whites allowed school “bussing” way back in the 60’s. Or did it start in the 70’s. Govt: “We’re gonna take your kid and ship her across town to a dangerous school, ok?” WTF. If that wasn’t a wake-up call I don’t know what would be.

Kevin Balch
Kevin Balch
Reply to  Frip
5 years ago

Remember, it was enforced using the military. The same military we are told cannot patrol our borders or resist illegal invaders.

Reply to  Kevin Balch
5 years ago

Kevin. I didn’t know that. I really need to read up on the whole thing. I’m sick of hearing myself say, “how did bussing happen!?”

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  Frip
5 years ago

Quite a few people in South Boston in the ’70s stood against their kids being bused to schools in black neighborhoods. They didn’t prevail but made their point … and were ahead of their time.

Of course they’ve been control-alt-deleted from official history.

Reply to  Frip
5 years ago

I believe it was ’71 when rioting Negroes came to our naturally diverse little farm district in CA.
No problems with a half dozen different peoples til then. We all got along great, nobody really noticed… til then.

Reed Hill
Reed Hill
Reply to  Frip
5 years ago

It only took a few months of that in my childhood in the 70’s and I was in a private school. Thank God my mother wasn’t a complete fool, despite the fact that she was pretty much a (conflicted) feminist married to a military officer. It may have been him that actually forced that one, alas I’ll never know.

5 years ago

Slightly off topic: One White family finally gave up on Lagos . . . but it cost them the life of their beautiful, blue-eyed daughter (link below). While my heart mourns for that lovely, innocent little baby, it also rages at her parents – for even considering leaving their vulnerable White children in the care of Negroes. One would like to think that now, perhaps, the mother might consider raising her own children, but it’s far more likely that she’ll direct all her energies towards finding a “good” daycare or private nanny. Race? Why, what on earth does that have… Read more »

Kevin Balch
Kevin Balch
Reply to  3g4me
5 years ago

This is precisely why I will swallow a bottle of pills before I go into a nursing home. No way will I put my life in the hands of Shanequa or D’Antwan.

House of Pancakes
House of Pancakes
Reply to  Kevin Balch
5 years ago

In a general sense I suppose you may be right, and I know I sound like I’m reversing myself and committing the NAXALT fallacy, but nevertheless Karma is a real thing, so here goes. My aged father died of a protracted illness after a two-week stay in hospital while we were all on the phone trying to figure out hospice care. During that time he suffered from dementia and was completely incontinent, and even though our family was there round the clock we were ordered to stand back and let the nursing staff handle it. His care was superb and… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
5 years ago

Fair deal: Mom puts a bullet in the Negro’s head.

William O. Witt, MD
William O. Witt, MD
5 years ago

This is so perfect I have nothing to add bu HUZZAH! Well said!

5 years ago

On the other hand….. I sometimes wonder if the “leaders” of the “rights” bunch have a loyal army behind them–that is, whether they are overplaying their real hand, as opposed to the hand they play with the Press and the Certified Opinion-Makers (repetitive, yes.) At the risk of the “anecdotal error,” here’s a vignette. One of my chilluns recently moved to Marietta, in fact only a few blocks from the USAF base therein. Her next-door neighbor lady is an employee of that base, and is a black lady. No husband in sight, but I don’t know why. One of the… Read more »

Milestone D
Milestone D
Reply to  dad29
5 years ago

Well, that’s a good point. I found Brian Kemp to be a bit off-putting, it’s as if he tried to offer himself as a caricature of rural Georgia white guy, which likely repels more educated white voters. There’s a fair amount of rural vs. Atlanta animus in the state – my parents in South Georgia are convinced all of their tax dollars are spent on Atlanta highways. Friends in Atlanta are convinced the rural parts of the state are subsidized by Atlanta metro area. Regardless of the truth, the political division exists. With that said … she’s a fat, black,… Read more »

5 years ago

well Georgia had a dem state legislature until the early to mid 2000s so its a historically dem state. The difference is that when the dems next take power it’ll be kind of like “this time we mean it”.

Reply to  thekrustykurmudgeon
5 years ago

The problem with Georgia is that all it took was a little sprinkling of Hispanics to tip the balance in favor of blacks.

Josh Golden
Josh Golden
5 years ago

The truth about the suburbs and “breakaway communities”

Reply to  Josh Golden
5 years ago

Heh…”College Humor” – i.e., sanctimonious ideological masturbation with nary a laugh in sight, based on carefully cherry-picked “facts.”

E.g., the idea that minority school-disticts are systematically “under-funded” is a flat-out lie.

Here’s a useful place to begin on the whole issue of school funding & “segregation”:

Chad Thundercock
Chad Thundercock
Reply to  Josh Golden
5 years ago

It’s funny that you think you’re getting the truth from something called “College Humor”. Do you also think that The Onion is real news? Moron.

Reply to  Josh Golden
5 years ago

When the first line in a video is a beta White guy proclaiming “It’s not so White, here. Look!” you know you’re about to experience some anti-White bullshit.

Josh Golden
Josh Golden
5 years ago

The core issue is that of the distribution of public funding liabilities amongst people within a metro area. Should people be allowed to step a few feet across city borders, set up a suburb with exclusionary zoning laws to keep out any people below a specified wealth, and instantly be 100% exempt from any responsibility to contribute towards public services for the poorer people throughout the metro area? That is the central question stated generically. Schools, police, social services, public housing, these are all things that actually cost MORE PER PERSON in poorer communities and yet are funded largely by… Read more »

Reply to  Josh Golden
5 years ago

So productive people have a duty to live where they can be forced to provide for non-productive parasites?

Chaotic Neutral
Chaotic Neutral
Reply to  bilejones
5 years ago

You know, too, it’s like they don’t understand their plight, that they desperately need the white tax base, similar to what I said yesterday about killing the golden goose. Here in New Orleans, the black elite seem to spitefully war on the white elite. For instance, for years they would not do needed road work in the rich white uptown, causing destructive dust to go into the old fine homes. They attack Tulane University constantly and do not report crimes against the students. The students demonstrated in protest a couple of years ago. The university president once wrote a firey… Read more »

Reply to  Chaotic Neutral
5 years ago

@ ChNe
Scary to think what would happen if these people achieved absolute power over us…
We would be slaves or dead…

Reply to  Josh Golden
5 years ago

One of the advantages of living in the Northeast is that there are all these small incorporated towns with their own high quality schools, police, fire, etc. I grew up in NY and you want to live in one of the towns surrounding NYC and not one of the cities. They are highly segregated. I like to tell my lefty friends who live in these small towns that their school districts are big beautiful walls between them and the vibrants. But these towns were established before Diversity became the state religion so they are probably safe for a little while.

Reply to  MikeCLT
5 years ago

Good example of contrasts with these towns in Western Pennsylvania, Beaver County. Used to be Union Democrat country, now Trump Country. Beaver, PA, a working and middle class community with old well-kept homes and a nice downtown. Working & Middle Class folks mostly. It’s less than 5% vibrant. High School is rated 9/10 Link to a representative sample of the main street Beaver Falls, PA, a “vibrant community” just north. Its a bit larger than Beaver, and it’s about 40% vibrant. They’ve got the Catholic Geneva College which helps them a bit, but the main street is shuttered. High School… Read more »

Reply to  MikeCLT
5 years ago

Cop Land! I lived in Santa Clarita for a time in the late 90s, a southern Cal version of what you describe, so nicknamed because all the LA cops (also firemen, teachers, et al) lived there. It’s a relatively quick freeway journey to downtown LA, but no mass transit from LA to there. I presume it’s still going strong, and always will as long as there are hypocrites willing to talk the talk (WE LOVE DIVERSITY) but scurrying for the hills (literally) when the sun goes down.

Toddy Cat
Toddy Cat
Reply to  Josh Golden
5 years ago

“Should people be allowed to step a few feet across city borders, set up a suburb with exclusionary zoning laws to keep out any people below a specified wealth, and instantly be 100% exempt from any responsibility to contribute towards public services for the poorer people throughout the metro area? ”

Yes. Next question.

Bartleby the Scrivener
Bartleby the Scrivener
Reply to  Toddy Cat
5 years ago

You took the words right out of my mouth. However, you will be penalized virtue signaling points for your answer.

S. Bishop
S. Bishop
Reply to  Toddy Cat
5 years ago

Perhaps we need to establish ‘Sanctuary White Towns’ that restrict vibrancy. Oh, how 50s of me!

Toddy Cat
Toddy Cat
Reply to  Josh Golden
5 years ago

“a major benefit of avoiding contributing towards schools and other local social services for poorer People of Color.” And why exactly can’t Colored People pay for their own schools? Why are they poor, living in some of the richest cities in the world? And why does no one, and I mean NO ONE, want to live around poorer Colored People, even slightly more well to do Colored People? I mean, I’m sure that it’s Whitey’s fault somehow. I just can’t figure out how. I’m sure that Mr. Golden will enlighten me, with the sort of “explanation” that has been destroying… Read more »

Reply to  Toddy Cat
5 years ago
Josh Golden
Josh Golden
Reply to  Toddy Cat
5 years ago

Slavery, Jim Crow, institutional bias, “freedom of association”

Have you even read a history book?

Kentucky Headhunter
Reply to  Josh Golden
5 years ago

Have you?

Freedom of association means both “freedom to” and “freedom from”.

Also, send me $1000. Why? Because I say so.

King Tut
King Tut
Reply to  Josh Golden
5 years ago

“Slavery, Jim Crow,…” Is there a limitation period on that responsibility? If so, when does it expire?

House of Pancakes
House of Pancakes
Reply to  King Tut
5 years ago

So, hmm, eternal guilt and reparations for slabery and discrimination. I suppose I’ll take my place waaaaaay in the back of the line, way behind the Arabs, the Turks, indeed all Islam… as well as waaay behind the Chosen, who were kraaazy-busy selling White girls to Muslims as rape-toys way back in the 8th century, when DeShauntrious was just a twinkle in his great-great-times-50 Ashanti kang grandfather’s eye. If slabery is an absolute moral evil and historical material redress is the only acceptable cure, then Africans owe mucho dinero to dey fellow Africans, and Europeans are owed an unimaginable sum… Read more »

Reply to  House of Pancakes
5 years ago

Double upvote to House of Pancakes.

Reply to  King Tut
5 years ago

None of us were there.

Reply to  Josh Golden
5 years ago

Have *you* even read a history book written before, say, about 1960, by a non-lefty?

Special points for Thucydides, Tacitus, Gibbon…

Extra special points for the great historians of the Victorian period in England and the post-Civil War era in the USA.

Moldbug is full of suggestions…

Chad Thundercock
Chad Thundercock
Reply to  Josh Golden
5 years ago

Not my fucking problem.

Wilbur Hassenfus
Wilbur Hassenfus
Reply to  Josh Golden
5 years ago

Civilized people object to crime, filth, violence, and squalor far more than they object to paying taxes. It’s a mystery to me why they should want to pay extra for the dubious privilege of living among crime, filth, etc. Where are you coming from here? Your basic assumption is that white people are a public good (where’d I hear that phrase recently?) with no more rights than a stop sign or a sidewalk. You think productive people are a commodity to be distributed fairly among the nonproductive members of society. This is so ingrained that you are unable to imagine… Read more »

Reply to  Wilbur Hassenfus
5 years ago

Wilber, precisely—well put. I do not consider myself to be a public good, to be milked for funds and social capital (another well thought out concept outlined by Z-man a few days ago) by all those lacking such resources, i.e., the vibrant minority/majority. The inevitable outcome is that the goose that lays the golden egg is inveribly killed by the greedy and unproductive mob.

If only we could retreat to a hidden valley, ala Atlas Shrugged, and wait for the collapse of the society of the vibrant minority.

Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago

You can but I wouldn’t just set and wait for a collapse I would be getting ready to take over after the collapse by having the resources in place to do so…Just Saying…

Reply to  Josh Golden
5 years ago

Josh, I see that the general readership responds negatively to your comment. I don’t agree with you myself, but you did state the argument well (I can confirm such from other readings) and it is useful to post such for general discussion. In doing so, I’d give you a plus, not a negative.

Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago

Jolly damn white of you sir, but It won’t save him.

Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago

So as long as the enemy is well spoken then you won’t mind the knife in the side… Playing nice with the enemy is why we are in the shape we are in…Wake Up…

Reply to  Lineman
5 years ago

Lineman, no. Understanding the thinking of the opposition is of vital importance in forming a coherent and effective response. Often, all too often, the opposition is deceptive and duplicitous to the point of outright lying. And without truth, there is nothing. In my opinion, Josh was being forthright in his comment. I can work with that. To condemn and thereby drive out such comments only serves to produce a bubble. I am not here to reinforce my beliefs or change anyone else’s, but rather to see if there are any reasonable arguments to be made that *might change my beliefs*.… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago

Josh’s screed reads like Tiny Ducks so that is why a lot of people done voted him… Question what does it improve for you in reading that, I mean for your quality of life in general…Also they don’t care what you think only that you submit…That’s why I spoke in the way I did because our side needs to come to grips with that if we want to win…I’m still on your side I just want you awake with me in the foxhole so we don’t get overran…

Reply to  Josh Golden
5 years ago

You first, troll. Poorer communities is code for black and Hispanic communities that commit far more crimes than white communities and in general behave very stupidity and have no concept of preventative care. Hence their high consumption of tax dollars and social services. Go into any ER, Dialysis clinic or urgent care clinic and it’s loaded with stupid blacks and Mexicans suffering from bad lifestyle choices. No one wants these people, no one wants to be around them. They are poison. You don’t see Jonah Goldberg, David Brooks or Michelle Goldberg living in these ethnic neighborhoods. They live in million… Read more »

Abelard Lindsey
Abelard Lindsey
Reply to  Josh Golden
5 years ago

I suspect this is satire.

Reply to  Abelard Lindsey
5 years ago

It’s progressive boilerplate. Tiny Duck gives it away by pushing it ever so slightly farther, making strategic and often comical spelling errors and being over-the-top anti-white.

This guy is the real thing.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Josh Golden
5 years ago

“Schools, police, social services, public housing, these are all things that actually cost MORE PER PERSON in poorer communities and yet are funded largely by public funding” What don’t you understand about “Duh!” You actually said it correctly and you can’t hear yourself. You didn’t ask yourself WHY it costs more. There are “food deserts” in these areas because a new grocery store comes in and the poor people with rotten corrupt values shoplift the store to death until it closes. Over and over again this happens. Owning rental property is a nightmare and loss as the people damage and… Read more »

Reply to  Range Front Fault
5 years ago

This guy is exemplary of his various tribes in that he suffers from acute Dunning Kruger. I would wager close to everyone reading this blog understands these issues with far greater depth and clarity than he does. Yet he presumes to lecture us.