Process Conservatism

If you were to bring forward to our age the cultural and political sensibilities of the founding generation and create a political movement around them, you would find yourself in very serious trouble. The reason is you would be so radical in your aims that even the most enthusiastic of constitutional conservatives would denounce you. The reason for this, is that everything about current year America is at odds with what the men, who drafted the Constitution, intended for the country they created.

Despite this rather obvious truth, modern day conservatives have been calling themselves champions of originalism for generations. In fact, they regularly claim they favor a return to the constitutional principles. It is, of course, just a form of signaling or dog whistling as the Left is fond of saying. The so-called conservatives have no interest in returning to the original political order. In fact, any effort to return to the old order is probably the only thing they would actually fight to prevent.

This is because the Buckley-style conservatism that has come to define the American Right was never about ends. When they talk of originalism, they don’t mean the original intent of the Founders or even the original intent of the law. Instead, they mean and original process. Buckley-style conservatism is a means justifies the ends political ideology, a reaction to the Left’s ends justifies the means approach. For Buckley conservatives, getting the process right is all that matters.

This is how something ridiculous like homosexual marriage can quickly moves from an absurd Progressive troll to a timeless conservative principle in a decade. All it requires was a journey through the courts, where an emotionally unstable judge and four lunatics could make it the law of the land. As long as it went through the proper legal process, Buckley conservatives could hail it as a founding principle. For the Buckleyites, originalism is about obedience to process, not original intent.

This article from a legal journal is a good primer on how this obedience to process plays out in conservative jurisprudence. By any measure, the Federalist Society types have been the most successful tribe of modern conservatism. They get judges appointed to the bench and they get law students interested in their ideas. Given the atmosphere on the college campus, that last bit is no small thing. Yet, despite their operational success, conservative jurisprudence has nothing to show for itself.

This is the story of conservatism in general. Politically, the movement started by Bill Buckley has been a smashing success. It reshaped the Republican Party, put three presidents in the White House and turned the GOP into the majority party from the 1990’s forward. Despite this, the country is further to the Left than anyone imagined possible forty years ago. The epitaph for Buckley conservatism, as it heads to the dustbin of history, is that it conserved nothing.

There is no shortage of reasons for why conservatism failed to provide any resistance to the Left, despite having the better grip on reality and popular support. Radicalism always attracts fanatics and a small group of fanatics can do a lot of damage. The Right is always playing defense, which means their margin for error is smaller. The Left is willing to lie, cheat and steal in order to gain victory. These and many others are all true statements, but there is one main reason the Buckleyites were a total failure.

As you see with originalism, the Buckleyites were never willing to state what it is they sought to achieve as an end goal. The hyper-focus on process allowed them to avoid making clear what they wanted. The homosexual marriage issue is always a great example and it is so here. Instead of saying homosexual marriage is irrational and at odds with civil society, which is certainly true, the so-called conservatives wrapped themselves in legal arguments about contract theory and downstream legal issues.

The Right could never bring themselves to state the obvious. The intent of marriage laws and customs is to encourage baby making. The language of marriage makes that abundantly clear. The only purpose of marriage is reproduction. The additional benefits created by society through laws and rituals is to encourage reproduction. Homosexual marriage is therefore an absurd contradiction. The Right never bothered with these arguments and instead fell into Jesuitical legalism.

All of this traces back to the Civil Right era. Buckley and his fellow founders of modern conservatism started out on the other side of the race issue. They opposed desegregation and they opposed the civil rights legislation of the 1960’s. Once it became clear the Left was going to gain the moral high ground on the race issue, the Buckleyites were faced with a choice. They could attack Progressive morality and risk ostracism or they could adapt and fit within that new morality.

They adapted by switching from an ideology with a clear set of ends in mind to an ideology that makes a fetish over process. It has become so ingrained in conservative thinking they can chant slogans like “we have to return to the founding principles” without noticing modern conservatism opposes those principles. They can champion unlimited immigration, as long as it is legal, but they are incapable of opposing immigration in general. After all, that’s not who we are.

What conservatism under Buckley became is a shaming mechanism to prevent whites, and let’s not kid ourselves about the conservative audience, from stating publicly what they want for their community and their country. Thanks to Buckley, it is no longer possible to say, “I don’t want a bunch of foreigners moving into my town, because we live here and that’s how we want it.” Stating preferences is no longer permitted. Instead, what you want has to have some outside justification.

If there is to be a new Right, it will have to be an ends justifies the means ideology with its own internal morality. Conservatism will have to start with “This is who we are and this is how we seek to live.” The goal of the ideology is to achieve a clear set of ends, not a set of processes that may or may not achieve those ends. The process and principles are means to an end. Put another way, a new Right will oppose Progressive ends for non-Progressive reasons. There can be no compromise.

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4 years ago

To be fair, there’s a lot of hindsight in your essay. The fact is we are not the same people our founding fathers were because we don’t live in the same world. We are not even the same people we were back in the 90’s. The left made a great presentation when they came out with civil rights for blacks, for example. The mass media was filled with images of black scholars, devoutly black Christians, and worthy blacks that only wanted a fair shake. How could Buckley say no? Same thing happened with the queers. The liberal turd polishing machine… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

Nice White People believe that their niceness is going to save them in the end, and it’s very hard to persuade them that it’s not.

Reply to  Hilltop
4 years ago

And they’ll go straight to heaven, too. So why should they care about what they’re leaving behind? Once they get to Paradise, they can relax.

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

Epaminondas, perhaps true for some believers, but not all—perhaps not the majority. As a born and raised Catholic, it was hammered home repeatedly that we were stewards of the earth and intimately involved in society. Getting to heaven was the goal, but a “fuck everything else” attitude was a grievous sin. Of course, that teaching can lead to other pernicious attitudes, but that’s another thread.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

I live in MA , and grew up in a heavily Irish/Italian Catholic town. I’m also old enough to remember what the sides of the highway looked like before all the anti-littering campaigns came along.

I say this as a non-Catholic: I never saw much evidence in this heavily Catholic area – that there was very much of anything BUT “fuck everything else” going on.

That whole stewards of the Earth thing must be a new development.

Reply to  Hilltop
4 years ago

Nice etymology. Some people would say the meeting has changed. I say they’re wrong

Middle English (in the sense ‘stupid’): from Old French, from Latin nescius ‘ignorant’, from nescire ‘not know’.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

I’m reading this as “you couldn’t do any better, it’s not our fault, where’s your solution?” If that’s not your intent, my apologies – text devoid of verbal tone, expression etc.. will always be an imperfect inferior way to speak. If I’m correct: The future of our people and nation is more important than anyone’s hurt feelings. The obvious implication of Z’s post is that we have to harden ourselves as a movement and put our people’s future above our present feelings. “How could Buckley say no?” Because our race is more important than Buckley, and Buckley chose to carry… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

“Learning from past mistakes is how we get better.”

Stupid people do not learn from past mistakes, average people learn from their past mistakes, and smart people learn from other people’s past mistakes.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Far as I’m concerned this is all just a casual conversation. I say what follows with the premise that I could be full of beans. I don’t mean to chit on anyone or make anyone mad. That wasn’t my intent, actually, but now that you bring it up… in those times? No. None of us would have done any better. It has nothing to do with us, and everything to do with the gate keepers and the times. By the 70’s and 80’s the first generation leftists had completed their long march through the institutions. They owned the press, the… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

John Smith: No, we are not the same people the founding fathers were, but it’s not merely a question of the times. First, “we” are literally not the same people – how many – even here – are 100% Anglo-Saxon English? The mass immigration of the 19th century – prior to and including Ellis Island (which didn’t even open until 1892 for those who don’t know) utterly changed the founders’ America. All the purportedly “good” (or at least not as bad) German Jews, and then all the Catholic Irish. Then the “nice” unto death Scandinavians. Hell, my husband’s maternal Italian… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

Correct. And that is why the idea of multiculturalism got off the ground and gained traction. If Italians and Irish people could get along, and Germans and Englishmen could get along – and they could, after a fashion… then why not negroes, moslems, and other exotic weirdos from over the rainbow? Living amicably and equally with marginal races and cultures had literally never been tried before in human history. There may have been a few race realists back in the day but there weren’t enough vibrants around to worry about. Whites still controlled the nation and nothing could possibly go… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

In addition to not discounting the degree of genetic change, and the way that purported “assimilation” (I hate the vague, overused term) really meant a mass miscegenation and birth of new, hybrid people, one must also consider the shift from a primarily rural people to city-born and bred. One must also look keenly at mass public education, and just what its fathers Horace Mann and John Dewey hoped it would (and did) accomplish. Add in the deliberate creation of a phony ‘Murrican creed to mask the effects of civil war, southern occupation, and mass immigration, as well as the Jews’… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

For those who like to hear straight from the horse’s mouth, the Jewish Virtual Library is full of history of jews pushing their agenda in the U.S. For you philo-semites, peruse the site and get to know the sources of jewish pride. (Also check out the Talmud and compare to New Testament teachings. Completely foreign to each other.) Following is a proud accounting from the Jewish Virtual Library of tikkun olam in the U.S. as told by jews; getting rid of that icky Christianity. Jews in America: The Brownsville Public School Boycott (1905) Just before the 1905 Christmas school recess… Read more »

Reply to  Ursula
4 years ago

Wow! Thanks, Ursula. Always good to learn new things.

The Last Stand
The Last Stand
Reply to  Ursula
4 years ago

Can you recommend an English translation of the Talmud that is accurate?

Reply to  The Last Stand
4 years ago

Unz had some of that in his J-woke stuff from the last year or so under his own byline, had a translation done when he couldn’t find a good one, or some such. Also Shamir on his site or Guyenot there have footnoted some insightful and reliable stuff including source material.

Reply to  Ursula
4 years ago

When Horace Mann pushed government schooling, his demand was Protestant curricula only, an attack to push out the hated Papists.

So the Catholics built their own schools.
And hospitals.
But the chiselers? Oh no, they put their money and effort into agitation.

Fraternal benefit societies showed that whites can live beside, but still work together, to take care of their own.

We don’t need govern-ment, ‘ordered liberty’ arises spontaneously with us.
Tenth Amendment is our way.
Leave imposition of tikkun olam to the quarreling duskies.

4 years ago

No Founder ever intended that a 60%er be eligible to vote, let alone fetishized into a numinous being, or that Federal power and jurisdiction would so utterly supplant State rights. They might have swallowed the 13th Amendment, but never the 14th and the 15th. It was the Reconstruction era rather than the Civil Rights era which ushered in the true death of originalism; and Jim Crow was the rearguard action of those clinging to the right of free association. In the words of a great man who sacrificed for his principles: “Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.”

Reply to  Maus
4 years ago

Yep. It would be fun to bring back the Founders for a few years. The 2.79 million federal “civil servants” would drop to something like a couple thousand for starters.

Carl B.
Carl B.
4 years ago


“If there is to be a new Right….”

That’s the question isn’t it.

Evidently, last night on his ultra-boring show, “Constitutional Conservative” Sean Hannity defended Chris Cuomo’s unhinged attack on a heckler’s “Fredo” comment directed at Cuomo. Hannity, who has the Number One opinion show on cable TV, proves that in current year America “Constitutional Conservative” = “Dumb as a post.” And Hannity has the ratings? God help us.

A “New Right?” There has to be. Because the “Old Right” is as dead as a hammer.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Zman I see that the Numbers of commenters for your posts are increasing. On one of your podcasts you stated that readership declines in the Summer. Can I infer that readership is up? If so this in a small white pill for us all.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

People get tired of lies and subterfuge. The truth appeals no matter how harsh

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Don’t sell yourself short Zman your posts of late have been spot on and hard hitting. I have lately seen several linked in the usual spots WRSA and WR, but also AoS as well.

Reply to  Ajclement
4 years ago

“Don’t sell yourself short Zman your posts of late have been spot on and hard hitting.”

Agreed. This one, for example, was an excellent post. It drives home a very important point in very clear language. These kinds of texts should be force-fed to normies.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Do you get a lot of traffic coming in from Gab? They’ve seen spikes in membership lately.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

By the way, Tootie is not bad as an iOS client for Fediverse/gab.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Most of us are doing our part by distributing your articles with links.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

You might be underestimating the quality because you’re not doing “new hotness” takes as much. Shoring up the foundations and helping Base the noobs is just as important as having a “unique perspective,” if not more so. Book writing will also likely leave you feeling like you put your best stuff in there and “mailed it in” here once in awhile. Don’t sweat it.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I’m surprised that Hannity doesn’t simply dispense with the trouble of booking guests and interview himself about “bombshells” since he bigfoots every person on his show. It is unwatchable.

King Tut
King Tut
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Zman, I am pleased about this but you must prepare yourself. As your popularity grows so, inevitably, you will appear as threat on their radar screens. Then they will come for you, any way they can. You must be ready for this.

Reply to  Ajclement
4 years ago

As a new reader, I can say that the reason I’m here is because it was the best I could find after my previous daily-read wrong-think websites had been censored. My guess is this place is next.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I get asked about Hannity and Glenn Beck all the time by my Boomer in-laws. I suppose they’re die-hard civ-nats like most boomers. They went to see Beck speak when he came through here on a speechifying tour. I tried telling them he’s some kind of crazy controlled-opposition/disinfo mole, or a fairweather friend at best. As long as he blows smoke the right direction up their posterior they’re thrilled with him but forget they’d ever liked him as soon as he stops to let slip the mask, only to go back to liking him again. They also refuse to believe… Read more »

Reply to  NordicGoats
4 years ago

Beck probably did more to finally red-pill me than anything else during the Trump campaign in 2016. I’d been a pretty regular listener to Blaze in the years before (so much more “edgy,” than Fox) more for Sexton and other supporting casters than Beck himself, but hearing him pretzel-cuck from his old positions, genuflect to St Martin the Down-Low, goy-grovel and finally NeverTrump in real time was eye-opening.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago


“During the Trump campaign”.

Some of you guys are slow on the uptake.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

I liked Glenn Beck when he first appeared on NYC radio in 2008 (I think) against, of all people, Joe Scarborough. Absolutely creamed him. Beck was good at first when meticulously explaining corruption in the government. Also, he called on his listeners to organize “3-13” events in 2009 across the US and hosted big rallies in Washington DC.

Later, he morphed in Rev. Beck, started genuflecting before the image of St. Martin Luther King and finally welcomed illegal invaders at the border with teddy bears. I had quit listening by then.

Walt Jeffers
Walt Jeffers
Reply to  NordicGoats
4 years ago

Beck was on the radio today with another one of his “let’s get along” cucks who not so secretly disapproved of DJT. I listen to him because there was nothing in my range and I could not and would not listen to jock sniffers talking of the NBA or NFL. Beck is still a miserable little anti trumper.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Even when I was more mainstream conservative, I never understood the appeal of Hannity. He’s just not interesting at all, and Beck has always been an obvious loon.

Edit: I’m sure Tommy Boy Murdoch wants to fire Tucker. He’s got to be tired about apologizing for him at the cocktail parties, but he probably knows it may kill the network. Tough choices ahead for him.

Reply to  Max
4 years ago

Back when I listened to that stuff, I always thought Hannity was pretty shallow and dim. Levin and even Rush had more depth to their thoughts. I haven’t listened to any of them for a long time now.

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

Rush, Hannity, Beck, Levin and most other approved conservative INC spokes mouths basically go along with anything the neocons profess. All civic nationalists all believe in the magic dirt.

As Z-man points out, they do not care how many orcs come to the U.S. as long as they come legally.

Reply to  george
4 years ago


Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

I used to be a huge talk radio fan, but for the most part now only listen to various podcasts or music online. It goes without saying that my favorite is Zman.

Sean Hannity is a very nice and likeable man, but, as you wrote, quite shallow in his views. I only listen when he’s discussing the FBI scandal. Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin are deeper thinkers, but still within acceptable boundaries. Not interested in staying on the Republican plantation anymore.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Hannity does a service by being as far right as anyone outside of Tucker, but he repeats the same material over and over. And that’s after Tucker has already spent an hour being more insightful on much the same stuff. He has done a good job covering the deep state coup, but every night the same material is presented as breaking news. There is only so many times you can watch it, without seeing anyone going to jail.

Reply to  DLS
4 years ago

Hannity has a most irritating style. He’s totally unaware of how he sounds when he interrupts the hell out of his guests often right in the middle of giving a fascinating response to one of his questions.

Reply to  Semi-Hemi
4 years ago

Same here. Hannity can’t stand his guests making points that he has not. Hannity is one of the stupidest egoists on the air. Aside from Shapiro, he’s one of the few radio commentators I have to switch off due to his annoying presentations. He truly makes you stupider for listening.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Compsci, exactly! The Moron Cheerleader and the Littlest Chickenhawk are so heavily overpromoted, they’re ruining radio.
Wiping all the alternative and local talent.

Littlest is being treated like he’s the Second Coming. The Enstupidation is upon us!

(John and Ken listeners, I can only say…
“You’re killing me, Larry!!”)

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

John and ken (see their podcast, fellow Apple nazis). are pretty good. John will have a aneurism one day…. Ken used to be unbearably liberal to me, but when I moved from LA 20 years ago they dropped off my radar. Started listening to their podcast for the entertainment value and I have not been disappointed.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Hannity and Kasich belong together—they could just talk endlessly about prison guard mothers and mailman fathers.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Hannity is the embodiment of “cringe.” My late mother loved him. Like I always say, people want to believe. Hannity allows the old folks to continue to believe. Otherwise the horror of the sacrifice of America’s best in service of the MIC’s endless wars would appear futile and obscene.

Reply to  ReturnOfBestGuest
4 years ago

Hannity has always been a blowhard. Even my fox news watching 90 year old grandmother thinks that.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Glenn Beck is a twat. That became obvious during the election cycle when Ron Paul was running. Whenever Paul would be doing lousy in the polls – Beck would be talking him up. Whenever he did really good in a poll and/or some news story came out about how much money he had raised – Beck would start attacking. I know a lot of people on the right – who actually paid attention – and noticed this constant flip flop and wrote Beck off as controlled opposition once they saw that shit happening. Paying attention to the antics of the… Read more »

Walt Jeffers
Walt Jeffers
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

In November 2012, two days after BO beat Romney, Hannity was on his radio show spouting off about the need for comprehensive immigration reform aka amnesty. He was a dumb reliable suck up to George W all those years, supporting his stupid wars blindly but when he became an advocate for open borders he became dangerous.

Reply to  Carl B.
4 years ago

Doesn’t Hannity’s head look like a rockem sockem head?
Let’s hope this is not interpreted as another call for a Tea Party clone.
That worked well.

4 years ago

Process defeated Rights-of-Association beginning in the 1950s. Until that is fixed, there is no stopping the left. None. If we’re going to have to go to war, we may as well fight over who we want to associate with.

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

Yes. Start w/trannies, then apartheid the gheys. Once everyone sees we’re not looking for a Shoah, just some space, then we implement Johnson’s “slow cleanse.”

99 Year Blues
4 years ago

Z’s last two paragraphs are spot on. But some of this other stuff is just, oh, can we please just stop it aleady… “where an emotionally unstable judge and four lunatics could make it the law of the land…” Obviously you meant to say, “Where a blackmailed homosexual and four Jews (the Wise Latina is obviously a crypto) could declare as law whatever the Jews decide.” Think of it: we are de facto ruled by a sacred temple of nine mysterious wizards in magic robes, plus their Harvard-trained, which is to say Jewish, clerk-acolytes, chanting over the Secret Scrolls and… Read more »

Dr. Mabuse
Dr. Mabuse
Reply to  99 Year Blues
4 years ago

“Jesuitical” is an adjective with a legitimate but rather outdated pungency…

So is “pharasaical”, and yet its usage persists, even among the noble Catholics. Try to appreciate the richness of the English language, instead of taking it personally.

99 Year Blues
Reply to  Dr. Mabuse
4 years ago

“Pharisaical” (whaddaya know, you even spelled it wrong!) has a subtly different meaning than “Jesuitical,” and is thus in a different class. Try to appreciate the nuances of the English language, rather than farcically presuming to correct your betters.

Dr. Mabuse
Dr. Mabuse
Reply to  99 Year Blues
4 years ago

When I want to meet my betters, I will know enough not to ask you for directions.

Reply to  99 Year Blues
4 years ago

Juice-us H, already. Can we get a show of hands for readers who didn’t know there are three 2 percenters on the Court? As for Sotomoyor being a converso, if so, that apple fell a lot closer to the agave than the burning bush, IYKWIS. First I’ve heard it. IIRC, Z went to a Catholic school in the 70’s or 80’s, no mystery as to why he’d call Jewy legal arguments “Jesuitical.” The amount of “name the Jew”-baiting Z’s getting this week is sounding postively fed-posty, fam. There are plenty of sites where you can J-bomb in every post and… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

That Cohencidential ancestor will get you every time…

Crud Bonemeal
Crud Bonemeal
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Just keep noticing who has a distant Jewish ancestor and what they are up to and see if, on average, they are helping or hurting efforts to preserve White civilization. An honest observer will eventually conclude that real Jews are surprisingly good at getting people who have only a small amount of Jewish genetics to adopt Jewish ways of thinking. While I don’t deny the genetic component of behavior, it’s safe to say that there is more than genetics involved in the Jewish strategy. There seem to be perverse incentives baked into the Western European high trust society model. When… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Then I’m applying right now for Master of the Chamberpot!

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

How about just one single Protestant on the Court to reflect reality? Or for Diversity’s sake?

99 Year Blues
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Calling it Magic Jew Theory is just a species of hand-waving. Okay, I get it, there’s a perfectly good argument for sensibly staying away from various political Third Rails (and the JQ is not the only one) as part of a larger, more practical polemical strategy. Makes sense. But sooner or later one must sort out reality, and it’s unfortunate but true that the JQ looms much larger in reality than anyone would like to comfortably think. I honestly would prefer not to think it myself, I don’t enjoy sounding like a crackpot; but I also would prefer not to… Read more »

Reply to  99 Year Blues
4 years ago

Ehhh, just speaking for myself, I think you’re enjoying sounding like a crackpot at least a little bit…

99 Year Blues
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Words have history, baggage, and weight. Saying “Jesuitical” instead of “Jewish” puts you on the train to Memphis, instead of the train to San Diego. You might say to yourself, “Hey, at least I’m on a train, right?” But the conductor doesn’t see it that way.

“Well it’s a mighty long way down rock and roll,
From the Liverpool docks to the Hollywood Bowl.
And you climb up the mountains, and fall down the holes…
(irresistible piano sting, then)
All the way to Memphis.”
— Aeschylus, “The Eumenides”

Reply to  99 Year Blues
4 years ago

In this context, “jesuitical” simply means “sophistic” or “dishonest.”

Dr. Mabuse
Dr. Mabuse
Reply to  Felix_Krull
4 years ago

Exactly. It would never occur to me to consider the term an ethnic slur, and I’m sure Z never intended it as such. Why, you’d think he’d called somebody “Fredo” or something!

Chad Hayden
Chad Hayden
Reply to  99 Year Blues
4 years ago

99 Year Blues, you are incredibly annoying.
Chad Hayden

99 Year Blues
Reply to  Chad Hayden
4 years ago

Always happy to oblige.

Mencken Libertarian
Mencken Libertarian
4 years ago

Thanks to Buckley, it is no longer possible to say, “I don’t want a bunch of foreigners moving into my town, because we live here and that’s how we want it.”

But there were people saying that. Not the Buckley dirt-bags, but the real right wingers like Sam Francis and many others. But the billionaire owners of the media never allowed it to be reported by their minions. If the Buckleyites had said that, they too would have been banned from any media exposure.

Dr. Mabuse
Dr. Mabuse
Reply to  Mencken Libertarian
4 years ago

Buckley had his own magazine. If he’d wanted to say it, he could have, and nobody could have banned him from doing so. But he didn’t want to, so it was never said. And he did all he could to ban others from saying it.

Mencken Libertarian
Mencken Libertarian
Reply to  Dr. Mabuse
4 years ago

Yes, he had his own magazine. And he had a television program on PBS or whatever it was called way back when. Sam Francis, Paul Gottfried and Murray Rothbard never had their own television programs, for some strange reason.

Reply to  Dr. Mabuse
4 years ago

A person with the motto of “Standing Athwart History Yelling Stop” has already lost. They are driving the car. They are the road kill.

Reply to  Dr. Mabuse
4 years ago

Yes, and his magazine was created with money from his Father and The CIA.

Buckely’s charge was to patrol the right and blacken the reputation of those the establishment reviled.

He was an agent of the Messias Deniers

Reply to  Mencken Libertarian
4 years ago

Last week, not this Max but the Boot fellow referred to the National Review as a white supremacist magazine. It’s only a matter of time until Boot has some type of complete public meltdown, like that tentacle porn guy.

Reply to  Max
4 years ago

Over at AoS, it looks like a meltdown all around for the normie-cons. I can’t even follow the arguments, it simply appears to me as a Twitter all-against-all. Of course, it seems to play out as a Monty Python skit, because real life these days always seems to play out as a Monty Python skit.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago


Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

Ace of Spades. They try to chronicle what is going on with and around Max Boot as everyone tries to flame each other on line, and it is just crazy stuff. At least the Observer-some people and Tiny Duck-everyone fights here are straightforward.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Thanks. I heard of Ace of Spades, but will take a dive into the website.

Reply to  Max
4 years ago

>>> Boot has some type of complete public meltdown, like that tentacle porn guy.<<<

Hahahahha I forgot all about Kurt Eichenwald…he really did fall off the face of the Earth

4 years ago

This post is clear, concise, and convincing.

American conservatism is merely the shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves forward towards perdition. It remains behind it, but never retards it, and always advances near its leader. ”

19th century Calvinist Casandra, Robert Lewis Dabney “

4 years ago

I LOVE the idea of stating what we are for. That must be done and to hell with those who hate us. Quotation of the Week – Robert Dabney on Conservatism It may be inferred again that the present movement for women’s rights will certainly prevail from the history of its only opponent, Northern conservatism. This is a party which never conserves anything. Its history has been that it demurs to each aggression of the progressive party, and aims to save its credit by a respectable amount of growling, but always acquiesces at last in the innovation. What was the… Read more »

Reply to  Larry
4 years ago

Dabney was one of the most interesting people of his era. He was something of a polymath who opposed public education. His reasoning was sound and he predicted the kind of educational mess we are stuck with today. Modern Presbyterians could learn much from him if they would bother to pull their heads out of their asses.

Reply to  Larry
4 years ago

All of our guys, including me, love this quote. This lifer must have seen it at least 20 times, but I never get tired of it.

After we erase that sentimental poem from the Statue of Liberty, this is what we’re putting in its place.

4 years ago

Besides the Civil Rights sellout by Conservatism, Inc, there was another factor involved – the Buckley Rights’ uncritical embrace of libertarian Capitalism. Any discussion of ends had to be modified by the dictum that “Whatever the ‘Free Market” spits out = Good”. Never mind that the Free Markets were somewhat questionably free, and that market capitalism will supply snuff porn and gay sex toys just as efficiently as anything else. Gotta keep that donor money flowing! I mean, I am second to no one in my hatred of Communism, and my disdain for socialism, but nothing is good in unlimited… Read more »

4 years ago

In concentrating on “the process,” they completely ignored the culture. “The process” is just the codification into law that happens at the end of a long hard cultural journey. The left managed to turn the degeneracy of homosexuals into sympathy through AIDS. It always stunned me how much money and effort goes into AIDS given what a small section of the population is actually susceptible to getting it and that it is entirely based on behavior. I always found it odd that gay marriage was even such a main political goal given how few gays want to get gay married… Read more »

Ex-Pralite Monk
Ex-Pralite Monk
Reply to  Tars_Tarkusz
4 years ago

True story: In the early 1990s I worked as a front desk clerk in a hotel in Aspen. One fellow checked in and I asked what he was in town for. He was a medical researcher and there’s a conference in town and one of the topics is how to raise money for funding (we get a lot of science conferences in Aspen). He said his funding is being cut and needs to figure something out. What is your area of research? I’m working on ways to extend the lives of prematurely-born infants. SHOCK. That sounds like a great cause.… Read more »

The Babe
The Babe
4 years ago

Conservatism is about thinking of creative ways to rationalize losing.

“Well, at least we played by the rules!” is the template excuse, the ur-excuse. Others, such as Originalism, are a customization of that.

But take away that excuse, and they’ll see that they are just plain losing, and the only way forward is to win. They would have to embrace reality, and as our reality is a difficult one, they might not be man enough to do it.

Reply to  The Babe
4 years ago

The Romneys and McCains were most proud of their concession speeches.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  The Babe
4 years ago

I honestly believe that most white conservatives would willingly be carted off to the gulag if it was ordered by democratically elected officials and approved by a non-white Supreme Court.

4 years ago

Again ZMan focuses on symptoms not causes. Conservatives did a pretty good job conserving things & keeping America recognizable for almost 200 years, until the mid-1960’s. What changed around 1965 is that our intellectual & cultural institutions were captured by a tribe that hates white people & they turned those institutions against us. The homosexual narcissist grifter alcoholic Buckley’s innovation was to concoct a conservatism that conformed to the morality & status codes cooked up by Jews in Ivy League colleges & enforced by jewish Press & entertainment. That allowed his brand of toothless process conservatism to appear on TV… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Observer
4 years ago

I’m a sucker for data. Could you document that percentage of Jewish professors in, say, Ivy League, University of California (especially Berkeley and UCLA), Stanford and maybe UChicago, Duke and/or other leading universities went up between 1900, 1920, 1940 and 1960, or something like that.

It would also be good to see proof of who sponsored or promoted the 1965 immigration act.

Maybe Kevin MacDonald has already done this but documentation for the claim that the JQ is not mere one, but THE, central issue, would augment your credibility.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

In your heart you know I’m right.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Observer
4 years ago

Hehe, that’s the kinda salesman talk that might sell me a cup of coffee or a book, but not a car or a house. Ideologically, ‘buying’ the JQ is the equivalent of taking out a mortgage. I like to see numbers then. But nice try 🙂

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

“I want very specific numbers & information that I could easily look up myself, and if you don’t provide them to me I will not believe you.” Sorry. You’ll forgive me for not jumping to go do directed research at the request of a simpering little pussy who can’t bring himself to acknowledge badthink reality without spoonfeeding. I notice that you didn’t order up stats to prove Jewish control of media to your standards. I guess you were able to figure that one out on your own. Congratulations for that. Are you saying that you don’t believe that today’s Ivy… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Observer
4 years ago

simpering little pussy

It’s not ‘fear’, it’s that you come across as a bitter loser, and pretty dumb I might add. The JQ is evidently your explanation for why your life didn’t turn out as you had wanted. I was genuinely asking for documentation of why you were so sure that the JQ is the key. Instead of providing it, you went straight to angry, rejected loser mode. That tells me you don’t yourself believe you can sell it. And you still wonder why no one buys your dirty juice??

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

Less whining. If you work for it, it will stick better.

Reply to  roo_ster
4 years ago

Shorter Moran: I have an open mind on this issue, honestly. But you need to really sell it to me. You can start by providing me specific statistics I request. Also you need to account for counter examples from around the world. And I don’t like your tone. And you only believe that because you are a dumb bitter loser with a bad life. But I’m open-minded on this topic, really!

Reply to  Observer
4 years ago

Hold on, Obs, Moran’s on to something here. Another huge red pill for me were the lists of names.

Somebody compiled list after list, for a time. Horowitz’s ‘Discover the Network’ is a deeply underused and underappreciated model.

And stop with the insulting. You’re overdoing things.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

Moran, I don’t know that I have the energy or interest to dig the #s up for you now (I’m supposed to be cleaning the oven while hubby is out of town) but they are there – even if one doesn’t agree with Observer 100%. The Jews were complaining about discrimination in admissions when they were already 25% of students and perhaps 1.5% of the population. The # of professors went up more slowly and really took off after WWII and the GI bill, but they had their acolytes – all the followers of the Frankfurt School – before then.… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

Ron Unz has covered this in some detail in his own pieces re: the Ivys. The post-50’s march through the institutions was in large part “Revenge of the Jews” for the WASP social exclusion they felt prior to WWII – even Sailer knocks the Jews for this crusade. (((Celler))) of the Hart-Celler act was the Senator in question. That said, I’m all for Noticing, but I don’t get why making Z “name the Jew” is such a priority recently. There are enough of us here keeping that gate open for those who’re ready. Those who seem hell-bent on overspicing our… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

The weird thing about the JQ is how often it becomes ‘all or nothing’ to people who take the JQ plunge. Most people, I imagine, start from the same place I do, by thinking that if something is overwhelmingly and obviously true, documenting it cannot be that hard. Everyone here understands that blacks are disproportionately violent and criminal, that Asians do very well in academia and that Jews do the same in addition to Hollywood, the media and finance. And every reader here would probably also agree that there are a lot of very bad, liberal Jews. What is not… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

Moran, this is where the power of the internet can be harnessed.

Powerpoint, org charts, and wikis work, for a reason.

Add: aha, hadn’t read Bob’s post yet.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

I sort of share Exile’s take on the JQ: too much focus “overspices” the stew by excluding rational discussion of equally valid causes for cultural collapse, e.g. Moran’s recognition of the declining influence of Christianity or Zman and others’ observation that economics (particularly consumerism) has migrated upstream of culture and subsumed it almost totally as a causal agent. But one counterargument to Moran’s proposition that blaming the browning of Europe on Jews strains Occam’s razor is Japan: few Jews, less filth. Tempered, of course, with the cautionary provisos that correlation is not causation and arguing from the specific to the… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

Jews, did massively immigrate into Australia post WW2.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

No Jews in Japan, no multiculti madness. Valid point I think. Other possible explanations, Traditional East Asian ethnocentricism, come to mind but the correlation is certainly there. More generally about the JQ, Im thinking that there may be something there and it may be that Jews do feel like outsiders in Western, Christianity-based society. They are very smart and hard-working and so tend to rise to the top like corks when not actively kept out of the top. And b/c they still feel like outsiders you get attitudes and later, as their influence grows, policies that are eventually seen as… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

This doesn’t break it down by decade, but “An article by Lipset and Ladd (1971),[1] using survey data of 60,000 academics from 1969, shows that the 1960s were a critical period for the rise of a Jewish academic culture well to the left of non-Jewish professors. Jews represented around 12% of faculty in general, but around 25% of the younger faculty (less than age 50) at Ivy League universities—percentages that were much higher than in previous decades. Jews were heavily represented on the faculties of other elite public and private universities as well, particularly in the politically relevant fields of… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Bob
4 years ago

Thanks, will have a look at this.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

Given the current situation, I’d say that the burden of proof is on you, not Observer.

I get not wanting to overly focus on the role of Jews to make it easier for normies to make the journey, but denying fairly obvious truths isn’t a good strategy either.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

I’m interested in ONE thing here, why the West is being swamped w 3rd worlders. Observer, and others, claim they know ‘the answer’. Any rational process puts the onus on the one claiming to have the answer, to prove he is right.

The JQ woke think Im stalling. But I think the JQ woke are less than entirely convincing.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

The Enlightenment + WWI + WWII caused a crisis of confidence in the West. Jews – being the ultimate confidence men – took advantage of it, to the point that we signed over everything to them and they now control what used to be our assets. We brought some this on ourselves, but Jews absolutely accelerated the process and now are trying to make it irreversible. Z is right about one thing. If we regain our confidence, Jews become a minor problem. However, Jews are the biggest impediment to getting back our confidence, so not acknowledging the role of Jews… Read more »

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Observer
4 years ago

Your JQ obsession is f-cking extremely tiresome and if you are going to ramrod it down Z’s throat on every single post he makes now I would guess your life expectancy here is going to be observably short. Listen closely as I don’t like to repeat myself. This is not some normie infested cuck board like American Conservative. The people here are RedPilled AF and are Eyes Wide Open. All that being said, there is no need (or want) to turn this place into Stormfront/VNN/whatever. If you want that environment, it exists and you need to go there. We are… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago

It’s gotten boomerwaffen fedposty here lately.

And name calling isn’t going to cut it here AFAIAC. It’s really boring and unoriginal.

Reply to  Ultra-Pasteurized
4 years ago

‘Boomerwaffen fedposty’!
Yup, notices have been plastered on twitter about a “fedposting” campaign ramping up.

A discreditation campaign, killing our ideas in the crib.
This has happened before, thus my years of gnashing my teeth at conservatives.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

The original dissidents- guys who were warning us decades ago about where this was headed- have had their very concepts replaced and relabeled.

Their third Party- qualified in all 50 states- died with G.H. Browne and the Fair Tax, and a shabbos goy front- ‘Reason’- replaced Tenth Amendment solutions with globalist absurdities.

Now they are cursed by all right-thinking people, for things never said. All in the service of growing government.

Grabbing the gun has become the highest prize- it always was, of course- but ffs, we can be smarter than this. We’re wasting the new conditions available.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

PS: I get that Zman hates dreary bores who lack the shark-toothed nuance of the east coast. Dreamy simps who think common decency is a selling point, and maybe the only viable option in an increasingly crowded world.

A friend out of prison told me, “you’ve got to treat everybody like they’re out to get something from you.” Wise words, but no way to run a country.

This ‘my way or the highway’ isn’t how the Left came to power. That’s what the right keeps missing, and why they’ll keep losing.
Please see today’s Z-article.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago

That was a good comment.

Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago

All I am hearing is “Yes, we are super redpilled badass badthinkers who know the truth. But we don’t want to say it because, um, reasons. Also optics. Also, we have a super double secret method for redpilling normies by not talking about things. Also you’re a dumbdumb Nazi doodoohead fedposter!”
All on an anonymous messsage board on a dissident right website.
I am disappoint.

Reply to  Observer
4 years ago

But we don’t want to say it because, um, reasons.

It’s being said all the time in here, and Z-man has put his cards on the table on numerous occasions. You’re pissing up the wrong tree.

Reply to  Felix_Krull
4 years ago

All the time? Really? You know a good time to mention it would be in an essay about how shitty Bill Buckley was. Because one of Buckley’s many shitty tendencies was to defenestrate & unpersoned anyone who touched on the JQ from Conservatism, starting with the Birchers & continuing to Joe Sobran & many others.
But I don’t even see a throwaway mention of that.

Reply to  Observer
4 years ago

All the time? Really?

Don’t be obtuse.

I don’t know much about Buckley – I’m from Europe – but nobody is being called a Nazi for talking JQ. You get flak because people are worried that this site is being invaded by agents provocateur, flooding the comments with boilerplate Jewbaiting, something that has ruined several dis-right fora.

Reply to  Felix_Krull
4 years ago

Krull, his ‘won’t shut up’ is becoming ‘let’s talk about me’. Obs, you’re a troll.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

This my jew post from 8/10/19. It got 4 up votes that day. Let’s see if it still has a little juice in it. Moran ya Simba said: ” But, I also think it is easy to overestimate the JQ. And to some ppl it becomes everything. Which I dont think it is.” If an infintesimel fraction of the worlds population can wrap the whole freaking planet around their little fingers. And the vast majority simply let it happen. Then 7 billion people deserve every ass whoopin their going to get. I mean seriously folks, what the hell. Think about… Read more »

Dr. Mabuse
Dr. Mabuse
Reply to  Observer
4 years ago

Sorry, mate, you’ve brought your pigs to the wrong market. This is the “Everything wrong in the world is the fault of the Baby Boomers!” blog. The “Everything wrong in the world is the fault of the Jews!” blog is one street over.

Reply to  Dr. Mabuse
4 years ago

I thought this was the “Everything wrong in the world is the fault of women” blog. I must be in the wrong place.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Bob
4 years ago

That’s Whiskey.

Reply to  Observer
4 years ago

One way of discrediting an influential blog is blowing up the comments section. It doesn’t have to be feds, as I’m sure there are organized groups of left, Antifa types out there doing just that.

Reply to  Observer
4 years ago

Really? Prior to the welfare state, when immigrants were still people that pulled their own weight, an argument could be made (and probably was) that [insert group here] isn’t bothering anyone, so they should be allowed to go their own way. And thus were the various ethnic conclaves, mafias and political machines born. Some positive, some not.

Ex-Pralite Monk
Reply to  Observer
4 years ago

Most conservative publications ban anti-Semitic talk because if you allow it anti-Semites won’t shut up about it. You could have a conversation about model rockets, or the advantages of mixed-breed dogs over pure-breed, and someone will jump in and say WHAT ABOUT THE JEWS?

It’s like tourette syndrome, but instead of swearing they scream about Jews.

4 years ago

Sounds great. How do we get there when we are systematically excluded from the Public Square, and likely will be disarmed and imprisoned soon?

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Learn from Mao and Lind.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

I’ve been in the CA hinterlands most of the summer, doesn’t feel like that up here. Get out of the cities and unplug from the net more. Being “extemely online” can distort your sense of threat and urgency. If you’re really feeling the pinch, look at moving to a decent rural white community, like Lineman’s been suggesting. I still have to jump between nice rural California and Hell-A/the other coastal favelas here for work but having a “safe space” in the hills has been a huge white pill for me lately.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Exactly my experience, Exile. Getting “up the hill” is the highlight of my week and has done wonders for my health and outlook. Get out of the damn blue cities, folks.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

I love the CA hinterlands…every little town is a SWPL version of pre-‘65 America. Phenomenal wine-tasting in Murphys, and Truckee is an absolute delight.

One of many Georges
One of many Georges
4 years ago

“The conservative doubts that the present can be bettered, and he tries to shape the future in the image of the present. He goes to the past for reassurance about the present.” –Eric Hoffer, The True Believer I’m actually kind of ambivalent about The True Believer. It seems to be an anti-fanatic polemic. But it reveals on every page the incredible energy of fanaticism. The Zman and others on our side point out that the left is like a cult, like a religion. But that may be why we’re on the defensive–the left is “religious” and the right isn’t–or isn’t… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

Conservatism will have to start with “This is who we are and this is how we seek to live.” What would I like? 1) Only married males of means can vote or hold office 2) Term limits 3) Immigration, family planning, other policies that ensure a 90+% white majority 4) Limited welfare for citizens only 5) 1st amendment like free speech 6) Civilians must be allowed to own any small arms that the military and/or police use (I’m not sure about hand grenades, RPGs but that’s detail; it’s a heck of a lot better than fighting off terrorists or tyrants… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

“Much of what you say you’ll give us, we already have.” From Jody Wales movie.

Moran, about half or more of what you list above is the current law, simply unenforced. Not sure where this observation goes, but it is frustrating to see example after example of such lawlessness accepted as normal.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

I agree but then again, back when the wheels hadn’t come off American culture (for me that would be childhood in the 1980s and college in early 1990s) I thought it was a pretty awesome place. A lot better than Europe back then. America has become extremely Europeanized since 2000. Same sullen ‘know your place, little peasant’ culture. It used to be ‘knock yourself out, tiger’ land.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

I was in Europe in the 90s and it felt fairly open, almost like the elite were disinterested in the population and the world in general.
They had their closed system and the plebs had theirs and never the twain would meet. Both sides seemed satisfied with the situation.

Elites seem much more interested in everyone nowadays.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Jeff
4 years ago

Oh yes the 1990s, was a pleasant holiday from history all over the West I think. The difference, as I experienced it, was that in Europe there was more ‘peer to peer’ social control of the ‘don’t grow too big for your boots’ kind. Who said that in the US in the 80s or 90s? Now you have to ‘check your privilege’ everywhere.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

You forgot helicopter rides for all those individuals who fund pro-immigration policies or work for immigrant/refugee placement in the U.S. We could kick off the helicopter rides with a televised dropping of Chamber of Commerce executives. Also, all individuals aiding Africa with food, money and vaccines that have created a population explosion of low-IQ, unproductive, violence-prone people should get helicopter rides if they are not permanently deported to Africa. In all seriousness, I like your ideas. The U.S. should declare itself a Christian nation and declare English our official language. If Jews or other non-Christians or non-Europeans are permitted to… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Ursula
4 years ago

We re gonna need helicopters yeah lol

4 years ago

The still influential if fading Protestant faith is key here. I’ll reiterate that the “open source” nature of Protestantism left it more vulnerable to subversion than “b/c the Church says so” Catholicism was***. In line with Z’s theme today, Protestantism was a “process” religion where DIY scriptural lawyering could make every man his own Aquinas and voting set policy for many sects. There are pros and cons to democracy vs. dictatorship in Church policy, but the main points to follow here are that: 1) Protestant Christianity has historically set the moral standards for both ends and means in America; 2)… Read more »

4 years ago

My probably over simplistic take on the current age vs. the age of the founders is this: These days everybody wants their free shit. Whether it’s lefties with the welfare state and having the ability to browbeat the non-compliant without suffering consequences – or the right wingers seemingly endless quest for more wars and a bigger military machine and so forth……….. everybody wants free shit of some form or fashion. Nobody believes that there are limits on anything any more. Tell a leftie that no a man can’t be a woman and they freak out. Tell a rightie that he… Read more »

4 years ago

I manage projects and programs for a living. If in the early stages of a project you cannot articulate your vision for an end-state, I guarantee you’ll never get there. I often spend the first few weeks of a project “selling” it to the team.

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

Likewise, I am a stickler for metrics. How do you define and measure results. Most of the worse expenditures of resources are towards fixing problems with no definable metric of success, therefore no ability to judge the project. This is so common as to be accepted as the norm for most every endeavor in the social sciences (as vs “hard” sciences).

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

That’s because sometimes the wrong thing is being measured.

But now we’re talking Political Finance, something taught in schools, but not in business schools, who adhere to the GAAP (generally accepted accounting practices).

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

OT: Do you think that the adoption of SD strategies such as Agile or Rational Rose have delivered what they promised?

Reply to  ReturnOfBestGuest
4 years ago

It’s a better fit for stuff like software development – people seem to thing it works well there and delivers value faster than tradition project management. Agile really assumes your team’s time is 100% dedicated to the project. I’m lucky if I get 10% of my team members’ time – so it makes no sense for my projects.

4 years ago

“By any measure, the Federalist Society types have been the most successful tribe of modern conservatism. ” Yep, despite constant attacks from the left, the 1st and 2nd amendments remain largely intact. A big assist from the NRA on the latter. The problem is when one side decides to quit playing by the rules, what is the best response if you are the other team? CivNats would say, “continue to play by the rules, we will win over the public.” Guess what, that strategy has failed miserably. Ending that failed strategy within the court battles would involve some type of… Read more »

Reply to  Max
4 years ago

But it is still there, waiting to be picked up as a cultural symbol. Let us not throw away any of the few tools we have.

Reply to  Max
4 years ago

Several of the Democrat candidates are already discussing “court packing” of the Supreme Court. Unless I’m missing something, once demographics close off the White House to our Con., Inc. in the near future, the Federalist Society will either shift hard to the left (even by the standards of American “conservatism”), or be rendered marginal to non-existent.

4 years ago

Dissident rightists are not now nor have they ever been confused about Buckley’s brand of conservatism. Conservative schmervative. Synthesized down to the ugly fundamentals of serfdom in the United Socialist States starts with punitive taxation. An honest cost accounting reveals the gargantuan waste that goes hand in hand with the modern tyranny we are blessed with. It is the basis of all control here. These posts go a long way in our understanding of why and what has always stuck in our collective craws. If thine eye offend thee pluck it out. I lean towards insulating myself from the progressive… Read more »

Reply to  JMDGT
4 years ago

JMDGT: “Total irradication is what we need if we want to leave a proper legacy for those that come after us. Peaceful separation is preferred. Ticks do not go away willingly.” Plenty here still shy away from this, but I have repeatedly asserted that even if the population genetics are corrected, and even if women are properly kept out of politics and the public square, the usual economic and cultural heresies will arise. Just as the White progressives of the 19th century did untold damage, any future ethnostate will need to remain eternally vigilant for new pushes for old ideas… Read more »

Christopher Chantrill
Christopher Chantrill
4 years ago

First we have to advance an argument that we gotta right to say “this is who we are and how we seek to live.” My Three Peoples theory is designed to do that. People of the Subordinate Self, workers and peasants, want to live in the shelter of some lord, feudal or neo-feudal such as an lefty politician. OK, you gotta right People of the Creative Self, artists and writers, LGBTs, activists and startup business guys, want to break the mold. OK, but you chaps out on a limb are risking life and limb. Don’t come to us when your… Read more »

Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
Reply to  Christopher Chantrill
4 years ago

re: your “People of the Creative Self “..
although I’m alternately bemused or disgusted by their output of “art”, I wouldn’t prohibit them from following their Bliss.
Just don’t ask me to subsidize it through taxes, or require me to bow down to it in reverence. There’s room for everyone.. not necessarily anywhere near me though.

Reply to  Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
4 years ago

“There’s room for everyone”
“Just don’t ask me to subsidize it through taxes”

You’re poised to remake all the mistakes that conservatives made all over again.

race > (economics and individualisim)

Reply to  Christopher Chantrill
4 years ago

Your 3 peoples theory is compelling and if you invented it yourself, I salute you.

Most people would want to live with the responsible selves with a few creative selves who aren’t charity cases for stimulation.

This is what the USA was at it’s founding, yet here we are. If you realized your society, we would replay the past 200 years with some of the particulars changed.

Your theory doesn’t fit our world because it overlooks the basic tribalism of non-whites and J3ws, who mostly want their groups to dominate the larger group.

4 years ago

The problem with making a god of process, is it becomes a one way ratchet for progressivism. If elections only produced process conservatives, the process would align with the ends. But since the left only follows process when it benefits them, they always move the ball down the field. When the process conservatives get back in power, they never repeal any progress the left has made, but merely slow it down for awhile. You can also see the process worship with never-Trumpers. He justifiably gets mixed reviews from real conservatives on this site, but he has given the civnats three… Read more »

4 years ago

Well, I very much like the idea of stating desired ends with clarity. Here is mine. In the event that Progressives win the initial battle and secure a tyranny here in the Good Old USA, then I think we should aspire to survive anyway and ultimately prevail via our strength, intelligence, courage, and dedication to a cause greater than ourselves. If your way of persuasion can prevent the advent of tyranny, then so much the better. But if not, then other means may be required.

Monsieur le Baron
Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

What remaining things have to be stripped away to call it a tyranny? The constitution is a dead letter. You are constantly monitored by the secret police and political commissars. A hereditary aristocracy was present here (as in all countries) from the get go, but they have been shorn of all noblesse oblige and act as callous colonial viceroys. The only places where gun rights remain are largely out of the way places where confiscation could never ve enforced anyways. The government is no longer accountable but is ruled by a permanent bureaucracy which constitutes a sovereign power in and… Read more »

Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
Reply to  Monsieur le Baron
4 years ago

Well, Tyranny is being told what you can do, what you can’t do (even if They are doing it), what you must do.. whatever is not prohibited is mandatory.
Tyranny is the complete absence of self actualization, self direction, total loss of personal sovereignty.
Starvation & breadlines are irrelevant to whether you live as a sovereign brother or as a serf.
Tyranny quickly turns you into a slave.
Mmmm, soylent.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

The counter argument will be how do you propose to do that when the population votes for redistribution to themselves.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  ReturnOfBestGuest
4 years ago

ReturnOfBestGuest said: ” The counter argument will be how do you propose to do that when the population votes for redistribution to themselves.” Hahaha! That ship sailed a long time ago. The question now is, who’s going to be smart enough to slip through cracks and find a comfortable, reasonably happy life? No matter what the situation, you still make most of your own luck.

4 years ago

As far as your up tick in traffic for me it’s your daily content. While not always in agreement, the fact you take the time to post thoughtful content daily AND produce a podcast every week plus attract a civil and intelligent audience keeps me coming back and must entice new readers as well . Although bit of mud slinging today . . . . Use to see Buckley on PBS and reminded me of someone in a “Grey Poupon ” commercial. What the hell was that accent all about ? Years later it was Rush, then Beck. Now enough… Read more »

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
4 years ago

We should stop referring to process conservatives as “conservatives “. Since what they’re actually doing also ends up in the miasmatic swamp of progressivism. They should be labelled as such.

RP ~ Republican Party ~ Retard Progressives ~ Rearguard Progressives…

“Cuckservative” rattled their cage because it even struck them in some deep seated inner recess as true. We should find a simple and direct term that defines them as progressivism’s rearguard.

4 years ago

From the beginning of our history it was Jefferson’s vision vs Hamilton’s … Hamilton won, and won big. Bill Buckley was very simply a protege of Federalist fanboy Alexander Hamilton and “conservative” in the same meddling fashion as the likes of Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, and Herbert Hoover. The proteges of Jeffersonian anti-Federalists lost all power after the Civil War.

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago


The Last Stand
The Last Stand
4 years ago

Heartiste is back!

Reply to  The Last Stand
4 years ago

Rejoice! The silver tongued devil with the insights that kill “pretty lies” is back.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

I would love to see a 3-way debate between Zman, Vox Day, and Heartiste.

Reply to  TheLastStand
4 years ago

Live debates are so last century. Debating within the blog format gives you hours or days to ponder each question before you reply. This means it’s harder to “win” a debate with glib casuistry, ad hominem, ridicule and dodgy rhetoric. Watching any live debate is an intellectual clusterfuck at best, even when the debaters are top range. Take this exchange. Now that I’ve put my reply out there, explaining why I disagree with your proposed debate, you cannot just cut me off mid-post, raise your voice and change the subject. You have to engage with what I actually wrote. Another… Read more »

4 years ago

“Conservatives” also focus on process because it gives them something to DO. Nothing is more boring to a person who fancies xzhyrself an intellectual than conservatism. Look at Thomas Hobbes — much as I love him (and it’s a deep and profound love, no homo), he only got into political philosophy because he was bored with the Schoolmen, who (in his view) had spent the previous 500 years just adding footnotes to Aristotle. If there’d been another philosophy chair at some university (or if he’d been a better mathematician), he would’ve lived his life as an obscure professor. It appears… Read more »

4 years ago

Ends justifying means is an exceedingly dangerous process because while the ends are uncertain and indeterminate, the means are concrete and entirely feasible. Thus, one can justify and enact any ensemble of atrocities–that is how the USSR was built–in the name of Utopia, but, of course, that Utopia never arrives. In consequence, you’ve slaughtered tens of millions of people and achieved sweet Fatty Arbuckle. Now I agree 100 percent with Z that process conservatism exists, that it has failed completely, and that a new approach is necessary. I doubt, however, that ends justifying means is the path we want to… Read more »

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

Ostei: Disagree 100%. The only end that matters to me is the preservation of Western Civilization and those who built it and the only ones capable of furthering it, not merely copying it – European Whites, most of them at least nominally Christian. I am fully aware of just what it’s going to take to assure that, and my attitude is bring it on – please – before I am too old to take part.

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

We agree entirely on the goal, but I’m unwilling to immediately jump to the nuclear option to attain it. We must discriminate in how we go about saving the West. We begin with the most reasonable and least radical means and only escalate to more drastic measures if the previous ones fail. Ergo, there’s no reason to set off suitcase nukes in ghettos–or indiscriminately shoot up a WalMart in El Paso–when you could have reached your goal by forming political organizations, parallel institutions and raising one hell of a lot of money for your cause.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

In the end, the Ends are all that matter. Pound that into your head. “Who, Whom?” We tried Rule of Law and it was perverted and undermined. I am not Charlie Effing Brown. Once the ball is swiped a few times, the rules changed, or double-standards erected by our opponents, I no longer feel constrained by defunct rules or moral schema. One big difference between Our Thing and the USSR is that our objectives are not utopian. Our Thing is very concrete, measurable, practical and limited. Question: How many tens of millions of Legacy Americans have not been born due… Read more »

Reply to  roo_ster
4 years ago

“Our Thing” doesn’t sound very concrete and measurable! What exactly do you mean by Our Thing?

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

Do not confuse means with ends.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

A.B Prosper: “I’m a bit long in the tooth for a gas station fort and comely slave girls for me and my raider buddies.
Maybe we ought to try and prevent this.”

4 years ago

Its hilarious, but the most powerful argument in the Boomer Conservative toolbox today is…..”its bad for black people”. That’s where WFB has led us.

Gilbert Ratchet
Gilbert Ratchet
4 years ago

You saw what happened to Heartiste’s blog, right? Have you made contingency plans for when WordPress bans you?

Reply to  Gilbert Ratchet
4 years ago

He’s not on WordPress, he merely uses their software solution.

The Babe
The Babe
4 years ago

George Will is pretty low-hanging fruit, but The American Conservative, which seems to be staggering unevenly in /our/ direction (perhaps tugging against the donors’ leash), rightly whacks Will for just the sort of means-over-ends, conserve-nothing conservatism critiqued by the Zman today.

4 years ago

If I were to summarize this piece, “to the Buckley Right, the means justify the ends.”

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
4 years ago

The last two posts have been absolutely perfect.

Tom Dahlberg
Tom Dahlberg
4 years ago

See Christian Neopopulism as the new right.
The book is entitled “Dancing on Rationalism’s Graves: The Victory of Populism in the Postmodern Age” It is available on

4 years ago

“Once it became clear the Left was going to gain the moral high ground on the race issue, the Buckleyites were faced with a choice. They could attack Progressive morality and risk ostracism or they could adapt and fit within that new morality. “They adapted by switching from an ideology with a clear set of ends in mind to an ideology that makes a fetish over process.” In my opinion, the historical process that Fukuyama and Kojeve wrote about, that the “far” Right* long warned about, consumed the old American “Right”. “If there is to be a new Right, it… Read more »

Reply to  Prussian
4 years ago

The onward march of Progress, of “economic opportunity”, of “government by and for the people”, of the Rights of Man (Human Rights), of “freedom”, shall not be blocked by the Evil forces of hate and reaction. They shall be left on the ash heap of history!
comment image

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

thazman said: “This article from a legal journal is a good primer on how this obedience to process plays out in conservative jurisprudence. By any measure, the Federalist Society types have been the most successful tribe of modern conservatism. They get judges appointed to the bench and they get law students interested in their ideas. Given the atmosphere on the college campus, that last bit is no small thing. Yet, despite their operational success, conservative jurisprudence has nothing to show for itself. ” Conservatism has never had what it takes to hold the line against the dark side, and never… Read more »

Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

In my view, the American Right was always corrupted in its principles. It was there from the beginning, in the person of Thomas Jefferson, for example, who wrote the ‘Declaration of Independence’, helped write the ‘Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen’, stated: “…Bacon, Locke and Newton, whose pictures I will trouble you to have copied for me: and as I consider them as the three greatest men that have ever lived, without any exception…” and yet, also wrote the ‘Notes on the State of Virginia’. The Civil War was about deciding which of these poles the… Read more »

Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

The “conservatives” have always had their system corrupted by infection of “the thing” (as in the Kurt Russell movie), “the thing” being the ideas (virus, false religion) of liberalism. With determined effort, a few can remove the infection from their system, but most cannot. Those who have attempted to stand firm and fight “the thing” have lost and been consumed. The dissident Right, what remains of the West, are similar to Kurt Russell and his remaining friends/co-workers at the end of the movie “…maybe we’ll just warm things up around here.” Of course, the only way to “warm things up… Read more »

4 years ago

An author friend of mine loved this article. He asked me to pass that on. He and his co-writer a have been working for years on a new philosophical foundation for a new right. The core of the model is a neo-populist rejection of the government’s tradition of language use called “rationalism” in favor of the people’s traditions of language, common sense, and religion. Their latest book is Dancing on Rationalism’s Grave, by Dahlberg and Kaardal, available on Amazon. Neopopulism is not about process, but about the people’s freedom to live as they want to by their own lights, not… Read more »

4 years ago

Re: ” The Right could never bring themselves to state the obvious. The intent of marriage laws and customs is to encourage baby making. The language of marriage makes that abundantly clear. The only purpose of marriage is reproduction. The additional benefits created by society through laws and rituals is to encourage reproduction. Homosexual marriage is therefore an absurd contradiction ” I remember making pretty much that exact same argument when the gay marriage thing was something that was still a goal to obtained in the future. What I recall is getting the impression I was talking to a brick… Read more »

4 years ago

You are confusing Buckley with Lowry.
That’s like conflating Reagan with Bush.

Its inaccurate well past sloppiness and untruthful.

They were done in 1989 when the wall went down. They conserved America to fight on another day. This is that day. That every generation of men must struggle is not the fault of their ancestors. With the possible exceptions of parents.

Reply to  vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉
4 years ago

Yes, every generation must struggle. But when many generations have made the same mistake while knowing better, that is a different problem.

Buckley and Reagan knew a significant source of our problems but capitulated to them for fear of being called “racist.” That is what can be criticized and must change.

4 years ago

” The Right never bothered with these arguments and instead fell into Jesuitical legalism.”
” The Right never bothered with these arguments and instead fell into Talmudic legalism.”

There, fixed that for ya.

4 years ago

I’m sort of the opposite of a process conservative. I’m a process liberal. I’m more of an advocate of “one man one vote” and an 18 year limit on federal judges – but if that results in a conservative outcome – then so be it. Obviously banning gerrymandering wouldn’t really change a state like Wyoming for instance as they would still have a heavily republican legislature.

4 years ago

A thought…

While listening to a Sovereign Nations podcast the left was described as a pagan religion. That seems like a powerful tool to motivate and grow our base.

If you haven’t discovered Sovereign Nations check it out.

A few great podcasts worth your time:

4 years ago

The entire discussion boils down to the “Overton Window” and how ‘conservatives WILL continue to trend more and more to communism just to stay relevant and in power…all because the largest voting demographic, women desire such to be so.

Now do you understand why women’s rights MUST be taken away and ALL welfare must that order.

So, are you ready to do just that to save Western Civilization?

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Northgunner
4 years ago

Northgunner said: “So, are you ready to do just that to save Western Civilization?” First off. Define Western Civilization. What exactly do you think Western Civilization consists of ? Then show me where some of that remains, if at all. Then tell me, in detail, what your plan is to save it. So, have your people call my people, and we’ll have lunch.

Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

Do you seriously not know what “Western Civilization” means? Do you know what “Chinese Civilization” means? Why feign ignorance?

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

LineInTheSand said: “Do you know what “Chinese Civilization” means? Look friend. If you’ve spent the last 40 years in intensive, single minded study of Chinese history. Then fine, you know somthing about it. Same thing with Western Civilization. That’s an enormous 1000 year old thing. And I guarantee you nobody on this blog has a deep understanding of it. What people mean by Western Civilisation is the bits and pieces their familiar with. The fact is that, whatever Western Civilization may have been, it’s not that anymore and never will be again. What you want to save is the White… Read more »

Reply to  Northgunner
4 years ago

It’s Western peoples that need saving, not Western civilization. Western civilization is the global default civilization, the one everybody else copies. Or attempt to copy, at any rate.

dmv gringo
dmv gringo
4 years ago

Blah, blah, blah!
Yawn, yawn, yawn!
Snore, snore, snore!
You’re so cucking far behind the curve boomer.
Die, dry up, blow away, you irrelevant echo chamber cunt.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  dmv gringo
4 years ago

@dmv gringo. Hahahaha! Does your mommy know your playing with her computer?

Reply to  dmv gringo
4 years ago

Fedposter spotted!

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Or Internet spam unspecific to any known topic.

Reply to  dmv gringo
4 years ago

Gringo? Last time I checked the colors on the flag weren’t red, white, and burrito.

Jess Kevin
Jess Kevin
4 years ago

The problem with this analysis is that it is racist and white supremacist

No one wants it and will fight against it

People of Color are the future

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Jess Kevin
4 years ago

You can clear mine-fields when the show starts.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

You are responding to our favorite internet troll.

Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

Yup, it’s “Tiny Duck”.
not much of troll.
try harder next time, Jessie Kevin.

Reply to  Jess Kevin
4 years ago

To hell with your future

Diversity Heretic
Reply to  Jess Kevin
4 years ago

Is that you Tiny Duck?

Reply to  Jess Kevin
4 years ago

Z’s noticed he’s getting more traffic lately. More traffic = more trolling

Tell me, Jess another Cohen, if no one wants “it,” why are you afraid of people hearing about “it?”

Reply to  Jess Kevin
4 years ago

LOL. Which country was it again where 60 people died recently after a fuel truck turned over? Was it Denmark? , no I don’t think that was it. Was it Finland? hmmm – pretty sure it wasn’t there either. Maybe it was Canada? – nope, nothing in the news. Hmmm – maybe it was Singapore … no again. Hey wait a minute – maybe I’m looking on the wrong continent…. Ok , there it is: Tanzania. People burned up siphoning fuel from overturned fuel tanker. It’s not like that has ever happened before…………….. Tell me again who’s going to own… Read more »

King Tut
King Tut
Reply to  Jess Kevin
4 years ago

“No one wants it and will fight against it. People of Color are the future”.

Then you’ve got absolutely nothing to worry about.