Open And Closed

Communities, by definition are closed. The reason for that is a community is a group of similar people with reciprocal responsibilities and duties. If you are outside of that community, it means you are not like the people inside and you do not share their duties and responsibilities. In order to gain entry to the community, you therefore must be invited into it by the people inside it. The community has the sole right to add new members, so the very definition of a community means it is closed.

Think of it this way. Imagine a community organized around a hobby like collecting and admiring something, a pop culture item maybe. Each individual, in pursuing his interest in the hobby runs into others with the same interest. They begin to form social bonds like shared experiences and shared relationships with others, who they have met while pursuing their hobby. They eventually begin to socialize in more formal settings like swap meets and collectors’ conventions.

What all of these people have in common is an interest in the subject matter, but what makes them a community is they have developed a shared interest in enjoying the hobby together. It is these social connections around their shared interest that makes them a community. In other words, what makes them a community is the shared social bonds around the hobby. It’s not just the transaction of participating in the hobby, but the invisible human connections that defines the community.

In order to join that community, you must have more than just an interest in the hobby, but also be invited into the social group. You start showing up at their public events and talking with the members. Over time, your interest in the hobby helps you make regular acquaintance with some of the members. In time, they bring you into the community and you begin to build social bonds. At some point, you go from being someone who shares their interests to a member of their community.

In theory, an open community is one that allows anyone to just walk in and claim membership, as long as they tick some boxes on a form. In reality, this is not a community at all, as the members have no control of membership, because they have no control of what defines the community. The new members can come in and agree to change the terms of entry, for example. This is because their duty to the community ends with the last tick on the admission form.

The same logic applies to a society or any human organization. The New York Yankees get to decide who is and who is not a Yankee. They not only have rules for membership, but they alone decide membership. A political or cultural movement follows the same logic. You can be in agreement or supportive, but you are not a member of it until you are included in it by the people inside the movement. This is why the Tea Party movement failed. It had no barriers to entry.

This conflict between open and closed community is at the heart of the current crisis in the Western world. After the Second World War, it was argued that a moral society must be tolerant of dissimilar people. Tolerance for different races, ethnic groups, religions and cultures slowly became the definition of the moral society. The “open society” was the goal of social reformers. This explicitly meant that the people in Western societies no longer had the right to determine membership in their society.

This is why private discrimination and free association are now forbidden. If a group of left-handed gingers, with an interest in Anglo-Saxon poetry, were to form a community around these traits and interests, they must get permission from the state. That would mean allowing in girls, non-gingers and maybe even people not suffering the defect of left-handedness. Otherwise, they’d risk litigation. You see, in an open society, there can never be barriers to entry. Everything is open to everyone.

The people who promoted the open society in the last century, and continue to promote it today, do so as outsiders. They look at the organic communities and societies of the West and simply see collections of people. The alien cannot see or understand the reciprocal obligations and duties that hold the community together. These are only obvious to the people inside, because it is what holds them together. The outsider only sees the benefits of membership, not what defines it.

This is the heart of the problem in America. The people with the greatest influence in the country, the ruling class, are not part of the communities and cultures that have defined the country. They just see people, not the many invisible connections that define local community. For them, the peculiarities that are the outward facing aspects of community are just items on the cultural buffet. They can sample what they like, because they have no meaning beyond the superficial.

The result of this is the slow erosion of the social capital that defines and holds together a community. It is also eroding the invisible bonds that hold communities together around a shared public culture. When the public space is made open to everyone, everyone shows up. The shared reality of public life in America looks like a park after an open-air concert or a leftist demonstration. It is no longer part of our shared reality that we own in common. It is not ours.

Compounding the crisis is the fact that the people at the top, the managerial class, have become self-aware. They now have a sense of community. More important, their sense of community is the closed variety. They now think the only way to maintain their community is to maintain the open society over which they rule. In order for their community to be tolerated by the open society, they must foster an intolerance of those questioning the logic and consequences of the open society

This is how we find ourselves in a world where destructive degenerates are celebrated as the new cultural norm, but the natural bonds of organic community are demonized and anathematized as immoral. The only way for the closed community at the top to maintain the open society over which they rule is to systematically destroy the normal social bonds that make organic community possible. The open society is thus a war on the very conditions that make normal human society possible.

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Felix Krull
4 years ago

America, as a society, is vulnerable because you speak English. For most of my life, I envied native English-speakers: not only is English a pre-requisite for any kind of serious career, but it is arguably the richest language in the world. But these days, I’ve come to see small languages as a blessing from heaven. When you speak English, you have a billion people who’re able to just walk in and be functional in your country from day one. People all over the world watch over your shoulders as you debate internal American matters, and, ahem, Euro busybodies gatecrash your… Read more »

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Very interesting Felix, nice take.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

I hope your comment wrt “euro-busybodies” is not taken too literally wrt yourself. Your perspectives provided to this group are quite enlightening.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago


It’s a balancing act being a Euro busybody: many of the best points and ideas you’ll come upon, are derived from a comparison of your home country to America but on the other hand, nothing is more tiresome than a besserwisser from some obscure European statelet lecturing Americans about how to run America.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Well, shoot, Krull, we tell you how to run things.

If a gay judge declares gay marriage in California today, it’ll be state law in Australia by tomorrow.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Well, shoot, Krull, we tell you how to run things.

That can be quite annoying too.

If a gay judge declares gay marriage in California today, it’ll be state law in Australia by tomorrow.

Yes, and in Denmark a week later, except we already have gay marriage. That’s how I justify being so opinionated on US politics: it is of greater consequence for my country what happens in a Washington strip club than what happens in my parliament.

But what happens in Denmark, on the other hand, is no business of yours. Another perk to being a small country.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Again, can we stop debasing the language? “Gay” is a serviceable word; it doesn’t mean homosexuality. The correct syntax is “If a homosexual judge declares homosexual marriage in California…” etc. Can we all agree on that? (Next up: There’s no such word as “chairperson”. It’s Chairman. Male or female. “Chairman.”) Honor the language. Annoy Globohomo.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Felix is my favorite Euro-busybody.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Along those lines I had the thought that we should develop our own dialect (perhaps regionally). Something like that has to be organic though (like the Japanese in one valley changing a few words for common items so that they would be able to tell if someone from a different valley had snuck over).

Felix Krull
Reply to  Sandmich
4 years ago

I’m not sure that’s possible what with the internet and all. Dialects are rapidly dying out all over the world because television – and now Youtube – are teaching children standard English (or Danish) from an early age. When I was a child, Denmark had several distinct dialects, at least one of them – South Jutish – entirely incomprehensible to the rest of Denmark, with a separate grammar and orthography. Today they are all but gone.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Goethe offered the opinion that all genius was provincial. And just as we lose local accents to homogenized language, we lose all the old peculiar traits that saw minds form differently within a shared sphere. Homogenization is a race to the middle that degrades the middle, controlled by a homogenized top.

Reply to  james wilson
4 years ago

Interesting observation and good point.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Felix, As long as they don’t have that whiny, nasal, rising inflection beloved of the Kardashians and their followers, I can keep my powder dry. 😉

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

The different dialects in European countries was something I was entirely ignorant of, despite my supposedly exclusive college and foreign language study, until I lived in Europe. I’m now amazed at how surprised I was when an Italian au pair in England explained local dialects to me. Even now – I know a guy online (descended from immigrants from the same Italian commune from whence came 2 of my husband’s great-grandparents) who learned Italian – and then discovered everyone in that commune still speaks a totally different dialect in everyday life.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Most languages use the same word for “politics” (how one goes about obtaining power), and “policy” (what one then does with this power). I suppose that in the non-English-speaking world, and increasingly in the Anglosphere as well, there is no difference — people who win power use it only to win more power.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Good point. Accents and dialects are informal, in fact instinctive, ways to segregate ‘insiders’ from ‘outsiders’ as well, probably as a biological and evolutionary, not cultural, adaptation. This is probably why accents are hard if not impossible to learn perfectly after childhood; they evolved to be impossible to learn after childhood. Sort of a stone age version of a passport.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

This is probably why accents are hard if not impossible to learn perfectly after childhood

With regards to Danish, this is a physiological phenomenon, or so I am told: if you don’t learn Danish while your palate is still malleable – before your fifth year or so – you’ll never be able to produce the boggy burps needed to speak proper Danish.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

“you’ll never be able to produce the boggy burps needed to speak proper Danish.” Wasn’t the shortcut to sounding authentically Danish putting a big chunk of hot baked potato into your mouth immediately before speaking? I kid, I kid! Mostly. Dane-baiting aside, as to accents and dialects, there are also expressions, abbreviations and miscellaneous shorthand that delimit insider/outsider. A while back someone was complaining that they didn’t understand much of the DR jargon, and couldn’t everyone here just “talk plain English” (something like that). While I can understand and partly sympathize with the request/demand (and it is not good manners… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  Mike_C
4 years ago

Wasn’t the shortcut to sounding authentically Danish putting a big chunk of hot baked potato into your mouth immediately before speaking?

The Swedes say just speak Swedish and pretend you’re having a brain aneurysm.

In fact, once you get the gist, it’s not that hard: you keep your mouth closed while you speak, swallow half the vowels, skip half the consonants and talk very fast.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

I spent a few months in Denmark back in 1980. While I found the vocabulary and grammar to be remarkably similar to English it is indeed quite difficult for an English speaker to pronounce correctly.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

Moran, I speculate that the plethora of languages in Africa evolved as a barrier to disease transmission. Those barriers also prevent the transmission of ideas.

Nigeria has about 400 languages.
A Ghanan told me about Ghe, the language of the capitol city. He said that twenty miles away, not one word crosses over.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Felix, I think you are correct about the cultural value of Danish versus English. I especially appreciate the insight that being forced to speak a difficult and rarely used language (relatively speaking) requires a more nuanced, intentional mindset. It’s easy to go with the flow and repeat the SJW and globohomo platitudes in English. But I had to laugh about your idea that English is so universal that it permits easier infiltration by interlopers. I just endured a couple weeks of holiday travel in Arizona and Southern California. I can’t tell you how many times my ears were assaulted by… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  Maus
4 years ago

But I had to laugh about your idea that English is so universal that it permits easier infiltration by interlopers. My point was more to the fact that you can waltz in from Britain or Australia (or India or Nigeria) and get a top-level gig in US media, academia or politics, speaking your native language. You can’t do that in Denmark. If you want a career in Danish media or academia, you have quite a learning curve to surmount first. Our local SJWs will sometimes try to invite some angry black woman over to read us locals the riot act,… Read more »

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Felix. I’ll riff on that concept and say that this is why developing our own internal jargon has a positive role, for all that many here grumpy-dad about it. Z’s pods on secret societies and other past dissidents have cited the “cant” that evolves among them. The fact that insider-lingo is nigh-universal among historical dissidents suggests it’s a feature, not a bug.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

The fact that insider-lingo is nigh-universal among historical dissidents suggests it’s a feature, not a bug. Yes. And not only because it helps build the community, but because the Commies are on to something when they note that language creates reality. If there are no terms for a phenomenon, it is very hard to spot. What the MILO and the Gamergate/Pepe-generation larpers did for us, was to give names and symbols to a political position outside the established left-right continuum, and by naming it, establishing a nexus of discourse that made it easier for people to navigate politically; a name… Read more »

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Excellent comment, Felix (and I always enjoy reading yours). “Euro buybodies” like you represent those who formed the core of what used to be America. Danish, German, English – the northern Europeans.

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

Two excellent comments, both Felix’s and yours, 3g.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

English is rapidly degenerating into a kind of globalist pidgin weighed down with pozzed jargon such as all the new pronouns the SJWs have come up with. “Official” English is also declining in information content because almost everything needs to be “diversified” by qualifying every statement – “now I don’t mean to exclude the 5 legged purple lesbians among us…” and of course it’s always “he or she” and soon “he or she or xe”. In terms of information theory, the “bitrate” of English is going down. The truth value of most of what is said in the language is… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Forgetting Jews, who have always lived off of the social capital of others, for the moment, it’s interesting that upper-middle class and higher whites continue to have a closed community with social standards and membership requirements. Murray’s Coming Apart showed that the top 30% or so of whites continued to live in a very similar manner to whites in 1960 in terms of marriage, illegitimacy, workforce participation, joining community groups, even going to church, etc., where as working class and poor whites were rapidly losing the bonds that hold together a community. To be a member of their community, upper… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

And yet the upper middle class people practically demand diversity in their neighborhoods, in my experience. Then they move. I’m not sure they have community the way most think of it. Their ‘community’ is their ability to insulate themselves from the consequences of their actions. Very locust-like. Which is why I have contempt for them. It seems like even they’re being affected now—we might finally see some change. Then again I might be optimistic.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

Yeah, I’ve argued for a while now that upper middle class whites are starting to see some disruption in their lives. However, unlike working class whites who had to deal with blacks and Hispanics invading their world, upper middle class whites are dealing with Asians and Indians.

The question is whether the upper middle class whites will simply intermarry with those other groups, forming a truly different race of overlords, or if those groups will remain separate from whites, forcing tribalism into the world of upper middle class whites.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

I’d guess it depends on how cucked the whites are. From my blue collar perspective, the running is bad. We tend to self-segregate and establish boundaries. If the upper mids intermarry when there’s nowhere to run, they deserve to disappear. Thankfully there will be a working/middle class remnant. Idaho is becoming a destination so we’re near the end and we’ll find out soon how this goes down.

I think America breaks apart without whites running it. The mixed-race mangers won’t fly. Because America is more than an idea.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

The question is whether the upper middle class whites will simply intermarry with those other groups, forming a truly different race of overlords. I doubt it. Most Cloud People marry the same way you breed race horses, and while IQ is all fine and dandy, it’s not goys taking Jewish or Asian names, it’s not goys wishing they had a Jewish girlfriend – not unless they’re in showbiz. In fact, I am hopeful that Denmark might rise from a thousand years of strategic humiliation to once again go forth and spread the Scandi genome: I take great pleasure in… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Dig this anecdote from the article, where some coomerlord is fucking with a couple of dykes:

“One lesbian couple told me that the donor agreed to artificial insemination, but he wanted [them] to dress as French maids and clean the room whilst he masturbated,”

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

True. Mixed race high income couples tend to be white guy and POC woman, usually Asian. In fact, I joked to my daughter that college-educated white women are screwed. Being the brain-washed sods that they are, these woman would only consider marrying a college-educated man. Well, first off, colleges are ~60% women and 40% men these days, so you already outnumber these guys quite a bit. But remember, a chunk of that 40% is Asian, Hispanic and black, groups that upper middle class white women don’t want to marry for differing reasons. Therefore, that 40% is more like 25% to… Read more »

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Good work men – and I can confirm now that you mentioned it. My parents are elderly boomers that the kids love to hate. Their experience and exposure to vibrants and diversity is very carefully controlled. They’ve never had to work with dirty chinamen that will steal anything that isn’t nailed down, or the malodourous mudflaps that won’t speak English or use soap and deodorant. They’ve never had to deal with low skill/low IQ blacks. When I challenge them and ask them why that is – they get huffy and pissy and call me a racist and a fascist. They… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

John, that’s something I struggle with. Like most white parents, I do my best to protect my kids from the brown horde. But by keeping them away from non-whites (outside of a few tokens), they never get to see reality up close and personal, which means it very easy for them to believe all the nonsense that they get from school and TV.

It’s a dilemma: Endanger but educate your kids by living around the animals or protect them from both the animals and reality.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Citizen there is plenty of sites and videos out there to let them see the dangers of vibrancy you just have to make time for them to actually watch or read them…My kids understand perfectly the dangers and it’s probably one of the reasons they shoot so well…

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

I grew up on military bases and went to primarily negro schools in the 1970’s. (The areas around military bases tend to be pretty rough areas.) As a result, I experienced the joys of diversity up close and personal at a young age. It wasn’t a pleasant experience. The negroes hated whites, I did learn to never back down when confronted, even though I was small growing up. (I am now 6′ 2″ and weigh around 220, but was always the shortest, skinniest kid in my class.) I got my ass beat a number of times, but not as badly… Read more »

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

It’s a pickle. This is just me… but I sought to expose my child to the realities of pozz, the Hive, and progressivism… figuring that she had the smarts for it. I’d be close at hand to help too. Academically she did very well at school with my tutelage and supervision. But… I totally misjudged the opposition. I had my in-laws, the schools, her friends and peers against me. If I had it to do again, it would be private and home schooling all the way. My thinking is it is far better for the kids to grow up cleanly… Read more »

T. Morris
T. Morris
Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

John Smith: You’re mostly right. I have several older (Boomer) friends who were public school teachers in their day. Most of whose classes I attended as a youngster. More than one of them have confided in me that when my wife and I first began homeschooling our kids almost thirty years ago they were in total disagreement, but have now come to see that we had been right all along. It’s fine, though. At the time I could see the handwriting on the wall very clearly, and they, for whatever reason(s) (they are legion, for they are many) couldn’t. They… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Well, first off, colleges are ~60% women and 40% men these days Good point. It’s the same over here, and it’s a problem here too. Luckily for Europe, our invaders are not only both less athletic and less smart than the locals – there’s no such thing as Kebab Fever – but they’re self-segregating to an almost exclusionary degree, so even if some ethnic Danish guy would want to go for a subservient brown woman, the Mohammadan community would quickly abort both baby and parents. Danish CivNats always lament the fact that our immigrants aren’t Asians – I try my… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Felix, Correct. The type of immigrants to the U.S. are why whites in Texas and California are fairly placid. Hispanics almost imperceptibly turn your state to shit. Asians mostly fit in, though large numbers of them change that. Indians are more like low-grade Jews. Same mentality. Crappy as they are, they’re nothing compared to Muslims. What dumb ass thought importing Muslims, especially uneducated Muslims, was a good idea. They literally offer nothing. Nothing. Except destruction of your civilization. That’s why I joke that American whites are stupid, but Europeans are crazy. Regardless, you’re right that Muslims are hard to ignore… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

They literally offer nothing. Nothing. Except destruction of your civilization.

That’s why they were imported, so you can’t blame them for not giving value for money.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Yeah, the European elite didn’t want to take any chances. Bring in low-grade Muslims AND Africans. It’s like cutting a guy’s head off and burning him to ashes just in case.

Fabian Forge
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

But you’ll need to account for the fact that a minimum of about 30% of college women will identify as lesbian, bi or trans. That, plus the popularity of “Regret Rape”, makes things far from sweet for normal college guys.

In olden thymes they were mostly just “Lesbians Until Graduation”. Not so sure now. But the end result is probably just as you described, a lot of educated cat ladies.

Chad Hayden
Chad Hayden
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

It’s true. I’m going to school in the wrong state. Would I were back on the east coast.

Chad Hayden
Chad Hayden
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Tons of stories about Brazilian lesbians and single women wanting sperm from blue eyed donors. I even read a story about a 60/70 yr old Brazilian man who made a living non-artificially inseminating women. And his wife ran the business. And his eyes weren’t even that blue.

This all begs the question, why not move to Brazil and make gazillions of white babies? Yee-haw!

Reply to  Chad Hayden
4 years ago

Chad, I’ve got a web pic of fans titled
“Why Brazil Won the World Cup”

Top photo:
Dumpy Iranian chicks in burka
Bottom photo:
Smokin’ Brazilian babes pulling down tank tops to let their glory shine

Givin’ me ideas, brah… Car-ni-val!

Major Hoople
Major Hoople
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

I am somehow imagining one of these “customers” ending up with the little swimmers of the “techno Viking.”

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Citizen, interesting analysis. Yep, the middle class has been betrayed. Not sure it’s an conscious thing—Murray also points out the separating effect that comes from selective mating and our postwar cohorts of college graduates. As a technological society we increasingly reward products of the mind, rather than physical labor. We’ve allowed a hollowing out of the middle class—such that they are no longer the anchor point about which the community once known as the United States existed. As I’ve pointed out before, 80% of the wealth in the US is in possession of the top 10% of the population. These… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Ben Franklin had it right a long time. Lots of open land and a limited labor supply works wonders for the working class. I have no idea what economic/trade policies would help, but I do know that if you cut off immigration tomorrow, the working class would benefit the most and top 10% would “suffer” the most. So let’s start with something simple.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Yea that would be great Citizen only problem is the top 1% is in control of the spigot so it will never be shut off…

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

I call it “pulling up the drawbridge”.

Also, intermarriage. Interesting.
I hear echoes from the deep past.

Will the new caste form a racial hybrid that Jews can finally merge into, while remaining on top of the heap?

Perhaps their blood cries out for a dominant supertribe, as they used to be 12 sub tribes who united and went on to conquer (per their histories).

The Cult of the Bride Gatherers deliberately chose for traits, learning this from long experience with animal husbandry.

“Ye may take a woman from this tribe, none from that,” style marriage laws, etc.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Oops, caveat. The Zman’s point that distinct upper-class stratification applies to all populations, of course.

I appreciate him talking about group mechanics. Most social philosophy looks only at nuclear units, individuals or parents, or makes overbroad generalizations about “all mankind”.

Modernity has accelerated physical seperation. Rich noveau no longer walk around the horse manure, now they can be limo’d to a private flight to an exclusive locale. They fly right over those ants on the ground.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

If it ever comes to a fight, they will be our primary enemy. They for all intents betrayed their own race and nation for a set of lies and personal enrichment at the expense of their race’s future. Their ideology is one of slow death for the White race. The fact at this late stage they are pushing the demise the of white middle-class and open borders means there is no accommodation with them,

They need to be driven out of the country along with the illegal invaders.

Reply to  Rwc1963
4 years ago

So you see that but you can’t see how to go about doing that and in fact you speak against the first step in the process…

Reply to  Rwc1963
4 years ago

RW – you think it’s impossible for us to simply live in separate communities far from the cities b/c Magic Jews, but you think we can “drive out” illegal aliens and collaborators?

What “fight” are you preparing for? What are you doing to help?

Kvetching about everyone else’s “impossible” plans doesn’t line up with daydreaming about even more impossible plans.

There’s no substitute for practical action, and I’m not counting sh*t-posting in that category. We have a positive practical plan for the future. What’s yours?

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Everyone can start somewhere and hope to influence others. My apartment building, for instance, is infested with Pajeets. They must be half or more of the tenants. The rest are the usual chuckleheaded White cucks and hipsters. I’m an unfriendly sort to begin with but I make a point of scowling at and refusing to talk to the Pajeets, especially if some of the White cucks are watching. I like to make it clear to them that I’m not impressed by their virtue signalling suck up behavior and won’t go along. I can’t actually *say* “get the hell out of… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Another excellent comment, Citizen. I think this was visible even earlier in England, where the upper class manipulated the lower/working classes’ patriotism to fight and perish in their empire wars, while keeping them in ignorance and poverty at home. Perhaps that’s why they went full socialism once all got the franchise. Having the vote did nothing to change (((who))) was in control of the money and thus the levers of power. And now not only the old, propertied class and the newer monied class but also all the new non-White immigrants view the lower/working class White English with contempt.

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

You don’t know much history if you think the British empire required vast numbers to maintain it. Empire did not feature for most of the English.
Standard of living was higher in England than most of Europe.French and Spanish visitors were surprised at English plebs eating so much meat in the 17th and 18th centuries. France had people starving in the 18th century .

Ethnic animosity does not seem to be class based.

4 years ago

I think the near future for real communities lies in being closed, secret, and without formal structure.

Closed for reasons Zman elucidated: closed is a necessary requirement for community. Secret because what is unknown can not be attacked “First rule of Fight Club…”. And without formal structure to deny the ruling class leaders/org to frame up, paint as undesirable, and then teardown.

In other words, 4th generation community organization is the only true community that stands a chance against the ravening wolves.

Reply to  roo_ster
4 years ago

So, its back to the “Old Boys’ Club “.

Reply to  roo_ster
4 years ago

That’s a part of it. We need formal communities for raising kids where the activism needs to be extremely low-profile and we blend into a more normie background. For real activism, we need communities within communities and cells inside the Hive as well as individuals positioned to provide us with useful information and to toss a wrench in the gears when they can.

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
4 years ago

A key court decision was Roberts v. United States Jaycees in 1984, forcing clubs like the Jaycees, Kiwanis, Lions, etc. to admit women. A friend of mine was in one of those clubs at the time and said the edict ruined them. The men loved their wives, moms and daughters, but just wanted to do charitable works with guy camaraderie. Real women were happy their guys were happy. The decision was 7-0, with 5 Republicans saying yea, even Rehnquist. (The two Minnesota Republicans sat it out because of a conflict, but would have made it 9-0.)

Reply to  Jack Boniface
4 years ago

The Jaycees used to be a real force for good in my community. The ruling greatly diminished their usefulness and impact. Lot of the guys said it was great to have women in until they just didn’t attend anymore.

Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

i’ve seen the same thing in competitive sports. Men will praise the entrance of women into their domain, celebrate the progress. Even enjoy it for a while. Nice to have some TnA to flirt with. Then the atmosphere changes. *shocking!* And men quietly slip away for reasons that they may or may not even be able to articulate so easily as the progress they once celebrated. The masculine energy is replaced by one of homogenized commerce. Then it drifts feminine as the culture at-large takes over. Governance of behavior shifts from rules of engagement to rules of feelz. As soon… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

This open society fever has almost killed the patient!

Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

I’ve come to view the women who enter men’s sports as grifters.

Reply to  Jack Boniface
4 years ago

That was indeed a big deal. I remember.
The feminists kept their closed spaces, too, but sweaty muscle gyms ended up becoming a fern bar.

The judges decree ‘open for thee’, yet keep a very closed, secretive society for themselves, resorting even to arcane terms and dead languages.

Human males form core hunting bands of 5-15, while females form larger camps of about 15-40.

The hunter/gatherer pattern is universal, and as old as the human species.

This closed-above, open-below enforcement is disrupting the deepest of deep instincts.
It’s literally a violation of nature.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago


Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Alzebo, exactly. Thanks for distilling my verbose comment to its essence. Its unnatural. Violations of nature tend to not last long. So our progressive experiment will end. We just don’t know how, when, or at what cost. I never wanted to mate with any female fighters. No matter how well they fought or how pretty they were. Some guys did I reckon. But some guys also like to watch other guys bang their wives. So… Competing against women – even just in the context of gym resources, coaching, and promoting, is just gross. But now we have to do it… Read more »

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

Uh, the current violation of nature will not last BUT that’s presently because WE WON’T last unless we man up.

It’s far from unknown. See – the American Indian’s. For all the war women had a say- and they temporized on exterminating the invader when it was still possible.
Copper pots scrub easier than clay pots.


Source; The Barbarous Years.
An utterly progressive tainted yet accurate history of 17th century America.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

“Fern Bar” — Now there’s a bit of PNW Forbidden Literature Allusion. If it doesn’t end up as a Watchword or Battle Cry, I don’t know what will.

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  Jack Boniface
4 years ago

Years ago I made the foolish mistake of going to a PTA meeting. I made that mistake once. It was mostly women, scolding the principal and bitching at the teachers on how to do their jobs. A handful of women hogged the meeting and insisted that the schools ignore the needs of all the other kids, and focus exclusively on those of their own kids. And they’d try and explain to these bints that they had other kids to take care of, the realities of public education, etc – but to no avail. They skanks tried to turn the whole… Read more »

Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

Public school is a function of the state, versus home/private/small closed community schools being the function of the nation. The one-size-fits-all model doesn’t work for anything, ever.

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

What I’m seeing up here in Canada is that everyone agrees that the kids are screwed, and the system doesn’t work. The truth of it is that the teachers unions protect lazy dead beats and makes them unaccountable… and they point the finger at the parents. The parents point the finger back at the teachers and expect them to do all the dirty work of raising their kids. If I was in charge, I’d burn the public schools to the ground with the teachers trapped inside. I’d build new ones where kids get strapped or expelled when necessary, and the… Read more »

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

We man up, bitchez out or go extinct.

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Jack Boniface
4 years ago

No girls allowed.
Look at Feminism; now reduced to Fag Hags.

They’re weak, scheming, disloyal, dramatic. All of the above disqualifies for “dissident” work.

4 years ago

“Tolerance” used to mean not beating weirdos with clubs or burning them at the stake. Now it means celebrating deviancy and electing the weirdest people possible to lead us.

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

And sacrificing to promote them. Total insanity.

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

Yep, there is progression here…intolerance to tolerance to acceptance to normalcy to civil-right to celebration to promotion.

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

In the original “The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ” (DSM) first published in 1952, and up until 1979 Homosexuality was classified as a Mental Illness.
Now the failure to insufficiently celebrate it is defined as such in DSM IV.

4 years ago

Disconnected and Disparaged People are easier to control so that’s why the Cloud people are so intent about destroying Community…The antidote to that is to be working just as hard to build Communities that we can control our own destinies…The onus is on us though because no one is going to do it for us…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

The 1% has more or less achieved class consciousness. The bottom nine of the top 10% is nearly there, too.

I came across something the other day (maybe it was here?) to the effect that the real class struggle going on is between these two groups.

Reply to  Vegetius
4 years ago

Veg, good insight. For myself, I’d say yes. My family background is strictly working class, so such folk are not “alien” to me. Hopefully, neither to my children. Now, for the top .1 or 1%, the billionaire and multi-millionaire class, their children may never interact with someone who was not rich, very rich. No sense of manual labor and what it entails over a lifetime of work. No understanding of the paycheck running out before the bills. Hell, I can remember having to move from one apartment to the next because they raised the rent $15. Even someone in the… Read more »

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

“disconnect….disparaged….” Precisely the ultra-thin slice/dice markets of race, sex, gender, age invented and wielded by the Cloud/Establishment. Once they figured out that making one a victim makes them manipulable, they just kept creating victims.

Reply to  dad29
4 years ago

dad29, that’s a big, big point.

So then, we resort to neutral, lawsuit-free identities… sports teams, consumer brands, online celebrities, approved do-goodism, White Identity Nationalism…

Oops, forget I said that last part, I never said it and deny everything

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Euro-American Nationalism

Reply to  dad29
4 years ago

Race, sex and even age aren’t just inventions or social constructs. The CivNat attempt at race-blind, gender-equal society is doomed to fail because it denies these realities. Blaming “identity politics” and the “victim culture” is the CivNat-approved threshold for dissent. There’s a level of clarity beyond this that only comes from recognizing that biology to be tamed must be obeyed.

Reply to  dad29
4 years ago

Hey dad, if you have an issue with all these identities being weaponized into the victim culture why are you critical of the only actual identity And group that is not allowed to exist – by cloud people? Or better yet, even our own people? You attempt a classic liberal framing, which unsurprisingly settles the crosshairs on the wrong target. If one identity is allowed to exist and subsequently form groups based on that identity, and then advocate for that groups interests, utilize “democracy”, social, and civic institutions and mechanisms of public powers to codify those interests, then ALL identities… Read more »

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

And how long will these communities be tolerated once the authorities notice clusters of whites with no Orcs among them? Not very long.

The ruling class has made it clear they want us eradicated and replaced by low IQ mystery meat peoples. They have no intention of respecting our wishes no matter how nice we play. They may not give us boxcar rides to oblivion but they will make sure that our white communities are crushed.

Point is, there is no peaceful co-existence with them. They really do hate us.

Reply to  Rwc1963
4 years ago

So don’t do anything because the Orcs might notice us got it…I don’t really understand that philosophy must suck to live in that kind of fear where you never create or build anything because you are scared of what others might do to you…I feel sorry for you I really do and I wish I could help you out of the darkness…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Ultimately you need to emulate the immivader groups and just do what needs to be done and ask (hypocritical) forgiveness later if and when necessary. This is one huge advantage that just about all the invaders, from Central Americans at the low IQ end, to Indians and Chinese at the high IQ end, have over native Whites. They come from nations that tend to be very corrupt and chaotic and are quite used to asking themselves at all times not “what is legal? what do the rules say?” but “what can I get away with?”. When they get here they… Read more »

Reply to  Rwc1963
4 years ago

RWC – once again, what is your alternative? You always give this same response re: separatist communities but never have anything to say except vague allusions about “fighting.” Who, where, how? It’s impossible to take the criticism seriously when you have nothing to offer but empty nihilism on this. If there’s no hope and no alternative, why bother commenting at all? If there is a better alternative, what do you think it is? At this point I only bother responding because this knee-jerk, content-free black-pilling may be turning some people off to our approach. If you have a positive point… Read more »

4 years ago

I’ll buy your book.

Reply to  Lorenzo
4 years ago

Me, too. This is one of Z-Man’s best. It strikes me as a concise and tightly argued introduction suitable for the undecided “normies”.

Reply to  BCar
4 years ago

At this point, Z-man’s “best” runs to numerous volumes, IMHO.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Lorenzo
4 years ago

I forward these essays, judiciously, to conservative normies and to normal people who are on the wrong side of the divide. This one goes out to them because it is pithy and simple to understand as well as brilliant. Like the duck and the rabbit, people will not see what is hidden until you tell them it is there. Or as Chesterton put it, some things have to be believed before they can be seen.

4 years ago

What makes this process of community destruction so depressing is watching our religious organizations become a part of the managerial class. This has resulted in millions of Christians distancing themselves from their own local churches. I can’t say I blame them. The very core of our previous community life – the church – is now empowering the outsider and the degenerate.

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

Small private prayer sessions at home, with trusted friends, is the way to go. No formal structure. It’s how Christianity is practiced in many places in the world today (albeit with significant personal risk when practiced in cultures hostile to Christianity).

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Back to the Catacombs I guess.

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

That Christians distance themselves from poz’d churches is a good thing. That the parents religious tenants are not passed to the new generation, a bad thing.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

It’s worse to be part of a bad church than to have no church at all. Any white person who’s still Catholic is part of the problem. I get blow back for that that but it’s true. Catholicism is now the fifth column that Protestants said it was in the 1920s, and maybe they were only half wrong back then. Obviously the mainline protestants are just as big of a problem. If your church has a refugee settlement service, it’s part of the problem.

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

If your church sends missionaries to Africa, it’s part of the problem.

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

JR- my kneejerk reaction was to disagree with you about YT who is still Catholic. (That’s me.) But then I realized that you are speaking from a perspective that most people have about The Church, and I see why they have it. I go to a very conservative parish which gives me easy access to the Latin Mass, which is really beautiful and as masculine as it gets. There are a lot of families there, women in skirts, lots of children, women’s heads veiled, etc. And there is very little talk within that community of silly mission trips to Puerto… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Carrie
4 years ago

I’m a Protestant.

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

As a society we will just have to live without this source of cheap social capital. Big church is as bad as big business or big state anyway. Besides if polls are too be believed regular church attendance is at 40% and most Americans are religious,far more than in Europe. We may be doing just fine in that department and not know it Now personally I don’t know. I’m not religious at all and find organized religion without much merit. Also we used to have tons of private clubs like Elks for social capital, Get the equalists off our back… Read more »

4 years ago

I belong to a gun club and am quite active in it. I run a shooting group within it and in the past served on the Executive Committee. Active involvement in the tea party movement led to involvement in Republican politics. Joining a club or organization and getting involved running it is a great way to make friends. One of the reasons for the decline of friendship since the 1960s is the decline of joining clubs that typically were both civic and social, such as women’s clubs or the Elks. Another reason is diversity. Robert Putnam: The greater the diversity… Read more »

Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

Those fraternal, sororital, and civic benefit societies- clubs and quilting circles, in short- were everywhere before my time.

They were spontaneous, naturally organized, and got a great deal done. They operated in the ‘grey areas’ Zman has mentioned, not needing to be formalized by rigid law.

Their vestiges are another rich vein I want to explore in interviews. I want some pamphlet guidelines on the practical operation and obstacles.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

I see the opposite. Rigid formality prevails and bizarre disconnected traditions, and talk of what so and so did back in 1978. I don’t care. Damn old coots.

Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

The elks is a women’s club now. It would not be allowed to exist otherwise. Just like on the individual level most men these days must get permission from their women as to how they spend their time, public facing organizations must be ordained by the prog church. Its easier to allow the women along than to negotiate for their male-only activities with the full weight of the State and prog social convention standing behind their woman shaking a fist. Thats the problem. How can a community rise up from atomized individuals when a man is already conditioned toward progressive… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

OTOH maybe I’m just a dick.
Nope Brother not a Dick your Speaking Truth but a lot of people don’t want to receive it…You know the number one excuse for people that tell me they can’t move??? It’s because their wife doesn’t want too they would but it would mean a divorce…So we are in a quandary…

Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

Screw, if that’s being a dick, call me a dick. I think it’s crucial that guys learn to walk the talk of anti-feminist headship. It’s one reason why I give Dalrock so much love. He speaks to guys I can’t reach and tells them the anti-chivalry, anti-pedestal, anti-Cucktian message they need to hear. I’ve had disagreements with Greg Johnson on this because he thinks man-o-sphere masculinity is hurting the prospects for the feminist entryism he seems to welcome for Our Thing. He lumps us in with the dreaded “wig-nats” and says we’re scaring away the women he wants at all… Read more »

Mark Stoval
Mark Stoval
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Agreed. Simply agreed.

Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

As a Mormon dad once explained to me, “there’s only one captain on a ship.”

The captain doesn’t tell the crew what to do.

He points out the direction the ship needs to go.
Then he turns to the first mate and crew and asks, “now, how are you going to get us there?”

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

Agreed. A bunch of frumpy women in Cabin Creek sweaters who rule the roost. No, women can’t be Elks, and as a matter of fact, neither can men because it’s full of mind numbed old men who call themselves Coach, even though they were never coaches.

Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

Screwtape – you’re absolutely, utterly correct (and any woman who thinks you’re a dick because of this is not to be trusted). Men MUST get women under control and regain their rightful place running society – not because women ‘let’ them but because that’s the natural order.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

The problem with clubs, is that over time they become insular and inside the ballpark. The Elks is a great example. Clubs like that always look for new members and then get annoyed when the new member thinks scrambled egg sandwiches are disgusting and wants craft beer on tap. The group then dies. It’s human nature.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Great writing and an explanation of community.
I never fully realized about the importance of freedom of association to a free society until the last few years of watching things unfold around me.
The Boy Scout thing was a big red pill for me..
Very interesting Soros calls his organization the “Open Society Foundation”.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Freedom of association is also the freedom of disassociation. Neither are allowed, so people disassociate by moving away, and associate by paying up to live in certain neighborhoods.

That’s why the upper 30% still has a sense of community and the rest don’t. That upper 30% has the ability to de facto associate and disassociate, by being able to afford to choose the neighborhood in which to live.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Dutch, exactly. And I’d note that in the final years Obama had set his departments to take even the ability to move away from the upper middle class. We still have such vestiges remaining. VA I believe is trying to override local zoning that prevents low cost housing in upper middle class neighborhood—with the explicitly stated intention of “block busting” (as we used to call it).

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Agree. We’re seeking disassociation in forming separate communities. The project of raising future generations of based White kids ready, willing and able to win the fight is exponentially harder when we’re doing it amidst the “open society” of the cities. The rate of attrition is much higher and every aspect of pro-White lifestyles, much less activism, meets more resistance. The guys who call us quitters and cowards are staking everything on winning now, somehow, by fighting, somehow, without ever giving us a plan. Separate communities are where we develop the fighters for the future and where the present fighters rest,… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

The problem with the Jewish model is that Jews could basically blend in the European states they lived in. Whites in a Orc dominated America can’t do that. Then factor in “blame whitey” that comes from the traitor white upper classes who want us dead and we have a serious problem with that model working. And if you think we have 50 to a 100 years of peace and quiet in which to build think again. Even without open borders, a couple more decades of importing another 30-40 million brownskins will pretty much cook our goose when you factor in… Read more »

Reply to  Rwc1963
4 years ago

Rwc – all of us here are well aware of the numbers. We don’t need to wait a few decades; European Whites are already a bare majority at perhaps 57%. The point is to do everything sub rosa . . . and for that to work each and every community must carefully vet and agree on each new member.

Reply to  Rwc1963
4 years ago

RW – this is just more of your content-free sh*t-posting and doom-saying. You never have an alternative plan of action, you never say how we’re supposed to fight, or when or where. If you’re going to fed-post, get it over with. If not, save the kvetching. No one’s taking the boogaloo-bait and you don’t seem to be suggesting any other form of “fighting,” certainly not anything concrete, positive or practical.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Exile – the idea of a private community to train up the future fighters is the idea behind Ash Donaldson’s book “From Her Eyes A Doctrine” (which I just re-read). The long passages of story and poetry and myth re Asatru are not so much to my liking, but his vision is of small, White, utterly economically self-sufficient and independent ‘garths’ surviving the ‘darkening.’ It’s very alluring and I think most of us would happily trade less Chinese – made stuff for a real community.

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

Thanks 3g – I’m going to take a look at that book. I honestly try to avoid reading too much of the genre so I don’t fall into the trap of soft-plagiarizing other people’s stuff, but it’s a bad old habit I need to kick. I’m still addicted to having “novelty-takes” and it probably causes me more blocks and other problems than it’s worth.

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

3G you’re welcome to join me here in the Bitterroot…

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Dutch – I’d argue your upper 30% is much too generous. By income alone, my family is in the top 10%, but it’s been a struggle to live what we define as a White life – i.e. Christian school, private enrichment activities for the kids, etc. And our neighborhood has been a majority-minority from the start – we just didn’t realize it when all the real estate agents steered us to our particular DFW suburb. They assumed because we’d lived overseas we loved diversity. We should have said we were evilraysissliterallyhitlers.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

GGLiddy – Very easy to connect the dots – they’ve all but laid it out with red arrows. That’s why keeping everyone plugged in and distracted is another key part of their strategy.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Tragedy of the Commons on a societal scale.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

“The outsider only sees the benefits of membership”- it’s a raid.
Raiders always leave a big mess.

4 years ago

Big problem is so many think the West, and America in particular, were born multicultural. Education is paramount. If you don’t know your history, you don’t know who you are.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

“You will never fight for that which you do not love. And you will never love that which you do not know.” – from Mein Kampf

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

Well that’s at least one thing he and the Jews agreed on.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

And the funny thing is my nationalism comes in no small part from growing up reading the Bible—written by Jews. Resent or admire them, they’ve had a lot figured out for a long time.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

Most of “The Bible” is the lore of other ME peoples and attributed to the Jews after Christ,

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

Without Greek philosophy there would be no New Testament.

Philboyd Studge
Philboyd Studge
Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

If you really want to see how bad it will get, look no further than Canada. In the Great “White” North, multiculturalism has become a religion. Apostates are not tolerated.

Reply to  Philboyd Studge
4 years ago

That’s the thing, Painter.
They can’t control their leading sociopaths any more than we or any one else can.

The ruthless fight to get to the top of the tree. We in the lower branches heed their hoots and calls, and strive to follow them.

The broad gains by useful betas keep getting swept away by the narrow ambitions of callous alphas.

Jatt sher
Jatt sher
4 years ago

The people who promoted the open society in the last century, and continue to promote it today, do so as outsiders. They look at the organic communities and societies of the West and simply see collections of people. The alien cannot see or understand the reciprocal obligations and duties that hold the community together. These are only obvious to the people inside, because it is what holds them together. The outsider only sees the benefits of membership, not what defines it.

Or they just hate your society

Reality Check
Reality Check
Reply to  Jatt sher
4 years ago

This one sentence says more and says it more succinctly, than the entire dissertation that it is written in response to…

Reply to  Jatt sher
4 years ago

Or they are intensely jealous of your society and know they cannot build anything equaling it and thus hate your society. FIFY.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
4 years ago

The burden is on the closed community, which is being bribed every day to be anesthetized by the ruling class. Even as their standard of living slowly declines they’re given just enough to keep their mouths shut as the rulers fling open the borders to ever more hordes (including orange fuk face who does his used car salesman song and dance while keeping the back door unlocked). Only when their standard of living crashes will they respond. Only when the dollar is vaporized to a point where they can no longer comfortably idle their Ford Escapes in the Chick-Fil-A drive… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

JR, the standard of living for the vast majority of Americans (let’s just say the middle 60% for argument) is illusionary. They live paycheck to paycheck, never seeming to get ahead. One layoff away from catastrophe. How many surveys does it take describing how they don’t have $400 for an unexpected expense, or that they have no income in retirement other than SSI. Now as to us “pigs” with Costco stuffed garages, you are are probably on the money. But do you really think an economic downturn will affect those in the upper 10% as it would affect everyone else?… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

People rightfully point to the 1950s as the high point for our society, and for good reason. One of the reasons we did well then was that the rest of the world was bombed out, but another reason is that in the late 40’s the elites were so afraid of Communism that they gave the working class anything they wanted to keep them on the reservation. The elite doesn’t have to lose everything for things to change, they just have to think it’s possible that they COULD lose everything and soon, that’s when the magic happens. Today’s ensconced elite thinks… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

Maybe the ruling class is aware of what they’re doing: creating a latin-american type society with swarms of poor people fighting to get by and a sliver of monied people at the top. Maybe this is a reflection of who our ruling class people are today: materialists with no fear of God, no inner compass, no noblesse oblige. A middle class would cut into their profits. The ruling class of the ancien regime is gone and the west suffers for it.

Reply to  Ursula
4 years ago

The ruling class of the ancient regime is gone and the west suffers for it.
Amen Sister…It’s something we dissidents need to take into account when we win…

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Ursula
4 years ago

It always has been that way. The problem isn’t the ruling class, it’s the ruled class that puts up with it, and is too stupid to realize that it was sold down the river years ago. You can’t just support people because of an “R” next to their name. You always have to be pushing them. “Hey a-hole, I see what you’re doing.” There are people who vote for reps like Lindsey Graham and Ben Sasse, and they’re the problem. “Oh we can’t have a Democrat.”

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

(The ruling class I was referring to are those at the very top, whose names and faces we do not know. Our Congresscritters are their servants and implement the wishes of the ruling class.)

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

A Bernie-type presidency would definitely NOT do that to the champagne socialst folks “at the top.”
They need to be much, much more nervous than just having $500K less in their account.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

This. The median income in the US is ~$32K/yr. The labor participation rate is still in the toilet. Why hire Americans when foreigners and illegals work cheaper and often benefit from programs that are not available to citizens (e.g., OPT) and non-whites (e.g., minority loans)?

4 years ago

Absolutely superb essay, Z. As a former university academic in the social science area I think (or rather I know) that community broadly defined is the most important cornerstone of a culture. This is why there is and has been an unrelenting war on the West by those who want to destroy it with an emphasis on the propaganda that “diversity is our greatest strength.” Acceptance and cheerleading of this religious tenant is now even a part of the hiring and promotion process in the university and college worlds in CA. See the brave and articulate denunciation of this by… Read more »

Reply to  ExNativeSon
4 years ago

This sums up the problem to an article that could have been one paragraph. Sociology. As an entrepreneur, non joiner of any group, skimmed it. This, and almost all comments rehashing the problem (talking about their craziness STILL). Will it ever end? You may ask what solutions I have, plus why I am I here anyway. Well I’m considering going dark and I have ideas. All of them revolve around not discussing or responding to their stuff. That how we continually get new craziness. I believe it was a mistake for ‘our side’ to become ‘intellectual’. Use our rationality to… Read more »

Reply to  Guest
4 years ago

Any meeting or group is infiltrated. That is why the real fight must be unconventional.
The tea party was real and was the last with real issues (taxes, for instance) not just reaction to craziness (genders, etc), and was joined by the dirt people. They were infiltrated and vilified by the RIGHT from the beginning. Take Obama’s birth certificate. It was fishy but more than that, was a good way to attack. The RIGHT nixed it. Trump brought it up and won. Not intellectual but effective.

What does zmans group make of that? Sociologically speaking of course hurumph.

4 years ago

Evolutionary anthropologist, Robin Fox has in his book “The Tribal imagination- Civilisation and the savage mind” a cap. called “Open societies and closed minds- civilisation versus tribalism” where he points towards the contradiction that the west has to be open to cultures that is highly tribal and closed. He predicts an outcome of conflicts from the “open society” thinking in the west that will end in the west has to become a closed culture too.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

A book search of “The Open Society and Its Enemies” via Amazon results in a book by George Soros in front the book by Popper. SJSWh

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  2A_Practicioner
4 years ago

Wonder if Popper would defend his book if he saw that is ideology has caused he very things he decried or if he would hoist the black flag.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
4 years ago

It might be interesting to trace the degeneration of the “Open Society” concept as Soros and his minions adopted it. Tentative title “From Popper to Palpatine”.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Ursula
4 years ago
Reply to  Ursula
4 years ago

Thank you Felx & Ursula for doing the research on this and sharing the ilnk with the rest of us! I have downloaded and look forward to reading at least some parts of this (seeing as how in PDF version, volumes I and II are approx 365 pages each…).

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Just looked a Fox´s book again a the capt. it is one long polemic against Karl Popper who he knew. Popper is after tribalism/human nature with his believe in open society seems to be the view of Foc. I have to reread it again.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Was having a discussion on another forum this morning about the usual Popper / Kuhn Dialectic / Paradigm blah blah wanky stuff. Struck me that pretty much every *serious* ideological debate is only resolved via death of one side — whether through old age or assisted by Messrs Mosin, Nagant, et al. The corollary of this is that *Everything Else is Just Glass Bead Game Wankery and has no bearing on how genuine societal problems get solved*. We’ve evolved just enough (at least our side has) to be able to reason about our Simian Nature and its responses to stressors… Read more »

Reply to  Thorsted
4 years ago

The other two massive changes are
1. The removal of intelligence premium for survival (Ask any passing African)
2. The separation of sex and Reproduction and the concomitant shift in the role of women in society.

Reply to  Thorsted
4 years ago

Well, here’s a comment from Pete, late yesterday, that nails Fox’s point:

Pete’s reply to “fight ’em over there, so we don’t have to fight ’em over here”?

“So we pull our troops out – and then implement border control. Just stop letting them in. Simple.”

Hats off, Pete. Standing O.

4 years ago

The Chinese and Muslims have advantage over the west these days because their people share their respective religious beliefs and a real sense of what it is to be a member of their nation or tribe. Westerners are weakened by our atomization and abandonment of Christianity. Nothing binds us as a people or broad community anymore. Our Open Society masters would like us to be content with consumerism and playing games. Behold today’s west: depressed, medicated people, lonely in our crowded brown cities, celebrating the strongest brutes among us.

Reply to  Ursula
4 years ago

I’ll tell you what strikes me as odd: It’s the fact that during all of this nobody in the media has mentioned that Israel turned over the operation of its largest (Haifa) port to the Chinese. Surely in light of recent events this ought to have generated some controversy somewhere?

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
4 years ago

I would suggest reading Popper’s book along with Adorno’s. They complement each other in that they try to redefine an ethnic enemy and ethnic differences as socially constructed ones. Popper’s book ends up with an enemies list that is longer than its friends list. The primordial and original sin was an error in how Plato presented a polis and how this error influenced hundreds of years of cultural evolution as he sees it. Unweaving this error (the second have of the book) from Western consciousness would help the truly enlightened achieve the goal of an open society…by which he means… Read more »

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

YY – I’m putting together a recommended reading list for Our Guys for my site. Will make sure these are added to the JQ section. We talk about TAP in JQ circles quite a bit but it had slipped my mind for the actual list and Popper was off my radar.

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

I couldn’t find a pdf of The Authoritarian Personality that included the Introduction Yves referenced, but I did find a pdf of just the Introduction:

And this talmudic compilation by all-star Christian-haters, “Studies in Prejudice,” includes The Authoritarian Personality in it (but not with the Intro):

Thanks, Yves, and to Z Man and all the other commenters here who recommend reading — I always have something delicious to read waiting for me!

Reply to  Ursula
4 years ago

Ursula – I was familiar with The Authoritanian Personality on general terms, although I had never actually read the book. I just scanned the introduction. It’s Nazis – Jews – fascism – Jews – democracy – fascism – rinse, repeat. My God, it’s so very blatant – yet no one though to call it out when it was published?!

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

Right? A different time indeed, whites were so humbled and broken down after the world wars. With the jews on the ascent, wielding their power to aggressively and relentlessly dismantle white Christian society. I thank God the scales fell from my eyes.

4 years ago

Z, this is definitely a line of thought that inspires some future posts of my own. The strange caste-class system we now have has evolved from America’s infection and invasion by Pathogenic Outsiders. The PO’s used a combination of sophisticated and primitive attacks to enter, deconstruct and hijack our social machinery for their own purposes in viral fashion. These PO’s took advantage of Empathic Other-siders and the Left-Out among us to accomplish the task of entry, deconstruction and re-purposing of our insider communities. We are new antibodies, evolving in response to this external-internal viral attack. We are working to establish… Read more »

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

“Unless there is another host ready for infection, parasitism is a dead-end strategy. The parasite goes out with a bang, but they still go out. Some of the PO’s and their collaborators understand this. Most of the rest are happy to feed unto death, out of ignorance or nihilism.” This was their fatal error. Compare our POs with how the Chinese operate in other asian countries: they are an economic elite but they don’t use their economic might to undermine the traditions of the host civilization. They do business and then retire to their enclaves. They don’t attempt to enslave… Read more »

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

YY – spot on. The Romans followed a similar policy. It worked most everywhere but you-know-where. As I’ve said before, the Chinese are like the Jews in many ways, but lack the paranoia and hyper-aggression that makes Jews treat Outsiders as existential threats that warrant preemptive and genocidal measures. The concept of “dangerous ground” (not leaving your enemy an out) is from Sun Tzu, although I suspect it’s something that occurred to most ancient generals on their own. Practical and obvious, but the Tribe’s hubris leads them to believe Special Rules apply. I’m working on content for a site to… Read more »

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Looking forward to it.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Hard to know what to think of the Chinese. They are very very quiet and poor verbally, even when English is their first language. So quiet I get suspicious. But maybe that’s just how they are. They are ULTRA nationalist and breathe fire in a heartbeat. But they also don’t really force themselves on anybody else the same with Indians and Jews do. They all agree with White Nationalism when in private and think we are crazy to have allowed in all the “dark people”. Frankly, I just see the Chinese as alien. Too alien to live with us. That… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

First we need to help the patient in front of us who is bleeding to death from a dozen cuts. We need stop the blood loss and help him heal. Until we do that, nothing else matters. The rest will take care of itself. Besides our side is lacks the talent and ruthlessness needed to engineer violence between the ruling class and their pet Orcs. It’s not hard but our peeps are just not up to it. See the elites made several fatal mistakes and it will take down their empire of degenerate bullshit and jew paper. They created the… Read more »

Barn Jollythorn
Barn Jollythorn
4 years ago

Brilliant analogy, Z. If I may extend it: If asked, “why should the NY Yankkes be permitted to remain a closed community?” People would answer, “well, obviously, their job is to win baseball games.” But if you ask why a human community, say a small municipality, isn’t allowed to be a closed society, the stock answer nowadays would be “because intolerance is bad.” But who has the more important job, sub specie aeternitatis? The professional ball team or the human community, with its fundamental responsibility to propagate by having children, and to raise and educate its children? Which has more… Read more »

Mark Stoval
Mark Stoval
4 years ago

Z-man’s community is similar to a nation. The word “nation” refers to a community of people who share a common language, culture, values, traditions, ethnicity, descent, and history. Like the people of the southern Appalachian mountains. Without the evil of the State (your federal government) we could maintain our nation against the invaders of many kinds. Smaller communities could flourish inside the nation. Notice that the root unit is family. Descent. DNA. Blood lines. “While the State is a pernicious and coercive collective concept, the ‘nation’ may be and generally is voluntary. The nation properly refers, not to the state,… Read more »

Reply to  Mark Stoval
4 years ago

Mark, in doing so, we’re essentially becoming the state. Every community has a governing elite. The root dilemma is how to make your community’s elite leadership reflect and respond to community interests without undermining their authority and “democratizing” it to such an extent that you’re an “open” society.

Mark Stoval
Mark Stoval
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

You have a point. But the nation is not a monopoly on the legitimate use of force in a given geographical area though. Plus, if I have to have some “big guy” leader at least let him be one of my own kind.

I might go even further and say that smaller is better. The smaller the grouping the closer to the people the leadership is — and the weaker the unit is. Would you fear Central Florida if it became a separate political unit? — Fear the Mouse!!

4 years ago

Charles Murray also came to a similar observation: the top 1% live and play by a different set of rules. The bottom 30% are not only victims of elites but also victims of high time preference, i[impulsiveness, and lows IQs. In the past, the elite maybe saw it as their civic duty to instill good values on bottom tier, but now care more about pushing SJW propaganda on the second-tier (the upper middle class) and importing immigrants to dilute what is left of white, Anglo values.

Reply to  greyenlightenment
4 years ago

Affirm- again, everybody misses the bottom end. The elites ignore them, but the poor will always be with us- like cities.

4 years ago

Divide and conquer on a societal scale. The elites really do hate and fear us. They simultaneously need us to strip mine our social capital in the short term and as helots in the long term. It resembles an abusive relationship. Poor and middle class whites are our natural constituencies. Anonymously spreading fliers, stickers, and slogans are a good way to reach them with minimal risk “It’s okay to be white,” was extremely effective. The upper class must be prevented from insulating themselves from the effects of leftwing ideology. When the British government pissed off the local elites, those guys… Read more »

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
4 years ago

Agree. However standards require enforcement. =Force. Not gentlemen’s agreements backed only by tut tut’s. That was Buckley’s et al real failure, and his actual scam. Standards and really defending anything require men who will use force, even if its just security tossing out bums, grifters and weirdos. Hint; SECURITY can do this, Joe plumber can’t. HINT. (Get Security, get trained, get SECURITY status). Leading me to today’s quibble; the Tea Party didn’t go down from weirdos, it went down to a inside squeeze play from Professional Conservative INC (Erik from Red State) squeeze from controlled oppo Right and from the… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

This is spot-on. The ruling elite see themselves, not society, as ‘the community.’ What’s more they see foreign fellow elites as part of their community. I think this is what they mean by ‘post-national.’ The nation is outdated, it is yesterday’s organisation. Today it’s ‘the stratum’

4 years ago

This is how we find ourselves in a world where destructive degenerates are celebrated as the new cultural norm, but the natural bonds of organic community are demonized and anathematized as immoral. The only way for the closed community at the top to maintain the open society over which they rule is to systematically destroy the normal social bonds that make organic community possible. The open society is thus a war on the very conditions that make normal human society possible. In an essay published by the American Spectator a writer notes that Christianity has been the target of The… Read more »

Reply to  dad29
4 years ago

Krull explains that English is the global language.

Now I know why rap is the world’s global music. Who controls media?

(By gum, Korean rap is bad enough- what is it with the pink hair?- but if you want your eyes to bleed, try Bollywood. Kali Yuga is here.)

Reply to  dad29
4 years ago

Yet one problem I still wrestle with is that Christianity is supposed to be a universal faith and brotherhood, which – by definition – opposes closed communities. We need to redefine those terms the churches have spent the past 150 years destroying. Sure, everyone can be my ‘brother’ up in heaven (although even there the Bible repeatedly refers to ‘nations’ and ‘peoples,’ plural). On this world, though, keep to your own people and soil.

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

Well, Constantine and the early church fathers were trying to unify their world, around the Med.

Idon’t think people got it into their head that Africans, Fijians, or Indochinese needed Jesus until the deep blue water navies went a-sailing.

4 years ago

Look, the IMO the bottom line is the oppressors are fearful that the model train collectors will secretly use their meetings to plan tar and feather parties. So they have to make it so any new member can be an infiltrator, and thus destroy the trust of the group as a whole.

4 years ago

Bravo! Another eloquent exposition of a root problem in modern society. But is it enough to just keep adding detailed descriptions of the endless list of maladies that afflict us? When does the wave of converts occur that tips the balance back toward sanity and remedy? When do you have to actually get your ass up off the couch and do something rather than say something? I don’t think we lack an understanding that things are really f*cked up in Western Civ. I think we lack the desperation that motivates visceral and tangible action. This is not a debating contest.… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

Well said TomA and I’ve been asking those same questions for quite some time now wondering what it’s going to take…I just hope by the time that thing happens to get people moving that it won’t be to late…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Lineman: Yours and other commenters in this blog continued emphasis on building community is one reason I love this site. Again, at most other sites it is “bitching” and “pretty soon we will get our guns” but pretty soon never seems to come. Action is THE crucial thing needed but a well written and referenced book that “normal” whites can read is crucial also. This book needs to put in no uncertain terms what is coming. I understand more than most that logic and reason do not trump emotion and the need to stay in the goodwhite herd. As someone… Read more »

Reply to  ExNativeSon
4 years ago

And unlike you, I cannot pick up and move to the Bitterroot Valley or I leave my family behind…
Man that sucks Brother when I told the wife and kids we are moving they said how soon and started to pack now the rest of the extended family is moving up here also…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Lineman-You are blessed. This week I am going to see a former CA friend who moved to the South. And in April I am planning to visit a couple of former CA friends who moved to the Rockies. I have lived in both places but the general area of the Rockies is where I would like to move to make a stand. If I am unable to move there with my family I will be seeing my options for a quick escape plan when the apocalypse comes to CA which is only a matter of time. I need some financial… Read more »

Reply to  ExNativeSon
4 years ago

Yes Brother definitely blessed and hope that you can get out before it falls apart…

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

First off you need more than a blog, some stupid youtube videos and some dying org like AmRen to get recruits, etc. Start by putting out pamphlets,booklets targeting the young whites who already the situation sucks. Distribute them on college campuses and around high schools with a white student body. You want the biggest bang for the buck. Boys are natural contrarians and attracted to edgy material. It would help if our side had a Tom Paine to lay it all out in a populist fashion. Second use the web but smartly. Set up sites that are information clearing houses… Read more »

Reply to  Rwc1963
4 years ago

All good ideas. Keep it below organizational level, however as they are infiltrated by left and right. Also young people, and others, like the idea of being gorillas.
Another warning is use people like Carlson, or who ever, but don’t idealize them even though people love leaders and hero’s. I trust none of them especially east coast/dc area people.

4 years ago

The US is probably the most propagandized civilization in the so called free world and almost all of it designed to prevent any group identity or hell any identity other than consumer, Our “betters” won’t even let Proles be Proles something 1984’s Ingsoc had enough sense to do. This isn’t sustainable as people here have noted its inhuman and its costly. Eventually the lower classes including Whites will develop identity , hell many already have in terms of race and gangs , splinter religions (Amish TFR is 4 and up) and this means an end to the current social order.… Read more »

Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

Who in your opinion would be needed to form this elite group…What would be required or needed in that group to actually trust them to do that job…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

I haven’t considered that far to be honest. I’m spitballing here but a group of leaders all with the same basic views to avoid backstabbing and power jockeying and a sense of being modular and willing to die for the cause would be needed.. This way when the system whacks one or two as it will twenty more will pop up. For everyone else a basic willingness to follow orders in a loyal fashion would probably suffice. So long as the orders are foundationally sound , sane and the movement determined and its leaders can avoid being nutters it fairly… Read more »

Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

Ab, we’re on similar ground. We don’t want cartoon Stalinist/Maoist collectivism but the family, clan and tribe have to be elevated to supremacy again, expressly as well as practically, and this re-centering has to be celebrated rather than grudgingly cited by cynics as the “way things really are, but shouldn’t be.” Likewise with capitalism, no one wants collective ownership of all property, but we have to subordinate the economy to the public good again. Yes, libertarians, that means an elite gets to determine what’s in the public good, and that power can be misused. But that’s what we have right… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Good post. This level of economic management is going to chafe but as technology continues to evolve, its growing increasingly mandatory. Experience Magazine had an article called Looking for the right makeup? Let AI pick it for you. Its a bit click baity but the core idea, we can automate large parts of a counter girls job is an important one. If we don’t have work than we don’t have citizens in the future.This especially includes junk jobs and includes girly jobs too. Young women are not going to be married off at 16 or 18 since that requires a… Read more »

Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

Z’s posted on the tactical libertarian aversion to “social engineering” before. All governments are social engineering. The question isn’t whether you will be socially engineered but how, and to what ends. Any system that pretends it doesn’t socially engineer you is lying and doing its engineering behind your back – frankly more demeaning and patronizing than a system that says “yes we are controlling you” to your face. China is avoiding social collapse with only a quasi-religious base at best (a weird mix of traditional Confucianism and neo-Maoism). Secular/governmental social engineering is synthetic and suffers from the “knowledge problem” but… Read more »

Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

Really good stuff here, abp.
Everybody misses the lower end.

Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

Did you ever see that meme, a picture of a crying Pepe in a Nazi uniform saying “All I wanted to do was play video games” – in reference to Gamergate.

Maybe one day something similar will happen with Joe 6 pack – “All I wanted to do was watch sportsball”

4 years ago

Best description of the problem that I’ve seen.
Well done,

4 years ago

>This is why the Tea Party movement failed. It had no barriers to entry.

Which is what people were trying to avoid after the Deplorables Speech.

I think a lot of the spectacle from late 2016 to early 2017 needs to be understood in that context, especially by the recently-arrived.

Doofenshmertz Evil, Inc.
Reply to  Vegetius
4 years ago

For the life of me, I cannot remember what the Tea Party actually wanted. Did they have any actual concrete goals? As best I could tell, they were just a bunch of middle-aged white people and boomers who liked to dress up in tricorn hats and funny outfits, who were vaguely grumpy that Obama was president. They seemed to be symbolically saying, “Hey, we are the real Americans around here, not you Obamaite weirdos,” and maybe they were right about that, but otherwise…?

What specifically did those people want?

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Doofenshmertz Evil, Inc.
4 years ago

Tea Party, like most trad-right movements was stillborn, dead on arrival, without knowing it. The things they lobbied for were typical Boomer-tier civ-nattery which make no sense in this Brazilian dystopia that was QUITE in existence during their peak years. Their watches, like most conservatives, are permanently stopped somewhere in the early to mid-90s. Muh small gubmint, muh free markets, muh constitutional fidelity, muh libertarian ideology, ‘race doesn’t matter only ideology’ (h/t Ben Shapiro), etc. Typical garbage tier crap you still hear out of Breitbart type commenters who thinks its 1990 still. In a nation of mongrel mud people who… Read more »

King Tut
King Tut
Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago

“Their watches, like most conservatives, are permanently stopped somewhere in the early to mid-90s.” I have made the point before that the political right is notoriously ponderous and slow-witted. The entire ideological edifice of muh free markets is really a relic of the cold war, an antithesis for old materialist Leninism. They just don’t seem to understand that the ground has shifted under our feet and that the enemy switched their tactics sometime in the 1980s to embrace free market capitalism as a useful tool to get what they wanted. They were correct. The tricorn hat brigade have become their… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago

Absolutely. It’s always 1995 in CivNat land. Maybe I’ll support that Steve Forbes guy as President.

Reply to  Doofenshmertz Evil, Inc.
4 years ago

Before the TEA Party was hijacked by some professional “Republican” dame in Atlanta, I was there. The Gadsden Flag was there. We wanted to send a message: back off your f*n taxes and back off your ObozoCare schemes.

It worked–sorta–because the Wisconsin legislature noticed and backed off to some extent. Certainly had an effect on the composition of Congress.

Then that dame from Atlanta took over and immediately dived for “establishment” cover……so after a couple years, TRUMP!!!

Reply to  dad29
4 years ago

Grifters like Jenny-Beth-Martin (Mark Levin’s bestie) were pulling 400k salaries from $50 donors. It became a bust-out largely because of the open entry.

The Tea Party Congressmen were grifters like Ryan, Ayotte and Amash. Jeff Flake also rode that pony, and IIRC, even the oleaginous Ron Portman.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  dad29
4 years ago

Glassy eyed coke-head fraud Glen Beck was the kiss of death for that group.

Reply to  dad29
4 years ago

That’s right, it was “muh GDP” Rick Santelli’s rant on CNBC against Obamacare, wasn’t it?

That was seized to “vote Republican!”

Reply to  dad29
4 years ago

dad29 – you’re missing the point. The TEA party wasn’t ‘hijacked.’ It wasn’t even a party. It was a bunch of uninformed boomers demanding lower taxes and decrying welfare moms while insisting ‘hands off MY social security’ and applauding the magic Negress hired to speak to them. I know – I was there, too – once only. That’s when I realized it was on the quick road to failure.

Reply to  Doofenshmertz Evil, Inc.
4 years ago

I think they didn’t have a clear long-term idea of what they wanted and that’s why they petered out. Similar thing across the right IMO, to varying degrees. We know what we aren’t but not what we are. A lot of it is rediscovering that.

Doofenshmertz Evil, Inc.
Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

The Tea Party people liked to wave around a flag that said, “Don’t tread on me”. Their enemies just shrugged and proceeded to tread all over them and curb-stomp them and they didn’t do anything. Virginia will move to grab the guns, and the 2A people will hand them over and not do anything. The MAGA people screamed as one, “No more illegals!!” and the Jews just shrugged and said, “Sorry, but way more illegals. And also way more legals, too. Here, have some more opium, and go die in Iran while your ex-girlfriends bang the rape-apes.” And they’ll do… Read more »

Reply to  Doofenshmertz Evil, Inc.
4 years ago

The gun owners of Virginia will indeed most likely rollover, the fact is it’s really hard to drop the hammer on the goon squad or it’s master sitting in some mayor’s office. The last group of men who went toe to toe with the NG, cops and Pinkerton men were coal miners and steel workers. Hard men doing hard, deadly work. Not office workers. The good news is that the military has failed in meeting their recruit quotas even after repeatedly dropping their requirements. Whites have figured out it’s scam. Not all but more and more are. Iraq and Afghanistan… Read more »

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

“We know what we aren’t but not what we are.”

That is sheer poetry.

Reply to  Doofenshmertz Evil, Inc.
4 years ago

“No more socialism, but keep the socialism we already have” would be a good summary of Tea Party philosophy. E.g. 65-year-olds deserve free or heavily-subsidized health care but 64-year-olds don’t.

Margareta Witt
Margareta Witt
Reply to  Doofenshmertz Evil, Inc.
4 years ago

Lower taxes, smaller government, a return to constitutional government, an end to government-mandated destruction of neighborhoods, ability to discipline unruly school students, a return to realistic energy policies (e.g., no more Solyndras), and the ability to criticize the president without being accused of racism. Basically, a roll-back of all the extremist garbage that Obama introduced. Trump has reversed some of it, but a lot is now the new normal, such as multi-trillion dollar budgets.

Reply to  Margareta Witt
4 years ago

That Obama introduced? How old are you, darling? Obama was a symptom, not a cause, and all those things you decry have been around since 1965, at the latest, and have their roots going back to the turn of the 20th century, at least. And just so you don’t get huffy, I’m 61.

Reply to  Vegetius
4 years ago

The Tea Party that I participated in in Northern CA was focused on promoting fiscally responsible policies and opposing deficit spending. Standard Reagan era fiscal conservatism.

We were scared of how much debt Obama would burden us with. The standard joke at the time was, “Don’t Tell Obama what comes after a trillion.”

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

It all got worse under Reagan. You would have to go back to Eisenhower.

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

The US had trouble balancing a budget back in the 18th century. Who would have thought a bunch of people willing to fight a civil war as much over taxes as anything else would be suddenly willing to pay taxs just to a different guy The US has been populated through its history with grifters and opportunists .Now that the nation is developed and high tech this is a problem., It needs citizens and citizenship not a motley crew of mutts no matter what they race. This inability to get people to cooperate may leave the Dissidents in the unpleasant… Read more »

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

They’re still around in the Inland Empire area of SoCal – don’t seem to have advanced in terms of awareness or impact. They’re still bitching about the Clintons & Obama & almost universally Trust the Plan and “Promises Kept.”

The only white pill about this is that they’re not stealing any of our thunder or membership. Not a single one of them would be a good prospect for Our Thing, and almost all of them are stereotypical retirement-age Boomerwaffen.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Taco Tuesday boomers with Juan the gardener mowing a postage stamp sized yard because they’re too “busy.”

4 years ago

Zman for the win. This is the best thing I’ve ever read on the topic. Kudos, sir!


4 years ago

Anti-discrimination laws do to civil society what antibiotics do to bacteria: Poke their cell membranes full of holes so they can’t keep needful molecules in or harmful molecules out. Clubs that can’t keep people out quickly dissolve into a soup of atomized individuals.

I suppose you can still have a club based on some esoteric hobby that few have ever heard of and even fewer find interesting, but as soon as your club starts to exert any influence on the outside world, women and diversities will want in.

Monty James
4 years ago

This is excellent, and I hope some form of this ends up in the book. If you ever come up with a reading list for dissidents, I would be very interested.

4 years ago

Oy Vey, ZMan! Cool it with the antisemetic remarks!

Wouldn’t want to have to shut it down!

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

I accuse you of cultural appropriation.
You’ve appropriated foreign values!

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Athens and Jerusalem!

Edit: bad joke.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

According to Zioclops, our laws and culture all come from Jerusalem!

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

I’ve seen that “Athens and Jerusalem” comparison in a Christian magazine, but can’t remember it.

Wait, I’ll google it!

Google is a miracle, revolutionary.
But now… it can certainly be turned to bad ends. As can religious memes.

Segei Brin’s parents were dedicated Party apparatchniks in the USSR, he’s a true Red Diaper. Should I blindly follow?

See? Praise and damnation in the same breath!

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

The Franks. Their law and culture + Christianity + classical reason and science. The birth of European identity.

And the Angles, Saxons, and Britons, who did the same in England.

That’s western civ.

The Athens and Jerusalem crowd leave all that out, as if the people of western Europe/Britain discovered civilization by accident, as if they didn’t rebuild from the ruins of Rome. They didn’t speak Latin, Greek, or Aramaic!

I suspect all this white bashing is the ancient jealousy of ancient cultures who didn’t like getting lapped by the newcomers.

Johnny Atom
Johnny Atom
4 years ago

To read this post translated into Racialese, go read the exceptional Twitter feed of Moo Moo Cow @i_am_cattle. For people who just need a daily dose of the You-know-what Question.

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
4 years ago

O/T good news on immigration.

Few here will be satisfied but this is definitely to the good; Remain in Mexico and other policies such as tariff threats and arrests have caused asylum and other crossings to plummet. Trump is being quiet about this as he has with so many other real successes, he understands that distracting noise elsewhere boosts actual signal where it counts.

4 years ago

It would seem that an informal community is the key to success, as is a very small and local scale. Once a community is named (like the “Tea Party”, or the “Alt-Right” or “Ravelry-the Knitting forum(!) which banned Trumper), it’s doomed two the twin problems of having to 1.adopt rigid definitions that set it apart, which then leads to outsiders demanding entry in order to 2. Alter the rigid definitions that they don’t like. Maybe there’s no way to upscale a successful small, informal community of like minded? Regardless, it would seem that whatever “our thing” is, it hasn’t met… Read more »

Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

A constellation of small communities scattered and each one largely self-contained is the near term goal.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Dutch, we are on the same page. Use the existing tech to network small autonomous groups with similar goals.

Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

Range gave us an early heads up on Ravelry.
It seems quite the thing.

Range must be an early adopter!

Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

My clan is rapidly approaching relocating to north GA or eastern TN. Elder care keeps us in the south but we are still looking outside to the upper mid section (looking at you, Lineman). Homeschool law, 2a, zoning, taxes, fiscal health of the state, county zoning, etc. all have a line on my spreadsheet.

Dissident Economic Development is a strategy I’m also working on. Invest in local, deeply-rooted durable business (think food, shelter and security) with an eye on self-sustainment.

Now to get this house sold…

Reply to  MossHammer
4 years ago

My wife and I are planning to escape from the Left Coast late this year. We’re looking for a good, White area that isn’t browning (too fast) with good 2A cred and lots of gun clubs for me and my arsenal. We need a place with a decent economy as we are both in tech. We’re thinking NC or Texas but I still need to do a lot of research. What do some of you think? We’re not set on NC or TX. Still in the early planning stages.

Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

P. Research is key. My criteria won’t meet your needs, obviously. GA looks to be a lost cause, as it will be forced blue by Atlanta. But there are advantages.
I’ve not explored NC much. TX, while high on my list just 2 years ago, is slipping….

N.S. Palmer
N.S. Palmer
4 years ago

Karl Popper had some good ideas, but “the open society” was not one of them. At our expense, George Soros et al are giving its reductio ad absurdum.

4 years ago

One benefit to an open society: they don’t know who to hit!

From Iranian twitter:
Iranian caller on TV: “America has no hero that we can target… It’s a huge country but no real heroes… Who are we going to assasinate there? Spiderman? SpongeBob?!”

(Meanwhile, more than a million people by 6am in the funeral march. Commenters are saying they’ve never seen anything like it.)

4 years ago

Every aspect of our society is race engineered. Our civilization has been utterly warped by state intervention instead of being allowed to evolve in a natural way through individual free association. It is unnatural and requires permanent application of force to maintain. There is plenty of blame to go around for how it got to be like this. However, the cuckservative virtue signalling “we don’t do social engineering” mentality is worthy of note. It’s not enough to recognize that free association makes healthier societies. One must keep one’s enemies from undermining it. Civilizations ARE ecosystems. Each one is different because… Read more »

Reality Check
Reality Check
Reply to  Horace
4 years ago

Gotta love the irony in that last paragraph…

Reply to  Horace
4 years ago

We had to kill the nationalists in order to save nationalism?

You’re dragging some heavy CivNat/Libertarian baggage through that analysis. Take another look at “individual free association” and muh Nazi canards as they relate to nationalism vs. globalism.

“Western civilization” is a valid concept, but it’s roomy enough to smuggle a lot of universalist civ-nattery under the guise of “nationalism.”

There is no “West” as a coherent community. It’s merely a fake flag planted by globalists to rally us to alleged “trans-national interests” (aka their agenda).

Reply to  Horace
4 years ago

“Cancel the Nineteenth!”, they cried.
Dam Beavers!

Reply to  Horace
4 years ago

Horace, I enjoyed that, a lot, but do you understand why I recoil in horror at the final piece about Nuremberg?

The globalists won.
Their portrayal of that wretched “trial” is a victory dance.
Do you know what actually happened there?

You’ve just negated everything you said in the preceding paragraphs, and don’t know it.

It’s okay, none of us did.
We all swallowed the poison, before.
Only a tiny, brave few were resistant.

4 years ago

[…] The Z Man on communities and their importance. […]

Andy Texan
4 years ago

Excellent analysis. Cutting to the heart of the matter with an economy of words.