The Bad Humor Man

Back in the halcyon days of 2015 and 2016, most white people were feeling like little kids on a summer day, waiting for the ice cream man. If you are of a certain age and a certain place, you probably remember the Good Humor Man. That was the guy in the white uniform driving the ice cream truck. Kids would hear the sound of the truck coming, stop what they were doing and run to get money for ice cream. Usually the truck had a bell or a speaker that played a unique tune.

Of course, these days, the ice cream truck is not operated by a white guy wearing a spiffy white uniform. Instead, it is operated by a degenerate, who looks like he just came from the methadone clinic. The Good Humor brand is now owned by a global corporation called Unilever, which is run by people that hate you. According to public documents, Unilever gives all of its political donations to Democrats, because Progressivism is the religion of the corporate ruling elite.

Putting that aside, the election of Trump was greeted by most white people as a relief from the rising tide of diversity. Trump was going to build a wall and drastically limit immigration, and not just illegal immigration. The worm was finally turning on the use of indentured servants to displace American workers. He was also going to stop selling out to cheap foreign labor through trade deals. Trump was the creamsicle of politics. He was orange on the outside and white on the inside.

Despite what the grifters and cucks of the alt-lite, people like Jack Posobiec, Bill Mitchell and Mike Cernovich were saying, everyone understood what Trump meant. He was going to make America white again. Not in the demographic sense. He was not going to start mass deportations or bring back segregation. It was that he was going to bring back the sort of politics associated with white people. That’s good government, economic nationalism, prudent patriotism and community awareness.

Here we are three years on and we have none of things he promised. Instead it has been three years of boasting, considering and looking at, but no results. Immigration is worse now than when he took office. He has completely caved to the cheap labor lobbies on the indentured servant issue. There is no wall and no plan to build one, despite his boasts to the contrary. Remember those Dreamers? They are still here and he has done nothing about it. Ditto the anchor baby issue.

The plan-trusters, MAGApedes, QAon suckers and so on will reply that he has been thwarted by the establishment, so he cannot be blamed. Maybe. The reply to that is he should have been aware of this from the start. Maybe if he had been a little smarter about how he went about these things, he could have won a few fights. Talking and losing is standard GOP procedure. The reason Trump won is the voters, the white voters, were tired of all talk and no action. Yet, here we are again.

Even if you want to excuse all of that, and maybe there is a good argument in favor of doing that, you cannot excuse his stiff-arming of his own voters. Every day he is on Twitter celebrating black this and Hispanic that. Of course, he is endlessly going on about Israel, as if he is the chief rabbi of the country. He seems more conserved with the welfare of people who will never vote for him than the people who put him in the White House. He sounds like Jeb Bush or Mitt Romney.

The topper is his constant demands for gun grabbing. There is no issue more closely tied with white America than guns. When people talk about self-defense, everyone knows what they mean. When anyone talks about “gun crime’ everyone knows they mean black crime. If gun ownership and defense of gun rights is implicit whiteness, then gun grabbing is explicit anti-whiteness. Trump’s knee-jerk gun grabbing means he is a lot closer to the anti-whites than he is white America.

Getting back to the analogy at the top. White people thought the relief they were getting was that creamsicle. Orange on the outside, white on the inside. Instead, white people are getting a turdsicle, orange on the outside and full of bullshit on the inside. Some broken promises and absurd boasting was expected. Everyone understood that Trump was a flagrant self-promoter and bullshitter. That was the price for getting some action on things like immigration and trade. That’s not what we are seeing.

This is where the plan-trusters, MAGApedes, QAon suckers (Yes, QAnon was a hoax) stop reading and post an angry comment about how he is better than Hillary. That’s probably true. We can’t know that. Her husband was better than Bush. By any reasonable measure, Obama was better than Bush. Let’s pretend it is true and Hillary would have been much worse. The turdsicle that is Trump is better than the fetid fishsicle that was Hillary. Ask yourself, is this how you want to be treated?

For as long as anyone reading this has been alive, that has been the deal on offer to people on the Right, by which we mean most white people. Your choice is the turdsicle or the fishsicle. Politics has been nothing but you running up to the Bad Humor Man thinking this time you might get something you want. Instead, you’re always told the choice is between two terrible options no one should ever accept. For most white people, the last three years has been more of the same.

Now, the temptation is to throw yourself down the hole of self-loathing, despair and Trump-bashing. The remains of the alt-right have chosen that course. Richard Spencer sounds like a racist Bernie Bro. Many White Nationalists are lining up behind Xena The Warrior Princess. The error here is these people think if they don’t show up, the Bad Humor Man will stop coming around. In reality, they will not be missed, as there is always a long line of normie whites willing to lick the turdsicle.

The right answer is a point Greg Johnson has been making. Instead of stomping off in a rage, the disaffected Trump voters need to engage more forcefully with those normies so they stop accepting the choice on offer. You can’t do that if you are on the sidelines or joining the other team. Things change when the Bad Humor Man is faced with a crowd that refuses the choice between the turdsicle and the fishsicle. When that day comes, he either stops coming around or he gets better inventory.

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270 thoughts on “The Bad Humor Man

  1. Finally set up for ten bucks a month
    Thanks for your efforts, appreciate your logic and reason. Been reading your blog and listening to the pod casts for a year or soglad I can finally help a little. if possible could you direct me to a place I can download your podcaststhe sites I find seem to always be a week or two latealso spreaker for instance have difficulty downloadingonce again thank you for your efforts

  2. Okay, So what is it Z ? Last week the President couldn’t do anything because judges were openly defying the law. Now this week the President sucks because he’s not getting anything done.

    Had a sibling calling me a racist 10 years ago. Now they are coming this way. They support the President as any sane white person should.

    Keep Calm And Vote Trump 2020 !!!

  3. #1. Arnold Toynbee said: “Civilizations die from suicide, not by murder.”

    #2. “Schism in the soul, schism in the body social, will not be resolved by any scheme to return to the good old days (archaism), or by programs guaranteed to render an ideal projected future (futurism), or even by the most realistic, hardheaded work to weld together again the deteriorating elements [of civilization]. Only birth can conquer death―the birth, not of the old thing again, but of something new.”

    #3. “Of the twenty-two civilizations that have appeared in history, nineteen of them collapsed when they reached the moral state the United States is in now.”

    #4. “The human race’s prospects of survival were considerably better when we were defenseless against tigers than they are today when we have become defenseless against ourselves.”

    #5. “We are not doomed to make history repeat itself; it is open to us, through our own efforts, to give history, in our case, some new and unprecedented turn. As human beings, we are endowed with this freedom of choice, and we cannot shuffle off our responsibility upon the shoulders of God or nature. We must shoulder it ourselves. It is up to us.”

    • Our curse is ever after the impossible dream. We formed a more perfect union, but that wasn’t good enough. We could always do better, but of course we could not. Unwilling to accept the limitations imposed upon us by biology will lead to our ruination.

  4. I could swear I read or heard something about Alexandra Occasionally Composmentis calling for all “white people” to register and the info kept in a federal national database. Unfortunately, I cannot find so much as a whiff of it in any search engine. Am I remembering something from a dream? Or could I have actually read something about it (other than on a satire website such as Babylon Bee)? A link will suffice entirely.

    I also seem to recall something about chipping us as well.

    • It was some black congressman calling for a registry of suspected white nationalists, not AOC

    • Trust me, I’m in her media market. The stupidity comes out faster than Google can index it.

  5. Mr. Z … You must be referring to an America and a Donald Trump who reside in an alternate universe along with yourself. Donald Trump is working his ass off 24/7 to make this country what is should be while the sharks, the rats and the piranha attack without rest.

    He just got funding for 100 miles of new border. He has repaired mile of old border. He has brought the economic state of America to a lovely place where anyone can get a job and do well if they are willing to work … and perhaps bothered to get some skills or education.

    To name only a few …

    – He has reshaped the courts
    – He has properly funded the military
    – He has make life much better for veterans
    – He has made many American proud to me Americans again
    -He has given Blacks and Hispanics the best employment number they ever had.
    – He has shown us what a real first lady is like. Contrast to the Obama Sasquatch and her school lunches …
    – He has, by beating the disgusting Hillary Clinton, shown us the corruption in the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA and Obama’s White house which we would have not ever found out about. ….. . Charges will follow.

    It is now clear that Mr. Z is a big Obama Bot Leftie

    This article is an insult Conservatives and especially to those who vote for Mr. Trump. I am very disappointed. I used like coming to this blog site, but I think I am hated here.

    • Who cares that he gave Blacks and Hispanics the best employment numbers they ever had? Are they going to vote for him in significant numbers and stop their marked hostility to white American men (they like our women for obvious reasons)? I doubt it. If those numbers are really true, he has given prosperity to groups that are naturally antagonistic to us.

      • I don’t care if “People of Color” won’t vote for him because there s NO WAY IN HELL that they would do so REGARDLESS of how he helped them. I voted for him because:
        1) He wasn’t Hildemort and I figured that a Hildemort administration would just be Obozo 2.0 and would trigger civil war civil war/American Revolution 2.0 that much sooner!
        2) I figured he would do everything he could to turn the economy around so he could get richer. My reasoning was that since “a rising tide floats all boats”, if he got the economy working again, while he and his were getting richer folks like me would see improved conditions as well.

    • You got that EXACTLY the wrong way around. The ppl who are willing to give up guns to keep Orange Gun Grab Inc. happy, are the leftie bots.

      Z passed the 2A shittest with flying colors here. And so many regulars here are crashing and burning it. No need to mention names.

      I don’t ‘know’ if it will really be CW2. But I know things are hot enough that guns are a hedge you keep.

    • Z is no lefty, he’s just a black piller. There’s some good stuff mixed between the doom and gloom, you just need to take the “we’re all doomed” schtick with a grain of salt. A really, really big grain.

    • This is the epitome of Red Team sportsball-as-politics (RT-SAP).

      If calling this out = “stomping off in a huff,” these Doc Martens are made for stompin’.

      If we were all-in on two-party politics saving us, there might be some excuse for wasting red pills on RT-SAP’s. Are we? That seems to be the inflection point that Greg Johnson & Z are straddling.

      I don’t like punching Right at all, but those who’re so converged that failure to plan-trust = Obama Luvin’ are already doing the punching.

      • “Not punching Right” got Ricky Vaughn doxed. We should aggressively patrol retards and defectives from our ranks.

  6. One small white pill to consider is that the other side is just as black pilled as us about how horrible the country is. We sit here and gripe about “normies” that won’t wake up to the reality of what we’re facing and they see the exact same people as unwoke to the horrors of the various “isms” and “phobias” that leftists are fixated on. Besides that, the normies won’t listen to the leftists about the environment either! (Hyperventilating and fretting about global warming and such is one neurosis that conservatives generally don’t have.)

    I bring this up because I spent the afternoon with my younger brother yesterday. I hadn’t seen him since March. He married a Yankee liberal and last year they moved back to the Northeast to her hometown. Since then, I guess they’ve just been feeding off of each other and been uninhibited about embracing their inner idiot liberal since they haven’t had to self- censor themselves the way they did all the years they were living down here in a deep red state.

    He was back down here because he had come on some sort of Catholic charity mission trip to the wilds of Appalachia, kind of a safari for liberal Catholic do- gooders to come and stare at abandoned strip mines, leaky slurry ponds, and to give back to school backpacks and wintercoats to the po’ pitiful unemployed coal miners’ illiterate children.

    He spent nearly the first hour we were together recounting the horrors and the injustice of the environmental degredation of the coal fields, the oppression of the coal miners, how they’d be better off if the coal had been left in the ground because the boom years when coal was being mined created an unsustainable economy and infected the miners with the virus of consumerism and now they can’t go back to being the happy, shoeless dirt farmers that they were before Mr. Peabody’s coal trains hauled the mountains away.

    He then pivoted to the horrors of the very affluent, very white community in which he and his family live. It’s actually an island community, dependent on wealthy white tourists who weren’t able to quite make the financial cut for Martha’s Vineyard coming there for the summer instead. It’s very rich and entirely White and it’s just the second worst place in the world besides Red State America, as far as my brother and his wife are concerned.

    He finished with the announcement that after his youngest child finishes high school in a few years, that he and his wife will probably abandon the United States to be citizens of the world. He talked of living on a boat. I think I did a good job of not rolling my eyes, especially since I’m the eldest brother.

    My point is that, like many or (hopefully) most on our side, they’re ready to abandon America as it exists today. If enough of us and enough of them adjust our thinking to the inconceivable notion that the country should be split up, why can’t the normies eventually be pulled into agreeing to a national divorce, especially if we can assure them that they’ll get to keep Netflix, Diet Coke, and Doritos after the split?

    The best catalyst that I see for this is for Trump to win in 2020. That will push more and more of their side into wanting to leave. They’ll be ever more convinced that the country is full of racists and homophobes and they’ll be more ready to split, which is absolutely what I want.

    In 2016, I threw my vote away on Evan McMullen because I knew Trump was going to win my state by double digits and I didn’t have to stain my conscience by voting for an obvious BS artist who wasn’t going to accomplish any of the things he claimed he would do. And, other than judges (which, since I want to eventually split the country, I don’t care about as much as others do) Trump has been just as ridiculous and ineffective as I figured he’d be. Plus he’s now going cuck on guns, which was the main thing I was worried about him selling us out on to begin with.

    But Trump has been very useful in driving the other side completely nuts and is pushing more of them towards breaking up the country. Re-electing him will increase that exponentially. So, in 2020, I’ll be voting for Trump. Not to MAGA, but to DAQ (Destroy America Quicker). To really pour fuel on the fire, he needs a popular vote win, not just an EC victory, so I’m going to try to help run up his margins in Redstate America.

  7. Talk about turdsicle, this essay is serving up a steaming pile of black pill turdsicle. There is indeed a trend when Zman has a bad week he tends to attack Trump as having accomplished nothing. That’s the kind of constant sky is falling pant wetting I expect from your average conservative commentator. Zman is better than this. One man, even a president, cannot be expected to turn the entire culture around, especially in 3 years. I never expected Trump to single handedly destroy and remake an entrenched and corrupt bureaucracy, a lawless judiciary, big business, academia, the media, the opposition party, AND his own worthless party. We can’t expect a silver bullet to stop the rising tide of corruption and perversion. This is a tremendous challenge and enemy we face, and constantly complaining why one man hasn’t fixed it all distracts us from what needs to be done, the hard work of actually raising virtuous children, being involved in local politics, relentless pressure on our representatives, not patronizing the businesses that hate us, and pushing back against the unhinged.

    It is very likely that the country is already lost. I think we have to expect that going in. We are up against people who have been working for 60+ years to lay the ground work for the country’s destruction. They are organized, and control virtually every piece of society and are entrenched. This is going to be a long slog and getting our leaders to push back is the first step. This isn’t going to happen over night. Making outrageously silly comments like Obama was better than Bush and Trump is no better than Hillary do nothing but demoralize our own side and lead to more hopelessness. Attacking those few who have been in the trenches and are solid 1st amendment supporters like Steyn because they don’t meet some disident purity test is counter productive. You go to war with the army you have. You keep moving and you don’t dwell on the day-to-day news.

    Maybe, just maybe, with enough people becoming aware of the systemic corruption, we can claw our way back into it.

    • Listen to Z’s podcast from yesterday. He’s in an understandable blackpill mood.

      It’s funny how you affirm Trump and attack The Zman for lapses when Trump has a track record of big ones and Z not so much.

      Punch in the other direction.

      • “Punch in the other direction”. Good advice. Now apply to yourself and Zman when it comes to Trump.

    • Good post. I like this blog and the comments are high quality. However, the black pill here is absurd. When has Trump been constantly trying to grab our guns? Didn’t HRC say she would have an amnesty of illegals in her first one hundred days?

      I find it hard to get worked up by people who advocate for civil war and desire a break up of the USA when they won’t even give up Netflix.

      • I too think this blog has some great discussions and usually very good observations from commenters. But the knee-jerk black pilling and blaming Trump for not flipping a switch and enacting the dissident’s wish list is unrealistic and short sighted. This is going to be a multi-generational struggle that’s going to take more than internet keyboard warriors complaining about normies not instantly jumping on board. It’s going to take more than trying to purge every conservative voice who isn’t sufficiently “dissident woke” on issues that make normies squirm.

        Start with what you can change; work at the local level, bombard your reps with your dissatisfaction, and stop patronizing these anti-American businesses. I don’t know if these advocates for radical ideas like you state are actually doing any of the real hard work. Maybe they are. But it will take tremendous sacrifice and if you can’t start with trivial things like dropping netflix, then yeah, this movement is going nowhere.

        • The reason for the blackpilling is that we don’t have multiple generations of time ahead of us for the struggle. We’ve run out of time. If the assault on western civilization and the race that created it isn’t thrown back in THIS generation, there won’t be any more struggle. It’ll be over.

          Plastic surgery can be staggered over a long period of time, even years, to permit slow adjustments. Excising a malignant tumor can’t. It’s got to be done right away, or you might as well not bother. That’s why people are angry that Trump has pissed away 3 years on sweet-talking people who’ll never vote for him, and handing out candy to big business. He acts as if he has all the time in the world, while we’re like Mary Jo Kopechne taking our last gasps in that shrinking air pocket in a submerged car. Guess she was impatient as well.

          • There’s a lot of ruin left in the White nation, if not in “the United States of America.” They aren’t synonymous.

        • “Not flipping a switch” = three years of no Wall, immigration increases rather than restrictions and deportations, gun control, basic bitch GOP policies and minority-pandering, runaway deplatforming, an administration full of neo-cons, a pro-homosexual international agenda, MIGA etc?

          Everything you suggest we do could be doing could be done under President Hillary or Harris. What does that have to do with calling out Trump?

          Why does everyone still plan-trusting have to purple-prose and straw man our justified reaction to Trump’s demonstrable suck-ness then make our failure to “do something” on our own into the “real problem?”

          For the record, I dropped Netflix before Orange Man came down the escalator. Stop trying to make us the issue as to why Trump hasn’t done a g-damned thing he promised.

          • we obviously see things different. I think he’s followed through on a lot more than any politician ever has. doesn’t mean you can’t disagree with him or want more, sure, but stomping off the playground with your ball isn’t accomplishing anything.

            getting anything done that lasts can take a long time even in Washington. 3 years is actually not long. barry got a lot done because he was already playing with fellow travlers in all levels of government, the media, etc. I’m guessing you were never onboard with Trump. Can’t say I was encouraged during the election. But my expectations being low, I’ve been pleasantly surprised as to what he’s done. It’s not about “plan trusting”. You act like he’s betrayed you as if you ever supported the guy. Someone can’t betray you when they’re not even on your team. If you join the team late, it’s a bit disengenuous to rave about the leader not living up to your expectations.

            You don’t like the progress, fine. Call out the president for all his lack of living up to your ideals. But what’s the alternative curiously? Where’s the candidate that can get elected who is going to do all the things you fantasize about? And what happens when super dissident man gets elected and then doesn’t fulfill everything on your wishlist? How long until you throw him on the pyre? Our side needs to learn from the left’s ability to stop the constant infighting and purity contests and work towards a common goal.

    • Time warp much, highlander? We call this recent trend “systematic deplatforming of voices on the right.” Q is offline suddenly because Q failed to prepare. An actual Q would have migrated to a new channel by now.

  8. This is an emotional, kneejerk reaction article.

    Obama takes our national debt from 8 trillion to 20 trillion, raises environmental restrictions on business, and starts an anti-white, anti-police PR campaign, and you say he was better than Bush? Hillary threatens war with Russia on 3 occasions, and you’re not sure if Trump was a better choice? Have you not seen our GDP, stock market, and employment rate? Plenty of wall is being built, i see massive reconstruction in San Diego where I work. Trumps no savior, but keep in mind Obama won because conservatives stayed home out of “principle.” Look what he did to our country and our culture in just 8 years. Liberal women show up to vote for their free abortions rain or shine, while conservatives boycott voting to prove some kind of point.

    • david said: ” Liberal women show up to vote for their free abortions rain or shine, while conservatives boycott voting to prove some kind of point.” Conservative principles have always been a ball and chain around the ankle of realistic political action. It’s like that numbskill Millard Fillmore, the 13th President of the United States liked to say. ” An honorable defeat is better than a dishonorable victory.” I mean seriously, what an asshole.

    • TP-USA tier shilling for RT-SAP feelz (see below).

      I’ve lived and worked in San Diego on and off for over 30 years, just spent about 6 mos. there on most days, from Oceanside to South County. Where’s that wall being “reconstructed?” Not around Otay, not around San Ysidro. East County somewhere?

      I’m calling bullshit. Sorry, Charlie-bot, but Obama’s been out of office for 3 years and running against the Clintons has died with Hillary’s loss.

  9. Regarding the normies, I have a tale to recount here that may be instructive. I hope so.

    About 15 years ago I attended a lolbertarian conference in London. One of the guest speakers was a veteran homo rights campaigner. I remember very well the story he told of his activist life and the parallels that I now see with Causa Nostra.

    This guy started campaigning in the late 1960’s at just about the time that homosexuality was decriminalized in Britain. He was one of a small group of dedicated homo activists campaigning for equal rights and with very little success. Their sparsely attended demos were ignored and they were regularly hassled by the cops. What little media exposure they could get ranged from condescending to hostile. The reaction of the public was either bawdy laughter or death threats. Our speaker admitted that he was actually hospitalised more than once after being physically assaulted in the street. No charges were ever laid against his attackers.

    Basically, this hardy but beleaguered bunch of homos spent the best part of two decades getting absolutely nowhere. Their biggest problem was not the straight world but the homosphere. They just couldn’t get other homos to organise with them. Most of them were too scared to come out and those few that were out spent all their energies indulging in hedonism and general degeneracy (which is sportsball and barbecue for homos). In the same way that we can’t get our normies off the sofa, they couldn’t get theirs out of the bathhouses.

    Then something happened that changed everything: AIDS. Out of a clear blue sky, homos were dropping like flies and every living homo on the planet felt the Angel of Death breathing right down his neck. Overnight it was “out of the bathhouse and into the streets”. Boy, did they organise then. They got the numbers they needed, the donations they needed, the sympathetic media they needed and then the political alliances they needed. Fast forward 30 years and we have globohomo and rainbow flags fluttering from every rooftop.

    I think that we are now where they were in the 1970s. Whatever we think, it seems clear that the plurality of white normies just don’t perceive an existential threat. Even if some are dimly aware of the some of the anti-white rhetoric they may not regard it as any more than a phase or otherwise not sufficiently proximate to actually pose a serious threat.

    Maybe we have to accept that the average white normie will not wake up until the spectre of death is actually knocking on their doors.

    • Outstanding post. I agree we’re at the “Studio 54” point in your analogy.

      That being said, it’s important to remember that they had friends in high places which we won’t.

      • Yes. They also had the benefit of a huge presence in the media/cultural world which enabled them to get their messages out. Something else that we don’t (and won’t) have.

    • Great analogy. However, I’ve always been appalled/amazed at the number of homos I’ve seen in SoCal who actively embraced their literal culture of death-by-AIDS prior to AZT and now seem to be finding new ways to kill themselves. There’s a normie-tier that will accept and embrace death-by-Poz in the same fashion, and I think the culture of materialist consumerism, extreme-online-ism and irony that GenX & Y grew up in will pump those bugman numbers. We’re culling for outliers and potential breakaway survivors. The rest will drag us down with them if we don’t stay at arms-length.

    • I had to chuckle to myself at your non-ironic remark about being physically assaulted in the street…..
      only because that demographic equates what we here would call “physical assault” with “loving each other.”

  10. Damn, I am sorry I showed up late to this one.

    Anyway, the problem with a focus on persuading conservative normie Trump supporters is that even if you succeeded, you’d end up with… conservative normie Trump supporters in your camp.

    Imagine for a moment that Trump-ism had been a real movement, that would have succeeded or failed on the basis of conservative normie Trump supporters making effective plays in conventional, poly sci 401 kinda politics.

    Trump-ism would have failed, because conservative normie Trump supporters just trusted the plan and got co-opted by various non-ideological grifters and weird hoaxes. That is not how you would help a political movement, if one existed. (It doesn’t, of course.)

    Imagine you bring these people into your movement, then they get derailed by some hoax on an imageboard which goes against every rule of effective politics. (Actually, something like this happened with the AmNat / WigNat conflict, but we won’t go into that.)

    This is a big part of the reason that more experienced people are not interested in trying to blend in with conservatism anymore. We’ve already got the good people from it and the lower end people are something of a liability.

    Division of labor is fine, so you guys want to try and convert those people, go ahead. Just don’t spend too much time on the ones who are too old to make a difference.

  11. “Suicide watch”, all you need to know about government competence.

    Don’t fold on 2A. Don’t excuse those who do. When you need your gun, you need it desperately.

  12. Trump is a figure of apocalyptic scale, the harbinger of the end of the age. The main thing about your apocalypses is that everything that was hidden is revealed. And that’s one thing Trump has brought, though he never intended it.

    Had Jeb or Rubio or Clinton won, things would have remained hidden, with the same old game played by conservative grifters; the white normies never warmed to Trump because they very much preferred to keep things occluded. The guys in GA-6, who sent Newt Gingrich to Congress back in the day, are all Director of Regional Marketing for some Fortune 500 company or other and are excellent specimens of the kind of man who does well in a big corporate environment. Suffice to say, courage and boldness are not corporate virtues and they tend not to burden themselves with developing them. This also is revealed, due to the decision we made to elect Trump.

    But now everything is in the open now, because Trump has made it so. He was always going to betray us.

  13. Any analysis of problems & solutions that does not mention Jews is less than worthless. Is there any way to explain the transformation of Trump 2015 to Trump 2019 without citing Jewish power?
    White American society knows how to deal with someone who is obviously either 1) a member of that White American society that wants it to thrive, albeit with different ideas of how to make that happen. Or 2) an outsider to that society who wants to attack or exploit that society.
    However, White Americans are flummoxed by people who pretend to be White Americans to attack & exploit White Americans, i.e. Jews.
    It doesn’t matter who we elect, as long as White Americans allow Jews to play their duplicitous game at the highest levels of finance, law, academia, politics & media.
    Our first efforts should be focused on revealing the reality & anti-white evil of jewish power so that White Americans can resist it.

  14. After reading all the comments, all I can say to Zman is “You’re a braver man than I, Gunga Din.” About 95% of the people utterly missed your point, pontificated on how if we just vote for x, or pass law y, or pursue strategy z, we can right the ship of state. Ignoring the fact that the state isn’t the nation, voting is futile in a rigged system that is also a multicultural kritarchy, and laws are merely words on paper. This is why I will not try to talk to normies or convince anyone – when even the majority of folks here are still pie-in-the-sky believers in democracy and Murrica.

    • I don’t think the majority of Z’s posters still hold to the ideals you’ve outlined. That being said a few, very vocal individuals still do.

      Were they born between 1946-63? Probably.

    • 5PT FTW. There are normies who can be red-pilled (NANALT?) but those numbers are dwindling. I may be attention/focus-biased, but I think that young Lefties are more open to red-pilling at this point. Those who’re still stuck in Limbaugh vs. the Clintons can’t bring themselves the re-prioritize and open up to those folks b/c muh socialism. As Z says in his spicier dissident moods, we need to re-align our priorities and open the tent for the “socialists” who can see White as the community that’s capable of sharing. I’ve had decent success in breaking the conditioning of a lot of Lefties by hammering on why Scandi socialism works and Nog socialism doesn’t. Get a Left-Libertarian talking about MMT then ask him whether the “Star Trek economy” will work in a minority-majority population? Hatefact – Whites are the only race capable of making these kind of semi-utopian ideas function.

      • A government that:

        -Is a reflection of the people
        -Represents only the interests of the people
        -Is not captive to any outside power

        There’s a big, nasty word that starts with the letter “F” to describe this system of government. Guess anyon who wants this is one of those people.

  15. For anyone who claims no border security is being built, despite total Democrat obstructionism:

    Long way from complete, but it’s growing. Don’t get hung up in whether it’s a “fence” or a “wall”. The point is that it is a BARRIER that’s now much harder to just run past or jump over. And don’t you like being able to see the enemy coming? I do…

  16. My only significant criticism of Trump is that he has delayed hitting bottom. Had Hillary been elected, I have no doubt that we would see the revolution begin in our lifetime. I believe that we already passed the tipping point and no amount of talking/voting is going to prevent the inevitable crash and burn. There isn’t going to a white miracle that saves the day at the eleventh hour. Our foundational problem is not insufficient persuasion skill, it’s decline of the species. To fix that, you need a different environment; one that selects for ancestral fitness traits.

  17. Unless and until you’re talking openly, explicitly and forthrightly about Jews in the context of America’s political and social-economic troubles, then you aren’t really having a serious adult conversation.

    • The JQ should NOT be a taboo. But turning Jews into the omnipotent universal explanation for everything seems no less crazy than the clean slate. Besides this blog does not exactly dodge the JQ.

      • If the issue includes white-created American institutions being repurposed into anti-white cudgels, then the cause is Jews.

      • Have a look at this. It’s really hard to deny that the Frankfurt School’s goal of using “Polymorpheous Perversion” as a tool to destroy families and society isn’t being successfully achieved.
        ” What the Frankfurt School essentially does is draw on both Marx and Freud in the 1930s to create this theory called Critical Theory. The term is ingenious because you’re tempted to ask, “What is the theory?” The theory is to criticize. The theory is that the way to bring down Western culture and the capitalist order is not to lay down an alternative. They explicitly refuse to do that. They say it can’t be done, that we can’t imagine what a free society would look like (their definition of a free society). As long as we’re living under repression – the repression of a capitalistic economic order which creates (in their theory) the Freudian condition, the conditions that Freud describes in individuals of repression – we can’t even imagine it. What Critical Theory is about is simply criticizing. It calls for the most destructive criticism possible, in every possible way, designed to bring the current order down. ”
        It’s hard to deny who the perpetrators are.

        • The Frankfurt School are sick swine and most if not all of them were Jewish. Im not saying the factual contents of the JQ is the empty set if I may speak mathematice. I come from a very blue pill background on the JQ and I dont work that angle so much. I think Ive reached at least purple on it. But, I also think it is easy to overestimate the JQ. And to some ppl it becomes everything. Which I dont think it is.

          • The JQ is why we can’t fix things.

            Because we do not have political sovereignty in this country, they do.

            Political sovereignty is a zero sum game.

            If Whites were actually sovereign in their own countries, they’d be doing all sorts of stupid stuff on their own.

            But they could try and fix that stuff. We voted to try and fix immigration multiple times, but were not allowed.

            Instead, (((they’ve))) weaponized the stupid stuff White people were into and taken it to genocidal extremes.

            Sovereignty isn’t necessarily everything, but it’s a very, very important thing.

          • Decadence from Big Nosery and decadence from Liberal Democracy running its natural corrosive course are not mutually exclusive.

            It is a fact that Big Nose is found in statistical overabundance wherever and whenever subversion and perversion are afoot.

            It is also striking how our descent into degeneracy was eerily foretold by many astute writers, from Chateaubriand to Tocqueville to Nietzsche, none of whom were particularly concerned with Small Hat trickery.

            I take the view that Liberal Democracy and its social & moral ramifications have rendered us uniquely susceptible to the usual suspects’ age-old entryism and depredations by eating away at our collective immune system.

          • Bingo. Liberalism is an idea (mind) virus, highly contagious. It heavily appeals to people. It spreads, and who it cannot infect or corrupt, it can amass the power to overcome via force. It is an idea virus that unleashes historical forces that lead to our position today.

            The Catholic Church was once opposed to liberalism. Throne and Altar Europe and its descendants took up arms against it. The Church taught that the entirety of the world, including state, society, and culture, needed to be (traditional) Catholic to accord with God’s designs, and for the individual to have a maximal chance at salvation. Then the liberal idea virus crept in and neutralized it. Now, according to Pope Francis, one does not need to be Catholic, or even Christian, to go to heaven. All men are brothers, an open world of rights and freedom awaits. Liberalism neutralized Catholicism, infecting and co-opting it. It’s entirely possible that Islam will similarly be infected and neutralized, and rendered a milquetoast religion compatible with liberalism (as has occurred with Christianity).

            The JQ grew out of liberalism being “let out the bottle”, long before their rise in the 20th century. Their aims, and the aims of the non-Jewish liberal elite beside them, are heavily in accord, and thus the elite of the West act in lock-step. Hence, our nose-dive into oblivion.

          • Prussian:
            A friendly addition to what’s you so eloquently explained above, vis a vis the Traditional Catholic Church: it was the 60s revolution, and in fact the Frankfurt School and Freemasons, starting in the mid to late-1800s, around the time of the industrial revolution, that the Church’s Leftist infiltration began.

            The Vatican II Council (mid-1960s) that gave us the illicit “Novus Ordo” Mass is where things really started to take off. [it is not a coincidence that Novus Ordo means “new order” in Latin, the true language of he Church]
            THe Commies and Freemasons have been playing a VERY long game inside the Church.

            ANd now we see where it is almost at it’s apotheosis (can I apply that word here?), in that ANTI-pope Jorge (remember that Pope Benedict XVI is still the one and only living Pope, because his resignation in 2013 was INVALID) preaches for One World government, environmentalism, and criticizes families for “breeding like bunnies.”

            He isn’t interested in any way, shape or form in the salvation of souls.
            He is, however, interested in maintaining the Lavender Mafia’s stranglehold on the Holy City and the Church in general.

          • In response to the French Revolution, the Popes, for a long time, firmly condemned many different attempts at synthesizing liberalism and Catholicism, but it ultimately seeped in, and rose to triumph at Vatican II. It was a constant struggle for those orthodox Popes, from Pope St. Pius X and his battles against modernism, Pope Pius IX and the Syllabus of Errors, and so on. Pope Leo XII and Pope Gregory XVI were great “hard cases”. The Popes’ anti-liberalism could extend to a broad anti-modernism, in the line of the Amish, with one of those early Popes, for example, forbidding railroads entering into the Papal States (which brings to mind Russell Kirk calling automobiles “mechanical Jacobins”). The rise of ultramontanism, and its victory at Vatican 1, to whom the great anti-liberal thinker Joseph de Maistre was central, was greatly fueled by the desire to fight against the French Revolution and all it had spawned.

            An Anglican priest and Cambridge historian named Owen Chadwick wrote a 1200 page, two volume history of the Popes and their struggles from the French Revolution to 1914 that I’d like to read some day. Although he was Anglican, my impression is that he was extremely learned, factual, and fair (I’ll wager he was highly sympathetic, since he could observe where liberalism had already brought the West culturally and socially while he was writing those books). There’s an interview of him online, from 10 years ago or so. He died in 2015 at age 99. He looks to have been the quintessential old Oxford/Cambridge English gentleman professor, a wonderful human type to behold that I’m sure is now quite wholly extinct.

          • Moran ya Simba said: ” But, I also think it is easy to overestimate the JQ. And to some ppl it becomes everything. Which I dont think it is.” If an infintesimel fraction of the worlds population can wrap the whole freaking planet around their little fingers. And the vast majority simply let it happen. Then 7 billion people deserve every ass whoopin their going to get. I mean seriously folks, what the hell. Think about it.

  18. My biggest worry regarding Trump is that he is planning a war with Iran. In particular, I worry that he will boast of having avoided war with Iran during the election, and then find some causus belle in 2021 a lá Woodrow Wilson in 1916.

  19. A few things. One, Trump must be called out as a con man. Some countries, like Italy and Hungary, got the real thing when they voted for a right-wing populist. But Trump just crudely and cynically pretended to be that in order to grift himself into office. Not only is he closer to the anti-whites than the whites; in truth he’s closer to Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho than a real statesman. He’s a third-world figure, an end-of-empire figure.

    But second, as John Derbyshire said out in 2016, even if Trump cucks (which is what happened), it will show that his ideas have legitimacy among the American people. So at least that’s a ray of hope.

    But more deeply, you might say the problem is that democracy isn’t democratic. Rich, powerful, and intolerant people can take away choices that they don’t like, effectively eliminating candidates that would represent the people. People are only allowed to vote for candidates approved by the moneyed/kosher-certified/leftcult cabal. Shitsickle or fishsickle. And those candidates not only don’t represent the people, they want to make war on the people.

    “We were never asked” will be the epitaph of this phony democracy.

    Here is a decent article outlining some basic problems with democracy:

    • Here’s Colin Crouch, in his 2004 book ‘Post-Democracy’:

      “…the rise of what I call post-democracy. Under this model, while elections certainly exist and can change governments, public electoral debate is a tightly controlled spectacle, managed by rival teams of professionals expert in the techniques of persuasion, and considering a small range of issues selected by those teams. The mass of citizens plays a passive, quiescent, even apathetic part, responding only to the signals given to them. Behind this spectacle of the electoral game, politics is really shaped in private by interaction between elected governments and elites that overwhelmingly represent business interests…. It is my contention that we are increasingly moving towards the post-democratic pole.”

      Crouch is a Leftist academic, so I don’t agree with him on everything, but if you want a sophisticated and clear-eyed view of the evolution and effects of capitalism (in accord with the old Right, outside of the Conservative Industrial Complex, to steal another of Zman’s brilliant turns of phrase), that’s where, often, one must go.

      • If the Dems are currently playing a professional game of political persuasion, I think their professionals are out to lunch.

        This situation is a lay up for them if they had their act together (shh, don’t tell anyone).

        • Both sides are part of the professional game. They are both part of liberalism. The liberal elite have blundered things in the past, but always come out on top. There’s no way out for us unless that whole game is broken. What will that take? I think it will take something extremely radical. I’m not optimistic that white middle class populists are up to the task. A WHOLE lot of them will have to be broken in the deepest recess of their soul, to be made extremely self-sacrificial, and then also steered in the right direction. We’re talking about making the whole of the Western elite extremely afraid, afraid enough to actually give us some of what we want, and that is only to slow down our trajectory toward globalist oblivion, not to change it.

          Liberalism has overthrown MUCH more powerful forces in the past (to repeat my list: Throne and Altar Europe, fascism, communism, authoritarian Right regimes (Francoism, Pinochet), increasingly the Arab world, and on it goes). As with those earlier forces, liberalism (liberal democracy + capitalism, an extremely seductive and powerful (the material productivity and technological dynamism of capitalism) system) has, on the one hand, assembled a coalition (non-whites, Left True Believer whites, and nearly the whole of the Western elite), and on the other hand has left masses of people apathetic and/or confused (non-political whites today, for example). We, the determined resistance to all this, the dissident Right and the white populists, are massively out numbered, and out gunned, like those earlier forces of opposition.

          White Western Civ. is next of the dock for liberalism to defeat, and the Western liberal elite class are the ones behind it, because, fundamentally, they see the incentive for it, for a globalist system to profit from and rule, and because they “fall in love with a rich man”, with liberal-Left ideas that justify their move, and build coalitions to defeat their prime enemies (today, the white masses that will lose enormously from globalization). The liberal elite have at their disposal probably the greatest force for instilling apathy in history, Western popular culture (Hollywood output, video games, junk food, as so on). It also has at its disposal probably the greatest force for mass indoctrination in history (modern mass media technology, intensive education). The most powerful and advanced military in human history is also largely at their disposal (to what degree will white police and white military men side with the dissident Right and the populists against their superiors?). That’s what we are up against.

          Do you see the picture I am painting? The world always has been, and always will be, fundamentally top-down:

          The top is resolutely against us under liberalism, and will basically remain so, and it is about as powerful a “top” as has ever existed.

          • If the Western elite is made afraid, will they give us some of what we want or burn the house down instead? I am not sure of the right answer, but I would not assume away either of the two. They seem to have a habit of doubling down.

          • They liberal elite are not suicidal, they’re degenerate Last Man themselves. They’ll give up some of what we want (or exit the field, and attempt to marshal a counter-attack, depending on which part of the liberal elite we’re discussing, how money’d (jet-setting oligarchs for example) they are). Even getting to that point is an ENORMOUS challenge. The trajectory of things in South Africa, since apartheid ended (liberalism destroyed apartheid) and whites were rendered a minority in an open liberal democracy, seems to me instructive on what we can probably more or less expect from the mass of whites.

            There is always a chance, however, and we are Duty bound to pursue it. Perhaps trying to assimilate the non-white hordes will ultimately be the rock that finally sinks the liberal ship, and creates an opening for pockets of the West to slip through. Regardless, even if there was no hope (we cannot know that yet), our Duty would be the same:

            “We are born into this time and must bravely follow the path to the destined end. There is no other way. Our duty is to hold on to the lost position, without hope, without rescue, like that Roman soldier whose bones were found in front of a door in Pompeii, who, during the eruption of Vesuvius, died at his post because they forgot to relieve him. That is greatness. That is what it means to be a thoroughbred. The honorable end is the one thing that can not be taken from a man.”
            Oswald Spengler

          • By the way, what I am describing was already basically discerned by Oswald Spengler a century ago:

            If by “democracy” we mean the form which the Third Estate as such wishes to impart to public life as a whole, it must be concluded that democracy and plutocracy are the same thing under the two aspects of wish and actuality, theory and practice, knowing and doing. It is the tragic comedy of the world‑improvers’ and freedom‑teachers’ desperate fight against money that they are ipso facto assisting money to be effective. Respect for the big number—expressed in the principles of equality for all, natural rights, and universal suffrage—is just as much a class‑ideal of the unclassed as freedom of public opinion (and more particularly freedom of the press) is so. These are ideals, but in actuality the freedom of public opinion involves the preparation of public opinion, which costs money; and the freedom of the press brings with it the question of possession of the press, which again is a matter of money; and with the franchise comes electioneering, in which he who pays the piper calls the tune. The representatives of the ideas look at one side only, while the representatives of money operate with the other. The concepts of Liberalism and Socialism are set in effective motion only by money. … the Jacobins had destroyed the old obligations of the blood and so had emancipated money; now it stepped forward as lord of the land.
            Vol. II, Alfred A. Knopf, 1928, pp. 401–02

            To-day we live so cowed under the bombardment of this intellectual artillery that hardly anyone can attain to the inward detachment that is required for a clear view of the monstrous drama. The will-to-power operating under a pure democratic disguise has finished off its masterpiece so well that the object’s sense of freedom is actually flattered by the most thorough-going enslavement that has ever existed.
            Vol. II, Alfred A. Knopf, 1928, p. 461

            The press to-day is an army with carefully organized arms and branches, with journalists as officers, and readers as soldiers. But here, as in every army, the soldier obeys blindly, and war-aims and operation-plans change without his knowledge. The reader neither knows, nor is allowed to know, the purposes for which he is used, nor even the role that he is to play. A more appalling caricature of freedom of thought cannot be imagined. Formerly a man did not dare to think freely. Now he dares, but cannot; his will to think is only a willingness to think to order, and this is what he feels as his liberty.
            Vol. II, Alfred A. Knopf, 1928, p. 462


    • Salvini and Orban are the “real thing” insofar as they actually care about their ethnicity, and don’t bother pretending that Islamic and African immigration is in any way beneficial. (I do wonder just how much actual racial understanding they have, though.)

      But here’s the thing: even they are moving very slowly. That should make clear the enormity of the task. Even if Trump was completely sincere, it demonstrates how unrealistic it is to think any pro-white changes could happen overnight.

      • No pro-white changes could happen overnight? If you said not all, who would disagree? But Trump could issue various executive orders (e.g., real-army — not National Guard — soldiers on the border) to dam the flow of immigration. He could (as he said he would) issue a rule against anchor baby citizenship; let the lefties fight it out in the courts instead of them just surfing on it. And much more.

        I want him to do a little of the “impossible.” His reach can exceed his grasp.

        • If I could, I’d rewrite that as no significant pro-white changes could happen overnight. Otherwise, yes, you make good points.

      • But here’s the thing: even they are moving very slowly.

        Orban built a wall to Serbia in a matter of weeks, dropped the number of illegal immigrants by +99%. Granted, that border is considerably shorter, but America is considerably richer.

        • Trump doesn’t have a pro-white mandate to nearly the degree that Orban has a pro-Hungarian mandate.

    • Some countries, like Italy and Hungary, got the real thing when they voted for a right-wing populist.

      In both those countries, people voted a lot of white nationalists into parliament. The number of white nationalists in Congress is…?

  20. No US president in history – and I mean NO president – has ever been up against both the opposition party AND his own, the entire Media Establishment, the entire Corporotacracy, the entire Federal bureaucracy, and the entire education establishment the way this president has. I am simply amazed that Trump has been able to do anything. If we want to help Trump, we can start by not being just one more howling mob of disaffected citizens. If grabbing your toys and stomping off the playground is a viable strategy, please show me another playground we can go to.

    I might also remind everyone that there are such things as Black Swan events. The “suicide” of Jeffrey Epstein just may be one. Stay tuned.

    • Don’t we have to threaten Trump with the withdrawl of our support to prevent him from doing everything Jared and Ivanka tell him to do?

      • Line isn’t it also true, that it has to be a unified force with power to be effective in changing his mind and not just a bunch of separate voices…

    • Stop being a CivNat cuck.

      Trump hasn’t done anything legislatively for us period.

      Trump is no friend of ours period. He just plays one. I remember when he fled CA after his supporters were beaten to a pulp during a campaign rally in San Jose by mexican and Black goons brought in by the mayor and chief of police.

      Trump never said one word about that. He threw those people under the bus.

      Then in the WH he surrounds himself with swamp creatures and Neocons.

      For almost 3 years he said nothing about his supporters getting attacked in the streets except for some twits.

      He broke every promise in regards to immigration and openly lies to his base about it.

      Stop thinking that you’re still living in 1985 like Sailer and this shitshow can be fixed by mindless party loyalty and voting.

    • Most of what you say about Trump makes sense. But MS-13 will have guns no matter what the law says. I just think you should have one too. Even after a woke judge is told you commented on ‘white supremacy hate blogs’ like this one. B/c he might think that’s a ‘red flag.’

        • Your stone cold, logical analytical abilities fail you here trooper. Of course you can stack away a few. That’s not the point. The point is that such laws turn concerned white people, who need business, law, medical, liquor, you name it licences, into criminals. And that opens the way to destroy them in good, old anarcho-tyrannical fashion; “…yes but he broke the law….”

          The other thing about guns, which I admit aren’t ‘everything’, is that they are a harbinger of government/authority, ie ‘elite’, intent. Guns can kill, knives can kill, trucks can kill, baseball bats can kill, chemicals and hammers and chord can all kill. So why guns?? What’s so special about them? Only one thing: it takes a gun to defeat a gun (not counting exceptional circumstances). So why should the ability to defend against a gun be made mutually exclusive with being a law-abiding citizen? That’s the question you aren’t asking.

          Therefore guns are a perfect place to test if Trump really is our guy or not. Is there any give and take. Or is it all ‘grab angles and take’? Think of this as a ‘learning experience’.

    • @Epaminodas is correct on all points.
      Especially Black Swans.

      The Liberal system is the Death Star of a thousand exhaust ports being held together by patching old windows software, duct tape and a degree of falsehood worthy of China. Running on money that is backed not even by force but the looming disaster of catastrophe if anyone succeeds in pointing out that Emperor Dollar is a naked short.

      It is immensely complex. Immense complexity being administered by sub-Meroving idiots cutting and pasting clip art from the past they don’t even understand. Its complexity and overreach would tax the allied talents of Lucifer, The Founders and The Holy Ghost to merely maintain through the slightest anomaly never mind crisis.

      Let me be clear: I am not talking of the nation. The nation persists because the people are basically healthy and sound.
      We have a matchless geographic advantage. We are the greatest store of natural resources on earth.* We’re Federated politically so the rot cannot destroy from the top. I am not speaking of the nation but our faux elites. They’re finished. Its toppling them and winning the endgame that must concern us.

      Do what we must then we must stop.

      *the real magic dirt is our resources and geography. Anyone who has possession of this will be powerful.

  21. Let’s pretend that the courts didn’t overturn almost everyone of his executive orders on immigration. Would you feel the same way? He’s tried everything he could without a cooperating congress.

    And where he hasn’t been stymied is the number of (legal) refugees the US is accepting – dropped by 10s of thousands. I can’t remember the exact number but it went down annually from about 100k to about 20k, because Trump. No court can overturn that, but it can be dialed way back up by not Trump.

    And thank God someone is standing up to China. You won’t believe it, but a good number of tech people are secretly rooting for him because of this, and every company I know (and I know a lot as part of my job) is working to move their supply chains out of China now because now they have political cover/real reason to do so.

    As for the bandaid proposed gun laws I don’t care. I actually don’t understand what the big deal is since there was already a background check and waiting period for every gun I’ve bought in the last decade. Plan ahead. No change there. Red flag laws will eventually get tied up in courts on due process issues. Bump stocks were a toy who cares. Trump has to do these things to keep soccer moms in the umbrella – it’s not what I want, but the political reality we’re in.

    • You’re contradicting yourself b/c you – rightly – say that the courts overturn or obstruct Trump’s immigration orders. And then you say the same courts will protect ppl against abuse of red flag laws.

      Uber liberal woke courts will ‘protect’ us against red flag law abuse?? That is exactly why Trump has to be told that caving on guns is a deal breaker.

      Trump does a lot of good stuff I think, above all exposing how rotten things are, moving Overton and provoking libtards to drop the mask. But he doesnt care about guns. He ll have security detail for the rest of his life, hell now he ll have secret service protection. Plus he’s old, and his kids and grandkids will have detail following them too. How’s your security detail doing?

      It’s a damn shame Trump panicked on 2A after El Dayton. But he did. And he has to know it’s not okay.

  22. Trump isn’t really our guy, he’s just a pause from the people who actively hate us. I think the pause will end in 2025 and all hell will break loose.

  23. ‘Fish’ and ‘Sickle’ are two words that never should be combined! An unexpected morning emetic!

    But a sickle with a fish substituted for the Marxist hammer would be a perfect sort of secret wink, a useful semiotic in a world increasingly warranting communication by Samizdat. Promote it as the symbol of ‘Christian Marxism,’ but insiders would decode it as “Fishsickle, a totem not only for Hillary but any other hectoring shrew globohomo thrusts forth as ‘our leader.’

  24. There are (IMO) three important issues: 2A, immigration, and pointless foreign wars. On only the last one (so far, knock wood) are we getting some sort of meaningful positive score. The rest of it is meaningless if we don’t get those three.

    • Isn’t that what Trump ran on? Then he proceeded to install more Goldman Sachs alumni than Obama, more Koch lobbyists, and more Neocons. Are you tired of winning yet?

  25. Trump moved MOUNTAINS.

    He single handedly dragged the topic of immigration, establishment corruption, media bias – into the mainstream when the establishment sought to bury it all. He did this in a political climate that ate idiots like Cerno and Spencer alive. Trump is still alive. Jeffry Epstein just died in prison, under a suicide watch. Those of you wanting to pay your respects can contact Bill Clinton for funeral arrangements. The rest are advised: our leaders are playing for keeps and they have skin in the game. If Spencer or Cerno ever became anything more than clowns you can bet they would be ruined and/or dispensed with depending on their threat potential. You can bet the hit on Trump is on the drawing board and just waiting for the green light from establishment brass.

    Every single one of you guys here has to realize – you are at the cutting edge of what comes next. For every one of you, there are tens or even hundreds of thousands of normies and proggies that want nothing more than to lay on the couch, eat potato chips, and watch Netflix. They and the establishment machine that supports them will use lethal violence if you try to change any of that.

    Farmers noticed way back that if the barn caught fire and you shooed the cows out – the first thing they’d do once they were out, is try and get back in to the burning barn. Their stalls were safe places where nothing bad could ever happen to them. Likewise, Normie and Proggie aren’t going to get off the couch until it starts burning too.

    I think it is lunacy to expect Trump or anyone else to save us – we are not going to vote our way out of what is coming. We are on our own – and the genocides and race wars are on the way. The first smaller mass murders are already starting – and guess what, dissident – those are all YOUR fault!!!

    Prep like mad, invest in metals (brass and lead) – and best of luck in the days ahead.

    • The first smaller mass murders are already starting – and guess what, dissident – those are all YOUR fault!!!
      It won’t change until people start banding together to stop it…

      • They arrested a guy in Vegas today. Obvious FBI asset. Avoid anyone who fedposts online, friends.

        • MemeWarVet said: “They arrested a guy in Vegas today. Obvious FBI asset. Avoid anyone who fedposts online, friends.” Excellent advice. Thanx.

    • He single handedly dragged the topic of immigration, establishment corruption, media bias – into the mainstream when the establishment sought to bury it all.

      The internet did that. Trump merely rode the tiger.

  26. Z – What is your existing counteroffer?
    Existing. Physically.

    Engage normies to offer… what?
    What that is actually real?

    You certainly expect a lot from a non dictator for 2.5 years. BTW.

    If you’re saying Orange Bad Man needs to have his feet held to the fire on gun control – they are. Same with the Wall. Realistic people however understand politics is power and this man has been fending off a coup.

    One more thing; as we have learned people with gains don’t voluntarily surrender them. That means if you want whitelandia back and white culture dominant again that we would have to probably go to war and win.
    Overwhelmingly and with a Carthaginian peace. That’s a lot of nasty business. It won’t happen by convincing normies.

    What you want would require convincing cutthroats.

    That’s the price.

    • You don’t see Trump putting the military on the border do you? He’ll put it on the Afghanistan border 10k miles away like two Presidents before him. Talk about irony. If immigration is the touchstone issue, and he is fending off a coup, who better to advise him than Jared Kuschner and is vapid imbecile daughter? “She’s just so smart!..she’s the smartest woman who ever lived…she has such good genes…..and she’s hot too…”

      I do appreciate the mean things he’s said to people and the careers he’s destroyed, that’s a plus. But then he rehabilitates mustached freak Bolton from the W. era. If this is winning…..

      • Trump has moved several mountains. As far as not being a dictator – he apparently doesn’t want to be one.

        He’s a one man party. Not a solid base for dictatorship. Truth is he has the country but the entire millions strong DC establishment is against him.

      • And Mr. Trump. We can’t help but notice that Israel has a wall!! We probably paid for most of it.

    • We’re already in a war and losing. The problem is most whites don’t see that the fight has been going on for some time and our side has it’s head up it’s ass.

      Slow mo genocides are hard to notice when all you care about is your 401k and “muh new pickup”.

      We are not getting out of this without bloodshed, the elites have made sure of that. They made it publicly clear they want us dead and gone. and so do their ethnic allies.

      As for the normies, they only understand pain and fear like they did during the last burst bubble. When the current bubble bursts it will force them to pull their heads out of their asses and then we can work with them but not before.

  27. It all comes down to self respect. Even in the most meaningless act of voting. You always have to look at a politician square in the eyes and say “you’re my whore, I’m not your whore.” And you have to treat them like the whores they are. Trump showed his cards when he said that he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and his voters will still vote for him. The left had fun with that, but that’s really what he thinks of his base. And much of his base is like that. Waiting five or six hours in humidity to see him in a stadium. Trump thinks his base is his whore. It’s easy for him to do because he thinks the world is his whore anyway.

    There is no answer to this problem because politics is at its core tribal. People side with the tribe even when they are getting the short end of the stick with that tribe. Naiveté is only shattered when the tribe can no longer provide sustenance for its periphery members. Then the whole tribe is disbanded into separate units and absorbed into others. In a way, perhaps the country would best be served by going its separate ways. These states over here, those states over there. If democracy is to potentially work again, it has to be done on a much smaller scale. I know the anti Mark Steyn bias here on race, but he did make a point that given the current size and structure of our government this will be inevitable. It’s become overly centralized, by far.

    • Yes to self-respect. At the individual level men have to reclaim their frame.

      And then they have to resist becoming the whores in other aspects of their lives.

      It does little good to preach about community and to hold our whore reps accountable if we sell out a thousand times per day in order to ‘get ours’ or even ‘preserve our little slice’.

      I think that only happens if we go back to the root: blood and soil.

      As many here more wise than me have said, it will likely take separation. And then a dedication to something greater than ourselves, to the community we desire.

      Only time will tell just how much for how long until those seeds germinate, but without Blood and Soil we are in perpetual retreat.

      I already fled the coasts. But this city is lost now too.

      My next move will be out of the city and to a land that might, just might, offer fertile soil.

      I have no idea how the economics will work for me. But in my more lucid moments I do know that most of what passes for financial security and careers and community here in bluetopia is a best a facade and more likely shackles that keep me from realizing my full potential among the land and people I am meant to serve.

      Self-separation out of the known and self-selection into the Unknown is the first hurdle. As I’ve said before, asking our whore reps to take risks we refuse to take ourselves is unrealistic.

      • Well Brother when you decide to make the move make sure you check out my area here in the Bitterroot and give me shout…

  28. Many people on this side who have a proven record of bad judgement are now certain that Trump will lose in 2020. Even some of the brighter bulbs, like Greg Johnson, have managed to persuade themselves of this.

    Granted, the summer’s events do seem to point in that direction. But much depends on who or what the Democrats end up nominating. And the outcome may hinge on other things that haven’t even happened yet, including some known unknowns and who knows how many unknown unknowns.

    For example, say someone or something rids us of Ginsburg, McConnell plays hardball, and the Democrats respond with a Beach Friends 2.0 campaign.

    Either way, I think it would be foolish to take a Democrat victory as inevitable, and even more foolish to spend any time or energy abetting this outcome.

    Working openly against Trump will alienate the very people we are trying to reach. Better to say nothing to the unpersuaded than “I told you so.” And better still to provoke the other side into wedging their own coalition apart.

    • Trump is surrounded by yes men with an agenda of their own, which is to soothe him with reassurances so they can go about their business with as little disruption as possible, and a lefty daughter that he loves very much and thus will always listen to. He’s an old man who is as susceptible as any of us would be, to the temptation to believe what he’s hearing in his completely controlled bubble – everything’s okay, so he can relax. I really think he got what he wanted on January 20, 2017. The rest is just putting in time.

    • Trump losing in 2020 is far from a given. A good friend of mine, a traditional type of Democrat, is horrified at the Dem candidates. If the call for reparations and open border healthcare, and overall white-bashing continues, expect a Trump victory. There are still more white people (who tend to show up and vote) here than any other racial group.

      • That is probably something dissidents need to be mindful of too: what are our alternatives to Trump? Before we crucify him – look at what our alternatives are? For the life of me, all I see are cucks and craven morons that are Democrat Lite at best.

        • Yes, but what does “Democrat Lite” mean?

          Traditional Democrats have been unhappy with both mass immigration and free trade for far longer than anyone on the right, except perhaps for a handful of Paleocon outliers.

          What kept them on the reservation was precisely that same question: what are our alternatives?

          Until Trump, there was none. But his failures over the wall and border control may look different to those folks than they do to people around here.

          What Trump now seems to be doing is pursuing a triangulation strategy similar to what Clinton pursued in 1995-1996 after losing Congress. If Halberstram hadn’t left Fash the Nation they might have picked up on this, but pride and butthurt is clouding their vision.

          Whether Trump is aware of this or not, and whether he can make it work in 2020, remains to seen.

    • I still think Trump can win. If he does gun control he’s finished, however. That’s one sin you don’t come back from.

      • I am not sure about that.

        Some sort of bullshit bill that he can sell in the suburbs may well be worth alienating the Gadsen-flagwavers, to whom he can truthfully say, “Après moi, le déluge.”

        • Vegetius said”… to whom he can truthfully say, “Après moi, le déluge.” Truthfully, I don’t think he could pronounce it. And MemeWarVet is right. You don’t f**k with the peoples guns and get reelected.

    • Over the last seventy years the presidency has ping ponged between the two parties in eight year intervals with one exception – Jimmy Carter’s loss in 1980. None of the current dem candidates is anywhere close to Reagan in shear political skill. Trump is no where near as lame and self destructive as Carter. And America is definitely not in the same place it was in 79. So odds are that Trump wins re-election based purely on social inertia.

      He could definitely fuck it up, but it’s not very likely.

  29. It’s a rock and a hard place. If we trust the plan, we will just get more of the same. If we ignore the political process, theres no one putting pressure on the GOP to do anything worthwhile cos everyone else is busy trusting the plan. Voting against the GOP is a vote to rapidly decline. Voting for the GOP is legitimizing your own destruction. Also it’s probably a vote for rapid decline as well.

    My initial thought was why not burn down the GOP and try to build something from the ashes. But it’s gotten so bad that the risk of doing that and accidentally giving Democrats breathing room to put the final nail in the coffin is very high. I might not vote, but rather put all of my focus on personal activism and supporting activists and activist groups.

    I’m reading Kevin Macdonalds book right now, and I’m somewhat convinced that our only hope is to become a subversive minority a la the chosen ones. The catch right off the bat is that they did it to an open, liberal society. We would he doing it to a closed, post liberal 3rd world hellhole with a minority that is already wise to us and has the infrastructure to shut us down before we even get started. It’s almost a black pill because even that crappy option is going to require us to be much more dedicated and cunning than they were which….will be difficult to say the least. But otoh the book does point out that people were wise to them at the time and they still made it work so anything is possible with enough motivation.

    Frankly, and I know this will cause some eye rolling, the real best bet here is probably to repent and turn back to God. But that’s passe anymore.

  30. I enjoyed reading that because I am also getting awfully tired of bull-shit. Trump is burning daylight while the world is crashing. Guns HAVE to be our third rail. And where the hell is that wall??

  31. Engaging with conservative normies is the correct strategy. Bill Mitchell, the epitome of a normie Trump supporter, has very recently felt the heat on Twitter for supporting Trump’s latest gun control proposal. The patriotic folks are the easiest to convert. They’re already against mass immigration, even though their Conservative Inc leaders are for it. If they can lose their fear of the R word, it would make the job much easier.

    • Strong words in real life are important, too.

      Recently I’ve had a couple of guys I know going in for white-bashing Conservative Inc. talking points, and I just came back with, “look, man, I’m just not having this shit any more. We’ve got to stick up for ourselves and take our own side. There are a lot of people out there, including people in power, who would be happy to see us dead, and don’t pretend you don’t know that. Just fucking stop it with the attacks on our own guys.”

      This is very basic stuff for d-right guys, but it’s actually kind of revelatory for many otherwise healthy white normies. And it makes a big difference that it’s coming from someone they know. Protip: this kind of thing is best in one-on-one conversations, so multiple guys can’t gang up on you and it’s just your authority going right at your buddy.

  32. Trump’s biggest mistake was Jeff Sessions. It’s hard to go all Andrew Jackson on federal judges with an unlimited special counsel and team of crazed Democrat prosecutors hanging over your head for two years, waiting for any excuse to charge you. All Trump will be able to accomplish is a better judiciary, allowing domestic energy production and moving the Overton window on immigration.

    Trump is basically a middle finger in the dyke. The important thing is what comes next. My hunch is we will drift along for a decade or two until the brown tide swamps us. Our only hope is if the children of the browns identify as white and rise above the threshold where you are better off on welfare. Possible, but I am a pessimist by nature.

  33. The film ‘Falling Down’ starring Michael Douglas.

    The story of a middle-class white collar working man suddenly cut from the moorings of his fragile economic and social strata, endures the humiliation and despair of being replaced as he literally walks through a landscape full of ugliness and savagery and predation, until he finally breaks, unleashing his rage upon the darkness he encounters as he tries to simply make his way home.

    But what breaks him is not that he is suddenly cast among the ronin of a dying empire, but rather the realization that his personal situation is just the rote, robotic twitching of a dehumanizing system under the slow decay of entropy.

    This doesn’t happen overnight. His long fall from the American Dream started a long time ago. Turns out he has quietly endured for a long time; he has been on this demoralizing and humiliating path home for as long as he an remember.

    Para mas, oprima numero dos…

    Already long tired of eating shitsicles he quickly realizes his career, his city, his culture and his ability to fulfill his purpose as a husband, father, and producer in society is predicated entirely on his ability to provide value to the very machine that has been consuming those very things he values – and can no longer recognize.

    He is just trying to be a good man. He is just trying to do the right thing; to get along, to tolerate the intolerable in order to preserve his little slice of a paradise that is being paved over each passing day. He is just trying to get Home.

    That film came out in 1993.

    Since then, a lot of Progress has happened. Nowadays he could have called home with a cell phone instead of walking from payphone to payphone.

    He could simply post his resume on linkdin.

    He would have had years more of diversity and inclusion training from the HR department at work, likely swollen with people with accents that would have helped him understand the many ways in which his very existence makes other people uncomfortable. He could have evolved.

    Perhaps he was just a man born in the wrong era.

    There is a scene in which michael Douglas’ character encounters a version of himself in a line to try to get benefits or somesuch. As Michael walks away the other man says “remember me”.

    • He was triggered by a fly buzzing around his face. That’s what’s going to happen to our country. Some trigger event that will be like any other day. Then a reaction, then a reaction to that. and so one. The country is a room full of gas right now, waiting for a match.

  34. Z-man, sounds like you’re blaming the victim—in this case some of the folk reading this blog. This seems a recurrent theme that I suspect pops up when you’re having a bad day. One can fight the good fight, and still support Trump—at least to the point that shrill screams that he is a complete and total failure are countered with some more nuanced facts regarding the political process as we find it. It is tiresome. If you want to purge your readership of any and all who say a good or even neutral word wrt Trump, then just come out and say so. I’m OK with that, but I will continue to challenge childish rants wrt what Trump could have accomplished and did not accomplish when such observations simply do not fit the facts.

    • Characterizing dissent from plan-trusting and “If Stalin only knew”-ism as “childish rants” and tantrums doesn’t make the case for why anyone should still be wasting time defending Trump rather than looking for better solutions. I bought in as well and have no problem admitting I was conned. What good does it do anyone to make excuses like “he’s only one man” or “he’s better than Hillary” when we’re losing over and over again? This is the GOP’s script since I noticed politics and we’re never going to break out of this downward spiral of expectations unless and until we admit the problem.

      • But we’re NOT “losing all over again”. That’s why the commie/Mohammadan left coalition has been having a three year tantrum. Just look at the clowns the Dems are running for president. Now that’s real fear.

      • I’ve noticed a significant overlap between the “plan trusters” and the “if we kick the can down the road, I’ll be dead and won’t have to worry about it” types.

      • Trump has been a net positive to pro-white interests because he helped change the conversation. Personally, I don’t feel conned because I never expected him to do anything more than that. I thought (and still think) there’s an outside chance he might build the wall (just because it’s such a simple and obvious measure), but I’ve never entertained any ideas that he had some kind of pro-white “plan.” It’s apparently very easy to forget what an earthquake his nomination caused in the GOP. If that doesn’t demonstrate that the GOP is susceptible to pro-white infiltration, I don’t know what does.

    • If you read the Greg Johnson link he is not saying Trump should be ditched, he is saying there needs to be more push-back when he caves to leftie. He did that after the double shootings, on guns. And guns are a very good place to put the foot down. For the very simple reason that they directly concern personal, physical safety and that it takes a gun to defend against a gun (exceptional luck or skill in archery etc, excepted but irrelevant here). If guns are not a place to say no to Trump, what is?

    • The political system “as we found it” is structured to make sure we never win. The only winning play is to walk away from the table.

  35. I’ll stick with what I already told Greg Johnson at CC in reply to his statement that I was nuts for thinking Trump and the GOP haven’t been a net positive for the Dissident Right. The Jeb Bush version of Trump we’ve experienced has been a net control rod on dissent, while Hillary would have been a bigger-than-Obama catalyst. God Emperor Trump would have been a net plus, but that guy never showed up. I subsequently replied to Greg that I read Andrew Joyce’s piece on the Thatcher Effect at TOO last night, which more forcefully stated my position. Thatcher, like Trump, was a head-fake Conservative on immigration who ended up being worse than a shitlib for the nationalist cause in Britain. We can learn from history or repeat it.

    Spencer, Striker & Wallace may be erratic, but they aren’t “do the opposite” wrong per se. The political quadrants of trad vs. liberal social policy and free markets vs. populist economic policy line don’t lie, as Audacious Epigone and others have cited, not merely Hunter Wallace in his recent southern populism posts. The position that would most broadly appeal to voters today, D & R, would be traditional social conservatism married with economic populism, a sort of updated Jacksonian Democratic party.

    All of this said, I don’t think Z and I are in total disagreement here. I want us to burn down the GOP first and foremost, and IIRC, that’s been something our host has been on board with in the past. I don’t see anyone stomping off in a rage, I see presenting normies with a clear, third-position-style alternative to Red Team Libertarian Neo-Con Globohomo vs. Blue Team PoZ Neo-Lib Globohomo. Make it clear that we’re not working through the GOP anymore, we’re our own constituency with our own interests and we stand for something outside the Overton Window choices that are being forced on the present system. We’re still not voting our way out of this under the present system, but we can start blazing a trail into truly separate cultural and ideological territory that normies can distinguish from the fog and malaise of Alt-Lite Twitter-talk Trumpism.

    • Spot On. An outstanding summary of where my thoughts have evolved in the 18 months since the cuckbox broke and Trump went full MIGA.

      I did want to briefly address the top of Greg Johnson also. He has done an incredible amount of good for our movement, and Counter Currents remains a regular read. That being said, he seems to think we can persuade our way out of this situation in much the same way BoomerCons think we can vote our way out. I suspect that in 20 years he’ll still be waiting for Godot, while the world passes him by.

      One of the things I respect most about Z is that he says straight out that he doesn’t have all the answers. Admitting this is the first step to finding solutions.

      • I once asked Greg Johnson if he thought we can “persuade our way out of this.” He smiled and said, “If I had revolutionary plans, I wouldn’t talk about them.”

        • Greg Johnson is 101% Our Guy and I agree with him on most everything on a meta level. We differ in tactics to some extent and in how we interpret some things (like Thatcherism here). He’s been Shoah’d repeatedly and I can understand where he wouldn’t want to be an out front radical at this point, but I respect him enough not to put a simple psychological interpretation on our differences. I’ll stand by him in spirit even when we disagree on details.

          • The first thing is to get the most number of our people on the same page. If it does come to conflict, we at least have that going for us.

    • I lived in England during Thatcher’s term as PM. She rallied the traditionalist elements of the culture and offered a way forward (as Trump has done today over here), but, ultimately, not enough people were with her in any manner other than voting for her. Her core of hard-core and active supporters were few and scattered, and the institutional roadblocks to her agenda were many, well financed, well organized, and balls-to-the-wall on seeing her fail. Some things turned higher on the economic side, but others foundered as she restructured the nature of things, and people became frightened at all the internal conflict and social turmoil. Sound familiar?

  36. “There is no issue more closely tied with white America than guns.” It’s definitely a rallying point for white, RURAL, FLYOVER, America, but I haven’t found this to be the case for the bulk of my white peers that gird the coasts. Having lived in several port cities on the east and west coasts, if our present low-intensity conflict goes hot then coastal urban/suburban whites are supremely ill-prepared. Even those who grasp reality and are armed will find they have no like-minded support from their progressive neighbors. Good strategy for coast-dwellers is to consider relocation, ricky-tick.

    You’re exactly right on Orange Man, or for that matter anyone on the national GOP stage. That’s the tragedy – Trump is the probably the best the GOP has to offer. The only optimism I hold out for is local (i.e. county-level) renewal, which hopefully will occur when a plurality of common folk figure out everything you’ve outlined in this essay. My heartland state has 2 GOP senators and a state government dominated by the GOP, but they’re all milquetoast when confronting the progressives.

    If we’re to have any hope for courageous governmental transformation it’s got to start at the local level, probably rural counties. If they get their act together and build coalitions they could theoretically overcome urban progressive strongholds that dominate every state’s GOP. Unfortunately this future doesn’t look remotely feasible as long as we’re focused on Trump or “The Squad” … which is exactly the plan of elite propaganda. We’re meant to see the entire debacle as hopeless, which ends up as self-fulfilling prophecy if our strategy rests with the federal GOP vs Dem paradigm.

    • I’ve come to the realization that self sorting is very important. The problem is you need an economic event in your life to do it. I live in CA. I need to be in an urban area for my career. I could transfer to Seattle but you’re not exactly leaving your politics behind there. It’s the same people just with cloud cover.
      It’s rare to have a career where you can just put down roots anywhere.

      • I hear you JR … been there, and I spent a 30-year career on the urban coast. But, the internet age has opened a myriad of options in the heartland. Another thing I learned is that you need much less income when you go to a state that’s not as prone to confiscation & plunder. My kids have now started entrepreneurial enterprises – they started at 16 yo – and have springboarded into unorthodox career paths that pay well in money & freedom. As for me, my income is less than half of what I made on the coast, but 30-years of saving/investment allowed me to buy a modest homestead mortgage free, and now I can supplement my meager income with a lavish garden, fully stocked shop, and a sprinkling of livestock. I’d encourage anyone in the big-money earning years to invest big in tools, trade skills, and a parcel of land with ample fresh water. Some folks call this prepping … I call it living.

    • Perhaps the large, largely forgotten “Grange” of the late 1880s-early 1900s is a useful model.

  37. Trump made the mistake of listening to the Republican establishment. I recall Trump being a CPAC and making a major gaff of saying people care more about the economy than they do about guns. He also makes the mistake of thinking if he brags about black and mestizo unemployment, the press will stop hating him and calling him a racist. It’s not the economy, stupid. Nobody really thought Trump could reverse a 50 year credit bubble or even the then 9 year old “everything bubble”
    But when Richard Spencer and his gang of retards turned Charlottesville into a spectacle of retardedness, Trump’s instinct was to defend us. What did retards in the Alt-Right do in response? They threw Trump under the bus.
    The Trump presidency may very well be a shit-show, but Trump is not the only one flinging poo.

    • We Cville retards did not turn on Trump after Cville. We supported him until it became clear that his border enforcement was worse than Obama’s.

      We went to Cville for a rally that had a legal permit. Up till Cville, no one knew that the police had orders to push us into Antifa and then let Antifa run wild. Cville demonstrated that terrible truth.

      • Everyone who criticizes C’ville forgets that the AltRight had been active in street protests, without negative blowback, throughout 2017. There was no reason to believe things would be different that fateful August day.

        Remember Nathan Damigo punching Moldylocks? Remember how it happened in Berkeley, and he wasn’t charged? Remember that he was a featured speaker at UTR and that his group (Identity Europa) made up the bulk of the marchers?

        Plenty of Monday Morning Quarterbacking of that event from people who can’t demonstrate in advance that they were against it.

        • Everyone with an ounce of sense was telling everyone not to do the retard rallies. It was obvious from the very start that sooner or later it was going to be a major problem.
          Rallies in general are good for the left because the left is the establishment and the press will ALWAYS hide their bad behavior and tell tall tales about the heroic protestors standing for what is good and right. This is how it has been for many decades.
          But the right kept getting lucky. This luck generally shielded what were obvious consequences.
          Of course, it was Spencer who invited the Klan, TWP, Enoch and his group of retards to show up in Nazi uniforms and KKK shit. It was giant shit-show.
          I’m sorry, but Ray Charles could see it coming. This is why the so-called “leaders” aren’t fit to lead anything.

          • >>>Of course, it was Spencer who invited the Klan, TWP, Enoch and his group of retards to show up in Nazi uniforms and KKK shit. It was giant shit-show.
            I’m sorry, but Ray Charles could see it coming. <<<

            Congratulations on accepting everything Shlomo told you about that event. Guess all the “Nazis” and “KKK” were wearing invisibility cloaks.

          • I saw it with my own eyes. When Baked Alaska got sprayed someone took his camera and there was TWP guys in Nazi uniforms and waving Nazi flags. It wasn’t just that one guy with the creases in the flag.
            It is Jason Kessler, not Shlomo who said that it was Spencer who got those guys involved and he has the phone records to prove it. Spencer got pissed at Kessler because he refused to be photographed making “ironic” Hitler salutes Again, phone records to prove it.
            Isn’t it ironic that Kessler, not the brightest guy in the world, is the one who showed intelligence and character by not being fooled into being photographed making a universally hated gesture!
            You people are a clown show. You are the reason the white right has gotten nowhere in 50 years. We are quickly running out of time and you are spazing defending idiots!

          • Absolute bullshit. You are flat-out lying about there being more than one guy with a Nazi flag.

            UTR was Kessler’s event through and through, but even if Spencer did invite TWP, so what? They were guarding the entrances to the park.

            Go back to the SPLC foxhole you climbed out of and spread your disinformation elsewhere.

          • I grant that there were a few Nazi symbols at the event, but these were vastly magnified by the media. I only saw two people doing that. One was the much-photographed guy who had the flag that still had creases in it, who nobody knew.

            But we had a permit and could not keep them out of a public rally if we had wanted to.

            Finally, I agree that Spencer and Enoch were employing the half ironic-half serious Nazi memes and the reason is that those memes were attracting a tremendous amount of young people.

          • >>> I agree that Spencer and Enoch were employing the half ironic-half serious Nazi memes and the reason is that those memes were attracting a tremendous amount of young people.<<<

            Neither Spencer nor Enoch said to dress as a Nazi LARPer, nor did they do so themselves.

            Anglin and Weev both explicitly cautioned against doing so and made it clear that all attendees should be in White Polos.

          • The left was not always the establishment and the media. They gradually took it over since the late 19th century.

            Back in the late 19th early 20th century the left was just as despised a group of revolutionary malcontents (where we today are just dissidents), usually foreigners which was another strike against them, but in any such confrontation where they lost to the police, factory owners, etc, they never admitted it to be a loss. And if anything they were usually the provocateurs who played the victim doing their classic tactic of the leftist crying out in pain as he strikes you. Even in the 1968 Chicago Democrat convention, the Weather Underground and other groups went there with the intention of starting a riot then blaming the cops for responding. It worked.

            These people were and are amoral liars who are not above putting others in a position to be injured or killed then ghoulishly waving the bloody shirt and crying over the poor victim and to gain the sympathy of normies. It worked at least until recently but by now, they don’t even need to use this tactic anymore. Using photos of the illegal and his daughter drowned didn’t work but old habits die hard.

            Another thing was they were usually covert about their revolutionary schemes claiming instead their actions were to benefit the working man often using the labor movement as camouflage. AFL-CIO, Industrial Workers of the World (Wobblies) anyone?
            Over time, they gradually wormed their way into schools, newspapers and the offices of local politicians.

            But most of all, they were relentless and knew it would take decades to achieve their ultimate goals which were gained in small increments at a time. These people never give up.

            That’s what we need to be: Relentless and understand that we’re not going to win everything in just the first one hundred days of a Trump presidency. We have to take the small gains and keep building on them over generations ratcheting it up little bit at a time instead of whining in despair that the left wasn’t defeated two years ago.

          • The press was always sympathetic to leftists.
            The left slowly took over unguarded institutions. The institutions are no longer unguarded. The institutions are now filled with activists and ideologues. They also control the schools which makes sure no new “journalists” with wrong-think can get in to rot it from the inside out.
            Another thing people don’t realize is that up until the early 90s, these people had state backing from the Soviets. They had money and intelligence coming from the Soviet system.
            One area we really need to infiltrate is law. But again, they have the law schools and the Bars well guarded.

            But I agree that if there is any chance of winning, it will be a long game and not a rush into the endzone.

  38. We are never going to get anything meaningful out of Trump. That doesn’t mean he isn’t useful.

    He gets to be the big bad white man with the big bad brash twitter account. He has draw our enemies out of the shadows and force their hand into revealing themselves and their hatred of everything white. Even Yang is now openly on that bandwagon. The more of this the better. He’s destroying the cancerous middle.

    • We have to redpill on that. We have to put the New York Times headlines and left-wing Tweets right up to normie’s face and say, do you see how much they hate us? Do you see how much they hate you?

      • It still won’t matter – they won’t see because they don’t want to see. It’s too painful to accept that everything they believed was a lie, that humanity’s essential tribal nature remains unchanged, that their living amongst relative peace and an historical anomaly, not the eternal norm.

    • He has draw our enemies out of the shadows and force their hand into revealing themselves and their hatred of everything white.

      He has also lured ethno-nationalists out, making them easy targets for the next administration.

      • @Felix Krull-

        My Dear Sir,

        No it was our rising that lured Trump out. He saw an host without a leader and stepped forward.
        That power was lying fallow which a most unnatural state for power and only transient.

        We lured forth a leader. As for us we were doomed to fight or die the moment we even thought NO, never mind uttered NO.

        We lured forth Trump, not the other way round.

      • Credit to Krull- he’s certainly gotten the Left riled up, the elites well funded with ‘tax cuts’, and Israel triumphant as the strong horse.

  39. Trump was and is surrounded by GOP enemies looking to harm him. The Right needs to be active in the GOP with a view to taking it over within 5 years. The Left has successfully taken over the Dems….why can’t we do the same?

    • Precisely. That question used to be posed to the Libertarians a couple decades or so ago. The GOP always blamed them when they ran candidates on the Lib ticket for GOP loses in close races. In other words, the GOP arrogantly claimed to “own” the votes the Lib’s got. The GOP said to the Lib’s “join the GOP and place your candidates in our primaries”. So we did. Seems the GOP didn’t like that either (see Rand Paul).

      • When the Tea Party first arose, there was talk of creating a new, really conservative party. That raised wails of panic, and instead recommendations that the Tea Party simply take over the GOP. I mean, there it was, sitting there, with its strong brand name and organized presence across the country. A new party would just split the vote and the right wouldn’t be able to win an election for 20 years. Surely this was the more sensible course of action!

        Well, here it is, we’re halfway through those 20 years and the right STILL hasn’t won an election, since Trump’s pretty much carrying out Bush’s third term. The Tea Party, far from taking over the GOP, was swallowed whole by it, leaving no trace. If the new party had been formed, there would be candidates running for Congress next year and winning. Instead, the promise of the Tea Party turned to ashes, and Trump is doing the same.

    • Right wing people can’t take over the GOP because a few thousand wealthy donors, who are pro-massive immigration and pro-outsourcing, determine who gets enough campaign money to run for office in the first place.

      You will never see anyone run who agrees with you because their funding will be overwhelmed by the funding given by small cliche of international cosmopolitans to GOP crypto-globalist anti-whites.

      • Also the right isn’t known to part with their money very easily either…Ask Z what the donations are compared to readership I bet it’s pretty small…

    • Why? Simple. Because the Left has more weapons – the academy, media, corporations, Hollywood, music. We need a sanctuary. A place to hole up. A homeland. A place we can defend. Kentucky? Tennessee? North. Carolina? South Carolina?

  40. Is a peaceful transition of power even possible anymore? Even the limited actions that Trump has attempted have all but been thwarted by The Resistance in the judiciary and federal agencies….not to mention what’s going on with the security apparatus of the state.

    It would take an electoral landslide I think to convince bureaucrats that it might be in their best interests to do what the head of the executive branch tells them to do, whether that head be Trump or Tucker Carlson or Kris Kobach or whoever.

    • The bureaucrats and politicians line their personal pockets with geld grifted from the current status quo system. No reasonable alternative offers anything compelling to them. Why would they support something that eliminates lining their own pockets? I think Trump understands this, so he calibrates his arguments and actions to operate around the edges of it, posturing without doing much that is meaningful at the core of it all. He is looking to find a way for the public to force the changes, without getting his own hands too dirty, and getting too out front. Now he is running out of steam.

      • I wonder if the Epstein thing will wake anyone up? It should be apparent that we now live in a low-trust banana republic.

      • They’ll change their minds once the post-2020 Permanent Racist Communist One Party State gets going in full gear. But of course by then it will be too late.

        Trump was the literal Last Chance to avoid a civil war, and he blew it.

        • Yes. Being murdered in the streets or placed in a concentration camp might tend to get some of the 40% of liberal whites attention.

          • I live among them. The elites will form their own versions of the Judenrat and trade off their lessers in order to be eaten last. Or hope the beast is eventually sated.

        • Mambo Sun said: “They’ll change their minds once the post-2020 Permanent Racist Communist One Party State gets going in full gear. But of course by then it will be too late.” The only thing that will get Anglo-Europian Americas up off their collective asses. Is the day they make it illegal for white people to buy corn chips and salsa, do to cultural appropriation. Then White America will rise up in righteous indignation and storm the bastille. But not untill.

    • Pretty sure that the historical record shows very clearly that a peaceful transition of power is usually an impossible ask. Even when it should be obvious to the elites that they are failing miserably.

      When the colonists issued the Declaration – the King could have sat back and considered their position and said “boy I really am a dick – I should stop infringing on their full rights as Englishmen”.

      The Nazis could have potentially stepped down from power and saved Germany from being overrun by commies. Instead – they fought it out right down to the bitter end – and when they got to the point where they were hiding in bunkers under Berlin and the Russians were pounding them with artillery – they resorted to blaming the German people for their predicament.

      This was after they told all the elderly , already war wounded, and young boys to go pick up their Panzerfausts and get to the front.

      It’s not like there weren’t people who didn’t see the writing on the wall well before the ultimate fall.

      A more prescient leadership could have made a judgement call and said: ” this is going to go very badly for us – we should make a separate deal with the Brits and the US and keep the Soviets from overrunning the country and raping all the women”.

      But that didn’t happen.

      And given the lunacy of the ruling elite we are currently stuck with – I’d say it’s a very safe bet it won’t happen here either.

      So the short answer is: No – a peaceful transition of power is almost 100% guaranteed to NOT be possible at this point in the game.

      The only way I see something relatively “peaceful” occurring – is with a counter elite that sees their positions being threatened by the lunacy of the globohomo crowd.

      If this “elite” exists – it sure is keeping itself pretty well hidden.

    • WHAT??!! You mean to tell me you were led astray, by the Most Smartest Man In The Universe?!

      B-b-b-but he’s a member of Mensa! He has a super-high IQ! He has written many books, about elves slaughtering goblins! How could he possibly fool you about Q! Maybe you weren’t paying attention, and he was really talking about IQ instead. Did I forget to mention how super-enormously high, his high IQ is?

      It’s really, really high. I think Neil Armstrong passed through it once, in orbit.

      We’re talking high.

      • I used to think that most of that was just an act he put on for the cellar dwellers … but after awhile it was pretty obvious that he had issues controlling his emotions. It’s too bad; he might have made a good voice for the disaffected young men that are being vilified by our pozzed culture. Mind you – he hasn’t crashed as badly as Spencer or Milo. Maybe if he grows up he might yet redeem himself.

      • By all means. We can’t get enough of punching right. Ironically, Vox Day quotes and links the Zman approvingly on his blog today.

        • I don’t agree with Vox on everything – just as I don’t agree with Zman on everything. Take the good and then leave without crapping in another man’s own blog. I am no acolyte of anyone – but I frequently mention things here I learned the truth of there.

        • Yes he does. But 6 months ago, Zman was his bete noir, right up there with Jordan Peterson. He’s mercurial, Vox is. It’s no use trying to figure out which way a guy like that will jump.

    • I never followed QAnon much, because I’m more of a “not c,” but I wasn’t aware it had been revealed to be a hoax. Can someone tell me why Larry and Z believe QAnon is a hoax?

      • Proof of the hoax would be nice, but I had my suspicions. I am embarrassed to admit that I watched several of the lengthy exegetical YT postings of a dude called Praying Medic, in which he parsed Q posts like a Talmudic scholar. My interest waned as I noticed that the day of reckoning was constantly being pushed out for no discernable reason, just like the Jehova’s Witnesses kept getting the date for Armageddon wrong until they shut up about it. As Z has suggested with today’s ice cream allegory, people are so hungry for real change that they’re primed to believe anything offering a glimmer of hope. Resist running for the music because the rocket pop won’t fly.

      • The premise of Q-ology is as follows:
        – Trump is beleaguered in the Imperial Capital, and has resorted to communicating in coded messages with his trusted lieutenants in key places such as the intelligence community and the military;
        – One such patriot is Jeff Sessions, working methodically in the shadows to bring down the whole rotten cabal while putting up a senile front in public;
        – One or several top level MAGA operatives are posting messages on image boards to coordinate their efforts and keep the pedes at large abreast of what’s coming. You see, despite appearances, the constant cucking and inaction from the Trump Administration are a ploy to keep the Swamp complacent while the ducks are being lined up and the forces of justice assemble.
        – Those messages need to be deliberately cryptic and vague to avoid alerting the enemies of MAGA to the trap closing in on them. All YOU need to do is decode them and you, too, can be in on the plan.

        Cue conspiracy-minded boomers everywhere becoming amateur cryptologists and chastising the Trump doubters for their misgivings and skepticism. MAGA is being secretly carried out, you’re just not privy to the inside dope.

        Q apologists come in several shapes and sizes:
        – Retired boomers with too much time on their hands and inexplicably, terrifyingly, a working knowledge of Windows Movie Maker;
        – Shills and grifters taking boomers for a ride, monetizing the hope porn with clicks and merchandise;
        – Amateur Sun Tzus like Vox Day who stress the morale component;
        – Conspiratorium dwellers like NeonRevolt who rejoice at the inflow of willing autists digging into the depravity of our elites, particularly as pertains to the paedo stuff.

        The reality, though, is that Q has been a disservice to our side:
        – It has spawned true believers incapable of holding Trump to account on his campaign promises;
        – It has shifted MAGApedes’ focus from immigration & trade to paedo chasing;
        – It has black-pilled lots of us as Sessions has turned out to be the doddering dud he always appeared to be;
        – It has made us all look like retards who will believe anything.

        Q qualifies as a hoax because it has become apparent that those who adhered to the 4D Chess hypothesis have been taken for a ride. If Trump had been a master of intrigue quietly dismantling the Deep State,there would be telltale signs of the fumigation by now, such as high level arrest and indictments, mass suicides at the DNC and Hollywood, elite sex dungeons being raided, and policy victories galore.

        Instead, Trump has turned out to be exactly what the cooler heads feared he always was: a NY boomer who got lucky working an angle. He lives in the 1980s, and in his mind it will never not be the 1980s. It’s all there: the fetishizing of the economy for its own sake, the deliberate reduction of racial questions to a law and order proposition, the cucked-out civic fantasies, the save-the-children mushiness, the legislating from sentiments, the emotional restraint worthy of a spinster. Is it any surprise his big bugaboos would include video games and heavy metal?

        Like any hoax, Q:
        – Mixed in real info with bullshit
        – Tapped into the emotional investment of an audience primed for cognitive dissonance, what with the pain of seeing the hopes of 2016 come to naught;
        – Required a giant leap of faith to be anything but obvious hogwash;
        – Stretched credulity from the beginning, and appears more fantastical as it ages, requiring believers to either double down on their delusion, gouge out their eyes, fry the part of their brains responsible for logical connections and otherwise block out all encroachments of reality, or reflect upon what fools they have been.

        • The few bits of Q that I saw quoted, read like something out of Nostradamus. “The Bad Man will arise, in either the East or South, his name starts with either H, M, or P, or maybe C, his Bad Minions will do Bad Things…”

          Then I woke up, and my legs were broken and my pillow was gone. And my copy of Tamerlaine the Great was really, REALLY dog-eared.

          • Nostradamus # 572

            Comes there the time – prolly in June
            when the country of the eagle
            fakes a landing on the moon

      • I followed the links and leads left by Vox and ending up reading a huge summary of the putative intelligence drops compiled by Neon Revolt and it dawned on me (I am a bit slow) that this is not a likely way for a military intelligence man to leak info – it’d be much more effective for this source to leak via a more reasonable conduit and not a cite teeming with child porn

        I never went to 8 chan because Neon Revolt told his readers there is child porn published there.

        Why would a legit source of intelligence comprise his info by submerging it in such evil filth?

        I’ll admit I was susceptible to manipulation by this putative source because I am sick to death of politics as usual and I am desirous of action that will really drain the swamp but that seems increasingly unlikely to happen.

        I was hoping against hope that an insider was working on behalf of men like me but I think there is a better chance the the next POTUS will be Sarah Silverman than that the swamp will actually be drained.

        The one thing I will say in favor of Trump is that many of his tweets are so outlandish and outrageous that they are a source of laughter for me and my son.

        I never thought I’d be alive to live during a time when one such as he could be elected. He is the funniest bastid ever to be POTUS

      • It is like reading Nostradamus – the wording is so cryptic, you can always shoehorn some “confirmation” of “something happened somewhere therefore its true!” That sort of thing tends to make it suspicious. Daily horoscopes follow the same pattern.

  41. No good man wants to run for and serve as a politician. No good man can possibly register a material difference against the forces arrayed in opposition. No good man will ever be handed out from the truck again. That brand is history.

  42. As for Gun Control, I’ll just reiterate: Trump never claimed to be a social conservative. He’s a rich guy from NYC, born and bred. If you thought he was going to take a political hit to support some extreme NRA position you weren’t paying attention. I’m much more upset at the failure on immigration, which is the only issue that matters. But on that issue Trump has gotten ZERO support from anyone in DC. He’s fighting alone. He could have done better but he’s up against a united establishment.

    • All the more reason to not make any concession to the left with words – he has control over what comes out of his own mouth. Monday’s mumblings are a disaster.

      • And mumblings are translated into what legislation? Have you seen such? I’ve not. I agree, that in the rush to “solve” the problem we are wise to be suspicious and raise concerns, but judgement depends on seeing what the proposed legislation will be. Nothing may be better than something, but it also may not be either—assuming you are still playing the political game as the elite would have it.

    • The issue of whether Trump was genuine or fake is secondary – his ineffectiveness is what matters. It’s proof that the system can’t be fixed from inside. We’re going to have to use extra-Constitutional, extra-systemic means. That doesn’t mean violence, it doesn’t mean chaos in the streets, but it does mean returning to real first principles and legitimizing disobedience. Not everyone can or will pay that price, I get that, but the fact is that unless a critical mass puts that kind of skin in the game and risks being tank-manned, we’re just going to keep playing kabuki Left-Right until we go down the one-party Caesarist road to factionalism and balkanization that Z’s already predicted. In that I see the latter as inevitable, I’m working to discover 5PT options from here on out.

      • When boomertards and conservatards cite the Declaration, the only part they can remember is “all men are created equal” (which, by the way, isn’t even the proposition, it is not a free-standing thought, it is only part one of a multi-part proposition).

        They seem to forget the parts about “When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary…” and, “But when a long train of abuses and usurpations evinces its design to reduce them under absolute tyranny…”

        And especially, they forget the part about “It is their Right, it is their Duty…”

        An intelligent reading of the document reveals that the “all men are created equal” stuff is merely the groundwork laid out to support the real stuff, which has to with “it is their right, it is their duty”.

        Which implies…?

          • Tax Slave said: “It implies…it’s high time to water the tree of liberty.” Ya know, if Thomes Jefferson were alive today. He’d say: ” You know that blood watering tree thing I was talking about? Yah well, given the present circumstances, I guess maybe we should try and find a work around.”

        • I was a little taken aback by the commie interpretation of “all men are created equal” – because I had thought I always understood it in it’s proper context, which was a protest of the King’s treatment of colonists as second class citizens.

          People forget – the colonists didn’t start out wanting to start a revolution and separate , they wanted the King to stop treating them like shit and respect their rights as Englishmen.

          Interpreting “all men are created equal” to mean that we should just invite the dark hordes to invade our shores is just as subversionary as treating that Emma Lazarus poem as a founding principle of the Republic.

      • This is 2nd reference to “5PT”. I find your comments useful, but please forgive my ignorance. Google doesn’t seem to clarify the matter. What does “5PT” mean?

        • “5PT” means “Fifth Political Theory.”

          Essentially, it’s the idea that non-suicidial Whites will become their own distinct tribe and pursue collective interests in the same way other ethnicities do.

          The idea is that “good whites” will sluff off thru age and failure to breed/intermarriage, leaving behind only a core of ethnocentric Whites. Obviously, it’s a multi-generational ideal.

    • Americans need to understand the reality of gun control. It works in California (sort of) because they are all homosexuals, wiccans, socialists, hippies and other vibrant forms of marginal people. Plus, everyone ignores the criminals that commit crimes with guns, preferring to blame gun club stubfarts and Fudds instead. And that non-compliance is massive. Most people will not obey their gun laws, and most cops will not enforce them unless the boss is watching. Don’t be at all surprised if when the civil war starts – it starts in a blue state.

      • “Don’t be at all surprised if when the civil war starts – it starts in a blue state.”

        Don’t be surprised at all.
        And The Red States will spend months first trying to avoid it and then do as little as possible to support it.

        If this isn’t over in less than a month the first year of several will be spent figuring out who’s who. It will at least be another year breaking in new armies and finding real commanders. Only in year 3 will progress be made on either side.

    • People want to believe. Most folks are both average and busy looking after everyday stuff. If anyone had been bothered they could have looked at either his, his daughter’s or his son-in-law’s political donations. The information is still available. There’s nothing to the right of McCain or Romney there. And much to the left (although in NYC you have to kowtow to certain people if you want to get on.)

    • some extreme NRA position

      It is red flag laws, not opposition to them, that is ‘extreme.’ And the threat of gun confiscation is NOT paranoid. A SCOTUS that can invent the ‘right’ to gay marriage can read anything into the 2nd amendment according to its ideological preferences. I didnt know this before but New Zealand had gun laws almost a free as the US. Until the Christchurch massacre. Now the cops are literally walking door to door down there. Australia in the 1990s, after a similar mass shooting, same story. In Europe people have been conditioned to accept that every firearm, even singleshot shotguns, have to be registered and can be removed administratively by the police at any time. This CAN happen in America.

      If I had to choose, I would agree that immigration is even more important to solve than guns. But there is no logical path through which gun control advances immigration stop in any way. And if immigration is NOT solved, all the more reason to have guns. B/c then things will get sporty.

      • Exactly.

        First I read ” we must purge our ranks of traitors like libertarians”.

        Then I read ” some extreme NRA position ”

        And I think : well somebody make sure that Rcocean gets his ass planted on the purge list.

        Comments like the ones from Rcocean just go to show how utterly clueless – or left wing (aren’t these one and the same?) some of the stuff I read here is.

        Here’s a Pro Tip: The NRA doesn’t even come CLOSE to having “extreme” views on gun rights. They’ve sold out time and time and time again – and I’m sure they’ll sell out on red flag laws as well.

        The NRA is the cuckservative wing of the gun rights crowd.

        Only an ignorant leftie or Fuddtard would be thinking otherwise.

  43. On the bright side, Trump has been central to a cultural awakening. Your blog audience numbers wouldn’t be the same had Trump not descended in 2015, and had the 2016 race been between Jeb! and the Hildabeast. That cultural cat’s out of the bag.

        • bilejones said: “Does it matter as long as it’s black?” Deng Xiaoping said: “It doesn’t matter if a cat is black or white, so long as it catches mice.”

    • I’m all for acknowledging Trump’s shortcomings. But the question remains, what are you going to do for an encore? Who do you have a plausible opportunity to elect who’s going to be more favorable to your interests?

      Realistically, we have no one waiting in the wings to pick up our banner. When Trump exits the stage, what little forbearance the government still shows in acting against us will be gone.

      Faulting Trump is easy, and yes, he makes it easy. But I’m not seeing any options on offer. I think at some point you have to accept that this is the best you’re going to be able to do and work with it as best you can. If anyone has a better option, I’m all ears. I don’t see how tearing down Trump without having a backup plan buys us anything at all.

      If he does nothing for us, at least he doesn’t go out of his way to bash us any more than the PR release requires.

          • Epaminondas said: ” Our gnashing of teeth at Trump only emboldens our enemies..” Your right. The lefties have known that sence day one. Everything they believe is absolutely perfect, just ask them.

          • The “God Emperor” jokes were funny for a few months back in December 2016 and early 2017. They’re just a dated reference now.

      • Tucker Carlson gets it. Josh Hawley gets it.
        Better than Pence the Christian Zionist. Tucker or Hawley can represent us decently Pence will hand the rabbi his writing instruments for United States laws.

      • Agreed. Trump for all his imperfections is the only hope we have at present. I am nearly a single issue voter and proponent of the 2A. I am not happy with Trump at present. However I am of the opinion that the next democrat in the White House will bring a total Marxist takeover with him/her.

        So if Trump can get elected again, not a sure thing at all, we will at least have four more years, to prepare. Those will be precious years indeed. Then in 2024, if we are lucky, we can deal with the communists trying to outright purge us Kulaks.

  44. I’m starting to wonder if detachment is the only reasonable option remaining. America increasingly appears beyond saving. Perhaps we should focus on saving ourselves instead. Let the normies go down with the ship, as they seem determined to do that against all sense. Admittedly, that’s a losing attitude. But sometimes you have to cut your losses.

    • Hmmmmm. It’d be nice, but I wonder about the way that would work. How do we seperate our fate from theirs, Wkathman?

          • That will never be allowed because diversity for thee but not for me is both the elite’s religion and drug.

            We certainly can try to get these things and should as I could be wrong but it’s probably going to come to the Dissident Right realizing they had better join or die and making it happen

            And I’ll note that force and sacrifice do work. California has rampant ethnic cleansing of Blacks by Latinos and while people have gone to Federal Prison for it , they were willing to make the sacrifice for their people

            We aren’t there and this is illegal so don’t do that but do note there are whole neighborhoods that were Black warzones that are now Hispanic and are better for it

            Whites however lack any kind of solidarity even in modest groups like say a Rotary club and they find it harder to get things done

            They also lack enough paranoia to keep infiltrators out , the Tea Party being the arch example.

            You have to think a little like a criminal or mobster these days and be wary of infiltration .

            A last thing, the Dissident Right isn’t really a movement but should it become one, it is going to have set ground rules and expel anyone who does not comply with them

            It’s not just Feds that should worry you but Leftist moles (c.f Charlottesville) and Libertarian types as well.

            You already know Leftists are opposed but Libertarians also should be treated as enemies

            If you are going to be an authoritarian movement you can’t have people whose whose goal is no laws against degeneracy, much less state and more corporate power these people are at best a poor fit .

          • Taylor’s group is full of jews whose tribe fares best in a multi-racial, multi-ethnic milieu. The current trajectory will not change so long as jews control the issuance of debt money world-wide and occupy the keys nodes of power and influence.

            Johnson’s cleanse won’t save us, precisely because it is slow and non-violent. We may seek non-violent “detachment,” segregation, or secession, but our enemies are already fully committed to violent oppression, hegemony, and genocide as necessary to achieve their ends “by any means.”

            The notion that violence will not be foisted upon us does not jibe with historic reality.
            Given the strengths and vulnerabilities of White folk as a collective, the goal of securing a future for White children on this continent will not be possible without a strictly homogeneous White homeland, And carving one out somewhere, such as the Pacific northwest, will not be possible without hardened hearts and plain old-fashioned physical courage.

    • Wkathman said: “I’m starting to wonder if detachment is the only reasonable option remaining. America increasingly appears beyond saving. Perhaps we should focus on saving ourselves instead.” YES! The light goes on. I’ve been saying that for a while. Find a group of people you can trust. People that know how to survive. Then just settle in, roll up your sleeves, and get busy. But remember, if you stay anywhere in the U.S. your still in the belly of the beast. So plan accordingly.

      • And “get busy” doing what exactly? This whole “detachment” business seems incredibly cryptic to me.

        • silviosilver said: ” And “get busy” doing what exactly? This whole “detachment” business seems incredibly cryptic to me.” It’s real simple. It’s building a community of like-minded individuals. Whether it’s in the city, suburbs or the country side. You’ll need to “get busy” and fashion a new life for yourself. Here’s a link to a website called ” AMERIKA” with an artical intitled: ” WGTOW.” Which means White people going their own way. This is just one solution to the question.

  45. Of course, the problem with the Right is they elect people Reagan or Trump and then they think their job is finished and all they have to do is “fall in line and support our guy”. No, the job has just started. the POTUS is just one of 3 branches of government, and you need to keep the pressure on “your” politician to keep his promises and push your position. The left does that. The Right just wants to go home watch football and let “our guy” take care of of everything. A recipe for disappointment.

    • Correct.

      The States have all continued to piss money into the college rat-holes churning out “studies” (Blacks, Queers, Dagos, One-legged Eskimo etc) graduates regardless of if the Dems or GOP control the State Government. At one point during Barry the Kenyan’s reign over 50% of States has Republican Governors and majorities in both the House and Senate,

      • “Dagos”? Are you serious? Do you realize that’s called either History of Rome or History of the Renaissance?

      • Dagos? Are you sure you didn’t mean WOPs? How disgusting. Italians were not treated well back in the 50s so many of them had to open their own businesses to earn a living. No one would hire them. Now they dominate some fields of endeavor. Turns out they were white people after all … just like Greeks … all Europeans.
        I cannot imagine what you are thinking to insult these fine people.
        You may simply be a piece of shit. Am I close?

    • To accomplish that broad of a goal, you’d need a strong Congressional majority in both houses that was genuinely nationalist-populist and beholden to the voters rather than the donors. Not going to happen under the present system, which is incapable of reforming itself – the one thing I know Trump has proven.

    • How dare you criticize the deified Alzheimers patient. Praise be the Fortune 500 and their cheap illegal labor.

    • “the POTUS is just one of 3 branches of government, and you need to keep the pressure on “your” politician to keep his promises and push your position.”

      You’re forgetting the 4th and most important (albeit unofficial) branch of government: the universities. There, they groom and indoctrinate all those who will be our bureaucrats, lawyers, judges, schoolteachers, journalists, entertainers, and various other “intellectuals”.

      This is where the true power lies. Feckless politicians have far less power than we wish to realize. This is why nothing changes. Ever. Except that the ideology of the campus because more entrenched every year.

      Don’t just demand more of your politicians. Demand that the universities be de-funded, and demand that the gov’t bureaucracy be cut in half, at the very least. Starve the parasites.

      • Our ten-year old granddaughter recently visited, and told Grandma her school cried when Trump was elected two years ago. Obama was a “good president” and Bernie was now her favorite candidate. De-funding Universities won’t work, it is already too late.

        • Why ten year olds are even being dragged into thinking about electoral politics is beyond me.

          I suppose that it’s just another indicator how far down the line the lefties have permeated political thinking into every aspect of our existence.

          When I was ten years old I didn’t give two thoughts to politics. In fact I probably didn’t care too much – and didn’t know too much – until I was in college.

          Getting ten year olds to have an opinion on the President is probably in line with the lefties’ effort to drag in all sorts of low information voters. Why not push the voting age down to 8 years old so all the elementary school kiddies can just blindly follow their “teachers” suggestion on who to elect?

    • Rcocean said: “Of course, the problem with the Right is they elect people Reagan or Trump and then they think their job is finished and all they have to do is “fall in line and support our guy”. No, the job has just started.” Exactlly. The Liberal/left never sleeps. Sense the French Revolution those basterds have been in it too win. Which is why, in the long run, they always do. So realistically, what are the chances, that between now and 2020 you can convince 60+ million Americans to stand and put up a serious fight for their lives and country? Of course, ya got to give it a shot right? I mean, you can’t let the Devil have it for free. ( But remember, everybody on the dark side will be pulling out all the stops too bump Pres.Trump down the road. Their going to use every trick they can think of to destroy him once and for all. It’s going to be all hands on deck, and “by any means necessary.” The beast ain’t going to be f**kin’ around this time. ) So yah, I’m not holding my breath for an oncore performance of the big orange blowhard.

      • The Z Man said: “Trump was the creamsicle of politics. He was orange on the outside and white on the inside.” Ya know folks. Donny J. never actually meant the same thing we do when he said “Make America Great Again.” He’s a mixture of industrial capitalist, leave it to beave nostalgic, center right progressivism. And even though he has a genuine soft spot for the working class he’s not one of us. Plus that knuckle head pulls all kinds of rookie mistakes, like letting his doughter and son in law have full accses and influance. How unprofessional is that? Their like a family of upper class gypsys. The only one in the family that seem to be a truly decent level-headed person is Melania. But she’s not a politicians wife. She’s a beautiful woman who married a rich guy and did her her duty and gave him a child. Which is fine, nothing wrong with that. But beauty doesn’t cut progressive throats. What we needed was a hadrass right wing Hillery that could get in there and take care of business. Like pushing Ivanka and jared’s asses out the door. But f**k it, ya got to play the hand your delt.

    • So I guess metaphors aren’t your thing, eh? You utterly missed the entire thrust of this post, and all of Zman’s other excellent and instructional posts. We cannot vote our way out of this, unless and until we have a government and elite who do not hate us and recognize the legitimacy of White interests because they recognize the truth of
      HBD . . . ie. NEVER.

      What “pressure” can be brought to bear? Even 20 years ago, when Texas was a little bit Whiter and not as many of those Whites were Californians or Chicagoans as now, the repukes here had voted in John Corbyn, who’s never met a pro-immigrant bill he wouldn’t champion, and Kay Bailout Hutchison. Our rep was a Vietnam POW who recently retired at 86 – otherwise the rubes, good “conservatives” and republicans all, would have kept him in office until they carted his desiccated corpse out
      the door.

      There is NO WAY OUT through the system. We must stop the system in in its tracks by waking more normies to its illegitimacy and voting’s futility. Personally, I disagree with Zman that such a thing is even possible, but that’s a different ball of wax.

    • I think, also, it’s a point I’ve made to Zman since our days harassing the kept men over at National Review: Trump has put to lie all the b.s. we were fed by Republicans for decades. Trump doesn’t have his border wall for the simple reason that Republicans in Congress – when they held both chambers by comfortable margins – outright refused to do what they promised. Don’t like that Obamacare is still Law? Thanks John McCain may you rot in hell you duplicitous, backstabbing, sonuvabitch.

      In fact, the GOP was so desperate to prevent Trump from winning that 45 – FORTY FIVE – of them “retired” a year before the mid-terms. When we say the establishment was and is in a civil war against us, this is why.

      We could have elected a perfect candidate 100% aligned with our goals (cough, whatever those are), and endowed with suave and savvy communications and negotiating skills, and we would be in exactly the same place.

      I’ve said this since 2015: Trump has ripped away the tattered threads of legitimacy covering our hopelessly corrupt system. I don’t care who you put in that job, they will fair no better.

      And by the way, what “gun grab”? What legislation has been passed? What guns have been grabbed? Trump’s job is to sound reasonable while the Senate has some hearings and people forget and move on to the next thing. The worst case thing that happens is that they pass a law banning suicidal maniacs and diagnosed psychopaths from possessing guns. But don’t bet on even that happening. Best case, Trump gets a call from the NRA saying “dude, STFU”, and within a few weeks everybody forgets or realizes there have been 10x that number of people killed in our cities but nobody GAF because you can’t make money off it.

      Were Clinton elected we would:
      – still have a health care mandate
      – be WELL on our way to single-payer healthcare
      – still be losing to ISIS
      – have TWO New Democrats on the SCOTUS
      – be paying higher tax rates
      – be bowing to China and ducking ICBMs from the Norks
      – suffering a hot summer of race riots (people forget that Obama encouraged that crap)
      – be marching towards full amnesty not just “dreamers”

      Don’t tell me it would not be horribly worse. Don’t tell me you’ve got somebody who could do any better.

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