Covid Capitalism

For most people, buying a car is not a pleasant experience. Getting a new car is always nice, even if you are not a car person, but the process of getting it is almost always a hassle due to how cars are sold in America. Getting a used car can eliminate the hassle of the dealership, but then you have to worry about getting hustled by someone trying to unload their lemon onto a sucker. The car market is extreme capitalism, where no one gives a sucker an even break or smartens up a chump.

Strangely, this makes it the ideal place to understand what has happened to our society over the last six months. For example, every car dealership website now has a prominent banner informing the visitor just how much the car dealer cares about the health and safety of their customers. There’s usually a link to their page detailing just how much they care about you, the sap they hope will buy a car from them. All of these mission statements are titled, “Our Response to COVID-19.”

In case it is not obvious, a business built around the phrase caveat emptor is not concerned about the safety of anyone, even the employees. Like every business in extreme capitalist America, the car dealers see an angle in presenting themselves as guardians of public health. At the far end of capitalism, the business must be both rapacious and patronizing. Telling you how much they care about your welfare while stripping you of what they can is the standard business model.

The thing about all of this that goes unnoticed is how predatory economics has not just been normalized, it is now celebrated. Forty years ago, soulless money grasping was seen as immoral. The movie Wall Street presented a morality tale about how extreme capitalism was soul destroying. Today, the ruthless businessman is in the morally superior position, while the person doubting the ethics of his behavior is portrayed as a naive and stupid person, possibly even dangerous.

Maybe it is just a case of monkey see, monkey do with these dealers, but all of their steps to show just how much they care are the same across the board. They have “contactless” car buying, which is a very strange thing, when you consider it. How much physical contact would one normally have with the the car salesman under normal conditions? Of course, since their goal is to screw the customer, maybe this is a strange inside joke or possibly a cry for help.

Of course, all of this is just a racket and everyone gets it, except for the people firmly in the panic camp. They see it as confirmation. In fact, that’s the point of all these ads from giant corporations telling us how much they care about us and the communities they are destroying. It is pure partisanship. On one side there are the people sure this pandemic is punishment for Trump. On the other side are people who are sure the other side is using the virus to advance their ideological goals.

This is the world of today. There are now two camps of people. One camp consumes every event and metabolizes it into fuel for their ideological war. As soon as the virus became news their chief concern was in how to turn it into another weapon in their social war to control society. As soon as the hated Trump declared his side on the virus issue, the Left immediately embraced a set of positions on the virus. Every left-wing and adjacent governor blew up his state to spite Trump.

The second camp are the people who realize that the new issue is becoming politicized and they form up an opposition to the Left. In the case of the virus, they started as curious or maybe mildly skeptical. These were the people who said it was just going to be a very bad flu most likely, but we needed more information. Now they are the people who say the face muffler is the six pointed star of totalitarianism. For them, the facts of the virus no longer matter anymore.

In this environment, there’s no truth or even the desire for truth, as all truth is determined by which side of the line you stand. The car dealers, for example, would have lepers selling cars if it moved more product. It is in their interest to go along with the safety campaign, so they go along with the safety campaign. They would have their people in hazmat suits putting the buyer through a delousing station if that’s what it takes to sell cars. They care, because they don’t care.

Everywhere else, the caring capitalists are either proof that the plague is real and a punishment for the Orange Man or it is just part of the fraud perpetrated by people obsessed with hating the Orange Man. Not only does this make everything extremely simple, it means the simpletons rule the day. If you’re inclined to automatically take one side or the other based entirely on your feelings toward the people on each side of the line, this is a glorious time to be alive.

The car dealership is now the metaphor of our age. The people running it engage in the most extreme form of ruthless transactionalism. They do so while pretending they care deeply about the people they will gladly fleece. Meanwhile, on the lot, one group of buyers is misty-eyed over how much the dealer cares about this plague sent to spite the Trump people. The other group grits its teeth behind its face mufflers, fantasizing about the revolution and that sports car in the showroom.

Note: The good folks at Alaska Chaga are offering a ten percent discount to readers of this site. You just click on the this link and they take care of the rest. About a year ago they sent me some of their stuff. Up until that point, I had never heard of chaga, but I gave a try and it is very good. It is like a tea, but it has a milder flavor. It’s hot here in Lagos, so I’ve been drinking it cold. It is a great summer beverage.

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4 years ago

All the “closed doors, open hearts” nonsense can only happen in a hyper-feminized society.

The Karens & Cucks are actively enjoying this and don’t want it to end.

Joey Jünger
Joey Jünger
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

I’m as suspicious of the “Karen” meme as I am of being encouraged to make fun of Biden because he’s old (or rather because he’s old and white). The “Karen” crap seems like a way to drive another wedge between white males and white females. Like the woman in Central Park: Okay, she’s a busybody, but that energy can and should be channeled, and she wasn’t wrong to fear that guy (who also wasn’t minding his own business, and thus, despite being a black man, was pretty much a Karen).

Reply to  Joey Jünger
4 years ago

If you have a leftist wacko liberal female in your family, and I have more than one, you know the Karen meme is not a joke, or a ploy, but a daily nightmare……

Lady Dandy Doodle
Lady Dandy Doodle
Reply to  LibDis
4 years ago

It is for real. And there are even Male Karens, too.

Reply to  Lady Dandy Doodle
4 years ago

Think they call those “cucks”.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Joey Jünger
4 years ago

Karen hates your guts and wants you dead or imprisoned. Cut the White Knight m’lady fedora tipping. We clearly understand the difference between /ourgals/ and Karen. They need to feel shame and fear, let it go man, you clearly don’t get this.

Joey Jünger
Joey Jünger
Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago

Busybodies are a permanent feature of society. A mother duck repeatedly counting her babies is exhibiting the same energy, as are the kinds of biddies who told Tom and Huck to quit smoking behind the church. There are no ladies (or barely any) before whom I could white knight on this blog.

Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago

Any karen can give birth to 3 of /ourgals/. We have failed our karens.

Chad Hayden
Chad Hayden
Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

This comment is hilarious

Reply to  Chad Hayden
4 years ago

True though. It’s mostly daddy issues.

Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago

We need to direct that Karen energy. Imagine an army of pro-white Karens.

Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago

Karens are anti-whiteness incarnate. They are the funny hats’ prison guards.

Au Jus
Au Jus
Reply to  Joey Jünger
4 years ago

I find the interaction between the Central Park Karen and black “bird watcher” particularly telling… On display was an epic battle between two aggrieved classes. Both attempted to use their falsely elevated statuses to bludgeon the other. And the black man won.
The Karen thought she could pull the “black man going to rape me” card but was defeated by the race card.

Boom. There it is.

Reply to  Au Jus
4 years ago

False equivalency

Reply to  Au Jus
4 years ago

Her fear was not unreasonable. A woman alone in a park is not being unreasonable to fear any unaccompanied male, especially in a city park. Women are assaulted all the time in parks.

Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

Women alone in parks is part of the problem. If she were actually thinking, she wouldn’t be alone in the park. Even another woman as an escort would help, or a really big and mean dog. The woman empowerment thing dictates that the rules of nature (one of them being that there are many places where a woman should not be out alone) can be violated without consequence. Not true. In a more civil and moral culture, the boundaries of where women could safely travel unaccompanied could be pushed out a bit. But civility and morality, too, have been sacrificed… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Well said. I remember one of the articles said that the NYPD have an officer full time at the entrance to Morning Side Park (the “good” side, I guess), to try and dissuade people from entering the park, it is so dangerous.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

So very true, Dutch. Liberalism kills.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

True. Too many females think they can do anything they want or go anywhere they want with no consequences. You know, I am woman hear me roar. Unfortunately, many find out the hard way, and some permanently, that it just ain’t so.

Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

Yeah, this. Her reaction to the black guy made great TV, though. That was her mistake.
Also, many white women haven’t caught on to the fact that they’re second class yet.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Lanky
4 years ago

Yep. On the victimhood totem pole, they’re actually pretty close to the bottom.

Felix Krull
Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

Also, he sounded rather threatening: “You’re not going to like it, if I do what I’d like to do” or something like that.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

And especially a black male. The Hutus punch far above their weight when it comes to rapin’.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  Au Jus
4 years ago

There are no black birdwatchers. He was tuning in his binocs on yogapants white chicks…..would’nt know a bird if it landed on his head.

White Alyssum
White Alyssum
Reply to  Joey Jünger
4 years ago

As Z Man said, when a black man emerges from the bushes, it is typically very bad news. The creep could have done his part to set her mind at ease, even if she was an obnoxiously nervous Karen. But he was setting her up for the reaction that the rare black bird-watcher enjoys. Creep.

Reply to  White Alyssum
4 years ago

That’s also a good point. He knew she was just a neurotic woman. Why set her up? Oh, wait…

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  White Alyssum
4 years ago

Even though the anti-racists are ascendant, I think there are limtis to what even the gullible viewer will believe. I’d like to see statistics, if they could be collected, on what the average Black now is trained to say when facing the police: Beyond “Dindunuffin,” “I can’t breathe” must be a favorite, even if no physical contact has yet occurred.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  White Alyssum
4 years ago

Black bird watchers are rare only because the toxic whiteness of the bird watching community dissuades them from watching birds. Otherwise dey be totally down wit da scarlet tanagers and de red-breasted boobies.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

Bird watching is the only pastime where a mixed crowd can openly and politely comment and point out a marvelous pair of tits or boobies. 😀

Reply to  Joey Jünger
4 years ago

I find the Karen meme to be a mean spirited and bigoted anti-white meme. The white woman who was murdered for saying “all lives matter” is an example of what they want to do to these women. They want to murder them. It’s a revenge fantasy. It’s a lust for killing fed by years of an oppression narrative. especially by black men who claim they were raised to fear the white woman and her alleged racially motivated accusatory finger. Even Clarence Thomas has spoken about this and how his parents warned him about white and how white women can get… Read more »

Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

Well, the white mother was not murdered because of the trivialities she might have said. Don’t buy their narrative. She would still be dead if she had just said “good morning”: failure to kneel to the new aristocracy while white was why she was murdered.
But rejecting the Karen meme is cucking: refusing to counterattack traitors is to condone treason to your own, and it is manifestly obvious Karens are attacking our people, Western Civilization, and God.

Reply to  Educated.redneck
4 years ago

None of these “Karens” are attacking OUR people. They are almost always being accused of not being sufficiently “respectful” of the blacks. It isn’t even just that. They are attacking women for doing what middle aged white women do. Above all, it is racist against white women. These are OUR mothers, they are OUR sisters, OUR wives and they are the mothers of OUR children. Defending our women is not cucking. It’s just another way of turning our people against each other, just like the Boomer stuff. Ganging up with blacks and other anti-whites against these women is absolutely retarded… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

The salient feature of the Karen is not that she may occasionally tut-tut toward a maskless Hutu, but that she sides with the totalitarian AWR state in its war against whites. For that reason, she’s fair game just like an ANTIFAG.

Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

Walk into a store without a Cuck Muzzle and let’s see if you still feel that way

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

Although I think he was punished just a bit harshley, the martyr for his cause Emmett Till could give us a first-hand lecture of how — in the old days — a black man should not interact with a white woman 🙂

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

Ah, the good ol’ days…

Lady Dandy Doodle
Lady Dandy Doodle
Reply to  Joey Jünger
4 years ago

The woman in central park wasn’t the Karen in that situation–the Karen was the black birdwatcher. As a non-Karen, dissident right, white woman, I love the Karen meme because it signals to other people that I am not one of these women. It especially comes in handy when there is a Karen-Male (what do we call him?) pulling his shit. Karens are usually white because blacks and browns, except the upper class woke ones, just don’t care about rules, one of our biggest complaints about them. The Karens are the ones who overreact and boss around about the stupid stuff,… Read more »

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

No doubt. The feminization of society has wrought all sorts of bother, and this is just another chance to nanny. On the subject of others enjoying it, I’d not thought about it before, but it now seems obvious. One colleague remarked to me that, ‘The Walking Dead scenario is obviously silly, in my area everyone is behaving well during the crisis’… This was said with sincerity, as if it were a great trial the country had pulled together one. He also enjoyed it when one national newspaper droned a number of people walking on Dartmoor, mentioning that these people were… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  OrangeFrog
4 years ago

At the rate things are going, the fembots running things are going to start demanding that convicted child molesters work at schools and day care centers. “Poor dears, they really mean well and mean no harm.” Proof of concept for their lavish ideas is often lacking, however.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Some of the more stronk empowered specimens may still be enjoying this but the majority of distaff madness comes from ladies knowing in their hearts and other parts that they’re not good at the Man Thing. They’re only pretending to strong and they know it. As any man who’s ever gone shopping with a woman or asked her what she wants to do tonight can tell you, they don’t like leadership, decision-making or a surfeit of choices. It’s a big reason why Karen obeys the magic box on the wall. Look at the Central Park Karen and the Hallway Karen.… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Yeah, it all starts with white men. Look around at the current crop, would you want to have babies with a fat, video game playing, alcoholic white slob? Who is also a bluepilled beta to boot. When I was more naive I dated a stronk wimmin who was certain she never wanted kids. After about 10 months she was telling me all about her plans for kids and said she saw a future where we had a family. She’s back to dating betas now and is also back to being childfree. Being angry at white women does nothing, since man’s… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

We need to woo the pretty feminine doves from the flock and leave the minority of spiteful shrikes & dykes who enjoy playing at manhood to roost in each others’ pleasant company.”

Helluva sentence.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

Yeah exile is a little tough on them.

4 years ago

Good grief. “Oh those eeeeevil capitalists!!!” Z, you are trying to hose the car salesman too! Are you evil and predatory? I love car shopping. My best friends are the pakies and chinks at Sun Toyota and they hate my guts. I go and visit all the others first, and then go into Sun Toyota where they are all high pressure, histrionics and intimidation. By the time they are hopping up and down and shouting about what a fuggin Jew I am – I get up and leave! Like clockwork, they’ll call up later in the day to give me… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

We can have a society that gives power and status to guys because they have a pile of shekels and are good at “Jewing guys down” on a car deal or we can have a society that ennobles family, sacrifice for the group, honor and fair dealing.

I’d rather have a society of soldiers than rug merchants, thanks.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Amen on that Brother…

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Oh fuck, you are becoming militant. Settle down bruh. Let the scot be a scot.

Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago


“any similarities between Scots and Joos is entirely coincidental! Any resemblance to any Joo, living or dead, is unintentional and will not be grounds for soap or lamp shade making…”
on a serious note, E… I agree with you. But as our blog host says… the 50’s are never coming back. (Unless, of course, you and the dissidents get that segregation you want. If you can get the diversity and vibrants out of our lives… the sky’s the limit and we can all go back to living like white men again.

Trapped On Clown World
Trapped On Clown World
4 years ago

It’s morality for people who have no religion. Their lack of Christian faith has caused them to create a new religion, this new faith exceeds even Islam’s requirements for public piety. The new religion is why we can’t even buy a can of coffee without being subjected to a line that it is “fair trade”, something that matters to me as much as whether or not it is halal. The masks are part of this new religion, it symbolizes that you follow science, unlike those clingers. And of course, all this division only exists between white people. I’ve yet to… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Trapped On Clown World
4 years ago

This is exactly it.

Even though they can’t admit it to themselves, far too many of these Karens and cucks had lives that revolved around nothing more than soulless, debt-driven consumption.

Their only purpose in life was to to a nicer neighborhood, get a bigger house, fill it with more crap, and buy a fancier SUV to haul the Chinese crap back from Wally world.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

People want to work less, have more leisure time. The wonders of capitalism: scolds and freaks with nothing better to do than pleasure themselves. And useless eaters:

Think maybe someone posted this here already, but it’s over the mark.

Also funny how the more specialized and less essential to survival the work, the better it pays. Guessing it’s a status thing.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

Fred is one of those guys that misses the target 90% of the time, but when he hits it, it’s a bullseye.

Reply to  Trapped On Clown World
4 years ago

Just my impression but the mask seems to be a superstition in some POC circles. Wards off bad spirits or something.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago


I find the POC don’t care either way, about the virus, or masks. It’s a white man argument, the POC just do what they’re told, but not really, and kind of half assed.

The whites are either super pro mask or super anti mask.

Reply to  b123
4 years ago

Yeah to be more specific Puerto Ricans from the island, at least where I work. Pardon the sarcasm in the previous post, but they seem to take the unseen enemy thing seriously. And to be fair some don’t, most of the American-born don’t, and a few of the white guys who still trust the news do. The white guys dress up their superstition in pseudoscience talk.

Anyway I got a kick out of the unseen enemy thing.

Reply to  Trapped On Clown World
4 years ago

And can anyone show proof of the claim that a lack of belief in christianity is the cause of liberalism? People spout this all the time with no proof. It reminds me of the ‘systemic racism’ arguements which are never backed with any proof either..

Trapped On Clown World
Trapped On Clown World
Reply to  Phoenix
4 years ago

Most people are going to have some sort of religion, and if the old religion is destroyed then they’ll create or pick a new one.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Trapped On Clown World
4 years ago

Most people are going to have some sort of religion, and if the old religion is destroyed then they’ll create or pick a new one. That’s not how it works. Embracing Jesus doesn’t inoculate you against (other) irrational hysterias. Also, I’m not sure I understand this eagerness to conflate religion with all kinds of secular stupidity – what does it say about your view of Christianity if you compare it to mass insanity? I’m tempted to quip that if you believe in Jesus, you’ll believe in anything, but atheism is no inoculation against irrational hysteria either, so I don’t think… Read more »

Reply to  Phoenix
4 years ago

I don’t think it’s the cause, at least not in the strictest sense, but Jesus taught industriousness, not worrying because God is in control and provides, being in the world but not of it, submission to God’s will, etc. So anyone who takes those teachings seriously will tend to be conservative. At the heart of liberalism is the belief that man is a power unto himself. Believing that in a recently Christian culture is tantamount to turning away from God.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

You touch on a critical wisdom. Trouble arises when Man makes himself to be a God. This is equally true whether God himself exists, or if the atheists are right. Man is and always will be Man, with all the strengths and weaknesses that implies. We are a power unto ourself, but there will always be limtis to that power and consequences for its misuse, whether provided by God, Nature or both is open to debate.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

Yep. Even if a person can’t bring himself to believe in God, he at least has to admit nature is bigger than him. Nature has rules. The sun will rise and set. The sun goes nova tomorrow, we’re all dead. Not very godlike of us.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

Forgive if I’ve used this before:
I read a book on atheism and found out that God doesn’t exist. Then I read a book on Zen Buddhism and found out that I don’t exist. 🙂

Reply to  Phoenix
4 years ago

It is an explicit part of marxist ideology to acheive the replacement of Christianity with a religious fervor for international socialism. Research the reds before and during the Spanish civil war. Replacement of Christianity with marxism is as obvious to those who will simply listen to what our enemies declare to be their goals as the “long march” and alinskyism. Its in their foundational doctrine books, just read em.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Phoenix
4 years ago

Well, it’s not exactly ironclad proof, but there is no doubt that Leftism advanced as Christianity went into retreat. I don’t doubt for a second that there is a correlation.

Reply to  Trapped On Clown World
4 years ago

I don’t think that morality is impossible without religion. I think immoral people will simply subvert religion and use it for their own ends. Shoot me if I think it’s most a biological thing.
I’m Catholic, and I get what you’re saying, but there are basic moral axioms understood on a primordial level, no?

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  Trapped On Clown World
4 years ago

I feel like eating my head every time I hear, “We’re all in this together” in heavy rotation on the grocery’s p.a. system. Or constantly repeated While-U-Wait on a phone hold. I’d be less disturbed if I thought the message saturation was just cynical manipulation, as with car dealers. The scary thing is that most people propagating it are true believers, basking in the glow of their preaching license. Z is correct that it’s foolish to take sides in the virtue sweepstakes based on the politics of who’s advocating what. The distancing and mask requirements are obedience training, but while… Read more »

Reply to  Gravity Denier
4 years ago

Whether the mask is useless or not, is not the issue—unless of course, absolutely proved useless (I guess). The issue is what are the costs and what are the benefits. It doesn’t cut the mustard to simple shrug and say, “It can’t hurt.”

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Right, Compsci. I doubt the masks, the distancing marks on the floor, etc. have a significant benefit — though it’s possible. No one knows; how could you design a double-blind, placebo-controlled experiment to test large-scale results? Impossible. But as you say, that isn’t only what’s involved. The clampdown changes the way we live in multiple ways. It has uprooted the economy, especially for middle class and (formerly) working people. The plexiglass bisecting every public interaction, the phone calls and Zoom sessions that have replaced human-to-human meetings, have reduced personal communication and vastly jacked up feelings of isolation. Virtual reality has… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Gravity Denier
4 years ago

And don’t forget the aesthetic damage. The masked drones instantly make society an uglier and more bizarre place. An “American” supermarket now looks like a bazaar in Turkmenistan.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Trapped On Clown World
4 years ago

Cases like climate hysteria, racism hysteria and flu hysteria are only religions in a metaphorical sense. Their adherents do not claim supernatural sanction or guidance, they believe they’re acting on entirely rational grounds.

Sometimes a thing walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, but is really a ventriloquist eagle with a fake duck beak, experimenting with a new hunting technique.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Somebody fix the upvoting. Felix deserves some recognition. 😉

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

I suspect we’ll be without upvotes as long as we’re with masks.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

yeah i miss it too.

Joey Jünger
Joey Jünger
4 years ago

There’s an inverse-correlation at work in a lot of these advertisements. When I see an ad for a cold medicine, it’s usually just some schlub tossing and turning in bed and sneezing. When I see a commercial with people kayaking and windsurfing, stretching out their hands to the heavens as a choir sings, I know it’s an for something to send genital warts into remission. All this “We care” crap is basically just, “Me thinks the lady doth protest too much.”

Reply to  Joey Jünger
4 years ago

“Cupid’s measles” – WWII British slang for an STD. I found this amusing.

Felix Krull
Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

In Danish, it’s “Turkish music.”

4 years ago

And then there’s homestead capitalism. Plant 50lb of Kennebec potatoes in March; cost – $35. Dig up potatoes in mid-July; yield – 2500lbs. Cost of organic potatoes in supermarket that “cares for my health” – $4/10lb sack. Net gain for the homestead: about $1000 … not bad (about 2500% in 4 months) for a $35 investment, about a pint of diesel for the tractor and a bit of my time. Biggest gain for the homestead? My boys and girls learn about being free men and women … and we’ve got chow for the winter.

Basil Ransom
Basil Ransom
4 years ago

Amen on the whole thing becoming too politicized. I don’t wear a mask. My state doesn’t require it and being youngish and healthy, I don’t see the need. However, walking out of the grocery over 4th of July weekend in the neighboring state, I had some old harpy snidely snap: “Wear a mask!” as I passed through the exit doors. Immediately, downright instinct, I told her to shut up. I don’t celebrate a world in which I have to tell grandmother, even vinegar drinking scolds, to shut their pieholes but I can tell my face pressed all this lady’s buttons… Read more »

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Basil Ransom
4 years ago

Act like an ass, get treated like one; old farts are people too. When I was young, the elderly were to be treated with far ore respect, but today’s geezers were yesterday’s hippies, so mixed bag all around. I get ya, though, it sucks to be a culture like that, but what can you do?

Liberty Mike
Reply to  Forever Templar
4 years ago

Who acted like an ass?

It was the seasoned citizen who initiated the aggression against Basil. She chose to play the busy-body; she chose to be the do-gooder; she elected to play the scold and introduce a strident note of unnecessary hostility.

In short, the old harridan was rude.

Reply to  Liberty Mike
4 years ago

I believe FT was making the same point as you, it was the woman who acted the fool.

Reply to  Forever Templar
4 years ago

When I was young, I respected my elders greatly. Just looking at them, and being around them made me comfortable. They just commanded respect – always wearing respectable shirt and pants, well groomed, straight backs, conservative demeanor.

That generation is pretty much dead and the new old people dress like shit, talk like shit, and act like shit. They don’t command respect.

People instinctively know who deserves respect – ESPECIALLY women and POC. Guess what, most Boomers don’t…

Reply to  b123
4 years ago

One of the things we don’t have any more is civility. Civility was a peculiar local white person thing meaning that initial direct contacts with the people you don’t know would be treated with respect, as a baseline attitude. Note how so many other cultures have always treated initial contacts as a mutual predator-prey interaction (just like going into a car dealer). Now people are treated with judgement and criticism (“I don’t want to hear your opinions, I want to hear my opinions coming out of your mouth”). One of the upsides of community building is that the baseline behavior… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Civility was a by-product of legitimized violence. If you stood a good chance of getting punched or worse for being uncivil, civility was the norm. One of the worst results of over-feminized society has been to stigmatize all forms of violence. It drives anarcho-tyranny because the scolds keep the civilized men in check while the outright thugs just go about their bloody business. It also drives fatal solutions over non-lethal fistfighting etc… because guys are forbidden to fight, never learn how but they know how to pick up a gun and fire it from movies. Handling yourself in a sub-lethal… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Yeah, it’s weird. My son and most of his wrestling buddies (19-21yrs) haven’t been in a fist fight. On the bright side, they curious about it. Humorously, they come to me for advice on how to start, and prosecute one. I’m turning into some kinda weird hillbilly mage warrior.

Reply to  Forever Templar
4 years ago

Old farts are just young assholes with gray hair and wrinkles, who grew old but never grew up. Respect is earned. Basic courtesy sure, but no one is owed respect merely because they’ve hung around long enough to need a mobility scooter and oxygen tank. And the wizened and hobbling Han/subcons whose H1b kids brought them here and immediately got them Supplemental Social Security, Medicare, and Food Stamps need to be treated as they treat their own unwanted young.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Forever Templar
4 years ago

That’s certainly what happens to Bottom in “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”. An actor literally makes an ass of himself (but has help.) I just listened to a performance of this famous Shakespeare play a few days ago. I guess we can’t study all the classics in a couple high school or college classes 😀

Reply to  Basil Ransom
4 years ago

I don’t wear a mask either—but am not adverse, say in a medical or nursing home situation. Hell, that was done before the pandemic. But as I’ve noted before, it is now damn near impossible to walk into any store without one as all the chains have gone to requiring face diapers—No shirt, no shoes, no mask, no service! Today, I had an interesting experience. A/C went out yesterday. Here in AZ, that’s a life and death situation, not simply an inconvenience. We locate and schedule repair from a smallish up and coming company wife has used before. Of course,… Read more »

4 years ago

I just drive the same car for 25 years. My 1996 Camry, bought new, gets antique plates next year. Can’t wait….

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

The Z Truck

Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

Is it a …. Z71?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

I had him pegged for a Z28.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Ditto here. My car is 20 years old with only 215,000 miles on it. I’ll reassess when it hits 300,000, but probably continue on. LOL.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Those Roadkill guys on Motortrend are my heros. If only I had the skills and tools to pull off the engine and transmission swaps etc. that they do.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Go for it. I am the proud owner of a 1995 Chevy C1500 bought in November 1994. I just put the 221,000th mile on it. A couple alternators and a rebuilt clutch are the only repairs beyond routine maintenance. I am not a proud man. Even the Mexican guys have stopped offering to buy it for $1000 bucks and a new set of tires would be worth more than the truck. But nothing beats the joy of driving past dealers’ lots where new trucks retail for more than twice what I paid in 1994. My motto is that it ain’t… Read more »

Reply to  Maus
4 years ago

Maus, I had to laugh when I got to your sentence about new trucks retailing for more than twice what you paid in 1994.

Clearly, you have not kept up with the latest price news.

I recently priced a sweet Ram Turbo Diesel for very close to the amount I paid for my 2400 square foot house on five acres. But that was 35 years ago, so things change, I guess.

Reply to  Maus
4 years ago

yeah, i’ve had that internal discussion several times. Are new tires worth it?

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Z, your truck is likely old enough NOT to have that little blurp on the roof that tracks you wherever you go…just saying…(we have smartphones for that…).

Reply to  LibDis
4 years ago

Ditto. I have a 5.00 litre Ford. Thirty years old last January.

Reply to  LibDis
4 years ago

When I was just starting my career, I had a new job and was thinking of leasing. My buddy’s brother owned a gas station said that was the stupidest thing to do. You always have a payment. Buy a recent used car, maintain the car and you can drive it for 15+ years or until it starts rusting. (I lived up north then) Repairs are cheaper than the car and insurance payments. Glad I took that advice.

Reply to  LibDis
4 years ago

I drive a 1997 Dodge Ram 2500 4×4 diesel. I love it. It has a manual transmission (which are no longer offered by full sized truck manufacturers in the US) and a mechanical fuel pump. A few turns of some screws and the hp bumps significantly.

I will drive that truck until I die.

4 years ago

just buy a 1 year old car still under factory warranty based on the KBB value. it’s not that hard if you’re willing to do even a little research.

Reply to  JR55
4 years ago

I hear December is a good time to shop. Dealers pay tax on inventory so they’re motivated to sell.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

This year October might be a good time too. Dealers will be trying to clear their lots before the Lefties stage their “Automobil Kristallnacht” on Nov 5 when Trump is re-elected. This is what happened to the dealerships in Portland in 2016.

Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

No kidding? I didn’t hear about that one.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  JR55
4 years ago

Absolutely. New cars are for suckers. One to two-year-old with a year or two remaining factory warranty will save roughly 30 percent. It used to be higher until Obama’s Cash-for-Clunkers reduced inventory and people caught onto the ridiculous amount of depreciation.

Tyler, the Portly Politico
Reply to  JR55
4 years ago

Good advice. I bought a used 2017 Nissan Versa Note SV on consignment back in January (I wanted something affordable and fuel efficient, with some cargo space for my keyboard and music gear). A rental car company was selling it. The local dealership has done a couple of repairs that still fall under the manufacturer’s warranty. I also paid $9086.95 cash for that car after all the various fees were tacked on–the best price I could get. I did discover that dealerships don’t really haggle, at least not until you’re on the lot. I walked away from a 2018 NVN… Read more »

Reply to  JR55
4 years ago

you will need ot go 2 to 3 years old . nobody sells a one year old car that has not been wrecked and repaired.

Reply to  JR55
4 years ago

I bought an old clunker compact for 3k, low mileage, great on gas, and cheap parts which I usually repair myself.

I’m a millenial, and nobody owns cars anyways so I’m still a king even with this piece of shit (people are impressed that I have a car). My depreciation costs are also nothing lol.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  b123
4 years ago

Conjecture: you live in Europe, where public transit is heaven and paying for (or parking) a private auto is hell 🙂 or you live in one of the few US cities with decent public transit.

Bubba Denekas
Bubba Denekas
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

I haven’t owned a vehicle, well non-aviation, in twenty years. I’m on the road twice monthly, well before the black death period, and so I drive a few thousand miles per year all over the world. I’ve never purchased a new car, only used. I live in the Great Lakes area of the US. A car here is a liability if you live within the right metro.

Reply to  b123
4 years ago

Honestly, i was surprised with this comment. I’ve got 7 cars that run sitting around my house most days. 3 that don’t, but i have hope for them/

Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

Nobody has cars any more because I’ve got them all.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

It’s because of people like you there’s zoning and restrictive covenants 😀

Reply to  JR55
4 years ago

I’ve never bought a vehicle that rolled off the line before I graduated high school.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Educated.redneck
4 years ago

With used cars people are often trading the lower price in exchange for losing out on the lowest maintenance period on the car, and if they hope to own it for the same amount of time, exchanging that for the most expensive maintenance period (+100,000). Add in financing and the new car price can be a wash.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
4 years ago

Unless you know your way around the cars and can repair and maintain them yourself. A useful skill set to have.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Getting much more difficult to do yearly. These cars are now computers on wheels. Some of the diagnostic equipment getting expensive. Hell, even heard on the radio of paint shops being unable to paint and certify external sensors in bumpers and stuff due to initial cost of equipment.

Had a window break on the new 2020 Ford truck. 3rd party window replacement, $200. However, they had not received the software to adjust/certify the sensors in the rear view mirror (they dim the headlights to oncoming traffic). Off to Ford after a discussion with Geico—$500.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

He’ll, I have a 2013. First time the battery croaked, I open up the hood and none is to be seen. Buried under a bunch of s*** by the firewall. Took the guy from AAA an hour to change it out. And I thought side terminal batteries were a pain in the ass. My 2001 Jeep is a joy to deal with by comparison.

Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

My late uncle drove corvettes for the last few decades of his life. Midlife thing. He was crazy as well. More drunk than sober at times. Once he ran it off a mountain road and was trapped inside, upside down. Thing was, they were putting the battery in the rear and the damn thing dripped acid on him as he lay trapped. So he came home in a body cast with acid scars and a great story.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Well, that’s one way to drop acid…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

I miss the upvote, and the down vote. When Z going to get this fixed?

Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

I think he said he thinks the plug-in is broken and there’s nothing he can do about it. Not certain of that but that’s how I remember it.

Major Hoople
Major Hoople
Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

I think he plans to develop a new website, and probably figures what’s the point of putting lots of sweat into this one, as long as it’s functioning good enuf.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  JR55
4 years ago

Very true, and also a hard deal to find. I’ve been on the wrong end of such a deal. I can state from experience: the only thing more stupid than buying a new sports car (if a Miata qualifies), is to sell it at two years old! While a used car can theoretically be a good deal, I say if your finances allow, the most sensible thing is buy new, drive until it’s worn out. Adjust advice as necessary for business needs and/or to inflate your own ego 😀

Reply to  JR55
4 years ago

hertz was having a fire sale recently.

Felix Krull
Reply to  JR55
4 years ago

When I was a teenager, you had car auctions here in Denmark, where the car on sale would be driven through a barn with the assembled bidders. The auction lasted the time it took for the car to drive through the barn and if it made it all the way through under its own power, the sale was done, even if it blew up ten meters outside the barn doors. You could get a working car for $300; it might not last a year, and you definitely didn’t want the cops to take a too close look at it, but… Read more »

Bubba Denekas
Bubba Denekas
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Stories like this I love. Being one-quarter Dane especially. The Norwegian other quarter does engage in self-loathing, however.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Bubba Denekas
4 years ago

The Norwegian other quarter does engage in self-loathing, however.

The Norwegians are not particularly self-loathing, in my experience, just introspect and anti-social. They have a healthy patriotic streak, a substantial nationalist presence in parliament and, during the last year, a popular resistance to seeing their beautiful countryside raped by wind farms.

There’s probably a Swede somewhere in the woodpile, accounting for the self-loathing.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

The imported Monkees are gonna cause you alot more problems than the wind farms.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Bubba Denekas
4 years ago

Have you introduced the Norwegian to the rest of the family? 🙂

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Odd, but the barn auction is pretty much the way we wholesale them today here in US. Perhaps not a barn, but same move it through process when I last saw one.`

Felix Krull
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

They probably got the idea from the US.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

In 1995 I did a bike & train trip to Scandinavia. I never did find Scandinavia 😀 , but I did visit Norway, Sweden and Denmark, among other places, doing as much beer drinking on my meager budget as world’s highest (?) alcohol taxes and a major low in the US Dollar would permit 🙂
. It was Denmark (?) that has a high tax on new vehicles. But anything 40 years (?) or older was exempt, so you’d see old 60s US muscle cars out of proportion 🙂

Felix Krull
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

I suspect you saw the American classics in Sweden, they have a large Rockabilly community. In Copenhagen, the American cars congregate near Tivoli on Friday nights, cruising, showing off the hardware. Here’s from a meetup at June 12: (See if you can spot a face mask, by the way)  never did find Scandinavia 😀 Few people do, not outside Copenhagen at any rate. It pains my patriotic soul to do so, but I always advise Americans visiting Europe to give Scandinavia a pass. If you have decided to shell out for a European vacation, you get a helluva lot… Read more »

4 years ago

“except for the people firmly in the panic camp”

I know one of these people. She hasn’t left her house since February and has imprisoned her teenage child and her husband. I’ve gotten to the point where I delight and telling her when things are out of the grocery store I talked about empty shelves and how all there’s nothing there and then I start talking about Supply chains breaking down until I can hear her hyperventilating because I have learned to hate her and all the other stupid bitches like her and I enjoy sending her into a panic.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

I work with someone almost exactly like that, and although I hope she’d be the same person you know, I’m sure they’re both one of many. She’s also the word’s fattest vegan just on the off-chance they are the same, but then again, that probably still doesn’t narrow it down enough.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
4 years ago

Nope. There are lots of them and they are why we are in this mess. We are ruled by lunatics

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
4 years ago

Oreo Cookies are technically vegan. No animal product, just synthetic virtuous goodness.

Bubba Denekas
Bubba Denekas
Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

I literally have two women each week enter an elevator, see me maskless, and leap out the door shrieking at me. That’s been going on for a while. This past Sunday morning, early, a boomer hag stepped in and immediately began berating me for my (un)masked-u-linity. I carry a dental mask for shopping, masks are mandatory here, and so I hung one side of it from my left ear and told her, “now we’re all Joe Biden.” It shut her up.

The Right Doctor
Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

An acquaintance of my wife’s has been in self-imposed solitary now for four months. She has not left the house. We needed to drop something off for her. There was a sign under the button, Doorbell Sanitized After Each Delivery.

Reply to  The Right Doctor
4 years ago

How are things at your clinic? Still getting flooded with asymptomatic Wuflu positives calling you on the picture phone?

4 years ago

At least the car dealers will sponsor my kid’s little league team. 🙂

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

The busy body Karen’s are now political leaders. The mob that invaded the St Louis couples property was looking for the female liberal mayor Lyda Kruson house.
The correct respond instead of brandishing guns in this situation would have been to draw crayola marks on the street pointing to the mayors home with a lemonade stand set up outside for dehydration of the mob.
Liberal women need to pay a price for this Karen and car dealership culture they have helped bring to us.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Agreed. These creatures are killing us.

4 years ago

I think Corona will fade away after elections, the only reason it’s still pushed by media is to hurt Trump, that’s it. They’ve gathered the data they needed for population control, they’ve passed occult policies while everyone was distracted, riots & quarantine succeeded in ruining small businesses, all that’s left is Trump.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  sentry
4 years ago

Go check out some of the Victorian-era cures for female hysteria.

Those guys knew exactly what the hell to about lunatic women.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

There is certainly a sexual component to the current wahmen hysteria. It’s funny to see WOC (sorry, I know) who were choking on my white dick a year ago, now screaming about white privilege and BLM. “Smash the white patriarchy” was not in their mouth in bed. it’s why on an individual level none of this shit bothers me, it’s just a shit test. WOC spread their legs easier for a white guy who doesn’t buy this crap. On a civilizational level, though, it’s disastrous, especially since the majority of white men are beta cucks or just losers, who don’t… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  b123
4 years ago

Absolutely nothing wrong with a little exotic sport old chap.


Absolutely haram.

Lady Dandy Doodle
Lady Dandy Doodle
Reply to  b123
4 years ago


Reply to  Lady Dandy Doodle
4 years ago


This is an irrefutable tell that you are stalking, at least mentally, some trouser snake and you are dissatisfied with what is available to you. Otherwise you would have ignored the post or else provided reasons.

Stop while your lust is checkable please.

Reply to  b123
4 years ago

I’ve had success whenever I’ve heard “White privilege” by saying. “You are confusing competence with privilege. Only a loser like you cant tell the difference.”

The Right Doctor
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

One such cure was for the doctor to massage the woman to an orgasm. Wonder what the billing code is for that one?

Reply to  The Right Doctor
4 years ago

It wasn’t worth the afterwards. So a male doctor saved our male sex and its sanity by inventing the vibrator. In comparison splitting the atom was less valuable by orders of magnitude. Do your part to stop the bitching, spare your children the indignities, and buy your wahmyn a vibrator now. We’ll all be glad.

4 years ago

Last three cars I bought were from little used car lots in the nearby small town. All were decent. I think they rip people off less because everyone here knows where they live. 🙂

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

That and their overall volume is lower, so the smaller lots are less able to have people walk off and go buy somewhere else over $500, thus missing out on the profit from selling the car and any vig they might get from loan origination.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Disagree. I’ve shopped a few times from used dealers. They certainly knew where I lived (have to show license). Rarely would they take a reasonable offer, even a good bit above KBB, so I went elsewhere. To be fair, I was shopping in a price level and the average clientele in that area lived in a trailer home and got benefits, so perhaps they weren’t prepared for Jewry, even my amateur attempts 😀

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

It’s not about them knowing where you live. It’s about you knowing where they live. The two I’m talking about are in a very small town. Everybody knows everybody. I start bitching that Robert (not his real name) ripped me off to the guys over at the hardware store or the feed store, and word gets around.

David Wright
4 years ago

just did a new lease on truck. They rolled out new bs , be safe, “I can’t even get this deal” etc.
You would think it would come with a Ford logo mask, but no. They really, really seemed to care though.

Reply to  David Wright
4 years ago

I bought a Vovlo from Cosco on time. Best experience. I came to the lot with a little plastic stub they gave me with for the suv the they had pre-negotiated. Made the mistake of bringing wife. The saleman was good and didn’t know hwat plastic stub was about.. He tried to upsell me and the wife was getting interested. I cut him off with- i’m not intersted and it defeats purpose of the whole costco thing. He made mistake of the using the “well- the lady seems interested” gambit. Wife nodded in agreement. Whereupon, I made quite a scene.… Read more »

4 years ago

I’ve noticed that the higher a neighborhood’s Walkscore the greater the fervor on mask wearing/social distancing.

What is also weird is that illegals are super obedient when it comes to mask wearing even as they break all other kinds of laws

Altitude Zero
Altitude Zero
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

New Urbanism strikes again.

Altitude Zero
Altitude Zero
4 years ago

One of the really interesting dynamics that you see going on right now, is the more moderate Left trying to regain control of the “Movement” from the Antifa nutcases. Their motive for doing this seem to be threefold :1) A belief that they are boiling the frog too fast, and might get some kind of right-wing backlash; 2) A fear that the US as a whole might blow up, just as they are getting undisputed control ; and 3) that even if the above two scenarios don’t come to pass, they are going to be purged by the lunatic PoC’s… Read more »

Reply to  Altitude Zero
4 years ago

They don’t understand human nature. They do honestly think that POC are SWPLs with dark skin, and that Antifas are aspiring SWPLs. Truth is just about everyone hates SWPLs, except SWPLs (which includes rich Asians and Jews). Furthermore the POC go along with their stupidity for the gibs, and tribal interests – not so that they can debate whether or not Harry Potter was black, Dumbledore was gay, and then go kayaking. This is one of the most extremely predictable things ever. If people had a little bit of common sense. They won’t be able to control them because the… Read more »

Altitude Zero
Altitude Zero
Reply to  b123
4 years ago

“I don’t think this cat is getting put back in the bag” Nope. The Left has been riding this tiger for a while, and it looks like they have finally lost control. It would be funny if it wasn’t going to destroy my country too. But there is room for hope. There are two factors driving the current race hysteria on the democratic left, the fact that, thanks to the march of history and their own repudiation of that history, the left is more dependent on blacks and the civil rights narrative than even before, and the fact that blacks… Read more »

4 years ago

“The second camp are the people who realize that the new issue is becoming politicized and they form up an opposition to the Left. In the case of the virus, they started as curious or maybe mildly skeptical. . . . Now they are the people who say the face muffler is the six pointed star of totalitarianism. For them, the facts of the virus no longer matter anymore.” Why equate the two sides? I wouldn’t go so far as to say the mask is “the six pointed star of totalitarianism” but the panic has caused real suffering without justification.… Read more »

4 years ago

The Wuhan virus is the Democrats’ Reichstag fire.

4 years ago

Alaska Chaga assures us that they are engaged in a “sustainable”, “non-GMO” business, but do they care about my COVID-19 exposure?

Bubba Denekas
Bubba Denekas
Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

My batch tastes like moose pee. Must’ve gotten a low branch. Or that’s just chaga.

Reply to  Bubba Denekas
4 years ago

Do you commonly consume Moose Pee?

Bubba Denekas
Bubba Denekas
Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

Define ‘commonly.’

Reply to  Bubba Denekas
4 years ago

I don’t even want to know how you know what moose pee taste like😂

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

It tastes a LOT better than wolverine pee!

Bubba Denekas
Bubba Denekas
Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

I was formerly lead stud in German Scheiße videos. Then I got promoted to moose pee. It’s a living.

Reply to  Bubba Denekas
4 years ago

Hopefully you can do better when you grow up…😉

Bubba Denekas
Bubba Denekas
Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Laugh a little, live a lot.

Reply to  Bubba Denekas
4 years ago

Does moose pee protect against COVID? If so, it may be worth it.

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

The Israelis claim they have a moose pee-based COVID vaccine. Spokesman for the moose of Israel had no comment but moose in Jerusalem were seen holding their bladders during temple and with stickers displaying “fair price for moose pee.”

Reply to  Bubba Denekas
4 years ago

I actually liked it alot. I am sorta a fag in that i use french vanilla creamer. I like my coffee like i like my womens, mostly white. An occasional asian for diversity.

Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

Don’t worry, your secret is safe here. Most people drink their coffee with as little coffee in it as possible.

4 years ago

I spent enough time in the Third World to know one skill I’ll never have is price haggling in the street. Just isn’t in my Waspy nature. So I buy my cars using services like TrueCare where the dealers have to bid against each other online for my business. Seems to work pretty well. If I don’t get what I think is a good deal, I just wait a month or two and do it again.

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

Haggling may be inborn – I know I don’t have that gene. Perhaps because my mother was as cheap as they come, but I get extremely uncomfortable in that situation. Sure, I’ll ask if something’s questionable, but I accept the answer and don’t quibble. Overseas my husband proved the ultimate haggler, to the point he insisted we walk out of a shop that had some quality things we really wanted – until the owner came running after us 5 minutes later. That’s why hubby both earns the $ and pays the bills in our household.

The Right Doctor
Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

I hate haggling. My wife loves it. She buys the cars for us. But even those who think they are good at it can learn… She came to visit me when I was stationed in Egypt (in Sinai, peacekeeping deal). We traveled all over Israel and Egypt. She made haggling over omnipresent wooden rosaries a sign of how flexible they were. These are cheapos from SE Asia, same exact items at every place in every souk. If she could get them under five bucks she would do more shopping there. Then we got back to our base, which had a… Read more »

Reply to  The Right Doctor
4 years ago

In Turkey we had some guys show us how they artificially ‘aged’ some of their metalwork and sold it as ‘antique’ (helps if you’re with a Turk or an embassy employee who knows the language). I thought I was really careful when I bought things, but I still ended up paying for ‘gold’ earrings that were cheap plated metal. You’ve got to be careful in Bangkok, too, but they didn’t seem as predatory about it as the Turks.

4 years ago

hey, i know its been blackpilled around here lately. check this out for a little encouragement. south african rhodesian with his back against the wall, but still in the fight.

Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

Thanks Brother always good to have a little encouragement…

4 years ago

I think it goes back to the marketing people. Since most of their work is crap any way this is just another angle to sell the company on a new round of ads. I wonder if the car salesmen even notice that the company is advertising the fact that the customer doesn’t even have to interact with the sales guy any more. Hell why doesn’t the company just put a sign around their necks saying “unclean” and dump them for a robot. One of my favorite ads recently was for one of the pizza chains proclaiming “our pizzas arrive to… Read more »

Reply to  Allen
4 years ago

My guess is if good and cheap enough robots are available, most people will be laid off.
Its a short term solution though, every robot means less consumers and less babies born. Modernity self corrects.
Fertility is already at an all time low among every group other than the super religious and some African and Middle Eastern groups.

4 years ago

I send my kids to do the car buying

Works great. They say they are buying for dad and they will have to run everything by him. And keeps the salesmen off balance where they know if they don’t give the kid a decent deal to take home to dad then there won’t be a sale. And when I arrive to sign the docs I get the VIP treatment.

My dad said he had kids to mow the yard. I guess I had kids for this reason 😉

Sgt. Joe Friday
Sgt. Joe Friday
4 years ago

I am reminded of the King of the Hill episode where Hank finds out the dealer he buys his trucks at has been screwing him for years. They always told Hank that he’d pay what was on the sticker, and “not a penny more.” I’m also reminded of an acquaintance of mine who briefly worked for Cal Worthington’s Ford dealership in Long Beach in the early 90s. The black customers were referred to by the salesmen as “dubs.” This came about because the black car shoppers often had what you might charitably call “bruised” credit, so the salesmen would mark… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Sgt. Joe Friday
4 years ago

You sure Mon? Dey not listen to de Dub, which is kind of Reggae? 😀

george 1
george 1
4 years ago

One big problem for people who seek the truth about COV-19, is that the stats have been so screwed up, mostly by over counting the infection rate as well as the mortality rate, that it is now impossible to have the facts.
We will never know the true numbers at this point. Just like the global warming models are skewed to the purpose of the left so has the COVID-19 issue.

Reply to  george 1
4 years ago

Dentist friend of mine told me this yesterday: About 8 weeks ago he tested positive for the virus – no symptoms. Because he’s a medical professional he’s required to come in for weekly checks. He’s now had 8 positive tests. He’s not counted as one individual with 8 positives; it’s counted as 8 separate/distinct positives. That kind of counting gets the desired outcome – exponential growth.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

Had not considered that factor, but it sounds valid. This is a free bonus for those who want high rates of positives. I question the value of such tests — even if they were completely accurate. As I understand it, there is a test to see if you are actively sick (or shedding) COVID19 virus, but there is also the antibody test that shows you were exposed but most likely no longer actively spreading/sick. Sadly, I can see the mandate for repeated tests since it apepars that immunity to the virus fades in a matter of weeks. 🙁

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

Fades as measured by antibodies, but there is a theory postulated that innate immunity as produced I believe by T cells may still increase. These cells are the first to recognize abnormal cells and destroy them in any attack of disease. Someone who may have a better understanding can correct or elaborate.
The aspect of innate immunity is a variable that seems not to have been factored into models of the disease, but may play the greatest role in understanding why the models have been so inaccurate.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

If it is true that testable antibodies fade within weeks after an exposure/inflection, this has many worrisome consequences. I hope your “innate immunity” or other factor reduces risk of repeated infections. Also, alas it makes any random testing of the population rather pointless.

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

It’s pretty likely that everyone has either been exposed to the virus by now or soon will be. Herd immunity looms near. The media’s hype about “the spike in cases” was unfortunately effective in getting people to submit to more lockdowns. Eventually, as it becomes apparent that “cases” doesn’t mean much more than a positive test result, that deaths are not materializing and hospitals are not being overwhelmed, the sham will need to end. The problem is that the media and politicians are going to need to be very careful and creative in how to spin the lies during the… Read more »

Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

“Eventually, as it becomes apparent that “cases” doesn’t mean much more than a positive test result, that deaths are not materializing and hospitals are not being overwhelmed, the sham will need to end.”

That became apparent some time ago. I hope you’re right but I have no faith that the sham will end anytime soon.

Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

We all like a good horror movie—and what can be better than to live in one? 🙁

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

As a Gen-X guy it was my understanding that I’d be living in a sci-fi movie by now. I wanted my goddamned warp drive! All I got was a shitty smartphone that runs a bunch of apps I don’t use.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

I battled a similar argument today on Zerohedge. Empty hospitals? Really? Then why do some States or Cities have packed ICUs? I admit I haven’t researched these myself, but that is what news items have recently said. Here’s a recent one from Tampa (granted, they aren’t overrun yet, but have seen a marked increase in cases.) Tampa is a smaller city so the rule of thumb, things are same or worse in larger cities.

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

If u read statistics you would find most vulnerable group to covid are the medical staff.

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

Same has been shown in AZ and additionally they are mining the old death certificates and recertifying the cause of death as COVID should the death certificate indicate any symptoms. This recertifying gave them last week a count of 73 “new” deaths or so, while 25 happened months ago. Indeed, the cases continue to increase yet COVID admissions to hospitals and deaths therein decrease.

4 years ago

I drive a 5 series BMW that’s about 5 years old. Got it about three years ago off lease and I got a screaming deal on it by buying it online from a dealer a couple of states over from us. The nice thing about leases with luxury marques is they really are sticklers for holding down the mileage and also provide for maintenance, which on Bavarian cars gets quite expensive. We purchased my wife’s Mercedes SUV in the same fashion. If you’re willing to take a weekend trip to buy a car online, you can save a lot of… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  dr_mantis_toboggan_md
4 years ago

Stop-start systems are horrific for engine reliability and should be disabled immediately. Do not purchase any late-model vehicle that does not allow this.

I’m a little more leery about buying away from the local dealer based on recent experience.

The service department at the dealership here doesn’t seem to want to deal with me because they’re not making any vig off the loan I originated elsewhere.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

Really? I’ve only experienced one on a rental car (thought the car had broke down ) 😀 I’m no mechanic, but I was under impression that virtually all engtine wear is from starting a cold engine when oil is in the pan. What damage can possibly befall an engine that has been off for a minute or less?

Lady Dandy Doodle
Lady Dandy Doodle
Reply to  dr_mantis_toboggan_md
4 years ago

Used BMWs and Mercs are for blacks, Chinese, and Indians. Don’t buy cars like this–normal people think people who drive these cars look like materialistic jerks, and they usually are.

Reply to  Lady Dandy Doodle
4 years ago

When you’re deciding whether or not a person is a materialistic jerk, how do you determine if he’s purchased the car new or used?

Lady Dandy Doodle
Lady Dandy Doodle
Reply to  KGB
4 years ago

If the person driving the car is “of color”, I know the car is used. If the person is white and he or she feels the need to show how well off he or she is by buying a luxury car, I know the person is a jerk.

4 years ago

When these car dealerships hire only Black people, sales, parts, repairs etc., then I’ll consider buying one of their cars in a contactless transaction. All my decisions are now based on Blackness and Covid.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Jay
4 years ago

Black people running a complex business! Ha ha ha! 😀

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

I think the freakonomics guys used Raj Chetty’s research on the drug business to show just how well a jogger can do for himself in the hood.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Everything is politicized and/or demonized. While raw capitalism plays the major role in Covid car-buying, don’t discount the requisite virtue signaling to appease the Gods of the State. After all, selling cars is an essential service as long as the Gods of the State are fed.

4 years ago

We have Saint Floyd of Minnesota to thank for the pro-Trumpers cynicism. It was all virus, all shutdown, all social distancing all the time until Saint Floyd came along. Then it was giant crowds rioting and the MSM cheering them on and making excuses about why it wasn’t dangerous when left wing mobs weren’t wearing masks or social distancing.
The pro-Trump crowd saw the hypocrisy and thought to Xirself “there is nothing these people will not politicize” and reacted accordingly.

Mark Stoval
Mark Stoval
4 years ago

I am worried about the fact that we still have most states locked down here in the middle of summer. This is non-flu season! Yet as I type this I am out and surrounded by masks. Everywhere!

So what happens during the real flu season to come? Will Bill kill us all? Some say that we have spent the better part of the summer depressing our immune systems and next flu season will be real bad.

Is there a clunker law on corona viruses?

Reply to  Mark Stoval
4 years ago

This will continue until the election. Soon after there will either be a miracle cure / vaccine as Biden is being inaugurated – or massive rioting when Trump wins. Either way the covid farce will be over.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

Also, the vaccine will be invented by a black woman so if you don’t take your shot, you’re a bigot.

Mark Stoval
Mark Stoval
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

I have learned that everyone is a bigot according to the leftists, so I try to enjoy my bigot-hood.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

If you get your COVID-19 vaccine shot, you may get more than you bargained for. IIRC, case in point: 1976 swine flu “epidemic” and Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS). Seems folk were talked into believing the great pandemic prediction, and the solution—increased use of the new vaccine for the upcoming pandemic.

Those heeding the call got increased incidence of GBS until the vaccine program was discontinued. I also believe the vaccine companies were indemnified by the government for this blunder.

The Right Doctor
Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

The farce may be strong enough, and supported by enough deep-staters, that “Biden’s” health czar can simply announce that some placebo is an effective vaccine, distribute it and declare the pandemic over. The press would fall in line and there simply wouldn’t be any more cases as far as anyone knew. That’s the kind of world that’s becoming feasible.

Reply to  The Right Doctor
4 years ago

Yeah, I was thinking that myself. Seems reasonable and doable if you have the MSM in your pocket. Those few legit cases of COVID-19 can be explained away as “no vaccine is perfect”. I suspect however, there will need to be a payoff to the pharmaceutical industry. So a vaccine or two need be approved to share in the swag with them.

Reply to  Mark Stoval
4 years ago

I read something today along the same lines that the re-lockdowns, diaper mandates etc., could be weakening immune systems, making the coming flu season worse than normal and allowing the kung fru to fatally afflict more than just the geezers. At any rate, this election will be one for the ages, so if you haven’t been doing so, I’d be stocking up on essentials – shelf stable foods, water, paper products, ammo, if you can find it and an extra cash stash. Oh and keep the gas tank(s) topped off. I plan on being out our city from at least… Read more »

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

Don’t forget your shit tickets.

Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

Why not just get out all together Brother why even plan to go back…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Good question and it may very well come to that…

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Mark Stoval
4 years ago

Well, thanks to Dr. Death Fao Chi, most sheeple actually believe that Beer flu-1984 is so magical and unique that it alone among virii is not suppressed by sunlight and warm weather.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

Every so often my YouTube feed pops up a new “science” video about some new magical property of Beer Flu. It makes your feet fall off. It gives you permanent lung damage that’s nonetheless undetectable and has no symptoms. It causes brain damage. My favorite is “it’s mutating, OMG!! it’s mutating!!!”. Well, yes Karen, it’s mutating, you know, like all viruses do. The only thing it doesn’t do is give you super-powers. Maybe someone can do a comic about “Corona Man” though. Vox Day could do it. I’m not sure he has a sense of humor though.

Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

As with any new disease, after effects will need to be studied. But that is just what it states “after effects”. Stories I’ve heard tell me that some folk suffer more than others, for longer than others. I feel for them, but I don’t presume to make public policy upon anecdotes. Here’s an anecdote, but a white pill of sorts: Last week or so, my brother in law calls my wife. He’s feeling ill, flu like symptoms, fever for last two days. He’s getting a COVID-19 test the next day. Just wants the closest family member to know. Wife and… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

If he dies in a jet ski crash I’m sure it’ll be another Covid death in the stats 😉 This is actually rather typical. The media still spins cases like your BiL as “OMG, most people who get Covid don’t get sick and could be quietly spreading it!!” It helps pump the mask hysteria. That perfectly healthy person walking past you could be secretly full of Beer AIDS and spread it to you if he breathes on you! The obvious positive view, that the virus doesn’t do much to most people, is never discussed. The fact that everyone, all the… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Good for him!

I wish I had a jet ski handy these days!

Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

They’re going to trot out the Global Warming playbook. With climate hysteria, they claim that everything that goes wrong in the world is a byproduct of a changing climate. With Chinese flu, they’re going to tell you that henceforth, every malady will be the result of Covid. To this day, I still don’t know a single person who’s even tested positive for it. And as far as I know, none of my friends, acquaintances, family members, or co-workers do either. However, our local fishwrap this morning reported on an 8th Corona virus death in our county. Well, not really in… Read more »

Reply to  KGB
4 years ago

All the elements of a crazy new religion are coming together. There’s a uniform – the masks. There are sacraments – washing black people’s feet, carrying BLM signs. There’s a tithe (reparations and atonement for the primal sin of whiteness). There’s a Devil – the Orange Man. There’s an eschatology – Global warming could lead to apocalypse or paradise (if we implement a “green economy”. There’s a priesthood – climate scientists and dishonest medical hacks like Fauci. They still need a God figure and Biden ain’t it.

Reply to  Mark Stoval
4 years ago

I think starting August 1 that everyone has to start paying rent again (both business and residents) AND the free money or Trump Bucks end.

At least in my county and state

I don’t know what to expect but things could get UGLY

4 years ago

Is there anything weirder and more archaic in America than the dance we have to go through to buy a new car? Still we accept it and keep on doing it even though it makes no sense at any level.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

The only purchases in our society that involve haggling are cars and homes. And the process sucks in both cases.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Jim Smith
4 years ago

Haggling sucks or you just suck at it?

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Forever Templar
4 years ago

I don’t care to engage in it. Is it mandatory to embrace the suck? It’s all about lying. Repeatedly. Don’t care for the process.

Reply to  Jim Smith
4 years ago

The reason it sucks is because it involves asymmetric negotiation. Most people buy only a few houses or cars in a lifetime. Those who sell new houses or new cars have typically done so hundreds or thousands of times. And the unique, customizable nature of the home or car makes comparing apples to apples practically impossible. The only leverage you really have is to keep emotions out of the transaction and to be willing to walk away from a bad deal. Scarcity in these markets is a manufactured illusion.

Reply to  Maus
4 years ago

Thanks. good comment.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Maus
4 years ago

The reason it sucks is because it involves asymmetric negotiation.” Good point. It might also be described as “asymmetric expertise.” Ours is not a “haggling culture,” and if my objection to it as a process of “repeatedly lying” is accurate, we can only be thankful for that.

Reply to  Jim Smith
4 years ago

Settlment agreements. Construction contracts. Anything high dollar enough to be worth the pain of haggling, really. Its just cars and houses are the most common big ticket purchases for average people, so those are most people’s only experience haggling.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

The broker/agent side of the business has shown me more grifters, greasy-fingered fixers, play-acting stronk wahmens and parodic flamers than I’ve seen in law.

The business of real estate is a clown car of capitalism’s degenerate classes.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I am going through a refinance in Pennsyvania. Mandatory Lender Title Insurance is probably the biggest racket out there – the state has approved a private monopoly that sets the prices. Iowa uses a government run system that literally costs thousands of dollars less per transaction.

Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

Here in the Vampire State, the Department of Environmental Conservation charges me $450 every three years for a pesticide applicator’s license. My cohorts in Iowa were paying about $50 the last I knew.

Bubba Denekas
Bubba Denekas
Reply to  KGB
4 years ago

You’re licensed?! What’s your excuse not to fumigate Congress? Damn man, I would be all over that except I can’t pass the licensing exam. You would be immortalized.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

The trick with houses and cars is that people get emotionally involved in the midst of the purchase. Salesmen pounce on that. Offer cash, at a discount, take it or leave it, and do not signal any hind brain involvement on your side of the transaction. For cars, you can always find an identical one somewhere else. For a house, you never know the whole deal about what you bought until after you move in, find any drafts, leaks or clanks, and learn the traits of the more eccentric or less pleasant neighbors anyway.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

I have a cousin who has been very successful in life. He says that when he enters a dealership he tells them, “this is the car I want, this is the price I’m going to pay. You have 30 minutes to make it work.” If they don’t offer his price in that time, he walks out.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  KGB
4 years ago

Your cousin sounds like a very smart guy who knows time is the most valuable asset of all.

Reply to  Arthur Sido
4 years ago

I think it’s ending. Carvana, Edmunds, TrueCar are all popular work-arounds to the nonsense of dealing with car sales. People who still walk into the dealership and haggle do so because they like it.

Reply to  Arthur Sido
4 years ago

Most, if not all States mandate that new car sales go through dealerships. (Somehow Tesla gets an exception to this) This prevents an Amazon from moving in or the Manufacturers selling directly to the peasantry.
It’s all for the public good donchya know and nothing to do with the bribes the dealers pay politicians.

Spud Boy
Spud Boy
4 years ago

I don’t find car buying particularly difficult or stressful. There’s a wealth of information on the web as to what a new vehicle should cost. Then, you just say “no” to every add on they try to sell you in the finance office. When buying used, look for a clean car and have an independent mechanic do a pre-purchase inspection.

Reply to  Spud Boy
4 years ago

Look, my wife bargained and bought her last car at the dealership. It was quite simple. I gave her pointers and told the salesman, the first time he looked at me and not her, then we’d walk. This was to the salesman’s benefit, not wife’s. She doesn’t take shit like that, which is why I never go with her to these things, but this was a first with the both of us and I did not want it to leave a bad taste. If you don’t have car fever and select a price (before dealing) based on info easily gathered,… Read more »

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
4 years ago

In this environment, there’s no truth or even the desire for truth, as all truth is determined by which side of the line you stand. This is a positive thing. The kosher sandwich is now a kosher prison. Both sides want to break out and get away from each other. It will be a very messy period requiring a lot more than people changing their zip codes…an unfortunately necessary upheaval but a liberating one. The costs of this transition will put at the very least the past 7 or 8 decades into better focus for enough people to not repeat… Read more »

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Wrong, one side wants to break out and get away. The other side wants to subjugate and control. You will never be allowed to peaceably separate. There is far too much retribution that needs to be enacted and no parasite willingly leaves a host. Especially one they have a blood libel against.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago


White Alyssum
White Alyssum
Reply to  Jim Smith
4 years ago

“Word.” Ghetto parlance for “Agree.” Do we have to adopt ghetto culture and “language”? White words too nerdy in articulating that which one is thinking rather than some unintelligeable shorthand for speech, aka ebonics. Will this be how history books are written in America? Probably.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  White Alyssum
4 years ago

Strongly agree! How’s that? Better?

Reply to  Jim Smith
4 years ago

Word up.

Reply to  White Alyssum
4 years ago

Yeah, honestly you guy’s getting a bit cranky. It’s understandable and i’m quite the vicious prick at times. But i’m trying to change.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago

Enough will make enough trouble. Non whites don’t matter. This is a bifurcation within the white tribe itself. It will be a bloodied and bloody separation. Both sides will pursue it with equal vigor when they’ve had enough. Both sides see non whites as tools or obstructions and not as people with agency. Despite all of the noise coming out of non white camps and all of the attention it draws to itself the only significant conflict and the one that will determine what happens will be the white vs white conflict. Even that (((group’s))) machinations will be sidelined by… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago

Apex, there are 7 states with 90%+ White population, 16 states with 80%+ and 12 with 70%+. It’s not a matter of “they will never let us.” They already have. Those White states did not get that way through a litmus test for shilibbery. Vermont is Shitlib Central but you can’t say that about West Virginia or Montana. There aren’t enough of them to make the rest of us do what they want – especially if we concentrate and organize our numbers (over 190 million U.S. Whites). You atomized urbanite canaries need to get out of the coal mine and… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

The link doesn’t distinguish between Hispanics and Whites. If you look at the demographics from that standpoint, there are far less majority White states. I live in one, and even all but one of the largest cities is predominantly White, but that will change in the urban areas if immigration continues unimpeded.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago
Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Look at the South, in particular. Only Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia and Arkansas are north of 70 percent majority White. I understand that Whites in other parts of the region are moving into those states, and to a lesser extent, Alabama, which is close to 70 percent. Now think of this in a contiguous manner. From Mobile Bay to the Canadian border there are 21 contiguous states with White populations north of 65 percent. It’s probably a good idea to help keep Alabama White for a seaport as Washington and Oregon are undependable. There’s Homeland 1. New England also is… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Jack, you’re 12 steps ahead thinking in terms of seaports and contiguous homelands.

We need to convince guys just to move next door to each other first.

And it’s more important to live where the fresh water comes from and the food grows. Coastal areas are high-priority for globohomo. I’d rather have the rivers and lakes.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Great Lakes still have access to the Atlantic. That’s a big plus.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

I agree with most of that, but bear in mind the USSA is shipping the most feral of refugees to White places inland such as Minnesota and Ohio. The feral government is quite aware of where they need numbers.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Minny is race-traitor central, and they welcome the savages. And Ohio is a pretty urban, vibrant place already. Try too much of that crap in Idaho and the results may turn out very different.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Same here. Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia, Slovakia, Hungary and the Czech Republic aren’t doing too badly.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

I like to look at it by county. I think this gives a better sense of the amount of relocation people will need to do. At this point the US’s States are as arbitrary and poorly put together as the country itself. What I see in the 2nd graph is a White region that actually looks a bit like the nation itself but with East/West reversed. There’s a peninsula of whites extending through Utah and into Arizona. That’s “Florida”. Texas is basically just Texas displaced to the north a bit, and the “West Coast” is the interior region… Read more »

Lady Dandy Doodle
Lady Dandy Doodle
Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

Looking at it by county is right. Take Maine: shitlib central down south, but once you hit mid-state, Trump yard signs and flags as far as the eye can see.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Excellent. We can add Atlantic Canada to that as well. They are so sick of Ottawa. The same goes for the Canadian Rockies. Separation is a hot topic in both those regions. Organizing at the county level may prove to be more fruitful. The locals have more pull than they would at the state level and some counties are simply dead weight and can be ignored. Cooperative like-minded counties engaging in mutually beneficial policies and activities would begin to plant the seeds of “our interests need to be looked after” vs the Capital Hill (State version) of take from thee… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

I bet there’s movement in NJ, long term. Don’t ask me why.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

There is a budding separatist movement here in Upstate NY…they want to break off from NYC & be called “New Amsterdam’

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Royaliste
4 years ago

I wish them clear sailing and a strong breeze.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

According to that list Puerto Rico is 67% white 🙂 Then again 80% white for PA feels about right.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Interesting to me that Colorado and Minnesota are among the higher percentage of “white” states, yet they are so thickly permeated with “goodwhites”. California is off the charts low on whites, but parts of the state are all solidly based badwhite. It’s that community thing again. Start with an amenable state, but shop the communities carefully. And a state with a high percentage of whites may not be an amenable one, or might be about to fall off the amenability cliff.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Concentrating on areas by state lines is foolish, precisely because of the urban/rural split. When we traveled through Arkansas, we saw plenty of vibrancy in the south. The further north and west we traveled, the whiter it got. En route home we traveled first east and then south, and again, a mere 50 miles east added x% more vibrancy. Avoid university towns regardless of state – Han and subcon paradises.

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

Exactly 3g. The pre-existing state lines are vastly out-of-date in terms of their populations and present circumstances. I’m more concerned about the ground-level realities. I was using the state-by-state just to demonstrate on a macro scale that White super-majorities are still an existing norm even in our present atomized conditions.

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

Oops, got that backwards. On the way we went east and then north; return trip was west and then south.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

’Goodwhite’ is one of the luxuries of sheltered people. If you’re out there mixing it up, you can’t help but be a race realist (which includes acknowledging exceptions to the rule btw). The people screaming racist! either don’t know any better or are bitterly clinging to their delusions.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

That’s the way I see it as well. The media gives the shitlibs/minorities a much louder voice than their actual numbers justify. Watch a few ads on tv. Is that the actual ethnic makeup of the US? Not even close.

Bubba Denekas
Bubba Denekas
Reply to  roberto
4 years ago

The black man with the white woman depicted on TV is attaining. A quarter of the young couples I see out and about are BM-WW. Majority of the white guys socialize in all-male packs or solo and they don’t appear to be seeking female company. Prime breeding years, our white couples seem to be fading away from what I witness.

Reply to  roberto
4 years ago

I’ve heard more that one European visitor remark on what they thought the ethnic mix was in the US from watching US TV shows, then remark on their perceptions upon visiting the US. None of you reading this need details.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

When i was in japan one woman was surprised when i told her only 12% of americans are black. Many japs were facinated by blacks.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

The novelty wears off quickly 😀

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

At this point I don’t know if they really want to get out of the coal mine… Maybe the darkness provides some comfort to them and the jarring sunshine is to much to contemplate…Well I guess we help the ones that want to get out and leave the light on for the rest…

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Thought I’d point out that the north is awfully white.

Cold weather, guys. Us ice people don’t mind it.

Bubba Denekas
Bubba Denekas
Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

Mind it? I cannot sleep in a warm room. I love cool, cold and winter. Although the nads do tense up during polar bear plunges for charity. Record shrinkage, fortunately temporary. Or so I would have you believe ….

Lady Dandy Doodle
Lady Dandy Doodle
Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

Every brown immigrant to my Southern subtropical concrete jungle of a city i speak to emphasizes that they would never move up north because they don’t like cold weather.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Not quite. Only one side wants to get away from the other. Think parasite and host, society-wide.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Jim Smith
4 years ago

goodWhites are always talking of separation. It’s the otherwhites that rein them in. This will become more difficult to control as volatility increases, and it will. All Whites, regardless of politics, see themselves as can-do people. Too much conflict, too much BS, not enough to do, too many stipulations and regulations…time to load up the wagon and head west. To leave all of that behind is opportunity to build a new city on a hill… or to be left alone… or to do it right… or to see what lies beyond the horizon or the expected… goodWhites may have to… Read more »

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Ideology can muddy the waters for what seems like ages but in the end it is those deeply innate instinctive preferences that win out. Annihilation is the only other long-term option which is why (((they))) always ratchet things up. Despite all of the jostling and tossing about of all the surface flotsam in the end it is the tidal forces that matter most.

4 years ago

Under Capitalism the consumer is King. Yes the auto dealer will put thier people in hazmat suits if that is what the customer wants. You say it like it is a bad thing.
It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own self-interest. And when you get a good price selling your house are you ruthlessly fleecing the other party?

4 years ago

The other group grits its teeth behind its face mufflers, fantasizing about the revolution and that sports car in the showroom. The sports car they can’t get in or out of without breaking a hip? A few years ago I found myself on a car lot not having a good time. I thought to myself, the next salesmen that asks me if I need some help I’m going to say sure, but we need to get something out of the way before we begin. I said to him you are a pice of shit, and never talk directly to my… Read more »

4 years ago

OT – Inspirational ! Dr. Ricardo Duchesne just posted an article with several listicles, based upon tweets that got him suspended from twitter.  “White Men Responsible For Almost All The Greatest Human Accomplishments” Reading those lists, I can’t help but feel both thrilled and inadequate – many of us have not lived up to our potential.  When Caesar was 33, he wept at the thought that his accomplishments were nowhere near those of Alexander, who at that very same age had conquered the world.  The comment section is shaping up to be very interesting – Dr. Duchesne is very… Read more »

Reply to  Lurker
4 years ago

Wow! It’s not OK to be white … it’s GREAT to be white!

4 years ago

I’ve always thought new car buyers had money to burn or they were not car savvy enough to find a used vehicle they could trust. Misplaced trust is an issue here with cars and masks. I’m always curious as to when people think it will be “safe” to be without a mask or around people that don’t wear masks. The two most common answers I get are, when the news says it’s okay (doctors speaking through TV news), and when the CDC says it’s okay. So, we have massive amounts of people hanging on the words of MSM and CDC,… Read more »

4 years ago

If money is all you love, then that’s what you’ll receive.
Princess Leia
On a more serious note, half the grievances that were in a lot of the deceleration of independence were about finance, money and immigration (aka cheap labor and larger markets)
Hell back in 1909 the USG put down striking mine workers with bombers.
Add in tons of immigrants who came basically only for the economy and you get the perfect foundation for a nation of amoral money junkies, just like we have.

Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

No biggy but your name falls a bit flat. How about you go with A.B. Prospiere.

Reply to  Frip
4 years ago

I hate to be dump but is this some kind of Robespierre reference? It doesn’t really fit since I’m the guy trying to get educate people on how to avoid a conversation with proverbial the national razor and I’m a moderate social conservative/economic nationalist not a Leftist. If it matters the A.B. stands for Adam Benjamin from John Adams or Sam Adams depending on my mood and Ben Franklin back from when I was blogging. Some folks assumed it was from A+B theorem of social credit by C.H. Douglas but this is not the case although I am not philosophically… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

Very good image. All, or nearly all of us, have gone through the new car dealer gauntlet a few times by mid-life. I’ve bought new cars “stupid”, under pressure, also I’ve bought smart: In my early 30s, my first new car was a base Saturn. I liked, as did many, their “no haggle” and reasonable pricing. Sadly, that changed, and it is long gone, as is Saturn, a casualty of the crash of 2008. I mean, car salesmen are slimes, but they’re just doing what the job requires. But I really don’t need salesmen pestering me to buy a new… Read more »

Christian Attorney in Ohio
4 years ago

I can no longer see the number of likes or dislikes for each comment. Has that gone away or is it a problem on my end?

Reply to  Christian Attorney in Ohio
4 years ago

The H1-B tech support is on vacation.

Reply to  Christian Attorney in Ohio
4 years ago

I prefer no upvotes

Bubba Denekas
Bubba Denekas
Reply to  Christian Attorney in Ohio
4 years ago

You should check your, ahem, ‘end’ for a problem. Post photos. And may the Good Lord bless you.

4 years ago

The dissident contrarian (i.e. po-boy) approach to car-buying. First, determine your threshold for annual depreciation on a car. I figure mine at about $1K/year but try to keep it lower. For about 20 years my approach has been to buy a $5K car, put about 75K miles on it over 5 years, and then sell it for about $2000. In my area you have to at least double that number for a solid truck – about $10K up front. This approach requires the ability to DIY all your maintenance, troubleshoot mechanical problems and learn new fix-it tricks via internet and/or… Read more »

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

Pretty much my approach, although I could stand to be handier with a wrench. Pay $5k or so cash, drive it for a few years then sell for a couple grand, more is a bonus. I don’t think I’ve paid more than $5k in repair costs and maintenance total over the last 20 years even without much DIY skill. Just make a good purchase and do routine maintenance. This is the kind of mindset Our Guys need for the future. Shiny new stuff on credit is off the table for wise dissidents. That money is better spent on family &… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Well said – excellent advice. Currently building a small cabin on the property for oldest daughter … of course in the back of my mind is “this will be for me and the Mrs. one day.”

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

If you live in a major metro area, use public transit. Of course this exposes you to various, um, lifestyle compromises we often debate here. But during a vacation to LA, I idly calcuated what the transit cost. I came up with roughly my $2 bus fare actually costs the government $12. I knew that transit is a money-loser, but it’s an eye-opener how much. I think it’s wonderful that government make it so easy for joggers to ride miles from home, in their work boots, just so they can jog in a quiet neighborhood 🙂

Liberty Mike
4 years ago

Me thinks the Z-man expresses a false equivalence with regard to the intellectual foundations of the diaper do-gooders and those who do not want to be forcibly diapered. Although the former appear to be prevailing, its not because of their superior command of the facts or ratiocination.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Liberty Mike
4 years ago

The face diaper is a symbol of control and humiliation, which is why Cuomo and Whitmer love it so much.

Sane people understand that the best defense against Beer flu is a healthy immune system supported by proper diet, exercise, and sleep.

4 years ago

Do I sense some personal experience attempting to buy a car in Z man’s recent past or near future?

4 years ago

If I refused to patronize businesses that displayed COVID19 care signage, BLM signs, and/or “we love refugees” signs, 95% of stores would be dead to me.

Roll my eyes, pay the virtue signaling toll, and move on.

4 years ago

Any thoughts on those new Ford Broncos?

Bubba Denekas
Bubba Denekas
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Is that you, OJ? You’re wearing gloves, bro.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Yeah, I thought the price was a misprint and had to check it against a few other sites.
My truck is only 18 years old so you go first and let me know how it works out…

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

That 2.7L V6 is a sweet engine. I really liked it in the Edge Sport. It felt very much like a BMW SUV.

They need to drop the 2.7L in the Mustang, but they won’t because that combo has enormous power potential with better weight distribution than the 5.0L. It would be uncomfortably close to the performance of the traditional V8, and we can’t have that.

4 years ago

Off topic but I still have to say something. Many of us here are skeptical — hostile, even — toward compulsory mask-wearing. And I do understand. I’ve read some studies that conclude that masks are ineffective at best, and that they can even be dangerous to people with certain conditions. Moreover, the elites are forcing them upon us just because they like telling us what to do. However, this shit was released from a Chinese biolab. Interesting people seem to have funded it, many of whom are strong supporters of population control. This begs the question: what if this shit… Read more »

Reply to  Lanky
4 years ago

It affects minorities way more than white people so I could definitely see them wanting that side effect of infertility…

Mark Stoval
Mark Stoval
Reply to  Lanky
4 years ago

No, wearing a mask is never a good idea. They don’t protect against a virus. Period. Then there is the fact that any corona virus strain will mutate. The virus will kill some at first but the killing virus does not reproduce. The virus that does not kill the host gets to make more little buggies. That is why the common cold (a corona) is not fun, but not really dangerous. Look at the deaths. Always look at the deaths. There are very few now and almost none among the people that were healthy. Now science knows all this, but… Read more »

Reply to  Mark Stoval
4 years ago

Yes, but what if the virus kills over a longer period of time? That would permit it to spread, lie dormant, and then recur years later with greater severity.

This is all speculation, of course. I’m just concerned this shit is more fucked up than they’re letting on.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Lanky
4 years ago

Why would you suspect such a thing about a virus that was cooked up in a lab with unknown modifications? About a virus with very odd symptoms unlike most known diseases? 🙂 About a virus we may not even remain immune to? 🙁

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Lanky
4 years ago

Another ZeroHedge reader, I see 😀 Yes, I agree on the biolab hypothesis. I’ve not delved into the birth control angle or Gates conspiracy or whatever. I do agree that COVID-19 has a very unusual list of serious secondary effects. I’m aware that other diseases can cause multiple problems, but I’ve never heard of a “new” virus that was primarily a respiratory infection, but could do anything from cause heart or blood issues, to nerve damage including major brain injury, to … anyway, very odd disease and it’d be great to know what buggery the lab was up to, but… Read more »