Covid Update

As the inner party feverishly tries to create enthusiasm for a second panic over the coronavirus pandemic, it is a good time to take a look at what has actually happened with the virus to this point. It is easy to forget, given the fire hose of nonsense that comes at us every day, but we were all supposed to be dead by now. Maybe not all of us, but a lot of us, a lot more than actually died. Instead, most of us are here, social distancing and wearing humiliation masks to please the rulers.

In fairness to the people who made the initial projections, the only way to get any attention in this age is to make outlandish claims. Everything about the modern media culture has evolved to reward the freaks, the crazy and the outlandishly dishonest, so the model makers probably felt they were doing the right thing. They wanted the rulers to treat the virus as a serious threat, so they were okay with rolling out doomsday predictions that were not grounded in reality.

That has not stopped so-called experts from putting out nonsense studies to feed the demands of alarmists. The under-counted fallacy will probably be with us through the election, as that promotes second wave fantasies. In realty, the death toll from the virus is probably overstated, but it is going down quickly nonetheless. That’s because of two things that we see with all pandemics. One is the most vulnerable die first and the other is herd immunity. Covid is following the same course.

A good example of the power of mass media to warp the truth is how the phrase “herd immunity” was quickly turned into an epithet. Even now, alarmist sneer about herd immunity as if it is voodoo. The fact is, the way forward for this thing was always going to be reaching an infection level that slowed the spread of the disease. The only question was how quickly it could happen, without creating problems in the health care system like shortages and overcrowding.

That was the whole point of the lock downs. There’s never going to be a vaccine and there was never going to be an eradication of the virus. We’ve been trying to come up with a vaccine for a coronavirus for a long time. Nothing has come close to working, so planning for one is foolish. Instead, the best approach is to get the young and healthy out there infecting one another and building up their immunity. By young and healthy, it means under 60 and free of serious diseases.

In other words, the lock downs were a dumb idea. Perhaps they were understandable in a panic, as politicians are stupid and like mischief. Now they make no sense at all, at least in terms of dealing with the virus. If there is going to be a second wave, it will be an economic wave. The inevitable Covid flare ups in pockets of the country this fall will simply be the result of slowing the natural spread of the virus and delaying the progress toward the Herd Immunity Threshold.

As an aside, herd immunity does not mean the entire herd must be exposed and develop antibodies. It can mean that, but it can also mean that everyone who could get sick and die from a disease, gets sick and dies. In this case, however, it simply means an infection level where the odds of an infected person contacting a non-infected person falls below a certain threshold. The virus, not having a ready supply of new hosts dies out before infecting the whole population.

For those interested, the panic over Covid is a useful primer on why mass democracy coupled with mass media is a suicide pact. If America was run by a dictator or even a junta, the first step in fighting the disease would be controlling the flow of information about the disease. The media would be tightly controlled and prevented from spreading fake stories about overrun hospitals and people dying in the streets. In fact, we may not even know there was a pandemic at all.

Second, and probably more important, attention whores with outlandish claims would have no platform to spread their nonsense. Instead, the people who know about these things would give their advice to the rulers, who would then make policy. The loons and cranks would be sent to a camp if they got out of line. No one making policy or advising on policy would have an incentive to get attention from the mobs. There would be no market for crazy talk and fear mongering.

That’s what we have seen with Covid. The sober minded virologist advising caution in public policy gets pushed aside in favor of TV clown with dubious credentials. Millions of innumerate people are on social media chattering with one another about facts that they don’t understand. The result of America’s Covid response has been an increase in the levels of stupidity in the public. Everyone is now dumber for having had to put up with months of ridiculous claims about the virus.

The fact is, this brilliant post from March was right all along. Months ago, it was clear that the lock down strategy would not do what was claimed. Even if it did slow the spread of the disease, that was not a good thing. The cost of locking down a country would be prohibitively high. If we lived in a just country, the curve benders would be rounded up by the ruler and executed. The right answer was to prepare the public and the hospitals to tough out what would be a very bad flu season.

That is the one bit of good news in all of this. The public is increasingly cynical about everything they hear from the ruling class. The lies and sadistic punishments in the virus panic moved a lot of people from partisan to hostile. The effort to gin up a phony second wave panic to help Joe Biden in the election will probably be met with a second wave of hostility, much bigger than the first. The ruling class spent what was left of its legitimacy on this virus panic.

In the end, what we have is a very expensive lesson in the folly of mass democracy and mass media. Both are based on the premise that the more stupid people you add to the mix, the greater the collective intelligence of the whole. It’s as if group intelligence works in series, rather than parallel. In reality, the more people participating in politics, the faster dumb ideas are created and allowed to zoom around the system. We’ve reached a point where our society is no longer able to perform the basics.

Note: The good folks at Alaska Chaga are offering a ten percent discount to readers of this site. You just click on the this link and they take care of the rest. About a year ago they sent me some of their stuff. Up until that point, I had never heard of chaga, but I gave a try and it is very good. It is like a tea, but it has a milder flavor. It’s hot here in Lagos, so I’ve been drinking it cold. It is a great summer beverage.

For sites like this to exist, it requires people like you chipping in a few bucks a month to keep the lights on and the people fed. It turns out that you can’t live on clicks and compliments. Five bucks a month is not a lot to ask. If you don’t want to commit to a subscription, make a one time donation. Or, you can send money to: Z Media LLC P.O. Box 432 Cockeysville, MD 21030-0432. You can also use PayPal to send a few bucks, rather than have that latte at Starbucks. Thank you for your support!

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4 years ago

Notice how Mask Enforcers, when shown that their face diapers won’t prevent Covid, morphed their argument from “it’ll keep you safe” to “it’s polite.”

And now we have a situation where masks will never go away. Based on the current logic, they’ll be with us until the end of time.

David Wright
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Notice that when people can hide behind a mask they become like shit posters in social media? Saying things or acting in a way that they normally wouldn’t.

Reply to  David Wright
4 years ago

Actually, no. The mask people are enabled by our GloboHomo culture.

Is there something else you’re trying to get at here?

Reply to  David Wright
4 years ago

Now there are mask nazis everywhere. My area had been pretty slow to wear the masks, but now most stores have people walking around checking that everyone is dutifully wearing masks or enforcing a one out one in strategy.

Mark Stoval
Mark Stoval
Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

I tell any mask nazis that I would wear his/her mask if I could give them my congestive heart failure. That comment plus I move in close for a fight if they want has shut up the two who dared talk to me.

The Right Doctor
The Right Doctor
Reply to  Mark Stoval
4 years ago

You cannot legally question a person with a support animal about why they need it. The same logic should apply to mask non-wearers. The reasons are medical and thus protected from casual inquiry.

Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

I stymie the mask vanguard of the billionariot with “a medical condition prevents me from wearing a face mask and HIPPA as well as security laws prevent me from sharing the information with you.” So far that’s worked except at the grocery store where the one reedy voiced faggot kept telling me to leave the store, I refused, and he just whined and brought in others and then I just checked out as usual. A passion play with an alternative ending.

Reply to  David Wright
4 years ago

My county and city went all in on face mask mandate. This grounded me more or less for two weeks as I refuse to wear a mask in public (hospital/nursing home exceptions of course). Then I got an idea which makes wearing the mask *enjoyable*. I bought this type of mask: It is used in air soft gun play or paintball action. Look carefully, you will see it’s a valid mask with wire screening instead of cloth, therefore zero “protection” against Covid-19. It is wonderful. An absolute in-your-face statement made plain to all who see you wearing it. Not… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

I’ve yet to wear a mask, but if it comes down to it, I’m getting a WWI gas mask. Hopefully that mask will scare the piss out of the Karens even more than a person wearing no mask at all.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

I don’t know if the military still uses this equipment but the 1980s MOPP gear if you show up in level 4 you will look ready for anything including chemical warfare, and you will be. 😂 Kind of hot in in hot weather though.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

It’s the price one pays for Kovid chic…

The Right Doctor
The Right Doctor
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

Wearing that stuff in the Saudi/Iraqi desert is no fun, especially with the activated-carbon layers in the clothing. You could die before the virus got you.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Nassim Taleb also a face diaper advocate.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  greyenlightenment
4 years ago

Cerno lost me when he went ballistic about accepting face diapers and violating self-quarantine.


Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

Cerno is a self-promoting Californian married to an Arab. He struck me as a grifter from the first, and I’ve never seen any reason to revise my opinion. Sage advice: When someone pushes themselves in front of cameras and microphones proclaiming they’re worth listening to, immediately tune them out.

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

3G, I agree – I’ve been puzzled, mystified in fact, as to why this guy merits any serious attention. Some fairly big players – Scot Adams, who I can barely stand & Moly both seem to give him credence. I did think his film Hoaxed was pretty good, though.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  greyenlightenment
4 years ago

In her case, I would encourage a face mask. Permanently.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Face diaper…ahahahaha.

Liberty Mike
Reply to  Forever Templar
4 years ago

Eric Peters of, frequently featured at, was the first person I either read or heard use that phrase.

Nobody, and I mean nobody, has been as accurate as he has with calling BS on this hoax ab initio.

Nobody, and I mean nobody, has been as relentless in their ridicule of Covid cultists as he has been.

Yeah, and he just so happens to be a hard-core, paleo-libertarian.

Reply to  Liberty Mike
4 years ago

Eric is a very talented guy. Have followed his blog for a long time. Better be careful though as Z says libertarians are stupid and wrong all the time even though by reading sites like Lew Rockwell and Eric Peters s how I arrived here at this blog myself.

Liberty Mike
Reply to  1UnknownSubject
4 years ago

True as Z must have either been bullied by a libertarian or could not get a girl he coveted who chose a libertarian alpha stud instead.

Reply to  Liberty Mike
4 years ago

Great sarcasm. Libertarians are the neoliberal iconic pajama boy, there ain’t an alpha that could be accumulated from them or their essence.

Reply to  Liberty Mike
4 years ago

He made me finally see the light in his last podcast, as he’s never explained his position before.

So simple.
Libertarians and conservatives treat people exactly like the left does: they see them only as economic units.

Reply to  1UnknownSubject
4 years ago

Paleo-libertarians are not the same as the Reason crowd. For ex. Hoppe is pretty cool, IMO.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

That was the key for the masks. It was when the media pushed that their main purpose was to protect others, not yourself, that the masks gained huge popularity with the scolds, especially, as always, women. The masks became a morality test, and the scolds ate it up.

)Btw, I’m pretty sure that masks do slow the spread. My problem has always been that I didn’t understand why we’d want to slow the spread as long as there was no stress on the system.)

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

It was when the media pushed that their main purpose was to protect others, not yourself, that the masks gained huge popularity

Quite Accurate.

Note how the Left succeeded by grabbing the moral high ground. This is a great example for your NormieCon friends of why “owning the Libs with facts and logic” doesn’t work.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

For at least the first 2 months finding masks was extremely difficult. People are wearing the same masks over and over. This has to be worse than no mask at all. You get the moisture from your breath in these masks which are then shoved in pocketbooks or pockets, which is a perfect way to grow cultures.

Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

I pointed this out on another forum I post in. I noted that, first of all, there’s no good evidence that randomly built hillbilly masks protect people from anything. I further added that, even if the masks slow the spread of Beer Flu, walking around with a mask full of bacteria and (other) viruses on all day is probably going to cause more disease overall than it prevents, especially given that Beer Flu just isn’t very serious for most people who get it. There’s also the problem of CO2 build-up, particularly in homemade masks. The closest thing I saw in… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Haha! That’s great CS! I might get one of those tactical things. If you have to wear a mask might as well wear something that scares the hysterical little shits around you. Right now, I just tie a bandana around my face. It’s incredibly amusing that I can walk into a store like that and people just nod instead of calling the cops. I’ve also thought about getting a Bane mask and shaving my head. Need to pack on some more muscle to make that work though.

Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

A watched a YT video put up on the internet by a guy who deals with OSHA compliance in a mill or something. There are OSHA standards for the O2 level in the air and he had a meter that measured O2 as a percentage of the atmosphere. He stuck it in his mouth and showed the reading, which was still above the allowed level. He then put on a mask with the sensor in his mouth and a few seconds the 02 level immediately plummeted to well below the minimum OSHA requirements. Though I haven’t verified it, I have… Read more »

Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

Still reveling in the number of idjits wearing masks alone in their vehicles.
More white man magic.

Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

At least he’ll be safe from having his lungs explode. As for LA, well it’s never a great place for breathing anyway. I remember when they would have a bad smog event and Johnny Carson would make his usual joke about the advisory status being “refrain from breathing”.

Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

I saw the video as well. I think there might be something to it. To wit, here in my local ACE Hardware store, there are several employees *not* wearing the mask. There are signs all around asking the customers to please be kind and understand that some people (i.e., the ACE Staff) can’t wear the mask for prolonged periods of time *due to breathing difficulties*. I even spoke to one mask-less employee and asked if that included myself if I felt the need, she said yes. Indeed, our local ordinance/proclamation by TPTB states that one need not wear the mask… Read more »

Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

I spritz mine with alcohol; the results are interesting, to say the least.

Tars Tarkas now has me slapping my forehead just now. Jeez, I been doing that all along and never thought about it, holy smokes

Trust No One
Trust No One
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

“And now we have a situation where masks will never go away.”

They’ll go away as soon as Biden wins. The feds can’t have a situation where the masses avoid 24/7 face ID, now can they?

Reply to  Trust No One
4 years ago

The thing is that the Karens enjoy the masks, and they’re a vital part of the Democratic coalition, so that’s why I think that masks stick around into infinity.

Service Credit
Service Credit
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

There may be some truth to that. Women love wearing make-up because they’re obsessed with their appearance, moreso than men at least. A mask might be a convenient way for an unattractive woman to hide her appearance, and unattractive women love tormenting their attractive rivals. I could see Karen telling Linda she has to cover up. Remember, in many Islamic societies (and in Christian society of old) it’s not just the government but peer pressure from women which encourages other women to cover themselves. Witness the number of single female Islamic immigrants who walk around in packs in your neighborhood… Read more »

Reply to  Service Credit
4 years ago

Service credit: if you have that kind of vibrancy in your neighborhood – GET OUT.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Service Credit
4 years ago

Letting females go out in public without a male relative escorting them, I tell you the morals are just deteriorating unbelievably. 😈

The Right Doctor
The Right Doctor
Reply to  Service Credit
4 years ago

This is thought-provoking. There’s this Procrustean-bed thing with masks where attractiveness-outcomes are evened out. I do a lot of physicals, so I see people with a mask on for a few minutes and then I have them remove it when it’s time to say ah. It is fun to try to project what the rest of the face is going to look like. I’m usually way off the mark, but I’m better with women than with men. Probably means I’m not gay, nothing more.

Reply to  Trust No One
4 years ago

They can ID by gait.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Its complete crap. went in for an XRAY, half the staff were not wearing masks in the operational areas, most of the female nurses were. The consultants were swanning about without even white coats as per normal. I was asked to wear one and simply said without getting irritated “I won’t wear one”. The receptionist did not know what to do but surprisingly the assertion seemed to be all she required and let me through into the waiting area where 3 middle aged women were sat 6 feet apart wearing masks and staring into their phones. A mother and young… Read more »

Reply to  tremain
4 years ago

A mom came into the clinic yesterday with 2 little kids and a baby carriage, was kicked out immediately– but if she had left her kids in the car to pick up her papers, she would’ve been arrested.

(She never got her stupid work-related mandated papers anyway, so fudge.)

vxxc 💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
vxxc 💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  tremain
4 years ago

Tremain you’ve just described Communism for Dummies.
Boy, are we.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Nobody said it would be perfect. Safer, not safe. If you need a simple thought experiment, consider the difference between a person who’s infected wearing a face mask vs no face mask and letting fourth a powerful sneeze. In the first case the cloth of the mask stops nearly all the droplets, in the second you have effectively put an aerosol Mist into a large cubic volume of airspace going to expose many people to it.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

Ben – I don’t disagree in principle, but at what point in human history has that statement ever not been true?

We were not a society under masks before March – I’m beginning to doubt we’ll ever NOT be one ever again.

4 years ago

Was in the original epicenter. Once you take out the old folks that Cuomo, Murphy and the goof in PA murdered and mass intubation (which is now quietly acknowledged as a mistake) even the numbers here were not that bad. When antibody testing first started here the numbers were widely reported and suggested actual infection rates well in excess of 20% (two months ago). Testing of some focused populations in the city came back as high as 50%…then the numbers very quietly disappeared. And barely mentioned in local media.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
4 years ago

The eternal mask is a necessary social test. They need feedback on how passive we’re willing to be. This is necessary because the shit test we are going to be subjected to under BLM social engineering are going to be epic. The willingness to darn the mask is a weather vane…and a bit of a pressure relief valve from darkie fatigue. If you have two crises to deal with your ability to focus energy on dealing with the more serious one gets fragmented and misdirected. They use the same strategy over and over and we play along over and over.

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

“The eternal mask is a necessary social test. “
No doubt you are right.
If people agree to wearing masks due to social pressure then they’ll probably agree to mark of the beast as well.
“Media says I have to get a chip implanted in my brain, can’t get inside the supermarket otherwise, fuck it, why not.”

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Jab jab punch jab jab jab Haymaker

David Wright
4 years ago

The Retardovirus sure has hell took hold, no mask will help with that. Some of my recent observations on this: 1.Deaths are up now, business ones that is. In my area there is an increasing amount of long standing mom and pops going out.    Some really have affected the community. 2.Increasingly the Trump administration is caving on masks. They may be a part of life for a long time. 3.Rolling lockdowns are common now just like third world energy grids. 4.Small businesses are getting no help financially with these mandated lockdowns. This is an obviously planned to do harm. 5.Another… Read more »

Reply to  David Wright
4 years ago

The only good thing about the masks is they help us identify who has been infected with the “Retardovirus”. Sadly, it seems to be able to infect nearly anyone.

Reply to  Outdoorspro
4 years ago

you can spot the NPCs by who has a mask in their social media avatars. or BLM black squares

Reply to  Outdoorspro
4 years ago

Yes and no. I told the $5.00/hr harpy at the liquor store to FOAD when she started scolding me for not having a mask.
But in order to stay open, at the chapel they have to spray your hands with disinfectant and they require masks… and I will wear one there. There are lots of frail and elderly in our midst and if it makes them feel better… what the hell are ya gonna do?
But anyone under the age of 70 demanding that I wear a mask can get stuffed…

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

mask will knock down some of the aerosol mist of a cough or sneeze. My personal space is 6ft on my good days. no problems here

Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

Remember when masks were advised “when social distancing is not possible”? Ah the olden days.

Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

If it is as easily transmitted as many claim, the large-scale testing of the general asymptomatic population will provide evidence. Also, if it is that easily transmitted and the large majority of those infected build immunity while remaining asymptomatic, I say bring it on as quickly as possible and get it over with while we’re still paying attention. Masks will only delay the inevitable and cause greater hardship.

Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

I’m English 6 ft seems to be unnecessarily intimate.

Reply to  Bilejones
4 years ago

I’m English 6 ft seems to be unnecessarily intimate.

Man, in all seriousness, that’s got to be one of the best comments of 2020 (on any site). In a good way. It’s so… English. Has G.K. Chesterton been cancelled yet by the woke mobs?
My favorite sentence from a Chesterton essay, On Pigs as Pets:
The Rev. T. C. Spurgin observed: “The lady will require a good deal of strength to move her pet, which weighs forty stone.”
Hang in there, England!

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

Our mentally ill man pretending to be a woman dictator thing passed a ‘everyone must wear masks even outside here in the People’s Republic of PA. Oh, and another Noose hoax, this time a local one.

All for this crap. I’m practically sure these people are controlled by demons…

Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

OMG Badthinker
They’re on All Terrain Vehicles…

Dave O'Connell
Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

Yes, I live in Pa. and this (and they/them/she/it) sucks.
Silver lining: In my neck of the woods at least (southcentral PA) we have a good number of farm stores and many of them explicitly don’t care if you don’t wear the surrender flag on your face. I basically only shop at those nowadays.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

Here in the great nursing home that is Japan, most places just have the hand sanitizer bottles/sprayers sitting out. I’m convinced they’re just full of water at this point. Most people use them, some don’t. Just about everyone still wears a mask in public spaces. You won’t get ridden for not wearing one, though. The worst thing is wearing a mask and gloves to eat at some restaurants (buffets) and getting your temperature taken before entering some stores. Foreigners are pretty rare right now and will be for the foreseeable future. Everyone realizes America/Europe dropped the ball on COVID, too.… Read more »

Reply to  Outdoorspro
4 years ago

Why are people wasting their time bitching about masks when they should be rioting about wrecking the economy?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Lorenzo
4 years ago

No kidding. If the ANTIFAGS and BMS can burn and pillage because some worthless thug cashed in his chips while in police custody, we should be doing the same over this Koronageddon bullshit. Why small businessmen, in particular, aren’t raising all kinds of hell is beyond me. They seem to be as timid, docile and suicidal as the white race.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

Because if a small businessman sticks his neck out of his self-imposed foxhole, he will be singled out and targeted by the agents of the powers-that-be. It’s not right, but it is how it works now. They are caught in the banking—local permitting—neighborhood exposure matrix. When a lot of (ex) small businessmen have nothing more to lose, they will be free to act spicier.

Dave O'Connell
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

That’s what I thought too. Though some of our local farm stores here in Pa. have shown some spine and ignored the mask-orders.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Dave O'Connell
4 years ago

Good for them!

Activation Game
Activation Game
Reply to  Lorenzo
4 years ago

Because National Review conservatives share blame in wrecking the economy, outside of the virus’s direct effects or the effect of the lockdowns themselves. Therefore, attention has to be redirected to something trivial that, in the end, will only make them look as dumb as usual and help the other side — masks. Conservatives supported outsourcing for decades. That created a fragile gig & service economy open to sudden collapse upon the slightest disturbance. They also foolishly shut down the economy without having a plan to preserve jobs. Why didn’t they pay employers to not fire people instead of bailing out… Read more »

Reply to  Outdoorspro
4 years ago

Once true, but now that they are codified in law, some must wear to either work, or simply buy groceries.

Reply to  David Wright
4 years ago

A local staple, an English pub that served authentic food from the isles, went out of business.

It’s been replaced by an “authentic Indian food” restaurant. They didn’t even remove the police box from out front.

Reply to  Tykebomb
4 years ago

Well, the English know curry like the Jews know Chinese food. The irony, though, is astounding.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tykebomb
4 years ago

In my town, three good restaurants–that I know of–have been kayoed by the Korona Krazies. One BBQ joint, one Indian restaurant, and one sports bar. All three were locally owned, very popular, and were great at what they did. They big chains, OTOH, seem to be skating along just fine…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

they need to kill small businesses before implementing globo-homo-corporate-communism.
Also, elites get upset when they see smallfollk being succesful. That’s a big no, no for our petty globalist leaders.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  sentry
4 years ago

The corporate suits are certainly not shedding any tears over the collapse of small business.

Activation Game
Activation Game
Reply to  David Wright
4 years ago

There’s nothing wrong with wearing a mask. As Anatoly Karlin has reported, there is evidence they make a difference by reducing the peak incidence and, perhaps, even ultimate IFR by reducing initial exposure, which is correlated with disease severity. I’ve seen nothing on this website that credibly challenges that. The public supports wearing masks and you people are busy denouncing people as retards for it. SMH. All is lost. I’ve long speculated the left has a higher verbal IQ than the right. I think they do. They instinctively understand politics better than you do, so they will win in the… Read more »

Reply to  Activation Game
4 years ago

Here clown. From the NEJM:

No evidence of substantial reduction of infection in public settings. Private, enclosed, hospital settings a different story. There are any number of others if you care to look rather than troll.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Compsci for the win. +1 denied

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Compsci, he is a troll who wandered over from Unz. Thus his appeal to ‘authority’ of Karlin, his lionizing of Sailer, etc. There are plenty of people I respect, but none who are beyond any criticism or questioning. So you present study ‘x’ and he’ll counter with ‘y’ and ‘z.’ That sort of spergy troll.

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

Your point well taken. I’m really not concerned with him. I’m attempting to keep my credibility reasonably high for the group/myself. To that effect, once in a while, it seems good to stop making gratuitous statements and reference something outside my personal thoughts/experience. I sent that reference to my doctor who thought it wise to send all his patients e-mail to wear masks in public. His email even had diagrams showing infection rates/probabilities between masked and unmasked people and so forth. I asked for ref’s to the studies he must be citing. Never heard from him again. I suspect I… Read more »

4 years ago

Democrats: We wish to institute a second lockdown
White Woman: Yes, safety, gimme safety(woman emotions)
White Man: I think a second lockdown would be a bad idea
Blacks: White man conspires to shut us up
Democrats: Yes, Covid is white supremacist
White Woman kneels: I am deeply sorry for the Covid pandemic
White Man: Wait, whut?

The Right Doctor
The Right Doctor
4 years ago

Our practice is now almost all-Covid, all the time. From putting much of our staff on half-time for April and May, because everyone was afraid to come to the doctor, in June we did record numbers all month. Let me tell you about the patients and why this happened. As testing became easily available, HR departments started pushing for employers to test everyone. Two of the biggest employers in this area did so and then sent us their positives. About half of our ‘appointments’ now are telemedicine. Couple dozen a day, all Covid. The overwhelming majority that I’ve seen (all… Read more »

Liberty Mike
Reply to  The Right Doctor
4 years ago

How about your office’s policy anent office visits?

Has your office truckled to the Covid hysteria?

Do you require patients to be Covid tested before you will see them?

Do you take their temperature upon entering your office?

Must patients be subjected to a Covid interrogation?

The Right Doctor
The Right Doctor
Reply to  Liberty Mike
4 years ago

We have to play the game according to Arizona and our county. We did not wear or require masks until early June. Now we have the moon-suit MA at the door to greet you, interrogate you, scan your temp, mask required. One small victory was that I was able as medical director to exempt the clinic from our corporate regs coming out of California, which would have been far more effective at bankrupting us.

Tom K
Tom K
Reply to  The Right Doctor
4 years ago

Doctor, do you think it’s spread more by hand-contact than by air-borne?

The Right Doctor
The Right Doctor
Reply to  Tom K
4 years ago

I don’t have particular expertise in this area, but airborne makes the most sense. Think of it this way: the virus needs to get into your lungs. Inhaling it is much more efficient than having it on your lips or tongue from having touched your mouth.

Reply to  The Right Doctor
4 years ago

Which is why I chafe so at the notion that wearing a mask is to protect others. Yes, yes, I get the bit about a mask catching a certain amount of droplets, but ultimately, wearing a mask is going to have more of an effect on one’s own health than that of the people around you. Unless, that is, they’re telling us that these are miracle materials that stop the egress of particles but have no effect on the ingress. So, you wear your mask if it makes you feel better and stop worrying about me. At any rate, it… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

One interesting aspect of the Covid scare has been how it has shown how much upper middle-class White women miss the society of their ancestors. A hundred years ago or so when religion and social etiquette were an important part of society and everyday life, Nice White Ladies (NWLs) had a very clear set of rules to judge other Whites. And did they judge. Not only could they point out other people’s flaws (especially other women), they had endless topics of discussion with their friends. But as society moved to being more accepting and lost religion, NWLs had a much… Read more »

vxxc 💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
vxxc 💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

We need to go pagan sharia on our bitches, no doubt.


I agree 100%, going pagan sharia on bitches is an actual legit war tactic based on Sun Tzu’s teachings.

vxxc 💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
vxxc 💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  sentry
4 years ago

That is my favorite all time Sun Tzu story and it works on deskbound war jockeys and neocons too.

vxxc 💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
vxxc 💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector

Said the King of Wu, to Sun Tzu, what are you doing to my favorite Hoo?

Lady Dandy Doodle
Lady Dandy Doodle
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

This. I am visiting my Yankee MIL in New England as we speak. I want to punch her in the face.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

I can’t believe I’m the first to mention this but everyone needs to search

World Economic Forum The Great Reset

Yes, the Davos WEF.

It’s not about a virus. It’s about managing the herd and they’re not even trying to hide it

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

Good point, apparently they’ll organize a summit in 2021 in order to create a new type of economy & remodel western world even further, fourth industrial revolution they call it.
Many more environmental policies will be implemented, diversity will be forced even further down white people’s throats, inclusivity, world community, the stuff of nightmares.

Lake District
Lake District
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

Look at the map posted for their “influencers” (agents). 100% of the blue voting districts have an assigned agent. 0% of the red voting districts have an agent.

The trillionaire and billionaire class studied us through social media/surveillance state and now they’re going to strike at us for permanency.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

yes. theyve been working at this for 50 years

Reply to  miforest
4 years ago

More than that. Einstein famously advocated for world government in the 1950s. Other notable scientists and boffins of all types have expressed such ideas, almost always in conjunction with a belief in socialist economics, since the 1920s and 1930s. These same people were usually either quietly or openly pro-Soviet and pro-Stalin. The global Left now has almost universal support among the billionaire class and has thrown off the crude Stalinism and attachment to command economies of the past. The new push is going to be just this kind of thing from Davos. The new model is going to be “managed… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

What’s been interesting from the beginning of all this – at least in Virginia – is that the governor/state official and local officials refuse to give any criteria/benchmarks for moving from one phase to another. They never say, “Well, when the 15-day moving average of deaths reaches 20 or less, we move to Phase 3, 10 or less to Phase 4 and 5 or less we end any lockdown.”

Nope. You just have to trust their judgement.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

The fogged-in and/or wheeled goalposts are all part of the plan my friend.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

I know a lot about Virginia. The level of hatred the government files for the people of Virginia is very great.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  BTP
4 years ago

Agreed. It’s palpable. The AG Herring’s plan to deal with “White supremacists” should be required reading for the DS. This is what’s coming and it’s coming soon. You can easily see how this proposal could turn real ugly, real fast.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Disagreement or non-approval= Racism; Racism = hate crime, a public health risk, which = hate crime too

Man oh man oh man

Going for all the marbles

Reply to  BTP
4 years ago

I too am in the land of Jefferson. At U.Va., they put up signs requesting visitors to self-ban themselves from The Lawn.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Flew Southwest this past weekend. Must wear a mask to get on the plane but get in the air then the stewardess announces that due to Coronovirus soda and alcohol will not be served but water and pretzels will and we can take off our masks to eat and drink! So just tell me you want to save money by not serving soda instead of the bullcrap that there is a difference in serving water or soda. Two seats up a 3 year old vibrant was josling about without a mask on the entire flight. I sat and took my… Read more »

David Wright
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Your mistake is trying to make sense out of it. Don’t bother.

Reply to  David Wright
4 years ago

This guy plays a ‘centrist’, but did have a funny bit on mask and that there is no sense in it at all.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Like the madness of 60 y/o bowling pins on 10 different meds for lifestyle diseases easily avoided by proper diet and activity suddenly so conscious of their health that they demand that you cover your face so they can survive the virus culling to live out a few more years of pharma-prolonged fatness and sedentary consumption in front of their tell a visions. The waddling masses of sucrose bound triglycerides need to feel safe so pay your tribute. Its really a lot like Obamacare: one more tax on the responsible to pay for the irresponsible with dissent labeled as callous… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

In front of their tell a visions at their second home in Florida that their pensions are being paid for via my taxes.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Obviously, one of the most outrageous fallouts of this damned virus is not selling adult beverages on flights. How the hell are you supposed to get any enjoyment out of it?

Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

Here in the lolbertarian paradise in the rockies its even better. No booze establishments unless they also have food service.

Our ¡science! tells us that only one possible disease vector, eg a pint of ale, is bad, whereas multiple possible disease vectors, eg poutine walked through two cooks, an open air kitchen line, and a server, make that pint of ale much safer.

Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

You can bring small bottles of liquor if you put them in a plastic sandwich bag (i.e. the security theater crap you have to do for liquids). I think you aren’t technically supposed to drink alcohol you brought on the plane, but who cares? If the airlines aren’t serving soft drinks, you can’t make a mixed drink but under the circumstances, you probably need to drink it straight.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Federalist
4 years ago

That’s in violation of Federal law and will attract the wrong kind of attention when opening your own stash on the plane. There are two strategies to use: If the plane does serve liquor, bring your own bottles on, i.e. if you get the little bottles of Jim Beam on the plane, switch it out with your own as it goes empty. My preferred strategy is to keep the little liquor bottles, but fill them with something high octane to reduce travel weight/hassle, and then before boarding I will buy a soda, go to the bathroom and dump out a… Read more »

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Exactly. If you can take off your mask in the plane to eat, then there is no sense to the mandate in the first place. The damage is done, contagion barrier is broken. In for a penny, in for a pound. A similar point was brought up a few months ago by Bruce Schneier, who writes on security matters, wrt the TSA increasing their limit on passenger liquids being taken in hand luggage such that bottles of hand sanitizer that could now be brought on board. He has for years said that the limits for amounts of liquids brought on… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Incorrect. Exposure to the virus depends on virus load and that is directly proportional to the amount of time you had your mask on or off.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

Exposure is not contagion, nor proof one way or another that you *will* or will *not* get the disease or just how severe it will be if you do. Second point, please reference one published study (on COVID viral load) which proves your statement? What you say is suspected, but not shown in the scientific literature wrt to COVID that I am aware of. It also doesn’t make sense (as I can see it both ways) so I’d like to see the literature—not opinion by “experts”. A single virus can multiply to 1000’s in one cell in a few hours,… Read more »

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

I flew American from Las Vegas to Philadelphia yesterday. Flight attendant sternly warned that if you didn’t keep your mask on the whole flight you might never be allowed to fly American again. (I was tempted to ask where I could sign up for that, but at heart I’m really a pussy.) Passenger across the aisle had his mask off while he was attempting to calm his child – who appeared to be autistic – and, in support of the female-scolds-love-the-mask- requirement hypothesis, the sissy-boy “male” FA shrieked at him that he must wear his mask. Nevada, by the way… Read more »

Ladies' Underpants Gnome
Ladies' Underpants Gnome
4 years ago
  1. Incite 2nd wave panic as October Surprise
  2. use as excuse for mail in ballots and scare boomers into staying home
  3. Steal election
  4. .
  5. .
  6. profit!
The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Ladies' Underpants Gnome
4 years ago

That is the jist of the CCP-DNC-Clinton-Obama-Soros game plan.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

Yes. The hysteria will evaporate to the day after the election. Notice how the communist scum (but I repeat myself) never objected to the unmasked rioters packed together? It’s merely political weaponry, to be disposed of after the election. Given the constraints he’s faced Trump has played it about as well as it could be played.

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  Jim Smith
4 years ago

The hysteria will evaporate … the day after the election.

If Biden / The Hysterics win. There will be temporary statues set up in honor of Biden, the Great Healer who cured the scourge in a day, while Biden his time till taking office.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
4 years ago

The mask is the new secular burka. It’s a unisex burka. It represents modesty, piety, and submission towards elitist bureaucrats who promote “the Science.” If you don’t wear a mask, you don’t believe in “the Science.” Science is a system to test models and theories. The Science is a given “truth” which is then later supported by models and theories. Even a drug can be outed by “the Science” (Hyroxychloroqine). It was abruptly pronounced ineffective one day because an orange blob that The Science hates tweeted about it. Sadly, while one can submit to The Science, there is no achievable… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

Great take, +1 million!

4 years ago

The level of humiliation associated with these masks is very high. My gym just started following the county regs requiring a mask whenever you’re not actively working out. That means a mask at the front desk, worn while you walk down the hall, and allowed to be taken off when you get to the workout floor. It’s pointless, which is the point. If some jack wagon at the county health department said to wear a clown nose because reasons, those little snots would be hectoring everyone to wear the clown nose. Flipping the switch from partisan to hostile is exactly… Read more »

Reply to  BTP
4 years ago

Time to build that home power rack, or get a steel cage.

Reply to  BTP
4 years ago

I am wondering is the gyms realize they are hastening their own demise. See The chapter 11 declared by 24 hour fitness today.

4 years ago

After giving free rein to looting and rioting because of fentanyl floyd the State and County governments have shut down all the beaches here in So Cal for the 4th of July weekend. The symbolism is so subtle you could cut it with an axe. They hate America with a deep blue passion. As far as making some intergenerational sniping about this, I notice that few of us tired ass boomers will wear the things. The old farts are the angriest, and most adamant. It’s the twenty-somethings, and younger running around on their skateboards and bikes who are masked up… Read more »

Reply to  jwm
4 years ago

Almost everyone here is wearing a mask, from kids under five to the old Whites shuffling along. I’m one of perhaps 3-5% who won’t. My hubby is willingly paying double what he was for a haircut, because the new lady doesn’t require a mask. It’s just a matter of time before ‘masks recommended’ becomes ‘masks required,’ and then evil Jeff Bezos gets more of my business. Since there is not one major business that is not poisonously ‘woke,’ I’ll take the one that doesn’t require me to deal with other people.

Liberty Mike
Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

My wife is not allowed to give Bezos any business.

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
4 years ago

I still don’t know anybody who got Covid, let alone someone who died from it. But I know at least five small businesses going under, and a couple dozen people still out of work. The lockdown was a soul-destroying disaster typical of our idiot, sadistic ruling elite.

Reply to  Jack Boniface
4 years ago

Makes sense, apparently more people died last spring than during covid pandemic.

vxxc 💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
vxxc 💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Jack Boniface
4 years ago

Only five businesses?
You are indeed blessed.

Reply to  Jack Boniface
4 years ago

Some of my wife’s relatives had it. A cold for a week was all it did to the couple in their 30’s. Their young kids were exposed but never had any symptoms.

The Right Doctor
The Right Doctor
Reply to  Jack Boniface
4 years ago

We’ve had four employees (out of 18) out with positive tests. None of them ever had symptom one. All back at work saying it was nothing but a free vacation.

4 years ago

Trump was on TV this morning saying that if we had not taken action, millions would have died. Does he REALLY believe that? If so, I’m more depressed than ever.

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

Nah, Trump is just playing 4d chess with the people & the elites.

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

Tough to say. I like to think he knows it’s a scam and that he has to say something like that because he really did shut everything down. But this is the guy who has spent four years purging everyone Jared doesn’t like, so…

Reply to  BTP
4 years ago

he really did shut everything down.

No he didn’t. Shutdowns were 100% state level.

Liberty Mike
Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

He could have countered the shutdowns by ordering the governors and mayors to stop their usurpation of the constitutional rights of their citizens.

He could have threatened the arrest of any governor or mayor who refused and if they persisted, he could have arrested them.

A real leader would have so acted.

Reply to  Liberty Mike
4 years ago

There was no benefit to him stopping the governors from hitting themselves in the face with a hammer. On the contrary, he would have gotten into a huge fight they were begging him to engage in, and one he probably would have lost, as the legality of measures taken in each state are dependent on the various state constitutions and best countered through state courts not Presidential intervention.

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

He is turning out to be a completely useless twat.

But I bet he mentioned some further record Blackety black stuff.

4 years ago

I hope people are getting cynical. The “surge” in cases in partially due to people who aren’t even ill getting tested prior to other medical procedures.

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

We’re also testing asymptomatic people, which has never happened with the flu before. Part of the problem is that we no longer have to use the nasopharyngeal swab (that goes way to the back of the nasal cavity), which was a big deterrence to unneeded testing, and rightly so–it is very unpleasant. Now, a simple swab of the nose and anyone can be tested painlessly. I always ask my fellow lab NPCs, what do you think would happen if we tested everyone for Epstein-Barr Virus? It is known to cause some very nasty diseases (including Mononucleosis and Guillain-Barre syndrome). Yet,… Read more »

Reply to  Outdoorspro
4 years ago

Exactly. They have nlp’d “positive” with “sick”, which of course is practically death.

Instead of “asymptomatic” being evidence of a high level of natural protection, a good thing, it has been turned into the implicit selfishness of the silent spreader; a dangerous threat to others.

The only thing more disgusting to me than how they twist reality before our very eyes is how easily most people will pretzel themselves right along with the serpentine narrative.

All those face diapers make sense given how far up their own asses they have placed their heads.

Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

Screwtape – Brilliantly put.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

My understanding is that if you’re asymptomatic, you’re not going to be a very effective spreader anyway.

4 years ago

Off topic but HaHaha – the mystery-meat Hahvad grad raised by a single Jewish mom who threatened to stab anyone who said “All lives matter” has been fired from her job at Deloitte. She’s back on social media weeping that Trumptards have destroyed her life. Typical female drama + Jewish drama + mixed-race in a White society drama = deleterious mutant.

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

Auditioning for a policymaker job at the CDC, is she?

National TV Spokesperson by next year, 3:1 odds. Bet me.

4 years ago

This spasm of insanity will mirror the Y2K faux crisis of late 1999, when the same media was pitching worldwide technological collapse to be brought on by software malfunction that supposedly would occur exactly as the clock struck midnight on December 31, 1999. And on January 1st, miraculously, the sun rose and world did not collapse, and the story disappeared almost immediatey. And no one apologized for attempting to incite a panic, or even just being monumentally stupid. Ditto, the Wuflu.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

I have mixed feelings on Y2K.

There were systems and interfaces out there that could have been affected by the two-digit year limitations.

However, there was an effort to take targeted, effective action to update those systems prior to the rollover.

Since that action was effective, it made Y2K seem like a non-event.

You see similar stories pop up about GPS, which is a mission-critical system for the US. Targeted, effective action is taken to mitigate the bugs, and they become a non-event for the vast majority of users.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

Re: GPS You know, one of the truly remarkable things that have occurred in my lifetime is GPS. Say what you want about modern technology, but it finally answered one of the most common and tragic age-old questions: Where the hell am I? I was navigating ships around the globe in the years just before and during the invention of the Global Positioning System. I have found my way by LORAN, radar, stars, sight and extensive dead-reckoning. While navigation used to be a beautiful art and science at the same time, it has sadly become a lost art. It is… Read more »

4 years ago

I’d sure like to believe than many more are becoming cynical about the kung fru and the hysterical media hyping the “thousands of new cases”, but I’m not sure. Our pitiful governor has again closed bars, theaters, gyms etc., for a month – hell, you can’t even go tubing down the river when it’s a hundred plus degrees. He obviously couldn’t resist all the screeching karens – I just don’t see how this goes away, at least until the election. Social media (and WAY too many women/soyboys in positions of power), while it may have some good points, is ultimately… Read more »

Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

Every day I am more convinced that social media is among the worst things to ever happen to civilization. Is all of this worth it, just so I can keep in touch with lazy family members and ex-girlfriends of Facebook? Even worse, are families having less in-person family reunions because we no longer need excuses to get together and catch up on each other’s lives, when our everyday, mundane happenings are presented to each other constantly?

Reply to  Outdoorspro
4 years ago

The problem with the internet is that every loon with a crazy idea can post it and find allies, and then use their mob to pummel others. Back in the day, the loon would have rightly been identified as the neighborhood or workplace idiot, would have been shunned, and that would have been the end of that.

Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

Our governor mandated masks statewide effective yesterday. At my rural small business there were no customers wearing masks and not even the UPS driver and the delivery truck driver from LTL freight had a mask. My son went to stack hay bales for a hobby farmer. The owner who is a boomer steel mill worker came over, shook his hand and said “I ain’t got the covid yet, if you do well bring it on.”

Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

Kung fru! Hieyaaah

Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

 “ultimately the work of the devil ”
you can leave out the ” so to speak”

The Right Doctor
The Right Doctor
Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

My next-door neighbor suddenly converted. He’s an old, ill alkie who sits on his porch every morning, says hello to everyone and has treats for the dogs. Used to be a cage-fighter. Race realist. Until two weeks ago we sat and talked and laughed at the folly. I always kept the recommended distance out of respect for his comorbidities. One morning I popped over to say hi. He was sitting back by the house, not out toward the street like usual. He pulled a bandana up over his face and started when he saw me. ”The virus is getting worse!”… Read more »

Reply to  The Right Doctor
4 years ago

Doc, sometimes it’s the smallest things that matter. That’s a little bit of heartbreak, are we to be left with nothing human or humane?

The Right Doctor
The Right Doctor
Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

We will be left with each other. And that’s complicated by us not actually knowing each other, with scattered rare exceptions.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago
vxxc 💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
vxxc 💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

They just follow orders from pussies, who were elected by pussies.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

That should be definitive proof that you might survive the covid if you are lucky. But you can’t evade, resist, or escape the wuhan. She is coming for you. The only question: will my BLM yard sign arrive before I cross over to the great pozz in the cloud.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

My husband (who took the sere course in another life) just guffawed when I mentioned that. “Stop the war! Some of us have the flu!” was his retort.

george orwell
george orwell
4 years ago

To me the modelers and public health officials were worse than the midwit hysterics in the media and public. I don’t think the former exaggerated their claims simply to be heard above the regular media din; I think they exaggerated because public health is no longer a legitimate science-based institution but one based on “social justice” superstition, no better than the witch tribunals of Salem. On this very website there were plenty of comments along the lines of “Oh yeah, who am I going to listen to: a bunch of cranks on a website, or smart principled people at the… Read more »

Reply to  george orwell
4 years ago

To have been careful, until the dimensions of the sickness became somewhat clear, was prudence. To have blindly followed the arbitrary directions of any of these so-called “authorities” would have been foolish. None of them have had our personal best interests at heart, no matter how they posture themselves as arbiters of the public’s well-being. They answer to a different authority, and it ain’t us.

Reply to  george orwell
4 years ago

I hate to reduce it to this because there are other factors playing a role but, once again, it’s the women. Any field of endeavor that gets beyond a certain percentage of women seems to slide into the darkness of unreason and unscientific thinking. Almost all the “public health professionals” I see in the mass media are female. I think the chief problem isn’t that women are worse at math and science than men (though they are) but that men and women choose careers for different reasons. Q: Why did you choose to go into epidemiology? Man: Well, I’ve always… Read more »

Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

Those public health positions have also been an easy way for the borg to find people to fill the diversity quotas…

The Right Doctor
The Right Doctor
Reply to  george orwell
4 years ago

This is precisely on point. The crap the colleges have been turning out the past two decades is now running these agencies. All of the non-sciences, ‘soft’ sciences and administrative bodies are now fully campus-compliant in their underlying assumptions, treatment of the truth, and evaluation of problems. The hard sciences aren’t far behind, maybe another decade tops and then useful western-civ type stuff quits being invented and then quits working. Don’t know why this suddenly went Italic on me…At any rate, also ask yourself who goes to work for the CDC, NIH, etc: true believers already. They compete for federal… Read more »

Lady Dandy Doodle
Lady Dandy Doodle
Reply to  george orwell
4 years ago

8 years ago, or so, the CDC recommended that women in their childbearing years between puberty and menopause should not drink any alcohol at all if they plan on having a baby at anytime during those childbearing years. This was my red pill on recommendations from outfits like the CDC. They are completely full of shit.

Reply to  Lady Dandy Doodle
4 years ago

I suspect this was actually just someone’s idea of clever anti-natalist propaganda. The idea I suppose was to get women to pick booze over babies and maybe abort more of them because after all “I had a beer three years ago”.

One positive aspect of the collapse of the US government, if it happens, is the defunding of all these agencies as well as the destruction of the university system that churns out the robots who staff them.

Mark Stoval
Mark Stoval
4 years ago

I have been amazed at how easy it is to see the propaganda being tossed out as truth on the media each day. The Wife watched a lot of it and reported that they were saying almost the same thing on every channel each morning. Almost at the same time even. I have followed news on viruses and vaccines since the debacle of 1976 where they nearly killed my father-in-law and his best friend. Turns out getting real information on vaccines is hard. It is difficult to get down to the studies and methods of approving the vaccine and discover… Read more »

4 years ago

Everyone is now dumber for having had to put up with months of ridiculous claims about the virus.

Well, at least the government and media have given the U.S. “herd stupidity”.
For me, the real value in the circus has been undeniable confirmation of who I can never rely on, or trust. That counts for something.

Reply to  Moss
4 years ago

There it is. I lost actual friends over this – “I was in his wedding”-type friends. Sad to know that the last words I’ll ever say to a formerly lifetime friend were “fuck you, Karen,” but that’s where we are these days. It hurt, but ultimately I’m glad – when the feces hits the fan, there’s one less person who will stab me in the back.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

The only thing that spread faster and was more devastating to our respective societies than CV-19 was mass stupidity.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

Karl, legit question here. What’s worse, mass stupidity or mass fear? I’ve always assumed the public was rather dumb, but am more demoralized by the mass fear I see about me. Your opinion?

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

@ Compsci – A fearful population will make wrong decisions which they wouldn’t make under “normal” circumstances. A stupid population will make wrong decisions no matter what the circumstances. At present, the majority of our respective populations simply can’t rationalize the behavior or comprehend the twisted logic of those we are witnessing who are committing these riots and promoting criminal activity. Add to that the fact the police have been ordered to step back and are no longer enforcing the law, it’s a whole new level of fear and confusion. Since humans naturally fear what we don’t understand, it’s a… Read more »

vxxc 💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
vxxc 💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

America is an island nation that hasn’t had to fight for its own lands since 1890, so except for a tiny number of Americans how the world works is Foreign to us.
This chaos, start of war, revolution, corrupt elites is the Human norm except for rare periods. Pax Americana is over, time to be normal men, that’s all. Fight, die, or submit.

In no way is this a whole new level of Fear – except for us.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

Thanks. I guess the rub here between us is that you seem to think that the population’s fear is transitory or dependent on situation. And that in some cases decision making may be done without being based upon fear.

I see the fear as being a constant, albeit situationally specific as the latest boogie man is brought up. But none the less, whenever we seem to have great societal movements/changes these days, it seems always based upon fear.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

The media has a long history of promoting false or misleading information (propaganda if you will) in order to instill fear in the public. And when the government makes stupid, knee-jerk decisions based on that information, that just stokes fear even more. Unfortunately, when you push fake news on a stupid population who believes the media and every blogger with a YouTube or Twitter account, that fear is going to be multiplied exponentially. Just look at your education system over the past 20-years. They no longer teach kids to think anymore, they only teach them to feel. Which is why… Read more »

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

Interesting side note; in the 1924 book My Struggle, specifically the chapter on Propaganda, our old Austrian Chancellor commented that during WW1, the Americans and the British were masters of propaganda. He even went as far to admit the German attempts were actually counter productive. So give yourself credit where it’s due. The English speaking people have a long history of fake news.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Is it possible to put a mark on the calendar for when Progressives actually got their start in America? Or was it just something that’s always been part of the American psyche?

Since most immigrants were rejects or failures in their home countries (immigrating Germans were certainly no exception) many of these people had already learned to hate and distrust their monarchical governments.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

Just a guess, 1880s or 90s?

Not a scholar on the subject, just my experience. There’s always been a utopian strain of American thought, but early on it was spiritual rather than scientific. I’ve never read anything about big government and a scientific approach that was written before the late 19th.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I don’t know what was “the american left” in the 1920′, but Benito was the most hatred man in the entire european lefts.

Please, Z, your blog is by far the best of the american right, but your constant “leftists RTR fascists” (or reverse) is not only annoying but wrong.

4 years ago

Incompetence / lies is the other half of the “surge” of cases. The CDC and some states aren’t separating the results of anti-body and active covid tests. So people who had it months ago are being reported as new cases.

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

Same here in AZ. The stat’s are being cooked. Hospitals basically being accused of fraud to collect Covid-19 treatment bonus. What is still going down, because it’s much more difficult to mung, are death rates. However, that figure can’t be known well for a few weeks as folks who eventually die do so much later in the disease treatment. But the turnover in ICU—as in getting better and released—is looking good.

Trust No One
Trust No One
4 years ago

“If America was run by a dictator or even a junta…” Pretty much everyone on our side is down on democracy these days, and for good reason. In the past, even if the government were inept, we could say that at least the system preserved our freedom. Not so anymore. Say anything the regime doesn’t like, anything that contradicts their religion (even if you have evidence), and they’ll ban your social media accounts. They may even close your bank account or fire you. Movies, television shows, books … all being disappeared at breakneck speed. They’re even banning episodes of Golden… Read more »

vxxc 💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
vxxc 💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Trust No One
4 years ago


To answer Russian obsession its projection, its a confession.

  1. Rape of RU $ washing
  2. Fear that Trump will be Putin
  3. Old cold war traitor fears- guilty minds.
The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Trust No One
4 years ago

Part of the obsession with Russia is that they’ve gone their own way outside the GlobHom system and done pretty well.

Since GlobHom is a religious movement, this makes Russia a nation of heretics.

Since GlobHom is a militant faith, the only possible solution is holy war to exterminate the unbelievers, similar to the Islamic concept of jihad.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

The other thing about Russians is that they are good at doubling-down instead of backing down, most of the time. The attitude makes for some crazy Russian driving YouTubes, but it is a good attitude for maintaining their cultural survival in these crazy times.

4 years ago

All in all 2020 is shaping up to be the year of stupid decisions, maybe in years to come people will say of questionable ideas,”sounds like a 2020 to me”. Of course every cloud has a silver lining and for this year of calamities it could turn out to be the recognition that women should be muzzled in public.

4 years ago

When I was a young JO in DC I learned the art of “paralysis by analysis.” Get a committee of self-identified experts together, bring in reams of data and an array of high-IQ / low-sense people to study it, model it, and forecast it. Only “metrics” matter … do NOT bring up common sense, history, experience or anecdotal evidence. Right results are guaranteed because the “study” starts with a predetermined end-result … it’s usually spelled out in the preamble to the “problem statement,” or shared verbally by the middling-IQ suits who commissioned the “study.” Then the sociopathic muckety-mucks get together… Read more »

Din C. Nuffin
Din C. Nuffin
4 years ago

A bit off topic, but this morning was a perfect example of “conservative cave-in”. Instead of “Hell no, MLK day and Black History month is enough”, they want to change Columbus day to Juneteenth.

Reply to  Din C. Nuffin
4 years ago

I can see the idea of picking one’s battles, and not wasting one’s energy on fighting every-last-thing, but at some point I suppose one has to dig ones heels in, like a mule, and just generally say “not only ‘no’, but ‘hell no’” to everything. I have gotten to the point that I will reflexively go negative on any direction, suggestion, or ask. Of course, I have just about had it with people generally (most of this on-line crew excepted), so I am not interacting much any more in the real world.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Din C. Nuffin
4 years ago

There’s no better nigger word than Juneteenth. A people so lazy and so stupid that they couldn’t even articulate a particular date. It really shows how everything they think is an abstraction, and why they’re a stone age people.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Din C. Nuffin
4 years ago

This is one of a million examples of why the entire GOP needs to be sacrificed. It’s as dated as a BetaMax. Utterly useless and exhausted. Plow it under.

Summer In Summer Out
Summer In Summer Out
Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

Wirth, there are some of us who remain here in disproportionate part because you both to post here. Thank you for commenting.

4 years ago

If this thing actually had a 2-5% IFR as originally feared, it would be a pretty big deal and understandable why some policy makers reacted the way they did, but the general sentiment did a 180 when the IFR was revised to as low at .3-,5%, due to increased testing. In mid-April the IFR was dramatically slashed, coinciding with the bottom of the stock market. That is only about 5x as bad as the flu instead of 50-100x as originally estimated. The more testing that is done, the closer this resembles the flu in terms of mortality. It was increased… Read more »

4 years ago

Here’s an example of how seriously the young folks are taking this nonsense.

Reply to  Alex
4 years ago

Good for them. Get it before school starts so they can ignore the scolds.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Alex
4 years ago

I love the scare clips on that CNN story with the obvious fat, gay mystery meat and blonde airhead crisis actors.

Reply to  Alex
4 years ago

We need to start practicing racial distancing! It’s for our own good!

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

Heh. Well played.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

Actually there is some rational reason to do just that. Consider the following article:

If you’re interested look for a snarky response from somebody named Ben who sounds remarkably like somebody who often pose here. 😈

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

Nope, your comment got deleted there. There was another comment there about blacks not getting enough vitamin D, BECAUSE of their skin color. Can’t believe how racist that is, sheesh!

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Retronomicon
4 years ago

Wait a minute; now the sun is RAYSIS?!?!

vxxc 💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
vxxc 💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

Which is why I support “peaceful protests”, unlimited Roe vs Wade, and John Roberts decision to increase the number of women getting abortions dying on the table. I may add I’m a big fan of defunding and disbanding the police too, this racist enforcing of white laws must stop, including making black people wear masks – for starters it just might work, for ending we don’t need Americas criminal class licensed to conceal their faces. You see someday we’ll have sanity ruling again, and we need to see who was on camera during The Black Rapture, TM. Because that’s what… Read more »

Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago


Tars just won the Internet

Da new World Champeen


Big green 4-armed Martians can be considered honorary white people, can’t they?

Trojan House
Trojan House
4 years ago

Well, up here in Kanadastan, they’re looking at what is happening south of border and, in our smug arrogance are saying, see what is happening down there when Trump didn’t do anything? See all those covidiots? We told you so! We’re soooo much better up here in Kanadastan!
It is really disgusting. I’m ashamed of what this country and its people have become.

Reply to  Trojan House
4 years ago

“In our smug arrogance” Guy at bar the other night called Huey Lewis smug. I said actually he’s a really nice guy. He goes, “I know I’m just kidding.” He wasn’t. Why would you kid about someone being smug? He probably thinks smug means a person who’s happy and smiles a lot. But what obviously separates smug from merely happy is “smug” gives a vibe of self-satisfied SUPERIORITY. Some definitions say it includes being “excessively self-satisfied”. But that could be a very happy & contented person. That last definition calls on the accuser to make a value judgement. Was bar… Read more »

4 years ago

“The fact is, this brilliant post from March was right all along…”

C’mon, Z. That one was pretty much a slam dunk. I’ll bet every dissident knew the truth the second the scam started.

Regardless… yup, the jig is up. I ignored the first wave of lunacy and I will ignore the second round too.

David Wright
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Smart spergy people only have some utility. They should never govern.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

If only Greg had a good woman to talk some sense into him…oh wait…

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

If Jonathan Bowden was still alive he would’ve set him straight.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  sentry
4 years ago

Ya-da BOOM! 🙂

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago


Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Sailer seems to have backed off tremendously over the past couple of weeks. He may not acknowledge that he went overboard, but he’s showing that he realizes as much. Kind of like the Great Santini practicing basketball in the rain after losing to his kid.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Yeah, I was amazed at his banging that drum for weeks and equally amazed he’s dropped it like a hot potato these past few. I’d be a lot more appreciative if he now discussed how pathetically over-hyped it’s been.

Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

An acknowledgement of wrong doing is the first step in an apology.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

He maybe could set up a 12 step program. Plandemics Anonymous.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Sailer dropped that subject, but he’s still on about hair, and cultural appropriation, and mocking others’ hypocrisy. His usual posters are still riding their various ethnic/sexual hobby horses. The other day he claimed that if people had listened to him in the beginning we wouldn’t be in this mess. So ‘citizenism’ was going to save the multikulti empire?

Questa Nota
Questa Nota
Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

Sailer is higher risk than average due to prior cancer survival and compromised immune system. His caution seems rational given that circumstance.

Liberty Mike
Reply to  Questa Nota
4 years ago

Seems rational is still feelz and not reelz.

One’s irrational view is not somehow transmogrified to a rational view because one is perhaps immuno-compromised.

Dave O'Connell
Reply to  Liberty Mike
4 years ago

Being immunocompromised can cut both ways. My wife has MS and has been on Tysbari for it (treatment suspended for now). In year 6, her risk of getting PML (a brain infection) by way of the JCV virus is 1 in 1,000. To put it in covid-19 terms, PML is kind of like if 330,000 Americans got the covid this month and all of them eventually developed the worst symptoms and half of them were dead by the end of the year. And no one ever recovered. Compared to that risk, covid and the associated mask vs. not mask debates… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

Sailer is great at what he does, which is gently bring Normies closer to our side. The problem is that he leaves them about halfway across the great divide. Some finish the journey, some don’t.

Also, his Citizenism is just Civic Nationalism with a bit of HBD thrown in. Unfortunately, it’s a trap for many Normies who end their journey at that point because it means they don’t have to face certain realities.

Activation Game
Activation Game
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

What is this our side business? I never see Z man offering concrete proposals of his own. What exactly does he advocate that’s different? What’s his proposal?

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Activation Game
4 years ago

If you can’t figure out how Z is different from Sailer, you’re pretty hopeless.

Sailer wants to debate our way out of this. Z advocates for building communities. Granted, Z doesn’t have some grand plan, but that’s not what we need now anyway. First, we need people to start meeting IRL, forming small, trusted groups. From there, we can move slowly forward. Z also recommends attending meetings such as AmRen and supporting groups that support us. Sailer doesn’t advocate any of that.

Activation Game
Activation Game
Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

Sailer opposed mass immigration before most of you were even posting about the subject. The citizen thing was only a means to make acceptable levels of diversity work. It’s fashionable to bash the guy here, but none of you (including the site proprietor) have had remotely the same quality insights he has had for as long as he has had them.

Reply to  Activation Game
4 years ago

Then rejoin your pals Rosie, Twinkie, and Jack D over at Sailer, please, and leave us benighted boors in peace.

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

AG is correct.

Summer In Summer Out
Summer In Summer Out
Reply to  Bilejones
4 years ago

I’m with 3G4me. Sailor is a typical boomer on our side. A problem comes his way and he bails out on us for self-protection. I’ve reviewed Sailor and contributed funds there but the Covid hype undone him and I won’t piss on him if he is on fire. Same as a jogger to me and I don’t care what you think about it.

Reply to  Activation Game
4 years ago

My problem with Sailer is his calm & composed mocking of politicians and policy etc. The calm, composed and subtle ship sailed and sank a while back – things are accelerating. I’m not saying he has to be a bomb thrower, but if he’s unwilling call a spade a spade, he needs to rethink his approach.
That said, he does seem to be taking a harder edge re the blm and related BS – maybe. I hope it’s the beginning of a new trend.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Activation Game
4 years ago

Agreed that Sailer showed a lot of courage and great insights over the years. It’s why I send him money every month and will until either he or I die. He should be on our Mount Rushmore someday.

But he does refuse to realize that we’re not going to debate our way out of this.

Reply to  Activation Game
4 years ago

Sadly, the stultification of the nation that Zman roots in the toxic combo of mass democracy and mass media has been mirrored in the recent commentariat here. As comments have topped 300+ almost daily, the signal to noise ratio has increased significantly. A lot of butthurt just like your tu quoque attack of Zman. It seems like an iron law of successful blogging that the growth of readership numbers inevitably leads to a degraded comment section. I saw it at Taki’s and at Unz’s and now I’m seeing it here. Let the down votes commence …

vxxc 💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
vxxc 💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Maus
4 years ago

+1 for using tu quoque and butthurt in same sentance

Reply to  Maus
4 years ago

Ah yes, we certainly don’t want Zman’s prescient, thought provoking posts to gain more readership and popularity – god forbid – you know, stultification… Otherwise, how could his true and erudite commenters such as Maus truly be able to freely discuss and dissect the minutia of his genius with their commentary genius? The swarthy lowbrow 300+ are surely bringing down the quality of Z’s website as well as his intellect & standing. He may have to go off grid to make sure only the pseudo intellectuals have any place to comment and thereby not degrade his website and IQ. Word.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Hmpffffff. I only have a passing familiarity with some of those men, so I ask this in all candor – not trying to be a dink: are they numerically literate?
That is so weird. I have maybe a bit of an above average understanding of stats, and maybe the same goes for microbiology – and this thing didn’t pass the smell test for even my meagre academic standards.
Mind you, I did grow up among shitlibs so I know how they think and act and maybe it gave me a bit of an advantage earlier on….

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

To be fair, early on it wasn’t clear how bad it would be. China shutting everthing down concerned me initially. I watched the death rate closely. When i saw it barely aproached regular influenza, i relaxed and let the dogs out.

Felix Krull
Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

To be fair, early on it wasn’t clear how bad it would be.

That is true of every flu outbreak.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

well, if a new virus with a death rate of 3-5% rolls thru SwillHTF.

Activation Game
Activation Game
Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

At the outset certain people will claim it’s just the flu and tell other posters to punch people in public who wear face masks. Without evidence, it will be compared to the Swine Flu. Then after the death toll goes down before the inevitable second wave, they’ll claim it was overblown. They’ll also claim it’s all a conspiracy and berate their opponents who supposedly ruined the economy with lockdowns they never really advocated or had any power over.

Activation Game
Activation Game
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Not really. Seasonal flu ranges between a predictable yearly value of 12k – 40k deaths with an occasional outlying year. Covid-19 is worse than that, so Sailer wasn’t wrong. He’s only backed off because deaths have predictably gone down (but still steadily mounting and much more than the average flu for this time of year). That’s not evidence that you were right. You weren’t. There will be a second wave this fall. The ultimate number of deaths will exceed 1 million, maybe 2. That’s much worse than any flu since 1918. Truthfully, he was right to post about it, and… Read more »

Reply to  Activation Game
4 years ago

Uh, he wasn’t just posting about it, he was obsessed with it. Oh, and how many more billions of people are on the planet compared to the last three big breakouts? 1918 (4x), 1957 (2.5x), 1968 (2x+), so 1-2 million deaths worldwide today, would indicate the kung fru is much less dangerous than any of those previous iterations. Curiously, I don’t recall the worldwide economy being deliberately shut down in any of those instances.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Activation Game
4 years ago

In terms of deaths per capita, the Beer Flu is not as bad as the Asian Flu of 1957/58. And yet, America of 1957/8 did not see fit to self-immolate. Something very essential has changed dramatically. And it damned sure hasn’t changed for the better.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

At the risk of sounding like a bible thumper, it’s sin. A lot of troubled consciences out there. People just waiting for divine justice.

vxxc 💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
vxxc 💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Activation Game
4 years ago

There is no side, this is a blog with comments. Normie will never join any side that involves more than voting this side of Hell. Perhaps he will in Hell, or on the other side of Hell.
Normies side is to make money, cookout on the 4th, or next year forward perhaps Juneteenth, and do whatever he is told. Normie is a serf.

Now as we may be going into Hell Normie will perhaps change, but probably he’ll submit.

If there was or ever is a side, I don’t want Normie siding me.
He’s useless.

Reply to  Activation Game
4 years ago

What is this second wave talk about? Like swine flu, bird flu, SARS, MERS, etc.? Whatever ‘second wave’ there was (or wasn’t) wasn’t nearly as bad as the initial outbreak.

Covid has captured the popular imagination. It’s Death itself, they say. And they’re so certain about it.

They really broke a lot of people with this one.

Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

Maybe the first week or so. What tipped me off was the runout in stats. In Italy everyone was dying from it, and in Sweden nobody was. Then the ham-handed lockdowns and precautions came out to “flatten the curve” – and I knew these people had NO idea what they were doing. Then the hysterics and loons captured the media spotlight and I knew the whole thing was a human flea circus. It went from the ridiculous to the sublime – none of the conservatives were getting it. We didn’t know anyone else that got it. But the shitlibs all… Read more »

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

“Like most sequels, this one is promising to be an even bigger disappointment than the original act was.” Especially with hoaxes.

Activation Game
Activation Game
Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

“In Italy everyone was dying from it, and in Sweden nobody was.”

That’s not true. 1) Sweden’s death toll has been in line with what you would expect 2) Italy was seeded first and more than Sweden, so this is an apples-to-oranges comparison.

“Then the ham-handed lockdowns and precautions came out to “flatten the curve” – and I knew these people had NO idea what they were doing.”

I agree with that part. Democracy is rule by mob, the lowest common denominator.

Reply to  Activation Game
4 years ago

Hogwash. Virulent pandemics exponentially propagate the same way in similar populations.
When you have one with a mortality rate of 5% and the other at .5%… something is fishy.
I wonder which vindictive vibrant villain will kill the USA first? The Chinkypox? Or Nigger mortis?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Activation Game
4 years ago

The Beer Flu in Italy began in Milan which, not coincidentally, has a very large Chinatown.

Dave O'Connell
Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

One early hint for me that the covid-19 wasn’t going to live up (or down) to the hype was that the inanimate-object superspreader events we were warned about never materialized.
You know, like a killer ATM that lots of people touched after an infected person who didn’t sanitize their hands used it, that sort of thing.
Once it became obvious that we weren’t living Stephen King’s “The Stand” (King himself has said as much) this became a lot more manageable for me.

Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

Back in March, a friend’s daughter, who works in healthcare, got the Chinky Flu. Couple days later, my wife, who follows the daughter on Instagram, reported that this girl was on a boat with her dog and a bunch of friends.

I was like, “The conspiracy nuts were right! Again!”

Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

We can be more than fair to Sailer without cutting much slack. Sure, nobody could really tell how bad it was going to be at first. But Sailer, et. al. went full clown-panic early on and then when it was obvious they greatly overreacted, they wouldn’t admit it or even entertain the idea.
I like to read Steve Sailer but he was a fucking moron on corona.

Activation Game
Activation Game
Reply to  Federalist
4 years ago

Perhaps you can provide a few examples. Seems to me that he was fair.

Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

But the dogs were all called Karen.
Keep them at home next time.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

Hmpffffff you say. Passing familiarity you offer.

Do you honestly think Sailer and Cochran are numerically illiterate?

This is the most arrogant and ignotant comment I’ve ever seen on this site.

I think you are a fool.

I disagree with them but I acknowledge that they are: 1) heavyweights; and, 2) courageous; and, 3) waaaaay smarter than me.

And I am way smarter than you, fool.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Gee, holding a grudge like a woman . . . nah, won’t go there.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Z, your calm and measured approach to life is why I like reading your essays. I think a lot of the more ‘out there’ dissident right folks have, in a weird way, psychological similarities to the left – ‘true believers’. I think you touch on this idea lot with the concept of the theater of the media, where someone in a bad person costume trots out on stage and gets tomatoes thrown at them.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

That’s a big appeal to Z. He comes across as a voice of reason and it’s in a calm and measured way. His Covid-19 outlook has been a great example of this.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

The TDS guys (from TRS) don’t really talk about it anymore. I think Enoch kind of mumbled something about not worrying about it recently.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

Shouldn’t Jig be capitalized?

Reply to  Bilejones
4 years ago

LOL – only when it is used as a noun. As a verb it is okay to use lower case…

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

Z Man said: “In reality, the more people participating in politics, the faster dumb ideas are created and allowed to zoom around the system. We’ve reached a point where our society is no longer able to perform the basics.” That nail has been driven home twice. Right in the middle of the Kung Flu debacle we have the managerial state hiring terrorists to burn down our cities. Our masters seem completely uninterested in performing the basic function of government, which is to protect its citizens. We’ve obviously reached a tipping point, where the sum total of all the bad decisions… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
4 years ago

“That is the one bit of good news in all of this. The public is increasingly cynical about everything they hear from the ruling class. The lies and sadistic punishments in the virus panic moved a lot of people from partisan to hostile. The effort to gin up a phony second wave panic to help Joe Biden in the election will probably be met with a second wave of hostility, much bigger than the first. The ruling class spent what was left of its legitimacy on this virus panic.” No matter the many shortcomings of Trump, he has made the… Read more »

4 years ago

The virus isn’t about the virus. It’s about control. It’s easy to forget that the rest of the world is still locked down too. The Davos crowd and their enormous NGO,UN, and WHO gang have shut down the whole world . The local politicians of the uniparty now rule with absolute impunity. They will never let go of this . thats why the masks are so important to them , it keeps normie from thinking ” hey, why are they still doing this stuff?'” when it’s clear the virus is weakening , and the death rate is falling like a… Read more »

4 years ago

I saw a ghetto-car (big rims & lots of chrome) fly by at an intersection and obviously exceeding the speed limit. I immediately thot, “if a cop saw that, he’d probably not even give chase … it’s too much trouble to deal with a Black guy.”. That’s an indication as to how much the Blacks have won. They can get away with any “small” indiscretion because the cops don’t know how to deal with them. Blacks are large and in-charge. Young White guys will appropriate this behavior in an effort to get a girl.

4 years ago

Politicians are held captive by the media … afraid to speak the truth lest they be publicly lambasted on TV & the Web. Therefore, many Rep politicians cuck hard. That sorry-ass Cornyn beat the Dems to declaring “Juneteenth” as a Fed holiday … how much more cucky can you get?? White women are signaling their virtue by siding with the Blacks. Plus, they want to be with real men who will fight .. look to see alot more Black guy & White woman couples in the future because the Blacks have the power. White guys are push-over loser wusses. With… Read more »

vxxc 💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
vxxc 💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  KeepTheChange
4 years ago

Just the awful truth.
until we decouple ourselves from playing by law and decency, we’re fuxed.

4 years ago

So damned wheelchair gov just issued a DECREE (because that’s all these things are these days) saying all Texans must wear masks. And it’s supposed to hit 100 tomorrow. God, I loathe all the repukelicucks in this state. I will be getting one of Citizen’s airsoft masks, and we’ll see who first challenges me on it. I go out little enough as it is these days, but why even bother any more?

4 years ago

This is the agenda behind the world-wide coordinated Covid response – The Great Reset:

Reply to  Hun
4 years ago

That’s spooky. For some reason it won’t let you save it to a playlist. But the sharing option is available. Weird.

4 years ago

This piece giving detailed examples of the governments lies is worth reading

  • The Saugus Rehab and Nursing Center in Saugus, Massachusetts was listed as having 794 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in residents and 281 cases in staff. The facility only has room for 80 patients, maximum. Of which 45 tested positive along with 19 staff.
  • Southern Pointe Living Center in Colbert, Oklahoma is listed as having 339 residents die of COVID-19 despite only having a 95 bed capacity, and officially reporting not one single case of covid19, let alone a death.

Reply to  Bilejones
4 years ago

Thanks, OffGuardian looks like a good source for non-BS Corona info/opinions. I was asking for something like this earlier.

From their About page: “OffGuardian was launched in February 2015 and takes its name from the fact its founders had all been censored on and/or banned from the Guardian’s ‘Comment is Free’ sections. Unlike the Guardian we are NOT funded by Bill & Melinda Gates, or any other NGO or government.”

Reply to  Frip
4 years ago

I was banned from the Guardian for pointing out that they were funded by Gates, Soros and Rothschild, among others.
It was a few years ago, I’ll have to try to recreate the thing. They deleted my post and I foolishly didn’t keep a copy.

Reply to  Bilejones
4 years ago

I always found it funny pointing out how the guardian is financed out of a closed off tax free management company in the Cayman Islands (of which the editor Rushbrigger is a director) and how they failed to pay 1 penny of tax when the sold AutoTrader for 300million.

It is amusing to hear the defensive pretzels of those same readers clamouring for a soak the rich platform.

Tom K
Tom K
4 years ago

Who panicked first, the Chicoms right? They locked down a city of 10 million. Then the panic spread around the world. But why did the CCP panic? They are supposedly the technocratic creme de la creme. That is to say, their top leadership is.  Something doesn’t add up here, unless they thought they were facing an unknown of frightening proportions. With their forced quarantines, massive disinfection campaigns, etc., they were sending the message that something terrible was about to happen. But why? It only makes sense if they knew it was a man-made virus that had escaped from that lab.… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Tom K
4 years ago

My working hypothesis is this:

Yes, there was a deadly, world-ending, man-made gain-of-functioned virus that escaped from a lab in Wuhan at some point.

However, as well all know, Mother Nature bats last. She is also a jealous deity that reserves the privilege of creating extinction-level plagues unto herself.

Thus, Nature called bullshit and stepped in at some point just after the Wuhan lockdown to evolve the virus into, “just the flu, bro.”

Our satanic governments and media are unable to accept and admit Nature’s intervention, so they continue to pretend that Beer flu is an extinction-level event.

Tom K
Tom K
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

Sounds about right.

Reply to  Tom K
4 years ago

We assume that our COVID response was a dry run for the inevitable police state, so why should we assume the ChiComs did it for reasons of “public health”? They don’t give a shit about public health. They’re a) Commies, and b) Chinese, so the environment is their toilet. I’d bet they were using it as cover to test out some of their NBC response readiness, or to crack down on some dissidents, or frankly just to fuck with people, because they’re a) Chinese and b) Commies and that’s just what they do. Their actions make sense in their own… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
4 years ago

The Wuflu did set the stage for the CCP to take over Hong Kong, while attention was being paid elsewhere…

Tom K
Tom K
Reply to  Severian
4 years ago

One hypothesis doesn’t preclude the other. And no human collective is borg-like, monolithic in its thoughts. They may have simply felt they would need the tens of millions in the PLA when time comes to occupy our West coast (they didn’t know initially how serious the Wu flu would be.)

Tom K
Tom K
Reply to  Severian
4 years ago

Also, were you assuming that I was saying the Chinese panicked because of humane concerns? Not at all. They maintain a strictly utilitarian view of their population.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Severian
4 years ago

My alternate hypothesis is that the CCP, DNC, Soros, et al realized that impeachment wasn’t going to work so they decided to roll out the pandemic to see what happened.

If the pandemic failed to take there would be some minor stories about how the Wuhan lab had a leak but it was cleaned up and under control.

I struggle to believe that they understood the mood in the West so well that they knew their effort would be a wild success.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

I have to disagree with your deadly world ending virus: there is evidence that it was a genetically engineered virus.  Hell, this was open, US funded research going back years before the outbreak.

But no evidence that it was made for maximum lethality.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

“But no evidence that it was made for maximum lethality.”

It wouldn’t have to be. While there may be overlap in the parts of its genome responsible for human transmissibility and lethality, there is no reason to assume so. Development could proceed along separate paths for each portion, to be spliced together later as needed.

James Regina
James Regina
4 years ago

my comment reactions are all zero…what’s up with that?

4 years ago

ZMan’s analysis of the covid-19 phenomenon is fine – as far as it goes. He, however, either does not want to go all the way, or cannot. Therefore, someone else will have to say it: Covid-19 is a manufactured crisis, of the kind which is a classic found in the deep-state repertiore, its black bag of tricks. The inner party – which is a neat turn of phrase by the way – uses manufactured crises under a number of conditions, many of which pertain here. First, a false-flag attack (a form of manufactured crisis) is often used when the deep-state… Read more »

vxxc 💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
vxxc 💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
4 years ago

I have a side private bet with someone (not here) that Maxwell dies the first weekend after the courts unseal her 2015 civil case testimony.

And yes they’ll get away with it.

Barr will be shocked, and promise to get to the bottom of it.

>not an offer here, sorry.

vxxc 💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
vxxc 💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
4 years ago

Realize that the dominance of sociopaths in our society could only happen to us because we value words, reason, laws, education.

And the reason why nigger supremacy has happened is the niggers act. No matter how retarded the nigger is dominant because the nigger is violent.

This is just the eternal story of man.

As for the nigger being the puppet of Jews, women, bankers etc… no.

Once they knelt to whom they knelt is in charge.

You can act or you can talk, one of these lives has a future and the other does not.

4 years ago

It’s all about the media, boys!
The rich (((talking heads))) can virtue signal non-stop, while they live in their secure, gated communities. They’ll keep reading the script from (((TPTB))) and be paid handsomely to avoid the anarchy that may touch our lives.
Somebody needs to RICO the media. But, I’m afraid that we really have no idea how much money the Jews have and how deep the corruption really is.
Be prepared to get even more attitude from Blacks & White women … they’re holding the cards.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  KeepTheChange
4 years ago

You need to unplug from TRS for awhile.

4 years ago

Security guards employed to keep the hotels safe where returnees were being quarantined were actually rutting the guests! Of course, the security guards were of the corrupt, third-world variety where chain corporations awarded the contracts to the cheapest bidder who then sub-contracted the work out to unqualified, barely English speaking dregs who took advantage of the guests! Oh yeah, they are doing the jobs we don’t want to do though….

4 years ago

Went to IHOP the other day for breakfast. Kentucky requires masks for employees, but not customers. Fair enough, and frankly, I like the idea of the minimum wage slaves at restaurants who handle my food having to wear masks even after Covid isn’t a thing.


I observed our waitress coming with our food. Her hands were full and her mask needed adjusting, so another waitress reached up and adjusted her mask for her.

It’s all just theater at this point.

Reply to  Dukeboy01
4 years ago

“at this point”?