The Lie Machine

On an August night in 2016, Russell Orlando Courtier got into a dispute with Larnell Bruce Jr. in the parking lot of a convenience store in Oregon. Authorities are unsure what caused the dispute or why it escalated into a physical escalation. All they know is it ended when Courtier drove over a machete wielding Bruce with his Jeep. Courtier was eventually arrested and convicted of first degree murder. He was just sentenced to life in prison, which in Oregon means he gets out in 30 years, assuming good behavior.

Now, according to the media, the attack was a hate crime. Russell Orlando Courtier is a 40-year old white man and Larnell Bruce Jr. was a 19-year old black man, who is dutifully described by the media as a teenager. They want you to get the impression that he was an innocent 13-year old out riding his bike when he was viciously attacked by this white supremacist. Larnell Bruce Jr. is Emmett Till, another unfortunate black body destroyed by a society that was built on and continues to promote white supremacy.

In realty Larnell Bruce Jr. was a hyper-violent serial criminal, with 16 convictions, including one for beating a child with a skateboard. At just 19-years old, Larnell Bruce Jr. was well on his way to either life in a cage or the local cemetery. In fairness, none of his crimes warranted him getting killed by another lunatic in a parking lot, but the arc of his life was leading to this end from the day he was born. The fact is, some people are born bad and they come to bad ends. That was the case for Larnell Bruce Jr.

For his part, Russell Orlando Courtier was not quite the public menace as Mr. Bruce, but he has been convicted of four felonies and three misdemeanors. One of his convictions was for beating the mother of his child. Another was for attacking a man with a knife and another was for attacking a man with broken glass. During his time in the prison system, he joined a white prison gang. When he confronted Mr. Bruce, he was sporting prison ink from that gang and reportedly a hat with a white supremacist logo.

In other words, the real story here is that one of them miraculously made it to 40 without killing someone and the other managed to make it to adulthood. In a better managed society, the parents of Mr. Courtier would have been sterilized before reproducing and the parents of Mr. Bruce would not have been here. Eugenics gets a bad name, but it would have prevented these two lunatics from terrorizing society. In the case of Mr. Courtier, it would have prevented him from making another copy of himself.

According to the media, this is another example of white supremacists murdering innocent black people. The story will be entered into the various databases kept by groups that the lie machine relies upon to testify about these things. In ten years, no one will bother to look up the facts of cases like this. Instead, a ridiculous looking representative of an anti-white terror group will be allowed to include it in their libel against whites. Your children will be guilty, because two violent felons got into a beef in Oregon that ended in murder.

That’s how the lie machine works. The mass media contorts and manipulates events to fit into the narrative. The anti-white hate groups, like the ADL, then cherry pick their best work to include in their libel against white people. They are then invited by the media onto the various platforms to repeat their libel against white people. Other media platforms are assigned to cover these modern minstrel shows, so the lies go through the megaphones once more. Like an echo, the lie is repeated over and over and over.

This is highly orchestrated and coordinated propaganda by people who know exactly what they are doing. At the bottom of that news story is a video the news site put together. It has some clips of the family of the slain man talking about how much they miss the victim. There are images of the victim as a boy. The point of the video is to make you think the convicted man killed a innocent little child, rather than another hyper violent serial felon. Goebbels could not have imagined propaganda of this scale.

This is not simply bias. The mass media is a highly coordinated lie machine, purpose built to promote a blood libel against white people. Russell Orlando Courtier is a monster who should be in a cage, but people like Larnell Bruce Jr. are, according to the Obama administration, three percent of the population, but responsible for 30% of the homicides in this country. Yet, according to the lie machine, outliers like Courtier are the great threat to democracy, while the far more common and lethal people like Bruce are the victims.

It is a bit of trope now to point out that the anti-white bias in the media. It is so pervasive and common, it is now the soundtrack of our lives. That really does not get to the nature of the hatred these people have for us. A dinky little publication like the Oregonian invested hundreds of hours in order to promote this fake hate crime. You don’t do that unless the hatred is so consuming that it is the focus of your life. The fact is, these people are now defined by their hatred of white America. It’s who they are. It’s all they are.

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5 years ago

The Oregonian newspaper is owned by Advance Publications, which in turn is owned by the Newhouse family. They are Jewish. Just so you know.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

That’s the thing. These people need a paymaster. Somebody has to pay for the anti-white infrastructure. What’s scary is that when the Dems take permanent control of the White House and the House of Reps, the govt will pay for that infrastructure by taxing whites.

Right now, the anti-white crusade is mostly being paid for by ((private)) citizens but that will change. In 20 years, the PoC coalition will have the full weight – and power – of the federal government behind it.

We ain’t seen nothing yet.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

I have come to believe that this whole shebang will come to a head, for good or ill, before 20 years are up. Full disclosure: this comes from a guy that assumed SA would collapse within 5 years of black rule and who shifted his retirement out of stock 5 years ago.

Reply to  SidVic
5 years ago

Bad times can go on a lot longer than we think they can, until they suddenly can’t. Constantinople limped along for 900 years after the collapse of the west (even *after* the 4th crusade!)

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

White liberals will dutifully pay those taxes, but white liberals are going extinct because their birthrate is so low. Only gun-toting racist whites are having children because they think their DNA is worth preserving, and they’ll take care of the diversity problem as soon as the police step aside, which they will when the money the government pays them becomes worthless.

We’ll be like Serbia without NATO warplanes to bomb us into submission. The USAF will still exist on paper, but thanks to diversity hiring, they won’t have any flyable aircraft.

Reply to  Dave6034
5 years ago

Serbia is a pretty good analogy. But at least they had Russia on their side…

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Dave6034
5 years ago

As an aside, a Taliban suicide squad back in 2012 did more damage to American Aviation than any incident since Vietnam

Its took out 8 aircraft, 6% of all Harriers and stopping these guys essential required helo support and massive overwhelming firepower

I don’t agree with that the Taliban believe but that’s what guts and a willingness to die for a cause can do.

Right now, nobody has a cause worth risking jack for so its moot..

Reply to  A.B Prosper
5 years ago

Yet Hiroshima is a thriving city while Detroit lies in ruins; no amount of firepower can effect as much damage as that caused by diversity. The US Navy now stays in port because its diverse crews cannot avoid hitting giant cargo ships that travel in straight lines while lit up like Christmas trees.

The South African Air Force sold all its aircraft because its affirmative-action mechanics were incapable of maintaining them. Now they can’t touch the white enclave of Orania — any attack without air support would be a re-enactment of the Battle of Blood River.

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

Yeah, that’s what I do not understand. Why don’t one of these Tarrant types target the newhouse or Sackler families for retribution. I continue to be confused by the dogs that are not barking. PS that woman from the ADL is hideous. She reminds me of a Gothic gargoyle.
Reply to  SidVic
5 years ago

Targeting the Sackler family would be about as easy as targeting
a member of Congress. Capisce?

Reply to
5 years ago

well, in any case, it exceedingly unwise to talk of these things. Nonetheless i will note that determined loner is very hard to stop. See oswald. As far as congressmen go.. tell it to those at the GOP at that softball game. If that guy could’ve shot worth a dang it would have been a real blood bath. Fact is, excluding military bases, this country is a big soft target. Also with the interconnectedness finding someone primary residence, place of work, or their kids school is distressingly easy. I don’t want to sound like a fag, but i really worry… Read more »

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

It helps that Portland is full of prog death worshippers ever eager to demonstrate their anti-white credentials.

And I say that from a similarly situated shitlib city, as i peruse my ballot for the upcoming election and see there is not one single white man running for anything.

The 20 candidates for mayor and city council are all gay, black, latino, and/or female. With one possible blaxican tranny.

I have zero representation. Everything coming from the media is designed to produce this outcome.

Yeah them juze run solid propaganda but whites give them a pretty high ROI.

Squiddly Diddly
5 years ago

And it’s not just crime they lie about, it’s everything. I was forced out of politeness the other night to watch some sort of PBS news segment about climate change in Africa, and how climate change causes mass migration or some twaddle. There was all this footage of Africans farming in some remote African village. Except they weren’t “farming,” they were randomly, purposelessly poking big piles of dirt with crude shovels; in other words, it was staged for the cameras, it was Potemkin farming (besides, African /women/ do most of the agricultural work). The reporters literally said “climate change” in… Read more »

Da Booby
5 years ago

“You don’t do that unless the hatred is so consuming that it is the focus of your life. The fact is, these people are now defined by their hatred of white American. It’s who they are. It’s all they are.” This is what happens, not simply when haters and extremists are allowed into academia, but when haters and extremists take over academia. There is no counterbalance, no accountability, no debate. Just ceaseless ideology, pounded like nails into the empty heads of privileged white brats seeking a cause to rationalize their inner- and outer-contempt. It works as well on a Western… Read more »

Mark Taylor
5 years ago

One of the ironies of the BLM fiasco is that crime statistics show that the “oppressed” group between blacks and whites is whites. Interracial violent crime is almost all blacks murdering and raping whites. Yet we hear the opposite, blacks are under attack. Joe Normiecon’s only weapon against BLM is to claim that its pretty equal and blacks aren’t facing more attacks. He completely misses that the issue isn’t merely overblown, it’s entirely 180 degrees of the truth. Our side has the ability to counter this. The ADL, SPLC, and similar groups pump out fake statistics and white papers all… Read more »

Reply to  Mark Taylor
5 years ago

Mark, just an addition to your fine analysis. Unfortunately, the truth is like a precious stone that takes great effort to discover and extract. For example, wrt “small pox blankets” and the first great attempt at genocide against Indians (of course, by evil whites). Nothing is further from the truth. Source, Lewis and Clark journals, written by Lewis and Clark during their three years exploring the Louisiana purchase territory. One of their charges by Thomas Jefferson was to inform and attempt to inoculate the Western tribes *against* smallpox with the new “Jenner vaccine”. You see TJ, that white supremest slave… Read more »

Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago

Simply asking the obvious question–“How?”–should do the trick? HOW did badwhites inoculate blankets with smallpox pathogens? Exactly what method was used to do that? Where did the pathogens come from? How were they isolated in the first place, and how replicated and stored? Was there some secret medical laboratory in colonial America that nobody knew about then or now? All before the Industrial Revolution? How transported to wherever the blankets were inoculated therewith? How did these badwhites contrive to introduce the pathogens into the bloodstream–through the skin? Etc., etc. And if they were that scientifically advanced, it strikes me that… Read more »

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Mark Taylor
5 years ago

Discovered the Bureau of Justice stat reports years ago. It was eye opening. And in discussions on crime and gun control have yet to run into a lefty that has bothered to read any of the data available there.

Mark Taylor
Reply to  Saml Adams
5 years ago

They lefties won’t care but the normal conservatives will. Even in my life time it’s gone from conservatives never mentioning that all the crime is coming from the ghettos to conservatives bringing up the the black murder rate when a cop kills a vibrant. But that’s just playing defense. Playing defense about how this specific guy was probably provoked, or some historical event is exaggerated when whites are blamed is a losing argument. If whites must answer for the crimes of all whites then everyone else should too. Slavery ended 150 years ago. Blacks murdering and raping whites at enormous… Read more »

5 years ago

Not necessarily so, Z Man. Take heart: whenever Leftie and his army of vibrants and menopausal women are put in charge, they will run the organization into the ground. The media is no exception. They can’t sell a subscription, never mind a narrative. Sales are diving, journalists are being laid off en masse – you should be happy! In the case of our two felonious friends – it was merely a case of two idiots fighting, and the weaker, dumber idiot losing. These people are a fount of truth if you read and hear them the right way. I think… Read more »

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Glenfilthie
5 years ago

“When you read between the lines, take into account what is being left out – the Lie Machine doesn’t work anymore.” Most don’t believe or even pay attention except in passing to the media. But because it is everywhere and on 24/7 it still controls the narrative. Stories like this are designed to paralyze whites. Sounds fishy but since so much is missing they can’t be sure so they keep their nose to the grindstone. White kids parrot what their teachers peddle to them and what the culture demands of them; the more easily conditioned wage war against themselves. Those… Read more »

Reply to  Yves Vannes
5 years ago

I think it is all about wearing the normies down now. They are just too exhausted to raise a stink about the Notre Dame lies, so they are just letting it go. As long as the Antifa thugs or the Larnell Bruces are not in their faces, personally beating the crap out of them, they are withdrawing and just riding it out. But they are voting our way.

The Babe
The Babe
Reply to  Glenfilthie
5 years ago

Here’s a little bit of a whitepill: “YouTubers are getting more views than CNN.”

I quite like this Red Elephant guy. He’s got such a homely, middle-America demeanor that he kind of flies under the radar (contrast, for example, with the irritating style of Richard Spencer), but he’s still on /our/ side of the gate. He’s dishing out redpills all over the place.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  The Babe
5 years ago

The Red Elephant guy, Vince, produces a lot of content. A video at least every day, sometimes more, most around 15 minutes. These are the kind of videos you can send to your normie friends, since he comes across as a sensible guy. He’s punching well above his weight among those getting our ideas out there.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
5 years ago

Making a handsome living as well. I love it.

Reply to  The Babe
5 years ago

Can confirm. That guy is one of us. He is cagey as hell too.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
5 years ago

sorry glen, but they are selling a metric shitton of subscriptions. Each and every cable customer and Dish customer in the us is giving $$ each and every month to CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, and on and on . Its baked into the bill. you cannot pay for only the channels you want. They sell by making sure you have no choice but to buy .

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
5 years ago

The Lie Machine is bad now, but just wait until the ban and censorship program of the internet is in full operation.

5 years ago

You know who else the lie machine lied about? James Fields.

Who else are they lying about?

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

Fields was precisely the case I was going to mention. Without the political, anti-white, racial supremest angle, the worse verdict would be 2nd degree murder. Same with the Oregon case (I imagine), but toss a racial angle in by the prosecution and a jury of “good whites” will sacrifice one of their own to virtual signal just about every time.

Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago

Only the weak virtue signal. It gives them power over a stronger character.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

I mentioned this on another article recently and I don’t like putting my stuff out in public because I -am- in a few federal databases, I know this for 100% fact as I was told as much by TPTB. My story is not unlike the one here. In that, there was an escalation of events on BOTH sides. I.E. Both parties were guilty. But that is not how the po-leece saw it. They saw, just like this story- “black vs. white” so you can imagine how that ended for me. They immediately go into ‘construct the narrative’ mode and the… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
5 years ago

My motto “run silent, run deep” The times call for cagey men. Oh.. and if you have sons sit em down and explain it to them in the most serious earnestness. Start early. It is minefield out there for young white men in particular.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Apex Predator
5 years ago

AP……Yes, Run Silent Run Deep. You took a big hit. Take care of you and yours. The macro world will rise and fall, rise and fall on it’s own time. No more Whack-A-Mole for you.
Good advice,SV.

5 years ago

I am still waiting for the Resistance to start to resist. These people double down every day until no truth is even available. I can’t even enjoy a good upbeat news item without questioning the source. If I was standing in a hot sweltering sunny day and they told me it will be clear today, I would have my doubts.
Hey we did get a no arson report on Notre Dame, so that’s something.

As a side note, Owen Benjamin just had his PayPal account banned and money frozen for 6 months.

Reply to  David_Wright
5 years ago

The thing is, we are outliers. We consume the red pill because that’s who we are. Normies are happy to stay mostly blue-pilled, even though they know they get lied to 24/7, every day. As long as their normalcy bias is not destroyed and they are fed plausible excuses for what is going on, they are content to lie low. But we don’t just want to know what time it is, we want to know how the watch is put together and whether it has been set correctly. We shouldn’t be waiting for normie to figure it out, because he… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

you are, of course, correct in your assessment of normies. However, their deficiencies are nothing that could not be corrected with a couple of days of missed meals.

Reply to  SidVic
5 years ago

Keeping the masses fed with their bread is always #1 on the imperial agenda.

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago


Right on the money. But consider the normie’s role in society: they are defenders of the status quo. If and when the status quo changes they’ll defend the new one. Without them society would be nothing but constant revolution.

Mr. Incredible
Mr. Incredible
Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

We are Winston Smith (1984). You know how that turned out…

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Mr. Incredible
5 years ago

In the end Ing Soc bit the dust of its own weight.

Also unlike Winston we still have free speech and a hell of a lot of guns. We just don’t where to use them

Reply to  A.B Prosper
5 years ago

I doubt that

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

Operative phrase: “not wired like we are.” There’s something to that biological reality stuff including hardwiring. Only so many will turn.

Reply to  David_Wright
5 years ago

Yeah I worry about Owen Benjamin. Could end up suicided. Nonetheless I wish he would go into politics. Big good-looking guy like that could be really successful.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  David_Wright
5 years ago

Having a wee moment of scruffy, starved hope today. Savour this! Inroads being made! Yesterday while visiting with an old Mormon wheelchair shut-in gal over a cut-throat game of cards, she made her observation on current politics. She NEVEREVER talks politics so this is front and center big deal for her. She is highly disturbed about the Lefty abortion racket, aborting babies at birth. Gave me an opening to drop seeds re Planned Parenthood circle of money to DNC then back to P.P. Next she’s horrified about reparations….yes! Big Black pill for her! In calm steady voice (inside my head… Read more »

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Range Front Fault
5 years ago

The LDS church made a slide to the left a couple weeks ago. They are “inspired” to now allow children of gay people, members or not, to be baptised. And being gay in the church does not constitute an apostasy anymore. It’s been downgraded to a naughty. So there we go and saw this coming a long way off. The church is growing by conversion from mainly Marxist Central and South America. It is losing youngpeople stateside so hence the appeal to Gay inclusion. This is also about flying under the Imperial Capitol radar and tax exempt status. It will… Read more »

Reply to  David_Wright
5 years ago

Resistance doesn’t have to be confrontation, the problem is the DR is stuck in a ‘all or nothing mode with the emphasis on nothing and gun collecting.. It doesn’t understand that resistance to the ruling class occupies a spectrum of actions. From simply leaving flyers and posters in lefty areas, to say dropping roofing nails on major freeways to setting various ethnic groups against each other, etc. The Left is so whacked out, the DR would have no problem gas lighting them but won’t. If they are collective so stupid not take advantage of their enemies weakness, I don’t think… Read more »

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Rod1963
5 years ago

In my experience, the old Mormon ranching families in Northern Nevada -Western Utah will stiffen their collective spines hard and resist if their 2nd Amendment rights are threatened. Their livelihood is dependent on carrying firearms in the back country. Am grateful for any degree of waking up on the spectrum. Yes, I do not expect this old babe staunch Mormon woman to wake up and turn all Bill Ayers in reverse on us. However, if she’s this woken up this much at this stage of the game, there is a lot more cognitive dissonance/deer in headlight eyerolling going on back… Read more »

Reply to  Range Front Fault
5 years ago

The old school intermountain west Mormons will be kicked to the curb in place of the people-of-color and LBGT world.

Now, that is pretty funny….

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  williamwilliams
5 years ago

Money for temples and tax exempt status trumps old culture…..Reality!

Primi Pilus
Primi Pilus
Reply to  Range Front Fault
5 years ago

I would observe that their 2nd Amdt rights at this minute are dramatically and openly being curbed, not threatened, by the hard-blue, highest-percentage-female-in-the-nation legislature, capped now by the newly-installed socialist governor. They are busy running down the Bloomberg-structured and funded anti-gun legislation playbook. 600 square miles of LV valley urban sprawl now effectively controls a 110,000 square mile landmass for the left. We’ll see how those 2nd Amendment / America-loving Mormons respond to that.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Rod1963
5 years ago

There is quite a bit of flyer action and that sort of thing going, Its OK to be Whiet which has triggered many a campus Leftist However expecting Conservatives to sabotage the society they live in as a protest is questionable As for damaging highways, just no and hell no. I trust I do not have to explain why this is a bad idea . Don’t do that. Besides here in So Cali the roads are so bad no one would notice , piles of roofing nails , burning flipped cars , tires in the road are routine. The effective… Read more »

Reply to  David_Wright
5 years ago

I’ll have to check the timeline but didn’t the “no arson” reporting start 5 minutes before the fire started?

5 years ago

Nazi is synonymous with white now

Reply to  Whitney
5 years ago

Which explains the “Nazi” rally in Virginia two summers ago.

How many Boomer Conservatards accepted the MSM line about that event without question?

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

Too many, Thanks goodness the youngest are in their mid 50’s .and the oldest nearing mid 70’s This means by the 2030’s , the general consensus SHTF date, the youngest will be in their 60’s and the oldest mostly gone since boomer health is not great Also important there are numerically less younger boomers than older ones and the TFR while still highish declined a lot The bad side is the boomers and silents kind of damp down the worst of the radicalism in a way which means things are going to get ugly. This is expected and if the… Read more »

Reply to  Whitney
5 years ago

We can only hope. The more people that realize that if they have the name; they might as well have the game- the better. That said, i am very perplexed by the guys that continue to insist on rehabilitating the national socialist.

Reply to  SidVic
5 years ago

SidVic, you make a great point. As the real right awakens further, NSDAP imagery is going to continue to be an issue.

Someone (Weev maybe?) made a great point that we should all keep in mind moving forward. WigNats have no sense of humor whatsoever, and should be avoided at all costs.

Don’t fall into the “any pro-white person is an ally” trap. You end up tied to the likes of Chris Cantwell that way.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

Don’t fall into the “any pro-white person is an ally” trap- Haha my operating assumption of any pro-white is that they are unbalanced, or an informant at the very least. Does present a dilemma to any organizing one might want to try:)

Reply to  SidVic
5 years ago

I think most of us know few, if any, open pro-whites IRL.

I’d venture to guess Tarrant didn’t know any.

Al in Georgia
Al in Georgia
5 years ago

I have become the New Soviet Man. I assume that everything that I read or see in the “news” is a lie or tells only part of the truth. Once you reach this point you can decipher the information that you are being fed. They think that we are all stupid and believe what they tell us. This is how the citizens of the USSR interpreted Pravada and Izvestia.

Reply to  Al in Georgia
5 years ago

I’ve been in the
“If their lips are moving .. then they’re lying”
mode for awhile now ..

5 years ago

It is key to remember that this habit of shaping, selectively editing the news to fit an anti-white, pro-minority worldview got rolling long ago. Probably as far back as 1940. There were major race riots in 1943 Detroit which were harbingers of the social engineering revolution unleashed after 1955. Time & again, Blacks were portrayed as innocents; hapless victims of White aggression or institutional racism. Particularly in the 1965-85 frame, their rampant criminality was obscured as something inevitable or excusable in their struggle to escape poverty.

Reply to  Quicksilver75
5 years ago

It traces back at least to the liberation of Jewry in the West, the 19th century.

There was some whitey-hating before by some few euros, but they took it to new heights and produced it on the industrial scale.

Reply to  roo_ster
5 years ago

In 2300 BC, they brought in Guterian beast-men of Africa, barely more intelligent and far more vicious than dogs, and destroyed the Mesopatamian empires.

Now the gangs, brown, black, and muslim, are sending their men for training not only in prisons, but in the military as well, for advanced training.

Mark Taylor
Reply to  Quicksilver75
5 years ago

I can’t remember who said it, but they pointed out that the lack of tribalism is whites is novel. Our ancestors did not think that way, and certainly nobody other than whites thinks that way today. Historically it’s unnatural. It took years of propaganda to achieve it and it takes constant propaganda to maintain it. And now it’s not working as well as it used to so they are dialing it up. Maintaining this culture completely unique in history is unlikely. Humans will return to being humans. The cost of keeping them in this state is becoming too high a… Read more »

The Babe
The Babe
5 years ago

I know that as a matter of practical public propaganda, it’s of limited use to point out the left’s hypocrisy and double standards.

But just as an observation, it’s absolutely amazing how the left is shameless enough to promote itself as the “party against racism,” and much of the normie public is naive enough to believe it, when exterminationist race hatred is the defining element of their thing.

This is Soviet-level stuff.

Reply to  The Babe
5 years ago

There is the sort of reality that says if you stick your hand in the fire, you will get burned. Then there is the one that is not seen or felt firsthand, but is actually mostly passed around as secondhand hearsay. The Left has the manipulation of that sort of perceived reality down cold. Very difficult to fight back.

Reply to  The Babe
5 years ago

The reason this is “Soviet-level stuff” is because the people who did it there are also here.

pimpkin\'s nephew
pimpkin\'s nephew
Reply to  The Babe
5 years ago

As I understand it, the anti-white thesis runs as follows. There was no racism until white men invented it. To kill the disease, you kill the host. It’s demented, but it isn’t actually illogical once the premise is accepted. White people invented everything else – it is only natural to assume that they invented racism, evil, and global warming. I believe that millions of people worldwide actually think like this, and their numbers are growing, encouraged by elites whose motives are not quite sane. It’s beyond Soviet-level. It’s way worse than that. In twenty years those still around who know… Read more »

Mark Taylor
Reply to  pimpkin\'s nephew
5 years ago

White people did invent evil. It’s just that our enemies don’t understand what that means. Without whites people raped, killed, stole, and had slaves plenty. It’s just that those things weren’t considered evil.

Reply to  Mark Taylor
5 years ago

Touché, brother.

The Babe
The Babe
5 years ago

Of course it’s more than just individual lies; it’s an effort to build up a whole fictitious reality. Which is the opposite of the real reality.

That’s why their silencing of dissidents is so nasty: we’re challenging their whole lie-world.

The worst part is that if we lose, this fictitious “reality” will go into the history books as the reality.

I wonder how many historical time periods and peoples are thus misrepresented?

Reply to  The Babe
5 years ago

I suspect there is a lot of “rewritten” history out there. Indeed, we often say “history is written by the victors” as a truism of sorts. However, centuries ago, there were not as many literate people, i.e., historians and sources of information, such as archeologists, geneticists, newspapers, iPhones, etc. The truth can not be covered up permanently as there are too many sources to send to the “memory hole”. However, in the short term, such may not do us any good when all the high ground is in the control of the enemy. In my discussions with friends and family,… Read more »

5 years ago

I can’t say that if someone attacked me with a machete I wouldn’t run him over.

Reply to  MikeyParks
5 years ago

The key would be to do it as he was attacking you, not after he withdrew from combat as seems to have happened here.

Reply to  Dukeboy01
5 years ago

No the key is to remember to back over him, look around to make sure there are no witnesses, and then drive away nonchalantly at a slow, but not suspiciously slow speed. I also understand that bleach and rented powerwashers are useful for removing road grime.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
5 years ago

It’s always so hard to find an innocent black man. They thought they had it with Trayvon. Just a kid out there buying Skittles and walking home. Then as you read it he really was probably casing the neighborhood. A criminal in waiting who had burglary tools in his locker.

Reply to  JR Wirth
5 years ago

It’s always so hard to find an innocent black man. They thought they had it with Trayvon.

They chose Trayvon BECAUSE he was guilty. If they’d chosen a case where a white man had legitimately killed a black for no reason, they would risk seeing the perpetrator go to jail, and then there’d be no systemic racism to riot over.

By choosing to champion only types like Trayvon or Mike Brown, they don’t run the risk of getting their hate spoiled.

Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

That is a pretty acute insight. There was a shooting of a black man down in South Carolina sometime back. The officer asked for the guys ID and then panicked and shot him when he went to get it. My Progressive friend showed me the video, almost gleefully. I was like yeah, well, what of it -the cop deserves to be in jail. He seemed almost deflated. It was then that I realized they need a case that falls in the grey area.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  SidVic
5 years ago

Good observation! Lightbulb illuminated! Now I get why the local rage for inciting the Oakland Oscar Grant riots….in which by police direction, car traffic (including me) was turned and aimed directly into the rioters. Not sure how I got out alive. Cop car burning to my right. Massive swarm around trapped cars. They broke like a wave around my car and never saw me as if I was invisible. Went on to 3 blocks north to break hundreds of windows and set cars alight. No wonder why I appreciate Z Blog and you folks.

5 years ago

“…This is highly orchestrated and coordinated propaganda by people who know exactly what they are doing….” Absolutely true. It’s no coincidence to hear the media use the same exact words and phraseology when “reporting” (i.e., spewing their left wing propaganda) on a topic they (and really, only they) deem of importance. Further, this massive propaganda effort is VERY well funded; one reason that TV ratings and newspaper circulation levels , by some miracle, do not seem to affect how/what CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, etc., say or do. For all intents and purposes, the “ratings” as far as they are concerned… Read more »

Reply to  JohnTyler
5 years ago

The batty mother-in-law is in town for Holy Week, and CNN/MSNBC has been blaring from the tv while she is here. Those people are completely unhinged, way more so than the last time she was in town. I’m surprised there isn’t spittle all over the camera lens. Whatever you think is going on over there these days, it is about ten times worse. 30 seconds should do it for you.

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

Dutch, your wife really owes you (if you know what I mean).

Reply to  Federalist
5 years ago

She is a caregiver for the MIL. My burden is a light one, relatively. Caregiving is a physical and emotional rollercoaster and a workout.

5 years ago

Instead of a cage, we should reinstate transportation. I hear South Africa is offering great deals for blacks that murder whites. As for the white felon, how about we wall off a few hundred square miles of Alaska and airdrop those folks in there.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  BadThinker
5 years ago

I stooped reading the Oregonian back in High school with the State was mostly Red. Its always sucked The transported felons do fine with a little starter help and the lack of drugs . Today’s felon was often yesterdays great explorer. If they get to a problem, bears gotta eat too. Also if we were willing and able to create safe and humane prisons, we’d have less prison gangs. Our society loves incarcerating people, sometimes it needs to but it won’t pay the bills to do it properly As for a an actual fix, not that anyone asks its really… Read more »

Reply to  A.B Prosper
5 years ago

Dude, you need to watch a few episodes of Locked Up Abroad and then you’ll realize we do have safe and Humane prisons

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Whitney
5 years ago

I have but I’m not competing with Chad or Niger or even China. The US prison system is failure , it doesn’t deter, is cruel and we lock more people than any other society on earth anyway. In a well run prison there should essentially be no very little violence , no prison rape and no fucking way we we tolerate something like SuperMax which is pure evil Compared to other well developed nations we are a failure in many respects. We have the worst worst child and infant mortality rate in the developed world too and while we compare… Read more »

Reply to  A.B Prosper
5 years ago

AB, I read your comments with interest. This one no different, but instead I will respond a bit differently. Instead of taking your points one by one, let me attempt to address all in one retort: These countries you say are better than us in matters of prison reform, prenatal care, etc. are what countries? I’m sensing you are referring to 1st world, European, and perhaps some other English speaking situations such as Australia and New Zealand. Those countries are, until recently, racially homogenous, and White. We are not. Those statistics that you cite are heavily influenced by our minority… Read more »

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago

I only have a couple of petty disagreements with you in that the US has a horrendous White drug and broken family crowd Fix those too and we’ll be far better off for it Note too that the majority of locked criminals in Europe are not White and yet they are able to contain the dysfunction to a better degree than we can. Race is huge factor, probably the main one but its not the only one and it can be dealt with That said, dealing with the issue for good would require something that Whites me included find morally… Read more »

Reply to  A.B Prosper
5 years ago

AB, you’re changing the argument somewhat, or perhaps making yourself more clear. If the subject is now that we need to retain (and create) good employment opportunities for those of the population left behind. I’m with you and always have been. First responsibility of a reasonable leadership is to help the population to help themselves, not abet a social Darwinian environment as we seem to have now. But again, to maximize all folks potential, we must first and foremost realize the biological and immutable fact of potential differences among the population groups and structure society around such truth.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago

In the vein ran across a little fun fact recently. The Swiss prison population is 68%…not Swiss. Also DoJ recently released a report on the illegal alien component of the Federal prison population..don’t recall the exact stats but struck me if you believe the estimates of illegal alien population in the US, they are over represented in the Federal system at 8-10x

Reply to  BadThinker
5 years ago

Sans parachute, I hope?

5 years ago

(((Karl Marx))) cherry picked UK gov’t reports about industrialists’ abuses of their workers, reports that were written after the UK gov’t took action by sanctioning the industrialists and/or passing new laws & regulations. But Marx passed off accounts of such (addressed) abuse as the median case. (((Howard Zinn))) did the same thing in his “People’s History of the United States.” Slavery, Jim Crow, genocide, and all the rest of black arm band history. And, again, both Marx (Engles) & Zinn (Boston U) had sinecures supporting and funding their work. Heck, Marx never even stepped foot in a factory. There are… Read more »

Reply to  roo_ster
5 years ago

Careful there, you gonna wear out the parenthesis key on our keyboard roo.

5 years ago

Mark Steyn has a fantastic column out today. Good to see him writing again, instead of wrecking his career trying to be some kind of William F. Buckley clone (the TV show, the cruises, etc). When he puts his mind to it, or when he’s pissed off, there’s no better prose stylist writing today.

Reply to  AltitudeZero
5 years ago

Steyn needs multiiple sources of income just to keep up with the legal fees he incurs by offending Our Rulers. Writing, especially just on his blog, can’t bring in enough cash.

The man attacks the reigning pieties and pays a price for his heresy. If 20 other right leaning scribes had his talent and balls, the proggies would have their asses kicked every day.

As it is, we get Ben Shapiro.

Reply to  Lorenzo
5 years ago

I certainly don’t begrudge Steyn any money he gets, but I wish that he would write more – that’s where his true talent lies.

Reply to  AltitudeZero
5 years ago

Steyn’s one of the few voices I still follow from my Bushie days (plus VDH & Coulter, a few others). He’s taken serious financial and personal heat for the cause, so I tend to forgive his shabbos goy interventionism. He’s a common starting point for most dissidents’ road to red-pilling and a good wordsmith, solid net positive for our side.

Reply to  AltitudeZero
5 years ago

So, precisely because Paris is full of people who would love to burn down Notre Dame four days before Good Friday, it seems bizarrely improbable that it should happen by accident: that a highly desirable target should be taken out by some slapdash workman leaving a cigarette butt near his combustible foam take-out box – the lunchpack of Notre Dame – and letting the dried-out twelfth-century timbers do the rest.

“Lunchpack of Notre Dame” is fantastic.

Reply to  AltitudeZero
5 years ago

Steyn: “The builders who raised up those stones through great vaulted spaces soaring to heaven were primitive, ill-educated men who nevertheless had a sense of something beyond themselves and the present tense.”

As Exile noted previously, it’s also time to drag religion kicking and screaming into the 21st century.
Religion is a science mired in the dark ages, as was medicine in the 5th century.

We have betrayed the young enough.
We must give them the tools they need, I hope to provide a firm foundation. We were made for this.

5 years ago

They know the “truth”, they just need to find the evidence and ignore reality long enough to find some.

King Tut
King Tut
5 years ago

Why are Muslims wielding such a lot of power now in the West? Because they have demonstrated that they are prepared to use all lethal means up to and including mass murder to get what they want. Perhaps our masters are not so much in thrall to them as just downright scared of them. Nobody is scared of polite, well-behaved white people.

Reply to  King Tut
5 years ago

Moslems don’t wield power. Globalists wield Moslems.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

Felix… what do you think will happen to that power balance when there are way more Muslims than Globalists and weedy Euros? Your take?

Reply to  Range Front Fault
5 years ago

Call me a Pollyanna, but I don’t think it will come to that. It’s extremely hard to rustle up dependable numbers on Mohammadan invaders, because everybody fudge them: the governments downplay them, the counterjihadis boost them, but a Moslem majority is at least five decades away. I think matters will come to a head long before that. A critical point will be when the number of POC in the US reaches 50% plus one – they’ll throw the biggest party in American history. Whatever happens then, will spill over into Europe, and America, ironically, will once again be coming to… Read more »

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

Thank you much……must ruminate on your opinions.

King Tut
King Tut
Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

Felix, maybe but that assumes that Mohammetans have no ambitions of their own. Twice they came close to conquering the whole of Europe. I doubt globalists had much to do with it.

Reply to  King Tut
5 years ago

Twice they came close to conquering the whole of Europe.

Ancient history. The last time Western armies met the Arabs on a real battlefield – in 1990 – the Mohammadans were slaughtered at a rate of 100:1.

Mohammadans are a nuisance, they are not dangerous, except in the sense that the globalists are wielding them against us. You might as well worry that the blacks in America should rise up and overthrow the white oppressor.

5 years ago

“In a better managed society, the parents of Mr. Courtier would have been sterilized before reproducing and the parents of Mr. Bruce would not have been here.”

You are quite harsh with Mr. Courtier. Conviction for 4 Felonies, 3 misdemeanors – don’t know any details, but from what little you told us about Mr. Courtier, I see no reason to share your conclusion that Mr. Courtier is a bad man.

Do you seriously believe the courts always treated a white man fairly?

Reply to  Karl
5 years ago

Agreed, see my previous post re: James Fields.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Courtier never got the memo that running down and killing hyperviolent black thugs is the sort of thing reserved for mexicans and central americans.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Not a woman, but the mother of his child. There are good reasons for attacking a man with a knife or broken glass. It all depends on the situation.

As for running that black guy who was brandishing a machete, there might also be a good reason for that. If only that he was already in for the hate crime of yelling at the guy, which might have sufficed for a sentence of many years (with his rap sheet).

Did you ever hear the saying, if you get a death sentence for a petty offence, don’t bother with petty offences

Reply to  Karl
5 years ago

No, the courts don’t treat whites fairly, but they didn’t frame this guy for multiple violent felonies. He’s bad. And he’s done a lot more than what he was convicted for.

Reply to  Federalist
5 years ago

Nonetheless he does appear to have some redeeming qualities, anger issues aside, No? He apparently doesn’t support diversity and has an aversion to vibrancy. I would also wager that he has never consumed soy and that his nut sack is heavily burdened.

Christopher Chantrill
Christopher Chantrill
5 years ago

The point is that anti-white hate is not just hate; it is a religion, and whites are the Devil.

Nietzsche made the point that it was “the priests” taught us to hate ourselves, rather than the Other.

Well, what is better? To hate the Satan in ourselves, or the Satan out there in the Other?

My feeling is that leftist hate is a regression to pre-Axial Age religion.
5 years ago

“but people like Larnell Bruce Jr. are, according to the Obama administration, three percent of the population, but responsible for 30% of the homicides in this country. ”

Uh, no, that would be 50% of the homicides in this country.

5 years ago

There are so many false wife beating accusations, that I no longer believe any of them. This goes double when it’s a “baby-mama” rather that a wife. Not the point of the story, but still relevant in my view.

Professor Clunky
5 years ago

“by Aimee Green”

How much younwanna bet our dear Aimee is the star of yet another episode of America’s most-watched show, Every. Single. Time. Theater?

(maybe America’s /only/-watched show)

Haxo Angmark
5 years ago

yeah. Right. Actually, it’s

(((who))) they are.

5 years ago

The larger context is important too. The Progressive media engages in extreme propaganda for a very specific reason. They know that the escalating craziness is pushing the limits of societal acceptance and eventually this will force a backlash, perhaps in the form of a revolution or civil war. As such, a hot conflict would put these pansies at great risk, and since they really cannot defend themselves, they must rely on LEOs to protect them instead. The only way they can ensure the cooperation and protection of LEOs is to fully control the political apparatus and demonize the “enemy.” They… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
5 years ago

Just curious, what do you think they’ll actually be facing?

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

Simple, secret, solo, and spontaneous.

Reply to  TomA
5 years ago

You creeping me out Tom. Carry on sir.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  TomA
5 years ago

Of course. Carry on Longstreet. No charge across open ground and up the middle.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  TomA
5 years ago

LEO’s = law enforcement officials?

5 years ago

Is this a case of a machine being put to bad use, or is it the machine itself that is the problem?

I just sometimes imagine what it would be like if people were targeted with media promoting, say, flossing their teeth or highway courtesy.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
5 years ago

Sailors site Unz is down.
Any idea why?

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
5 years ago

9:54 am ….Damn, you’re right.

5 years ago

So. I mean years ago, I stopped paying attention to the media. I’m talking, like the mid 90’s. Seems like what the answer is, is to discredit the media – and thanks to Trump, the final nail in the coffin just got hammered in. But what does that mean. We are sitting good here, as far as plugging the fingers in the dike of antiwhite propaganda. The spell is broken, and I suppose the next phase is widespread resistance, resistance in multivarious forms, up and down the range – from violence between a white and non white couple of felons… Read more »

5 years ago

The sin of omission. Paint a pretty picture. The truth is in the details. The statement “Wake up white people” was never more pertinent than it is today. White people bad. Progressive liars that push an agenda………heroes. We all need to hope we never have to defend ourselves with deadly force against a non white.

5 years ago

Congrats! (I think) … You’ve made AOS comments “above the fold”!!

Christopher S. Johns
Christopher S. Johns
5 years ago

Z, just wait until the Jeremy Christian trial. This Courtier case is just an hors d’oeuvre.

Desert Rat
Desert Rat
5 years ago

OT but interesting data on the Notre Dame fire:

5 years ago

When the Cowboys play the Patriots, I have one of those, “Why can’t they both lose?” feelings.

I feel in this case, that both lost, and society won. Yeah, the media is the media, they’re gonna do their thing. We’re not so far gone as a country that people lack the ability to roll their eyes at this sort of thing.

There’s also this, which surprised me, “The decision appeared to mark Oregon’s first hate crime murder conviction in three decades.”

Somehow that got past the editor…

Tono Bungay
Tono Bungay
5 years ago

Without being interested enough to look into the facts, it sounds like at best second degree murder—wasn’t the guy threatening him with a machete? Does identifying with white nationalism automatically upgrade to first degree now? Someone please post a link to the article for details.

Does Zman block people? I’ve noticed that Alzebo and Lester fewer stopped posting rather abruptly. I ask only because others have said it, perhaps jokingly. Othervwebsites have blocked me for nothing very provocative. I would ask; how can you guys criticize Amazon for blocking things they don’t like?

Reply to  Tono Bungay
5 years ago

I would say that Amazon operates like a public utility and has a social obligation to Free speech whereas Zman is a political and cultural opinion blog promoting his opinion. No pretense there. If I didn’t like him I wouldn’t click on every day.

Tono Bungay
Tono Bungay
Reply to  Tono Bungay
5 years ago

Oh, and did anybody see that about the black guy who threw a five year old off a balcony in Minnesota? No reference to the child’s race! No talk of “hate”!

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Tono Bungay
5 years ago

Posted this yesterday here: I read in newspeak that the vibrant was mad because after wandering through the mall hitting on white women to get laid (great line, Dude..”hey lady you wanna screw”), he failed, got pissed, decided to kill a white person, again wandered through the mall the day before and didn’t find the right white person to kill, until the next day he found the little white boy to kill and hurl into the void. Substitute kill for getting laid! Not the first time we’ve heard this story about vibrants on the white hoo-hoo hunt to get laid,… Read more »

Reply to  Range Front Fault
5 years ago

Source on the ”hey lady you wanna screw”? My google search turned up nothing.

Reply to  Tono Bungay
5 years ago

Yup, DR3. We know. We also know that no one cares. The express, openly stated moral animus of the left is racial hatred of whites, so pointing out that the Dems R the Real Raciss is less effective than calling a pope Catholic.

Reply to  Tono Bungay
5 years ago

Not blocked. Developing weapons. The time has come for war with the gods.

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

witty rhetorical weapons I hope. Please don’t go all f*** your Optics on us man. 🙂

Reply to  SidVic
5 years ago

Practical technology, thanks, semantics are too limited a tool.
You get in the car and turn the key, it doesn’t matter what you know or believe. The car runs.

I say below religion is a science- primitive, but still, a science.

5 years ago

If you’re not Courtier and you’re not like Courtier and it’s not hard to avoid being like Courtier, then you’re safe. You’re not a victim. Just don’t put on an EK hat.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  kleist
5 years ago

How safe and not victimized are James Watson, Charles Murray and Roger Scruton for not being like Courtier?

Reply to  kleist
5 years ago

“If you’re not Courtier and you’re not like Courtier and it’s not hard to avoid being like Courtier, then you’re safe.”

As Orwell put it with regard to a similar matter, “If you believe this, you are dreaming a dream from which you will awake when someone bashes you with a rubber truncheon”.

And oh yeah, hi, Tiny. How’s it goin’?