The one universal quality of left-wing politics that is true in every time and place is the need for an external enemy. It is onto this enemy the movement focuses its attention, making it a rallying point and a rallying cry. Ideally, the enemy is mysterious, maybe even a bit supernatural. A supernatural enemy supports the idea of the movement being in a decisive battle for the future of humanity. An important element of left-wing politics is a sense of urgency. There’s no time to wait, as the final battle is at hand.
Orwell, of course, understood this well and created two the great left-wing bogeymen in English literature. Emmanuel Goldstein is the “enemy of the people” during the two minutes of hate at the beginning of the novel 1984. In Animal Farm, Snowball is the blame for all the farm’s troubles, after he disappear. In both cases, the bogeyman is a traitor, who willingly turned on the cause. In both cases, the bogeyman is mysteriously absent, thus can be amplified as an almost supernatural villain.
Eric Hoffer said, “Mass movements can rise and spread without belief in a God, but never without belief in a devil.” This is certainly true, but it has a peculiar application on the Left, as the positive beliefs of left-wing politics are most often the least understood by the adherents. A feature of left-wing politics is a vague understanding of what they are for, but a detailed understanding of what they oppose. In fact, it is what they oppose that gets the attention. The bogeyman becomes an obsession.
For example, the modern Left in pretty much just a collection of incoherent bellows and yelps with no real purpose, other than opposition to white people. Last week the Left was anti-war and now this week they love war. Their position on foreign policy is dependent on whatever Trump has to say about the issue. The American Left is purely reactionary, tethered to Donald Trump like a slave being taken to market. Their politics are devoid of practical meaning It’s just ways to point and sputter.
This Rolling Stone article in the latest ways to spot an evil doer is a great example of how the Left invests everything in its bogeymen. The ADL, a left-wing terrorist organization, maintains a database of symbols they claim are used by the supernatural members of their even more mysterious enemies. Putting aside the absurdity of the bowl cut or the OK sign being secret symbols, think about the sort of person who thinks this way. It is a person obsessed with what they imagine is in the shadows.
That is why the Left invests all of its energy into inventing and describing various aspects of the Eternal Enemy. It’s not that they need the bogeyman as a rallying point for their coalition. That’s a mistake paleocons like Steve Sailer make. He’s a practical guy so he projects practical reasons onto the actions of the Left. If they were sober minded enough to reason through these things, they would not be on the Left. To be on the Left is to abandon all reason in favor of a set of beliefs.
Belief is powerful magic. Because the Left controls the high ground of the American empire, their beliefs are imposed on the rest of the world in a million little ways. For example, Neo-Nazis are the most hated group in the world. People from around the empire hate Nazis more than they hate criminals. The fact that Neo-Nazis really don’t exist, while criminals are a daily part of life is important. People have been convinced to hate an imaginary enemy more than the enemy at their door.
Of course, democracy is the most fertile ground for left-wing magic, because democracy provides no mechanism for uniting people. In fact, democracy is all about creating divisions, over which the public argues and comes to some compromise. Short of an official religion and extreme intolerance of alternative beliefs, a secular religion fills the void as a unifying set of beliefs. Democracy makes a people crazy, emptying their heads of reason in order to fill it with the nonsense of civic religion.
It is the desperate need for bogeymen that must be the focus of any successful dissident movement, because it is the spirit of the ruling class. The reason the Left advertises those lists of “hate symbols” is to encourage stupid people to adopt them as some form of rebellion. Again, the Left needs enemies to exist, so when none exist, it manufactures them. As the saying goes, the demand for Nazis long ago exhausted the supply, so the business of the Left is in creating new Nazis to meet demand.
Therefore, the successful resistance to the Left in a democracy is one that avoids playing the role cast for it by the Left. The battle for the shared reality of the public culture is a war of attrition. The winner is the one that is most efficient in the use of resources, but best at driving up the cost to the other side. Whatever comes after liberal democracy, the people who replace the Left, will fill a void created when the Left collapses after having exhausted itself maintaining its control of society.
This is a lesson of right-wing failure in its fight with the Left. The Right in American always countered left-wing belief with empiricism. Facts and logic would prevail over the emotions of the Left. Ben Shapiro chirping “facts don’t care about your feelings” is a rallying call for the Left. The reason is it turns the resistance to the Left into an easily demonized opponent. The alternative to left-wing belief is not the lack of any belief whatsoever. The alternative is a different, more appealing set of beliefs.
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Because their demonology requires their enemies to be neo-Nazis or stereotypical “rednecks,” I think what particularly bothers them is normal-looking white identitarians or white nationalists. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the very first person YouTube used its “limited state” mechanism on was Jared Taylor, a pleasant-looking and only slightly eccentric southern gentleman. Or that YouTube has allowed a lot of harder-edged stuff for years, but has nuked Allsup and Red Ice, channels with personable, normal family people as hosts. The left-wing world is a fictional world, and they have to try to disappear the real people who contradict… Read more »
They have to explain that people like Jared Taylor are especially dangerous because of his nice appearance and manners, which might “fool” people into accepting his beliefs.
And of course notice how obsessed they are still with “images of polo shirted, khaki-clad” neo-Nazis at Charlottesville. Of course, to the extent that’s accurate (the clothes, not the nazi part) it’s really a good thing, as you suggest. Back in 96 or 2000, when the Repubs had their convention in NYC and there were the first “free speech pens” to bottle up protestors, Mark Ames, in NYPress, suggested the best method of protest would be scores of folks in polo shirts and Brooks Bros suits, just being normal as they marched down the street. I wonder if Spence got… Read more »
I would assume so. Spencer was a fan of the eXile, the Moscow-based publication by Taibbi, Ames, Brecher and others. He got the idea of the ethno-state from Eduard Limonov, who was a regular in the eXile.
I follow Ames and Taibbi on muh Twitter, they have their moments. Taibbi was a minor devil of my normie-con demonology but once my perspective on the Yeltsin years became red-pilled, I realized he had some lucid points amid the moonbattery.
Taibbi tries to transcend his ideological inclinations, which is admirable. He’s a good writer and makes some good observations. Ames was never all that interesting to me.
Huh. Might be time to give Taibbi another try, then. My initial impression of the man was that he was trying too hard to sound like the next Hunter Thompson.
he was trying too hard to sound like the next Hunter Thompson.
All of the eXile-crew were, they were trying to BE Thompson, except jockstrap-juvenile.
Taibbi’s eponymous piece on Goldman Sachs coined the term The Vampire Squid – John Dolan wrote some good stuff too, most memorably his pseudonymous War Nerd-colums, which, alas have been paywalled, except for some of the latest (not-quite-as-edgy-anymore) installments, written after they fled Moscow and set up shop in the Canal Zone.
Also, a very interesting long-read about his time as a contractor in the neocon war machine, teaching Iraqi quislings English.
EXile was an interesting publication – especially for anyone interested in picking over the bones of the Soviet Union. Limonov always “self-identified” (as they say these days, before specifying exactly which hip urban zip they’re “based in”) a fascist. He was a “character”. Although a completely different animal, the World Socialist Website is a pretty good place to see Trotskyist Lefty’s underpinnings up close and some cracks among their orthodoxy. They’re still stuck on the union/capitalist paradigm (kind of passe in the US) but occasionally have something like this series on DNC’s 2018 strategy to fool conservatives and stuff Congress… Read more »
The war on men is not some accident of leftism, but a crucial front in dividing men from their women. It serves to undermine marriage and family formation sure enough, but is also an integral weapon in the reason v. Feelz, reality v. Anti-reality, oppressor-victim narrative. A feminized culture finds dialectic to be boring and unsexy. Making sure white men, the boring, uncool, khakis and polo “chads”, appear to be low status sexual losers is essential to their cause. It also allows for the quick and easy generation of their Demons, be it rapey lacrosse teams, incel racist mass shooters,… Read more »
What triggers them? Families like the Duggars. That blonde actor from Dawson’s Creek expecting his fifth child with his blonde wife. The vicious and mouth foaming that goes on in the Daily Mail comments or on Twitter would lead you to believe these people are the most wicked in the world. That’s what triggers them.
At this point I time, the best way to fight the left is abject mockery.
They’ve become so hysterical and the normie population so fed up with their bullshit that humor will break the dam.
I’ve been drawing comic strips for a short time and posting on twitter. I always depict the left as ugly and unappealing and weak, etc. Characters on our side will always be normal, strong, wise. The Normie-cons look normal, yet naive.
One point I’m going to be hammering in my own stuff is the value of aesthetics and popular art. Keep at it – we need our own Factory ala Warhol, our own Marvel, etc… as much as our own Frankfurt School – maybe more.
If I could suggest something for the more category “it’s ok to be white” goes all the way to philosophy. We need our ideas, yes, with realization of Truth
Exile, 100%. Truth and beauty. Truth finds a way to reveal itself. Because it is the natural way of things. Beauty is simply a reflection of this order, a physical manifestation of what is right. Similarly, lies will always rear their ugliness, which begets only more lies. Lies demand more lies. Ugliness demands us to lie to ourselves. The weight of this cannot hold. Because lies and ugliness are at odds with what is natural and good. This incongruence stands out as plainly as a broken window. Truth need only to exist. We see this in what is beautiful every… Read more »
Art & dreams are the two means by which we most often touch the transcendent. No logical argument can match aesthetic power – even an INTJ like Rand recognized this. The Romantic Manifesto was one of her better works.
There’s a person calling himself (or his YouTube channel at any rate) Asha Logos, who advocates eloquently for the value of aesthetics in the larger overall fight. (The main pieces are however historical. Long, but I enjoyed them.)
I’d recommend giving his stuff a look.
Good work, Wolf!
“They’ve become so hysterical and the normie population so fed up with their bullshit that humor will break the dam.” I’m not so sure. Before I came here this morning I was reading some stuff on StackExchange that dealt with a database question I was researching for a project. I stumbled on the thread about their “personal pronoun and Code of Conduct changes”. So as you can imagine the SJWs have now taken over at SE. I read some of the comments. Overall the response was negative. People didn’t like the changes. I sensed a weariness though in the people… Read more »
“Leftism is the central existential threat to modern civilization. All expressions of it should, by now, after almost 200 years of subversion, delusion, and mass murder, be regarded with the same alarm as a large asteroid on a heading that will cross the earth’s orbit. Normies certainly don’t yet grasp this.”
Best paragraph on this thread so far. Bravo.
You can kill a man, but you can’t kill an idea. We could toss every leftist out of a helicopter at 2000 feet, but we won’t win the war until their ideas are utterly discredited and laughable. The god of our age is Equality, flanked by Diversity and Inclusion. What will be our ideas to challenge these?
No, you cannot kill an idea, and certainly not an emotion-driven one by facts and logic. How do you propose to discredit the left-half of the IQ curve’s desire for everyone to be the same and everything to be fair so they aren’t at the bottom of the totem pole? That’s why I’m constantly reminding people Covington was right in his NW books – the same purportedly “discredited ideas” will always re-arise in some way, usually from women or the less capable or the secret kings, and they must be repeatedly crushed. This idea that somehow there can or will… Read more »
Guten morgen, Gruppenfurher Z. Let me assure you all – in the words of our friends at USA Today – “We Are All Nazis Now”. Let me put your fears to rest, if you have any trepidation about joining the 4th Reich. First – you have no choice. Second – your conscription is an easy and an even enjoyable procedure. Couple years back I was arguing with my shitlib mother, who was berating me (virtue signalling) – for opposing mass immigration. She orated, pontificated, and bloviated about how diversity is our strength, and I was speaking out against thousands of… Read more »
“Sieg.” The “s” in German is pronounced “z”.
I want this man SHOT!!! 🙂
My (single) mother was an incredible fan of Bill Buckley—and of course, McNeil-Lehrer on PBS. She spoke of how “intelligent” these folk were. Big words impressed her. She even said this to me. She was a limited person in many ways. From her I learned a bit about people—myself included. But none-the-less, she was my mother and a product of her time, situation, and generation. I can never speak ill of her. For all her “failings”, I find myself here—and a large part of that is her doing, even if I fail to realize such. John, please consider this before… Read more »
I get where you’re coming from… but… no. Defamation? You and I are Nazis, my friend. Who is defaming who? This morning, we woke up to another four years of having Turdo La Doo as our prime minister up here in Canada. Here in Alberta, in anticipation of his environmental carbon taxes – the first wave of layoffs started. Thousands are going to lose their jobs in the patch. For every patch job lost, four more will be lost in the supporting industries. It’s going to be devastating. I’m currently unemployed and my prospects just got a lot darker overnight.… Read more »
Violence with violence? It’ll probably come to that. War to the knife, knife to the hilt.
The only principle is victory.
“…the demand for Nazis long ago exhausted the supply…” Oh, they just go to Hollywood and conjure up more of them. Whether real or imaginary, it doesn’t matter to lefty. For him, perception IS reality. One thing that I find fascinating about old lefty-boomer acquaintances of mine…they truly are stuck in the “summer of love”. I can’t figure out what keeps their minds so infantile. Is it the music? The film and TV? The images? No matter how often I point out that they are not entitled to their own facts in service to liberal ideals that do not hold… Read more »
Boomer conservatives operate in a very similar way, with infantile civic nationalist beliefs that simply cannot be broken. They play the same red team vs blue team game as well. And I have found some are young-earthers or some other fundamentalist nonsense…
The fundamentalism comes in to play as boomer-cons watch the comfortable society of their youth collapse in greed and hedonism around them. Their children are worthless, and they know it. I have seen conservative farm families actually go along with interracial marriage and homosexual perversity in order to keep their families together. They clutch those bibles out of sheer desperation and bewilderment.
I think that’s one of the reasons why religious conservatives are obsessed with abortion, to the point of sanctioning bastardy and welfare dependency. They’ve lost every other moral issue – most recently the question of gay marriage. Lose abortion and they’ve lost 100-0.
Some of the smartest normie-cons I know go Cotton Mather when certain lines are toe’d, much less crossed. I’m with Jon Haidt – the cortex is the rider, the rest of the brain is the elephant. Years ago a prof of mine told me about dining in Singapore with a dual-PhD’d Muslima during the Salman Rushdie fatwa outrage. When the inevitable subject arose, her elephant shook its dual-doctorate mahouts and snarled “he must die, he is a blasphemer.” Whether you worship Allah or muh Founders, if your faith is so shallow that someone’s facts can shake it, you’re not much… Read more »
Churchianity and civnattery are cancers. But if Aristotle is correct then some high percentage of people are incapable of dialectic thinking and therefore can only be persuaded by rhetoric- regardless of their narrative.
A speaker at a tea party meeting I attended said that people don’t reason, they feel and then use reason to justify their feelings. I asked two individuals who ran political campaigns their opinions and they both said that that’s true of most people. I think that Jonathan Haidt says the same thing.
I read somewhere that Orthodox Jews don’t get hysterical about the sight of a creche on public property because they’re secure in their faith. It’s the secularized Jews who do.
One thing that I find fascinating about old lefty-boomer acquaintances of mine…they truly are stuck in the “summer of love”. I can’t figure out what keeps their minds so infantile.
It’s because they – 99.5% of them – missed out on the action.
So if we steal the sexytimes perception back from the left, and make it accessible to a broad swath of our people, we win.
Mock them as a bunch of humorless scolds. Does anybody really believe that explicit affirmative consent is sexy?
My local affluent leftists, well…
Humorless: check
Emotions driven: check
Raised useless, entitled children: check
Deal with them only if I have to while mocking them in ways that they totally do not pick up on, a personal joke I have with me: check
So if we steal the sexytimes perception back from the left, and make it accessible to a broad swath of our people, we win.
That’s how the Nazis did it.
Countering the narrative takes intense focus. When the prevailing media is abjectly Anti White and most normies are constantly immersed in media it is easy for them to believe in bogeymen. It’s like uncoupling people from the matrix, maybe 1% will be saved from the mind rot that surrounds them. History says that we only need a dedicated core of influences that will be able to tip the culture over but how to find that core and keep them on message in an increasingly atomized movement? Tilting at windmills has a fun feel for a bit but leads to burnout… Read more »
Rene Girard wrote of “mimetic desire” and the scapegoat mechanism. That is, the mass of people imitate the desires of those around them, often quite disastrously. We’re social creatures, not gods or beasts, and we relate to others through the language and norms of our political community. Many don’t arrive on the scene ready-made with a set of existing beliefs and desires: they pick them up and sort them into what serves them, and what harms them. The average person isn’t interested in the Kurds, for instance — but they’re interested in being liked and accepted. When you have a… Read more »
” One of the primary conditions for acceptance into the social and political community in large parts of the West now is consenting to this psychopathic regime of “socialization” that has risen like a Leviathan over the past 50 years. This postwar project has obliterated the structures of civilization — family, church, freedom of association, procreation, virtue — for half a century,”
What is it with you guys?
It’s been more than 50 years.
It reaches AT LEAST as far back as the FDR administration.
Why do you ALWAYS refuse to follow the trail back to it’s source?
I’m just throwing a ballpark figure out there. Maybe post-WW2, maybe FDR. 50 is about as far as I’d go in terms of cultural war, though. Up until the 1970s a public school education in this country outside of the ghetto was pretty much Rock-Ribbed Americanism. I’m not sure how old you are, but the South was also inhospitable territory for a lot of people, too, outside of the urbanizing centers of Birmingham and Atlanta. Parts of this country didn’t go through the 1960s until the mid-1980s. You still got your news from Paul Harvey on the radio and a… Read more »
Wilsonian progressivism was a direct attack against the Republican sensibilities of this country – and the institututions setup during that period were the foundations for the houses of corruption that have been built since then. One of the changes instituted during that period: elimination of the militia – is something I bring up again and again and again. Why? Because it was a direct attack on male run society. The institution of the Federal Reserve was a direct attack against “honest” money (and therefore an attack against social trust) – and the 19th amendment was also an attack against male… Read more »
Carlsdad – you are absolutely correct, but most people – even most here, unfortunately, cannot discern that. They still think we can somehow tinker around the edges and fix things enough so they can live peaceably and won’t have to struggle. The normalcy bias is staggering.
Ayatolllah, I respectfully disagree. Try reading a paper – and not the NYT but a small-town local paper – from the 1940s. The rock-ribbed civ nattery was out in full-force, pushing muh murricanism and muh equality and muh democracy. FDR’s admin was chock full of the (((usual suspects))) to a degree most even here do not realize. The rot goes back a lot more than 50 years – it was rooting and spreading underneath the surface for much longer than that.
Now we inch toward a conversation I want (and need, personally) to have. Given the left cannot be reasoned with why waste time on them? My experience has shown that even self-proclaimed neutral normies require a great deal of work to open even one eye to the realities of clownworld. I wrestle with where to point my energies and resources. But I “shook the dust from my shoes” and turned my back on engaging the loons 3 years ago. Now, I seek to minimize the pull of the dark whirlpool they will create when their world collapses around them. I’m… Read more »
Use them like they use us, as props in a morality play for the normies watching. They’re rhetorically hog-tied to stuff that hits people on the visceral disgust level now. Alinksy them – make them live up to their indefensible standards.
The spectacle at the recent DSA hootenanny where everyone was jazz-handing to avoid sperging the bubble-boys in attendance will make all but the most-cucked hear “Tomorrow Belongs” in their monkey-brains.
Exile. I’m asking, what is the net goal of “using them” in the morality play? As G Gordon says below, they are toddlers (brats at that). I’m remiss to qualify their position by taking the stage with them. And they own the big stage. So I’d be playing to very, very small audiences if I choose to respond to them. I respect your perspective a great deal. Know I’m asking honestly. They are the culture of death and destruction. It will catch up to them regardless of what I do. So, I posit that energies are better suited to navigating… Read more »
We’ll be playing to small audiences for awhile. You’re looking to recruit the small number that are open to our ideas. It’s a chain-reaction, exponential growth thing, stretched over years, but you’ll see a convergence as anti-White activity drives more people to us. We’re in the early stages now. Like I said before, White Nationalism 1.0 left us ashes to build on. The 2.0 goal is to build a solid but flexible foundation for the next generations to make White Nationalism 3.0 into something more like you see in Europe, with an open political presence. I see that presence as… Read more »
A great, long-view reminder. Thank you, Exile. I’m inclined to stay and fight inside. Yours is a hopeful perspective.
I think that you’re on to something. Yes, we should do our best to help Normies make it to our side of the divide, but that really should be a sideshow. We need to build an alternative. People respect action. They respect success. Normies need to see not just that the TPTB hate them and want them dead but what an alternative that world looks like. Now, I’m not talking about create some whites-only enclave tomorrow. We need to start small and stay under the radar. But we do need to start building, even just getting together with a couple… Read more »
CSC- “The time has come for us to start getting together. Carefully, of course.” There is the start of pragmatic strategy. Best practices to establish connections…Zman’s “secret handshake” society. We should keep MOVING in the right direction, invite people to join us on the journey. So step one is finding diligent ways to start that dialog. Which of course demands attracting / connecting the right people..those normies that have an odd, unspecified itch about the world they live in. Maturity in thought abounds on Zman’s site (and others, whom I owe a debt). I hope to see more Dissident for… Read more »
The nuts and bolts of meeting are where I stumble. How do we publicly call for setting up a “secret” meeting? I’m quite sure that there commentators on this blog who live in my area. How do we meet? I suppose that one way is simply to announce the meeting and meet, but not talk about politics for a fair amount of time. If in the off chance, some guy is actually working for the other side, bore him to death. Also, get to know people. It’ll be hard to hide who you really are. Anyway, Z talks about joining… Read more »
CSC. I’ve asked this question before and typically get “start a group that would interest POTENTIAL dissidents”. Then feel your way around the conversation for clues. While I know that is the wise thing to do given the Dox Hammer that could fall on us, I find that approach incredibly frustrating. I’ve taken the previous advice and began connecting with existing groups coalescing around what I assume would be shared interests. In my case, self defense, guns, HAM and general preparedness (natural disaster). I’m probably obtuse but I did not detect like-minded folks there…yet. And yes, I poked around, looking… Read more »
Have to be in the right area otherwise building Communities will be nigh impossible…
Lineman, can you unpack “right area” for me? I’m in a mid-sized southern city. Rural is 25 minutes away, very red zip code bordering deep blue metropolis.
Oh man that would take some time to do that Brother…If you want you can contact me at
and I will discuss it with you there…
You guys can reach me as well at po*********@ho*****.com . I live in the Portland, OR area though I’m trying to escape next year. So I’m also looking for a better (redder) part of the country. As far as how to find the others in Our Thing. I agree with the above. Look at groups of people that are already doing stuff like prepping, gun clubs, martial arts, etc… You’ll find a lot of civnats but most can be reasoned with at least. I’m trying to get more active on Gab too but I’m still trying to figure out the… Read more »
Zman makes a good point here. All politics is tribal and discourse in the current age (and maybe any age) is driven by feelings not logical calculations. How else could you persuade large swathes of the Western electorate to vote for and actively pursue their own demographic demise, other than by an appeal to emotions? Reason doesn’t come into it.
The problem we have is not in crafting an appealing emotional landscape but in disseminating it while the levers of communication are all in the tight grip of the enemy.
“The battle for the shared reality of the public culture is a war of attrition. The winner is the one that is most efficient in the use of resources, but best at driving up the cost to the other side.” The Meme Wars of 2015-16 were our best implementation of this proactive Art of War strategy. Neither Red or Blue Team Globohomo could find a way to Alinsky us. They’ve been forced out of the metapolitical arena, resorting to simply hitting our big brains with FBI-ADL rocks. It’s undisputed that our narratives win on a half-level playing field. I’ve been… Read more »
This reminds me of the book Voltaire’s Bastards. It’s written by a Canadian liberal, but a great book in showing how process, cloaked as reason, can be used by anyone, or any government for anything they want to use it for. This is why the Mark Levins’, the Shapiros’, etc., force their listeners into this blood pressure raising, masturbatory process where the square peg should go into the square hole yet those crazy libs are putting it into the circular hole, not thinking about who made the peg, who cut the holes, and why you’re even sitting around playing with… Read more »
Just wish-listed it – thanks for the reference. The three “goddesses” of Reason, Liberty-Statue-Poem and Love are the Furies of modernity.
I’d replace Love with “Niceness”. Love is often “mean” .
Parked next to a soccer mom’s car that had a sticker on the back that said “Do good. Be nice.” If I had a sledge hammer handy . . . .
E. You are a dangerous man… ” if she knows this stuff and openly talks about it, sleep with one eye open)”. Wow.
I’m a fluffy kitten – she was the dangerous one.
This, I think, is the most important point that the dissident right has to make with normies and Boomer conservatives. Most still think that argument is about making points with logic and facts (heck, many folks on the left think they’ve got ‘logic and facts’ on their side too). This is why you always see pseudoscience articles about how liberals are smarter than conservatives, or conservatives talking about how dumb liberals are because they believe in socialism. If we’re the ‘reasonable’ ones, then it must just mean that our reason and facts cannot be understood by the other side. Argument… Read more »
It sounds simplistic, but everything has to be presented as a morality play, with us as the good guys and them as the bad guys. That’s what they’re doing, it works, and we should simply do the same. It doesn’t help that they control the media, and that people see a hundred morality plays every day, in TV shows, ads, and “news,” from their point of view. But if memes are all we’ve got, then we’ve just got to use them the best we can. I suggest that everybody read the brilliant twitter account of “Moo Moo Cow” (sic) on… Read more »
The vast majority of any individual’s experience is now synthetic. Derived from media in one for or another. The media promulgates the ‘morality play’ because (a) they believe it draws people’s attention and (b) serves their — and their political patrons — interests. A counter-narrative is not the same thing as a new — or alternative — narrative. The problem with a new narrative is that it often seems alien upon first contact, so the goal is to create ‘bridging narratives’ between the current paradigm and the new paradigm. To my mind, the alternative narrative is universal ethno-genetic nationalism (UEGN),… Read more »
Belief is a sticky thing. Inside the world of duality, better to operate with truths about the relative world, and save belief for that One, Inexpressible Mystery “I Am” that transcends duality.
It’s magical thinking all right, to feel you as a personal self, can DEFINE absolute truth with the finite mind, made more dangerous when you then turn it into belief
You say belief is a sticky thing, Pursuvant. But belief is often held up by the mattress of doubt. Because so many men lack deep confidence, their beliefs become prone to commandeering and seizure. This is how the Left wins Swing Votes. It plays on the doubts of those hovering around the needle of the political center.
And when the person falls, the Left just grows stronger.
Yes your points are good. What I was describing is that in a relative world, truths are realization from your lived experience of that world, and what works. They can and should change as experienced conditions change and what previously worked, no longer does. Belief becomes immovable & prevents realization that new workable solutions are needed.
Belief is why boomers are stuck in their ’80s obstinacy. Realization is why we are here with Z
Beale’s emphasis on rhetoric, winning hearts before minds, is one of his stronger positives, a big part of what makes him a gateway rather than a gatekeeper. He’s a net-positive. His lolbertarian civ-nattery is tolerable because anyone reaching his level can see an easy, logical path to the summit and no good reason not to push on.
calling vox day -“Beale” is always a giveaway – Comrade.
Vox Day is not a civnat, nor a libertarian. He’s a douchebag in many ways, but not in those two ways at least..
They think the same exact thing about us. They really think they are the ones with “science” and “reason” and “facts” and “evidence” on their side.
When both sides think the other side is crazy and relying on emotions, whims and even hatred, compromise and concession is just completely impossible. But our side never seems to learn this lesson. They think they can reason with the left. They cannot understand that the left thinks we are both crazy and evil.
Crushing them is the only option.
The Left knows damn well they don’t have facts on their side, just watch Tucker Carlson when he interviews some progtard. They don’t want a debate on facts, all they do is spew talking points for the 5-10 minutes Tucker is trying to question/debate them. Look how they flip out when some states there are only two sexes and you can’t change your sex. They go apeshit and destroy the person stating that. We can’t state that Blacks are responsible for over half the murders in this country either. Gun control – 30 + years ago the Right essentially got… Read more »
Sincere question: what is a Lysenkoist?
Sounds like Mr. Lysenko was a Soviet with some oddball philosophy.
Nobody thinks they are the bad guy. They really do believe this stuff. If you bring up the 2 gender stuff, they have links back to peer-reviewed journals claiming there are 87 genders or whatever.
Some are just pretending and are motivated by other things, but most are sincere.
I watched the first episode of the new HBO Watchmen series because I thought the movie was cool. In that alternative timeline (where the Tulsa race riot was started by whites and a thousand times worse than ours) the mysterious bad guys really are legions of racists neo-nazis. A super-cop middle-aged black woman hunts and kills them for sport. The writers really are obsessed with bad-whites.
Perhaps obsessed with bad Whites, or perhaps PC has ruled out all bad guys other than Whites? Hard to write a script for an action-drama without an antagonist.
Well what you describe is your typical lefty produced and written show. No different than Special Victims Unit with Mariska Hagarity where the bad guy is typical a white, college educated male and the brown skins are the saints.
Bottom line: Whites are the new bad guys/clowns/losers on TV.
Yep. The reality is a show called The first 48. Highly recommend.
When I look on the ADL or SPLC websites, I see they have listed all these “hate” organizations clustered on the map in the relatively rural state where I live. I’ve investigated and have not been able to confirm a single one of them! Just all made up. I assume the other states and places are similar once you delve into it. It’s like these people live in some demon haunted world, seeing witches everywhere. Perhaps one person sent a newsletter from these cities once upon a time, say back in the 1950s, and they have expanded it to what… Read more »
Oh and did you guys notice the ADL has the use of echo quotes ((())) listed as a hate symbol. Aren’t you guys ashamed of yourselves now?
Unlike with the “ok” sign they are correct about this. People who use the triple parenthesis hate “the Jews”, blame them for every problem in the world, and are proud of it, not ashamed.
It’s the lynch!!
Yeah so ? What’s your point?
I suspect they are queuing programmers to include such flagging in auto censoring software.
I’ve been on the ADL and SPLC sites, too. That’s where I go to find new web sites to read.
Your last two words get at the reality. This is all a marketing campaign by those with the money who pull the levers. And that is because, in their hind brains, they do live in a demon haunted world where they always hear the echo of hoofbeats. Stop damning it as insanity and accept it as reality and kill it as something that simply is.
You can reach people’s deepest feelings and deal with facts and logic simultaneously. It’s pretty easy. Watch: Your white children are going to be a hated, despised minority pretty soon. People feel pretty instinctive about protecting their children; it’s the deepest instinct. And the most basic math confirms what you touch in the existential taproot by saying, “Your children are going to be a hated minority.” Hell, among children whites are already getting there; and we’re not waiting for open anti-white animus. All the cards are on the table and the chips have been anted. Now it’s a question of… Read more »
Along with a heavy dose of hunter/fisherman environmentalism: good golly this is a filthy place.
Even normie can see the trash, it’s right in front of his eyes.
Another obvious is 7-11 Nationalism.
I and my girlfriend want to stop at 7-11 at 2 am on Saturday night for a Coke or gas, without it being an adventure that puts our lives in danger.
Better beliefs? How about something simple, such as, “It’s ok to be sane.”
Hold on their Hitler. We’ll have none of that sanity talk.
> The alternative is a different, more appealing set of beliefs. This is really an excellent and important idea. When I first started dissident politics, many years ago, it seemed that “the right” was merely a complaint factory. We were always focused on mouthing about what we didn’t like: I don’t like X, I don’t like Y. They were always reactive. In many cases, their complaints were driven by leftist accomplishments. I called this negativism. To me, it seemed important to state what you DO like, what you were working towards. I called this positivism. You can’t build a socio-cultural/political… Read more »
We can learn from this: the Canadian election. Bernier lost on a national stage…but his implied sentiments won 70% of the vote in Quebec. The CAQ, a new nationalist party won 37% of the vote (leading the election). They won the suburbs, the rural areas and many identitarians. The 2 separatist parties ( 1 left, 1 right)won 33% of the vote. The CAQ and the right separatist ignored the Clown World of the urbanites. The socialist separatist did very well in Montreal. So the more or less identitarians won a solid majority by appealing to the different interest of whites… Read more »
Met a Quebecette in Copenhagen last week, pretty sure she was well down The Road to Whiteville, definitely didn’t like what was happening to her people. She warmed up to me when I flashed some anti-Empire signals. I’ve been looking for info about “Based Quebec” as an ally, reviews are kinda mixed from what I’ve seen so far.
Lol, the CAQ lowered immigration from 50,000 per year to 40,000 per year.
Long term it doesn’t mean shit.
Short term, it got them elected.
“Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good enough. ”
It’s moving in the right direction. Next election, they can talk about lowering it further or ending it all together depending on the political situation. *
*This assumes they aren’t “controlled opposition “.
As John Smith pointed out, we are all now, or will be in the future, Nazis to the left. Make no mistake, any identifiable markers that the left sees in us will immediately be labeled as Nazi or WS. There is no escaping this. Dino made a great point about ridicule. It seems that most of the normies out there are starting to realize just how silly and over-the-top the left has become. They really just need, are desperately waiting for, a sign that it is okay to feel that way. The more we effectively ridicule the left, the more… Read more »
That’s fine, as long as it does not lead to embracing the symbols the Left characterizes as immoral. The bets way to lose is to say, “they will call us X anyway, so let’s go ahead and be X.” That’s just glorifying surrender.
Agree. This is one point where most of the TRS guys & I seem to differ, though I agree with most of what they say. I think we can have the platform and the values of the Third Position without the baggage, though it’s a tricky balance. I agree with Enoch that we need to puncture the myth of the Holocaust and re-legitimize the German people, but I think we’re a generation or two too early to popularize hard revisionism of the entire mythology of the world wars. The JQ-level of Based will remain esoteric in our thing for awhile… Read more »
There are ways around that – without directly trying to “re-legitimize” the German people – or address the ((())) question. For instance: Unz has a good article about how Hitler’s attack agains Stalin – might have been pre-emptive: You can completely sidestep all those leftie induced taboos against questioning the commonly accepted myths of WW2 – by simply bringing this up. A person who is TRULY interested in history – will want to look into this. And once you start to accept that the common story of WW2 might not be correct – the doors are opened to questioning… Read more »
I see dissidents make this mistake when arguing – someone uses “Hitler”, then the dissident goes on about how Hilter ‘wasn’t that bad compared to stalin/mao’ etc. It’s like, the name is just a synonym for ‘most evil person ever’ used by the left. Make a positive case for our values instead of embracing the negative imagery.
‘ “they will call us X anyway, so let’s go ahead and be X.” That’s just glorifying surrender.‘ Agree with this (and BadThinker’s comment below), but just as a example of how we’ve been intimidated into reflexive self-policing [1], my grandmother was a devout Buddhist. We wanted to put the Buddhist “manji” symbol on her headstone but did not, basically out of fear. For those not in the know, the manji is a swastika “pointing the other way” from the swastika used by the Nazis. It is in common use in Japan to this very day: on maps it is… Read more »
Oh, I just self-frisk by submitting and paying for TSA “PreCheck”. At least then I usually just have to go through a metal detector instead of the Rape Cancer machine.
A positive plan and talking points about the nation and society we want To build along with just ignoring the left and when we can’t ignore them a firm NO should be our response. Like handling a 5 year old mentality firmness and saying NO is enough to stop them most of the time.
The problem is we got too many nitwit Mitt Romney’s on our team who lack both vision for something truly positive and the ability to say NO to the loons.
Mitt the shit is not on my team. Hillary has two more balls than he does.
I bet Hillary’s anatomically-correct, FWIW, but to safely prove the point you might have to file the teeth down first. Just look below the “Abandon All Hope” tattoo.
“you might have to file the teeth down first. Just look below the “Abandon All Hope” tattoo.”
Wicked, wicked, WICKED thing you
Every person runs around with a little narrative in his head about who he is and what he stands for. A little hero in his own personal play. The internet has allowed these silly little stories to be reinforced by others with similar ideas, and to coalesce into larger groups, and also to be manipulated by yet others. That’s how you get people thinking they are saving the world, one bike lock at a time, and that they are the hero in a play that actually has no heroes at all, only villains and victims.
I would argue that the essential dichotomy is not crazy belief versus reason/alt beliefs, but rather subjugation versus liberty. For the Left, the mantra is subjugate or die. For the Right, it’s life free or die. What do these have in common? The conflict is existential, not persuasion (or even elections). If you’re not inclined to be subjugated under Progressive domination, the alternative is not fancy words of protest, it’s man up and fight for your life. Evolution did not intend for pussies to inherit the planet.
It’s not subjugation versus liberty, it’s race. Go be a libertarian with the Somalis.
It’s far more than that: have a conversation with Progressives. Listen to the nonsense about the climate, transgenderism, etc. These people are religious fanatics and moralize everything. Disagree with them and they get angry — you’re a heretic!
“Disagree with them and they get angry…”
Is cuz their beliefs are confirmed every day, everywhere, by everybody who’s respectable. If you disagree, there must be something wrong with you. If you stump them they get angry out of frustration that they can’t come up with a reason why you’re wrong.
Is why I say these ppl must be defeated, not persuaded. The rare bird indeed who can bring himself to say “you know Frank, you’re right!”
That’s when I assume I’m talking to an NPC brainless drone. The people pulling the strings (Soros?) know it’s all nonsense. But notice the solution to all of it is more government and less freedom.
Race has been introduced – to bolster the forces of subjugation.
Before the racial issue became overwhelming in the West – there was still the issue of subjugation vs. liberty.
You’re not paying attention.
Whiteness is necessary for liberty. My claim is more fundamental than yours. Of course, you can have whiteness without liberty, but you can never have liberty without whiteness. And besides, “socialist” Scandinavia was a great place to live before the non-white invasions.
Still beats LA from what I’m seeing so far. No to damn with faint praise, OFC.
People of European stock certainly have a greater appetite for liberty than others. They seem content to live in authoritarian cultures. Political liberty in Asia is a post-WWII phenomenon.
And one imposed by the American empire, and one that the left is still uncomfortable with because each Asian nation prefers to maintain its identity and its own version of “democracy” within a communitarian society.
200 years ago, the issue of subjugation vs. liberty. Race was introduced in the late 19th Century by the usual (((suspects))). They succeeded in reshaping the West to reflect their values, serve their interests and gratify their 2000-year-old spite against Christianity and even more ancient spite against the goyim in general.
Race goes back far more than 200 years, my friend. Negroes have been on this continent for about 400 years. Do you truly believe their discontent and dysfunction only began with the usual agitators? When even most readers here still fall back on muh liberty the same way TruCons fall back on muh constitution, it again amazes me that Zman has the patience to persevere, rewriting the same things and trying to break that stupid enlightenment stranglehold.
“Freedom” is for the right what ™ “Happyness” is to the left: Abstract, fleeting, and basically unobtainable in any permanency. Nor would any healthy person be always and forever absolutely free or absolutely happy. To put it bluntly, those are the unrealistic wishes of children. One doesn’t really reach maturity until they realize they have obligations outside of themselves; to family, community, and land. Furthermore, there is much to be gained from hierarchy and duty that is lost to those who chase freedom and happiness. Responsibility and accountability are what turn boys into men. Catchphrases imparting good feelings are what… Read more »
Lefties have corrupted the meaning of freedom. Grown ups always recognized that “freedom” is subject to the constraints of morality, finances, community – and “reality” – otherwise known as nature. It’s why the more sober minded people on the right have always said things like ” I want the freedom to fail “. It’s not that they wanted the freedom envisioned by leftie raised children – who want free health care – so they can (in Nancy Pelosi’s words) “be free to be artists or musicians” – it’s so that they do not have a yoke around their neck that… Read more »
Most of our language has been corrupted. Arguing about what words truly mean is again a waste of time just like utilizing facts to combat feelings. What you assume “grown ups have always recognized” has usually been imposed, because such a small part of any society in any age is composed of genuine adults. As I constantly remind my kids, most people grow old without every growing up. Everyone here claims to believe in reality, but they keep denying the reality of today’s insanity as though it’s a mere phantasm that can be defeated by insisting on “true meanings,” a… Read more »
Yeo for whites it’s either fight for our very lives or end up being landfill material. Seriously all the hate the Left is ginning up against us is just setting the stage for what comes next when Trump is gone. That being declaring war on whitey.
The problem with our side is that most still think it won’t get any worse even though historically the Left if given the opportunity has tended to resort to genocide to deal with people they don’t like.
And they certainly don’t like us.
Exactly, deluding yourself that this is just a war of words will be of no comfort on the way to the detention camps or killing fields. If you’re not man enough to fight for your life, get the hell out of the gene pool.
If it’s necessary we’ll defend ourselves, but there’s nothing approaching the will, much less the logistics, for effective mass resistance to anything like Soviet or Cambodian oppression on the near-future horizon. Deluding yourself that this can be a war of fists, much less bullets for the foreseeable future, will be of no comfort when you’re Bundy Ranch’d or Ruby Ridge’d with nothing but hostile lying press to mark your demise. That’s a 1.0 mistake we can’t afford to make. That said, I’ve always said we should teach our kids to fight & survive. The skills and mindset yield their own… Read more »
In my post above about StackExchange I was going to post this as my conclusion but decided the post was already too long. “Anyone participating in an institution under leftist assault should stop what they are doing and redirect all energies towards stopping the coup and expelling the coup plotters. People stuck in institutions that have been overrun must recreate them with explicit rules and language prohibiting leftist shenanigans. In the case of SE, this would be a rival organization with bylaws stating that pronoun policing is explicitly forbidden and those attempting it will be expelled.” Logistics comes out of… Read more »
Exactly the kind of ideas I’m working with – 5th political theory, third position. In the same way that dissidents in the Warsaw Pact organized underground institutions, we need to be able to operate both inside and outside the Empire’s effective reach. I’m working on some concept posts for how to organize so that there’s a role for those who want to stay “on the grid,” those who want to shapeshift and those who’re looking to “bug out.” We can coordinate those groups to provide some real anti-fragility and flexible response to countermeasures, all within the bounds of the existing… Read more »
Ain’t happening,
That said, the Left is getting close to their endgame for us whites and it won’t be like the way it was under the Warsaw Pact commies. Our Left is more Maoist than post-Stalinist. IOW much more bloody.
We either end up either in ghettos starving to death or landfills. That’s how the Left rolls when they get power and they target a group for extinction. And in case you haven’t noticed they have made that no secret they want us dead and gone.
And that day is coming once the Left retakes the WH.
What the hell is this political fixation here? You think having Trump in the White House has stopped or even slowed the leftist tide? Trump’s damned government has prosecuted and incarcerated more Whites for hatefacts than the damned Abomination did. Elections don’t matter. Voting doesn’t matter. Most of all, Republicans versus Democrats don’t matter. My God, we’re talking dissident politics pre-k here.
I’m no one’s acolyte but Vox Day has been harping on this (purging any institution of leftists and being vigilant about maintaining hard core rules to prevent future infestation) for years. He’s written books about this.
Mass resistance takes many forms and only requires about 1% of the white population to wreck the system. Hell even a thousand men with thermite and rifles would cause coast to coast blackouts of the blue hives of the Left/Globo-Homo and turn them into burning charnal houses. Look the Left is getting close to the end game and historically we know what they do to groups they don’t like – they genocide them. That’s what they have planned for us. FFS this is why they are eradicating our culture and society. Wake up McFly!! That’s the first step to genocide… Read more »
Trump is not constraining them! He’s only drawing their attention and hate as a temporary focus because he’s somehow a symbol of opposition to the left although he’s fully on board with over half their agenda, minus the extreme edges. How often has he trumpeted his wonderful numbers with Negroes and Mestizos lately? I wouldn’t know because I don’t wast my time listening to the man.
Ann Coulter just stated the obvious in one of her tweets: “Republicans cannot get fair-play Anglo-Saxon Law in liberal jurisdictions. The country needs to split up.” – She’ll probably be arrested for sedition as she’s pointing out the current lawlessness. This is now a nation the way Yugoslavia was a nation. And Trump is no Tito.
Whether she knows it or not, she’s re-tweeted many of ours
She’s on Gab, where she’s regularly re-gabbing Steve Sailor, and I bet she’s on /pol/ too. She’s a one-girl army for the Cause.
Yep. The “United” States is over.
It’s a typo. The word is “Untied”.
Good for Ann! Big stones, for a tranny.
Americans have a history of paranoia and conspiracy theories that seem to be ingrained in your culture. It is woven into the very fabric of America.
It started with hanging the first witch back in 1647 and you’ve been looking for witches in one form or another ever since.
Now you have people who believe the earth is flat and NASA has been conspiring against everyone with this notion the world is round. Of course the world isn’t flat. Because if it is was, cats would have knocked everything off the edges by now.
Trier, Fulda, Bamberg, Würzburg. I’ll take “Witch trials with a higher body-count than Salem Village for $1000, Alex.” I’m just pulling your leg, Karl. The idea that witch trials were unique to Salem Village is as absurd as the notion that slavery was unique to the North American colonies. The thing about kitty-cats is true, though. 😉
R.O.B.G.; Can confirm indirectly. I was told by a local relative in Hess who was highly knowledgable about local history that witch trials in that duchy only stopped when the troops of the French Republic showed up 200 odd years ago. That is, well after the famous Salem Village witch trials*. He even pointed out the dank stone tower the witches were imprisoned in. He had the proper attitude (and one we should emulate re race, etc. IMHO), namely that it was an unfortunate fact of history but that it had nothing to do with him today. _______________________ *Said trials… Read more »
I know. I was doing a friendly jab at Karl, who’s one of this blog’s best mates. FWIW, I grew up with the Proctors and Osgoods and Osbornes so all of this is like water off a duck’s back to me. I’m used to it. My people (and all that.)
On the other hand, maybe Germans aren’t as paranoid as they ought to be.
One thing I tell my trainees is: “The question isn’t ‘Am I being paranoid?’ but rather ‘Am I being paranoid ENOUGH?’”
Now this was in the context of academic medicine and medical research (infighting), but it applies more broadly as well. A few months ago my fellow was advising an intern wanting to get started in research and apparently the phrase “popped right out of my mouth! My God, I’m turning into you!” So said my fellow who was so excited (or disturbed) by this that she texted me right after her counseling session. #soproud #myworkhereisdone
Paranoid, not really. Naive or stupid is the better word. Especially with the current influx of the great unwashed and the potential results of culture clash. We have zero experience with this whole “melting pot” concept and too many on the left think it’s going to be unicorns and rainbows.
Nobody was hanged for Witchcraft in Virginia. They did hang some men who hung Witches aboard a ship when it got to port. The attitudes of New England, Virginia, Appalachia, and Pennsylvania are dramatically different. Radically different.
As for a belief, pride in ones ancestors. Most were real life heroes after all.
Here’s a classic example of fact free emotion.
My favorite line is:
“a tough-on-crime judicial system that preys on black citizens; ”
Bile; This article is darkly amusing if you know something about the history of the state of WI. Besides the current local inhabitants, the proper people to thank for the condition of the ghetto in question are Madison liberals and the UAW. Specifically, because the area was previously heavily industrialized (as stated) during WWII, there was ample tax revenue that enabled the Madison liberals to throw money at their favored constituencies. So, in the ’70s Milwaukee paid higher welfare benefits than even Chicago. *That’s* very likely why the people quoted moved there at that time, despite their other claims. More… Read more »
Thanks for the background, that sounds all too plausible.
The green boogeyman is the best one they have, and it plays perfectly into the Christian redemption story, to which our society is already attuned. Everyone is sinning in their own way against mother earth god, their carbon footprint tells the tail. The heavier the footprint, the more weighted down the soul with sin. It reminds me of certain stained glass windows in some European cathedrals where a soul is being weighed against a feather. It has to be lighter than a feather to get to heaven. So mother earth god will destroy us unless we live a monastic existence,… Read more »
We can steal that issue from them – mock & berate the AGW hucksters (such as pointing out the gobs of $$$ they take from guys like David “Geffen” to prostitute their precious principles). Stand for scaled-down environmentalism based on resource use and management (hunting, fishing, camping, anti-pollution, etc). This undermines (((unfettered global finance capitalism))), elevates small-business White constrained capitalism and gives us a GoodWhite-palatable reason for shipping birth control pills to Africa instead of Infinity Africans to the West.
Stop shipping food to Africa – and we won’t even have to ship as many birth control pills. The whole “go to Africa” thing has become some sort of weird pilgrimage that whiteys need to take in the Globohomo besotted West. The major networks have been all over Prince Harry and his POC bride making a trip to Africa for the last couple of weeks. I don’t even know why. They don’t really say why. I guess the implication is that I’m just supposed to know why it’s so important to go to freaking Africa. One of my nieces went… Read more »
Just saw the video of Catholic lay people taking it upon themselves to remove the Amazonian false Gaia idols from the Vatican and tossing them in the river. A sublimely medieval act of defiance. Going medieval on all the lefty things can take on all sorts of forms. The more cleverly subversive and naughty fun, the better.
And those folks right there are the true Catholic Traditionalists. The ones who know that Benedict is still the Pope.
Jorge never has been.
Absent a transcendent shared set of beliefs, aka a religion, you’re right about democracy. I’d say we are where we are because it turns out Civic Nationalism is a poor substitute for Christianity.
“A feature of left-wing politics is a vague understanding of what they are for, but a detailed understanding of what they oppose.” I’d say this is far truer of us than them. The Left of course has a detailed knowledge of their self-created caricature of “the Right,” but about the actual Right they know less than nothing. Prove it, if you like, by asking a Leftist for specifics. They’re convinced, for example, that the source of California’s power woes is “deregulation.” But…. which regulations? What law did California have in, say, 1980, that it doesn’t have now, that caused the… Read more »
Not sure what you mean by “caste system”, but monarchy doesn’t seem so bad. The monarch had fairly strong rule over certain, limited things. But most important, unlike democracy where losing an election results in speaking gigs, lobbying gigs, and other forms of graft for a comfortable “retirement”, losing the monarchy meant losing your head. Tends to focus one’s energies toward maintaining the common good.
Whenever I hear the word monarchy I think of tampon man Prince Charles, and say “check please.” We need a very limited voting franchise. Property owners. This can’t be put back into the constitution, because millions of people will have to be told, sorry, losers can’t vote anymore, look what you did to the place. I think what will naturally happen is a Putin like oligarchy that has “elections.” Whether that can be bridged into a Republic again, who knows, it didn’t work for Rome.
“We need a very limited voting franchise. Property owners”
We had that. It led here.
I recently saw somebody propose something I had offered up to people a good 10-15 years ago: I multi tiered system. You vote for what you want – and HAVE TO ABIDE BY IT (and pay for it) I will vote for what I want – and I will HAVE TO ABIDE BY IT. Given the amount of animosity among the races – and the incessant bitching coming from the “inner city” – I’d say that this is a proposal we might even be able to shove thru. Just entice the blacks with promises of no more white police in… Read more »
The word is Subsidiarity.
Along with huntsman’s enviro-nationalism and 7-11 nationalism, I’d like to see again emphasis on the three-legged stool.
Home-school-church in local neighborhoods,
With local government only policing for safe streets so those three can function.
Small is beautiful.
Our enemies haven’t completed their job yet. Our institutions still seem to more or less function … so normies, civnats and too many in our camp are still believers in a glorious restoration of Americanism. It’s nice to believe that we have the agency to bring about the needed change. Maybe in numbers we do. But since we lack the lines of communication to organize effectively, since every institution is controlled by our enemies, since the majority of white men still think in terms of “getting back to the constitution and letting the market decide” and a handful of other… Read more »
Accellerationism is underrated. Things keep moving along a trajectory until there is a system failure. Look at the Federal budget. It’s now mathematically impossible to reign in, even if we tried. Can we still pay the interest with newly credited money? Sure. For now. But the event horizon has already been crossed. The laws of exponentially compounding debt “pyramiding” are now in play. It’s already slowly drying up liquidity in the banking system. Corporate debt will go first.
Another candidate for the wall of fame.
“The American Left is purely reactionary, tethered to Donald Trump like a slave being taken to market.”
Both sides use fear to persuade and motivate, as it’s the most effective means known. Trump used fear of illegal immigrants and China to motivate his base. Now those may be legitimate things to fear. I’m just saying both sides do it.
Tough choice: Waves of illiterate illegals vs. “Orange Man is Hitlar!!”
Chinese totalitarianism vs. “How Dare You!!!”
As you say, “both sides do it.”
No. I think a large number of citizens were fed up with the consequences of mass immigration (depressed wages, out-of-control housing and health-care costs, crime, congestion etc.) combined with the outsourcing of the economy and Trump recognized that acknowledging the legitimate concerns of heritage Americans was a winning strategy. Letting the left frame the debate has never been a winning strategy.
Best article in a while. So many hidden gem phrases: The American Left is purely reactionary, tethered to Donald Trump like a slave being taken to market. and A feature of left-wing politics is a vague understanding of what they are for, but a detailed understanding of what they oppose. Of course mentioning Ben Shapiro is a bit of a downer. My daughter and her roommate might end up attending one of Shapiro’s lectures at their University. I’m looking for some kind of hit piece on him that would summarize all of his problems so that I can ask her… Read more »
Hey, at least she’s not going to see the Pastrix. I got dragged to see her, and it was pretty much exactly what you’d expect.
Hey, at least she’s not going to see the Pastrix.
Pastrix’s got a point about melting down purity rings. If people want a ring to signal that they don’t have sex, they can damn well get married like the rest of us.
Laugh Out Loud!
Juxtapose his rabid anti-identitarianism with photos of him in a kippa, draped in the Israeli flag.
Or show her Shapiro’s recent BBC meltdown.
“The alternative to left-wing belief is not the lack of any belief whatsoever. The alternative is a different, more appealing set of beliefs.”
So what are they?
Is this the feature of your next post or podcast?
Not even remotely shocked Z has ignored this. He always walks to the edge, but will go no further.
Someone will need to step up. Perhaps Vox Day already has?
Notice, Zman is getting us, the audience, to define those beliefs- as it should and must be done.
Miy take is simple. Yours may not be, “It must be a good place to have a family and raise children.” This gives you the flexibility to whatever it takes on the economy, social rules and restrictions and since multiethnic societies have low social capital , restrict immigration as well. If that isn’t your cuppa there is also “A Christian Nation.” or Vox Days 16 Points They key is to avoid the tendency to be abstruse and intelectual. Most people we care about are not high IQ types. They are above average by a shade, 5 points maybe and… Read more »
“The alternative is a different, more appealing set of beliefs.” Agreed.
What beliefs, please?
Fourteen words. Respect for evolution, scale and the Dunbar Number. Race realism. HBD. Aristocracy as a necessary counterbalance to democracy. Tempering natural Darwinism with noblesse oblige and strong social engineering to care for one’s own family and the deserving needy in your local community. Subsidiarity and localism (scale again). Sustainable growth & empirically-grounded environmentalism. The necessity of transcendent belief including religion for human happiness.
The Greeks & Romans in their respective primes had this stuff pretty well balanced. I’m not a pastoralist or revivalist but we should definitely look to those two cultures for ideas we can modernize.
Where do the 14 words begin and end? 😉
There you go Exile, thinking again. ;-). Well put and thought out!
Exile; I applaud your effort. But, with all ‘respect’, the theory of evolution in general is one of the reasons why we find ourselves where we are today. It was used as a bluff to social-shame the weak-minded out of any belief in transcendence and so to accept that man is just another animal with no intrinsic worth or rights. If you mean human adaptation to local surroundings over time, then fine, I agree. But we are all remain the same species, despite the obvious physical differences. Darwin claimed to explain the origin of *species*. The creation of a new… Read more »
We agree on enough. The most important thing we have to learn is to unite around the 14 words and leave the details for post-victory wrangling between our grandkids. If your overriding concern is the preservation and prosperity of the White race, I’m standing the line with you.
An Internet search: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.” This blog is somewhat coy, so I guess I know why, but like another commenter here, don’t quite understand the code words and the indirect language. When I spend hours online reading the news and some blogs, I can relate to the 14 words because I am reading about a real threat; not so much for my old ass, but for my white sons, who may be punished due to the fact that they are a) men, and b) white. I really picked… Read more »
“don’t quite understand the code words and the indirect language” Learn the codes. Not to obfuscate things (I am a big proponent of direct, unambiguous speech), but because sometimes they can be convenient shorthand. And to a lesser extent, they serve as (probable) recognition codes when parties meeting don’t know each other. Also, sometimes you can have fun. Example: someone was asserting that Chick-fil-A is “racist”. I countered that this was not the case, “because if they were, they’d be charging whites say, four bucks for a chicken sammich, but blacks would have to pay $14.88.” Some other person started… Read more »
I guess I’m forced to learn the codes and the writing style as I read more alternative/prep/survival/military type blogs now. I’ve gone away from American Thinker and opinion because I am exhausted by it. Sometimes after reading a column in Zero Hedge, I have no idea what some of them are saying in the comments, except when they’re bitch slappin’ each other.
As Z discussed some weeks back in the podcast on secret societies, insider language is a common thing with dissident groups. The TRS guys discussed this recently as well – their site used to have a dictionary for it. One reason they gave for using esoteric language was to foster a sense of community. (((Strauss))) is a good source for the theory on this, another Levite ala Rand who, for whatever mixed motives, revealed some of the Tribe’s inner teachings on religious and social engineering to the goyim.
As an empiricist this is my only “belief”:
“Might makes right.” Same as it ever was.
You might think that you only have a single belief, but you’d be wrong. You have many, many beliefs. Your belief that you’re an empiricist, for example.
Prove it.
No, but might makes the rules.
Might makes rights.
I guess this is as good a place as any to notice that the founder and president of the Association of American Atheists happens to be Every Single Time.
(That’s the org putting up billboards sneering at ‘religion’, Jesus, and the good Saint Nick)
Vox day has taken the useful step of formulating his beliefs in a concise way, and published them on his blog, and they have been translated into a dozen languages. These were originally titled “the Alt-Right: 16 points” but later changed to: “Nationalist Right: 16 Points”. His point 14 recapitulates the 14 words, which of course is the famous white nationalist credo. While I am cognizant of the problem with this, which Z has alluded to in this column, that of “the successful resistance to the Left in a democracy is one that avoids playing the role cast for it… Read more »
Formulating a detailed platform has a number of serious downsides, including promoting in-fighting, counting chickens before they’ve hatched, inflexibility in the face of changing circumstances and inviting “arguments from impracticality.” Z’s covered all of these in the past here, and I’m sure will do so again. Vox is a useful ally most of the time but I see no need for Z or anyone else here to debate the details of platforms none of us have the ability to implement at this point. See Nick Taleb re: predicting the future. VD’s 16 points did a lot to fracture the Alt-Right… Read more »
You sound frustrated.
Can I buy you a drink? Or better, we buy each other a drink?
“Schools are teaching gay acceptance all across the fruited plane.”
This is the best thing I’ve read in a long time. Hahahaha!
How does the dictionary define a nation?—-“a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.”
Common descent – NOPE
Common history – NOPE
Common Culture – NADA
Common Language- That’s racist.
So we’re just left with a “large body of Walmart shoppers occupying certain latitudes and longitudes on the planet. According to the dictionary, the writing is on the wall for us and has been for awhile now. Stick a fork in us,, we’re done.
The alt right figured out that facts don’t matter back in ’13, hence the Meme War. Rather than present reasoned arguments, alt right trolls just ridiculed leftist and conservitard talking points. The ultimate effectiveness is open to debate.
Good post Z. Taken more abstractly, people have a moral need for the two opposite poles we colloquially refer to as good and evil to orient themselves to. Normally these are held to be transcendental qualities that belong in the realm of religion, and even then, should be free of dogma, best understood in the apophatic sense of negation, because it is impossible to describe in language other than the language of symbolism. Perhaps the best word for evil is selfishness. What you have described is a hijacking of these terms into something manipulatable and controllable. Perhaps this is one… Read more »
‘People have been convinced to hate an imaginary enemy more than the enemy at their door.’ I was thinking the same watching the tens of thousands of Extinction Rebellion idiots paralyzing London while muslim immigration continues to cut the throat of british society and culture.
‘The right in America always countered left-wing belief with empiricism.’ Tune into talk radio, fox news or visit civic conservative websites and see the pathetic ineffectiveness of this truth demonstrated ad nauseam.
“In both cases, the bogeyman is a traitor, who willingly turned on the cause. In both cases, the bogeyman is mysteriously absent”
Why, hello, Jesus.
Thought you were dead.
I’ve found that trying to deal with the typical lefty in a rational manner is impossible. They will not deviate from the latest faddish thinking on any subject, and as such, mocking and laughing at them at least drives them into silence due to foaming at the mouth. The point you made about Neo-nazi’s was spot on, I frequently point out that they don’t exist, beyond a few people who play dress up, or are LARPing.
At least on Vox Day’s blog he explains clearly what topics are not permitted, and also why he has removed certain comments.
You lack the courtesy to sincere readers and commentators to do either, it’s quite disappointing to have thoughtful comments removed with no feedback.
And, I know I’m not the only one.
So (((gamma))). We extend olive branches and you cry out as you strike us.
Our host has no obligation to justify removing comments. His house, his rules. If you don’t like the company he keeps, find company elsewhere that you find more agreeable.
Is this really a problem you have in life in general, or just online?
This is a war between secular forces and religious extremists. Obviously, the secular forces are those on the Right, and the Left are the religious extremists — some distilled version of Protestantism marinated in Soviet agitprop which many call Universalism. Trump is the supposed figurehead of populism, but maybe he more so represents the rise of the secular Right (or maybe they are effectively the same thing).
You are trapped by your programming.
You put secular on one side and religious on the other. That isn’t it at all. What’s worse you are doing the typical conservative trick of defending yesterday’s leftist redoubts as if they are on the right. Are you old enough to remember when the left championed “secular humanism” against “the religious right?” Well, they won that battle and now you are defending their old position now that they no longer need to. They aren’t afraid of that at all. You are fighting by their playbook.