Alienation And Its Discontents

If you were to transport into this age, someone from a prior age, say the 19th century, that person would certainly be amazed at what he saw. From the perspective of this age, the assumption is he would be most impressed with the technological advances relative to his time. The ability to easily communicate with people, from all over the globe, would probably be the most dazzling. Instead of waiting weeks for a letter from a friend, we exchange e-mails and texts instantly from wherever we happen to be standing.

People in the modern West tend to think of progress in purely material terms, so that would be the thing most people think of in this thought experiment. Our communication systems are better. Our transportation systems are better. Our food and entertainments are vastly more plentiful, if not necessarily better. It’s not unreasonable to think that 19th century man would marvel at a fast food drive through. To him, at least in a material sense, this age is beyond the world of fantasy.

Something else would probably stun 19th century man. That is the lack of human interaction compared to his time. This is one of those counter-intuitive things for people in this age, because this age is awash in communications. Everywhere you turn, the rulers are sending messages to you about the latest products you must consume or the most recently approved thoughts you should promote. Humans in this age are awash in mass media, which bombards us wherever we go.

When you look past that top layer, however, what you see is people “interfacing” with one another, but very few people bonding and interacting. Look at the typical customer service experience. You call and someone, from somewhere, responds to your prompts, using a script provided to them by the software in the call center. Increasingly, the customer service agent is a robot. Most people order their prescriptions, for example, from a robot, not a pharmacist. It is purely transactional.

This sterilization of human interaction is not limited to the impersonal contact we make with global corporations. Inside the corporation, relationships are increasingly automated and systematized. Managers are trained to use management systems to interface with their direct reports. Staff is no longer encouraged to be loyal to a manager, as that is as sensible as being loyal to the coffee machine. The manager is just an entity that inputs data into the management system.

The argument in favor of automation in the work place is it reduces errors and lowers costs, but often the driving force is to limit human interaction. The shift supervisor, so used to dealing with systems in his life, is unequipped to actually manage human beings on a personal level. Instead of monitoring their work and correcting their errors, adjusting for personality, he posts their efficiency reports in the break room, along with all of the other management metrics that come from the quality control system.

This is something people in the process management world have come to understand about the modern workplace. It’s not as much about efficiency as about the fact that young people no longer possess the social skills that were an assumed part of society just a couple of generations ago. The young manager does not have the social skills to confront an underling over an error or the intuition to encourage someone who needs a little motivation to get through a difficulty.

The general reputation of millennials in the work place is that they are self-absorbed, needy and entitled. Companies have responded to this with tighter structures that remove the need for initiative and adaptability. In reality, the cause of the problem is a generation of people raised by robots. The well-adapted millennials are those who played sports or served in the military. In those environments, stripped of automation, they learned how to be leaders, teammates and adapt to new conditions.

This is not just a workplace phenomenon. This post from the London School of Economics is amusing in many ways, but one line jumps out. “Occupational segregation matters because it can lead to inequality between workers and limit the talent pool for employers trying to fill a position.” The sterility of language will remind anyone over the age of 40 of the jokes made about communism. That’s a line that would seem at home in a provincial report on the latest five year plan.

This is something you see all over the social sciences. It’s why the author of the post claims, with a straight face, that economists are baffled as to why homosexuals are clustered into certain fields. Within living memory, people just knew why this was and did not think much about it. It was so obvious, it was assumed everyone knew it. In the atomized transactional world of today, humans are the most baffling thing to their fellow humans. No one knows anything about themselves now.

Part of this is the result of multiculturalism. That man brought here from a century ago would have been snatched from a world in which everyone was like him. If he was a city dweller, he may have bumped up against other tribes of immigrants or natives, but his daily life was spent around his people. What he knew about those other people was through the lens of his understanding of himself and his people. It was not through a description in a textbook or from a class on human development.

Today we live in a world of strangers. White communities have been shattered, along with the sense of community. In fact, whites are no longer permitted to have a sense of community. Since most of what makes the modern world possible is still run by whites, the result is a world run by deracinated strangers in a sea of alienation. Those management systems are simply a response to this reality. It’s a solution to slow what is the inexorable process of multiculturalism and cosmopolitanism.

There’s also the fact that technology has not just made stuff cheaper. It has changed how humans interact with the world. This shows up in standardized testing. Young people are better at taking tests, because they live in a world of tests. Their games are structured along the same lines as a standardized test. Instead of a free form world of play, it is the range of options available in the video game. Instead of problem solving, it is leaning the combination of available inputs.

This transactional existence is not without its consequences. The alienation that is a daily part of modern life manifests as nostalgia throughout the culture. Hollywood movies are either based on childhood items, like super heroes, or remakes of shows from when America was not this way. The rising tide of populism and ethno-nationalism, particularly among the youth, is a romantic response to a modern world that offers plenty of ways to use your time, but no answer for how to live.

That’s what would most shock and horrify 19th century man about this age. He could live without the instant communications, but he could not live a life in which no one had anything to say or a reason to say it. He could live without modern transportation, but he could not live without a place to a go or a people to visit. He could not live alone in a world full of strangers. It’s all those close, smelly, sweaty connections with your people that makes you human. He could not live without that and in a probability, neither can we.

Support the media that supports you. While all of us toiling in the fields of dissident media are motivated by a sense of duty, having a place to sleep and food on the table still requires money. Five bucks a month is not a lot to ask. Or, you can send money to me at: Z Media LLC P.O. Box 432 Cockeysville, MD 21030-0432. I now have a PayPal setup for those who prefer that method to donate. Thank you for your support!

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Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

The 19th century man would also be shocked by the mental tyranny – both self-imposed and societally imposed – of our times. He would look upon us as sniveling cowards, unable or unwilling to speak obvious truths. He would immediately recognize our lack of freedom. I know this because I recognize how less free we are compared to 20 or 40 years ago. And I speak not of just the suffocating PC dictates but of the ability to be free of phones and information, to explore without the knowledge that you have the back up of GPS and Google, to… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

What’s more, people yearn for something more than the latest iPhone. In a world that becomes ever larger but less personally connected, people want the closeness, the touch that only family can bring.

But if they can’t have that, a holy war will do.

5 years ago

When the bad guys pushed through the 1964 Civil Rights Act, they also pushed a knife between the ribs of whites. By the early 70s, the knife in our ribs was twisted by a series of bureaucratic regulations and court rulings. Busing, integration, “disparate impact”, and affirmative action were a series of alienation bombs that destroyed communities and neighborhoods across the nation. I know. I was there. Young though I was, I was keenly aware of what was happening. I cannot express to you younger ones the despair we felt at what was being lost. Now throw in the media… Read more »

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

Then get cracking on the fury.

I’ve had Black friends tell me we need to man up. LOLZ

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉
5 years ago

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 said: ” I’ve had Black friends tell me we need to man up.” First off, I’m sorry you have such bad taste in friends. I didn’t know you were so well connected to the hood. Maybe you should be haunting one of their websites. Second, I don’t take advice from my enemies. But you can tell your homies, that I wish them a happy overdose.

Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
5 years ago


Well I wasn’t replying to you but since you insist perhaps they do offer some lessons in how to man up.

Really that answer was Catty, not manly at all.

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

Amen, we were there.
Now Kamala and her (((husband))) want to bring the bussing riots back.

With all the disparate impact that will follow.

(Even Apology Marianne is a Fellow White Person The Dems are seriously overrepresented. With Steyer, Bloomie, and such making hints, I think it’s time Esther finally kills the king, and takes the throne.

What happened to the working-man Democrats? A radical foreign faction slowly seizes the majority party, and begins a generational takeover.)

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

I’m sorry, Alzaebo. Marianne is, well, you know…
Oh, I get it now. Fellow White Person ironically.

Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago
Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

Goldwater knew. 1964’s Pat Buchanan – who understood where post-FDR classical liberalism was destined.

99 Year Blues
5 years ago

Before his account got holocausted, the great Twitter poster “frogwave” had an interesting observation on all this. He said (I paraphrase), ” If your great-grandfather got sent in a time machine to any American or European city, he would walk ten steps down the street, and turn to you in total astonishment. “What happened?” he’d ask in shock. “Did we lose a war? Who are all these foreigners? Have we been conquered?”

The answer of course is yes. We DID lose a war, and we HAVE been conquered.

5 years ago

Although our friend from the 19th century would be amazed by many things about our time, our sexual degeneracy would surely be one of the most shocking.

“Tell me what the future is like.”

“It is gay. Everything is gay.”

Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

“Tell me what the future is like.”

“It is gay. Everything is gay.”

LOL fuuuuhhhhhhh !!!!

Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

In ancient Athens there were phallic decorations in the agora. Nudity or partial nudity was not uncommon: public baths, sporting events, theater, statuary, other art. Some of it was even gay. Yes, the Victorians would be shocked by the public sexuality in 2019, but they’d also be shocked by public sexuality in BC 419. I would not use the Victorian age as the gold standard golden age.

Reply to  Marko
5 years ago

“I would not use the Victorian age as the gold standard golden age.” Yeah, no one’s doing that bro. And often, to go back to Athens or anytime separated by centuries isn’t comparing things on a time-line. It’s comparing entirely different planets. Pointless.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Frip
5 years ago

1969 was a different planet much less 1869 .

The Victorians were officially publically prudes, prostitution, Syphilis, drug use, sodomy , pederasty and degerancy were quite common

Like half the poor women in London did prostitution on the side

It was not a nice place and all around despite it people’s brilliance, a shittier than average era for most people

However one thing they didn’t have was grinding ennui and a faithless lurban ife. So they had kids

Reply to  A.B Prosper
5 years ago

I’ve got no skin in the era game, but the Victorian era was “a shittier than average era for most people.” Really? Really. really…

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Frip
5 years ago

Yes really. Most people in that era were poor and the poverty, especially urban poverty at that time was hell. Work weeks were insane, food and water and air quality were bad, disease endemic . It was an awful place filled with addicts either to laudanum or gin Hell the pure food act came about because of that addiction and because it was routine to cut milk with things like chalk Now the countryside was about the same as it ever was, hard. The more distant past was hardly wonderful but a solid argument could be made that depending on… Read more »

Reply to  A.B Prosper
5 years ago

I can’t really argue with that A.B. (head bow)

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Frip
5 years ago

Ah sorry if it felt like a lecture Frip . I really got into medieval economics a while back and was hooked

I’ve barely touched the surface of the topic but wow, it wa a complex and amazing system that to my understanding was designed to allow a land based society that was short land for its population to work

It wasn’t any sort of free enterprise as we’d understand it but it worked and it is said that prosperous peasants in England were better off in say 1200 than many Africans are today

Reply to  A.B Prosper
5 years ago

Not at all A.B. The Victorian Era is like Zeppelin’s “Stairway to Heaven”. Every five years critics have the opposite take on it than they had the five years prior. They can’t settle on whether it was genius, or melodramatic posturing. (Right answer all along, genius). I need to find a good book on the Victorian’s. Maybe a recent one, where extreme contrarian positions are put aside, and the writer just cares to tell it like it was.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Frip
5 years ago

True that.

Reply to  A.B Prosper
5 years ago

Life under Judaian rule.

Reply to  A.B Prosper
5 years ago

Victorian life was much shittier and, for the poor, a world of grinding poverty of licentiousness. Mothers used to pimp out their daughters to make end’s meat. But it wasn’t encouraged. The elite of Victorian life had confidence that their values were better and proselytized those values to the poor. Now, we have the opposite. The elite have no confidence in their lives and encourage every debasement in the poor’s.

Reply to  A.B Prosper
5 years ago

Shittier than life in subsequent historical periods, but pre-19th century life was really shitty for just about everyone. The reason people were moving to the cities during the industrial revolution was to escape their very shitty subsistence farming lives.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

Farming sucks and sometimes GTFO is a good course, sometimes its too many people, too little arable land. that is a common problem

It’s also not hard for the elite to sell people a bill of goods and convince them to leave the farm for the city or to make conditions so that have to so those same elite can have a cheap labor supply

Reply to  A.B Prosper
5 years ago

The time you comment on was one of change, i.e., the beginning of the Industrial Revolution and the great escape (from Malthusian limits). One often assumes (wrongly) that folks had a choice between subsistence farming and chancing the big city. Not really, the land was limited and inheritance laws dispossessed excess children of the peasant class from limited farm land. Available farm jobs for landless peasants—“villains”, was scarce. One could become a brigand or highwayman, or go to the cities to survive, for a while. Cities were great syncs of death always in need for reinforcements from the rural areas.… Read more »

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago

Well I was speaking of early modern and onward but you are of course correct

Now I’m a conservative in the old European sense so change of any sort does not sit well with me as you might guess.

Medical tech and pollution control aside, I’d happily stay at 80’s tech so long as I had the people. It was far from paradise but unlike the madness we have now, felt like the continuation of my parents and grandparents past

Reply to  Marko
5 years ago

We could do worse than a Victorian age standard!

Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

My grandmother somewhere around 1986:
” when we were young we were all so gay”

“Grandma – that word doesn’t mean what you think it does any more”

99 Year Blues
5 years ago

A while back I read about this minor news story about a bunch of Chinese high school students who won some sort of academic contest back in China, and the prize was a free trip to New York City. Apparently there was some sort of human interest story on the local NYC news, and a reporter interviewed the kids, who looked noticeably baffled and uncomfortable. “So, what do you think of America?” the reporter asked. “It’s… it’s nice. It’s, uh, very cynice. It’s just… somehow, there was something… we thought we were going to see…” “What is it?” the reporter… Read more »

Reply to  99 Year Blues
5 years ago

Exactly what I used to think when I lived in Los Angeles.

Reply to  Drake
5 years ago

It’s worse daily. I try to limit my harrowings of HelLA nowadays but sometimes duty calls.

The Babe
The Babe
5 years ago

God damn, the Zman is like a modern-day Vergil–our tour guide in hell.

Up next come purgatorio and then paradiso, right?

Reply to  The Babe
5 years ago

Good analogy. Ascending the spheres of the Paradiso requires our own personal Beatrice to serve as a Muse towards spiritual purity. Does such a woman exist today?

Reply to  Tacitus
5 years ago

Are Ursula, Range Front Fault, 3g4me, Ris_Eruwaehdiel, or Bunny up to the task?

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

As I walked with Dante along his tour of Hell recently, he gave quite an animated explanation. We ambled down and down through the 9 circles and came to a stop at each of the 9 viewing platforms. Dante appeared rather despondent shortly into the tour as he proclaimed the human race just isn’t learning from his great work. One of Dante’s favorite platform stops is Circle 7/Violence as he laughingly took great pleasure watching Count Ugolino ferociously gnaw on the scalp of Archbishop Ruggieri, quite hideous really. Dante said Gustav Dore did a bang up job of drawing the… Read more »

Mark Auld
Mark Auld
Reply to  Range Front Fault
5 years ago

Well done young lady.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

Bring it! We’re ready. Also the great Whitney, The Babe, NotSoThoreau, Deana, Shelby and all our other great women. We support our great men and will be behind you and by your side.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  The Babe
5 years ago

We’re only in the 4th or 5th circle. Buckle up.

5 years ago

Today we live in a world of strangers. In the working world, one reason for this is that the state sits very close. People know that they have easy recourse to the brutal power of the state in the form of lawsuits, and they are corrupted by that power. The litigiousness of modern Americans means that state power seems to be permeate every big office, like a ghost. Or like a gangster cracking his knuckles. Conversations and emails, especially with women or minorities, are fraught. You need mountains of ass-covering paperwork and contracts. Ass-covering projects. Ass-covering departments! I see this… Read more »

Reply to  Hilltop
5 years ago

MGTOW is a way to avoid lawsuits and getting ripped off in all sorts of ways. The atomization of humanity, along with the demonization of masculinity, turns interaction with the rest of the world into a minefield.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

Dutch said: “The atomization of humanity, along with the demonization of masculinity, turns interaction with the rest of the world into a minefield.” Have you ever heard of the mouse utopia experiment? A scientist named John Calhoun did some experiments concerning population density. It turned into a nightmare. Even though the mice had been given everything they needed to thrive, the mouse society fell to pieces. Here’s the Wiki link. And here’s a Youtube vid. Here’s a Youtube vid called “Mouse Utopia Experiment – MGTOW”

Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
5 years ago

I am currently preparing my isolated hilltop, surrounded (at a certain distance) by aware white folks. I need my space, I don’t want to be one of those mice.

If you doubt MGTOW, “keep it zipped up”, and “stay away from crazy”, read about that stupid Harvard professor in the latest New York magazine, it’s all over the internet.

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

Skimmed the article, couldn’t help but notice that it was a white man done down by Jewish women. I’m telling you, once you have a functioning Jewdar, it’s amazing all the things you see. It’s almost like a curse at times.

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

I get the anger of the MGTOW guys but they’re not really allies to the dissident cause. Refusing to *create* the next generation of our society is just as selfish as the what the degenerates practice.

Reply to  BadThinker
5 years ago

Yep, MGTOW are honoring the wishes of those who wish to destroy white people. (Though I understand a man’s desire to walk away from all this crap.)

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

For better or worse I’ve had a way with crazy shitlib career gurls since pre-red pill days. Living in California for years it’s been more an adaptation than a preference. For you younger men out there, I’ll offer the usual boring fatherly sounding advice – don’t overvalue IQ & “achievement” in women, upvote beauty & good hearts. This is the Heartiste (PBUH) “Boss Secretary Strategy.”. It worked for Grandpa, it can work for you. If you choose to ride the crazy train, be anti-fragile & treat them like a willful beast to be tamed at all times.

Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

Part of the problem is the break down of the old environment of school, community, and church wrt young people pairing off for marriage. The night life in bars creates a tough environment and the social “acceptance” of women sleeping around to find a life partner, extremely toxic to bonding.

Say what you will, but we need more “Yentas” (really “Shadchan” in Hebrew).

Reply to  Hilltop
5 years ago

Not much Talmud parsing going on then?

Reply to  Hilltop
5 years ago

Wow. Hilltop, this is important.

In other words, they didn’t need all that government, because they didn’t have a Mafia Occupation government.

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

Two words to solve the ‘working women’ problem:

Part Time
(with a social safety net that WHITE WOMEN didn’t abuse)

Two more:
Local voting
(Women are designed to protect the home camp.)

Three or four more:
Expose the yammering yentas.
The yentas are false alpha females, leading ours astray.

For cripes’ sakes this “beat up the wimmin, strip them of a voice” crap is too all-or-nothing. They had and have legitimate concerns, guys can be smarter than this.

Go for the win-win.
Win our women back.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

Utah…first state to give women The Vote. Hmmm….maybe I shouldn’t use that example.

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

For cripes’ sakes this “beat up the wimmin, strip them of a voice” crap is too all-or-nothing.

Yes. I think a quarter of a vote would be fair.

Say what you want about Mohammadans, but they know a thing or two about women.

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

What you don’t need (in this case) is the American damages compensation systems. In most countries, punitive damages are not awarded to the complainants, only compensation for the actual loss you’ve suffered. If a company is to be punished, the government fines them, not the judiciary.

So if a wahmen complains she’s been harassed, the court will only award her a sum they find is proportional to the indignity suffered, a few thousand dollars at most.

Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

If a company is to be punished, the government fines them, not the judiciary.

Wait a moment, I’m not sure that’s actually true. Don’t quote me.

Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

There needs to be harsh punishment when people (wahmen) are found to be putting forth lies and exaggerations in an attempt to shake down money or position or destroy another’s career/reputation. That doesn’t seem to happen any more and we suffer for it.

Reply to  Hilltop
5 years ago

And I can also say that in an un-PC, unlitigious work environment, women aren’t nearly as toxic as they are in the west. They just aren’t weaponized like they are here. They tried to get a #MeToo-thing going in Denmark back when. Their first target was Peter “The Eel” Aalbæk Jensen, dictator of Zentropa, the production company of Lars von Trier. Some girl complained that she’d had her ass grabbed, and when a journalist asked Aalbæk Jensen about it, he explained that sexual harassment was part of Zentropa’s corporate culture. That pretty much stopped #MeToo cold in Denmark. Only six… Read more »

Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

Heh. Photoshopped. Gotta be.

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago
Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

Welp that’s enough internet for today.

Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

Lars von Trier and his edgy but sick ideas. Good for white people? No. Figures the exhibitionist works closely with him. Warped. Non-conformist thinking that does NOT help white people. Don’t mistake it for art or high thinking.

5 years ago

I think what would shock him the most is the degeneracy and the celebration of degeneracy to the point that people wrap up their core identity with degeneracy. People used to create an identity around things like family, ethnicity, gender and occupation. This is even happening on the dissident right. People on the dissident right are taking at least some of their identity on their opposition to degeneracy.

Reply to  Tars_Tarkusz
5 years ago

Society gets more of what the culture chooses to hold up as noble behavior.

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

The nobility of the “oppressed.”

Who runs the media?
Whose cultural lens are we viewing nobility through?

We’ve achieved the transactional relations of a travelling merchant. Perhaps that is the most fit response to a hyper-mobile, diverse, distributed urban environment.

Watering holes.
Fish markets.
Young toughs.
Neighbors for 30 years.
Local small parks.
Perhaps it is the car that erased all this and led to the rise of ‘keeping in touch’ tech.

No, they had all of those in 1918 Germany or 1960 America, so tech isn’t the only cause. Shucks.

Reply to  Tars_Tarkusz
5 years ago

The traveler would be terrified and think he landed in Hell. We have cartoons on the CN late night showing beastiality and necrophilia now. other shows like Family Guy are just plain sadistic and nihilistic crap. Most anime is just pure sickness meant for creepy boys with transgender issues living in their mom’s basement.

Most TV series are just crap aimed at audiences with a maturity level of teenagers. and if it has a laugh track you know the show is aimed at morons.

Reply to  Rod1963
5 years ago

Rod, as culture is downstream from biology, I say biology is downstream from spirit. The Word is the immaterial template for the Body.

They don’t understand me when I say the new rulers are possessed, a strain driven by demons. Nothing mortal could maintain such focus for millenia. Breeding patterns maintain vessels conducive to the Infection, culture selects for susceptible vessels.

Wait until the Owners can strip off the mask. Epstein’s Temple in every city, right next to the special museum (and out of sight of the camps). We shall see things we couldn’t believe.

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

PS- they already know how this works. MRI scanners in airports depicting the neural fingerprint of a jihadi brain were proposed, then abolished, so they know about hosting.

I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, but I may be too late. Nonetheless, I’ll continue to work on a simple foundation for understanding this phenomena, so I can translate to and recruit you smart guys.

We’re gonna need all the smart guys, the Christian, Bhuddist, and Sikh guys, and all the white guys and non-Caucasian allies we can get. The vessels of Goodwill. The Defenders.

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

Christians, Bhuddists- no more running away!
Promises, only, of escape!
Yet to leave the rest behind!

That’s all that could be done at the time, I get it.
But now, we can do more.

Much more.
We are the soldiers in the battlefield, so on with it.

5 years ago

Social retardation (and I mean that quite literally) is a phenomenal result of cultural collapse. It extends far beyond the workplace to all relationships, which as Z and so many others have noted, are transactional and sterile. The degree to which technology is alienating us is astounding, fascinating, and horrifying. Simultaneously, we have people that live in a twilight zone reality of their own construction, populated with the cast and logos of whatever show(s) they are binging, while also experiencing true reality through a sanctioned filter that results in uniformity of thought and action (at the level of principle) within… Read more »

5 years ago

It’s exemplified by the reaction of parents to their kids use of texts, the ultimate in contact without context. A huge amount of the cerebral cortex is devoted to deciphering visual information – dangers nuances warnings threats intentions opportunities reassurances deceits honestys insecurities tensions etc etc all can be read from peoples faces and bodies without a word being said, and have been replaced with LOL or TMI.

Reply to  bilejones
5 years ago

When future developmental psychiatrists study what the atrophied social interations of this era did to children, we will look as ignorant and tragic as people who were enthusiastically exposing themselves to lead in our past centuries.

Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

Add to that multiple gratuitous vaccinations, quality unknown, and you get a real freak society.

5 years ago

“I’ve….seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate.

All those moments will be lost in time, like tears… rain.

Time to die.”

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

It’s 2019, goddammit! Where are the attack ships? Where are the C-beams? Why can’t I buy a replicant that looks like Sean Young?

Reply to  gwood
5 years ago

Roy Batty was decanted 3 years ago.
Incept date: January 17, 2016

Maybe that’s who these stunted NPCs *really* are

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  gwood
5 years ago

I’ll take the shitty society we have over the dying choking hell that is Blade Runner, Sean Young looking sexbots notwithstanding

The air and water here is clean, animals are plentiful , food is plentiful

The ennui of a commercial society hurts but the Blade Runner one is if anything worse than what we have

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

Rutger Hauer actually was burried today

Reply to  Lei
5 years ago

Rest in peace, beautiful Rutger Hauer. What a handsome man he was.

Reply to  Ursula
5 years ago

Truly a Teutonic Prince…

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
5 years ago

What a 19th Century man would find most troubling is our passivity in the face of all this miasma.

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
5 years ago

The main thing a visitor from the 19th Century would see is the sharp decline in Christian belief, and the sorry state of Christian churches, led astray by their pathetic shepherds. Compare Leo XIII to Bergoglio. Or Dwight L. Moody to Joel Osteen.

5 years ago

What you are describing is the last era and vestige of natural evolution for our species. We evolved to move, and forage, and hunt in order to survive and thrive. Hunting necessitated cooperative communication and interaction, and as such, social behaviors became a mandatory trait, not an elective. All of that was a reaction to the environment of our ancestral adaption (the natural world).

The Brave New World of the present is devoid of hardship and existential risk, and that will be our undoing unless we bring it back.

Reply to  TomA
5 years ago

TomA, affluenza is one of your main themes. Is our only option to return to deprivation? Is a prosperous society inherently suicidal?

Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago


Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

Evolution doesn’t have a goal or targeted endpoint. It’s a natural process (think gravity, it does what it does regardless of what anyone thinks about it). In the natural world of our ancestral evolution, fitness selection was driven by the necessity of overcoming hardship and existential threat. That is how our species got to the top of the organic pyramid. Without those drivers, the path forward has fundamentally changed.

deplorable me
deplorable me
Reply to  TomA
5 years ago

fitness selection was driven by the necessity of overcoming hardship and existential threat.

So, it seems that as long as a prosperous society is overcoming hardship and existential threat, the society is less likely to devolve into suicide. That’s the tricky part, as overcoming hardship tends to make life easier for succeeding generations, so how do we continue to overcome hardship/threat without becoming suicidal?

Reply to  TomA
5 years ago

Without those drivers, the path forward has fundamentally changed. Changed to what? If Calhoun’s rat colony experiments are any indication, the new path leads to extinction. Many [female rats] were unable to carry pregnancy to full term or to survive delivery of their litters if they did. An even greater number, after successfully giving birth, fell short in their maternal functions. Among the males the behavior disturbances ranged from sexual deviation to cannibalism and from frenetic overactivity to a pathological withdrawal from which individuals would emerge to eat, drink and move about only when other members of the community were… Read more »

Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

Sounds like the Japanese, a once noble warrior society reduced to a vast emporium of consumption where the younger generations prefer cosplay and manga to making babies. As the TFR collapses and the population ages toward senescence, the hikikomori — mostly men — retreat to their rooms and wallow in social isolation. Purity of culture can be destroyed from within as well as without.

Reply to  Maus
5 years ago

In defense of anime/manga, it’s about the only popular art form that a particular desert tribe has yet to subvert to their own purposes. There are many fine anime that should be enjoyed by people in our movement.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

We have subgroups, Amish, Orthodox Jews and other devout Christians and other religious sorts immune to this. Humanity will survive and the low-tech religious types get the future because in a couple of hundred years, the catabolic collapse will render the material society moot anyway and they are well prepped No space for you, its back to horse and buggy and if very lucky, a train Frankly, this is fine with me, I won’t be here for it and it’s pretty clear modernity hasn’t worked in 50 years of so , starting with the sub replacement fertility all the way… Read more »

Xopher Halftongue
Xopher Halftongue
Reply to  A.B Prosper
5 years ago

Giving women’s rights the pussy pass again for sub replacement fertility and blaming tech for that fertility, eh AB Prosper?

“No space for you,” only if people like you make it ILLEGAL for Prophet Elon Musk’s to do so.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Xopher Halftongue
5 years ago

Space Prophet? You sound like a nutter. Now I don’t even especially favor women’s suffrage much less women’s lib or feminism x whatever it’s at now but the US had below replacement fertility in the 1930’s without female empowerment , birth control or abortion and in a highly religious society It’s mostly an economic issue What BC and antibiotics did is make slutting around common which is bad and easy divorce made people nuts now the pill , should probably be banned has the nasty side effect of messing up hormonal mating cues but that is a different thing In… Read more »

Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

Mouse Utopia for all those who have not yet had the pleasure of reading it! I used to have a different page to link, but can no longer find it. Instead:

Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

struggles are to the mind, soul, and spirit what exercise is to the body. If you were to sit down in a room with a toilet and a bed. All your food and water brought to you. You did no exercise at all besides moving between the two. How would your body be in 5 years? 10 years? 30 years? My guess is that you would not survive, much less thrive. We live in the social equivalent of that. When everything is safe and easy we have nothing to motivate us,be proud of, love,fight for,fight against. Without the virtues developed… Read more »

Reply to  miforest
5 years ago

Our kids today are pretty weird no thanks to over-vaccination, with very potent matter being injected into our kids and there is no liability for the quality of the injected matter. INSANITY. God, please help us.

Reply to  miforest
5 years ago

Children need fathers. Badly. Our modern world has carved fathers out of the picture and it’s a disaster.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

It’s not a prosperous society – it’s the welfare state. IN ALL OF IT’S MANIFESTATIONS. It is perfectly feasible to have a prosperous society – where you’ve got running water and electricity and nice cars and roads and all of that – and still have to work hard for it. Back in the 1800’s quite a few people in this country would live in sod huts or log cabins. They rode horse as their form of transportation. THEY all had to pretty much build their own homes and take care of that horse. Who does anything even close to the… Read more »

Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago

I take your point about self-reliance, which is indeed admirable and worthy of cultivation. But modern reality frustrates the endeavor, particularly with the examples you note. I remember learning to rebuild the carburetor on a 1968 VW Beetle. That engine was a thing of marvelous efficiency and simplicity. Try repairing a 21st century auto with computer-assisted fuel injection and emission controls. The tools and knowledge needed are far more complex. Ditto building a house. That grandpa didn’t have to contend with codes, a planning department, water-use restrictions, inspections, the list is endless. Bureaucracy and regulation destroyed the Renaisance Man, who… Read more »

Reply to  Maus
5 years ago

White men need to re-create the modern vehicle, only way scaled down but really strong. No computer functions in the car. Combustion engine and related physical responses only, with a really strong cage around the driver/passengers. We need to get back to young men knowing, repairing and souping-up, if they choose, their own cars. We have the ability to do so. Will our hyper-advanced state forbid it? If so, even more reason to make the basic, boiled down car.

Reply to  Ursula
5 years ago

That’s already being done. It’s called hot-rodding. The government (which I seem to CONSTANTLY have to keep reminding people is the real problem) – will stomp on your dick hard if you get too far out of line on that endeavor. Becoming an automobile enthusiast is what lead me down the political road I have taken. It’s an excellent way to discover your abilities to actually build things – as well as discovering that there is HUGE contingent of people out there willing to use political power to stand in your way. So to answer your question: YES – the… Read more »

Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago

The state with support from White America is what kept the Black community behaved instead of its current state by enforcing segregation and regulating how both races could act towards each-other. Save us the lolbertarian garbage.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago

Problem with you guys in the anti welfare crowd is that nearly all of you prefer cheap goods and cheap labor and automation all of which drive the nation to a welfare state. Automation has been eroding demand for labor since industrialization and its its 2019 for Pete’s sake . we barely need people to make or deliver goods, sell them, warehouse them , stock them, grow crops or any of the other things we used too. You can prate on about low unemployment as if anyone sentient believes government figures but the birth rate tell all as does the… Read more »

Xopher Halftongue
Xopher Halftongue
Reply to  A.B Prosper
5 years ago

@AB Prosper

The anti-tech entryist displays his true commie colors… while he whiteknights for women.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Xopher Halftongue
5 years ago

Anyone sane is at least a little anti tech though it’s silly to call someone who has been part of this crowd, under this name for years an “entryist” You are a space bug libertarian type who thinks say Friday by Heinlein was a great society instead of the dystopia it is With people like you in charge, you get the shihole of Neuromancer or Niven’s nightmarish Patchwork Girl To speak plainly, you are in the wrong movement , its all fash or paleocons over here. Go hangout somewhere else Anyway If tit takes grounding people in order to make… Read more »

Reply to  A.B Prosper
5 years ago

Waaaaaaaaaaaa – somebody’s coming for AB’s EBT card!! The problem with all of you guys in the pro-welfare crowd is that we’ve close to 100 years of evidence clearly showing that giving away free shit is corrosive to the body and soul and ultimately the nation. Your latest excuse is “automation” – but we’ve had mechanical devices replacing humans for OVER 100 years now (farm employment is a perfect example) – and all of those people found jobs. Last time I checked the population of the US was almost 1/3 of what it is now back in the 30’s –… Read more »

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago

Libertarianism is the most left wing philosophy outside of cultural marxism. Hell it’s the kissing cousin of Antifa only with more corporate ass rape. Conservatism in a modern sense is imposing a functional social order in necessary by force in order to promote domestic harmony and has nil to do with neoLiberal economics since you know the later is Liberal Given that labor strife was near constant from the late 19th century to the mid 20th with such delights as murder, torture and the US military using planes to stop strikers, n other words to make people work at a… Read more »

Reply to  A.B Prosper
5 years ago

This is what lolbertarians actually believe.

Face it, Libertarianism by design appeals to lumpen like White nerds (nerds themselves being drawn towards siding with foreigners), Jews, Uncle Toms, degenerate women, alienated ones. It has never built a society that has the will to continue itself. Buys into noble savagery. Has a poor grasp on elite action and state scheming (see their stance on Trump’s call for war on Big Tech even though Big Tech is well aboard with globalhomo).

Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago

Segregation was enforced by the state and backed by White America largely. Blacks don’t behave much better in their own countries where there isn’t the American government to watch them. If anything, the state’s enforcement of segregation made them better behaved since it forced them to stick to their own, keep them rooted. Quit your libertarian babble.

China is less degenerate than Murica and it’s thanks to their state. Lolbertarians refuse to accept that in non-degenerate society you are not floating atom but one who carried obligations to his parents, family, clan, lord, kingdom.

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago

Carlsdad, It’s fine for men to mow their own cars, build their own grass, rehouse their own shingles if they are able to and enjoy that kind of work. But you seem to discount every other kind of activity as unmanly. Why shouldn’t a man spend his time reading a book, writing a book, delivering a speech, researching a topic? Or, for that matter, meditating? Some people are more equipped by nature for working with their mind than working with their hands. Should they imitate people drawn to physical and mechanical things? That seems to me another form of selling… Read more »

Reply to  Gravity Denier
5 years ago

It’s not like you can’t do both. I enjoy construction work because I can put headphones in for long periods and listen to audio books and internet videos. A man should be able to build their own grass. If you are a dissident posting on this blog, you definitely should be able to do all that.

All white men must become records of our culture AND men capable of weathering the coming third world.

Reply to  Gravity Denier
5 years ago

The world is built from physical labor. Not by meditating on the meaning of physical labor. You won’t discover how the world works by meditating on shit you’ve never actually experienced or done with your own hands. Or do you think that actually working does not mean you are exercising your mind? Reading books is nice. I do it all the time and have bookcases full of them. It’s how I research how to go out and do things in the real world. Do you really think that back when most people lived hand to mouth or had to hunt… Read more »

Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago

You wouldn’t have the internet or other nice toys if it wasn’t for the state. But tell us more on how atoms like you invented everything worth noting.

Noble savages are a lie by the way. Foragers in Africa and so on live in lands with murder levels comparable to Detroit.

5 years ago

Turns out Marx was right after all — the very “alienation” he saw as the root problem of industrial capitalism, that would inevitably bring it down, is the same alienation that will destroy postindustrial capitalism. Which, I guess, is why the Left doesn’t bother with ol’ Onkel Karl anymore — if they actually read Marx, they’d be out here with us dissidents (I’ve always said that Marx is like one of those medieval Plague doctors in the bird masks. They’re 100% right about the disease (you’ve got the Plague, all right) but their proposed cure is guaranteed to make things… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
5 years ago

Turns out Marx was right after all Too early to say, but it looks like he was on to something. if they actually read Marx…. If they actually read Marx, they’d discover that the revolution is not going to occur until capitalism has provided the required technostructure that socialism will rest upon. He realized that a socialist society wouldn’t have the dynamism or creativity to build it. The Commies are, in a sense, right when they say that the Soviet Union, China or Cambodia weren’t real Communist systems, because none of those countries went through the industrialized, ultra-capitalist phase that,… Read more »

Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

I forget which group of Mensheviks back in 1905 wanted to cut a deal with Russia’s few industrialists for exactly that reason — they wanted the Revolution to come, but since the Scriptures dictated that you need an advanced industrial Proletariat for Revolution and Russia didn’t have it, it was in the Socialist revolutionaries’ best interests to help out the capitalists. Ahhh, “theory”…. is there anything it can’t do?

Reply to  Severian
5 years ago

Ahhh, “theory”…. is there anything it can’t do?

“That works splendidly in practice, but will it work in theory?”

5 years ago

I first started noticing that my managers could not evaluate people or manage their interactions around the mid-90’s. You increasingly saw “office administrators” and HR’s with high-level credentials in mid-large law firms who were utterly lacking in both people skills and the knowledge of our actual jobs necessary to determine whether a secretary, paralegal or attorney was socially corrosive and/or simply incompetent. And this was the age before ubiquitous email, social media and cell phones, which catalyzed a chain-reaction fission of atomized Dunning Kruger-Peter Principle particles. Scott Adams had the best sense of this Cubicle Clown World. Burnham’s managerial state… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

I’ve never known a time where annual evaluations weren’t a despicable joke to everyone except the HR drones whose job depends on their existence. Except early in my career it was because the managers already knew full well how their employees were doing, what their strengths and weaknesses were, and didn’t need a formal process to tell them. But later in my career, the managers just slavishly went through the motions, but really had no idea how to evaluate their employees and the silly exercise wasn’t going to help them. My last manager and his manager above him before I… Read more »

Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

Most of the ‘goals’ on the yearly review at the current megacorp I work for have nothing to do with my performance. One of them is “practices diversity and inclusions” for God’s sake. Others are mostly how well the *organization* has a whole has met metrics that I have no control over. Your rating is basically just “of the 8 people on your team, 1 gets ‘exceeds’, 6 get ‘meets’, and 1 gets ‘needs improvement'”. Which one you are is based on managerial whim.

Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

As a woman in the private sector work force I must say how much even I hated HR and all that came with it. To be honest, I never should have been in the corporate work force in the first place. I should have been wife and mother on a farm. The fact that I wasted my best life energy and years on stupid corporate jobs is something that embitters me and I hope to steer future young white women away from corporate work and toward home life work of wife and mother. Being a great wife and mother is… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

One of my neighbors is a lawyer and she bragged to me a couple years ago about how her law firm sponsored “kids from the barrios” to get their law degrees. I asked, “What about your son? Your daughter?” and she shrugged and looked offended, saying something vague about them being OK. Oh, the sadness. Can she at least stop and think about her own children, for crying out loud? But no, once again we see a white “higher-educated” woman acting on behalf of non-whites and against her own kind, whites. Against her own children. That’s a seriously successful propaganda… Read more »

5 years ago

The shocker for the 19th Century man would be the self-loathing and loss of confidence. Whites embarrassed to be white and ashamed of our ancestors. Christians who have given up Christianity and “celebrate” Islam rather than resisting that evil – converting or expelling them. Western Civilization collapsing before our eyes and nobody cares.

Reply to  Drake
5 years ago

People care, but they are not allowed to care in public.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  Drake
5 years ago

Well to be fair, colonial Europeans through out the age of exploration, up until the mid 1800’s in America, forced the indigenous to abandon their native religions and assume the “white mans way”. Now, as history repeats itself, the local indigenous are being displaced and instead of churches being build on old pagan temples, they build mosques.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
5 years ago

Throughout the age of exploration, Europeans were still fighting off Muslim invasions and piracy. During that period Vienna came under siege twice and a million captured Europeans were sold into slavery.

Reply to  Drake
5 years ago

The Knights of St. John and the Venetians did a pretty good business selling Muslims to Europe as well. The Siege of Malta seems to have been the big turning point.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
5 years ago

I don’t want to be fair, I want to win.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
5 years ago

Karl Horst, the same problems from human conquest have been imposed on white people just as much as non-whites. White tribes and communities have been snuffed out along the way just as colored tribes. When white men first ventured to Africa, they took with them money and precious goods, not knowing for sure if these things would be appealing to African natives, but with the intent on entering into trade agreements with the natives, to mutual satisfaction. Imagine, then, the surprise when white expeditionists found human beings who did not know the wheel and had no idea about the concept… Read more »

Reply to  Drake
5 years ago

We didn’t lose God, he’s not under the couch cushions.

Our gods have been replaced by the gods of foreign conquerors.

“… the ashes of our fathers, the altars of our gods”

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

Alzaebo, your quote is so meaningful to our predicament/movement that it should be shared in its entirety. One of my favorite:

“Then out spake brave Horatius,
The Captain of the Gate:
To every man upon this earth
Death cometh soon or late.
And how can man die better
Than facing fearful odds,
For the ashes of his fathers,
And the temples of his gods”

Nathaniel Bell
Nathaniel Bell
5 years ago

I’m in my early 30s, and being a writer, always need stories. Bars are usually a good place to scout for them when all else fails. I am an absolute magnet for drunk old men. Not in a sexual or perverted sense. When hammered, they are desperate for anyone who’s willing to listen to what life used to be like. I don’t even have to say much. They need a vessel to pour their experiences in, hoping perhaps a few drops get retained. In a way I feel like a living diary, entrusted with the pages of life these men… Read more »

The Babe
The Babe
Reply to  Nathaniel Bell
5 years ago

People into that sort of thing should check out James Crumley’s masterpiece, The Last Good Kiss, which is all about a detective talking to old guys in bars in the West and Midwest. It’s a bittersweet look at the human types of the Lost White America–as well as the Degenerate New America.

In fact I learned about Crumley from an excellent essay about modern loneliness, and the literature of modern loneliness, in The American Sun:

Reply to  Nathaniel Bell
5 years ago

I’ve always been a sucker for Studs Terkel. ‘Working” was my favorite book of his. In any event, there is great need for such remembrances and the passing on of elder wisdom to the next generation. Too bad we don’t have the time amidst our electronic distractions and endless work schedules and “busy” lives.

5 years ago

From the link the Zman posted: There is an unusually high concentration of gay or lesbian workers in certain occupations. For example, both gay men and lesbians and are overrepresented in psychology, law, social work, and university teaching. And there are real occupational patterns behind some popular stereotypes, from the gay flight attendant to the lesbian truck driver. Where does this kind of occupational segregation come from? This question has puzzled social scientists for nearly a century, but it is not simply an academic problem. Occupational segregation matters because it can lead to inequality between workers and limit the talent… Read more »

Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

So in a nutshell, you’ve described what passes for 90% of social science research? 🙁

5 years ago

“The well-adapted millennials are those who played sports or served in the military. In those environments, stripped of automation, they learned how to be leaders, teammates and adapt to new conditions.”

That’s a very interesting observation. I think you may be onto something.

Edit: Do we think the situation is as bad in Europe? I saw unattended kids riding bikes all over busy Amsterdam. In America, busybody women will literally call the police on unattended children outside playing. I’m not sure European children are sheltered as much. Is this correct?

Primi Pilus
Primi Pilus
Reply to  Max
5 years ago

Only applies to some now. The effects described above are wreaking havoc in the military too — degrading unit morale and readiness in some respects — due to impact of technology and social decay on the involved human material. There is great opportunity in the military for one with the right “character” to develop into something different from their peers — more like that 19th Century man. But general cultural, social and political forces are rapidly transforming that realm too.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  Max
5 years ago

The age old answer is…it depends. Generally, I believe children here are much safer than in America. I ride a public bus to work most mornings, and in many communities, children from the age of 6 are commuting to school unattended, sitting quietly on the seat next to me. Why? Because we don’t have school buses like you do. Small children, age 6 and up, usually walk together up to 1-2 kilometers to school completely unsupervised. Or they ride bike, scooters, etc. Some parents choose to walk with them, say goodbye at the school, and continue on their way to… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
5 years ago

In the U.S, in the 1970s almost all children walked to school. By the 1990s, almost none did. Now children are chauffeured everywhere by parents. It’s very unhealthy, both physically and mentally. Sounds like children have more opportunity to develop autonomy over there.

Reply to  Max
5 years ago

I remember walking home from school, age about 11, with a bunch of friends in the pouring rain. There was no way to call anyone’s mother, and almost none of them had a car during the day anyhow. It was a big deal to get a second car back then. In comparison, the one year my younger son attended public school, everyone drove their kids to and from school, from kindergarten up. There were just a few years that another White, Texas family lived across the street from us, and their kids would regularly come over and invite my older… Read more »

Reply to  Max
5 years ago

One of the things I tell my wife I like about our town is that do relatively frequently see kids (young teens – pretty much always boys) – out riding their bikes WITHOUT HELMETS.

To your point about women : she’s unenthusiastic about the point I’m trying to make.

5 years ago

What would drive our 19th Century friend insane – as it is driving us insane – is the near-total absence of contact most people have with the natural world.

5 years ago

This is something you see all over the social sciences. Noam Chomsky explains the origins of sociobabble: And you’ve got these guys in the physics department and in the math department, and they’ve got all kinds of complicated theories which, of course, we can’t understand, but they seem to understand them. And they have principles and they deduce complicated things from the principles and they do experiments and find that they work or don’t work. That’s really impressive stuff. So I want to be like that too. I want to have a theory. In the humanities, literary criticism, anthropology and… Read more »

Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

I’ve always suspected Chomsky is wise to his own scam.

Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

He’s no fool. Paradoxically, he was a big help on my red pill journey. I used to think our rulers were idiots, but Chomsky made me understand they were merely evil, which was a huge relief, made be sleep better at night. Of course, back then I thought they did evil mainly for the benefit of their constituents, and simply shaved a few billions off the side for themselves.

Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

Chomsky, like Ayn Rosenbaum, seems to be one of those Tribalists so enthralled with their own brilliance that they can’t resist bragging to the goys about it. Noam gives us some clues about inner circle thinking once in awhile. Leo Strauss weeps.

5 years ago

When I read a story from a hundred years ago (HP Lovecraft’s “The Shadow Over Innsmouth”), I was not struck by the thriller/horror aspect, but by how helpful, friendly, and open the strangers in the story acted towards each other.

Reply to  Bob
5 years ago

Lovecraft was a Bad Thinker if there ever was one. He’s on the way to complete depersoning in the horry/fantasy/scifi ‘community’. “It would be too hideous if they knew that the one-time heiress of Riverside—the accursed gorgon or lamia whose hateful crinkly coil of serpent-hair must even now be brooding and twining vampirically around an artist’s skeleton in a lime-packed grave beneath a charred foundation—was faintly, subtly, yet to the eyes of genius unmistakably the scion of Zimbabwe’s most primal grovellers. No wonder she owned a link with that old witch-woman Sophonisba—for, though in deceitfully slight proportion, Marceline was… Read more »

Reply to  BadThinker
5 years ago

The spectrum of genetics determines the degree of susceptibility to spirit Infection. Lighter skin tones, in any race, mean higher status. Why? I suspect tone denotes more than climate. It seems, also, to denote resistance to Infection. Whites, with their prevalence of cortex mechanical thinking, are the most resistant. Non-Caucasians, processing more with the emotive insula hindbrain, are more susceptible to the animal spirit. Ladies too, thus their fascination with magic. Emotive language- hindbrain processing- is the province of breeding groups. Religion, which uses emotive dialect, is concerned with social organization, our breeding groups. “How should we get along?” Since… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

Carlsdad is right when he says, “I believe, because it is absurd.”

He is hearing Spirit with the part of brain that dreams. It doesn’t much speak in words. Try putting any dream- holographic, non-linear processing- into linear words.
We can’t. It sounds… absurd.

The partition space required is heavy, so we often must be at rest, to dream, and to hear.

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

Alzaebo, I would love to have had a conversation with your mother, to find out what you were up to when you were a kid. No judgement being passed, I simply think it would have been a fascinating conversation, especially if the apple did not fall far from the tree

5 years ago

To use an obvious example, as recently as the 1980s we had Personnel Departments – now we have Human Resources.

When texting first came out, my reaction was, “Oh, how rude! Just call.” I text now, but for quick messages. Some people prefer to use them for long “conversations.” I can understand if a person is a little sneaky and texting from work or is busy with something, but to prefer to text over calling?

The Amish reject the telephone because they prefer to speak to people face-to-face. 19th Century attitude.

Reply to  Ris_Eruwaehdiel
5 years ago

I write paragraph texts because when I try to articulate a thought (not a long thought, just a thought), people interrupt me to talk about the squirrel that just grabbed their attention. My Silent Generation grandparents are the worst. People over 70 are impossible to have a conversation with, despite the radio being their only communication growing up.

Reply to  Bob
5 years ago

People over 70 are impossible to have a conversation with, because they are in the process of losing their faculties. Humans are designed to live to age 45 or 50, and everything after that is a gift. But the physical and mental deteriorations are incessant and cumulative. Part of it is that older folks lose the ability to put things in context, and they also become much more suggestible. They parrot back what they are told from a source they choose to trust, without thinking about it for themselves (because they are incapable of doing so). They have the simple… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

The same can be said for many 30 year old white males. Outside of current movies most 30 year old whites are boring shits with nothing of interest to talk about. Think about it,these males were raised by the state for all intents. Their parents worked so they had no time to educate them so the state did by feeding them a watered down curriculum that left them knowing nothing and caring about nothing. Constant exposure to electronic media fried what was left of their brains. and social skills. The reason why some older people aren’t worth talking to is… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

Simply not true. You’re projecting the pathologies of some people with senile dementia on a vastly larger population. As for the car key experiment, it’s a poor metric. If the 75-year-old is still capable, he’s rightly going to tell you “Eff off, whippersnapper” and if he’s suffering from diminished capacity, he’s not going to recognize it. Meanwhile, there are very, very many older people I have known who voluntarily ceased driving when they realized their reactions and awareness were no longer sufficient, my mom among them. Quite often, the 75-year-old understands fundamental truths about humanity a lot better than some… Read more »

Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

As to driving, they’ve earned the right to go a little slower, whippersnapper.

Imagine losing a lifetime of freedom, of going where you want, when you want.
I was behind an old Japanese farmer when he failed vision at the DMV.
“Please, not me,” I thought.

Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

Spot on. My mother lived to age 90 and was mentally sharp until her last breath. At 85 she learned how to summon Uber on a smartphone and promptly gave her car to a grandson. She was an interesting conversationalist because she read voraciously and had an unquenchable curiosity. And, no surprise, her circle of social acquaintances and friends were equally wonderful and wise.
Now you damn kids get off my lawn!

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Maus
5 years ago

I was privileged as a boy to to live in a house with a women in her 90’s. Sharp as a tack and a living link to the past that even a child could appreciate.

If you are having issues with the 70+ Y/O’s in your life and they are healthy, it is probably not age more Boomer complacency that makes things hard

Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

I might add as well, that perhaps an elderly person (of this I know better and better 😉 ) may just have no interest in small talk. There really is only so much one can say wrt the weather, sports, and ridiculous complaints about whatever riles you today. Women seem to abound wrt small talk (apologies to the impressive and real solid females commenting on this blog), but I’ve never mastered such. It is my impression that this phenomenon has now infected our men as well. Perhaps it is a sign of the times and we are all cowards of… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

Dutch, I fully agree. Your first two sentences…I’ve said verbatim in real life many times. Older people get offended, but obviously, there are millions of exceptions. You’re simply stating the effects of aging. You should have left out the car key/driving thing though. That’s a serious trigger. My god man, you couldn’t have come up with a different example?! LOL

Reply to  Frip
5 years ago

Frip, you are right about the trigger. Probably has something to do with my recently being run over by an 85 year old in a Lincoln, barreling out of a driveway at about 30 mph, totaling my car, and continuing up the road for a block or so before getting it under control. Obviously mistook the throttle for the brake. Then standing around not saying much, while I had to lead him through what to do on exchanging information, locating his paperwork, etc. But that’s just me, revealing my biases. Joe Biden is 76 and Robert Mueller is 74. They… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

“85 year old in a Lincoln” heh. Says it all. Glad you’re ok.

Reply to  Frip
5 years ago

Not to worry. The era of driverless cars is upon us. 😉

Primi Pilus
Primi Pilus
Reply to  Ris_Eruwaehdiel
5 years ago

Increased Amish settlement here in Southside VA where I am visiting. Wagons, carriages, buggys, little two-wheel jobs abound on roads hereabouts. Produce markets, great horse-drawn groups traveling to bi-monthly collective worship … follow the horse droppings to see where they’re held any given Sunday. They use powered balers, but the actual baling machine is pulled by draft horses. Mowers and wagons are powered by horse or mule (with a kerosene motor for the baling mechanism). They have many small sawmills, and this group is allowed powered tractors, though rubber wheels are replaced with finely made metal, and the glass is… Read more »

Reply to  Primi Pilus
5 years ago

I’m not sure why I don’t just convert. I’m already Christian.

Reply to  Bob
5 years ago

When I drive through PA and see them, I always get the sneaking suspicion they’ll be teaching me subsistence farming in a few years – in return for security services and / or instruction in guerilla warfare.

Reply to  Drake
5 years ago

They’re pacifists. That’s not going to change without destroying their entire community, so they won’t take your training. But you are right that they probably wouldn’t object to hiring you for security services. It’s just like cars — they won’t drive them, but they will hire people to drive them places.

Reply to  Bob
5 years ago

They’re not really much interested in converts, as far as I can tell — you’re always going to be an outsider in the community and a potential source of trouble.

Also, it’s not an easy life for those of us raised in the world, and I’m not just speaking of the physical deprivations, which they are remarkably clever at working around. There are power politics, interpersonal drama, character assassination, intolerance — I know what I know from friendship with a midwife to an Amish community. They’re good people, better than most, but it’s not all bonnets and buggy rides.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

Vizzini said: ” There are power politics, interpersonal drama, character assassination, intolerance,” Sooner or later there’s always going to be scapegoating in every community. it’s who we are. It’s one of the ways we determine the pecking order.

Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

Vizzini, what about the Great Beard War?
Gangs of angry men armed with scissors, storming in and… and… cutting off each others’ beards!!

Such barbarity. Such unfathomable violence. Civilization is surely lost.

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

Lol, I remember reading about that, but I can’t remember the details!

5 years ago

Modernity is the social equivalent of sensory deprivation for the soul and spirit. similar to what exercise is to the body. If you were to sit down in a room with a toilet and a bed , have your food and water brought to you. and you did no exercise at all besides moving between the two. How would your body be in 5 years? 10 years? 30 years? My guess is that you would not survive, much less thrive. We live in the social equivalent of that. When everything is safe and easy we have nothing to motivate us,… Read more »

Reply to  miforest
5 years ago

TLDR: Transactionalism has taken over what used to be deep committed relationships.

Reply to  miforest
5 years ago

Abbreviated version: meaninglessness & purposelessness.

5 years ago

Z: “That’s what would most shock and horrify 19th century man about this age…he could not live without a place to a go or a people to visit. He could not live alone in a world full of strangers. It’s all those close, smelly, sweaty connections with your people that makes you human. He could not live without that and in a probability, neither can we.” This is why foreign visitors and immigrants (from England to Jordan to India, etc) always found America to be a chillingly lonely place. Not sure if that’s still how they feel. But that’s how… Read more »

Reply to  Frip
5 years ago

The Indiana are not homesick as they bring their extended families with them.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  Siddo
5 years ago

And put them on welfare, SSSI, etc.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  Al from da Nort
5 years ago

I was thinking myself clever…And then the lightbulb went on. *We* should be doing this for our genuinely needy relatives. Two advantages: Recreates solidarity and increases the Cloward-Piven burn rate.

Reply to  Al from da Nort
5 years ago

I’m too white. I don’t need family.

5 years ago

The sheer level of noise that is seemingly everywhere would certainly shock a 19th century person, probably up to 40 years ago.

5 years ago

Transactional existence = people tell lies and those hearing the lies know it and tell lies themselves. Low trust. Anti human. We need moral people who believe in God and Jesus and truth, beauty and goodness. That’s what makes beautiful, prosperous civilizations!

5 years ago

I used to know to Christian Egyptian man in the 90s. He spoke of how the Brits left a pretty good bureaucratic apparatus for the governance of Egypt, except that he and his family, as Coptic Christians, could not expect to land a cushy government job (or any decent job) unless they were part of the Muslim Brotherhood. I imagine that’s how it will go here; we have all these institutions and systems, built by men with morals in a better time, which already are heavily staffed by people of color (blacks, latinos, middle-easterners, indians, asians) and increasingly they will… Read more »

Reply to  Ursula
5 years ago

I have read stories of Black managers in South Africa begging for government dispensation to keep Whites in positions in all areas in order to keep the damn system running. Seems they know what side the bread is buttered. Also makes me wonder why, with such power, the SA Whites don’t simply strike and let the system collapse. Then again, we have half the White population voting democrat here, so race traitors abound.

5 years ago

Years ago Scott Adams did a Dilbert strip about Dilbert at a grade school on career day talking about being a engineer.

It went like this:
Diltert: After college you get put in a cubicle for 30 years and if you’re lucky you might be near a window so you can look outside.
Boy in class: Are there girls in engineering?
Dilbert: No
Another student: So you sit in a cube all day for the next 30 years until you retire or die?
DilbertL Yes.
Stends: they start crying and teacher is ready to hit Dilbert with a ruler.

Reply to  Rod1963
5 years ago

I am an engineer , and that is not a good thing to tell kids. Engineering is a great career that allows you to support a family. Which is the real goal. Looking for too much personal satisfaction at work is a trap . It’s a job, not a f—ing “career” . you family , friends, and faith are for that Ideally your community too, but that’s a work in progress. He is not wrong that your boss or company will not give a crap about , and the work may not be thrilling adventure, but that’s why we call… Read more »

Reply to  miforest
5 years ago

Not all engineering is as described—cubical work. My son designs, tests, and manufactures. He has plenty of experience on the factory floor in manufacturing and the items produced are designed to explode. Testing can be a blast. Pun intended. 🙂

5 years ago

Well articulated lamentations that are not dissimilar to Wendell Berry’s concern for disintegrating communities. Berry’s critique of 50+ years ago still resonates (read “The Unsettling of America”), however, we’ve only exacerbated the problems by buying the lie that technology “saves time.” So many paradoxes … never has man had more robust communications; never has man been more lonely. I think 19th century man (after enjoying a Big Mac) might suggest we unplug from much of modernism. I also have many Amish neighbors with whom I do business and I’ve taken a cue from them: whenever weighing whether or not to… Read more »

5 years ago

“Young people are better at taking tests, because they live in a world of tests. ” No they’re not, as 60 years of steadily declining SAT scores has established…Go to CollegeBoard’s site for the details..And those lower scores are despite dumbing the test down and handing out free points to everyone in the 1995 “re-norming” of the test…That works out to a decline of more than 1 IQ point per decade, which is comparable to what has been seen in other western countries….

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

As Z-man pointed out a few weeks ago, look up Charles Dutton’s YouTube channel and videos. He’s done work in this field and explains why the Flynn effect can be real, yet intelligence “g” declines. Remember, “g” is the attribute of interest, IQ and SAT are only proxies.

King Tut
King Tut
5 years ago

Is there a pejorative term for heterosexual white men who support or vote for the Democrats? A sort of equivalent for an “Uncle Tom”. Maybe there already is such a term but, if so, I am not aware of it.

Reply to  King Tut
5 years ago

“Race traitors”? Not that I believe they are solely in the democrat party.

Reply to  King Tut
5 years ago


5 years ago

So are we back to the Stoics vs. Epicurean view?
Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die. For most of us huwhites that won’t cut it.

Reply to  David_Wright
5 years ago

I think that is exactly right, Wright. We are in the midst of a Stoic vs. Epicurean civil war. You know who the Epicureans are. They started taking over in the mid-60s after a long Stoic period.

Reply to  David_Wright
5 years ago

Stoicism vs. Epicureanism was a false dichotomy born of the Greeks’ fundamentally materialist worldview. Like Jews, Greeks had no developed concept of an afterlife, at least not one that held any appeal or hope. Nordics had Valhalla, Celts had both afterlife and reincarnation, and the other Northern Euros seem to have shared a belief in some kind of afterlife. You’re right in saying that Greek materialism leaves a Northman unsatisfied. As Counter-Currents often observes re: “Faustian” man, we represent a third, and if I may say so higher, way of living.

Wan Wei Lin
Wan Wei Lin
5 years ago

It is common to think of the modern west as the 1st world because of technology and economic performance. Over the last few months I’ve come to disagree with that perspective. If we were suddenly stripped of these things and yet maintained Western Culture it is my opinion we would still be 1st world. In the late 1700s the US was more civilized than it is today slavery notwithstanding. As the the west tribalizes it moves down from 1st world status regardless of the bells and whistles of modernity.

Reply to  Wan Wei Lin
5 years ago

Carl Jung toured the U.S. and lamented that the well-intended idea of living among blacks would be a serious detriment to whites. True, it has happened and now we have heartbreakingly scummy whites living in squalor in hip hop and other black culture having black and brown babies. Single motherhood, hitting a forte in its civil rights days with blacks after occurring in patriotic white families who lost their soldier fathers in unnecessary world wars, is rising like never before among white, asian, latino women. The elite know that single mother families leave the child-rearing to the state and that’s… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Ursula
5 years ago

independent thinking

Well there you go, that’s why the state’s agin’ it.

5 years ago

O/T but; The New Watchmen will apparently have R.Redford as Liberal POTUS and Killer Cult based on Watchman Rorshach- who may be White Supremacists.

This is the smartest idea the Left has had since “Man in the High Castle”. 🤣😉

Yes by all means DO THIS!
Whom the Gods would destroy they first make OUR scriptwriters. This is much more practical for Americans than a Nazi reboot anyway.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉
5 years ago

TMITHC was interesting at least the first season. I kept thinking how non-diverse Third Reich USA seemed like such a great place to live compared to diversitopia Japanifornia.

5 years ago

I was thinking about Our Girls, betting that a return to fish markets would soothe many lonely souls.

By “fish markets”, I imply all of the work-home-family patterns disrupted by modernity.

Reading further, I realize that rubbing shoulders with like kind is what we’re all dying for.

Perhaps we don’t need a war returning us to the dark ages, or to 1850. My first impression of walking in Eastern cities (Boston, 1992) was of how remarkably self-segregated the neighborhoods were. You knew when you had crossed a boundary.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
5 years ago

Z Man said: “Something else would probably stun 19th century man. That is the lack of human interaction compared to his time. This is one of those counter-intuitive things for people in this age, because this age is awash in communications. Everywhere you turn, the rulers are sending messages to you about the latest products you must consume or the most recently approved thoughts you should promote. Humans in this age are awash in mass media, which bombards us wherever we go.” Marshall McLuhan said: “The medium is the message.” Here’s a Youtube vid I posted yesterday called, “Marshall McLuhan… Read more »

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
5 years ago

Here’s a few more insights to this problem. This website is called “Midnight Media Musings…” With an artical called. “Alienation in the 21st century: the relationship between work and technology.”
Here’s the “The official blog of the site “Der Stürmer” with a artical called “Individualism and Alienation ” Personally, I’ve never had a problem with long periods of working by myself. If I had learnd to use computers sooner I probably would have had a home business.

Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
5 years ago

The irony of your post, redolent with multiple links to computer-mediated media, is not lost on me.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Maus
5 years ago

Maus said: “The irony of your post, redolent with multiple links to computer-mediated media, is not lost on me.” Morpheus has a message for you.

Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
5 years ago

OBT, I guess in the case you describe, “quantity” does not have a “quality” of its own as Stalin once said.