Happy Juneteenth

I was tempted to take this week off, given that it is the sacred holiday of Juneteenth, a day when all white people are supposed to contemplate their guilt. According to this newly minted ancient custom, whites are supposed to sit at home with the shades drawn and the lights off. It’s sort of like what Jews are supposed to do on their sabbath, except there’s never any forgiveness or the possibility for salvation. This new religion is a one-way street for white people. We’re all going to Hell.

While it is not official, you can be sure our corporate tyrants will try hard to impose this holiday on us. It has already started. My bank is closing early today in celebration of Juneteenth, a holiday they just heard of last week. You can be sure the other global pirates will follow suit for next year. Then there will be a push to make it a Federal holiday, which will get no resistance. The reason for that is anyone who would resist will be silenced or threatened, as Juneteenth intended.

Of course, this Juneteenth nonsense is just another vehicle for sowing despair in the ranks of white people. It is a form of ethnic cleansing. Historically, ethnic cleansing is accompanied by the destruction and removal of the cultural and historical evidence of the targeted people. We tend to focus on the murder and violence of the concept, but the real crime is the destruction of that which ties the current people to their ancestors and to one another. It is a program to steal their identity.

This is what we see all over America. The condition of white people is as a conquered people, but one that still thinks they are in charge. Popular culture is erasing all traces of whiteness. The corporate tyrants are bombarding us with anti-white messaging through their ads and conduct. If the people in charge were lizard people from another planet, no one would be confused about what is happening. Everyone would recognize all of this stuff as the acts of a conqueror.

It is not hard to see where they are headed with this Juneteenth thing. In addition to black history month, June will turn into anger and resentment month, with the 19th being the high holy day of anti-white hatred. The gays will have to shift pride month to July, but maybe they will get a holiday out of it too. The Stonewall gay riots carried into early July, so maybe Independence Day is refashioned into gay liberation day. It sounds insane, but just look around at what’s happening.

This week I have the usual variety of items in the now standard format. Spreaker has the full show. I am up on Google Play now, so the Android commies can take me along when out disrespecting the country. I am on iTunes, which means the Apple Nazis can listen to me on their Hitler phones. The anarchists can catch me on iHeart Radio. I am now on Deezer, for our European haters and Stitcher for the weirdos. YouTube also has the full podcast. Of course, there is a download link below.

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This Week’s Show


  • 00:00: Opening
  • 02:00: Sportsball (Link) (Link)
  • 12:00: Libertarians (Link)
  • 22:00: Lower Case (Link)
  • 32:00: Librarian Impostors (Link) (Link)
  • 42:00: Juneteenth (Link)
  • 52:00: Conservative Quitters (Link)
  • 57:00: Closing

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Joey Jünger
Joey Jünger
4 years ago

I think the plan now is to use black violence not so much to terrorize whites as to punish them for voting for Trump last time. Some powerful people with bottomless pockets were humiliated last election and they want our blood to flow. Also, the booming biblical voice of the preaching classes (media, law, education, etc.) right now has that same hysteric undertone as last time, which implies they may be howling so loud because they’re afraid there are enough silent white people not buying this crap and waiting to take a swing in November. Whether or not you think… Read more »

Reply to  Joey Jünger
4 years ago

In Feb 2020 the normie MAGA guy could argue that a moderately functional government was truly effective against the mob. The Constitution, the rule of law, well equipped cops, a civil society – the CivNat rested his case on these things. Throw in a little COVID, a little racial unrest, a little anarchy, a little SCOTUS malfeascence, and what is Mr. MAGA left with? Yeah, that 3D chess thing. Time for Mr. MAGA to give up on politicians and build trenches in his own community, because you’re right – the enemy smells blood and fear.

Joey Jünger
Joey Jünger
Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

If, in some hypothetical world where telling the truth wasn’t heresy, and I were running Trump’s 2020 campaign, I would keep it simple: Do you like it when you flush your toilet and it works? Vote for the guy who doesn’t hate white people and enjoy modern amenities for at least a couple more years. Like Haiti? Honduras? Want to be hacked to death in your bed with a panga and have your property expropriated? Biden can get you there quicker.

Reply to  Joey Jünger
4 years ago

Heresy!! Off to the gulag for you.

Reply to  Joey Jünger
4 years ago

Better example is Cape Town, SA. Before turning it over to joggers, it was a first world city. Now it has no water, no sewer, spotty electric, trash in the streets. Haiti and Honduras never got to the level of producing a first world city, albeit Honduras was much better than Haiti in that regard.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Yet, there are still some soy-whites in SA, who claim that nothing bad is happening there and that their blacks are still oppressed by whitey.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

At least they had the sense to take the nuclear weapons away, or so I heard, probably in these pages. before the Handover,

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

they did

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

If whites–and Chinese, I suppose–totally abandoned Africa, it would return entirely to bush in about 40 years. And the world would be a much better place.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Joey Jünger
4 years ago

That’s ultimately what it comes down to.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Joey Jünger
4 years ago

The ONLY reason I am voting for Trump again is to piss these people off, win or lose.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

An excellent reason. We just want to see that look on their faces ONE MORE TIME.

Joey Jünger
Joey Jünger
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Zman always references scenes in “Braveheart.” For me, the scene that resonates most as a European is this one from “The Last of the Mohicans.” Once upon a time, not just white men, but white women knew who they were: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okGQj644_Ds

Reply to  Joey Jünger
4 years ago

Absolutely. Read any of the old literature wrt the Indian wars and the pioneers spreading westward. There is a compendium of Army Scout reports from the Plains Indian wars, “Scalp Dance”. Chilling. The Indians took particular pleasure in torture of captives. The soldiers on patrol took a spare bullet and placed it in their hat band. The last bullet of course was for themselves to avoid capture and torture. Rescue patrols would describe the carnage they came upon when they found an ambushed patrol. They would examine the bodies, and found those dead that were untortured—all were scalped—had a single… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

In my neck of the woods, the Apache were notorious for their cunning and cruelty. There’s a website that has digitalized thousands of newspapers around the country and there’s a segment of our local paper published in the 1870’s wherein all the latest atrocities were reported on and discussed. They were truly hated and feared in the territories as well as Mexico. I imagine most tribes treated captives similarly, but you sure as hell didn’t want to get captured by those bastards.

Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

Which tribe was notoriously the most savage? I’ve heard Comanche.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Boarwild
4 years ago

The Comanche were the bad-asses. They pushed the Apaches out of the Southwest plains and desert; the only tribe tough enough to run with the Comanche were the Kiowa. They all got what they deserved.

Reply to  Jim Smith
4 years ago

Go back to the American Renaissance archives of their annual meetings. Possibly a decade, but I don’t have a year. They had a speaker, an American Indian—Comanche. He speaks eloquently of his tribe and their territorial expansion and how they were the largest, most feared, and successful of the tribes of the West. Yes, they kicked the Apaches ass and ruled all of Texas and pushed North to the Sioux of the Great Plains. They were the greatest nation of Indians—that is—until they met the White man and were almost driven to extinction as a people. But here’s the kicker,… Read more »

Reply to  Boarwild
4 years ago

You could probably flip flop the Apache and Comanche back and forth as both were known for extreme brutality. I believe the Comanche territory was mostly northwestern and western Texas and eastern New Mexico. Apaches ranged from central New Mexico through out central and southern Arizona into Mexico.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

All the Plains Indians were pretty evil. The various Sioux and the Pawnee were not the kind you’d want to run into in a dark valley.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Boarwild
4 years ago

 The irony is…

Indians all across the country hated and feared each other! At corn harvest time, the Apaches, Utes, Comanches and Navajo would attack the Hopis and raid their corn and villages. Ask Lakota how they feel about the Crow, and conversely.
Notice they did not team up and push the wasichu/white foreigner back to the Atlantic. They don’t team up. If they had, our history would have looked different and taken longer to move west.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

The people who feared them most were every other tribe in the vicinity.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

In Wartime the white man is not above such atrocities. The cyanide capsule does not only exist in spy novels. 😲

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

When a sin is an act of mercy.

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Yes, and is no longer a sin—thankfully. Even the Catholics have eased off on much of such strictness in doctrine. Certainly, promotion of death as the consequence of pain relief is now accepted.

I’m not at the level of the Dutch or Swiss yet…but as I get older…

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

The true Catholic church does not believe in euthanasia

Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

I wasn’t talking of euthanasia in my comment directly, albeit did reference the Dutch and Swiss—but pain relief through heavy sedation that is known to shorten life expectancy—although not predictably end it.

To this effect such is now allowed, but removal of normal life support such as food and water, not. However, artificial life support, ex. ventilation, can be now removed. Similarly, support treatment such as dialysis can be rejected—that is sure to kill you in three days to a week or so.

To be fair to your concern, I admit it is a slippery slope indeed.

Last edited 4 years ago by Compsci
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Read james lafonds stuff. The indians would often adopt whites into thier tribes. Many whites perfered them to the cruel slavery that awaited them in early plantation america. Whites can be bastards, the biggest perhaps, too. In fact, i’m pinning my hopes upon it.

Reply to  Joey Jünger
4 years ago

Ever hear of Hannah Duston? This is one of my favorite “Secret Histories” of America … The short version: Her village (Haverhill, MA) is attacked by Abenaki. She had just given birth, so was too weak to escape with her husband and the rest of her family and stayed behind with the newborn. Abenaki dash the baby against a tree and take her captive. Travel upriver into what is now New Hampshire. When the Indians are sleeping one night she gets hold of a tomahawk, scalps the Indians, frees the other captives and steals a canoe and escapes with them… Read more »

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  DVDC
4 years ago

My grandmom was of the Duston family, in Haverhill. The story is broadly right but not terribly accurate in many respects…not any less horrifying. It is likely thatat they killed many more than one of her children. Duston did indeed return for scalps but that was because the King was paying serious money for scalps at this time as the French were supporting Indian raids against the English. She did collect for several but not the entire bounty. The social justice warrior was a very different thing in that day. Local faux injuns picket the statue every year. Indian criminal… Read more »

Reply to  james wilson
4 years ago

Damn, that is one of the most badass, and horrifying stories i have ever heard that i believe. Brave and practical. With those bloodlines, i would watch my daughters closely. It might be maternally inherited. Jan Lamprecht , my favorite SA nazi, just did a podcast on the portuguese civilian defense in angola during a black uprising. To say the women aquited themselfs well is a vast understatement. http://africancrisis.info/index.php/video-audio-1970-angola-incredible-portuguese-mother-beats-black-terrorists-in-a-gunfight/

we think we have challeges. we are a bunch of cucked pussies compared to our ancestors, and the portuguese apparently. Who knew?

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Actually, that is now beginning to fit into my picture of things to come. Those who once decried Trump as being a gatekeeper might now think of him (as a second term president) as an accelerationist. Imagine the mob taking to the streets in the next four years under a Trump presidency. Imagine a scenario of a lame duck president Trump trying to retain control of the streets. Interesting times.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Trump already caused accelerationism from the Marxists. All they had to do was flatter him and he would have rolled over, too, ironically. While he obviously has been a disappointment, to say the least, the bullshit the communists are doing now to undermine him very well could accelerate the broader population outside the Dissident Right. I look for things to get so bad around October/November people will have to choose sides literally and skin color will be the determining factor for most.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Don’t use your chinese curses on me, bro.

Reply to  Joey Jünger
4 years ago

And this is why we (including our esteemed blog host) … need to vote. If nothing else, Hillary’s loss in the last election was a raised middle finger to our owners. I get that Trump pisses the dissidents off… but he makes the left absolutely nuts and that’s a good thing.
Put another way… it can’t hurt to vote.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

True – it can’t hurt. But frankly I’m a lot more interested these days in my local sheriff’s election, or the new hire for my county’s solid waste manager … these are personnel decisions that matter to my community. I’m OK with mocking the left with a vote for the GOP but that’s as far as my expectations go.

Reply to  Joey Jünger
4 years ago

Given how completely controlled politics has been for the last 100 years. Do you really, really believe that Trump is somehow outside the power system? Somehow he got himself put on the presidential nominee ballot, somehow he wasn’t excluded from the debates, somehow his campaign was funded and aired, somehow he had part of the GOP machinery working for him. Somehow all the nominee ballots were not rigged. Lets say he managed to outsmart the entire GOP machinery and turned it against them and then overwhelmed the uniparty vote rigging in enough states by some magic. Then he got into… Read more »

Reply to  tremain
4 years ago

Thanks, folks, I’ll go for the “in yer eye” vote.

“set up fake Cold War 2.0 with China to rerun the 50s-90s money scam with the USSR all over again.”

Well put, tremain, very well put–

but Trump is a spoiler for us as well as them.

An alpha’s job is not so much to do anything, but to act as a flagpole around which we organize ourselves.

All this would happen without him, so I’ll take the White acceleration: Let it be now.

(What? Let the brats have all the fun?)

Last edited 4 years ago by Alzaebo
Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  tremain
4 years ago

Given how completely controlled politics has been for the last 100 years. Do you really, really believe that Trump is somehow outside the power system?” YES. For one thing, the Deep State has come into the open in trying to remove him. Whether you think he’s done anything or not—and I do, within the incredible constraints he has faced—even normies can now see that the Deep State exists, and the evil it is. I’ll vote for Trump gladly, and expect good things to happen in the next four years.

Last edited 4 years ago by Jim Smith
Reply to  Jim Smith
4 years ago

“I’ll vote for Trump, and expect good things to happen the following four years from him.” Fine and well, as long as you understand Tremain’s point and that dissidents who think along these lines are your eventual allies when the music stops. And Trump or no Trump, that music is ending. Some of us would change tenses – it has ended. We dissident skeptics aren’t your adversary; for those my age and older, we’ve simply been observing (and often voting for) this GOP for 40+ years. We bet large on GOP impotence and/or cowardice, hoping to lose but always –… Read more »

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

Fine and well, as long as you understand Tremain’s point and that dissidents who think along these lines are your eventual allies when the music stops.” I believe that Tremain’s point is in error, but as a dissident I have never doubted that he and other dissidents are my people and that we’re all on the same side, both now and when the music stops.

Last edited 4 years ago by Jim Smith
Reply to  Jim Smith
4 years ago

Ditto. With the exception of a troll or two, we are all like the blind men describing the elephant from different points of grasp—but at the end of the day, we are all touching the same elephant!

Reply to  Jim Smith
4 years ago

You remember Edward Snowden yes?

The CIA plant fake whistleblower who was used to normalize the acceptance of a massive surveillance state by the general public?

Or the endless fake shooters that really showed up the anti-gun lobby and who they really were?

Or the fake Bill Buckley conservatives who were used to get Americans to constantly lose to the left by never opposing the new radicals?

You mean using stooges to get normies to accept evil things like that?

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  tremain
4 years ago

That reminds me of something. Decades ago when it was the most common mass media, the CIA got various books published it promoted desired points of view. But I haven’t heard anything about how the Deep state is involved in the mass media nowadays. But it would be almost certain that it is in one way or another.

Last edited 4 years ago by Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

Heh. They’re joined at the hip.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

they OWN it All

Reply to  tremain
4 years ago

I cede ground to no man with regards to paranoic tendencies. But these guys are not omnipotent or have a cleverness superpower. Snowden fake? Why not just keep it secret? The times call for mirror within mirror thinking but you got pull it back sometimes. PS i agree that Buckley was probabaly a CIA play and fishy as hell. I also think the the price of admission to our elite may involve commiting a morally repugnant act they can use to control you. I will be very surprised if they don’t have roberts on film diddling a boy or something.… Read more »

Reply to  Jim Smith
4 years ago

this . the treatment of trump is the look behind the curtian that those with eyes to see needed to see the game .

Reply to  tremain
4 years ago

trump is clearly outside the system . I don’t know where you see any of the GOP establishment working with him.
Do you really think they would do all the crap you see going on if he were just one of the agents of the deep state?
We don’t think he can fix anyting. they have completely flumoxed his agenda. they have’nt eve thrown him a bone on the wall. they are soing the minimum the try to keep the illusion of choice alive .

Reply to  Joey Jünger
4 years ago

I see everything that’s happened in the last three months, including Covid1984 as part of a simple and vindictive effort to punish us for putting Trump in there, whether he’s done anything or not. We defied the elite and hurt their pride. I’m sure there’s also an element of trespass. They see the Presidency and Oval Office as their property. The White House is a wing of their mansion and we dared to rent it out to an uncouth hillbilly. Never mind that Trump is a New York liberal with more Jews in his family than probably live in all… Read more »

Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

There it is.This isn’t a coordinated campaign by smart, evil people; it’s a very loose conglomeration of stupid, evil people, each doing xzhyr own thing. For proof, consider any Goodwhite you know. They’re textbook narcissists, right? Everything’s a movie, and they’re the star… and movie stars don’t work together in committees, and they sure as hell don’t do it in private. The ever-increasing radicalization isn’t ultimately directed at us; it’s directed at all the other radicals who keep trying to steal the spotlight.

Reply to  Severian
4 years ago

It would be truly tragic if we didn’t find a way to use these people’s mental illnesses against them too. Also, if there is a Directorate of Sooper Evil somewhere they probably start each meeting with “what the hell did those buffoons do this week and how can we do damage control?” American society is now a gigantic party boat where everyone is drunk and high, the captain was fed to the sharks months ago, and the passengers take turns at the helm. The problem is that the ship is 30 miles long, displaces a billion tons, and when it… Read more »

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Joey Jünger
4 years ago

Not just black violence, even simple reaction to black antics that aren’t supplicating and meek will get you charged & locked up. (Another new incident from 3 days ago) Case in point, man on private property out in the STICKS (Spotsyvania County VA) gets charged by local police. This breaks the false narrative that you will be ‘safe’ in the inbetween places from cops looking to get the boot off their neck by terrorizing white people. Not going to happen. POC now know that all they need is a smartphone and an attitude to break whitey on the wheel. It… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago

Oh, this is no problem. We need to join with the blacks in calling for the police to disband. Heartiste was always talking about “agree and amplify” as a “game” technique. Time to put some of that stuff to use. Let’s ALL just get rid of the cops everywhere. I mean it’s not like that leaves a power vacuum that, outside the major cities, could be filled by certain armed citizens. No, everyone will be peaceful everywhere. When you start to hear “Fuk da Police” blasting from old pickups in little towns you’ll know Whitey is starting to get it.

4 years ago

People who think that after the statues are torn down they will still be able to read about those figures in history books are idiots. The statues are just the physical representation of the erasure of any unapproved history.

It is already almost impossible to get honest history, because history in academia is controlled by leftists.

My daughter has a hobby of collecting very old books and it is amazing what you can read in books published in the 18th and 19th century about American history that is simply unknown to people today.

Preserve the Past
Preserve the Past
Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

It’s more important than ever to save and collect old books, DVDs, printed photos, and digital material saved offline on flash drives and the like. I’ve saved my printed 1953 dictionary because it has no entry for “racism”: back then “racism” was understood as the natural, healthy inclination for different groups to express in-group preference. With the corporate Ministry of Truth editing internet-based history and school textbooks every day, preserving and passing down the truth becomes critical. If we don’t pass it down, then Woke Minitrue will continue to inculcate young white people into self-hatred to a point where white… Read more »

Sammy the Smith
Sammy the Smith
Reply to  Preserve the Past
4 years ago

Yes, and I would add that the point of remembering the truth is not so much to convince lefty (that’s a waste of time because lefty doesn’t care about the truth), but to prevent ourselves and our posterity from becoming demoralized and deracinated. When the anti-white left is pushing the narratives that blacks “built this country” or that Beethoven was really black or that the indigenous “Cheddar Man” people of Britain were really black, they’re setting the groundwork for white genocide. Future white kids who are taught to think of themselves as worthless, rootless transients will be easier to get… Read more »

Reply to  Preserve the Past
4 years ago

One of my great regrets is throwing away (along with hundreds) a 1963 grade school book with a picture of JFK on the preface page.

It was a history of quips, anecdotes, cartoons, and bits from every American Presidential election.

Sort of like a Twitter thread, a gold mine of factoids and issues. A marvelous entertainment.

I could’ve presented myself as a PhD level historian with that kid’s book, it was that good.

Last edited 4 years ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

I AM a PhD level historian, and I wouldn’t recognize half that stuff. We professionals don’t concern ourselves with petty matters like “what people in the past actually thought and how they lived.” We have much more *intellectual* concerns, like detailing all the ways left-handed lesbian stagehands were oppressed in the reign of Louis XIV.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Severian
4 years ago

It seems we have something in common. I took my doctorate in Russian history from the University of Missouri. Fortunately, I found a cadre of excellent, rational professors and this made grad school rewarding and valuable. I got lucky.

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Buy books in their original form if you can and have the room

they will be worth a pretty penny

The internet can change the original texts as they see fit. Like spray painting books with graffiti and generally filthying them up like they do to neighborhoods.

I will be going to many a used book store in the coming months and years and collecting a massive library. I already have a decent one. People with the means should all be doing the same

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

The Ethnostate’s Library of Congress will depend on this.

Chad Hayden
Chad Hayden
Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Vizz – I’m always on the lookout for old books as well. Anything you can recommend?

Reply to  Chad Hayden
4 years ago

A lot aren’t in print in any form. A recent favorite of my daughter’s is “Sermons By the Devil” by Rev. W.S. Harris, 1904. A good one I don’t have handy (at daughter’s house) is something like “Kings of Industry” — will correct the title when I can confirm — published in the late 1800s. It is bios of major figures in business and commerce throughout the early history of the United States. A really excellent one, (again, will get title later) is a history of the civil war written in the years immediately following the war, so all the… Read more »

Chad Hayden
Chad Hayden
Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Much appreciated. I just did a quick search on Sermons by the Devil and this passage caught my eye: The river of life rises at the gate of Heaven and empties into the ocean of Death. At the age of ac- countability each individual is launched into the stream about midway, and he must either drift with the current downward or work against it upward. The river flows with different degrees of rapidity as you go from the shore toward its center. The chief end of human life is for one to struggle against the natural currents and push his… Read more »

Reply to  Chad Hayden
4 years ago

She hasn’t gotten back to me on the other stuff, but she did just get a new book she’s been talking about.

Christus Liberator: An Outline Study of Africa, Ellen C. Parsons, 1905

Apparently it’s on Amazon, too in reproduction.

Last edited 4 years ago by Vizzini
Chad Hayden
Chad Hayden
Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Ordered! Thanks

Reply to  Chad Hayden
4 years ago

Anything by Charles Oman.

4 years ago

I’ve never met a Jogger who celebrates Juneteenth, or has even mentioned its existence

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Though to be fair, how could you tell the difference between “sitting around not working for Juneteenth” and the other kind?…. a racist would ask. A horrible, horrible racist. I denounce you all.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

The “holiday” is not targeted at joggers. The audience is guilt-ridden Goodwhites, who probably will kneel before all black people who pass them on the streets and offer up their children to joggers for gang rape.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Exactly. This will be a day of White atonement, a day Whites acknowledge their White privilege, the sins of their ancestors and their own sin of conscious (or unconscious) racism.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

It sure looks that way. Never mind that none of us had anything to do with slavery, that the vast majority of our ancestors had nothing to do with slavery, that most slaves were sold into slavery by Hutus, and that hundreds of thousands of whites died, in part, to abolish slavery. We’re all still uniquely guilty for an institution whose scope has been global since prehistoric times.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Bingo, you nailed it. There are even several handy guides for what you should do as a ‘white ally’ including reflecting on your original sin & guilt among other self-flagellating actions. The revolution is being televised as we see every day now.


Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

In my former city it was an official festival in the “traditionally black neighborhood”. Which really just meant that a bunch of gypsy peddlers set up their stalls and in a kind of reverse-covid all the regular porch drinkers got to walk down the boulevard harassing hipster white girls and generally making a mess of the place while some loud music blasted from a stage buckling underfoot of two tons of angry black lady operetta. I will miss that kind of rich cultural experience. Of course here in my new town they are putting on an Independence Day celebration in… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

I was hoping that this year a new tradition of a “police holiday” could be celebrated, sort of The Purge in the black part of the city. No worries of the Po-Po, do your thang, and too bad if you’re on the receiving end 🙂

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

If you do a google search limit it to <2010 there are 253 hits on the entire internet (and lots of those are redated Trump pieces).

So basically it has never existed. Now why would Trump suddenly start pretending it did?

Reply to  tremain
4 years ago

Trump is old nomenklatura a civic nationalist and a hotelier and terrfied of widespread disorder. Anything he can do that can keep the stupid system alive a bit longer he will try. No matter what he does though, the system is on a fail train. The best future is separation with closed borders, the other is US goes Rwanda x Bosnia X Yemen and in any case China wins. So as to avoid a total black pill, in theory there is a slight chance that a genuine authoritarian Right state could take charge and after a few decades of horrible… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

Trump understands that the Hutu riots are severely damaging his reelection chances. From here on out, there is little he won’t do to try to pacify them. But the AWRs understand the value of the chimp-outs, and will manage to manufacture at least one more before election day.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

There will be several before his next rally in Tulsa as well in some attempt to cancel it. But given his opposition if the President keeps his equanimity which I suspect he will, there is a very good chance of a win anyway. He’s also started a few cable ads tying Bide to China . This is actually sound given it was the history channel which is very very Right White for TV. Something to consider also, as much as any of us would love a real crackdown and simply crushing the Left like a bug, the US would not… Read more »

Chad Hayden
Chad Hayden
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

It’s bigger down south, mostly as an excuse for black college students to party

Reply to  Chad Hayden
4 years ago

Oh yeah. They tore up Atlanta for three years straight on Juneteenth in the 90s.

So I told some some black friends in DC, “c’mon man! Road trip! Let’s go party hardy!”… and these gangstas looked at whiteboy like he was flat out of his mind. They knew the score.

ps- don’t nobody mention Devil’s Night, Halloween version Black.0

Last edited 4 years ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

I did on Thursday

I guess it’s becoming a big thing among the black celebrity class and their wannabes

But it also coincides with the big BET party at the Roosevelt in Hollywood which is next week and for years has been a pretty big deal

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Literally never heard of this until Zman mentioned it.

Asked my wife (southern belle)… pretty much said, “Yeah, it’s a thing in the south. But nobody is proud of it.”


Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

I’d heard of it, having grown up in the South… but it was more or less a joke, like Cinco de Mayo – a good excuse to goof off and drink beer, if you felt you needed one. This applied equally to all races.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Um… ‘scuse me, but isn’t that supposed to be pronounced “Joom-teempf”?

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Integration with blacks does most of its damage at a deeper instinctual level. Compare the intellectual demands and expectations of a high school textbook from 1915 to one from 2015. Even 101 level college texts expect less from us than what our grandparents and great grandparents were expected to comprehend. Compare a pop composition from 1915 and its dependence for beat on the notes played in a bar of music by the rhythm instrument… to the primitive boom-boom-boom of what gets played today and consider the demands the former makes on both mind and body… compared to the lobotomizing effects of… Read more »

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

That is truth right there Brother we have lost so much and most don’t even know it because it’s hidden from them… Society has chosen the path of least resistance and has been destroyed in the process…

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Oh, but for those long-gone days when “integration” was only something discussed in Calculus courses 🙂
Based on experience, racial integration leads to social dis-integration 🙁

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

they’re poison

no other way to put it

Chad Hayden
Chad Hayden
Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

This is very good Yves…another way in which we pay the black tax.

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

In a knee-jerk reaction to your comments, especially about music, I just went onto Amazon and purchased two boxed sets of music CDs:
One of “Greatest Hits” of Baroque Masterpieces, and
one “Greatest Chamber Music” (Hayden, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert)….
so that when we can no longer access this greatness via the interwebz because reasons, I can at least hear the greatness on my “old school” stereo with a three-CD deck.
But thank you for the inspiration.

4 years ago

Honest to goodness, I have never heard of Juneteenth until this year. It sounds like it should be a day for joggers to thank white people for freeing them from slavery but it doesn’t seem to be working out that way.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Arthur Sido
4 years ago

Freeing them and not shipping them back to Africa where they belong.

4 years ago

“Black Run America” implies that the orcs are running the show instead of acting as foot-soldiers. Call me a traditionalist – I prefer the more accurate “ZOG.”

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

A realist, actually

I particularly adore the white Antifa foot soldiers of the ZOG pseudo-revolution. My God they are in for a surprise ending. The blacks are too low IQ and ignorant even to appreciate what is coming, but the snowflakes, while also blissfully stupid, will understand the full weight of Uncle Schlomo’s foot on their necks.

vxxc 💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
vxxc 💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Exile; no one is running the show, hence the scramble for power.

I’m actually thinking now that Trump hasn’t read one book on the French Revolution or the Communist Revolutions – I bet he thinks he’s still dealing with the USSR and the old school Dems.

All that is gone.

If Trump comes to understand his situation he’s going to get on a plane. He’s no Killer, but he is a survivor.


Our rulers have never been more in charge than they are right now.

They cheer on autonomous black power zones, they release antifa rioters with no charges, they financially destroy anyone who objects, they sympathize with traitors who destroy statues of white men and blacks who beat helpless white people. This is exactly what they have been wanted for 100 years.

Maybe you mean that no one who doesn’t hate white people is in control, in which case I agree.

Here is who is running the show:

Last edited 4 years ago by LineInTheSand
Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Thanks for the link

4 years ago

I have a little game I’ve played with Normies on the race riot matter. I ask them if they’ve been keeping up with the news about the Floyd protests. The answer, of course is always yes, lots of media coverage, police violence is terrible etc etc. I do a little goad: It seems that there’s a couple of hours of coverage on TV everyday. Response: Oh, it’s more than that yadda yadda yadda,,, My question, How many unarmed black men did the police kill in America last year? Response, Oh I don’t know exactly.. yadda yadda etc. Me : Guess.… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by bilejones
The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Bilejones
4 years ago

This is just one of the simple, yet effective number games the media plays.

For beer flu they always mention the death number out of context. We’re not even halfway to the Asian or Hong Kong flu.

The ongoing attempt to keep the hysteria going with case numbers is pathetic, people’s acceptance of it even more so.

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

Numbers of infections or deaths are irrelevant without referring to numbers tested, or how Covid deaths are defined. In other words, rates based on reasonable definitions, not raw numbers. Innumeracy reigns.

Politicians, health authorities, and even some academics and scientists don’t seem to have room in their brains for sound statistical methodology.

4 years ago

I think the entire month of February should be a holiday with programming 24/7 about all the wondrous contributions joggers have made for the benefit of humanity – ok, it’d be an actual five minutes played over and over 24/7….

On another note, noted “Christian” ceo Dan cathay (chik-fil-a) groveled pathetically yesterday, washing the shoes of some jogger and exhorting Whites to repent their evil ways. The great culling can’t come soon enough.

Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

Yeah, when Chik Fil A, NASCAR, and the Southern Baptist Convention started their woke groveling, the remaining grains of optimism for my beloved South frittered away. I think I heard a fat lady singing.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

When the Boy Scouts began accepting meaux and then girls, I heard the endomorphic frau caterwauling.

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

They are taking down the John C. Calhoun statue in Charleston. She not only sang, she left the building.

Last edited 4 years ago by Epaminondas
Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

Funny how I don’t see any whites tearing down MLK statues… do ya think the cops would magically appear and start making arrests if THAT happened??

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Xman
4 years ago

Perhaps we should try.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

This is supremely ironic. If only the cancelist were capable of grasping what irony is. Calhoun was an extemely accomplished stateman. He, far more than any man, averted succession twice, and at a time when the North was in no position or mood to go to war over it. Mutual hatreds would have been satisfied with separation. No Calhoun, no War Between the States because there would have been no United States of Indivisible to go to war.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  james wilson
4 years ago

Calhoun was white. That’s all that matters.

4 years ago

Aww, I was finally just getting used to the stank eye for saying “Merry Christmas” instead of “happy holidays.” Now I’m going to get a whole new stank eye for saying “happy holidays” instead of “oooga booga Kwanzaa” or whatever “traditional African greeting” they’ll invent in November.

Reply to  Severian
4 years ago

Just add “an sheeit” after each greeting and you should be okay…an sheeit

4 years ago

Whites weakness is ‘reason’. We think we need a reason do do anything. (((The Usual Suspects))), however, are very good a ‘reason’ so they have psychically emasculated Whites. Give up on ‘reason’. Your race is your reason. Your skin is your uniform. No White has to explain why they want what they want to anyone (even another White). You want what you want because you want it and what every decent White wants is racial separation. The choices are simple: race war, racial separation, White subjugation by (((The Usual Suspects))) and their pets. #WhiteStrike

Reply to  HamburgerToday
4 years ago

the day whites simply state “I don’t want to live around them and be around them” will be a watershed moment

It’s the equivalent when someone asks you “Why don’t you like so and so. What’s your reason?”

And you reply, I just don’t like his face

No one will ever argue back on that

Charles St. Charles
Charles St. Charles
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

“the day whites simply state “I don’t want to live around them and be around them” will be a watershed moment”

that pretty much sums up my limited political philosophy.

Reply to  HamburgerToday
4 years ago

Truer words were never spoken.

4 years ago

I was surprised at how many normals have told me that they are done watching professional sports this past week. My watching has been going steadily downhill for a long time and is probably over now.

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

The people who run pro sports leagues and obviously the players have no idea how bad the Wuhan Flu shutdown is going to be for their leagues. ESPN’s website visits have gone off a cliff since December although they seem to be stabilizing now. These leagues shutdown, people figured out they could find other things to do with their time and they don’t need to go back. Gamblers were essentially forced to quit cold turkey, some of them will realize how much money they are saving and not go back. It will take some time for this to show up… Read more »

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Barnard
4 years ago

Interesting note with the gamblers.
A good half of my friends who follow the NFL do it solely for fantasy football leagues. The actual games are becoming secondary to the stats.
It’s basically a less-spergy D&D game.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
4 years ago

Fantasy football has not been impacted yet. My impression is that fantasy football peaked about 5-6 years ago. It will be interesting to see how many don’t go back to it in the fall. Fantasy and gambling are the two big drivers of interest in the NFL. Baseball is well on its way to becoming a minor sport. No city or state government will ever be blackmailed into spending big money for a Major League Baseball stadium again. Sports gambling in casinos was just legalized nationwide in 2018. It took time for states to setup laws and then casinos to… Read more »

Reply to  Barnard
4 years ago

Spengler noted our economic woes with China-style competition comes from the fact that their governments subsidize capital infrastructure like ours subsidizes sports stadiums.

Last edited 4 years ago by Alzaebo
The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Barnard
4 years ago

The MLB players are already refusing to acknowledge the new, post Beer Flu economic reality we live in.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

For whatever reason, the people associated with Major League Baseball are the greediest and most tone deaf of all the sports leagues. The 1994 strike that canceled the World Series did permanent damage to fan interest and is within the living memory of everyone involved. Their fan base is clearly aging quickly and there is little international interest in the sport outside of Japan and the Caribbean. They had a chance to be the only the game in town and completely blew it arguing over money. They will get what they deserve.

Last edited 4 years ago by Barnard
Reply to  Barnard
4 years ago

Welp, there goes our biggest national holiday- the Superbowl.

“Are we to be left with nothing?!”

Last edited 4 years ago by Alzaebo
Din C. Nuffin
Din C. Nuffin
Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

Watch boxing! Something soothing about watching two black guys beat the crap out of each other.

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

Talk is cheap. Check back when/if the professional season starts with a live audience.

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

It’s an addiction. And you are well rid of it.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
4 years ago

Casual male outlets such as Social Media banter, Video Games, and Sportsball are opiates for the white male to sit back and do nothing. The only stronger opiate is pornography. There would be no downside to keeping it nonpolitical, but that’s not how they roll. Can’t help but think this is a tactical error to start tearing it away.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
4 years ago

I have been working for months to get a couple close friends to pry themselves out of the twitter flame war echo chambers. They are smart and definitely on this side of the divide but just can’t or won’t push away from the smedia table to spend that energy IRL. The Scott Adams and other spergy and snarky smart-guys just give them the feelies. I warn them of the self-licensing that the socials create and how “winning” some twit wit with anonymous morons does not move the needle. I got them off of Ben Shapiro and mostly off Joeprah but… Read more »

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

They haven’t felt the degradation viscerally yet. Give them time. They will.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
4 years ago

I do hope the left returns to its “second wave” virus hysteria because they only end up creating golems that turn against them. As you said, I hope sportsball continues to remain shut down so white men are weaned off that opiate. I hope “racist” video games and video game companies are pulled too- if the younger dissident right ever needed a kick in the pants, it’s the removal of insidious sit-on-the-couch video game culture. Look how much the gaming lexicon- like “NPC”- has infected the dissident right. Finally, I hope leftist hysterics insist on keeping public schools and colleges… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Juneteenth
4 years ago

Excellent point! I hadn’t looked at it that way.

vxxc 💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
vxxc 💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
4 years ago

Musk apparently DGAF

Musk responded cryptically: “Who do you think *owns* the press? Hello.”


For people who might want some context about WTF you’re talking about:


Chad Hayden
Chad Hayden
Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

On Sunday, Collins noted in a tweet that the comment had attracted a barrage of anti-Semitic responses. He called on Musk to condemn them.”

Morons. There’s this thing called subtlety, but /our guys/ jizz their pants every time someone even approaches (((the topic)))

4 years ago

Once upon a time the race grifters thought the new federal MLK holiday was the answer. Then Kwanzaa & Black History Month. Now Juneteenth. Note how the celebrations have morphed from individual days (that we could choose to ignore) to months-long, seasonal pity parties. What’s different from 30 years ago, though, is that many (most?) whites are conditioned to shut up and take a knee.

I’ll give the government school system and academia credit – they’ve been very effective in cultivating converts to the new religion.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

To me Kwanzaa seems like a largely failed attempt to supplant Christmas that peaked in the ’90s.

So, in a sense it was simply ahead of its time. Watch (((them))) try to resurrect it later this year.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

(((K)))(((w)))(((a)))(((n)))(((z)))(((a))) (((n)))(((e)))(((v)))(((e)))(((r))) (((r)))(((e)))(((a)))(((l)))(((l))(((y))) (((r))(((e)))(((s)))(((s)))(((o)))(((n)))(((a)))(((t)))(((e)))(((d))) (((w)))(((i)))(((t)))(((h))) (((b)))(((l)))(((a)))(((c)))(((k))).

Reply to  Forever Templar
4 years ago

Ouch. Typing this as I read it–


Last edited 4 years ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

Kwanzaa was invented by the CIA to create a fake culture for blacks that would enable the State more loyalty and control.
It didn’t do well, Blacks tend to a Christians varaints but in the 60’s as now the State hates the church.

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

Bucket of fried chicken says that the NFL is gonna trade those pink socks for some wakanda print for a month long struggle sesh. Ever since they got mildly embarrassed about the titcancer scam with Susan they have been looking for a new angle. Will be interesting to see if they also lay off the military slobbing a bit due to the police being kissing cousins of our forever war machine. Prolly not. Money talks. Plus all those chevy commercials celebrating black workers (lol) can’t carry the show. Either way ts gonna be fun to troll my sportsball friends over… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

They will do a separate month for kente cloth.

They will double down on the pink crap to encourage AWFLs to spend money on the league and fantasize about being Dez Bryant’s next pincushion.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

“But you gave us the smallest month, motherfuckers!” ☻

The fundamental problem with any indoctrination is that external reality doesn’t budge, no matter how persuasive your training was, nor how many people you send to the camps or execute.

Last edited 4 years ago by Ben the Layabout
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

“America” is now, functionally, a Hutu supremacist state.

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
4 years ago

Historically, ethnic cleansing is accompanied by the destruction and removal of the cultural and historical evidence of the targeted people. We tend to focus on the murder and violence of the concept, but the real crime is the destruction of that which ties the current people to their ancestors and to one another. 

Edmund Burke, wiser than anyone in today’s political flea circus, said that the social contract is not only between today’s citizens; it extends back through generations of ancestors and forward to those of the future.

4 years ago

I’ve always pulled for blacks to do well. Always glad when they’re promoted to head coaching position for teams I hate (but truly glad they got the position for the image of their race, and also so young black kids see there’s true opportunity if they choose the right path). Now after this latest full blown fiasco of white denigration I no longer give a crap. Before when I’d see a new African American quarterback or anchorman, I’d be, “Godspeed black man.” Now it’ll be “fuck off, we’re not friends”. I reckon breaking the spiritually-altruistic habit toward them will take… Read more »

4 years ago

PS i want to encourage you cheap bastards to contribute to Zman’s subscribe star. I would hazard a guess that without a forum like this to vent. Your health would have be negatively impacted.

Tim from Nashua
Tim from Nashua
4 years ago

Sir, the savages are revolting!

Yes, yes they are, but if we give them another holiday, perhaps they’ll eat us last.

NJ Person
NJ Person
4 years ago

Having lived and traveled in many other countries, I am still extremely grateful for having been a citizen of this great country. Thanksgiving is a holiday still worth observing. However, since we are apparently governed by a hostile ruling class, treating this July 4th as a day of silence might be appropriate.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
4 years ago

Rich Lowery makes $400k…per year? That one kind of blew me away. Holy crap I spent the last 40 years in all the wrong various lines of work.

Reply to  Forever Templar
4 years ago

but at least you aren’t a highly paid whore

Charles St. Charles
Charles St. Charles
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

If you’re going to be a whore, then…

4 years ago

I awoke to a chill in the air this morning (unusual for late June) and it reminded me that Fall is just around the corner, and therefore its never too early to begin thinking about hunting season. This is a good time of year to gather information about where the good hunting grounds may arise. Identifying game is often times opportunistic, but you can increase your odds of success by being ultra-observant. Taking notes is always a plus too. You’re never too old to add a few skills.

Last edited 4 years ago by TomA
4 years ago

Since we’re now making up holidays based on obscure events, I’d like to wish everyone a Happy Flight to Varennes night this Saturday Evening.

Bonne Chance!

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

That’s excellent. Thanks for pointing that out.
I am just finishing a book about Marie Antoinette during that time.
I will wish people (as a French speaker) a happy “Jour de la Fuite a Varennes.”

Reply to  Carrie
4 years ago

Perhaps no figure in human history has gotten a rawer deal that M. Antoinette.

I hope you despise the Duc de Orleans as much as I do after reading that book.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
4 years ago

The condition of white people is as a conquered people, but one that still thinks they are in charge.

Well they could be in charge, but that would entail some sort of shared sacrifice. I see this all the time with “hills not worth dying on” which is just a justification for doing nothing, ever.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
4 years ago

I think it is finally starting to dawn on a lot of white people (normies) that they are no longer in charge.

Sadly, it may not really hit home until most of them are in nursing homes or assisted living and treated like worthless garbage by the colorful staff

Charles St. Charles
Charles St. Charles
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

I’m in my late fifties; my darkest nightmare – the slow smothering death under the pillow, held down by my laughing African “caretakers”.

Reply to  Charles St. Charles
4 years ago

Cappy Cap suggests a Smith and Wesson retirement plan.
Me? I suggest we bust ass to prevent that future but if we can’t, you can always think about what you can accomplish if you no longer care to live.

Charles St. Charles
Charles St. Charles
Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

Yep, I have definitely considered the S&W plan, because when you can’t continue to live without the constant support of people you despise – the people you have spent your whole life planning and working hard to avoid contact with – why live a day further?

Reply to  Charles St. Charles
4 years ago

Most important though, avoid despair.
There are always options.

Last edited 4 years ago by abprosper
Reply to  Charles St. Charles
4 years ago

If you were in a Community of our people you wouldn’t have to worry about that because you would be taken care of by our people who know you and have known what you sacrificed for our people and you will be treated well…Also you would teach our history to our youngsters in the stories you would tell…

Basil Ransom
Basil Ransom
4 years ago

Link to the slave narratives Zman referenced.


What’s interesting is that most of the slaves seemed to say all in all slavery times was not that bad. But all of them say RECONSTRUCTION times sucked.

Reply to  Basil Ransom
4 years ago

There are archives, now probably very hidden wrt slave days and slave laws in the South. The Savannah Society has some reprints I’ve read. Seemed legit, but I suspect will be decried as false or a rewriting of history. There were rules wrt treatment and such which seems reasonable given the fear of slave rebellion in the old South. A sadistic owner or overseer could initiate a rebellion which would endanger the local populous, so I can imagine such laws regarding treatment as being passed. If Christian kindness seems far fetched (after all, what’s Christian in slavery), then self preservation… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

The gibbering Hutu gets the drumstick…

4 years ago

Part of the problem is that we live in a multi-racial (national) country. The other part of the problem is the Puritains. There is a strain of our own race which has always been hell bent on righteously persecuting the other half over a moral cause. There must be found a solution to the Puritain problem.

Reply to  Ferggg
4 years ago

I sometimes wish we could DNA test for Puritanism and Leftism and remove such persons from our polity.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

I have no doubt such genes exist. The difference between us and the race traitors is so stark that it must be at least partially hard wired.

Reply to  Ferggg
4 years ago

It’s called “Catholicism”. Unfortunately, it has been pozzed.

vxxc 💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
vxxc 💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
4 years ago

Thanks for the link. From it. we learn that: Protecting your property is threats and violence. Looting and burning is peaceful protest. The little local newspaper Greenwich Time is, of course, an offshoot of Hearst Media. Hearst is of course, famous for the accurate boast to his photographer “You furnish the pictures and I’ll furnish the war”. The war that he furnished gave us Puerto Rico, or to be more accurate, gave us to the Puerto Ricans. If there is to be violent resistance to the propagandists, the corporate tools running these little ragsheets could well be the first to… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Bilejones
4 years ago

Ah but when your power is ascendant, Empire is so intoxicating. What’s wrong with adding a few more colonies? But even a hundred years ago, a skeptic could easily have pointed out how poorly Spain, then France had fared with their empires. France didn’t sell us the “Louisiana Purchase,” what would be come a large part of the Deep South because it was such a fine, profit-making operation! England’s divestiture of its empire would take another half century or so. Just like the cited countries, we have gotten, and will continue to get, precisely what we deserve.

Last edited 4 years ago by Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

Spain and France created empires to loot. Neither Spain nor France ever considered colonization/immigration outside of that goal. That’s one of the reasons for so much mixture of the native population with the Whites. Whites did not bring their women over. The just took native women for sex..They lost all eventually. At least the English colonized with the goal of a new and better life for the colonizers/immigrants. Look at any country with an English or American presence. There is a difference. Even India was left with an English bureaucratic system. Even in Africa, the former English colonies are better… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

(Compsci- as an aside, could there be a difference due to Catholic vs Protestant culture? Hierarchy vs guild?)

Last edited 4 years ago by Alzaebo
james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Tocqueville (a Catholic Frenchman) describes Anglo-Americans Protestants to be far superior in custom, commerce, and energy compared to the French in North America as well as the Spanish, both of whom were Catholic; Catholicism leading men toward obedience, Protestantism toward independence. That was then, of course, before Protestants strangled God toworship equality.

Reply to  james wilson
4 years ago

Yes, please consider me a reforming Catholic. 😉

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

No argument there. As a born Catholic, I can attest to the difference. But why take my word, for what you see with your “own, lying eyes”. 😉

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Your final point I agree with. But my main point above was that the the European countries or the new world countries would have been better off if they never dabbled in colonialism.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

France owned nearly the entire middle of the North American continent- and had near bankrupted itself helping us in our Revolution, so it could hold on to the key great river transport from Canada to New Orleans.

Spain owned everything from Oregon to Kansas. Our Revolution was part of Great Power moves- but then, everything white people do ends up Great Power.

Last edited 4 years ago by Alzaebo
james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

The truth is they didn’t own anything. Possession is ownership. We might want to remember that.


Interesting that the entire New Mexico incident is carefully described to omit–1) the guy retreated when threatened with violence, 2) apparently first used pepper spray when initially pursued, 3) was threatened audibly with shouts to “kill him” 4) was then further pursued, hit repeatedly and forced into a ground fight with a mob, 5) in a couple of frame captures a knife is visible in the hand of the primary attacker and 6) when he finally pulled a concealed handgun, shot only the attacker with the knife, removing the imminent threat of grave bodily harm or death, then ceased firing.… Read more »

Simon Legree
Simon Legree
Reply to  SamlAdams
4 years ago

At least one dropped knife was imprinted with the antifa logo. Once formally recognized as a terrorist organization, possession of an antifa knife during one of these attacks will be per se guilt and felony conviction.

Reply to  Simon Legree
4 years ago

Only if the Feds step in. As we’ve seen the locals will “decline to prosecute”. Thank you George Soros. But post November, if Biden wins, I’m certain DOJ will be issued orders to show no interest in these cases.

Reply to  Simon Legree
4 years ago

Umm, no. ANTIFA is the Fed’s paramilitary arm.

They have gotten away with it in DC, Portland, Charlottesville, and a multitude of others.

Cops and anti-fascists play for the same team.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago


The Federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies are controlled by the DNC on behalf of the CCP.

The military is highly suspect. That’s why the recent spate of generals popping off in the media was so troubling.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

People will quibble with “on behalf of the CCP”, not knowing that 20% of US public employee state pension funds were invested in ‘Red Chips’, Chinese corporations, in 1992– lifting them out of a 1950s bicycle economy. The promotion of offshoring began in earnest.

When the USSR fell, China was the Plan B replacement. Globalism refused to rebuild the infrastructure already extant in white Eastern Europa, content only with robbing it into penury.

The Soros-led financiers then engineered the collapse of the Thai baht and 1997 fall of the Asian Tigers, clearing the way for China’s fast-track rise.

Last edited 4 years ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Do you think the stagnation of the Japanese economy in the early 90’s may have had a helping hand from the (((usual suspects))) as part of a multi-pronged effort to facilitate Chinese ascendency, rather than having happened because of a real estate bubble or whatever boilerplate cause the textbooks give?

Reply to  KGB
4 years ago

My opinion is that this was a product of reaching the limit on how much people could consume. Wage arbritarge, low birth rates (cause in part by wage arbitrage) and simple consumption fatigue was enough to put a high cost producer like Japan down. Heck I’ve read articles where afluent Africans are complaining about the lack of variety and having little to buy. The crazy part of this is as the US gets poorer, the depression mindset kicks in and consumption declines across the board on a long term to permanent basis. Certainty an after lockdown bump was going to… Read more »

Reply to  KGB
4 years ago

You may have answered a long held question. Inflated Tokyo commercial real estate collapsed because half the loans were to Yakuza investors- who wouldn’t keep up the payments. Mr. Nice Banker ain’t gonna make a collection on the Yakuza.

Well, who would loan to the triads, then? Somebody older, and even more dangerous.

Last edited 4 years ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Simon Legree
4 years ago

Not only will Antifa and BLM never be officially recognized as terrorist organizations, but the feds won’t be going after any individuals in those groups either. In fact they’re ignoring them completely and Trump’s DOJ will instead be going after anyone who tried to defend themselves with hate crime charges. There’s a good argument for why BLM and Antifa shouldn’t be declared terrorists: we all know they are terrorists, but with new anti-terrorism tools at their disposal the feds would only go after pro-white fraternal organizations instead: look how Trump’s DOJ treated the Proud Boys vs. Antifa in New York.… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Itsatrap
Reply to  Itsatrap
4 years ago

It’s about time everyone understands that the broader culture has done nothing less than declare a religious fatwa against our very existence. We are the heathen that must be taxed, beheaded, or enslaved. All three are being employed, and the most broad and insidious is the enslavement of the soul. The idea that we must be made to publicly declare our fealty to something we know to be false, in order to break down our spirit. There is no going back, the broader culture is done. We inherit and reestablish some semblance of what once was, only on the ruins… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Well, it appears Dutch is in fine form today. Carry on good sir.

Reply to  Itsatrap
4 years ago

Heck, Mayor DiBolshevik was proud of his mulatta Antifa daughter getting arrested in New York.

Last edited 4 years ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Of course, the charges were dropped…


I’m not sure I would want to join a white “militia” that wore t-shirts extolling George Floyd.

Simon Legree
Simon Legree
Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

OTOH if vibrants are to be extolled at all it should be the freshly dispatched ones. Here in Chicago they dispatch one another for our benefit and so I’m willing to extol them but only on t-shirts and toilet paper.

4 years ago

I agree with your point about liberal morality. I’m about fed up with every conservative qualifying their point. “we know the US has it’s faults but it’s a great country. It’s horrible the police murdered that man but it’s not all police.. There are some whites that are racist but. “.

Owen Glendower
Owen Glendower
4 years ago

Great show. I was particularly struck by the closing, and how much of this is intended to demoralize and discourage Whites. It makes me wonder what all of this will do to the already historically low White birth rate. I have two young children and I won’t lie–I’m almost constantly worried for them now. But having kids was and is the best thing I’ve ever done. I don’t think anyone short of a saint can experience the joy of true, selfless love without them. But how many couples will delay having or never have families because of this insanity?

Reply to  Owen Glendower
4 years ago

Have more!!!

4 years ago

So, they want capital “B” Blacks and lower [case] “w” whites. OK (racist connotation intended). I’m changing tactics. I won’t use N***er anymore (see, I’ve already changed my tune). Now, they are all — every one of them — Africans. And they all have to go back. Repatriation is reparation. Normie must be led to understand, viscerally and without doubt, that they are not Americans, not hyphen-Americans. They are completely “other” and must go. Apartheid now!

Charles St. Charles
Charles St. Charles
Reply to  Maus
4 years ago

I’ve already started referring to groups of dindus as “a murder of blacks” (sorry about that, crows).

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

Why the F does Marketwatch.com have a special (((Ju)))neteenth report about how America perfected the art of demonizing black men?

What planet am I living on?

Oh, I live in BRA….

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

I remember when Manson had the whole country gripped with fear, and he was killing just a handful of people. He was the face of evil. I was young, but I remember being scared hard as a boy watching a documentary on it Now blacks kill each other left and right, and no one ever says they are evil. The churches don’t, which is why they are useless. Society looks the other way. Politicians encourage it. In my view, blacks should be held to the same standard, and that means, yes, they have a propensity for evil. And it needs… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

A major background to the current problems is that Blacks cannot meet the standards of Whites.

Last edited 4 years ago by Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

and therefore murder is no longer a serious offense

I mean it’s still serous, but it’s purely a legal matter. It’s no longer associated with sin and evil

And thus it will keep going on because going to jail isn’t so bad if you’re black. Life in prison is worse than slavery if you ask me, so how bad could slavery really have been if people of today are readily willing or able to endure something much worse?

Questions and more questions

vxxc 💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
vxxc 💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

Marketwatch is hard left

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

Some of the younger guys that I work with told me that BLM messages are popping up when they play their video games … pretty soon we’re gonna look up and see it written in the sky!

4 years ago

Ryan Faulk says that the literacy rates of African Americans during slavery was higher than that of Eastern Europe. In fact, they were measurably better off than most of the rest of the world including much of Europe. They were taller, they weighed more, they lived longer, had higher rates of literacy, they even worked fewer hours than most of the world. They certainly lived better than Africans. Ryan has talked about the interviews of former slaves as well. Life was nowhere near what is portrayed in the movies, which is what virtually all Americans know about slavery in America.… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

Likely there aren’t many Black readers here, but on the off chance, I have prepared an editorial for Juneteenth 🙂 Dear Black Folk: White people haven’t done enough for you? Let me present you a list, very partial, of what we have done for you: In the war that tore our country apart, Union men who died came to about 360,000. Slightly less Southerners died, but we can assume they were pro-slavery and don’t count. To be fair,many of those Union soldiers were draftees and thus didn’t serve willingly. Still, if you scaled that for today’s population of the USA,… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

Jogga, please. This is just painful.

Now where de white wimmin at?

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Dey be like Biden. Hiden’.

4 years ago

Thanks for putting the show together this week, Zman. And you’re 100% correct … White people build stuff, and despite being super black-pilled, I’m going outside to work.

Mike D
Mike D
4 years ago

Well now it is clear why that fine citizen of Atlanta Rayshard Brooks decided to violently resist the cops, steal a taser and then flee after failing the sobriety test. I was wondering why he went from being pretty cooperative and chill to violent at the snap of a finger. According to James Howard Kunstler in his Friday blog post today: “….Mr. Brooks had a long rap sheet for activities such as domestic battery and cruelty to children. He was on probation for a previous driving-under-the-influence conviction. A new one would have sent him to jail, knowledge of which, perhaps,… Read more »

Reply to  Mike D
4 years ago

I just wish that the other cop would have had his taser ready when his buddy went to cuff the guy … that’s peak stress time. Hard to believe that they’re not trained to do that. Cuz some of these perps are strong and can fight. You don’t want it to be a wrestling match.

Trojan House
Trojan House
4 years ago

I hate being on Zuckerbook (joined many years ago), however, on the rare occasion when I log in to see what is happening, I see that all my so-called “friends” all up in arms about this systemic racism. Everyone of them virtue signalling. But then I think I should reach out to them to let them know that had I known they were racist when I first met them, I would never had been their friend in the first place, therefore, I am now ‘unfriending’ them on Zuckerbook for being a racist. I wonder if they would actually say that… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Trojan House
4 years ago

Worst case is they’ll accuse of being neo-Hitler, best case is you’ll crash their NPC programming until the next time they watch MSNBC and it resets:

Them: “How can you not be against systemic racism?”

Me: “If blacks are being held back from their true potential by whites, wouldn’t then black nations that have no whites be more successful?”

Them: “Legacy of colo-“

Me: “Hong Kong and Singapore were colonies too”.

Them: “But American blacks have no history of intergenerational weal-“

Me: “Japanese-Americans had all of their stuff stolen in the 40s and they were making more than whites by the 70s”

And so on…

Chad Hayden
Chad Hayden
Reply to  Trojan House
4 years ago

“Racist” is a meaningless word because it has no concrete definition. Fluid definitions suit the left; they can conjure up applications at random. A word ceases to have any relevance when it can mean anything. This has happened to other words in the language, but the different is these words won’t get you fired or un-personed the way “racist” will. I’ve had some thoughts on this subject so I’ll include them here. Examples of other meaningless words — The word “gentleman” originally meant a member of the landed gentry. Now it’s simply a word to use when you want to… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Chad Hayden
Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  Chad Hayden
4 years ago

Sloppily used words not only erode distinctions, but scupper original meanings. “Fantastic,” for instance, meant based on fantasy rather than reality. You can argue about which of those two a statement represents, but not that fantasy means wonderful.

“Tremendous” originally denoted something extremely large, important, or powerful — reducing it to a lazy synonym for “I like it, baby!” is an act of linguistic treason. Dynamiting precision in speech and writing makes it ever harder to communicate when what remains amounts to pidgin English.

Reply to  Chad Hayden
4 years ago

Yeah, talk to the SCOTUS about “sex”.

Reply to  Chad Hayden
4 years ago

Another reason to read 18th and 19th century literature, especially Fielding and Dickens.

Reply to  Chad Hayden
4 years ago

You’re a racist if you form a generalization about the experiences that you’ve had throughout your life … it’s called the scientific method. Induction followed by deduction.

4 years ago

Brother Nathanael points his finger at the guys in the little hats…


Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

Hey, I’ve got BN bookmarked n regularly watch his videos. I’d like to think that he’s on the up-n-up, but he’s got alittle too much schtick in his presentation … maybe he’s just trying to be a bit entertaining in the process, which I can appreciate.

Nicholas R. Jeelvy
4 years ago

“White people work.”
Speak for yourself, Z. Mediterranean work ethic is where it’s at.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Nicholas R. Jeelvy
4 years ago

Siesta in Majorca and Porto really is a pleasant experience.

Reply to  Nicholas R. Jeelvy
4 years ago

Exactly. That protestant work ethic takes away precious time from having a family and feeds the endless appetite for the money junkies. Learn to live with less , have a bigger family and be happy instead of emulating the elite who are addicted to money and status. The only reason to bust your ass is if you are Amish and you keep most of what you make. Catholic or Mediterranean work ethic plus large family wins the day. And note I am aware that people in Northern climates have to work harder, save more and all that. Most Whites live… Read more »

4 years ago

black people are black people

Reply to  Frip
4 years ago

I question whether “people” is actually a correct word for them.

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

They’re obviously people. It’s just weird that people come in black.

Simon Legree
Simon Legree
Reply to  Frip
4 years ago

It’s their associated behaviors that are problematic. Hue and physical features just give notice. Nature provides.

Reply to  Frip
4 years ago

You know what God said when he made black people oops burnt one…

4 years ago

Ot; just visted powerline. Our people are showing up and its getting frothy as hell. I almost wish i was on the ground in minneapolis. Thier pissed.

4 years ago

Hi Z-Man. A suggestion, since they are coming for VDARE and obviously Unz.com as well, you should make arrangements. this site will be shut down just like Roissy was. The power-girls will simply pressure the DNS registrars to remove your domain name and give it something like the Nation of Islam or whatever. Dissident thoughts mean Dissident Politics. You should set up an arrangement where people can pay a nominal fee and get a weekly fax-blast of a column, or what have you, and set up a foreign hosted IRC server somewhere where people can discuss it. It sucks but… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
4 years ago

VDARE has contingency plan. TOR, the dark web.

Reply to  Iprank
4 years ago

Right … I guess that if you copy their URL into the TOR browser and access the website, then just bookmark it and you’re good to go.

Reply to  Whiskey
4 years ago

Kimmel and Fallon aren’t “cancelled”. You shouldn’t spread false information.

Charles St. Charles
Charles St. Charles
Reply to  Bruno the Arrogant
4 years ago

So after reading a little about Juneteenth (which seems a lot like a typical name a black women might give her child), I have decided the only appropriate thing for a White Man to say to a black on this new high holy day is:

”You’re welcome.”

Chad Hayden
Chad Hayden
Reply to  Bruno the Arrogant
4 years ago

Wtf, it’s actually called Juneteenth…like they couldn’t come up with a real name for it in actual English

Chad Hayden
Chad Hayden
4 years ago

Creator of Juneteenth flag – looked on facebook. It appears she’s a white, possibly (((white))), woman living in NE.

Reply to  Chad Hayden
4 years ago

Both the creators, Ben Haith and Lisa Jeanne Graf are very shy about posting photos of themselves, but I think I found one confirming Graf is White and my suspicion is that Haith is White also.

vxxc 💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
vxxc 💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Chad Hayden
4 years ago

Of course she’s white.

This is an elite revolt in Blackface.

Charles St. Charles
Charles St. Charles
4 years ago

Check your local media for “Juneteenth Celebrations” and plan your day and travel routes accordingly. I live in Los Angeles (Capetown-on-the-Pacific), so I’ll just settle in with a good book (Robert Penn Warren’s “All the King’s Men” currently in progress) and keep the Citizen app running on my phone, just for general Jogger activity awareness.

Reply to  Charles St. Charles
4 years ago

The movie with Sean Penn is like watching Trump’s election

It’s the same story pretty much, outsider vs insider politics

It was very illuminating

And this is not pro trump or anti trump viewpoint, not political, just a viewpoint from a “human interest” standpoint

Last edited 4 years ago by Falcone
Charles St. Charles
Charles St. Charles
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

The book is so well written that I hesitate to watch it be twisted and reduced into some sort of messaging vehicle for current year thinking (though the film was made in 2006).

Steve in Greensboro
4 years ago

Speaking of Reconstruction and American blacks, here’s an interesting timeline.  At 1804, importation of African slaves into the U.S. was made illegal and the black population was 400 thousand.  By the commencement of the War Against the South in 1861, the black population was 4 million.  (This implies a TFR of around 4, which is pretty low by African standards.)  By 1870, the black population was down to 3 million.  If there was any genocide conducted against blacks, it was done by Lincoln having disrupted the old modes of living. As long as we are tearing down statues of Confederate heroes as racist, let’s get… Read more »

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Steve in Greensboro
4 years ago

American slaves were the only ones in the Americas to reproduce, and reproduce prolifically. Make of that what you will. A J Froude describes the reproduction problem and the very different states of slavery and around the Caribbean in The Bow of Ulysses.

Steve in Greensboro
Reply to  james wilson
4 years ago

Absolutely right. Black slaves in Jamaica were completely disposable; they were worked to death and then replaced by new imports. Since after 1804 American slaves couldn’t be replaced, they had to be treated carefully. (See Genovese, “Roll, Jordan, Roll: The World the Slaves Made”.)

Reply to  Steve in Greensboro
4 years ago

If true, that is a devastating indictment of yankee imperialism right there.

4 years ago

Don’t you mean feral holiday?

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
Reply to  Mark
4 years ago

Yes, if you are a curet ingressum simia.

Last edited 4 years ago by Tax Slave
Reply to  Tax Slave
4 years ago

I give up. C’mon, spill.

Is that, uh, Cajun Ebonics?

Lobstah Eddy?


Low Wisconsin, maybe?

(I can only make out one word in three from Wisconsin farmers.)

Last edited 4 years ago by Alzaebo
4 years ago

Most globohomo corporations will make it a holiday on their own. Right on cue, the NBA announces they are giving the league office employees a holiday and encouraging them to watch a propaganda movie about John Lewis.


Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Barnard
4 years ago

I think our country will collapse sooner for other reasons, but I recall reading that, at least in part, the Middle Ages dragged on because the Church kept adding holy days (holidays) for so many Saints and such, that the economy began to suffer, that the days avaiable to “labour” grew less and less 🙂 At least in part, the Reformation turned back this tide. The modern welfare state version — “retirement” — is probably as untenable, long term.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

The Jacobins went the opposite direction when they created their calendar.

It had 10-day weeks with one day off.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

The Jaobins were thoroughly evil. A long work week like unless you are the owner of said property is essentially slavery for all. I’ll note this mindset also eventually lead to massive labor unrest till the 40 hour work week was restored and to the rise of Communism. The later obviously was lousy but it did actually increase prosperity and lower the work week by about twelve hours. Right now, most people are truly needed maybe twenty hours , forty for high skill people, more for owners. Our system can’t adjust to that though and while the elite encourage race… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

If true the church kept adding Holy Days because there wasn’t enough land or work to go around. The forced work sharing and that tightly regulated economy allowed more people to live off less land. The Black Death put an end to that with a 30-50% population decline Whatever the modern Catholic church has become, back in the day it was a soulful bureaucracy. As far as retirement, if modernity is to make it , its going to be replaced with some sort of basic income minted not taxed. If we don’t and just get rid of retirement, the number… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Barnard
4 years ago

The Texas public university where I toil also gave us the day off, and sent the memo out at about 6 p.m. Thursday evening! I could only think that some Diversity Hutessa told the president he had to close the uni for Juneteenth.

Charles St. Charles
Charles St. Charles
Reply to  Barnard
4 years ago

It’s not a day off if it comes with an assignment (watching a documentary about a black grifter, in this case).

Simon Legree
Simon Legree
Reply to  Charles St. Charles
4 years ago

I’ve had to do exactly that with prerecorded diversity indoctrination and click appropriate responses and/or contribute typed responses. I used the event as an excuse to start drinking cocktails early in the day.

When not fiddling with gin and tonic, I talked back at the screen and had a ball ripping on and imitating the babbling apes onscreen. I deliberately clicked on the worst possible answers and wrote plausible yet “ignorant” hilarious commentary.

Nobody reviewed the damn thing. I wish they sent me copies of the video and my answers. It wasn’t a bad way of getting a buzz on.

The Black Reality
The Black Reality
4 years ago

Where is the commenter UpYours with his negrophilia now that Trump is polling an amazing 6% with black voters?

How’s that “we should tone down the “racism” and form an alliance with right-wing blacks to defeat anti-black, pro-crime-bill Biden” strategy working out?

4 years ago

One small victory in this mad world occurred a few days ago. Stonewall Jackson’s closest living relatives wrote a ridiculous letter to the Harrison County, WV commission demanding the removal his statue. ”While we are not ashamed of our great-great-grandfather, we are ashamed to benefit from white supremacy while our black family and friends suffer. We are ashamed of the monument.” (Wonder how many feet they will wash once it’s discovered they didn’t capitalize black.) The Harrison County Commission voted for the statue to remain. The vote was 2-1. If you have a chance, send them an email or call… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Melissa
4 years ago

“While it is not official, you can be sure our corporate tyrants will try hard to impose this holiday on us. It has already started. My bank is closing early today in celebration of Juneteenth, a holiday they just heard of last week…”

JP Moron (you may know it as Chase) did this. Don’t know if zman was referring to JP Moron, or some other vile bank.

Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

At this point, all bets are off. Nothing is beyond the pale. There is no scheme so maniacal that the AWRs won’t attempt it. I can easily imagine Christmas officially being replaced by Kwanzaa. Thanksgiving Day will naturally have to go. The push for that has actually been on for quite some time. I can’t imagine Independence Day surviving the cleansing, either. And ultimately, America will be renamed, inasmuch as Amerigo Vespucci surely committed some racial indiscretion. Any idea what the new name will be?