The Plague

The zombie apocalypse is upon us. It is time to load up on ammunition, potable water and the dehydrated food they say will last generations. Of course, it also means cutting yourself off from the rest of humanity, as you can’t be sure when they will catch the virus and turn into a zombie. You might have to use the ax on the guy next door, who just moved in, so there’s no point in getting know him. It also ensures that whatever is turning people into zombies will not get to you.

We may not be on the verge of a zombie apocalypse, but there is a cornavirus outbreak in China that has spread to several other countries. The Chinese are taking it very seriously, warning people to limit travel and avoid the outbreak zone. They are saying the virus has mutated, but what exactly that means is unclear. There has been at least one case in the United States. The infected person had recently traveled to the outbreak region of China and developed the symptoms.

Now, it is highly unlikely that this will turn into a pandemic that wipes out a large swath of humanity, like the Black Death. It’s not impossible, but the odds are low because of modern technology. One reason the plague spread so easily is the poor sanitation in urban areas. People were exposed to all sorts of unhealthy things. They also lacked the medical care we take for granted. Mortality rates for plague today are about 10%, while they were as high as 60% in the Middle Ages.

Even as recent as a century ago, doctors were still blaming miasmas, bad odors, for various diseases. One reason the Spanish Flu spread so far is the general understanding of germ theory was in its infancy. Rather than isolating infected people and quarantining infected areas, people traveled as normal, spreading the virus all over the world in a short period. The Great War had millions of people moving from their homelands to foreign areas and the virus went with them.

That is the one connection between the last great pandemic and this new coronavirus outbreak in China. Every day millions of people leave their home area and travel to some new area for business, crime, tourism and so on. Humanity is probably more mobile today than at any time in history. Maybe there was more net mobility in the great industrial wars of the last century, but it is close call. The possibility of something really bad being spread by people is therefore at a peak.

Modernity may be the reason we are much more vulnerable to a civilization-wrecking pandemic than at any time in the past. A century ago, most humans lived in rural areas and farming was the number one employer in most of the world. Even industrialized nations still had close to half the workforce engaged in agriculture. Most men still had the wherewithal to maintain themselves in a pinch. The cities would be crippled by a plague, but the rural areas could carry on,

Today, 90% of western populations are dependent on the system to provide the basics of life, like food, water and heat. If enough people die from plague or even get really sick, the supply chain will break down. Given how near run all modern business is these days, the margin for failure is pretty low. A few weeks of failed logistics in the food business would leave whole communities starving. One water main break could cut off water to an entire city, if the work force has fallen ill.

Modern society could be like Jenga, the kid’s game where players take turns removing one block at a time from a tower of blocks. When everything is running as designed, removing one item does not cause collapse. If a few items stop working, then maybe it just takes one wrong failure for the whole thing to come down. For example, a pandemic plus a series of bad weather events leads to widespread food shortages, which in turn lead to civil unrest in major cities.

There’s also another angle to the risk analysis of modern society. Much of the infrastructure in America has been neglected for generations. Drive around an East Coast city and the roads are like the surface of the moon. Under those roads lie generations-old sewer, gas and water pipes that have been neglected. It takes a lot of manpower to keep them running. The same applies to lots of other basic infrastructure around the country. Manpower is needed to keep it functioning.

One reason for this is simple corruption. The ruling class no longer feels a duty to the societies over which they rule. They are extractive in nature, seeking only to skim and pilfer what they can from the people they rule. Another reason though is the collapse of social capital from mass migration and financialization. Most of the public stuff we rely upon is maintained by local communities. The obliteration of those over the last few generations is showing up in the infrastructure.

In a serious crisis, like a deadly pandemic, survival will depend upon communities voluntarily working together to provide the basics and care for the weak. For much of America, this is now impossible. In Europe, where 80-90% of people live in urban areas now dominated by foreigners, it would also be impossible. The point being, the cost of responding to a serious pandemic like the Spanish Flu is now much higher. In fact, we may not be able to react to such a threat.

Now, it is possible that like scarcity, humanity has overcome the threat of pandemic, through medicine and technology. The SARS outbreak killed 800 people, but in a world of billions of people, that is a trivial event. It’s three airliners crashing in a year. Just as we no longer prepare for famines in the West, we may no longer need to plan for another round of the Black Death or similar. Of course, people had similar thoughts before the outbreak of the Spanish Flu a century ago.

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5 years ago

A good example of this breakdown was Katrina. National Guardsmen were manning checkpoints in NOLA more than a year after the hurricane. You had vibrants stealing everything not bolted down and pooping on everything they couldn’t steal like animals.

When I went to help my cousin salvage what he could from his house, we were armed like we were in Somalia, which wasn’t far from the case.

Reply to  Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
5 years ago

After Katrina, I was talking to a friend it NO. She was full of praise for the mexicans who moved in afterwards – so much better than the blacks. It got me to thinking – maybe this is a real reason the city folks are so eager to import mexicans, because they tend to drive out the blacks. One of Obama’s policies that sucks the worst(for small, red towns) was the proliferation of section 8 housing and the people who get rent subsidies

Reply to  joe
5 years ago

If you don’t want welfare, you had better have enough work that people with 85 IQ’s and poor impulse control can at least get by. If the minimum wage is say $10 US than rent on a studio can’t exceed $400. For some place like long beach where a studio is $1600 a month than the absolute needed minimum to get by is $30 an hour for four, 40 hour work weeks A Dissident State is basically going to have to work as hard on fixing the Rich Poor divide as the old tyme liberals every did. Another thing, such… Read more »

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
5 years ago

Having been part of the pacification forces when L.A. decided it would allow itself to burn in ’93 was an eye-opener. That was a tiny spark, capitalized on by a small segment of the population, and confined to relatively controlled areas. And yet America’s second largest city was paralyzed for roughly three weeks.

I’ve never looked at American civilization the same since. A decayed society, ethnic factionalism, deteriorated morality, unrestrained fifth columnists, and leadership-stymied resistance to chaos do not make for a resilient society.

Our cities are massive fuel tankers with eggshell thin walls holding the fuel within. Its terrifying

Reply to  Penitent Man
5 years ago

A fuel tanker with a certain (((accelerant))) on board to make the explosion especially vibrant.

Reply to  Penitent Man
5 years ago

The veneer of civilization is thin. When one is out and about, one can see that politeness, perseverance, and following the rules has allowed a magnificent and spectacular cultural edifice to be constructed. The system is served and replenished “just in time”, and has a carrying capacity at or only slightly above the current population at any given time. Cooperation and diligence keeps it going and builds it out, as necessary. A breakdown, whatever the source, can cascade into disaster, if not contained. Even crude and micro containment exercises, such as armed Korean grocers on store roofs, are antidotes to… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

in a time were many/most are $200 or less than an unemployed week away from financial catastrophe..the dominoes are almost fully in place for the fun part to begin

Reply to  theRussians
5 years ago

(Gasp!) But this is the FREE marketplace! Never in the world has there been such a marvel! More immigrants now!

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

I’m glad somebody mentioned “just in time” supply chains. This is something modern companies pride themselves on. “It’s so efficient!” they say. Well yes it is. It sure sucks though when people hear that there’s plague in your city and the truck drivers with all the food are turning around on the freeway before they get there.

Reply to  pozymandias
5 years ago

It’s just another loser idea from the loser neo-liberal/globalist/neocon time along with all the other modern idiotic ideas on economics — austerity, anyone? (I.e., wholesale looting.) Common sense tells one what kind of excess inventory people might find helpful to have on hand. We need to go back 100+ years for all elementary, intermediate and higher education books.

Reply to  pozymandias
5 years ago

One of the things I read about the collapse of the Soviet Union, was that when it all collapsed – their economic inefficiency, due to stupidity like 5 Year Plans, actually helped in aftermath. Unlike the just-in-time system, the inefficiency of the Soviet system means they did stupid shit like “estimate” how many sneakers they’d need for the next 5 years – and then go ahead and manufacture them. Their estimates were always wildly off target – but when SHTF time came – it also meant there were warehouses just chock full of sneakers. Their crappy economic system also had… Read more »

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Penitent Man
5 years ago

The effect that “Religion” can have on the spread of a pandemic is not to be underestimated. The LDS Church has an undercurrent simmering just under the surface of preparing for the Second Coming ushered in by the earth having a fever i.e. floods-famine-earthquakes in larger number- volcanoes in larger numbers blowing tops and affecting urban areas and Yes-plagues. Jos. Smith as quoted in Doctrine and Covenant 87: “And thus, with the sword and by bloodshed the inhabitants of the earth shall mourn; and with famine, and PLAGUE, and earthquake, and the thunder of heaven, and the fierce and vivid… Read more »

Chad Hayden
Chad Hayden
Reply to  Range Front Fault
5 years ago

@Range – Mormon here. I’m dubious but most white Mormons are family oriented and I’m dubious that they’d let in sick ppl if it endangered their loved ones. However, the S Utah Mormons bear you could be different. You raise a good point and I know many that throw their hands up and point to the potentially imminent Second Coming if Christ when the conversation turns to social ills,

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Chad Hayden
5 years ago

Chad….it would depend on what talking points the Church Authorities feed to the MSM. In the beginning of a pandemic, of course folks tend to their own. Should a pandemic roll out over an extended period of time, the end times mentality will set in….meaning saving one’s own yet watching the plague unfold. Come to think of it, wouldn’t that be the common attitude taken for most people anyway? Hm….what else could one do? Hm…I just talked myself out of my own opinion. Well, that just proves never can call The Range a stubborn ass.

5 years ago

I’ve long thought that this is how our elites will get us killed, not wars, or death camps, but through shear incompetence in dealing with a disease. Witness Obama and his cheering squad not wanting to block people from Ebola countries because of racism. We even got some of that this time where it seemed like the medical authorities didn’t want the average American to come down hard on thoughtless Asians.

Reply to  Sandmich
5 years ago

The AIDS fiasco was the first sign that we no longer were willing to handle diseases in a serious manner. The Ebola fiasco was further proof. No sensible and serious government would let people exposed to Ebola simply return home. There would be a quarantine. They would also have a separate facility set up for anyone infected. They wouldn’t place them under house confinement in an urban area on the honor system. Even medieval people had better sense.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Chris_Lutz
5 years ago

“No sensible and serious government would let people exposed to Ebola simply return home.”

Lol, if only. I recall the usual suspects were crying racism about denying foreigners from Africa with the Big E, let alone returning citizens stupid enough to go to Africa in the first place.

Reply to  Forever Templar
5 years ago

Remember Obama hugging the Ebola nurse, trying to tell us all that it’s OK to hug people who’ve recently been exposed to Ebola? That was the final confirmation for me that he truly did/does hate the U.S.A. (whites in particular). Then, that red-head nurse Casey, who returned to New Hampshire (I think?) from treating Ebola patients in Africa and refused to be quarantined and self-righteously insisted on going on a bike ride around her neighborhood. Was she a spook or what? I felt like I was in The Twilight Zone with Ebola nurses and our president insisting that it was… Read more »

Reply to  Ursula
5 years ago

Ursula, I have been wrestling with something that you touched on here, and I have difficulty defining it. Humans have the instincts to provide, protect, and nurture. We are wired that way, IMO. Yet, somehow it all gets crossed up in some people. They embrace totalitarianism, or in this case either utter stupidity or maybe they are simply playing a psyops game. Giving them the benefit of the doubt, which maybe I shouldn’t and they are simply bad actors acting out, I am trying hard to reconcile good intentions with bad behaviors and attitudes. I have come to the tentative… Read more »

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Ursula
5 years ago

Let stupid people and their even dumber associates die.

Reply to  Chris_Lutz
5 years ago

Everything’s a psyop. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Just for fun, consider the possibilities.

Not Sure, thinks it might be a hoax.

To panic or not to panic? CNN reports on ebola vomit.
LGF refutes.

Nurse makes out.

Cock-up or conspiracy?

“USAID spent $1.4 billion constructing treatment centers in Africa but nine out of the 11 centers did not treat a single patient. The locals using hygienic products and traditional methods solved the crisis before the US top-down approach. But plenty of contractors did very well in this boondoggle!”

Reply to  Chris_Lutz
5 years ago

First cause was Western society allowing homosexuals—especially men—to run amuck. AIDS is just one of the many diseases that one encounters when your casual sexual partners number in the *hundreds*. Prior to AIDS hepatitis was endemic, for example. Still is. Of course in our politically correct bizarro world, the solution is to vaccinate 6 month olds for sexually transmitted diseases like Hep C, and HPV—whether you want it for your children or not. But the gay population should have no restrictions on their proclivities and the resultant threat of infection the rest of the (normal) population. I still remember the… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  Sandmich
5 years ago

I’ve long thought that this is how our elites will get us killed, not wars, or death camps, but through shear incompetence in dealing with a disease.

The Chinese will engineer a genetically targeted virus that leaves 100 million über-Chinks in charge of the planet.

Reply to  Felix Krull
5 years ago

The U.S. in recent years was gathering Russian DNA samples for some reason unknown. A future bio-attack? Will history show a foreign-run multicultural paradise country (the U.S.) killing off the western-eastern Russian territory’s white people with some kind of virus?

Reply to  Ursula
5 years ago

China is systematically collecting DNA information on the people who submit genetic tests.

Reply to  Ursula
5 years ago


Reply to  Felix Krull
5 years ago

The short story “Seven Kill Tiger” [spoilers] is about the Chinese stealth-hijacking UN vaccination programs to spread a gene-targeted virus to rid Africa of black Africans. (The amount of hate – for the author – this story engendered is remarkable.)

Reply to  Felix Krull
5 years ago

Is that your fetish?

Reply to  AncientWorld
5 years ago

Have I reached the party to whom I am speaking?

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Felix Krull
5 years ago

The chinese are responding rigorously. As far as them being super smart ….

Been to Asia outside hotels?
Sure a billion is a big pool.
But more than half their “smarts” is stolen from us. Now that its ending they’ll revert to norm. Without us they’ll stop advancing. If we vanished Space colonization does not happen. Air travel will be maintained at current levels. As will most science in Asia. But advancing humanity? That’s us brah. The Europeans, the Americans. The rest will remain static at whatever level we stop at.

5 years ago

It is my working theory that all of the movies about the “zombie apocalypse” are safe outlets for white guys to talk about third world mass migration without feeling racist.

Doofenshmertz Evil, Inc.
Reply to  Arthur_Sido
5 years ago

The modern ones are definitely all about mass immigration anxiety, for sure. Certainly The Walking Dead and the remake of Dawn of the Dead are, and the dreadful World War Z even has zombies surging over the top of a massive barrier wall. But the early Romero ones were not about that, they were satirical takes on 60s-70s white America, back when little Sanjay, Mohammad and Ramon were just a glimmer in George Bush’s eye. Interestingly, the newest seasons of The Walking Dead are a POC fantasy of a World Without White People, rather than a paranoid nightmare about immigration.… Read more »

Reply to  Arthur_Sido
5 years ago

And for the Lefties to poke around amongst their fears and nightmares, without triggering all the things that trigger them. Those things being the race, gender, and human nature differences and realities that they constantly stuff into gopher holes, by necessity, to reconcile their world view to themselves. The NPC nature of so many of the roles in the shows protects them from confronting this stuff, even as they poke around in it.

5 years ago

Oooooo the coronavirus! Otherwise known as one of 100 different viruses, including Rhinovirus, which cause the common cold. Now I’m sure the foul environment of a chinese fish market has spawned some highly resistant strain, but really? I guess ebola doesn’t scare people into buying vitamin C suppositories any longer, so now we have this! Then it will be a weather event next to gin up fear, maybe the thousand year vortex snow cyclone! Quick, buy all the milk and bread. And if you run out of food? Well, no need to let those zombies just go to waste….

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  JustaProle
5 years ago


You might be on to something. Another thing we often forget when imagining out doomsday plague scenarios is that while human travel is greater in both sheer numbers and global scope than ever before… so is communication and the ability to mobilize containment and treatment apparatuses.

I’m not just sneezing at the possibility of pandemic, but it is a tired old song. On the other hand doesn’t mean pandemonium can’t occur despite a negligible actual crisis… when your society is a tinderbox.

Reply to  Penitent Man
5 years ago

I agree with you; technology isn’t just for containing independent thinking, it works just as well at containing people – diseased, of course. However, perhaps the cloud people constantly hype these failed pandemics in the hope one really will reach Stand-like proportions. Whether you believe in the georgia guidestones or just that cloud people want us proles to beg for more governance and protection, a good old fashioned plague shepherded into our borders does ths trick. Heck even the threat of it makes the dullards clamor for more protection from the world around them.

Reply to  JustaProle
5 years ago

“Bomb Cyclone!” aka winter snow storm.

5 years ago

‘They’ have been promising a pandemic all of my life and it’s never comes through. I’m tired of this crying wolf game. I want to see some vicious hungry wolves

Reply to  Whitney
5 years ago

I want to see that look on their faces when they realize they can’t fob a catastrophe off on “racism”.

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

But in the early stages they will insist that the ghetto rat get better treatment than a white married father of four

Reply to  Whitney
5 years ago

Yeah, Whitney, maybe they’ll say that whites tried to selfishly divert needed services from the lacking people of color and the correction is to make sure all people of color receive care first. That will be “America First” in the future. Equality!

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

Epaminondas – You know better than that. In a true pandemic with hundreds of thousands dead, the headline would read, “Millions expected to die. Minorities hardest hit.”

Reply to  Deana
5 years ago

“Women and minorities hardest hit.”

There. Fixed it for ya.

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

What’s the problem?

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

Are you serious? Of course they can! In the lib mind every single fatality is the result of the failure of the healthcare system because liberalism is the religion of government (mystery cult of power), thus it is omnipotent and if it was also omnibenevolent all would be perfect. Thus every person not cured is the fault of government not being omnibenevolent. Go and figure from that on your own.

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

They certainly did with Katrina.

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

Yes we can. 🏳️‍🌈🐵 WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is in charge. On the job. No Africa would get pushed around by the Chinese over CN losing money. “ “Meanwhile, the World Health Organization decided against declaring the outbreak a global emergency for now…. (It would cost China $) …The decision “should not be taken as a sign that WHO does not think the situation is serious or that we’re not taking it seriously. Nothing could be further from the truth,” WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said. “WHO is following this outbreak every minute of every day.” -AP… Read more »

Reply to  Whitney
5 years ago

We have been incredibly lucky in this regard. While they have been warning about the dangers of pandemic for a long time, it’s only been a few decades since we have really started globalizing on a massive scale and have had the mass movement of people and goods. I don’t believe for one minute that the authorities could really handle a widespread pandemic. They are good at isolating it, but if it gets out into the world widespread, they will be quickly overwhelmed. We don’t have anywhere near the hospital beds we used to have. We just have nowhere to… Read more »

Reply to  Tarstarkusz
5 years ago

Hospital beds? You mean mass graves. Those are ready.

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Tarstarkusz
5 years ago

Worried? Not me. I’m in Deep Red America. 😁 I have food, weapons, a woodstove, woods, water, family. Neighbors & family They have same. No concrete jungle more for me. We have extra hospital beds. The approaches to this locale are through winding roads bounded by high Appalachian forested hills. Gun fanatic wipipo live here. Uh, yes you can afford to move there. Or here. I’ve seen one very polite and professional vibrant in the entire town. He’s fine. The local police haven’t infiltrated molon labe militia. They are the molon labe militia. Enjoy urban vibrancy. Seriously get the fux… Read more »

5 years ago

China seems like a giant petri dish. It hasn’t managed to kill many people yet with it’s various pestilences, but our forest have been pretty well destroyed.
Dutch Elm disease, chestnut blight, and the Emerald ash borer – all from China – have wiped out forests of our best trees.

Reply to  Drake
5 years ago

The entire Asian continent is a giant petri dish. This has to do with 1) huge population plus density 2) poor sanitation, and 3) improper farming practices. We need only look to our pal, influenza, for an illustration of all of the above.

In the case of influenza, we have farmers using night soil, snails, and ducks. A close relationship to pigs is very helpful a well. When I was at the University, mention of this relationship was frowned upon as some sort of racism. Leftism will be the death of us all.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago

Scary infectious diseases always seem to come from one of two places, tropical or subtropical Asia or from Africa. It is conspicuous that Central and South America, which also contains huge hyper biodiverse tropical regions, never cause superbugs. There seem to be no superbugs hidden away in the tropical wilderness of Australia either.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
5 years ago

I suspect population density and length of time of human habitation wrt Asia and Africa. But I will note here I completely speak outside of my general area of study. Your guess is as “informed” as mine.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
5 years ago

For quite a while, and certainly when I went to school, Columbus was blamed for bringing syphilis to Europe.

Reply to  tonaludatus
5 years ago

I thought it was the other way around?
He traded smallpox for syphilis?

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  tonaludatus
5 years ago

Good point, syphilis may be the exception to the rule and come from the Americas to Europe although Im not entirely sure. But generally Africa and South Asia seem to be the incubators.

As an OT geeky aside it is funny b/c, measured by plant and animal species, South American jungles are actually more biodiverse than African and Asian jungles. Also strange b/c it is in the latter two that authentic mega fauna (elephants, rhinos, hippos etc) survived while all the mammoths and woolly rhinos are gone from the new world. But very OT for this blog 🙂

5 years ago

Back in the 80s, I think, was a cool show called “Connections”. I think some of the episodes are on YouTube. They did an episode about what would happen to the system if things started to break down. Things would go to hell in hurry.

Reply to  Mike
5 years ago

Connections was a great program. Highly recommended.

Reply to  Mike
5 years ago
5 years ago

You just KNOW some fool will link this virus to “climate change”.

5 years ago

” One reason the plague spread so easily is the poor sanitation in urban areas.”

So India, with 50% of the population shitting in the street need have no fear.

Reply to  bilejones
5 years ago

Spot on.

What about the Ganges which is one giant open sewer line now? I can’t think of a better plague incubator than India and Bangladesh. It would not be hard for a traveler infected with the Coronavirus who does not yet show symptoms to land in Mumbai and then spread the virus once he gets sick.

5 years ago

My guess is that nothing severe will happen.

That said, you never know. Chinese people live in filthy conditions and practice disgusting food hygiene. Indians smell worse but Chinamen are probably worse with their food and general cleanliness.

I hope that this will psychologically affect whites to start to dislike Asians more. While they used to be nice, they’re creepy, soulless and rude now.

M. B. Lamar
M. B. Lamar
Reply to  UFO
5 years ago

Always bet on nothingburger. We hope you enjoyed the Coronavirus. Try it with a twist of lime! Stay tuned: next up – Hypersonic!, followed by another exciting episode of The Asteroids.

Reply to  UFO
5 years ago

A former Chinese colleague of mine told me once that they, the Chinese peasants, eat anything that has at least two legs and that includes the dinner table as well.

Reply to  tonaludatus
5 years ago

No no no. The saying is:
If it has four legs and a Chinaman doesn’t eat it, then it’s a table or chair. If it has wings and a Chinaman doesn’t eat it, then it’s an airplane.

This is a Chinese saying, BTW.

5 years ago

An important point is the role of local governments; and I’ve made this point before; which are more interested in banning straws, promoting alternative energy, and making the LBGTQRSTUV’s and POCs happy than fixing sewers and mains, repairing the streets, plowing, etc.
Say what you want about the corrupt old city machines, but in order to take your cut you had to take care of the constituents. Now they rule from the salon.

Reply to  ganderson
5 years ago

When I lived in a mid-sized city, I sent a letter to all of the councilmen about an issue. The only one to respond was the crusty old union guy. He was later removed for somewhat minor corruption. But, yeah, the city machines were corrupt, but tended to get things done.

5 years ago

While a pandemic of any kind, disease, natural disaster, riots, or financial breakdown is scary what is much more frightening now would be the government’s response or lack of it. When I was a kid I lived in a major black ghetto that erupted in one of the many race riots in the 60’s. I remember seeing hundreds of national guard troops locked and loaded with armored vehicles patrolling our area. At the end of our block a machine gun nest was erected. The police and the guard did not mess around. Thousands of arrests were made. Over a thousand… Read more »

Reply to  ExNativeSon
5 years ago

Today’s policies in California, which leave productive, tax-paying citizens on their own to defend against addicts and mentally ill who rob them, is giving rise to a feeling of vigilantism. Understandably. Except people who defend themselves end up being taken in to custody and prosecuted by the law, while the criminal scum go unpunished to live for more robberies until they die of drug overdose. This is one of Soros’ methods of destabilizing societies, something that’s been unleashed on countries around the world for corporate benefit, and which has been unleashed in the U.S.

Reply to  Ursula
5 years ago

Ursula—I live in CA and you are correct. At this time police will not even become involved unless more than $950 worth of theft or damage is done. What surprises me is that I don’t see mobs of teens taking the bus to our area, stealing $900 worth of merchandise each, taking the bus home, only to come back each day. I don’t see the police stopping them and if any security guards touch them they can sue the corporation that owns the store. Then there are the homeless who do whatever they want to do. And you are right,… Read more »

Reply to  ExNativeSon
5 years ago

We’ve yet to see how this evolves. Will whites protect themselves or be permitted to do so? Dr. Drew Pinsky is thinking of running for office and he seems pretty based but I’m wondering if he’ll be gotten to. There was a Swiss woman in Beverly Hills named Ursula who was starting a “Recall Garcetti” campaign in response to the very poor stewardship of Los Angeles. Turns out she filed some paperwork 1 day too late and toned down her criticism abruptly and disappeared. Payola, I assume. Just one white person with a good mind that keeps themself above being… Read more »

Reply to  ExNativeSon
5 years ago

There’s a business opportunity here: generating quotations and estimates for repairing damage done – Minimum of $1,000 only. Then you can file a police report and with that claim on your insurance.
I’m sure it will attract the Jewish contracting equivalent of ambulance chasers- call it Feral follow-ups.
No work, of course, will be done, the estimate/quote will cost you say 20%,

Reply to  ExNativeSon
5 years ago

EX, I hear ya. If you have no guns, you have no guns. However, should a roving band of looters come into this neighborhood during a period of anarchical unrest, I can safely predict an apocalyptic interaction with those folks. They would be slaughtered to the last man as an object lesson. And I’m not exaggerating. This type of threat is not one of folks doing shit under cover of authority. These are people looking to loot/rape/destroy your family and possessions. Such a scenario is one of life and death for the community. The folks threatening are in the ancient… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago


Reply to  ExNativeSon
5 years ago

During the ’92 Rodney King riots in LA, Korean shopkeepers in the Ghetto- no one else had the right combination of Bravery Stupidity and Greed to operate stores there, were notable in that they had snipers on the rooftops of the strip-malls that their stores were in and the rioting blacks were driven off with a few obviously well targeted shots.
The 2nd Amendment worked.

5 years ago

Decaying infrastructure: part of the Flint water fiasco was that it never occurred to the Establishment Republicans who rolled in to save the day that lead pipes would still be in service. Even after all that other aging blue hellholes generally haven’t taken the hint.

Moon crater surface roads are hardly confined to the East Coast. And when roads are repaired they don’t last. There’s no long term thinking.

Reply to  Brian
5 years ago

The truism that most of these deteriorated areas have been under Democratic control seems to hold up from my personal experience. My city is a pretty good example. 🙁

Reply to  Brian
5 years ago

More than 10,000 homes in Chicago receive their water from lead pipes. There’s no money available to replace the pipes or the home plumbing contaminated over generations. So Chicago put out a rigged contract and now pumps an organophosphate into the water supply which can create a slime layer that reduces lead concentration. This industrial chemical is believed safe but in truth the authorities won’t actually know for another few human generations.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  daley
5 years ago

You have a link for that story? That sounds interesting.

Reply to  Brian
5 years ago

I was just thinking about that driving in the rain this morning. I recall a high school math teacher who used to do road construction explaining the mathematical understanding required to properly grade a road. And I don’t ever recall running into standing pools of deep water on a highway. But somehow here in DFW, every time it rains, the right lane is deeply awash in water. Add in all the morons driving with no lights (got stuck behind one such truck entering the highway ramp at 20mph no joke) and I’m happily home with my computer for the day.

Reply to  3g4me
5 years ago

Interesting…that was never my experience on any of the NTTA roads (northbound tollway, PGBT, etc.)

Reply to  SixxSigma
5 years ago

Sixx – just re-read my own comment and I wasn’t clear. There is no problem with standing water on the NTTA roads, but every other local road. I was trying to contrast that with the assumption that older roads (built and designed by Whites) were better graded than the roads today (at least here all built by Mestizos).

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
5 years ago

I doubt this outbreak will take off, I think it will be contained. That said, I think the most important thing for us to do – as MANY have said long before I did – is to organize, organize communities, organize politically and ideologically, not that I like that word. And organize for personal and family survival for some time w/o the support of society. For the last part guns are definitely a good idea but most parts of meaningful prepping are far less ‘sexy’ things than oiling or zeroing your gun. Things such as water, shelter, food supplies, medical… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
5 years ago

A supply of water and food is your best bet. Remember, if you run out of food, a FEMA camp may be your only recourse. It’s trivial to keep a 90 day supply—costs less than one of them “assault” rifles. The Mormans here keep a year’s supply, albeit they might have some stuff stored at the local church facilities. But if you own your own home with a yard and such, no excuse.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago

A water filter is absolutely crucial. I filter all my tap water for drinking through ZeroWater but I don’t know how it works as field kit.

If anyone knows about how much rain, lake etc water ZeroWater can filter before it clogs up, I’d love to hear about that.

Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago

I’m prepared – water, ammo, food stuffs, etc. But I have no answer for the 5 year, 10 year, 20 year SHTF scenario if Western Civilization cannot glue itself back together. What percentage of the modern population is capable of surviving over the long term without Walmart?

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  2A_Practitioner
5 years ago

Tbh most would probably die if the power’s out for that long. Prepping ranges from storing basic supplies for a few months to being able to survive off the land indefinitely like a Comanche. The latter is a tall order most would not be able to clear. Everytime Im out hiking, Im reminded of how difficult it would be to survive entirely without resources that are non-renewable in a pre-industrial society. I dont think Id survive that and Im sure most wouldn’t.

Reply to  2A_Practitioner
5 years ago

You need to take the next step and start building Community…

Diversity Heretic
5 years ago

Another few factors should be mentioned. First, in previous epidemics, local authorities and the Public Health Service were able to enforce quarantines. The Public Health Service is the fifth “uniformed service,” and quarantine enforcement is a large part of the reason for that. Today, judges would likely be second-guessing health authorities designation and enforcement of quarantines. Any quarantine that even appeared to adversely affect a politically-connected minority would likely be struck down, adverse public health consequences to the contrary notwithstanding. . Another factor would be the distribution of vaccines and treatments, if and when they became available. While medical personnel… Read more »

Reply to  Diversity Heretic
5 years ago

Agreed, do you know we let people into the country with incurable TB and do not quarantine them or expel them. Remember that disease outbreak that was killing school children a few years back? It was brought in by Central American illegals and their children. See the state did not demand they be checked out by doctors for diseases before being sent to school. All this has been hushed up and more by authorities and the MSM. If we get a serious outbreak the shit libs running the MSM won’t admit it. Worse the CDC is compromised – we saw… Read more »

Reply to  Rwc1963
5 years ago

The insane Sanctuary status helps to kill white heritage Americans via criminal violence, disease and drugs. It’s part of the Great Replacement or the White Genocide. It allows the drug and human trafficking cartels to gain footholds in major and minor cities, against the will of the white Christian people who constructed a great nation. The elected leaders who support(ed) this should have their heads on stakes, as notice to others who want to cripple and destroy white people.

Doofenshmertz Evil, Inc.
Reply to  Rwc1963
5 years ago

See, all of this stems from the decades-long indoctrination that White countries are not really actual countries, they are just cookie jars for incompetent brown pauper-people. We are not nations, we are simply lifeboats and feed-troughs for incompetent wheedling Third World beggars and nitwits who had all of human history to solve their problems on their own, but somehow did not care to do so.

In the minds of the SJWs, the West is not a civilization unto itself, it just a gigantic battered women’s shelter for homeless sh!t-colored retards.

5 years ago

My gut feeling is it’s all held together with confidence. Once that confidence is lost— and obviously that’s where we’re headed—we’ll see impossible things happen.

Depression, scarcity, disease, conflict. All of them becoming facts of life again. The con game of civilization.

My guess is it happens as boomers pass from the scene. Maybe their credulity is a virtue. EXCEPTIONS of course.

Reply to  Paintersforms
5 years ago

And that’s not doom porn because it doesn’t mean all is lost. It just means this weird 75 year bubble of prosperity and navel gazing isn’t the new normal.

Reply to  Paintersforms
5 years ago

Hopefully, the new norm is we get back to survival of the fittest.

Reply to  Paintersforms
5 years ago

Humanity has always set the then-current level of civilization as a baseline. The primacy of assuming the recent past as the normal order of things. That normalcy bias is a killer if one is not prepared for adversity, and can also be limiting, if one is not prepared to bust out to a better place with new ideas and contrivances.

Reply to  Paintersforms
5 years ago

I resemble that remark.

Daniel Barger
5 years ago

A pandemic decimating a huge percentage of the population is a WHEN not IF event. We have dodged one for more than a century while making it easier and easier to happen. The Spanish Flu happened at a time when it took a week or more to cross the Atlantic……even !longer to go further. Now we can travel halfway round the globe in a day and more people travel a thousand miles or more a day than did so in a month in 1917. Add in the fact that we have knowingly imported MILLIONS of savages from turd world countries… Read more »

Felix Krull
5 years ago

I once visited an outfit who held office in some weird huts built on stilts. They told me they leased the plot from the government and were not allowed to lay down foundations – the plot was designated emergency cemetery, a spot you’d dig mass graves in case of wars or epidemics. I doubt the told their customers that.

Reply to  Felix Krull
5 years ago

Gross. What kind of an outfit was that? Couldn’t find a better place to do their thing?

Felix Krull
Reply to  Ursula
5 years ago

A code farm. And they were looking for new space, they only had a temporary lease.

Reply to  Felix Krull
5 years ago

Well, this is America. We have lots of space for the dead. Hell, out here in the desert, you can bury the entire planet.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago

…the sheriff will understand…

5 years ago

Immigration controls like Ellis Island might return with a worldwide plague. Maybe. Some of the ruling class would have to be infected before any controls were implemented though.

Reply to  ProZNoV
5 years ago

” Some of the ruling class would have to be infected ”
How would you tell?

5 years ago

It’s the Crispr/9 “flu” that I fear, surely there are bio hackers working on a wipeout. Because they can.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Pursuvant
5 years ago

I watched a show where a South Korean geneticist was enthusiastic about bringing back dinosaurs and cocktailing DNA to make unicorns just because why the hell not. He was a silly but capable person. Imagine a nefarious capable person with the same attitude and there’s your pucker-level 9 event.

Reply to  Penitent Man
5 years ago

Maybe not so bad, a bio guy who has noticed a (((problem)))

Reply to  Penitent Man
5 years ago

Reminds me of Frank herbert’s book the white plague. Grieving geneticist engineers a virus that kills women.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Pursuvant
5 years ago

This threat can’t be overstated. Easily accessible and relatively inexpensive. There are a lot of nihilists and pyromaniacs who want to see it all burn down. I’m less worried about the governments’ use of this tech than I am about doomsday cults and disenfranchised lone wolves. Even some well intentioned sperg tinkering around in their basement or garage can unintentionally unleash a catastrophe. All countries could pass draconian laws controlling this stuff but will always finds a way. All of the doomsday scenarios of the nuclear age required access to expensive technology that required an even more expensive delivery system.… Read more »

Reply to  Pursuvant
5 years ago

What will be the “end”—a significant event for a 90% population reduction—will be the appearance of a “slow” virus. It might already be here, there are a number known, e.g., human papaloma (sp?), HIV. This virus will spread, but not appear symptomatically for a period of time much longer than we see today. But obviously not longer than it takes to reproduce or we’d keep “ahead” of it. It’s hard to believe that it would be 100% fatal, human variation as it is, but a disease that killed or incapacitated 80% of the population? Probably would leave only indigenous mountain… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago


Reply to  Pursuvant
5 years ago

This is why the “do nothing” small state “local local local” types are such idiots. Between things like CRISPR and the subversive nature of Leftist ideology not to mention automation and the countless other problems faced by society, the Dissident Right had better be willing to boots on necks. If they don’t, not long after the DR is in charge, its back to pedophile story hour and some incel will go all White Plague on humanity Eventually if the DR is wise they can life the boots a bit, once moral behavior becomes second nature but modernity means a big… Read more »

Reply to  abprosper
5 years ago

“pedophile story hour”

Please, it’s “Sexual Deviant” or “Pederast” as our past betters termed it. They were based as hell.

Reply to  Ursula
5 years ago

Fair enough. pederast it is . You get my point though. Sexual deviant though has always been a meaningless buzz word and is as useless as fascist at describing anything. The idea that sex was “only married couples, missionary and preferably in the dark” is risible . Human sexuality is highly variable. Hell it was considered a humane breakthrough in the 18th century to mandate a minimum age of 12 to work at brothels! It is best to keep homosexual conduct under wraps for the good of society and under no circumstances should the sexualization of children be allowed but… Read more »

Reply to  abprosper
5 years ago

Back to the “local, local, local” question, I have to say that I very much favor small, self-sufficient communities that trade and prosper with other similar communities. Small communities that have their own police, fire fighters, farmers, machinists, builders, teachers, artists, etc. I want to see white people getting far away from centralist policies and control, rather forming a federation of consensual people trading and allying with each other on various issues. I want to end our empire and put the prosperity from our productive white people back into our white people, via a network of small, self-sufficient communities.

Reply to  Ursula
5 years ago

Philosophically I am with you but it won’t work unless the US can withdraw from the world and somehow at the same time manage to mitigate the extreme risk of technology.and is Cultural Marxist free from sea to shining see Since the US is also a mostly (80%) urban society now so you can’t assume anyone shares country values. Worse White people in the US are mostly responsible for the Poz and they aren’t going to stop promoting something they see as giving them social status unless they are forced too. Someone also has to stop renegade states and cities… Read more »

The Right Doctor
The Right Doctor
5 years ago

A patient with bubonic plague showed up in my ER thirty years ago. He was a soldier who had been sleeping on top of his bag instead of inside it, in the California summer at a base (FHL) where the ground squirrels run the place – until they start dying and their fleas jump ship. This was a cinch: one case, easily treatable, not spread casually. One of my most memorable moments was telling him and his wife what he had. They hadn’t heard of it until I used the synonym Black Death. Of course, I didn’t say that until… Read more »

5 years ago

If the plague does hit then Baltimore is one of the places to avoid. The supposed nexus is the National institutes of Health in Bethesda but Hopkins is a major player (and downplays it)

Somehow that place doesn’t appear here:

It’s a good jib there’s no one there we give a fuck about, huh?

Reply to  bilejones
5 years ago

Atlanta has a huge CDC center. It’s where the Ebola patients were quarantined.

I think I read somewhere that in the ENTIRE US there are less than a few dozen fully rated quarantine units.

Reply to  ProZNoV
5 years ago

I have observed in hospitals that they have a “containment room” here and there, with sealed overlays to the access door, probably a low pressure and isolated HVAC system, so that infections are less likely to escape when access is made, and so on. This is great for the isolated case, which is then, well, uh, isolated in a different way. What is the plan for twenty or two hundred such patients?

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

There is no plan. Period. Aesop (of the Raconteur Report blog, for those not in the know) has written quite extensively about how we’re screwed if Ebola gets established in the US. For the record, hardly any of us have EVER dealt with anything that needs Ebola-level gowning/gloving/respirators – AND the commensurate level of attention to DE-contamination after leaving the patient’s room. We don’t have the infrastructure, the staffing; hell, even the consumable supplies. At most hospitals, the highest level of widely-available respiratory protection is the N95 mask. Nota bene the name “N95” means (only) 95% protection against small particles.… Read more »

Reply to  ProZNoV
5 years ago

Not all the patients some were hospitals that had beds to handle such cases(note there are only 4 hospitals that can and only 1-2 patients per hospital – due to the intensive and costly nature)

We are not anywhere near ready to handle a shit bringer of a pandemic. And in some cases the staff has only gotten cursory training in handling such patients.

Your only safe bet is to self quarantine. The non-sense of what Z says of local communities coming to together to help one another will only spread a infectious disease.

Reply to  ProZNoV
5 years ago

I looked at this a few (lt 5) years ago.iirc there were 21 bio-hazard level 4 beds.
There were sufficient trained nurses etc to staff about 14 of them.

5 years ago

Can’t wait until it reaches San Francisco and LA. We’ll see if the squalid conditions in parts of these places helps facilitate Uncle Pandemic’s run on an American city. But really, China is at a much greater risk of it happening in the first place and has a higher tolerance of the consequences. After all, China is pretty overpopulated. They wouldn’t even miss 50 million people, the worldwide death count of the Spanish Flu. They can make the muzzies go in and clean it up.

Reply to  Tarstarkusz
5 years ago

Maybe Beijing will send their sick to western muslim China and take care of 2 birds with one stone.

Reply to  Tarstarkusz
5 years ago

How hard a disease hits a country might depend on just whom it affects in the population. China could afford to loose 50M peasants—famers on a 1 acre plot of land scraping out a survival living. But of its younger workers in the urban areas? One of the mysteries of the 1918 Flu pandemic was that it was unlike any other recorded plague. Most large scale epidemics take out the old, weak, and very young. That is to say, the folks with compromised or under-developed immune systems. The 1919 Flu took out the young adults while mostly sparing the very… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago

Wow, strong stock you come from, Compsci. Not that I wish it on humans, but these tragic epidemics do cull the weak from the strong, something the U.S. has lacked for a good 70 years and is due for a comeuppance, I’m sorry to say, especially with our admittance of millions of low-IQ, unhealthy, unskilled brown people from around the planet. Maybe it’s why we don’t read about a high percentage of our population having ulcerative colitus or autism in the past, for example, because they never would have survived beyond childhood, thus resulting in stronger people surviving without such… Read more »

Reply to  Ursula
5 years ago

Ursula, great minds think alike. 😉 Son is following your story with only granddaughter. Sterile environments are avoided. Into the back yard to grub in the dirt while dad tends the yard. When visiting, grandma’s dog is all over granddaughter. Boston Terrier of boundless energy that has a penchant to chase, jump, and lick face of new small human “playmate”. This goes on for literally hours to great giggles from granddaughter. Grandma reacts in horror, but she is outvoted.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago

I read that some medical professionals are beginning to believe that not introducing common possible irritants to toddlers may be exacerbating fatal food allergies in our population. Peanuts, certain oils, fish and strawberries being the most commonly dangerous. The theory is that while a toddler might actually be allergic, his/her developing immune system can actually overcome the allergic reaction and become able to process the source of the irritant. Avoidance actually allows that developmental window to close and the young person is left with a deadly allergy to the source. Anecdotally, I don’t ever recall encountering or even hearing about… Read more »

Reply to  Penitent Man
5 years ago

When I was a kid we got polio, MMR, tetanus, and (I think) whooping cough vaccines. That’s it. Being from a very religious area, many didn’t even get that. And I don’t remember anybody having crazy allergies except one or two kids with bee sting allergies. Childhood illnesses weren’t a big deal. A few people got measles, a few chickenpox. Nobody died. We didn’t wear bike helmets or seatbelts, we didn’t have car seats, we rode in the beds of pickups. Nobody died. Nobody died until high school, when we started driving and having the freedom to be completely reckless… Read more »

Reply to  Ursula
5 years ago

Ursula – you are so right about only the strong surviving – both physically and psychologically. I’m pretty black-pilled right now, so generally sticking to my genealogy, but it’s amazing to translate all these mid-1800s Italian birth records and then translate death records and mark 90% of those babies dead. Parents had 4-7 kids in a row die before age 5. I honestly don’t know how they withstood the grief. Those that managed to survive (and immigrate) generally lived into a ripe old age and had 5-15 kids each, almost all of whom survived to reproduce themselves.

Reply to  3g4me
5 years ago

Amen, 3g4me, amen. And may God continue to bless you and yours!

Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago

We are overdue for one of the horsemen to come riding into town. We’ve been living too easy for too long. Every year that passes people who can remember life before widespread vaccinations, as just one example, die. There are very few WW2 vets left. Life free of war, widespread contagious disease, childhood death and even deaths of mothers giving birth have left us feeling that it was always this way and that these things can’t come back because they were never there in the first place. It’s not like the propaganda mills that pass for public schools are ever… Read more »

5 years ago

The problem with zombies is they aren’t dead-dead but undead. Their higher brain functions have failed. Therefore we have been in the Zombie apocalypse for many years. At least since Hillary, probably since Romney. But these zombies don’t have parts falling off and can vote. And are all the most basest desires, even if they lack reason and can’t articulate them except for the SJW shrieking. Or the borderline zombies who Trump is walling off. Or the quarantine areas known as universities. The only difference is there is a rare but possible cure, but I think, not the world, but… Read more »

5 years ago

“Every day millions of people leave their home area and travel to some new area for business”

The epilogue scene in “Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes” quite frightenly portrays this.

Reply to  Cloudswrest
5 years ago

Planet of the Apes starring Janet Jackson?

Fabian Forge
Reply to  Ursula
5 years ago

Better, Valerie Jarrett.

Reply to  Fabian Forge
5 years ago

D’oh, I mean Helena Bonham Carter. How obtuse of me. Help me, guide me, Santa Roseanne.

Reply to  Ursula
5 years ago

More recent. The one with John Lithgow and James Franco.

5 years ago

Interesting, only 140 comments ? Thought for sure the ” zombie apocalypse “would bring out more interest 🙂 The survival / prepper community had used the word zombie as a nice way of saying your neighbors. Sounded better when you had to talk about what needed to be done in a time of crisis knowing most people would want to come to your house and kill you for your last can of baked beans. Was interesting to see the word zombie enter into the common vernacular. Then movies and television. Up until then zombies have been relegated to the old… Read more »

Walrus Aurelius
5 years ago

In the absence of God, the Elites seek to make any event a product of Man alone. There can’t be a catastrophe that “just happens” or is a result of “bad luck”, it *must* have a human-driven origin. Any calamity is caused or made more calamitous by “climate change” or “structures of imperialism”. These people believe all things exist in accordance with the will of Man which, in their ideal society, means their own Will.

Wiser men are less arrogant than this.

5 years ago

At some point, enough people are affected that people start dying because the people who would perform the life-saving functions are, themselves, sick or dead.

5 years ago

Global outbreaks are good for business, be it the World Health Organization, NGOs, other non-profits, pharma and biotech companies, the doom-porn industry otherwise known as the MSM, or Wall Street, plus, of course, manufacturers of face masks and hand sanitizers.

5 years ago

” You might have to use the ax on the guy next door, who just moved in, so there’s no point in getting know him.”

Yeah, but that’s got nothing to do with the zombie apocalypse, its just part and parcel of living outside the gated, liberal whitopias.

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
5 years ago

Stop worrying so much.
WHO General Rhesus is on the job.

It looks like his name is pronounced Gay-Bray-Rhesus.

“Meanwhile, the World Health Organization decided against declaring the outbreak a global emergency for now….
(It would cost China $)
…The decision “should not be taken as a sign that WHO does not think the situation is serious or that we’re not taking it seriously. Nothing could be further from the truth,” WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said. “WHO is following this outbreak every minute of every day.” -AP News

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector

WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

Gay-B-Rhesus. What could go wrong?
🏳️‍🌈🐵 in charge.

I have a question; am I really dead and even eternal punishment is a disappointing joke? > seriously? I didn’t make it back from Iraq after all?
Because that makes sense.

5 years ago

A few years ago there was a lot of talk about the coming antibiotic apocalypse. Not being mentioned now so either they’ve fixed it and there are a load of new antibiotics in the developmental pipeline, or there is now a general acceptance that things will gradually get worse. Of course every cloud has a silver lining, for one thing the pensions funding crisis could turn out to be a lot less of a problem than anticipated. In addition health insurance costs could well plummet as most of the really expensive medical interventions will quickly become impossible in a world… Read more »

Linda Fox
5 years ago

I’m with you – the coronavirus has the potential to be a major problem in some countries, but…not most of the industrial world (naturally, this does NOT include California).

5 years ago

“Never mind”
—-Emily Litella

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
5 years ago

It’s called neti-pot. Nasal irrigation and Uber are the only good thing to come out of this era.

Reply to  JR Wirth
5 years ago

Feeling pedantic here Uber is terrible for drivers wages and bad overall and the Neti Pot is actually ancient being derived from Auruvedic medicine. Its spread is new though. As for the Corona Virus, its a nothing burger. It could sicken a lot of people but even the ultra scary 1917 flu killed no more than 5% of the human race. If it got 5% of the global population the effects would be annoying but otherwise nothing and this isn’t going to happen. Caveat economic effects would suck for a while but it won’t induce a collapse. The only caveat… Read more »

Reply to  abprosper
5 years ago

Well, it’d suck if you or someone you cared about was one of the 5%…. As to Uber (and Lyft), all abprosper said and more: they are all about employing mystery meat from various shithole countries, at least here in eastern Massholia. The youtube ads show light-skinned but “foreign (and kindly) looking” or east Asian drivers, but that is generally NOT what you get here in the Hub of the Universe (nor in San Francisco for that matter). Also note the recent ads emphasize safety FROM the driver. Plus, at least one ad features an obese, Divine-type cross-dresser or nonpassable… Read more »

Reply to  Mike_C
5 years ago

Personal loss could be horrid of course .Last time I lost a number of ancestors during that plague but in the big picture, 5% is no real concern. Cleaning up 4.5 million corpses would be a public health issue though What does make the 1917 flu especially nasty is it killed young people mostly.That would be bad especially as its avoidable with proper border controls and good hygiene As for the various “disrupters” out there in computer land , they are going to have to get used to a lot of Mama May I , the answer is NO! from… Read more »