The Logic Of Political Violence

Back in the Cold War, one of the things Americans would puzzle over was the political violence behind the Iron Curtain. Most Americans assumed they would resist the state terrorism they heard about from the media. Of course, they assumed such a thing could never happen in America. Today we are seeing just how easily state sponsored terrorism can get going in any country. The reason is there is a political logic to murder that comes as a part of ideological movements.

The logic of political violence is best understood by considering the way Progressives frame their anti-speech pogroms. They keep equaling words and ideas that vex them with violence. For example, someone posting crime statistics on Twitter is accused of posting violent content or inciting violence. At the same time, BLM burning shops and murdering young white mothers is pure political expression. Language they don’t like is violence and violence they like is free expression.

All acts, speaking or physical activity, are judged in purely partisan terms. That person murdering white mothers on behalf of the Progressive cause is morally good by default, as he is sustaining and advancing the interests of the cause. Similarly, the person who stops laughing too soon at an official joke is consciously or unconsciously working against the interest of the cause. He’s a threat. In other words, all actions are judged only in partisan terms, not in relative terms.

Further, making total war on anyone acting against the cause, even by mild simple disagreement, is a form of self-defense to the partisan. The logic here is that someone saying something that contradicts the beliefs of the Progressive cause must be at war with the partisans of the cause. After all, what makes the partisan a partisan is his fidelity to his cause. To invalidate the cause, even by questioning it, is to invalidate him and therefore, striking at the bad speaker is self-defense.

Again, you see this in their language. Before the lock downs, colleges had already implemented a policy of “safe spaces” on campus. These were places where Progressive activists could be totally free of criticism or questioning. The post-modern partisan equates physical safety, not only with the lack of disagreement from outsiders, but the absence of anyone and anything that contradicts the cause. They demand to be insulated from physical reality, as well as contrary opinion.

This conflation of people with ideology into partisanship is why Progressives have always had a somewhat comical obsession with the backlash. A Muslim shoots up a gay club, for example, and the Progressive media writes stories about how Muslims fear a backlash from red necks and Christians. They just assume the Muslim was right for acting on behalf of his cause. Further, they just assumed his enemies, even though they are imaginary, will do the same.

The conflation of the ideologue and the ideology must lead to either political violence or political separation. The partisan looks around and sees nothing but enemies, people holding opinions that contradict the cause. Further, he sees them operating in a system that contradicts the beliefs of the partisan. Hence the concept of systemic racism that is popular with Progressives. They are surrounded by people and a system that is at war with the very essence of who they are.

There can be only two responses, fight or flight. Once the partisan has power, though, the only logical response is fight. Once they gain power, they are not just defending themselves, but now they imagine they are defending society as a whole. Rounding up dissidents and having them executed is not just vindictive cruelty, although there is a lot of that, for sure. To the partisan mind this is an act of self-defense. The bad-speaker is at war with the cause and all is fair in war.

Inevitably, this logic is confirmed by the piecemeal response to the political violence unleashed on the public. Someone realizes that the people in charge are willing to use violence and he or they respond with violence. This small act becomes the bloody shirt the partisans then wave around as justification. Notice how the Progressives still mention Charlottesville as a justification for their pogroms against anyone expressing unapproved opinions on social media.

It is tempting to dismiss these people as insane, but their logic, with regards to the use of political violence, is natural. After all, the death penalty is rooted in the same logic of societal self-defense. The murderer who can never be allowed loose must be killed, not as punishment, but so he can never kill again. There is a blood sacrifice to it, as Joseph de Maistre explained, but the fundamental logic of the death penalty is rooted in the most basic instinct of man – self-defense.

This is why America is probably closer to Soviet-style show trials and political violence than most Americans realize. Most people are not partisans or their partisanship is mostly ornamental. They wave it around when politics comes up, but it usually works to cut-off political arguments before they get started. Many Americans, probably a majority, are still trapped in the old political framework. Worse still, the so-called Right still thinks we live in a rule-based republic.

It is important to note that the Russians never saw Stalin coming either. Some suspected what he was, but most did not. The political violence of Stalin crept up on his fellow partisans on little cat feet. Before they could understand what was happening, he was having them packed off to gulags. The ultra-violence of the French Revolution similarly crept up on the radicals. The great blood sacrifice of radical political ideology is always the destination no one sees coming until it is too late.

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David Wright
4 years ago

There is no backlash on our side of this. You know it, I know it, everyone does. Too many mask complying cowering fat asses and blm kneelers.

Anyone think Tucker will lead us now. Tell me again what was so frickin offensive from that writer of his who posted it on some shit message board anonymously. You are right about show trials coming though. We have sponsored ones now.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  David Wright
4 years ago

We have moved into the realm of political terror with church burnings, attacks on random white people, the burning and looting of businesses. Yet…no pushback.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

“Yet,” Jack. Give it 3.5 months. We’ll have to see what emerges.

Reply to  Jim Smith
4 years ago

Here’s an interesting take on this. To summarize, Pool’s point is that you have two different things motivating the different sides. The Left’s various mobs, degenerates and parasites see a grand opportunity to seize some new ground that they don’t even really need (yet). The White Right, on the other hand, sees this as a fight for survival (which it is). In the end, who will fight harder? A bunch of low-lifes wanting a few more gibs, or an increasingly well armed white faction that feels backed into a corner. Pool is talking about the election but you can see… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Huwitey ain’t waking up. Plan accordingly.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

You know, I disagree. I think Whitey will awaken rather late (thereby suffering greater tactical losses than necessary), but awaken he will.
Maybe whitey is already awake and we just don’t know it yet. Maybe he thinks he has some time for coffee and toast and a phonecall with mother before it all transpires — even though he most certainly does not.
Maybe it’s just idealism left over from my youth, but I think that it’s far from over.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Lanky
4 years ago

Of course it’s far from over. But don’t tell that to a few of the posters around here. If it was up to them we’d just cry into our oatmeal whilst awaiting the boxcars.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

Don’t wait for the boxcars, lads.
comment image

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

As much as I love this blog, its pretty overrun with black pill despairing losers.
Contrary to opinion its not hard to slowly make a community and to make an effort to live in the way you want.
Its just it can require some sacrifices and effort and a lot of the despair brigade are just too lazy and set in their ways.

Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

Then fucking do it. Prove us wrong.

ill be the first to applaud when you succeed.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

I am working on it as we speak but I am not telling some random guy on the Internet who and what.
You shouldn’t either.
And if you think it is impossible, Klamath Falls put over a thousand armed guys aon the ground when Anfifa/BLM wanted to cause trouble.
There were militia at Gettysburg as well though the press is saying the Antifa action was a hoax.
There are also things like Bikers for Trump.
Go make some friends and work in carefully.
And if you live somewhere highly atomized, try and find a way to move.

Tea Party Reject
Tea Party Reject
Reply to  Lanky
4 years ago

Whitey will not awaken now or probably ever by sitting back and waiting for it to happen. Did they wake up in South Africa and fight back? Not really. Besides a few over-hyped White communities in marginal areas, they’re mostly fleeing the country as Whites always do. Humans are herd animals; they move with the pack. Whites sense their side will soon lose* due to demographic change and overwhelming propaganda coming from those with real power in society. Thus, whitey cucks in BLM struggle sessions. Polls a few weeks ago showed a majority of Whites support BLM. That’s pure Stockholm… Read more »

Reply to  Tea Party Reject
4 years ago

Excellent post TPR. The need for elite support is what we need to recognize and deal with. Reach out to whites in other countries and even to black and hispanic nationalists here as much as is possible*. The Bolsheviks’ ideology was explicitly internationalist. The White Russians eventually got the idea too and accepted foreign help. It was too late and the help too little though. Practical solutions are available. Our poster abprosper keeps on about the need to create a vision of a place where a man can have a family and not have his children corrupted or assaulted. Others,… Read more »

Reply to  Tea Party Reject
4 years ago

S.A is not a useful example The White population of South Africa is less than 10% though now it seems to be actually growing.
We have 13% Black by comparison.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

The most effective pushback so far has been Catholics praying rosaries at statues.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
4 years ago

yes , very observant.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Chet Rollins
4 years ago

True. The moral dimension is important to rally Whites to be Whites.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

I dunno. We just had the first federal execution in 17 years and the criminal was a “white supremacist”. I think our law and order guys are just getting started.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

I noticed that as well. TPTB are sending a message, and it’s about as subtle as a ghost pepper in your Cheerios.

Reply to  David Wright
4 years ago

Has anybody seen what Neff is to allegedly have said? All I hear/see are allegations against him with no evidence.

What did he say that was considered so “unforgivable” by the cultural fascists?

Reply to  David Wright
4 years ago

I never expected Carlson to lead anybody. He has a big national audience ans says stuff nobody else with a big national audience dares to. That’s something, anyway.

Reply to  David Wright
4 years ago

I was never expecting Tucker to lead us. I was expecting him to follow.

Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

Why expect him to follow? Having expectations of another person without influence on or contact with them is a waste of time.

4 years ago

What is singularly unique about our revolution is how, compared to the French and Russian revolutions, is has so little fuel to work with. Black people are not oppressed, but rather quite privileged. Until recently Americans were prosperous and free. A largely bogus list of grievances had to be manufactured and sold to the people. A French revolutionary would laugh at our casus belli.

NJ Person
NJ Person
Reply to  IPrank
4 years ago

Perhaps this is not a real revolution, but a Cultural Revolution. It has the distinct feel of the ruling classes shoving it in the faces of the white middle class plebs. For example, look at the way the corporate CEOs support BLM and the way the trust fund brats taunt the police.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  NJ Person
4 years ago

This is close to what I think, NJP. This a faux Marxist revolution being orchestrated from the top. It could be an even worse form of totalitarianism, or the Cloud People running the show could lose control as happened in Russia in 1917. The Cultural Revolution is part of the takeover.

Reply to  IPrank
4 years ago

You’re watching a movie intended to convince you a revolution is on.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

All revolutions are fake & orchestrated. U think the russian peasants didn’t support the tsar? The majority of russians didn’t riot.
The point of the revolutionary movie is to create societal chaos, same thing happened in Russia, divorces exploded during revolutions, women targeted(conspired actually) the high status men for their wealth, destruction of churches, children raised without a father(cause they are easily to manipulate by the system), institutionalized atheism. Sounds familiar?
This will NEVER stop till democrats gain full control of every institution in USA.
Vote Trump! Don’t give in to their bans, riots & propaganda tantrums.

Reply to  sentry
4 years ago

Something about it doesn’t pass the smell test to me. I’m not an historian, but when I think of successful leftist revolutions, they tend to involve popular resentment over being given the crumbs from a growing pie. The growing pie is what makes them successful. The promise of a greater share of growing wealth is something worth fighting for, and it also helps pay the bills. This one is about bringing the US down, not capturing it on the way up. It imitates a narrative we’re all familiar with to manipulate our expectations of what’s to come. Bigger government, expropriation,… Read more »

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

Before WW2, there were below 3000 romanian communists in the entire country, romanians only 25%, basically a few hundred romanian commies in the whole country. No one gave a fuck about communists, same with majority of whites today who don’t like democrats. Press was ruled by jews(of course), whenever right wingers did anything, the press called them terrorists(sounds familiar?), whenever commies killed people, press called them freedom fighters(sounds familiar?). How did the commies take power, if they had no popular support? Simple: They threatened to murder 1000 young men if romanian king does not abdicate. Withouth king commies take over.… Read more »

Reply to  sentry
4 years ago

Chill out man I’m not anti-Trump. Disappointed for sure but not against him.

As far as Romania, maybe just maybe it had to do with the USSR hoovering up smaller countries.

And as far as Russia, they were industrializing before WWI. Perfect opportunity for commies to squat.

Neither situation describes USA 2020.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

U think the us army & police aren’t converged?
Remember the armed couple who defended their own home?
They’ve gotten their weapons taken away.
All american institutions have been infiltrated.

Reply to  sentry
4 years ago

The Korean War was a UN action, just one example. The commies took over long ago, and now they are desperately (and I think futilely) trying to stay in control. There is a strong element of psyop in what’s going on now. We will be free of all this at some point in the not-too-distant future.

Reply to  sentry
4 years ago

The two-party controlled opposition kosher sandwich is worse for dissenters than a one party system.

Trump has not even proven a speed bump against the Jewish/Prog agenda. He’s greased the skids for much of it.

GOP delenda est. To the extent voting can help us, we need a new legit opposition party.

Reply to  sentry
4 years ago

I wish more people here understood this.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

If you dig deeper, you may find that those “leftist revolutions” were often imposed on the little guy, and done so in his name and “for his benefit”, of course. Much of history is written by those leftists and not the little guys. The little guys are almost always pawns in the game. Granted, some of the pawns are enthusiastic ones, but they often never understood the real score, either. They were often sold a bill of goods that turned out to be moldy.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Arbitrary impositions might be possible in an autocratic society like Russia, for instance, but in a society like America you have to build consensus— you have to convince the people they’re making the choice. Which is why what’s going on seems incompetent to me. They might’ve brainwashed enough whites and reshaped the demographics enough to create an ugly mess but not enough to pull it off. What worries me is that the opposition seems only slightly more competent, but at this point I still think we’ll get through this. Bloodied and weak I imagine, but I’m willing to say we’ll… Read more »

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

One thing that helps dissolve those black pills is reminding yourself that there was already an exodus from the Democrat-run metropoles before this year and now it’s probably 10 fold greater. Ordinary people are fleeing the places run by the Left like East Germans pouring through an unguarded gap in The Wall. They know what they’re running from. We just need to give them something to run towards.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Yes Dutch. The little guys are the black pawns who don’t even know they are being played. We are in the midst of a internecine civil war where blacks have been weaponized for use by one half of a white tribe against the other half of the white tribe. The real battle will begin when our half stops chasing those shiny objects the media throws our way, like Redskin football, impeachment, Russian collusion, and the latest racist hoax and begins to focus on what really matters – our survival.

Reply to  IPrank
4 years ago

The French Revolution was initiated not by the unwashed masses, but rather by privileged Liberal Nobles such as the Duc de Orleans.

They had quite a bit in common with our current overlords, save the funny hats.

Diversity Heretic
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Good comment on Bastille Day. The French Revolution, at least at the outset, resembld a coup d’etat more than a mass uprising.

Reply to  IPrank
4 years ago

Is it:

  • the French Revolution II,
  • the Red Cultural Revolution II
  • (with “White Fragility” instead of “The Little Red Book”?) or
  • the Spanish Civil War II?

All of them were mind bendingly awful. But this is America, and we’re exceptional. Ask anyone.

I fully expect to simultaneously see the US unleashing an unholy mishmash of all three. Because we’re just that exceptional.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

The reach is global. We are one of many exceptional countries about to become more exceptional.

Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

We’re probably going to be a combination of all three in addition to the Bolshevik Revolution, Yugoslavia, and present-day South Africa.

Good times ahead…

4 years ago

Mass political violence in Russia predated Stalin. Lenin, Dzerzhinsky and the Cheka weren’t exactly amateurs. Stalin and his NKVD built on the strong Jewish Bolshevik legacy of their predecessors. Too many Americans are still too soft to follow the example set by the predecessors, colleagues and heirs of Solzhenitsyn. But there’s a sizeable White minority with the awareness to see what’s at hand and the determination to not bow the knee or lay down and die. America isn’t coming back. Surviving After America is about organizing this White minority and building something better outside the reach or in… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Mass political violence in Russia predated Stalin. Lenin, Dzerzhinsky and the Cheka weren’t exactly amateurs

Mass political violence in Russia predated them by more than half a millennia, tracing back to the brutal Mongol conquest and centuries of domination. Ivan the terrible was no slouch – would’ve given Stalin a run for his money had he had 20th century tech at his disposal.

Really, mass political violence was a cultural norm for Russia.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Dinothedoxie
4 years ago

Stalin was Ivan Groznyi plus electricity.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Yes, far too many here in the UK are also too soft. I wonder how much prodding will be needed before they wake up? Perhaps many never will, preferring to ‘go along to get along’, it does appear that many were never really meant for freedom – or at least taking responsibility for themselves as well as the society in which they live. Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag Archipelago, in which he mentions that the only thing necessary for people to behave like brutes is ideology, keeps ringing through my head. Every time I see some business endorse BLM or other Whitey Whackers,… Read more »

Reply to  OrangeFrog
4 years ago

There’s hope for some Whites in Europe & abroad but I think North America is going to have to be a lifeboat for residents of Cuck Island & South Africa at the very least – maybe Australians living in the shadow of China as well.

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

China seeks world power and domination via economic means and soft power, where possible. White dissidents would do well to be-friend China for support once the people of color take this country into a more chaotic state post-Trump (when the world is looking to China and Russia to contain the U.S. vibrants from using the world’s largest nuclear arsenal). Russia — white and Christian — would be a good ally in this way as well.

Reply to  R. Boscobel
4 years ago

I agree. There is too much China bashing on the right, epecially in the social media edgelord community. I could easily see the United States being co-opted and turned into a racist empire dedicated to erasing White Europeans globally. The left’s Russia hate could easily turn on the entire continent. We should persue alliances with this regime’s opponents, namely Russia and China. No Chinese ever called be deplorable or painted racist messages on my streets or said they’d blow up Mount Rushmore.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
4 years ago

I’m a big fan of following the examples of the dissident/partisan communities in Siberia and other remote areas of the Soviet East, largely established and settled by former prisoners.

They developed a network that provided housing, jobs, cash, child care and all the other necessities for internal exiles, un-persons and ex-cons and helped the ever-present Soviet black market thrive and expand – all while living under a much more overtly-repressive regime than we currently have.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Any book recommendations? I have only read the Gulag Archipelago, and I couldn’t help but admire some aspects the ‘Vory’… These people, the professional thieves, seemed to have exactly what is needed for an exclusive group to survive – a natural fear of outsiders and a code of belonging that was central to their group membership. This mentality is one that would need to be cultivated, but I guess requires a set of individuals to have a tough time of it first… Which doesn’t mean whining because the supermarket ran out of kale!

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  OrangeFrog
4 years ago

To get a feel for what life will be like my best recommendation is a work of fiction, THE OCTOBER CIRCLE, written by Robert Littell during the Cold War. It’s both a fun and informative read and covers lots of what we are discussing nearly 35 years later.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Ah yeah, Littell, good suggestion. He wrote some thick tomes, but he’s fun to read. The Company was pretty entertaining, if you’re into espionage fiction.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
4 years ago

Dmitry Orlov has some information in “Five Stages of Collapse” about how dissidents smuggled money in and out of Russia, the usefulness of black market connections, etc… Haven’t read his other stuff yet but he’s definitely on the collapsitarian UPIC dissident wavelength.

There’s a paucity of reading on actual dissident “craft” from Russia. I’ve been digging for some in the last two weeks and will post them as I find them.

Take a look at true crime stuff, particularly Russo-mafia and gang-related undercover stuff here in the US (particularly with bikers).

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Definitely checking “Five Stages of Collapse” out.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  OrangeFrog
4 years ago

The second book of Solzhenitsyn’s The Red Wheel: March 1917. It occurs during the March Revolution. It describes how institutions centuries old collapsed overnight and threw the country into chaos setting the stage for the anti-Russian revolution in October. It shows how the steady corruption of public morality rotted away its public institutions from the inside and rotted away all of the foundations that had taken so long to build. The confusion and lack of comprehension by most educated Russians left them vulnerable to being undermined by a small well organized malicious minority. Most of the novel is about how… Read more »

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

The Whites were not completely swept aside in 1917 though. Let’s not forget that various factions of the Real Russia fought on until 1921. Most people still think a revolution happens almost overnight but every revolution is a civil war too and often these things drag on for years. I’d also like to point out that the “interwar” years (1918-1939) was actually a long process of European civil wars between Communists and traditionalist factions who later became grouped together as “fascist”. It’s also important to remember that the “fascists” actually won this phase of the conflict – in Spain, in… Read more »

Reply to  OrangeFrog
4 years ago

200 years together

Reply to  OrangeFrog
4 years ago

A couple that I recommend include the following: Cancer Ward by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. This is an outstanding novel on his transformation from being a non-believer to a devout Orthodox Christian after intimate experiences with death and communism.  The Making of Holy Russia: The Orthodox Church and Russian Nationalism before the Revolution by John Strickland. This is an interesting and detailed read on the dynamics of Imperial Russia before the Bolshevik Revolution in October 1917. Russian Treasures: A historical novel about the Red October Revolution of 1917 by Elvira Baryakina. This is a gut-wrenching, first-hand experience of the atrocities that the… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  OrangeFrog
4 years ago

Power is so much more consolidated now than then, OF. People willingly and stupidly use social media without any defensive measures and place targets on their backs. Financial institutions ban customers who don’t toe the line. Cellphones and debit cards allow anyone to be tracked. Employment is denied those who attract the mob. Jeering Uncle Joe publicly in Podunk would get immediate attention from the wrong folks. There is huge merit to living among allies and establishing networks even now, though. But it has become more difficult in both the UK and US than it ever was in the Soviet… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Some things are easier for Shlomo today but shitposters don’t have to worry about the Lubyanka just yet. We’re in much better shape than our predecessors. Most of the advantages of the modern surveillance state can be curtailed just by unplugging and/or decent tech opsec.

If Afghans with a mostly 20th century tech base can resist for 20 years under occupation, droning, covert ops, etc… we can do just fine. It’s a matter of awareness and will.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

As far as finances, we are in much worse shape than our predecessors. The ability to suspend all transactions in a nanosecond is what the rawest of power looks like. I expect a full court press to do away with cash and Bitcoin ASAP.

The Lubyanka is fast upon us and just awaits a redefinition of “hate speech” as falling outside the First Amendment, possibly due to it being a tax or whatever.

Agreed on unplugging, though, and staying aware.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

They haven’t outlawed cash or money orders yet and bitcoin is still out there.

Bank accounts and plastic are not the only way to move money and assets or otherwise do business with each other. Dissidents can’t afford to think so passively.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Look up “Hawala”. It’s a sort of low tech Near Eastern Tor for money, with trusted nodes. It works because of ethnic and family solidarity among the people using it – and the fact that the penalty for financial shenanigans tends to be death.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

I have encouraged others to use barter and stock up on necessities even on this thread. No passivity here at all. We do have to recognize our economic lives are being constricted even now to change behavior, though.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Cheers for the recommendation, I’ll have a gander. On the consolidation of power, I take your point, there are now many ways in which one can be singled out. The most alarming is probably the restrictions that financial institutions can implement, as you mention. However, the most alarming thing is how willingly people give this all up. For example, I rarely use my bank card – preferring cash, I have no social media presence and just keep on acquiring as many skills as possible. Although removal of physical money is going to be a kick in the family jewels, if… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  OrangeFrog
4 years ago

Enjoy the book. THE RED WHEEL someone else suggested is excellent for a good fictionalized history of how the stage was set for the Red Terror. Much similar is underway now.

Taking down the buffoons first is how we are being conditioned to all being taken down. Those pubs are the best way to network.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

They aren’t allowed to be open anymore 🙁

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  OrangeFrog
4 years ago

I saw where a 12-year-old boy was arrested for a racist tweet against some Hutu football player. Twelve years old, for Christ’s sake.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

Twelve years old, the perfect age for diversity training. By the time he is sixteen, he’ll know the correct way to think. Where was this incident? The UK? Seems like something that our government would do.On the plus side, in many small English towns there are many people with the same views, I have travelled to many places in this land, and it is encouraging that reality still has a strong hold on many. Clearly, the situation in the UK is not the same as in the US; we are still 85% white and there are many places to go… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  OrangeFrog
4 years ago

Yes. In the UK. Demographically you’re in much better shape than “America,” but juridically, viz free speech and gun ownership, you’re in a much tighter spot. Both countries suck, to tell the truth.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

‘Mass political violence in Russia predated Stalin.’

Canny observation. In contrast, there isn’t a tradition of mass political violence in America, outside of Reconstruction. Probably a main reason for the stunned reaction to whats going on now.

I wouldn’t expect violent political purges here. If I had to guess, I’d look for partition along the lines of Indian policy years from now. Unless there’s another hot civil war, but that’s for times when things get bigger. We’re limping towards contraction.

4 years ago

the future of America is a simple demographic math problem that people avoid. its too painful for the vast majority of people to contemplate. no republican has ever gotten more than 42% of the hispanic vote (GWB in 2004), and the south and southwest of the country is flooded to the brim with them.  blacks vote consistently 90% democrat.  muslims vote consistently 90%+ democrat.  the majority of women vote democrat. america is 62% white and that percentage is declining quickly. the democrats are on the verge of taking the senate and the presidency and once texas turns blue, which could… Read more »

Reply to  JR55
4 years ago

Also, I don’t think this will necessarily end in concentration camps for whites. what I think they’ll do (soon) is disband the police and replace them with community activists that ignore all real crime and only target white law abiding citizens. all violent minorities will be released from prison. if you defend yourself from an attack even in your home it is you who will go to prison (i.e. ). meanwhile, there will be reparations and taxes on whites will increase dramatically. using freedom of speech as a non-URM will get you unemployed and soon, thrown in prison. the purpose of… Read more »

Reply to  JR55
4 years ago

well shit. you fucking ruined my day. thanks for that.

Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

I have been thinking this since the beginning of the Trump presidency. Trump was the “shot at the King that missed”

Now the retribution against his voters will be severe.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Toasty
4 years ago

This a million times, with the Deep State as king.

Trump’s two fundamental mistakes were not having his transition team scour the Fedgov plum book to figure out everyone he could broom out of office at the beginning and launching a frontal assault on the Deep State from a position of weakness.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

There should have been lots of government jobs open to guys like us in January 2017.

The results of the fact that there were not speak for themselves.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Agree. The fact that guys like Kobach got frozen out from the beginning shows we got fooled by the GOP again.

Nimrata Randhawa, John Bolton, Larry Kudlow, Reince Preibus – the list goes on.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Trump demonstrated remarkable naivety regarding the fed gov/civil service. There were thousands of political appointees and folks whose resignations he could have demanded, and he didn’t. And blaming it on poor advisers doesn’t cut it – he was utterly unprepared.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

Trump is the deep state

Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

Perhaps. But could this also be the “pain” required to red pill most Whites now in denial. The silver lining in the cloud?

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  JR55
4 years ago

Blah, blah, blah, blah! Doomster porn! Give up, all of you! (There are more guns in America than there are people, and LOTS of ammo. None of them will ever be used. Never-never-ever.)

Reply to  JR55
4 years ago

Gads …. you know, there is an upper limit to what many people can and will accept. Certainly, the American population is a ….. disappointment, from our evil overlords through large swaths the working, complacent middle, to the most worthless bottom dweller. Yet, there are many who, though leaderless, are already entirely fed up. They just don’t know what to do. They may not be ones who frequent these sites, or troll the internet at all. I’ve moved around a bit since departing my edge-of-the-biggest-little-city, western home of many decades. Looked a lot; traveled off the interstates; lived among the… Read more »

Reply to  PrimiPilus
4 years ago

Thanks for sharing this and I pray to God you’re right.

Reply to  Dukeboy01
4 years ago

God, I hope so, too. This suspense if killing me.

Reply to  Dukeboy01
4 years ago

My too …. If not, the psychic damage to us all over here will be incalculable.

Reply to  PrimiPilus
4 years ago

I tend to agree, that there are more people “noticing” things now. In my area it’s mostly older white guys. They just have a “shine”. I must give it off too. Seems like they lived their whole lives with a blindfold on. It has suddenly come off and they’re standing there rubbing their eyes, blinded by the suddenly clear picture of what their city and nation have become. The old man at the Home Depot is right. Once you “know”, you know. Life takes on a more immediate aspect in this state, most things become background noise. Red vs. Blue,… Read more »

Reply to  b123
4 years ago

Sounds like you and I live in very similar circumstances even if in different parts of North America.

Good luck.

Reply to  ExNativeSon
4 years ago

I’d imagine I enjoy more vibrant diversity, my neighborhood is around 60% non white. Low crime but very unpleasant (Toronto).

Good luck to you too. Hopefully the “Shine” and awakening is a real thing, and not a confirmation bias produced from imagination.

Reply to  b123
4 years ago

If you can’t build Community where you’re at Brother then maybe it’s time to move out of your woke state…

Reply to  b123
4 years ago

I’ve been in an arena the past year manned largely by younger white males. Some ex military; most not. Generally speaking, they are very clear about what they see coming, and are almost cavalier about the likely outcome for themselves. But they still seem ready to roll as needed …. but these are younger guys. Not many families among that group. I also see it in the families eating on weekends in the local diner, Something is different from the trendy coffee shop regulars, or the ones who have made it and spend their lives chasing the next bottle of… Read more »

Reply to  PrimiPilus
4 years ago

Thank you Pri for the first bit of white pilling I have had in awhile. I am very happy to hear that these boys are still around. From reading the news I had feared that they were mostly dead, wiggered, opioid eaters at this point. I live among the woke, latte drinking good whites on the west coast and the only way I leave is if I dissolve my family. But when I was growing up my parents moved all over; wealthy, ghetto, and remote rural white areas. I knew those tough, serious white boys. Of any group I had… Read more »

Reply to  ExNativeSon
4 years ago

ENS — Left the far edge of the Western inter Mtn area in ’18 a few yrs after retirement. Family on both coasts, all but one of whom clearly see where things are headed now. Two stuck in Cal; another one just escaped to a free state. Dealt with all govt echelons there for years, and the walking dead in DC too. Know the types there well. Had to get away. Yes to your characterization of these guys out here in the nether lands. I don’t really know what they are …. I encountered outlaw motorcycle gangs in my professional… Read more »

Reply to  PrimiPilus
4 years ago

Well said Brother…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

I always enjoy reading your posts, Lineman. Short, concise, and to the point.

Trust the Bitterroot is treating you and yours well. I have no doubt you know the type of people Pri is talking about and if so you are exactly where you should be.

Reply to  ExNativeSon
4 years ago

Thanks Brother and yea it is treating me well and have some good works going on up here and many more to come…You should at least come visit even if you can’t move yet😉

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Good to hear and very kind offer indeed.

I am working on plans to visit a couple of friends in the Rocky Mt. area in the Fall. Nothing finalized but….

It would be a long way from where they live to Bitteroot SO I’m thinking you could offer a nice steak and a couple of beers while you show me your paradise…..maybe?

I would like to leave CA before 2021 for my trip because who know what happens after Abrams/Harris I mean Biden are crowned. Mail in ballots are a wonderful thing.

Reply to  ExNativeSon
4 years ago

I can definitely do that Brother 😉

Reply to  JR55
4 years ago

Ok Whiskey better eat a bullet then if it’s all going to end in your death anyway that way you don’t have to suffer…

Chad Hayden
Chad Hayden
Reply to  JR55
4 years ago

America is certainly not 62% white European…I don’t know why anyone would believe government statistics. “Non-Hispanic White” includes everyone from Khazaks to Yemenese to Moroccans and including our own special Levantines. With illegal aliens added in I think our ethnic marker is currently hovering above 50%, perhaps as high as 55%

Reply to  Chad Hayden
4 years ago

I completely agree with your assessment. I’ve extensively traveled throughout this country over the last 20 years and can honestly say that there are very few places that are overwhelmingly ethnic European White. I was shocked by what I saw in Texas and much of the south central a couple of years ago. Nearly the entire state of Texas has become an extension of Latin America. Most of Dallas appeared non-White with the exception of the northern parts closer to Denton. Eastern and northern Texas were great, but the rest of the state is lost territory. The same can be… Read more »

Reply to  Amwolf
4 years ago

Largest cities in Canada:

Toronto – 48% white.
Vancouver – (supposedly) 48% white
Montreal – 65% white
Brampton – 30%
Mississauga – 43%
Edmonton – 56%

Keep in mind, a large majority of the country’s population live in these cities. You guys have smaller cities and towns scattered all the way across.

There’s nowhere to run. We can either stop immigration or be destroyed. “White flight” is no longer an alternative.

Reply to  b123
4 years ago

80% of the population of Canada lives within 200 miles of the U.S. border.

We can’t stop immigration working through either major party. We need to both work on third party politics and bring Whites together to create internal borders. The empire is not going to do this for us.

You can’t just “stop” immigration and you shouldn’t confuse “White flight” with grouping Whites together to form White communities we can actually maintain and defend without relying on Shlomo’s border patrol or cops.

Reply to  b123
4 years ago

Calgary 67% White
Maybe all those white people need to move out of those cities with under 50% and move to the ones that still have a majority to keep them that way…

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Chad Hayden
4 years ago

How to count the Hispanics is a puzzler. Unz in one of his articles touched on that. I’m not Latino, but I know a bit about the Hispanic world. It is very diverse, from proud, 100% Castillian or other European white, mix in to taste varying amounts of Indigenous or the dreaded Negro blood, and you have huge variations in races. In general these countries are openly racist/classist. If you ever visit one of these lands, look at the social pages of the local paper.* It’s mostly white, even when the average citizen is brown. *Sorry, still thinking in the… Read more »

Reply to  JR55
4 years ago

Yes to all of this. Now use your brain to make predictions. Where are we headed, perhaps the Venezuela example? How can that be preempted? How do you beat this outcome (for reals)? There are hundreds of thousands of skilled and seasoned game hunters in the USA, and most live in rural areas. Simple, secret, solo, and spontaneous. That is no trivial thing.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

Brazil is the optimist model (societal fragmentation into non-integrated pockets). Venezuela is a neutral model (gradual breakdown leading up to and including starvation). Soviet Union with gulags and mass executions is the negative model [this would be worse here due to digital records of everyone]. I have no idea which one it will be… Regarding gun owners: the vast majority of gun owners will not do anything when the government comes for them. They are fragmented with no organization and will be very easy to pick apart. How can you prepare? I don’t know man. Own guns, gold and silver,… Read more »

Reply to  JR55
4 years ago

Stay and fight. Retreat is the last resort. The number of bad actors driving this tyranny is quite small (top of the power pyramid). Focus. Do not waste your life fighting the plebs at the bottom of the pyramid or the Jackboot army defending the tyrant elites. Smarter.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

Wouldn’t it make more sense to retreat from an untenable position so as to fight on more favorable ground?

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

All the right has ever done is retreat. This indicates to me that the overriding factor is cowardice.

This is like some bum who has been unemployed his whole life turning down a job offer because it’s a bad deal.

yeah he could be correct that this particular job is a bad deal, but his past failures have put him at the point where beggars can’t be choosers.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

You’re paradigm is wrong. It’s not a battle of group against group. That will get you dead pretty quick. A better example might be nature’s camouflaged snake that strikes the unwary traveler that believes he’s hiking in safe terrain.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

Are we the snake or the traveler?

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

The survivor of the encounter lives to tell the tale. History forgets the loser.

Reply to  JR55
4 years ago

Leaving North America would be a mistake. We have White numbers (including 11 million “alt-Right” sympathizers according to studies), an enormously favorable resource and arable land advantage over any other continent, and mostly empty Western Canada as well as the low-pop United States to populate and influence.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  JR55
4 years ago

Wow, you win the pessimism award today 🙁 I must agree with a lot of your points. It’ll be interesting to see how much they (Democrats) play within the rules going forward. Not that I’ve studied, but I have not seen or heard of a credible case that these demographic changes aren’t inevitable. It seems they’ll “win” even without breaking the laws. They will just pass, repeal or change them as needed. Once both houses are 2/3 Democrat, they can do anything they like, including rewrite the Constitution.

Adam Reacts
Adam Reacts
4 years ago

We need to move beyond desperately putting our hopes into rich personalities under the belief they will “save” or “lead” us. The reflexive impulse to “wait and see” with Tucker is no better than anyone who’s still reflexively defending Trump today. Trump has paralyzed dissidents not through his own inaction, but more due to a character flaw in the dissident right that always takes a “wait and see” approach by pinning all its hopes on figures in serial that are functionally unable to lead. Note how the left, for the most part, doesn’t do this. They cultivate decentralized leadership in… Read more »

Reply to  Adam Reacts
4 years ago

Your last paragraph is some of the best stuff I’ve ever seen on here. It’s true. We are no longer rightists; something else, something greater, must unify us.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
4 years ago

A lot of people on the left think that Trump is the cause of this division. If anything he reminds me of the bull at the end of a Spanish bull fight. Clearly outsmarted, bleeding and frustrated. But this will consume Biden too. The Dem machine just like the conservative inc. is beholden to corporate America. When those controlling that machine realize that they can’t just pack in the circus tent by Thanksgiving, this will be interesting.

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

Nagging little voice tells me that Democrat establishment thought they had these leftist miscreants on a leash and they would do their dirty work for them–but some are now realizing it’s not a leash they are holding, but a wolf by the ears.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  SamlAdams
4 years ago

You’ve got that right. This may be the single most important truth about our current situation.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Good essay Z Man. Also my thoughts on Tucker are similar. Fox has to be putting increasing pressure on Tucker.
i just hope Tucker has the ethics to take care of this young man financially.
The young guy is toast in our modern society without support.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Yes, we don’t know whether Carlson is making a tactical retreat, or the shape and dimensions of same. Also, the thought had occurred to me that perhaps he might help out Mr. Neff surreptitiously. Neff inadvisedly exposed himself to consequences, yet he was helping to get what needed saying out there to be heard.

We don’t know these things; we may never know them. Let’s pray that Carlson learns from this, and that he will listen to his better angel, and chart a course accordingly.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Keep in mind, no different than the rest of us, Carlson is largely on his own–with only the large audience that anchors the entire evening line up as an economic shield. He doesn’t have superpowers.

4 years ago

OT: My farrier was out last Friday and we got talking about the mask stupidity. He refuses to wear a mask. He was up at a boarding stable in the city recently and was informed that the owner required everyone to wear a mask. He said, “Well, okay, I respect her policy. I’ll just be leaving now.” He made sure to emphasize that he wasn’t angry or critical of her policy, he just wouldn’t wear a mask while working on the horses (It’s extremely hard physical work). All the horse owners went running to the barn owner and, guess what,… Read more »

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

You have a farrier? In all seriousness,he sounds like a stud.

Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

a farrier is a combination of a Ferry and a Carrier

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Here in Michigan our Governor made masks mandatory except for if “you have a health condition that makes you feel you can not wear a mask”. She threatened to fine businesses that allowed people without masks in.
Walked into Kroger and a lady came over and said the mask requirement. Looked at her dead in the eyes and said “I have a health condition that makes me feel I can not wear a mask”. She just walked away.
Not even mad at her since the Governor put her in a ridiculous spot, but I’m still not complying.

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

We need more people like him, particularly on the subjects of race and gender. The feminists are by far the worst. All of the evil around race, cancel culture, globohomo, it’s all feminists. Feminism is the nuclear bomb that went off in our society that caused all these problems. It is how these radicals got so much respectability. It all emanates from feminism.

4 years ago

Whites as whites have no cultural power. We surrendered it eons ago and have been living with the results ever since. But for some reason we get upset when our powerless spokesmen and representatives don’t exercise authority and stand strong in the face of overwhelming and cutthroat opposition. We call them names. Decades ago whites faced the classic choice of fight or flee. White flight was the result. But with all the commanding heights, weapons, supplies and water now in the hands of the anti-white enemy, we criticize those still willing to stand in public with us for not being… Read more »

4 years ago

“America is probably closer to Soviet-style show trials” We’re there. I give you Roger Stone and General Flynn. Add in the no charges against Hitlery, Clapper, Comey and Brennan who all lied to CONgress and we’re WAY past any kind of justice in this country.

Susan Rosenberg
Susan Rosenberg
4 years ago

“Worse still, the so-called Right still thinks we live in a rule-based republic.” This is what’s been so infuriating and demoralizing to such a large swath of the country: the right’s total collapse and inability to offer even the weakest defense against all the anti-white terrorism. Trump is merely one impotent relic among many: when the best the average Republican can do is tweet “horrific” in response to the BLM murder of the white Indianapolis woman, you know the Republicans have no future. They are irredeemable. Worse, too many whites are still responding to their own persecution with desperate DR3… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
4 years ago

The original Political Terror the Bolsheviks unleashed was after an alleged assassination attempt on Lenin in 1918. The orchestrated terror killed an estimated million people, many former left-wing and Marxist allies like the purported wannabe assassin Fanny Kaplan. Any pretext would have been used to unleash the terror, and some historians debate whether Kaplan actually attempted to kill Lenin. The United States is Russia circa May 1917 after the Czar was toppled. The Reds are part of the American coalition, too, and also waiting for their moment. Biden is much weaker than Kerensky. We started with show trials in the… Read more »

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Tucker is a Civ Nat. It’s the best we will get out of a Civ Nat.
We dissidents can be just as purity spiraling as progs.
Tucker May be somewhat of a Cuck.
He is our cuck you fools.
He is useful. Stop harranging him.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

How is he useful?

I have yet to hear anyone who has red-pilled under Trump tell me they started with Tucker.

Tucker’s not feeding our membership, he’s feeding off our membership’s desperate desire to have a voice in top-level media.

Tucker-splaining what he’s “saying to us without saying it” is just as much wishful thinking as the Trump version – and more commonplace.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

In any case his brain has been fired. I would really like to hear from this Neff character.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

What have YOU done besides blathering on that you are so ready and eager to dismiss Tucker Carlson? Name three things that would distinguish you from a complete nobody like me? Just curious.

Reply to  tonaludatus
4 years ago

I know better than to fall for the Based White Hope again.

I know that nobody I know who is an effective activist was red-pilled by Tucker Carlson.

I know that if Tucker was an effective voice for dissent, he’d be the one getting fired.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Tucker threads the line between his ratings protecting him and his words betraying him. The Neff firing is a shot across the bow, telling him to recalibrate his line threading and his words in their direction. Tucker may not think of himself as a gatekeeper, but TPTB certainly think he is, at least as long as he dials it back a bit from here.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

I disagree Tucker does move white Americans our way. Tucker is intellectually deeper than Trump and can explain a concept. He is not us. But he does not have to be us to be helpful. Trump is a emotional connector for American whites. Trump has the ability to connect. Tucker has the ability to explain. Both are Civ Nats. They are not us. But both are useful and ever so slowly wake some whites up to the threats to our civilization. We don’t need the Funeral Directors and Insurance Salesmen of the Republican Conservative establishment. Tucker and Trump while imperfect… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Exactly. Last night was textbook Cultural Marxism. Soviet dissidents (not saying Carlson qualifies as such by a long shot) were routinely discredited and disarmed in much the same manner. Fox certainly played its role to the hilt. The only one who seemingly did not was Carlson. Again, I’m reserving the right to amend there but that’s how it appears.

Tom K
Tom K
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

OT: can somebody tell me what happened with voting? For last two weeks all I see is zero’s. I thought it was disabled, but today tried a few and see a plus vote where I hit the plus sign (I didn’t vote any downvotes.) When I refresh it goes back to zero but when hit plus again it tells me I’ve already voted.

I admit I don’t read every comment every thread so I must have missed something.

Reply to  Tom K
4 years ago

It’s Broken…The people that can fix it are on vacation for July…

Tom K
Tom K
Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago


Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Tucker Carlson? 😀

Chad Hayden
Chad Hayden
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

The anti-Tucker voices are sounding as strident as my ex-gf’s…
Tucker’s role has been to broaden the discourse and voice discontent with the republican establishment. He isn’t a gateway to our thing, he is a big flashing light near GOP exit. He has had some utility.
Let’s wait and see how it pans out before casting a final vote.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

How is he ‘our’ anything? If he will fold like a cheap tent at the first racial criticism/doxxing of one of his loyal writers? There’s a difference between purity spiraling and refusing to police one’s boundaries in any substantive way, because ‘useful.’

Liberty Mike
Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

Mike Lindell has been more loyal to Tucker than Tucker has been to his FOX staff.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

Useful to raise consciousness.
Our society is built to make whites atomized and unconscious of self interests.
Tucker is a spark
Not a fire but a spark.
Any spark can be useful to arise consciousness.

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

I agree I’m 53 and I am here to attest to the fact that these kinds of people have only hastened the country’s deterioration. I am not saying it is intentional. Just pointing out that as soon as Rush came on the scene that things starting going to hell FAST. On one hand, they “raise the consciousness” of people with similar minds and sensibilities; great. On the other, the throw gasoline on a smoldering campfire. Tucker et al amount to little more than masturbation. Pardon my crudeness here, Ma’am, but it’s true and it’s real. Watching Tucker and Rush etc… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Falcone I’ve always said Rush, O’Reilly, Hannity, and Tucker are just pressure relief valves on the pressure cooker of life and without them we would of gotten rid of the parasites a long time ago…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Agree 100%

And in turn we become a spent force

4 years ago

“This is why America is probably closer to Soviet-style show trials and political violence than most Americans realize.”

America already has show trials.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

The trial of Roger Stone certainly qualifies as a Soviet-style show trial. So did earlier ones such as the trial of Cliven Bundy, which the American KGB wants retried after it was dismissed with prejudice. Waco and Ruby Ridge were state-sanctioned murders almost thirty years back and were a taste of things to come.

America has been a police state a long, long time now. The United States government just recently decided to go full bore after Whites, so people only now are noticing how horrible things are.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Don’t forget about the cops in Los Angeles. More recently we also have the Rise Above Movement. Pure partisan political show trials. The indictments actually referenced Antifa. There is also the state level show trials and these go back a long way. I agree that America is and has been a police state for a long time. It goes back to at least the 1970s when Nixon launched the war on drugs. The war on drugs was launched as a pretext for cops to put down the organized race hustlers who were financing their operations with, among other things, drugs.… Read more »

4 years ago

Thank you for citing the example of the white mother murdered for speaking the phase “all lives matter.” If you have even average IQ, that should prove beyond any doubt that we are now in a hot war. And there is no one to protect you except you. We are once again living in an environment of existential threat and, going forward, only the strongest and smartest will survive to reproduce. Carry a firearm for self-defense. Know your enemy. Fight for your life.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

The young mother, killed with a shot to the face, would have resulted in a dozen cities being burned down, had the sides been reversed. The Left burns and kills, and the Right cogitates over it, it’s just the way it is. The only violent “Rightist” movement in recent times was moustache man (basically Leftism with a nationalist veneer, twisted like a square peg into a round hole to appear “Rightist”), We ground him out with a slow-moving but undefeatable logistical exercise and scorched earth tactics, all ultimately to make the world safe for the more conventional forms of Leftieism.… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Cogitation is cerebral cortex thinking. When your back is against the wall, the amygdala takes over (think cornered rat psychology). When things get real, people will change in a heartbeat, one way or the other.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

TomA, yes, we are hobbled by our front-brain thought processes. The Left deftly exploits that. You can see how they calibrate their behavior to keep us thinking primarily on our front brains (which are mostly useless against their tactics, in the public square), but for one of us to go hind-brain in times and places of their choosing, for maximum effect (the Charlottesville driver as an example).

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

I don’t know how much the left does this strategically. Instead, its likely just one more short-term advantage of the savage over the civilized. Similar to the exploding goats in the east. The individual does not exist outside the group and the power of the group is paramount as the survival and propagation is all that matters. So they ‘splode all over, much to our horror, as we scramble to reason with them between measured doses of politically sanitized violence of our own. Stopping well short of the kinds of responses that are required to destroy the supposed enemy. In… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

I feel that young white mother deserves vengeance of the highest order. Some blacks need to DIE.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  sentry
4 years ago

It’s hard in a sense since they do so well at killing themselves. All you have to do is not let the po-po travel their streets for a weekend and they’ll rack up a dozen murders with not much effort.

Owen Glendower
Owen Glendower
Reply to  sentry
4 years ago

Hi fellow kids! Anyone interested in joining me to form an agreement to violate the law and then act on that agreement?  Also, I’m totes legit!

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Owen Glendower
4 years ago

Methinks he makes a valid point 🙂 Boys and girls, we run a a respectable cabal discussion group here… We don’t agitate violence and such here, things haven’t gotten that bad yet. Finally, if one were planning a secret, probably a forum open to the public and Google-indexed is not a good place to air such ideas 🙂

Reply to  sentry
4 years ago

Look into what actually happened before you get to carried away I don’t think she was one of ours…

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

We need to understand that the Left, as we know it, really has no relevant antecedent from before the 20th century. The Left was a project of people who wanted power BAMN (by any means necessary). There was no real justification for it, other than they wanted power and were willing to do anything to get it, rather than go through the traditional social and economic channels to earn it. Cancel Culture and Gaslighting are simply tools, means to an end. Alinsky is just a how-to sheet. We have no real response to such a thing, steeped as we are… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

While there is some truth in this, it is more of a cope then reality. The truth is that we allowed a foreign group who hates us into our society and they have used their group cohesion against us. They view us in the US exactly how they see Germans in the 1930s. We are an enemy fully capable of electing Hitler again, even though he was never elected the first time. They are obsessed with the holocaust and the holocaust has become a replacement Judaism for a people who are no longer religious. While Jews are certainly the only… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

If there were an organized white response, would we even be aware of it in the early stages?

Reply to  Lanky
4 years ago

Lanky, living as a grey man is best. The McCloskey case is a prime example of sticking your head out of a foxhole and getting singled out and dealt with. We can have nice things, but we must not display them. We can organize, but not let it be widely known. Living and working in the shadows is the life of a dissident. “The first rule of Fight Club…”

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

I agree with your last part of your comment but not the first because they were living gray and they still were targeted by the mob… Would you just of let the mob burn down your place of residence just to stay gray Brother…This is what happens when you don’t have Community and your just trying to stay gray sooner or later they will get to you whether it be now or ten years from now…They couldn’t of been more grey because they were acting in part that they were on BLMs side just like those people who got their… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

<i>There is no historical evidence I can find of any organized violent Rightist white Amero-European response to anything. </i>

The Spanish Civil War.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Possibly so. I don’t know enough about it to say whether the Spanish Fascists led one side from the start, or piggybacked and took advantage of the anti-Leftists. And whether they were initially fighting Leftists or, at root, anti-Monarchists. It sure seemed to be purely Left versus Right at the end. My thinking also requires a buy-in that Fascism is not fundamentally different than Communism, but is only Communism with a nationalist facade. So it gets tricky for me. I see Fascism as trying to adapt the old 18th/19th century thinking into the 20th century, by twisting and adapting Communist… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

My thinking also requires a buy-in that Fascism is not fundamentally different than Communism, but is only Communism with a nationalist facade. Not in the case of Franco – you might argue that he wasn’t a real Fascist in that respect, rather than a caudillo-type, as he indeed styled himself: no real political convictions, except that he should rule Spain. Nominally a monarchist with strong pro-ecclesial sympathies, but most of all a pragmatist – note that he managed to keep Spain out of WWII. I hasten to add that I don’t know that much about the Spanish Civil War but… Read more »

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Franco was more a reactionary than an outright fascist. Salazar was a better example of an Iberian fascist

It’s a mistake to define Left/Right along purely economic lines or to define all non-democratic systems but hereditary monarchy or aristocracy as Leftist. These are usually the roots of the Vox Day /D’Souza trope that fascism is somehow Leftist.

4 years ago

To the leftist (as with the Narcissist, but I am redundant), words are just tools. He uses words to get what he wants out of any given situation. His words do not express principles. They are only tools and weapons. He says X and watches for your reaction. If your reaction isn’t what he wanted, he immediately changes and says Y. If that doesn’t work, he says Z. That is why, when you call out a Leftist for being a hypocrite, he will screech at you that he is “NOT a hypocrite!”. In his mind, he is being completely consistent.… Read more »

4 years ago

Why do you use the term partisan when referring to the likes of Antifa and BLM?
You should be calling them terrorists

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
4 years ago

When “By Other Means” tanks violence follows its own inevitable path. Widespread violence has always been and will probably always remain an at times necessary part of how human societies function. When violence is inevitable, at least in the minds of one or both sides, a full commitment to carrying it out may actually limit the damage done. If killing 3 today will force all involved to reconsider then maybe 30…or 3000 won’t have to die tomorrow. Putting off what is inevitable or only taking reluctant half-measures only builds up the intensity for how things will work out somewhere down the… Read more »

Liberty Mike
4 years ago

Tucker cucked.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

He goes to Maine for a couple of weeks every summer. I think he went later than usual this year because their insane Governor was trying to make people from out of state quarantine for 14 days upon arrival in the state until very recently. The start of his vacation shouldn’t be a factor. I doubt he will change, I’ve thought Tucker has been thinking about what to do after FOX forces him out since Paul Ryan joined the board.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

It’s clear his loyalties lie with his employer more than his own people – staff & race alike.

Tucker won’t mention this again. Stay tuned for more based Blacks, queer politicians with adopted Latino rent-boys and tub-thumping for Team Red.

Tucker is a fence-minder & gatekeeper helping make sure that the failed ideology of civic nationalism remains the right-most option for angry Whites.

His nip-slipping and edge-posting is a cynical tease for thirsty WN’s desperate for some lovin’.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I’ll agree to disagree – not being Ben Shapiro in times like this is not nearly enough. Gatekeeper until he shows me otherwise, burden’s on him. Last night was the ideal time to make a stand if he had it in him.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Carlson is more than Not Ben Shapiro. He’s as good as we can get on a national broadcast. There’s merit to what you write, and I don’t take it as a purity spiral, but getting red pills into more people quickly BAMN is necessary even if dispensed by cuck lite. We also need someone who might–might–sound the alarm at the right moment, which is near.
I actually don’t know what to make of last night just yet and reserve the right to amend the above. I’m a little surprised last night wasn’t worse than it seems so far.

X Action
X Action
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

I wouldn’t write off the guy just yet. Big upheavals are coming if the economy gets worse. I’m perfectly fine with “our guy” flying under the radar until the time is right. He is clearly closer to us than a Sean Hannity or anyone at CNN. The Right really has to learn some patience. We form up a circular firing squad too willingly when we should work with a group dynamic in mind: each man does as he can, bears what he must. Carlson is useful to us even if he isn’t “our guy.” Would our guy even be allowed… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

“It’s clear his loyalties lie with his employer more than his own people – staff & race alike.”
Yup, cuz you never can be rich enough.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

You are misreading Tucker. I don’t believe for one minute that Tucker is playing an edgelord on TV for fun. Everyone forgets he literally walked around in a bow-tie for years and years. His dress code was a meme for years representing conservative cowardice. It is important to understand the mind of a conservative. Conservative is not a political brand, it is a personality type. The conservative mind compels them to be good neighbors. They are compelled to go help their neighbors, to obey the rules, to go on rescue missions after a flood. They are not fighters and they… Read more »

Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

I agree. Conservatives are really just Boy Scouts.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago


love the language

slipped a nip

tub thumping

i needed a laugh. Thanks

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Tucker’s own people are rich, white, country club, GOPe.

He betrays “his” people in defense of white populists everyday.

Lady Dandy Doodle
Lady Dandy Doodle
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Tucker knows about Z, Daily Stormer, TRS, Countercurrents, Unz, and all our other guys. There’s no way he can’t, and he knows we are right. My conjecture: keeping his massive audience for a 2024 run at which point he will run on a freedom of association platform, an end to race based preferences, and ending 3rd world immigration, the platform he presented to Trump a few weeks ago. He doesn’t have to be overtly racist to run on this platform and plenty of whites will vote for him because they agree with him and he presents as a solid, reasonable… Read more »

Reply to  Lady Dandy Doodle
4 years ago

Who cares – maybe he will, maybe he won’t.

Stop expecting a big man leader to come save us.

Focus on yourself, family, and community.

Reply to  b123
4 years ago

Exactly right Brother…I think people really just want their freedom to be bought/fought for by someone else that’s why they hope against hope that Tucker comes through…No one is coming to save you except those of your tribe and Community so that’s where the focus needs to be…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

I disagree. I’m not going amish or joining a commune. While local community is important the bigger picture must be addressed. We desperately need earnest leadership. Tuck the cuck ain’t it. Honestly i think that if one had 2000 loyal killers at his back he could reverse present trends. at the least put a big dent in it. In minecraft of course. Lawyers, unfortunatly would be part of the corrective as well.

Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

And tell me again how you get 2k people behind you that are loyal…You can only do that through Community…Not asking you to go Amish or join a commune and I’ve never said that… I’ve always said to build Communities with like-minded people and if you can’t do that where you are located then move to somewhere you can…

X Action
X Action
Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Tell me how you get a community when the Feds are experts at sabotaging such communities. There are numerous examples. Truth: you won’t get a separate community until you get a separate political entity capable of protecting it — either a political party or your own nation.

Reply to  X Action
4 years ago

I keep pointing this out and the side that wants to charge directly into the enemy machine gun nests keeps calling me a “defeatist” for saying so…

Reply to  X Action
4 years ago

And how the fuck do you think accomplish that without people that know one another…You just going to pick people out of thin air to form your political party or form your own nation…Damn I thought people that commented here had at least a little sense..

Reply to  X Action
4 years ago

Not really. Its not hard to avoid sabotage. Just live around decent people like you or a long time and don’t do stupid illegal shit.

The rest will come in time.

Reply to  Lady Dandy Doodle
4 years ago

he will run on a freedom of association platform, an end to race based preferences, and ending 3rd world immigration, the platform he presented to Trump a few weeks ago. He doesn’t have to be overtly racist to run on this platform This is an excellent point that needs to be made here more often. The core policies needed to save White American do not need to be explicitly racist or WN. They need simply emphasize free choice, self defense, and free association regardless of “outcomes”. Now no one, even Tucker, could run a campaign on even these basic principles… Read more »

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

Whites are purely tax cattle at this point.

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  Lady Dandy Doodle
4 years ago

100 % projection. Tucker is a richy-rich and he’ll be with the richy-rich team forever. Your nobles ideas you project on to Tucker deserve a strong male leader in America to carry them, but we don’t have one. Trump is the closest we have and he’s too nice, wants to restore a past that is done and gone, and he’s too much of a globalist in terms of tribalism.

Aditya Vivek Barot
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Brother, every white nation without exception succumbed to Mass Hysteria, hid under the covers, and then either committed highway robbery (metaphorically speaking) or started banging the begging bowl. I’ve been involved with the 2A crowd and dissidents for well nigh 15 years. As the expression suggests, “theres no there, there.” Maybe that dour dillitante was right after all. Perhaps all nations and civilizations come with an expiration date. Brother, think about it: nobody fought for their jobs just as nobody fought for “the temples of their gods.” It’s over man; who knows what comes next? All I know is that… Read more »

Reply to  Aditya Vivek Barot
4 years ago

We decide what comes next for us – and you’re only screwed for sure if you decide to be. The Russian dissidents faced 70 years of hardship far beyond what we’ve suffered – don’t kid yourself. Losing your job and being deplatformed are nothing compared to living in Siberia, seeing your relatives die from starvation & exposure, or just being shot in a dirty basement. They’re climbing the ladder back to sovereignty and dignity today – no thanks to Western carpetbaggers, either. They did it by being too tough for genocide or suicide. You can choose to live and pass… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Hear hear.

Aditya V Barot
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Brother, I cannot and will not live in a world where English is not default or the U.S. (G-dforbid) is a war-torn, impoverished wasteland. Yet, events seem to be leading, inexorably, to that very accursed state of affairs. And I repeat: we are all responsible. NOBODY DID ANYTHING EVER. The porn. the drugs. pussy. “prime” product. “netflix and chill.” “good schools.” rednecks, ha ha “Punch a nazi!” The shit ive seen over the last two decades in this country has cost me my sanity (plus several jobs) because I Couldn’t and I still can’t understand why Americans did this to… Read more »

Tea Party Reject
Tea Party Reject
Reply to  Aditya V Barot
4 years ago

Society is always led by a small number of individuals or groups because most people are sheep. This is true regardless of any political system, democracy & republicanism being no exceptions. Conservatives embraced a race-blind proposition ideology which tied their hands as they faced a ruthless enemy motivated by moral outrage and willing to use any tactic to further their aims — racism, personal attacks, censorship, violence. Selfish individualists (libertarians and conservatives) eschewed collectivism in favor of pie-in-the-sky delusions about liberty, freedom, human nature, and the nature of government. Collectivist progressives, on the other hand, did not. They seized the… Read more »

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  Tea Party Reject
4 years ago

Libertarian = Corporate rule

Made by and for corporations

Reply to  R. Boscobel
4 years ago

Libertarians never signed off on the massive central bank that feeds giant corps.

Reply to  Aditya V Barot
4 years ago

“We” didn’t do it to ourselves. But neither, so far, have we stopped what has been done to us by others. As mentioned above about Tucker, we are too trained to play by the rules and make sure to vote correctly in the next election. All of that docile civility has been turned against us by people who don’t share our values, and are willing and able to weaponize their lack of civility, and get away with it, so far. Double down on your passions, search out allies, and prepare, all you can. Things are just getting started.

Reply to  Aditya V Barot
4 years ago

Niceness is an over-rated character trait.

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  Aditya V Barot
4 years ago

I would say, “Why not return to India or Indonesia or Africa or from wherever Barot family comes from and make it great?” except this country, the former USA, has been given over to people like you while whites like me, of European heritage, will need to leave, to return to the lands of our ancestors, if they haven’t also been run over by foreigners.

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  Aditya V Barot
4 years ago

How did you end up in USA? Through Biden’s Refugee Resettlement Project? That is, “replacement of American workers with cheap foreign labor” program?

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Up to you, Whitey.
That right there Brother scares the living shit out of most people because they don’t want to have it left up to them…They want some hero to come along and save them instead of reaching down inside themselves and getting it done for them and their people…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Good thread. I think we agree lineman. It sure would be nice to have a leader or institution that was on our side. Something to rally around. But it doesn’t look like it materializing. Guess we form little gangs and hope down the road a opportunities arises to coalese. If one needs a much needed white pill, go to powerline blog archives and read comments from a year ago. read them from the last several posts. people are waking up. Hinderacker just posted a speculative post on red state secession. Guess having your city burned down is quite the redpill.

Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

Yea I think we do Brother and yea people are starting to wake up which is a good thing…

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Remember that Randy Weaver took his wife to live in the sparsely inhabited countryside with his anti-zionist, christian beliefs, so they could practice their own beliefs, recognizing most people did not agree with them. The FBI sought him out and kept coming after him until he acquiesced to selling sawed-off shotguns or some such. Then the FBI had the legal right to crack down on him. Death ensued and his family and life were ruined. There is no escape from the secular globalists/leftists. They will find you and make it their business to destroy white conservative communities, while the media… Read more »

Reply to  R. Boscobel
4 years ago

So you use Randy Weaver who went off in the woods to live by himself as an example for what I advocate for which is to build Communities…Way to miss the Xring fella… Funny how we are getting a bunch of newbies on here telling us either how wrong we are or that we are all just fucked and we should just give up…

Action X
Action X
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

I’d rather not wait through 70 years of oppression hoping someone else will solve the problem for me at some unknown date in the future after my death. “You can choose to live and pass on a legacy” That’s an exuse to be lazy and to do nothing. It’s why conservatives lost. There are viable alternatives like partition which have not been tried that may avoid the 70 years of oppression. But conservatives would rather grill and chill because they are secretly loyal to the same system they attack. They would rather grill cheap burgers rather than risk that supply.… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Understandably, Carlson doesn’t want his grandchildren beaten up or worse. We have conservative friends who sent their girls to U.Chicago Lab School because dad is a bench scientist at the U. During the 2016 election, the youngest girl was shoved down several flights of stairs, breaking her knee and ribs as well as suffering whiplash and concusion injuries because she dared publicly defend the Trump candidacy when questioned by a teacher in class. The faculty and student body unanimously stood up for the boys who shoved the girl. The parents were told they were free to sue but the community… Read more »

Reply to  ChicagoRodent
4 years ago

The lesson there is don’t send your kids to the University of Chicago. With Tucker’s money & influence, I don’t think he’s worried about his kids’ safety. Everyone can keep making excuses for him based on what they want to think is in his head, but I’m just judging by his actions and the past history of the GOP’s Great White Hopes. All of the “what Tucker really thinks” hopium sounds just like those still clinging to Trump. We’re going to have to do something for ourselves. Kicking the can to 2024 and wishing for Tucker to save America is… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Here’s the deal, though. The University of Chicago has actually be considered a “relatively” conservative institution. The point being that anybody who defends Trump or white people in academia is putting himself in harm’s way. I’m not whining about it, just relating the present correlation of forces.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

You’re one of my favorite posters, Exile, but on the subject of Tucker Carlson we agree to disagree this thread. For now.   Self-immolation is unlikely to bend as many prospective members in the direction of Our Thing as Tucker Carlson does broadcasting on converged Fox. With exception of Breaking Bad and Michigan hockey and football, formerly, I completely disconnected from TV and MSM more than twenty years ago. I don’t watch Tucker Carlson; my wife does and he’s the only thing she watches.   I have lost many of my friends, some of them great folks otherwise, due to… Read more »

NJ Person
NJ Person
Reply to  ChicagoRodent
4 years ago

Wow! I understand that U. of Chicago is supposedly one of the few supporters of free speech in academia. Harvard, Yale and Princeton must be intellectual hell holes.

Reply to  NJ Person
4 years ago

The U.Chicago is largely that; I am tapped into that community professionally even though I never even considered attending the institution. (I couldn’t afford it as boomer ma and pa divorced leaving me high and dry at the eleventh hour.) My nephew graduated from Princeton as a stud on the football team a few years back. His stories of what he experienced, including the day-t0-day “white privilege” interrogative checkdowns, really were hell for him. Doesn’t seem to have phased him; I would still be in federal prison if I had experienced the depth of persecution he did. He actually got… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  ChicagoRodent
4 years ago

I worked at Princeton from 2002 to 2004, and at that time it, along with perhaps Dartmouth, were considered the two sanest Ivies. Relatively speaking, it still may be, but it’s clear Princeton, along with every other institution in the country has deteriorated gravely since those days.

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

The American ivies are a joke now. When Harvard zealously recruits and graduates blacks cumma laude for their rap album, well, you know things have changed. Africa Wins! No matter where you have numbers of blacks, Africa Wins!

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  ChicagoRodent
4 years ago

Brainwashed. American whites are largely a ruined people.

Reply to  ChicagoRodent
4 years ago

Good point. They did show up at his house and scared his wife. I’d forgotten about that.

Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

They are one of the few local traditional families we know. We adore them. I was there when the local “warning” was reported. Chicago is a great place to live as an adult but I would never ever attempt to raise a family here.

Aditya V Barot
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Don’t ask how I stumbled on to this: perhaps, there is a G-d. Perhaps, our “culture and civilization” deserves this ignominious death.

Reply to  Aditya V Barot
4 years ago

You should see what goes on in China if you think that’s bad…You can literally abduct a kid or a woman right off the street in front of people and they don’t do shit…It’s where we are headed for with a low trust society…

Liberty Mike
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Characterizing what Neff did as “wrong” was conceding the moral high ground.

Reply to  Liberty Mike
4 years ago

Liberty Mike – Precisely. Tucker fully conceded that even mild racial jokes are morally bad and are to be condemned. While he may have denounced the ghouls who doxxed Neff, he did not dispute that Neff needed to leave because of his private postings. He conceded on every major point, and merely deplored that Neff was doxxed, not the cause nor the consequences. He cucked.

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

“even mild racial jokes are morally bad”
Not so much morally bad as mortally stupid in the current environment.

Reply to  Lorenzo
4 years ago

I’m absolutely convinced you utter not a word out of place when you ‘kibbitz’ with your pals.

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

Well yes, we do have a few commentators here from the “Oil Company” sometimes. Ben is another. They provide valuable insights though and can see things from a more secular perspective than many here.

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

You’re the first person I’ve absolutely convinced about anything, and you’re wrong.

I keep trying.

Reply to  Lorenzo
4 years ago

If that’s the case, Lorenzo, isn’t it stupid for you to bother commenting here?

Your boss might catch you – better to go dark than lose your job trying to talk sense to a bunch of crazy wignats willing to actually question the system.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

I’m full of questions about the system. I come here for answers, some of which make sens. Then there’s Exile….

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Lorenzo
4 years ago

Actually, the only thing more unacceptable to the Ideologues than a racial joke would be a brassy dose of the truth. Now I’ve never watched Carlson, but I suspect he’d be fired the same day if not immediately if he brought up any hard data of the IQ or achievemnet differences between Blacks and Whites, or the vastly divergent crime statistics. Can you really imagine any mainstream TV personality stating: “Half of Afro-Americans have an IQ of about 85 or lower, which corresponds to an 8th-grade education and the maturity and judgment of a 14-year-old?”

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

Anybody doing that would be sentenced to life in front of a firing squad…

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

‘Can you really imagine any mainstream TV personality stating: “Half of Afro-Americans have an IQ of about 85 or lower, which corresponds to an 8th-grade education and the maturity and judgment of a 14-year-old?”’

Nope. That goes up against 60+ years of intense brainwashing and it’s too much too soon.

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

Exactly he could of just ripped into all the white bashing statements the Commie/Journalist make and they don’t have anything done to them… Turn their shit around and throw it back in their face but he didn’t he just focused on what his writer did…

Chad Hayden
Chad Hayden
Reply to  Liberty Mike
4 years ago

Agreed, but I also fault Neff for being so stupid as to make those jokes under an acct where people knew his real identity. He was in a position of influence and he blew it, all to vent a little angst online. If you’re in a position like that keep the shitposting clean and to a minimum. Our guys get busted for ridiculous things. We are dissidents, after all.

Reply to  Chad Hayden
4 years ago

By my powers of deduction, by my brain being powered by three AAA batteries, seems to me that he had no one else in his life to vent to to get it out of his system. By deduction, tells me that Tucker is not one he could vent to. So what is Tucker really like behind the scenes, as a friend ?

if Falcone was his boss, I would have taken him out to dinner and learn something about him. Let him express his views

and now it makes me wonder if he was really all that high up

Reply to  Liberty Mike
4 years ago

What Neff did was more stupid than wrong. But being stupid often gets worse results than being wrong.

Reply to  Lorenzo
4 years ago

I always strive to be smart and wrong myself.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

Usually the choice is right or happy, but not both 🙂

Reply to  Lorenzo
4 years ago

I bet the left/Commies never fucking have a conversation on what one of theirs did wrong…No wonder why the right can’t get it’s shit together…

Reply to  Lorenzo
4 years ago

“Shut up, Whitey,” he explained.

Two comments that could upset your paymasters in one day, Lorenzo.

Is it worth it to save us? Better to keep your mouth shut, right?

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

I wish I had paymasters. If you find out who they might be, let me know. I could use the money.

Seriously, this is a problem with the dissident right, as it is with the left. They cannot believe anyone could disagree with them without being inherently evil or in thrall to Sinister Forces. It is the response of the true believing conspiracy nutcase to a contrary opinion.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Lorenzo
4 years ago

This is true. Offer the slightest deviation in opinion and you’re manning the Eye of Sauros for Globoschlomo.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

The comment section on this blog is by far the most conformist place I’ve ever seen on the interwebs.

They fawn over the zman and attack anyone who dares offer any criticism..

Reply to  Lorenzo
4 years ago

I mean your employer paymaster, not (((paymasters))). Don’t read so much into it.

If you’re so concerned about guys losing their jobs over stupid online dissent, lead by example and stop dissenting online. Go dark.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Agreed, Z. What happens next is determinative. Civ Nattery’s boundaries will be established. Last night seemed a negotiated settlement. For what, we don’t know quite yet.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

“What happens next is determinative”

I must have heard that twenty times in the past decade. It’s always what happens next then you find out in five years time it’s what happened when.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Bilejones
4 years ago

We are talking days here.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Moving “to the left” is not a prerequisite for Cucking.

Aditya Vivek Barot
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I want to cautiously suggest that he didn’t cuck- neither “left” nor “right. ”

The Levelers were left as unsatisfied as the Cavaliers. Plus, the “vacation.” Onviously, they suspended Tucker for standing up for the boy.

I want to believe this and I will do unless and until credible evidence to the contrary is proffered.

Lady Dandy Doodle
Lady Dandy Doodle
Reply to  Aditya Vivek Barot
4 years ago

CNN and the Ladies of Color on the View were pretty pissed with Tucker’s performance. They said Tucker didn’t go hard enough on Neff for his racism, didn’t apologize enough, and was despicable for turning his comments around on those who would condemn those who make mistakes. At the very least, Tucker did not give his enemies what they want.

Reply to  Liberty Mike
4 years ago

Come on Mike, eye on the ball! He did criticize AOC after all…

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Liberty Mike
4 years ago

He was handed a golden opportunity…and as most here predicted he played on their field not ours.

He could have sat there and read anti-white statements from newsreaders, politicians, public figures and read Neff’s stuff in comparison… and just left it at that. Not said another word.

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Yep. He could have fought fire with at least SOME fire

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

He would have gotten fired if he did that. Then we would have NO voices in mainstream media. Wasn’t there a Z man article recently about the danger of front line charges by the right (which essentially become suicide missions), at this time? What benefit would there be for Tucker to die on this hill? Please articulate?
Tucker pretty much gave as much a non-apology as he could have gotten away with without getting fired….but it is never going to be good enough for you is it?

Liberty Mike
Reply to  vmax71
4 years ago

If, as you posit, Tucker would have been fired if he addressed the matter in harmony with his professed position on the cancel culture, how would the same constitute (a) a loss of the one voice we have in the legacy press and (b) a suicide mission?

Your position would appear to be premised upon the notions that Tucker would not be picked up by OAN and that FOX would not lose a substantial share of its viewers and that Tucker needs ((( Murdock money ))).

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  vmax71
4 years ago

Simply reading back the words of the people doing all of the condemning isn’t a front line charge. It is the very thing that makes people on our side see the hypocrisy for what it is. It would force our enemies who hold very public positions to publicly explain why what they say about whites is warranted while someone on our side who works as support staff is to be condemned. It would force the hand of our enemies in a very public way. That is not a small thing. And if they fired him it would magnify the event… Read more »

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

vmax doesn’t get that because he’s not one of us Brother…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

“magnify the event!” lol. He would go the way of Bill O’rielly. From the number one talk show in cable history to : running a blog…..

Reply to  vmax71
4 years ago

The film “Network” is a perfect example of what happens when you put your ratings above your integrity – “Mad as Hell” Beale working a dissident grift with greasy-fingered suits crowing over the ratings.

Tea Party Reject
Tea Party Reject
Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

No, he’s right Agent Mulder. Tucker Carlson tanking his position is something the other side desperately wants. It should be noted that all the keyboard warriors wanting Tucker to ruin himself in a blaze of public glory are posting anonymously. There is your hypocrisy.

Tea Party Reject
Tea Party Reject
Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Right-wingers are horrible at strategy, logistics, and everything concerning cultural warfare. No wonder we lost. Not to be rude, but everything about that comment is wrong. Does our side have no sense of proportion or cost vs. benefit? The cost of Carlson ruining himself for one man is high. Every war has casualties and organized retreats are sometimes necessary. Should the British have stayed and fought (and lost) at Dunkirk? What would that have accomplished besides ensuring England’s defeat before the Americans could enter the war? The benefit to our side of Carlson going down in a blaze of glory… Read more »

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Tea Party Reject
4 years ago

What I’ve suggested Carlson do, reading back to newsfolk, politicians and other public figures all of their own anti-white statements, is something he’s actually already done a number of times. Doing it with a bit longer focus while also reading Neff’s post would not be a radical departure from what he’s already done here and there in bits and pieces. Putting our enemies on the moral defensive or at least in a position where they have to explain themselves is how we weaken their public positions and give our tribe a chance to observe the hypocrisy of the anti-whites. Comparing… Read more »

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Tea Party Reject
4 years ago

What I’ve suggested Carlson do, reading back to newsfolk, politicians and other public figures all of their own anti-white statements, is something he’s actually already done a number of times. Doing it with a bit longer focus while also reading Neff’s post would not be a radical departure from what he’s already done here and there in bits and pieces. Putting our enemies on the moral defensive or at least in a position where they have to explain themselves is how we weaken their public positions and give our tribe a chance to observe the hypocrisy of the anti-whites. Comparing… Read more »

Vikram Parmar
Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

a lot of hopeful assumptions in that post

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  Tea Party Reject
4 years ago

Churchill, with his insatiable thirst for death of white men, would no doubt have loved for white Brits to die in Dunkirk. His statue is one I can get behind throwing into the Thames.

Reply to  vmax71
4 years ago

If your voices in the mainstream can’t convey your message because they’re afraid of losing their jobs, what good are they?

Fox is Zio-cucked to the bone. If they believed Tucker was actually a gateway to Our Thing rather than a gatekeeper against us, he would already have been fired.

You can’t sneak up on media Jews – they aren’t stupid. If we think he’s dog-whistling, they hear it ten times louder. And they wouldn’t let him keep it up if they thought he was driving people to real dissent.

Tea Party Reject
Tea Party Reject
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

If someone can’t agree with you 100% publicly they are no good to us? That’s totally self-defeating. Tucker Carlson is far superior to Sean Hannity and we’d be better off with more of the former and fewer of the latter without question. You fight wars with the armies you have. You don’t cede the conflict because you can’t win every battle to your liking. “And they wouldn’t let him keep it up if they thought he was driving people to real dissent.” Why do you think they are trying to get rid of him? Advertiser boycotts, endless attacks, endless smears,… Read more »

Tea Party Reject
Tea Party Reject
Reply to  vmax71
4 years ago

Tucker did the right thing. Going down like the Hindenburg serves no one’s interests. The only people pushing for that are anonymous online internet posters wishing to live vicariously through another man.

Vikram Parmar
Reply to  Tea Party Reject
4 years ago

You articulated my thoughts better than me….But it is a lot easier for the other guys to call me a a colored guy who just doesn’t understand what is REALLY happening…lol

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Playing on the field of the dissident right is anything but a “golden opportunity” these days. Carlson with his huge audience does a lot of good for the wypipo cause despite his imperfect purity. It will be a long time, if ever, before VDare or such can move opinion the way he can right now.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Lorenzo
4 years ago

He can play on our field not by sounding as if he’s editorializing for Vdare or Amren but by simply pointing out the hypocrisy of our enemies with their own words. His performance was typical of how conservatives behave when they stand accused: acquiesce to our enemy’s world view while drawing another line in the sand another few paces back. He could have made their cost for taking him out very expensive maybe even too expensive to even attempt while things remained too hot. Instead he gave them the five-and-dime version. He’ll be gone anyway but now it will be… Read more »

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Or, he might live to fight another day.

Vikram Parmar
Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

a whole lot of words by you justifying your stance when simply recognizing that Tucker chose his battle wisely would have been the right analysis…. “If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him.”

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

I agree that Tucker should have done more. He should have at least given examples of leftists saying/doing far worse..I don’t see how that would have been too risky and his audience would have loved it.

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Should have read your comments Brother before I posted mine😉Great minds and all that…

Lady Dandy Doodle
Lady Dandy Doodle
Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

This is fair.

Reply to  Liberty Mike
4 years ago

Irrelevant. The mass media has been a pozzed write off for most of my life. Tuck is an aberration and his days are numbered anyway. He almost certainly knows this. Y’all need to step back and think, too. Not trying to shit on anyone… but would YOU commit hari-kari in Tuck’s position? Leftie would love the show, your career would be finished – and it’s not like Tuck has any career options. He’s radioactive. Would our esteemed blog host go public and give Leftie the finger? He keeps a low public profile for a very good reason, as do most… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

Lots of meaningless sacrifices add up to something that actually means something

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

you first.

Reply to  vmax71
4 years ago

What does vedic tradition say, vmax?

Reply to  vmax71
4 years ago

It’s not something one chooses

It’s when you are singled out, how you respond

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Vedic tradition? Is that something from Northern Michigan? Because, otherwise, I have no idea what you are talking about. In the winter time, the amount of melanin in my skin becomes a lot lower than many white people….hard to tell the difference….;)

Reply to  vmax71
4 years ago

White is about more than skin color.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

…on this point, i know exactly what you mean…. nickname given affectionately to me in 6th grade by friends(still friends to this day) was the indian redneck…i really love it

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  vmax71
4 years ago

I understand that methi-flavored Levi Garrett is da bomb.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

nothing wrong in being a redneck….I take pride in it.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

I’m prepping and getting out of my town Nov 1st. (Whew, ain’t that calling it close?) Place I’m moving to is 90% white and only 3% black.
Once I get at my new home, I must begin to plan for what comes next. And I hope planning is all that I have to do.

Reply to  Lanky
4 years ago

Should of moved to my area Brother 😎

Liberty Mike
Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

If, as you claim, Tucker’s days are numbered anyway, and he almost certainly knows it, what is the downside of refusing to cuck?

Reply to  Liberty Mike
4 years ago

Depending on when the knives come out… 6 figures and up…?
We can’t ask people to do what we ourselves will not.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

We can ask. The problem is that the supply of brave and stupid individuals (sometimes hard to distinguish between the two) is always in short supply 🙂

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

I saw a news bit with Biden saying the same stupid stuff about Trump needing to be removed by force. The other side is already setting the stage for the guns and ropes phase with talk like that. Tucker is good for what he does. He’s not your gun and rope dealer. He would be wise to just let fools like Hillary and Biden talk and play their clips on his show. Tucker moves the Rush Limbaugh and Hannity types a bit closer to us. At this point it’s too early to sacrifice him on the altar of ideology. Like… Read more »

Reply to  Liberty Mike
4 years ago

Tucker Carlson is not the archetype of our redemption. But perhaps Simo Häyhä is. Verbal skill is over-rated in a hot war.

Serbian Citizen
Serbian Citizen
Reply to  Liberty Mike
4 years ago

It has been claimed that the CNN “reporter” who doxxed Carlson’s writer, Neff, once had a working relationship with Gregory Hood, a guy who publishes at Jared Taylor’s American Renaissance. Hood contends Oliver Darcy once worked with Hood’s Youth For Western Civilization, a group described by the SPLC as being the genesis of the alt-right. Hood’s views were well-known to Darcy, or so Hood contends, and Gregory Hood has stated they were friends.

4 years ago

I appreciate Z’s emphasis on the point that, “Language they don’t like is violence and violence they like is free expression” because it underscores the point that our struggle with our rulers is existential.

For example, they will not tolerate that I think HBD is true, that many homosexuals are predators on the young and that trannies are mentally ill. They find it unacceptable that I hold these beliefs. There is no middle ground.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

“ They find it unacceptable that I hold these beliefs. There is no middle ground.” Yep. Remember back in the day there’d be some group or classroom discussion and someone would do the “We agree to disagree then. At the end the day I think we all want what’s good, we just have different ideas on how to get there.” That may have been true 40 years ago, with basic Dem vs. Repub politics. But deeper than that it was always just a cope to ease the tension in the room. After the teacher would say that, nobody (except a few… Read more »

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

On your last point, the only two cases that I’ve known well were both fraternal twins (girls) where the one twin was VERY clearly not like the other–extremely masculine. There is some research to suggest that uneven hormonal influences in utero can be factor in fraternal. And do know that are genetic aberrations with extra chromosomes. But try to have a conversation with a true believer that while these outliers may exist, cases where five girls in the same 8th grade class decide they are boys is likely mental illness and you’d think I’d walked into a mosque, set a… Read more »

Reply to  SamlAdams
4 years ago

Sami. Here, here. Just try to use plain logic wrt why so many of these occurrences seem to be happening now, in this era and time—while never occurring before…

I often talk more in the nature of critical thinking these days, rather than argue positions of fact. Much more important knowledge to attempt to impart. It’s difficult to overcome a lifetime of indoctrination, but really the only way to make progress in a sea of lies.

Keep up the good work.

4 years ago

I haven’t owned a tv in 20 years, I don’t have a problem with anyone who does, I haven’t smoked cigarettes on a daily basis for 5 years, smoke em if you got em no problem. tucker has been Mostly an abstract pop culture news thing I’ve heard about here and there.i always assumed he was like rush Limbaugh. Making believe he’s your friend so he can sell you something like security cameras or anti hacking software or chocolate dipped strawberries. Curiosity Got the best of me last night and I watch his show from earlier in the day on… Read more »

Reply to  Hamsumnutter
4 years ago

They don’t call it the boob tube for nothing

I always liked the term Magic Box

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

I liked “the electric Jew”

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
4 years ago


Reply to  Hamsumnutter
4 years ago

keep commenting. i want your perspective. I’m too plugging in, and worry about becoming confused.

4 years ago

I wonder if the gaining steam again covtardian express will be the pretext for actual roundups (of Whites) to begin? The hysteria is ramping up again, with new shutdowns, lockdowns, quarantines, “show us your papers if you’re from certain hot spot states” all by decree – no one has any choice in the matter. Those who refuse to comply or question the virus “facts” could be socially ostracized, fined, cut out of the system, arrested – you know because you’re putting the human race at risk of extinction. It may sound ludicrous, but tell me this isn’t the way we’re… Read more »

Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

I hope they try it

i mean, I’d rather have a normal life, but if they do try rounding me up, I’m going balls to the wall

Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

I don’t think they’ll try that just yet. But try it one day they will — and people are definitely taking notes

Reply to  Lanky
4 years ago

President Whitmer or K harris would try

Chad Hayden
Chad Hayden
4 years ago

Tucker isn’t our guy, but he serves a purpose. The sour grapes against him reek of dashed dreams and desperation – did we really believe he would he would come out as our guy, run for president in 2024 and fix everything for us? The ladies are especially vindictive.

We need to prepare for a marathon here. The big change, if it does come, probably won’t for ten, perhaps 20, yrs yet. Disappointment and indignation beckon everywhere. Don’t overly indulge; rather make strong old dreams…

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Chad Hayden
4 years ago

We need to prepare for a marathon here.”
You are right in the sense this is a long struggle; it has been already. It will not be easily won. But history teaches us a totalitarian dictatorship once established has to be toppled in a matter of several years or it becomes entrenched beyond destruction.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

This is a good point. How long do we have before the roundups begin? Any estimations?

Reply to  Lanky
4 years ago

Assume soon after Trump. If you are wrong, you will be well prepared and if you are correct, you’ll be well prepared. It will happen once the mainstream Democrats lose all control. They won’t be able to stop the younger far more energized movement and while I suspect they’ll gladly throw everyone else to the crocodiles, its dawning on them, they are on the menu too. The main goal though is making friends. More than a few normies are open to the “genocide of Whites” now. You see hints as far afield as the Hacker News and beyond. It will… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Lanky
4 years ago

I agree with ab. Maybe there has to be full operational control of the military, but the brass alone will do it. Then it starts.

Reply to  Chad Hayden
4 years ago

Chad – As one of the ‘ladies’ here I would dispute your charge of vindictiveness. I never pinned any hopes on Tucker; I didn’t watch him and never expected him to lead anything. What I expected is what happened – he put his own career and/or social standing ahead of his purported principles. He behaved in a dishonorable manner. I realize honor is an outdated concept – not the faux honor of a vaunted cuckservative intellectual, but true honor which requires a certain amount of courage and risk.

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

Fox has always been a Civic Nationalist enterprise. I mean its a network that runs shows like Empire whose entire audience is basically Black and 9-1-1 though a decent show is so Civic Nationalist its makes my teeth hurt.
The rules were well understood upfront as were the consequences for breaking them.
And yes Civic Nationalism is stupid and unworkable. It takes some time for people to move to Our Thing.
And yes they are moving but its quiet and unless that person is very close to you you’ll never know that they’ve changed.

Basil Ransom
Basil Ransom
4 years ago

Here’s how an Argentine general put it during La Guerra Sucia:
”First we kill all the subversives; then, their collaborators; later, those who sympathize with them; afterward, those who remain indifferent; and finally, the timid.”

It happens like this…thing go slow, slow, slow then suddenly blindingly fast. Our swarthy neighbors south of the border show the way…

Reply to  Basil Ransom
4 years ago

America’s a lot bigger than Argentina. There’s still time to fight the purge but we’re not going to do it with sportsball politics and outdated assumptions about rule of law. Our government hates us. The long turbulent history of Latin politics holds many examples of resistance movements we can lift some lessons from.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Exile – But you’re fighting tremendous inertia plus decades of cultural conditioning. You see it here, with people constantly excusing their POC friends or relatives, or making excuses for Tucker or Sailer. No, I’m not out there leading anyone nor am I urging anyone to go out flaming. What I am saying is that for me, at least, there are definite boundaries to everything. This far and no further. I define true friends or allies as those I can trust implicitly to lay it all on the line for me. If someone as wealthy and connected as Tucker is unwilling… Read more »

4 years ago

All these ponderous claims about saving the “white race” is so tiresome. If you can remove the command and control structure that dictates American life, whites will thrive again and be left alone to create. The anchor needs to be removed violently and soon.

4 years ago

Z: “After all, what makes the partisan a partisan is his fidelity to his cause. To invalidate the cause, even by questioning it, is to invalidate him and therefore, striking at the bad speaker is self-defense.”

Nice. And what’s remarkable is how Lefty-Normie high school friends have taken to imitate the radical mentality they see on TV. You used to be able to disagree with these old friends without heated craziness. Now they flip out on you. They never cared about politics. But now they know they’re supposed to be yelling at you about SOMETHING.

4 years ago

Anyone else notice that when ethnic and racial jokes were permitted, that everyone got along much better?

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

I can remember the comedy clubs in the 60’s and 70’s. Black and other minority comedians were some of the worse wrt racial jokes and stereotypes. Good days as I now look back.

4 years ago

OT – Someone tracked down and just posted this, “ Rare Sir Oswald Mosley Johannesburg Press Conference (1964) “

His statement concerns Freedom of Association in Africa but he also talks about desegregation in the United States. 

The stunningly elegant woman next to him at the very beginning and at the end is his wife , the former Lady Dianna Mitford. Her Thames TV interview on the same page is notable for her magnificently unrepentant manner. 

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Lurker
4 years ago

Thank you for the link. An intersting piece of history. I agree with most of what Sir. Mosley says. Being an ignorant Yank, I wiki’ed just who Mosley was. Tough gig, to be a Fascist in the UK during WW II 😀

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
4 years ago

While our side plays 64D chess their side uses blunt force trauma. But things are going to change. In fact, I am getting so mad that I may just write a sternly worded letter of complaint to that smarty pants Mitt Romney.

4 years ago

“….no one sees coming until it is too late”

Christians have been warning us for a long long time, but the elites successfully marginalized their opinions

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
4 years ago

“The ultra-violence of the French Revolution similarly crept up on the radicals.”

What timing — Happy Bastille Day, Z Man!

4 years ago

If you want to disturb your sleep for a few nights, watch a movie made right after the fall of the Soviet Union, “The Chekist”. Perfect illustration of the mentality discussed in today’s epistle. And increasingly, as I watch the city descend into anarchy, not nearly as far fetched as would have thought just a few short years ago.

Reply to  SamlAdams
4 years ago

If you are still on Netflix, there is a movie, “The Death of Stalin”. A black comedy of sorts. I found it amusing having read about Stalin’s passing many years ago. Steve Buscemi plays *Krushchev* if you can believe that one. 😉

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Good movie. And no gay porn which is pretty rare in any modern moving.

Aditya V Barot
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Brilliant film. Loved Buscemi’s Nikita K.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

SF (Atlernate History) Novel: Posits a world where Stalin (Steele) had been born in the USA and worked his way up to President:

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Hilarious and sadly accurate. “The Chekist” is simply dark in that way that only Russians can be. Reminded me of the time I read “The Road” in a single sitting, finishing about 2am. Did not sleep the rest of the night.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

Off Guardian with a great piece about how the President of Burundi was assassinated for refusing to go with the Coronahoax flow:

4 years ago

Zman — “Little Cat Feet” — ISWYD 🙂

The fog comes
on little cat feet.

It sits looking
over harbor and city
on silent haunches
and then moves on.

-Carl Sandberg

David Wright
Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

Thanks for reminding me how much I loathe Sandberg

Reply to  David Wright
4 years ago

thanks for being the first one to say it 😉

Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

T. S. Eliot envisioned the fog as a cat as well in Prufrock:

The yellow fog that rubs its back upon the window-panes,
The yellow smoke that rubs its muzzle on the window-panes
Licked its tongue into the corners of the evening,
Lingered upon the pools that stand in drains,
Let fall upon its back the soot that falls from chimneys,
Slipped by the terrace, made a sudden leap,
And seeing that it was a soft October night,
Curled once about the house, and fell asleep.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

I don’t see how anyone can compare the fog to a cat

Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

An excellent analysis of America’s descent into totalitarianism. One caveat, however. What Stalin did to Soviet society was simply Leninism writ large and long. Lenin was murdering, persecuting and impoverishing Soviet subjects long before Stalin came to power. Had Lenin ruled another 15 years his reputation for evil would equal Stalin’s.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

The divorce courts have been destroying fathers for a while now. And courts have been bankrupting people on the lower rungs for some time as well.

Maybe these have been those quiet cat feet

Getting louder now. The cruelty from the top has been intensifying and their net getting wider. We live in a sick society

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

Martin Armstrong has a great take on Coronahoax:

I doubt the newly cucked Zero Hedge will post it because it is a spot summary how the current mass psychosis is being used.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

Zero Hedge proved to be just another poseur

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

William Briggs also has a great post on the coronatard testing madness.

Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

Briggs links to a great Twitter thread about hospitals being overrun… in 2018. I recommend everyone read it. Back in March I was having this discussion with people who insisted what we were seeing was unprecedented. It was easy then to find WaPo articles from just 2 years ago that painted 2018’s flu season in bleak terms, but the Twitter thread Briggs uses today is awfully damning to the case of those who say we’re in uncharted territory. The quotes, pulled from media articles, are thorough and cover the breadth of the country.

Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

Here in the county, it was revealed today that the State/County officials are going through all the death certificates and looking for Covid-19 symptoms and when found, listing them as Covid-19 *deaths*.

So today for example another 75 deaths were announced due to Covid-19 whereas, 29 of those were post-hoc, presumptive cases from weeks or months ago. No mention is made of the date of death, nor the presumptive nature of the cause. This is outright fraud, but the media is complicit so folks are not getting the word.

4 years ago

BTW Tucker’s devotion to the law enforcement community is disgusting. He wants to curry favor with the correction officers? ROFL

My Comment
4 years ago

Alas, we are already at the stage of Soviet-style show trials and political violence as exemplified by Charlottesville and the trial of Fields. Conservative judges will still put on real trials but the left runs trials along ideology thus blacks and antifa getting off for violence and any wrong thinking white having the hammer drop on him.

Reply to  My Comment
4 years ago

What I think you’re getting at is a dual system of “justice”. Ordinary, run of the mill, crime without any ideological bent gets handled as we have been used to. Crime that can be conflated with ideology, gets the show trial treatment. It seems to have been that way for quite a few rears now, and under Trump accelerating.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
4 years ago

The jews brought chaos and destruction to your community. They won’t relent, fuck them, bury them in the dirt.

Reply to  Dennis Roe
4 years ago

Bury them in the dirt?

X Action
X Action
4 years ago

Big upheavals could be coming in the future. It’s possible there is a real split in the elite happening now with the JK Rowling letter, the leaked Daily Mail story about Hollywood discrimination, and now the resignations of Barri Weiss from the NYT and Andrew Sullivan from New York Magazine. Revolutions (and counter-revolutions) happen when the elite split like this. The American Revolution is an example of this phenomenon. Ben Franklin was a loyalist until he was insulted by the British. He broke with the Crown along with other elites who thought they could get a better deal by siding… Read more »

Reply to  X Action
4 years ago

The example of Franklin is interesting. Until he was publicly excoriated by Alexander Wedderburn in the wake of the Boston Tea Party, he was essentially a civ-nat who believed in the essential goodness of Great Britain and who was unwilling to sever American ties with the motherland. In the space of one hour, he became so angered at his treatment that he threw his lot in, silently at first, with the Yankees who saw independence as the only just solution. Franklin was confronted with the same truth that we here have already been awakened. He and his fellow Americans were… Read more »

4 years ago

Z-man – Amazing that you come up with 6+ topical essays/week, but IMHO today’s topic is the one that needs constant piledriving. I know others care about the sayings of Tucker or whoever might be deemed cuck de jour. Lots of symptoms of cultural decline worthy of essays and comment, but the end result of Bolshevism is bloodshed and enslavement. Some of our side have their hope in Trump, others in a GOP sweep of Congress, but given the gun-buying statistics it seems most also understand that “this won’t end well” really means “this is going to get violent.” Lots… Read more »

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

Dovetailing with your commentary, I was reading that realtors and analysts are seeing a spike in people within big cities looking for homes in small towns and outlying areas, rural.

Someone else below discussed, elegantly too, how he sees lots of evidence in rural / outlying / small town America of rougher middle class white folk who know what the hell is going on and are braced for it.

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

Yea let’s hope so Brother…

4 years ago

Thread jack:
The bronco looks like the FJ cruiser. Discuss.

Reply to  DJ3Way
4 years ago

isn’t it a 4 banger too?

Reply to  DJ3Way
4 years ago

BTW new issue of C&D just arrived in mail, Bronco on cover

Looks EXACTLY like an FJ Cruiser

4 years ago

I recommend Neff find a beard, Tucker hires him and have him submit Neff’s stuff as his own to the show. That’s the American way of handling writer-blacklists, as Dalton Trumbo and Abe Polansky would be the first to tell you.

R. Boscobel
R. Boscobel
Reply to  Starboard
4 years ago

Only the leftists do such maneuvers, unfortunately.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

Just as the State has the right to declare war, they also have the right to determine who are their enemies.
We all know how that works with foreign enemies, and now we know how it works with domestic enemies; call out the police and National Guard to shut down dissenters, or call off the police to promote and protect the rioters.

4 years ago

[…] ZMan points out some inconvenient truth. […]

4 years ago

How can the death penalty be primarily self-defense when the subject is already incarcerated? There’s a bloodthirsty angle to it — a smug satisfaction in truly having “the final say.” Same view the left has about us.
Plus, their insanity is a matter of proportion. Committing political violence because you forget a pronoun is neurotic and wackadoo. I can’t see anything “natural” about that, even within the left’s demented moral framework.

Reply to  Lanky
4 years ago

Killing people takes a toll

except in rare occasions

why they’d be content just to put us away in camps to die a natural death

4 years ago

On the “Logic of Political Violence”. From the infighting and splintering that a guy named Tucker can cause us. (Not to mention the Jews). If we ever approached becoming a real force, one can see why a leader such as Stalin or Zman would be compelled to ship about a third of us off to the gulags, or worse.

Reply to  Frip
4 years ago

Look at ole Frip, trying to jump to the front of the line 😁

4 years ago

I called it on Tucker

he pulled a total C

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

I think he pulled a half C so as to not outright discourage his more…. politically sensible viewers. No matter.
Perhaps people like Tuck are preventing us from finally getting off the ground. The precious lie that we have at least *some* legitimate representation in the MSM acts as a political sedative. He’s weaponized hope.

Reply to  Lanky
4 years ago

I got shouted down by regular people on Gateway Pundit when I mentioned that it may not be a coincidence that things worsened at an accelerated pace during the time of Rush and Hannity. Tings were just plodding along beforehand. One would think that having a guy putting a laser light on the Left for all to see them in their shenanigans would have slowed their progress. That defining and exposing them in and of itself would prove an antidote. But instead the disease only spread faster. And I don’t think it was a case of ignorance is bliss, that… Read more »

Reply to  Lanky
4 years ago

He’s weaponized hope.” oh for fuck’s sake. What’s funny is how much D-Right discussion centers on how to win over Normie. Somehow we luck out and get a high IQ Carlson to do just that with an entire nation of Normies. And all we can say is, “meh, he’s useful”. Like an ugly maid but really good around the toilets.

Reply to  Frip
4 years ago

To be fair, there is much I have done for the sake of a fuck.
Dude is just a lullmaster.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
4 years ago

On the OTHER hand, this from David Cole in Taki’s mag today: “One thing’s for certain—this is the pivotal moment when white Americans either fight back or go the way of the Indians. If the surge of violent crime, police defunding, and hate propaganda doesn’t motivate them, nothing will. At the very least, if there  is any hope of rejuvenation and resistance, it’ll have to be brought about by a people with a stark and sober grasp of their dire predicament.”

4 years ago

Hey Zman — this one’s for you (I’m not the author):
Your continued support of Sessions is the biggest issue I have with your otherwise right-on ideology. You seem unwilling to explain it either, just to throw stones. It’s pretty baffling.