The Cuck’s Life

The triggering event for when the so-called conservative movement made the final turn toward the dustbin of history was when the term “cuckservative” started to gain traction on social media. A portmanteau of “conservative” and “cuckold”, coined by fans of Richard Spencer, it captured the very essence of the person peddling Buckley-style conservatism during the populist revolt of 2015. These were men routinely humiliated by their women, with the women being their political masters on the Left.

The humiliation comes from the fact that these so-called conservatives are not forced to grovel by the political Left. It’s that they have so internalized their servitude, they think their self-debasement is a point of pride. They are like the house slave defending the master against the field slaves. It’s not that they get material benefits from selling out their kind. It’s that they have come to be defined by the fact that they have surrendered themselves to their masters completely. They are “men without chests.”

It is not enough for the cuckservative to remain silent about the proselytizing of the Left or excuse their excesses. The cuck’s life is one of always trying to be ahead of the curve, when it comes to championing Progressive morality. As soon as the Left starts making noises about something, the cuckservative will turn up with a highly polished explanation for why Progressive morality is, in fact, a conservative principle. They prove their worth by being to the Left of Progressives on moral issues.

The king of the cucks is probably David French, who invests all of his time lecturing the dwindling readership of National Review on why he is too good for them. His game these days is to write long sob stories about how normal white people don’t appreciate his wonderfulness for having adopted a black girl from Africa. There’s the sense in his self-serving posts that he regrets having obtained the black child through adoption, rather than the old fashioned way. Such is the cuck’s life.

That is what makes the term cuckservative so perfect. It is the issue of race where these people reveal themselves to be soulless. This string of tweets from someone called Bradley Wilcox is a great example. Wilcox is Director of the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia. He’s also funded by the American Enterprise Institute, an outfit that is a breeding ground of cuckservatism. Wilcox also hilariously fell for the absurd rape hoax perpetrated by Rolling Stone Magazine.

That last bit is a good example of how the cuck’s mind works. He is always looking to rush to the front of the latest Progressive crusade, so he can smugly march past the crowd, carrying on like he is an important part of the cause. When the Left was manufacturing the campus rape nonsense, good old Brad was ready to rush out and make himself the champion of the issue. The fact that he picked National Review to be the platform remains a symbolic moment in their decline.

Notice how the cuck always personalizes his tantrums. In this case, Bradley starts with the lament that he has supposedly been called a racist in the past. That seems unlikely, given his minor status, but that does not matter. What matters is that the Left believes that he believes racism is the worst. His tweet storm is a performance, not for the remaining lost souls still kicking around Official Conservatism. He’s performing for the Left, humiliating himself for their titillation.

One tell in this tantrum is that it was triggered by Amy Wax’s observation that immigrants are litterbugs. This is something that is obvious to anyone who has been around immigrants or been abroad. In fact, it is something the immigrants themselves will notice, as they compare their new community with their old. Amy Wax is not claiming that Mexican possess a litter gene and as a result are compelled to toss their empty Modelo cans in the street. She is making a cultural observation.

If Bradley was about anything other than promoting the career of Bradley to his Progressive masters, he could have used this fact to promote his creedalism nonsense. After all, the alleged basis of creedalism is that what makes America is a list of arguments. As a result, anyone can be an American, as long as they accept those arguments. Presumably, part of the American creed is that you should not throw your trash on the ground, so as not to offend a fake Indian, but that’s not the cuck’s life.

Of course, creedalism is a sham. A devoted Christian would use the sin of the fallen as a chance to apply his beliefs to save the sinner. The committed communist uses hard times to argue on behalf of his the abolition of property. The creedalist, in contrast, uses his alleged beliefs to position himself as the fiery critic of the enemies of the Left. It affords him a safe space, so he can post tirades on Twitter about racists not wanting garbage in their streets or piles beer cans in the local park.

This is why “cuckservative” is such an effective term. The cuckold is mocked and derided, not because his wife is unfaithful. He is an object of derision because he refuses to do anything about it. That’s so-called conservatism. For generations now, they have been unwilling to take on their partners on the Left. No matter the humiliation, they come crawling back. The cuck’s life is defined by his humiliation. No man has respect for the cuckold and no one has respect for the cuckservative.

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Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
4 years ago

You might be a cuckservative if you: 1. Accept the left’s rules, the biggest one being racism is the worst thing ever. 2. Continually retreat on your positions, like when a guy dares his opponent, in this case the leftist, to “cross this line”, and when he does, the cuck retreats and then dares him again, and the process continues… 3. Seek the left’s approval, exemplified by virtue signalling how non-racist you are or pointing out how much you dislike the alt right, in order to gain points with the left. You never miss a chance to gush over blacks… Read more »

Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

There is, unfortunately, a lot of truth to this. By the way, for what it’s worth, I think that Will is much worse than French. French probably actually believes what he says. Will’s new book utterly contradicts what he was writing thirty years ago, and I have a hard time believing that he just changed his mind.

Reply to  AltitudeZero
4 years ago

Most cuck pundits contradict what they wrote fairly recently. I remember a Goldberg article where he argued that whites need to re-colonize Africa and rule it for the good of Africans who can’t govern themselves. I’m sure Goldberg hopes that article is buried so deeply it cannot be found.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

Yeah, I remember that! I’d go dig it up, except for the fact that it would involve giving NRO some clicks, which I refuse to do…

Reply to  AltitudeZero
4 years ago

His article seems to have mysteriously been disappeared.

But is forever.

“The United States should mount a serious effort to bring civilization (yes, “Civilization”) to those parts of Africa that are in Hobbesian despair. We should enlist any nation, institution or organization — especially multinational corporations and evangelical churches as well as average African citizens — interested in permanently helping Africa join the 21st century.”

Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

“Why should we help them, Goldberg?”, asked nobody.

Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

““The United States should mount a serious effort to bring civilization (yes, “Civilization”) to those parts of Africa that are in Hobbesian despair.”

Perhaps starting with Lagos on the Chesapeake.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

I’m guessing that makes Dennis Miller a cuck. If there’s one guy who bleats “I’m a fiscal conservative and a social liberal”, it’s him.

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
4 years ago

He was never as funny as some other comedians of his era (Norm Macdonald and Dana Carvey come to mind). His recent comedy special on Amazon was pretty lame, he went for low-hanging political statements rather than comedy.

4 years ago

At this point, I’d say about half the GOP are cuckservatives. On a similar note, I’m hearing calls for Amy Coney Barrett to be appointed to the Supreme Court. This madwoman was once affiliated with a weird Christian cult that obsesses over third-world children. Barrett and her cuckey hubby adopted two Haitian children. That is some serious virtue signaling. The last thing we need on the Supreme Court is a do-gooder clone of David French camouflaged as someone the Trump base can trust.

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

Spot-on. Two big disqualifiers for me nowadays are cuck-kids (thanks to Romney, French and a legion of cucks) and Israelophilia (thanks to Trump and a legion of rubes and/or blackmail victims).

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

That’s how it is now. Kavanaugh wasn’t sold as a Roberts’ acolyte and a Bush guy who worked on the Patriot Act, was he? Of course not. False accusations (which were never punished) and umbrage ushered him through. And now he’s JR’s mini-me. Am I being too cynical?

4 years ago

My boss is a south african Boer. Bailed on SA and came to the states. Adopted a Somalia kid. I guess the kid stays in trouble and has caused the guy a whole hell of alot of hassle. These pozzed f’ckers are slow learners. I’ve about ground my molars to stubs.

Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

Precisely my number 1 objection against cross racial adoption. Have we not seen enough of these adoptees becoming virally anti-White after they’ve grown up in a White privileged household? And that’s only the ones with enough smarts to become notable.

karl Mchungus
karl Mchungus
Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

they are all like that, so don’t let them in here. maybe sneak them into mexico or guatemala..

4 years ago

Well, that’s as nicely written a piece as I’ve seen from Z. Pithy and very polished. If the NRO cucks had any gumption and testosterone they would publish this piece on their site to serve as a catalyst for real debate between the cucks and the real conservatives.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

Are you kidding? The last thing those NR fools want is a debate. They used to have a comment section but took it down. That tells you what happened.

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

Yes, I know. They’re cowards in every respect.

the Russians
the Russians
Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

Only certain idea are allowed to the normies… can’t have them thinking about anything outside of the globo-homo limits.

4 years ago

There should be a hall of infamy for the cucks on the right.
Wasn’t there a list that was periodically updated years ago on chickenhawks?
Time for one for cucks like French ( a grade A cuck). George Will being a more artful one along with Buckley in his later years.

Supposedly the left considers any who use the term angry white men. Sure, why not.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

True, but I want the Infamy list. Those that went above and beyond (low) the call of duty. The so called honors would obviously have to be conferred by the Left on these traitors. At one point we had the strange new respect awards.

Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

There is nothing wrong with righteous anger.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
4 years ago

What’s the female version of a cuck? Cuckess? I ask because of Peggy Noonan. Of course Peggy Noonan hates Trump with a passion, but for all the wrong reasons. Much like this Joe Walsh (I never was an Eagles fan). Peggy wants to get back to 1970s America where Republicans knew their place at the country club dinner table, bread plate on the left, while Democrats ran the entire country. Her whole career rests on a highly overrated, saccharine speech written by her for deified Alzheimers patient Reagan. It’s about astronauts that were incinerated on re-entry. Yet, the WSJ still… Read more »

karl Mchungus
karl Mchungus
Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

Peggy is a “hot wife” into BBC and dogging

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

“She’s Jeb Bush wearing a dress.”

Damn you for putting that image into my mind!

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

A female cuckold is called a cuckquean these days. It’s an Old English derived neologism and apparently a fetish for some people. Ick. In any case it’s natural for Conservatives to be a bit Civ Nat as Conservatism is the mindslave of Neo Liberal economics for the most part and more markets, more people and cheap labor is the catechism of that belief system. These things also require constant stability and churn and a focus on what makes a culture or a nation work , stable jobs and wages, little to no immigration, stable marriage and social conservatism cut into… Read more »

4 years ago

It seems like we’ve had a surge in people trying to peddle Cuckservatism in this comments section of late.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

It’s a mental virus. Just as Robert Conquest once said that any organization that isn’t explicitly right-wing becomes left-wing over time, any righty that doesn’t fight it becomes a cuck over time. As much as we like to make fun of it, as utterly stupid and illogical as most of it is, the constant barrage of left wing propaganda wears people down over time. As I believe Moldbug/Yarvin once said, there is a constant temptation to just give up, to knuckle under, to believe the lies. It’s a battle we all have to fight every day.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

A few Christmases ago, my parents and in-laws (Silent Generation) were reminiscing. I was somewhat listening while clearing plates. It was almost touching listening to them. “I never had to worry about walking down the streets of Chicago at night.” “Why is nothing made in the U.S.A?” “Why did the local furniture manufacturer close and move to China?” They were honestly, genuinely, surprised at the modern world around them. I am sure there are some misguided BoomerCons that are in generally well-meaning but in a fog (I place my uncle in this category – born 1952 – so certain the… Read more »

Reply to  ConservativeFred
4 years ago

Yes. I found that my pre-boomer parents were equally obtuse. I found also that they rely on the mass media for their info too. We’re talking Orca Winfrey, The View and other day time TV claptrap. To keep up with the times they conceded that maybe it was okay to be gay, that maybe race and gender WERE social constructs, maybe there WAS something to fourth wave feminism, and that diversity is a strength… and the next pathetic question they asked was, “Why did our family fall apart…?” I have no mercy for the old either. They have set things… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

I agree, John Smith. The “Greatest Generation” was anything but. They put the scam in motion with Social Security and the other “social” programs and “safety net” grifts. They murdered God, raped education, turned all of Hollywood into communist propaganda and nefariously married the News Media to Fake News and government cover. Then as you say when the family, and everything else fell apart they held their dicks and wondered why. Now everyone is a racist, white supremacist and/or white nationalist and they refuse to define the terms! The meaning of those labels are what they say or mean they… Read more »

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Hoagie
4 years ago

@Hoagie. Hear Hear!

Andy Texan
Reply to  Hoagie
4 years ago

Unfortunately one can always go back a generation earlier to find their faults in hind sight. Female voting (robber baron generation) speed up the ‘progress’ to destruction: a destination that we have almost arrived.

Reply to  Hoagie
4 years ago

I just boil this down to the free shit mentality. Why? Because it’s pretty simple that’s why: you can’t have things that you can’t pay for. It doesn’t really matter over the longer term if you come up with all sorts of schemes to defray the costs (fiat money, deficit spending, outright theft) – because unless you’re just concentrating on your very own well-being ….. all of those schemes push the costs off onto somebody else over the longer term. I’ve had conversations with people who actually believe public schooling is “free”. Tell them right to their face that their… Read more »

Reply to  Calsdad
4 years ago

Actually, if you read the damned bill, it is broken out.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

Don’t trust anyone over 70.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  ConservativeFred
4 years ago

A current issue I’m starting to see out of touch boomer-types talk about in a confused way is the homeless problem in California. It doesn’t ever occur to them that mass immigration might have something to do with it.

karl Mchungus
karl Mchungus
Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

it doesn’t. the homeless are all white. and all addicts.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

Yes, these boomers sit there on the patio in their Tommy Bahama shirts trying to understand what happened. You sold out the country you fuk-wits. That’s what happened.

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

go away will ya?

Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

That and shuttering all the state mental hospitals. As if we had originally shut all those mental cases away for no reason.

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  ConservativeFred
4 years ago

It sends me crazy when people (not only Boomers) gripe about social changes they don’t like as though they just “happened” without any cause. More crime, worse public schools, ever-increasing federal government intervention because … because … well, no reason, that’s just the way it is. The roads are choked with traffic because … because they are! Nothing to do with adding a hundred million people to the U.S. population in my lifetime, almost entirely due to immigration. Cucks aren’t the only ones, but they seem in general to be blind to the forces behind malignant trends, ready to dump… Read more »

Reply to  ConservativeFred
4 years ago

Once NRO became a 501(c)(3) they went full-grift. It’s a tax write-off and now they happily take Google censor bucks. Hence the cucky takes. As for the rest, think of it as an infection. There’s the stage where you ignore it, hoping it will go away. There’s the stage where you treat the infection topically/locally. And then it spreads and then it goes septic. The combination of outsourcing the economy and open borders hit different places at different times.

Reply to  ConservativeFred
4 years ago

It doesn’t sink in that nobody obeys the rules any longer. The Constitution means no more to the people they watch on news-entertainment than the Roman Constitution meant to Caesar or Pompey.

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

To their credit, Caesar and Pompey were actually Romans.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

This is why they police Twitter and other social media so hard. They want people to think everyone believes the progressive nonsense. They want to use pressure to isolate you and to think twice before violating the Narrative™.
The professional cucks are just flat out cowards and traitors. What better way to prove yourself to the NRO crew than to have a black baby? As long as NRO can suck a budget out of their donors, any conservative with a black kid can be sure of a job.

Reply to  Tars_Tarkusz
4 years ago

But you see – right there is the crack you drive the wedge into.

Why did you import a black kid from Africa when there are so many needy black children right here in the United States?

Do you have something against blacks in the United States?

That seems very racist!!

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Bending left I understand as the result of at least 3 motives: the cloudies use the Left as a weapon to kneecap the (mostly white) middle class and thier uppity house negro assumptions about thier “constitutional rights”. ‘Who will rid me of these midgets who seek to prevent me from importing slave labor or exporting jobs to slave labor economies?” Once these impudent mediocrities are brought to heel the natural Meritocratic Order will prevail, and cloudies will get to exercise power the way their equivalents do in Mexico, or Angola, or Thailand. Second, Leftism, and i include the cuckservatives and… Read more »

Reply to  Michaeloh
4 years ago

Perhaps many people simply have no starting point for believing in anything, so they just blow in the direction of the prevailing winds.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

I hope that their survival instinct will eventually engage. You may love everybody, but many people implacably hate whites. Of course, South Africa is a counterexample to my hope.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

That survival instinct is long gone, stabbed in the heart by the media/entertainment/consumer complex. Only a shortage of food will revive it . . . I guess.

Reply to  WhereAreTheVikings
4 years ago

I just got done reading “Two Years Before the Mast” again. Going off and doing something difficult creates an identity, values, respect for the reality of things, and a sense of place in the world. I think many people these days have done nothing, and have none of this. Reading between the lines, it was a problem back in the 1830s as well, but there was less of it, and more ways to get out there and do something difficult (the whole frontier thing).

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

I think the whole problem of modernity is that it created, for the first time in history, a great mass of deracinated and rootless people with essentially no positive identity. Putting the start of the problem around 1830 is correct. The rootless and identityless masses become a natural fuel source for political charlatans to use in creating mass movements. The development of the telegraph and then all the rest of our light-speed communications gave them a new way to spread their political infections. You might be on to something with the frontier as well. Modern mass political utopianism took hold… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

“…the answer my friend, is blowing in the wind.” -some hippy singer

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Start questioning people and confronting them on the shit that spews from their mouths – and you find more often than not that there’s nothing behind the empty look on their face.

So yes – I do believe you are correct on that one.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Gee, I wonder why Jonah Goldberg would be so concerned with enforcing rules set by his alleged enemies…can anyone help me out here?

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Yeah, it’s a riddle wrapped in an enigma. Just can’t put my finger on it.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

All the (((Brahmin))) have is a Bible to thump, so every soul is an immoral nail. We need to teach them the updated rules of “rock, paper, coinage.” Rock wins every time.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

As Upton Sinclair said, “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on not understanding it.” The ostracism and propaganda weapons wielded by the left are very powerful. Whether the cucks end up believing their own nonsense out of fear, or whether they are cynically protecting a profitable niche, doesn’t really matter. They are worse than leftists because they are fundamentally deceitful.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I haven’t seen a Goldberg article in years. He doesn’t seem to be carried by news aggregators anymore. Peaked at the turn of the century.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  AltitudeZero
4 years ago

AltitudeZero said: ” It’s a mental virus. Just as Robert Conquest once said : “that any organization that isn’t explicitly right-wing becomes left-wing over time, any righty that doesn’t fight it becomes a cuck over time.” I got news for you. All “explicitly right-wing” organizations will succumb to the disease of progressive morality sooner or later. It’s what Conservatism has been doing since day one. Conservatism only works when the majority are Conservative. The United States has proven once and for all, that Democracy and universal suffrage are a dead end. Augusto Pinochet said: ” Democracy is the breeding ground… Read more »

Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

Personally, I’m partial to idea of a sort of neo-medieval Catholic Order ruling the nation (not explicitly Catholic, however). The most promising young men would be brought in for a long, immersive, and intensive intellectual, moral, and spiritual development, along the lines of traditional Catholic seminary formation (still maintained by the SSPX). They would be held to high standards throughout their lives, or removed from the Order. The elders of the Order would elect the “president” (for how long a period I leave for debate). This is an idea more or less developed by Hans Zehrer: Zehrer and his… Read more »

John Thompson
John Thompson
Reply to  Prussian
4 years ago

Now we just need to return to the medieval era.

the Russians
the Russians
Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

The conservative purity test was abandoned when people stopped talking about things that matter.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  the Russians
4 years ago

the Russians said: “The conservative purity test was abandoned when people stopped talking about things that matter.” Precisely what matters, and too whom? Care to expand on that?

Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

In the translated words of the Polish nationalist rapper Bujak.

“It’s the end of Democracy. A reign of primal supremacy is coming. It is the end of your sick deviations. Druggies? Pederasts? All are worthless! ‘Everyone is equal’? I despise this! We’re from a different breed. We’re tough!”

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

CivNats challenging us likely means Z is reaching a broader audience who want to test our ideas, which is great because we’re hard to beat. I did the same thing before I embraced these beliefs that may get me fired and render me unhireable.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Lie at work. Don’t get fired. The time for having principles is over

Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

Principles are a luxury indulged by winners.

Reply to  TheLastStand
4 years ago

A great reminder from each of you.
Thank you for that reminder about principles (or lack thereof).
We are in w a r times, at the moment.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

It’s hard to give up CivNat thinking. Trust me, I know. Even after understanding HBD, you can still hope that CivNat could work. Hell, you see a ton of CivNats over at Steve Sailer.

CivNat thinking is so hard to give up because it’s your final hope that the world you grew up in can still be salvaged. If CivNat won’t work, you have to start thinking about a very dark and difficult future. You have to break from your past. Most people simply don’t want to do that.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Citizen nailed. “…the world you grew up in can still be salvaged.” My journey has been grappling with just that hope. Clarity has come from accepting this falsehood, spending time projecting my (family) ideal outcome, then reverse engineering said outcome.
And by outcome, I mean a dot on a horizon 180 degrees out of our current phase.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

I’ve never received such spooked, somber looks as recently when I’ve explained to patriotic friends who have children that Trump will be the last Republican president because of demographic change. It really gets quiet when I add that whites will be not only a minority, but a despised minority.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

I have to moderate myself to an uncomfortable level when talking with basic GOPers now, particularly Forever War vet buddies. I know a few vets who’ve gone dissident, but it’s like 1 in 5. So much of what we know verges into forbidden territory for them that I feel physically “tight” around them, walking on eggshells so we don’t go outside the Overton frame and trigger one of the overseers that seem to lurk in every crowd. Being around good old haters is what I call freedom nowadays.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Exile, It’s very difficult for currently military members or recent vets. In the military, even more than in civilian life, you are constantly bombarded by poz indoctrination. At least once a week, there will be classes on multiculturalism/diversity and how it makes us an EVEN MORE effective fighting force. You’re surrounded by the blacks and Filipino true believers and there is even a significant part of your eval (Navy, at least) that deals with your adherence and promotion of diversity policies. It’s no joke. On the other hand, being in the military offers a unique perspective of the difference races… Read more »

Reply to  Outdoorspro
4 years ago

Part of the problem when it comes to military members may be NAXALT thinking. You will be exposed to generally more functional minorities in the military. The HBD differences in various groups will still be evident. But the military will tend to weed out the most criminally-inclined, stupidest, and most irresponsible POCs. Couple this with the reluctance to accept that the country that you are serving, or even fighting for, is a lost cause.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

Even the “D”/”R” divide is a false one. These people are all quite cozy with each other as the (now memory-holed) Epstein scandal revealed. It’s the permanent bureaucracy in service of the oligarchs against us. And if you don’t believe they want us gone, think again.

Custodia Sepulchrum
Reply to  ReturnOfBestGuest
4 years ago

Agree and just to expand on it a bit that the “D”/”R” divide is a front to give their respective fanboys and girls a foil to rail at. But it’s so obvious a rigged game that it’s an insult to the honor and integrity of professional wrestling. Red and Blue factions really have more in common socially and culturally with each other than they do with the white middle Americans over whom they rule. They hate and fear us because we’re just as intelligent on average as they are which leaves open the possibility of an outsider breaking into the… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

The very hardest thing I ever had to do regarding my political positions was to internalize the fact that the Constitution has out lived whatever usefulness it ever contained and has been transformed (literally by millions of Jewish lawyers) into an actual suicide pact.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

I think of the holding onto CivNat thinking in the same way I think of how I evaluate whether I’m going to feel bad about shooting the guy who just broke into my house. Evaluating the fact that so many people just simply refuse to obey the rules that were setup – so that everybody could get along – gives me a way of not feeling any remorse or guilt when they are made to suffer for their behavior. Out here in leftie land – if a burglar breaks into my house and kills my dog and rapes my wife… Read more »

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Z’s raised the temperature around here a bit lately, so the more feverish ones are feeling verklempt. It’s also cuck-and-flu season, 2019 Labor Day to November 2020. There are a few pod-Plan-Trusters lurking. They’ve been spotted and are merely being fattened up for The Mocking.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Exile. Correct. I like this site because I appreciate the thoughtful commentary of posters as much as I do Zman’s articles. I spend a good portion of my time looking up aspects of posters arguments and exploring previously unknown (to me) arguments or facts. Of late it does seem the cuckery posters have increased alongside those that keep hissing “Sshhhh you’ll scare the normies if you keep talking about X…” Let them go read Schlicter if you want to introduce normies to a beginner’s guide to You Are Not Alone in Noticing… and after that short bus ride if they… Read more »

Reply to  Penitent Man
4 years ago

PM, at this point, do you see a way to ease into open rebellion? My pragmatic self (let’s just fight and get to it) is bending the bars of it’s containment. But wisdom manages to keep it calm, mostly. It’s the tipping point I’m waiting for..and more and more it appears to me that there is no sloping path between your “So be it.” and a huge disruption (Black Swan).

4 years ago

Whoever these Cucks or Conservatives are it seems likely to me they are trying to create an identity for themselves apart from any moral realist or ethical foundation. They like to think of themselves taking the high road while the realists are on the down low. They stink and it smells of Old Time Yankee holier than than thou condescension. We still have a Yankee problem. It has manifested itself and is observable in those like French and Goldberg. The truth is out there. Trust no one.

Reply to  JMDGT
4 years ago

Great point. I was running long and late but thought about working the Yankees more into my comments. The Catholics are hip-deep in Replacement Theology, so to speak, but the Prots that didn’t dive grinning into the PoZ bog head-first have been dragged in up to their necks.

karl Mchungus
karl Mchungus
4 years ago

David French is the standard unit of measure, for cuckery. So a person who is rated at .5 Frenches is half as cucked as the king herself. The maximum rating in this system is 1.0 (for the time being).

Reply to  karl Mchungus
4 years ago

What rating would you assign Bill O’Reilly? Sean Hannity?
Andrew Sullivan? Rush Limbaugh?

karl Mchungus
karl Mchungus
Reply to  Libertymike
4 years ago

O’Reilly: .45F
Hannity: .35F
AS: .78GF (Gay Frenches; kind of like Farenheit and Centigrade)
Rush: .13F

just kidding around as I don’t read or listen to any of those guys (so have no idea of their relative rankings). none of them are useful in the least.

Reply to  karl Mchungus
4 years ago

When you go beyond betraying not only your country and your co-thinkers to actually betraying your own people (race) the way French has, you’ve entered the Cuck Hall of Shame. To me, what it’s really all about is whether whites continue existing and prospering as a distinct people. The lowest of all low cucks deny that whites even have the right to exist qua whites. In that respect they’re indistinguishable from AWRs.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

No matter which way you look at it – French betrayed his own people.

As I pointed out in the earlier response – a guy like French , who defends all of the CivNat and leftie talking points, couldn’t even find it within himself when the chance presented itself – to adopt a black kid FROM THIS COUNTRY.

4 years ago

As with much else in life, I think it comes down to where you stand, and who you stand with….if you believe yourself to be part of the elite running America, well then…

There is an excellent essay by the late Sam Francis in Amren, discussing the managerial elite, our ruling class and its cultural arm, and it is
particularly insightful.
Francis asks the question, why would an elite betray its own people? One might start by asking the writers at National Review that question.

Reply to  TimNY
4 years ago

That’s a Pope Francis I’d believe in. Miss that guy. If he were still around, I wonder if paleocons would’ve had more punch. Just one voice, but one with a lot to say.

Reply to  TimNY
4 years ago

There’s a white pill in there, though Sam’s gloomy most of the time – he was looking at a cultural landscape where white identity wasn’t a “thing” for anyone but a tiny WN 1.0 fringe, many of them LARPing in sheets and SS gear. We’ve come far enough in the following decades to have the beginnings of “belief systems, moral values , cultural legacies, and social bonds and institutions that made whites conscious of who and what they are and sustained within them a determination to survive and prevail” again. We’re big enough to cause serious worry here and are… Read more »

Reply to  TimNY
4 years ago

That essay is insanely good.

4 years ago

The persistence of cuckservatives in the political landscape is a social disease pathology. It is a symptom of the decline of male robustness and a harbinger of the intentional man-made progression toward insect status. And it’s not enough to confront this menace solely with rhetoric or derision. Like any serious disease, stronger medicine is necessary if you want to live.

4 years ago

I can’t tell you how pleasurable it was to read that knowing that those two cucks you named are also going to read it

Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

I heard Goldberg admit that he really hated being called a Cuck. I was a little surprised he was so willing to be vulnerable. Laughed my ass off, let me tell you.

karl Mchungus
karl Mchungus
Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

especially when his wife says it.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Normal male society is a mixture of alphas, potential alphas and betas. The lead alpha gets to sit in the saddle until the rest of the group figures he’s screwed up enough that he needs to be replaced. One of them gets to be the new lead alpha. The Kingdom of Venice pretty much was run this way for 1000 years. Cucks are by disposition neither alphas nor betas. They are something further down the male pecking order. They are largely excluded from normal male society because of the sensibility they give off. If they are tolerated it’s the kid… Read more »

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Good angle. If you follow Haidt’s idea that reason evolved to help unite betas against bad alphas vis persuasion and rhetoric rather than to help an individual “find truth” (ala Objectivist epistemology), being cucked could be a pathological/neurotic overreaction to authority, a more feminine than masculine approach as well. NuMale feminization, single mommies, autism, hormones in the water, etc… might all be a feedback loop that increasingly selects for this maladaptation, both genetically and socially. Heartiste (PBUH) would likely add that there’s a natural feminine contempt for weak in-group men, and girly men might just be manifesting something similar.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Yves and Exile…..not quite so cut and dry for the alpha male. Tough turf to defend. Good grief, I’m a chick and I know this one. For many species, yes indeedie, the beta or multiple betas create a distraction so one beta after the next can sneak in with a quickness to get…Some. DNA tests on alpha dominated species test out with lots of little beta success stories out there, regardless of Mr. Dominant in the Saddle.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

Sorry but you missed the point. Cucks are further down the male pecking order. Well outside of the alpha-beta give-and-take. This is something males pickup on quickly when sizing up other males. Men choose alphas based on their ability to lead. How they deal with women is an afterthought if even that. Betas tend to be more active sexually in complex organizations because they have the time. Alphas need to attend to keeping balance between the factions they lead. Screwing other men’s women is one path to a short career. ————— I was fishing in your old stomping ground (Suisun… Read more »

King Tut
King Tut
4 years ago

For the last 3 or maybe 4 decades, the “Conservative” movement in the western world (not just the USA) has been entirely devoted to and based upon advocating for cheap labour, rock-bottom prices and maximising shareholder returns. That’s it. That has been the core of Conservatism for nearly as long as I can remember. But that has run it’s course and I have noticed that even some of my devoted…muh free market friends have now realised that this was the road to hell and they are stating so publicly. So what’s left for Conservatism? Nothing. They have no plausible message,… Read more »

4 years ago

You can’t help but notice with these people how scared they are that whites will adopt the politics of ‘the left’, the identity politics thing.

Begs the obvious question of ‘why’

4 years ago

According to this excellent info-bite on the cuckoo*, the cuckoo is a “brood parasite.” “Edward Jenner in the 18th century discovered the cuckoo chick instinctively ejects the eggs of its foster siblings. This seemed improbable to many, but it’s been confirmed by photographic evidence, in which we can plainly see the tiny hatchling wickedly hoisting an egg on its back and tossing it over the side. The chick then lives like a king as an only child…” Pathological altruism is the usual sciency explanation for social cucking among homo sapiens. But, with all due respect to Kevin MacDonald and others,… Read more »

4 years ago

You would think the cuck would learn. But they never do. They throw their fellows under the bus while posturing and preening about some progressive value. They do it in the hopes of an ‘atta boy’ from their progressive masters. But they never do get thrown any bones from the left who hates them. They are despised by everyone. Their only fans are other cucks who also enjoy the ritual humiliation.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

From the ” Urban Dictionary”
“A cuckservative is a self-styled “Conservative” who will cravenly sell out and undermine his home country’s people, culture, and national interest in order to win approval with parties hostile or indifferent to them.”

Here’s an artical from American Renaissance, intitled: “What is a Cuckservative?”

Here’s a few Cuckcervarive memes from the Renagade Tribune.

Personally, I never watch corporate media, so I don’t catch the clown show. We have no friends there, so why bother?

4 years ago

I would say the Cucks are the “big brained strategists” of Conservative, Inc., playing “4-D chess” against the Left (by the Left’s rules, of course) and always losing. I think there are some other folks still in their camp, such as the Grugs, i.e., the ones who root for their team (the Republicans) like a sports team. To them it’s the Elephants v. the Donkeys, and choosing neither side means you’re not a “fan” anymore, so they stick with their team. No need to think about issues, just root for the jersey… (Sean Hannity, call your office!) And, of course,… Read more »

Reply to  Sleepy
4 years ago

4-D Chess played one concession speech at a time.

4 years ago
4 years ago

Hey, What a HOOT this one was! Z strikes out at the enemies of truth and goodness, and it’s such an unfair fight. I almost wanted to feel sorry for David French for a a split micro-second. Almost. But he’s used to the humiliation by now, and this is just one more. The northern European white man has built our world, and the less successful cultures (they think “races”) can never forgive us. If the white culture / race committed suicide in toto tomorrow, the cultural (“racial”) failures would still not forgive us. They would rage at the residual wreckage… Read more »

4 years ago

Anyone who doesn’t stand with all of those Shoah’d by YouTube today is one of the cucks Z is shaming in this piece.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

What’s the youtube story today?

4 years ago

Speaking of Amy Wax, she recently posed a question along the line, “Why around the world other than Europe and the Anglosphere, do you see nothing but varying degrees of failed states.” She argued that the left has no explanation for that. Hell, Conservative, Inc. refuses to address that question rather than some babbling about lack of property rights (never addressing the conditions necessary to get niceties like that). Given what’s going on in the world, the failure to address that question seems like a pretty big f’n deal.

4 years ago

Here’s the thing with David French and his imported black kid. He could have had a white kid – if he had really wanted to. So he’s either cheap or he’s virtue signaling, or he’s an obscene cuck. If I was a parentless black kid in the US – I’d be pissed that the white people leave me rotting away in a home – while they import black kids from Uganda. Sort of how I liked to point out to black people when Obama ran for President : “What ….. you couldn’t find one single black guy who was actually… Read more »

4 years ago

When conservatives learned to love the state, the evil transformation was complete. I blame the neocons and conservative inc. for selling this noxious poison to the public.

4 years ago

Beautifully described.

4 years ago

I’d add this one to the best of page. If a normie wants to know what cuckservative means, this is the perfect primer.

4 years ago

The word ‘chests’ must be a loose translation. Because that is definitely not the word I’ve heard used.

Reply to  ronehjr
4 years ago

A line from C.S. Lewis’ Abolition of Man. A good read.

Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

Indeed. The perennial threat of every new current year is the propensity toward delusions of superiority over those backward, racist, and Old White Guys of yesteryears. All of what ails us and all that may save us has already been written. Much of what is squandered in the gluttony of Progress is not just the cultivation of those rare, incisive thinkers like Lewis, but also that of those ordinary men who shepherd our ancient wisdom into the chests of the next generation through rote, tedious, and humble toils simply because that is the right thing to do. This is where… Read more »

4 years ago

It was 2014 or 2015 when I put the word “Cuckservative” together in a comment on an obscure blog called “Mind Weapons in Ragnarok”. A blogger named Matt Parrot was first to use the word in a blog post, he frequented MWiR and is friends with Rob. Matt asked if he could use it too, in the comment section at the time. A year or so later VoxDay writes a book on it. If only I could get a $ every time that word is used. Nah I’m just glad to cause a schism in cuckservative inc or is that… Read more »

4 years ago

Conservatism has always been viewed as a vehicle to hijack as opposed to a tried and true lifestyle for these many parasites.

Christian Attorney in Ohio
4 years ago

I have no use for David French and agree with your points in this post. However, not everybody who adopts black children is doing it for show or to feel morally superior. Many Christians feel led to do so. They still vote for Trump and don’t gloat over their virtue. Governor Matt Bevan of Kentucky, probably the most right wing governor in the country, (he tried to defeat the Turtle for the Senate nomination a few years ago) has adopted Ethiopian orphans.

Christian Attorney in Ohio
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

You make a good point. The Bible tells us to look after widows and orphans in their distress. It is more cost effective to look locally; the typical American Christian cannot afford an African adoption. Perhaps finding ways to help them in their own countries is better. When it comes to refugees, I certainly don’t understand the need to bring them over here to help them (except churches make lots of money doing so).

Reply to  Christian Attorney in Ohio
4 years ago

Note that widow != single mother. But most cucked churches now are all in on single-motherhood (including many evangelicals).

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

+1000 on this comment, Zman.

Christian Universalism is one of the main drivers of the collapse of a genuine conservative movement. Once you accept the universalist tenants of modern Christianity, and particularly Evangelical Christianity, it’s a direct line to singing We Are the World. And it’s just a short hop from there to Invite the World.

David French simply represents the logical endpoint of adopting Christian Universalism. I’ve come to loathe most Evangelical churches.

Reply to  Guest
4 years ago

It occurred to me that Christians used to go off into the strange places of the world and devote their lives to converting heathens at great risk to themselves. But at the end of the day, the converted stayed where they were, by and large. Now, Big Christianity works very hard to bring those people to us. No kind of God fearing person works that hard to infest his community with aliens.

Reply to  MikeatMikedotMike
4 years ago

Christian Universalism teaches that all humankind are the children of God and that all Christians are Brothers (and now Sisters too) in Christ. Once you accept these principles there are no “aliens” and your community extends across the globe, which is to say that you don’t really have a community anymore. In that context, David French sees nothing wrong or incongruous about traveling to Africa to adopt a baby, even when there are plenty of people in need within walking distance. In his warped mind he has no greater moral duty to help his neighbor across the street than to… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Not to mention that various Ethiopian subgroups don’t regard themselves as “black” at all.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago


Years ago, I lived in Maine and the local Pax Christi Commies initiated a huge food drive for the Commie Sandanistas in Nicaragua (woe betide the christian who mispronounced the preferred pronunciation) and I actually had a letter published in “The Church World” that pointed out that the trucks that Pax Christi would drive to the Sandinistas would be passing scores of millions of poor and hungry (oops, campesinos) folks

Total phony showboating bullshit of “compassion” that really was direct support of Communism

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Christian Attorney in Ohio
4 years ago

“Many Christians feel led to do so.”

You mistyped. You meant to write, “Many Christians are led to do so.”

Having an almost non-existent education in the church’s teaching, I won’t even attempt to get into a Bible quote-off with you, but I will say this: If God wants me to put other people’s children above (or even on par with) my own, then I’m afraid that I must leave the flock.

God created different tribes. I believe that we should respect that. Bringing Africans into our lands will harm our children. What kind of Christian harms their own children.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Bingo. And it’s generational in many respects. There’s this mystique about Africa in American Christian churches. It’s earthy and vibrant. They haven’t forgotten how to pray and give thanks, their pews are full, while ours are empty. So I say, if our pews are empty, doesn’t that mean that WE are the missionary country and that missionary funds should be redirected from Uganda to the US? Maybe to a struggling Christian school three miles away? Oh no! What a shameful thing for me to say! You have a whole generation of church leaders that were raised on Mutual of Omaha… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

I think the attitude in these churches is that if the locals are not going to show up on Sunday and not pay some form of tithe, then they are irredeemables, and let’s give our attention to someone who appreciates us, 10,000 miles away. Modern mainline church leadership really hates evangelicals, mega-churches, and the locals in the neighborhood that won’t join their progressive congregations. Full-pew envy of a sort.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

I think the feeling is their poor are so much poorer than our poor, who are obese and have Medicaid, cars, and televisions. The need is greater overseas. Seems to be an emphasis on corporal acts of mercy vs. spiritual. Lord knows, America is in need of some spiritual acts of mercy (or works, as they appear to be called nowadays). Plus, mission trips abroad are much more interesting.

Reply to  Bart
4 years ago

It’s a way to virtue-signal to the left that, “Hey, I am not a totally irredeemable right-wing retard. Please don’t be so mean to me.” aHRBi

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Bart
4 years ago

Our poor are fat diabetics, with Doritos dust on their Ed Hardy shirts, and their poor have scooters and drink Fanta. Our poor will kill you with a hand gun, while their poor will kill you with a machete.

At no time is the plight of the working poor in this country talked about on the pulpit. The outreach to the clerk on the graveyard shift. Instead they have this fantasy “pure” and “worthy” poor in (insert foreign country).

Reply to  Bart
4 years ago

My brother married a Catholic girl, converted, and then went super- liberal Catholic to boot. Last year they moved to Rhode Island to be near her parents. I think that move away from me and my parents made them even nuttier. He came back to visit a few weeks back. He was actually on a mission trip with a bunch of other Catholic progressives to minister to the savages of Appalachia. They had put together a coat and food drive with the archdiocese of Lexington and ventured forth to pester the hillbillys of Eastern KY. A large part of the… Read more »

Reply to  Bart
4 years ago


JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

All true, yet these Evangelicals have even more expensive Africa missions, paid for by 10% of the slave wage of gas station cashier congregant. The self hatred in this country originates on the pulpit.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

And yet, these “mainline” churches are empty, while the competition survives and thrives.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Not for long. It’s already peaked. The Pew demographics are showing it. You could have said that 10 years ago. Both mainline and evangelical are heading for the garbage dump at this point, with Roman Catholicism in free fall, as it should be. Just as we need a third way in politics (like this blog) we need a third way in religion. One where churches are centered around problems within 10 miles, and not 10,000 miles.

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

The Orthodox aren’t a bad lot, though a lot depends on the local archbishop.

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

Orthodox Christianity. The theology is sound, and the organization is nationalist.

Reply to  TheLastStand
4 years ago

And the Architecture is not bad,
Not to my taste but a damn sight better than, say Paddy’s Wigwam

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  bilejones
4 years ago

“Paddy’s Wigwam”! Ha ha!

Looks like a birthday cake for a robot.

Too bad they didn’t choose the Lutyens design. Lutyens’s work wasn’t vulgar.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Megachurches are just as bad (or even worse) with the Africa crap though.

Christian Attorney in Ohio
Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

You make some good points. Although Africa is a sorry mess, the churches there tend to be strong. The Anglicans and Methodists, unlike their western coreligionists, know and teach that abortion and gay marriage are unbiblical.

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  Christian Attorney in Ohio
4 years ago

Abortion may be “unbiblical,” according to your definition, but Africa definitely needs birth control (in which abortion has a role to play) to reduce its insane population growth that negates the benefit of food and medical aid.

By ignoring overpopulation, you contribute to Africa’s being a “sorry mess.”

Reply to  Gravity Denier
4 years ago

The Right-to-Life brigade counts on continued foreign aid and agricultural yield improvements to keep mass starvation in the third world at bay. In this country, they depend on government welfare.

Reply to  Gravity Denier
4 years ago

All foreign aid to Africa should be contingent upon birth control, but that need not mean abortion.

Reply to  Gravity Denier
4 years ago

…or maybe another type of plague will hit, and take care of the overpopulation in a different way…

Reply to  Carrie
4 years ago

A minister, ministering to the growing camps of homeless in Los Angeles, stepped into a pile of poo and lost his leg.
He contracted flesh eating bacteria.

Watch the cities as they degrade, and the diseases reintroduced by the immigrants.
We will also soon see disease refugees fleeing the sh*tholes.

Whether the giant slums of the real Lagos, or the crowded airports surrounded by vagrant camps in America, watch the cities.
Reality is about to return with a vengeance.

Our poisoned, weakened, autistic youth will not be able to stop the plagues.

Reply to  Gravity Denier
4 years ago

I argue occasionally at UNZ that the only birth control Africa needs is the elimination of food and medical assistance to the entirety of the continent from the West. Natural selection will quite hastily take care of the rest.

Reply to  MikeatMikedotMike
4 years ago

I’ve long said that the vast majority of Africa’s problems are caused by the West,

If the West left them alone the population would settle down to a sustainable fifty or sixty millions.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Christian Attorney in Ohio
4 years ago

I’m not sure how that’s relevant. What does African church attendance have to do with white Christians in the United States importing African Christian children. If anything, it pushes you even more to adopt white American children. They’re the ones who need to be brought into the church more. I believe in God, but I refuse to join a church that demands that parents view their children as equal to other children. A church that can’t acknowledge blood family ties is abhorrent to me. We may all be God’s children, but that African child isn’t MY child and he or… Read more »

Christian Attorney in Ohio
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Agree and disagree. Jesus told his believers to go into Judea (their home country), Samaria (the neighboring country) and the uttermost parts of the world. I believe He meant we help those closest to us first, but don’t ignore those far away. St. Paul said in Christ there is no male or female, Greek or Jew (etc). In other words, all people are equal before God. That said we know from real world experience that not all people are equal. I would agree with Z Man and other commenters that when looking to adopt we should look close to home… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

The cuck blinders on a lot of pastors and priests are creating a double standard when dealing with heritage Americans vs. the Others. They’re willing to accept Saint-Eria Catholics and Voodeo-Christians with open arms but purity spiral over theology with fellow American Christians, or worse yet, muh pagans and atheists. By the American standard, the foreign churches are downright heretical but the rosy glow of Otherness makes all those hard theological edges blur to mush. Until I see a serious core of ecumenical American White Christianity, I don’t want to hear about the Others.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

If you’re a pastor who is disgusted looking at “People of Walmart” photos, but warm hearted when looking at African Tribal photos, you’re part of the problem (meaning 90% of pastors). A good pastor would look at the People of Walmart photos and say “we’ve failed them, this is very sad, our outreach to them has been ineffective..” Instead they roll their eyes and retreat to some money wasting African mission. The Z Man needs to do a blog just on the sickness of American Christianity and the fetishizing of African missions over poor Americans (of any color, but especially… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

My cousin and her husband went all in on their years-long mission to some remote village. She nearly died over there, when she went to the hospital for a prenatal checkup and found it was twins, they told her they’d probably only be able to keep one alive because of how bad the hospital was there. She was on the next flight out. But is still all about bringing the “light of God to darkest Africa.”

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

It’s a truism that in America religion is just another business. What that implies is never thought about much though. The main implication is that American religion is subjected to the same evolutionary selective pressure as any business and that the more successful competitors eventually grow to enormous population sizes through the mathematics of differential exponential growth rates – i.e. if two populations grow at 2% and 3% respectively, you don’t see much difference initially. After 20 generations though you can barely find the 2%’ers anymore. Evangelicalism grew initially among upwardly mobile whites who had been raised in a media… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

Totally agree. Even though I still attend church, this is the most succinct critique I’ve seen. As a side note, notice the complete lack of customer retention for this business. It’s like Direct TV, focused on external customers while the long standing customers slip out the side door. Catholicism for example is 100% illegal alien central these days, somehow Maria’s anchor baby will keep attending, even though Maria herself is being wooed by the Pentecostals. Maybe the total Soviet style destruction of Christianity in the US would be the best thing that ever happened to it. Maybe it can reappear… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

I have family whose college age daughter took one of those missionary trips to Africa. I asked what they did while they were over there. The response was: “help them dig wells and bring in their crops”.

I responded with ” you mean to tell me that after a few thousand years they still don’t know how to dig a friggin’ well or bring in their own crops – so we’re flying white girls halfway around the world to do it for them? “.

They weren’t happy with that assessment.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Although I would totally lose a “Bible quote-off” too, I know that creating different tribes with different languages is EXACTLY what God did, on purpose, as referenced in the Tower of Babel story.

Reply to  Christian Attorney in Ohio
4 years ago

Those so-called Christians who adopt 3rd world savages are SJW’s at their core. You don’t need to go overseas and adopt savages to show how christian you are. Charity begins at home.

Bevan is screaming “look at me and see how virtuous I am”. Spiritual vanity run amok.

I’d have more respect for Bevan if he went after pill mills, and other elements of the opioid epidemic that is killing white America.

Reply to  Rod1963
4 years ago

How many white babies are born in Kentucky, already withdrawn from opiates due to their mother’s addiction? Seems like they could be adopted.

Reply to  Christian Attorney in Ohio
4 years ago

If you love your country/people why would you adopt from the other side of the world when we have children in need in your own town?

Reply to  Christian Attorney in Ohio
4 years ago

Coulter made this point about the ebola docs some time ago ( So long as one White child remains in need, I have no regard for anyone who shows more care for the Others.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

She was hammered for it.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Wow, that’s one of her best. “Not only that, but it’s our country. Your country is like your family. We’re supposed to take care of our own first. The same Bible that commands us to “go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel” also says: “For there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you, ‘You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land.'” “Today’s Christians are aces at sacrifice, amazing at serving others, but strangely timid for people who have been given… Read more »

Reply to  Christian Attorney in Ohio
4 years ago

“…not everybody who adopts black children is doing it for show…”

Yeah, going out for a Sunday stroll in the park with little Sambo in tow will hardly be noticed.

karl Mchungus
karl Mchungus
Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

Sambo was a hindu (not a negro) 😛

Reply to  karl Mchungus
4 years ago

I read those stories as a child. The series was called “Little Black Sambo”. Hindu, schmindu.

John Thompson
John Thompson
Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

More like “Hindu, dindu”.

Reply to  John Thompson
4 years ago

comment image

Reply to  Christian Attorney in Ohio
4 years ago

Ignoring virtual signaling accusations, cuckservatism and such, adopting out of race as with the French example shows an ignorance of HBD science and is not in the best interest of the adoptee or the adopter. On that basis I’d argue the practice is *not* an act of Christian charity.

Reply to  Christian Attorney in Ohio
4 years ago

Why then do they have to import black kids from Africa?

There’s plenty of black kids looking for parents who were born and bred right here in the US.

So are Christians led to help others – to the exclusion of family?

Looking at this from a CivNat perspective – shouldn’t American blacks have some preference , before foreigners?

Looking at things in the “right” way – betrays the bullshit that people spew to excuse their actions.