Joe diGenova has been talking about the seditious plot to overturn the 2016 election for at least a year, maybe longer. Unlike a lot of the people commenting on this in the mass media, he is not using it to sell books or boost his cable career. He also knows how the FBI and DOJ works from a practical matter. Being knowledgeable makes him a rare guy in the commentariat. Most of the people brought on as experts for the cable chat shows know very little about their alleged areas of expertise.
Regardless, he has been one of the most hawkish people on the Barr investigation, claiming that it is a real investigation with real criminal targets. In this recent radio interview he goes into the details of both the Barr investigation and the ongoing impeachment fiasco. He is a Trump partisan, so his opinions on impeachment are predictable, but his thoughts on the conspiracy are interesting. He probably has access to information from the Trump White House.
The interesting thing about all of this is just how widespread the conspiracy was during the 2015-2016 period. In that interview he talks about former NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers, who is allegedly cooperating with Barr and Durham. What makes the Rogers issue interesting is that he was the original whistle-blower. He is not treated as such, because the media hates Trump and anyone associated with him, but Rogers was the guy who blew the whistle on the spying to the Trump people.
What’s also interesting about Rogers is he seems to have been a good guy, who decided to put an end to the shenanigans with regards to access to top-secret data by FBI contractors. He closed off their access at some point in 2016, which put him in bad odor with the Obama administration. He was eventually pushed out, which suggests the conspiracy has roots into the Obama inner-circle. That may explain why the easy cases to be made against the FBI conspirators are on hold.
That’s the other thing about the Rogers case. As CTH explains in that post, his addition to the story reveals that the use of the NSA database by political contractors working for the Democrats goes back to at least 2012. It is an axiom of white-collar crime that the practice always goes back much further than the evidence initially reveals. Anyone who has done forensic accounting knows this. You find the first evidence of a crime, but it turns out that the pattern goes back much further.
That may be what lies beneath all of this. The great puzzle thus far has been the lack of prosecutions, despite ample evidence. The FBI agents are all guilty of crimes that have been detailed in public documents and the IG reports. There is now proof that Comey perjured himself many times. Just from a public relations perspective alone, rounding up these guys and charging them with corruption seems like a no-brainer. Almost a year into his tenure and Barr has charged no one with a crime.
One obvious explanation is that Barr is running a long con on Trump and the rest of the country, on behalf of the inner party. Robert Mueller was supposed to use his investigation to hoover up all the data so it could not be made public, in addition to harassing the Trump White House. His incompetence meant Barr took over the job and is now hoovering up all the information on the various parties. That way, everyone has an excuse for not doing anything about plot.
One bit of evidence in support of this is the handling of the James Wolfe issue. He was the Senate staffer caught leaking classified information to one of the prostitutes hired by the Washington Post. Big media hires good looking young women to sleep with flunkies like Wolf in order to get access to information. Wolf was caught and charged, but instead of getting a couple years in jail, he got two months. He will come out and land into a six-figure job as a reward for being a good soldier.
An alternative explanation is that what started as a straight forward political corruption case bumped into a long pattern of behavior. In the course of investigating that pattern, the trail went much further back than the 2016 election. If there is evidence of abuse going back to 2012, maybe it goes back further. It was the Bush people, after all, who pushed for the creation of secret courts and secret warrants. Maybe Dick Cheney was listening to your phone calls after all.
It is not just the linear aspect of this. The sheer number of people involved in just the FBI scandal is phenomenal. There are at least 20 FBI people named and dozens of bit players in the media and DOJ. So far, the “contractors” with access to the NSA database have not been revealed, but that could be hundreds of people, given that it seems to have been a free-for-all. The corruption may not only go back a long time, but cover a wide swath of official Washington.
That may be the answer to the great cover up. That’s what we are seeing. This is a great cover up of the biggest scandal in American history. To date, no one has been charged with a crime, despite hundreds of crimes being documented. Many of the principals are now enjoying high six figure lives, based on the fact they were part of the seditious plot to overturn the 2016 election. Instead of the scandal of the century, it is the celebration of the century for the inner party.
One of the signs of ruling class collapse is when they can no longer enforce the rules that maintain them as a ruling class. When the Romans started making exceptions to republican governance, it was a matter of time before someone simply decided the rules no longer applied to them. Perhaps the robot historians will consider Obama our Marius or Sulla. Maybe that person is in the near future. Either way, the rule of law is over and what comes next is the rule of men.
For sites like this to exist, it requires people like you chipping in a few bucks a month to keep the lights on and the people fed. It turns out that you can’t live on clicks and compliments. Five bucks a month is not a lot to ask. If you don’t want to commit to a subscription, make a one time donation. Or, you can send money to: Z Media LLC P.O. Box 432 Cockeysville, MD 21030-0432. You can also use PayPal to send a few bucks, rather than have that latte at Starbucks. Thank you for your support!
Even with so much of this coming to the surface I don’t think your average Joe Normie American can fathom how deep the rabbit hole really goes. There is an article out today that Nancy Pelosi’s son also had her hand in the Ukranian cookie jar. I attended a holiday party this weekend with a mixed group of people ranging from ‘classic liberal’ (the non lunatic kind) through complete Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferers. This was Arlington. These are low-level Cloud People, Capital Beltway insiders and you would marvel at just being an active listener in a room full of people… Read more »
In my distant relatives’ experience, as well-connected Africans seeking to further network their way into greater wealth and power within their native culture, there is no actual development money available, unless one goes into the smoke-filled back rooms and gets all dirtied up, followed by endless small payoffs to all sorts of locals, forever, to keep the game on the down-low. Judged to be too dirty, and too much of a zero-sum long run outcome, for them to play it.
Eric Ciaramella is not Jewish for chrissakes.
“NAWPALT!” the ADL cried, leaping to defend America from this rogue actor, this lone wolf.
You are right, I was actually thinking of Vindman who most certainly is tribal, but even still, what difference does it make? The entire Schiff show is a literal parade of Menorah lighters almost w/o exception. So the -one- guy that kicked it off is a GINO (Goy In Name Only), what is your point? He has the same poisonous ideology as an Obama hold-over unelected deep state bureaucrat, so the mistake was probably more me just going with ‘guilt by association’ than anything else.
What is jewish is the attribution of “whistleblower” to a spook who committed sedition and treason by conspiring with rogue elements – including foreign powers, to unseat the President. The ‘whistleblower’ is being provided cover and unearned protections much like anti-semitism provides cover and unearned protections because jewish. A true whistleblower would have to come out of the CIA/FBI/Democrat Party and/or Obama branch to reveal the actual crimes committed by his own employers – and not some scripted leaking of hearsay and partisan opinion being treated like a holy affirmation of one of the 6 million lies told by Trump.… Read more »
My dream is to see them all hang. Alas, it is a dream.
What a grotesque scene, Apex. I haven’t had the displeasure of such a wretched carnival of cloud people since I departed the finance world years ago. I have, however, spent too much precious time in those smaller, provincial circles of NGO/‘non-profit’, local government tit-suckers, and ‘business leaders’, having served as a volunteer in the refugee space as well as enduring a nice white lady girlfriend who extracted a career out of that ponzi for several years. A tragedy of many layers. My experience was the ‘think globally, act locally’ version. The global shell game is replicated – or more appropriately,… Read more »
The Portland (Pozland), Oregon core city “businesses” are almost all either shitlib non-profits or tightly connected to them. The local economy here can’t exist without the death cult. One thing I’ve noticed from visiting several of these things is that the staffs are almost ENTIRELY whammen of exactly the type and age bracket you can all imagine. If the DC cookie jar ever does empty so will the local one here. In fact I keep my eyes and ears open for signs that the local Cloudies with connections “upstairs” are getting worried. Oh yeah, Merry Christmas everyone. Hope you all… Read more »
Gee, Apex, they sure sound scared.
Worried, even.
You have told me nothing I didn’t already know but have put it in words that everyone can understand. Great prose.
Like I said before if people knew just how badly they are being fleeced and the complete lack of care of the Clouds and their sycophantic sociopathic inside the beltway bugman swarm they’d be on the National Mall, armed, and 10,000 deep.
This guy is saying they don’t get enough. Really? They save thousands through free housing and healthcare, not to mention the discounts they receive from the PX and commissary, and businesses giving them discounts. I’m glad I got out, the guy know nothing of civilian life.
Merry Christmas to Z and all of his deplorable readers/commenters.
Nothing is going to happen because they would have to go after chocolate Jesus, and you know what would happen then.
Another excellent post, zman. This is not confined to the USA. Over this side, judges are refusing to convict extinction rebellion protestors for criminal damage because they have a “noble cause”. The rule of law is now the rule of lawyers and, in effect, that means the rule of the ruling class.
By the way, may I take this opportunity to extend to you, zman, and all the commenters here at this blessed blog my best wishes for a very merry Kwanzaa.
LOL. Yes, merry Kwanza to you in return, and everyone else!
The other day I was trolling a shitlib blogger who was raging about Trumpkins and other deplorables. I did the ‘Merry Christmas and God Bless’ in the comments – and a veritable shitstorm of rage and butt hurt resulted.
It made my day. 🙂
Nice. I have also been dropping the ‘Merry Christmas’ on anyone who greets me with the ‘happy holidays’ business. I have also noticed (Deplorable habit of mine) this year that the ‘ugly Christmas sweater’ thing persists. I see them everywhere. Two of my office parties had the venues full of groups in them and seems that every bar or brewery or group sees fit to include one in their calendar as well. Note that the sweater is not a holiday sweater but a Christmas sweater. So until they are ‘ugly holiday sweaters’. I’m sticking to merry – or even happy,… Read more »
I wonder what they’ll do with “Christmas carols”. “Holiday ditties”?
Wuz da nite befo Crimmus An’ all ower de hood; Ereybody wuz’ sleepin’; Dey wuz sleepin’ good. We hunged up our stockings An hoped like de’ heck Dat ol’ Sanna Claws Be bringin’ ar check. All o’ de fambly Wuz layin in de beds, Whilst Ripple and Thunderbird Dance tru’ dey heads. I passed out inna’ flo Right nex to my Maw; When I herd sech a fuss, I thunk, “It mus be da Law!” I looked out thru da bars What covered my do’, ‘Spectin da sheriff Wif a warrent fo’ sho. And what did I see, I said,… Read more »
I always spelled it ‘waddy-melon’.
Great stuff! I’ll be ho-ho-hoing for a while.
Dat’s one nigga hopin’ for a white Santy Claws next year.
If Barr is pulling the long con, then shame on Trump. You would have thought after about six months he would have caught on to the folly of appointing Bush retreads and Deep State dilettantes. From day one, I was sitting out here in Oklahoma aghast and grinding my teeth at just about every person he chose to serve in his administration. If little ol’ Vike in flyover country knew these people were bad for his political health, how did he not know, or not come to realize it pretty quickly, given his magnificent shrewdness? For starters, he could have… Read more »
WhereATV; The Turtle (Senate Leader McConnell) is a big part of who Pres. Trump’s appointee’s are. Whitehouse has to pre-clear anyone likely to be the least controversial lest they fail Senate confirmation. From Pres. Trump’s likely perspective, it would be just wrong to put any supporter through the Cavanaugh confirmation meat grinder just in case the Turtle might get a visit from the Spirit of Christmas and suddenly smile. A good example is Cong. Ratcliffe’s two day tenure as Director of National Intelligence. Nomination had to be pulled because of Senate swamper opposition. Sundance at Conservative Tree house makes a… Read more »
They have a collar on the President refusing to allow him to make recess appointments. Also, the constant threat of impeachment conviction. Only if the GOP wins back the congress in ’20 does the collar come off. Alternatively Trump could go martial law on the traitors but I would not expect that kind of boldness. Too risky.
That was the rumor: SM has sabotaged every other immigration hawk in the administration. But he never sabotaged any of the “never Trump” crowd or the open-borders crowd (such as the Schlapps.) Leads me to believe he always was a fraud. Just like Corey Booker’s chief supporterss (aka the Kushners.)
That’s Lieutenant Colonel Deplorable to you, Suh. 😉
And a most blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year to all.
Lt. Col., I’m a ma’am, or as we say in the South, a ma’um.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you.
WATV Ma’am;
I was reprising Lt Col Vindman, the uniformed, walking bratwurst from the impeachment Schiff-show. And trust me, in my part of the world we *do* know about bratwurst (brown mustard, chopped white onion and sauerkraut, lots of sauerkraut).
And I appreciate and reciprocate your salutations.
“Walking, talking bratwurst.” lol Very well, Al. Carry on.
Post-red-pill and post-Trump’s betrayal of the base, I no longer have any slack to cut for any DC insider. Barr will serve the same purpose Issa & Gowdy served – revving up the base for WWF make-believe political bloodsport. DiGenova has been talking “tick-tock” since Obama’s presidency about his whistleblowers. And how about all those indictments raining down over the IG report? The only hope for any systemic assistance in taking down the Empire lies in some internecine feud in the Inner Party flaring out of control. FWIW, that’s still my theory on Epstein (Team Ehud Barak) being… Read more »
DiGenova is one of many soothsayers in the dramatic personae. String em along, and keep their pitchforks safely in their tool sheds.
Merry, merry Christmas Z man and all the zergs. Thank you for your countless and amazingly astute insights and observations this year. If the President has advisors half as sharp, we’re in good hands indeed.
Lamar, a ‘zek’ was a political prisoner in the gulags.
Zman with his zeks and zergs.
Fitting. I hope it’s not prophetic!
Merry Christmas to all our defacto camps, our civil gulags, our suburban ghettos.
May we someday fulfill all of our enemies’ worst fantasies.
So we of the “Z” are Pre-Zeks?
Gore Vidal called Franklin Roosevelt the “American Augustus” and I could make an argument that the American Augustan age ran from him until the first Bush. After Augustus the Roman Empire’s leadership declined for 100 years, so if we are to repeat history, we’re somewhere in Tiberius’s reign. And guess who came after Tiberius…
Merry Christmas to Z-Man and the comments section!
These sorts of comparisons are never precise, but Lincoln would be our Marius. Some would say Sulla and there is an argument to be made there. I say Marius, because Marius changed the trajectory of Rome. Without Marius, there is no Sulla. Lincoln is the inflection point where America moved from a republic to an empire. Yankeedom first conquered the South, then the rest of the continent. This set up the conquest of Europe and Asia.
Yes, all that courtesy of Lincoln and busybody Yankee Protestantism.
Is there a difference between “Yankee Protestantism” and “Southern Protestantism”?
Yankee Protestantism fueled and unabashedly took credit for the Civil War, although slavery was really only a small part of that conflict. It preens to this day regarding the deaths of over 600,000 Americans. Southern Protestantism was a little slower on the draw, not flexing its lack of foresight until its fawning over Israel in the 20th century continuing through today, cheering on large body counts of young Americans in the Middle East. I guess you could say bloodthirstiness is a common trait, although neither side seems to give a damn about our borders, and appear to be quite unwilling… Read more »
Yankee protestantism was calvinist and puritan, while southern protestantism was Anglican. Not true any more of course.
Yes, D, exactly. Thank you. Southern Protestantism’s desertion of its Anglican roots stripped it of its dignity, thoughtfulness, and dedication to blood and soil, and thus Southerners at Trump rallies now wax idiotically rhapsodic at his invocation of moving the embassy to Jerusalem, about which, frankly, my dear, they shouldn’t give a damn.
The destruction of southern high church practice, and the queerification of the northern church has stripped the conservative protestants of an intellectual class that could have protected them from the grifters and zionist exploiters that are now ravaging it.
Yes …… Seems that the fact we lost the intellectuals — that by late last century they had all stampeded leftward — has left us without the cognitive and creative structure to maintain and defend our ethic and mythology. Normal folk see the destruction, feel the loss, know some action is needed, but they just don’t have the ability to do anything about it. So they stagger on, clinging to the flotsam of our destroyed culture until each of them individually is picked off by drug addiction, alcohol, meaningless movements, terminal ennui or simply by eating and smoking until they… Read more »
The rot in the mainline protestant churches started with the Higher Criticism Movement in the German universities over 200 years ago. Until 1933 German universities were the beau ideal of US universities. So US university schools of theology had to emulate them.
So you got to be a high status grad by how well you parroted Higher Criticism. High status grads got cushy jobs in denomination HQ and purged the knuckle dragging fundamentalists. With the fundamentalists gone the denominations were easy prey for gheystapo infiltrators. The results we see today.
The Left has essentially set up a litmus test that screens out many Conservative-oriented intellectuals before they have an opportunity to make a contribution or educate the existing professors because they don’t want that type in the Ivy League and many second tier universities, and wannabe’s
The Cavaliers were Anglican, the Scots Irish were Calvinists. The Baptists’ roots are in Calvinism.
Gore Vidal thought the South had a right to secede. His were the first writings I was exposed to that convinced me of that.
“Gore Vidal thought the South had a right to secede.”
And, interestingly enough, Antonin Scalia did not.
I suppose by Scalia’s logic that if one joins the Chamber of Commerce and finds out how slavish to globalism it really is, there is no right to quit. I am dismayed he bought into such a parochial view, given that it runs so afoul of natural law.
WATVikings, It’s a mighty rare thing for a polity or State to allow peaceful dissolution. Scalia’s opinion is just one of a long string of de jure opinions prohibiting secession. In reality, even if codified, they carry no more importance than a notion or a dalliance. Will and ability to revolt have almost always been de facto things. Might makes right and that is the only thing that matters in regards to secession. Proscription against separation only counts if you lose the bid to breakaway and will be the measure of how much rope you will be meted out for… Read more »
Scalia was also one of those who voted that keeping silent during interview or interrogation could be used as evidence of guilt (Salinas v Texas 2013).
This is why people who think a Federalist federal judiciary is going to result in some kind of Constitutional paradise are not really paying attention to the fact that the Federalists are advocates of ruling class law. They don’t believe in popular sovereignty, respect for the average citizen or, in some important respects, the spirit of the first ten Amendments to the Constitution.
You really should review a case before you make sweeping generalizations about the holding of the case. That statement would earn you a zero on a law school exam, and deservedly so.
HT, as I’m sure you know, Republican justices routinely vote to eviscerate the 4th Amendment.
The people who claim that the South had no right to secede are comical hypocrites.
If the right had no right to secede – then the colonies had no right to tell the King – who is supposedly a sovereign with the blessing of God himself – to bugger off.
I’ve never seen a SINGLE one of these “south had no right to secede” people ever follow their argument to it’s logical end and fly their ass over to Buckingham Palace and swear fealty to the queen, you know – just to bolster their argument.
I think the civil war taught us that “rights” have nothing to do with secession. That discussion is basically now reserved for academics in their “arguments” with other academics—“sound and fury” stuff as Shakespeare would say.
What the civil war taught us is that secession is a matter of will and force. The South lost. The next struggle for separation needs to be better thought through and for certain, adopt a better strategy/tactics against the inevitable opposition. That is the only lasting lesson from the civil war.
I miss Vidal. While I disagreed with him on some key things, he was a well read, independent thinker. I wouldn’t know what his position would be before he would state it. I rarely find left of center these days
Marius. Sulla. Whatever. It’s a mistake to view these things in terms of Great Man personalities. America’s trajectory and destiny changed forever when Shlomo Shekelstein sailed to Ellis Island in 1888, read the Magic Statue Poem, and claimed all of Goyimland for the kingdom of Israel. It took the Europeans several hundred years, say 1492-1865, to fully conquer, build, and develop America. But Shlomo and his ilk secretly declared war on all America the moment they set foot here, built nothing, sweated for nothing, fought not at all, yet mysteriously conquered all of America in roughly 100 years, 1913-2001. By… Read more »
Next time you decide to read or quote Ecclesiastes don’t! it was written by Shlomo. King Shlomo, who is known to the outside world as King Solomon.
Sort of the way that King James wrote the King James Bible? Pfft. Somebody wrote Ecclesiastes, then attributed it to the nearest great King so that it would be read.
I bet you think Hammurabi wrote each and every law.
From whence, a new covenant was formed and a new pedigree established. Those that failed to follow have chosen to remain outside of Grace, and have lost ownership of that heritage. Carry on Ant Man Bee.
So says Penitent man. Ask G-d what His thought is about the subject and why the Jews are still here after thousands of years if they lost ownership.
Primarily because of the profit you have extorted or sponged from the real producers.
A direct quote from Das Kapital is it? Couple of days ago a quote from demented Mussoulini follower, today we read pearls from Karl Marx.
What’s next: wisdoms from Josef Stalin and Mao?
“Modify the Standards of the In-group”
On Jews and Mass Communications
by Andrew Joyce
An excellent article for those who may be unaware. It’s a must-read, very interesting and not long.
Anna – using Commies and Fascists as taboo-ooga-booga doesn’t work here. Try Townhall or NRO.
Anna, We’ve been through this before. You think me and mine automatons to test you and yours… whilst I believe yours are beloved but wickedly refuse to bend the knee. As Daniel said, number, division, weight and measure. You are found wanting. I wish you well and a return to Grace. Despite the many gifts and love borne you by Him yours will continue to survive but do tell… thousands of years since the resurrection… how bountiful has that interim been for your people? I’ll not hijack Zman’s post anymore with religiosity today. As it is Christmastime I’ll simply pray… Read more »
Merry Christmas to you and millions of American Christians who provided safest haven to the Diaspora Jews. G-d has blessed this country like He promised Abraham. Trump election in spite of the magnitude of international conspiracy is another proof of His protection. It makes me still optimistic and hopeful.
Anna – even as you wish us well for Christmas, it’s all about your people and how they have some role in America’s destiny.
The fact so many of us here Notice this now makes me optimistic and hopeful.
Happy Hannukah, now go make aliyah.
I don’t pay much attention to OT anyway. It’s the stuff printed in red I take seriously. Christ is the new covenant. Jews rejected him. It’s been a tough 2000 years for them.
Here’s a site that discusses what the Talmud says about Christians and what we worship.
They hate us and look down on us, yet claim victim-hood if we notice how they’re hurting our society or looting us.
Basically, the Talmud says: Jesus Christ was conceived by Mary, something of a whore, while she was menstruating (which is extra un-clean or filthy), and that Christ was an impostor, rightfully killed, and boils in excrement for eternity in hell. Do you dispute this, Anna?
Anna – the idea that the Jews are a particular concern of a supreme unique god is very Jewish. History isn’t all about (((you))) and but for Tribal taqiyya’s unfortunate subversion of Our greater folk, your people would have been no important to history than the other Canaanites.
Anna: We should sue our government to get a posse of clever, sneaky lawyers (connected to all our most powerful governing leaders, of course) together to wage war against the Jewish Hanukkah menorah for not including a Christian cross on it, Muslim moon-n-sword, the LGBTQ flag or, heck, whatever the make-believe kwanza symbol is. The Jewish menorah is not inclusionary, lacks intersectionality, and makes me feel scared and intimidated. In fact, I don’t think we should see any stars of David without including the symbols of all these other religions — in the name of multi-culturalism, which you should love!… Read more »
O, you put minus to a reality and fact. Shows for the thousandth time how little brainpower it takes to be an antisemite.
What, exactly, is an anti-semite?
Anti-semite: (1) archaic. Someone who hates Jews; (2) someone hated by Jews.
Anna, for many reasons–
Their God is not your own.
The bloody messiah they bring is not your Jesus.
The Apostles were hated by the ruling Sanhedrin elite and hunted down like dogs, remember?
Even then, the Empire was in thrall to the donor class, perpetually in debt.
Well, at least you can rejoice- Israel is bombing the churches in white-skinned Syria again this Christmas. They’re celebrating the Christ’s birth with fireworks!
And no, the Koran is their New Testament.
Their proxy, Islam, will be the hated human shield- whilst every mosque is a victory monument to their mutual father, Abraham.
The benevolent force of Creation is our god, the Spirit that fills and informs the good in this world.
The god of Pain seeks to seize this realm, and make it his. They are not the same. The lesser one is the Deceiver, and he wears many masks.
how little brainpower it takes to be an antisemite.
Well, *I’m* not one of those nasty anti-semites! I, for one, welcome our new Yehudi overlords.
LMAO! You have to be trolling…
Written in 1830 by William Cobbett, an Englishman, back when Christian Europeans still passed down beliefs that were painfully learned by our ancestors millennia prior on what it means to have Jews in our societies, and before Christian Europeans were brainwashed with all this “Judeo-Christian” nonsense among other lies: ******************* “With regard to the first, the case stands thus: This is a *Christian nation*; Christians believe, that Christ was the Son of God; that he died to save them from perdition; that, without this sacrifice, they could not have been saved. This is the *Christian belief*; and we believe, further,… Read more »
Anna – re quoting Solomon, don’t worry, I never do. I don’t idolize the bloody-handed phantasms your people have given us as Biblical “heroes.” Every Christian believer would do well to follow Christ’s example and reject the OT in word and spirit, and everyone else would do well to recognize that the historicity of the OT is almost entirely suspect. How much evidence has ever been found of Solomon’s actual existence? The entire Torah (and later Talmud) was produced by a priestly caste of high-status Jews in a process not unlike how the Tribe manufactures media today. They’ve always used… Read more »
Ant, that is the most concise summation of the events which led to the downfall of this “country” that I have ever read. You pull no punches and name names.
The only quarrel that I have with it is that it was over with in 1865 (which you addressed perfunctorily).
What Any Man Beev is *really* saying here is that Jews are clearly the true Master Race, since all they have to do is wave their hands and entire countries are just handed over to them.
The lesson is: Jews are simply superior to Whites.
Vidal thought Lincoln was our Ceaser
America is beyond reform
No doubt America is a failed state at this point.
Nothing will be done.
Some 27 years ago there was a conspiracy, orchestrated by a New York public relations company Hill and Knowlton to lie the US into war on Iraq. The conspiracy included having the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador, under a false name, lie to Congress about Iraqi atrocities and show fake tv reports about it.
After the exposure, nothing was done. The people responsible should be getting out of jail about now, but nothing.
The Trump scandals are just one more example, nothing new . Nothing to see here, move along now.
The Biden Ukraine scam and the non-reaction to it by both parties has convinced me that the foreign policy grift is similarly widespread. I now look at all foreign aid (which was just increased) as nothing more than a method to launder and direct taxpayer funds to big donors like defense companies. They keep the campaign cash flowing to incumbents while the younger Bidens and Pelosis, Feinstein’s husband, and similarly connected hacks get a nice taste of the action. Our federal government is now just a criminal conspiracy.
If Zman is right about this, and I think he is, it explains the brazen gun-grabbing underway by the Virginia Left. The governor and his allies know our Constitution has been revoked by the ruling class. They can move to violate 2A with impunity, because there is no longer any punishment meted out to traitors.
I wonder if the gun-grab is why governor Blackface wasn’t removed. Maybe why the photo came out in the first place. Little warning to do what you’re told?
What has been considered ridiculous at the time of saying it, has been proven true some time later, way too often to be circumstantial. There, I said something ridiculous 😉
I think Virginia’s sanctuary counties have a way to turn the discussion around to their favor. Since the RKBA is clearly contained in both the US and Virginia constitutions, the counties declare that the state government is the entity in rebellion. Then sit back and watch heads explode in Richmond.
We’ll know in the next six months or so if the Barr/Durham deal is on the up and up. My money says no, because I think they are seeing just how deep the corruption goes and the thought of overturning it all frightens them. I would not regard this as a black pill, however. Once that happens there is no going back…any half wit will know what we already do, that it’s corruption upon corruption that hates us and rules us.
Either the long game is to let the little guys go in the name of rolling up all of the big guys, or it is a sort of a Mexican Standoff where everyone simply goes home in a few years. My sense is that the behaviors of the Pelosis, the Schiffs, the Nadlers, and the Hillarys of the world suggest that the fix is in, everyone is just blowing off steam, posturing and LARPing whatever comes to what is left of their minds, and tickets out of town, free and clear, are the long term plans.
Merry Christmas!!
If they all sink or they all swim, my money is on they all swim. Post New Years we’ll get more impeachment drama married to an international right wing conspiracy to overthrow our democracies. All of the skulduggery was necessary in this battle against evil. They will hand out medals before they ever had out jail sentences. Our enemies control every single one of our institutions. They will never ever roll over and accept even a modicum of guilt nor defeat. They will rewrite the rule book hourly if they need to. Even if Barr is on the level he’ll… Read more »
YV said: “They will hand out medals before they ever had out jail sentences. ” Brilliant summation. That “is’ how the ‘process’ works… an all good Commie Regimes.
Even if Barr is eventually painted as a traitor, he’ll still enjoy his generous retirement benefits, and if he stays in the DC area, he’ll be among friends who hold similar beliefs.
Merry Christmas Dutch and to all and sundry.
Te argument against this being a broom job is the elaborate steps Barr and Durham are going through to project the image if doing a legitimate investigation. The Durham dispute with Jerkowitz over his using footnotes to characterize Durham’s work. Barr’s public disputes with Jerkowitz. The meetings with British intelligence and Italian intelligence. Lots of unnecessary public actions for a broom job. The one possible explanation for all of this is they are focused on Brennan and Clapper. You don’t indict guys at that level without a very carefully constructed case. They have dirt on a lot of people. They… Read more »
Let’s not forget that if Trump loses in less than a year, Durham will be fired and all investigations and prosecutions will be quickly dropped. It’s possible Barr is talking tough for cred, but could be stalling to allow a Democrat to sweep it.
Yeah, I think much of what we are seeing in all quarters is a waiting game. Both parties have been delaying and stalling hoping to remove Trump in 2020.
One element of a Mexican Standoff is not knowing how it will all end. Will everyone stand down, or does it play out differently? If, it turns out, one side is revealed to have no ammunition, then the other side overwhelms them and eliminates them, quickly and completely. Perhaps the 2020 election will show who has ammunition, and who does not.
One thing that will come of it is increasing skepticism of and disdain for the vaunted institutions of “our democracy.” The Imperial Post’s motto about democracy will come true because of people like them. That will clear the way for what comes next.
This. Even the Deep State would know a Black Flag terrorist operation would have to be carried out in a Red area now to evoke any sympathy from people in the heartland. My money is even that would not provoke much support for a war and certainly wouldn’t receive the response 9/11 did. In fact, people in Red areas would grow even more furious as those in the Blue strongholds celebrated the loss of life, which of course they would. From this point forward the Deep State will rule in opposition to the people, which it always did but not… Read more »
Z Man; Another reason why this may be taking so long is that Barr & Co. are trying to figure out how to deal with Obama’s involvement and the need to stymie The Nuremberg Defense (‘I was just following orders’). Obama *had* to know about, and hence be part of, this seditious conspiracy: – It’s completely consistent with his education and background as a Saul Alinsky type ‘community organizer’ – He’s done it before: It’s how he became US Senator Obama. His Republican rival was polling ahead due to Obama’s minimalist performance as an IL State Senator until that rival’s… Read more »
When I read Z’s blog post I immediately thought – well, this sounds almost too good to be true. I knew that any digging into this would eventually get to Obama. Then I thought about what a shady, “manufactured” humanoid he was and that anything that went back to him had to go back to the Clinton’s Arkansas mafia since he was always just a Clinton front man. His connections to the Deep State were really their connections. Then I thought about all the nonsense Bush got up to and how the Deep State cancer really exploded under him and… Read more »
Very astute post. Yes, all this does go back to the OSS. JFK was not the first sacrifice. It was Patton.
Agreed. My suspicion/fear is that this whole thing is so large, as to be impossible to unwind without convincing even the most “normie” of normies that the concept of representative government, here-to-fore known as the American Republic, has been a fraud for generations. In short, there is no subset of little guys, or a rogue government bureau or two, that can be cast as *the* villain and then “rehabilitated”. I’m betting on Z-man’s hunch, that Barr will do little to nothing out of fear of reveling the truth and it’s effect. As to Trump, and whether he should be smarter… Read more »
Trump as a stubborn CivNat with a big ego and a big mouth, eager to extol his personal virtues and successes, is where I land on the issue. We could have gotten, and usually did get, a whole lot worse. His function, holding up a mirror to reveal some of what has really been going on, and for a long time, is an added benefit.
Wow, I hadn’t even read this when I made my post but it sounds like you had a similar thought there CS.
Mike Rogers didn’t kill himself.
Just trying to get ahead of the news.
Rumors abound that Mifsud is dead, but that he didn’t kill himself either.
Epstein’s murder was the first sign the Deep State may be worried. If Mifsud was offed that’s another hopeful clue.
Why do you think Epstein is dead?
If I were Trump I would borrow a hundred Texas Rangers bring them in from security for guys like Rogers.
Being a Texas Ranger is overrated. Most are thugs on steroids with guns. They are no different than most cops.
Given the corruption of the system, there follows the necessity of realizing that we are a dissident movement ruled by people that fear us and hate us. There is a good article at American Greatness, a site that sometimes publishes good stuff, by a writer that I’m convinced is reading Z and following Gab: (Please forgive the long quote…I just liked the article a lot.) “The Right must get used to seeing itself as a dissident movement. It is a minority, and an oppressed one at that. While the legal regime is certainly corrupt and infused with ideological fervor,… Read more »
Money in the bank huh still doesn’t get it that money in the bank feeds the beast but at least he gets the rest of it right…
King James Bible:
“For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.”
Ecclesiastes 1:18
Barr is another head of the hydra, nothing more.
The Ruling Class is in a difficult place. I listened to Ken Starr on Levin the other night and was appalled by his muddled thinking. They literally do not know what to do other than fall back on Father Abraham and the Freeing of the Slaves Narrative. They can’t cover up the corruption and they can’t prosecute it for fear of political upheaval. This is going to be fun to watch.
Yeah, that was the reason for Clinton’s war on Serbia. He wanted to follow Father Abraham by freeing the Slavs.
When I pointed this out twenty years ago, no-one believed me……..
What makes me suspicious is that usually you prosecute the small fish to get them to roll over on the big fish. We saw that with Mueller, but there was nothing for the small fish to give him. OTH, maybe Barr doesn’t need the small fish, because it is more apparent what the the big fish were up to. Either way, FISA needs to end at the very least. But even then, it looks like there was massive abuse of the NSA database outside of the FISA process. And but for the electoral college, we never would have learned any… Read more »
All of which spying didn’t actually stop any of them…
As to ‘pattern of practice,’ remember that Hildebeeste pulled the FBI files on every Member of Congress when BillyBoy first took office.
The NSA DB is larger, but the same general idea. Fair to conclude that the ENTIRE (D) Party is corrupt, top-to-bottom.
Unless, the likes of Comey, Clapper and Brennan are in fact the ‘small fish.’
Would that it be true…
This greatest scandal in American history, which it surely is, will likely go unpunished because the loudest megaphone is the propaganda arm of the establishment, the MSM ( they are one in the same, as those here already know). Of course an independent press would surely expose and amplify this horrid scandal. Our corrupt press is masterful at covering up the crimes. The asses that are the masses will swallow hook, line and sinker. At any rate the biggest whitewash in American history is upon us. Even with the corrupt media tens of millions are cognizant of this fact. Is… Read more »
The MSM is now actually a series of small business entities, bankrupt but for peddling space and time to outside partisans, who are selling them propaganda disguised as news and information. Once their owners find that ownership of such dysfunctional, failing entities is a liability instead of an advantage, it is all over for them. AT&T does not need the grief, and the financial and reputational exposures, of responsibility for a non-entity like CNN putting them at risk. Once this reality sinks in, CNN will be sold for a buck or ten to some Middle Eastern man with money and… Read more »
Maybe America’s largest landowner, Ted Turner (I think he’s currently beating John Malone) will pick CNN up for a couple of bucks.
I understand he knows a thing or two about the Cable News business.
Howie Carr calls the press “ Democratic operatives with press passes”. Sounds about right, not that I have much confidence in their counterparts on the other side of the aisle.
Oh, and how long before Tulsi is found in Fort Marcy Park?
Undoubtedly, some players need to be prosecuted, and some necks seriously need to be stretched.
But lately I am watching the antics of Pelosi and the other thespians in this comedy… and all I can think is that most of them should be in a home. Pelosi is clearly irrational and many in her cohort are no better. Were it not for the lunacy… there’d have to be a reckoning of some sort.
Anyone who has followed the unfolding surveillance state scandal could be forgiven if they expect tanks to rumble in American streets; it still could happen. If the United States could be reformed, something along the lines of South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission (which was a farce, but the concept is solid) could be formed to allow the criminals to come forward, confess their trespasses, and escape punishment. Alas, the United States is a failed state and long past such a remedy. Without going full drama queen, get ready for a very, very tumultuous 2020. The propaganda organs, the Deep… Read more »
I agree with you on the concept of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission type thing. The wall I keep hitting is the staffing composition. Where can we find a half-dozen ‘elder statesmen’ type thinkers with first-rate minds that would be acceptable to both sides and could dampen any “it was all political and not fair to my side” condemnation.
OTH, I do have a well thought-out plan for those that fail to come forward and confess totally and honestly and are later found guilty.
Z- I hope that DiGenova’s right that Barr and the guy in Connecticut are building a case very methodically, but I fear that you may be correct that Barr was brought in to broom the whole thing. Lincoln as Marius- interesting thought.
Merry Christmas to you all!
Barr’s entire career has been spent justifying and “brooming” the elites’ scandals. He’s legacy Deep State.
Yup. Think Ruby Ridge, where Barr defended the FBI “sharpshooter” who killed a mother holding a baby.
Merry Christmas first of all. A friend of a friend spent a number of years in forensic accounting and Z is absolutely correct. The rot goes much deeper than the things one finds today on the surface. Similar to the fact that the first time a person is arrested for a criminal act is very rarely the first time he committed the crime. The criminal has gotten away with it so long that they are oblivious to the fact that they will be ever be caught. I have no doubt that many of the cloud people in the beltway are… Read more »
Agreed. To date, the only evidence that Barr/Durham could be White Knights is the panic of the Deep State. Until someone is indicted, they will remain an unknown at best. My guess is that they will stall until September and then bail until after the election. If Trump wins, then Spygate will either get buried or bust open depending upon how Trumps uses that leverage. The price of letting the Federal crooks skate will be unbounded cynicism and more gun sales. The spring is winding tighter.
Merry Christmas to all.
Bill Barr shows every sign of taking this investigation seriously, and not sweeping this under the rug. He has publicly called out Comey as a liar and openly disagreed with the conclusions of the Horowitz report. I expect that Durham will call for indictments, but more importantly I expect that Barr will use the evidence from the Horowitz report and the Durham report to appoint a Special Counsel to investigate.
Regarding the delay, as Bill Barr said, these things take time:
These things also take *timing*. If criminal prosecutions burst into the public sphere in 2020—beyond the ability of the MSM to suppress, censor or ignore them—then the November election becomes an ever more obvious and crucial plebiscite: WHITHER AMERICA? Choose.
There is also the possibility that Barr, rather than acting through a deep conviction about right and wrong, instead sees a conspiracy so broad and so deep, and so ultimately ineptly executed, that it is ripe for taking down in dramatic and epic fashion. Barr’s lawyerly instincts to blow up something big that needs and deserves blowing up, along with an opportunity to write his name into the history books, may be too big of a last shot in one’s career to pass up. If he lands this one, he will never pay for his own drinks again.
I feel old, like really really old. I remember the SHAMROCK scandal in the ‘70s. I also really wish William Odom was still alive and wonder what his opinion of the modern day world would be. As a former DIRNSA he had some pretty harsh criticisms of the government and NSA in the mid-2000s.
Frohe Weinachten meine Brueder.
A merry Christmas from Scandinavia to Zman and all his elves, courtesy of Dr. Jackson Crawford, the definitely-not-gay Viking cowboy.
Notice how the notion of generalizing Christmas into a generic, multi-faith holiday seems to creep in already in the 800s, indicating an earlier influx of Jews in Scandinavia than hitherto believed.
Z-man – Great overview of the scandal and coverup. Some of these dots definitely connect back to the so-called Patriot Act.
In the meantime it’s batten down the hatches, reef sail, and ride it out. We haven’t yet seen the eye of this most unpredictable storm. Best therapy I’ve found is to spin a Bing Crosby Christmas record and read aloud “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” to the family. Follow up with a tumbler (or 6) of eggnog spiked with Dickel #12.
Hold fast folks, and Merry Christmas to this fantastic community of Americans.
I think the defender of Lon Horiuchi will do the deep state’s bidding one way or another. Being a pessimist, I’m either proven right or I’m pleasantly surprised.
I, too, am hoping for a pleasant surprise, but I am not expecting it.
One always hopes for the best. It’s a character thing—and perhaps our greatest weakness. 🙁
It wouldn’t be a weakness if we actually did the other part of the saying which is prepare for the worst…We as a people have become apathetic, lazy, and cowardly and we are seeing the effects of that all around us…
“Either way, the rule of law is over and what comes next is the rule of men.”
From republic to democracy. Sadly a feature of our system, not a bug.
As others have mentioned it’s a Mexican standoff. Both sides waiting to see who blinks first. We all know what really needs to happen, but that means the wheels falling off this whole Crazy Train. The president would be within his rights to gather up all these treasonous bastards. Sadly these psychopaths are more than ready to bring the country down to save their own worthless hides. Asking one man to save whole country is not reasonable. The American people must want the reform. At least for my observation they remain blissfully ignorant. But enough of this Doom and Gloom… Read more »
It was always a rule of men. ‘Laws’ are just a way of making sure that individual men are not held to account. It is simply not possible to craft a system of law that will prevent corrupt people from being corrupt. The corrupt figure out a way to either exploit ambiguities in the law or to break them outright and avoid punishment. The punishment for sedition includes execution. In a serious country, the people involved in this attempted coup under the color of law would be sitting in cells, awaiting either trial or an execution. The law is not… Read more »
Forget it, Jake. It’s Chinatown.
Morality and the law are dual. Everything else is propaganda.
Barr is a cabal fixer. He was the AG Bush Sr. sent to Arkiesaw to tell gubna Bill to stick to money laundering the Mena funds through state bond purchases and stop hoovering (and cutting) the supply. Barr explained to Bill that he was the golden boy, next in line for top role in the ongoing theater production called ‘American democracy’ if he didn’t fuck up.
Barr’s dad hired Epstein to teach math at Dalton School on the Yupper East Side and turned a blind eye to Jeff’s screwing the kids.
Ho ho hos.
Dear Mr. Jollycorn
Some credible documentation please.
The parrot’s not dead.
He’s restin’!
Maybe they are sitting on this until next summer, and then spring the whole thing for maximum electoral impact. More likely nothing will come of it as the Deep State closes ranks to protect their own. Merry Christmas Z!
Merry Christmas. Before 30-50 people descend on the house, a couple of thoughts. Regarding Rogers–look up any of the clips where Rogers is testifying at the same table as Comey and Brennan and look at the body language. Rogers looks like he wants to reach over and strangle both of them. Seriously. Regarding Barr–am naturally a cynic, but Barr is the doppelgänger for a COO I worked directly for for years. Same appearance, mannerisms, speaking cadence. Both lawyers. Much of what I did was “clean up” work. He was very patient. Never played his hand before ready and I learned… Read more »
Assuming Barr is not running a con, what I think we may be witnessing is some score settling between the pro-Israel and pro-Iran factions of the Deep State. Brennan, Clapper and the rest of the Obama cabal clearly represent the latter, While Trump has just as clearly thrown in with Team Israel, if only to save his presidency. Explains his betrayal of his base, if nothing else. Interestingly, the only person who seems to straddle both sides of that fence is Hillary Clinton. There isn’t much chatter about her in regard to any investigation, despite much incriminating evidence. She might… Read more »
In honor of Christmas, I would like to offer a white pill insight as a gift to all. But first the contrast.
What are Cloud People good at? Buying politicians.
What are politicians good at? Buying votes with taxpayer money.
What are DC insiders good at? Feeding at the public trough and cronyism.
And what are the dirt people in Middle America good at? Hunting. Which necessitates stealth and good aim.
Merry Christmas!
To be able to compose my thoughts into words like yours Mr. Zman! As is so wonderfully usual as to your critical thinking skill sets and observational talents, appreciate you and your wordsmithing. I have been making comments for 8 months on various platforms regarding AG Barr’s apparent cunning dissimulation and highly sophisticated standard of ruling class use of plausible deniability, a craft of the highly gifted members of the Amerikan managerial Nomenklatura class who are in a word pretty much psy-ops agents of the permanent state. He is running out the clock. He is also pulling a real nasty,… Read more »
Barr is the Republican Mueller.
A great deal of process, long and exhausting Investigations, much somber gravitas, running out the clock and it goes….nowhere.
It’s chancery court. We’ll get tired, lose interest, or die of extreme old age waiting on a verdict that will be coming only after the resources of both parties are exhausted.
The rule of law has been dead for quite some time, not just in America… Ann Barnhardt closed her brokerage in pre 2008 siting it was dead and she could not protect the accounts properly.. Here is a more recent, but past post.
Thanks for the link, much to chew on all through her site.
She has always been the pessimist’s pessimist. That awful disgusting picture can be upsetting.
And now, if I may be so bold, a solid white pill In honor of the season. Here’s some wholesome Christmas music with solid musicality and without overdone production values.
Shows what is possible if the Pozz can be held at bay.
If you hate Lawrence Welk type marimba music, like I do, you can skip to the 13 min. and 39 min. marks once it starts up.
Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year
A bit more Christmas music
Yeah this stuff makes me cry
The Christmas Truce 1914
Merry Christmas
This may be of interest:
I’ve long suspected some sort of fix was in. At best, a few lower-level people (Strozk, Page, Clinefelter (sp?), etc.), will be sacrificed. Clever lawyers will negotiate away any penalties for any higher-level swamp creatures. That’s the way it’s always been. I’ve long been aware of the adage “ignorance of the law is no excuse,” so I immediately knew that Comey’s exoneration of Hillary’s e-mail issues was a cover-up. His claim that “no reasonable prosecutor would bring a case” rang hollow. If Durham ever announces anything, watch for how he phrases the offenses. If he’s protecting the swamp, he’ll focus… Read more »
Absolutely it’s a valid theory! …and at least partially true – probably more true than not. The part about Barr’s likely “long-con” of Trump and the country is especially disturbing and for all practical purposes already proven. And while there are various branches of the judiciary, some more “diverse” in their understanding of laws than we would like, Di Genova says the prosecutor Berman held full responsibility for making certain his famous and evidence-laden prisoner was safe. This dog-ate-the-homework sh*t is intolerable. So the Mossad whacked Epstein and we’re helpless to do anything whatsoever – never mind bring the prison… Read more »
You forgot about Trump getting his own Fox show by 2024! All the people that believed we could beat the swamp, will be depressed and without hope. Globalism continues cornering all resources.
Check out the 2008/9 bank bailouts – way bigger financial scandal – but the biggest is Harry dexter white (Russian spy) who may have caused Pearl Harbor and gave the Russia the plates to print ‘new Deutsch mark’ bills in 1948 during the Marshall Plan, allowing them to steal over a hundred billion dmarks
“ Either way, the rule of law is over and what comes next is the rule of men.” Men don’t surrender power, it must be taken from them as a rule with so few exceptions as to be mirable dictu, miracles, one cannot plan on miracles. Of course Barr won’t prosecute anyone. He’d be destroying his own system. Moreover he’s a displaced Catholic (so am I) and in America the Rule of Law is the official religio. Now here’s a wrinkle: said secular relgio is tied to sacred scrolls that have no replacement. Everyone still believes in them; also were… Read more »