Flight 93 Crashed

The sad story of Jeff Session and immigration patriotism came to an end in the Alabama senate run-off. Sessions was soundly beaten by former football coach and Mitch McConnell sock puppet, Tommy Tuberville. Of course, President Trump was ebullient, as he had campaigned against his old friend and supporter in one of his now typical fits of rage. He blames Sessions for his many blunders early in his tenure. Trump will not have Jeff Sessions to kick around anymore.

It is also the death of immigration patriotism. Sessions was always the best on immigration when he was in the Senate. He actually got some real things done on the administrative side when he was in the administration. Tuberville, in contrast, is just a dope who spent his life coddling black guys who can run fast. Washington recruited him, because they were right about the voters of Alabama. They care more about sportsball than the future of their grandchildren.

Trump and his stage handlers will read this as confirmation that his base is too dumb to care about the issues. They will just fall in behind their orange hero. It is the same madness that happened in the Bush re-election. Bush finked on his voters for four years, but won a second term by pointing at the Democrats. The implication was, “vote for Bush unless you want those terrible people to be right.” The mouth-breathers are doing exactly as expected. They are trusting the plan.

Whether or not this works is hard to know. In 2004, the goal was to get something close to 60% of the white vote. Bush did reasonably well with Hispanics and blacks were not angry about anything in particular. Whites were 77% of the vote, so getting in the high fifties was the goal. Given the partisanship in states in the Northeast, losing those white votes was meaningless unless it hurt with white votes in competitive states. Bush got 58% of the white vote and enough Hispanic support to win.

In 2020, Trump will need to get something closer to 70% of the white vote. That’s due to the declining white share and the fact blacks are super-angry now. Despite his foot-washing for four years, they still think he is an orange supremacist and horrible racist. What does not get discussed in public, but has surely been discussed in private, is the math of this election. In 2016, whites made up 70% of the vote. In 2020 it will be 65%. The actuarial tables are working against Trump and the GOP.

Putting that aside, Trump will feel vindicated in his decision to abandon immigration and could very well swing the other way. He told some Mexican media outlet that he plans to amnesty the DACA people. He just reversed course on the student visa scam. In an age where American college students must stay home and do their college work on-line, the children of Chinese Communist Party members will get student visas so they can attend classes on American campuses.

The inner party, of course, understands the math entirely. In fact, they have been working hard to create this math since the 1960’s. Just as immigrants were used as union busters in the industrial age, immigrants are used as coalition busters in the liberal democratic age. The way for a small group to maintain power is to make sure there are no natural coalitions that can form up and challenge for power. That’s the game in America and it has worked.

Getting back to the Sessions story, it is a great example of how the inner party uses partisanship as a tool. The left-wing crazies hate Trump for no reason other than they were told he is very bad. They hated Bush too. In both cases, there was no real policy dispute at the core of their hatred. They hated Bush because he claimed to be an Evangelical Christian. They hate Trump because reasons. Their rage is just pure partisan hatred of the perceived outsider.

This has the perverse result of turning those outside the Progressive camp into supporters of the thing they hate. Otherwise conservative people fervently supported Bush in the 2004 elections, despite is liberal policies. Something similar is happening with Trump in this election. No one is really going to vote for Trump. They will vote against what they perceive to be the other option, which is street violence, statue toppling and the endless lectures on race from the media.

Regardless, the end of Jeff Sessions marks the end of immigration, nationalism and populism as salient forces in official politics. The 2016 election was called the Flight 93 election, as it was the last desperate chance to save the country. Well, flight 93 crashed and killed everyone onboard. That last desperate dash to save the day failed. The last desperate attempt to save the system in 2016 has also failed. The inner party gained control of the Trump administration and flew it into the ground.

Note: The good folks at Alaska Chaga are offering a ten percent discount to readers of this site. You just click on the this link and they take care of the rest. About a year ago they sent me some of their stuff. Up until that point, I had never heard of chaga, but I gave a try and it is very good. It is like a tea, but it has a milder flavor. It’s hot here in Lagos, so I’ve been drinking it cold. It is a great summer beverage.

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4 years ago

Sessions was a strong anti-immigration fighter but his treason (I don’t use that word lightly) vastly supersedes the benefit’s he brought. Here’s an alternate take to Zman’s above: “Jeff Sessions has lost to Tommy Tuberville, ridding the political right of this elderly buffoon once and for all. Right-wing Twitter is going into a meltdown, of course, because Sessions says such nice things. How could Trump betray us like this? Honestly, it’s sort of bewildering to see early right-wing Trump supporters not understand that the big man values execution & loyalty over ideology. Sessions blinked when it could not have mattered… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I understand the point you push all the time about being pragmatic, and I agree with you, but yes, in this specific case, Session’s actions were so egregious that they simply can’t be overlooked. Even if Trump had actually wanted to MAGA (and looking back, he didn’t), Sessions *alone* ruined the first three years of his administration. I don’t think you are properly accounting for the weight of his actions on preventing the implementation of a real agenda. There is nothing worse than an ally that stabs you in the back in a moment of crisis. I would rather a… Read more »

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
Reply to  JR55
4 years ago

Trump’s election was the last miniscule chance there was to salvage the republic. The actions of Sessions cost us that chance. Even after there was clear evidence of an actual coup attempt at the highest level of Federal law enforcement and the intelligence community, Sessions refused to do anything. BLM and Antifa were allowed to continue to organize and grow unmolested.

Reply to  Judge Smails
4 years ago


Reply to  JR55
4 years ago

Precisely. If I had a gun and two bullets and I was in a room with a traitor and an enemy, I’d shoot the traitor twice. I can pistol whip my enemy after he’s dealt with. People who are turning on Trump now just aren’t smart enough to see that he’s the best play we have and would have been worlds better had he not been continually backstabbed by his cucked “friends”. The fact, for instance, that he’s managed to build any border wall is a miracle. Congress can’t deliver the goods on the border wall, and he has more… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  Joel
4 years ago

<i>People who are turning on Trump now just aren’t smart enough to see that he’s the best play we have </i> “Hello, and welcome to Sandwiches-R-Us, how can I be of service? “I’d like a ham and cheddar with jalapenos, tomatoes and Italian dressing.” “Sorry sir, we’re all out of cheddar. Do you want goat manure instead?” “Sounds great, and a… What, wait? Goat manure? No, you silly trollop, I don’t want goat manure. Just give me ham and tomatoes, please.” “We’re out of ham, sir.” “What do you mean, you’re out of ham? Your weekly special is ham, cheddar, tomatoes… Read more »

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Try again while actually responding to the content of my post.

1) Congress has more or less banned the border wall
2) Trump found a way to deliver it anyway, despite enormous opposition at every step and little to no help from his “allies”.

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  Joel
4 years ago

Trump is the best play we have because he is the ONLY play we have.

Reply to  Joel
4 years ago

 If I had a gun and two bullets and I was in a room with a traitor and an enemy, I’d shoot the traitor twice.”

Great expression

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

One of the main things I didn’t like about Sessions was his devotion to asset forfeiture, which has become a plague upon the land.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

Even worse than civil asset forfeiture is the lesser-known uncivil ass forfeiture that often happens to those who go to prison 😎

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Would you like human feces or horsesh1t as a topping on your pizza? That is how I see these two. Backing either seems odd to me given they are zebras of a similar stripe. My unsolicited .02

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  JR55
4 years ago

Saw that elsewhere, too and it’s a good point. It’d be hard to get worked up to vote for Sessions since when it really, really mattered, he took a dive. Still, I’d take him in a heartbeat over the two molesters who are my senators.

Tom K
Tom K
Reply to  JR55
4 years ago

Since you put it that way…

4 years ago

Sessions wussed out and let the apparatchiks’ coup go on for his entire useless tenure in office. Whatever piddly reforms he might have made to immigration policy don’t come anywhere near covering for that.

4 years ago

“Trump and his stage handlers will read this as confirmation that his base is too dumb to care about the issues. They will just fall in behind their orange hero.”
Not to be dink… but I see no alternatives other than not voting …

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

I’ll vote, not because I think it changes anything, but only to Hope see the the the left temper tantrum again. After that I would think the Civil war starts anew

Trapped On Clown World
Trapped On Clown World
Reply to  PatS
4 years ago

I don’t know how old you are but my whole life I’ve been hearing “hey the Republicans stink but those Dems are worse so you have to vote”

Three or four generations of that statement should be enough. People have been holding their nose and voting GOP for decades and it has accomplished nothing at all. Why not just skip voting and work a few extra hours?

Reply to  Trapped On Clown World
4 years ago

Bitching about voting Republican being a waste is a way of looking high status and above the fray to people who don’t see through it, but to people who do see through it, it just looks like a coping method that lets you detach from outcomes and not pursue your own self-interest. It gives off an, “I’m not willing to fight for an imperfect outcome” vibe, and since there’s never a perfect outcome…it just looks weak. Conservatives may be liberals in slow-motion, but they’re still in slow motion. You keep more of your paycheck under Republicans, less money gets redirected… Read more »

Trapped On Clown World
Trapped On Clown World
Reply to  Joel
4 years ago

I don’t make that much money so why would I really care about tax breaks. And the GOP is just running a scam vis-a-vis immigration. They’ll allow millions of people to come illegally and on guest worker programs, only to allow the DNC to grant them citizenship once in power. Stop falling for that line. Not voting isn’t a cope to create the illusion of control, just the opposite. It’s an acknowledgement that our rulers will do what they please regardless of my input, so why lend them legitimacy by lining up at a polling station to participate in the… Read more »

Reply to  Trapped On Clown World
4 years ago

The Republican Party is the Pawl on the Democrat’s Come-along. They are there to ensure no backsliding while the next yank to the left is prepped.

Reply to  Trapped On Clown World
4 years ago

Try arguing against what I actually said instead of a straw man you made up to make it easy to disagree with me while preserving your ego. “Not voting isn’t a cope to create the illusion of control.” Nor did I say it was. I said it was a cope for your ego to deal with your lack of willingness to fight by every available avenue for your best interests. Our leaders aren’t in control, nor are we; they’re riding a tiger, and if we’re not going to be part of that tiger, then someone else is. Voting is in… Read more »

Reply to  Joel
4 years ago

This is declaring that your vote costs the GOP nothing – they can utterly take you for granted because you will always vote for them. It’s a 101% guarantee that you will never get anything out of them. Votes are transactions and you’re giving yours to them free of charge.

Blacks and other Coloreds of Person know to demand something for their vote. Whites must be smarter about this in the future.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Not at all. I vote for the least-pozzed candidate in primaries that I can, and I don’t -always- vote. But I don’t blanket declare ‘Oh, this guy isn’t a perfect candidate, so I’m not voting’. No shit he’s not a perfect candidate, but if he’s what we have and he’s going to murder me slower than the other guy, of course I’m going to vote. Trump was us demanding something for our vote, and we got it; a president who is absorbing leftist wrath, causing leftists to burn down their own cities, who is building a border wall despite all… Read more »

Reply to  Trapped On Clown World
4 years ago

I get that and agree to some point. I think I’d disagree that “they are all the same”. I think that if the Donks win, the slide accelerates. Our side needs to stall for time. We have to get serious about opposing Leftie in a meaningful way, whether he’s with the Donks or hiding amongst the cucks. We all need to prep like mad too. I live up in Canada and the gun grabbing has already begun. I refuse to leave anything to my enemies and will oppose them on any ground they try to take. If you throw away… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

Yes, we do indeed need time. Many normies are waking up late — they would do well to acquire their firearms licenses and to move out of urban neighborhoods as quickly as possible. Eventually, the government will deny basic services to those who don’t bend the knee; indeed, that’s already happening in places like PA and CA. Our candidate is whoever gives buys us the most time to reposition and adapt. I’ve got a new job, and I’m praying to god it isn’t pozzed. I’ve read stories of power-tripping managers who demand that their employees pledge allegiance to BLM. On… Read more »

Tea Party Reject
Tea Party Reject
Reply to  Lanky
4 years ago

Normies are not waking up. Normies are normies for a reason: they are imbeciles impervious to reason. They are pure emotion, conformity and virtue signalling, nothing else. Even during the Revolutionary War only a tiny minority actively supported independence and even fewer took up arms. Nearly all revolutions are led by a small number of aggressive fanatics in powerful positions.. A recent poll showed BLM has a majority of Whites supporting them. Humans are herd animals; they move with the group. Whites will go along with the perceived victor rather than rock the boat, just as they did in South… Read more »

Reply to  Lanky
4 years ago

The job thing is a difficult situation. I’ve been there. I comfort myself by saving around half of my income, and seeing my assets and their productivity rise, my ever-growing stash of preps, and my ability to access higher quality, more secure and self-sufficient housing increase. I know that ever year I can keep up the act, I become more powerful. That keeps me motivated.

Reply to  Trapped On Clown World
4 years ago

The way this Overton Window is moving, by 2032 all politicians of both parties will piously declare that all white people must be tortured to death, and we’ll still vote Republican because they seem to say it with less enthusiasm.

Reply to  Dave
4 years ago

If trump weren’t trouble for them the please tell me why they have spent unimagineable ammounts of energy to remove him? if it were worthless, they wouldn’t have cared so much.

Reply to  miforest
4 years ago

They need a devil / enemy. Trump is the most degenerate man to be POTUS for a while and completely embraces all the homo agenda. But they need a focus for their hate.

My Comment
Reply to  roo_ster
4 years ago

Eric Hoffer noted in the True Believer that mass movements don’t need a God but they do need a devil. For democrats Orange Man Bad is the devil incarnate

Reply to  Trapped On Clown World
4 years ago

If trump weren’t trouble for them the please tell me why they have spent unimagineable ammounts of energy to remove him? if it were worthless, they wouldn’t have cared so much.

Reply to  miforest
4 years ago

I won’t dispute the notion that Trump has broken most of his promises (too much). However, I’m absolutely certain that, starting right after the election of 2016, he started driving the feminized, elitist, third worldist, PoC, Leftists absolutely nucking futs. He, or more accurately, the Left’s reaction to him, has done more to force red pills down America’s obese, lazy, sports addicted, drunk and drugged, video game and porn addled throat than this blog or all of us combined. His re-election will send them over the top. Some will probably make videos of themselves jumping off buildings and bridges. An… Read more »

Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

“Owning the libs” while Trump allows more immigration than Obama (with his kids actively accelerating it by selling visas and financing), gives more goodies to Big Money, does nothing about corruption and tech censorship etc…?

No thanks.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

You sound like you expect something from him still. I don’t expect anything other than that he will drive the Left to make further mistakes. What’s the difference with Biden on those things? tech censorship? giveaways to corporations? corruption? Would Trump actually be worse on that stuff? Would it matter if he was?

Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

But the left would have had the exact same hyaterical reaction if we had elected the local mall’s Santa Clause as a Republican: its a focal point for rage and team building, their Emmanual Goldstein to hoot at together for 2 minutes a day. Trump, his ideas, and his actions are thoroughly irrelevant to them and that process, so your point and support are incorrect.

Reply to  miforest
4 years ago

A large faction in both parties hates him because of his style and they know that whoever wins will back most of their agenda regardless.

If you judge him by anything but results, you’re hoping and coping, not making a rational decision based on your own interests.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Disagree to this extent: the rank insanity from the Left after Trump’s election has awakened lots of normies. That’s a very good thing. The Left’s Black Lives Riot/Covid hysteria election strategy has awakened lots of Whites, too. Again, a good thing. You and a few others convinced me acceleration is a good thing. Nothing would act as an accelerant as much as Trump’s re-election; the Left’s current madness would pale by comparison. If Biden wins, it is back to the slow boil and people fall back to sleep. In fact, if Trump were to win again (it’s more likely he… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Well then, he gets a pass, E. He got the wall started when previous administrations wouldn’t even speak about immigration. He put the final nail in the coffin of the mass media. And yeah – tax cuts and economic reform are a priority with some of us. The other day he told the Governor of Minnesota to FOAD when the guy tried to hand him the bill for their vibrant peaceful protests. Do you think Obutthole or Hillary would have done the same? I’ll bet they wouldn’t – they would bankroll Minnesota and hand the bill to Texas and any… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

I think what Exile is trying to convey and he can correct me if I’m wrong is don’t put any sort of hope in Trump…My opinion is do whatever you want on the voting thing but don’t let that be where you stop…Start doing things that actually matter to your well being and that of your families and kin…

Tea Party Reject
Tea Party Reject
Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

He got the wall started when previous administrations wouldn’t even speak about immigration.” No, he didn’t. He’s only built a tiny portion of that wall, much of which is just refurbished sections of old wall. The total length built is trivial compared to the length of the border itself and it will take decades to finish at the current pace. Biden will undo all of that within the first 100 days of his administration. All that while Trump has boasted about wanting the most legal immigrants in history. Anyone who believes Trump’s wall theatrics is a sucker. You’re looking for… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

You all are speaking as if—-your vote—-makes a difference. As it is practiced here and now, the act of voting matters about as much as your opinion of the local pro team quarterback’s last performance. It makes for a lively discussion, but it means diddly squat in the real world. Today, the act of voting is part of the grand pretense that we have a say in anything. We don’t. Acceleration or obstruction is an interesting discussion, but your “vote” won’t matter. It will be what it will be. Now, find a way for each of us to motivate a… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

we haven’t been to war with iran or china. Neocons pushing that hard. Its not stylistic problems for them as they would have you believe. The neocons hate him because he didn’t let them run the show.

Tea Party Reject
Tea Party Reject
Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

That’s only by luck and pushback from within his own administration .. and from a Fox News host. I can’t believe you people really count this as some kind of accomplishment.

Neocons pushing that hard.

Yeah, he hired them. If Trump thought he could get away with attacking Iran, he’d do it. That’s a distinct possibility once he’s freed of consequence for his actions.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

He has done a lot to undermine the left’s institutions, particularly the media. I don’t remember anybody talking about fake news before ‘16. (Yes, Hillary brought it up. One of her many Trump-induced mistakes.) That in itself was huge.

Are you willing to take another gut punch to wake up the right, or do you want more feel-good time to plan and prep while the left shoots its wad? Really, where do they go from here? Seizing property and sacrificing babies?

It’s a tough call.

Tea Party Reject
Tea Party Reject
Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

He’s done no such thing. The media is more consolidated and powerful than ever before. Where do you people come up with this? The guy’s own subreddit has been banned along with most of his ’16 supporters. His account has also been banned from Twitch and his Twitter account is routinely censored. You think some dumb slogan about fake news means he’s damaged them? He hasn’t. The media was widely hated and distrusted before Trump came along. And despite layoffs, the left still DOMINATES the megaphone. Things haven’t gotten better, they’ve gotten much worse.

Tea Party Reject
Tea Party Reject
Reply to  miforest
4 years ago

Because he’s a weak target easily exploitable for their own ends: rallying their base and fundraising. Trump is no threat. He can’t even keep Twitter from censoring his Tweets. The right is desperate to imagine Trump as some kind of strong man protector, but he’s just another loudmouth. He’ll go down in flames this November and his sycophants will be devastated. But how? We were winning. KAG! MAGA! Qanon. Trust the Plan. HOW!?

Reply to  Trapped On Clown World
4 years ago

I’m right there with you. Choices distill down to sprint over the cliff vs walk over the cliff. I’m OK with buying time as long as that time is used wisely. But the other thing I’ve observed for 4 decades: after GOP voters get their win they tend to amble back to their consumerist La-Z-Boy lifestyle … 4 more years of watching the S&P and hoping for tax breaks. Part of me would prefer to confront Bolshevism now – in my lifetime – and get this generation’s crisis behind us. It’s like any other problem – the longer it lingers… Read more »

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

I actually agree, that’s been the pattern. People were exhausted and angry after the 1960s and then the stupidity and stagnation of the Carter years. They voted for Reagan… and went back to sleep with the alarm set for never. Fortunately, the Left woke some of them up when it started a wild, drunken ghetto party in 2008, got the hooligans and thugs under control enough to keep it going till 2016, and has been wandering around on the lawn naked, drunk, and shooting off a rifle in random directions ever since. No one will be able to sleep after… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

This X 1000.

Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

Amen Brother…

Tea Party Reject
Tea Party Reject
Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

Totally delusional. He’ll lose in a landslide and no republican will win again due to the demographic change the right ignored. That’s what all the available data shows, and all the right has to retort with is the fantasy that somehow the polls are wrong again.* Oh, and a majority of Whites support BLM according to the polls, so no — they aren’t awake. They are asleep and they will stay that way. Even if they wake up, how exactly can a soon-to-be minority expect to rule in a republic where majority rules? Do whites rule South Africa? Hardly unless… Read more »

James Regina
James Regina
Reply to  Tea Party Reject
4 years ago

No….most the whites DO NOT SUPPORT BLM…they just may poll that way, but they won’t VOTE that way ( it’s no different than Hillary’s 87% chance of winning the election up to dinner time the day of the election by polling {entering and exiting})

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

 Part of me would prefer to confront Bolshevism now 

I think we need a couple of years. Perhaps 2024 as a goal?

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Lanky
4 years ago

The confrontation is underway now and will get hotter with Trump re-elected. We don’t have until 2024. A Trump re-election is the ultimate accelerant.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

I see what you’re saying and I agree. However, how hot it *does* get is a factor. We shouldn’t elevate the heat to blowtorch level until we’re ready. All this crazy shit transpired within a period of months, and it takes a little while to adapt and put things in order. I’m not saying we sit on our asses. I’m saying that we do our best to keep the acceleration controlled, and to keep the fire at our backs rather than engulfing us. I guess what I’m saying is that the nature of the confrontation will evolve (as you know)… Read more »

Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

True, but the Bolsheviks have had a very bad fright, so they will pull out ALL the stops to see to it that Trump will not be re-elected. They’re going to put the Postal Service in charge of the elections. Lincoln destroyed the Constitution and state sovereignty, so it will be no prob for the Post Office to take over the elections. Besides, it’s what the Bolshies and the Deep State want. So …

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
4 years ago

A blatantly fraudulent election would accelerate things all the more.

Tea Party Reject
Tea Party Reject
Reply to  Lanky
4 years ago

Why wait until your enemy is stronger four years from now unless you’re really just scared and powerless and don’t want to admit it?

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

The difference has been and would be the viciousness of the State has been exposed and would intensify if Trump is re-elected. Biden will be back to a slow boil.

You are right about the past behavior of Whites after a GOP win. They have seen now elections aren’t good enough.

Reply to  PatS
4 years ago

I think you are right.

if the democrats win the rise of globohomo and transgenderism will continue, and this time it won’t stop.

if Trump wins the left will go insane and the swhtf. Best frog in the blender rather than slow boiled frog.

Reply to  Deadite
4 years ago

Despite my reservations about accelerationism, I think that a Trump victory would be best. The left will lose their minds (if indeed they’ve any left), and I suspect that they will implode rather than explode. This takes advantage of the left’s habit of overextension, as they tend to assume that their frothing crusade will transpire like a hollywood movie.

But what if Trump denounces us after winning?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  PatS
4 years ago

A Trump victory could so enrage the AWRs that they finally do things heinous enough to catalyze a powerful white identitarian movement.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

This is what I think.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Me too.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

You know what would really kick it off if Biden kicked the bucket a week before the election…Can you imagine the chaos that would kick off… Interesting times for sure…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Yes, interesting times. Relatively speaking, only a privileged few lived to see America’s birth in 1776. Likewise, few witnessed its demise in 2020. Hard to get much more interesting than that.

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Given Biden’s age and rapid decay, I’d actually put about 15% odds on that, 40% that he doesn’t make it to 2022.

Tea Party Reject
Tea Party Reject
Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

His vice president Kamala Harris or Stacy Abrams would win in his place and such a victory would only legitimize the terrible things they’d do while in office. They’d have a mandate to enact reparations and defund the police, among other things, because they won as a POC. The right just has no critical thinking ability. Shame.

Reply to  Tea Party Reject
4 years ago

Obviously, you don’t live anywhere near a rural area in any state. Folks out here where I live won’t put up with any of that shit. Tank Abrams won’t be on the ballot in the first place, and Cuck Harris won’t do shit either. There are enough sharpshooters around here to completely decimate any so-called uprising of the BLM or any other lefttard dream of power. You need to get on the right side homes and realize there are way more patriots than you can even imagine that are ready, willing and able to annihilate any BS the hopeless left… Read more »

Tea Party
Tea Party
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

I doubt it. The excesses of South Africa’s racial caste system has only caused Whites there to flee rather than to fight. Same will happen here. Thinking otherwise is a fantasy, a cope to avoid confronting the horrible truth that our side lost and is powerless to fight back.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tea Party
4 years ago

Whites were terribly outnumbered in SA. In BSA we outnumber the Hutus at least 6 to 1. Take your pathetic defeatism elsewhere.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

Yes. I believe that this could very well be the case. With the recent BLM antics, statue toppling and, in Bristol a case of statue erection (BLM ‘hero’), I think that leftists have shown signs of gratuitous overreach. Even in the UK, a Trump victory would incite further outrage and overreach. Whilst it would be a stretch to say the people I know that are ‘likely candidates for turning’ have fully woken up, they are most certainly aware of what is going on and are willing to talk about it. Two friends, for example, previously centrist in their views now… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  OrangeFrog
4 years ago

That’s good to hear, OF.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

I’m writing in Adolph Hitler. Unironically.

Reply to  Durendal
4 years ago

A few decades of Weimar America, under coloured management…and Old Nasty is going to look like a visionary. I tell Lefties all the time, “If you keep doing what you’re doing and think Trump is bad… just keep it up, and see what comes next…”
The next step from dissident politics is insurgent politics. To be intellectually and morally honest, we cannot skip the steps. We must put our time in on the soap and ballot box before going for the cartridge box…

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

yep, and at least if orange wins, we can see them flustrated .

Bruno the Arrogant
Bruno the Arrogant
Reply to  miforest
4 years ago

Yep. At long last, it’s come to this. It’s too late for politics to solve anything. The best you can hope for is revenge.

Reply to  Bruno the Arrogant
4 years ago

Absolutely. If we were going to make a third party maybe we should call it the National Revenge Party. Let’s see, In German that’s Nationale Rache-Partei. So Rache the Vote!

Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

The National Reprisal Party
The National Party of Reprisal. That way it’s NPR and maximum triggering is achieved. I think of lefty frantically scraping an NPR bumpersticker off of zir Subaru.

Tea Party Reject
Tea Party Reject
Reply to  Lanky
4 years ago

Lame. They’d peg you a neonazi, doxx you, and ruin your life as an example to others. Suburban whites would run away because they’ve been taught to worship MLK jr.’s words as scripture. Your party would then lose in a landslide and end up on the ash heap like the old alt-right. No critical thinking ability. Just none.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

“Private, lay down some covering fire. Rest of you men, go to the polling place and vote, then regroup back on the hill.” 🙂

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

As for the cartridge box, the thing we need to realize is that the current civil war (and I tend to think we’re in it, not looking toward it) has multi-dimensional fronts. E.g. In order to resort to the cartridge box, the partisan needs to be able to sustain himself, his family, his community, all while the enemy will be denying employment options and purchasing power. The enemy can deny us use of the grid, use of the credit card, etc … I think before THEY resort to organized (vice rabble-inspired) violence they’ll continue to work the cancel-culture angle, because… Read more »

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

Exactly this. We should all focus on disconnecting as much as we can. We have to be in the position to survive with zero government OR corporate assistance. That probably means relocation.

Reply to  Lanky
4 years ago

A lot of sentences with our fellow travelers start this way “When STHF …..” I’ve started pointing out that there’s a lot of extant turd in the fan blades; the conflict is underway. So now what … wait for a steaming pile to arrive at your doorstep? And react like those Missouri chuckleheads waving their weapons around? We need two things working simultaneously – a disconnecting from the Matrix, and community connections with skilled dissidents.

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

And how exactly do we connect in the present state?
Antirelocationists are obsessed with telling me that shit just has to go down, like, now. Yet they don’t realize that a third of whites would condone (if not relish) turning us in for a scratch behind the ear.

Reply to  Lanky
4 years ago

Lanky – I think a recent post by Moss put it best: we make connections in 2’s, then 4’s and 8’s. When I talk “community” I’m not thinking about my town or county … my community is that small nucleus about which others will form when things get hot.

Antirelocationists? Never heard that term! Sounds like a death warrant to me.

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

Yes and no. The only reason the Left looks so powerful right now is that we have not shown up to riot. And most of those are going down in Leftie’s own strongholds. His vibrant pets can and will turn on him if they think free shit and gibs are in the offiing. It is a very dangerous game they are playing. Their feral pets can and will turn on them at the drop of a hat. For example, there has been a decided uptick in angry black rhetoric about shitlib jews. The civil war will start off like a… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

Their pets are costing them money. Eventually, they’ll get it together and what it looks like when the smoke clears will determine the intensity and scope of their reprisal.

Tea Party Reject
Tea Party Reject
Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

This is less of a civil war than an instance of the powerful putting down a helpless peasant revolt. Based on the comments I’ve read thus far on this forum, the right is doomed. No leadership skills, no ability to organize, no understanding of psychology or modern politics, limited talent, lots of excuse making, lots of scared people indulging in revenge fantasies (don’t worry libs, we’ll fight back this time … in 2024).

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

Exactly. The self-sufficient man is far harder to touch than the man who can be made to kneel because Starbucks will no longer stamp his loyalty card so he can get his free mocha-wogga-choca-latte. I agree wholeheartedly with your final sentence. Not only do many not get it, but it is an immensely hard sell. For a single man, it is no doubt easier, but if you already had a family I suspect it requires you to really put your foot down in the most masculine fashion. I know of few modern men with such mettle! For all the good… Read more »

Reply to  Durendal
4 years ago

I’m pretty sure your County Director of elections will interpret your write-in as a Trump vote. 😉

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Durendal
4 years ago

Durendal said: “I’m writing in Adolph Hitler. Unironically.”
Augusto Pinochet would be my choice.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

And I’m writing in Dmitrii Donskoi.

Reply to  Durendal
4 years ago

I wouldn’t doubt that in future Mustache Guy becomes, shall we say, more respected than he is currently..

Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Reply to  Durendal
4 years ago

Why not? He ain’t no deader’n Hillary.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

This is where dissidents need to look to maybe taking over an existing party. Even if we can’t vote our way out, something like the Constitution or Reform Party could at least bring our issues up more and attempt to shove the overton window back a little bit.

Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

I doubt those parties have enough infrastructure advantage to offset the mixed-messaging and “branding” issues that would come with it. We’re better off starting a new third party to the extent we engage in traditional politics.

Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

Say whuuut?? Politics and parties and voting ain’t gittin’ us outta dis mess. Forget it.

Tea Party Reject
Tea Party Reject
Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

The alt-right tried that with the GOP. They were promptly banned. Also, third political parties like this in the United States are notoriously absent of talent and organization. They are also susceptible to single-issues which can often be co-opted by one of the major parties — even by a single member of one of the established entities and even if the view is not widely held by leadership (Ron Paul). One of the few exceptions I can think of to this dynamic in the anglosphere is Scotland’s SNP. They are an exception because they are an explicitly secessionist party, an… Read more »

4 years ago

One of those stories with no good guys. Trump is a let down, Sessions an unforgivably bad AG in the early days of the Administration, and Tuberville is a buffoon. Given what the DOJ did to Trump and Flynn while Sessions’ “honorably” excused himself, I understand Trump’s grudge – I’d feel the same way.
Nice that the AL seat with flip and maybe keep the Senate from flipping D, but otherwise a worthless election.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

If a long serving Senator doesn’t understand the exact state of the system he’s sure to be a fool, and a fool is a tool.

Reply to  james wilson
4 years ago

No doubt. This idea that he was some little innocent lamb is puzzling

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

The thing most frustrating to me is that Russia-Gate was a net win for our side, as it was such obvious BS it kept normies motivated. If Trump were as politically savvy as we thought he would have kept that alive through Ivanna’s presidency. Although the fact that he was not on the side of the people as much as we thought probably played a big part in his decision to get it off the playing field.

Reply to  ronehjr
4 years ago

“I’ll run for president as a republican. Who cares?”
— Trump

I think that’s Trump’s sole mantra. “Who cares?”

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

A man with that many years in the Senate and in DC was caught completely unaware?

Seems like a stretch

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

He was a Senator for a decade and somehow still thought being a genteel southern gentleman was going to end well?

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

One can only surmise that Sessions is delusional

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

Sessions was a 30-year strong swamp creature. And the swamp wanted him back.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Oh bullshit.

the entire “recuse” was a scam that enabled the Russian hoax to neuter Trumps presidency.

Either Sessions was fully on board with it or he was an absolute fool for not bailing out quickly to end it.

Either way, fuck him. And anyone that trusts his position and resolve on any issue, including immigration is a fool.

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
4 years ago

you are spot on dino

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Wasn’t it Trump who followed Sessions’ lead by endorsing Sessions’ nationalist ideas and hiring Stephen Miller from Sessions’ office? It became part of Trump’s American first campaign. Too bad it seems Trump didn’t believe in it deeply enough to stick with it.

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  R. Boscobel
4 years ago

With that in mind, was any of it real?

Trump’s most trusted advisors — Ivanka and Jared — are zionist globalists. There we are. American political DNA: uninterrupted.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Zman, you’re getting, correctly, a lot of pushback from other responses. Sessions was a senator for a decade so it’s utterly bizarre that you’re painting him as an innocent little lamb. He knew how DC worked. In addition, w/r/t the people you mention who rolled Trump, (1) Rosenstein was Session’s pick as his #2 (Sessions even threatened to resign at a horrible time in solidarity of Rosenstein when Trump was about to fire Rosenstein after Mueller’s appointment) and (2) Trump didn’t appoint Comey, Paul Ryan or McConnell, those were elements that he tried to appease in his attempt to co-opt… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I support Sessons, but he should have known better after his confirmation hearing. His Democrat colleagues in the Senate openly smeared his character and participated in efforts to smear him as a racist during the hearing and after he took the AG job. Even prior to this, he cast a vote to confirm Eric Holder, because of the previous treatment Sessions had been given during Congressional hearings, thinking this show of magnanimity would help produce a spirit of non-partisanship around cabinet appointments. Sessions was already in his 70s with decades of experience in Washington and still totally naive about the… Read more »

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

“Given what the DOJ did to Trump and Flynn while Sessions’ “honorably” excused himself…” This is my problem with Sessions. The Deep State attempted to overthrow the duly elected president. They spied on Trump and his campaign. Theoretically nonpartisan bureaucrats conspired to fabricate ridiculous tales of collusion with Russia to rig the election. They committed perjury. In a sane society, dozens of these people would have been swinging from lampposts. Instead, they impeached Trump. The whole system is utterly corrupt. All the while, Sessions recused himself (or whatever) and he was respectful of the process and his esteemed former colleagues… Read more »

Trapped On Clown World
Trapped On Clown World
4 years ago

Trump is without a doubt a net negative. In fact the entire GOP is. They exist to pull the wool over the eyes of voters and run out the clock on their demographics. In hindsight, Trump was just another in a long line of GOP pols who ran on issues voters cared about; only to immediately turn around and attack those same people via policies designed to hurt them. The one upside of the demographic change is we will no longer need to endure the GOP nonsense after this election. Trump will be the last republican president elected in our… Read more »

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Trapped On Clown World
4 years ago

The last Republican President was Coolidge. Other Republicans were just naps between progressive meals. Most of them offered snacks between meals. Finally they elivered meals too.

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  Trapped On Clown World
4 years ago

Had Hillary been elected, she would have confiscated our guns by now, perhaps leading to civil war, or maybe droning of resistant Americans, and we’d probably be at war with Russia, Iran or North Korea. White men would be even more demonized than they are, probably with re-education camps and violence/murder of whites by the right-thinkers. Cashless society with monies distributed only to those who haven’t violated their standing in social credits by wrong-think. Are you kidding, Trump has delayed the looming leftist/globalist crackdown and I’m grateful, and hope for another 4 years of Trump to somewhat stave off the… Read more »

Trapped On Clown World
Trapped On Clown World
Reply to  R. Boscobel
4 years ago

You acknowledge that Trump is just staving off the inevitable, so what’s the point? I haven’t seen anything to indicate people taking this time to build organizations to help them weather the storm.

Trump is just a massive cope. Most of my conservative friends think that Trump is gonna win in a landslide and “beat those libs”, I shit you not, this is how young men are thinking about Trump being in office. Their delusions are tiresome unhelpful.

Reply to  Trapped On Clown World
4 years ago

Maybe Trump was better for our side than Hillary, maybe he was worse. We don’t have a view into alternate dimensions.

The world will do as the world does. We should focus on improving ourselves, our community, our family, and redpilling those around us. Regardless of what the world is doing.

Too much time is wasted here on speculation.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  b123
4 years ago

The same is true of my funds in my brokerage account 🙂

Reply to  b123
4 years ago

I appreciate your expansive view of our situation, but then I wonder, when it gets down to the present, how are you going to vote?

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  Trapped On Clown World
4 years ago

The time that Trump buys us allows additional whites to wake up to what’s happening. That’s valuable. But it may be too late.

Tea Party Reject
Tea Party Reject
Reply to  R. Boscobel
4 years ago

But additional whites haven’t woken up. Trump has lost support among whites and polls show a majority now support Black Lives Matter. Trump has been a net negative.

Reply to  Trapped On Clown World
4 years ago

Its so people can pull their heads out of their proverbial asses and buy more weapons/supplies and such. All of these things are happening. And yes I know everyone is frustrated with the pace of action. That’s fine. Don’t be stupid. Instead, ask yourself why you haven’t acted and understand everyone else is in the same boat. And note if that answer is I am alone than get off your ass and go make friends or better go contact old trusted ones. Those two thousand man militias like we saw in Klamath Falls Oregon and other ones at Gettysburg when… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

Exactly right, abp. And I hear things are beginning to simmer in Tennessee and Georgia, too.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

The US has a crossroads ahead. In not very much time, as little as a month and change unemployment is going to be exhausted. This could mean twenty to fifty million armed homeless hopeless people with nothing to lose in a very short time, a few months maximum. The options don’t appeal to anyone but they are as follows Lots more federal funds for unemployment and wait hoping the system lasts till the the rushed vaccine is safe and accepted , the later is you force it results in boog Have a few more funds for unemployment with states being… Read more »

Reply to  Trapped On Clown World
4 years ago

 I haven’t seen anything to indicate people taking this time to build organizations to help them weather the storm.”

That’s because the first steps are largely self-driven and family-driven. I myself have begun preparing for the worst, and I have a crew of like-minded friends who are doing so as well.

Reply to  Lanky
4 years ago

Lank if you’re moving anywhere close to the Bitterroot then get in touch…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

If there’s any way we could talk privately, I’d love to learn more. I know where our best future is and it isn’t in this damn city.

Bitterroot? Possible, but I have to move a little west (into the countryside) before I can make the whole trip. I have to gather a little more money.

Thank you, Lineman. You’re doing god’s work.

Reply to  Lanky
4 years ago

Contact me here Brother… go***************@ou*****.com

Reply to  Trapped On Clown World
4 years ago

Is Trump a better choice than Biden’s sheboon VP? Yes or No.

Reply to  Phoenix
4 years ago

It took the socialist/communist election victory in Feb 1936 and the subsequent months of violent oppression of the right to launch Franco on the second reconquista.

4 years ago

The left-wing crazies hate Trump for no reason other than they were told he is very bad”

I have one of these people in my life and one day they were sputtering about trump and I said “so why specifically do you hate him?” and they were absolutely flummoxed. They started stuttering about how he cheated on his wife and really couldn’t come up with anything else. I suggest everyone do it if they can. It was highly entertaining

Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

Get what you’re saying: most voters are much less sophisticated than they realize. They’d take great exception to being told their opinions are assigned to them by their news feeds. Condescending, but also true.

I’m with Z on this though. There’s only one issue I’ve cared about for 30+ years of election cycles: immigration reform, specifically massive restriction. Both parties have lied constantly about it the whole time. Now our fate is sealed, it’s too late to stop the demographic deluge.

”You can vote for change, you just can’t have it.”

Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

It was too late long before Trump took office. The idea that you could vote your way out of consequences was always a wish-fulfilment fantasy. You can’t.

Reply to  ScuzzaMan
4 years ago

This a thousand times. There was NEVER any chance that Donald Trump was going to save America the European-heritage republic. Even if all immigration were cut to zero today, we would still be a minority based on birth rates. The proper metric by which to judge Donald Trump is whether he would be better laying the preconditions for a dissolution of the Former United States of America that ends with us Americans ending up with our own smaller country. He has been very very good in this regard, imo, by getting our enemies to show their true faces. He is… Read more »

Reply to  Horace
4 years ago

This, absolutely

Reply to  Horace
4 years ago

On fertility rates. Black TFR is 1.7 (a tiny tiny bit above Whites) Asian is 1.6 Hispanic 2.0 and White 1.6. Only Pacific Islanders are at replacement, maybe depending on homicide and incarceration rates. Also US fertility among allgrpoups gas declined at about 2% per year, maybe more with the economy and COVID. What is killing the US is immigration legal, and and demograhic momentum. This means your enemy isn’t Blacks, isn’t ANTIFA (these groups arethreats though more marauders than anything) but lobbyists and any business who hires non US workers . Once you understand that than an actual solution… Read more »

Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

Asian was 1.47 in the most recent data. 1.47 includes WMAF babies. However the 1.64 for whites also includes mud babies.

But yes, immigration must be stopped.

That’s why I’m a single issue voter. Literally everything is downstream from immigration.

Reply to  b123
4 years ago

damn you guys are reading the literature!

Reply to  ScuzzaMan
4 years ago

Indeed. It really started in the days of Reagan, when he granted mass amnesty (at Congress’ behest) to illegal Mexican immigrants, permanently pushing the electoral base massively to the left. He should have fought that much harder. That and no-fault divorce. He did well on economics, but he just really didn’t understand social issues at all.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

I think our early Republic was on the right track when orginally, onjly wealthy (White male) landowners could vote. And for choosing the national leaders, it was done by the State Legislatures. I’ve often read the claim, and rarely a rebuttal, that democracies decline as the voting franchise expands. I guess the next step will be having dead people and non-citizens vote. Oh? We’re already there? 🙂

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

I believe that if the original voting restrictions were still in place, things would be far, far different than they are.

People like the zman blabber endlessly about the evils of ‘liberal democracy’ but ignore the problem of expanded voting rights. It’s not that the entire system is bad it’s that it has been perverted beyond recognition..

I’ve asked the zman before what system he thinks is better. Never recieved an answer…

Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

In my former pozzed family, they’d bend your ear for an hour regurgitating the crap they got from the mass media, daytime tv and women’s chat shows…

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

If there is a future USA or Canada in your case contolling or shutting down the press TV and the Internet (say limiting it to 28k or so) ought to be up for discussion

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

Just happened to me last night. Was in a group chat w/ a friend and he said “I can’t imagine why any black person would vote for Trump”. And once again, because my patience for libtard faggotry is at an all time low I lit into him. Why? Tell me the –specific– reasons you are saying this, not what you heard on CNN last night. Several years of lowest black Unemp? Early release for black criminals? Please go ahead… Him: “Well, my wife is here listening and she will get very upset & angry if I get into this discussion… Read more »

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago

have rapidly stepped up my game to expatriate as I just found a way to do it much faster than I had imagined”

Please — do tell!

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  R. Boscobel
4 years ago

Without getting into specifics so I don’t get “Blake Neff’d”– My grandfather’s country of origin has a ‘sanguine right of return’ for anyone that can produce documents he was a citizen. I have those documents as it so happens because I was smart enough to ask for them sensing I may need them some day. So if you can prove direct bloodline you can get a citizenship / passport VERY quickly beyond the usual tedious process. The country is in the Schengen Zone in Europe, which means once I’m there as Frank Sinatra said, I can make it anywhere. What… Read more »

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago

Thank you. You deserve a good turn, Apex Predator, and I hope you find a young, beautiful wife, have beautiful babies, and live a beautiful life! I may do the same, with some of my family’s heritage that may lead to some door-opening. Fingers crossed. So sad to want to leave the U.S. Ten years ago, I would have never imagined I’d think such a thing, but here we are. Good luck to all!

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

I suspect his comment about grabbing babes by the pussy may have put a wad in many a Leftist panty, including those worn by the “men.”

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

Most of them are jealous because no one ever wanted to grab them there

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

No doubt about it, Whitney.

Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

Lmao. I’d bet 5k that at least 80% of politicians cheat on their wives/husbands.

Altitude Zero
Altitude Zero
4 years ago

When Chinese or Islamic historians take a detailed look at what destroyed the United States in the late 20th/early 21st Centuries, football is going to figure surprisingly prominently.

Reply to  Altitude Zero
4 years ago

I think they will come to same conclusion as every other historian: what destroyed the USA was democracy

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Altitude Zero
4 years ago

Analogies to Rome are done to death, but it would correlate well with the prominence of Rome’s gladiator fights in history books.

Reply to  Altitude Zero
4 years ago

One of my first JQ redpills was Paul Finebaum. Why is a Jewish guy the voice of SEC football?

Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

Golden Rule

Those with the gold make the rules

Altitude Zero
Altitude Zero
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

I used to love football, but when people started having football team-themed weddings, baby showers, and funerals, I realized things were going a bit far. God alone knows what could have been accomplished politically, technologically, and even spiritually, had half the energy, time, and money the average normie white guy spent on football between 1970 and 2020 been spent on more important things. Sure, people need entertainment, but when something that ephemeral and unimportant starts to take such a prominent place in your life, something is wrong. If BLM does nothing more than destroy the NFL, we will owe it… Read more »

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Before Trump came down that escalator no one in this thing thought we were going to vote our way out of this mess…then Dr. Kevorkian rode down from his lofty heights to give us his brand of hope and change and numb us to the fading of the light…and here we are now worse off than ever…still pining for an epicurean degenerate to lead us all to the promised land. This system is dead dead dead dead dead….Do you really want to give it just one more shot? Comeon! Just one more! Stop sitting by the window waiting for daddy… Read more »

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Maybe it’s time for American workers to move to Mexico, illegally obtain jobs and support, and demand equality and rights in Mexico on par with Mexican citizens. Whites would come out on top due to our biology and accompanying work ethics and productivity.

Reply to  R. Boscobel
4 years ago

It’s feasible if americans move in huge numbers, small number of whites will be in trouble cause of the cartels.

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  sentry
4 years ago

We need a right-wing militaristic leader to make this happen, I imagine. It’s a fantasy as I don’t see any white men around who are capable of these things.

Reply to  R. Boscobel
4 years ago

There’s a certain karmic protocol to how these right wing dictators manifest.(with exceptions of course, such as Putin)
1.Create a new right wing political group.
2.Guaranteed media will demonize the group.
3.The right wing leader will become popular with the whites specifically cause the media demonized him so much in the 1st place.(same thing happened with Trump & Hitler & many other old right wing european leaders)
4A.Leader gets assassinated, members get jailed & tortured.
4B.Leader organizes coup & takes over USA.

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  sentry
4 years ago

Putin is hardly a right-wing dictator. He’s a die-hard patriot who took on and subdued the oligarchs. Can we in America claim anything similar? Russia is so lucky, maybe it’s not luck, maybe it’s divine intervention. Maybe Putin created the great Northern Kingdom as stated in the bible. I think he did.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  R. Boscobel
4 years ago

Ironfisted rulers are part of Russia’s political culture. Have been since the 15th century.

Reply to  R. Boscobel
4 years ago

And held onto it… another great example of power over ideology / principle…

He will now rule Russia until 2036, despite supposedly being limited to 2 terms lol.

Cuck Jeff recuses himself because he’s a gentleman. Chad Vlad does what he needs to do to protect his people, religion, and nation from outside threats that WOULD re-assert themselves if he left power.

4 years ago

I read the Flight 93 essay back then and completely agreed that it was this land mass’s last chance to possibly change the disastrous course we’ve been on for decades and particularly following the years of obomba. Sadly, it appears we’re augering in just like flight 93. The deep state is too deep and probably no one is up to the challenge of actually draining it. As for Sessions, his recusal right at the beginning of trump’s administration was a big mistake which had a lot to do with the s*** we’ve been through the past four years. Well, at… Read more »

4 years ago

A place where a nobody can make a life for himself was never meant to last because that is not how life has ever worked or will ever work.

It’s not something I like to admit, but it’s just the way it is as far as I can tell. As some have said, America is a “mistress”, and I like many have tried to make her a good wife. But she could never be one.

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Same, America I’ve come to see is an addict for cheap immigrant labor, our strength and at the same time our undoing.

Reply to  R. Boscobel
4 years ago

It’s a mistress with a drug problem

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

And a bunch of other jealous lovers.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  R. Boscobel
4 years ago

In a real sense, the cheap labor is the bulk of the population growth. These people bring their own societies with them. In a democracy, their votes will tend to bring about governments they are familiar with. For most of our recent immigrants, that means a de-facto authoritarian central government, crony capitalism and perhaps token allowance for an opposition but ruthless oppression always a possibility. In fact, that sounds a lot like our government already 🙁

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago


David Wright
4 years ago

Okay my dissident friends the order has been given. Everyone to the escape pods!

Reply to  David Wright
4 years ago

It makes the GOP position look strong by comparison. Just sayin’.

4 years ago

Nihilistic and demoralizing. I’m going to vote for Trump. I don’t know for sure if it will help, but I’m pretty sure it won’t hurt. I know I’ve seen more dissident action since 2016 than ever in my life.

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

He pisses off the libs. He’s white

Best I can hope for in present-day USA

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

I like it when the libs get pissed off, but not out of schadenfreude. Arrogance and anger will cloud their judgement, which I want.
Another part of me, though, agrees with Z. Could Biden be the better choice simply because “the country will burn” if Trump wins? Will we survive that implosion?

Tea Party Reject
Tea Party Reject
Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Voting for Trump and watching him immediately betray us and make a fool of himself is demoralizing.

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
4 years ago

But Gorsuch!
Oh…never mind.

Reply to  Jack Boniface
4 years ago

Most conservativest supreme court EVER!


4 years ago

Excellent analysis. Whites need to put their energy into nullification and secession efforts and practicing not going peacefully with authorities. Voting in national elections will henceforth be a choice between complete White dispossession in 5 years or 10 years. And support a White Nationalist third party if the option becomes available. Which it almost certainly will.

Reply to  HamburgerToday
4 years ago

10 years is still better than 5 years. When I look at what I can achieve in 10 years vs what I can achieve in 5 years, it’s not even comparable. Furthermore, urban white liberals in blue states are the ones being hit hardest by the slow-moving dispossession. They’re the ones making sanctuary cities to encourage illegal immigration in their backyard when it gets clamped down on at the national level. They’re the ones defunding their own police departments. They’re the ones allowing riots to happen. I say let them. Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Joel
4 years ago

Yes, the “revolution will eat itself” idea: quite a bit of truth there. Problem: every movement needs an enemy, and the straight white Christian gun-owning knucle-dragging male (us, mostly 🙂 ) is it! In other words, we will play the bad guy (not given a choice). Guerilla actions against the Left: anything that would create warring factions within them would only work to our advantage. Problem: virtue-signalling. Team A will say: “Look at how many racists my team rounded up last week!” And Team B will say: “Nuh-uh! My team is going to round up twice as many this week!”… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

Thankfully, though, the left goes almost exclusively after soft targets, not hard targets. And who are the soft targets? Urban liberal whites, for the most part. The occasionally cuckservative, but even those are rare. If you live in a red state suburb and know how to use a gun, they are not going to mess with you unless you go onto their turf. Nearly all of the whites you hear about being eaten by liberal mobs were either liberal themselves, or went into liberal territory in a display of bravado. You pretty much never hear about the mob going to… Read more »

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  HamburgerToday
4 years ago

“White Nationalist third party”

I wish! But I think that option has gone the way of Steve King of Iowa — it has been squashed, sidelined, silenced.

Brother John
4 years ago

Rubbish. No matter what you think of Sessions or the president’s treatment of him, and I am myself sorry to see Sessions go, the plain fact is that if he had come into the justice department like a wrecking ball, none of this Russian nonsense would have gotten off the ground, The GOP would probably have increased majority in both houses, the impeachment would never have happened, and we might be living in a totally different world right now. Sessions played by old rules, the president made his displeasure known, and the voters responded in kind, which is perfectly reasonable.… Read more »

Brother John
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I don’t know where you’re getting that from. I am similarly dissatisfied with our lack of progress on these things, but if you’re going to say Trump was a pussycat playing by old rules, when no matter how you slice it he was absolutely and utterly unique in the 2016 field, then we really are finished, and it’s time to pull the plug. my point is that Sessions, one we all supported, folded at the moment his support was most crucial. He could have short circuited every bit of the last three years, but did not, and the price we… Read more »

4 years ago

So the rejection of Jeff Sessions is the death knell for the country. I couldn’t disagree more. It’s just another distraction.
Voters will have a very clear choice to ponder when they enter the voting booth.
Beware the angry, seething American voter at your peril. I see a backlash from what the country is going through.

Reply to  Flash
4 years ago

I don’t get all the love for Sessions

He talked a great game about immigration, but that is easy when you are a Senator and don’t actually have to do anything concrete. But when was in the position to actually do something he floundered.

Why Senators should never be put into executive or decision-making positions

Basil Ransom
Basil Ransom
4 years ago

The problem stipulating the election as the Flight 93 election was it presupposed we had a chance to pull up on the control stick and avert catastrophe. We’re too far gone. The pervasive rot endemic to the system has pushed us way beyond a political solution to our problems, insofar as the federal level being the only one that matters. Perhaps, come the revolution, local options will come about but for now we ride the leviathan. Not that I’m telling anyone what they don’t already know but the foremost problems confronting us are moral and ethical, cultural. Voting can no more… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  Basil Ransom
4 years ago

The problem stipulating the election as the Flight 93 election was it presupposed we had a chance to pull up on the control stick and avert catastrophe. We’re too far gone.

That only makes the analogy all the more apt.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
4 years ago

Don’t regret voting for Trump in 2016. He was still the candidate with the most potential.
On a personal level, even if he was ten times more impressive, a lot of people will not be able to vote for a man who treated one of his earliest supporters like complete garbage, regardless of his screwups. It goes against every code of honor men are still taught in this society.
In a more civilized time Trump would be shot dead by Sessions in a duel, and we would all cheer.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Chet Rollins
4 years ago

In a more civilized time, Trump would be a carnival barker.

David Wright
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

He would defile that honorable profession.

Reply to  David Wright
4 years ago

I’m a little surprised at the degree of hostility to Trump here. Its not his fault the Roberts Court rescinded his daca order. Hell he went with federalist society recs for his supreme court pick (a mistake in retrospect). Fucking republican cucks stabbed him in the back at every opportunity, not to mention deep state. He was out of his milieu. I’m disappointed with him too. But he forced them to drop the mask. I’ve had to rethink nearly everything i knew. FFS i’m arguing for freedom of association in boomercon bastions and getting very little pushback. You guys a… Read more »

Tea Party Reject
Tea Party Reject
Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

Who forced Donald Trump to staff his administration with backstabbers like John Bolton and nobodies like Jared Kushner? Who forced Trump to trade away his political capital on yet another tax cut before getting anything from the establishment? They took that tax cut and then stonewalled the guy for 4 years. It’s not their fault the guy is a sucker. Probably at least half of Trump’s troubles belong to him.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

I hope I live long enough to see the return of that “more civilized time” people keep talking about.

Mark Stoval
Mark Stoval
Reply to  Lorenzo
4 years ago

Lorenzo, are you planning on living forever? The “more civilized time” is not coming back.

The best you can hope for is total civil war and your side wins. Then a century or two of white people rebuilding. There is no voting our way out of this mess.

I had hoped that secession might be the answer but I now see that oppton as useless. The nigs and other non-whites have been convinced we are the devil. There will be no peace until genocide happens. Who wins? I don’t know.

Reply to  Mark Stoval
4 years ago

I’m old and not expecting anything good at all. I have some grandchildren who are so white they are nearly transparent. They are my worry.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Mark Stoval
4 years ago

Agree. I’ve posted the bit of West Virginia wisdom a family friend once said: There are three boxes to solve political problems: the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box. Good bit of wisdom from a part of the country that used option #3 at least a couple times in history 🙂 We seem to be drifting towards the final choice.

Mark Stoval
Mark Stoval
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

I have some family in West Virginia as well as east Tn. When the war comes, I think we can hold the mountains against all but nuclear war.

Reply to  Mark Stoval
4 years ago

The mountains break up the shock waves. Dig in a little. We can hold it against that. In reasonable quantities.

Reply to  Mark Stoval
4 years ago

First, separation is adequate enough and second, rebuilding will not take centuries. Assuming magic comet AH14W did all our work for us, unless some real life Zefram Cochrane comes along (and he ain’t Elon Musk) we are not going to be building a space future. Its neither useful for a people with modest fertility nor given our culture, feasible. Nor will we be rebuilding this tech dystopia or encouraging people to occupy urban centers. Hell we may have to demolish large chunks of the cities that weren’t already wrecked. If wise we may not bother with rebuilding the Internet or… Read more »

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Or would have stayed in his natural habitat as a wrestling heel.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
4 years ago

Sessions stabbed him in the back

Didn’t even give him a head’s up on the recusal

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Agreed. If Sessions was loyal he would have announced his intent to recuse himself before accepting his appointment.

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Sessions was part of the 2016 campaign. As such he couldn’t investigate w/o a conflict of interest, so he had to recuse himself.

Reply to  RoBG
4 years ago

Communists are part of everything and they have conflict of interest also everywhere. Nobody cares. This is a war, not some kid of Gentlemen tournament and treason is worst thing in the war. Why Hillary, Obama, Mueller and the rest of the commies did not recused themselves from this Russian Hoax ?

Reply to  RoBG
4 years ago

no, thats a Courtesy , not a law. hed didn’t have to do it.

Tea Party Reject
Tea Party Reject
Reply to  miforest
4 years ago

Sessions was required by law to recuse himself. The guy arguably made Donald Trump president and then Trump and his supporters turned his back on him and ruined him so we could all get an open borders RINO in his place. Pathetic. What, you think the AG should have given Trump a heads up only so Trump could have then fired him and replaced him with a lackey who’d shut down the investigation? That’s Nixon territory. People would have assumed the Russian conspiracy was true and congress would have immediately impeached and removed him from office. Trump, by shooting his… Read more »

Reply to  RoBG
4 years ago

Then he should have never taken the job

Reply to  RoBG
4 years ago

“Sessions was part of the 2016 campaign.”

Yeah? Then why wasn’t he decent enough to let somebody not compromised have the job?

Bullsh excuse, and I don’t buy it.

Tea Party Reject
Tea Party Reject
Reply to  Lorenzo
4 years ago

Not compromised? How did he know in advance there was going to be an investigation? He had already taken the job. Like I said, no critical thinking ability.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  RoBG
4 years ago

Sessions is probably a good example of why trying to be impartial, or even peace-maker, usually ends up with you being detested by all sides.

George 1
George 1
Reply to  RoBG
4 years ago

That is because conservatives are conditioned to always follow the left’s rules. The dems would have never agreed to have their AG recuse themselves based on having shaken a Russian’s hand.
Sessions should have told them to pound sand. Instead we got Rosenstein and Mueller running the FBI and DOJ , the result the swamp got away with everything.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Chet Rollins
4 years ago

I honestly can’t imagine how anybody can still think that voiting will conserve anything we want to hold on to. The only way White people will survive into the future will be to realize once and for all that we have few if any frinds in the world. It’s just not going to get any better any time soon. Smart, creative, energetic people who can think all the way outside the box will have to step up and take the lead. People with various kinds of expertise and experience, that know the system well and who can get around it… Read more »

Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

Like I say, America as an open society is the equivalent of an easy lay, yet we fell in love with her and wanted to imagine she was a good and reputable wife.

And a former colonial outpost. It will always have an unsettled nature to it. A glorified fort.

All we can do is try to secure a peaceful settlement. And go from there.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Falcone said: “All we can do is try to secure a peaceful settlement. And go from there.”

Wow, why didn’t think of that.? Maybe we’ll only have to beg forgiveness and wash feet on saterday. Works for me.

Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

And I expect you will also be giving Tyrone a nice pedicure !

Scrub scrub scrub 😉

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

I don’t fucking think so. But you can go ahead and start without me.

Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

Well, he is going to have all that reparations money….

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

I sincerely hope so. Do you know what happens to people who have never had any real money, and all of a sudden get pockets full hundred dollar bills? They can’t handle it. It distroys them. You think there’s mass murder and overdose in da hood now. Wait till the big cash comes rolling in. It’s going to be a blood bath.

Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

Works for me

It’s like killing them with kindness

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

It’s been decided that the USA is an open, multicultural society, so those that don’t like it might be best served by immigrating to one of their ancestral homelands. Of course, if those ancestral homelands are in northern, western or southern Europe, you’ll find the same multi-culti phenomenon. So Eastern Europe is shaping up to be the homelands for Whites.

Reply to  R. Boscobel
4 years ago

Yep, we keep trying to make this mistress an honest wife

I love America but I have come to realize it is what it is. It’s a glorified fort and colonial outpost. What can ever really come of it?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  R. Boscobel
4 years ago

Even the vast majority of Western, Northern and Southern European nations are still overwhelmingly white. Demographics gives those nations some hope. America, on the other hand, is finished. Time for Plan B.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago


America is Sloppy Joe everyone wants to believe is actually spaghetti sauce

Tea Party Reject
Tea Party Reject
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

The sad truth is that most conservatives aren’t interested in Plan B. They think they are winning. MAGA! KAG! Trust the Plan! Qanon.Even if they were, they aren’t smart enough for it or selfless enough. They are a doomed people.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tea Party Reject
4 years ago

I’m sure most norm-cons feel that way. But I also believe we’re peeling away some of them.

Reply to  R. Boscobel
4 years ago

my wife is Romanian and we have inherited land there.

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

I hope you and your wife explore what this land is you’ve inherited and choose to live there, if it’s suitable for you. Get out of this God-forsaken land of degenerates and violence and corruption.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

I’ve got a Romanian friend. He’s a mathematician and nominally a conservative. I haven’t spoken with him lately, but I do wonder if recent events are causing him to consider returning to his home.

Aditya Vivek Barot
4 years ago

My acrid comments of late were precipitated by the ultimate redpill: there is no America since Americans will not make the slightest sacrifice to defend the parsimony bequeathed unto them nor are they inclined in the least towards transferring unto the next generation an inheritance substantially equal to, if not greater, than the one they received. I stopped caring once it became indisputable that Americans simply don’t think like dissidents. This land and its heroes, its stories and legends, its glory and the price paid by better men are thoughts so alien that they don’t even register on their psyche.… Read more »

Reply to  Aditya Vivek Barot
4 years ago

If we all get what we deserve, who then will escape the lash? You were right to believe in the dream of America: It was a wild experiment of Christian men, for a Christian people. God laughs, and grants his enthusiastic children success against all odds. He has not abandoned us, so long as we seek Him. Other men have faced harder roads. Be of good cheer. Tribe up. Be a good neighbor. Who knows what great and good and beautiful thing you can build? All it took were 12 men for the glory that was Western Civilization. Will you… Read more »

4 years ago

Voting Republican just slows the demise, or at least disguises it while they hold the White House. I don’t care what anyone says, Trump, Bush, whatever. It is far better to look at a Trump in the White House and listen to his bullshit than to have an Obama saltnpepper in the White House listening to his. Does it change anything? Just the volume and the optics, but since I have to live in this damn hell hole of brown man superior, orange man bad, white man dead Ill take the adjustment to the volume and slightly clearer picture, as… Read more »

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  LibDis
4 years ago

Word, LibDis.

Reply to  LibDis
4 years ago

Apparently all you care about or hope for is having a more pleasant bullshit soundtrack for the White genocide. Very inspiring.

4 years ago

Another demonstration of why voting for national offices does not matter. Bear in mind that Jeff Sessions as an anti-immigration force of one could not have accomplished anything in the Senate anyway. No, not even if he lined up Cruz and the rest of the LARPing 100% rated TruCon coalition that can always be counted on to burnish their stats and resumes when it doesn’t matter and nothing’s going to change anyway. Spare me any replies about SCOTUS, Biden’s gonna send the troops after us, etc… Trump is Orange Soma – we need Whites awake to their peril and angry… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Whites awake to their peril and angry enough to do something about it. That only seems to happen when a Democrat is President.”

Whites will be much more at peril if the re-elect Trump. NOTHING would accelerate things more. Biden will slow walk the genocide.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

lol saw you over at unz arguing with jews.

Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

Fran Taubman’s muh bae.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

well can confirm you was pissin em off. Hell man, that the sympathetic jews. Take it easy on them.

4 years ago

This was a rare swing and a miss by the Zman. Flight 93 crashed in no small part because Sessions betrayed Trump by unnecessarily recusing himself from the entirely bogus Russia investigation, and did so without even discussing with the White House. Sessions didn’t even bother to obtain an independent opinion of outside counsel on the issue. In my mind this was probably the worst betrayal of a President by a Cabinet member in the history of the United States–I can’t think of anything else that comes close. I still believe that Sessions was the “insurance policy” referred to in… Read more »

Reply to  Guest
4 years ago

Zman doesn’t like Trump

That’s fine

A matter of personal taste

Reply to  Guest
4 years ago

Yeah, I enjoy this blog but this was a crap entry. As our blogger drifts into Never Trumper-ville, I wonder if a career “upgrade” to the hallowed halls of National Review are in the offing? This whole black pill thing is un-manly. Soldier up, Zee person, suck it up and stop whining. Perhaps you do not have kin, children, and thus no future to fight for? I do. And as an adult trained up in ROI, choices – and how they relate to politics, I never had the need for a “hero” to come save the damsel in distress. See,… Read more »

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  Owlman
4 years ago

If Sessions had just an ounce of the integrity, honor, substance, and nobility of Z Man, he’d be most worthy indeed.

Tea Party Reject
Tea Party Reject
Reply to  Guest
4 years ago

A swing and miss from you. Sessions didn’t “betray” anyone. What was the alternative? Cancel the investigation and have congress impeach Donald Trump for obstruction of justice, conducting their own investigation in the process and using it as an excuse to get rid of the guy as a traitor?

Reply to  Tea Party Reject
4 years ago

Apparently you’re not up to date on current events. The Russia Hoax was a scam from the get-go, and constituted the foundation of the coup to force Trump from office. Sessions (as AG) had a obligation to stop that criminality, not enable it.

4 years ago

Sessions was dumped because of his silent (and significant) role in the coup. He was no man of honor, nor did he use his position as AG to slam the door on illegal immigration. As with nearly every politician in DC, he was mostly a paid actor performing a charade for the masses. Our problems will not be healed by any messianic “leader” that inhibits the Imperial Capital, so mourning Sessions political death is a waste of time. Real redemption will arise from the bottom up.

Tea Party Reject
Tea Party Reject
Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

Jeff Sessions was a man of principle unlike that imbecile Donald. J. Trump and his moronic supporters. What exactly stopped Trump from slamming the door shut on illegal immigration himself? Did he ever seriously campaign against birthright citizenship or ending chain migration? His party controlled congress for two years and this idiot wasted it on tax cuts and moving the embassy to Jerusalem. Why blame Sessions? Did Jeff Sessions force Donald Trump to go around advocating record levels of legal immigration?

Reply to  Tea Party Reject
4 years ago

Speaking of principles, Jeff Sessions’ first act as a member of the new Trump Administration was to betray the man who nominated him for the AG position. Betrayal is not a principle that most people crow about. And yes, Trump has his faults too (most humans are fallible), but only a very sick society praises betrayal as a noble principle.

Edward Colston
Edward Colston
4 years ago

This is our future at the hands of the mainstream right in the west, whether that’s Republicans/Trump in the US or Conservatives in the rest of the Anglosphere: This statue replaced one of Edward Colston on the same plinth. Not only does the right overtly support women like this in its tweets and public statements, but it also funnels money to Adidas (that’s where all those tax cuts really go) and freely does the scab labor bidding of companies like that. The right is not our friend and there is no value whatsoever in voting for them. You’re not even… Read more »

Reply to  Edward Colston
4 years ago

Neither side is our friend

We are a small band of renegades, essentially. We have to accept it and look out for our own interests and do what we can to survive in this nasty environment.

4 years ago

If trump weren’t trouble for them the please tell me why they have spent unimagineable ammounts of energy to remove him? if it were worthless, they wouldn’t have cared so much. I will vote orange this time , because I believe the aggressiveness of the savaging of the american people will be slightly more restrained if there is at least one non inner party person who could go rogue if they get too enthusiastic abot it. thats cold comgort, but the world has been taken over with this covid thing , and whoever they are and whoever is doing the… Read more »

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
Reply to  miforest
4 years ago

America’s largest retailer, Walmart, announced today that they will be requiring their customers to wear masks. Other retailers who were holding out are likely to follow suit. Just like that we have a de facto national mask law thanks to our corporate masters. With apologies to Bubba Wallace, they are continuing to tighten the noose.

Reply to  Judge Smails
4 years ago

My local Walmart has had the mask sign up for a couple weeks but i still go in sans mask & no one says anything.

Reply to  miforest
4 years ago

It’s theater. He signs every bill that literally prevents him from acting on his 2016 campaign promises. Of course when a bill emphasizing that it’s Congress who has the Constitutional power to declare war, or they try to prevent the manufacturing of sensitive military tech from moving overseas to Saudi Arabia — out comes the veto pen.

Tea Party Reject
Tea Party Reject
Reply to  miforest
4 years ago

Because it’s good optics and good for fundraising. Tell me exactly how Donald Trump is threat to anyone. The guy can’t even stop Twitter from censoring his Tweets. In the face of wide-scale riots, the impotent old man is reduced to incessantly Tweeting Law & Order! Pathetic. You’re squinting your eyes and crooking your head in the faint hope you can see something that’s not really there.

4 years ago

We’re not going to vote ourselves out of this situation, so voting for Trump in 2020 to “watch the left freak out again” would only be playing into “Finklethink” as the TRS guys describe it, which is essentially what ZMan described in today’s post too. “Finklethink” is named after a political operative that trained the Democrat and Republican parties to energize their bases and get them out to vote by expressing their hatred of the other side, rather than voting for any policy issues they expected to get from their own side. Over the course of three decades, the electorate… Read more »

Reply to  Finklethink
4 years ago

We have two choices, Trump or Biden

McDonalds or Burger King

Yeah, sure I’d like to have a Michelin 3 Star restaurant on the list

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Elect Biden and you get Kamala Harris after Biden is shuffled off to the Alzheimer’s home.

That’s a difference worth thinking about.

Reply to  Lorenzo
4 years ago

No doubt That alone makes this not an election to be shrugged off or taken lightly In a larger sense, I get this feeling that we are trying to make America into something it isn’t and never was. It reminds me of these people who buy all new windows, new siding, install a porch on a mobile home. Thinking it will make it into a real house. So from my perspective, I don’t see any value in getting all worked up over the direction of the country. It’s never been my country; if it was, this wouldn’t be happening. I’m… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

“So a vote for Trump s really just a vote for someone who makes my time here a little more enjoyable.”


Reply to  Lorenzo
4 years ago

the psychic break of the left might be the “good enough” reason to give Trump another vote…it might also be the only reason. re-watching the tantrums always makes me feel better.

Tea Party Reject
Tea Party Reject
Reply to  Lorenzo
4 years ago

It’s not. We’re getting Harris or someone like her either in 2021 or 2025. It makes no difference when at this point. Don’t waste your efforts on Team Red vs. Team Blue anymore. I certainly won’t.

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Better yet, we have two choices, as Z put it succinctly the other day: vote Biden, and we are back to 2012. Vote Trump, and we are in civil war.

Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

Is what it is

If a war is in the cards, nothing we can do to change it

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

We are not going back to 2012. We are going forward on the left’s long march through institutions and the fruits of that long march in one world government, bar-coded vaccines, social merit points and cashless society. Trump was a subtle interruption to that trajectory.

Reply to  R. Boscobel
4 years ago

I do believe that we will escape and make a better life in our own communities. They will come for us one day, but they’ve got some work to do before that happens.

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  Lanky
4 years ago

See: Randy Weaver

So much for little independent communities.

Go big or go home.

Reply to  R. Boscobel
4 years ago

We have to make a home before we can go big. One precedent doesn’t have to set the rule.

Reply to  R. Boscobel
4 years ago

He didn’t have Community that’s why they were able to do what they did him…Aren’t you supposed to be on your way to EE anyway… Wonder why your so against building Communities and instead have advocated to run away…Hmmm

The South is Dying
The South is Dying
Reply to  Finklethink
4 years ago

And there a LOT of copers trapped in Finklethink in this very comments section!

Delmar Jackson
4 years ago

If we really are all on our own and no one is coming to save us and the borders will soon be even more wide open, what is to be done? Do a thought experiment. You now live in a country turned into Brazil or South Africa and your liberties are gone and your name is on a list and your white skin is what keeps the hate going that sustains those groups allied against you. What are you doing to survive? What do you wish you had done ten years earlier to make your survival easier now? The people… Read more »

Reply to  Delmar Jackson
4 years ago

Perhaps a group of white men bonded together in brotherhood?

Reply to  Delmar Jackson
4 years ago

as my grandfather used to say, your best friend is the dollar in your pocket

I think we are all on our own

I’ve been an outsider all my life, so I will survive. A lot of us will. Others are going to have to start thinking creatively and forming tight knit communities

Reply to  Delmar Jackson
4 years ago

It would be worse in prison. The Aryan Brotherhood did pretty well for themselves. I’ve always wondered if they fan boys of derbyshire. Be pretty funny if posters of Derb decorate their cells. I do know they partial to Nietzsche, so it’s possible.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Delmar Jackson
4 years ago

You’re only defeated when you’re dead. The defeatists believe all whites will soon be dead, or at best, formally enslaved. I don’t buy that bullshit for one minute.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

It’s because they are surrounded by the pozz and that’s all they see so they think they are defeated before they even begin to fight…I get the feeling that people don’t believe that there is any hope left and that’s just sad…

Tea Party Reject
Tea Party Reject
Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

There isn’t any hope within the current system. That’s the truth. Absent a miracle, and it’s over. The right lacks the talent, the psychology, and the drive to make a meaningful change. There are just too many data points in this direction to claim otherwise. Many conservatives are old boomers wedded to 2A fantasies and the like. Others are fringe internet weirdos. You don’t build a future with that. The other side has all the talent, all the drive, and thus all the institutional power. A Russian making the same kind of observation about his country in early 1917 would… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tea Party Reject
4 years ago

You’re far too dire. There’s plenty of talent and brains on our side, and the drive is slowly developing. The other side, for all of its success, is irrational, and, except for a white sliver, stupid. They are also mechanically declined. The balance of the social capital is on our side.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Living behind enemy lines is never pleasant. And that is what all dissidents are doing. Norm-cons are too, although they don’t yet realize it.

Tea Party Reject
Tea Party Reject
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

This comment perfectly demonstrates the psychology of the right, and why they lost: they are incapable of thinking as a group. Individualy, the observation is true, but for groups this is not true. The Whites of South Africa are clearly a defeated people even though many remain. American Whites are on the verge theselves. As a people, we are on the precipice.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tea Party Reject
4 years ago

The SA analogy is irrelevant. The demographic are opposite in SA and the US.

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
4 years ago

Sessions recused himself from the Russia hoax and changed the course of the Trump presidency, damned it really — unforgivable. Or so I thought, but Z Man and Ann Coulter were still pro Sessions, so maybe I’m terribly wrong. Sessions was a swamp creature who would have re-joined his congressional colleagues to serve the inner party, no? I’ve come to think of Sessions as a Trey Gowdy, the good old boy championing in words the pro-white American causes but never actually *doing* anything to help. Did Sessions not undermine us? Why would we want him back to lie some more… Read more »

Reply to  R. Boscobel
4 years ago

If a cop comes into a bar and asks if there are any under-age drinkers, Sessions would be the guy who rises from his stool and points them out and then is super proud of himself for being such a good and honest Boy Scout. Meanwhile, the bar owner is arrested and carried away in cuffs and loses his livelihood.

Reply to  R. Boscobel
4 years ago

Come on. What’s preventing him from mandating E-verify? Jr and Eric implemented in one Trump biz back in 2019 and discovered dozens of illegals were employed there. They never expanded to the other 95% of the businesses and now Trump is against it. That can’t be blamed on Sessions.

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  RoBG
4 years ago

E-verify is a joke. Any electronic checker is malleable and used to the detriment of average white workers.

Reply to  R. Boscobel
4 years ago

Care to explain? It discovered the illegals at one Trump resort. Better than nothing. Of course it could be improved if there was the will to do so. During his first full two years Trump handed out hundreds of thousands of “discretionary” work permits to border jumpers. More than Obama or W ever dreamed of. What does that say to you about his true intentions re: immigration?

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  RoBG
4 years ago

So Trump is going to pay workers to be legally here and make way more than he’s allowed to pay by law? I don’t think so. Do you? Trump’s hiring practices are not what the U.S. standards are set by. As a businessman, he will want to go with what is most affordable and the best quality for his companies. Is that so hard to understand? Given your standards, Bernie Sanders should be having socialist pay and retirement standards for his workers and yet, we see they suffer under the same cheap wages and crappy healthcare the rest of us… Read more »

Tea Party Reject
Tea Party Reject
Reply to  R. Boscobel
4 years ago

One long excuse from a Trump sycophant. Nowhere in this comment did you provide an explanation. Just deflection and boilerplate.

Tea Party Reject
Tea Party Reject
Reply to  R. Boscobel
4 years ago

Excuses, excuses. Always an excuse for Donald Trump.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  R. Boscobel
4 years ago

So e-verify is a joke, but an anonymous comment on an obscure shitpost thread from a decade ago can get you doxxed and boxed.

Where there is a will, there is a way.

Tea Party Reject
Tea Party Reject
Reply to  R. Boscobel
4 years ago

You know nothing about Jeff Sessions or his opponent. Tuberville IS a swamp creature and fits your Trey Gowdy comparison nicely. Pure TCS. Because butt buddy Donald Trump threw one of his moronic tantrums on Twitter, his MAGA sycophants just assume he’s right and make excuses. When he goes down, Ann Coulter will look like a prophet.

Reply to  R. Boscobel
4 years ago

I think y’all are a bit tough on JS. I remember him at the Trump rallies prior to the election and he was beaming. He was so pro-Trump he would’ve jumped on a grenade for him. His problem is that he was honest to a fault … probably a bit like King from Iowa.

4 years ago

Regardless, the end of Jeff Sessions marks the end of immigration, nationalism and populism as salient forces in official politics

Very likely. But to paraphrase old wisdom, the Party might not be interested in unofficial politics but unofficial politics is interested in them.
People who’ve been among the fattest the world has ever seen for decades can afford all manner of stupidities.
Right up until the moment when those stupidities interrupt the supply of food, fuel, and other necessities.
Then people tend to get real real, real fast.

Reply to  ScuzzaMan
4 years ago

I think it will take longer than you think; people have been filling their brains with false equivalencies and inaccurate understandings of causality for decades, even centuries. A lot of blood will need to be shed before people learn their lesson.

My Comment
4 years ago

Sessions didn’t lose because of a preference for a football coach. He lost because he was seen as disloyal to Orange Man and OM told them to vote against him. Conservatives view politics as a game of football. They love to root for their team no matter how bad it is. They also love to root against the other team. Trump is the captain of their team and half of Republicans will applaud him no matter what he does or doesn’t do. He is their guy. I had one law and order republican tell me the other day that one… Read more »

Tea Party Reject
Tea Party Reject
4 years ago

The United States is over and democracy killed it. Never trust anything important to the masses. They are the masses for a reason: they are imbeciles.

4 years ago

The fact that a sizable chunk of the comments here are still convinced there’s a political solution to our predicament (“I will still be voting for Trump because…”) shows how far the dissident right still has to go. I know generational politics are fake and gay, but I do wonder if age plays some role in support for the system. I don’t know for sure, but it seems like this site generally attracts older people than, say, the TRS guys. If they attract mostly younger guys, those guys grew up knowing nothing but dysfunction and destruction, so they have no… Read more »

Reply to  GenDivides
4 years ago

True, there are a lot of older people here (myself included) but it’s more a lot of new people from centrist/cucked sites. Sometimes I would swear I’m at Gateway Pundit (which banned me years ago). I will admit I was deceived enough by Trump, in the beginning, to violate my prior ‘abstinence’ and vote for him. Yesterday I mailed in the form to have my name removed from the list of registered voters. Bring on the crash now, please.

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

You noticed that too😉

Reply to  GenDivides
4 years ago

It shows how few here are actually “Dissident Right.”

By definition, dissidents oppose their political system, not just the staffing decisions or policy points.

Solzhenitsyn didn’t go to prison because he thought Stalin should have gone with a three year plan instead of five.

bob sykes
4 years ago

No, Democrats and Republican are NOT all the same. And Trump and the Republicans are NOT the issue.
Today’s Democrat Party is a maoist party. If it is elected: it will cancel the first 10 Amendments, starting with the 1st and 2nd; it will open the floodgates to black and brown immigration; it will enact the Green Economy (imposing poverty on us); it will impose a communist totalitarian police state; and it will enact South African style genocide of Whites.

Reply to  bob sykes
4 years ago

How has the GOP defended those amendments, restricted immigration or curtailed the green swindle?

Republicans will never give you anything if they believe you’ll always vote for them b/c “Dems are Commies.”

It’s the easiest grift in the world. At least Blacks know to demand something for their votes or they’ll stay home. You demand nothing of the GOP but to stay a little bit to the right as the Dems lurch left.


4 years ago

I would have voted Tuberville. A cheap cuck yes but my practical choices are living in Africa or Mexico. I’ll choose Mexico every time.

Tuberville has a better chance of beating Doug Jones and stopping President Abrams get Whitey act of 2021

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  Whiskey
4 years ago

Why are your practical choices living in God-forsaken Africa or Mexico? And why choose Mexico? If you don’t have Latino blood, it doesn’t make sense, they don’t want you. They’ll smile to your face and then cut your throat while you’re sleeping and take your stuff. Keep in mind that Africans that ended up in Mexico were assimilated to “Mexican culture” through breeding. Hence low IQ’s and ugliness (and dysfunction) in Mexico, save for the more Indo-Euro types.

Reply to  R. Boscobel
4 years ago

africans? indians you mean.

Reply to  Whiskey
4 years ago

I live in So Cal which is Mexico more or less and it is alright. The woimen aren’t much to my liking but no one seems to be having kids anyway and marriage is not really common.

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

Thanks for the dystopian confirmation.

Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

I tend to agree, but disagree as to whether it matters much living among Mexicans in Mexico, or in Southern California. Whether we admit it or not, it does matter where you live wrt corruption and rule of law. We often lament the degradation the USA is going through, but it will take a while before we hit bottom in both crime and corruption which is the norm in MX.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

abprospre said: ” The woimen aren’t much to my liking but no one seems to be having kids anyway and marriage is not really common. ”

Hahahaha! Excellent ! So all the White people will just get old and die off. You give me hope. 😀

Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

Humanity outside of Africa and a few other regions is getting old and will eventually be dying off. South Korea for example is below 1 child per couple fertility.
That said would you marry modern women in the current divorce situation?
Didn’t think so.
Upside the Amish and a few similar sects are doubling every generation and the devout and fertile are doing fine.
Modernity is going the way of the Dodo but White people will probably own North America.
Of course they will be avoiding buttons and eschewing technology but hey.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Whiskey
4 years ago

Moving to Eastern Europe or Southeast Asia is looking better every day.

Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

Another example of Flight 93 crashing is Steve King’s primary defeat in the 4th Congressional District of Iowa. The Inner Party did all that it could to defeat him and it worked. The demographic destiny of the U.S. is now firmly sealed. Biden will grant amnesty to millions, if not tens of millions mostly Hispanics and more will pour in across the border. Middle Eastern and North African whites will get a separate census category and European-origin whites will become a mere plurality as early as 2030. Maybe it’s just as well the Founders’ statues are coming down. This country… Read more »

Reply to  Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

Maybe it’s just as well the Founders’ statues are coming down. This country has little to do with the one that they knew.”

Yep. It’s like fighting over them tearing down dinosaur exhibits

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

At least one can voice support for dinosaurs without getting canceled. Are brontosauruses racist? They kind of look like those weird bush ladies.

Reply to  Lanky
4 years ago

I like your thinking, Lanky

Incidentally, that’s not Lanky as in Lankershim??

If you are from around me you will know what that means

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

It’s an old highschool nickname. I’m quite tall and thin. Been ten years since I’ve graduated. Old friends are all pozzed except one.

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

I’m near Hollywood, we’ll have to hook up sometime and watch a game. Barney’s Beanery. Bar & grill. Opened in 1920. Santa Monica Blvd.

Reply to  Frip
4 years ago

Right on the cusp on NJ/PA if anyone’s around

Reply to  Frip
4 years ago

Ha ha, used to hang out at Barney’s

But YEARS ago

But remember the old Red Rock on Sunset right up the street (Holloway??)

It’s now called State something. Been there twice and you can smoke because it is technically outdoors, but you feel like you are inside. I like to smoke when I drink.

Let me know. Maybe some time in the next few weeks !!

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Cool. Months more like it.
Frip88 a…..t….prot—–on////mail

Reply to  Frip
4 years ago

Months sounds good

Unless I die, you know where to find me

Dave Dees
Dave Dees
Reply to  Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

“Biden will grant amnesty to millions, if not tens of millions mostly Hispanics and more will pour in across the border.”
So will Trump.

Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

Another example of Flight 93 crashing is Steve King’s primary defeat in the 4th Congressional District of Iowa. The Inner Party did all that it could to defeat him and it worked. The demographic destiny of the U.S. is now firmly sealed. Biden will grant amnesty to millions, if not tens of millions mostly Hispanics and more will pour in across the border. Middle Eastern and North African whites will get a separate census category and European-origin whites will become a mere plurality as early as 2030. Maybe it’s just as well the Founders’ statues are coming down. This country… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

King, like Sessions, is a White patriot and his loss was a blow. But let’s face it: neither the House nor the Senate GOP will do anything other than throw the borders open wider.

4 years ago

I have offered the opinion here before that voting for Trump was indirectly beneficial even if he failed to produce results with respect to the promises of his campaign. I no longer believe that. It’s hard to keep up with all the bait and switches but the one a couple months ago over refugee immigration was so obvious even I finally learned. Voting in a one party country only serves to lend false legitimacy to the regime.

Tom K
Tom K
4 years ago

First duty is to oneself. Therefore, why sweat these impossible politics, whether Sessions bad, Trump good (or the reverse) as an example? Just remove yourself from it. We’re headed for really bad times so none of this matters. Personally, I’m brushing up on basics, like knot-tying, knife-sharpening, fire-making, Morse code, etc. It’s true, I’m old but maybe I can pass it on to someone who can use it, and anyway, it keeps my morale up more than all this crazy shit.

Reply to  Tom K
4 years ago

Yep, it’s out of our hands

I’m with you. Start getting ready for the crash.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago


We should have been prepping 15 years ago.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

I was naive

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Me too brother, me too.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

I moved from a beach community to Appalachia 10 yrs ago. Took certain amount of heat from the fam. Interestingly, they seem to have strange new respect for the old crackpot these days.

Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

Hmm did the same thing but to the bigger mountains 😉 Also did it as a young crackpot 😂

Major Hoople
Major Hoople
Reply to  Tom K
4 years ago

Right there with you Tom.

Christian Attorney in Ohio
4 years ago

So much for QAnon’s theory that Trump and Sessions were just pretending to be at odds. I know Zman thinks Q is nonsense. Have any of their predictions actually come true?

Reply to  Christian Attorney in Ohio
4 years ago

Interesting Article at Briggs in relation to this article today. https://wmbriggs.com/post/31751/ Look, friends, there’s only one major (earthly) thing we can do about this, and that is ensure Donald Trump is reelected. If he is not, we are lost. It is not that we are saved if he is elected. But his election is at least a chance for moments of sanity.You have to put aside disappointments you had in the man. There is no other choice. Biden is an empty vessel, the diversity hire VP that will replace him a token. Giving power to Biden is to give power… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Unfortunately all too true. One quibble, the “same” argument has pretty much been made throughout my lifetime—not just in 2004.

We demonize the opposition and tell the folks they must vote for our side, or Satan wins. I’ve grown weary of the ploy. It is the Sirens’ song.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I can’t see any reason to reelect pres. Trump exept for the same reason he was elected in the first place, he’s not the other guy. A Biden presidency would be the Obama regime 2.0 and then some. Voting for the lesser of two evils is all Americans have ever had. It’s that simple. And if anybody thinks the madness would slow down with Alzheimer’s boy in the white house, your dreaming.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Yeah, but it doesn’t mean it wasn’t true then and now. The NRA held the line, more or less. We don’t have soft power but we still got hard power. It could be worse. You guys in the city are getting too demoralized. Look into the Angola war in the 60s. History reviewed dot com if you need a pick me up.

4 years ago

Blaming Sessions for everything is the same bullshit mindset that the right always has. A big man saviour will swoop in and save the day. Big man Sessions could have drained the swamp. Sessions is naive and a fool. So is Donald. So is Bannon. Pretty much everyone has flamed out of the Whitehouse except Javanka and Kellyane. Kobach failed. King is gone. It’s time to accept that the system is broken, in fact it barely exists as we think it does. The system is broken so stop expecting anything from it. If Sessions was clean he wouldn’t be allowed… Read more »

Reply to  b123
4 years ago

I don’t blame Sessions for anything except caving to the apparatchiks and letting the coup go on full bore. I didn’t expect a big man savior, I expected someone to uphold the rudiments of legal process. He was too stupid, gullible or corrupt to do even that.

Good riddance.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

The sad thing is a football coach wins.
We are trading the statues of men willing to die for their nation and allowing the Jacobins to tear them down.
And now the South is electing a Football Coach whose greatest accomplishment is guiding negroes against each other in a pig skin contest.
Its now Alabama and Auburn football as the new Gods of the south!
Good luck with that.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Sessions would save the statues, would he?

Reply to  Lorenzo
4 years ago

He’d be the like guy trying to stop a street race with hundreds of people and dozens of roaring cars and he’s out there blowing his whistle

4 years ago

If Kris Kobach loses in Kansas, then Flight 93 has definitely crashed, at least in terms of institutional power. But was 93 ever aloft? One Senator out of 100 being anti-immigration, whether it be Kobach or Sessions, is not the ratio I want. There should be 55 Senators there who are anti-immigration. That leaves the power of grassroots and alt-media, which is also small, but it’s our best hope now. This is a generational fight.

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

Since Kobach and Sessions are out, who exactly are anti-immigration in Congress?

No one. It’s over. Move to Eastern Europe and make Eastern Europe Great Again!

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  R. Boscobel
4 years ago

You keep banging the drum for Eastern Europe. Is that where you live?

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

No, I live in the downward spiraling U.S. and it’s where my people come from and I think I need to return there. I’ve been working on the language.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  R. Boscobel
4 years ago

My wife has Slovakian roots. I would consider moving there. I know Russian fairly well already, so that will help me with the language if I decide to take the plunge.

Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

Good post and excellent analysis! My only add is that Jeff Sessions was in his 70s. Either he was unwilling to step aside for a younger man, or the Inner Party made sure that there was no such man available. By 2024 it is quite possible that the presidential election will be between female Brahmins: Nikki Haley and Kamela Harris. I thought that that prospect might finally awaken Normie that it’s no longer his country. Now, I don’t think so. Now, more than ever, is the time to take Zman’s advice and try to form local groups of like-minded people… Read more »

Reply to  Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

If it were “our” country , none of this shit would be happening

Ergo, it is not “our” country and never was

I know it’s a bitter pill to swallow

We are just passers through, renters, tenants — paraphrasing the movie, I think, The Good Shepherd

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

We’re just here to pay taxes and keep society moving. Keep the 3rd worlders fed and clothed. It’s not ours. We are serfs.

For a long time we were allowed a high standard of living so we would look the other way when confronted with this fact. Fewer and fewer white (men especially) are being given this privilege now.

We are good serfs, it’s in our blood. We honest and hard working. Maybe it’s time to change that (especially on the honesty part) – hard work is still a good virtue.

Reply to  b123
4 years ago

You and I think alike

And, yes, maybe it’s time we start showing our fangs

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

We need many fangs. And sharper fangs. And a stronger venom, too.

Reply to  Lanky
4 years ago

You need a purpose and a reason to bite, So as to repeat for the umpteenth time, leave me alone does not work. Will not work, has never worked. At best you drive the problem away for a short time and they return to take what it they wanted before. In order to have civilization your guys must take power, use power and make people do as you say. This does include people nominally on your side as well. This means imposing your moral order by force and making sure enmies are gone from your polity or farther if you… Read more »

Reply to  b123
4 years ago

That’s the jewish opinion as well. In fact khazars(jews) never worked the fields, they hired mercenaries to kidnap white serfs(slavs). Everytime jew meets hard-working white, he tricks him, this is a recurring stereotype in all types of european societies. In many monarchies jews seduced nobles, permitting the khazars to have authority over their serfs. In communism jews enslaved the proletariat. In capitalism jewish bankers dominate the entire political scene. Nazism ended up becoming reason for white man to hate his own race. No matter the system jews always win. If I wouldn’t believe in demonic intervention & dark magic I… Read more »

Reply to  b123
4 years ago

That’s why we separate ourselves from the parasites and build our own Communities for our people so all our hard work goes to our people and not the parasites…So simple a caveman could do it…We do get quite a bit of pushback though so it must be something they fear…

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

‘Never was’ eh? This country was kept 90% White with very little 3rd world immigration until recent decades.

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

God help us, women “leaders” like Nikki Haley and Kamala Harris will hammer in the last nails of our coffin, and implement destructive policies with zeal. It’s over in the U.S. Immigrate back to your ancestral homelands if possible. The U.S. will be engulfed Brazil-style into violent multiculturalism necessarily headed up by strongmen and authoritarian governance, which was the whole aim.

Reply to  R. Boscobel
4 years ago

I recommend moving to Argentina or Chile or maybe some other south american country.
Western Europe is just as fucked as USA is.
Let mestizos come to USA, while u run towards their countries.

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  sentry
4 years ago

Argentina and much of Europe, especially Portugal these days, are jewified. Other latino countries have no interest in whites, unless whites are willing to adopt latino culture, which is very different from European culture. So if you want to live with white European Christian culture, that leaves Eastern Europe.

Reply to  R. Boscobel
4 years ago

Or get off you ass and find a way to make people live by Christian rules.
The US is chock full of White Christians tied of being ruled by a secular nigh Satanic elite.
None of you guys though wants to say the obvious, we should not accommodate wickedness to buy peace.,
Now there are some Christians who would be willing to work with Heathens who hate Globohomo, that’s fine but the goal needs to be the imposition of a moral society whatever that is.
Start doing that and be willing to sacrifice maybe just maybe you can have it.

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  sentry
4 years ago

Yes, maybe whites could overcome and rule in latino cultures, but I think the jews and corporate interests already rule there, leaving white where they currently are in the US: tax cattle and losers.

Reply to  R. Boscobel
4 years ago

I thought u wanted to run away from being hammered by globo-homo puppets, not to rule South America.
Doubt by running to Eastern Europe you will rule there, not to mention they have difficult languages.

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  sentry
4 years ago

Why shouldn’t white people rule our part of the world?

You show you have been brainwashed to think the new way: whites are bad and indigenous people of color need to rule the Americas. Get ready for disaster. Whites create wealth, people of color create chaos and poverty.

Reply to  R. Boscobel
4 years ago

If u wanna rule a part of the world then fight in your own country for your own people, don’t try to run away, expecting to rule over others.

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  sentry
4 years ago

My own country? You mean that country filled with latinos, blacks and asians? Get real. Ridiculous.

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  sentry
4 years ago

Who do you think rules in the U.S.? And is it good?

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  R. Boscobel
4 years ago

Correction: That’s Nimrata Nikki Randhawa, aka, Nikki Haley, gungho neocon. Vicious Indians, like Kshama Sawant, that bloodthirsty Indian in our Pacific Northwest. They are ruthless compared to whites.

Reply to  R. Boscobel
4 years ago

Ruthless and relentless. They remain energetic while most whites tire.

Indians are going to be the biggest problem demographic, mark my words. Not China, not Muslims, not Mexicans. They have stewed for thousands of years in below shithole conditions. When moved to a first world country, that chutzpah and energy required to simply eat in India, blossoms and they overtake everyone and everything.

I have matching energy to live, and for my people to live. Unfortunately the vast majority of whites appear to not have this.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

Normie cux are far too busy not seeing color and salivating over the latest young negro bodies that have been recruited to their alma master’s football team.

Reply to  Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

By 2024 half of “conservatives” will be saying “if I had a daughter she would look like Kamela.” The other half will fever at the possibility that their sons might earn a seat at the table by browning his seeds under the radiance of a strong independent womyn of color. By the time the Boomers in power are ready to pass the baton there will be nobody in the room but for Adriana, a portly “associate health provider” who will pull the plug an hour early to catch the second half of the LA Reconquistadores game. I kid! Sorta. The… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

Plant a tree. Better, plant a whole grove.

Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

Exactly. For a long while I squandered my gifts attempting to make up for the fact that I chose not to plant during the best time to plant a tree: 20 years ago.

A mistake I strive to atone.

There is a lot of focus on our side about what has been lost or not – and how to get back to 20 years ago; less so about how to plant that tree during the second best time to plant a tree: now.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Flight 93 had crashed before the 2016 election was held. Whether Trump is re-elected or not, the wheels have been set into motion. It is time to resist, resist, resist and ignore who is in the Oval Office or whoring their souls in Congress. America is alive even yet. The United States Empire is on life support and the priest has been called. Sessions was my favorite senator. Both he and Trump still believed in the system and were burned because of it. Sessions learned a hard lesson. Trump has not. We need an explicitly pro-White political party to pull… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Negotiating terms of separation is our last chance to avoid the coming conflagration. But that will require an Awakening of White Consciousness. That means intensified Missionary work and Proselytizing. There will be Martyrs. Put your shoulders to the plow brothers and sisters.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

An explicitly pro-white party will lose every election, because half of whites are traitors. Democratic ethnic nationalism will never work as a cure for Democratic anarcho-tyranny. Order must either come from above in the case of an executive or a military leader seizing power, or it must come from below in the form of localized armed resistance turning into balkanization. It will never come from elections, unless those elections were moving from a place of greater order to a place of lesser order. You’ve proposed a highly ordered electoral strategy. Since we’ve largely exhausted the supply of social order, that… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Joel
4 years ago

The purpose of a pro-White party will not be to win unless a miracle happens. The purpose is to gum up the works enough that a settlement can be negotiated. The one-half of Whites who will betray their race probably won’t vote for those trying to commit genocide against them, either.

Politics is only a small piece of what has to happen.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

They’re already voting for the people who want to genocide them; hell, many of them are leaders calling for their own genocide, just after the genocide of the badwhites in the suburbs.

Reply to  Joel
4 years ago

“Half of whites are traitors”

Precisely why meatspace exodus for whites must occur before we can truly begin to proselytize. Small communities means people you know and trust, and a minimized risk of infiltration.

Reply to  Lanky
4 years ago

Mission work and community building work hand in hand. Be smart about it for sure. I’m in the process of vacating my current abode (60% white) for a region that is 92%. But as a born again race realist I realize I have obligations to “familia mea”.
Yes, 1/3 of us are spiteful mutants who in a gentler time would never have survived to adulthood. They are destined for judgement. Metaphorically speaking of course.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Joel
4 years ago

Half of whites aren’t traitors. Perhaps a third are. And while a white nationalist party would not win elections, it could pull the GOP rightward. But all of that is as may be. It would be no less difficult to build a white nationalist party than it would be to create Whiteland. Therefore, why not devote our energies to the latter?

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Not sure Sessions actually believed in the words he said to his adoring followers. “You shall know them by their fruits.”

Reply to  R. Boscobel
4 years ago

Hope your not conflating my reference to martyrs with Mr. Dobson’s support of Sessions. I consider Sessions nothing of the kind. My analogy is forward looking.
Having said that, add Trump to your sentence and it is still relevant.

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  GetBackUp
4 years ago

So what exactly did Sessions accomplish for heritage Americans?

Reply to  R. Boscobel
4 years ago

Sorry, I’m making no defense of Jeff Sessions. Is that an actual quote from Sessions? My point is that “we shall know them by their fruits” is true, no matter which politico is referenced, and Trump, as well as Sessions et al, have been found wanting.
Rome’s burning, I hope to save as many as I can without going up in flames myself

Reply to  R. Boscobel
4 years ago

I think he’s talking about SoCals

4 years ago

I must cry bull shit. Jeff Sessions recused himself from an investigation and plunged this nation into the calamity of the last three years. He is a swamp creature and as such sought only to protect his image. If with gun in hand he had either offed himself or taken Chuck Schumer down I would view him in a more generous light.

4 years ago

Another consistent and great analysis by the Z man. Several points to remind the arm chair lawyers and boomers here: 1) Z man is consistent, he was the only sane voice and still is with the corona hoax. 2) Civil Nationalist and boomers will vote Republican no matter what 3) Football coaches are perceived smarter than anyone 4) In all the talk of the alt right and fake news, the civic nationalist still fall for the old dinosaur media news. 5) Poor people and weak people will be bullied by the rich and powerful. Jeff Sessions is a great man… Read more »

4 years ago

As I have said, say now, and will continue to say:
Passively handing state power over to the anti-white left because reasons is the act of an idiot.

Reply to  Vegetius
4 years ago

Like the old saying of cutting off your nose to spite your face…

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

Wonderfully off topic.

Here’s a vid of a black british female meathead on a news program talking about taking down Winston Churchills statue. Now get this, she says, ” I’ve never personaly met him ” but thinks his statue should come down.

comment image

4 years ago

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to… Read more »

Reply to  GetBackUp
4 years ago

The quote always comes to mind when I hear so many say even on here that the best way is to lone wolf it…They already decided to be the one waiting to get eaten last…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

That’s been one of the hardest lessons to learn. Have always considered my self a”rugged individualist” and outsider. Have finally realized the price our ancestors paid for us to be here today. Anybody that shares that lineage I now try to see as family, even the dickhead whose dog keeps shitting in my yard. Appreciate that you address most here as Brother or Sister. Its a practice that needs to grow.

Reply to  GetBackUp
4 years ago

They know if they can keep us atomized then they can defeat us…Thank You Brother 😉

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  GetBackUp
4 years ago

What part of “had understood they had nothing left to lose” is not clear? It’s not here yet. But it will be. Maybe.

The Republican Plantation
The Republican Plantation
4 years ago

Seems like anyone here who’s still planning on voting for Trump and/or Republicans should forfeit the right to mock blacks for “being stuck on the Democrat plantation.”

Reply to  The Republican Plantation
4 years ago

I left a few snarky comments at Sailer the other day, and a respondent got all high and righteous about muh equality and judging the individual and genetic background was not determinative, blah blah blah. And he unironically called himself “dissident.” Lots of the same type of folks here at Zman now, too.

Reply to  The Republican Plantation
4 years ago

Sure, why vote. Let’s just sit back and let Kamala Harris in office after Biden goes to the Alzheimer’s home. She’s no worse than Trump about hating whitey, right? Meanwhile, we wait for Commandante Nick Fuentes and his band of revolutionaries to emerge from their mountain fastness and declare the [insert government form here] of Honkeytopia.