The Minority State

Thirty years ago, as the Cold War was ending, the big question for the West was what was going to come next? The great struggle between liberal democracy and communism was over and the clear winner was liberal democracy. The only real question, in terms of politics, was just how quickly the rest of the world embraced what was clearly the only rational politics. The question political theorists will be pondering in the future, is what went horribly wrong with liberal democracy?

There really is no other way to frame things at this point. In 1990, there was a long list of things that no one thought would ever happen in the West. Most of things on that list were things assumed to be common in the Soviet Empire. The police arresting someone for holding the wrong opinion was the symbol of everything that was wrong in the communist system and everything right about liberal democracy. Yet, thirty years on and this is exactly what we see happening all over the West.

This story from Kentucky, of all places, is a good example. Two children and two adults have been arrested for racism. That’s not the specific charge. Instead the state has invented a novel new crime called “harassing communication” which means it is against the law to upset the wrong people with your public utterances. Since there’s not official list of people one must avoid upsetting, the state is free to arrest anyone for their speech on the claim that someone may be upset by it.

At this point, it is tempting to make a comparison to the Stasi or maybe Stalin’s KGB, but that would be a slander against the communists. They were always quite clear about who you could never criticize and what you must never dispute. When Stalin’s boys dragged you from your home, you knew exactly why you were being hauled away by the police. Every man in the gulag knew why he was there. The novelty of liberal democracy is in keeping everyone in the dark about these things.

Another novelty is that in communism, everyone also knew to avoid taking the side of the accused and they knew why to avoid it. That was another thing Westerners would brag about during the Cold War. In America, when someone was bullied by the state, lawyers would volunteer to defend the accused. A common phrase used by Progressive civil and political rights activists back then was “I may disagree with what you say, but I’ll fight to the death for your right to say it.”

It turns out to have been a complete lie. Not only will no one fight to the death to defend speech, the great and the good line up to condemn anyone for speaking out. Where is the ACLU in these cases? Certainly not rushing to defend children against the crime of saying mean things. No, the ACLU is too busy ratting out heretics and blasphemers, who dare question the liberal democratic ideology. In one of life’s great ironies, all of the civil rights groups now work to limit your civil rights.

Notice also how the concept of rights has changed. Thirty years ago, even left-wing political actors accepted the old definition of rights, as limits on the state. Your right to speak out against the government was really a hard limit on the state to police the speech of the citizens. Today, rights are just demands from an increasingly minoritized population for things to which no one can have a right. In this Kentucky case, they demand the community celebrate their mating decisions.

That should be the story here. This family moves to the community and begins making demands on the community. The white mother and her mulatto daughter start harassing the school about the racial complexion of the curriculum. The father demands the teachers change their classrooms to satisfy the demands of his children. This mixed-race family instantly became a cancer on the community, by making an increasingly narrow set of demands in the name of their rights.

This is one of the new realities of liberal democracy. Instead of people fearing the secret police and their many spies, the people fear the civil rights activists and their auxiliary army of novel weirdos. A mixed-race couple of trannies moves into the neighborhood and everyone is gripped with fear. It not only means everyone has to play make-believe with the lunatics, but must live in fear of upsetting them in some way. The agent of terror is the bespoke weirdo and its crazy demands for acceptance.

As an aside, this may explain the popularity of movies and television shows based on Stephen King books. One of his formulas is the nice, quiet small town that is suddenly beset by a demon that exploits the innocence of the locals, often the children. Everything is just right until the monster arrives. Further, the real terror in this formula is that there is no reason behind the demon. It’s just evil for the sake of being evil. That’s what the people in the Kentucky story are experiencing right now.

It is tempting to think that the people will tire of this terrorism by weirdo phenomenon, but the lesson of communism is that people will tolerate pretty much anything in an ideological state. The old rule about people revolting unless they are well fed and entertained turned out to be untrue in the Soviet Empire. The people often lacked the basics and the pleasures of life were highly rationed. Communism was not overthrown by an unhappy people. It just ran out of social capital to burn.

That is the secret sauce of popular government, whether it is some form of communism or some form liberalism. Both rest on the concept of the general will. The ideology of the state and the actions of the state are in the name of the general will. Everything that is done is done in the name of the people, as if fifty percent plus one is a god that must always be pleased. People will revolt against a king or despot. They will revolt against an aristocracy. People will not revolt against themselves.

That really is the paradox of liberal democracy. In the name of the people, the will of the people must be thwarted in the name of minority interests. We saw this with homosexual marriage. The champions swore they were fighting for the people, even when the people kept rejecting these proposals. It is why increasingly narrow minority groups are so popular with the ruling elite. If they can find just one weirdo to champion, they have a license to do as they please.

This fetishization of obscure minorities is leading inevitably to the West being dominated by minorities to the point where there is no majority. America will be non-white in two decades and Europe will be swamped with Africans by mid-century. Not only is there no effort to prevent this, all efforts are made to accelerate it. Paradoxically, the end point of majority rule is minority rule. Mature liberal democracy is a collection of minority groups demanding stuff from the state, like children at a candy store.

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4 years ago

Liberal democracy’s end goal is to make us majority non-white, to prove that all men are created equal. Civilizing other nations didn’t work so they have to come here. However, liberal democracy only works in a majority white setting. Weird situation. It may eventually destroy white people and itself. I have this other theory – the elites know that liberal democracy is failing. The drive to destroy the white working, and now middle, class is done on purpose to destroy the ability to rebuild. The elites will go to New Zealand while we are not able to rebuild based on… Read more »

Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

Why? What would the “elites” do in New Zealand? Are you saying that they will experience some sort of sadistic pleasure watching the world burn from distance? And then what? They can’t survive on their own. Elysium is not possible.

Reply to  Hun
4 years ago

they want a a much reduced population of people because once you reach a certain population , say 500mil, being elite doesn’t get better with additional population. so they will not actually go to new zealand, they will just retreat to very secure gated communities during any real tribulation . or so the theory goes.

Reply to  miforest
4 years ago

They still need a smart fraction to maintain their standards of living. That won’t work if the north is flooded and destroyed by the south.

Reply to  Hun
4 years ago

They aren’t that smart and figure they can live within walls.

netter to reign in hell and all that.

Reply to  Hun
4 years ago

that’s why they keep pumping out male Chinese engineers, even if some drop dead during examinations, even if they have to abort girls and leave them single (and make them more manly/feminist as a result). it doesn’t matter, because the party sends these yellow-red shock troops abroad anyway, where the affirmative action scholarships for their costly foreign student degrees await. from there on, they shall attempt to buy blondes, like a certain other (((people))) did when they became accountants and lawyers. the difference – the yellow-reds are attempting to build clone and robot servants that don’t complain like the stupid… Read more »

Reply to  d.deacon
4 years ago

Frankenstein’s monster pursued Victor for him to make him a female companion. Chinese incels are only good for 10 years and then they, like the monster, destroy you. You either use them and kill them or they kill you. Not a long term plan. Then again, none of the elites plans have been

Reply to  miforest
4 years ago

Less people, better living is an opinion I share with them. A US with a population of half what it is now or maybe a third would be much nicer The big difference is I don’t think I’m good enough to make the call who lives and who does and they often are. Frankly I don’t think the Earth can sustain more than 1 or maybe with very good stewardship 2 billion . What needs to be “the case” is that European descended peoples need to be at least 25% our historical norm, maybe more . If they are moral,… Read more »

Reply to  Hun
4 years ago

Fleeing to an island of White people has its benefits. They don’t get all they are used to, but they don’t get hanged either. They have significant assets in these hideaways to support a top 1% lifestyle. I assume that they assume they will be allowed to survive in New Zealand. Certainly, the odds are better there than in any State that has significant non-Whites. Heck, New Zealand and Australia has been a haven for any number of expat’s over the years that I have known. Nothing new here. I once looked into it a decade or so ago. Australia… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

NZ is 71% white. Less than any European country. They don’t have many joggers though.

Destroying the world to “retire” in NZ is also a little far fetched. It doesn’t make sense that our cosmopolitan elites would want to be confined to a small island far away from everywhere. It’s OK as a plan B or C but not as a plan A.

Reply to  Hun
4 years ago

Who said retreating to NZ is plan “A”? It is an option. My assumption is that it is one of many options a smart gazillionaire would have in his portfolio. I’m simply pointing out that NZ has benefits that someone who is rich, White, Western European or American would have a great interest in. No where have I stated anyone is conspiring to destroy the world and move to NZ. Rather, if whatever those folk plan comes a cropper, they have a fallback if needed in the lower hemisphere.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

It was implied by UFO’s post, which started this thread.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

I hope all the gazillionaires settle in New Zealand. Easier to be found, caught and set on fire.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

We build our own little New Zealands before they do then. A thousand little communities where it’s easy to roll out the unwelcome mat for both these entitled “youths” and little propagandists like the story’s writer. I hate to break it to everyone in this movement… we dont get to have cities. Not without a massive civil upheaval. Large towns and cities simply do not afford accountability for deviants and troublemakers. They can still shop, eat out, get their frappe fagacinos in complete anonymity. They’ll be enough wine aunties and college-know nothings to support whatever insulting cause they take up.… Read more »

4 years ago

There’s a crazy Karen on our block that sued our HOA on dubious grounds, slandered my neighbors on NextDoor, and threatened to sue a new neighbor(who also has breast cancer) because their dogs didn’t get along once and tussled. She’s still less toxic to a community than that family in Kentucky. A crazy lady everyone hates is far more manageable than a crazy family with the full backing of the Deep State.

Still, as has been said before, the only reason those scolds have power is because of traitorous white people and cowardly white people.

Reply to  ChetRollins
4 years ago

GoodWhites are, in some ways, an even tougher but to crack than the Chosen.

At least the later has distinct surnames and genetic markers.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Goodwhites have devil sign on the forehead. We will go after them with computer tomography. Political Orientations Are Correlated with Brain Structure This was know already in the ancient Egypt. And this is also reason why we all must equal. Without equality, we would understood very quickly that all white race problems from witch hunt to kulak hunt to racist hunt or all known madnesses are coming from very small, 2-4% of easy to be determined. When bible predicted fight between good and evil, they probably knew Egypitan findings that goodwhites have very specific brain what reminds one of… Read more »

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Some of us are more interested in telling people what we really believe than “cracking” other Whites, Meme.

What is it you feel like you need to hide?

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Well someone’s in a catty mood today…

4 years ago

Notice — It’s a house full of females. Crazy looking mom.

Reply to  PrimiPilus
4 years ago

I used to think that the idea that our products were being laced with chemicals to make men effeminate was crazy talk.

Now I’m not so sure.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago


It’s tangentially related, but take a look at It’s far from the realm of crazy talk.

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
Reply to  Gasman
4 years ago
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Weed, fast food and feminist brainwashing. Especially weed.

Every week I try to pay as little tax on groceries as possible. It’s like a game. (We only pay taxes on “non essential” goods – ie. Junk).

Last week was 25 cents on a shop of $55.

Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

Jeebus. I’ve been living in the city for too long. Our weekly grocery bill for two people and no pets is at least $500. I haven’t spent $55 on groceries since I was living off cheap ramen noodles and sleeping on a couch for a handful of years. I may be due for a move to more-rural parts of the US, that or you live in a time warp :>)

Reply to  ZooAnimal
4 years ago

I’d assume food is more expensive in the rural areas.

I dunno what you’re buying but 250 each is insane. I eat meat 6 nights a week for $70/week. Try buying club packs on sale and freeze the extra portions.

Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

All depends on what it is UFO if it’s grown in that area then it’s less expensive if it has to be shipped in then it’s a little more…I guarantee though I live cheaper where I am at than I ever did when I lived in those big cities…

Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

Geez, drunk civnats have done such a good job.

So when they test you, surveil you, infiltrate you, jail you, and drag the kids screaming from your house, remember- it was for your own good.

Racism is a gateway to Nazis!

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

They’re already prepping the vaccine and “passport” that will enable you to work around others, eat at a restaurant, walk in the park, visit a dentist etc. You will be chipped.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

I too have had a change of perspective on things like you mention. Used to seem nuts. But I think that these people … the LEFT? … our elites, betters, whatever …. I think they all know almost instinctively what they must do, what they need immediately attack, and what methods they should use to achieve their ends. And destroying masculinity, like destroying Christianity — the only real counterpoise to the vileness of the human character — were critical and long ago recognized as immediate mission priorities for their movement. So here we are.

Reply to  PrimiPilus
4 years ago

I agree, Primi. The elites and their useful idiot followers don’t need direction. It’s not a conspiracy. They along with their deep state, fake news media, academia and Hollywood are a living organism that works together automatically without orders. When X number of deaths are needed somehow they ship the elderly to homes which are really death camps. When they need to crash the economy to destroy a president BOOM, the blue state governors close all businesses and terminate all employment of “non-essential” people. They even created a new class of scape goats with these “non-essentials”. Let’s face it if… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Hoagie
4 years ago

I liken the overall mass of Leftists to a school of fish. There is no detailed conspiracy among them, but they all subconsciously sense the benefits of swimming in the same direction.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

Except oddly enough the defective fish who swim where they please. I read a paper years ago where some marine biologists studying schooling behavior, took a fish from the school and disabled some parts of the brain such as thought to promote schooling behavior—they assumed the fish would not school and get naturally eliminated pretty quickly by predators. Well, something interesting happened. The fish in point was now the observable leader of the school of fish it was returned to. That is to say, all the other fish followed the aberrant one in their schooling behavior. Perhaps there is a… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

It was a black fish? That makes sense. The other fish wanted equivalent of his sneakers. He bust a move, they amplify and bust a move. Were any fish shot? They schoolin’ so you know there were a lot of little fish poopin’ outta the egg sacks. No doubt the government paid dey study.

Reply to  MooseIsLoose
4 years ago

“They schoolin'”…

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago


I would also add that there are subgroups within our metaphorical school of fish that definitely have defined, detailed conspiracy plans among their immediate in-group.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

It’s like a school of Piranhas, vicious and unceasingly aggressive. The prey does nothing but react defensively, blowing bubbles as they get overwhelmed.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

We should too as there is strength in numbers and weakness in individualism.

Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

I hope people are starting to wake up to that fact that you can only be an individualist if those around you are like you otherwise you will be picked off by those who aren’t like you and are working collectively…

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Why do you think (((they))) work so hard to prevent the development of any signs of group identity among whites?

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

Yea but it falls on each of us not to let them have any effect us…Think about it Brother if all or most your interactions that you have on a daily basis are with people that are your kind then really how much affect are they going to have on you… Something to think about 😉

Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

Championing individualism does not necessarily preclude working as a team.

Reply to  PrimiPilus
4 years ago

Never attribute to conspiracy what can be explained by simple flocking behavior.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

@meme – high levels of estrogen are pretty prominent all throughout the population, from effeminate men, a lower average age of menarche in the trad white population, PCOS and endometriosis, and it also promotes fat retension.

Reply to  Stina
4 years ago

Maybe we start more males on weekly Testosterone and Anastrozole injections. Of course, that assumes these effeminate males can screw up the courage to stick a needle in their ass. Ladies, here’s where you can prove effective. Give them their shots. 😉

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago


Exercise and time away from the screen works wonders.

However it has to have a masculine culture to go with it. There is no point in High T of you are using it to ride a desk and play Call of Duty

It has to be out in the real world, doing physical things or it becomes a liability. No clue how we get that. We’ve been flogging physical culture for over a century as we’ve grown more urban and with mixed results.

Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

Trades Brother Trades…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Are you sure you aren’t Mike Rowe under an alias 😉

As far as trades done my share. Problem is we only need a fixed number of people doing that and not everyone is suited.

Its a damned good solution but we need to figure out what to do with the rest.

Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

Well I would definitely say if your not cut out for that I would look at who remained working in all this mess and shoot for that…
Mike Rowe is good people 😉
PS I push it so hard because I love my job and can’t believe they pay me for having that much fun👍

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

Ab, You are right, only so many tradesmen needed, but it’s a large enough number that it can bolster the prosperity of Our People and as whites we are damn good at building stuff and keeping it going. Look at it this way in the interim, it’s easy shitcan a cubicle worker, cab driver or middle manager for unapproved think. You can’t arbitrarily and heavy-handedly start caning electrical, gas and oil, farmers and rancher, truckers and structural support workers in the same way. Well you can, but those fragile fat cities where your hive live will die in short order… Read more »

Reply to  PrimiPilus
4 years ago

Z-Man — I do believe there is this restive quiet out here because many people realize now there is no fix for this kind of atrocity (violating previously inviolate rights), and other LEFT-driven madness. They don’t know what they can do, and there are no real leaders to show them the way. They are scattered, and scared. So they try to maintain some semblance of normalcy inside their shrinking circle.

Reply to  PrimiPilus
4 years ago

Anyone can lead a few men. Truth is there is an option but fundamentally no one has convinced anyone me included that price is worth paying. The modern world is brittle, proven even more so than most thought by the recent madness and this tells people one god push and we all risk dying horribly. Whatever comes out on the other end better be worth it and thus far no one seems to have a real plan to make it happen or any way to stop a nation now filled with blooded killers from going at it till all the… Read more »

Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

Yes ….. and first it’s got to be articulated, either in narrative form or via the novel (as in fiction reflecting reality). Not many on our side do that kind of creative work … all the creative ones dyed their hair green and started barking at the moon. It’s up to those like us, somehow, to put it all together to stop the madness and preserve those central “goods” you reference above.

Reply to  PrimiPilus
4 years ago

Until the USSR collapsed, I read that US intelligence was painting pictures of their abilities and strengths. They were still the great and powerful “OZ”. Reagan knew better, or perhaps he just had a spiritual belief. Nonetheless it finally occurred shortly after he left office after doing battle with them for 8 years.

Point is, the touch off event you speak of is unknowable as to time and place. But that doesn’t mean it won’t or can’t happen. Leaders may be in the field as we speak, it’s just not their time yet. That is my belief.

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
Reply to  PrimiPilus
4 years ago

Welcome to the Matriarchy

Chad Hayden
Chad Hayden
Reply to  PrimiPilus
4 years ago

At least the mom looks like she was bangable at some point in her life…the daughters don’t even rate.

Felix Krull
4 years ago

They were always quite clear about who you could never criticize and what you must never dispute. When Stalin’s boys dragged you from your home, you knew exactly why you were being hauled away by the police.

Wait, what? Absolutely not true – it is a recurring theme in the Gulag Archipelago: the charges were as nebulous and inscrutable as they are in the modern police state, except they’d net you ten-fifteen years in a camp.

Let’s not go overboard here. Even with the lockdown, we’re nowhere near Soviet levels of anarcho tyranny yet.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

I wondered about that sentence. I haven’t read Gulag Archipelago, but I am almost finished with 200 years together, and Solzhenitsyn made the point periodically that the vagueness of the charges was a feature of the system. Now the possibility exists that different methods were employed in Eastern Europe after WWII, I truly have no idea.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Thanks for the real-talk, Felix.

Americans should spend some time around genuine political outlaws who actually risk felony-length sentences (1+ years) in their “liberal” homelands just for speaking their minds or gathering in groups before they go apeshit about “tyranny.”

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Well, when local governments can effectively imprison “citizens” in their homes and arrest people for paddleboarding and taking a child to the park, I think tyranny is an apposite term.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Yes, but now the “switch” is easier to throw. None of those cavernous rooms of file cards and clerks that the Stasi required. Had lunch years ago with the guy that wrote a lot of the code behind Tor. His term (he may have coined it) was “turnkey totalitarianism”. This was around 2009. He’d just gotten done getting in a public argument with the former CIO of the NSA during his presentation. I sat down at his table since everyone else seemed to be afraid to be seen with him. Believe he lives in Germany now.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Well said. And a strong form of oppression is to show up, take away a family member to an unspecified locale, for charges unknown. Never tell the family why nor where they were taken. Night and Fog and all that entails.

So let’s just say, in agreement to this Krull, that our oppressors have more upside to aspire to. Don’t tell witch Gretchen…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

With the operative term being “yet.” Full-blown Stalinism took roughly three decades to erect. America is within spitting distance of Stalinism in less than three months.

4 years ago

A “minority state” isn’t a state unless the minority elite provides the polity a mutually-acceptable balance of silver vs. lead. As I mentioned yesterday, the Western White majority is over-thinking itself to death with deep concerns about “positive identity” (aka “who we are”), The minorities who are usurping our states are not worried about who they are because, unlike some of us, they have no problem identifying who we are. If you don’t care to accept their definition of your identity, welcome to the opposition. Americans beat fairly long odds to become Americans long before we really knew what being… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Good point. I’d rather concentrate on American vs. European identity, because other than my ancestors who came from Europe a couple of centuries ago, I have little visceral connection to the place.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

Plus many of us are here because our ancestors didn’t fit in over there. A big part of American identity was not being European. The other whites.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

Painter, Europeans aren’t dominating White Americans. Who is?

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

You really have to ask? Greater point is white Americans are their own thing, not European.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

I don’t know, honestly. There were people who came to build a new homeland for themselves, but there were also the profiteers who never really gave a damn about the nation. The Brits seemed keen to destabilize the young republic, but I think they brought us back into the fold with their banking and wars, instead. And of course the foreign influences that came with successive waves of immigration. The nation is still there buried under the noise, and if pressed I blame us for allowing it to happen. We’re still the same people who threw off the dominant global… Read more »

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

Thinking more about all this, to tie some things together… Been talking about Jews here lately. I don’t love or hate them as a group, mostly I think they’re strange and sympathetic for never fitting in and making people resent them— but I do sometimes suspect they’re being set up. I’ll admit it’s easy for me to be even-handed, though. If I lived in Brooklyn I’d probably be a raging antisemite. It goes to what I was saying about the Brits and America. They couldn’t reconquer the US, but they did manage to bring us in as their savior in… Read more »

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
4 years ago

Part of me is happy this is happening because it seems like it is following the pattern of “slowly, then all at once”. The stories of people being arrested for what amounts to basically thoughtcrime are becoming more & more frequent. I was an ‘early adopter’ being in the DC area. I was in complete confusion at 4 am when the SWAT team arrived. Several hours later my house thoroughly trashed while they stole everything that wasn’t nailed down, because ‘evidence, and I got out of lockup I finally saw the charging document which basically amounted to “you made a… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago

Apex, the choice is to form our own communities outside their areas of concern or what exactly?

Are we better off raising kids in Los Angeles – or even smaller cities like Milwaukee or Columbus – or in the sticks?

If we’re better off alone than together, the burden of proof is on you to tell my why.

Recent events have shown the Empire isn’t capable of managing a low-level mildly threatening pandemic, much less a North American roundup of “homeschooling Christians.”

If you’re dead set on saving us from making some vast mistake, tell us what our alternatives are.

Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago

Apex, you are posing a question that has no good answer, only the least bad one (one of our modern liberal conceits is that every question has a good answer–wrong!). The least bad answer is that we have our own communities, “by us, for us”, as some might say. Dispersed and as invisible as possible. They might roll us all up, but they might not. Or they might only get some of us. But it is the least bad choice we have, and it offers the best and most rewarding lifestyle for ourselves and our families in the meantime. It… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago

Creating our own communities will certainly be opposed by the Establishment. I wonder though, if their current ham-fisted response to the virus might well be a much needed opening. It’s already teaching a lot of people how to go about ignoring the state and that spirit of defiance can be extended to things beyond keeping a store open against the imperial edicts of some Xrrl Governor. Ultimately we just need to start finding each other in real life and forming groups to do things besides politics. We need to emphasize skill sharing, recreation, essentially everything that people do that represents… Read more »

Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

Pozy, your idea of “horizontal” is great. Local co-ops and low profile local economies. Keep Amazon out of it. It’s how we need to think. Nobody gets rich, but everyone in the neighborhood lives well enough and looks out for each other.

Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

Poz. we’re on the same page. They will oppose anything we do but lay down and die. The question is how we avoid or overcome the resistance, not whether it happens.

Motel Saxon will “leave a light on for ya.”

Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago

I plan to avoid being swat raided by not saying anything to aggressive blacks beyond “A number 7, please.”

Or, you know, moving to someplace without American blacks.

Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago

Apex all I will say is it better to have people on your side when something like that happens or to be alone and leave it at that…

Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago

I have not posted in a bit. With the supposed fist coming down on Russiagate and the lockdown I am at this point just watching. But I have not left and I want to say to the posters in this thread that the topic you guys are discussing is why I am here. As I have noted before, I got quickly tired of other sites where I kept reading “the next time xyz happens we are going to do something about it” but xyz never happens. If whitey can not see what is happening to him now then I am… Read more »

4 years ago

In that story from Kentucky, the reporter seems to be acting as the PR person for the family making the accusations. This is pretty typical. No attempt is made to present the side of the accused. “Names and ages of the adults aren’t being released at this time, and the investigation is ongoing.” How convenient. If there are police charges against them, it is a matter of public record. As you read through the long, rambling article, you see case after case where the girls choose to be offended and choose to make issues out of things where no issue… Read more »

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Who said there are only two things, power and love and you can’t have both

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Great observation, Vizzini, about the “reporter” serving as PR flack. Stories about kids are a specialty of this kind of “reporting,” because it’s easy to hide behind the traditional legal and ethical restrictions about soliciting opposing comments from minors, and thereby only tell the “aggreived” side of the story. You’ll recall the story from about a year ago, about a black girl in a private school who claimed her hair had been cut by a gang of white boys. It never happened, of course, and the school (read, boys’ parents) was effective in shutting down the “story” before it became… Read more »

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  ChrisZ
4 years ago

Forget the family of troublemakers. They are a minor wart. It’s the “reporter” that is the cancerous growth. She’s the one with the megaphone and the agenda. Her megaphone makes her disproportionally damaging. Her clearly having an agenda beyond impartially presenting the news… relieves her of the moral protection her profession used to have. I’m sure she claims multiple protected statuses … but whatever her claims, she is still a mouthy white girl to most of her allies. Within the framework of the law, she is a prime example of the kind of enemies to Our People that need to… Read more »

Reply to  Penitent Man
4 years ago

Exactly PM until there are consequences for bad behavior it will get worse…

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Is it any surprise that a clutch of Halfrican teen girls were inspired by Mehgan Markle to be uppity, self-entitled bitches of the most annoying sort? The media has stoked the idiocy of the masses to worship every clothing choice and social practice of this jumped up American “princess.” The absurdity of what has become praiseworthy in this day and age is simply astonishing. But I have learned that neither the gnashing of teeth in anger nor the weeping of bitter tears in sorrow does anything to stop, let alone reverse, the tide of filth that deluges us.

Chad Hayden
Chad Hayden
Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Something tells me I that’s (((Sara Kuhl))). Or am I seeing jews in my Cheerios again

Reply to  Chad Hayden
4 years ago

That would make it “Joooooooooooos”
Gay jews are honey nut Cheerios.

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Few “reporters” are able to write articles any longer. I gave up once the story got into how they were no black authors. Anyways, other than being insulting, I didn’t see any evidence of harassment. Plus, she can be viewed as the instigator by butting into a conversation at the beginning. The fact that she was unable to either ignore the guy or fire back a few insults is the problem. Then pushing it up the chain of command at the school was sure to not end well. Saw this happen at a private school my kids attended. Once they… Read more »

Reply to  Chris_Lutz
4 years ago

The complaints about the N-word in To Kill A Mockingbird are pretty ironic. That book used to be a leftist holy tome. Now the degenerate descendants of the ones who saddled us with this crap aren’t any more sophisticated than to complain about any appearance of the N-word.

Any based Whites in the school would do well to say, “You know, you’re right. Let’s ban To Kill A Mockingbird!”

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

The gist I got from it was “I’ll teach them to ‘hate’ black people!!!”.

4 years ago

The communist rule never really ended. This reminds me of when the Nazis took over, the bureaucrats and elites merely switched hats. They went from good liberal democrats to Nazis and then back to liberal democrats in the West and to communists in the East.
I doubt it would take longer than 6 months to turn DC into National Socialists should they ever take over the government in the US. The women screaming about equality today would be denouncing Jews and communists.

4 years ago

Some local background on this story. I actually live in the county where this occurred, Madison County. There are two incorporated towns in Madison County. The larger town, Richmond, is the county seat and is where the conservatives live. The smaller town, Berea, which is where this story is centered, is a goofy, liberal island at the far south end of the county. Madison County is 93% White, 4% Hispanic (farm laborers) and 3% Black. It’s mostly rural, with “real” farms raising cattle and crops, not “gentlemen farmers” raising horses for the Arabs like you see in other central KY… Read more »

Reply to  Dukeboy01
4 years ago

Thanks for the background. What stood out for me was this para: “There’s a 2nd- tier State university (Eastern Kentucky University) in Richmond as well, but it’s flagship program is the college of Law Enforcement and the second best program EKU has is its Nursing College. The state’s police training academy is also located on the EKU campus. Besides EKU, Richmond also has a military base, the Bluegrass Army Depot. Basically, Richmond is full of farmers, cops, nurses, soldiers, and the people who train them. Not fertile ground for progressivism.” Not one group there is not at least heavily subsidized… Read more »

Reply to  bilejones
4 years ago

True enough, but it’s the parts of government that have direct contact and experience with the world as it actually exists, not as Progressives wish it to be. Their missions tend to be more practical, not theoretical, if that makes sense.

4 years ago

I would just say we’re not exactly in the dark ( at least those with half a clue) as to who can and can’t be criticized. There’s a “dark” biped that walks among us that happens to currently be at to top of the list of freaks, geeks & muds that is absolutely protected from any mean speech/attitude by whites.
Man, you are burning white hot these days, Z. Every post has been spot on, in describing our reality these days.

Stranger in a strange land
Stranger in a strange land
Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

Or, if I may…There’s a “dark” biped that jogs among us…

Reply to  Stranger in a strange land
4 years ago

Absolutely! That fits much better.

Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

I think this is bullshit claim. You have an unrealistic view of communism. Read some Solzenitzyn and see how it wasn’t at all clear who is going to be sent to gulag. Not to mention the material poverty of those people. Liberal demos is well fed livestock compared to communist people.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
4 years ago

In many ways, Western authoritarianism is indeed worse than communism. As you point out, penalties and punishment are totally arbitrary in the West. This was the goal of Stalinist communism but never quite achieved. The West has a surveillance state Mao and Stalin never enjoyed although the modern People’s Republic of China has been able to obtain these tools from the United States. People voluntarily submit their data and information via the dark entertainment known as “social media.” The farce of the judicial system, which is a State form of oppression now, is on full display with the Flynn case.… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Based on demographics alone the USA will be far worse off than the USSR. Muh constitution didn’t help Liberia. A shitty ideology was somewhat workable in the USSR because it had a somewhat intelligent, and homogenous people. It will be worse than Brazil. Brazillian whites don’t discriminate against themselves and know their role in society. The mud people keep to the favelas. Brazillians of all colours share a language, history and religion. No, the west is heading to a disaster of epic proportions, maybe one the world has never seen before. It’s either us, or them, at the end of… Read more »

MN Steel
MN Steel
Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

Methinks this has happened before.

I recall a story of a place called Babel, with a tall tower, and a highly diverse population that spake many tongues…

I don’t think they had any firearms in that story, though.

Reply to  MN Steel
4 years ago

A population that spoke one tongue until God intervened. A lesson for the globalists: Genesis 11(NIV) Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. 2 As people moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there. 3 They said to each other, “Come, let’s make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar. 4 Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the… Read more »

Reply to  TammyFan
4 years ago

“6 The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.”

The OT is a war manual, filled with examples.
They didn’t read the NT.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Edit: apologies, not degrading it, I’m saying let’s use it as intended. That’s the reason it was kept only to the elites until Gutenberg.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Back when when we actually had rights, a “crime” like the one in the Kentucky story, would have been deemed unconstitutionally vague. The idea was that a crime had to be well-defined by the law so that people couldn’t commit a crime without the opportunity to be advised of what behavior was prohibited and also so that govt. actors couldn’t just decide after the fact that certain actions constituted a crime.

Now, they apparently don’t even try to define criminal action.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Federalist
4 years ago

In a sense, that’s been the case since the federal income tax was adopted more than a century ago. It is deliberately vague so people can be charged to get their minds right.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Normally, this would be the point where taxpayers would start refusing to pay (see Revolutionary War). But this feedback lever was broken long ago – deficit spending means Current Year man still hasn’t finished paying for Current Year minus 30’s spending.

sam the man
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

You see it now with the places where law is not followed regarding illegals That. gave some sheriffs ideas of not following their states laws about guns. Some other sheriffs and police don’t enforce lockdown orders. We will see more of this and a separation of country from the city

Reply to  sam the man
4 years ago

As Glen Reynold likes to say, faster please. Despite the best censorship efforts of big tech, vague laws and the authoritarian state, there is no way to save the nation as configured or to make it work. Even the Neo Brazil they want is no longer possible. The main reason is less race but malinvestment. The financialization of the economy and the decline in wealth means that repairing the massive wear to our infrastructure is no longer feasible. The US water systems, power grids, telecom, and more are falling apart and as we saw from the late unpleasantness, our food… Read more »

Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

Ab, we have different perspectives, but you get my upvote on your post.

In the spirit of making things work, i.e., ensuring not only the survival, but the flourishing of white civilization, I need to recognize you as my ally, notwithstanding your emphasis on collective, and, I submit, you should recognize me as your ally, notwithstanding my emphasis on individual liberty.

Reply to  Libertymike
4 years ago

You as well. A society made up of moral men can dispense with the need for collectivism in any form. Its a tool in the box, not an end goal. Also one can have a collective purpose without crossing some lines, your body is yours, you have certain rights that cannot be alienated and must be respected that sort of thing. This is our tradition and what we are trying to conserve. And note that friction between statutory law and tradition is a huge part of the issues we face even when people aren’t cheating or ignoring the Constitution Traditionally… Read more »

Reply to  Libertymike
4 years ago

No upvote, sorry ab, Elysium isn’t real.

They wanted to murder the ENTIRE GERMAN RACE when that People tried to break free.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

What are you talking about? How do you possibly think that someone who is OK with borderline ultra nationalism is OK with trying to kill off German nationalists ? I’m not trying for Roosevelt and his Democratic Socialism , Stalin and his International Socialism or Hitler and his Workers Socialism. What I am I’m trying to do build a set of tools for others to consider that might work in 2020 . These are to build a nation that works and keeps as much of the traditions of the Founding Fathers as it can with a mostly urban high tech… Read more »

Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

enjoyed your exchange.

stepping back, it must be clear that to avoid the old yeller outcome, we must aim to be in the position where transgressors against the ideals you describe must feel pain, either applied punitively, or as a consequence of violating natural law.

pain against violators of natural law follows from ayn rand’s “you can ignore reality, but you can’t ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.”

it seems like the entire degeneracy culture is one giant effort to reverse the universe’s natural tendency to punish stupidity.

Reply to  bpromethiusb
4 years ago

Unfortunately, Old Yeller already has flecks of foam in the corners of his mouth. The current republic is well and truly FUBAR.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

In many ways, Western authoritarianism is indeed worse than communism.

For starters, there was no element of replacement genocide built into traditional communism per se. Russia, Poland and the Czech republic may have felt pretty miserable when they got rid of communism but at least they were still largely Russian, Polish and Czech respectively.

MN Steel
MN Steel
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

Except for Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and everywhere else the original population was deemed a problem, you mean…

Reply to  MN Steel
4 years ago

All countries incorporated into the Soviet Union. Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary etc were nominally independent.

joey junger
joey junger
4 years ago

“The novelty of liberal democracy is in keeping everyone in the dark about these things.” It might be novel to political systems, but it’s a well-noted phenomenon in many “rat in a box” lab experiments. Some mouse figures out that it gets a reward from one node, it gets shocked by another one, so the rat moves where he doesn’t get shocked. When the nodes are switched so that he gets a random galvanic jolt or a reward arbitrarily, a lot of the rats just shut down and stop moving altogether. That’s why it seems arbitrary, because, as Steve Sailer… Read more »

Reply to  joey junger
4 years ago

I can definitely say you will eat rat when you get hungry enough. Hell, they are a delicacy in some areas. Question: What do you call a guinea pig in Peru? ……..Lunch!

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

The state is far weaker than we think. What would happen to this family if they pulled this stuff against Muslims or, even, Mexicans. Hell, what would happen to the police or the principal if they tried to arrest some Muslim or Mexican kids for saying mean things?

The state – and annoying families like this – don’t just avoid certain communities because they’re minorities. They avoid them because of ramifications. The state and the whole minority grievance apparatus are like a box that can hit hard but can’t take the slightest punch.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Yep – whites are just cowards, largely, who still believe in the rule of law. Scared and weak. Rednecks are all talk, generally.

They even pretty much leave my church community alone (apparently I lucked into an un-cucked one) because the community would just tell them to fuck off. We have lawyers, doctors, etc. who have and will fight tooth and nail on our behalf for free.

So the state doesn’t bother us. Whites need to do the same.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Indeed. Just take what’s happening to us today with the Coronachan lockdown. 6 weeks and we are in a massive depression. Now what would have happened had this “shutdown” been the result of a voluntary, but organized response to a perceived government abuse? There is a lot of power in a united people. Of course, the devil is in the aspect of “united”—we are not. They have seen to that while we slept.

North American Vespers
North American Vespers
4 years ago

Fighting for minorities “rights” (privileges) is nothing more than a vector to Power for the left. Once they accumulate the power of the majority, as our nation turns into the color of Amazon River water, they will decry the need to chastise the minority who somehow seem to be consistently be the most successful and brilliant. Watch as they rewrite the lessons of “American History” to even more absurd social justice screeds about how everyone here before 1900 was racist and most Ellis islanders became racist. Then, questioning it becomes racist. If you think that view is wrong, I graduated… Read more »

Clayton Barnett
4 years ago

That city in Kentucky should be spelled Beria.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Clayton Barnett
4 years ago


4 years ago

Keeping everyone in the dark as to the rules of engagement is how they cultivate a never-ending supply of new special people. These minorities, which spring up like overnight toadstools on manure piles, keep us perpetually divided. How can there be social trust when the person next to you is a grievance waiting to sprout from your infraction across one of infinite invisible fences? It is also a recipe for anxiety and depression. Try rearing a child with that kind of illogical and arbitrary framing of reality and she will tantrum her way into resentment and anger. In our infantile… Read more »

4 years ago

Our grandfather’s knew the danger of weirdos and ran them out of town. Maybe they didn’t all agree with the severity of it sometimes but knew it had to be done to protect our way of life. Then the left changed the narrative. Sent us on a guilt trip. ” sins of the father ” blah, blah, blah ! We bought it and then they gave it to us – good and hard ! Will the white man rise up and defend himself ? Seems unlikely anytime soon .They bought the media’s Wuhan flu nonsense hook, line and sinker They… Read more »

4 years ago

I notice that the Z-man has been delving deeply into classic themes of political philosophy lately, with today’s invocation of “the general will” (a much-disputed concept out of Rouseau) and the question of how to define “right.” It’s all interesting, and I hope it’s an indication of the effort he’s putting into his book project. For what it’s worth, I’ve witnessed the “evolution”–actually replacement–of the concept of “right” in my lifetime. The language of the Declaration of Independence is that rights are “inalienable” and that government exists to “secure” them for the citizens; that is, rights exist prior to the… Read more »

T. Morris
T. Morris
4 years ago

Not only is there no effort to prevent this, all efforts are made to accelerate it. Well, that’s not exactly right, but I know what you mean. There have been numerous attempts, in the South and the Southwestern states, to curtail or stop the progress of the great replacement, but those were all dissolved by the all-powerful federal courts. I think what we’re learning is that there’s no peaceful way out of this predicament we find ourselves in. I mean, thinking there is a chance in hell of voting our way out, or of lobbying our politicians at any level… Read more »

Reply to  T. Morris
4 years ago

Prop 187 was a good example. California whites voted to expel the alien invaders. Judge waits for a Dem governor then halts it. Dem governor sweeps it aside.

Democracy is a joke. You have the right to vote as long as the outcome is approved by the elites. Even Brexit, it only went through because they have a planto import even more non whites from the “commonwealth” now.

Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

California Latinos voted widely for that and for Prop 8 as well. Every decent person got screwed Of course Democracy doesn’t work. Its not a system for humans. A limited franchise system with a somewhat inclusive ruling class is pushing it, that same system gave us our civil war Simply, one people with one ethos or your society dies of Leftism. Fundamentally the courts and holdovers have been the weakness in saving even our mediocre system. Its one President Trump is trying to fix but its extremely easy to simply change ones mind in accord with ones peers once in… Read more »

Reply to  T. Morris
4 years ago

T. Morris, you indirectly make a great case for complete racial separatism.

Since W/T is being run off and treated like the American Indians were, I propose sovereign reservations for us, like the Indians have. Separatism with legal teeth.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

do we get casinos?

Stranger in a strange land
Stranger in a strange land
Reply to  T. Morris
4 years ago

Feral blacks in Chicongo actually still purchase (vs 5 finger discount) items for preplanned mayhem? Who knew?

Reply to  Stranger in a strange land
4 years ago

Crowbars and sledge hammers are heavy. Even the feral beasts can’t run very far while carrying them. So they purchase the tools using cash with the expectation they can eventually return them for cash after a number of usages. Copper fetches a high enough price anyway they can afford to abandon the tools if need be. Clothing and shoes are light enough to just walk right out the door. It’s often a flash mob of unemancipated minors (no record if caught) running off to a van around the corner. Over the past few years here, they’ll crash a stolen car… Read more »

Reply to  Cat5Chimpout
4 years ago

Cat5 has touched on a phenomenon discussed in the book “Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything”. Still a great read.

One chapter is on the economics of working the illicit drug trade on the streets of Chicago. Basically, they were allowed to conduct a study with the Black gangs. Finding, most everyone in the trade made less than if the worked at McDonalds!

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Fed and local law enforcement infiltrated and decapitated the black drug distribution networks in the 1990’s. Today, Chicago’s drugs are exclusively controlled by the Mexicans. The blacks only operate as street corner sellers, and their focus is on becoming the next gang bangin’ rap star. Except for the ones shot and killed — they were in the process of straightening out their lives, going to college and becoming a medical doctor within “the community.”

Reply to  T. Morris
4 years ago

So there’ll have to be war sooner or later. We all know that here I hope by now that at the end of the road is war, famine, pestilence, and death…So the question is how are you going to deal with it and what are you doing right now to prepare for it…My plan has always been the same and you can see in the comments that it has been the same for awhile now and that is to be Building Community so when that time comes I am ready as I can be… More and more people are coming… Read more »

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

You’re in bitteroot, correct?

Reply to  Lawdog
4 years ago


Bradford Angier II
Bradford Angier II
Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

That’s excellent territory for backpacking/bushbeating. I had intended to revisit this summer or early fall but that doesn’t look like it’s going to happen this year. Though I can have fun playing with the maps, I’m a map and compass guy, no gps, and I like to imagine what I’ll see when I’m out there poking around.

AZ Reality
AZ Reality
4 years ago

“At this point, it is tempting to make a comparison to the Stasi or maybe Stalin’s KGB, but that would be a slander against the communists.” Damn that’s a painful zinger, but it’s true! As bleak as the situation seems, the silver lining is that the Diverse Dystopians are gradually building the army that will eventually destroy them. Every firing, every expulsion, every social media purge gets closer to a critical mass of people with nothing to lose ready to fight back. This other example from Georgia is a case in point. I’m linking to the Reason clown car only… Read more »

4 years ago

This fits with yesterdays epistle. Between the imports and fetishized minorities any concept of reciprocal obligation is long gone. We import illegals to my local AO who begin carping (since we’re a sanctuary) about everything we owe them. No sense that they owe us anything which might mean some sort of bargain could be struck. The transgender sports thing is a good example. If a guy wants to be a girl, well ok. But then the “girl” wants every aspect of society to be re-engineered to suit its every desire. Despite our high local income demographic, we have a cohort… Read more »

Reply to  SamlAdams
4 years ago

The problem with trannies in girls sports is a problem with the biological girls’ parents (at least many of them). Seems they don’t care or they want the courts/schools to take care of the issue when in reality, the courts/schools are the problem. They will never help solve the issue as they’ve been poz’d, if not at the very local level, then the next level of appeals. The simple solution is for all real/bio girls to not compete against those tranny, delusional boys and their co-enabling parents. It’s as simple as all female competitors in any contest involving trannies to… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

You make a good point, but permit me to expand on it.

Since you offered the example of the 100 yard dash, take the track team, as a whole. What about most, or all, of the biological girls, at the beginning of the season, approaching the coaches, and telling them that they do not want any trannies on the team or else there will be no team?

Reply to  Libertymike
4 years ago

Very good—if possible. There may be an edict from the school officials that there will be no girl track team if they don’t agree to some “non-discrimination” agreement, or if the school has that in their statement of principles. Also with many of these incidents, the trannies in question came from another school district and that the situation was to occur could not be predicted. In such a case, there needs to be a statement of individual principles and beliefs, ala civil disobedience. Yes, it will get you barred from the team, or the team sport cancelled. But you will… Read more »

Reply to  Libertymike
4 years ago

Expanding on this a bit, I often wonder if there will be a “So what?” moment among normal white people: That moment when being called an -ist, -ite or a -phobe will be met with an attitude of semi-hostile indifference toward the accusers. If people don’t care about being called racists on Zuckerbook and their employers also don’t care, what power can the hall monitors possibly have? Perhaps that’s part of the frog boiling strategy we’ve seen over the decades. Start with something to which sensible people can be convinced to agree, then turn up the illogic incrementally until people… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Johnny Burma
4 years ago

and their employers also don’t care

And therein lies the problem.

4 years ago

“And the Gods of the Copybook Headings limped up to explain it once more.”

The deepest problem is not liberal democracy, it is ethnocentric jews, of course not all jews, dominating our power centers and incentivizing susceptible whites to change our culture to what suits them, which is a multiracial country that they can rule without being noticed. They see the traditional white man as the only real threat, so he must be subdued.

White liberal pathological compassion is the second problem, but without ethnocentric jews to exacerbate it, it is more manageable.

Liberal democracy is just the available instrument.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Line – I’d emend your line to add “women” to ethnocentric Jews. They’re who’s most susceptible to all the charges of whatever ‘ism’ and they’re the ones most pushing the ‘fairness’ and ‘equality’ fables. With women it’s always give in, accommodate, it’s not that big an inconvenience, etc. They’re the ones insisting everyone be made welcome. Women need to be reined in – hard – because they’re the Jews’ target audience. White men can police their own ranks, but they can’t seem to control their own women and the poison they spread to their own children.

Reply to  3g4m
4 years ago

We need more shaming, reformed divorce laws, and criminal penalties for extramarital affairs. In modern America, women have zero sense of consequence.

Reply to  Lawdog
4 years ago

Perhaps we can begin to go back to divorce settlements based on “fault”. That’s the way it used to be until feminism made female cheating and initiation of divorce, consequence free. There are any number of changes that are fair and reasonable, short of divorce, like mandatory paternity testing for every baby born. (I’ve been married, once, and now over 42 years. Not mgtow. Just observant of friends and family who have gone through multiple marriages and infidelities. We’ve lost a lot of friends that way, as we are pretty hard core wrt the institution.)

Reply to  3g4m
4 years ago

3g4m, I’ve got a question for you that is a bit off topic but that I want to ask intelligent women.

What is your opinion of the claim that many liberal white women support non-white immigration because they are subconsciously disgusted by liberal white men and instinctually want to have sex with virile and non-liberal non-white men?

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Line – I’m really not one to ask, because I’m wired differently from most women. Personally, the non-Whites are not appealing (but then, even as a lib teen I didn’t find black children ‘cute’ when others cooed). I think it’s massive virtue-signaling – since loving the ‘other’ is the highest virtue, either to the globalists or the churchians, they’re competing for social status. I question how many really want to bed them. I think they’re looking for someone who won’t take their crap, though, and their husbands either fear being divorce raped, or just don’t have the will.

4 years ago

We must evolve in the face of new threats to our environment. When the crazies invade and the police morph into jackboots, the correct response is to get smarter. Wear camouflage, observe and note details, shed your tracking devices and high profile behaviors, hone your skills, stay solo, be creative and take action on your timetable and only when opportune. And eventually the crazies will move on to torment easier prey somewhere else.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

Leave your phone at home when you go grocery shopping or at random times. Throw them off a bit.

Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

You can leave it off mostly. I do. Then you can turn it on if you need to when away from home.

Also, perhaps others know. A small Faraday cage is easy to construct. Can that prevent tracking? It certainly prevents the signal to the cell transmission and prevents EMP events.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Compsci – Leaving it off still doesn’t prevent them from tracking you. They sell mini soft-sided pouches (at Bezos’ Amazon, of course) which claim to act as Faraday cages and block the automatic signals. I’ve bought a few, but never actually tested if they work. Here’s a link to one –

Reply to  3g4m
4 years ago

Thank you, 3g4m.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

A sufficient quality Faraday cage will always work to prevent tracking.

Its function is rooted in the laws of Physics. Those are something that even the lunatic Left are unable to corrupt and destroy.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

Until they automate a torture system.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

Tend to agree, but would say the emphasis should be on health and physical conditioning. All else can be taught/added when the time comes. As I’ve said before, if you have “titties”, you’re worthless to the cause.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

What we must do is organize sub rosa and agree on goals and plans of action.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

Well, I’m open to going anywhere within driving distance.

4 years ago

Everything that is done is done in the name of the people, as if fifty percent plus one is a god that must always be pleased.

That really is the paradox of liberal democracy. In the name of the people, the will of the people must be thwarted in the name of minority interests.

Well, which is it, the tyranny of the majority or the tyranny of the minority?

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Both if the majority has a minority fetish.

And btw this why I sometimes suspect Jews are being set up to be scapegoated. Everybody has a weakness that can be exploited.

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

It’s the tyranny of that minority that claims to speak for the majority.
Barry the Kenyan’s “That’s not who we are”.

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Vizzini, I have been playing around with an idea here. Strozk was the FBI’s linchpin of the Flynn/Trump persecution, and he did it to show off for his liberal mistress, who is married to another man. Neil Ferguson, the UK guy who modeled out the expected high death rate from Wuflu, and got the lockdown ball rolling, did it to show off to his liberal mistress, who is married to another man. How much damage is being done by paramours in high places peacocking for their cheating mistresses?

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Paris of Troy says, “Do you really want to know how deep that rabbit hole goes?”

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Dutch, These are feminine men that eschew the normal male display of prowess through physical superiority, wealth accumulation, dominance over other males, raw power, devil may care bravado, moral/ethical endurance etc. They emulate females in their mating dance. That is, virtue signaling and attention seeking through sympathy and caring. In the case of Strozk, he constantly reminds his paramour that they “are not alone” and that there is a greater community behind the scenes backing them, and that Americans at large dont want Trump but there are just enough Trump supporters to be a threat. Very feminine to constantly need… Read more »

4 years ago

Being a decade younger, the essayist is not quite as steeped in anti-Soviet propaganda as this reader was in American schools. To wit, the arbitrariness of Russian justice was legendary even in Czarist times to a degree that it was a theme of Russian literature. Read Tolstoy’s short story “God Sees the Truth, But Waits” for the tale of a merchant who is sent away to a labor camp for decades in Siberia for a murder he didn’t commit. When the real murderer eventually turns up at the same camp he remarks it was for a crime *he* didn’t do.… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
4 years ago

This is all true until the status quo changes. The Tragedy of the Commons comes into play at this point. The point o government is to keep order, reward elites and preserve the status quo. Democracy is inherently anti-preservationist. You still need rational people in charge, budgeting with rational spending, as they dole out the candy to each group of people. All those barriers to doling out candy are eventually eroded, and the government becomes a free-for-all of resource transfer. There’s nothing left to preserve for tomorrow. Each group is its own locus and agenda with its own flag fighting… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

Sad isn’t it JR that people are so easily fooled or even willfully fooled…

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Yes- Willful blindness, as long as the checks keep rolling in.

4 years ago

Do all things point to the ethno state? Stem the tide. Point the blame. Presently at best we are only able to insulate ourselves in small groups and communities. Will new cultures develop within those enclaves of despair? Will the Phoenix rise from the ashes as an amalgam of people who will then be forged into a new community and culture? Will ethnics outside our tribe again become parasites fueled by the realization that they are not us and that left on their own the may survive but not thrive? They will not permit our choice to be free of… Read more »

4 years ago

“Mature liberal democracy is a collection of minority groups demanding stuff from the state, like children at a candy store.”

And everyone knows what happens when you eat too much candy: the rot sets in.

Tom Hobs
Tom Hobs
4 years ago

One point: many who were arrested went to the gulags or their summary execution not knowing why. During the terror under Stalin, the NKVD were simply given quotas for arrests and so they picked up people at random, who were then given “tenners” in the gulag or summarily executed after being tortured into a confession. Or in the case of young women, it would be for attracting the eye of NKVD chief Beria when he was riding around Moscow in his armored limousine.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Anarco Tyranny
An old Sam Francis term that now applies to anything to do with civil rights.
I highly recommend the book The Age of Entitlement by Christopher Caldwell.
Basically the new constitution we now live under was established in 1965. The Administrative state enforces that constitution with anarco tyrannical methods.

4 years ago

Hey, dat fambly gots demselves a church:

Reply to  Shrugger
4 years ago

Berea is also home to Berea College. I thought I remembered some bad stuff about that college, so I looked up and Wiki has this to say: “In 2019, Washington Monthly ranked Berea College 4th in the U.S. among liberal arts colleges based on its contribution to the public good, as measured by social mobility, research, and promoting public service.” If you translate that into real-world speak, that means it’s another SJW central. One of those Christian colleges in name only that has forsaken the Biblical Gospel for the Social Gospel. That’s got to really pollute the local community. It… Read more »

4 years ago

“People will revolt against a king or despot. They will revolt against an aristocracy. People will not revolt against themselves.”

People are revolting against themselves with all sorts of perversions and CivNatery. Without an other to overthrow the endless revolution needs to create one.

It’s all a giant, spoiled, childish larp. Disgusting. On the other hand, western civ will probably have to rise again in revolt against the revolution. It’s not too much of a stretch to think there’s a plan to it, but who knows.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
4 years ago

This is what happens when Jews control your country. They make the money, (fed), control the money, (wall st), buy the politicians or have them on film in Epsteins basement. Those jerkoffs pass the laws they’re told to, start the wars they’re told to. It’s a rigged game, a 100 to 1, but a lack of integrity, honesty and decency is their Achilies Heel. They got the guns, but we got the numbers….just like Jim Morrison said. They got away with 911 so they threw down the ace card, the Jewvirus, for total control, all the marbles…..but it’s backfiring, people… Read more »

Reply to  Dennis Roe
4 years ago

My sources inform me that your name used to be Dennis Roesenstein. You’ve got some explaining to do.

Reply to  Dennis Roe
4 years ago

They got the guns, but we got the numbers How effing ignorant are you? We have both the numbers and the guns and ammo advantage. Our actual firepower excepting nukes dwarfs their puny military and police numbers. The problem for us is we don’t want to fire a shot. THEY are perfectly willing to murder us. I won’t kill indiscriminately, nor will most of us (there are always the mentally ill among us). However there is no way we can organize into an effective fighting force at the national level. They own the superior communication and logistics channels. Normie waking… Read more »

Reply to  50BMG
4 years ago

The last one is easy. Take power locally and rebuild your AOE . In any case its possible to gain the desire to shoot and to create communications channels. Problem is that “our guys” don’t really share as many goals and ideals as you’d think. They flee from power rather than too it. Its a losers creed masquerading as principles really. Like I tell folks here, if you don’t want say drugs or porn in your society you have to hang dealers pornographers till it stops. If you can’t or won’t do this than you are better off getting rid… Read more »

4 years ago

Any complaint about weaponized minorities in the USA that does not mention the word “Jews” is fake, gay & chickenshit.

Stranger in a strange land
Stranger in a strange land
4 years ago

Last line of the essay: “Mature liberal democracy is a collection of minority groups demanding stuff from the state, like children at a candy store”.
Speaking of which:
Thursday evening – Live town hall “Coronavirus — Facts and Fears” will be hosted by CNN personalities Anderson Cooper and Dr. Sanjay Gupta. The show will feature acting Centers for Disease Control Director Richard Besser, former Health and Human Services Sec. Kathleen Sebelius — and Thunberg.
I’d rather give attention to actual children screaming for actual candy at an actual candy store.

4 years ago

I’ve never understood why they are so hung up on that word that even a sympathetic work such as “To Kill a Mockingbird” is offensive. Another case in point: In a “making of” program, John McGlinn tells that when he was recording “Showboat” with operatic voices, he hired a Black choir. The opening lines of the play are the chorus singing, “N’s all work on the Mississippi. N’s all work while the White folk play.” The choir walked out en masse and he hired the Ambrosian Chorus. McGlinn was using the original lines and didn’t appear ready to cave in… Read more »

Reply to  Henry_Lee
4 years ago

Shit, we read “Huckleberry Finn” in 7th grade in the unedited version. Couldn’t see that happening today.

Reply to  SamlAdams
4 years ago

Can you imagine a teacher today including Huckleberry Finn as a part of the required novels to be read in his class?

Can you imagine a teacher, reading aloud, a passage in which Huck refers to Jim as “nigger Jim?”

Can you imagine a white student giggling at the passage?

Reply to  Henry_Lee
4 years ago

Since you bring up the “N” word, that’s got me thinking. As a White person, I can’t think of any derogatory word referring predominantly to Whites that is off limits.

Really, maybe I’m having a senior moment, but I’d really like to know—if anyone has some thoughts here. Might be useful the next discussion I get into with a “good White”.

4 years ago

There was reboot of Heather’s a few years ago. It was a TV show and all the Heather’s were BLT-123 freaks who had control over all the normal kids for reasons you listed above. The reviews were filled with a lot of huffing and puffing and righteous indignation. It didn’t last very long.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
4 years ago

Side topic – Patches, the grifting “hero” opened his mouth again. You don’t need any depth perception to understand the history on this. Once again I get flashbacks from 1980s CA Republicans who said the same thing. They’re long gone and their seats are overwhelmingly D. TX is CA circa 1991.

4 years ago

Which is worse? Being a German in Jew Butthurt Germany or a White in Black Butthurt America?

Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago


4 years ago

Why did those mean Germans in Weimar treat those innocent German Jews so badly? Of course, those Germans were hypnotized by bad mustache man and needed a scapegoat. That’s the only possible explanation.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

It turns out liberal democracy is just a phase, like the ones preceding it. We’ve largely left it but the sheep dont realize that.

Stranger in a strange land
Stranger in a strange land
4 years ago

Zman asks: The question political theorists will be pondering in the future, is what went horribly wrong with liberal democracy?
It would be interesting, although likely futile to ask Fukuyama – all that ‘end of history’ stuff he wrote about. He certainly ought to have something worth saying other than oopsie, never mind.

Tom K
Tom K
4 years ago

So everybody eventually is muzzled tighter than Hannibal Lector, but with invisible constraints, self-imposed no less. All social relations become artificial mummery. Scolds multiply & assert their authority. The higher their melanin score, the more authority they have. This is a form of totalitarianism no one predicted. Watch your tongue, tovarich! And the tone of your voice!

Reply to  Tom K
4 years ago

Muzzled? Heck, we’re wearing muzzles.

Tom K
Tom K
Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

You will eventually be absorbed into the Borg collective, Tovarich. Then you will muzzle yourself.

4 years ago

Just took a look at AoS for the first time in months (well before C19). He’s hedging his bets but is he seriously even considering getting excited over the latest Nunes kabuki?

I thought he’d made some major steps in our direction since I stopped commenting there (different nick) around 2015-16.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Exile – I don’t think most guys over age 40 can help themselves. Despite my husband fundamentally accepting there must be violence for there to be a future, he still thinks that perhaps some arrests or some nebulous ‘justice’ will come out of the latest political expos`e Where you and I see kabuki, he and others see hope that perhaps they can still cling to the shreds of civnattery they were raised with.

Reply to  3g4m
4 years ago

3g4m, I suspect your husband’s reservations are likely due to the fact that nobody on our side has formulated a realistic alternative. I am very much in the dissident right camp, but I honestly don’t know of a solution that will work.

The government (most R’s and all D’s), the media, and the big money corporations all want us dead or broken. I don’t see that changing. Furthermore, I have yet to see a workable plan from our side on how to reverse it.

Reply to  Mis(ter)Anthrope
4 years ago

I concur with Mis(ter)Anthrope. We are unable to organize at an effective scale. All of our communication tools are bugged and we are increasingly surveilled, consider all the doorbell video cams for example and even our pickup trucks and SUVs report on our locations. If we drill in the deep woods, some idiot among us will carry a cell phone with him and sneak a photo of the kewl things we are rehearsing. Or he’s a government snitch who made it past the vetting and there’s a silent spy aircraft orbiting above us. Our only hope is through changing culture… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Hind brain thinking, and stirring the pot for clicks. Run of the mill on the interwebs these days.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Ace and Tucker seem like two huge bellwethers for me. In some ways they’re so close to publicly noticing. I don’t know what it would take for either or both of them to cross the threshold, but I still hold out hope.

Reply to  KGB
4 years ago

I’ve followed Ace since the mid-00’s and the LGF Kilgore drama days. He’s shifted about as far as he ever will, if I had to bet. He’s still legit enough to flame guys like Poppin’ Fresh. Not Our Guy, but a lot closer to Us than Them.

4 years ago

How come no Gab for you Z?

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I gave up on Gab about two years ago.

Reply to  Tax Slave
4 years ago

Gab is just a breeding ground for retarded WigNats, as the Pittsburgh shooter demonstrates.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I’m sure “Keith Woods is Exto” Greg appreciates the communal counter-signalling, Z, but FWIW, I agree that GAB is a time-wasting echo-chamber.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Some Korean guy.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Ronnie Woods’ dad,

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Wait, there’s a new TRS board?

They shut down the old one in 2018 because of potential lawsuit liability from C’Ville.

If there is a new one, I think we can put 2 and 2 together pretty easily.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Meme, you’re not fooling anyone who’s paying attention.

Enjoy the show, folks. I want to see how he pulls the Daily Stormer rabbit out of the “appeal to normies” hat again.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Meme, what’s a “wignat?”

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

I’m not meme obviously but its White Nationalist of the stupider sort IIRC.

Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

I want to hear his answer, ab. Describe a “wignat” for us, Meme.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

That mom, a wigger nationalist.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I have the same problem. I have three good books sitting next to my easy chair that I want to read and I know I would enjoy them but every night I find myself looking at a twitter feed or my relatives posts on Facebook.
I swear these little computers we got in our hands steal our minds and attention spans which changes us as individuals and society in general.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Phones have turned into the new televisions for people. Cut the cord, stare at your phone.

Reply to  Forever Templar
4 years ago

Templar nails it, drives that nail right through the floor.

GLG is sooo right, my newspaper/tv is talking to me, I can’t wait to get to the party- and my schedule is ruined.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

I have a similar focus issue just trying to read Kindle books or PDF downloads on my PC. It’s just too easy for another idea to pop into my mind and send me off on a 5, 10, 30 minute or longer tangent. A couple of those and the evening is gone.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I admit that I am prone to pessimism, but I don’t see a way out of this mess. I’m in the fourth quarter of life and live in a rural area in redneck country, so I’m not affected much by this nonsense. However, I do have children and grandchildren and I care about the future of young people in general. I’m looking forward to reading your book and anticipate that you will offer some practical advice that I can pass on to my progeny on how to survive and maybe even thrive in this increasingly dystopian society. I am very… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

It’s important for some of Our Guys to work the Twitter arena (mirror to GAB – it’s not worth active effort – echo chamber, sadly – not Torba’s fault). Telegram may have some future promise but you need to be proactive with security on that platform (what’s unusual in that nowadays?) As a community, we shouldn’t leave any cultural arena unchallenged – even Faceberg and rap music (Casa Pound, that’s on y’all). Kids have been Shlomo’d to receive their info in fashions we don’t like but we shouldn’t let them twist just because we’re too cool to tolerate shitty music… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Yeah I get that. I tend to use it as a news/content consolidator. It points me in directions of things to look at I wouldn’t have otherwise found.

4 years ago

Anyone still on Twitter should ask Stephen King if It was about trannies.

4 years ago

In all these crazy stories, I don’t even read the details, I go straight to the comments, increasingly I am finding that rank and file people are not swayed anymore, the comments of this particular story are just another data point on that.

4 years ago

paradoxically, liberal democracy created far better globalized centralized imperialism than any caesar, king, or pope ever dreamed of. at least the above were grounded, as best as possible according to who occupied the office, by the traditions of their people. and well, the fact that without democracy the people tend to still change rulers – just perhaps in a “louder” way, so they know better. if anything, it seems the western elites need a “reminder” from the masses. such a “reminder” has to be led by a traditionalist-populist vanguard though, one that keeps the traditions and can lead. without being… Read more »

4 years ago

Excellent article, as always I might add.

One correction though. You wrote that “When Stalin’s boys dragged you from your home, you knew exactly why you were being hauled away by the police. Every man in the gulag knew why he was there.” As a matter of fact, that was one of the most effective ways to terrorize the population, to keep everyone paranoid about ending up in GULAG for unexplainable reason.

In post-Stalin period, the “system” was indeed more rational, if not less repressive.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
4 years ago

The only way whites are ever going to turn things around in their favor by organizing as a white interest block is to get rid of Trump. He’s taking all of the wind out of our sails as we steadily drift into the rocks. I used to be on the other side of this debate thinking we needed him to stick around to give us 4 more years of protecting our flank. But he’s taking without giving us anything in return and things are decaying rapidly. He drew a target on the press and fed us a few other kibbles,… Read more »

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

I’ll keep saying it until I’m Jew in the face – Trump and the GOP in general are a Thatcher Effect on America. If Biden or Harris or Abrams or whosis take power, we will see 2015 energy levels on the Right again.

Con, Inc. is soma and what we know as America is going to Huxley itself to death if we don’t make antifags resort to the two-minute 24/7 hate we had during the Age of Gay Mulatto.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

The difference is that GloboHomo is never going to give us the space to operate they did in 2015-16. That ship has sailed.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Where are you sailing, Meme? Is Admiral Barr going to shelter you in his safe harbor? Do you really think any institutional mainstream powers are going to give you cover? If so, on what terms?

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Zach De La Rocha said it best – “There ain’t no shelter here – front line is everywhere”

But I can tell you where I’m NOT going: Whites-Only Communism.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

MemeWarVet, what do you mean by Whites-Only Communism?

Reply to  Federalist
4 years ago

MemeWarVet, what do you mean by Whites-only Communism?

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Communist policies in a white country….

I’d have assumed the label to be self-explanatory.

Ramzpaul’s video this morning expands on the topic:

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Who’s advocating for communism, Meme?

Why don’t you share some of your spicier links for the normies instead of soft-pedaling racist lolberts like RamZ?

I’d rather have soshulism than rapey White Sharia with tween waifus or Jewish hacker felons manning the production on my webs.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Why not? Such a system would just be a variant of Nationalist Socialism not command and control Communism from Moscow. A hypothetical White society would be focused on kinder küche kirche to a great degree. Hell it has to be in order to keep industry in check (industry is for the good of the nations people) and to avoid the distractions of the city and modernity functioning as IQ shredders It need not be totalitarian but it will have to be authoritarian. The reason for this is simple. The US White popularization is roughly made up of Moral Whites (people… Read more »

Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

Ab, it sounds like you are advocating a “Third Position”, which incorporates the best aspects of Socialism and Capitalism and discards the rest. This is what Uncle A, Franco, and Mussolini implemented, to various degrees.

What I was referring to in the prior post was pure, unironic Communism, which has recently become popular among the side of the former AltRight that lost the Optics War. They think that Bernie Bros are going to start loving them because they’re like “we’re Leftists too!”

Good luck with that.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

I’d rather see four more years of Trump and a lot of bonfires in DC as well as out in the field (if Trump actually follows through on burning down things in DC, which is not a given), than DC all walled up and safe while they send flamethrowers out into our neck of the woods. The stage us now set for expanding on a very interesting uncovering of what has been really going on in Ukraine, China, Iran, and the rest of the Middle East these last few decades (did anyone catch the ZH story yesterday, where Barr’s people… Read more »

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Dutch, if they accelerate it enough, which is what I’m betting on, they will have a lot more serious things to worry about than the dancing and glowing skeletons in the closets. We’re still the world’s apex predator. I want to see us begin acting the part.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Meme, GloboHomo is going to reelect Trump. That should tell you what their worried about keeping bottled up.

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Yves, I still think GloboHomo wants Trump gone, not because he’s a threat but because he’s a disruptor.

I guess we’ll know for sure if Biden gets dumped before the convention.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Ex, I still don’t think our movement is ready for prime time but we’re running out of runway.

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

That’s why we need to stay on target YY.

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Yves – Agreed – the passivity of the majority is an enormous issue, but as Primi Pilus noted, people are scattered and scared, and being picked off one by one. This is why I come down so hard on those here who insist their ‘x’ wife worked out for them and therefore must be okay with everyone else. An alien element in a homogeneous community is an elemental (and today a deliberate) disruption. As Screwtape says below (better than I could have), “How can there be social trust when the person next to you is a grievance waiting to sprout… Read more »

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

With Trump we’ll have two bonfires, without him one thousand.

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

I disagree. I don’t worry too much about the fact that Trump doesn’t deliver on the promises he makes. That’s to be expected really. The primary reason he was so hated from day 1 of his political career was that he directly courted normal whites, based his election strategy accordingly and won! It will be a good thing if it is repeated. In the coming months and years that lesson will not be lost on ambitious power seekers. Presumably we will get a few who will be more ideologically disciplined and willing to act accordingly. Every constitutional outrage committed by… Read more »

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  tashtego
4 years ago

Our #1 immediate problem is getting enough whites to come to the realization that we have collective interests. We’re too atomized to manage this without the heat being turned up. With Trump catching most of the flack too many of us are too comfortable. If he grabs the brass ring again he will ride the white horse through every street in DC…while every town, village, burg and city continues to flood with every color under the sun except white. His reelection doesn’t buy us time, it buys time for our enemies.

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

That’s the very thing I point to as giving hope though. There were enough whites with self-conscious racial identity to help get Trump elected after the Obama years disintegrated any illusions about a color blind utopia. The number of deceived and naive whites who still cling to those old illusions (today’s bitter-clingers) can only be dwindling. All I ask of Trump is to keep advocating policies that can be construed as direct appeals to white voters. I applaud the anti-white frothing by the state media because it reinforces the brand if you will. Whites can do their part by voting… Read more »