The New Narrative

Spend time in a small business that has stood the test of time and you will learn the origin myths of the company and the founders. These myths will have plenty of truth content, but a lot will be fanciful or exaggerated. One reason is the story is inevitably told by the founder or his heirs, so it is self-serving. Another reason is the story is intended to give meaning and purpose to the people in the company. For an origin myth to work, it has to be inspirational and reflect well on the people in the organization.

People always have origin myths, of course. The most famous of which is the story of the Jews. The whole chosen people business is obvious nonsense. The flight from Egypt is at least plausible in some areas, but unless you’re willing to accept that God is an indiscriminate child killer, it’s a story that only Jews can believe. Still, the origin myth of the Jews has served them well for a very long time. These stories are central to Jewish identity and it is that strong identity that has allowed Jews to prosper.

If a strong set of origin myths correlates to a strong sense of identity and a strong people, then the reverse is probably true. The lack of origin myths, or a declining interest in the origin myths, probably suggests a weak identity. Perhaps the people have yet to come to identify themselves as a people or they are going through some sort of transition in terms of how they see themselves. The old myths no longer work, because they don’t fit the emerging narrative to explain how it is this people came to be.

This longish post in Foreign Affairs by popular historian Jill Lepore is an interesting read for a number of reason, not related to this post. The endless name dropping that torments writing in the humanities is a topic of its own. That’s mingled with self-promotion, in the form of references to the author’s books. Of course, anything to do with American history has to have a few paragraphs of the usual blather about slavery and Jim Crow. That said, it is worth the time to read it and the related posts on the site.

Lepore is one of those useful bellwethers in that she tends to write what the intellectual side of the ruling class is thinking. A big part of being a popular academic is to be in good standing with the ruling elite. They like being told about their wonderfulness from academics, so flattery is a big part of the game. That offers a window into the minds of the people who rule over us. What posts like this suggest is the people in charge are concerned with the fracturing they see from their position in the clouds.

That fracturing is predictable. Peter Brimelow predicted it two decades ago. Import tens of millions of strangers with strange customs into America and you’re going to get conflicts between the locals and the newcomers. The fact that these strangers were imported to replace the natives, who were not consuming and reproducing at levels satisfactory to the rulers, certainly did not help. Add in the rise of identity politics as a way to control the population and the result was predictable. Pat Buchanan predicted this.

Lepore is correct that people need a narrative that binds them together and explains why it is they are a people. America had an obvious one until the Civil War. When New England conquered the rest of the nation, the national story ended and was replaced by that new story that put New England at the top, as the ruler of the rest. That held together into the middle of last century, when Jews updated the tale to insinuate themselves into the story and explain their new dominance in the ruling class.

That American narrative worked until the people in charge decided they needed a new people and flung open the gates to unlimited immigration. A fascinating bit in that Lepore article is that she starts her essay in 1986 with the historian Carl Degler and his warning about the abandonment of nationalism. That talk would have happened around the time the ruling class was opening the borders. The implication that Mx. Lepore does not seem to grasp is that the hostility to nationalism preceded wholesale immigration.

On the other hand, she is a clever woman, so she could very well have done this on purpose, as a way of injecting the idea into the bloodstream of her peers. The academy is so narrow now, it is looking like a singularity from our perspective, but inside there is some room to maneuver. It requires a heavy dose of esoteric language and triple bank shot references to avoid detection. Perhaps that’s what she is up to by starting with that Degler speech and then ending with a piquant quote from that same talk.

That said, if the intellectual class in the West, but particularly in America, had not drawn all of the wrong lessons from the two great industrial wars of the 20th century, the ruling class would not have set about destroying the fabric of their countries. Perhaps the Frankfurt School notions were a bad idea after all. There’s no mention of this in the Lepore essay, but that an obvious implication once you read to the end. The finishing paragraph is a quote from Degler’s talk at that 19856 conference.

“The history of the United States at the present time does not seek to answer any significant questions,” Degler told his audience some three decades ago. If American historians don’t start asking and answering those sorts of questions, other people will, he warned. They’ll echo Calhoun and Douglas and Father Coughlin. They’ll lament “American carnage.” They’ll call immigrants “animals” and other states “shithole countries.” They’ll adopt the slogan “America first.” They’ll say they can “make America great again.” They’ll call themselves “nationalists.” Their history will be a fiction. They will say that they alone love this country. They will be wrong.

Again, there is no mention of open borders and the unprecedented levels of immigration in this essay, as those things cannot be discussed openly or rationally in the intellectual class. Still, the essay suggests that there is some interest by cloud people in what is happening among the dirt people. They can’t bring themselves to address the fact that you cannot have a common story when everyone is a stranger. Instead, they keep talking about Hitler and the other wrong lessons they drew from the events of last century.

There’s also the strange sense that these origin myths can simply be conjured and then imposed upon a people. The implication of this essay is that America needs a new one, so the people in charge better get busy creating one. The trouble is that white people are not allowed to have an identity and the non-white ascendancy does not have much to point to, as far as their contributions to the national story. Lepore offers something from Frederick Douglas as a starting point for this new national narrative.

A Government founded upon justice, and recognizing the equal rights of all men; claiming no higher authority for existence, or sanction for its laws, than nature, reason, and the regularly ascertained will of the people; steadily refusing to put its sword and purse in the service of any religious creed or family, is a standing offense to most of the Governments of the world, and to some narrow and bigoted people among ourselves.

That is no doubt inspiring to the cloud people, but it says more about how they see themselves than with the facts on the ground. It’s also a negative identity, based on victories over demons that exist only in the imaginations of the rulers. It also suggests she or her masters would like to see whites written out of this new national story. In case it is not clear, “bigoted people among ourselves” is you paleface. Perhaps that can be a useful cri de guerre in the war with the dirt people, but it is not binding narrative.

The fact is, the rise of nationalism, populism and white identity politics is a result of decisions made long ago. The radicals killed the national narrative, because they said nationalism is a dangerous construct. Their solution was to destroy the nations of the West, which has meant destroying the national identities of the West. That has now devolved into a war on the native stock of the West. There can be no unifying narrative that includes the both the destroyers and their victims.

That brings us back to the start. That small business that gets gobbled up by a multinational cannot maintain its origin myths. The people in that firm can no longer identify with that story, because that story has come an end. If they stick around, it is because of new reasons, less inspiring ones than those that bound them to that small business. That’s what we are seeing today in modern America. The old narrative has come to an end. It is time for a new one. The question is, who will do the writing.

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Walter Mitty
Walter Mitty
5 years ago

White Nationalism is the only answer for White People. A White only Ethno State out of a portion of the former United States. Where we can teach Western Civilization and work for our own interests. Where we can protect our People and punish those who break the law, not “Give them room to destroy” . Where it will be safe for our children to go to school and a man can walk into a convenient store without being killed. Where white women are not being preyed upon and raped by people of color. Where we can propagate ourselves and protect… Read more »

Reply to  Walter Mitty
5 years ago

What about all the Whites who are on the other side of this thing?

Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

Vizzini, we will treat them, or they will treat us, exactly with the same consideration as a minority of the Founding Stock treated their British cousins and brothers in the War of Independence. In that war, approximately half of the white population was run out of the country or killed.

Reply to  Ivar
5 years ago

Yet here we are, 230 years later, with a nation ruled by a traitorous globalist White class that is importing a vast brown underclass and replacement population. It didn’t take long at all for the legislature and courts to begin to be subverted by progressive Whites. It was happening not only within the lifetime of the founders, but within the span of some of their political careers.

“Cutting out the cancer” always seems to fail.

Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

The commercial/banking class used the same immigration methods on Southerners in the 1840s/50s which they are using today against the whole nation. Not much has changed.

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

Epaminondas, I like your contributions here but….BUT The idea that the Bank exclusively targeted Southerners is a simple-minded crock. I mean, there’s no way around that. It’s just not true. The Bank targeted not “Southerners,” but anyone who was an independent business owner or, above all else, an independent farmer. Guess what? Most Northerners in the 1800s were, in fact, independent farmers. That’s why the North – the whole North, not just the abolitionist freaks – got so angry in the 1850s. Right or wrong, they believed that the free prairies were about to be filled with “black belts” along… Read more »

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

Marbury vs Madison .was a good example. Freedom as envisioned by the Founding fathers was a Leftist ideal and as such was easily subverted by other Leftists and their ideals You cannot under any circumstances have a free and open society when you take over otherwise you get dissent and subversion. At the very least you have an interregnum lasting decades where political crimes are harshly punished They will do it to you, every society has blasphemy laws and political speech censorship of some kind (HT Vox Day for that insight) might as well be yours On top of that… Read more »

joey junger
joey junger
Reply to  Ivar
5 years ago

I remember reading about how Quakers/dissenters were treated when they entered towns/villages/colonies run by mainline protestants in New England. If the outsiders kept their beliefs to themselves, they could stay. If they started preaching, they were kicked out. If they returned, they were hanged and their bodies were left hanging as a warning to others with the same idea. It seemed to do the trick, for awhile at least.

Reply to  joey junger
5 years ago

Maybe it’s modern communications, but it seems like civilizational cancer spreads quicker, now. You’ve got men running as women in women’s track meets and the vast majority of the population just kind of standing around either thinking it’s OK or not wanting to make a fuss or get branded as a transphobe. And TPTB are firmly in Camp Trans. Degenerates seek power. They seek to impose their will on the rest of the population as some sort of sick self-validation, so they never go away and the fight never ends. And innate White tolerance and altruism supports the urge to… Read more »

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

We move vastly faster now than in the past.

A typical days travel might have been 25 miles or so , maybe a bit more or less If you pushed it lets say 30-35 miles and you could only keep than up a couple of days

Now we can travel 1800 miles in the same amount of time and I can fly across the country in even less time.

Global mobility is also far far higher obviously.

Mobility erodes boundaries and not in a good way.

Wizard of Poz
Wizard of Poz
Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

Smiley face

Mr. XLoveli
Mr. XLoveli
Reply to  Wizard of Poz
5 years ago

The day of the rope will never happen. The Armed Forces are loyal to the Constitution and this cumbersome, unlubricated document implies that certain things must be done in certain sequences and ways — and innocence must be proven, and money must be preserved. So it won’t happen, unless Trump changes things. Click here to see.

Reply to  Mr. XLoveli
5 years ago

As EM Jones says, our Armed Forces are loyal to the gay disco. I would add that they are also loyal to their pensions. When you fight for the USA, you fight for the triumph of the gay disco. I wish it weren’t so.

Reply to  Walter Mitty
5 years ago

White Nationalism can’t exist, there aren’t enough commonalities between different white peoples. The English don’t get along with even their Welsh, Irish, and Scottish neighbours. Why would they form a nation with pale Russians, for instance?

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Rob
5 years ago

The Coalition of the Fringes (blacks, hispanics, asians, homos, trans) are all united in their hate of whitey.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
5 years ago

For the moment, yes. Take whitey out of the picture and they’d be at each other’s throats in a heartbeat, if they aren’t already making plans to liquidate each other after the revolution is victorious.

Reply to  Rob
5 years ago

Hispanic gangs have already started “light” ethnic cleansing of blacks in LA.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
5 years ago

Who has them ginned up to hate Whitey? Follow the money.

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
Reply to  TheInsolentOne
5 years ago

Envy is just a part of the sinful nature of mankind. The UK has similar racial problems even though people came voluntarily.

It also doesn’t help that we’ve been bombing large portions of the Third World. It’s just grist for the academic mill that claims there is no end to colonialism, until YT is a minority in his homelands.

Reply to  DeBeers Diamonds
5 years ago

Okay, I give up. What does YT stand for?

Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

Thank you,Felix.
You Tube?
Yuuuge Titties?
Sometimes I feel so dumb.

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  PawPaw
5 years ago

Whitey YT

Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
5 years ago

Thanks, that helped a lot.

Edit: Oooh, I geddit now! Wye-tee, whitey!

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Rob
5 years ago

@Rob — you nailed it. It is also part of a bigger conversation about marketing / psyops. The term ‘white’ is now a perjorative of the highest order. So when you use it as an adjective you have killed yourself in the womb for any cause you wish to try to advance. That is why I –really– wish people would stop using it. Like, really. It almost feels like the people that continue to cling to it are purposeful saboteurs or terminally out of touch with the situation on the ground. Nationalism is a sufficient word without the qualifier because… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
5 years ago

I have long attempted to sell the idea that white American should insist on being called ‘European-Americans’, or simply ‘Europeans’. It might not surprise you to learn I have had little success, but ‘white’ is a terribly anodyne category, pale even, it can mean anything and nothing. ‘European’ is much more specific and rich in cultural and historical connotations, and by advocating for European identity and culture, you deftly sidestep the whole skin-color rhetoric and replace it with a historical-cultural definition. Americans should reach back across the Revolution, re-connect with their European roots, heal the breach. America has a glorious… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

Yeah, I’ve tried that as well, with similar results. Part of the issue is that for 200+ years, “American” meant European American so it’s hard for us to let go of that.

There’s a lot of deprogramming that’s needed. European Americans still have that feeling of having broken away from England and the “old” countries. “We’re not European, we’re American.”

These things take time.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

Part of the issue is that for 200+ years, “American” meant European American so it’s hard for us to let go of that.

Yes. I can understand why becoming reduced to a hyphenated American must be galling, but it reflects the facts on the ground for now – might as well make the best of it.

Mr. XLoveli
Mr. XLoveli
Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

Europeans have no concept of the sands of time. Here, when we click, we return to a distant time and place, far far away, luminous as a pale sun …

Reply to  Apex Predator
5 years ago

Which wit is greater? The mid- or half-wit?
I’m asking out of curiosity, but also with tongue in cheek.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Carrie
5 years ago

Dim-wit->Half-wit->Mid-wit Or something like that. An unofficial scale, to be sure. 🙂

Reply to  Apex Predator
5 years ago


A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Rob
5 years ago

It makes some sense in the US if you deal with Left and the money cuck/bankers etc, the Republican Left out . We are mostly mixed White. I mean I’m like 8 different sorts of Whitey myself Its a tacit sort of W/N that assumes Americans are White , Conservative and Christian or they are a freak though. This is because White might be a bit sketchy in the US. Lots of White people are far from pure, many who are not Elizabeth Warren have Amerind, Asian, Mestizo and so on. My neighbors as part Mexican Indian but right out… Read more »

Reply to  Rob
5 years ago

How about when it gets to the point that our diverse friends attempt to kill every white they see on sight. Will that be enough to unite white people?

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  george
5 years ago

That is unlikely to happen except when the Hispanics decide to finish off the Blacks in some areas something that has already started . Blacks may also try to kill of Whites in a few areas but they’ll die. The US is not South Africa OTOH Mestizos and Whites get along well enough for the most part and while there is some animosity, we can coexist fine. I live in such an area and we have a mess of White, Off White and Mestizos that broadly just ignore one another. This is not a super healthy community, even my neighbor… Read more »

5 years ago

The untold story of our new rulers, the cloud people, is that they are not a natural aristocracy. Not all, but many are little more than jumped up white trash driven by avarice and a fear of falling back into the great muddle. This fear is a big part of their hatred for the unenlightened part of their tribe which they left behind a generation or three ago. The foreign parasites are what they are. In many ways the rising asian masters of the universe are even worse than the jews. The jews are at least limited in number. The… Read more »

Reply to  Oldvannes
5 years ago

I have always said the same thing, our so called ruling elites hate the rest of us, especially working and middle class, because they are a stones throw from that caste. Think Kevin Williamson for an out front example.

Reply to  Oldvannes
5 years ago

Acceleration until extinction of European race and wipe out core of European civilization? It will happen because European people are spirituality dead since World war two and dedicate to destroy their ancestor’s work Oxfam literally expose that handful of billionaire have more wealth than half of human population Race/Gender politics is nothing but old imperialist divide and conquer tactic, distract European people meanwhile extract resources from them Mess immigration mean devaluation of voting right, supporting 60s black panther party type of race politics won’t produce European standard of society Only options is White people becoming magnificent warriors again just like… Read more »

Unreal City
5 years ago

The new narrative is very simple: America is not a country, it is just a giant global cookie jar — and every Third World rape-ape on the planet is entitled to come here and grab a cookie. The only true Americans are Muslim refugees who came here a month ago. And if you don’t want rape-apes to have your cookie, then you are an evil racist who must be destroyed or replaced.

And yes, the new narrative, just like the last one, will be written by the Jews. You really had to ask?

5 years ago

I spent the weekend in “enemy territory” (a conclave of SJW local leadership) and the internal messaging has changed quite a bit lately. No longer open outrage at named targets. Instead it is simply “social justice” this and “social justice” that without further explanation or elaboration. Contextual clues are the only way to interpret it. Methinks the “Social Justice Warriors” have gotten some big open pushback from the normies, and the leaders here have gone to an underground “wink, wink” kind of approach. That’s a start, and a warning. There is pushback from people other than ourselves, but the SJWs… Read more »

5 years ago

For a business to survive long term it must first survive the death of its founder. Grandad was an engineer for Douglass Aircraft. Old man Douglass died, and the company was gone. The founding philosophy died in the War Between the States and was replaced with, what only can be described as, a series of ideological puritanical holy wars. Odds are the country won’t survive the next shift. Debt, degeneracy, and demographic suicide will kill off the existing structure. Rehash of the rehash of things we already know. A healthy chunk of the right is hoping that the collapse will… Read more »

Reply to  Mcleod
5 years ago

I read it as they were dragged out. The got soft and fat and were assimilating into Egyptian society despite being second-class citizens, peasants, slaves, whatever.

Once Mosses got them out of there, he and his buddies dragged them around in the high desert for a couple of generations until all the weaklings died off.

Reply to  Drake
5 years ago

Pharaoh did not want them to leave, as they were valuable slaves. Only after the plagues, and finally the Passover, did he finally relent. The Israelites got to the Promised Land very quickly, but after a recon mission, were afraid to attack and take the land (even though God had promised them victory). Only Joshua & Caleb wanted to attack (of the group that went on the recon mission). God punished the Israelites (for their lack of faith) when they turned back by forcing them to wander 40 years in the desert (He also brought plagues upon them). Of the… Read more »

Reply to  MadMax1861
5 years ago

Me and Josh were on the run with the tribe and every dude but us dropped dead. True story.

Reply to  Mcleod
5 years ago

Please do the rest of us Euro-Americans proud and fix that wretched grammar of yours.

Reply to  MadMax1861
5 years ago

still reading Bible, buddy?

That’s Jewish Point of View, ancient Egyptian are prosper without Newcomers long before Abraham came Egypt

They certainly don’t need strange adviser told guideline what’s best for them

So Kick the stranger out

Babylonian and Assyrian did the same thing, but of course, according to Jewish they don’t want to expel harmful parasite

I heard middle age Jewish women’s story, join the Harley-Davidson club, and later she demand rule that club member shouldn’t pick up high-speed

That’s what Jewish people look like, self-proclaimed special people make rule only beneficial for them and harm the host society

Reply to  MadMax1861
5 years ago

They weren’t actually slaves in the sense that they were owned by individual Egyptians. There’s nothing in the Bible describing markets where they were sold. Some of them traded in the labor of their countrymen, but it was more like a mogul at MGM loaning out a star to RKO, and being reimbursed either in money or a future favor. I think we could just say that the companies were so big and powerful that the workers couldn’t bargain for higher wages, and there were strict non-competes that precluded them from working elsewhere without permission of a bigggie. I’d say… Read more »

5 years ago

It’s hard for a government to maintain that people “are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights” when the same government won’t recognize the existence of a Creator.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
5 years ago

Every day I read blogs like this, read a lot of great tweets at twitter, and listen to podcasts from many of the people we talk about here. Virtually all of them are from a Nationalist point of view, more specifically a pro-white position, with general agreement that whites are in a dire situation. And the number of them are increasing also. We’re a long ways from the days when VDare was just about the only place to get pro-white people information. However, in the mainstream, it seems to be going in the opposite direction. President Trump seemed to at… Read more »

Reply to  Wolf Barney
5 years ago

Will it be when whites are a clear minority?

Didn’t seem to help South Africa. Only inflamed things.

Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

The SA example suggests that the complexion of the culture will come to resemble the societal complexion of the dominant element in that culture, whether or not the culture is polyglot. We are doomed.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Wolf Barney
5 years ago

“The question that I keep asking myself is when will pro-white/white well-being issues make it’s way into the mainstream? Steve King came pretty close and they came down hard on him.” You’ve answered your own question. See my other post on this topic in the comments here. The word white is now a pejorative not to be uttered. It is much like n1gger, it has nothing but negative connotation and cannot be used in any positive or good way whatsoever. The sooner YOU stop using it along with everyone else the better off we will be. It is mystifying to… Read more »

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
Reply to  Wolf Barney
5 years ago

It would help if our people used the word “envy” in their vocabulary.

The other part of it is that we are actually guilty. Within our lifetimes we’ve launched several wars that exacerbated the immigration problem. And it is mostly conservative-voting farmers that lobbied for cheap illegal labor and for protectionist tariffs that would otherwise see more food imported from low-cost Third World countries. Rural whites chose opioids over discipline. We have no moral authority.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
5 years ago

Will it be when whites are a clear minority?

Short answer is no

White are minority already in every major city, no one didn’t hear any positive pro white news from cities

positive white men’s figure statue remove from cities and Anti-European propaganda rampage on city commercials

Whites are the best provider and scapegoat to blame for ruling class

they won’t give up their strategy works very well over century
And they won’t make company/banks as new scapegoat

5 years ago

Having left “Globohomo” and moved to a small town in the Midwest with an outsized university presence, I am constantly bombarded with the “negative identity” Zman identifies among “white” folk. It is a negative identity that needs a white male dominated society, and yet, I can find no evidence that such a white male dominated society exists; even in a town that is 70% – 80% white. We are operating in a complete fiction. The town seems to be run by crazed older women and cucked males. I’ve met a few males in my Gen X cohort that actually understand… Read more »

Reply to  ConservativeFred
5 years ago

Hey, I’ve been there!! It’s a hoot, isn’t it? Wait until the university types that run things decide that what you really need to do is subsidize the mass influx of ghetto bangers from the nearest major metro. Hearing them insist that it’s White racism that turned the downtown of a pop. 20,000 town into an urban hellscape straight out of Baltimore is so funny, you’ll pop an aneurysm laughing.

Reply to  Severian
5 years ago

I have actually been part of a discussion lamenting the lack of vibrancy of the local farmers’ market. I gently tried to explain that vibrants don’t like farmers’ markets, only to receive dumbfounded stares or tut-tutting at my naivety.

Watching the reaction of people that must have vibrancy above all else, you know they would destroy the pleasant farmers’ market if given the chance.

“This is why we can’t have nice things.”

Reply to  ConservativeFred
5 years ago

It’s easy to feel threatened and doomed in these times. But other things are coming to an end too. The Hitler bogeyman doesn’t scare anyone anymore. When the mass media shows up to spin an event, dirts start chanting “F*** CNN! F*** CNN!” The NYT can’t sell subscriptions, and goes begging for money. Their arrogant journalists are now trying to learn code. Some high school kids they tried to smear are going to be set for life when the smoke clears. Everyone is watching the democrat party go insane. The next election is going to be a rout. The narrative… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
5 years ago

I agree with you that the narrative is coming to an end. However, even if there is a new narrative that is favorable to a white ethnic minority I wonder if there is a place where it will be received?

Reply to  Glenfilthie
5 years ago

You remember the midterms don’t you? Trump won my 100k votes in 3 states and each of those states voted heavily Blue in 18. Love the false sense of hope but I feel like it’s completely out of whack with what’s happening in the country. Yes the Trump people hate the news. However, the news has managed to get 57% of the country to despise Trump and vote in lunatics from the opposite pole. The NYT and WaPo’s stock is way higher than it was before Trump as well. Alt Media like Vice and HuffPost are losing, not the MSM.… Read more »

5 years ago

I wish I could remember who said it, but the irony that will destroy civilization is that our “Progressives” are still trying to progress from 1914 to 1915. The Western Left has never gotten over the “war credits” thing in WW1. In case you’re not up on Commie esoterica, the bigshots of the 2nd International (Lenin et al) proclaimed ex cathedra that the Workers of the World would never go to war against each other. When the Workers did, the Commies proclaimed that they, at least, would keep the faith — no true Communist would support capitalist warmongering. But they… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
5 years ago

Somehow the communist hatred of nationalism was a part of their creed that certainly triumphed in the West. Even civnat conservatives seem to operate under the belief that the “nationalist” part of “national socialism” was inherently bad. But who on the winning side wasn’t a nationalist in WW 2? Look at Churchill’s famous speeches. Those are some intensely nationalist speeches. Likewise, the US was motivated to national fervor in the war effort. It was only later, when it was useful for the globalists, that nationalism became a bad word. Oh, sure, you can be “patriotic” — dissent is the highest… Read more »

Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

Hey, whaddaya know – the Left lies about stuff, even to themselves! Jonah Goldberg is a ‘tard about so many, many things, but he was right about the pre-WW2 Left — they loooooved them some Fascism, and the only reason they weren’t so hot on the German kind was because the Germans were anti, ummm, Communist. But then the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact happened (as my students would’ve written) and all of a sudden even the Germans were a-ok. And then they weren’t, but nationalism was, because Stalin called it “The Great Patriotic War for the Motherland” and Comrade Stalin is the… Read more »

5 years ago

As a History Major I’ll say this. The OT is probably the single most valuable and perhaps the most accurate historical document in existence.

You can believe or disbelieve the God stuff as you like. But the historical stuff has proven amazingly accurate. Many 19th Century British archaeologists made their names by reading the OT, figuring out where it placed an ancient city or battle, and digging.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Didn’t they find a genetic link between the Levant Jews and the Kurds?

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Are you aware that by dismissing that the Jews are God’s chosen people you are also dismissing the underpinnings of Christianity? It was through the Jews as his chosen people that God’s promise in Genesis of redemption and salvation for all of mankind was kept through Jesus Christ’s birth, death, and resurrection. The history of Europeans and their success is completely tied to their Christian faith. It’s when the people in Europe and the US have turned their backs on God that you start to see the problems we are having now. This is a parallel to what happened to… Read more »

Reply to  Jim
5 years ago

Only If you accept the truth that Christianity is nothing more than the continuation of the Roman Empire.

The Anti-Gnostic
Reply to  Mcleod
5 years ago

Christianity has enough problems without Italian and Greek supremacists clinging to ecclesial structures from a long-dead Empire.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Jim
5 years ago

“If a remnant based on Christianity is not going to be the foundation for what comes next, what is?” Hopefully something that resembles older Christianity and not the modern version practiced by most denominations which contribute heavily to their own demise. I can’t get behind any faith that attempts to replace its own population which such vigor and zeal. Sorry, modern christianity is starting to resemble a death cult. There are still some denominations that haven’t been fully compromised but there are more that have. Perhaps Odinism will become a thing again? *shrug* p.s. Your post reeks of ‘Judeo-Christian’ as… Read more »

Reply to  Jim
5 years ago

The OT is a grabbag of things, some of its wisdom writing is worthwhile. Are you aware that God doesn’t write books? The Jews declared themselves the Chosen People. Other tribes have tried this tactic but were never as successful at it as the Jews have been. Christianity came to reject the idea of the Jews as God’s Chosen, and instead appended it to themselves as the new covenant of God with his Christian people.

Reply to  Jim
5 years ago

Christianity, especially as practiced today in the West, is self-destructive to Western Civ. What ever strident message it had was coopted by the liberation theology of Latin America (see the current Pope), and the Shrieking LGBTQXYZ Harpies of the Mainline Protestant churches. The Next Thing won’t have Christianity as its moral or ethical core.

Reply to  Jim
5 years ago

That’s the kind of Right Wing Cuckoldry that is destroying us. Jews aren’t the Chosen People anymore. And they aren’t the heroes of Christianity – Obviously! Who are the Chosen People now? We are.

Anonymous Reactionary
Anonymous Reactionary
Reply to  Jim
5 years ago

Old Testament Hebrews and Talmudic Jews are different peoples.

Reply to  Drake
5 years ago

There is more evidence the Jews came from deep within the Arabian peninsula than from Egypt.

The Jews writing about the Egyptian New Kingdom in the 8th to 6th centuries B.C. would be akin to the Iroquois writing the history of medieval Europe.

Reply to  Drake
5 years ago

What a clown.

Reply to  Drake
5 years ago

There is not the slightest evidence that Solomon existed. There is a single stele mentioning the House of David. Israel (and Judah) were never the little empire mentioned under the fictional Solomon. The single most hidden fact about the Hebrews is that they were Canaanites themselves. The proof for that is extensive. After the fall of Canaanite cities, subsequent habitations of the Hebrews display Canaanite pottery except theirs is without decoration. A rejection of Canaanite higher culture or decadence. Some say the survivors of the Canaanite fall were former slaves or a peon class or both. In any event, they… Read more »

Reply to  Drake
5 years ago

The Torah is not even remotely attested to by corroborating historical or anthropological evidence and any honest scholar here will tell you as much directly.

5 years ago

I think the new narrative has been in place for a while. According to the narrative America has been a land of immigrants since it was founded. Also, diversity is out greatest strength. According to this view there is no cultural component to American citizenship. Rather, it is entirely transactional, like buying a car or furniture. Get the documents, pass the test, take the oath, and voila, you are a citizen. Under this view someone like Ilhan Omar, who arrived here in 1986 and married her brother to obtain citizenship, is every bit as American as someone like me, whose… Read more »

Slab Bulkhead
Slab Bulkhead
Reply to  Guest
5 years ago

Good post, but Ilhan Omar is more American than you.

Being American is not just a matter of having citizenship papers, it’s also a nation of ideas, which means being on board with the ideas of globohomo.

You, a 7th generation American, are unAmerican, because you have the wrong ideas.

Ilhan Omar, a Somalian refugeee who married her brother for citizenship is the most American, because she is caught up with the current fads in globohomo.

(Actually, Ilhan Omar is a bad example, as she got in trouble for crimethink of her own, but you get the idea)

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

“There can be no unifying narrative that includes the both the destroyers and their victims.” The way that TPTB have squared that circle – is by dividing whites into Good Whites and Bad Whites. The narrative is the Good Whites and POC overcoming the racism of Bad Whites. That struggle started in earnest with the Civil War – the Good Whites battling in that one – and generally won with the Civil Right Movement – POC and Jews given credit for that offensive. Bad Whites continue to continue to fight a low-level guerrilla war – one that nearly turned very… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

Here’s the thing, the Bad Whites were not us, and were never us. They were always the others, who used their race fetish (the one where the black men were going to steal away the white wimmen) to hold the blacks down, and now use it to promote the POC poz. All along, our sort of white was living their lives, doing their thing, and inadvertently building the white privilege, which is a vague synonym for western civilization. We went from the “good whites” to the “bad whites”, by definition, while we were doing other things. The race fetishists did… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
5 years ago

I have a feeling that one day, people will laugh that Seattle was in the same country as Miami, That LA was in the same country as Boston and that Dallas was in the same country as Honolulu. We may all have the same Target with the same rancid popcorn smell when you enter, but you can’t make a country out of that.

5 years ago

In the interest of being pedantic “unless you’re willing to accept that God is an indiscriminate child killer, it’s a story that only Jews can believe” The whole point is that the final plague was DISCRIMINATE. Those who believed Moses and took the precautions he spoke of, were safe, those who didn’t were not, whether great or small. It is also manifestly false that “only Jews can believe” this, as evidenced by the millions of Christians throughout space and time. The blood on the doorpost has been a standard illustration of an early symbol of the gospel as well, this… Read more »

Reply to  Hoyos
5 years ago

Well said. And I’d add that not only is the modifier, “indiscriminate” false, but moreover the adjective itself is false. Yahweh, as Creator and owner of heaven and earth, cannot be a “killer” in the sense that Zman implies… Which would be that God is a ‘murderer’. Since he is the Creator of all life, he is thus the OWNER of all life, and all living things DEPEND on HIS spirit which He gave them. “The Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord”. One of the fallacies of Christianized conservatives (or alt-rightists) is that… Read more »

5 years ago

The old American narrative may or may not have been mostly true, but it was largely agreed upon and used to perpetuate the civilization. One of the elements of the old narrative was that we all were beneficiaries and custodians of the narrative, but it was ours by inheritance, not a creation of our own. The establishment of the “me, me, me” attitude of the late ‘60s, aided and abetted by the popularization of the Internet, means that big parts of the culture are no longer content with simply being beneficiaries and custodians of the narrative handed to them. It… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

A good reference here is, Joseph Campbell’s book, “The Power of Myth”. You can also view the series on YouTube. Origin myths are discussed and important to any healthy civilization. No assumptions of truth seem implied (IIRC) or even necessary. But the importance…that is not to be underestimated.

5 years ago

I would classify myself as more anti-Jew than I am pro-white, largely because the jew is the chief constructor of our current calamity. Minorities would have little to gripe about without the machinations of the jew. National distrust would not be at such high levels if jewish led academia and MSM weren’t creating illusions of perceived inequality. The Russians can attest to the jewish treachery that destroyed their country and we are tumbling through the very same vortex. The financiers and high priests of this frightening managerial state need to be diminished or shipped off somewhere. Forget about the white… Read more »

Reply to  TheInsolentOne
5 years ago

Sheldon Adelson is Trump’s number 1 source of campaign funds. His nephew runs his policy…

Reply to  Normie
5 years ago

Yes, Chris Christie confessed as much. We have progressive jews running the Trump administration.

Reply to  TheInsolentOne
5 years ago

HR interview: “And how do you self-identify Mr. One?”

“I would classify myself as more anti-Jew than I am pro-white.”

“okaayy. security will escort you out now, thank you.”

Da Booby
5 years ago

It’s strange how quickly people forget the Cold War. It was there where you find the roots of Western self-loathing. The intelligentsia had its origin myth all read to go: class struggle, dictatorship of the proletariate, stages of history. The West had only to be destroyed for it to unfold according to their new religion. Problem is, they lost, at least on the battlefield and economic front. They won in the academic front – they and their heirs are still our intelligentsia, after all – and even though they no longer have their Marxist religion, they still have their hatred… Read more »

5 years ago

That fracturing is predictable. Peter Brimelow predicted it two decades ago. Import tens of millions of strangers with strange customs into America and you’re going to get conflicts between the locals and the newcomers. Peter Brimelow? Pat Buchanan? Lothrop Stodard nailed it in 1920: To understand America, you must disposses your mind of the idea that there is an American people at all, as we understand people in Europe. To be a ‘people’ is the dominant ideal of the American, an ideal which they claim with all appropriate fierceness to have realized, knowing all the while they have done nothing… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

Nice pull. For a very long time, Americans were a collection of peoples (mostly white) who technically lived in the same country but really didn’t. Until around the 1950s and 1960s, the federal government had a very light touch. Whites living in Alabama didn’t have to much care what whites living in New York or California did or thought of them. Whether the various peoples of the United States would have slowly transformed into a true “people” is questionable even if you stopped immigration in 1924 and never ramped it up again. The United States is fucking huge with varied… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

I’ve been reading an alternate history trilogy lately (by yet another leftist/melting pot/civnat equalitarian) which is alternately interesting and then infuriatingly predictable. (For those interested, I found it via a comment at Greg Cochran’s West Hunter blog – it’s by S.M. Sterling called Island – novels of The Change. I had already read and then abandoned the overtly marxist 166? series a few years before). On the one hand, the author endlessly pushes noble Negroes and various miscegenated mystery meats and crows about the “new America” doing history “right” this time around, yet on the other he accurately notes the… Read more »

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

The interstate highway system eroded the buffers between states even more badly than the railroad did. Because of this knowing that so long as we can keep the thing running we will If there is a future government that works , there will need to be anti carpetbagging rules No voting till you are 21 and own land and you must live continuously in an area for ten years before you vote. You also cannot hold public office unless you can vote Obviously some people with heavy job travel or overseas posting will have a declared home some place that… Read more »

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
5 years ago

Despite the changes in the world around us, we must follow the ancient narrative. The narrative of our Lord Jesus Christ. Have faith. Deus Vult.

I’ll share with you “Christ Ist Erstanden” the oldest Christian liturgical German song.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
5 years ago

We need this kind of chanting, the kind that makes you want to take up the sword against the infidels.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
5 years ago

This is derived from an Orthodox chant. I don’t know the name of it, only having heard it when visiting orthodox churches or attending funerals. It goes on about Christ trampling death by death. The beat and intonations are remarkably similar.

5 years ago

I have observed the phenomenon mentioned below by conservative fred. if you go to any area that is nearly all white and they have taken the Diversity is our strength mantra to heart. I was at a meeting with a bunch of suburban pales. the topic turned to the unfriendly culture of one of our plants. one of the guys says quite un-ironically ” Its creepy there , all you see is old whit guys.” . I tried to remind them that the plant was outside the vibrant zone and they just hired who lived there, and that corporate often… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  miforest
5 years ago

Living in an overwhelmingly white area is much like being extremely rich in a vibrant area. You can afford to ignore the greater reality because your small world is fine. For these people, the main threat to their comfort, security and standing among their friends isn’t blacks and browns but saying (or even being suspected of thinking) the wrong thing. Sure, these people live in a bubble, but that bubble is real enough for them. Why rock the boat. Just plant seeds in their heads. Z-Man’s right when he says that telling normie whites that they will be a minority… Read more »

Reply to  miforest
5 years ago

Those whites are suicidal maniacs. I live in high desert just outside of Los Angeles and it’s very vibrant here.And it’s creepy and dangerous as well. At night all the supermarket parking lots are empty of customers, same with Wal-Mart. No one wants to shop at night because they are afraid as soon the sun goes down. You really don’t want to do anything at night. It’s like the 1964 movie “I am legend”. White have abandoned the public schools because they infested with kids from illegal aliens. The only time the supermarkets show any real activity is on 1st… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Rod1963
5 years ago

This. Good Whites truly believe that POC love them and want to emulate them. They have absolutely no idea how much blacks hate them and the level of violence in black areas.

As I’ve said, I have no clue how all of this is going to turn out, but I do know that the children and grandchildren of Good Whites will feel the cold steel of reality in a way that they DB parents and grandparents never did.

Reply to  Rod1963
5 years ago

you are correct rod

5 years ago

Conservative virtue-signaling is the secret treason. Here’s Instapundit crowing about DR^3.

Because, sure, it will work out great for Whites when Asians join Jews at the top of our societal power structure.

But, by all means, yes, point out Democratic racism. That’s sure to work this time.

The Babe
The Babe
5 years ago

The army interests me in this context. What (or who) do all those white guys think they’re fighting for? What story do they tell themselves? When whites are in a minority, are they really still going to be gung-ho?

At any rate, here’s an interesting article about when whites lose faith in their country. “In the broadest sense, the dissident right is largely composed of white straight men who no longer have a loyalty to the state.”

Reply to  The Babe
5 years ago

The Military as a whole is only 63% White…

Reply to  Normie
5 years ago

The Military as a whole is only 63% White…

So is America.

The problem is that you have a volunteer military which offers citizenship to anyone who serves, so you end up with a combination of poverty draftees like Lynndie England and foreign mercenaries.

Reply to  The Babe
5 years ago


Reply to  The Babe
5 years ago

What should interest us is what the police will do. They are the primary hammer of the ruling class. And so far this mostly white force has no problem curb stomping whites and letting Anti-fa beat our brains in. They are no friends of white people. If there is a fight, they will be trying to kill us. As for the military, look at the combat specialties they are mostly white and the more elite the unit the more whiter they are. As to what happens as the country ‘browns’? Well whites won’t be signing up, even now they aren’t.… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Rod1963
5 years ago

I don’t know any cops but I do know military officers, a couple of whom served in various shit holes. These guys are Gen Xers, so I can’t say what younger whites are thinking, but as to their views, I’ve never heard even a hint of dissident right from their mouths. Their world for 20 years or more has been the military or military-like defense contractor world. They love the military because it’s all their buddies and memories. Also, their whole world is tied to the military/government. Their job, their pension, their healthcare, their whole identity. They are CivNats through… Read more »

Reply to  The Babe
5 years ago

Thank you for the link to a good article. It is bitter medicine to realize that my primary loyalties have betrayed me. My family is pozzed, the post-Vatican II Roman Catholic Church is pozzed. I loathe the globohomo elites; but I feel almost no kinship with vast swathes of the so-called “dirt” people. I couldn’t care less about the brown hordes; but sharing white skin is not enough to bind me to someone, particularly if they are as stupid, vicious and culturally depraved. There are clearly good men reading and posting here. I have found Zman to be a refreshing… Read more »

5 years ago

One of the annoying things about liberal rewriting of history is all they need is a qoute from a socialist/liberal writer. They have to be known enough for the average person to find them familiar but not so well known that you know they were far-left twats. It replaces any actual fact or statistic.

Oh W.E.B duBois said whitey ate dog shit while the Blacks built the pyramids? It must be true! Since you quoted a guy I pretended to read, you must be super smart.

5 years ago

What is the endgame? Robotics? You can’t mass import Somalia and Central America, without low IQ savagery rising to the surface at some point.

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
Reply to  TheInsolentOne
5 years ago

The economic restructuring after 2008 accelerated the trend towards FIRE, which also resulted in a boom in restaurants. The effect of this was to create a sizeable number of underemployed bartenders, one of whom is now in Congress. If McDonald’s is forced to pay $15/hr they will automate as much as possible. Mr. Fu can run his takeout joint with FOB relatives sleeping above the kitchen.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
5 years ago

One of the perks of our coming national bankruptcy (It won’t be a Chapter 7, but a govt. version of Chapter 11) is that the billions and billions of dollars that are pumped into academia will cease, and these institutions will have to fend for themselves. All kinds of ensconced professors and administrators will be shown the door. They’ll all be clamoring for the five technical writing jobs available at some company. Our new narrative won’t be written by these people. They would love that. It will be written by people who benefitted from the coming bond market turbulence. It’s… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
5 years ago

JR, that’s one reason why academia is so besotted with “free college for all”. Once college becomes a free public good, the purveyors are more isolated from the market forces that will crush them in any kind of a just universe.

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

One of Nietzsche’s more memorable sayings: “When everyone is educated, no one will be educated.”

King Tut
King Tut
5 years ago

I haven’t watched the Oscars for years and I don’t expect that I’ll ever watch them again but I am reliably informed that there is a big fight going in sock-puppet world about the Oscars still being insufficiently “woke”. The enemy class has germinated, cultivated and nurtured these mental pathogens only to find that they can no longer control them. Rather like releasing a deadly virus into a population and expecting it only to cut down your intended targets only to find your own side coming down with the sickness too. I think there is a reasonably good chance that… Read more »

5 years ago

The Frederick Douglass quote: “A Government founded upon justice, and recognizing the equal rights of all men; claiming no higher authority for existence, or sanction for its laws, than nature, reason, and the regularly ascertained will of the people; steadily refusing to put its sword and purse in the service of any religious creed or family, is a standing offense to most of the Governments of the world, and to some narrow and bigoted people among ourselves.” Justice, equality, rights, reason, natural law, separation of church and state, etc., good or bad, are all concepts that come from white people.… Read more »

joey junger
joey junger
5 years ago

“There can be no unifying narrative that includes the both the destroyers and their victims.” There can be if the victims perceive themselves as a sacrifice to something greater, and their destroyers market themselves successfully as something else to the people they’re destroying. I ignore most “alt-right” / “dissident right” examinations of pop culture (it can get weird and I don’t want to watch a twenty minute YouTube video about “Caddy Shack II” explaining what an offhand comment by Jackie Mason or Rodney Dangerfield means) but someone on the right wrote a good piece awhile back about the meaning of… Read more »

5 years ago

“The Torah devotes more than four books to the proposition that the Israelites came to Canaan after having been subjugated in Egypt for generations, and yet there is no archaeological evidence to support that they were ever in Egypt. A prolonged Egyptian stay should have left Egyptian elements in the material culture, such as the pottery found in theearly Israelite settlements in Canaan, but there are none. In short, the traditions of servitude in Egypt, the tales of the Israelites wandering in the desert, and the stories of the conquest of the promised land all appear to be fictitious.” Written… Read more »

Reply to  bilejones
5 years ago

By the late seventies I had made up my mind that everything that came out of their mouths or pens was bullshit. And very little that has occurred since then has changed my opinion.

5 years ago

This idea of a new narrative is an important one. These hoax “hate crimes” and stuff like the canonization of Trayvon Martin are not happening by accident. They are faith affirming stories for the progressive religion. Most religions have them and the Left is no different. They need these contemporary stories to reinforce the narrative of America as a racist place dangerous for non-whites. A black guy that works for a conservative outlet wrote yesterday about how he has to be on guard as a black man among whites in New York City and only feels safe when back in… Read more »

5 years ago

“Charlatans, stooges, and tyrants. The endurance of nationalism proves that there’s never any shortage of blackguards willing to prop up people’s sense of themselves and their destiny with a tissue of myths and prophecies, prejudices and hatreds, or to empty out old rubbish bags full of festering resentments and calls to violence.”

In case you missed it, this was a call for white genocide.

5 years ago

“A Government…steadily refusing to put its sword and purse in the service of any religious creed…”

Uh, is she referring to the USA when she says that? If so, she needs to follow the news more closely. There is one “religious creed” that the USA puts its sword in service of on a regular basis.

Reply to  Steve
5 years ago

No matter the topic. Arguing over humanitarian aid in Venezuela? Be sure to remind people that Roger Waters is anti-Semitic, no matter how much of a non sequitur that is:

Never let anyone forget Holocaustianity.

5 years ago

What, in your opinion were the lessons that our elit should have learned from the 20th century’s industrial wars?

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

In my past experience, the German peoples of the various nation states did self-identify with their city much more than they did with the country as a whole. The old license plates on their cars clearly gave a city/state code (the first one or two letters on the plate), and people noticed and took pride in “their” Stadt. I don’t know what things are like today.

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

It is still like that with German license plate so today. The first letter (or first 2-3 letters, depending on the he size of the city) of the plates is firm the city, followed by a spacer. The next set of 1-2 letters connotes if it’s either registered in the city proper or the county. Then another space. The final three Ron four numbers are randomly assigned, I think, based on whenever you get your plates.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

The partition of Germany into “many states” would have left the German speaking peoples to the mercies of more powerful neighbors. The horrors of the Thirty Years War are still reminders to them of what can happen when you lose control over borders to more powerful neighboring states. And history never sleeps.

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

Germany imo didn’t need fragmented or partitioned. What it needed is what was done…. new borders and one state for all the Germans. Prior to World War 2 Germans were a scattered bunch…. several Eastern European nations and the USSR had German settler communities. They dated back decades or centuries and these folks still spoke German, had their own neighborhoods and villages etc. After WW2 these nations expelled these German communities to Gernany. Naturally they were sore about it but the Germans haven’t gone on a romp since, either in the name of Lebensraum or bringing more Germans under German… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

The most common thing to learn out of the Industrial Wars are:

* Have large oceans, Or
* Large land masses, Or
* Large populations,

So that invasion can never be viewed as a sure thing by any potential aggressor. Those countries that have not been picked over since then are — US, Russia, China, India for any one or multiple of the observations above.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Good point about Germany. The instinct toward centralization amongst government types prevented this.

Reply to  Joshinca
5 years ago

The end of Empire in the first world war kicked things out of whack. What emerged was nationalism but the borders were all fucked up. Czechoslovakia was Czech, Slovak, German, Magyar, Polish, Ukrainian and a few others. Romania had a nugget of magyars right in the middle of it. In the great realignment between 1918 and 1939 the borders writhed in small wars and later diplomatic treaties. After WW2, the Soviets steamrolled everything. They genocide Germans, hit Poland so hard it shifted a few hundred miles West, and killed a few Magyars for good measure. 70 years of peace followed… Read more »

5 years ago

I know you’re a Marylander and all, and I rather like it when a Marylander expresses skepticism of the Union victory in 1861-65. It’s rather in keeping with Maryland tradition. But I’ve studied the Civil War my whole life, and I’d love to know how New England somehow conquered the rest of the nation. Unless you can prove otherwise, I believe that that’s silly. I’ve read the Midwestern politicians – guys who were in little way “New Englander” in the sense that we mean it (and of course not all New Englanders were radical whiny liberals – Webster sure wasn’t).… Read more »

James Morrissey
James Morrissey
5 years ago

The seeming reference to a quotation from Degler’s finishing paragraph appears to be a misleading citation. When I accessed Degler’s December 1986 AHA presentation, it contained no such concluding mention of Douglas or Calhoun or “American Carnage” etc. as seems to be implied.

5 years ago

God, Jesus Christ, is hardly an “indiscriminate child killer”. No one he has ever created has been destroyed.
Who will do the writing?
God, Jesus Christ, will.

5 years ago

“Still, the origin myth of the Jews has served them well for a very long time. These stories are central to Jewish identity and it is that strong identity that has allowed Jews to prosper.” —————————————————————- Point of order here, Z. God spent the first three chapters of the bible telling Jews what arseholes they were. I see similarities between anti-Semitism and the liberals and libertarians that crap all over the Catholicism because of the kiddie-diddling priests: the faith gets smeared from the doings of those that don’t abide by the tenets of the faith at all. Catholicism isn’t to… Read more »

5 years ago

George Washington as Cincinnatus, Madison as Father of the Constitution, Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, et al. as the creators of a new and better government, with an eye to the past and the future.
We will worship our founders or lose our country.
And George Washington may be the greatest man, excluding the Divine, in all of history.
Germany has Arminius (Herman), France has Charlemagne, Hungary has Arpad and Stephen, the Swiss have William Tell. Austria? Nothing, huh. The exception that proves the rule.
To ignore or reject this is to reject your country and you have nothing.

Reply to  Xenophon2020
5 years ago

Well technically Austria has Charlemagne as well, but…

Their greatest man was their last man, Karl I.

5 years ago

“When New England conquered the rest of the nation, the national story ended and was replaced by that new story that put New England at the top, as the ruler of the rest. That held together into the middle of last century, when Jews updated the tale to insinuate themselves into the story and explain their new dominance in the ruling class.”

No sarcasm, wondering what the final sentence refers to Z Man?

5 years ago

Z: “…it’s a story that only Jews can believe”. Neat how you reversed the trope of the believing-Goyim.

joey junger
joey junger
Reply to  Frip
5 years ago

No, he didn’t. There’s a difference between a pep talk one gives oneself or one’s team, and the rap they save to demoralize their enemy.

5 years ago

Once upon a time, our ancestors united into tribal (or larger) assemblies because that was a necessary construct in order to survive, often against external threats. In the time of civilization, wars served that purpose during past few millennia, but technology has changed the nature of warfare and a new boogeyman is needed. I think the next big dividing line is not going to be racial, ethnic, or religious. I think it’s going to be between the fit and productive versus the fat and parasitic. The only place on the planet where people are starving en masse right now is… Read more »

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
Reply to  TomA
5 years ago

It tell us that most conservatives are going to foolishly advocate another war. You can’t say we don’t deserve our fate when our own people make the same mistake over and over. Any war in VZ means a TPS grant, which the courts have interpreted as an amnesty.

Reply to  TomA
5 years ago

technology didn’t change, people still ride cars, trains, plains

There is no light speed of any transportation, World Wide Web didn’t solve Regressive Western Economy

And Racial/Gender Politics Work very well and it will work until European will go extinct in America

Tim Adams
Tim Adams
5 years ago

“People always have origin myths, of course. The most famous of which is the story of the Jews. The whole chosen people business is obvious nonsense. The flight from Egypt is at least plausible in some areas, but unless you’re willing to accept that God is an indiscriminate child killer,” That’s as far as I got before I fully understood that I was reading the words of a man who is a fool. And does not know God therefore he’s a dead man talking; for now…lets see if he changes his mind in the future. First of all God does… Read more »