
Every once in a while, I get complaints about reading too much from news articles in the show, rather than talking about the subjects. The logical response is to then do a show in which I have no prepared material. I just turn on the mic and start talking for an hour on whatever happens to come to mind. After all, the pendulum is supposed to swing from one extreme to the other. That is what I have done this week. I just let it rip on a few topics that were on my mind when I started.

The thing is, I could probably go on a ten hour, Chris Farley rant without too much trouble, other than the possible stroke. I don’t know about anyone else, but I am done with the ongoing revolution. It seems that everywhere we turn, there is some new madness or new tax on our patience. It is close to impossible to live a normal day, much less a normal life now. Even the most basic task brings a reminder that we live in a continent sized lunatic asylum.

All of us are highly adaptable, but there is a limit. Adapting to some new style or process is not so hard. There is no logic to clothing styles, for example, so you don’t have to give up your sanity to embrace the new thing. The same is true of some new way of doing something. If it saves time or reduces error, adapting to it makes sense, so you reprogram your mind to it. What we see going on around us is insane and you can never really adapt to madness. You just tolerate it.

Toleration has its limits. The other day I got an e-mail from a client. I’m not sure why I was included, as it was an internal e-mail to employees. The point of the e-mail was to suggest all employees list their preferred pronouns in their signature. It’s not enough that these people feel the need to deny reality. They insist that the rest of us participate in their madness. Everywhere you turn, someone is trying to make you carry the burden of their madness. It is tax that is never paid in full.

All of us are amazed, to one degree or another, at how the crazies keep finding new ways to be crazy in public. I keep waiting for the people in charge of this simulation to halt the game and laughingly admit they were just having some fun. The truly remarkable thing, however, is that some otherwise normal person has not had a falling down moment. If any age cried out for a vigilante it is this one. It is as if the people in charge are trying to push us to the breaking point.

Maybe our side is reading it all wrong and the vast majority of people think what is happening is the best thing ever. The people in charge keep making that point, but that seems unlikely. Instead, it seems that most people are quietly seething. They distract themselves as best they can in order to avoid being miserable, but whenever the revolution intrudes into their lives, their jaw tightens and their fist clinch. There are a lot of pissed off people walking around these days.

This week I have the usual variety of items in the now standard format. Spreaker has the full show. I am up on Google Play now, so the Android commies can take me along when out disrespecting the country. I am on iTunes, which means the Apple Nazis can listen to me on their Hitler phones. The anarchists can catch me on iHeart Radio. I am now on Deezer, for our European haters and Stitcher for the weirdos. YouTube also has the full podcast. Of course, there is a download link below.

Note: The good folks at Alaska Chaga are offering a ten percent discount to readers of this site. You just click on the this link and they take care of the rest. About a year ago they sent me some of their stuff. Up until that point, I had never heard of chaga, but I gave a try and it is very good. It is like a tea, but it has a milder flavor. It’s hot here in Lagos, so I’ve been drinking it cold. It is a great summer beverage.

For sites like this to exist, it requires people like you chipping in a few bucks a month to keep the lights on and the people fed. It turns out that you can’t live on clicks and compliments. Five bucks a month is not a lot to ask. If you don’t want to commit to a subscription, make a one time donation. Or, you can send money to: Z Media LLC P.O. Box 432 Cockeysville, MD 21030-0432. You can also use PayPal to send a few bucks, rather than have that latte at Starbucks. Thank you for your support!

This Week’s Show


  • 00:00: Opening
  • 02:00: Tubby Bollocks
  • 22:00: Walk Away
  • 42:00: Sportsball
  • 57:00: Closing

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4 years ago

I meant no offence when I said that, Z. There are some guys that can approach their presentations and ‘wing it’. Most can’t; Scott Adams is a case in point. He always has something good to say, he always has a reasoned stance… but is bantering style gives me conniptions. Back when I worked and had a job, I’d tell such men to either make their point, or STFU. Guys like you were a pleasure: they took me seriously and respected my time. They did their research. The odd wit and zinger kept my interest and always invited comment and… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

And now that I had a chance to listen to the show – it was pretty damn good. I like the bit where you expanded on not voting republican in the next election. You’re absolutely right, the repubs need a trip to the unemployment office, and a few need a trip to the firing squad. But. The reason Leftie wins is because he doesn’t leave anything for us, and he’s committed. I am conservative and I reciprocate: I won’t let a starving liberal eat the corn out of my chit. Your vote is not a telegram. Use your voice against… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

Assumption is that your vote is meaningful—at least to the point of being received and tabulated. Here in my berg, 80% are now mail in and there is really no audit trail to estimate fraud in the ballot. I suspect it’s larger than anyone thinks.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

I find meandering dialogue common in women—duh. Even after 40 years, still a bone of contention with wife. She talks, but rarely gets to the point. If I interrupt, I’m being controlling. If I ignore, I never listen. Talking is for her to share emotion, rather than information. Problem is my emotions are triggered by entirely different things than hers, so in a sense, I don’t listen.

As I’ve told her a number of times when the above exchange occurs, “You don’t want a husband, you want a sister.” 😉

Au Jus
Au Jus
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

I’ve long thought that for females the act of conversation is more like grooming among lower primates. It’s not about exchanging information it’s about reinforcing social bonds. The content isn’t actually important The fact that you’re jabbering at each other is.

John Wilkinson
John Wilkinson
4 years ago

Today I went to the storeroom at my work to get a few supplies. The clerk who works there is a contractor, a non-employee of the company, someone who is easily replaceable. If you’ve ever been in the position of being a contractor, you know that you have to stay on your toes just a little more than a permanent employee. This man is ~40, give or take. I do not know him, might have seen him once before. When I walked in, he made a comment about me looking like a “high T” guy. I lift weights, so I… Read more »

Reply to  John Wilkinson
4 years ago

Can’t wait for the government to start a war and no whites show to fight it

Reply to  John Wilkinson
4 years ago

I have heard many things like this from people I speak to as well – it is refreshing. The question is, when the next thing comes along, will they forget it about it all? Will that gentle push over the edge be enough to keep them on the boil and aware of the threats posed? Or will they fall back down and simmer again?

Reply to  OrangeFrog
4 years ago

I think whites will be here to stay

Because they have nowhere else to go. This has never happened. The society at large is now closed off to them

Charle St. Charles
Charle St. Charles
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

“I think whites will be here to stay”

They gotta keep at least a few thousand whiteys around – they’re the only ones who know the secret magic that keeps the lights on, the faucets flowing, and the toilets flushing.

Reply to  John Wilkinson
4 years ago


5 years ago I was a proud CivNat, proud of Canada’s diversity, proud that we accepted so many immigrants, and smugly announced that I was fiscally conservative but socially liberal. No joke. I felt self-righteous anger anytime I saw “racism”.

Now I’m… here. If I made such a drastic journey in 5 years, and assuming other whites are just starting now down the same road. It will be very interesting to see how things go soon.

Reply to  b123
4 years ago

Strange how life works, huh? I had a head start. For one,I grew up i the south and got to know blacks intimately and figured out their game at a young age before the world could tell me what to think. Second, what passes for anti-semitism today was standard conversation with my family and social circles. My grandmother used to refer to Js as “those Jew bastards” all the time lol, and now that I live in L.A. and have to deal with them all the time they actually have a grudging respect me because I have zero illusions about… Read more »

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  b123
4 years ago

That’s a good argument for voting for Trump. For the extra 4 years.

The Right Doctor
The Right Doctor
4 years ago

Something else to despair over: just as, when individuals breed there is regression to the mean, so it is too when cultures intermix. Bear in mind that western civ had worked its way to about six standard deviations ahead of the mean. Pray for your descendants. They may have to ride the curve all the way down. We’re currently experiencing the unease that comes as the roller coaster crests the hill and begins its descent.

4 years ago

We need to see who the VP is before we make any assertions about Biden.
Biden will leave office due to medical reasons, and then a Black Panther gets into office. That’s peak demoralization.
Trump will probably win.

4 years ago

I look forward to Fridays just for this podcast

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Z everything you said about the problems of journalism is true but let me add one thing. Automation. Automation has now created this assembly line mentality to television news especially at the local level. There is no time for reflection and research. The next newscast has to be fed. The rise of the internet and the demise of the local newspaper has destroyed local print journalism which has left local television as the last man standing and television journalism is an assembly line. Local newsrooms are now populated at the top with cloud people and at the bottom with assembly… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

In Canada the old media is losing money big time. The Turdeau promised them 600 million shekels just prior to the last election, to be delivered after the election. He has also proposed licensing ‘journalists’.  They give their papers away for free at libraries and fast food restaurants to maintain circulation.  In the past you would never see a byline in the body of the paper – only on the editorial page or the op-ed . I suspect that the insane sluts , homos and divershitty critters that write for them are given ‘recognition’ with a byline for their CV,… Read more »

Reply to  Lurker
4 years ago

I won’t be happy until I see every journalist out in the fields picking tomatoes with Pedro.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Lurker
4 years ago

Being a coder is sort of an updated Bartleby the Scrivener kind of job (drudgery). When I was studying my Comp Sci major, 25 years ago, I was a black pill then too 😀 I would tell the 20-something whipper snappers that “In India there are English-speaking doctorates in Computer Science who will work for ten percent of what you expect in salary.” Nobody ever contradicted me. No H1-B visa needed, even then, a lot of IT work is done overseas. I’m sure that hasn’t changed in a quarter of a century. Increasingly, these jobs are being automated too. As… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I saw a youtube video of this phenomenon. I looked for the link later when I realized I should save the clip but could not find it. It was a sequence of local news station clips from across the ENTIRE country for several minutes, from Rhode Island to New Mexico to North Dakota etc etc and each one had their local whornalist saying EXACTLY THE EXACT SAME WORDS. There was zero deviation, zero variation, zero diversity, zero slight local modulation for authenticity flavor. Local news gets its marching orders from its owners and it is as utterly (((centralized))). They really… Read more »

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  Horace
4 years ago

Well the owners are the fucking jews. so you might as well connect the dots. Who prints and controls your money? Who spoonfeeds you constant fear on jewtube, Who owns your politicians? The fuckin Amish? Who autocorrects me when i don;t put a capital J on jew? The Irish?

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

There used to be at least the illusion of a line between “news” and “opinion”.

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

Dunno, I recall certain colonial newspapers going on about Thomas Jefferson’s John Adams’ Hermaphroditic Character.

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

Really? You must be quite old. Glad your memory still works after 250 years.

Reply to  Gravity Denier
4 years ago

It’s amazing, isn’t it? I woke up from my slumber in the woods and everything I told my buddy A.B. has come to pass.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Our local “news” outlets are about 75% wire stories from AP and Reuters, they only cover a handful of local stories and the rest of their content is written by someone else.

Reply to  Arthur Sido
4 years ago

It can’t be too much longer before news copy is written by AIs. It’ll probably improve the grammar and spelling at least.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Totally agree … I think that the Daily Stormer posted a video that quickly flashed through like 8 different local news broadcasts and the anchors were all reading the same script, minus some small ad-lib’ing. Video showed few seconds of each in round- robin style.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Just imagine the torrent of robots being used to push a narrative on social media. Who knows how many robot accounts there are just waiting to bombard some bad-think comment.

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

You’re right about the sins of TV journalism, but I think you’re looking at earlier times for local newspapers through rosy spectacles. With a few honorable exceptions, local news writing and editing was mediocrity personified even in the supposed good old days. There wasn’t a lot of reflection and research in front page stories about the upcoming tractor pull and swimsuit contest. The first rule of survival for a local paper was getting as many subscribers’ names as possible into bland articles, so the folks could feel famous for a day. Authors were often freelancers and stringers, not crusading reporters… Read more »

4 years ago

I wish you would make an eight hour rant dhow. I find I don’t have enough words to express my discontent.

Bill Mullins
Reply to  Ajclement
4 years ago

Why bother? Ain’t nobody in charge listening.

4 years ago

I’ll add that Republicans cuck all the time, because real power does not lie with elected officials. It lies with the FBI, as we can see. They put a lot of Trump people in jail and made sure no Hillary person went to jail because the former pissed them off and the latter were their spouses employers. Real power lies in the Joint Chiefs, who have basically told Trump they will remove him if he pisses them off too much. Real power lies in the massive DOJ bureaucracy, and the Treasury, and the EPA, and other decision makers who decide… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
4 years ago

Whiskey is negotiating his surrender. I’m not surprised.

Go away. We’re better off without you, and you know why.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Exactly may his chains rest lightly upon him…Also when we win his kind gets the boot…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Off topic – Lineman or Exile – Does anyone know if Citizen of a Silly Country is okay? He had indicated he was having some real marital problems because of his refusal to bend the knee. If he’s part of your private chat group that’s terrific; I just want to make sure nothing’s happened to him.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

“Go away”? That’s uncalled for. Whiskey is just saying, if I may, that it doesn’t matter who you vote for, the power is in the unelected officials. I think that’s reasonable to believe. So, “voting” is not going to stop immigration … it hasn’t in over 30 years! So, all that he is saying is pick your poison. Now, refute him with a sound argument … not some ad hominem attack.

4 years ago

Sorry Zman, you are just wrong on the election, and the process of the choices being offered being in the past two versions of a poop sandwich. The reason for that in the past is not that Bush 1 and 2 were weasels, and Ronald Reagan was a man of iron nobility, but that real power had long since passed from party officials and elected officials to the Deep/Derp State. This started under FDR but just grew massively with the Civil Rights Act and various other gargantuan bureaucracies. Reagan was “their choice” because of the disaster of Carter, leading most… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
4 years ago

We are all Jews now, in Germany right before Hitler got chosen as Chancellor.”
Gee, if I’m now a Jew, I appear to be missing an awful lot of money. Did Hitler steal it from me?

4 years ago

I think part of the journalism becoming the profession it is it’s the collusion with Hollywood. The journalists flattered Hollywood and then Hollywood flattered journalists. Whole bunch of movies came out, and still do, about what heroes reporters are and so now even regular people have this idea of Journalism as a noble profession. Historically, everyone knew that journalists were low lifes and everyone knew the same about actors. It’s only been recently that the idea of both these professions has changed and it was the collusion between both those professions that brought about that change.

4 years ago

OK, I just got done listening to the podcast (which I enjoyed very much), and will take to heart your observation from the first segment that media no longer fosters real public debate. So here goes. In the second segment on politics, you assert that Trump has been a complete failure so far and done nothing. Well, not so fast. Killing NAFTA and replacing with a better trade deal was significant. Ditto with China, who had been endlessly raping the US economy prior to Trump. Those are no trivial accomplishments. Do you really think Biden would have done that, given… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

In what sense is the new NAFTA better than the old one? China? We need to start slowly creating a ban on imports from domestic companies.

Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

Under NAFTA, China was using Canada and Mexico as backdoors into the US market. They would manufacture parts in China, assemble finished products in Canada or Mexico, and then export to US duty-free. The new trade agreement eliminates that, and creates incentives for businesses to increase domestic manufacturing again. Trump is a businessman first and foremost. He will not be bested in deal-making.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

Only US expenses should be tax deductible.
Eligible expenses must include the US tax-id of the person/entity to whom the expense was paid.

Sheldon Adelson
Sheldon Adelson
4 years ago

comment image

The future of the west is a hairy tranny prison guard’s high-heeled foot on the neck of an unemployed white prole imprisoned for using the N word after a group of POCs attacked him first.

Smithy Represents
Smithy Represents
Reply to  Sheldon Adelson
4 years ago

Exactly. If POC criminals—including murderers—are being released from prison en masse and it is increasingly impossible to imprison POC criminals in the first place—grooming gangs continue to run wild—then who are the prisons being built for? For white people.

If we’re near the point where all POC will be exempt from the law, then the only people filling up the prisons will be 12 year old white boys jailed for using the gamer word. And that’s exactly who the pedophilic tranny prison guards want under their watch.

Reply to  Smithy Represents
4 years ago

America is a wife who dumped us for someone else

Time to move on and find a new one

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Nah. It’s time to kick her out of our house! You will eventually run out of places to run.

Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

Don’t have to leave town to find a new wife

Just have to look in new places

Reply to  Sheldon Adelson
4 years ago

Yeah, because we need a place to put 12 year old kids to protect the football players’ self esteem, lest they be racially abused. Do nice waman like this really need to be in prison?

Real Bill
Real Bill
4 years ago

Enjoyed your rant!

Wouldn’t mind it becoming a regular feature.

Reply to  Real Bill
4 years ago

it was an excellent podcast

Zman is really finding his voice

4 years ago

Reporters are bad but modern sports reporters are the worst. They have a major inferiority complex and want to be seen by the other, “real” journalists as part of the club so they endlessly are writing about non-sports issues to make themselves seem like more than the guys fleshing out a box score. Mike Lupica on ‘The Sports Reporters’ was awful at this, during their closing monologues he would always take off his glasses and put on what he thought was this deeply contemplative and intellectual expression and then wax eloquent about racism or some crap. Mitch Albom from Detroit… Read more »

Reply to  Arthur Sido
4 years ago

Albom got busted for pre-writing a column about the Final Four a few years ago. He wrote about talking to former Michigan State players at the game who ended up not attending. It was hilarious, but of course there was no real blowback on his career.
I think the inferiority complex starts to develop as they get older and many of them lose interest in the sports they are covering. They wish they had gone into covering politics when they were younger so they start working it into their sports coverage.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Arthur Sido
4 years ago

I would only add that, for some sportswriters, there is a seriously homoerotic undercurrent in some of the paens these guys write about their favorite negro sportsballers.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

Yep. The term is man-crush. Lots of fans are the same way.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Arthur Sido
4 years ago

Heh. Very true.

Reply to  Arthur Sido
4 years ago

I was a faithful watcher of the Sports Reporter show back in the day. I was also fairly liberal in my views. Even then, Mike Lupica’s self-involved pontificating would raise my blood pressure.

4 years ago

Things are better under Trump than Obama — bad as it may be for some

Things under Obama were horrible, at least for me

So it’s hard for me to accept that a Biden presidency would be better than Trump. And if K Harris is his VP?

But on the larger point of abandoning the GOP, fully on board. Can’t stand them

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

There were until 4 months ago – then Trump got played and let it spin out of control.

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

Yeah but despite it all, still better than under Obama

Obama era had me getting depressed, and I am a person with a naturally sunny disposition. Obama 2.0 in Biden is an ugly proposition

But what happens happens. I will just have to find a way to not let it get to me. Because I am not going to let these bastards affect my life anymore.

Chester White
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

They’ll find you

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Four years ago, we were openly posting Pepe memes and triple parentheses.


Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Now we have come the point of accepting that the country is no longer about us, we have no reason to engage with it, and it’s liberating

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Pretty Much where we’re at now:


Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago


Yeah, I guess that’s one way to look at it

As for me, I am just going to sit back and watch as blacks and women are put in charge of things. And watching it all fall apart will be my amusement.

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

I’ll vote for Trump even if the only thing we get is no Federalization of zoning boards, which is no small thing.

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

I agree. His argument about Clinton was correct. Except for him being a reprobate, Clinton simply dabbled at the edges and things flowed along nicely. I don’t know where he got that Obama was a repeat of Clinton. He tanked the healthcare market and I know that personally. The economy only sputtered along. His administration kicked off the SJW madness. On the war front, I guess he forgot Libya which kicked off a wave of African migration. Or whatever we were doing in Syria which kicked off the wave of Muslim migration. With regards to 1992 being the last time… Read more »

Reply to  WOPR
4 years ago

Yeah, for me Z jumped the shark on this podcast. Bush the worst president of his lifetime? No that’d be Carter. I’m still pissed watching our country doing nothing during the hostage crises, then listening to Z saying Obama paying Iran billions in cash is a “who cares?” And Obama not that bad? Wtf? That’s who started this whole anti white business by pulling into government thousands of SJWs. Look up what Obama did with social justice in the military. And he wasn’t that bad?! Trump is the only one who has stood up to SJWs at all, the only… Read more »

Mark Stoval
Mark Stoval
4 years ago

It is close to impossible to live a normal day, much less a normal life now. Even the most basic task brings a reminder that we live in a continent sized lunatic asylum. Well, this is just the thing. I find only crazy people around me. I find a few normal people on the net (like folks here) but those are not real people to me. I can’t shake Z-man’s hand and say “love your work”. It is like having a few pen pals in the old days. So when can we go back to normal? It is not going… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Mark Stoval
4 years ago

I’m honestly surprised the CDC is saying this is no longer a pandemic.

I mean, these are the same morons that just defined every possible symptom under the sun as a sign of Beer flu.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

Didn’t the head asswipe just say a few days ago that if EVERYONE wore a mask for a month or two, we’d get this virus under control, or some such?

Reply to  Mark Stoval
4 years ago

Don’t despair. This blog post below was powerful and strange. Kingsnorth is on to something, but not being a Christian, forgets that illumination arrives again and again, even to the darkness of the rabbit hole. https://www.theamericanconservative.com/dreher/paul-kingsnorth-st-galgano-mystery-christianity-illuminated/

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
4 years ago

progs have overplayed their hand badly. this is Tet Offensive 2020; progs have “burned” many of their assets in a futile (losing) effort. In the process they have pissed off and more importantly, frightened, the herd. public education is now on the same doom path as newspapers. November is closer than most perceive, and Biden will not be able to move to the center at all (normal dem play, once nomination is gained). I see a 57 state wipe out coming for the dems…

Reply to  Karl McHungus
4 years ago

Tet Offensive is a terrific metaphor— they’re shooting their wad. Burning the momentum they’d built up in the last 3 years. I do think the election will be closer than it need be, but for the first time since summer ‘17 I have an optimistic feeling about it. Not certainty by any stretch, but the first stirrings of confidence.

Looking ahead, if this offensive fails, I hope there’s resolve to take back our great American cities. Tall task but the opportunity will be there.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
4 years ago


Must be one of Don’s 6D chess strategies. Legalize DACA, increase H1B permits, “conservative” court justices throwing in the towel on the culture wars. Now foreign students can come back while American ones are locked down.

MAGA! Can’t wait for the 57 state win for Team Red!

Reply to  b123
4 years ago

Trump surfs the wave of public opinion more than any president in my lifetime, except maybe Clinton. Get energy and momentum for your cause and he’ll follow.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Karl McHungus
4 years ago

At the rate things are going, even the cemetaries in Louisiana are going to swing Republican 😀

4 years ago

Count me as one of the pissed-off people walking around seething. I had to endure travel recently and I can assure you there are many of us ready to explode. My wife keeps reminding me to stay calm. So far, so good.

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

I can’t even imagine what a theater of the Absurd it’s become

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

I’m sorry sure, that Theater has been closed for the duration of the Pandemic 🙂

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

It’s really getting hard to even want to go out and about anymore. I just can’t stand to see all the dweebs (have be careful here as my wife was an early devotee) wandering around in masks! It’s both infuriating and depressing. I mean, that’s what chinks do fer Christ’s sakes. These state governors are either mini despots or spineless worms.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

At least the Chinks have a valid reason given how polluted their cities are.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

Failing to wear a mask can get you killed. Here’s a story from ZH:
It’s especially chilling that, for a “mask violation” presumably, the cops went to the man’s home and for whatever reason, shot him. I hope they have bodycam.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

Bare Faces Matter

Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

Those whom the Gods wish to destroy, they first make mad.

Carl B.
Carl B.
4 years ago

“There are a lot of pissed off people walking around these days.”
The mass of WHITE men live lives of quiet desperation.
Ol’ Henry left out an adjective.

Reply to  Carl B.
4 years ago

Pink Floyd told us, decades ago, that hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way…:it seems that’s the one Anglo trait we’re still allowed to have.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

I think a day is coming when Americans will be hanging others in not-so-quiet desperation 😈

4 years ago

Hey, did you notice the Greg Cochran has a new post up and somehow or other forgot to mention the plague at all. I guess he’s dropped that like a hot potato huh!

Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

Similarly, Steve Sailer has barely mentioned coronavirus or the restrictions in weeks and he usually posts multiple times a day.

I’m the beginning, he fanatically supported the panic, which was the subject of almost every post for several weeks.

The intellectual dishonesty of these people is very frustrating.

Reply to  Federalist
4 years ago

Zman is the ONLY guy who holds Steve Sailer’s feet to the fire

I find it hard to read Sailer anymore after his massive screw up on the virus. Everything he says now is dubious as far as I am concerned

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

I’m the same way with Moldbug too. As frustrated as I am with this insanity, It’s amazing the clarity that it has brought (even if it’s a “we are far more screwed than I thought” clarity).

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

That guy have a homepage? Honestly turning up anything about Yarvin.

Reply to  Forever Templar
4 years ago

I think he’s writing here now.

I am refering to this Covid Panic article on Medium.

It has barely begun. In the next few months, you or someone you love will drown of a cough.

Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

We are screwed only in the context of America as a nation with a government

If we understand that it is no longer ours, then the future is bright for us if we make it so. America is a wife who dumped us. Time to move on.

Sure there will be some bruises along the way. So what.

Streets & San
Streets & San
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

The wife divorce-raped us and stole our children. We’re sitting in prison with no one to advocate for us based upon her false accusations. She had our beloved dog put down to spite us. We are surrounded by actual criminals and pedophiles who try to get with us whenever we start to fall asleep for one wink. It’s a little difficult to just move on. I want the jackwagon who seduced my wife away and turned her into a monster dead by cruel method. No.

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Agreed on his coronatard panic. At least he’s been taking blm & negrophilia etc., somewhat to task. I’d like to see him now go after the covitard hysteria.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

“Negrophilia” 😀 Maybe we can get aged shock rocker Alice Cooper to do an updated version of “I Love the Dead”, call it maybe, “I Love the Dreads”, set to a reggae beat?

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

“Zman is the ONLY guy who holds Steve Sailer’s feet to the fire.” Amen. If Sailer was just wrong, I could get over that. But he wasn’t just wrong or even very wrong. When he was pushing the CoronaPanic, he almost never responded to criticism or explained why he thought he was right. Now, he pretends like he never had anything to say about it. He needs to man up and explain himself. Sailer loves to talk about things being memory-holed. The irony. One of the main themes of his blog is pointing out hypocrisy. We need a term for… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Federalist
4 years ago

This is a universal feature of the human mind: hypocrisy. It is much easier to find fault with others than oneself. If you even notice your own failings you are above average.
I like the Jesus parable of the well intentioned do-gooder wanting to help remove the speck (or splinter) in his neighbor’s eye when he has a board in his own. Applied to the present day, too many people have a lumber yard in their eye! 😀

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

Yes, that parable is me – Jesus was brutal with truth. And then there’s pre-Jesus Socrates who broke mankind into two groups: 1) Those who know they’re fools, which is the first step to wisdom, and 2) Those who think they’re wise, which is proof-positive that they’re unrepentant fools. Today we start teaching pre-schoolers and kindergartners how special and smart they are … dumbest move ever for a people who want to instill wisdom.

My Comment
4 years ago

I can see why Z thinks that most people are angry about the wokening but that doesn’t seem to be the case. It is hard to imagine they aren’t seething away because the Narratives are so transparently stupid but only a majority of people on our side of the divide are against the insanity. Most of the rest are mad the country isn’t even more woke. They really think that the virus is the new black plague, blacks are being hunted and slaughtered by police, all of blacks’ problems stem from systemic racism and we are all going to die… Read more »

4 years ago

I am one of the fun police with the movies. Frankly, I don’t see how anyone who thinks as we do can watch a movie and sit through it with such obvious clownary that is pervasive in TV and movies. Every movie and every TV show is now loaded with messaging whether or not it is implicit or explicit. They are all anti-white and or anti-Christian. I was just doing a walk down memory lane the other day watching old Monkees episodes when I came across this little gem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLTbED6uw48 The absolute hatred on display for Southern/rural Whites is absolutely… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

I was just doing a walk down memory lane the other day watching old Monkees episodes when I came across this little gem..

It’s not just Southerners. I re-watched Fargo recently. The naked contempt for Minnesotans is appalling once you see it.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

It’s anything to do with traditional civilization. They hate everything beautiful and true. They hate Western civilization and it shows in every frame (or every pixel for you younguns).

Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

Although I still love his shows (Dragnet, Adam-12, Emergency!) Jack Webb was a master at that. Anyone who wasn’t from the City of Angels was portrayed as hopelessly backward; naive hicks to the extreme. In fact, many of his fellow white Angelenos were given very similar treatment. Listen to the radio version of Dragnet and you start to realize that while Detective Friday is cool and calculating, the people he questions are often depicted as simpletons. They repeat themselves often and constantly question the most basic facts. Along those lines, Zman’s podcast today, the part about sports reporters, made me… Read more »

4 years ago

Ad. How are those people in the media?
The control over issuing currency is the answer. Trup gets accused of insider trading, Obama didn’t have to.

Kentucky Headhunter
4 years ago

Hillary Clinton isn’t the worst presidential candidate in the modern era? (Mondale anyone?)
Lost an election that was rigged in her favor and had the backing of all Silicon Valley, 90% of other corps and 99% of the media?

4 years ago

“I don’t know about anyone else, but I am done with the ongoing revolution. It seems that everywhere we turn, there is some new madness or new tax on our patience. It is close to impossible to live a normal day, much less a normal life now. Even the most basic task brings a reminder that we live in a continent sized lunatic asylum.”
There’s some comfort in knowing you are not alone. Whatever amusement there may have been in all this idiocy, it’s now long gone.

Reply to  Jay
4 years ago

The insanity around us is not us. It’s not my party. I wasn’t invited. And I am not attending.

Tom K
Tom K
4 years ago

 I keep waiting for the people in charge of this simulation to halt the game and laughingly admit they were just having some fun.

I tend to agree with Elon M that we are in fact living in a giant holographic projection. I think that explains UFOs. They are a kind of test pattern inserted into our reality periodically to recalibrate well… everything.

Reply to  Tom K
4 years ago

Do you think the world will keep going after your CPU expires?

Tom K
Tom K
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

I’m not a philosopher. I’m just trying to avoid the idea that UFOs are extraterrestrials. It seems banal and I hate Hollywood.

Reply to  Tom K
4 years ago

Yeah, knowing how much computing power it takes to even recreate a city street in a video game, I am always little skeptical of the “living in a hologram” idea. Add in all the animals and plants that grow and people we interact with and all the computing power it would take for them, and I walk away thinking it is pretty much an impossibility. And I find it hard to believe that when I die that my cat, for example, won’t still be kicking around whining for food and attention. Whatever it is we are living, it is pretty… Read more »

Tom K
Tom K
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Now that’s weird. Falcone, I tried replying to you but my comment got cancelled. Message said it was being moderated, now it’s gone. Zman I didn’t say anything controversial but I did use the word ‘h*te’ with an ‘a’ there where the asterisk is. Are your comments being moderated by some third party?

Reply to  Tom K
4 years ago

I get the orange “moderation” message sign sometimes too

Have the same question myself

Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

The essence of totalitarianism is not preventing one from doing what he wishes, but forcing him to do something he abhors. BSA is veering sharply toward totalitarianism.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

Blacks in charge is frightening

If there was ever a people not built for being in authority…

Even something as small as being the customer in a restaurant goes to their head and they go on a power trip

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

It’s upside down world. Whites, through niceness, treachery and cowardice, have put the most dysfunctional, violent and stupid people in charge of “America.” As Z says, this country is a continent-sized lunatic asylum.

4 years ago

We (NATO) did bomb Serbia/Kosovo under Pres. Clinton in 1999, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NATO_bombing_of_Yugoslavia

Reply to  tonaludatus
4 years ago

Yeah, but I doubt that would have gone any differently under a GOP prez; if anything it might have gone worse since at lease Dems can feel they have enough Lib points to half ignore the tiny hat crowd. And, ditto Somalia.

4 years ago

I very much like the regular format and I especially like that you read what you are commenting on. The reading of the first parts of the article puts your comment on it in perspective without me having to pause the video, go read the article so it is all fresh in my mind and then go back and hit play again. It would also significantly increase the amount of time it would take to listen to the podcast without the reading.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
4 years ago

I played organized sports growing up but I was never a sports fan outside of our family and neighborhood environs. My dad had been athletic as a boy as had been my grandfathers. But they were grown men who had families to raise so they put away sports and games. Sports for them became a way to bond with sons and keep connected with family and friends. Youth and school sports were how they relaxed and shared time with family and old friends. It was part of the social lubrication that keep a family and community engaged and involved. It… Read more »

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Playing sports is great exercise

I still love throwing the football around. Keeps my arm in shape. And tennis is my love of loves and whacking that thing gives me a pleasure few things do. And I will be building my own court, and the world can go to hell for all I care. But when the next hurricane is heading for DC or NYC I will give stop for a moment and pray to the Venti

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Sports is great. Men’s needs are simple. These include: brotherhood and competition. Playing sports is great for this.

Drinking beer all weekend (simultaneously neglecting the family) watching Marcus Jyrone run up the field includes neither of those things.

Reply to  b123
4 years ago

Watching Marcus Jyrone run is basically allowing Marcus Jyrone to bang your wife or bang you. Not literally, but there is something of that nature in play. I noticed this with younger and teen blacks. They have this idea in their heads that when a white guy is nice to them that he is basically coming onto them sexually. You can see in their eyes the gears moving in that direction. Guess they have been taught or maybe intuit that white guys worship them and want their dicks. Why wouldn’t they think it? They see all these white guys worshipping… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

With both our boys gone and pretty much no one but geezers in the hood (including me – sort of), I have to keep my arm in shape chucking rocks at the local varmints.

Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

rocks will work he he

And get a pitcher’s distance from a can and try to hit it. Always good fun

4 years ago

clearly the time are focusing us on faith,family and friends.
Westen civ lost focus on those thing when I was a young man, and we are paying the price now.

Reply to  miforest
4 years ago

Yep, time to regroup and live normal lives again

Politics and popular culture are no longer about us. From the elites’ perspective, white people have outlived their usefulness, so why even involve ourselves in their thing. Out of sight, out of mind.

4 years ago

Evry morning I wake up , happy and feeling good , then it hits me theat the world was Conquered by the gates/soros/billionaire group and that jars me back to reality. but faith requires me to do my best and go on and not to dispair . I avoid all media and spend my time with people i know . that helps me a lot .
there just isn’t much we can do. norm is terrified and so you really can’t reason withe them. Gerald Celente has good updates on reality . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJmaC9CvcXg

Reply to  miforest
4 years ago

Moments like you are in, only thing to do is to “un plug” and get away from any and all electronic devices

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

yeah , you are correct falcone

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
4 years ago

I’ve been self-employed almost three decades. I would not last a day as a salaried employee in the current environment and lack the restraint not to respond accordingly to an email that suggested I list my preferred pronouns. Friends share similar outrages and barely can conceal their seething rage but manage somehow. Some close to me have quit or if old enough taken early retirement at a steep cost to them rather than endure the madness. These are the people who make things run. People are ready to explode. The persons running the orchestrated virus panic and race rioting will… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Personal Pronoun? Sir.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Bilejones
4 years ago

Don’t call me “Sir.” I … no wait, by all means call me “Sir.” 😀

Reply to  Bilejones
4 years ago

Reminds me of the noggers who name their kids “Sir” or “King” just so Whites are forced to address them with what they think is some sort of inherent respect (magic words). My favorite is when dealing with a customer rep on the phone and am asked my name – after telling them, I make a point of saying “You may not address me by my Christian name” – leaves them totally flummoxed.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

Boss Bailey and God Shamgod

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Nitpick – I thought our team did the coordinated violence?

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

At least until the Total Collapse, take some heart: Diverser is worser. As the competent people are forced out, the organization will teeter. At some point, even the Woke leaders will wake up. Outside help, even from the hated White Male (“We couldn’t find anybody else!”), will be needed, else the entire firm will topple over. (“We can keep them in the back office, or they’ll work from home, so nobody’ll notice.”) Of course it depends on the industry and the skills, but many people can take early retirement and find part-time work as a consultant. Usually with less shit-sandwich… Read more »

4 years ago

I’m with you on sportsball. It used to be fun, that stopped when the commercialization went overboard. Now that it’s being politicized, I’m out. I’ll still watch the local high school and untelevised local college games. They are still fun because there no money or politics involved.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

Walk into your average Friday Night High School Football game where, even with the huddles, timeouts, and halftime, still pushes forward and keeps interest.
Then try to watch a college football game the next day. The skills are leagues ahead, and yet it becomes a grind to watch.

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

When women started inserting themselves into football watching and so forth, I walked away

4 years ago
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Polls were worthless 4 years ago – before the mob started beating and killing people for having wrong opinions. I don’t believe any of them now.

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

I’ve been following Cook Report since 2008; their accuracy in House/Senate races is uncanny.

“I Don’t believe the polls” is a Breitbart-tier cope.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

IIRC Cook totally missed 2016

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

In regards to which Congressional race did they miss 2016?

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Oh pardon me on that, I was referring to the presidential race

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

“Overall, according to the Cook Political Report, Democrats would pick up five to seven Senate seats, and Clinton would likely turn at least a couple of red states blue in the presidential race.”


Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

What color is the sun on your homeworld? “I Don’t believe the polls” is a Breitbart-tier cope. Nearly every poll in 2016 had DT coming in with somewhere between a loss and crushing defeat. So your comment is puzzling to say the least. Did you consider that the same people that didn’t say they were going to vote Trump in 2016 under intense social pressure are REALLY not saying it now because of not only social pressure but also potential job loss / violence which is where we are today? Your statement is illogical and flies in the face of… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago

Am I on ZMan’s page, or on Breitbart’s Facebook? Because this is the argument I’m used to hearing over there…can’t wait until the part where I get called a Leftist, that’s always my favorite. The infamous “Hillary has a 99% chance of winning” comes from data several weeks prior to the election; right at the height of pussygate. 538 placed Trump at a 28% chance of winning the day prior to the election. That’s not “wrong” from a statistical standpoint. It’s like rolling a 10-sided die and betting it comes up 1, 2, or 3. Great odds? No, but entirely… Read more »

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

That was helpful but not in the way you might think, IDGAF who wins or loses this election. I was not Bible Thumping for the ‘God Emperor’ like some Boomercon. What you said actually seems to confirm what I said which is polls take data that is either outdated or ‘massaged’ to manipulate the narrative by MSM. I.E. You are confirming the opposite of your stated position that polls are indeed NOT reliable, right? It sounds more like you are developing a mild case of TDS or are just very jaded about Trump. That is fine, I’m ambivalent about this… Read more »

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Before 1965, there was 1964.

Reply to  Vegetius
4 years ago

Hart-Celler passed the House 318-95 and the Senate 76-18.

Then and now, the GOP is useless.

Nicholas R. Jeelvy
4 years ago

Well we knew that Jeelvy reads Zman, but I’ll take this podcast as evidence that Zman reads Jeelvy.

4 years ago

Looking back at the 1988 GOP Presidential Primary, does anyone have any theories on why the candidates were so bad? I was too young to follow politics at the time, but Dole ran a distant second. After that it was Pat Robertson and Jack Kemp in a very distant fourth. What happened that left the party with that slate of candidates after eight years of Reagan?

Reply to  Barnard
4 years ago

I thought Pete DuPont was an excellent candidate. I watched a debate in New Hampshire where he gave HW a savage beating. Didn’t matter a bit – the fix was already in.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Barnard
4 years ago

As I posted elsewhere, in 1988, the Dems nominated a man who, as governor, had essentially given a weekend pass to a convicted robber and murderer, who celebrated by going down to Maryland to burglarize, assault and rape. He is still a “guest” of MD. 😀 Apparently the Dems hadn’t considered that it would likely cost him the election. We like to rag on the Democrats here, but do you really think the GOP, on the whole, are any smarter?

Reply to  Barnard
4 years ago

The main Republican party never liked Reagan. Bush was their man. Plus, you have to remember that this was the ascension period of the neocons. Bush embodied their thinking to the last dot. Plus, your average vote figured Bush would continue the same policies as Reagan.

Reply to  WOPR
4 years ago

From what I have determined, the big mistake was when Reagan picked Bush as his running mate in 1980. I don’t know how much better someone like Paul Laxalt would have been, but he couldn’t have been worse. It most likely would have spared us the Bush dynasty as well.

Reply to  Barnard
4 years ago

The Bush machine was coming into its own. I’d guess savvy and serious candidates got out of the way.

4 years ago

Have only listened to the opening so far, but regardless of how this turns out, Z definitely needs to go full-on Howard Beale every now and then. This era deserves it.

Basil Ransom
Basil Ransom
4 years ago

I probably shouldn’t confess to this but I made my living in the pen and ink trade of journalism for about ten years. Paid for my travel was how I thought of it.

But everything Zman says is true. 50% of my colleagues were borderline retarded and the next 40% were ideologues with an ax to grind. Many combine both.

It let me learn about the Gell-Mann effect firsthand.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Basil Ransom
4 years ago

We all have a past, bro.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Basil Ransom
4 years ago

I’m in so-called “journalism” as we speak. Sports journalism. My other job is in academia. Belly of the two-headed beast, wot…

4 years ago

Only 18:00 minutes in, but I really like your new setup. All Zman and his formidable old guy brain, all program.

Bruno the Arrogant
Bruno the Arrogant
4 years ago

The point of the e-mail was to suggest all employees list their preferred pronouns in their signature.

If you insist. My preferred pronouns are “Fuck off” and “Die”. Thank you!

Reply to  Bruno the Arrogant
4 years ago

My preferred pronoun is: Sex God

If you don’t refer to me by that, I’m calling HR!

Chester White
Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Johnny Wad C. White

David Wright
4 years ago

By far your most cynical podcast ever.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

It is Z . the ammount of organize commie-tifa is staggering , and the level of coordination if amazing. you should start worring when they start calling us ” Kulaks”

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Ah. Ever the optimist…

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Try six months . . . maybe.

Reply to  David Wright
4 years ago

I haven’t started listening yet lol

Oh no. This one may be a roller coaster

4 years ago

“These are people that need to be told not put their tongues in a light socket”. Absolutely brilliant! Many thanks Zman, you make Fridays worth waiting for.

4 years ago

I have noticed that many people are indeed quietly seething, but many seem not to see it as a sign of anything bigger than, say, ‘I have to pay by card and no cash, how annoying’ or ‘I can’t even pop down to the hardware store without sanitizing my hands, how inconvenient’. After the minor inconvenience is over, it is back to Netflix and games on the iPhone. That is has been the most interesting thing to me in this, one day a person is frustrated at the tedium and absurdity now lapping the shores of his life; the next,… Read more »

Reply to  OrangeFrog
4 years ago

The education system is incorporating mandatory BLM curriculum starting these year. I expect it to be a condition for opening, much like mandatory mask-wearing — mandated veneration of blacks and black culture. It’s disgusting. Hopefully, private schools and homeschooling make a comeback.

Reply to  Lanky
4 years ago

Alarming if this is happening. Understandable in the circumstances. I have already began thinking deeply about homeschooling and what exactly I’d have on the curriculum. Oddly, one problem with homeschooling arises when it begins to get popular, which seems to happen to everything. Something starts – it’s good. It catches on an enjoys a golden period. Then the government takes notice and before you know it you have to homeschool Tyrone in your own living room because… Diversity. I am prepared though, just have to read him the works of Will.i.am DeShakespeare. It is not just the veneration of blacks… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  OrangeFrog
4 years ago

If you need free math and science books go grab PDFs at openstax.org which is provided by Rice University.

Good range of materials from high school to college coverage.

Reply to  Lanky
4 years ago

Homeschooling has been growing for years and will now explode in popularity, I’d bet.

Private schools, I don’t know. Maybe if the school tax gets cut more people will be able to afford private education. Big if.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

I’ve always wondered how much time homeschooling would actually take? With a well behaved and higher IQ mind like myself, a child could probably have learned at least 2 grades of High School math per year, if pushed (Germans, Asians, all do this pretty much). So much bullshit in English class – here’s how you defend an argument, this is how you write an essay. Read this Shakespeare. I could see the curriculum being fit into 4 hours per day. The rest the kid could work out, volunteer, socialize, and learn home skills. it all depends upon having a child… Read more »

Reply to  b123
4 years ago

If you have a gifted child, home schooling or alternative education is a must. Even in your example you are providing 1 day’s education in half a day. If your child is of high IQ, you should be presenting 2 day’s education in one day. Then you are doing justice to your child. Public school will never do that.

Reply to  b123
4 years ago

If I was a teacher I’d be looking into tutoring, or even ad hoc schooling. A lot of people won’t want to send their kids back, but might not have the time or patience to be the full-time teacher. Just a thought.

Reply to  b123
4 years ago

Steyn was probably on track when he said we could probably do K-12 by 14 with a half-day 3 days a week. A vast amount of school time today is spent with kids sitting around, watching vidya or waiting for teacher to stop arguing with Tyrone & Shaniqua. The benefits of homeschooling are so manifest that the burden of proof is on anti-home-schoolers to show me one positive upside for public school. Even with private school, how many teachers have quality and unique talents that are superior to the benefits of family cohesion and small-group instruction you get with homeschool?… Read more »

4 years ago

Do the small hat people run Disqus?

4 years ago

Looks like Disqus, or someone, is filtering comments here. I made a comment about 15 minutes ago and it’s not showing up. I’ve also had some other comments not show … I thought that I may have just lost track of them, but now I’m thinking that they were banned … and they weren’t bad at all … smh.

4 years ago

Was watching some recent Nick Fuentes videos on BitChute … I’m wondering if he’s schilling for the Jews a bit. In his videos, he just bleated on-and-on about Red/Blue Team stuff and blaming Blacks, but never mentioned Jews. Also, he was countering our own Zman here, by criticizing people for not voting cuz it doesn’t matter, as Z was implying that he may do. I know Z doesn’t like to criticize the small hat guys, but I don’t see how any comprehensive social analysis of the past 40 years can overlook the horribly corrosive impact that feminism, gay rights, immigration,… Read more »

4 years ago

I would like to thank you, by the way, for using Virtual XI in your closing music (and getting the The Angel and the Never-Ending Chorus back into my head after I forgot to not play the whole album…)

The album cover seems terribly apropos of our current situation.

4 years ago

To me, the continuing propensity of White women to “feel the pain” of the Black man is no better witnessed than by observing the high levels of participation by White women at BLM rallies … even in Finland and elsewhere. Also, how many times do we see White women holding “Refugees Welcome” signs. I don’t have a solution other than White men destroying their signs and telling them to stop it.

4 years ago

You talked about your interest in politics going back to Nixon’s resignation. When I was a callow youth we were all for Vote 19 to give 19 year olds the vote. We got it even better we thought so now we could vote at 18. So as a new voter I voted in the 1972 election only to find out the one I voted for was forced out of office. I never voted again until 2016. Didn’t count then either since I live in a blue state but it felt good to vote against the chosen one.