Most of you are probably listening to this week’s show while laying-in stocks of emergency foodstuffs and ammunition, in preparation for the riots that will surely come from the Chinese Flu. Make sure to have a thirty day supply of water, as you cannot go more than a few days without drinking water. If the media is right and this plague is retribution from the gods for voting Trump into office, the suffering will surely last more than a few days. Welcome to the end times.
In all seriousness, this flu is a serious matter, but the most likely result is something far short of the promised apocalypse. The Spanish Flu, which hit during the Great War, did not end the human race or put much of a dent in it. This virus is not that and we are better prepared for it than a century ago. The most likely result of this pandemic is a mild recession and a discrediting of the globalist project. Open borders and outsourcing to China is looking a lot less wonderful all of a sudden.
That will be the interesting thing to watch over the next months as this virus becomes a part of daily life. So far, the Democrat candidates have yet to figure out how to talk about, other than the puerile whining about “Orange Man Bad” stuff. Trump seems to be figuring out that this is offering him an issue, but he has yet to seize on it. He hinted at it in his presser, when he said his decision to shutter travel from China may have prevented the rapid spread of the virus to America.
Some politicians have started to figure out that this thing can be a club to assault the China lobby in Washington. Josh Hawley has a bill to redirect the production of medical supplies from China back to the United States. A general re-thinking of reliance on China for manufactured goods is probably the first result of this plague. Someone will eventually link the free movement of people over the southern border to the free movement of disease over the southern border.
The thing to watch, I think, is what happens when it becomes clear to everyone that the disease is the product of Chinese corruption. There’s pretty good evidence now that the virus originated in the lab. Most likely they were doing perfectly legitimate research on these viruses, but the endemic corruption of China and their sloppy controls led to this virus getting loose on the public. Throw in other issues like fentanyl, espionage and corruption and China should quickly become a pariah.
This pandemic is probably going to be what the rage head Nicholas Taleb called a black swan event. There will be what passed for conventional wisdom before the event and what passes for it after the event. In the before times, there was a general consensus that China was largely a benign force in the world. After the pandemic, China will be viewed as a threat to global order. We have probably just seen the end of peak China and the world enters the phase of post-China.
On the other hand, one should not underestimate the stupidity and perfidy of the ruling classes in the West. An alien greed-head like Mike Bloomberg, for example, does not care how many Americans die in order to keep doing business with China. Those are not his people. The actors hired by the plutocrats to be our politicians could very well keep reading from the same pro-China script. In this regard, the Yellow Peril could prove to be a clarifying event for many Americans.
This week I have the usual variety of items in the now standard format. Spreaker has the full show. I am up on Google Play now, so the Android commies can take me along when out disrespecting the country. I am on iTunes, which means the Apple Nazis can listen to me on their Hitler phones. The anarchists can catch me on iHeart Radio. I am now on Deezer, for our European haters and Sticther for the weirdos. YouTube also has the full podcast. Of course, there is a download link below.
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This Week’s Show
- 00:00: Opening
- 02:00: The Bernie Revolt
- 12:00: The Yellow Peril (Link) (Link) (Link)
- 22:00: Xirl Science (Link) (Link) (Link)
- 32:00: Rainy Days Are Coming (Link)
- 37:00: Libertarian Bashing (Link)
- 42:00: Social Vengeance Warriors (Link)
- 47:00: The Army Of None (Link)
- 52:00: News From Lagos (Link)
- 57:00: Closing (Link)
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Full Show On YouTube
From what I’ve seen, this isn’t making the globalists reconsider their project. They’re just switching turning to India as their new bitch. Diverse, disorganized, poor (lower wages than China!), and muh democracy makes India the perfect “partner”. The sad thing is that Indians/Chinese are actually more aware of the effect of mass immigration than whites, in canada. I’ve actually talked to several chinamen, who are telling me they worry about the future of Canada, and “feel bad” that the country is being taken over by aliens. They worry that the brown Canada will not be as comfortable for them as… Read more »
For emphasis: “Life is still a tribal competition for resources and whites are the only group that’s foolish enough to think otherwise.”
Whites are the only ethnicity that GIVES IT AWAY.
I had a similar experience at the gym last night. As I was walking around between sets there appeared before me a fat white man doing leg lifts with his african boyfriend. I don’t pretend to not be irritated when I see that sort of thing and my face showed it but as I turned my head away from the sight with a mixture of disgust and annoyance on my face an asian girl locked eyes with me and gave a friendly smile. For outsiders like them who have no brainwashing about the nature of blacks many of our kind… Read more »
“an asian girl locked eyes with me and gave a friendly smile” And think on this: From the typical Good White woman, you would have gotten a dirty look. — ” For outsiders like them who have no brainwashing about the nature of blacks many of our kind must seem quite pathetic” Yes. I have heard this from East Asians, South Asians, and from actual black Africans (Nigeria, Zimbabwe, if anyone is wondering). “Why can’t you control your negroes?” It’s phrased that way because the (or those particular, at any rate) African Africans don’t see themselves as having any kinship… Read more »
It used to be full of strong, confident, upright people. We’re still coasting on their legacy and work. But it won’t last forever. The friendly SAMW, unfortunately, has no idea how to continue it, nor do the majority of our current crop of white “men”. There are JUST enough competent white Boomers left in the management positions to keep things going. NAbALT, some of them actually have big dick energy and are pretty damn smart and driven. Last place I worked at was a pretty critical industry – all aging Boomers and the young graduates in this area are almost… Read more »
We’re still coasting on their legacy and work. But it won’t last forever. The friendly SAMW, unfortunately, has no idea how to continue it, nor do the majority of our current crop of white “men”. Agreed. Alas. And there’s a story related to “continuing”. About a month ago a woman sat down at my table and started lecturing multiculti at me during lunch. When she said “people like you …” I was annoyed enough to man-finish her sentence with “People like me, who hold to objective standards, and actively defend Western cultural norms, are the only reason we are even… Read more »
Yeah I know, it’s in the nature of women to be over socialized. But keep in mind, most people act very different in private than they do in public. They have socially conditioned white people much more than any other group to believe racism is the greatest evil yet we have the lowest intermarriage rates of any racial group, and our men are actually worse than our women when it comes to that. Last data I saw was for 2017 I think and it was 12% of our men vs 10% of our women so give them some credit for… Read more »
“It takes some amount of courage to defy societal norms publicly and women have never been known for their courage.”
Women are only called “brave” by the nattering schoolmarms when they ossify the current lunatic fashions.
Sigh. Our poor girls. Always stabbed in the back by their own.
Protecting my sister is a big part of why I care about this stuff. Happy to say I have been successful. She goes to church frequently, is fit, only has ever dated nice white boys, the most degenerate television she watches is jeopardy, doesn’t drink, listens to christian music and country. I was able to pick apart most of the propaganda they fed her at college. It’s not hard to deprogram people’s brainwashing if you are close to them and have a good relationship. Think global, act local. It’s a good motto imo. Women need a strong male to protect… Read more »
“Life is still a tribal competition for resources and whites are the only group that’s foolish enough to think otherwise.”
Carve that in stone.
When I joined the Marines in 1989, the Commandant was a legendary badass named Al Gray. He was an enlisted Marine in the Korean War before getting his commission – and was knee-deep in the blood in Korea and Vietnam. He would never, ever get promoted above Colonel today – that exclusive club is limited to toadies and political hacks now.
Such people as Gray, i.e., competent, distinguished men are of course a threat to the toadies in that when he is in the room, there may be those present who can distinguish the difference. Sigh.
Your Xirl science presentations are a great rebuttal to Bernie’s free college for all. While most cuckservatives bitch and moan about how unfair it would be for kids to have the debt forgiven and how unfair it would be that future college students would go to school for free while older people did not have that luxury, the real argument against free school for all is that these Xirl people will become a permanent bureaucracy funded by the tax payers which would morph into education for ALL. The damage done by teachers under universal mandatory k-12 education cannot be overstated.… Read more »
In California this is already the case.To save money I did my first couple years (well should have been two but the things are so badly overcrowded that you can’t get the classes you need in the standard time frame) in a community college and my god the vast majority of the other students have no business being anywhere near a college. It was most obvious in the English classes I had to take for gen ed. Half of my peers papers that I edited reminded me of how my sister used to write in third grade. If I had… Read more »
As bad as it was in your situation, tax funding higher ed in general would make it far worse. When my dad went to school in the 40s and early 50s, a very large percentage of students dropped out. People reached their limits and realized staying in school was not going to do anything for them. But these stupid leftists began to think that a diploma itself was the key to success and that if we could just give these dumb or lazy kids a diploma, they too could earn more money, a kind of magical talisman of wealth and… Read more »
They already are tax funded though. Classes can be as low as $20 a unit in community colleges and it’s very easy to transfer to a UC if your grades are decent. Problem is that the standards are extremely low. The specific class I remember that most clearly exemplified this was the second semester of English. You had to have passed the first semester to get into the English 103 class and had to have taken a placement test to get in to the first college level English 101. The black pilling thing was when my group passed around each… Read more »
FashGordon, that’s the problem—the lowering of standards. It’s nice to think everyone deserves a shot at success and as Tars observed, the belief in a diploma is like a magical talisman. But inevitably it results in lowering of standards and the awarding of meaningless degrees in useless subjects to justify the “theft” of your tuition dollars. Back during Vietnam days, there was even a suspension of failures given in order to keep some of these nitwits ostensibly making progress toward a degree so as to maintain their draft deferments. In that I could somewhat agree, but not with AA silliness… Read more »
In 1847, City College of NYC was founded to provide a free college education to poor but smart young residents of NYC. It was called “The Poor Man’s Harvard” and graduating from City College was a badge of honor. As expected, the diversities eventually protested the admission requirements, which were dropped. Any NYC high school graduate could attend, but the College began charging and eventually the remedial classes were eliminated, diminishing the number of NAMs attending.
If the Chinese bat plague does nothing else it at least demonstrates why biological weapons are a really bad idea. Strike at China and take out the Italian economy. Woops!
If this particular “flu” is shown to be man made and highly adverse to Chinese people as compared to other races, then I suspect the opposite will be true. Certain folk in these labs and think tanks will be confirmed in their theories and the work will go on. Of course, they will claim it’s for defensive purposes only.
The numbers from Iran and Italy suggest that West Eurasians are just as susceptible as East Asians.
Not necessarily. Lance Walton over at VDare had some interesting figures and noted that during the Spanish flu in 1918, Italian Americans were hit much harder than other Europeans (further north or east). Add in that the virus particularly hits older people (Italy has a large elderly population and has not reproduced at replacement rate for decades) and/or smokers, and I’m still not particularly concerned. If I ought to be, I suppose I’ll find out one way or another.
Re: corruption: on Greg Cochran’s latest podcast (dedicated to the WuFlu) they talked about two measures the Chinese took soon after the outbreak: strengthening security at their biolabs, and banning wild animal markets. This was done publicly and at a high level, with fanfare. The hypothesis is that the virus emerged from animal research at the Wuhan lab, and then escaped either via an infected worker (less likely), or more likely, via an employee making extra cash by selling animals to the wild animal market after they were done with the experiments. I mean, they’re going to kill these animals… Read more »
Gotta link? I’m driving to the Imperial Capital, so I could use some light listening.
The podcast is actually someone else’s, it’s called Future Strategist. It’s on iTunes and Soundcloud, e.g. here He’s had Greg Cochran on multiple times. The last two are with Greg about the WuFlu, the latest one almost two hours. I think the animal market stuff was on the latest one, but I might be mixing things up.
Thanks for the link. I used to listen to FS all the time (back in ipod days.)
Hours of Cochran podcasts – me very happy – thanks for the links H.
Better than 1000 gorilla mind pills and can’t beat the price. I’m going to need a bigger hat by Monday.
Wow! Stuck gold with Cochran. Thanks for link!
You can’t fool me! You just want to hear Future Strategist talk on Sexbots. When Basic Husband watches Trish Regan on FoxB, I snort it’s her heaving bosom and legs that go on forever. He replies, “Yep…And your point is…!”
NewsThot Sexbot (TM) would put the meat-model out of business in short order.
The most exciting thing about her is the off-switch, not the knobs.
Heh. I only listen to the Cochran episodes. Tried to listen to a different one once, with a guy who was making the case for open borders (literally and autistically). FS seems like a rationalist/Slatestarcodex type.
The WuFlu is a great practice run. In the end the losses will be accepted as inevitable and life went on. So the next time around the story will be that the xenophobia is worse than the disease. It’s all just part of living in a multi-culti world…So relax it will pass. And somewhere down the road the Turd World petri-dish or a Chinese lab in Lagos Nigeria or an affirmative-action lab in Lagos Maryland unleashes a superbug. Then we’ll have multi-culti mass body burnings. Public health was once oriented toward preventive measures against the outbreak of disease. It’s now… Read more »
It was pointed out in the late 1980s that AIDs was the first disease with civil rights. It’s amazing how accepted homosexuality is in today’s world considering that they are probably the most disease-ridden people on the planet. Their typical hedonism would doom them to an early death if it wasn’t for modern-day medical technology.
The Cindy-Lou becomes a combat infantryman thing still puzzles me. Was never in the military, but was a FF and officer for twenty years. We’d have girls show up at the academy and try–but virtually all quit or simply trained for “exterior only” in the volunteer departments. Once you loaded up with full bunkers, SCBA and tools they simply could not work effectively under the weight. None could pass Rapid Intervention and Survival where you had to demonstrate the ability to find a 200lb guy in 45lbs of gear in a pitch black basement, then huck him up two flights… Read more »
This isn’t just a political fracas. The wake up call for most Americans will be the supply chain disruptions in areas like Medication and biologics where we get some 90% from China. Consumer electronics which is around 100% Same for industrial equipment or components. What do you say to people who can’t get their BP medicine or anti-coagulant because China is KO and without it those people will die? What happens when our medical people don’t have any PPE since all of that comes from China? This shit is serious. Sheltering in place and prepping. Is a smart thing if… Read more »
Really doesn’t take much to simply increase stocks of what you already use and rotate, if you have the space. Add in some bulk goods for base calories. The supply chain interruptions for anything not airfreighted will begin in a few weeks.
Work in the nuclear industry. Our suppliers told us over a week ago that they won’t have the Tyvek suits we use in contaminated areas available for the foreseeable future.
The SOLE reason there are so many cop shortages all over the nation is the cities are already paying large numbers of people pretending to be cops but who aren’t really cops. From vastly unqualified minorities hired for PC reasons to the large number of women working as cops who run away or stand back and watch as their male partners are fighting with suspects. While the city officially has 2 cops on the scene, the reality is that there is only ONE cop on the scene. There are many videos of female cops standing around literally watching their male… Read more »
Women cops. Way long ago I was invited to do officer training with simunitions in a “fun house”, actually a small false front town of sorts. I was to pretend to be a “bad” guy and give shit to the new officers. Who in exchange were allowed to use whatever force they thought was legally required to control me. I was younger then and could take a bit of grappling and a fall. One new women officer was doing her best to control me and talk me down. My instructions were to resist but not to present a “threat”, e.g.,… Read more »
I remember seeing a little blonde woman cop outside of Penn Central Station in Newark, NJ, and thought to myself, “she’s no bigger than me and about as intimidating as a hamster.” The big Irish-American cop of yore had a physical presence to keep misbehaving individuals in line and the strength to physically take someone down. A 5’3″ woman cop lacks those qualities and will be quicker to resort to pulling her handgun. After all, God created man and Sam Colt made them equal.
In my experience 4 out of 5 female cops shouldn’t be cops at all. The first one will be too scared and physically intimidated to do an effective job on patrol. Frankly, I don’t consider them cowards. Our society told them that girls can do anything and they believed it. Then they actually got the job and learned that the laws of physics still apply. I’m a big enough guy that a suspect had to be an absolute steroid infused monster before I’d start to get pnervous about what might happen if things got physical. I can’t imagine being a… Read more »
it looks like the various governments of the world are hyping up this Chinese Flu to give themselves advantages in various ways. When people are real scared they often are willing to give the State even more power over their lives. I work in a field where I am exposed to all sorts of cold and flu germs. And yet, I don’t ever get a cold or the flu. (and I am old) I last had the flu 15 years ago right after getting a flu shot. Have not made that mistake again; but in the panic the shots may… Read more »
This is just me speculating. But say this virus really was developed in a Chinese lab and it got out by accident or on purpose. The global elites have to realize that they and the usual suspects among them do not exactly fit into a Chinese economic empire very well. Maybe Bloomberg and his friends in his reality moments takes a look around at the loons on stage with him and also takes a look around at the Chinese empire the elite have been making a killing on moving our supply chains into and Bloomberg and his buddies start to… Read more »
Not just you. I’ve had similar thoughts. I’m provisionally filing them under “total paranoia” (so I can be a Good Person free of hatey hate thoughts), but let’s go down the rabbit hole, shall we? 1. Wu-flu (WF) natural or engineered organism? There are enough weird things about WF that engineered is the way to bet. 2. Accidental release through genuine incompetence, or deliberate release. I’m betting accidental, but let’s consider deliberate as a mental exercise. 3. IF deliberate, who did it? Who benefits? (this gets back to your point GLG). Some have proposed that China did it itself, for… Read more »
Every single time. Let your hate flow. Chen Katz? Time to update that “fellow racoons” meme.
Wasn’t round-eye a Japanese thing?
What’s the Chinese take on Jewish out-marriage? There are enough Chinese-White couples nowadays that FellowWhites are getting some of that action, plus rubbing shoulders at muh good schools.
Mike_C, GLG, we are of one mind. 1. Who can out-Jew the Jews, and isn’t infected with Holocaust conditioning? Why, China and India. Voila! Professor Lieber, Harvard, passes the genome sequence to Chinese spies. A pandemic erupts in East and now Central Asia. 2. Coincidentaly, World Bank/WHO ‘pandemic bonds’- yup- mature in May 2020. And look who promises a vaccine by May- why Israel, of course, our genius saviors! 3. 69 vaccinations isn’t enough. Since HPV by (((Merck))) only had 35,000 female casualties in the UK, I propose global vaccinations for COVID19. We’re gonna get rich, saving the world!… (from… Read more »
But what if it developed by the US and released near a Chinese Lab?
That’s what I’d do,
Maybe there should be zero intellectual property protections for U.S. products made in China because those items should be made in the U.S.A. with full protections.
I once worked with trademarks at a law firm and was told that the Chinese would take an American product, copy it right down to the packaging and sell it as the real deal. The Chinese courts didn’t care about intellectual piracy. Russia and China were also considered “emerging markets.”
Something like 2,500 people have died in China out of a population of 1.4 billion, if you believe the official Chinese statistics anyway. The dead are overwhelmingly old (not a single under 10 year old has died from Coronavirus) and it disproportionately affects Asians. 50,000 people die of the common flu in the United States each year. This is a giant ball of nothing, an opportunity taken by anti-Trump Jewish hedge fund owners & companies like Goldman Sachs to try to take down Trump in an election year. If you look at it, there is a “pandemic” every election year… Read more »
That was some seriously good science yesterday, too, Compsci. Kek praises you.
It’s bringing out involuntary xenophobia and ethnocentrism among whites.
Even Becky doesn’t want to get the bat flu.
For the first time ever all whites are just ignoring the racist labels. Even if just brief, it shows that we *ALL* (except for the most insane 0.1% of progressives) have some kind of ethnocentric qualities and a desire to live. Makes me happy. Maybe one day we’ll see these characteristics make a full revival.
Jungle fever gives no immunity to bat flu, either, though the sex ed spinsters in Europe seem to think so.
I don’t believe the Chinese statistics or anything else they say. The good thing about this situation is that many others are coming round to that opinion.
“there is a “pandemic” every election year — SARS 2004, Avian 2008, Swine 2010, MERS 2012, Ebola 2014, Zika 2016, Ebola 2018, Corona 2020. ”
Seriously good pattern recognition there, and quite original. Major kudos, much kek.
To his defense, our host barely touched this with a 10-ft pole because some of his irascible audience wouldn’t shut their fat gobs- me, for one. Or two.
Remember we were talking about optics a while back?
Praising as a hero a black serial killer who’s been accused of smothering old people with their pillows — maybe more than a thousand — seems pretty much the definition of bad optics.
That’s just taking the “OK, Boomer” thing too far.
There’s a fine line between edgy and sociopath, and that crosses it.
Some people are just assholes. The “leader” of the oh-so-smart alt-right bigot brigade is a prime example.
Picking a lazy ass commie as your figurehead for “protesting” against the rapacious political class – that emanated from your own party – is what is called “doing it wrong”.
I can’t think of more egregious examples of the political class sucking dry the working class (and that includes the middle class) – than how communism has played out EVERY TIME.
That is what always amazes me. Is the corrupt elite class so clueless as to push the lower classes to a violent rebellion in order to increase their wealth? What can it obtain them that they already do not have?
One thing about this virus is that it’s new. It was only discovered in December. The first round of the Spanish Flu wasn’t that bad. The problem that happened is it mutated If the WuFlu goes viral, there is a very good chance the virus will mutate at least once. I don’t know if the Spanish Flu did re-infections, but the Chinese Flu is re-infecting people and the re-infection is worse. There was a similar virus that was also a Coronavirus and they invented a vaccine. When they tested the vaccine on animals, the animals did create antibodies. But when… Read more »
Panic is not the answer. Choose your sources of info carefully. I have yet to hear of a reported case of WuFlu being caught again by the same individual. Indeed, this doesn’t make sense when you think of it, does it? What happened to the first infection? Where did it go? You were either rid of it, or it remained dormant in the body. Think chicken pox and late onset of shingles. That certainly would be an interesting discovery, but it is different than repeatedly catching the *same* virus/disease, which is uncommon as I understand it. But if the virus… Read more »
there is no need to stockpile water for more than a few days outage. if the water goes off , the electricity and gas will follow quickly. all critical facilities have backup generators in case the power goes out , but without water,you cannot run a generation facility of a gas compressor system, and there is no “water generator ” out back if the water goes off. I do think its interesting they’ve give house arrest the moniker “shelter in place” like it were coming in out of the rain when actually it’s the police saying ” you’re on lockdown,… Read more »
We have some examples to consider. A number of years ago, an ice storm knocked out power in New England for an extended period. People in central Mass were off the grid for weeks. No riots. No looting. No mass panic. At the other end, we had Katrina. The 1977 NYC blackout resulted in looting, arson and a crime spree. On the other hand, the 2003 blackout in New England and Canada did not result in civil unrest.
Conclusion: Race is real.
We had a week long power outage due to an ice storm when I was a kid in the mid 80s. This was a small midwest town, I don’t remember hearing about a single crime happening. The elites have worked hard to diversify so many of these places, it is unlikely that would still happen today.
We need diverse reactions to ice storms. It’s boring if it’s just white people obeying the law.
Not true. In winter storms, white people run around the inner city with nooses and bleach, searching for black, b-list actors to prey upon.
NYC blackout and subsequent rioting/looting was a good example of criminality under the guise of emergency. I was there. There was no general emergency in any area of the city, except the Black areas. Blacks (and some Hispanics) were the emergency, not the power outage. Whites did what they always do. Sit outside on the stoops, talk, drink warm beer, watch the kids play with bad flashlights in the street, bed down on the fire escapes with the transistor radio playing. Indeed, it was actually a good time for most—as long as you were some distance from Black areas of… Read more »
How dare you! Its about climate. The winter storms keep people inside. The hot weather down yonder inclines people toward taking walkabouts to the darkened walmart for essentials like Tv’s and shoes. Your garage just happened to be on the way. As Climate Change continues, we can expect the balmy weather to incite more activity outside the home in these isolated disruptions of normalcy. And as the endangered great white apex populations decline and are displaced by species from warmer climates we can expect a greater number of territory conflicts due to the destabilizing effects of an underrepresented apex species… Read more »
A freak snow storm in late October 2011 and Hurricane Sandy in 2012 left parts of northern NJ without power for upwards of two weeks. An unbelievable number of trees went down. In both years, there was no looting in my little bit of suburban heaven.
There was no crime problem during the 1965 NYC blackout, but it was bad in 1977.
Civil unrest? Surely, sir, you jest. If Wu-flu causes supply disruptions we will rise to the occasion as a nation united, showing the world that diversity is our strength. Don’t be surprised when a DREAMer practicing advanced medicine from a garage discovers the cure, all the while hiding from the jack booted thugs of ICE. The perils of a mono-culture society will be laid bare, much like the children’s story, The Emperor’s New Clothes. We shall be clothed my friend.
And then the wise aunt jemima negro will bring order to society by showing all the dumb white men what they’re doing is wrong.
The quiet and workaholic Chinese scientist TM will be working round the clock at the lab to engineer a vaccine to help save his American countrymen – he’s just as American as us!
“We shall be clothed my friend”
Well said!
And if funeral shrouds count as clothing, then yes, absolutely.
Re: ” we have a class of people … who are simply above the law now”
Nobody is exempt from the laws of physics.
Description: Ballistics is the field of mechanics concerned with the launching, flight behavior and impact effects of projectiles, especially ranged weapon munitions such as bullets, unguided bombs, rockets or the like; the science or art of designing and accelerating projectiles so as to achieve a desired performance.
What we’re truly lacking is people who are willing to use these laws to best effect.
Hey, I’ve already floated my idea for the USS Kornbluth colony ship!
Hey lookee!
I won free tickets to the USS Kornbluth!
On the subject of libertarians, I have pretty much arrived at the same conclusion as zman, i.e. that these people are just not actually very bright. Lacking the intellectual clout to analyse the world, they opt instead for a ready-made set of easily-interchangeable tropes, slogans and nostrums (which they refer to as “principles”) and which they can offer up as explanations for the state of human affairs which they simply don’t understand and cannot parse. It’s like software installation that promises multiple pre-programmed solutions for all problems and issues. I think the same thing is going on with wokeness on… Read more »
I’ve come to the conclusion that libertarianism is better categorized as left wing. When do you hear libertarians talk about strengthening local communities and local traditions? Never. They reduce everything to economics and have been supporters of the outsourcing that has destroyed middle America. Also, their notion of radical individualism is contrary to the conservative idea of the social order. That social order, as it used to exist until it was atomized to hell, was one in which we occupied a role–not as individuals–but as mothers, fathers, citizens, teachers, city leaders, etc. with known duties, responsibilities, and, yes, privileges. It… Read more »
All of these critiques of libertarianism are quite cogent, and well-said. I’m confused as to why they’ve not been upvoted. I’ve been away from the site for a while; perhaps it’s a recurring theme now. Nonetheless, excellent points, all (also referring to several posts, above).
Quite so- Americans living in 1918 or 1939 were barbaric savages, entirely unable to contain themselves.
You don’t need a castle – you need a lair from which to control your legions of POCs. I see something along the lines of maybe an extinct volcano island or maybe an abandoned fallout shelter?
Have your people call my people – we’ll do lunch! 😆👍
Great show as usual!
Your mention of Lagos reminded me of the upcoming Mayoral election.
Of the 32 candidates, more than half have a criminal record.
And that’s before they even get the job.
“Of the 32 candidates, more than half have a criminal record.“
Excellent! Those with the criminal records are the ones who will be best able to represent their marginalized and oppressed [1] constituents in (c)Harm City. The other candidates are just carpet-bagging posers. Or smart enough crooks that they haven’t been caught yet; the which would again make them not representative of their people.
[1] if anyone is thinking that marginalized = white in Baltimore, get with the program! American blacks are the (second) most marginalized, victimized, and oppressed people in history, throughout space and time.
I don’t understand any white man who joins the military, particularly the infantry. Modern, post 60s, America is literally built on white-hating racism and exploitation, and you’re fighting for that. Boycott the military, cripple globalism.
Very true, our incredibly powerful military was THE prize to seize for global domination.
But! We’re all subversives now, and I’d like to see our spies learning every nook and cranny of our ruler’s systems, plus a lot of useful skills besides. Hail our future saboteurs, the unsung heroes!
I listened to your first two (I’m working my way through all of them) podcasts yesterday, and I must say that you’ve nailed the workflow from a technical perspective. The quality of today’s show versus those (and other) previous ones to which I’ve listened is superlative. That’s not to say that your other, more recent ones aren’t; it’s just a point of comparison.
Very nicely done, sir!
A castle? WTF. They going to move Derbyshire into the castle? Does look like they got a good deal on the place. I guess they could turn it into a nazi B-n-B. I would go.
The original owner used to host big parties there in the late 1800’s and early 1900s. She’d bring train carloads of people in for them, and it has a 40×50 ft. ballroom, which I imagine now would be good for presentations and lectures. I don’t know how much overnight space there is for guests. Maybe there’s some local hotels.
The SPLC immediately started the spin “Hate group buys Berkeley Springs Castle,” trying to frighten the locals.
Wait, what? Boxcar-loads of people were brought into this place? Did the 40×50-foot ballroom have airtight wooden doors?
And forget the overnight space, how were the showers?
Asking for a friend.
Have fun Daily Storming the castle!
” a nazi B-n-B”
That got me thinking, surely the Japanese, fetishistic perverts that they are, albeit orderly and clean ones, have got a Nazi-themed “Love Hotel”. And sure enough there IS such a thing, only in Thailand. Holy smokes.
And now I have “japanese nazi love hotel” on my search history. Achievement Unlocked! Ahahaha!
Z Man, don’t give up on the idea of your own castle, and consider putting my monthly subscription into a sinking fund for just such a purpose. I’ve even picked out a candidate for you:
With just my subscription in your sinking fund you will be living like a king in less than two years!
Cheers, and enjoy your conference this weekend.
(Your post yesterday was the most poignant lament on the fate of our nation that I can recall.)
VDare just purchased a castle
That is just plain cool.
Is that what he got for his quarterly fund raising drives. That and the $200,000 income he requires.
David – the Brimelows live in Connecticut, and it’s not cheap to maintain even a middle class lifestyle. They do not live exceptionally large, in my experience. I think the castle is terrific (and the price really was much less than I would have expected). To have their own place for conferences (build or buy our own!) is a good thing, particularly as it’s in West Virginia, not the people’s republic right next to it (although the powers that be are working on diversifying W VA as rapidly as possible too).
They do not live exceptionally large, in my experience.
Do you live in a castle?
David is (W)right, it takes a certain kind of chutzpah to e-beg for The Cause, when you live in a castle – maybe he’s taking lessons from Meghan Markle.
Felix, the castle is not the Brimelow’s home. It’s for VDare to hold conferences, because at least 10 different locales have canceled on them due to woke pressure, and had to pay substantial fees – which I trust were used to help purchase the castle. Again, it is not a residence, it is a meeting/conference facility.
I see. Still not good optics when you rely on donations; he could’ve bought or leased a normal conference room.
I don’t know what he paid for it, but these things are hideously expensive to maintain, which is why they’re often relatively cheap.
Link doesn’t work in the EU.
Regarding that article on the Brimelow castle, it’s annoying how even in the deepest Red parts of the country that the media are the same condescending, race baiting assholes that that are in the big Blue cities.
(Krull, shhhh. Gotta hide the money.
Just don’t say “tax-writeoff scam”, hokay?)
I have come to conclusions similar to zman’s with regard to libertarians, i.e., they’re just not very bright. That may be the reason why they are incapable of escaping their ideological prison, regardless of all the contrary evidence piling up outside the gates. If you do not possess sufficient intellectual clout to analyse human affairs, then libertarianism (or indeed any fixed set of ideas) provides you with series of interchangeable slogans, tropes and nostrums that you can use to simplify and solve the world in one easy step. It makes the wielder feel very clever and part of a priesthood… Read more »
Apologies for posting this twice. Didn’t appear first time.
As a libertarian, I read and re-read your posts, King Tut, so it helps, thanks.
States governments don’t need rainy day funds when the fed. govt. will bail them out if things get bad enough
Gotta disagree with one detail on the pod. Trump most certainly does care about the black vote, and has put a decent amount of energy into trying to get it. Recall from 2016 the ‘The dems haven’t improved your lot. Give me a try, what do you have to lose?’
If you believe polls, black support for the republican has never been higher.
But younger white people can keep dying of Fentanyl overdoses, who cares that they’ll never have it as good as their parents did?
Trump may be sincere, but he understands the math. His appeal to blacks is mostly to secure his base, who still worship at the shrine of anti-racism. As a practical matter, the black vote is insignificant and everyone knows it.
>As a practical matter, the black vote is insignificant and everyone knows it.
Taleb could not have put it better.
>>> His appeal to blacks is mostly to secure his base, who still worship at the shrine of anti-racism<<<
Couldn’t agree more, but we need to point out this absurdity if we’re ever going to smash the aforementioned shine.
It’s a great way to force the Democrats to spend time and money defending their base – which will also get them saying things that further alienate whitey.
Maybe it’s self interest talking, but to me it seemed like Pepe got Trump elected. You’d think they were his base. Since Charlottesville he’s gradually dumped Pepe for the boomer vote, and consequently Pepe has moved towards Bernie. Executive orders for Israel, meanwhile he ‘monitors‘ internet censorship. The demographic doom and gloom of the Obama years is back. The connection is obvious. Trump is playing to win a close election he should walk away with— at the expense of the future. Serving Israel and courting the black vote will be a losing platform in four years. The accelerationists will get… Read more »
To put a finer point on it, it’s not that the black 12% of the population is insignificant. It’s that you can only move the needle on the 5%-10% available to Republicans by a few points, no matter how hard you try. The brainwashing is that ingrained, and the lure of free stuff is too strong.
“ The brainwashing is that ingrained, and the lure of free stuff is too strong.”
Or the IQ too low…
The ROI is always going to be negative with blacks. If you look closely, Trump’s appeal to blacks is low-cost. He is not promising them anything but jobs, which is a subtle appeal to whites, when you stop and think about it. “Vote for me and I’ll put the blacks to work.” As long as black-on-white crimes does not spike up, it is a safe, low-cost tactic.
Trump’s man-made jail break, however, will make crime an issue in the next decade.
It’s impossible to know for sure, but I highly suspect and not without evidence that this “worshiping at the shrine” for the vast majority of them is just their attempt at good optics. Refusing to worship at the shrine is a thoughtcrime after all.
I encourage you to invest your hopes in blacks waking up and becoming conservatives so that you can crash that much harder when it doesn’t happen.
People have been saying that the big black awakening is nigh for as long as I’ve been alive and must learn that blacks are profoundly tribal and their highest collective priority is hurting whites. They are not becoming conservatives. Ever.
Conservative whites seek negro validation harder than liberal whites. 2 Breitbart headlines today: – Black Leaders Pray for Trump at Black History Month Celebration – Former NFL star Jack Brewer to president Trump: “You the first black president” I can just imagine boomers and charlie kirk types creaming themselves: wow a cool sportsball player even used his cool ebonics language to address us! You are correct that behaviour of any group is highly predictable. Only whites behavior varies by individuals since the 1960s. But life is very simple because I can pretty much adjust myself to interact with whatever ethnic… Read more »
That’s definitively the most fake and gay thing I have heard this month. I don’t think I can bring myself to vote for a side that makes me cringe this hard. Accelerationism is looking greener and greener. I miss anti-NFL trump so bad right now.
Keep in mind that Trump wants to get re-elected in the real world, not Honkeytopia which is nowhere near existing.
This bullcrap is not what got him elected. “What have you got to lose?” Is the pitch to blacks that won him the election, not licking negro taints. How exactly is this going to help him? Please explain this to me. I’m just a Honkey with basic Honkey level intelligence nowhere near the likes of a galaxy brain like master strategist Jussie Smolett. I was under the impression that this was still MAGA country.
I think this is largely a result of the troops following the general. The blexit meme, candace owens etc. are all artificial creations of Breitbart inc. and company. Everything I’ve seen of this just reeks of right jignat psy ops. Half wits with instinct enough to reject the left but not enough brain power to form their own cogent political views are parroting the now established Trump political machine. It’s a completely different tack than breitbart et. al. had when they were experiencing natural organic grassroots growth. Once the usual suspect co opt a movement it becomes toothless and incoherent,… Read more »
The unrelenting wishful thinking of Whites wrt the Blacks (and other minorities to an extent) is quite understandable. In the early 60’s, we gave up our controls over those populations. More and more (protective) restrictions were lifted, so that none remain. Populations of such minorities in relation to Whites increased by the decade. Now they are free to run amuck among us in larger and larger numbers. Our remaining hope is that eventually they will become normalized such that we need not fear them among us. That is increasingly shown year after year not to be the case. A drowning… Read more »
As Section 8 housing and other desegregation tactics get exercised, whites will need to come to terms with what it all actually means for them. Our “told-ya-so”s will be small comfort, when the reality of the thing is on everyone’s own front doorstep on a daily basis. “Moving to a better neighborhood” will lose is appeal, as everyone outside the top 1% is priced out of those “better neighborhoods” over time.
Absolutely Dutch. When the state (esp. in CA) gets state wide zoning power and overrules all local zoning as racist redlining it is all over for the lower 99% Whitey. There will be no “good” neighborhoods or “good” schools to run to. Even the gated communities will get 4 story Section 8 housing built on a state mandated torn down single house lot. Also, for “s***s and giggles” CA will start outlawing or at least making ownership of private cars so expensive that Whitey will have to take vibrant eco-friendly public transportation. What’s a Whitey to do???? Will he finally… Read more »
Not in CA, our numbers are far too small and spread far too thin. White people will just leave the state as they have been since the 90s. The only reason the process hasn’t been happening even faster than it is already is because of prop 13 which freezes property taxes to the property valuation assessed at the time of purchase. This provides a strong disincentive to selling. For example if you paid 100k 20 years ago, your taxes will remain at 1.XX percent of that 100k even if due to inflation and rising property values that same property is… Read more »
The thing to do is overturn the communist policies at the U.N. brought about by business coalitions that makes all this b.s. possible. It’s codified by nameless, faceless people at the U.N. and trickles down to all countries that the “least among us,” meaning savages or near savages from non-Christian countries, are entitled to entry to any developed country and must be accepted by that country and provided for, given a comfortable, dignified life, with living accommodations and living allowances provided even if the immigrants do not work, have no skills and hate the culture they’ve come to and wish… Read more »
I doubt the UN can be reformed. It’s been the stomping ground of lunatic globalists and third world nuts in colorful robes and funny hats for as long as most of us have been alive. It’s also another Cold War relic that’s outlived its purpose. Eventually one of the big developed nations (probably the US) will pull out of it and that will trigger all the rest of them to go. Then the people in funny hats will have it all to themselves but without Western money to play with they won’t be able to do anything.
Plenty of “Christian” savages from Africa and Latin America coming here. Savages are savages and Christianity won’t improve their behavior to any great degree, except to possibly stop them from eating each other. Remember that culture is downstream from biology.
But there seems to be a strange paradox with American blacks. On the one hand, they do vote as reliable bloc but, on the other hand, they also murder each other with alacrity, particularly young black males. So they act in accordance with political solidarity but possess no (or very little) social solidarity. That’s how it seems to me over here.
That’s only because the bulk of them are still fairly segregated. If you dispersed them more widely their victims would be much more diverse in nature. Go look at a racial dot map of detroit, baltimore or chicago if you want a more visceral picture of the situation. They have much more racial solidarity than whites, it’s not a lack of racial loyalty, it’s simply because they are dumber and more violent.
Also Amren has some stats that further counter your theory. Something like it being 30 times more likely for a black to murder a white than vice versa.
Thanks, that makes sense. I wasn’t proposing a theory really. It was just the impression I had that blacks don’t flinch from murdering other blacks.
The majority of murders are gang-related.
They’re unified for the gibs; darwinian in life.
“…never been higher!” Yeah, it went from the standard 10% to 11%. Trump’s numbers with blacks just aren’t that great. But it really has very little to do with President Trump. All of the available polling and other data shows that even the most conservative blacks vote 90% Democrat. Blacks who oppose gay marriage, vote Democrat. Blacks who oppose abortion vote Democrat. It really doesn’t even matter what the issue is, blacks vote Democrat at rates of about 90% or higher. When it comes to blacks, the best Trump can hope for is that the Democrats will run someone blacks… Read more »
There’s a good post at theamericansun about the racial splits in the Dems. It’s worth linking for this alone: “Every survey and every statistic in America is just another way to filter race.”
Post notes that Bernie has become the point of the spear for Hispanics, plus he’s got a hard core of experienced white organizers. When I referred to this bunch as Venezuela Democrats, I was more accurate than I realized.
Black support for Bush was much higher.
Thanks at least for being dismissive about Nicholas Taleb. The guy sounds like a bit of a charlatan to me. Never read any of his books but I hear him quoted a lot and hear his ideas discussed, and they always sound rather banal and unoriginal. For a guy who is supposed to be so smart, he doesn’t even seem to understand what a “black swan” actually is, (hint: it’s not just something you weren’t expecting, it’s an epistemological term), the same way most people think they know what a “tipping point” is, but in reality they don’t. He’s Malcolm… Read more »
I’ve always suspected that a big part of Taleb’s bombast and bluster was to keep people from looking to closely at his arguments. Old school internet people who cut their teeth on Usenet know the type. He is a smart guy, but he is not Greg Cochran smart.
I note that Taleb’s “Intellectual Yet Idiot” is remarkably autobiographical. I used to work for a guy who worked for Joe Kennedy Sr. back in the JFK era, and he told me that the Kennedy family owns the franchise on any whiskey sold as “Scotch” — forget if it came to a nickel or a quarter per shot, but either way it adds up to a lot of money going into Kennedy coffers… I wonder if Trump is aware of this, and is using it to cut into whatever lefty nonsense Kennedy money funds. The Expanse series is much, much… Read more »
“He’s Malcolm Gladwell for people who want to see themselves as being smarter than the people who read Malcolm Gladwell.”
Sounds like a sentiment made by someone crapping on Walmart shoppers whilst strolling into a Target. It’s also one sentiment I’ve heard IRL. I vaguely remember the Malcolm Gladwell fad and the only point of his I remember is something about taking 10,000 hours to “master” something.
Taleb’s a legitimate contrarian thinker whose opinion is worth considering on some subjects. He got publicly wrecked on IQ by James Thompson & others because he was arguing from his heart and damning the evidence. The autodidact outsider shtick has worked well for him but he overestimates himself fairly often. Read him with a critical eye for bias and self-puffery.
Didn’t know who Malcom Gladwell was. Pop psychologist who wrote some dumb claptrap for all the temporarily embarrassed millionaires out there huh? I’m not gonna bother looking into what a “tipping point” is but I think I do understand the reasoning behind the one drop rule now. That hair is atrocious.
OT: Baltimore Rebirth: A New Bloom Of Jazz In Charm City
Amazon bought the series from the SciFy network. I’ve read the books – not bad. The latest season was based on probably the least entertaining book.
I really enjoyed “The Boys” on Amazon. Starts out as a superhero series with some twists then gets real. Very dark humor and looks inside the Deep State.
Talking to the Hmong and the Mexicans about the Wuflu. Freight has slowed way, way down, because the containers aren’t arriving in the Port of Los Angeles.* The Hmong**, in his very broken English, said, “but you good, go Texas. Texas has freight come Mexico, and Sou’ ‘Merica.” I stroked the side of my face and said, “see this color? I’m a Nazi. And you’re saying Mexico will save the USA now??… What am I going to tell my friends?!” ‐——————- *Zero testing of those ships or their crews on shore leave for the night- just as there is zero… Read more »
One of my kids is interning with an energy shipping firm–and can see the real time global marine traffic (ships carry pingers similar to aircraft) The anchorages outside the Asian ports look like the Long Island Expressway on Memorial Day Friday. Nothing is moving or is severely under loading. Transit is usually about 21 days, so the shit will begin hitting the fan in the next few weeks. LNG deliveries have ceased since demand is half and the onshore storage is full.
Late reply: I was on the LIE last Memorial Day Friday at 4:30, no less. It reminded me of that diner in Queens, where I was chatting with some musicians getting ready for their gigs. When the clock struck 5, the double-pane windows started to vibrate. I asked why, they told me, “Everybody’s hitting their horns– it’s the gridlock. Happens at this time every night.”
Thanks! Just took the rental car and loaded up on 2 months worth of Dinty Moore and V8. No masks to be found anywhere, though, shoot.
Do you mispronounce fudgepacking Pete’s name deliberately?
Correct pronunciation is butekrak, which I understand, is Maltese for Ladyboy.
Heaven must have a sense of humor that the surname of the first openly gay Presidential candidate starts with “Butt.”
Completely OT but it’s a smart crowd here. I keep having this thought that the rise of free trade, demographics, and illiteracy coincides with the economic and political rise of the south. A plantation mentality with some Jacksonian rabble rousing. Likewise, the decline of homogeneity, citizenship, and the nuclear family coincides with the decline of the north. Granted these are stereotypes. Granted there’s much to admire about the south. Granted the north committed sins. Granted there’s all sorts of exceptions. But from a 30000 ft perspective it looks kind of antebellum to me. It’s as if we’re in an historical… Read more »
No Idea, never been to the south. Live near LA and I can’t imagine a more soul sucking place in which to reside. Definitely going to move out of here within the next couple years. Don’t think I will head east though, not many blacks where I live but there were enough for me to figure out that I want to be as far as I can possibly get from them. Planning a trip to northern Idaho next summer to check things out. Visited a friend in Boise a couple years ago, very nice place but I have doubts about… Read more »
Haven’t been out west since I was a kid. It was wide open. Loved Montana. If the images in media are correct a lot has changed. I remember Denver and Phoenix being medium sized cities, on the order of Pittsburgh or so. A buddy of mine lived in Phoenix for a few years. He said it was cool because most people weren’t from Phoenix so he didn’t feel like an outsider. All I remember from Idaho is Craters of the Moon. That blew my mind. It’s curious how people are moving to Boise. Not that it isn’t a nice place—… Read more »
Elegant, Painter, rings true.
Fash could try Atlanta, but I’d recommend backwoods Louisiana or South Carolina. The only white face he’d see for the next two days would be his reflection in the mirror.
Yeah, no thanks. Point well taken. Gun to my head, I’d take mexico over africa in a heartbeat.
Bonus points: smokin’ latina chicks are too poor to buy much fabric, so they wear really, really short dresses. Two handkerchiefs, like.
So, women aren’t discriminated against in math departments, because there just aren’t a lot of women mathematicians, because it’s mostly men who are good at math, though there are outliers, which are OK to hire. OTOH, it’s OK to actually discriminate against homosexuals in the military, because in fact, not one single one is “good enough to get the job done.” If that were true, why would it even be an issue? Surely 100% would wash out at basic training, so problem solved; and if, like women mathematicians, some don’t, what’s the argument then? (And no, this isn’t an argument… Read more »
Hitler did get rid of the “fags” in the SA when the time was right and their usefulness at an end.
Homosexuals *anywhere* doing their chosen occupation to their maximum ability will often keep the gay stuff way reigned in, if not outright concealed. The turbo gays who flaunt their gayness are usually outright buttholes. Fact is, homosexuality is divisive to any sort of group cohesion.
For all the posters dissing Nicholas Taleb, the guy is 100x smarter and a deep thinker than any of the mental midgets like Spencer that the alt-right coughs up. Sure as hell a lot smarter than any of the guys on this blog.
What the hell does Richard Spencer have to do with Nick Taleb?
I like NT, with a few caveats. He doesn’t need me to e-nanny his reputation.
Not to “well, actually”, so sorry, but Spencer? Not really relevant any more. Nobody on this side talks about him much.