Travelogue: Scandza

Europe has what they call a protest culture, which varies from country to country, but generally means a habit of doing politics in the street. In America, street politics is purely a left-wing phenomenon and totally synthetic. It’s mostly organized by the Democrat party and its affiliated organs. In Europe, everyone does street politics and it is not necessarily attached to the parties. As a result, dissidents and nationalists know how to work around Antifa in order to organize and hold events.

Without giving anything away, this morning I received a secret message, telling me where to stand at a particular time and to have the secret symbol visible. I arrived at the spot at the assigned time and in a few minutes, a man walking a dog passed by. As he did, he dropped a crumpled piece of paper onto the ground. I waited a few minutes until he was out of range and picked up the paper. On it was the location of the event. Others were sent to dead drops or met a courier at a specific location.

That is a bit of an exaggeration, but the point is to give Antifa as little time as possible to organize a riot. It works pretty well, but not this year. They were onto the location just as the doors opened. The cops were there to support them, allowing Antifa to close down the streets.  As a result, we were forced to shelter in place for the day. Most people got in, but some of the speakers did not get there in time. We could hear the lunatics bellowing in the street below, but otherwise the event went off as planned.

As we see in the States, Antifa in Denmark enjoys broad police protection. It is unlawful in Denmark to have a protest without a permit. It’s always unlawful to block the streets and prevent people from going about their business. The cops could have arrested the whole lot of them, it was maybe fifty, and been done with it. Instead, they let them run riot for the most part. The only thing the cops did was keep them from attacking the building in which the conference was held. The cops were there to support Antifa.

The cops in Copenhagen are a complete joke. They have all these tall fit guys in the police, kitted out like storm-troopers, but they looked like they would burst into tears if they had to confront the noodle armed Antifa rioters. From what I gather, the police force is thoroughly pussified. They spend more time learning pronouns than doing actual police work. Based on my conversations with some of them, they would not last an hour in Lagos. The locals would eat them – literally.

As far as the conference itself, it went a little sideways due to a couple of speakers not getting into the conference. Mark Collett made it inside and he is a very powerful speaker, who has a lot of great things to say. If you have a chance to see Mark speak at an event, don’t miss it. He brings the house down. Millennial Woes also made it inside, along with Dr. Tom Sunic and Fróði Midjord. A lot of dissidents have read and recommend Sunic’s book, Homo Americanus: Child of the Postmodern Age.

European events are a bit different than American events, which are much closer to a business or academic conference in style. In Europe, they start around noon, have short speeches, lots social time and a Q&A at the end. They break up around eight, at which point people are encouraged to socialize at a local bar or restaurant. There is a much stronger emphasis on the socializing than we see in the US. I prefer it, as it allows people to network and trade ideas about what they are doing.

During the Q&A, someone asked about doxing. It is a different issue in Europe than in the States, as you can’t get fired for politics. There are some exceptions, but workers have more rights than in America. You also get government health insurance, so you don’t have to worry about losing that along with your job. In Europe, doxing is about harassing and anathematizing a person. Collett and Fróði both come down in favor of self-doxing in order to get it over with, so you can move on.

This is an old topic I have been debating with Fróði for months and we don’t see eye to eye on it. I don’t think the Euros appreciate how American dissidents are driven to poverty by the Left. I’ve tried to explain this to them, but they don’t get it. A man with a family can’t lose his job, his health insurance and his access to the banking system. He has a duty to his family, which must always come first. Even a single guy with nothing to lose still needs to eat and sleep indoors. The stakes are a bit higher here.

It also ties into another topic that is popular at dissident conferences and came up in this one during Q&A. In America, dissident politics tends to attract losers and weirdos, who have nothing to lose. They don’t care about being outed, because no one cares enough about them to bother. In order to attract high quality people, we have to deal with their fear of doxing. Allowing guys to stay anonymous is a part of doing business in American politics now. That’s not the case in Europe.

Another thing that is different in Europe from the US is the dissident movements spring from different roots. In Europe, the guys you see organizing came out of hard right party politics and the underground scene. Collett was in the British National Party, which is a fascist party, for the most part. Fróði got into politics through the far-right Scandinavian subculture and from reading people like William Pierce. Over time, their views moderated and changed in the face of multiculturalism and immigration.

In America, most dissidents came through libertarianism, but not through organized structure like the Libertarian Party. Some came this way through conventional conservative politics. Of course, some older guys came this way through paleoconservatism. Hardly anyone was in organized politics, much less underground politics. The typical guy you meet at a dissident event in America was a libertarian until he spent time around vibrancy and realized it could never work.

It is an interesting contrast, in that the Euros are trying to clean up their act, while the Americans are trying to dirty up their act. For example, Collett, who is a reformed drinker, is intolerant of alcohol and drugs in his organization. He is relentless in his demand for making the right presentation. He talks about health and fitness, personal grooming and how to properly approach people on politics. In America, dissidents are always on guard for cucking, to the point of distraction.

All-in-all it was a good time. There are things Americans can learn from the Euros, particularly when it comes to organizing. It’s always good to socialize with people who understand the issues. A big part of the dissident project is community building and that can only happen with in-person events. No matter what comes next, the people to come out the other end in the best shape will be those who have the community strength to handle whatever comes. When the crisis comes, we have to be ready for it.

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4 years ago

“A man with a family can’t lose his job, his health insurance and his access to the banking system. He has a duty to his family, which must always come first.” Tough topic, but my experience is that family wants its head to do his duty as long as it doesn’t require emasculation or enslavement. And men, this culture will cut your nuts off if you let them. I’m blessed to have a wife that first wants me to be a man – and she assumes if I do that part right then my health insurance and finances will work… Read more »

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

Capt…..great survival treatise and how-to strategy! Keep your writings coming. Best to you and yours.

Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

Thanks RFR … seems there are a few of us here doing the hardscrabble dissident thing, unfortunately in different locations. I share this stuff because a semblance of freedom is still out there to be had for those brave enough to sever the umbilical. I went “off-grid” at age 45, going back to school on things my great-grandparents knew when they were 12. I’m not certain that circumstances will compress us into a new dark-age, but I am certain that a lifestyle grounded in survival reality is good for the soul.

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

Good post. Surveillance bothers me as much as the thought of attack helicopters. Cameras everywhere. And we don’t often think about this. If I was a former military sharpshooter, I would have a certain vocation in America today. But those cameras would confound me.

Reply to  ProUSA
4 years ago

ProUSA, agree. When my employer started installing cameras all over the place, I got together with Security fellows and we plotted out a route through the (massive) building to be in blind spots all the way through. It wasn’t easy but do-able, even entering and exiting the building. (Hint – those doors the maintenance team use for their very own rarely are surveilled.

An added benefit of an in-depth survey of the battle space is that you will know where to run or hide if someone goes postal at work.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

Outstanding comment and advice, Cap’n. These are things our great-grandparents knew well but somehow were lost over the last three generations.

I find that in addition to the Amish, much can be learned from bikers. They also are largely independent and make full use of barter and lowkey networking.

John Smith
John Smith
4 years ago

“…In America, dissident politics tends to attract losers and weirdos, who have nothing to lose. They don’t care about being outed, because no one cares enough about them to bother….” ————————— John Smith reporting for duty SIR!!! Actually I used to be a centrist or a mildly conservative normie but I could survive in a family of shitlibs. One of the things I grew up thinking was that I drove them crazy and there was something wrong with me. I was in my 50’s before I realized that THEY were crazy – and they were going to make me crazy… Read more »

Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

Any of your SJW members of your family have a “Hate Has No Home Here” sign prominently displays on the front lawn?

Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

“Hate Has No Home Here!”.

For a while I was seeing those signs all over my town. They seem to have come down in the last year or so.

I kept telling the wife I wanted to put up a counter-sign: ” Hate might have no home here – but it did just buy a duplex down the road “.

She said she didn’t want our house fire-bombed so the idea got nixed.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
4 years ago

Z–Thanks so much for dealing with Antifa, traveling all over, talking with endless people and gathering information….and having the focus and energy to write this to inform us. How did you and conference folks escape Antifa to head off for drinks/dinner and then your digs? Are the Antifa in Europe roaring useful idiots with noodle arms and loud-mouthed blue haired women like the US models? Am visiting daughter in the SF Bay Area today and while showering up with a thick lather of soap on face, the water stopped. Soap went right to my eyeballs. Bellowing for my daughter to… Read more »

Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

I request more Range Front Fault travelouges

Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

In my 67 years I have never experienced a power company turning off the electricity on hundreds of thousands because they feared they might start a fire. And the state let them. Never mind that it’s the power company’s duty to keep their power lines free and clear of flammable material near them.

Reply to  johnmark
4 years ago

When all your capital spending goes to windmills, solar panels and all the redundant gas fired generators required to make up for the intermittency, nothing is left for basic maintenance. Plus have to cut logging roads into some of those areas. Enviros shut down the biomass generators that used to provide a market for the waste wood and shut down thinning and logging operations. The state’s own Little Hoover Commission issued a scathing report last year on the chronic mismanagement of forests. It like the “Upside Down” from that series “Stranger Things”.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  SamlAdams
4 years ago

Saml nailed the utility problem. Plus throw in corruption and mismanagement. Driving through the Sierras, pulled off into Foresthill at the base of the western foothills and all electricity kaput. No gas stations up, all restaurants closed, big supermarkets closed and traffic lights out. PG&E knocked out over 2 Million customers, meaning business and households….so a lot more people than 2 million. Told daughter she’s seeing the beginning of a Californicated Venezuela. Picture the manager of a big box grocery store throwing out all frozen food X a million or more. Lost my little travel flashlight, popped into 2 stores… Read more »

Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

Well RFF it’s all about covering your butt when everyone is sue happy…

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

So what happens to PG&E when 1 Mil people and businesses file claims for lost time and melted freezers? Bankruptcy? If so, then what?

You’re getting a lot of snow up there. Many power lines down with trees still leafed out? Hang in there, brother.

Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

Oh actually it’s not to bad up here just some light dusting😉 Well people can’t file claims against the power company for that because the state hasn’t said Power is a Right yet but who knows they might pass a bill…I have always said people should have their own means to generate power if they depend on it because I know how fragile the grid really is because I work on it😉 same with food, water, shelter…If you depend on someone else for any of your Basic needs there is always the chance of them not being able to supply… Read more »

Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

Well if you are ever going by UC Boulder, stop by the Alferd E. Packer Memorial Grill….never know what’s on the barbie there…

Reply to  SamlAdams
4 years ago

Yea when the state and envirewhachos control what the power companies can and can’t do it’s a shitshow let me tell you…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

A lot of the fault lays with PG&E who cut corners on maintenance, upgrades and keeping their power lines up to spec.

Newsom being a gutless wonder and bribe taker rolled over for PG&E and let them do these power outages.

Just wait until summer when it’s 110 degrees and PG&E pulls this and the old and sick start dropping dead by the dozens when there is no place to cool off. You haven’t seen pissed off people.

Reply to  Rwc1963
4 years ago

Rod like I told RFF Power isn’t a Right it’s a service provider just like a grocery store, gas station, etc…If you truly depend on it then you need to prepare for that service not being there…It’s not just PG&E doing it the other major power companies in CA are doing it as well…Oh and just remember you’re getting fed the same propaganda as everyone else…

Reply to  SamlAdams
4 years ago

Agree 100%. I would just offer that we shouldn’t allow the Green New Deal wackos to hijack alternative energy; it’s a viable option for those seeking more energy independence. I installed a 21kW solar system about 5 years ago – just me and a Navy buddy who helped out – no subsidies or grants. If anyone looks into this I recommend NOT grid-tying your system … yes, in the short run you can get some money for helping feed the grid, but if/when the grid goes down so do you. Plus, when I looked into grid-tying the TN Valley Authority… Read more »

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

Oh definitely Brother alternative energy for single family homes even up to a subdivision is a great idea but trying to make it part of the grid on a large scale is insanity…

The Right Doctor
The Right Doctor
Reply to  johnmark
4 years ago

Ah – now Californians are suing the people who clear the trees around power lines for negligence after fires start along those stretches. Those businesses are losing interest. PG&E itself is not in that business.

Those nimrods are giving us a preview of the Green New Deal in action: California, seen from space at night, may start looking like North Korea.

Reply to  The Right Doctor
4 years ago

Exactly right Brother…I wish people understood how bad the state was screwing them…

Reply to  johnmark
4 years ago

Nevermind that you have to sell your firstborn to be able to clear brush under the power lines…You want to blame someone blame the frickin state where all the blame belongs…I actually know what’s going on not just what you hear on the news…

Reply to  johnmark
4 years ago

Make no mistake these power outages are going to kill people who need machines to keep them alive or emergency surgery, Imagine you have COPD and need oxygen on a constant basis and a all day power outage hits. You’re f**ked unless you stockpile bottled oxygen.

People on dialysis the same thing. They lose a session which can be very deleterious.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  johnmark
4 years ago

It’s a dry run for something other than fire prevention. What that is remains to be seen but things are moving fast.

Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

This can’t be real, can it?
(Found on Americat@Commodore_1853)

Projects Pogo and Zephyr
Power outages to be used as cover to move white communities to ‘transit camps’
(By the millions)

To be ramped up after the cataloguing is complete, they’ve only got about 78% of white nationalists or potential resisters listed as of yet.

That’s never happened before, well, except in a number of countries, of course.

Cool. We might get our own ethnostate just like the folks in Sudenten Germany, the USSR, China, Cambodia, Rhodesia, or Syria!

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

A little hint: more French were killed postwar as “collaboraters” than died in all the years of the French Revolution and Terror.

700,000 Germans were held or worked to death as slaves in postwar France, too.

So odd that deGaulle was a direct agent of the House of Rothschild. Almost like they set him up as viceroy or something.

Like a Lenin sent by the Wiemar occupation government, ending up with 66 million Christian slaves in the gulags, working the timber and mining concessions granted to Schiff and his consortium of bankers that funded the Bolshevik revolutions.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Well, that and half of Europe. While we got a debt of 120% of GDP!

Who did we repay? Who won territory?
Who are we going into debt with now for foreign wars and nonwhite benefits?

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

More info on this guy?

4 years ago

“The cops were there to support Antifa.”

Can confirm. I have see this happen a number of times on both coasts of the USA. I’m sad to hear that this is true in Europe as well.

I was raised to respect and like the police. While I don’t hate them as individuals, they are mostly mercenaries paid by our enemies.

When John Mark says they will join us, I am quite skeptical.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Depends on where you are. Some will join us, some will not. Pick your own proportion.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

I’ve heard the distinction made between the old “peace officer” and today’s “law enforcement officer.” It’s a very real distinction. I remember as a kid heading home from a squirrel hunt with some buddies, strolling down Rural Route #2 with my semi-auto .22. A sheriff’s deputy pulled up and offered me a ride home … obviously he had no problem giving a lift to a 14 yo with a weapon. I worked the bolt to show him the gun was empty and we were good to go. Try that out with today’s “law enforcement officer” and you’re liable to end… Read more »

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

No kidding. On various family farms we’d be turned loose with a .22 And one of the old H&R 20 gauges that were always around and told to come back when we had a couple of rabbits. Nobody thought twice about it.

Reply to  SamlAdams
4 years ago

What a blessed childhood you and CAPT had.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Mind you, I was the “city cousin” that got shipped in for a couple months each summer from S. Florida. But yes we were 11 years old and wandering around with firearms. Still have one of those H&Rs that came from the local Western Auto. Sturdy little gun.

Reply to  SamlAdams
4 years ago

@Saml – Funny, my .22 is a “Glenfield” from a Sears catalog. Actually made by Marlin. Shot an armadillo with it 2 days ago. I have a couple of late-model ARs tricked out but there’s nothing like those “sturdy little guns” we grew up with. Oh – if you don’t have one get one of those Marlin lever-action .22s … lots of fun to shoot w/ kids.

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

Are armadillos tasty?

Reply to  Firewire7
4 years ago

Ha! They dig holes that can injure frolicking livestock. Best I can tell armadillos are completely useless creatures.

Reply to  SamlAdams
4 years ago

That still happens. Cops don’t care.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

US city cops have had no problem with being snipers when a public library has a drag queen day. They’ll enforce the law so long as they are paid though on an individual basis most aren’t bad folk Rural police may be a different issue. In the end though they aren’t that big of an issue. What cripples dissidents is an inability to decide what they want and a high degree of fecklessness. This seems universal as seen when the Norwegian Dissidents (NPP IIRC) won power than promntly cucked and refused to form a government at all. They were routed… Read more »

Reply to  A.B Prosper
4 years ago

“They hate and fear power and won’t take it”

It seems to be the nature of the world that you impose your will or are imposed upon. “Leave me alone” libertarianism only existed once and that was when the USA was a homogeneously white frontier nation with a small population.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

And even then, Colonial America was very coercive. The Amerinds also got the short end of the stick and were never going to be left alone. To use our hosts expression, the Anglo Saxon Ordered Liberty Model is only partially suitable these days and was more honored in the breach than observance historically anyway Not only is the US White population (White being defined purely European Extraction maybe 7/8 or more no African) is not Anglo Saxon and unsuited to such a system but the technology we have today makes it too dangerous Things like CRISPR are an existential threat… Read more »

Reply to  A.B Prosper
4 years ago

Thank you.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

I’m sad to hear that this is true in Europe as well.

I am surprised to hear Zmans report on police behavior. They kept Antifa at bay when Pegida were doing their weekly walks in Copenhagen, and Pegida kept it up for a year without incidents, although having a getaway-car was advisable.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Never forget that Cops will obey orders. If the Police Chief says don’t arrest Antifa, that’s what they will do. And Police Chiefs usually are just Pols in a uniform and will kow-tow to any Mayor.

Reply to  Rcocean
4 years ago

If the Police Chief says don’t arrest Antifa, that’s what they will do.

They arrested four of them yesterday.

Reply to  Felix_Krull
4 years ago

Felix, thanks for the link. I appreciate information that counters my understanding. I don’t want my biases confirmed, I want to see the world clearly.

Do you have any thoughts about why the police/government chose to hold Antifa accountable?

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Do you have any thoughts about why the police/government chose to hold Antifa accountable? I’m not sure “accountable” is the right word – they have not-so-tacit support and personnel cross-overs from establishment leftist youth organisations – but they do keep them on a shorter leash than in most Western countries. I believe the main reason is that we’ve had longer experience with them; Normies are fed up with their bullshit. Copenhagen and Berlin were the epicentres for the squatter movement, the progenitors of Antifa. They started making a nuisance of themselves sometimes in the early eighties – in fact, I… Read more »

Reply to  Felix_Krull
4 years ago

“I wasn’t at the conference yesterday”

Why not?

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Why not?


I don’t see the utility of normiespace organizing at this point – all you do is give them targets. At the moment, we’re the Viet Cong, sniping from an underground network. The internet is where we are strongest, this is the battlefield we should choose.

Also, I hate conferences.

Reply to  Felix_Krull
4 years ago

Other than do their dirty work for the new right and beat up antifa (but leave muh weed alone man) the Cops can do no right.

Further officer can you bring me a hot pocket? Mom’s at work.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Has John Mark ever addressed that criticism? Is he even still around?

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

CIVIL WAR 2 in America – WHO WOULD WIN? In-Depth Analysis

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

The cops will do the bidding of the elites as long as the money keeps flowing. Same with career military types. Historically in early labor disputes the elites used cops/pinkerton men and the national guard to beat and even murder striking workers.

The Army’s Delta Team showed no qualms burning women and children alive in Waco so I’d expect the Spec Ops community to do whatever the elite want.

Reply to  Rwc1963
4 years ago

I said the same last night & the Europeans said they had similar opinions. The mindset that leads you to the cops or military makes you dissent-averse. In the MBTI spectrum, they tend to be S-types, concrete-oriented observers rather than abstract experimenters, social conformists, rule-followers who don’t question or rock the boat and feel hostility for those who do. Pretty self-evident, no special insight on my part there. The Scandis in our group said they’ve seen few recruits from those circles in Our Thing here and in the neighboring nations. I’ve said at Counter-Currents and elsewhere that some of our… Read more »

Herman Snerd
Herman Snerd
Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

How the Jews Won the Battle of Charlottesville
Andrew Joyce, PhD August 24, 2017
The ADL has indoctrinated 100,000 police, including 1,000 ranking LE executives, so that municipalities and law enforcement agencies advance ADL’s agenda.

Unwashed Mass
Unwashed Mass
Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

The cops will join their paychecks.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

No, answered above. They follow orders .
The risk of being fired if identified is much higher. If they act Out of line they can’t hide behind a VPN- they’re on camera.

And if the police are ever mercenaries working for our enemies you’ll notice the difference immediately. You must know zero mercs, and probably damn few cops.

Mark Stoval
Mark Stoval
4 years ago

“In America, most dissidents came through libertarianism, but not through organized structure like the Libertarian Party. Some came this way through conventional conservative politics. Of course, some older guys came this way through paleoconservatism. Hardly anyone was in organized politics, much less underground politics. The typical guy you meet at a dissident event in America was a libertarian until he spent time around vibrancy and realized it could never work.” Z-man I have been a dissident and far right since I was about 20. That would be over half a century. I read Rothbard and understood. I was always for… Read more »

Reply to  Mark Stoval
4 years ago

Me, too. I would have called myself a paleocon 20 years ago.

I developed an interest in politics and current events as a teenager and read George Will. Then I read James Burnham’s “The Suicide of the West.” Pat Buchanan, Sam Francis, Joe Sobran, Rothbard-Rockwell report and Chronicles magazine were great teachers. Even The National Review carried some good authors and articles until the neocons took over by the mid-1990s.

The Right Doctor
The Right Doctor
Reply to  Mark Stoval
4 years ago

I came aboard when two things happened in the same year. I applied for a summer job, that would have been ideal for me, working on a project to see whether the weight of Lake Mead influenced earthquakes in the area. I’d be collecting data from and trouble-shooting the monitoring devices, driving through three states to do so. I was interviewed, and asked to explain the difference between AM and FM. The two guys seemed shocked when I reeled it off, looked at each other, and agreed to tell me the truth: they had already been told to hire ‘a… Read more »

Reply to  Mark Stoval
4 years ago

No that’s not the one thing we must guard against. A less than ideal option but not anything to guard against at all.

We do what it takes to survive.

Embrace survival – which means our dominance intrinsically – or embrace extinction.

We cannot share power. We tried. It has been our undoing.

Rights we can share, not power.

4 years ago

Right in the 10 ring. Work for one of the “woke” public companies in the US and everything is at risk. Suppose it would be great if you could build a movement out of nothing but yeoman farmers…but around here even an organic farmer that did something to anger the social vengeance warrior mob got thrown out of the local farmers market. Apparently even jellies and baby vegetables need to have been “wokely” made and grown. So we’re right back at the starting line.

Reply to  SamlAdams
4 years ago

Interesting. I suspect the organic farmer opened his mouth with a suggestion about grass-fed beef or something similarly confrontational.

However, we’re only back at the starting line when we try good things in the wrong places. This is why I think dissidents need to cede “woke” territory and collocate with deplorables.

De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  SamlAdams
4 years ago

The typical farmer is either dependent on staple crops, largely subject to various federal price supports; or is in cash crops/livestock and dependent on illegal foreign labor.

The particular organic farmer in that incident was doxed as being in Id. Evr. Once you affiliate with an ADL/SPLC tagged group, the average person thinks you are a terrorist.

Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
4 years ago

What I don’t get is why he would want to feed his enemy…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Its a living.

Reply to  Firewire7
4 years ago

If that was the his only option I would say OK but it isn’t he could actually come out here and feed people that actually care about him and want him to succeed and have his way of life preserved…

De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Conservatives are typically not into the organic phenomenon, its something that white liberals like by and large.

Recall that the typical con has been loudly complaining about NYC limiting soda sizes.

Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
4 years ago

Well you should see our Farmers Market we have a good sized one every Sat from May to Oct so at least in this area we like our organic food…

Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
4 years ago

I know some conservative ranchers raising organic, gmo-free beef. It’s just a scam to get higher prices from people with more money than sense. It costs more to raise them that way, but it’s a smaller, more select market than the commodity beef market, so you can market your own brand directly and set yourself apart.

Reply to  SamlAdams
4 years ago

We fight or die at our own finish line.

4 years ago

Fantastic! I’ve some time in and around Copenhagen, although now I am about a 16 hour journey away. Would love to participate in this event in the future. It sounds like an excellent opportunity to take barometric readings. Interesting idea about self-doxxing. You are spot on about the American experience with regards to un-personing. A prohibitive price for anyone with a life or prospects. It is price I have paid in the past that at one point had me eating from dumpsters…not a metaphor. Lesson learned. Important point about the emphasis on after event socializing. It is so important to… Read more »

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  Octavian
4 years ago

How do you guys do it??? I’ve worked in progressive and diverse workplaces. It’s always the same, the women socialize and chatter, the fuggin vibrants **** the dog and the management looks the other way.

I quit my last job over it and walked… but I am up in Canada and I have amassed a sizeable “F*ck You Fund”. Of course I left on amicable terms… but no way am I ever working around pakies and women again. I will work with white men and that’s IT.

Sir Balin
Sir Balin
Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

What would be an adequate F u fund in you guys’ opinion?

Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

If you work in the trades you don’t have that for the most part…Which is why I recommend my line of work to anyone young enough to do it and that are dissidents…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Agree 101%. Trades are also one of the few jobs left where you have a decent chance of being unionized, which helps you resist doxing (not as well as it should, of course, but it helps). The money’s good and these guys have on average a better moral/social foundation as well.

There’s an episode of “Exodus Americanus” on TRS with a featured tradesman that goes into good detail on this (pretty sure this one’s not paywalled)

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

I don’t think people realize how freedom this job provides also once you get your journeyman’s ticket the world is your oyster…

Mer Supremacist
Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

I am looking for all kinds of help to forward my financial situation and would appreciate someone taking a quick look over my circumstances, for the possibility of joining trades and being able to support writers like zman. Msg me at nordbrunn% protonmail £com. Regards.

4 years ago

My experience with the police showed a better side. I left the venue with several others and as we expected (despite Antifa’s Twitter-announced alleged official departure) we were mini – mobbed by a dozen-ish degenerates within 2 blocks. They shouted & foamed (& Big Gulped the rear guard) for a couple of blocks before a decent sized contingent of cops descended via vans & started running interference/rear-guarding for us, jumping out & walking in step with us taking down trailing trolls for a good number of blocks. We basically commandeered a public bus with their assistance which then got trailed… Read more »

4 years ago

“I don’t think the Euros appreciate how American dissidents are driven to poverty by the Left. ”

After you discuss it, what do they still not understand?

Thanks much for the reports. Happy travels to you.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Cerulean
4 years ago

Euros simply don’t understand what it means NOT to have healthcare, basic social services and much stronger job security.
They have no experience with it, so one can describe it in great detail until one is blue in the face, but they have never and will never experience it, so they think you’re just being a weak crybaby.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Another Dave
4 years ago

Exactly. Explaining it won’t work. For the few who can understand how different the US is , do this Show them a few pictures of people pooping in the street and tell them that this is routine in many democratic cities do to poverty and degradation Then show them graphs about homelessness and explain that if any American loses a job they may not have food, shelter or medicine ever again doubly so if it political Show more pictures If it’s sinking in and it can be hard to get past the cognitive bias of Euros. they’ll ask you “Why… Read more »

Reply to  A.B Prosper
4 years ago

Europeans also don’t seem to understand how difficult it is to achieve change when we have >300 million citizens who want one thing, and a few thousand donor/elites controlling the institutions and determining our choices.

Reply to  A.B Prosper
4 years ago

Without revolt there will be no change.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉
4 years ago

Without a strong ideology, there can be no revolt. if a movement can’t write concrete goals on a piece of paper or twenty for that matter it can’t accomplish anything. Even ANTIFA has some vague goals, unachievable and stupid ones but goals nonetheless. The Dissident Right might have goals, maybe they are discussed in private among people and Drone Strike and similar conferences or maybe they just aren’t. Now I think public discussion of goals and legal methods is of value but I could be wrong here. To put or or shut up, the simple version Dissidents should support the… Read more »

Reply to  Cerulean
4 years ago

Human nature; if it didn’t happen to you or someone you love it never happened.

4 years ago

If one works though the twits from the danish Antifa related group “Konfront” one can see that they had plans of actions on the 10.oct. They twit about keeping an eye of central people (known by them as active on the right) and they are centred around a park called the “People Park”. They talk about using several social media platforms and use the tagging #StopScandza when people have information. It looks like a surveillance operation of known people to them. They write that “the nazis are trying to confuse them with false information of the location”. I think there… Read more »

De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Thorsted
4 years ago

Interesting, I was more suspicious of an infiltrator, but just tracking a few people might explain the discovery.

To what extend is the police run by a leftist mayoral administration? Or is it run directly from the national level? If the police is locally administered, this might be sidestepped by holding events in rural areas.

Reply to  Thorsted
4 years ago

What is more remarkable, is that NO Scandinavian alt-media outlet has mentioned Scandza at all. I would not be surprised if the Scandi kosher-right has helped Antifa dox a competitor.

Reply to  Felix_Krull
4 years ago

I would suspect a spy. The Bolsheviks were riddled with spies but it ended up not mattering because Kerensky was a de facto Communist spy.

Reply to  Felix_Krull
4 years ago

Just an update the record: a (i.e. one) kosher-right website has announced an upcoming report with photos from the conference – apparently the dude snapped 400 images. Looking forward to see how he spin it.

Reply to  Felix_Krull
4 years ago

There were a number of “lurker” photogs operating with cellphones around the perimeter who I assumed to be Antifa and one very obvious camera photog who was working across the street. Curious as to whether that’s this K-Right site’s guy. Photos of me are useless to my enemies – I’m 90% dox-resistant. I didn’t care. Z’s right about those of us who aren’t similarly insulated. I think your point about normie-space organizing has merit for those with too much to lose to risk doxing. Unless and until we get stronger anti-doxing protections (even beyond those presently in place in Europe),… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

The K-Right dude is a professional photographer, so he wouldn’t work with an iPhone and he wouldn’t hang out with Antifa, they hate his ass. Antifa has a professional photographer too, goes by the name of Rasmus Preston.

To be fair, I don’t really think the conference was doxed by the K-Right, but I doubt they’ll give you a glowing review either, they’re civnats, after all.

Bob Casey
Bob Casey
4 years ago

Z, you certainly have an amazing work ethic!

4 years ago

The first step in actually organizing a dissident group in America is to find out how many of us there really are. To do this, you’d need a sort of “national coming out day,” but with a plausibly-deniable “identifier” so that your fellow dissidents could spot you. Z Man’s readership is pretty big, so I’d suggest something like: “On D-Day, H-Hour, all Z readers go to a public place wearing a plain white t-shirt. Be in public as much as possible for the rest of the day.” You’d get some false positives, sure, but plausible deniability is much more important.… Read more »

De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Severian
4 years ago

The proper course is to be an entryist in largely non-partisan community organizations. Meet people online, then have them join you. Fraternal orders like the Knights of Columbus, local “Friends of the Parks”, Volunteer Fire Departments.

Forming an explicit organization will get you infiltrated, so any organization that does exist should be private and invitation only. It arguably shouldn’t exist on paper, so as to be undiscoverable in a court of law; the Hells Angels defense is not applicable to us.

For starters, form a Telegram group.

Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
4 years ago

Just so. That’s how the Commies did it.

Forming an explicit organization will get you infiltrated,

Be the infiltrator, not the infiltratee.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Severian
4 years ago

It’s so sad that we would have to resort to tactics like some gay bar scene from the 1950s. Tells you where we are as a country and just how lost the place is. We actually need our own Castro District in some city. Normietown or something.

De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

The left has been caught in a tension between radical politics and respectability politics. A major part of mainstream gay acceptance was a movement in the 1990s to adopt bourgeois norms, it also helped that gays acted as subversives within Mainline churches, rather than leaving them in the hands of conservatives.

If we take a look at ourselves, we think any respectability is cuckoldry, and we tend toward a purity spiral without any authorities to tamp it down. And most secular people here wouldn’t be caught in a Methodist church with female pastors.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

Your comment about the police, is probably true across most of Europe. But the question is why, to which the answer is, because the police here have less than 1% chance of being attacked, and even less with a fire arm. But don’t judge a book by it’s cover. If push comes to shove, you’d be surprised how well trained these guys really are and just how they will react if seriously challenged. What you have to keep in mind is here in Europe, police forces everywhere, and for decades, have enjoyed “just another day in paradise”. That means for… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

Karl!! Glad to see you’re still around. I thought Frau Merkel had done something with you. Stay safe out there, kamerad.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  Severian
4 years ago

@ Severian – I had to spend a some time on the big Island across the channel. My goodness it’s a lovely place. It’s a shame the people running it haven’t a clue.

Deus vult!

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

After we cleared the area for dinner & drinks, this was one of the big conversation points for my group for the night. The “fascists” uniformly carried themselves with dignity and both looked and acted like respectable adults while Antifa acted like criminals, screamed obscenities in public, disturbed citizens’ peace & diverted police resources from controlling other criminals. At the risk of a cringe analogy, the American “civil rights” protests moved White people toward self-destructive policies because they perceived the anti-Black pushback as unjust and anti-social. While we don’t have the megaphone on our side to amplify and advantageously distort… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

Generally, until the recent open invitation to the great hoard of unwashed visitors, Europe has always since the last world war been a pretty peaceful place.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

@ Vizzini – Fair point! 🙂

4 years ago

A exotic multicultural story from Denmark a few days old; A 20-22.years old dane is walking at 1.30 night in the 2.largest city, Aarhus in Denmark and is suddenly hold up by a black man with a knife who demands that he gives him some money. The dane says that he don’t have any money and his credit card is blocked. He shows that on his mobile that is blocked. The african then says that he shall give him a blow-job. The africans sits down for the blow-job and relaxes. The dane refuses to give him the blow-job and the… Read more »

Reply to  Thorsted
4 years ago

Should have been a defensive gun use.

4 years ago

They spend more time learning pronouns than doing actual police work. They may not do much police work (unless you count writing speeding tickets as policw work) but they certainly don’t use pronouns, and they do stop the the Antifa from attacking you – they even arrest some of them from time to time, if they actually block the street: they looked like they would burst into tears if they had to confront the noodle armed Antifa rioters Here’s a cop, punching an Antifa in the face: I don’t think the Euros appreciate how American dissidents are driven… Read more »

Reply to  Felix_Krull
4 years ago

FWIW, over post-escape beers we enjoyed a video of a few harsh police takedowns of Antifas which took place while we were all inside. While the police certainly should have pushed our perimeter out at least another block to allow safe access to the venue, it doesn’t strike me in retrospect as a “setup.” The police had dogs out and were giving the worst of the degenerates a good beating, and the cops defending our group when we left were respectful to us and did their jobs.

King Tut
King Tut
Reply to  Felix_Krull
4 years ago

I hate the bloody Swedes. They’ve got their own “tikkun olum” thing going only it’s even more smug and self-righteous than the Jew version. At least the Jews have got the excuse that they’re promoting their tribal interests but the Swedes don’t even have that. No, the Swedes want to commit suicide and if that was all they wanted then I would be happy to leave them to get on with it. But, no, they seem determined to take the rest of White West down with them. F**k the Swedes. Seriously. The sooner they get taken over by Islam, the… Read more »

Reply to  King Tut
4 years ago

The sooner they get taken over by Islam, the better.


Then Denmark could declare war on them and win back our ancestral heartlands in Scania. I’m already donating $100 a month to ISIS (Islamic State in Sweden) otherwise known as Miljöpartiet.

Reply to  King Tut
4 years ago

Yeah – great strategy. Give over white homelands to Islam. That’s sure to make things better.

If the Swedes want to commit suicide just ask them to sign the form – then grab up everybody who put their signature on the form and ship their asses off to the Middle East. I’m sure the goat fuckers would more than welcome a few million people who are willingly giving themselves over the slavery.

Here’s a life tip: there’s usually more than one solution to a problem. In this particular case what you’re proposing is not the best available option.

4 years ago

I was thinking of your travel columns while driving through Lagos today. I call it Mogadishu, but don’t live there. I avoided the most spicy areas, but did have to navigate through Pimlico.

4 years ago

Ancient wisdom. The Euro police are not pussies. They are incipient jackboots. That’s a key distinction. They can (and will) get tough when the time comes to open the detention camps and begin rounding up the non-comformists. Do not get fooled into thinking they are harmless or benign. And it’s happening in the USA as well (mostly at the federal level and large urban PDs). Stay with anonymity if you want to survive.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

Can confirm. The ones I saw in post-conference operation were tough enough. Antifa was higher on their threat profile for whatever reasons and they protected us this time and this place (afterward, not well enough before or during the conference), but I wouldn’t underestimate the potential threat they pose to us physically, legally and from an infiltration standpoint as well. They’ve had a lot of experience with protest movements and more violent covert political operations in the past. Unlike the mythology of the FBI v. the KKK here in America, the Euro-cops’ history is more authentic and bloody. Their body-count… Read more »

4 years ago

I’m glad that Collett and Woes got in. Who didn’t make it?

Are you concerned about being photographed attending and then identified?

4 years ago

Bravo. Dirty up the act in America indeed.

Take the Left’s ethics on Optics.
And win any street fight you go to or don’t show up. Losing fights is the only bad optic for the Right that hurts.

Condemnation is baked in, get something for it.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
4 years ago

The leftists currently at the controls of “the system” Labyrinth Bureaucracy-Universities-Media-Government Contractors, never built the place. The people who built the system are in the cemeteries, and have been since the mid 20th Century. These people have had half a century to play around in a sandbox that they never made. They get more wild and extreme every year because they have no checks. The American system will be driven to its knees by these people. Once they bankrupt the place, our country will pretty much be a regional power, not a global one. It’s as hard to fathom as… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

I respectfully strongly disagree about the latter half; agree strongly with the first part of your statement. And would amplify that it all depends on money. Modern industrial societies are expensive to run. There are medical obligations, including but not limited to, hospitals, emergency services, clinics, drugs, equipment, and the highly skilled and expensive people to run them. Plus sewage, electricity, telecommunications, transportation, and the like. PGE has said that the Northern California blackouts will last four weeks as they simply lack the people to turn the power back on faster — lines must be inspected after the winds, etc.… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Whiskey
4 years ago

I don’t disagree with what you’re saying. One thing that I never mentioned is that there will be no breakup of the U.S. as long as the bills haven’t yet come due, and as long as the current currency regime is in-tact. As long as we can pay the bills and add more liquidity to the system we will remain “united.” Much like a couple with a marriage long over, but stays under the same roof because material seperation would be too financially difficult. This isn’t how countries stay together in the long-term however, as hardship eventually does arise. When… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
4 years ago

Excellent, Whiskey. In the Oldest War, our ancestors, driven from their homelands by catastrophe, were subsumed in the east, merged in the west, and met indigenes in the south who would neither assimilate nor submit. Those indigenes, forever segregate, came up with something new: Total war, WITHOUT WEAPONS. Culture War. Storytelling, banking, administration, slave-trade– the Scribe’s war. Women learn the rules and apply them for status games. Their rules no longer come from us. Their rules and our livelihoods are undergird by this war without weapons. What is holding the new superstructure together is international public-private corporations. The key to… Read more »

4 years ago

When I grew up, Republicans held the money and Democrats had greater numbers of registered voters, but R’s controlled the money and wealth. It’s worse now as D’s hold both voting numbers and wealth, I think.

Here’s what I suggested to my kids just starting out after college:

“Kids, I want you to take as much money from them as you can. Keep your mouths closed about your beliefs, but take as much money as you can when you work for them or in trading with them.”

Rabbi High Comma
Rabbi High Comma
Reply to  ProUSA
4 years ago

Um, no. It changed when (((someone))) – who has controlled the money in the US since 1913 – decided they had replaced sufficient numbers of Whites to declare war upon us using armed agents of the state. It was perhaps the last segment of government that hadn’t yet been weaponized to genocide us. Flooding all White nations with the 3rd world, institutionalized racism against Whites as national policy (affirmative action), destroying the middle class/manufacturing base via globalization, flooding the White working class with drugs, and criminalizing White-only spaces (free association), etc. These open attacks were accomplished over the prior decades.… Read more »

Reply to  Rabbi High Comma
4 years ago

If you are not voting for Trump then I assume that means it really doesn’t matter.

Reply to  ProUSA
4 years ago

Voting for Trump doesn’t fix squat, we’ve tried voting GOP for 30 years plus and all it got us was one betrayal after another.

Trump had two years to fix things with a GOP house and senate and instead he twitted like a teenage girl. He let Ryan and McConnell punk him from day one.

Reply to  Rwc1963
4 years ago

I made the comment only because I don’t think the reply was relevant to what I posted. Trump was not mentioned in my OP and he was not part of the point being made, which was the GOP once had the major donors in their pocket.

Rabbi High Comma
Rabbi High Comma
Reply to  ProUSA
4 years ago

@ProUSA “No” was in response to your assessment which ignores the nature of the uniparty. Congress is comprised of actors who mouth the right words to whichever collection of debt slaves they happen to be addressing. They serve the elite. Period. The R’s were cast as “helpless flailing loser #1” who’s primary job was to manage White America into demographic and electoral insignificance so that the jews could have 85 IQ Brazil Norte in their North American colony without Shoah 2 Electric Boogaloo kicking off. As for Trump. Its too late. Trump is but one man, and he failed…..or he… Read more »

Reply to  Rabbi High Comma
4 years ago

I see what you mean. I am a latecomer to reality and still have a hard time envisioning what is going on behind the scenes, and the “uniparty” wasn’t something I knew of until recent years. For the record, I am no proud Republican as I have seen the likes of McCain, Romney, Paul Ryan and I now know why Democrats have hated “Republicans” since these three are so hateable. I have been hopeful that Trump will give me four more years and that he will take apart the deep state and keep the economy out of the socialists’ hands,… Read more »

Rabbi High Comma
Rabbi High Comma
Reply to  ProUSA
4 years ago

I appreciate what you wrote. Given the propaganda (lies) we have been fed our entire lives, coupled with the prosperity of the post-WW2 West, it’s a mindfuck. No doubt about it. Most Boomers can’t cross the Rubicon and reject the programming. And most don’t want to dig to learn the truth. You’re here, indicating a certain level of curiosity and awareness, so I thank you for that. An aside to illustrate what was done to us: In the 1970s a Soviet journalist from Pravda was in the US and remarked to a US journalist, “How much easier this must be… Read more »

Reply to  Rabbi High Comma
4 years ago

“They want you dead.” Are you referring to the Jews as “they”? Do Jews consider themselves to be white? Can we find good Jews who don’t want you or I dead? Or are some of the Jews (Dave Rubin, David Horowitz, Dennis Prager, to name a few) on our side only because in the end leftism presents a greater threat to Jewish existence than the far right does? Do you find good Jews in the mix? What little I learned about the Russian Revolution I knew nothing of the fact that the Marxists were Jews. That has been a recent… Read more »

Rabbi High Comma
Rabbi High Comma
Reply to  ProUSA
4 years ago

The jew’s own religious books command them to destroy/kill anything not jewish. Look to Ezekiel in the Torah, the Talmud makes Mein Kamph and the Koran look like a Hallmark card in comparison, and to a lesser degree the orbit of books and traditions of Kabbalah do as well (generally the 15th C Iberian Sephardic traditions dealing in black magic to summon demons to attack the enemies of the jews – there’s likely more but I am not a jewish scholar, and have a job to attend to). You don’t know about these things because they are hidden – everything… Read more »

Reply to  Rabbi High Comma
4 years ago

Thank you for laying it out. Christians can’t be anti Semitic even though it may often be justified. This gets really complicated. I’m stuck on “I’ve seen enough and I’m ready to put them in the same class as Muslims.” Before I torch 2/3’s of the Abrahamic religions, does Christianity share any blame for the assault on the West? Thank you.

4 years ago

“Over time, their views moderated and changed in the face of multiculturalism and immigration.”

Why? I would have figured their views would have hardened under the reality of vibrancy.

De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

At some point various Euro far-right groups have been associated with coup plots, football hooliganism and organized crime. In some cases people fought in the Balkan Wars, and some are fighting in Ukraine and Syria.

In contrast, any “militias” are treated as a joke in the US, but weren’t in the 1980-90s. Nor are largely white biker gangs seen as connected at all with a political agenda.

Roger G2
Roger G2
4 years ago

I laughed so good reading this. Your cynicism is one of the very few reasons I bother opening the browser, and I’m always checking the blog for fresh new takes. Thank you Z-Man!

4 years ago

You’re completely wrong about the Danish police. They made the decision to stand down because there weren’t enough officers on hand to control a crowd of that size.

4 years ago

Why do the police side with Antifa?

Reply to  John
4 years ago

A: Democracy. The police follow orders. In liberal towns that means liberal mayors. A local police force in America works for locally elected govt. The local lawyers and DAs will also be filled with progressive lawyers, and nobody riots FOR the police. They are certainly not Pro—Antifa 🤣 but the same discussions about jobs, etc hampering so many and forcing fake internet handles to protect yourself apply an order of magnitude higher for the police who are very public and can’t hide behind VPNs. Mind you the Right’s habit of showing up to predictably get their Andy Ngo ass kicked… Read more »

Reply to  vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉
4 years ago

It is rather sad on how our side attacks any white who defends themselves against anti-fa or some ethnic thug. They look down upon him as scum.

It”s also why I don’t respect the DR in the least. They have no qualms throwing whites under the bus.

Reply to  John
4 years ago

Because the politicians who sign their paychecks favor Antifa. It’s really that simple.

4 years ago

Still chuckling over that 2nd graph. . . .