Battling The Lotus Eaters

Those who have tried to engage with hardcore civic nationalists or evangelical patriots will have experienced a strange phenomenon where they appear to be strangely blind to certain topics. For example, the story about the black seeking out and throwing a white child over a third floor railing at the Mall of America. These super-normies respond to it by blaming communism or democrats. It’s as if the facts cause their code to reboot and they start repeating whatever they saw on Sean Hannity the prior evening.

If you press them on the obvious racial angle, they get flustered and either change the subject or break into a different chant about how America is an idea. It’s an odd thing that suggests these people have some sort of shunt in their consciousness that prevents them from seeing certain aspects of life. It’s not just a matter of self-censorship in order to avoid taboo subjects. Something seems to have been altered in their brains that prevents them from seeing anything that contradicts the colorblind fantasy.

It is an important fact for dissidents to accept. A lifetime of conditioning, perhaps generations of conditioning, have made it impossible for some people to ever look up and see the great divide, much less cross over to this side. Part of it is the normal desire of most humans to belong to the pack. To stand outside the main, with regards to biology, is a dangerous place. It is a form of self-exile. Naturally, most people would not choose it, even if it meant degrading themselves by repeating what they know to be untrue.

For others, the blank slate, egalitarian creed is a religion now. It is what defines them, which is why Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson can have cult-like followings. There’s plenty of evidence that both know what they are telling their followers is false, but it provides them with a lifestyle they believe they deserve. That and the normal confirmation that comes from getting famous and building an audience begins to work its magic on them as well. They are now getting high off their own supply.

Outside of the grifters and hard cases, the inability to break free from the conditioning is something you see all over the legacy Right. Browse through the fashionably intellectual site Quillette and you see the same phenomenon. If you want to get a sense of what it was like for alchemists trying to turn base metals into gold, read some of the people from the intellectual dark web. They are working their fingers raw trying to create an alternative to Progressivism that accepts all of the left-wing assumptions about the human condition.

This post is representative. The writer starts off by analyzing a report from a left-wing outfit calling itself Data and Society. The writer, someone calling xerself Terry Newman, is baffled by the errors, but unable to come to the obvious conclusion that those errors are intentional. In other words, the fact that the Left does not argue in good faith and is willing to lie in order to further an agenda is beyond her event horizon. Read through her post and you keep waiting for her to notice the obvious, but that never happens.

Instead, just as one would expect her to exclaim, “Wait a second. I think these people are lying and doing so deliberately”, she veers off into some weird masturbatory guilt trip about how all sides are guilty of self-delusion. Her own thesis adviser calls her immoral for liking Joe Rogan and she cannot bring herself to return the favor. Instead, she apologizes for him and then spends the rest of the post trying to explain why these otherwise good people keep trying to destroy people like her. Battered women have more self-regard.

This inability to cope with reality shows up throughout the post as she, on the one hand, attempts to defend free expression, but then enthusiastically agrees that people like Richard Spencer are dangerous and should be silenced. Again, this is the bizarre habit of these people of fully embracing the principles of the Left, while trying to achieve non-liberal or conservative ends. She is like an old alchemist driven mad trying to turn lead into gold, not understanding that the rules in which she is working prevent such a thing.

The question, of course, is whether a site like Quillette is just a bunch of people blind to the reality of this life or is it a golden cage designed to keep people from waking up to reality. Mx. Newman gets published and gets the narcotic rush that comes from it, rather than peering out from the bars into the surrounding reality. These sites function as islands, tempting the intellectually curious to come along and partake of the lotus fruit. Rather than confront the harsh seas of reality, they can remain in the stupor of universal equality.

It’s why all successful revolutions offer an alternative to these islands, rather than simply an assault on them. Given the choice between the soothing answers of the lotus eaters and some hair on fire fanatic, most people will choose the former. In a way, the revolutionary is like a drug dealer, showing up with a better product. The choice on offer is not between reality and fantasy, but between an old fantasy that no longer works and new fantasy than has the kick the addict recalls from the beginning.

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5 years ago

In L. Ron Hubbard’s “Battlefield Earth” the Psychlos had a fuse built into their brains as babies that caused them to violently short circuit when certain topics were brought up. A lot of “conservatives” are the same way and don’t realize it. These are the people that will list out the worst cities in America and say “see, they are all run by Democrats” while never seeming to realize that places like Vermont and Portland are also run by Democrats and are nowhere near as violent. Democrat leadership is the result, not the cause, of vibrant diversity.

Reply to  Arthur_Sido
5 years ago

That’s some funny shit right there. The Democrats were running things in many of those areas you refer to – and they were majority white – LONG before they ever turned into globohomo “diverse” pozotopias. The violence is the results of the African portion of the population reaching critical mass. And they’re encouraged to get there – by welfare policies pushed by Democrats. Democrat rule = more “diverse” population += more “government assistance” which increasingly = higher black population as % of total population. Higher black population % DIRECTLY = More Violence You must be a forklift driver. The steering… Read more »

Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago

That is pretty much what I was saying. Your reading comprehension needs some work. My point was that the reason those places are shitholes is that they are full of diversity, not because they are run by Democrats contra Charlie Kirk and company.

Jack Amok
Jack Amok
Reply to  Arthur_Sido
5 years ago

They’re run by Democrats because they’re full of diversity. Donk whites use vibrant voters as leverage to get into power. No vibrant voters and the sort of Democrats who run their party today wouldn’t stand a chance.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Arthur_Sido
5 years ago

Well, I think Calsdad’s point was that they are full of diversity because Democrats cause diversity, which is a slightly different point than what you made. Democrats = diversity once the conservative Democrats left for the GOP or independent parties (or just dropped out altogether). Their critical mass exodus probably occurred ca. 1980-90, with the Reagan Democrats and neocons. After that, the Dems became permanent Diversicrats.

5 years ago

Most of my family are comprised of CivNats and Evantriots. Theirs is the voice of invincible ignorance. The ones with military service are impossible to reach. And, of course, the biggest challenge is to get them to stop swallowing their usual sources. You can tell when they tire of the discussion…they turn to some sportsball subject. As you might imagine, I’m not popular in my family.

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

Something that needs to be addressed is the term “Military Service”
My preference is “on Military Welfare”

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  bilejones
5 years ago

I call it “green collar welfare.”

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

I was raised near a large military base by civilian parents, I know exactly how they are. I especially like the libertarian bent on economic issues, yet they work for literally the most socialist organization in the country, right down to base housing, and always seem to want something for nothing. If all these Bernie/AOC types want to live live socialists, they should join the military. And they are impossible to reach. I hate their deification in the last 30 years. I find it hollow and un-American.

Reply to  JR Wirth
5 years ago

Its even more frustrating when they’re retired, living on a generous pension and still going on about free markets and such. Its my opinion that the military doesn’t select for introspection or self awareness.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Rogeru
5 years ago

The last thing you want in military people is self awareness or introspection. Its less useful for them than police and its not encouraged there As to the topic at hand, I’ve been saying “we need something to offer” here and elsewhere for the longest time. Z however has reach and is frankly a better at articulating these ideas than I am. Thanks you Z. Also while its not my habit, let me White Pill a little, we are reaching normal people and lots of them. However this is happening in real world time not internet time. This means something… Read more »

Reply to  Rogeru
5 years ago

All US military bases around the nation (and world) are little socialist, multicultural islands sealed off from normalcy.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

Marx’s “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.” is pretty much how the military works

That said very careful discussion of “commies in the schools” can work to wake up Cold War obsessed older normies on the social front.

It has to be done with some tact but it will often penetrate the cognitive blinders and you discretely work them from there.

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

Military types literally get a curated sample of all the races. That’s just the first night of basic, then the brainwashing begins. All the races get mixed up and put toward a common goal and identity through a tightly controlled environment of absolute government control.

Trying to pry open their skulls and convince them of the above is impossible.

Bottle to throttle
Bottle to throttle
Reply to  Tykebomb
5 years ago

There are US military who read Z man daily, blog topics lead to intriguing conversations while waiting on various pieces of the defective bureaucracy to function.

Reply to  Bottle to throttle
5 years ago

They ARE the “defective bureaucracy”

The Babe
The Babe
Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

Wait, what is an “Evantriot”?

Reply to  The Babe
5 years ago

One of those made-up words people coin to show their superiority over “the masses.”

Some people think Christian and Evangelical are synonymous and that patriots are fools so they combine the two to show this is another of the myriad groups the smarter people are supposed to poke fun at.

When the left does it against non-leftists, people call it “virtue-signaling.” When the others do it, it has no common label, but it is still a way of separating themselves and showing they are part of the Special Few Who Get It.

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

Humm. Folk I know patrolling the border are for the most part ex-military. I suspect you may be more right than wrong, but if push comes to shove, there are a lot of woke ex military out there we can/will be calling upon.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
5 years ago

Z—you are invoking the 3 muses today…great article…. And amazing clarity. And of course reality is depressing. My experience leads me to believe people are hardwired to reality or not hardwired. “It’s an odd thing that suggests these people have some sort of shunt in their consciousness that prevents them from seeing certain aspects of life. It’s not just a matter of self-censorship in order to avoid taboo subjects. Something seems to have been altered in their brains that prevents them from seeing anything that contradicts the colorblind fantasy.” Absolutely right! Two clear reasons why: 1) Evolutionary Hardwiring. Leads to…..2)… Read more »

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Range Front Fault
5 years ago

Z…..Please consider writing an article on our evolutionary hardwiring disposition for group identity using emotional pain as indicators and motivators to conform (or not) and therefore push us in different tribal directions. I think you get the drift.

Eis Augen
Reply to  Range Front Fault
5 years ago

Seems like you should write it! Solid post

Reply to  Range Front Fault
5 years ago

Similar circumstances here. Dissidents tend to be outcasts, overloading us with gamma types & grifters. Our numbers are going to be limited and every recruit is suspect. Another question we need to answer in selling our fantasy is do we recruit among outcasts for quantity or quality?

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Exile@Pioneer19
5 years ago

Or do we recruit at all. Caution: The act of recruiting means someone is in charge, and that first layer usually runs bad—ego takes charge, goes to their head and a power grab ensues, then they kill the next layer. This is tough to figure. Go back and re-study the 1917 Commie Revolution and then Castro/Che and that Revolution, and Bill Ayers. Ugly stuff about revolutionists. Does a civil war necessarily end up in a revolution? Should a movement be “organic” whatever that means. Should it snuffle along and follow the promptings. Set up structure as each piece unfolds. I’m… Read more »

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Range Front Fault
5 years ago

Try to avoid “purity” camps…the tendency to spin away into purity camps of who is more woke/correct ideology/the chosen ones. Then you fall on your own and devour the movement. The left will infiltrate to achieve this and your egos won’t see this hit you.

Reply to  Range Front Fault
5 years ago

I appreciate hearing your story

Reply to  Range Front Fault
5 years ago

Nine Muses, Three Graces, Three Fates.

Reply to  bilejones
5 years ago

Two turtle doves and one partridge in a pear tree

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  bilejones
5 years ago

Ha! When a women looks at a man and mutters “Whatever!” this doesn’t bode well. That’s why men go hunting.

Reply to  bilejones
5 years ago

Ackshually, “Depending on the region where they were celebrated, both the names and the number of Muses varied. There are various accounts of five, seven and even eight Muses. However, they are most often either three (probably in earlier reports) or nine (following Hesiod and maybe Homer).

The Three Muses
At both Delphi and Sicyon, there were no more than three Muses. According to Plutarch, one of the Sicyonian Muses was called Polymatheia, or “The One of Much Learning.” Pausanias, a Greek geographer from the second century, claims that there were originally three Heliconian Muses as well.”

Primi Pilus
Primi Pilus
Reply to  Range Front Fault
5 years ago

Also, I think that in the past, when life was more necessary and immediate, there was a real motivation to be able to recognize reality. Just because you wanted the cave bear as your totem, didn’t mean you were able to survive if you made him your best friend and cave-mate. I think the wolf at the door was a powerful force for keeping bottled up human creative lunacy, or our inborn tendency to delusion,

Primi Pilus
Primi Pilus
Reply to  Primi Pilus
5 years ago

…… or to be able to tease out reality from the tangled mess of fantasy that was and is the human mind ….

5 years ago

Regarding what happened in Minnesota, my opinion of best strategy to take with the civic nationals is to tie this together with Ilhan Omar, who they hate. Remind them that the only reason this loon is in Congress is that we imported a bunch of unstable Somalis like this perp. Getting the civic nationals to admit the importation of Somalis is a bad idea seems like low hanging fruit. If we can’t even do that…

Reply to  Max
5 years ago

Instead you have Blormph using her as a foil. “The Democrats are anti-Semites” and the MAGA crowd laps it up. I was reading a prog column and the author called it “the new Southern strategy.” It was an accurate assessment. Why deport Somalis when you can use them to rile up your base? After all, it’s only about religion, right?

Reply to  Max
5 years ago

I’m afraid they can’t even do that because they will never admit race as a disqualifying factor.

Conservatives allow the possibility of a single outlier who fulfills their dreams to disallow any racial restrictions on immigration.

I would say to the white conservatives that even the high IQ, low crime non-white immigrants still likely have an ethnocentrism that the conservatives can hardly imagine.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

Correct, but here is my dilemma. Is it easier to promote an immigration policy of no POC or Whites only, as compared to an immigration policy of highly skilled/educated/meritorious people of any color? The later reducing the immediate damage of the current immigration policy, while eliminating/reducing the charge of racialism to the first. Seems that taking away the charge of racism—the main obstacle to reform—might move us forward. Or at least expose the open border folks real intentions.

Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago

Compsci, I feel you and respect you as a brother. I don’t have insights about short term political tactics, but long term I feel we have to insist on no immigration period.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

Immigration freeze is a valid alternative that I can support as well. Reject the political tactics of my previous post and you come up with a freeze as a good solution. The reality is of course, you battle two great political obstacles: the Left that wishes to dilute White numbers and gain power through immigration of POC, and the Rightest business types that want cheap labor—regardless of the destruction of the remaining social capital of the nation.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Max
5 years ago

At least she called out AIPAC.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
5 years ago

Breitbart is a great site to see this in action. You don’t even have to go to Fox News. I go to Breitbart to see what the rubes are being spoon fed every so often. The approach is very intentional, keeping their minds within the bright lines of appropriate thought and conversation, with all signs pointing to “leftism” “Democrats’ “Progressives” “Socialists” etc. As has been discussed before on this blog, conservatives are hijacking a liberal outrage machine, but also embracing with it, the same underlying assumptions and worst of all, that we should even be outraged by certain topics, because… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
5 years ago

I am proud to announce that I have been banned from the comments section on Breitbart. And if they ever allow me on there again, they will get a double dose of dissident right reality.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

That’s saying something. I’ve posted some hard hitting commentary on the articles there and not been banned yet. Although I’m attacked by a hundred obese people who wear white tube socks (I just know, don’t need to see them) and think people like John Bolton are heroes that are securin’ the homeland.

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

Breitbart banned me shortly after the 2016 election, when they went all Israel all the time. Gateway Pundit banned me years ago – cannot even recall which comment hit the sweet spot (he also worships the special people plus he’s a gay civic nationalist). I’ve even had comments removed from Amren. This is about the only place I still comment on with any regularity – and increasingly one of the shrinking number that I read.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  JR Wirth
5 years ago

Not everyone in our tribe will make it to the other side nor should they. It’s hard to gauge our numbers but if it gets to 1/3rd of the men and we can measure that and have some sort of reliable line of communication, we should mobilize.

Want us deplorables out of your hair?
Sure, we’ll take ….

Make the costs of keeping up around a lot more than letting us go.

5 years ago

Quilette’s “contribution” to the “debate” is NOT made in good faith. Of that I am convinced. At first I was excited about Quillette, but after a strong start they started running articles where effeminate academics used academic mumbo-jumbo to shill for open borders. I immediately gave up on Quilette, and I haven’t read a single article there ever since. Your blog entry, however, confirms what I expected 100%. It will get worse, as these cucks always mouth leftist dogma with a 3-to-6-year delay. The traitor at your back is way more dangerous than the enemy at your front.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Bartolo
5 years ago

Perfect analogy. Liberalism on a 6 year tape delay. Sean Hannity would be the worst offender on that. And by the way, it’s so obvious that he’s cheating on his wife with his little radio side kick Lynda. I can tell from the banter, before I change the radio station.

Reply to  Bartolo
5 years ago

The cucks ingest the shitlib’s aged vomit.

Reply to  Bartolo
5 years ago

Ultraconfirmed. Gillette is a Gatekeeping operation. See this junk they published on Nietzsche. It beggars belief: “Finally, Nietzsche would have found the invocations by the far Right—past and present—infuriating. He often looked at his sister Elizabeth’s gradual descent into German nationalism and later Nazism with an uncharacteristic mixture of pity and scorn. Had Nietzsche lived to see the rise of Hitler, he would likely have immediately recognized the Austrian dropout as the mean and resentful creature he was. He would likely have been horrified to see his work on the will to power and the great man transformed into… Read more »

Da Booby
5 years ago

Quillette occasionally has some good stuff, but your point is well taken. Indeed, the Booby will link to the latest Quillette article below in which the author, in typical academic pussy fashion, can’t quite bring himself to outright condemn the deplatforming of controversial (i.e. conservative or libertarian) speakers. It’s truly pathetic. The author is so clearly obsessed with not upsetting the hive that his attempt to criticize the far-left totalitarians in academia ends up sounding like subtle praise. This is why academia is a lost cause today. Even the dissenters are pliant, housebroken twits who are too afraid for… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

I make fun of normies for their “I don’t see color” hypocrisy, but the truth is that most educated whites believe it – at least on some level. They are genuinely confused (and fearful) when I point the racial angle to some issue. They’ve conditioned their minds to not see race on any matter than doesn’t directly impact their life. What’s interesting is that they don’t disagree with me when I connect the racial dots, so they’re not insane. Part of them knows that what I’m saying is correct, not because I’m some genius but because it’s laughably obvious. But… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

There are two mistakes people make: (1) not seeing color (2) seeing only color.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Lorenzo
5 years ago

These are not equivalent.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

Those who have tried to engage with hardcore Alt Righters or white nationalists will have experienced a strange phenomenon where they appear to be strangely blind to certain topics. Something seems to have been altered in their brains that prevents them from seeing anything that contradicts their white superiority fantasy. It is an important fact for normies to accept when dealing with this subset of the population. A lifetime of conditioning, perhaps generations of conditioning, have made it impossible for people like yourself to ever look up and see the great divide, much less cross over to the other side.… Read more »

5 years ago

“Her own thesis adviser calls her immoral for liking Joe Rogan and she cannot bring herself to return the favor.” I started kicking Democrats out of my family get togethers. They want to come and get all nicey nicey and then go back to trying to get people like me kicked off the net and have their bank accounts shut down. They want all the consequences in life going one way. We do the work. We pay the taxes. We take care of family when people make stupid mistakes in life. They want control of our thoughts, money and property,… Read more »

5 years ago

I submit that the reason these people exist in our modern society is because of the extinction of existential threat in our daily lives. Recognition of reality is no longer an imperative for basic survival. If failure to recognize reality resulted in death (as was the case for our evolutionary predecessors), then these people would not be an affliction on the rest of us. The solution to this problem is not a reprimand, it’s creation of an environment that necessitates reality recognition as a condition of continued existence.

Reply to  TomA
5 years ago

If some of the recent writings (scientific findings referenced here and in other blog’s) wrt continuing and rapid genetic evolution in mankind are correct, you are right on the mark. Another few generations of this self inflicted dysgenics and we will not recover.

King Tut
King Tut
5 years ago

I can relate. Over on my FB feed all of my lolbertarian friends are blaming the Notre Dame inferno on the inefficiencies of the French state sector. As if a few market reforms, including even more open borders presumably, would stop this kind of thing from ever happening again.

Reply to  King Tut
5 years ago

Does that apply to the other 850+ churches vandalized in France in the past year?

King Tut
King Tut
Reply to  bilejones
5 years ago

That’s exactly the same question I asked them. No response. You see, when the reality does not match the theory, then the reality must be neither observed nor acknowledged.

Reply to  King Tut
5 years ago

My response to people who yell “we don’t want a socialist country” (including Pres. Trump) is that we live in a socialist country and have since at least the New Deal of the 1930s. I point out to people who complain about “socialized medicine” that we have socialized medicine – Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP and the VA. Socialism is here – it’s just a matter of degree, not kind. Strictly speaking, the only Constitutional medical program at the Federal level is the VA because it was originally intended to only treat veterans suffering from service-connected medical problems. At the end of… Read more »

5 years ago

The problem is as old as the hills, and the cave that Plato found there.

If you cannot break the prisoner’s chains and drag him into the light, then you must seize control of the shadow parade and show him Noble Truths, but darkly.

It’s a neat trick to manage this without losing your own life or soul in the process.

Reply to  Vegetius
5 years ago

If the prisoner’s chains are unbreakable you can’t show him noble truths, he’s blind to them. All you can do is drag him by his chains to a new cave of your design and he’ll sit just as happily watching whatever shadows you project.

At least that’s how I see every revolution.

Squiddly Diddly
Reply to  Rogeru
5 years ago

“Noble truths” is a Buddhist conception. IIRC, in Republic, Plato advocated the telling of Noble Lies, in order to lay a necessary foundation for his imaginary society.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
5 years ago

Whatever one thinks of Moldbug he fashioned his attacks on Modernism by first getting people to see the crass manipulations of the American Revolution. Something very few people have an emotional attachment to.

Once someone was able to acknowledge that a lifetime, a multi-generational time span, of accepted truths was not so clear cut…he could begin doing the same to the sacred truths of our current day.

5 years ago

Hello Z! First time leaving a comment. I found you on Happy Homelands and i like your style and logic. I can see the difficulties you are having with ethnicity and how to relate it to the concept of America. I’m a Finn and i don’t have that problem. Even if i can’t pinpoint to what is the genetic essence of our ethnicity i can hit it pretty close and the concept of a Finn as an ethnic being is accepted in society. (the lefties are trying hard to stamp that out, but it’s not going well for them) In… Read more »

Reply to  Jani
5 years ago

Jani, Interesting ideas, but are they possible to implement, or move towards? Taking away rights—even poorly granted in the first place—seems impossible in a peaceful manner as you’ve noted.

As I’ve said before, much mischief seems to stem directly or indirectly from our misguided continuous efforts at universal suffrage. Many folk decry the Founders’ lack of foresight wrt the Constitution, but when that document was drafted, we were a White, Christian nation, with only a minority of the population with the right to vote. You seem to be directing us back there. But where to start?

Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago

I was not directing you anywhere. I was merely trying to give Z an idea on a topic he has said he struggles with. The conservative argument would be to go back the times of your founding and pick up things like that and advocate for them. I prefer the evolutionary argument and i would start on moving against feminism and promote marriage (and preferably make it less risky for men to actually engage in it). This combined with limiting immigration to only western countries. In the long run you should also move as much power as you can to… Read more »

5 years ago

Great comment on RamZ’s Happy Homelands.

Back in the old days, the tax resisters would go on the radio and try to goad listeners into becoming tax martyrs. Some soft-brained types took the bait and ended up ruined.

Don’t die for your cause. Make the other guy die for his cause. Don’t be John McCain, be The Donald. Somebody said that.

Secure your base. Stay quiet. Get out of debt. Don’t discuss politics on social media. Then look for opportunities.

5 years ago

Think about everything you have to go through to cross the divide. First, you have to get the actual facts, like a real analysis of IQ from the likes of Derbyshire or Murray. Then you have to go against all the controllers of culture who overwhelm with their volume of nurture vs. nature gas lighting. You have to overcome some contrary evidence you see with your own eyes, such as blacks who speak well, or comedians who must have a level of intelligence to be funny. Blacks do not lack for verbal intelligence, if they do not come from the… Read more »

Clayton Barnett
5 years ago

These things can take time; I’m a living example. In my earlier novels four years ago, I talk about Blacks and Whites working together while living apart.

In my most recent this past November, I have the antagonist correctly pointing out that “we’re in this situation, Miss Clarke, because your shitskin mayor and his shitskin special police shelled our women and children!”

Via you, Severian, C. Hartieste, and Gab, and others, I crossed the river. Let’s give the normies a better paradigm.

Reply to  Clayton Barnett
5 years ago

Which books are these?

The Babe
The Babe
5 years ago

Battered women have more self-regard.

One thing that infuriates me is conservatives who are brutally slandered by the left, but respond by just cucking harder, instead of declaring war. I fear Justice Kavanaugh is one such case.

P.S. If I see one more of those “these are the 10 worst cities in America, what do they all have in common? That’s right, they’re all run by democrats!” Twitter posts, I’m going to go full berserker.

5 years ago

Quillette is a higher form of controlled opposition. But don’t delude yourself, many on the dis-right delude themselves as well. Raise the subject of religion as being a foundational element of the West and they can it “explain away” with as much zeal as anyone from the Left.

5 years ago

America is an idea. And you don’t have to believe the idea to be an American.

And nobody agrees what the idea is.

Also, whatever idea it was when founded was racist and sexist, so certainly not that.

5 years ago

Hi Z. Great post which is pretty much standard. I don’t know if you’re aware but your site went dark for a few hours. I was worried globohomo had done a Stormer on you but thank God your back up and running. I hope that it wasn’t a harbringer of things to come but Prophets are seldom welcomed initially. One other question, Heartiste has put up links to your posts which are often a day or two previous to them appearing online in the UK. I’m certain I’m looking pretty dim by asking this but genuinely curious as to how.

The Babe
The Babe
Reply to  Shane
5 years ago

Yeah, I was a little worried there. It said “This Account Has Been Suspended.” I’d never seen that before.

Bruno the Arrogant
Bruno the Arrogant
Reply to  Shane
5 years ago

There was also a post called “Happy Homelands” which appeared briefly, then disappeared. Curiouser and curiouser.

Arms Akimbo
5 years ago

Uh-oh, Z. It appears that over at Vox Day, sounds like The Most Smartest Man In The Universe is mad at you, for reasons which cannot ever be comprehended by us low-IQ, non-Mensa-pin intellectual skraelings.

If you don’t submit to him, he might zap you with his High IQ Mensa Gamma-Rays…. whoops, better not call them gamma rays, or it will unleash a 10,000-word torrent of “Noooo, I HATE Gammas! Can’t You See, I Am Sooooo NOT a Gamma!”

Or about rhetoric. Or comic books. Or something.

Reply to  Arms Akimbo
5 years ago

Ted Beale is useful to the cause most of the time but I couldn’t stand drinking with him. Anyone who says “I am considerably more intelligent than the Z-man, which is why he calls me a retard. He isn’t capable of understanding much of what I write about. I could not care less about his opinion of me.” is proving he is dumber & really, really cares. Given the pixels he has spilled over gamna behavior, I expect better bitch-like retorts. Stock libertarian gamma sperg material on Ted’s part.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Arms Akimbo
5 years ago

I was over there, and VD was agreeing, and amplifying Z-Man’s thesis in this post. Then in the comments, someone named rotke posted some old comment of Zman’s, from Gab (retardation was mentioned in it). Don’t know what happened after that as I had gotten bored by then…

pimpkin\'s nephew
pimpkin\'s nephew
5 years ago

Elmer Gantry = Ben Shapiro = Rush Limbaugh = Ann Coulter = Mark Levin = Sean Hannity…

As long as there remains some decaying but financially non-trivial subset of the American people who want to hear the old time religion, they’ll be among us, with their books and coffee mugs and such.

Reply to  pimpkin\'s nephew
5 years ago

Queen Ann does not belong in your list. Limbaugh and Hannity are self-interested controlled opposition fulfilling their jobs to distract the normies while the demographic clock runs out. Levin and Shapiro are advancing their genetic lineage by distracting the goyim with schemes about tax cuts and constitutional conventions.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

Agree with everything.

Mark Taylor
5 years ago

I think on some level conservatarians know that libertarian economic ideas would only solve Detroit’s problems in that a meritocratic system would have most of the black population getting emptied out. They can’t allow themselves to admit it though. They get offended when the left calls them racist because they don’t support affirmative action. At least the left actually acknowledges the reality of an affirmative action free world, in that way they’re more race realist then normies. When a civnat points out all the diversity in the founding of the U.S. I like to point out it was 90% white… Read more »

Reply to  Mark Taylor
5 years ago

When one line of NPC code contradicts another. I think of the scene in ST:TNG where the villain taunts Data that he is incapable of killing him.

5 years ago

The only thing worse than the hair on fire fanatic is the far too calm Dr. Hannibal Lecter explaining in clear and specific detail why a position is untenable or self-contradictory, and is going to fail and take you with it. I think I also have figured out why the libertarians have gone full LGBTQ clown. I knew what the pictures and videos would show but I finally bothered to look at them from Tom Woods’ (and Bob Murphy’s) “contra cruise”. The only suprise was that it was LESS diverse than an AmRen or NPI conference. I have to wonder… Read more »

5 years ago

You can’t fight a religion with logical, dialectic argument. It takes a competing mythology expressed in rhetoric. As the neocons continue to demonstrate, the American origin story is a powerful mythology. A diaspora of oppressed fanatics sojourns in the wilderness, achieves untold prosperity and defeats the Evil Empire b/c Chosen. Sound (((familiar)))? Europeans have advantages of scale and history to help them develop and express tribal identity. America’s more diverse and (((pasteurized))) White tribes need to reclaim their heritage. (Buchannan’s “Republic Not an Empire” is a good red-pill.) Beyond that, I’m not sure which way to go in presenting our… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Exile@Pioneer19
5 years ago

I think Balkanization is the likely outcome. All white people are not the same just because they’re white. As a west coast person I feel pretty alien in other parts of the country, especially in places where you order a chicken salad and the little pieces of chicken are fried, or you order an iced tea and spit it out because some vile person added humming bird food. Or country pop music. Is there anything that awful? As foreign as Bollywood music. Or opening your hotel room door and having a paper with an entire section just on Nascar. I… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
5 years ago

Indeed. I keep reading about Austria and then comparing in my mind they to their big neighbor, Germany. One struggles to survive as a people and culture, while the other is hell bent on suicide—and perhaps already there.

Reply to  Exile@Pioneer19
5 years ago

“. A diaspora of oppressed fanatics sojourns in the wilderness, achieves untold prosperity and defeats the Evil Empire b/c Chosen. Sound (((familiar)))? ” Brilliant summation of our founding myth! In Fischer’s Albion’s Seed we see that the Puritans and Quakers both spoke of building the “shining city on a hill” and a feeling of being special , even “chosen “, comes through in their writings. Interestingly, the groups settling the south lacked this revolutionary mindset preferring to continue their British cultures. The Northern worldview ultimately won out and the Southern was subsumed. In Webb’s The Great Frontier we see a… Read more »

S Bishop
S Bishop
Reply to  Rogeru
5 years ago

However, the founding myth may be the ‘grease’ that propels positive progress. As most of the self-help literature endorses the need for believing something great can be accomplished. A bunch of smart people sitting around the faculty lounge demonstrating their intelligence to the each other doesn’t accomplish much. Whereas a vision “reach exceeding grasp” with proper leadership can exceed expectations – assuming some normal range of IQ.

Reply to  S Bishop
5 years ago

Religion, myth or fantasy, whatever we choose to call it, is ingrained in human nature. I couldn’t agree more about faith being superior to skepticism. My point was that our actual history is an even more powerful animating mythology when divorced from it’s post-Civil War (((“re-interpretation.”))). It’s true (better word to world fit) + more in-group relevant.

5 years ago

In paragraph six, shouldn’t “father” be “faith”?
I only point this out as this is such a phenomenonal column that I want to share it.

Reply to  Matt
5 years ago

Beat me to it.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Red wine is o.k. and goes well with Cheerios.

Avoid Chardonnais because it may turn you into a Californian.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Firewire7
5 years ago

Hey now! I live in California and it would Whit pill you silly to know how many Dissident Right live here.

Reply to  A.B. Prosper
5 years ago

I did at one time.

Reply to  A.B. Prosper
5 years ago

Yes there is a lot in CA problem is it’s not enough and never again will be…The beast your feeding is eating you slowly but surely and you don’t have anyway of stopping it other than to quit feeding it because I’m pretty sure there is not enough of committed folk there to kill it…Odds are against folks in CA and I don’t see it getting better anytime soon…

Reply to  A.B. Prosper
5 years ago

It would do the same to the average Z reader if he knew how many Dissident Right are in the population in general.

5 years ago

Just finished the Quillette article.
“The biggest danger of Quixotism, to my mind, is that people will be turned off the entire progressive project”

Its not surprising that a progressive wouldn’t admit that errors are intentional or allow themselves to notice they are. The question we are left with is whether the author of the piece is a naive true believer or a cynical agent. I’m inclined to the latter, but I’m rather cynical myself.

Its absolutely hilarious that she used Don Quixote as a metaphor!

5 years ago

“For others, the blank slate, egalitarian creed is a religion now. It is what defines them, which is why Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson can have cult-like followings. ”

Z, I think you’re wrong about Peterson, at least on this point.

Reply to  Cerulean
5 years ago

Peterson’s wrong when he says that no-one wants the genetic reality to be the case,I would far rather that violence, indolence, stupidity and incompetence be largely concentrated in easily identified groups rather than distributed at random. It is obviously better for the sane and normal majority of the population, no matter what grief it causes the shitlibs.

Reply to  Cerulean
5 years ago

Z-man has been wrong on Peterson pretty much always.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

I haven’t read any of Peterson’s books, and I don’t look at his stuff on youtube a lot. I’m not a fanboy. Z, I get that you don’t like Peterson’s manner, voice, or books. Still, the man is anything but a blank-slater, and he’s willing to tell it to anyone who will listen — including his students. Such a rare public stand by an educator should count for quite a bit these days. Especially, I would think, among those “on this side of the divide.” You pretty much said you think Peterson is chicken because he doesn’t go into the… Read more »

Reply to  Cerulean
5 years ago

Cerulean, precisely. Zman and any number of others simply can’t get over their dislike for anyone more popular and influential than they working in their garden So they can’t resist trying to take them down a peg or two whenever the opportunity presents. For my part, I find this to be a crude reaction and counter productive to the cause. Where I agree with Zman is that Peterson won’t take us to our desired end—hence the reason I am here, with Zman. But being here does not blind me to the good that Peterson has done and continues to do,… Read more »

5 years ago

Ulysses journey is no longer something children read in abridged version as an exciting sea and monster story or life lesson. I always thought Circe’s island was the scariest as the men were turned into swine and the days and months and years idly passed. Maybe the dissident right is an alternative ” drug” to the lotus/soma/matrix but I think there is a reality that requires struggling with real foes and currently that is an entrenched and powerful hydra headed group. The Charlie Kirks of the world may be cynical opportunists or drugged dupes ( NPC) but their role is… Read more »

5 years ago

I read the Quillette article as making two simple points: 1) Most of the alt-right or whatever you call ’em aren’t Nazis, i.e., you’re not Hitler; and 2) There’s a mechanism at work when good people call the other side Nazis that she finds analogous to Don Quixote’s experience. I take it you object to the characterization of the other side as good people. They’re not all evil and neither are we.

Reply to  kleist
5 years ago

And I strongly assert (as I believe Zman has repeatedly) that you are WRONG. That perennial belief that the other side is just misguided or mistaken or ill-informed is the plaintive cry of the cuck. They are evil. They want you and your children raped and starving and dead and they think it’s funny (or claim you are grossly exaggerating). They want your history rewritten and your monuments and very sense of self erased. And those who aren’t actively evil, those worn-out civnats who insist we’re all fundamentally alike and want the same things for our children (we aren’t and… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
5 years ago

I don’t think that a bunch of people on the other side, who want us dead and gone, and the earth salted where we fall, even realize that is what they want. They have been so blinded by the leftist set of memes that they can’t even connect the dots. They simply obey and follow what they are told, and believe they are thinking correctly. That is why, as Range Front Fault mentioned up the thread, the breaking away from it all is so hard. It is an intervention involving deprogramming. They live in a cultural Disneyland where we are… Read more »

5 years ago

I also really don”t understand the linked Quilette article. Be a Sancho Pansy instead of a Don Quixote?

So you should follow a stupid stoner instead of being one?

Calling Jordan Peterson! (See Jordanetics by Vox Day)

5 years ago

” The choice on offer is not between reality and fantasy, but between an old fantasy that no longer works and new fantasy than has the kick the addict recalls from the beginning.”

Endless revolution or a pendulum swinging back and forth.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Rogeru
5 years ago

Or an authoritarian state that doesn’t tolerate Leftist bull , sets logical laws, leave no wiggle room or room for camel noses and gets it done. If the Dissident Right ever gets power they had better know how to use and be willing to use it. Americans love cheap half measures and that shit can’t fly anymore. Modernity is complex, fragile, demanding of good inputs to work and if we want to keep it, we’ll have to pay for it . This many not be possible for a lot of social reasons and if it isn’t than we had best… Read more »

Reply to  A.B. Prosper
5 years ago

The only way out of this I foresee is a 1917 from the Right. We await a period of prolonged, sharp, mass suffering (which will probably never arrive) sufficiently delegitimizing, to the mass, the elite and their System, to allow a new elite of cohesive Rightist ideological fanatics to seize power via revolution/coup, and ruthlessly impose sanity via the State. Capitalism, democracy, “our values” have created this head-long rush into mass insanity, mass ignobility, and Western oblivion, and only a total overthrow will correct it. The mass of men are incapable of truly breaking free from the conditioning they’ve been… Read more »

Reply to  Joachim
5 years ago

The Left promises way too much with its socialist/communist ideas. Once people have a real taste of it, and how the facts on the ground are completely at odds with the promises made, they will turn their backs quickly. Of course, by then, the gates may be slammed shut and there will be no getting out of it. Which is better, to push things now and try to win people over, or let it fall and pick up the pieces? Looks like six of one and half a dozen of the other, and a tough path forward either way.

5 years ago

OB seems quite brave. I only hope he’s got stamina and endurance.

The discomfort factor–the despair and exhaustion and bewilderment of having tried so hard to do everything right and still getting swept away in the maelstrom of forces and policies and corruption–this is what leads to the psychological preparation for fascism. And fascism itself is at heart is just the manifestation of a people who are not prepared to die.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
5 years ago

Tim Pool was the most baffling inclusion and I’m surprised that did not push her over the edge. He certainly got a good chuckle at being labeled as the portal to the alternative universe of white supremacy.

5 years ago


You’re missing the link to the Newman article you’re referencing.

5 years ago

I thought the laugh out loud line from that Quillette post was this: “Canada, my own country, recently was cited in a Social Progress Imperative report as being among the most progressive countries in the world, according to an analysis of factors that include personal rights, personal freedoms and choice, and inclusiveness.” That the author would cite study as evidence of how good things are in Canada, rather than identifying the entire purpose of the study as well as the organization behind it as propaganda, shows just how deeply this person has been steeped in the left wing framework. How’s… Read more »

5 years ago

Hi Z, thanks for responding so quickly to my previous question. I’m a fan of the blog and I legitimatly appreciate the knowledge, wisdom and insight that you provide. I have to admit I’m intrigued by your description of the Irish being particularly dysfunctional. It’s a fair description but I’d love to hear your interpretation as to reasons for the inclination towards and possible means to address the dysfunction. I’ve lived in Ireland for most of my life, with time spent in Aus, New Zealand and America. On the local level Irelands always been a very nice place to live,… Read more »

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
5 years ago

That’s why all talk of building a mass movement to counter the progs is so Quixotic — whom will you be building it from? There is no mass of receptive people to build it from. One of the existing parties will have to die before anything new can take purchase and grow. Or a full on civil-war or revolution…

5 years ago

Those who have tried to engage with hardcore Alt Righters or white nationalists will have experienced a strange phenomenon where they appear to be strangely blind to certain topics. Something seems to have been altered in their brains that prevents them from seeing anything that contradicts their white superiority fantasy. It is an important fact for normies to accept. A lifetime of conditioning, perhaps generations of conditioning, have made it impossible for some people to ever look up and see the great divide, much less cross over to this side.

See how your rhetoric is used against you, Z-man?

5 years ago

Seriously, is there any actual evidence that the Mall of America incident was racial? I haven’t heard any so far, but maybe something new has come out. It could have been racial of course. But given how often blacks commit random and senseless violence against their own kind, isn’t it equally plausible that the kid was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time? Unless we know for sure we shouldn’t pretend we know, because it makes us look bad. Of course if the races had been reversed it’s highly likely that a racial angle would have been invented… Read more »

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
Reply to  JEB
5 years ago

Our principles have failed to halt the decline for the last 50 years plus. The reality is that we are in a dirty, nasty, street fight for the survival of Western Civilization. The squeamish amongst us are going to need to toughen up.