Our Emmanuel Goldstein

One of the best observations Orwell had about totalitarian society is had to have an opponent, against which everyone must rally. It was not just a practical opponent, like another country. The forever bad guy had to have a spiritual dimension. In opposing the bad guy, the members of the society established their commitment to the cause and thus their standing in society. Emmanuel Goldstein in the Novel 1984 and Snowball in the novella Animal Farm are his famous examples.

Of course, modern totalitarian states are almost always the result of some mass movement that swept to power. Their ascent was either based on their promise to reform or their ability to demolish the prevailing order. Eric Hoffer noted that “mass movements can rise and spread without belief in a God, but never without belief in a devil.” The bogeymen in the Orwell novels were such devils. They were the center of the moral universe for the totalitarian society.

The important part of this bogeyman role is that the bad guy cannot simply be a man with whom you can reason or even conquer. The bad guy has to have supernatural abilities and maybe be unconquerable. In the 1984, Emmanuel Goldstein is powerful enough to cause all of the regimes troubles and smart enough to avoid getting caught by the party. The value of the supernatural enemy is that they can never truly be defeated, so they are a convenient scapegoat.

This is something to keep in mind with the bizarre obsession the ruling class has with Russian meddling. Like The Brotherhood in 1984, the concept of Russian election meddling was a fabrication by the inner party of America. Initially it was just part of the widespread seditious plot to overturn the 2016 election. It was the excuse to explain the criminal shenanigans. The media was tasked with spreading the concept and it became a part of the collective reality by the time Trump was in office.

Despite the fact that no one has every provided actual evidence the Russians or anyone other than the Israelis and Saudis have interfered in our elections, the Russian meddling meme persists. The Left is captivated by it. So much so the inner party feels they must persist in the charade. This story is a great example. In order to keep the true believers excited, the FBI squanders money in phony investigations into Russian election meddling. They would be better served hunting UFO’s.

Russia has become the Emmanuel Goldstein of current year America. Whenever things go wrong for the inner party, they blame Russia. If that’s not practical, they shift the focus to Russian in some other way. Maybe it is Russian meddling in the Middle East or South America. When a party member is struggling, as we see with Biden, then it must be the work of those evil Russians. You can be sure that is trump wins in 2020, we will get another round of “Russian hacking” allegations.

As with the Orwell figures, the Russian conspiracy stuff is not just about the practical things vexing the party. There is a moral dimension to it. “You are a Putin defender” has become one of the worst things a true believer can say to someone. Whenever the party member or even just a true believer is confronted with disconfirming facts, they instinctively suspect the person confronting them is allied with Russia. Just put the phrase “Tucker Carlson Russia” into Google.

This behavior would suggest we are in a soft version of the totalitarian states described by Orwell in the last century. There’s plenty of evidence to support that claim, but the lack of organization by the inner party suggests another possible explanation. That is, the inner party of the true believers operate like a school of fish. When one fish responds to something, the other fish respond. The beautiful ballet of the school of fish or flock of birds looks like design, but it is pure instinct.

The thing that holds the ruling class together is a shared morality that not only defines them, but gives purpose to their lives. The Judeo-Puritan morality of the American ruling class runs on shared believe, not central coordination. The Judeo side cannot not stop obsessing over their ancestral homelands in the Pale of Settlement. All of those old grudges remain fresh. The Puritan side is always in a life and death battle with Old Scratch, the forever tempter of the righteous.

Put the two together and the evolving those of the inner party has turned a relatively backward country between Europe and Asia into the great villain. It give purpose to their lives and justifies their actions. Whatever Russian does, they must oppose, but whatever they oppose, they assume Russia supports. This asynchronous relationship between themselves and the devil is the center of their moral universe. Literally, who they are is the opposition to Russian meddling.

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4 years ago

As night falls in St. Petersburg and the grid lights up, the enormous gulf between the oooga-booga and the reality is backlit for anyone to Notice. This is Russia’s NYC, its second largest city, population just under 5 million, but walking around the city you can’t help but see that for all their pride, Russians are still trying very hard to recover from Bad Times – and they have a way to go yet. It’s very functional, on a par with a mid-sized American city for the most part, but if you separate the cultural and historical elements, St. Petersburg… Read more »

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Good rendering of the sensibilities of the place. Ever read Ryszard Kapuscinski? He was a Polish journalist during the Cold War. He wrote a very good travel book about the USSR and its collapse over a 50 year period. He has a lot of very good insights about the corrupting nature of empire and the effects this has on identity and community, insights that translate well for our current pickle. Wiki: “In the first part, entitled First Encounters (1939-1967), Kapuściński writes about the 1939 entry of the Red Army into Pińsk, his home town in the Polesie area, and about… Read more »

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

I think I saw some of his stuff in my libertarian-con days but dismissed him as a standard anti-colonialist lefty. I just put Imperium on my to-read-list.

4 years ago

As a child of the fifties I have seen this Russia obsession switch polarities. Liberals I have known all my life were contemptuous of “cold warriors”, and they loved to use that phrase about “searching for Russian commies under the bed.” The shoe is now on the other foot, even though Russia today is nothing like the powerful foe the U.S.S.R. was prior to the fall of the Berlin Wall. My liberal in-laws and liberal “friends” are now earnestly looking for Russian spies under their toilet seats. Fact is stranger than fiction. Too bad Tom Wolf is dead. He could… Read more »

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

Ep, this bizarro-world inversion has always boggled me too. The pre-1990’s anti-anti-Communists are now parody-grade anti-Russians. Despite all the strum and drang over economics and constitutions, it really boiled down to blood feuds older than America between peoples who had nothing to do with Ourselves and Our Posterity.

Andy Texan
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Putin and the Ruskies represent ‘white supremacy’ and “homophobia’ for todays drones. Hence the reversal of affection.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

I don’t think so.

IMO. The left hates Russia today because they are apostates to communism.

Laurence Whelk
Laurence Whelk
Reply to  Dinothedoxie
4 years ago

and they are White.

Major Hoople
Major Hoople
Reply to  Dinothedoxie
4 years ago

There’s more to that than people think. I truly believe one of the reasons that the Dems are so soft on Chinese Communists, is that they still say they are Communists, Putin meanwhile is elevating the Orthodox Church. That alone is enough to make him a villain.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

Don’t forget how much Bernie Sanders loved Russia when it was the USSR and the declared enemy of the U.S. (he even spent his honeymoon there). I soooo hope that Bernie gets the nomination.

Reply to  Jim Smith
4 years ago

Find it funny that Bernie was honeymooning with the Comrades in Russia the same year Trump was going all in on the bankrupt and decrepit Commodore Hotel on 42nd street. The latter deal is widely regarded as the inflection point for the revitalization of that corridor in Manhattan and the city in general.

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

Yes, the Left hated Russia before the Revolution; they were pro Russian when it was an open-air gulag under Soviet rule; they became anti-Russian when Putin threw out the oligarchs and there was some semblance of a return to Christianity.

Reply to  SebastianX1/9
4 years ago

To any on-the-fence readers who think your righty friends are being hyperbolic about commies— Sebastian just gave you evidence what the left is about.

Then again you could say commies are the right’s Goldstein. Maybe there’s something to it all?

Walrus Aurelius
Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

Whatever you wanna call the Right’s Goldstein, you won’t have to change the name around at all. It’s rather funny, really.

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

I would happily take a series of Hunter Thompson’s dispatches from the Democrat campaign trail

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

Epa, the Trump-Russia conspiracy theory more or less is a continuation rather than an inversion. The Left was and is pro-communist, and Putin’s is seen as a traitor to Marxism. If Russia reverted to communism tomorrow, these people would again embrace it.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

I don’t think reverting to Communism would be enough. For Russia to be redeemed, it would have to celebrate sodomy and tranies.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Nah, upon reverting to Communism the Leftist will jettison the sexual deviant and mentally ill. They are only useful tools to break down the existing forms of family, morality and accepted norms. They make lousy serfs and comrade-soldiers.

The Booby
Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

‘Liberals I have known all my life were contemptuous of “cold warriors”, and they loved to use that phrase about “searching for Russian commies under the bed.”’ Well, that’s because back in those days the so-called Liberals were anti-establishment self-described revolutionaries. The revolution is complete. It has been since the 70s or 80s. The so-called Liberals are now the new establishment. Now they, too, must fall back on the Russian boogeyman lest they face the people of the country who did not vote for them, and whom they, the establishment, are now at war with. Counter-revolution must be the rallying… Read more »

4 years ago

Its having an effect in Russia. The foreign Minister Lavrov told the Washington Post to piss off last year” ‘Whatever I answer, you’ll write what you want,’”

Doofenshmertz Evil, Inc.
4 years ago

Years ago I was on the phone one day with an old friend whom I’d known since college days. This guy happened to be Jewish, but in a secular cultural way — not religious, and not a rabid Zionist, just a regular guy with a particular ethnic background. He could just as easily have been Sicilian (I know plenty of those too) but just without any Jesus stuff growing up. I’m a Catholic, but our respective religious backgrounds were simply not a topic in our friendship, the thing never came up. Anyway, this guy was both a friend and a… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Doofenshmertz Evil, Inc.
4 years ago

Sharp and largely agreed except on one point: while the Judeo-Bolshevik project accelerates, these people are done, straight up done, and not only won’t be at the head of the table but will not be eating there at all. Much of what we are witnessing is a dying animal realizing it is losing power. Just ten years ago Jewish power in the United States was absolute and uncontested. In another decade the Tribe’s clout will be gone. It’s the damnest thing to have watched. Has there ever been a group of people who were this successful yet simultaneously self-destructive? The… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

I noticed that Breitbart seems to be even more hypersensitive to “anti-semitism” than ever and is removing even the most non-critical references to Jews in their comments section. That’s why commentators deliberately misspell the word “Jew.”

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

The panic is palpable. Their propaganda outlets’ waning influence has them in abject terror.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

They keep noticing nonstop about what monsters we are, and we’re beginning to notice right back.

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Just ten years ago Jewish power in the United States was absolute and uncontested. In another decade the Tribe’s clout will be gone. Today, ten years after ten years ago, Jewish power is still pretty damn near absolute and uncontested. I am guessing your reasoning is that the nonwhite legions Jewish power has imported and nurtured will get up enough steam to turn on their enablers. I can see more tension and conflict to come between the Jewish power brokers and their proxies but “the Tribe’s clout will be gone”? I think only non-Jewish whites can sweep the board clean… Read more »

Reply to  Doofenshmertz Evil, Inc.
4 years ago

Excellent post, but most Jews are either unaware of or ignorant of the fact that non-Whites regard them as White. Uber Whites, if anything.

Liberals Whites are tolerated as useful idiots by the leaders of the Blacks and Browns, but they’ll be crushed eventually.

If and when the orcs and rape-apes invade a White neighborhood, they will not make a distinction between Whites and (((Whites)))), Leftists, Liberals, Conservatives and Dissident Rightists. We are all evil racists and must be destroyed.

Reply to  Doofenshmertz Evil, Inc.
4 years ago

What is interesting the jewish decline ie the Weimar phase of degeneracy, hyper lending, and moral confusion. You could argue we are in that phase now, part of the looting phase. Looting of people’s culture, identity, heritage, future, wealth and place.

Reply to  Doofenshmertz Evil, Inc.
4 years ago

Great food for thought, doof.

The lack of foresight here is astonishing.

What if Captain Ahab had slain Moby Dick? Then what?

The Jews may actually accomplish their mission. The white race exterminated. But then what?

Monomaniacal thinking is only useful when you’re absolutely sure of what you wish for, because you may actually get it.

Reply to  Ifrank
4 years ago

Dammit, lfrank, I read that as “The lack of foreskin here”

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Funny. Maybe I was Alz…subconsciously.

Reply to  Doofenshmertz Evil, Inc.
4 years ago

The lesson for all of us is this.

Go into every interaction with these people assuming ” atavistic, paranoid, and wagon-circling ” plus all the other observed characteristics, is the norm.
You will be right far more often than you are wrong and will fare much better for it.

4 years ago

Had an old friend who works for the Deep State. I spent about four hours one weekend helping him prepare for the interview to land the job – that’s how far back we go. One day I said I didn’t think it was obvious Assad was the bad guy or that helping Islamist nutters take over Syria would help the U.S. or the people I care about, Christians, have better lives. Guy lost his mind, called me a Putin puppet or something. Haven’t spoke since. He’s a smart guy, but the tribe tolerates no other gods beside globohomo and if… Read more »

Reply to  BTP
4 years ago

Pray tell, what was the reason for helping Islamist nutters take over Syria? It benefits globohomo? Any idea how?

Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

“Israel Gives Secret Aid to Syrian Rebels” https://tinyurl.com/y7h3h8bg
“Former Israeli Defense Minister Confirms Israeli Collaboration with ISIS in Syria” https://tinyurl.com/krjjqsk
I’ll let you search on where Israel gets the majority of its oil from.

Reply to  ReturnOFBestGuest
4 years ago

Here’s where Israel gets its oil:

Over the past 25 years, significant fuel imports have come from Angola, Colombia, Mexico, Egypt, and Norway. In more recent times, the Israelis have turned to Russia, Kazakhstan, and some of the other -stans for the bulk of their oil. In 2015 – 2016, most of Israel’s oil is supplied from the volatile Kurdish region.


Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

I think there were several reasons why globohomo was supporting the Syrian rebels. For most, chaos in Syria served two ends – harming a Russian ally and creating chaos that increases the demand for immigration.

For the Americans, the main reason was that Israel prefers incompetent and chaotic Islamist neighbors over relatively more competent and stable ones.

Reply to  BTP
4 years ago

Know your facts. Israel has healthy and strong relationship with Putin’s Russia.

Reply to  Anna
4 years ago

“Facts” in the Ben Shapiro sense – “things we demand you accept as proven without discussion or analysis.” If Israel was bombing Turkey and Greece daily and supporting a Salafist head-hacking invasion of Spain and France*, I don’t think we’d call the US relationship with Israel “healthy and strong.” Russia’s relationship with Israel is ambivalent and fraught with unpleasant necessities, much like America’s. There is still a great deal of Jewish influence here despite persistent ethnic Russian awareness of the JQ – and despite off-loading Anna and her Fellow White Ashkepaths on America. Jewish money still talks, especially in a… Read more »

Reply to  Anna
4 years ago

And with China, too, they sell them our stolen military and computer tech.

A criminal gang will broker with any customer, remember. That’s why half the whores in Europe are named Fatima.

Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

Libya/Syria: France’s (((Sarkozy))) and Genie Energy wanted the weapons, gold, and oil.

Hillary- who’s dad was head of the Jewish Mafia in Chicago-, Valerie Jarrett (Obama) and puppets like Merkel were looking for an excuse to emplace Muslim troops in Europe.

The Arab Spring was a repeat of Hillary and (((Albright’s))) Balkan Spring. They seized ports, mineral resources, and the Albanian Muslim mafia’s heroin pipeline to the EU market. Wesley or Ramsey Clark brought in 4500 Afghan mujahideen to Bosnia to secure that CIA-sponsored pipeline, and the bogeyman “al-Qaeda” was born.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

PS- Valjar was Iranian, so was Lisa page, just as Vindman was born in the USSR. Don’t believe anything you hear about Iran. They are a controlled opposition, occupation government, useful as a spoiler in Eurasia, and as a scapegoat to rally Western elections. And, of course, as a test bed to try out strategies for breaking Aryan societies. What we see there is similar to Pakistan or Palestine, or Iraq and Libya, a ‘milk and bilk’ strategy where we pretend to fight, while making subterranean deals with ‘non-government’ actors, the criminal networks run by the generals and politicos, along… Read more »

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Valjar has American parents; she was born in Iran b/c her father, a physician, was working there on some aid-related project. Her mother was a huge liberal, a graduate of Sarah Lawrence College. Social worker of some kind, I seem to remember. Parents were both lefties as was Val’s ex-father in law.

Reply to  Dr. Dre
4 years ago

Ah. I fell for the shallow R propaganda.
Thank you, good doctor.
A maze of mirrors.

Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

Ris, it was said for the longest time that Syria was safe because it had no oil.

Then oil deposits were discovered beneath the Golan, and tech developed making the offshore natgas deposits of Palestine and Cyprus worth fighting over.

Plus, the interminable squabble over routes in Pipelinestan to the seaports. In granpa’s day, the fight was over railroad routes (with oil tanker cars.)

4 years ago

OT – I went to a US sporting event on Thursday night. The amount of energy these white men put into their tribal games is insane. Grown, bearded men standing up and letting out unprovoked howls. Throwing away 12USD on a can of beer. You can see the wild warrior spirit that runs among us on display at these games. The sense of tribal camaraderie. And you know what, it feels good. We have a wild streak in us and I also went out of character and started screaming at some points. Anyways, after seeing these white men turn into… Read more »

Philboyd Studge
Philboyd Studge
Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

It’s even better with hockey. White people cheering for other white people. Doesn’t get any better.

Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

That can be done by getting rid of pro-sports which only serves to siphon emotional energy from white men.

There is a reason why Rome used bread and circuses – it was to keep the masses from rebelling and killing the Patrician class. The same here. You don’t want people sitting at home stewing in their juices about how bad they got f**ked over at work and why property taxes are so high and why therr city is full of nasty foreigners.

Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

Yes, but sportsball tribalism is the substitute for actual tribalism. Bread and circuses to the max. These are money making machines whose goal is that, any tribalism outside of team and player worship is counter to $ grab. The NFL let it slip too soon. Wait until another 20 years go by.
Speaking for myself, haven’t watched, and more importantly haven’t subsidized, pro sports in years.

Reply to  RotorSagas
4 years ago

It’s worse than a mere substitution of an ersatz thing for a genuine thing. It’s white men trained to worship millionaire mostly negros working for billionaires, an astonishingly large proportion of whom are Jews. It’d be bad enough showing adulation for a false thing, but this is adulation of people who hate you, controlled by smarter and more ruthless people who quite possibly hate you even more.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

Watch four or five white guys go on a hunting trip. That’s what terrifies ((TPTB)). It’s not just the guns and hunting aspect. It’s the planning, coordination, attention to detail, feel for the land, expert use of tools (both high-tech and low-tech) and cooperation from beginning to end. And no one told them to do any of this, i.e. independent thinking.

No other group on the planet can do that like white guys. ((TPTB)) sure as hell can’t. They manipulate numbers and words. They’re fake and they know it. Those white guys need to be eliminated.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

TPTB have absorbed too much diversity to be any good at that

Major Hoople
Major Hoople
4 years ago

It’s easy to dismiss the lot of them as nutters, but they are seriously just this side of psychosis, and they are going to regain power in the not too distant future. Gloves off then, because they simply won’t be able to restrain themselves. People who are working at building networks shouldn’t spend a lot of time idling about. Bright side, civnat eyelids popping open.

BTW, “Judeo-Puritan,” love it!

The Right Doctor
The Right Doctor
Reply to  Major Hoople
4 years ago

Most of the people pushing the poz are non-believers. Even (or especially, American) Jews. Maybe call it Judeo-Atheism.

Reply to  The Right Doctor
4 years ago

Cultural Talmudists and American Mythologists

Reply to  The Right Doctor
4 years ago

Judeo-Puritan is a reference to ethnicity not religion.

Steve Johnson
Steve Johnson
Reply to  Tykebomb
4 years ago

It’s both.

The ethnic origins of the coalition as well as a name for the synthetic religion that they actually share.

Reply to  Major Hoople
4 years ago

With “Judeo-Puritan,” Z has given us the word we’ve been looking for.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

You’ve touched on this before and it’s really a very interesting subject. I don’t know of any other country that’s so obsessed with this concept of a “bogeyman who’s out to get America”. I think maybe Cuba would be in second place for propagandizing a national paranoia of America. But in their case, for good reason, since you actually attempted an invasion of their country back in 1961. It seems like every decade or so, someone in your government invents a new bogeyman. In some ways, it’s a paranoia on par with our national guilt for our old Austrian chancellor;… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

Re: “Russia continues to be the boogeyman dejour, while China is still getting caught stealing US technology, etc” We get the same level of insanity vis a vis Iran and Saudi Arabia. I’ve been hearing about Iran as the boogeyman since the 1970s. We constantly hear about them being “terrorists” yet all of their terrorism seems to be mostly confined to the Middle East. Yet a whole bunch of Saudi Arabians fly planes into our buildings and kill thousands of people – and the best response we can muster is to invade Iraq. Then a Saudi national is caught running… Read more »

Reply to  Calsdad
4 years ago

The other night Tu-Ca pointed out, half in jest, that if Iran lavished money on Think Tanks, Foundations, Lobbies, and corporations in the US the way Israel and Saudi Arabia do we might have better relations with them. When I was a kid an SA did a hit-and-run (speeding and drunk driving) on Beacon between Arlington and Berkley and instead of throwing him in Charles St Jail they flew him to Nantucket. (Who know Nantucket had a jail?) That’s the last I remember hearing of it. Saudi’s always manage to get spirited out of the country, don’t they? https://tinyurl.com/vvkmukk

Reply to  ReturnOfBestGuest
4 years ago

They do. And it’s a very discreet airport, particularly the FBO section.

Reply to  ReturnOfBestGuest
4 years ago

“Saudis always manage …”

Indeed, as is only fitting. After all, The Magic Kingdom (KSA) are our Second Greatest Ally. And in fact they have done nearly as much harm to us as Our Greatest Ally.

Now what is highly interesting is the degree to which the KSA is hated by other Muslims, including the Sunni ones.

Reply to  ReturnOfBestGuest
4 years ago

I think the part that really gets under my skin isn’t necessarily the fact that we’re perpetually pissed at the Iranians , but rather that “we” (conservatives it seems especially) will bend over backwards to talk about how the Israelis and the Saudis are our “friends”. With friends like that – who needs enemies? The list of attacks against this country by Israel – is long. The USS Liberty being just one of them. Given the level of anger directed at Iran for the hostage crisis – if we were treating all things as equal – we should be raging… Read more »

Mark Taylor
Mark Taylor
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

Part of the modern religion says POC can’t be bad. So Russia has to be the bad guy. It would be racist if China was.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

I find it hilarious how much — and how unconsciously — the Judeo-Puritans sound like New Soviet Men. Swap out the obscenities for Commie argot, and the typical #Woke Twitter sounds exactly like Stalin-era Pravada. We’re beset by wreckers and saboteurs, comrades! Even the best worker — especially the best worker — can be an agent of running-dog imperialism. Even the shifts in groupthink are signaled the same way. Just as Stalin signaled one of his major policy shifts in an “academic” article about linguistics or something, so too do you have to look at the stuff on New Real… Read more »

4 years ago

Much of the Judeo-Puritan groupthink revolves around the idea that every country on the planet wants to be like America. And then it further assumes that every nation on the planet had no collective history prior to 1776. Foreign policy devolves from there.

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

Even what passed for “conservative” believed that Iraqis who had been ruled by despots since the time of Ur of the Chaldees craved democracy. I don’t think any mainstream conservative would have thought that in 1985, but they sure did in the leadup to the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Sharp column but I fundamentally disagree with who the Deep State’s Emmanuel Goldstein actually is. That prize absolutely goes to the “white nationalist” boogeyman, widely perceived in our nascent dictatorship yet always invisible. “Russian meddling” is part and parcel of the white nationalist conspiracy theory, a shorthand way to criticize the evil masses for their shameless mentality. The one time I think Tucker Carlson almost was canned was when he called bullshit on the white nationalist boogeyman. The white nationalist conspiracy theory is used to justify open borders and mass migration, to cite one example. While the Trump-Russia Collusion hoax… Read more »

4 years ago

There is no organized cabal as a single entity, but joint interest groups and individuals with insidious instincts to make ruin of the old order of Western Civilization to create themselves as well-offs in a new order. These instincts are both inherited and taught. It has been ongoing for centuries and in many different incarnations. It will never end, it is the struggle of good versus evil. Men who want to be gods versus men who serve God.

Reply to  RotorSagas
4 years ago

Yeah I can still remember when I realized that the first commandment could mean don’t turn yourself into a god

Reply to  whitney
4 years ago

Whitney: Which is the effect reason seems to have on people. Funny how deep that goes when you think about it. Just throwing it out there.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

That’s how I see “take not His name in vain”- don’t abuse His authority as vanity, as cover, to do wickedness ‘in His name’.

Not as, “don’t cuss”– that’s for children.

Reply to  RotorSagas
4 years ago

It would be interesting to see see the membership overlap between the Trilateral Commission and the CFR. Or the attendee overlap between Bildeberg and Davos.

The Right Doctor
The Right Doctor
4 years ago

I think the real bad guy for the long run (in terms of running-down and disassembling Western Civ) is not going to be Russia, it will be much more along the lines you described: “The bad guy has to have supernatural abilities and maybe be unconquerable.” Only racism has the ability to create Magic Dirt, and Unconcious Bias, and Generational Hatred, and even, going by something that was reported on Radio Renaissance this week, to cause premature births to black mothers in neighborhoods where unarmed blacks – not armed, and not white or Hispanic – are shot, but only by… Read more »

Reply to  The Right Doctor
4 years ago

Doc, exactly this. In the current year, to be a realist and a truth-speaker is merely evidence that you and I have not sufficiently internalized crimestop or adequately acknowledged 2+2=5. O’Brien has much more work to do. The Inner Party seems to realize that the Victory gin failed to lobotomize us; so now it’ll have to be the everlasting boot to the face.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  The Right Doctor
4 years ago

Yep, Russia is just a temporary stand-in. White Racism – and by default, white people – is our eventual Emmanuel Goldstein.

The demonization of whites has only just begun.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
4 years ago

Let us never forget that Ted Kennedy (“the lion of the Senate”) was actually coordinating with Russia in the early 80s to interfere with U.S. elections. Naked treason is only acceptable if it’s being done by the ruling class themselves, as they’ve done for generations. What comes to mind, brought up perviously by Z Man, is all of the scares that went on in pre-revolutionary, 1780s France. You have eras like this when everyone knows that a turning point is coming, that whatever tangent we’ve been on (in this case since the 1940s) is coming to an end, and another… Read more »

Al in Georgia
Al in Georgia
Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

If old Teddy had driven a Volkswagen, he would have been elected president. It was his destiny.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

The Puritan ethos without Christianity remains with us in 2020 and its zealousness knows no limits it seems. Tie the religion of secular Puritanism to the grievances of the Eastern European Jews against Russia and western Christianity, throw in the grievances of the unassimilated blacks and we have quite the pot of stew here in America.
Let them gain complete control of big tech and the surveillance state and it becomes a poisonous death stew that will be hard to get away from. Eat it or die. Problem is if you eat it you will die.

4 years ago

A cautionary note occurs to me after a couple of stiff drinks, again on Hubris and Nemesis. The one thing that hasn’t changed (enough to matter) between the USSR and today’s Russia is the nuclear arsenal. The one and only country on Earth that America existentially cannot afford to push to the brink is Russia. China’s arsenal is capable of doing serious damage to America but Russia retains enough nuclear capability to make sure that if we force their hand, they could take us down with them. A post-Russo-American-nuclear exchange America would at the very least be ripe for final… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Russia’s big, long term worry is China. Ours too.

4 years ago

It would be fun to troll Lefty with a pro-Putin update of that Reagan-era Sting ballad, “Don’t the Russians Love Their Children, Too?”

The Right Doctor
The Right Doctor
4 years ago

Readers will recall that the Russians were our friends when Hill and Barry needed to ridicule fear of Russians under the beds among the deplorable or enrich their friends and foundations. Our melanin-enriched president promised them his flexibility after his re-election, all in the spirit of collegiality of course.

Oh,wait, sorry, I forgot for a moment that we’ve ALWAYS been at war with Eurasia.
This message will self-destruct in three… two… (smoke, sounds of truncheons landing as a scream is heard, SORRY, I COULDN’T HELP NOTICING!).

4 years ago

And that fantasy obsession/obligation is both a fundamental weakness of Progressivism and the reason it is so destructive to our species. We evolved in a natural world in which ignoring reality got you dead at an early age. In the Progressive Universe, you can only survive by embracing fantasy. Somethin’s gotta give, or we all become extinct sooner rather than later.

4 years ago

True Emmanuel Goldstein in current year is “whiteness” itself
more accurate term would be “Europeanness” or anything related to European civilization

Every handsome and masculine guy I knew were white guy such as Marlon Brando type
Most beautiful women on earth are white girl no doubt
Seem to me European are just better at everything than Non-European

So what’s this all of surrounding madness that whiteness is evil and wrong?
Why Western society need Unlimited immigration/race-mixing?

Can someone explain this vast mentally ill behavior of Enclave of European across the world?

Reply to  Yman
4 years ago

Yman, I tediously repeat myself, but I call it the Oldest War.

Unimaginable catastrophe drove the Caucasians from their homelands. In the south, they met a shattered people who could not defeat them, yet who refused to mix.

Those people created total war without weapons: Culture War.

The vision of our defeat has kept them united as a People for millenia. They have ridden us to undreamed of heights, and now seek to send their horse to the glue factory. That will leave them as masters of the earth- or so they believe.

4 years ago

“This behavior would suggest we are in a soft version of the totalitarian states described by Orwell in the last century. There’s plenty of evidence to support that claim, but the lack of organization by the inner party suggests another possible explanation. That is, the inner party of the true believers operate like a school of fish. When one fish responds to something, the other fish respond. The beautiful ballet of the school of fish or flock of birds looks like design, but it is pure instinct.” This is why they had to memoryhole the #NPC meme when it started… Read more »

Reply to  phaedris
4 years ago

The present regime is 80% Brave New World and 20% 1984 with the latter’s share starting to grow rapidly.

4 years ago

While the Puritan religion as such no longer exists in its most magnificent seventeenth-century form, its philosophical backbone remains a central part of the American identity. Crucial to the advance of capitalism it has now reached the stage where those that have made the most use of it, and their descendants, desire as much wealth and power as they can skim off the country. The Puritans, and their ideological followers, were the driving force behind the American Revolution, a continuation of the War of the Three Kingdoms. Their strategy continued in the US War Between the States, another episode in… Read more »

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  nailheadtom
4 years ago

And so, Tom, you are packing your bags to return to . . . land of origin/country that your people hailed from, right? The Puritans of whom you speak so disparagingly were tough customers, to be sure. Other people, almost as tough as they, stood up to them, too. My New England forbears left the Massachusetts Bay Colony and founded Rhode Island and Connecticut colonies a century before the American Revolution as the religious climate in Mass Bay was not to their liking. But no matter what religion you adhere to, you simply have to admire these Yankees, who within… Read more »

4 years ago

Russia isn’t just a convenient enemy but the only other powerful nationalist nation-state next to the US. Getting Russia and the US into a shooting war was the original plan but then Hillary lost. The Deep State has been scrambling ever since.

Reply to  StarTripper
4 years ago

China is much more of a threat than Russia. If there is such a thing as a bogeyman, China is it. But the Cloud People make a lot of money off being nice to the Chinese, so we must discount any worries.

Reply to  Lorenzo
4 years ago

“China is much more of a threat than Russia”
Enlighten me. To whom is China a threat and why?

I personally feel no threat from China, do you?

Reply to  bilejones
4 years ago

A lot of people lost their jobs to the Chinese.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

Really? I think they lost their jobs to the elite who shopped the world looking to save money. I gather that the jurisdiction du jour is now Vietnam. Doesn’t that make them “The Enemy”?

Reply to  bilejones
4 years ago

China has the capability to replace all of American industry. Vietnam never will.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

And where does India fit in your monophobia?

Reply to  bilejones
4 years ago

I didn’t when they were on bicycles, not yet building nuclear launch submarines in Pakistan, targeted satellite platforms in Guangzhou, and bioweapon labs in Xinang.

Or facial recognition and social credit scoring and for Langley.and Cambridge

Reply to  StarTripper
4 years ago

I would tend to disagree with that take. I suspect that had Clinton won in ‘16, we wouldn’t have heard a peep about Russian collusion.

4 years ago

“The value of the supernatural enemy is that they can never truly be defeated,…”
kinda like global warming, huh

Reply to  ontoiran
4 years ago

Nice, ontoiran, all their many bogeymen are phantasms.

4 years ago

Where does the “white man” fit in the schema of evil? Are Putin and Russia simply manifestations of whiteness or is there a multiplicity of evil entities with which the contemporary human must contend?

Reply to  Franciscan
4 years ago

Depends on who you ask. To the black and brown ascendants, the Russians are just another manifestation of whitey.
To all the cat-women doing the kvetching, Russia is the evil empire about to do a bunch of pogroms.

The French in Haiti was broke into factions, who wanted to use the slaves as a battering ram against each other. But in the end, they all got got. Men, women, children, it didn’t matter. Just another whitey. The black and brown ascendants hate us all equally. Progressive, Neo-fascist, nationalist, liberal, it doesn’t matter. We’re all just whitey.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Franciscan
4 years ago

Reagan was Hitler, Bush was Hitler, Bush II was Hitler, Trump is worse than Hitler…in retrospect Clinton was Hitler, Nixon was Hitler, by definition anyone president before the enlightenment of ’68 was Hitler.

There are no multiplicities, only multiples with Hitler as the starting point.

Ian Smith
Ian Smith
Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Don’t forget that anyone wary of another war is Camberlain!

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

If Hitler had won the damn war – we wouldn’t be subject to all of this “literally Hitler” BS on a daily basis

4 years ago

the left is nuts, crazy, paranoid . especially paranoid

4 years ago

Good buddy of mine told me a story back in the 80s about a Russian warship docking at one of the piers. Said it was amazing to still see this relic being pressed into service.

The story of the Russian boogeyman is an old one and being perpetuated by those who own the media.

Mark Stoval
Mark Stoval
4 years ago

Russia has been our POWERFUL ENEMY all my lifetime. It was the right who feared and hated them and now the leftists. The beat goes on.

I figured the leftists picked the Russians this time for two main reasons. First, simply because the right hated them long ago and now don’t. Second, because now they are so White, Traditional, and Christian. That is the oddest thing. The leftists loved them when they were officially atheist and now hate them for being to Christian. Odd that, eh? (or so damn predictable)

4 years ago

Russia is a temporary bogeyman – they’re white and nationalist so an obvious target.

“Climate Change” is a bogeyman they’ll keep for the long haul. It can be blamed for any damn thing – like Australian arsonists – and the only solution is more government control of the economy. It’s perfect.

4 years ago

About 15 years ago pop culture began to conflate Nazism and Russia. I think it’s called operant conditioning. In other words, why start from scratch on Russia? Why waste all the work that was done Nazi Germany if it can be transferred onto the Russians?

Needless to say, the Goldsteins are behind this program, being in control of the media, much of foreign policy, and of course, advertising.

Mark Taylor
Mark Taylor
Reply to  Lugh
4 years ago

Republicans bought into this as well because they were eager to call socialists Nazis.

4 years ago

Plus the “new” “Brown Americans,” can hate the Russians along with the Boomers who are stuck in the past, as just another bunch of evil whitey.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
4 years ago

“ The Puritan side is always in a life and death battle with Old Scratch, the forever tempter of the righteous.”

That is the most metal sentence I’ve ever read here -I read that as “Forever Templar”, debut album “Forever Righteous”. I’m stealing that. Ha!

4 years ago

how much of this russian thing is 1984 type paranoia and how much of it is the superstition you see in the third world?

Reply to  thekrustykurmudgeon
4 years ago

Yes! Correlation is not causation, but there sure is a lot of correlation.

4 years ago

Maybe the correct analogy is Russia is Oceania? Russia hasn’t always been the enemy, and it won’t forever be ours either. China may become Oceania next.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

It was Iraq/Saddam Hussein until relatively recently, so, yes.

4 years ago

“..Despite the fact that no one has every provided actual evidence the Russians or anyone other than the Israelis and Saudis have interfered in our elections, the Russian meddling meme persists…” Ah yes,..and speaking of America’s ‘so-called’ “BFF in the Middle East”, just what exactly have the Zio-Talmudist’s been up to regarding the 2020 election?… I will turn that discussion over to Adam Green at Know More News for him to elaborate on for everyone here: Operation BLACKOUT: Israel Hacking America 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDFg3ICq-cY&t=1074s I put nothing out of possibility for those who committed many attacks against America, especially the U.S.S.… Read more »

4 years ago

Puritans and Jews? So, Yankees, you are blame for everything.

Reply to  Zhim
4 years ago

Wilson & FDR were yankees, so maybe yeah.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

Wilson was a son of Georgia who did a reverse invasion.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Crazy. President of Princeton and governor of New Jersey so I just assumed he was from there.

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

Wilson’s boyhood home is in Staunton VA, announced on historical markers in that area. He was a real old-time Southern Democrat, like Carl Vinson and Richard Russell, who came later. Wilson re-segregated the Washington DC federal workplaces and the US military during his Presidency.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

If you’re a permanent minority, you use a friendly front as provocateurs.

The WASP rulership was replaced in a generation or so this way. Next came the consolidation, now we’re seeing the mop-up.

4 years ago

I’m sure that the Russians are responsible for the death of that Epstein bloke. If they can poison ducks in the park in Salisbury and make the bodies disappear, sneaking into a US maximum security prison, making the guards fall asleep, killing a nonce and vanishing the security tapes should be no problem.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
4 years ago

A little far-fetched, but an interesting thesis. Great fun too! Me? I favor Emmanuel Goldstein. Both supernatural and Jewish, all bases are covered!

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  Jim Smith
4 years ago

Just like Jesus Christ.

T. Morris
T. Morris
4 years ago

Some of the dumbest commentaries I have ever read consist of denials that foreign rivals who more or less hate us don’t spy on us and try to “swing” our elections. This is, you’ll pardon the expression, “stupid beyond belief.” Of course foreign states do it in the “Open Society” U. S., where we practically invite this sort of subversion. And we do it too, elsewhere. I mean, let’s get real, eh?

Reply to  T. Morris
4 years ago

Some commentators are even dumb enough to believe that foreigners who pretend to be our greatest allies don’t spy on us and swing our elections. Dumb & dumber.

Where are you seeing the comments you cite and what foreign rivals are they talking about?

If you think a “foreign rival” had anything to do with Trump’s election, you’re out on a limb.

Talk to me about the Chinese cash Billy Jeff and Algore were raking in and you might be cooking with gas.

4 years ago

Press F for Roger Scruton

These older guys are not going to be around forever

Reply to  Vegetius
4 years ago

Here’s an article about Scruton and some dissidents in serious circumstances.


4 years ago

Judeo-Puritan sounds like an awkward marriage. It must be the money!

Goldstein could be about the size of the thing. How better to unite an empire than fear? Almost makes me pine for the days of brutal autocrats. At least they were honest about it.

Better still, loosen the ties a bit and devolve into confederacy. That’s how it was supposed to be. Plus it would be a splash landing instead of the hard crash we seem to be heading towards, but that’s probably too reasonable for our rulers.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

The quick profits are in volatility, not trend.

Christopher Burke
Christopher Burke
4 years ago

No one who studies our culture from a religious perspective considers us a Jude-Christian Society any more in a meaningful sense. Your use of Puritan is a Secular aspect of the culture of pioneers who founded the colonies that became the USA. That may be the problem – we are looking at them build a transhumanism-inspired Tower of Babel –

4 years ago

Orwell’s use of “Emmanuel Goldstein” was a stroke of genius.

It didn’t just get his book past the censors, the book was waved thru with racing flags and made a permanent part of high-school Boomer civics.

An epic poison pill, Mr. Blair/Orwell, may you rest on a mountain of treasure in heaven.

Snidely Kissass
Snidely Kissass
4 years ago

This is somewhat O/T, but I see that Vox is upset yet again.

This link and his statement and subsequent actions might help some now or in the future, as it provides evidence that he says one thing, then does the opposite, just scroll down.


Also, he is a big Russia fan, and Putin fan. The NWO will have the Russians as the saviours of the West, whereas in fact they’ve worked to destroy us.

I distrust anyone espousing working with the Catholics, and a fan of commies. Safely ensconced in Italy.

4 years ago

The ruling elites have a Judeo-Puritan morality. Are you out of your mind, or just hate God?

Reply to  Jay
4 years ago

not a morality, but obsessions with geo-politics and need to demonize

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Jay
4 years ago

You must be new. The Puritans were actual communist when they arrived at Plymouth and starved after their first communal planting. They went private after that experience, but didn’t change their stripes. Their 19th century ancestors sought to change the world they knew and started the War Between the States. The 20th century version became atheists and joined with the Jews, also atheists, to rule the world. That is Judeo-Puritan morality.

keapon laffin
Reply to  Jay
4 years ago

It’s actually correct. You see they taught history wrong. The Puritans didn’t flee to escape religious persecution. It was because they couldn’t persecute everyone else. Puritans are a Christian heresy. They believed they could bring about heaven on Earth by making sin impossible. Outlawing a buncha things. Fast forward a hundred years or two and you get social gospel. Which is basically the same heresy. Collectively society could achieve salvation and Utopia if we outlawed sin. Fast forward another hundred years and we have progressivism. If we outlawed sugar and plastic we’ll bring in heaven on Earth. That’s why progressives… Read more »

Reply to  keapon laffin
4 years ago

Agree. The Puritans wanted a sectarian-totalitarian State.
It’s no accident that the vast majority of US evil comes from their NE Gene-pool sink-hole,

Reply to  keapon laffin
4 years ago

And they’ve been followed everywhere they’ve gone. Ever since. It continues to this day.

Reply to  keapon laffin
4 years ago

And god forbid someone learn that Cromwell was a Puritan…

Reply to  keapon laffin
4 years ago

Exactly. The TL;DR is: the Puritans came here because no one at home could stand the miserable bastards. (I’m a blast at Thanksgiving, in case anyone is wondering.)

Reply to  Jay
4 years ago

I don’t understand the second option. What do you mean ” hate God”? Which religion does God have dibs on?

John Smith
John Smith
4 years ago

Hmmmmmm. Some disorganized thoughts, questions and observations arise with regard to the Jew/Russia connection: – The Russians murdered more Jews than the Fascist Germans did. I get the animosity that would give rise to. I get that, it makes sense. – The communist Bolshevik movements that gave rise to the progroms seemed to have an inordinate amount of Jews at their centre. That does not make sense. Can someone elucidate? – ideologically, the Russians are the spiritual brethren of our leftists. The difference between Pelosi guzzling chardonnay in her walled mansion in the gated neighbourhood – and Putin sipping chilled… Read more »

Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

“Ideologically, the Russians are the spiritual brethren of our leftists.” Don’t conflate largely Jewish Bosheviks with “Russians.” Marxism has always been a Jewish project, as was much of the anarchism of the late 19th-early 20th century that gave birth to the more nihilistic antifa-strains of Leftism we see now. The Holodomir and the Hungarian purges, to name 2 of the more bloody deeds of Communism, were Jewish projects. As for “making sense,” revolutionary Communism gave the Ashkepaths the power to take vengeance on the White Russians and subjugate them. As for who murdered “more Jews,” the numbers of Jews killed… Read more »

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Thank you E – I see I have some homework and some studying to do. So – was Lenin a Jew? I think I’d heard that Trotsky was, and possibly Stalin as well…. I am not trying to be a dink, I don’t know anything about Jews as we don’t have any of them round here, and any official information about them comes straight out of the hive. As does our info about the Russian Revolution and to be honest – I no longer trust the history books or the people that wrote them. It just seems to me that… Read more »

Zeroh Tollrants
Zeroh Tollrants
Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

Head over to an online bookstore or Amazon and purchase Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald, The Jewish Century by Yuri Slezkine and Controversy of Zion by Douglas Reed.
If you Google those up, there still may be free PDFs out there if you want to go that route, but I think all 3 are worth owning.
This should be enough to get you started.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Zeroh Tollrants
4 years ago

IIRC, Amazon has banned McDonald’s “Culture of Critique.” It was the first scholarly work to be disappeared. It remains widely available at both his McDonald’s website and Barnes and Noble, to cite two examples. I think Amazon’s banning of that introductory work into the malignant nature of Jews shows how threatened the Tribe feels.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Or, it is just a flex to show who’s boss and always will be.

Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

Lenin was I think. Supposedly he didn’t know.

Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

John, it’s important to remember that blood isn’t everything about Jewish behavior or membership on Team Zion. There are powerful cultural, social and economic identity elements that factor in. We’ve all seen stories about the White conservative who finds out he’s 10% Jewish and turns into a 23 & Me raging Jignat. That said, Marx was Jewish from a converso Lutheran family (check the second link for a lol – they did it to avoid antisemitisms, OFC) https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2020/01/04/karl-marx-founding-father-of-the-jewish-left/ https://jewishstandard.timesofisrael.com/was-karl-marx-jewish/ Engels was a goy but identified strongly with Jews (see the OO link). Lenin was at least 1/4 Jewish (see his… Read more »

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Ugh. There are times I feel as if I’ve been a desert dweller all my life… never having seen a tree, much less a forest full of them.

It’s like it’s just one Pandora’s box after another with those guys. I almost don’t want to open this one because I know what I am probably going to see.

This dissident stuff is hard to take sometimes…

Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

John, I’ll make it easy for you to understand the Jewish issue: They are accused of being capitalists (own media, Hollywood and finance) and accused of being communists (very active in Russian revolution).
They are hated for supporting Democrats and accepting foreigners into the country (assimilated Jews do) and hated for wishing to live exclusively within their own group (Hassidim and Israelis)
Old Russian satirical limerick describes it perfectly: “We hate the Jews because the Jewess shut out beloved leader Lenin and we hate them because she missed”.

Reply to  Anna
4 years ago

John, Anna provides us a ready example of the sophistry I mentioned. They want you to think that capitalism and communism are so “opposite” that it’s madness to believe the same people could be engaged in both. Capitalists and Communists fought Hitler together b/c they had a common enemy in his “third position” nationalist populist politics. Like Mussolini before and Salazar after, Hitler & the Nazis were expressly anti-Bolshevik and anti-global Capital. You can be Communist and find friendly Jews. You can be Capitalist and find friendly Jews. The one thing you are not permitted to have is a third… Read more »

Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

Beautiful- “it’s just one Pandora’s box after another”.

As David Goldman says, the generals in Egypt own all the factories. This is how Iraq’s Finance Minister, Aumi, could hold hundreds of businesses while funding both Chirac in France and Obama in Chicago.

Above the surface, we have official government war-gaming. But the iceberg below the surface is the vast web of undisclosed ‘biznis’ that is the real game.

It’s ‘generals’ all the way down.
What we see is the negotiations over price.

Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

Hilaire Belloc: The Jews is available free online in various formats. You might begin there, and notice the applicability to contempoary western societies.

Mike Dunkirk
Mike Dunkirk
Reply to  Mikoyan
4 years ago

I second this, and it’s not a long read. To set the tone Belloc is writing in 1920 after the Bolshevik Revolution. So he is a contemporary source. He is not an anti-semite, it’s a very even handed book. Basically, the Revolution was a shot across the bow in Europe. There were already hushed grumblings about Jewish influence in finance, and the media (sounds familiar). Now there was essentially a Jewish (atheist) revolution and people were talking about the JQ despite the big taboo. It reads like it could have been written today. It was prescient. In fact he predicted… Read more »

Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

Stalin was a former seminary student before dropping out to join the revolution. I’m doubtful he has Jewish roots.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Stalin’s wives and mistress were Jewish. He led Azerbajani gangsters, old allies from his days as a bank robber, back to Moscow to Purge the Inner Circle after Lenin died, but left the political commisars intact. They had what they wanted as a class, and their shabbos got the blame. Lenin was a Kalergi-type agent sent by the Jewish occupation Wiemar government. Bronstein-Trotsky was sent from New York with bankster money to fund the Revolution. Jewish Mencheviks were civic nationalists, so they were first to be purged and conquered by the Bolsheviks, who then moved on attack the Slavic Christian… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

You’re seeing mafiosi fight turf battles.
Of course they aren’t all Jewish; Jews reset new rules of viciousness in power games and opportunists jump in.

They bring in new levels of acceptable incivility. They demonstrate their effectiveness, so the new standards become the next baseline. A spiral of wickedness.

It ain’t their House they’re tearing up.
They just bring the axes.
Then others want an axe of their own.

Mark Taylor
Mark Taylor
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

I don’t think he was. He seems to be a true believer. That seems to be what ticked him off when all his supposed believers in this atheist state started acting a bit not atheist. The story of the Israeli Ambassador visiting: “In the autumn of 1948 Golda Meir arrived in Moscow as Israeli ambassador. A huge crowd of Jews turned out to greet her on Rosh Hashanah. On 8 November she was warmly welcomed at a diplomatic reception by Polina Molotov (the wife of V.M. Molotov, Stalin’s longtime foreign minister), herself a member of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee. For… Read more »

Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

President Putin is a teetotaler. He toasts with unfermented sparkling grape juice and water. Abstention assisted his ascension to power.

The Russian people pogromed subversives, spies, degenerates, and persecutors — who by great proportion also were Juice.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

That Russians are the source of all Jewish misery is simply bullshit. 80% of world Jewry lived in Poland by 1750. Poland was an empire three times it’s present size and included, for example, the Ukraine, and Ukrainians, you may be sure, spoke Ukrainian, not Russian. When Russia began taking over these former Polish spheres the locals had already developed a cultural hatred of Jews, and many of their reasons were all too valid. To blame Russians for the fate of Jews is for Jews to avoid examining their own role in their own fate. That role was detailed by… Read more »

Reply to  james wilson
4 years ago

Andrew Joyce did a great podcast explaining the collusion between a European rabbi, London Times jewish editor and a bunch of jews who had “outstayed their welcome” in Poland and got to Limerick. Once there, of course, they set about middle-manning the poor Irish into even greater poverty and only survived by having an unusually strong, moral and persuasive Clergyman who convinced the people to boycott all borrowing etc. The foreigners got media involved in their Pogrom of Limerick to create sympathy but they eventually lost as the locals held fast. This is why the stereotype of cleverness, business acumen… Read more »

Reply to  james wilson
4 years ago

Yes, the Polish-Russian border was the Pale, their shtetl autonomous region.

Reply to  james wilson
4 years ago

“former Polish spheres the locals had already developed a cultural hatred of Jews” Indeed. When my father was a graduate student in the early 1950’s he – for reasons never entirely clear to me – had quite a number of Polish friends. To a man they hated Jews. Many had specific family grievances (as in direct, within the three most recent generations), all had general stories of economic depredations. [1] Dad had a number of stories about various Polish friends, normally cheerful (or stoic, depending on their individual character) weeping with rage when deep in their cups. (Far from being… Read more »