Mediocrity Chic: Party At Bari’s

Contrary to most opinion, a society’s ruling class attains its position by being cleverer and more determined than the rest of society. The first generation to rise to the top of society and establish itself as a ruling class, or at least an important faction of the ruling class, earned their way to the position. They may not be smarter or more virtuous, but their combination of talents is what put them at the top. Luck played a role, but otherwise, they earned their way into the position.

Decay is a feature of the universe. Even black holes lose mass over time, a process known as “Hawking Radiation.” The first generation to set themselves up at the top of a new order are more ruthless and intelligent than the rest of society. The generations that come after them are another matter. Decay sets in with the subsequent generations, as positions of power are taken up by people who did nothing to attain their position, other than have the right parents.

An example of this process is in this story about a Manhattan book party for the New York Times columnist Bari Weiss. According to the Jerusalem Post, Weiss is one of the 50 most influential Jews. In fact, they have her listed as number seven, which would qualifier as being something of a super Jew. The veracity of such a claim is disputable, but Mx. Weiss is no doubt an influential person among the ruling elite. She is treated as an opinion setter and spokesman for her generation of elites.

Mx. Weiss is also remarkably mediocre. In fact, mediocre in this case is probably a slander against the honestly mediocre. She was famously outfoxed by YouTube personality Joe Rogan, a man who spends his free time smoking weed, taking blows to the head and watching cartoons. She went on his show repeating Zionist talking points, but proved incapable of explaining any of what she was saying. She was revealed to be a dingbat with no grasp of the basics.

The fact that this was not disqualifying is a sign that the Jewish ruling elite of today is a significant downgrade from those who made the last century the Jewish century. Further proof of this is the fact that people still pretend she is an intellectual. Her participation in the entirely synthetic Intellectual Dark Web is a sad commentary on the decline of Jewish intellectuals in America. If the Tribe is counting on people like Weiss to lead them, they best have the bug-out bags ready.

The career path of Mx. Weiss is what you see in a decaying ruling class. Her reason to have an exalted position in the media is she was willing to slander BDS activists while a college student at Columbia. Her hard work as a skirmisher in that never-ending Bronze Age conflict landed her a spot at the Jewish Forward. Two years later she is at the Wall Street Journal and then a few years later the New York Times. That’s quite remarkable for someone who cannot outwit Joe Rogan.

Of course, Mx. Weiss is not where she is because of her intellect. She is where she is because she can be relied upon to repeat the talking points popular with an ossified ruling elite. She has been assigned to the department charged with repeating the blood libel against white Americans with regards to Jews. Her first book, How to Fight Anti-Semitism, is a collection of talking points Max Boot threw away, because he thought they would make him look deranged.

Mx. Weiss is not an outlier. She is just an amusing example of the low-quality harpy that is taking up positions in the ruling class. Her robotic recitation of Zionist talking points makes for good parody, but her lack of intelligence is emblematic of the emergent woke intellectual class. As Steve Sailer recently noted, it is impossible to find a bright and curious person in the woke intellectual class. They are not even clever in how they present the tired dogmas of multiculturalism and intersectionality.

In addition to the overall decline in intelligence of Western society, another factor plays a role in the rise of a dingbat class. The intellectual elite that won their positions in the last century selected proteges who supported their position. They were not selecting people who would challenge their newly won status. Instead, they selected people, who agreed with and extended their opinions and ideas. In short order, flattering the master became the fast track to fame and fortune in the intellectual set.

Half a century ago, Tom Wolfe described the Manhattan intellectual set as bourgeois urbanite poseurs, who decorated their language with radical language in order to affect worldliness and prestige. These were the sorts of people who liked being seen with radicals and terrorists, but lived in safe comfortable neighborhoods, made possible by the sorts of people, who made sure the radicals never won. It was a contrived radicalism to disguise a timid adherence to conventional bourgeois norms.

Today, the heirs of those radicals, lampooned by Wolfe, are bourgeois urbanite poseurs spending their time pretending to be free thinkers and skeptics. They decorate their language with words and phrases borrowed from books they never read, in order to affect erudition and sophistication. Instead of posing as radicals, they pretend to be thoughtful intellectuals questioning elite opinion. It is a contrived intellectualism to decorate banal recitations of managerial class dogma.

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Apex Predator
Apex Predator
4 years ago

That last paragraph is the precipitated and distilled essence of the Clouds living in DC as well. I briefly mentioned that party I attended and I’ve rubbed elbows with these people for many years in my career. I don’t think most folks here realize how these people actually think & speak. It is comical and terrifying all at once at the complete lack of self-awareness coupled with the total disregard for anyone who is not them. They are pretentious f-cking hipsters of a different stripe basically and a walking parody of true intellectualism. They’ve went to college and know who… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago

Everything you say is true. I made the mistake of getting credentialed in our Imperial Capital and cannot put into words how loathsome its inhabitants are. It cannot be stressed enough how much they are motivated by arrogance coupled with contempt — every stereotype the Hannity/Breitbart crew has of the apparatchiks of the State is spot on. Many of them come from dirt people territory and thus view themselves as having escaped purgatory, which only adds to their sense of superiority. And my impressions are colored by the fact that at that time I would have been classified as a… Read more »

Reply to  KGB
4 years ago

Loathsome, YES.

Except for Apex and me.


Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago

Amen Brother! Some of us are in the process of building and gathering community. Anyone remember 1970 Leonard Bernstein going Radical Chic, hosting a soiree for the Black Panther Party to mingle with the elite glitterati to pick their dumb pockets and pose saying the F word with Huey Newton’s murderous thugs. “The legacy of that night, rightly or wrongly, is that it led to writer Tom Wolfe coining the phrase Radical Chic as the title of his satirical New York Magazine article, lampooning the way the liberal elite found it fashionable and fun to take an interest in the… Read more »

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

Weimar Germany was a Sunday School picnic compared to present-day America. The elites admired “Cabaret” so much they skipped the cosplay and just became it.

Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

Two of the tribe wrote “Cabaret” around 1970. I have never quite understood the thinking there, as it really pulled away a rock to see all the things slithering around under it. A warning? Just slumming? Is it a little inside joke that assumes that the rest of us are too dumb to Notice things?

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Good point Dutch. No subtlety at all. The mask slipped off the disfigurement. When the movie was first released, I don’t think the coastal elites saw it as aberrant…maybe a dollop of cognitive dissonance for them. What were the writers getting at?

Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago

If I have one more 27 year old GWU Intl Relations major tell me “How the World Works” I will strangle them with the cord holding their precious GS badges.

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
4 years ago

The Left take care of their own. Every time one of them stumbles there is always a six or seven figure soft landing in a corporate, media, or think-tank position. For people on the Right the threat is always financial ruin or prison.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Judge Smails
4 years ago

I suspect the gravy boat is running dry soon. The latest Danish PM had a very hard time realizing his reign as a chairman was over when he lost the 2019 election, and people could not understand why the hell he didn’t just FO, he was harming his party immensely with his desperate scheming. I knew exactly why: he had NOT been offered a ticket to the globalist gravy train, he had NOT had a better job offer, so fighting to stay on as a chairman was nothing more complicated than greed. Being party chairman was the best deal in… Read more »

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Felix, though Z uses a Jewish example, the elite in general is all the same. You hit it on the head, once one gets to the level just below the club, it is all about jockeying for a ticket in the door. It is sad to think that so much of our politics today is simple personal posturing to earn that ticket. How much suffering is created and endured so someone can get a gold star? The elite, right now, are in Davos pontificating about the political positions required to get the ticket (hint, pickle-faced Greta spoke there). A bunch… Read more »

S. Bishop
S. Bishop
Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Perhaps you are on to something here. What if we were to set in motion a global tour for Saint Greta. Some of you may have chuckled in the past when the local police invite all the wanted felons to some kind of lottery thing where they need to claim their winnings – invariably a significant number of wanted felons show up. Like flypaper, Greta could serve to gather a significant number of elites and wannabes all in one place. What to do? What to do with this throng of well-intentioned, virtue-signaling people – at a minimum they should all… Read more »

Reply to  S. Bishop
4 years ago

Perhaps we’ll see vials of Greta’s spit for sale on ebay — the honor of having been spit on by her!

Reply to  S. Bishop
4 years ago

Would make a fantastic nuclear target.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Also, they need to buy off more and more people as Normie is waking up to being scammed. Back when your average NGO grifter could pass for a respected citizen, he could be bought for a new bathroom or a holiday to Greece. But when people start spitting when he walks by, his price for selling out his neighbors goes up.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

NGO’s should be banned in all the west as they are solely used for undermining white western Christian-based societies.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

corbettreport had an item about banking policy modifications that are directing that carbon pricing must now be included in loan considerations.

Reply to  theRussians
4 years ago

This carbon nonsense has some potential . Every Somali imported created 10 times more co2 than if he stayed home.Those sponsoring him should have to buy carbon credits to cover the increase they are creating for the full term of his actuarial life expectation.
Set one bunch of fuck-wits against another.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Felix – My son was over using my washing machine; I had him look at Zman and specifically mentioned how much I enjoyed your comments. He read this one and immediately took a screen shot for himself. Who knows where you may see yourself quoted? Either way, another terrific comment.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Judge Smails
4 years ago

That is the most important thing that we can learn from the Left. It’s why they are so determined to stop us from forming communities. Once a white academic or businessman who was fired and shunned from the larger society for Badthink gets a job and a place in our community, the game is over. We will have won.

The most dangerous thing for the Left – and Jews – is a cohesive white community no matter how small. They’ll fight it with everything that they have. But as the Muslims in Europe show, it can be done.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

100% Citizen. Our community needs a networked, preferential economy as much as anything. Not just a safety net, but incentives to join; to escape hostile land, but also to dig in and to settle and form new families.

We need our people to have opportunities to create value, to build. Easily spooked tax cattle are not going to build much.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

All the other side has is the ability to ostracize and get you fired. They offer nothing. There’s nothing from them that we want. They weapon is getting you fired and having your neighborhoods and “friends” shun you.

But what if you neighbors and friends shared your views. What if your employer shared your views. The other side loses much of its power. Throw in some lawyers who will fight back legally and advocacy groups that will fight back politically and the other side is a paper tiger.

joey junger
joey junger
Reply to  Judge Smails
4 years ago

It’s not so much a landing pad as a pipeline (politics-> Media -> Entertainment->Law and even science and medicine now). If the impeachment debacle produces nothing (which it will) and Adam Schiff goes into the private sector, his fortune is already made.

4 years ago

This was an entertaining essay. Bari Weiss is a palpable fraud. It’s people like her who make “anti-Semitism” viable and hip. What would be the best way to reduce hostility toward The Tribe? For Weiss and others of her ilk to shut their damn mouths. But they just can’t help themselves.

Reply to  Wkathman
4 years ago

When I was younger and a reader of a lot of WW2 history, I fully bought into the premise that the Germans just went nuts and decided to go all genocidey on the Jews. Hitler made me do it!! As I’ve gotten older and learned and have seen more, and especially over the last few years – it’s become much more apparent to me that the Germans didn’t just go nutso. Rather – they got to the point where they were : ” I can’t take this shit any more – we need a solution”. Reading a lot of the… Read more »

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  Calsdad
4 years ago

The cure for (((Bolshevism))) doesn’t have to be totalitarian Fascism.

Reply to  Carl B.
4 years ago

True, but if you’ve allowed yourself to be disarmed and the National Socialists kept their guns it’s not too hard to go with the lesser evil.

Lesson: don’t disarm.

Reply to  Carl B.
4 years ago

Fascism is a stupid word to describe National Socialism if you ask me. IMO WW2 was the war of the three Socialist Powers (National, International, Democratic) not Democracy and Communism vs Fascism That said the cure for Bolshevism isn’t run away to Monticello Liberalism either, When dealing with an inherently subversive ideology you need an authoritarian State. President for Life Pat Buchanan on steroids basically Its as I often say on the gun issue, inherent rights are nonsense. We have a tradition of arms bearing that is worth preserving This quote re: Hitler is why the Dissident Right needs to… Read more »

Reply to  Calsdad
4 years ago

“They got what they deserved.”

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

Over and over this stuff happens, as outlined in the bible, among other perennial realities with human life on this planet. One could say they are merely fulfilling their role of the past covenant. Yesterday’s chosen who persist in spiting God and His new covenant.

Reply to  Calsdad
4 years ago

“From gold stars to yellow stars”

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
Reply to  Calsdad
4 years ago

Yeah the Germans are a smart people, they produce great Engineers too, always have. and I’m expected to believe that a German Engineer put a wooden door on a gas chamber LOL

Reply to  (((They))) Live
4 years ago

They also built pedal-powered brain-bashing machines, a device that masturbated prisoners to death, and a Roller Coaster of Death, hadn’t you heard?

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  Calsdad
4 years ago

No chit. They are still running with that today: “Hitler was a brilliant orator that cast a magical spell over an entire nation and turned them into mass murderers!!!!” And to prevent it from ever happening again, we now have hate laws and hate speech! And we have to believe everything they say, or we are haters too. Totally buried is the fact that the fuggin commies and socialists killed more people than the fascists ever did – including jews. And yet – fascists today go to jail, and the universities crank out socialist morons as if they were on… Read more »

Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

The internet says:

This is 1939, a couple of years before the holocaust started. Note that not all were in German-occupied areas. Large population in Russia for instance. Many fled, many hid, many survived the concentration camps. Do the math.

Not saying it didn’t happen or even that millions didn’t die. Who knows. But the official number is very suspect. And the story of the holocaust is almost certainly more complicated than we’re told.

Reply to  Wkathman
4 years ago

But then they wouldn’t be the elite tribe if not for this despicable behavior.
In my experience, this is fairly unique to the elite portion of the tribe. In the day to day habits of non-elite Jews, they are mostly indistinguishable from the average white even though being a Jew is so important to them. It’s funny because it often seems contrived and a fake identity.

Reply to  Tarstarkusz
4 years ago

The Jewish spectrum of cloud to dirt. Just like the rest of us.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Yes and no. J3ws really are significantly worse. I’m not saying whites don’t have their problems, but the J3ws are another order of magnitude of poison with respect to the proportion of them that are anti-white.

Essentially, we have two problems to solve. One involves the “White Progressives” that Z wrote about earlier this week and the other….

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

A big part of it, I think, is the contrived inauthentic Jewish identity. Being a jew is of extreme importance to Jews, in my experience, but Jew is defined in such a dumb and inauthentic way that elite Jews tend to equate being a Jew with being a “persecuted and hated minority” I have personally known good guys, guys who would mostly agree with us on most points, if not all, whose Jewish identity was just negative stereotypes. I think a lot of whites who are anti-white have similar contrived and negative views of being white. Though, to be fair,… Read more »

Reply to  Tarstarkusz
4 years ago

The Holocaust has become a pseudo-religion in a culture obsessed with victimhood.

I read a quote by Elliott Abrams: “In the 1950s and 1960s we built synagogues. Now we build Holocaust memorials” or words to that effect.

Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

That’s a good point and a good way of putting it. A rather sad state of affairs for an entire people to have their central identity tied to a long ago and far away single event. Holocaustianity.

Reply to  Tarstarkusz
4 years ago

“whites who are anti-white”

A self-hating culture. After we came such a long way in defeating our own brutes and beasts, too.

Reply to  Tarstarkusz
4 years ago

Yeah who knows what white means. I always thought it meant caucasian, but in my experience most people mean Northern European when they talk about whites.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Yep agree Brother and the only way to do that is with a White Dissident Community…Still going through all the awesome conversations we had as a group this past weekend in my head…

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Line, agreed, there is an additional dimension there. I laugh because Instapundit and Ace of Spades are basically on our side, but if the lefties show a tiny dose of anti-simi in anything they do, it becomes 100% of the issue in those places.

It’s the old “but what does it mean for the Jews” line of thinking over there.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

You can spell the word “Jews” out instead of “J3ws”. This isn’t Breitbart!

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Long Anecdote alert. My first experience with a chosen came when I was very young. Maybe 3rd or 4th grade. I wouldn’t even remember it until some decades later, after the tedium of ‘every single time’ was hammered into me as my career wormed through the rotten apple of finance and private equity. My brother and I, with Dad’s watchful eye but not much interference, constructed a small roadside stand to sell fruit from our trees and cups of lemonade. It took is two weekends to build, paint, decorate. Dad did the cutting but we bent the nails ourselves. It… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

Oh, brother. Your “friend” drove you out of business with his lower prices and then had a monopoly? On top of that, he got the satisfaction of sticking it to a goyim. They really hate us.

Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

My dad told me about a Jew who said that the only people he could SCREW were his friends. It wasn’t possible to screw an enemy since that was a natural thing to do. And then they cry about gas chambers.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Tarstarkusz
4 years ago

Maybe, but if rank-and-file Jews can’t control their leaders who want to destroy my people, I’m forced to look at them as a group. The Jewish elite declared war on gentile whites and have waged that war for a generation or more. Everyday Jews have done zero to stop that war and, in fact, support the war via their massive monetary contributions to the unending Jewish organizations. Therefore, they become my enemy until the war ends.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

To be fair, it’s not like we have the power to stop the elite anti-white whites out there.
But I do concede that they are a foreign group who very much see themselves as an outside group and that if they weren’t here, wouldn’t be a problem. The JQ is just a perfect example of why multiculturalism is so evil.

Reply to  Tarstarkusz
4 years ago

“it’s not like we have the power to stop the elite anti-white whites out there”

Maybe not, but you’re neither reflexively defending those malignant whites, nor are you even sitting on the sidelines, squirming in silent shame [1] when those malignant whites spout off.

[1] alliteration unintentional; not LARPing as some Scandinavian skald of yore.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

why am I all of a sudden thinking about the Bolsheviks and the holodomor??
(edit: I see your comment to the same effect further down…)

Reply to  Wkathman
4 years ago

I don’t know whether she’s a fraud, or she genuinely believes what she says. She’s an expensively-educated mid-wit, who uses every off-putting verbal tic employed since the 80s. “It’s like?” “Right?” “You know?”

4 years ago

A few years ago, if Bari Weiss popped off with her Zionist talking points on twitter, you could just reply by re-stating her name wrapped in triple parenthesis.

Alas, this was leading to too much noticing, so it was shut down.

joey junger
joey junger
4 years ago

One of the other things I’ve noticed about the “worldly” class: They’re almost universally monoglots. You’d figure that people obsessed with bringing Central and South Americans here would at least speak some Spanish (it’s not a hard language to learn; I picked up in the Army and just watching boxing matches in Espanol). I had the misfortune to be at a book reading for one of the douches in this class, and since his book featured an epigram in German at the beginning, I started talking to him in German, not even trying to catch him out or test his… Read more »

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  joey junger
4 years ago

Joey; Can confirm the 1 generation to tank a long-term family (controlled, not owned in my example) family business. Lived it up close and personal. In the instant case, the previous two generations had created an alpha-male type, adversarial, arena-fighting by team champions management culture. Third gen. had been Fem Lib indoctrinated at the U. Arrived up top determine to institute a ‘kinder, gentler’ team-oriented management culture.* Non-hilarious confusion reigned until his cohort fixated on the China opening as the magic transformational talisman. By transforming China we were going to transform ourselves: Collective decision making would prevail after all_! Can… Read more »

Doofenshmertz Evil, Inc.
Reply to  joey junger
4 years ago

What does it say about the state of this country, that you could learn Spanish just from being in the army.

This is all far from over: the Jews now have their well-armed non-white janissaries right in the USMC. That spells nothing but a second Red Terror and Judeo-Bolshevik bloodbath.

joey junger
joey junger
Reply to  Doofenshmertz Evil, Inc.
4 years ago

I was friendly with a Puerto Rican in my unit who had PR flags on everything except his US Army uniform. He even had them stitched into his car’s headrests. I asked him one time, while we were both in uniform, “What would you do if the US fought Puerto Rico?” He said, “I go back home and fight for my country against America.” This despite the fact that Puerto Rico is a US Territory. Whoever’s in charge, Jews or New England Yankees, they have no idea what the hell they’re doing, or what kind of “ringers” they’re importing to… Read more »

Reply to  joey junger
4 years ago

In my experience, PR’s are an absolute albatross on this country, loyal only to their gibs. They’re different linguistically and culturally and really ought to be cut loose.

Reply to  joey junger
4 years ago

It’s been remarked upon how provincial New Yorkers are. Upon emerging from the tunnels and bridge that lead from Manhattan to NJ, there should be signs warning “Here Be Dragons.”

Felix Krull
4 years ago

The intellectual elite that won their positions in the last century selected proteges who supported their position. They were not selecting people who would challenge their newly won status. This is what the wokerati don’t understand: after the revolution, there is no longer need for revolutionaries and rabble-rousers, so they’d be the first to go against the wall in Wokeamerica, they will not be awarded positions of power and prestige, they will not have their own talk shows, they will be erased from the history books. Half a century ago, Tom Wolfe described the Manhattan intellectual set as bourgeois urbanite… Read more »

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

When the first Queen Bee emerges, she kills the other pre-Queen Bees…there can only be one…this is the way of the world….
A Queen Bee only needs Drones…

Reply to  jimbobo
4 years ago

Queen honey bees don’t always do a lot of battling. They are too valuable. The hives routinely produce extra queens who generally take a portion of the workers with them and fly away to start their own hives. When the current queen is old, weak or sick, one of those extra queens replaces her — that’s when a fight happens. I’m not sure what that means metaphorically, though. 🙂 ETA: Apparently the virgin queens also fight each other as you say. I never really got to witness this as I just got to deal with the swarms when a new… Read more »

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

I find it odd that you no longer hear of or read about the invasion of Africanized honey bees to U.S. soil. A decade ago there were weekly stories of people falling prey to their hyperaggression. It is almost as if wokeness precludes even the hint of a metaphorical criticism of anything coming from Africa. Now be sure and welcome those poor, unfortunate Somali refugees to your nice neighborhood. /sarc

Reply to  Maus
4 years ago

Like every other story in the MSM it had a shelf-life independent of the impact on real people. And like every story promoted by the MSM and affiliates it became unworthy of coverage.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Wolfe was pretty woke to the jq, or at least appears so in retrospect.

Either way, The Painted Word is a short masterpiece about how the usual suspects ruined painting.

Reply to  Vegetius
4 years ago

Amazing how Wolfe walked in their world, and was invited to do so. Perhaps getting one’s name or event in print was worth it to them, with a little laugh about it, and assuming the dirt people couldn’t or wouldn’t read his work, too busy slopping the pigs and husking the corn and all.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Back when there were only three television channels, many talented men and some women were able to leverage their origins below the Mason-Dixon into a viable career in Yankeedom by playing The Southerner professionally. Quite a few of these were proto-cucks (William Styron). Others descended into self-parody (Truman Capote). And a wise few saw through it and went home, honor intact (Charles Portis). Wolfe seems to be the one that managed to be both highly popular and deeply subversive at the same time while appearing genteel and harmless in his white suits. People compare him to Mark Twain and I… Read more »

Tadeusz Korzeniewski
Tadeusz Korzeniewski
Reply to  Vegetius
4 years ago
Felix Krull
Reply to  Vegetius
4 years ago

The Painted Word is a short masterpiece about how the usual suspects ruined painting.

He also explained how they ruined architecture.

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
4 years ago

Zman, thought your readers might enjoy this photo I snapped at a grocery store in the DMV.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

I said a few years ago that we’d reached Peak Jew. Don’t get me wrong. Just because you’ve moved past your peak, that doesn’t mean that you’re not still on top or that you don’t hold huge amounts of power. But Jews face a growing number of whites (like us around here) that have realized what’s going on whereas a generation ago, Jews faced almost zero resistance. Indians and Asians are playing their game. Muslims are invading Europe. The Chinese refuse to let Jews do what they did to the West. On top of all that, the Jews facing these… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Judging from the YT comments on Bari’s latest appearance on Rogan, we may have entered a period of mass noticing. Let’s hope it’s carried over into the normie world.

We may have passed Peak Jew, but beware the Jew Lag. Like winter weather can last into spring, the Jewish Century may not be over quite yet.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

Jews remain a formidable people and will be for a long time. (Love them or hate them, you have to be impressed at what they’ve accomplished.) They’ve got a lot of fight left in them. But from ~1945 to ~2015, they were able to wage war on the West with impunity, indeed, as accepted members of a guilt-ridden white community. That’s ending. For the first time in a very long time, they’re facing actual opponents. Granted, those opponents are weak and disorganized, but they exist. And, more importantly, they’ll get stronger and learn. On top of all that, the Jewish… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

“The first time in a very long time they are facing actual opponents”.
Oy! You only forgot Egyptians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Greeks, Romans, Spanish, Hitler Germany and Stalinist Russia. Where are all those listed above?!
O, I forgot: “this time it will be different”.

Reply to  Anna
4 years ago

The Jews came to rule Egypt in ancient times. Years ago, jewish scholars told us that the name for the jewish rulers in Egypt in this time was something like “shepherd of people”. Later scholars unanimously corrected the record with the real translation, which was “foreign rulers,” a concept we in the west have come to understand. The Egyptian historian Apion wrote about Jewish rule over Egypt (after which, the Egyptians vowed, Never Again! in all ironies) and, what do you know, it comes to be that all of his writings have been destroyed. The only references to Apion’s writings… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Anna
4 years ago

You’re right. I guess that we should just quit and accept what our indestructible Jewish overlords decide for us. 😉 Here’s the thing. Jews have an Achilles Heel. They need us, but we don’t need them. We do perfectly fine without them around. They do worse on their own. Note that American Jews aren’t flocking to Israel. I don’t want to “beat” Jews. I just don’t want them around. I’ve seen how successful this can be in business and law. There are plenty of gentiles who very quietly choose to not work with Jews or Jewish run companies. It’s too… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Anna
4 years ago

Anna, serious question. Why do Jews choose to live among those that they despise and whom Jews believe are so evil?

Jews have Israel. Yet, millions of Jews choose to live in anti-Semitic societies around the world rather than living among their own.

If an American white homeland was created, you can bet that everyone around here would find a way to move there.

Reply to  Anna
4 years ago

So predictable Anna you know if you had a little more sense you would comment a time or two on something else not just when the Jews are brought up to help dispell the stereotype but alas you just can’t help yourself can you…

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Anna
4 years ago

The Romans were first to Invade the World Invite the World. When they destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD there were already 250,000 Jews in Rome. The young single men then went to the commercial center of the empire and, without an alternative, mated with Roman women. So began the Ashkanazi, and they didn’t call that assimilation.

Reply to  james wilson
4 years ago

Wherever there is peace and prosperity, the Jews will certainly follow. They’re drawn like a magnet to prosperity. And after a period of time, the formerly peaceful and prosperous people of the nation will be at each others’ throats. Such is the influence of Jews within a nation. And the Jews the entire time will have their own set-aside separate culture for Jews only. The Jews would never allow for a powerful Christian subset within their own country, with Christian courts, laws and culture to be respected and codified as separate within a sovereign nation. No way.

Doofenshmertz Evil, Inc.
Reply to  Anna
4 years ago

“where are all those?” The Copts are still in Egypt. The Babylonians and Assyrians are still in Mesopotamia. The Greeks are still in Greece. The Roman blood is still in Italy, plus dispersed throughout all of Europe and the Americas. The Germans are still in Germany. The Russians are still in Russia. It was the Jews who murdered the Russians, not the Russians who murdered the Jews. It was the Jews who looted and plundered the Germans, not the Germans who plundered the Jews. Be very, very thankful that all these peoples are very patient and forgiving of your endless,… Read more »

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  Anna
4 years ago

Anna, your deadliest enemy will strike you and your people from the Left. It’s coming and you know it’s true. And there’s nowhere to run.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

They ju-jitsu-ed a horrible WW2 outcome for them (a rather predictable one, in the basics if not the particulars, given all that came before in Europe and Russia in the prior decades) into 60-some years of an immunity against any sort of criticism. Muslim moves (arguably counterproductive for the Muslims despite the rousing brazenness of their actions), like the Munich Olympics attack and 9/11, only perpetuated the immunity. Finally, the immunity is mostly gone, despite outfits like the ADL working to reintroduce Anne Frank’s diary back into the educational system to refresh the game.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Told my daughters that Anne Frank’s diary was written by her father after the war. Blew their mind. They felt cheated. Yep, somebody felt cheated by a Jew. Crazy.

I also tell my kids about the Holodomor.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Citizen, the jewish public platform has loudly proclaimed what the jews have done. I would like to see a Christian public platform loudly proclaiming what Christians have done. Doesn’t exist, is not allowed. That is very telling.

Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

The day after Election Day, 2016, a Jewish former co-worker wailed about Trump’s election and him deporting Moslems. I didn’t say anything, but thought, “You don’t care about Moslems, it’s all about your tribe.”

Political correctness is a war on noticing. If people are free to criticize Moslems, well then they might criticize Jews next. Can’t have that.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

Jews focus on a couple of big things:

1. Make societies (except Israel) multi-everything so they don’t stick out and no group can muster the resources of the entire society against them
2. Prohibit criticism of minorities so Jews can’t be criticized
3. Demand lax immigration by every country because you never know when the Jews will need to pick and run – and, who knows, maybe Israel won’t be around

It makes sense . . . for Jews. Now, why people buy into their ridiculous schtick is another question.

The Right Doctor
The Right Doctor
Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

I have a lifelong Jewish friend with whom I share many interests and have shared many, many interesting conversations. He never talks about the tribe or their interests. He’s conservative in the normal meaning.

Until lately. We were talking about profiling in general, within the context of facial and other biometric scanning. He said, “I don’t agree with noticing certain groups. I always know who’s next.”

I asked whether he thought white people were the ones he needed to worry about in this century. He said, “Anybody.”

(((Us))) against the world!

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  The Right Doctor
4 years ago

Sorry to hear. Sounds like your conversations will never have the same ease again. Not just how he views his tribe..(((Us))) against the world…but how he views you and your tribe.

Reply to  The Right Doctor
4 years ago

It sounds like he is noticing the Noticing, or at least he is developing a heightened fear of Noticing. All of this reinforces the idea of some degree of greater separatism be made, maybe not always and everywhere. We would not be the only ones better off with a bit more of it, IMO. It might make your friend a bit more comfortable as well.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

Based on anecdote, we have been a period of mass noticing for several years now. The ludicrous impeachment process is accelerating this as it is such a blatantly Jewish project (ironically, Trump would have been the best Zionist stooge evah but, Jews). I suspect we are past Peak Jew and in ten or 20 years the Tribe will implode and flee the nation. So maybe there was one upside to the anti-white mass migration…

Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

Indeed. The Left, Right, and Libertarians are calling this fraudster out.

george 1
george 1
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

To add to their challenges, most Jews certainly were in favor of the replacement. Well the newly ascendant, who they helped impose, just happen to not care a wit about the Jews, how many of them were killed in the holocaust, their history or Israel’s situation in the middle east.

As the ascendant take over politically who will the Jews have as allies?

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  george 1
4 years ago

No one. Letting Asians, Indians and Muslims into the West was the Jews big mistake. If they’d just stuck with Hispanics, they’d be fine. The Holocaust Jedi mind trick doesn’t work on non-whites. I’ve seen Jews try and use it on Indians and Asians. They just stare blankly back at Jews for a second and get back to pushing their agenda. But guilt trip is even starting to wear out on whites. The Jewish Holocaust story is just too far in the past. You might as well be talking about Caesar and the Gauls. As usual, Jews overplayed their hand.… Read more »

Reply to  george 1
4 years ago

That’s where the bags of money come in.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

To whatever extent Jewish behavior is guided by genetics I wonder if their astounding success in destroying the West is sort of a last gasp of a fairly simple survival strategy that worked well in the times before mass communications. Take usury for example. Most people before modern times were mathematically illiterate. So lets say I show up in your village and offer you a loan of 100 silver coins and you just need to pay me 101 back in a week. Sounds reasonable even today at first glance. Of course it’s 66% a year interest. If you land in… Read more »

4 years ago

A civic nationalist today assures me that conservative hispanic majority is just around the corner. The “big picture” isn’t monolithic, it never was. It’s not “black” people or “white”people or “left-handed” people, it’s people. And if you had a “big picture” comprehension of basic statistics, you’d know that shifts don’t happen in blocks. They happen on the edges with a small portion of people. Progressives work with blocks of people. That’s why they talk about things like the “black vote” or “the working poor.” While I may disagree with conservatives on some things, they usually deal with things like freedom… Read more »

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Civic nationalism worked somewhat in the 1950s when the US population was 90% White, assimilation was expected, immigration was low and WWII unified the nation. There also was a mass exodus into the suburbs so people of different European ethnicities lived in the same neighborhoods, attended the same schools and churches, and made friends and intermarried with each other. Doesn’t work anymore.

Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

Nope, it doesn’t. They really didn’t want to hear stuff like “What happens when the group that votes 70% against you becomes a larger and larger portion of the electorate while the only group that supports your position becomes a smaller and smaller portion of the electorate? You lose, that’s what.”

Civic Nationalism:
1. Import millions of people from historically dysfunctional nations until the demographic balance of the nation is radically changed.
2. ??
3. Mass assimilation to the American national creed!

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Even when I was young—prior to current mass replacement policies—there was CivNat acknowledgement that immigrants brought changes to the general “American” culture. Of course, with low migration, White immigrants, a predominately White (90%) base culture—one could assume minor changes at best. Hell, the talk usually was how quaint those changes were—a precursor I suppose to the lie that, “diversity is our strength”. Last time I spoke with a CivNat type, they still spouted a variation of the assimilation/blend fallacy. I remarked that there were probably more than 50M non-native born or first gen Hispanics now in the US. Did he… Read more »

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

White gentiles still politically, economically and culturally dominated society, though even that was dwindling with the rise of the Jews and civil rights legislation.

What’s the American Creed? What Charlie Kirk and Conservative Inc. preaches? Their main concern is the economy. Anti-abortion is a sop thrown to social conservatives.

If these immigrants are so wonderful, the salvation of America in fact, why are their homelands in such disarray? The old saying asking “If you’re so smart, why ain’t you rich” applies to nations as well as individuals.

Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

Depends how you define works. Worked in terms of creating a nation of consumers united in a love of Disney than race, tradition, or religion.

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

At present it’s possible to point out how demographic changes affect(ed) electoral outcomes. That will change.

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

A civnat friend believes that Trump will convert the blacks to conservatism. “They will see their record low unemployment and connect it with Trump and conservatism!” he assures me.

A few days ago I gently mocked him with

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Ask CivNat friend why Trump waited until 2019 to even gesture in the direction of enacting his election platform regarding immigration? Why he never used E-verify in his own businesses? . . . Or better yet why he renounced the Disney Workers that stood behind him in his FL rally in favor of the lobbyists that people his administration. Good Questions.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Point that out on Breitbart and get downvotes. They won’t face reality because then they must admit that it will become harder and harder to elect Republicans as the White percentage of the population dwindles.

4 years ago

The Jewish elite thing has morphed into an elite thing in general. While it is fair (but considered verboten by some) to speak of the Jewish roots of it, it is not at all strictly Jewish any more. The “chosen people” who cloak their chosen-ness in the concept of acting as a “servant master”. Now spread to the entire elite class. And now that the rest of us have not shown proper deference, the “servant” part of “servant master” is being dropped.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Not to worry, when the balloon goes up and it is time to assemble lamp posts+rope+goodwhite, we will be open minded in our selection process. Would not want to be caught narrow-minded, no Sir!

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Much like the Romans adopted much of Greek culture, higher status gentile whites have adopted much of Jewish culture. The disdain for manual labor, urban living, Jewish humor, etc. I know from experience that DC whites act a lot like Jews and have definitely adopted Jews’ fear and loathing for flyover (especially Southern) whites.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

I noticed the same thing. At one time, WASPs set the tone of society and now the Cloud People elite is effectively judaized, even though most of them aren’t Jews. The two most evil individuals in the US – Bill and Hill Clinton – are WASPs.

The Jewish Century indeed.

Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

Yes, the U.S. is effectively a Jewish country, in spirit and in behavior. Aggressive, materialistic, backward in a cruel and unnecessary way in order to save shekels, aggressive in wasting shekels throwing them down military/spook ratholes with no returns except maybe for Israel, throwing away at least 3 generations of American white non-jew men, which will pan out to be just as good as the devastating effects of a world war on the subsequent generations of Americans, using at least 3 generations of American white non-jew women, who hate their own kind and aid in destruction of white Christian society.

Reply to  Ursula
4 years ago

A wise friend who married a Jew and converted to Judaism remarked that it’s all about money with them. Eventually, she was so disgusted that she taught her children the 10 Commandments only. Another time she said that she would take back her maiden name if she didn’t have children.

Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

To people who says Jews are obsessed with money, I present Dave Ramsey

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  greyenlightenment
4 years ago

Ramsey is not in the least obsessed with money. His program is about debt, and debtors.

Reply to  greyenlightenment
4 years ago

Dave Ramsey is not obsessed with money. He is obsessed with getting out of debt. See the difference?

Reply to  Michaeloh
4 years ago

And he’s a neo-con Israel firster.

Major Hoople
Major Hoople
Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

People stopped listening to preachers and turned to movies and tv for cultural clues. And those industries are dominated by…..

4 years ago

“Regression toward the mean is supposed to describe a statistical concept, not be used as a plan for the ruling class.”
—-Zombie Francis Galton

Doofenshmertz Evil, Inc.
4 years ago

“How to Fight Anti-Semitism” is a very confusing title for a book.

Why on earth would anyone want to fight anti-semitism?

Reply to  Doofenshmertz Evil, Inc.
4 years ago

What is “anti-Semitism” and why is it wrong?

They certainly can dish it out but can’t take it.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

This is confusing for the democratic mind. You gotcher anti-communist, yer anti-racist, anti-fascist, anti-theists, anti-socials, and anti-semetics, so just follow popular opinion and go with the crowd. Being right all alone is an anti-social act.

Reply to  Doofenshmertz Evil, Inc.
4 years ago

I can’t fathom the mind of the gentile in a coffee shop eagerly reading Bari’s book. It’s akin to putting myself in the shoes of a Kalahari Bushman or a serial killer. I just cannot understand how that brain fires.

Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

They think they’re improving themselves and evolving into better people to make a better world. What they’re really doing is reinforcing self-hating indoctrination as well as giving their hard-earned money to those who hate them and their ancestry. Clueless. Part of the problem. ‘Educated’ white women in particular.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Ursula
4 years ago

I’d guess their money wasn’t earned hard enough.

Reply to  james wilson
4 years ago

I wouldn’t say that. I’d say they’ve been brainwashed with 24/7 propaganda to the point where they didn’t see the harm in giving way to those who hate and undermine them. Same as with these Jewish fundraising causes advertised on Fox news — even Jews have asked these shysters to stop their unconscionable shekel-grabbing, saying “We are not a poor people, why do you persist?” and the Jew shekel-chaser answering, “Who am I to stop the kind-hearted Christians from giving their money?” I worked hard for 25 years in the private sector and I wouldn’t say that I didn’t deserve… Read more »

Reply to  Ursula
4 years ago

Ursula – you’re on a roll lately! Terrific comments! Blessings to you and yours.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Ursula
4 years ago

Unless you sent money to causes that were working against your interest, you are making my point. Grounded people help people they know with money or time, especially time, and with strangers, time. This is especially unappealing to people who’s first primary motive is to think well of themselves.

Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

Here in Portland, OR we have this big bookstore downtown called Powell’s. It’s main location is great place to go to observe this species. As an added bonus, the surrounding neighborhood (and the very front sidewalk of the store) is awash in agitated schizophrenics and filth that the customers obliviously fail to connect with the ideas presented in the trendy Leftist crap they sell there. It seems like every hipster who migrates here from Flyover County, Iowa feels the need to make a pilgrimage there. It’s the haj for the hip, the hiphaj if you will. It’s not enough to… Read more »

Reply to  Doofenshmertz Evil, Inc.
4 years ago

Jews habitually describe anti-semitism as a disease, a miasmic force that just so happens to descend on gentile host populations after they’ve been harboring Jews for a few decades or so. No matter the region of the world, or the historical period, or even whether the gentiles in question have any past history with Jews, anti-semitism just blows in for no earthly reason whatsoever. The disease inevitably worsens until it results in the expulsion of the completely innocent and utterly harmless Jews. Sadly, there is no cure, and there are no lessons to be learned. Anti-semitism is bad, it has… Read more »

Reply to  Murray
4 years ago

Well, yeah, of course it’s mysterious.
If one was cursed with self awareness, could one behave in the manner the eternal innocent victims behave?

4 years ago

I can’t help wondering if the angsty, unhappy Jewish elite stereotype is as much or more a function of being elite than of being Jewish. There is a bit of “is that all there is?” to being wealthy and powerful. Research shows that each individual has his own innate level of happiness, that goes up a bit as he gets wealthier, but then flattens out again. To be “on top of the world” can suck the meaning of life out of a person. Look at Mike Bloomberg, who has spent a quarter billion of his own money to run for… Read more »

Carl B.
Carl B.
4 years ago

Goldman-Sachs – Still kicking Whitey’s ass:

Goldman Sachs CEO David Solomon said Thursday that the powerful investment bank will only finance initial public offerings (IPOs) for companies that have at least one nonwhite male board member.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Carl B.
4 years ago

Does Solomon believe that Jews count as nonwhite?

But, seriously, I’ve noticed a serious PC creep in the investment world. Women’s forums everywhere. But it’s all a racket. The women and blacks who complain about a lack of diversity always have a perfect and easy way for firms to fix the problem: Hire that woman or black as a consultant.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

The older white (and “white”, IYKWIM) males at the top of the biz are promoting the heck out of the women and POCs in their firms. Not passing judgement on the quality of the promotions (they are generally known quantities), but the old white/“white” guys want to get out with all their bennies intact, and are taking no chances on getting blind sided by something HR-ish.

Reply to  Carl B.
4 years ago

On a similar note, I just wasted hours of my life watching “The Feed” on Amazon Prime. Set in a near future where apparently, to judge by the number of black actors, women — especially dark African women — are the heroic and intelligent masters of corporate governance and technical prowess. Of course, the villains are white males. The black men are simply portrayed as pitiable victims. It was so pozzed, it was unintentionally hilarious in the face of today’s reality. But this utopian bullshit is so unrelenting that sometimes I just want to sever all ties to every form… Read more »

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
4 years ago

The process of the ‘progressive’ enstupification of elites over time due to the previous incumbents choosing less able successors or suck-ups applies to business firms as well. Can be caused by egotism as much as by over-promoting merely ordinary offspring. Seen it up close and personal pre 2nd retirement. Hard charging, successful high performing Sr VP had a bunch of hammerhead VP’s under him. Hammerheads he routinely derided after 2+ martini’s at celebratory dinners, particularly if they hadn’t made their last quarter. It *was* largely impartial and motivational, unless the hammerhead VP was exceptionally stupid. So it kinda worked. BTW,… Read more »

Reply to  Al from da Nort
4 years ago

David Ogilvy used to speak of hiring people more talented than yourself and letting them go at it, back when humans appreciated competing and being the best, smartest and genuinely most successful at what they do. That has fallen to the wayside over the past 25 years, as yes-men, er, yes-persons are promoted only if they present no threat to the leader; i.e. not smarter or more capable than the leaders but good at regurgitating certain dogmas and maintaining position in the cocktail circuit. All part of the loser fantasies that America maintains in our modern day. That bubble is… Read more »

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  Ursula
4 years ago

Yes, and constantly having to watch your back against HR and the sort of people who use HR a weapon hasn’t helped a bit either: IOW SJW’s of all the many genders.

Reply to  Al from da Nort
4 years ago

HR has become a bad joke which should be done away with in all self-respecting businesses. Beyond that, women should be encouraged to marry and raise nice citizens, not enter the workforce and compete against the men of their country and lower their wages by being present in the labor pool.

Reply to  Ursula
4 years ago

Hate to ape black speech, but Ursula, you GO GIRL!! You’re on a tear – keep it up!

Reply to  Al from da Nort
4 years ago

Excerpt of interview of Angelo de Codevilla in The Tablet: “Merit as defined by the capacity to be attractive to those at the top of the heap. In other words what you have is rightly called not meritocracy, but co-option. Now it is one of the fundamental truths of our co-option that it results in a negative selection of elites. That each group selects people who are just a smacking below themselves, so that generation after generation, the quality of those at the top deteriorates.” Reminds me of paranoid Roman Emperors who executed overly successful Roman generals because they… Read more »

4 years ago

The primary trait of disease is virulence, not intelligence. The good news is that ridding oneself of disease is pretty straightforward.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
4 years ago

The JooCoup of the West was parasitical upon a people of enormous spiritual and physical energy. They’ve sucked the lifeblood out of our civilization. Both the host and the parasite have become anemic. Everyone is simply going through the motions. It is the ascendant who are full of ambition and righteousness. Everyone else is hibernating waiting for something or someone to prod them out of their lethargy.

4 years ago

” the last century the Jewish century.” Such a fair and accurate description. Perhaps someday we’ll talk of the 20th in the same vein as the Mongolian century, the impact of Ghengis Khan. To give credit it’s due, the vision and determination to create the first attempt at a truly global government- the UN, BIS banking, carbon taxes- is breathtaking. Using Communism to weaken independent outliers, making them vulnerable to Global capitalism- and giving predatory Kapital the moral high ground- was another masterstroke. Of course not everybody would be happy with an ascendent Master culture. We can only hope they… Read more »

4 years ago

I’ve met many stupid jews, hysterical peasants. The most brillant people I’ve met have been European males and Persians. Cultural Marxism, Modern Art and Psychology are retarded

4 years ago

We need to be thinking in terms of how to connect Rogan’s 20 million-plus audience with The Power Hour.

Reply to  Vegetius
4 years ago

Good idea, let’s purposefully go link Z Man at Rogan’s site… use of clever bits from Z Man’s blog aren’t difficult to find and include!

Anonymous Reactionary
Anonymous Reactionary
4 years ago

Mediocre sex deviants dominate the demographics of cities. Most talent in America is wasted in suburbia, the land of 3+ hour commutes. The swamp monsters who run the place are mostly there by accident. The 1950’s establishment had no idea what its dreams of an automobile dependent sprawl society would result in.

Do you think the 1930’s Nazis knew this, with their autobahn plan? Of course not. The social effects of sprawl for normies, and density for deviants, wouldn’t be known until it was too late.

4 years ago

Lots of gems today, dear Z Man: “Mx. Weiss is also remarkably mediocre. In fact, mediocre in this case is probably a slander against the honestly mediocre. She was famously outfoxed by YouTube personality Joe Rogan, a man who spends his free time smoking weed, taking blows to the head and watching cartoons.” “Her participation in the entirely synthetic Intellectual Dark Web is a sad commentary on the decline of Jewish intellectuals in America. If the Tribe is counting on people like Weiss to lead them, they best have the bug-out bags ready.” “Her first book, How to Fight Anti-Semitism,… Read more »

4 years ago

A fish doesn’t know it’s a fish. A fish doesn’t know it’s in water. A fish just stinks

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
4 years ago

“The fact that this was not disqualifying is a sign that the Jewish ruling elite of today is a significant downgrade from those who made the last century the Jewish century. Further proof of this is the fact that people still pretend she is an intellectual. Her participation in the entirely synthetic Intellectual Dark Web is a sad commentary on the decline of Jewish intellectuals in America. If the Tribe is counting on people like Weiss to lead them, they best have the bug-out bags ready.” You have frequently pointed out Jews once were the most successful ethnic group. The… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Laughter is so much more powerful than demonstrations of anger. Anger can be responded to with anger right back. There is no response to laughter, other than to face it and take it, or to slink away. Now, if the target’s Praetorian Guard is right there waiting to go, that’s another story altogether, and that seems to be the emerging strategy on their side.

How I would love to see a whoopee cushion smuggled into the Senate chambers right now.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Tee Hee! Me too. So visual. Wish a ripper would catch Bugman Schiff offguard. My Basic Husband dismays that he never met a woman like me to convulse with laughter so easily over simple fart jokes. Or a kid farting or the dog farts. What can I say!

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Ah yes, the infamous “Swalwell Maneuver”.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Mike_C
4 years ago

Thanks…’re appealing to my baser nature, and it’s working. Still laughing! This SOB would grab my guns in a blink, yet I will still double up laughing when he pulls the finger…I mean pulls the tyranny face.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Laughter and mockery versus anger and violence.

Depends on the battlefield conditions. Comedy, rhetoric, mockery, the art of persuasion fine until the enemy advances too far, at which point it becomes necessary to apply anger and violence. Your left is weakening. Your right begins to yield. The center can not hold. Situation excellent! I attack!

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

It’s quite probable Jews will flee the United States en masse within a generation

Don’t tease me.

Bob Smith
4 years ago

Or as Dad said long ago, “Shirtsleeves to Shirtsleeves in three generations”

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Bob Smith
4 years ago

The phrase in my family was, “Dirt to dirt in three generations.”

4 years ago

They’re just a little less delusional than the upper-middle class people emulating them.

4 years ago

I wasn’t an anti- Semite. The reasons to become that grow as the players’ list is revealed. They produce their own demise and doom. Interfering in the lives of normal people is their official playbook. They will lose like they always have. It’s almost as if they really don’t want “never again.” They fail to understand that what goes around comes around.

Reply to  ProUSA
4 years ago

If Anti-semite is defined as daring to criticize a member of the tribe, then we ALL are!!!

4 years ago

“The first generation to rise to the top of society and establish itself as a ruling class, or at least an important faction of the ruling class, earned their way to the position.” Z, I tend to agree with most of what you write. But I think it is disingenuous to claim that the initial ruling class must have “earned” that position. The ruling class from which the current progenity sprung, obtained their position through deception and subversion. Should we equate aggressive, sociopathic ambition with hard work when it’s devoid of all integrity and injurious to others? I don’t believe… Read more »

Reply to  Ryan_Scott
4 years ago

” But I think it is disingenuous to claim that the initial ruling class must have “earned” that position. The ruling class from which the current progenity sprung, obtained their position through deception and subversion”

You are conflating Z’s :Initial ruling class” with “The ruling class from which the current progenity sprung”

They are obviously not the same: none of the founders spawned the current crop.

Why do you do this?
Deliberate deceit?

4 years ago

“conventional bourgeois norms” – If that doesn’t hit the nail on the head. Sinclair Lewis wrote a book called “Babbitt” that coined the term that seems to fit these people. It’s certainly not the first time a set of social conformity’s and dogma’s was passed off as intellectualism but this is blatantly anti-intellectual as well. I’ve never seen these people win a rational argument yet they adhere to their beliefs as if they were absolutes. This would be entertaining if they weren’t so close to power and seeking it to shove their garbage down everyone else’s throat.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

“Made possible but the sorts of people who made sure the radicals never won”
Well throw that one out the window as we go forward. The radicals are going to win soon.
And then what for the elite?
Interesting times ahead.

4 years ago

maybe none of these people are that smart, regardless where they lie on the spectrum. compared to physicists and mathematicians, politicians and pundits don’t measure up that well.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  greyenlightenment
4 years ago

Neither do mathmeticians and physicist talking about society and politics. Especially not them.

4 years ago

In sum this decay of our elite is a microcosm of the meme on strong men making good times making weak men making bad times. I think it’s worthy to note that prior elites or elites in waiting would have used demonstrated a greater wisdom in choosing an outlet to hawk their book. Joe Rogan though all the things you allude too is a wild card with an audience that has some crossover with our thing. The smart thing to do is to do is what Marantz did and make an appearance on NPR and go unchallenged . The whole… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

At this point, very little would surprise me.

Walrus Aurelius
4 years ago

An animal population, particularly an isolated one, only survives for as long as its mutational load remains at manageable levels, ones that don’t inhibit their ability to perform their basic functions (eat, drink, reproduce). When times get lean, or the load gets too heavy, the population gets winnowed out pretty quickly such that those with high mutational load die out and only those who were actively fit remain. Assuming, of course, the problem is not so long-run that the entire population winds up on the chopping block. If Weiss is an average indicator of the Elite’s ideological mutational load, then… Read more »

4 years ago

So there’s hope for us yet ? Yah ! 🙂

Reply to  sirlancelot
4 years ago

Not if that’s the state of the typical CivNat’s understanding of statistical inference? Then we are indeed doomed. 😉

4 years ago

Praying for smod. Maybe spod

Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

Is that Sweet Meteor of Death? And Super Pizza of Death?

Major Hoople
Major Hoople
Reply to  Ursula
4 years ago

I kind of like Sweet Potato of Death.

Reply to  Major Hoople
4 years ago

I rather like sweet potato also. But I was going for pandemic or plague

Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

Got it

Love sweet potato take

But what about the M in smod

(Note my edgy lack of punctuation John Brennan does it too)

Reply to  Ursula
4 years ago

Ha! Very edgy.i like it. Meteor is correct

4 years ago

This Bari girl says she grew up in Squirrel Hill, which is basically Pittsburgh’s Urbanite Utopia. The fact she had the chutzpah on Rogan to claim that ‘Mr. Rodgers Neighborhood’ was based on *squirrel hill* of all places just floored me. For starters, Fred Rogers grew up in Latrobe, PA, a community to the west of Pittsburgh, and it is a *much* better fit for the friendly small-town neighborhood as presented in his show (for the most part). Stop the cultural appropriation, Bari!

4 years ago

Let me slip in another thanks to our long-suffering host. I know it’s boring as he!!, Z, but everybody needs a Devil.

4 years ago

With the exception of Netanyahu, I had to reach down into the teens before finding anyone I’d heard of: Bernie, who’s an aging clown. And why isn’t Netanyahu number one? He’s still HNIC, right?

Reply to  Gauss
4 years ago

Telling that the Mossad chief is the current number-one influential, powerful Jew. Followed by the U.S. Ambassador to Israel. Oy.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
4 years ago

I’m amazed that even here people aren’t honest. Everyone, anonymous or not, dances around the Jew thing like kryptomite. They don’t like you, never will. They own your banks,print the worthless money. They own your politicians, who make the endless rules. So wake the fuck up, before you’re dead, or you’re kids are slaves….these motherfuckers are evil and they own and run the show.

Ryan Scott
Ryan Scott
Reply to  Dennis Roe
4 years ago

Carthago delenda est. They could never win by force so they honed their abstract art of subversion. Read the Decline and Fall by Gibbon. It’s a long read but you’ll have so many epiphanies, you’ll likely vomit repeatedly in disgust. If you don’t have that much patience, Cesar and Christ by Will Durant and Against Apion by our friend Flavius Josephus should suffice. A brief synopsis: they took down Egypt and Rome with their tried and true methods of treachery. I’ll let the Egyptian historian Manetho tell the story of the invasion by Nomadic shepherds know as the (((Hyksos))) “There… Read more »

4 years ago

I have been listening to this drivel in chunks as I have time. The whole bit about how anti-semite is baked into our culture is completely unchallenged by Rogan.

He’s an MMA fighter but cannot stand up to that?


4 years ago

Z – how can you tell the difference between poseurs and the real thing? Like Jefferson Airplane seemed like genuinely edgy people who were out to freak people out, but maybe you disagree.

4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago

I will be long dead before you guys get Honkeytopia up and running, so I can take a dispassionate look at things. You might want to learn from Israel and the Jews about how to select for intelligence, support each other and defend a nation.

Reply to  Lorenzo
4 years ago

From your lips to G-d’s ears.

Reply to  Lorenzo
4 years ago

“You might want to learn from Israel and the Jews….”

So you’re saying we should bamboozle and guilt-trip a vastly wealthier, more productive and more powerful nation to send us billions in direct aid annually, plus spend its treasure and lives fighting our enemies in otherwise pointless wars while our co-ethnoreligionists rot that nation from within?

Sounds like a brilliant plan for a plucky little ethnostate. But to whom can the USA turn? The Martians? The time-dwarfs of Zeta Reticuli?

Walt Jeffers
Walt Jeffers
Reply to  Mike_C
4 years ago

What you said a thousand times over. I just saw where Gaetz was left off the Defense team in the Senate because he voted against giving carte blanche wars for Israel authority to the president. So stupid.