Post Soviet America

Way back in the late stages of the Cold War, the Soviet political class started to fracture and splinter. The reform movement of Gorbachev was one faction, while the old guard that resisted him was another. There were other factions playing both sides against one another, as well as genuine reformers on the fringe. The reason the ruling elite was splintering was the system over which they ruled was no longer functioning. This reality was becoming clear to many, but not everyone in the party agreed.

Intrigue began to dominate party politics in the final stages of the Soviet Union. There was always politics within the party, but it revolved around the ruling center, much as court intrigue would revolve around the king. As the system began to falter, that center collapsed and party politics was conspiracies within conspiracies, as factions jockeyed for power. Eventually, the system collapsed and the party with it. What followed was a period of looting by oligarchs that rushed into to fill the void.

It is an important thing to think about when analyzing what’s happening in current year America. In the West, the response to the end of the Cold War was the replacement of the old sober minded political class with their self-absorbed, amoral children. The most notable example being Bill and Hillary Clinton, who have come to symbolize Baby Boomer political culture. Theirs is a politics of limitless mendacity. Everything is for sale, including the very institution over which they preside.

In other words, the Soviet Empire fell into a period of chaos and disorder in response to the end of the Cold War, while America fell into a period of self-indulgence. This way of framing it is like two sports teams after a championship match. The losers fall into finger pointing and blaming one another. The winners go on a bender to celebrate their victory and the benefits that come with it. Eventually, the loser regroups. In the case of Russia, it is becoming a normal country again.

There may be another way of reading the post-Soviet period in America. It may be that the period ushered in by the Clintons was an interregnum.  Both sides of the Cold War were purpose built to face off against one another. The Russians bankrupted themselves with an ineffective organizational model, so the end of the Cold War brought a genuine collapse, as that was the only way forward. In America, the country was still rich, so the old model could trundle on as if nothing really changed.

This interregnum was a period where the old political order carried on searching for an enemy to replace the Soviets. First it was the Muslims, which gave us two ghastly wars of choice and the surveillance state. That weakened America greatly, but instead of facing the long overdue reorganization, the political class tried reinventing the Russian bogeyman. Now, as in late stage Soviet Russia, the political center has collapsed and we are entering a similar period of chaos and intrigue.

Like the Soviets, we have oligarchs jockeying to loot what’s left the country, seemingly uninterested in staving off collapse. Big Tech and Wall Street have all the signs of super-predators from another planet, waiting for the chance to rush in and steal whatever they think has value. Like Gorbachev’s government at the end, official Washington is weak, while a populist reform movement builds. Trump is not Boris Yeltsin, but no historic analogy is intended to be perfect.

Of course, there came a point in the late stages of the Soviet Union where the emerging power centers outside the party, what would become the oligarchs, resorted to violence in their struggles with one another and the party. This is something that is starting to turn up more and more in America. Starting with the execution of Seth Rich on a Washington street, through the explosion of Antifa violence, the country is now buzzing with conspiracy over the bizarre death of billionaire Jeffrey Epstein.

That is another thing we are seeing in America that was common toward the end of the Soviet Union. The public is so cynical about the motives and character of the ruling class, that no one believes anything. The fake news meme was effective because trust in the media had dropped to zero. The lies had simply accumulated to the point where no rational person could accept anything from the media at face value. The continued existence of mainstream media just increases the cynicism.

Now, something not reported in the old Soviet Union that we are seeing in current year America is the panic. We are currently in the midst of a White Fright, where the media is tasked with casting daily events as signs of a white supremacist uprising. The coalition of the ascendant is being told to lock their doors and remain vigilante, as the twelfth invisible Hitler is slated to return at any minute. Like the Russia hoax, this one is a ruling class hoax that suggests a breakdown at the very top.

Again, it is not a perfect analogy. That’s not how analogies work. That said, there are important differences between the end of Cold War America and the end of Cold War Russia. The interregnum between the end of the Cold War and current year America is one example. Another is the nature of the oligarchs ready to seize power from Washington. They are foreign in outlook, if not legality. The tech barons and Wall Street financiers have loyalties that transcend any attachment to nation.

These new oligarchs are globalists, while the Russian oligarchs were local. The oligarchs of current year America are anti-nationalists, seeking a post-national world order. Their desire is to turn the heart of the American Empire into just another province. There’s also a class consciousness to their enablers. The managerial elite see themselves as a new class, tasked with administering the new global order. These are not men for hire, as we saw in Russia. These are true believers.

There’s also the fact that the American military is a different thing than what evolved in the Soviet Union. The Russian military was quite comfortable involving itself in politics, while the America military lacks the talent and culture to do it. Civilian leaders in America have always been smart enough to choose obsequious and incompetent generals to run the military branches. The talent is down a few ranks. The culture of the military would not lend itself to political involvement either.

Even so, what all of this suggests is America is headed for a period of chaos similar to what gripped the Russians after the Cold War. Just as the Russian oligarchs were too greedy and short sighted to replace the party, our oligarchs are too foreign and feckless to provide an alternative to Washington. A period of chaos in probably what comes next for post-Soviet America. The sudden collapse of empire and then a reversion to its natural state after a period of chaos and violence.

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Matt Bracken
5 years ago

I learn a lot from nature. Patterns repeat like fractals up and down the spectrum from bacteria to empires. The USSR might have passed from the scene, but communism’s greatest victory was injecting the American larva with its seed. This parasitic wasp meme that I created helps to show this dynamic visually. This is the end result of the Gramsican/Fabian/Frankfurt School long march through our institutions, America is now erupting with millions of little communists. Today, Russia is run by former communists who are acting like nationalists, and America is run by open-border globalists who are just waiting to gain… Read more »

Reply to  Matt Bracken
5 years ago

I often lament and have stated it on here that we may have actually lost the cold war — the Soviet agitprop was that successful.

Reply to  Max
5 years ago

My father was adamant circa 1995 that the U.S. lost the Cold War. His opinion never changed.

Reply to  Max
5 years ago

I’ve said much the same before. Arbatov bragged that they were going to “take our enemy away” and defector Bezmenov claimed cultural Marxism was a slow acting poison the KGB introduced to do what their divisions couldn’t. Z’s right in putting the blame on the Enlightenment roots of modern Western culture. Accepting those core values trapped us in a dialectic where the Communists were too often and too easily portrayed as the young fresh-faced idealistic radicals who wanted the right things, just too fast, with “reactionary” conservatives wearing the cranky old man or outright devil suit while shekeling athwart history… Read more »

Mambo Sun
Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

“the Second Founding was really the fatal wound to the American Republic…” No, it was simply the decision to allow the immigration of Jews, who declared war against this country and its people the moment they set foot here. They claimed this country and its riches for Zion every bit as much as the Conquistadores claimed the New World for Spain when they touched land. You are merely the Indians the Jews encountered, when they discovered their New World. And they set about at once to conquer and exterminate you. For over 100 years, the Jews have been at war,… Read more »

Reply to  Mambo Sun
5 years ago

Unfortunately, I have to concur. Aryan folk are lousy at the two-faced, backstabbing, dirty, underhanded fighting that the Semites excel at. We are at our best in a frontier, with our problems up front, to be dealt with honorably and in the open. That’s not the world, now…

Reply to  Max
5 years ago

I started thinking that after I read Whittaker Chambers Witness. Whittaker Chambers, when he was still a madcap communist, was also the person that translated Bambi into English which is a story/movie that taught several generations to hate the person that put food on their table. I find that interesting

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Max
5 years ago

It goes deeper than that. The US during the Cold War spent an inordinate amount on making sure wages were higher, working conditions better and that there was plenty of work for all kinds of people This wasn’t done out of the kindness of anyone’s hearts but out of the fear of Communism The minute that an opportunity presented itself, labor arbitrage was on . Measured as percentage of GDP to wages, Americans are less than half as wealthy as previous generations . It masked by cheap imports and better gadgets but the effect are seen in a fertility rate… Read more »

Reply to  A.B Prosper
5 years ago

You’ve betrayed and jailed your own for nothings, grown the police state for those same oligarchs while tearing families apart, and continue to blame your own for heresies they don’t believe, for things they had no power to do?

The Left grew to power by promising freedom of association– from caricatures like you. Something the righties could never figure out, played like the fools they are. The Right built every tool siezed by the Left.

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

This is like Gavin McAnus sodomizing himself to own the bigots. Keep pegging yourself to own me, it’s tearing my heart to pieces.

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

You and Exile can beat this nigga up for things us niggas never said, but you will never, ever break this nigga. This nigga been to Disneyland.

Custodia Sepulchrum
Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

The left came to power not by promising freedom of association but by appealing to the basest of human emotions like envy and anger. It extolled the negative and sociopathic aspects of human nature and negative identity as being noble and just if they were of the left’s official “victims” hierarchy. It appealed to the aggrieved, the loser and social reject and promised to right all perceived wrongs and in the process fully exonerating them of all personal responsibility for their own actions or personal flaws. This allowed them to claim their failures were due to somehow being victimized by… Read more »

Reply to  A.B Prosper
5 years ago

You just can’t stop digging and digging and digging looking for that legendary buried hoard of free shit – can you?

Reply to  Max
5 years ago

The U.S. and NATO may have won the geostrategic – military portion of the Cold War, but the communists bypassed the fighting men overseas defending the West, to attack western society itself. They were remarkably successful in this effort at demoralizing and undermining the West, which is (still) bearing its poisoned fruit today.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Matt Bracken
5 years ago

That’s why gun control is the never-ending focus of the Left. They’ve won the demographic war, but they understand that they can’t win a shooting war without getting the guns. Once in control of the presidency, the gun control issue will get pushed in a way that we’ve never seen. There will be bans on assault weapons – anything beyond a single shot rifle. In addition, anyone caught saying or writing anything about white identity, white political organization or, even, freedom of association for whites will be convicted of a “hate” crime or considered mentally ill. Either way, they will… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

There will be bans on assault weapons – anything beyond a single shot rifle.

There are people arguing that the 2A protects only muzzle-loading muskets b/c that’s what they had when they wrote the 2A. You can’t make this stuff up…

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
5 years ago

Interesting logic.

So let’s tell the Volunteer Auxiliary Thought Police on social media and CNN that the First Amendment applies only to town criers and printing presses.

Gene Kronberg
Reply to  Corn
5 years ago

Moveable type presses and one broadsheet printed at a time. The 1st amendment does not apply to high capacity high speed presses

99 Year Blues
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
5 years ago

What they also had when they wrote the 2A was an all-White, Christian population.

I’ll agree to go back to the muskets if they agree to go back to the demographics.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  99 Year Blues
5 years ago

LOL Sorry but that made me laugh. I’d take that deal!! Where do I sign??

Reply to  99 Year Blues
5 years ago

That’s as good as it gets. I’ve got to remember that.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

The acid test for gun seizures will be the speed with which Mexifornia switches from banning semi-auto “assault” rifles by inflicting incrementally the death of a thousand cuts to the abrupt and immediate ban of lever-action rifles (the antithesis of AR-style semi-autos) simply because they are capable of firing multiple shots before being reloaded. When the iconic gun that won the West (in an orgy of white genocide on the aboriginals /s) is outlawed, you will known that the triumph of the oligarchs is complete. Maybe, if they’re feeling generous, they’ll let us keep a double-barrel shotgun, provided it is… Read more »

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Maus
5 years ago

The writing is on the wall in California. Their new approach is the strongest. Go after the ammo. Turn that AR into an unwieldy club.

I’m okay with blue state abolishment and vilification of firearms. If/when the Great National Divorce occurs, better to fight against males (or non-binary sexually fluid persons of penis) coming from a background where they are taught guns are icky and scary.

Reply to  Penitent Man
5 years ago

Going after the ammo won’t work, it will just enable a thriving market in ammo smuggling. The city of Needles, CA has already declared itself a second amendment sanctuary city, because it is separated from the rest of California by substantial distance and geographical barriers. The people of Needles get all their ammo from across the state line in Nevada.

The same guys who bring you smuggled heroin, fentanyl and cocaine are very happy to add another product to their line.

The cigarette smuggling market is already booming.

John Smith
Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

Yep. Up here in Canada, the gun grabbers decided to make the Swiss Arms rifle a Prohib – basically making it illegal to own one. There are thousands in the country but only one got turned in. You can legislate anything you want, but enforcing it is another matter. If the Californian elite tries to get stupid about it they may very well pay for it with their lives. The cops they dispatch to do the deed almost certainly will.

Reply to  John Smith
5 years ago

It just means if you use it to defend your life you will be charged for murder or assault and for possession of an illegal firearm. It’s a good way to put a bunch of people in prison. I don’t actually have to take the Firearms they just have to make them illegal. Firearms will only be useful widespread if there is a total civilizational collapse

John Smith
Reply to  Whitney
5 years ago

That will work up to a point. You are exactly right in the case of Britain, for example – but even there, resentment is getting murderous. The peasants are a red hair away from revolt. As for Americans, they have a far shorter fuse when it comes to tyrannical gov’ts. During The Buckwheat Administration, for example – several law enforcement officials told Obama point blank that if he sent feds to start grabbing guns in their states, the agents would be disarmed and taken into custody. The fact is that Obunghole sold more guns than the NRA ever could. And… Read more »

Reply to  Whitney
5 years ago

Can’t be charged with murder if there’s no cops around to come make the arrest.

Just sayin’ – every problem has a solution.

That’s not the issue.

The issue (as always) – is whether people are willing and able to IMPLEMENT the solution.

Massive amounts of words are spilled on the internet talking about issues that have relatively easy – direct solutions. All those words are spilled because people simply won’t implement.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

Vizzini, Of course their ploy won’t completely stop all ammo sales nor will a wall stop all border jumpers. It will however raise the price, catalog purchasers, and limit purchases. The more faint of heart will be dissuaded. This is step one for them. A fairly reliable source informed me that California BAFT agents look for California plates over on the Arizona side outside of gun stores and radio the CHP. This may or may not be true, I said “fairly.” Let me give an example: when I was a kid here Independence Day was repleat with families setting off… Read more »

Reply to  Penitent Man
5 years ago

Ohio has some of the weirdest fireworks laws in the nation. Retail fireworks stores are allowed to operate within the state, but private citizens are not allowed to set off most fireworks. State residents can buy restricted fireworks if they affirm that they are taking them out of state. It’s very weird.

In rural areas, you see and hear tons of fireworks.

None of the deputies want to be “that guy.” They have to live among those people.

And that’s for something comparatively frivolous.

Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

Friend, I take it you’re unfamiliar with Massachusetts.

Reply to  ReturnOfBestGuest
5 years ago

Good point. But people do still set off fireworks here. I live in a pretty well settled suburban town – and you can most definitely hear fireworks going off on the 4th. It pretty much always comes from the same place too – so I think there’s one guy in my vicinity who just keeps doing it every year. A couple of years ago I set off a series of relatively large rockets on the 4th. No cops showed up. Apparently nobody complained. Around here that’s really the clue to being left alone. Don’t reside in a place that’s full… Read more »

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago


You may be correct and I, wrong. We can have this conversation again in 20 years. I’m sure California will have thrown out the Leftist legislature, reversed the demographic replacement, embraced gun rights, and set its ship aright.

On the off-chance they don’t do all the above, if we somehow encounter each other in my Deep South town, we can commiserate as friends over a glass of fine Highland scotch.

Reply to  Penitent Man
5 years ago

It will however raise the price, catalog purchasers, and limit purchases.

I imagine it will be just as successful as “The War on Drugs.”

Except unlike heroin, cartridges are legal. And in most cases untraceable.

All it takes is cultivating one friend across the border to render all reasonable efforts to track California cars and purchasers by sight completely ineffective.

Reply to  Penitent Man
5 years ago

I would not surprise me in the least if CA BAFT agents were doing what you detailed.

Up here in New England – the MA state police has been reported to have put people in the parking lots of NH state liquor stores – looking for MA plates. When they see somebody seriously stocking up – they radio back and then there is a trooper looking for them as they cross back over the border.

NH puts the state liquor stores right on the highways in a lot of places – so convenience ends up being your demise.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Penitent Man
5 years ago

Ammo is still plentiful and cheap in California. My local Walmart is well stocked, even has .300 AAC blackout for who knows what reason. Besides it behooves the Dissident Right to understand that it may well come to a revolution and a restoration by force To quote Aesop the Raconteur “And your opponents, who’ve been stacking in supplies and loading magazines, are shifting from backing away, and hoping the fight you long for doesn’t come, and instead coming to a feeling of thinking it’s about time to roll up their sleeves, and end you. Not your party. Not your progressive… Read more »

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  A.B Prosper
5 years ago

A.B. Prosper, Yes, still ammo in Walmart, and quite pricey compared to what I purchased 30 years ago (even accounting for inflation). Not sure what the new laws regarding mail order and ammo purchase fees/i.d. will do, too soon. I’m talking long game. Going forward in California? This is the same citizenry that voluntarily raised their own taxes and elects an unstoppable leftist legislature. You trust their sobriety in regard to your gun rights? You are a more hopeful man than I. I sail for greener pastures soon. I wish you well here but think California was lost long ago.… Read more »

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Penitent Man
5 years ago

I don’t trust the Cali legislature to do anything much sane but not everyone can just pick up and move.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  A.B Prosper
5 years ago

A.B. Prosper,

“Not everyone can just pick up and move…”

I understand. I’ve laid plans and sweated for a decade and half with five more before all is in place for my seamless evacuation. It hasn’t been easy.

I wish you well here as you have to remain. Should the Great Unpleasantness occur my fellow travelers behind enemy lines will be in my prayers.

Reply to  Penitent Man
5 years ago

Learn a new trade, reloading. Until they make brass, bullets, and powder scarce. It’s a great hobby. The science is great too.

99 Year Blues
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

@Citizen of a… Agree, but with one quibble. Let’s just stop calling our enemies “the Left”. They aren’t the Left and they never were, that’s always been a Halloween mask. Let’s start calling them what they really are — the Jews and their zombie armies. It is the Jews who are at war with us, using various armies of imported duskies to do the heavy lifting for them, which is how they always operate. The “Left”, astonishingly, has zero ostensibly “leftist” interest in empowering the working classes and restraining the nobility, the bourgeoisie, or whatever power structure you thought they… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  99 Year Blues
5 years ago

Agreed. Whenever you follow these things to their source, it’s always the same group. Z-Man would call that anti-Semitic. I’d just called it obvious and the truth.

Reply to  99 Year Blues
5 years ago

What jews are you speaking of exactly? Sheldon Anderson? Trumps nephew?

Reply to  99 Year Blues
5 years ago

But we were told that the Protocols didn’t exist.

Reply to  Matt Bracken
5 years ago

I wonder if any particular ethnic group might be extremely over-represented among those parasites. Can anyone help me out here?

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

Whoever down-voted this needs to show their cards and make the case that “fellow white” (((shapeshifters))) like Rosanna Arquette can be part of a Whites-first nation and that her antics are soely the result of “muh socialism.” I have no problem breaking bread with the non-JQ’d, but those who aren’t willing to tolerate the JQ-woke will be the first ones to sell us out and dox us. Exhibit1 – Donald J. Bloomberg on gun control.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago


Bloody pygmies always pissing in the river upstream when our women go to wash the clothes.

Reply to  Matt Bracken
5 years ago

Assuming you are the author by the same name, I just want to say, I purchased and greatly enjoyed all 5 of your novels.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  TheLastStand
5 years ago

Ditto. Outstanding novels!

Reply to  TheLastStand
5 years ago

I have been curious about those, but haven’t bought them yet. What can you tell us about them? Without spoilers, of course.

Matt Bracken
Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

Check out my website. You can read about the first 100 or so pages of each novel there gratis. Or you can check out a couple thousand Amazon reviews with about a 4.7 star average rating.

Matt Bracken
Reply to  TheLastStand
5 years ago

Yes, it’s me, that Matt Bracken.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Matt Bracken
5 years ago

Nice to have you here. Hope you’ll come more often.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Matt Bracken
5 years ago

Have read the first in the series. Thoroughly enjoyed it, in a dark way.

Reply to  Matt Bracken
5 years ago

As I am a few chapters in Foreign Enemies and Traitors, I trust you have more on the way?
Very engaging.Thanks.

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  Matt Bracken
5 years ago

Matt Bracken’s Trilogy is prophecy. Read them if you haven’t, then pass them on.

Reply to  Matt Bracken
5 years ago

Well said,Matt.
On that last note,I’m hoping your fellow SEAL community is having conversations with Rep. Dan Crenshaw. He should know what a clusterfluck the “red flag” guidelines are at the VA.
Imagine that power instituted on a national level,with every pinch-faced scold currently screaming at us on social media calling up the “tip line”.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Matt Bracken
5 years ago

“Injecting the larva with its parasitic seed…” Yes this, AND the ground was made fertile by the cultural devastation of the West by WWI and its sequel. Europe played what they thought was going to be a repeat of the Franco-Prussian war and was unprepared for the slaughter wrought by modern warfare technology. In every sense the mayhem killed men, society, nationhood, morality, religion and temperance. The consequences spread across the Atlantic along with certain highly undesirable immigrants. The body, when in a weakened state is primed for viral infection. America was the pre-eminent power after the World Wars, but… Read more »

Reply to  Matt Bracken
5 years ago

There is some truth in what you say, but I think the Frankfurt School had a more sinister effect over the last 75 years.

Matt Bracken
Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

I said that. They were all Comintern (USSR) proxies in the 30s-70s.
“This is the end result of the Gramsican/Fabian/Frankfurt School long march through our institutions”

Reply to  Matt Bracken
5 years ago

Correct. And there is no easy way out.

Reply to  Matt Bracken
5 years ago

Moldbug, whose parents were card carrying communist party members, claimed that America was actually the source of the communist infection which spread to Russia back in 1917. There were a bunch of anarchists and commies running about in the USA in the early twentieth century. Moldbug’s post about the US ambassador kissing Joe Stalin was one his most hilarious. “Stalin was feeling very gay”

Reply to  ReluctantReactionary
5 years ago

I think it is fairly well known that American banisters bankrolled the Commies – I think it was Paul Warburg who was the Daddy Warbucks – because the Czar was an impediment to as central bank-

Reply to  Larry
5 years ago

In the last 100 years, liberalism, the liberal elite have allied with Stalin’s Russia to defeat “fascism”, then with anti-liberal authoritarian Right regimes and radical Islam (Bin Laden and the Mujahideen) to defeat communism. It is now allied with radical Sunni Islam to topple Syria and Iran. The domestic threat to the liberal elite today are whites peasants who can sense what’s coming via the elite class’ demand for globalization, and resisting it. To defeat the populists, and us, the liberal elite have allied with anti-liberal Left elements like Antifa, and are importing and riling up an army of troublesome… Read more »

Reply to  ReluctantReactionary
5 years ago

Ah. So the 1880s diaspora found a safe place to regroup, and struck back. Why stop there?

Thanks, Reluctant, for bringing this up.

Reply to  Matt Bracken
5 years ago

The poison was there from the beginning. It is just now coming to full fruition. Today’s Human Right to child sex change treatments and the moral imperative to put Afghan women in cut-off shorts and send them to work in retail traces back to Lincoln, the Jacobins, the Declaration of Independence, Locke, Bacon, and so on. It was then, and is today, at heart, a spun web, a mask, a mass blindfold, behind which stood the will to power, of Money, of the Third Estate, of today’s oligarchs seeking McWorld of Last Man humanity to rule over and profit from,… Read more »

William Williams
William Williams
Reply to  Prussian
5 years ago

You may or may not agree with all that Mr. Sunic writes, but he is an intelligent, well-informed man, and well worth reading.

Reply to  Matt Bracken
5 years ago

I used to believe that the American gun owners were some type of bulwark against tyranny. But now I just can’t see the typical White as anything but a domesticated animal. If our masters thought for a minute that those guns were a threat to the ruling class there would have been total gun prohibition decades ago. They have read White Americans correctly…they are no threat, lack the guts to fight (or even protest) and will open up another beer and watch TV while their White neighbors are raped and burned alive by Black rioters.

5 years ago

>>> The lies had simply accumulated to the point where no rational person could accept anything from the media at face value. <<<

As I never tire of pointing out, the entire country bought the media’s Charlottesville narrative without question. We underestimate their strength at our peril.

Crud Bonemeal
Crud Bonemeal
Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

That’s only partially true, at the time it first happened many conservative normies did not buy into the mainstream narrative, I was quite impressed with their ability to tell fact from fiction.

But they were eventually worn down and forced to shut up about it, because the media campaign was overwhelmingly one sided and the alternative media almost exclusively cucked out or was censored / sabotaged out of existence.

Reply to  Crud Bonemeal
5 years ago

There’s a convenient story for ya. Charlottesville was probably the most filmed protest in history, yet, despite this, the media convinced the overwhelming majority of Americans that the exact opposite of what happened is what really happened.

Crud Bonemeal
Crud Bonemeal
Reply to  Tars_Tarkusz
5 years ago

Well, I spent a whole lot of time monitoring the reaction on a variety of sites at the time, and a lot of people did not buy the official story, but promoted a more nuanced version of events. After all, some normie conservative observers who were hostile to WN were there and they told a relatively truthful version of events. But the alternative media was ineffective, and the conservative media was complicit, and the mainstream media did their thing. So there was no one voicing a truthful version of events, so those who did know the truth were eventually badgered… Read more »

Dupont Circle
Dupont Circle
Reply to  Crud Bonemeal
5 years ago

“This actually tells us something interesting about the enemy propaganda; even if it is initially met with skepticism, they can force the meme over time”

That’s why learning how to manipulate images, gestures and sounds in time is more important than reasoned essays, or even the truth, if you want to persuade and seduce the people.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Dupont Circle
5 years ago

Dupont Circle said: “That’s why learning how to manipulate images, gestures and sounds in time is more important than reasoned essays, or even the truth, if you want to persuade and seduce the people.” Here’s the Wiki link to a book called “Propaganda.” By the grandaddy of modern public relations, ” Edward L. Bernays.”

Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
5 years ago

“Bernays’ thesis is that “invisible” people who create knowledge and propaganda rule over the masses, with a monopoly on the power to shape thoughts, values, and citizen response.[4] “Engineering consent” of the masses would be vital for the survival of democracy.” This is true. Bernay’s “invisible people” belong to the liberal elite class, and are employed by those still further up the food chain, culminating in the oligarchs. The “survival of democracy” is the survival of the mask behind which the liberal elite class, the oligarchs and Ivy League class, can safely operate, without the proles widely discerning the true… Read more »

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Prussian
5 years ago

@Prussian said: “The door basically closed on the West long ago, and we are lone men standing before the incoming tsunami shaking our fists” It certainly seems otherwise, but humans simply don’t have an infinite number of variations in their behavioral repertoire. And there’s only so many ways to fashion a government and economy. People have tried most if not all of them. But nothing lasts forever.

Heraclitus said: “All things flow, nothing abides. You cannot step into the same river twice, for the waters are continually flowing on. Nothing is permanent except change.”

William Williams
William Williams
Reply to  Tars_Tarkusz
5 years ago

It’s amazing what one guy waving a Hakenkreuz Flag does for your event’s public relations.

Believe what you will regarding the tenets of National Sozialism, but anyone displaying Nazi regalia these days is either a plant, or as dumb as a post.

Either way, get rid of them yesterday.

Reply to  William Williams
5 years ago

Like I asked the other day, has anyone actually identified that fellow who showed up with a nazi flag fresh with the creases in it?

Reply to  Tim
5 years ago

That’s asking the right questions now. Exactly who saw what? Answer… 0. Ruled by bots, entertained by bots, fed by bots. Could explain the epidemic of viral retardation. Bots haven’t taught themselves how to be cool yet. Are we trying to emulate the bots that are trying to emulate the humans?

Dude Abides
Dude Abides
Reply to  William Williams
5 years ago

at least it’s and ethos

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago
Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

Isn’t this the clown who called the SPLC from a Walmart after getting into a fight with his son-in-law who was sleeping with his wife?
I can hear Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! in my head as I think of it. Sad, really. But what else can you expect from retarded people dressing up as Nazis?

Reply to  Tars_Tarkusz
5 years ago

Why are you so anxious to signal that you’re a GoodWhite when it comes to CVille and “Nazi LARPers?”

Just like yesterday, you damn the media coverage with one side of your mouth then flak their “numerous Nazis Nuremberging” narrative out of the other side.

Stop giving the myth of rampant wignattery oxygen already.

Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

Because I think these people are toxic poison to the dissident right or whatever you want to call it. If these people didn’t exist, the left would invent them. MYTH? How hard do you think it is to find a picture of the Matts dressed up in 3rd reich costumes doing sieg heil? I’m not a good-white. But I am also not a moron. Sometime the enemy of my enemy is just another enemy. These people have been trying to rehabilitate Nazis and the Klan through 6 straight decades of failure. They have been failing since before I was born… Read more »

Reply to  Tars_Tarkusz
5 years ago

The Matts are 2 guys. The media doesn’t need real life examples to manufacture its narratives. Going into a Pavolovian optics-panic over 2 guys doesn’t do anything for us. We don’t have to apologize as a movement for stuff 2 guys did years ago and these ritualistic denunciations just pick at old scabs and lend moral weight to SPLC bullshit.

Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

It’s not “optics panic” and I am not the one who brought them into the thread. It is dishonest to try to reframe the odious (and pathetic) characters masquerading as leaders as optics cucking. It is not about optics, it is about if you are a serious movement or a shitshow trying to grift. I agree that the media can manufacture retards. But WE should not be promoting retards. There are smart, educated, charming people who can much better represent our views. That is what it all boils down to. If the Matts represent the Alt-Right or the dissident right,… Read more »

Reply to  Tars_Tarkusz
5 years ago

It wouldn’t occur to me to call the SPLC, ever. Because f**k them.

It also would occur to me to come on a message board and tell flat-out lies about an event, then keep posting about it even when called out for those lies.

Care to keep telling us about all the “Klansmen” in Lee Park?

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

Well, there was Richard Preston who is still in prison. It’s messed up, but he’s there. He is a KKK leader. There were guys in that park in TWP uniforms with Nazi flags. It was on a live stream of a guy who had Baked Alaska’s phone. It was posted on Twitter. It ends with 4 or 5 guys getting a ride in a minivan that I think was Uber. It was being driven by an Arab. I watched it live at the time. Tell me what specific lie I am telling. As much as I don’t like these people,… Read more »

Reply to  Tars_Tarkusz
5 years ago

“Tell me what specific lie I am telling.”

You were lying, or misled, when you said that TWP guys were carrying Nazi flags.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

I’m pretty sure the TWP guys have a flag that is not exactly a swastika flag, but looks like one. Perhaps it was that one. I just don’t know, but it looked close enough to me. But they were wearing the TWP uniforms which look like it. Their iconography is not chosen because of its Americana influence.
Regardless, they are not fit for leadership.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

BilL Clinton understood this soft power very well which is why he made the press targets during the Bosnian War.

5 years ago

The Russian oligarchs were not “local”. That is to say they were not Russian. They were Jews with Russian citizenship.
And they bought the state property using funds from other Jews, who held citizenship from other countries including the USA.
I can almost forgive The ZMan for avoiding the JQ when it is a bit of a stretch to make the connection. After all, he’s made it clear that he thinks people who notice Jewish misbehavior are icky & low class. But To talk about Russian oligarchs without mentioning the Jewish ethnicity of 90% of them…. that’s quite an omission.

Reply to  Observer
5 years ago

The vast overrepresentation of Jews among the 1990’s sellers of Russia, home-grown and Western carpet-baggers alike did more to stoke modern Russian anti-Semitism than anything else. Tribe, that one’s on you – learn to self police or keep pushing for 110.

Reply to  Observer
5 years ago

[[[Oligarchs]]] is a more accurate description. A few minutes with secret weapon “Early Life” shows this.

About a decade ago I looked into it and the figure I came up with was around 60% of the top-level guys. But this does not include anyone behind a frontgoy, and could be a low against what the situation was in the 1990s, before Putin.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Vegetius
5 years ago

A few minutes with secret weapon “Early Life” shows this.

What does this refer to?

5 years ago

When the chaos subsided in what was left of the Soviet Union they at least had a cohesive homogeneous society for the most part. They were still one nation and could build again.

We have no such thing here in America. We are a multi national empire held together with force. The only people capable of rebuilding America are quickly being replaced, demonized and isolated.

We will become the new High tech Africa or South America. The only hope is a national divorce and a willingness to ruthlessly guard the new borders.

Reply to  george
5 years ago

Chechens and other fringe tribes would disagree, particularly those of a Muslim persuasion.

5 years ago

“The sudden collapse of empire and then a reversion to its natural state after a period of chaos and violence.”

But what is our natural state? What is normal? After 50 years of being subjected to the vibrancy of multiculturalism, and with the sickening decline in the birth rate of the historic American nation, what comes next? Greater autonomy on the part of the individual states? A more contrite foreign policy? A congress that stops spending like rock stars? We are like an old-growth forest waiting on the right conditions for a lightning storm to burn us to the ground.

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

Indeed. Inquiring minds want to know

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

No one will miss the Pozzed USA The situation here is so bad that Latinos who love kids and big families are declining to White levels if they aren’t already there, This country is no fit place to raise kids for anybody Its the job of the Dissident Right to make it good again. This does mean some really unpleasant choices , trade control, business regulation, mass deportation plus a whole lot firing squads , hemp neckties and maybe woodchippers Most important, no cucking , not on immigration, money, morals or just having to do unthinkable things If Conservatoves had… Read more »

5 years ago

From Andrew Anglin earlier today, this is so good I had to pass it along: >>>When the Left wants to sabotage the Right, they use a few mentally ill idiots in costumes or federal agents to fly swastikas and make normies associate common-sense policies like having borders or not attacking White people in the streets with Nazism. When the Right successfully sabotages the Left, they agree and amplify the Left’s bloodthirsty hatred for everything normal and sane. Asking liberal politicians to publicly take a stand on positions that the fringe left holds sacred, but that normal people balk at is… Read more »

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

Pretty much what I’m talking about tactically for people who want to do their White Nat work within the system.

If like me you’re too obviously White to pass for a full or hapAscendent when pulling such ratf*ckery, just (((shapeshift))). Saying “fellow Jews, we have to…” will make you smile inside. (((White))) pill.

5 years ago

“the response to the end of the Cold War was the replacement of the old sober minded political class with their self-absorbed, amoral children. ”

I think the same thing happened in our intelligence agencies. They’re now full of rich kids who went to elite schools (and whose parents are probably Democratic donors) who want to play James Bond at the singles bar. On a related note. I think Epstein was laundering money for those guys, and the underage sex thing is a subplot.

Reply to  Max
5 years ago

“I think Epstein was laundering money for those guys, and the underage sex thing is a subplot.” Or was he was setting up blackmail files for the intelligence agencies and he had to be eliminated before all those files were released and their value was destroyed.

Reply to  DLS
5 years ago

I don’t doubt that was part of this sordid tale, but he’s supposedly a billionaire — millionaire, fine, but billionaire? Lots of stuff was going on, and the extent of his fortune can’t be explained by the Powerball lottery he “won” nor in my view, simple blackmail operations.

Reply to  Max
5 years ago

We have no proof he was actually a billionaire, and no one in the investment banking community believes he made his money as a hedge fund manager. Even with Madoff we could see his client list and where the money came from. My guess is the islands and jets were funded with government black ops, while federal law enforcement looked the other way.

Reply to  DLS
5 years ago

The government of the US or Israel?

Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
5 years ago

there’s a difference? …….. in the intelligence community US , UK , Israel, Saudi Arabia seem to be joined at the hip

Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
5 years ago

Not much difference…

Reply to  DLS
5 years ago

Yeah, no one on Wall Street thinks the guy is legit. If he truly is a billionaire, the corruption of our ruling class is worse than we thought, because one way or another, that’s how he made his money.

Reply to  Max
5 years ago

The corruption of our ruling class can’t possibly be worse than I think it is.

Reply to  DLS
5 years ago

A hedge fund with one customer, Wexner.
That’s right, his fund had one (1) client.

(What kills me is that a ‘hedge fund’ used to be a small account by Kelloggs to keep wheat inventory steady in their warehouses. Until GoldSachs got involved in agri commodity instruments, that is.)

Reply to  Max
5 years ago

Epstein was a tool and his primary work product was blackmail material. If people knew how many politicians and Executive Branch officials have been blackmailed into complicity, the revolution would have begun years ago. Bribing votes with public funds is so passé. Blackmail has proved much more efficient.

Reply to  TomA
5 years ago

Carrot and stick.
China, operating a thousand front companies in backwater Arkansas alone (4,000 in the US), bought off the elite class with many slices of the pie, lots of business deals.

Their business-intel Mosaic system gave them nuclear weapons with launch capability, and very few had to die.

Reply to  Max
5 years ago

Max: “I think the same thing happened in our intelligence agencies. They’re now full of rich kids who went to elite schools (and whose parents are probably Democratic donors) who want to play James Bond at the singles bar.” Actually, you’re about a generation or two late. They were full of rich kids from the right schools back through the ’60s and ’70s and a significant fraction remained until the mid ’80s. Now, in addition to the mandatory diversity (tons of affirmative-actioned Negroes and magic-dirt Chinese and subcons) they are full of WOMEN. Many used to be from the analyst… Read more »

Reply to  Max
5 years ago

Chicken-egg, I see the money as a result of the blackmail, the spook community’s most effective weapon. In Western societies, especially America, where pedophilia and pederasty are the worst crimes and homosexuality still
elicits disgust and shame among the non-Converged, it’s more effective than bribery. I’m 101% convinced that Epstein was engaged in or adjacent to everything from laundering to blackmail to Mossassination & Arkancide. The only real mystery is how he ended up on the business end of Big Other’s crosshairs. My bet’s on him following in Maxwell’s footsteps and overplaying his hand with some tougher operators.

Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

Agree. Maxwell, “Israel’s superspy”, was killed, yet his daughter was Epstein’s madam. Where is she now, by the way?

Reply to  Max
5 years ago

Imagine you’re an entrepreneur and you decide to start a money laundering business for billionaires. Item 1 on your business plan: run a side business in trafficking minors for pedophilia and be open about it. Yeah, that’s the ticket. That will give you a low profile with law enforcement.

Reply to  TomA
5 years ago

It will! You’ll be frickin’ invisible. Invulnerable, too, as long as you’re handy.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

Well, another major difference between Russia at the end of the Cold War and the United States today is demographics. Russia was – and still is – pretty ethnically Russian. We will be quite the multi-ethnic/multi-racial playground as the Boomers expire. Russia could pull itself together because it was still one people, one nation. We are not.

That will make any reconstitution of the United States a difficult task indeed.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

What!? No, Russia is a multiethnic country with 20% POC, and the Soviet Union was hugely more diverse.

Russia kinda works because their tribes, despite Stalin’s best efforts, are geographically separated. America doesn’t work because the different ethnics are all over the place.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

Correct. The Soviet Union was very much a multi-ethnic mix, in part because the Russians sent a good number of their people into various other countries within the union, an issue still causing problems. However, I was speaking only of Russia. And, yes, Russia is fairly multi-ethnic, but nothing close the current United States. In addition, the ethnic Russians are absolutely in control and ethnically aware, unlike white in the U.S. Russians still dominate and control Russian, which allowed them to put the pieces back together. That’s not the case with whites and the United States. Whites will be a… Read more »

Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

Diversity without proximity can work, and a heavy dose of authoritarianism works as well, not only in Russia but other heavy-handed multi-ethnic states like Brazil and the secular ME dictatorships like Hussein’s Iraq and Assad’s Syria.

Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

And China are 90% Han Chinese

China and Russia are better than 60% White in United State Because their elite actually degrading and undermining minority

A Natural nation-state in-group and out-group politic

White American doing oppositely so make sure their future generations become persecuted minority with no hope

Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

There’s “ethnic” then there is the racial morass of the USA. The different flavors of Asian that Russia has does not in any way compare to the violent, virulently stupid, low-IQ biomass of Black America…

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

Russia is a very low social trust country, exacerbated by their experience with Marxism. A lot of what we are losing here won’t be found in Russia.

Sir Balin
Sir Balin
Reply to  Max
5 years ago

This is true in my experience. I’ve had a number of really bad experiences with Russians while selling on eBay.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

Large parts of America are whiter than Russia was Russian in 1990. These parts will emerge from the chaos as a white ethnostate.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 years ago

For now. Our overlords are feverishly working to enrich those areas with refugees and immigrants. This really is a race against time.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 years ago

Ostei Kozelskii said: ” Large parts of America are whiter than Russia was Russian in 1990. These parts will emerge from the chaos as a white ethnostate.” Here’s a website called “RoadSnacks” with an artical intitled: “These Are The 10 Whitest States In America For 2019.”

5 years ago

I agree that this Epstein fiasco reveals that America has descended into a “late Soviet” phase, characterized by different forms of cynicism for its elite and popular classes. The former obviously are confident that they are a law unto themselves; that they can (and should) get away with any outrage; and they don’t even feel an urge to make a show of plausibility when they assert their interests. My impression of Epstein’s demise is that it’s on the level of Stalin air-brushing someone out of an official photograph, and daring anyone to say that they notice it. For the rest… Read more »

Reply to  ChrisZ
5 years ago

It is fun to read mainstream media articles that know Epstein’s death was anything but a suicide. He must really have had some juicy stuff on the Clintons for them to be this ham-handed.

Reply to  ChrisZ
5 years ago

Ancient wisdom. When the world becomes insane, trust your senses first, your hindbrain second, go to maximum alert, flee if you can, and fight if you must.

Reply to  ChrisZ
5 years ago

TPTB brazenly murdered Epstein in front of the world just to show people that if you spill dirt on them – you die no matter where you are. Either that or they panicked and had to silence Epstein ASAP irregardless of how it looked. They could not afford to let it get it out that our world’s elite are filthy degenerates and pederasts. Here’s the thing, no one gives a shit if the elites were just p***y chasers, BFD. But our elites aren’t that, their tastes were outright illegal and they needed a pimp to procure what they needed and… Read more »

Reply to  Rod1963
5 years ago

Agree, Rod. We now need to assume that the elites in our society are much worse than we previously imagined.

The Babe
The Babe
5 years ago

The sudden collapse of empire and then a reversion to its natural state after a period of chaos and violence.

Sounds exciting. Anything is better than what we’ve got now. I’m ready to roll the dice. Picture my skeleton giving an enthusiastic thumbs up from its shallow grave.

5 years ago

And since the vat of cynicism is too vast to be drunk in one swallow, let’s turn briefly to the victims of the coming warlordism. At the elite end of the spectrum, no one morns the loss of an odious oligarch like Epstein. He can rot in Hell. What rankles is the suspicion that his death has cut the snare that would have trapped a few more enemies. Was this the shiv that would have finally stained the Clintonian toga with an irremediable flow of blood? On the other end of the spectrum, just as the post-Soviet collapse brought death… Read more »

Reply to  Maus
5 years ago

Epstein’s a first-pass litmus test of sorts. Anyone who’s willing to accept that he was done in or “persuaded” to suicide Roman/Rommel style is a possible recruit. Anyone accepting the official narrative isn’t ready yet.

5 years ago

Intrigue began to dominate party politics in the final stages of the Soviet Union. There was always politics within the party, but it revolved around the ruling center, much as court intrigue would revolve around the king. Just so. All ruling system work the same when you get down to the nitty-gritty: you have to connive, bribe, reward, punish, mock and flatter those ambitious courtiers snapping at your heels, manipulate them to support you by convincing them that they’re better off with you as your patron, than any of your competitors. Same thing happened in revolutionary France: the Old… Read more »

Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

Agreed. The YT maven CGP Grey has a clever take on the dynamic you describe called “The Rules for Rulers.” It’s worth watching.

Reply to  Maus
5 years ago

Yes. That’s the video I linked in my post.

Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

Oops, my bad. In my defense, neither link was active this morning (probably ante-moderation). But comparing the URL crunch codes just now, I see they are the same. Still, it’s gratifying to see that a commenter I admire uses the same sources. Kudos.

Reply to  Maus
5 years ago

Great minds think alike.

5 years ago

Chaos at the top echelons makes for a favorable political climate for dissidents. I don’t think we have any significant top faction that’s “on our side” or even sympathetic, but if they’re focusing their energies on each other and/or bogeymen, we have more time and more freedom to proselytize & procreate. I see electoral politics as a way to “stir the pot” between the factions in DC rather than getting “our guys” into power on a state or national level at this point. The immune system of globoshlomo is too effective for that kind of infiltration. What we can do… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

Exile: I, too, am in the BID camp, but am willing to grant a limited license to those who TTP only so long as your crucial last bit is strictly enforced: ” Everyone more ethnocentric than outright ideological CivNats can belong, and even those “sympathizers” can be useful, albeit not trusted.” No one who does not explicitly understand and believe all aspects of HBD (not merely Negro dysfunction, but the JQ and Asian side) should have any position of leadership or control. Those who wake-up at 11:59 PM because they’re frightened can do the grunt work or be cannon fodder.… Read more »

5 years ago

Yes to all of this. Now what comes next and what to do about it. Highest probability. Financial collapse. False flag OPs. Soft tyranny followed by hard tyranny. LEOs vs Patriots decimation. Jackboot time. Gun confiscation. Detention camps. Iron fist autocracy. Return of survival of the fittest. Simple/Secret/Solo/Spontaneous. Bye-bye elites. Rebirth.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  TomA
5 years ago

@TomA. Hahahaha! Holy Crap! “False flag OPs.” !? ” LEOs vs Patriots decimation.” !? “Jackboot time.” !? “Iron fist autocracy.” !? “Detention camps.” !? Well, as great as all that sounds, can’t we just get through the 2020 election and see what comes next?

Sir Balin
Sir Balin
5 years ago

Uh, you don’t think our own “oligarchs,” if by oligarchs you mean financial looters, are already active? That’s what I call madoff and all the shenanigans around 2008 crisis. There were other big Ponzi schemes going on, as people who have followed the Epstein thing seriously would have noted. 2008 was only a brief glimpse for us proles of a status quo that has probably been endemic since at least 1980. I’m interested in what people think of the Epstein thing. I want a pole of what z readers think: 1) it was what it was. Simple unaided suicide 2)… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Sir Balin
5 years ago

50-50 between assassination and suicide by threat, i.e. commit suicide or we kill someone (several people) you love on the outside.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

I think it more likely that he’s resting in Tel Aviv than resting in peace.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

I don’t think there was anyone Epstein loved more than himself.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

I’m sure Epstein did not love anybody more than himself…

Reply to  Sir Balin
5 years ago


As Karl Denninger and Ron Unz points out when people go to Washington they all change like over night. And that you aren’t allowed to be at the reigns of power unless TPTB have dirt on you.

Guys like Epstein don’t off themselves – too vain. Also for all the things that led to his death was not mere chance. Some powerful people in D.C. and London wanted him dead.

Reply to  Sir Balin
5 years ago

2. No doubt at all.

The establishment doesn’t deserve the benefit of the doubt for #1 — already too many convenient coincidences and derelictions of duty in his death.

And #3, no, Epstein is simply too great of a liability. They don’t ever, ever want to risk him popping up again. Basically, if he was my problem to clean up, no way would I let him live.

5 years ago

A dissident writing in 1969 would likely be as pessimistic as any current day dissident. They were closing out a decade of decadence and cultural chaos. There had been race riots across the country, massive anti-war demonstrations, fighting in the streets and insanity on the campuses of America. They had every reason to think they were seeing something that as beneficiaries of time, we know just wasn’t there. Those cold warriors only look sober to us because we know what happened. They probably weren’t the clowns we have now, but they weren’t top tier people either. There was just as… Read more »

Reply to  Tars_Tarkusz
5 years ago

The late 60’s/early-mid 70’s were much more overtly violent and political than today, IIRC. Our existential threat meters are oversensitive due to a baseline feminized post-Cold War culture ramped up by decades of “Orange Alert” shenanigans and bogeymanning from Big Other.

Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

I’ve been getting the feeling that a lot of people on the dissident right get a sense that all is not well and are hoping the system is not strong enough to hold things together. And as you say, the time in question was probably a lot worse. If the system does break, it’s going to seem obvious after the fact, but I don’t think it could be predicted and I don’t think without some major change that the status quo cannot continue indefinitely. As long as Washington can finance the police state, nothing changes.

Reply to  Tars_Tarkusz
5 years ago

We’re not remotely the country we were in 1969. We were far more homogenous, had way more social capital, were in vastly better fundamental economic shape, and were under better, more grownup, less corrupt leadership. Anyhow, you vastly overstate how bad things were then, and vastly understate how bad things are now. Yes, some bad stuff was happening in a few big cities and college campuses in 1969, but that was very distant from most people. Nowadays most people feel something bad coming, and are preparing. There haven’t been tens of millions of AR-15s sold in the last 15 years… Read more »

Reply to  AntiDem
5 years ago

While I was technically alive in the last few months of the 60s, I don’t remember them at all and I only have vague memories in the first 1/2 of the 70s. I am going by what was written both then and now about then. Someone recommended White Power by Rockwell and while I never finished it, I was very surprised at at lot of the headlines included in the book and just how similar they are to today’s headlines. But I do agree there are differences. However, I do not think a general breakdown of society is in the… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
5 years ago

This post makes me wonder which historical or contemporary state is the best model for the US and where the US is going. There are many candidates. I’ve used Brazil, a country that just smolders on instead of collapsing. A pretty ugly place if you’re not member of the gated communities. Bosnia/Lebanon, all-out civil war w/o well-defined front lines. Northern Ireland across North America. Rome, a colossus tipping over, being swamped by foreign invasions. The Soviet Union, an ideological state that collapsed under its own inconsistencies, corruption and the cynicism that brought. South Africa/Rhodesia, where the non-white majority suddenly in… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
5 years ago

Moran – The husband of a close friend epitomizes the European gun ban lunacy for me. He’s an Englishman by birth and genetics (albeit now an American citizen) who was career army over there. At one point he was in charge of a company of the Queen’s Guard (I’m probably getting the terminology wrong – they rode horses and he still has all his ceremonial uniforms and armor) and has photos of himself with the Queen. Today, if he went back, he would not be allowed to carry a weapon. Needless to say, he took advantage of America’s 2nd amendment… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  3g4me
5 years ago

Most Europeans do not ‘get’ it about guns. They think I’m ‘paranoid’ when I tell them ‘a registered weapon is state property on loan to you. It is not yours in the way that matters most’. And they dont understand that what sets guns apart is not that they can kill but that you need a gun to resist another gun. But maybe they’re learning? I hear London is the Chicago of knife attacks now. B/c knives too can kill.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
5 years ago

2A is the right to defend yourself by any means necessary. Guns just happen to be an effective way to do so. But it is bigger than just guns, it goes to issues of individual empowerment or lack thereof. Gun grabbers are revealing much more about notions of personal agency, and their desire to limit personal agency, than they realize. But some of them are simply stupid and have no idea about anything I am saying.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

Good point that it is not per se about guns. Guns have been the most powerful small arms, ie individual weapons, ever since they overtook crossbows. At some point something else is going to come along that is not a ‘gun’ (basic definiton of a gun would be ‘chemically released energy accelerates projectile(s) down a barrel after leaving which the projectile loses propulsion. Last part to set rocket systems apart). This new thing could be small rocket launchers or it could be directed energy weapons. In any case someone made the point that bans on fully automatic weapons already violate… Read more »

5 years ago

Regarding the near future (i.e. within the decade), one cannot be too cynical. It will be pure warlordism. Become one, if you can. Join the “right” one, if you must. Remembering that might makes right unless your warlord is white. Or flee to the hinterlands and let the fools fight it out amongst themselves. Even there in the small, outer provinces of flyover country, some nomenklatura of wokeness might agitate for confiscatory policies like reparations, gun seizures or debt jubilees. But they can be managed as rural troublemakers always have.

Reply to  Maus
5 years ago

Assuming pure collapse I’d say much the same thing, although I don’t think that outcome’s the most likely when compared with slow decay and serial black swans. I support the anti-fragile approach. Check out some of the podcasts and blogs on “mannerbunds” and form a group. Make sure your group of bros has a member or three who can teach basic survival, hunting, woodcraft, urban-style, etc… Get in shape, ditch the bad habits and harden your mind and body for what could be troubling times. Better to know it and not need it…

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Maus
5 years ago

I’m a bit long in the tooth for a gas station fort and comley slave girls for me and my raider buddies.

Maybe we ought to try and prevent this.

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
5 years ago

I had never before thought of America’s techno overlords as equivalent to the post-Soviet oligarchs, but it’s a good analogy. Zuckerberg, Bezos, et al. aren’t tycoons of the old sort, but rather national asset-strippers. Their enterprises don’t create or produce anything much. They just vacuum up what is left of the huge surplus of social and economic goods earlier generations, mainly white people, put into circulation. Our oligarchs are in the game for power, not ideology or even money, but generations of leftist subversion have provided a convenient army of ethno-fanatics who supply the muscle. Did anyone just glimpse our… Read more »

5 years ago

America was doomed to collapse because it formed itself in opposition to the Commandments of Christ who is King of all. America, because it is a protestant country, never knew, say nothing of understood, the Catholic Principle of Sicut Judeis non… originally formulated by Pope Gregory the great, it taught that no man has the right to harm the Jews or disrupt their services in the synagogues nor does The Jew have a right to corrupt or subvert Christian societies. In the past, no decent Catholic ruler let the Jew ascend to position influence from whence he could inflict damage… Read more »

Reply to  Larry
5 years ago

Larry, hear, hear! “America is the tail”… yep. And your very first premise is the reason why. The nation began with a small group of protestant Protestants (who disavowed the ‘mainline’ protestant “churches” of the day) and fled their homeland in search of a new one where, in their words, they had “no King but Jesus”.. Go read all of the early colonies constitutions. The New Haven Colony constitution which is typical of all, (available online for your perusal), expressly spells out that the structure of their society was to be governed “strictly by the LAWS OF CHRIST”. For 150… Read more »

5 years ago

Personally, I don’t enjoy speculation into what is coming next. Day by day I read a lot of articles about “When is the nation going to collapse?”, “When is the next financial crisis?”, “Is secession on the rise?”, and I fear its building too much suspense and excitement in our people, only to be disappointed when another year goes by that we don’t enter another period in history where things changes very quickly, like 1940’s.

Reply to  MartyEv
5 years ago

Things are changing quickly but when you’re in the midst of them you don’t notice it very much. Eventually it all leads to a tipping point that no one sees and that’s when all hell breaks loose. Look at the things that are happening right now: *Race replacement *War on American tech and manufacturing workers by American executives that are replacing them with foreigners * Our cities are collapsing * Our military is rapidly losing it’s ability to retain experienced personnel and recruit new soldiers. * Our medical system is eating up disposable income at a massive rate and is… Read more »

Reply to  Rod1963
5 years ago

Joe Biden says America can easily afford 4 million refugees a year. So there you have it.

5 years ago

Here is a white pill. This is specially common with militaries, and probably goverments in general, but they prepare to fight the last war and are caught with their pants down by new developments.

This was definitely the case with nationalism.

Roy Lofquist
5 years ago

Two major differences: Providence and Donald Trump.

5 years ago

Concerning the elites, I give you Ms. Lindsey Graham. He was just on FOX saying we need to be in Afghanistan because reasons, Taliban, protect our allies and it is a smaller war than we are usually in. He of course cannot explain why we should care about any of his reasons.

He also said we need gun enhanced background checks because bad people and we need red flag laws because reasons. All of which are just gun registration by another name and a means that the government can take away anyone’s rights they want to.

Reply to  george
5 years ago

How easy would it be for somebody to primary him out in a few years? Anyone with the guts to point out what a gutless worthless sissy he is would kick his ass all over the debate stage.

Reply to  Drake
5 years ago

I thought that too, and figured, how could SC send that guy back to the Senate? And yet they did. My only explanation is that the state is full of boomer ex military who fall in line for GOPe. Or maybe LG is just a sly s.o.b. for all his sissiness.

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  george
5 years ago

Miss Graham says he’s never seen Trump more determined WRT to background checks and Red Flag laws. We are done, folks. B.L.O.A.T.

Reply to  Carl B.
5 years ago

Yes. Ivanka must have had a doozy of a crying spell.

5 years ago

I see this as a white pill.
The Rus fell back to their historic homeland and are becoming a normal country again, after partial detachment from their Muslim south.

Not complete segregation, a Fortress Russia.
Still in the world, still modern, not an Amish fortress either.

Chatted briefly with the Ukrainian today.
Twelve million came here. We are still seen as the safe harbour, and our people have many allies, that is, other white peoples seeking a place, an ummah of the Pan-European tribes.

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

Interesting that the Hong Kong protesters more often cite the U.S. rather than Great Britain for inspiration. Could be a covert U.S. strategy to infiltrate, could be that we are in a more powerful position to come to their aid. Or it could simply be that the idea of the U.S. still resonates with some oppressed people. Any or all could be true, but I will go with the last one, if for no other reason than I kind of know where the HK’ers are coming from, in my own small way.

L. Beau Macaroni
L. Beau Macaroni
5 years ago

The tech barons and Wall Street financiers have loyalties that transcend any attachment to nation.

“A Higher Loyalty” as deep-stater James Comey titled his book.

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
5 years ago

If you want to see what it was like in the immediate post-Soviet Union, watch the movie Brat (Brother) from 1997.

5 years ago

Z man, i vehemently disagree that the oligarchs of post soviet russia were local. Yeah, about as russian as the bolsheviks!!! Let’s just say their loyalties lay elsewhere.

5 years ago

The current elite is too stupid to throw the American heartland a bone. They are on rails to destruction.

5 years ago

Agree. Especially with our post cold war looting. Your paragraph below sums them well. Add; RU looters washed the money with our looters.

“In the West, the response to the end of the Cold War was the replacement of the old sober minded political class with their self-absorbed, amoral children. The most notable example being Bill and Hillary Clinton, who have come to symbolize Baby Boomer political culture. Theirs is a politics of limitless mendacity. Everything is for sale, including the very institution over which they preside.”

5 years ago

After the fall of the Soviet Union, the dive into Americanization via “our” man Yeltsin and the (heavily Jewish) oligarchs, and the resulting collapse into chaos and misery for the Russian people, a new communist party (which has come in second to Putin/Medvedev in several elections), centered on Russian nationalism and cultural and social traditionalism, arose and very nearly won the presidency in 1996. The oligarchs of Russia had recognized the threat, held a meeting, and subsequently bombarded the Russian people with pro-Yeltsin propaganda, and Yeltsin narrowly avoided defeat: “The oligarchs set aside their differences and held several private meetings… Read more »

5 years ago

Re: “This interregnum was a period where the old political order carried on searching for an enemy to replace the Soviets. First it was the Muslims, which gave us two ghastly wars of choice and the surveillance state” Not quite accurate. The U.S. federal government – wedded to the Sunni Arabs since the early 1970s by the petrodollar agreement, not to mention all of those T-Bills they buy to prop up’s insolvency – wouldn’t dare to declare war on Muslims. Their Saudi paymasters would never permit it. Target a few jihadists that can be explained away as splinter groups… Read more »

5 years ago

Not stated in the article is the major difference between the US and Russia…we have a racial antagonistic underclass, numbering in the tens of millions, that is hyper-violent, totally dependent on government for it’s survival and breathtakingly stupid and dysgenic. The Russians have some few racial minorities, but nothing on the scale of the American Blackass Buckapes. This mongrelized biomass will require a shooting war to control and eliminate. And I don’t see the Great American Whitebread Coward being able to do it. Thus, my assertion that the future is Russian…

5 years ago

Now that you mention it , except for the vodka, trump is a pretty good analog for Boris yeltsin . screw wikippedia , heres the money quote from infogalactic. . . He vowed to transform Russia’s socialist economy into a capitalist market economy and implemented economic shock therapy, price liberalization, and nationwide privatization. Due to the sudden total economic shift, a majority of the national property and wealth fell into the hands of a small number of oligarchs.[1] The well-off millionaire and billionaire oligarchs likened themselves to 19th century robber barons. Rather than creating new enterprises, Yeltsin’s democratization led… Read more »

bobby deal
bobby deal
5 years ago

Boomer political culture was about not wanting to die in pointless global wars. That’s it. Nothing to do with the Clintons who were just old time crooks. If by ‘Boomer political culture’ you mean naively manipulated by old crooks and scumbags, same as it ever was, then boomers are the victims of that culture, just as others were before. If you hate Boomer women, well yeah so do many Boomer men. Selfish women are a blight all the way back thru history.

5 years ago

Talk about overthinking things!

Are you ready to take women’s rights away
and end ALL welfare yet?….


Well, get back to me when shit’s getting real
and we’ll talk..although it may be a little late
at that point for the solution.


NorthGunner – The Truth Is It’s OWN Defense

5 years ago

The Chernobyl series was great, it makes me think this was the straw that broke the camel’s back for USSR

5 years ago

Is it possible to have “chaos and disorder” when there’s widespread drug abuse, media addiction, and political apathy? I don’t think all this is a precursor to post-Societ chaos. I think we’re actually going through an “intifada” like Israel endured in the early 2000s. There are weak-minded young men in a super-charged environment who are easily convinced by others that blowing themselves and others up (in our case, mass shootings) will make them a martyr for the cause, and get an eternal reward. These shootings will continue until 1) all the morons die out, or 2) some kind of draconian… Read more »

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Marko
5 years ago

A handful of crazies is not an Intifada and AntiFa only exists because authority is amenable. Hell that organization was basically wiped out in Norway decades ago and we could do the same easily. However they are useful for both side, the Left as weak ass ideological shock troops and the Right as boogeymen so they are tolerated to a point Once they are not, they’ll be as gone as Black Lives Matter Now as for apathy . Back during the USSR and Russian collapse Krokodil abuse (Codeine cut with gasoline) alcoholism and street crime were rampan and huge vital… Read more »