Judas’s Priests

It is popular in various dissident warrens to characterize mainstream conservatism as a collection of spineless sissies. Sometimes they are drawn as naive idealists who get taken by their more cynical opponents on the Left. Other times they are described as fools operating under a set of “principles” that make it impossible for them to fight the Left effectively. While some of that is certainly true, the reality is conservatism has been a cynical confidence game for a very long time.

Probably the best example of that truth of conservatism is Jonah Goldberg, formerly of National Review and now head of something called The Dispatch. For a couple of decades, Goldberg has played the role of affable right-wing dufus. He was the doughy, easy going every-man, who liked popular culture and goofing off, but was also one of those instinctively conservative guys. He was not going to quote Edmund Burke or even Bill Buckley in his posts. He would quote the Simpsons.

It was a great role for him to play, as he is no one’s idea of an intellectual, but he also has the disheveled goofball look popular in the movies. It was also an effective way to get people to overlook the fact that he was never a natural conservative or even much of a conservative. He was an actor playing a role. He started out in his acting career working for Ben Wattenberg, a far Left radical in the 1960’s and 1970’s, who got on the public television gravy train in the 1980’s.

Wattenberg was associated with the American Enterprise Institute, the symbol of conservative racketeering in Washington. This is the financial engine for the so-called neoconservatives, which means it is staffed with left-wing activists posing as conservatives, in order to promote an imperialist foreign policy agenda. They also peddle libertarian economics on behalf of their corporate sponsors. Ben Wattenberg was one of the first models to roll off their production line.

Goldberg was also a creation of AEI. It was his first job out of college, which is where he was paired up with Wattenberg to be trained as a subversive. Once ready for action, he was installed at National Review. He was then assigned the task of creating their on-line presence, which is where most people became aware of him. His frumpy every-man act became popular with a new generation of conservatives, looking for something more in line with the slacker culture than the Ivy League culture.

This is a good example of how a tiny group of people came to control the conservative establishment in the last century. In order for a conservative writer to get access to a conservative platform, it meant passing muster with a thicket of gatekeepers trained by and controlled by operations like AEI.  If you wanted to write for NRO, it meant getting vetted by Jonah Goldberg. To write for the print side, it meant being vetted by some other think tank approved gatekeeper.

Of course, the main source of control was money. AEI and Heritage are the bottleneck in conservative fundraising. AEI brings in over 50 million in contributions each year, while Heritage hauls in close 100 million. They also control the flow of cash into hundreds of smaller, less well-known non-profits. These operations underwrite conservative publications and conservative book writing. They will bulk-buy a book, thus providing the writer with a nice royalty.

If all of this sounds like a racket, that’s because it is a racket. It is more cynical than that though, as the people running the rackets are terrible people. They lie about what they are doing, causing otherwise well intended people to support things that go against their stated interests. They con rich people into giving them money, which gets used to support the lifestyle of these grifters. They also use their power to attack anyone that challenges their hammerlock on official opposition.

A good recent example of this is something done by Jonah Goldberg. Back in 2018, a woman named Emerald Robinson got a scoop that many so-called conservative publications had been secretly taking cash from the tech monopolies. They were being paid to support the tech monopolies stranglehold on political discourse. Payola has always been a problem with Conservative Inc.  and this looked the latest example of their penchant for pay-for-play shakedowns.

Now, Emerald Robinson was a reporterette for something called One America News Network (OANN), which is an independent media outlet that aims to serve the grassroots conservative. Their audience is the sort of people who support Trump because he is opposed by people like Jonah Goldberg. They are the talk radio crowd that skews more Huey Long than Bill Buckley. Robinson now works for Newsmax, another one of those types of operations.

Goldberg was dispatched to trash her, which he was happy to do. First, he trashed her personally on Twitter. Then he posted a piece on NRO, smearing her as a “failed-actress-turned-faux journalist” and an idiot. He also claimed she had no real evidence to support her claim. He finished by writing, “Look, I honestly suspect Robinson makes up many of her “sources” and that she’s a fake reporter while claiming to wage a war on “fake news.” That’s a serious charge.

It turns out that Goldberg was lying. Google was giving money to National Review and dozens of other so-called conservative operations. His paymasters at AEI were part of the operations to shower Conservative Inc. with payola, so they would do the bidding of the tech oligarchs. There’s simply no way Goldberg did not know this when he smeared Robinson, so his lies were conscious. They required forethought. He also lied when he knew all of his fellow racketeers knew he was lying.

The truth is, the people running Conservative Inc. are not just idealistic naifs being rolled by the bare-knuckled lefties in politics. They are not excessively principled ideologues playing by a set of rules that prevent them from winning. In reality, they are evil subversives grifting off the destruction of the country. They are selling out the people they claim to represent and they do it with enthusiasm. They are soulless grifters, willing to say and do anything to keep the con going.

What makes them especially evil is that they are preying on the most vulnerable people in the country. These are the average white people who have no representation in the halls of power. Mostly, they are happy to be left alone to live their lives. These are the people who trust the system. They are willing to trust others to look out for their interests in Congress and their state legislatures. The GrifterCons prey on these people like jackals, stealing their money and selling out their interests.

The thing that puts these people in a special category is the audacity of their conniving and grifting. When their perfidy is noted, they carry on as if they are the victims of some new pogrom. The American Right has been consumed by army of Judases swarming traditional America like a plague of locusts. Washington has been their playground, their Garden of Gethsemane, for generations now. The best the Right can hope for now is that these people are remembered as well as their inspiration.

A Sad Note: The proprietor of The Woodpile Report died last week. He was a great promoter of the sorts of content you find here. He had a big audience, so when he linked to someone, he sent a lot of traffic their way. I will forever be grateful for his support in linking to me on a regular basis. Rest in peace Ol’ Remus.

Note: The good folks at Alaska Chaga are offering a ten percent discount to readers of this site. You just click on the this link and they take care of the rest. About a year ago they sent me some of their stuff. Up until that point, I had never heard of chaga, but I gave a try and it is very good. It is like a tea, but it has a milder flavor. It’s hot here in Lagos, so I’ve been drinking it cold. It is a great summer beverage.

For sites like this to exist, it requires people like you chipping in a few bucks a month to keep the lights on and the people fed. It turns out that you can’t live on clicks and compliments. Five bucks a month is not a lot to ask. If you don’t want to commit to a subscription, make a one time donation. Or, you can send money to: Z Media LLC P.O. Box 432 Cockeysville, MD 21030-0432. You can also use PayPal to send a few bucks, rather than have that latte at Starbucks. Thank you for your support!

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Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
4 years ago

What I always remember about Ben Wattenberg is that he heavily promoted America as an idea, the first “universal nation,” and not blood and soil nationalism.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

And WFB, Joonior was a major contributor but many of us did not realize it until much later.

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

Wattenberg’s 1991 book “The First Universal Nation” set the party line for AEI and NR “conservatives” throughout the decade,using bogus statistics to promote open borders. That was back when patriotic conservatives like Pat Buchanan were trying to stop immigration when we still had time to save the country.

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

Ben Wattenberg. A leftist in neocon’s clothing, and presumably a member of The Tribe, he was determined to be wrong on all counts. Way back when, Wattenberg pulled out all the stops in article after article proclaiming there was no such thing as overpopulation. The more people the merrier, and life is a banquet at which any number can pull up to the table and stuff their face. It didn’t occur to me at the time, but his dismissal of the role of overpopulation in contributing to misery was part of a campaign to soften up of the country for… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Gravity Denier
4 years ago

Many of the problems facing the West (indeed, the entire world) are directly or indirectly the “fault” of the improvements that (mostly) Western technology brought the rest of the world.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago


Remove all the food, medical, and other aid YT provides to Africa from the equation and watch what happens to the curves on The World’s Most Important Graph.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

Civ Nats like him buy into the “anyone can become an American” hooey.
This is the same guy that wrote the Birth Dearth.
When even immigrants stop having kids an understanding that a homogeneous society with a good wealth distribution and a conservative, preferably religious social culture is the only way to keep the birth rate up is far beyond them.

4 years ago

That’s interesting. It’s paralleled in the actual Church with Cardinal Bernardin. He was recruited from the gay bars in to a seminary and was a straight-up Satanist. He approved all promotions in the American Church

Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

Too true but, in case anyone is interested, the infection began as Modernism which was heartily condemned by Pope St. Pius X. As he said: “…. they [the Modernists] should be beaten with fists. In a duel, you don’t count or measure the blows, you strike as you can.” Modernism slithered back under its rocks and it re-emerged carefully during the reign of PiusXII; and it re-emerged “triumphantly” during vatican2. Between St. Pius X and Roncalli, the American Church was also infected with communists: See Bella Dodd’s book School of Darkness or her online video. And then, of course, the freemasons, who… Read more »

Reply to  TeachEm2Think
4 years ago

Deus vult

David Wright
4 years ago

I feel the force of Hoffer in this piece, you know, how things devolve into a racket. With much of the present Conservative Inc., it always was. Goldberg and his mother made big hay with the Clinton scandal which I believe is what cemented him into his present postition. One final egregious example of this pig is the title of his book “The Suicide of the West”. He lacks the probity or shame to not even be bothered to care by ripping off James Burnham’s great book. (Also a writer back in the day at National Review). Grifter hall of… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

More years ago than I recall, we obtained a copy of his Liberal Fascism but it remains unread. Suggestions?

Reply to  TeachEm2Think
4 years ago

Keep it. You may need a firestarter someday.

David Wright
Reply to  Tykebomb
4 years ago

Don’t crumple, twist the papers in a knot fashion, better kindling.

Reply to  David Wright
4 years ago

Did you just watch The Great Outdoors?

Reply to  TeachEm2Think
4 years ago

No need to read it. I did long ago. If you are here commenting, you are beyond the scope of the book—and thankfully the influence of Goldberg. The only purpose Goldberg serves today is to be a “good example of a bad example”

Z-man is savvy enough to use Goldberg as a teaching example. I—not being able to hold a candle to Z-man—can only ignore/regret my Goldberg days and move on, not quite able to say why. Goldberg’s like the proverbial “Chinese dinner”—you’re hungry again in an hour.

4 years ago

Rest in peace, Ol’ Remus. His famous “Frankly My Dear” essay on the pampered, overindulged sewer that is black America was powerful and should be required reading among all DR3 “conservatives.”

Remus is also how I discovered Z Man and scores of other wonderful blogs that otherwise never show up in the search engines.

Reply to  JackBlack
4 years ago

It’s a good piece. His mention of daft jobs with ‘imaginative titles’ just reminded me of a position a company a sibling works for is trying to fill: ‘Happiness Officer’. Heh.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
4 years ago

I remember seeing an ad online or perhaps on tv about some tech company or some such and a jogger with the impressive title of “personnel engineer”. I remember thinking, what the hell is that? Then I came to my senses and realized, ah, a typically important sounding (but worthless) AA position.

Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

I think in both our cases we could reason that the second part of the title deals with importance. The first part reveals worthlessness of the position! For example: Diversity Commissar, Loneliness Minister, HR Director…

I am curious to know if there has been any research into the point at which a business becomes overburdened with make-work. Of course, it appears as though this make-work is desired because one big issue facing our beloved leaders is how to keep making people feel valuable – and an important sounding job is just the ticket.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  OrangeFrog
4 years ago

Thank you for the link. Yes, it is a good article. The comments, not so much. Hey, wait a minute…. 🙂

Reply to  JackBlack
4 years ago

What made Remus great is how he interspersed his own top-notch writing with powerful quotes from other great writers. He linked to quality not quantity. He went beyond the typical Drudge level of link aggregation. Remus’ links to Z Man’s finest quotes and insights is what turned me into a regular reader here. He always picked the best from other writers like Kunstler too. He’d probably have a field day with Kunstler’s latest remarks on Garrett Foster (piss be upon him): “He was blown away to that great struggle session in the sky, the surprise of his life, I’m sure.”… Read more »

Reply to  Frankey
4 years ago

Problem is with him and other countless writers of our thing is they didn’t mentor someone to take over for them after they were gone so their legacy could live on and keep helping others…Now in 10 to 20 years they won’t hardly be remembered but places like NR will still be trudging along fooling people…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

I didn’t go to Remus’ site often. It was really good though. He had good prepping advice. He was a bit paranoid. He instructed that his family not give his identity even after his death. I guess he thought that if people discovered his name, then they’d find his family and kill them. Why was his motto “Stay away from crowds.” What is the actual meaning?

Reply to  Frip
4 years ago

Because crowds are targets or they are a mob and being in the midst of either is a good way to get hurt…

adam p.
adam p.
Reply to  Frip
4 years ago

Why was his motto “Stay away from crowds.” What is the actual meaning?

Don’t get involved in your enemy’s urban fiascos like the libertarian Boogaloos, Proud Boys and Threepers are doing right now. Don’t feel compelled to “do something” hollow when you’re only being set up to be ruined.

Stay far away from the urban sewers. Let them tear each other apart.

Reply to  JackBlack
4 years ago

That’s an interesting site. This piece explains something I tried very poorly to explain here a few weeks back:


4 years ago

Yes, the Conservative con-men are the worst. I remember working in a bookshop and pulling Jonah Goldberg’s Liberal Fascism off the shelf during a rearrangement… Reading through it, it became obvious that there were some issues he’d just skirt around without deeper comment; the goal was, as you say to convince the normal people he was a conservative – just like them – without tackling the hard stuff. It appears that in general, if you want a person to tackle a tough truth, it is always a good idea if that person is not paid to write. Not paid by… Read more »

Reply to  OrangeFrog
4 years ago

A bit off-topic, but this right here is why cops don’t want to end the war on drugs. Tracking down a burglar after the fact is difficult and time consuming even in the best cases, such as when there is video. But, not coincidentally, the sort of deadbeat who burgles your house is also the sort of deadbeat likely to be carrying around felony amounts of drugs. By hoovering those guys up at traffic stops, they get them off the street without the investigative effort of finding a burglar or mugger and building a case based on witness testimony and… Read more »

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

This little case was interesting to me, because the victim actually followed the perps, went back to his house, where the police (actually and quickly) showed up and informed them… The ‘youths’ in question could not have gotten far, so it was remarkable to him that the police chose to do nothing. Funny you mention drugs, according to my colleague, as he followed them, that lit up a spliff and went on their way. Not quite heroin, though. I have wondered, even for the simple cases such as above (the ones that look cut-and-dry to Joe Bloggs) the actual effort… Read more »

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Perhaps, but you ignore the aspect of evidence taken at the scene—say of your under-investigated burglary. What usually happens is that finger prints and DNA evidence of crime is placed into data bases and then suspects arrested in unrelated crimes are run through these databases. If there’s a match, the suspect is charged. There are of course holes in the process. Bad follow up on arrests. Lack of funding. Still some lack of submission of such evidence. And so forth. But a whole lot of cases, particularly of murder, are being solved that way. Waaay after the incident took place.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Have you ever been burglarized and actually seen DNA evidence or fingerprints collected? I have and there were no fingerprints (cop says there rarely is, especially not distinguishable from any other person who might have legitimately been in the house) and they didn’t collect any DNA evidence. They don’t treat every two-bit burglary like CSI. They take a report, give their condolences and leave. The only reason I got a fingerprint dust once was that the deputy had some time on his hands and that was in a low-crime rural area. In the city you get nothing. I’ve had many… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

From memory, less than ten percent of RAPES yield DNA evidence. DNA evidence is gathered in less than five percent of murder investigations

You are correct about how the police treat burglaries. I had a burglary and at least two offenders bled all over my house after they cut themselves smashing through the window. No a single specimen was taken.

Joey Jünger
Joey Jünger
4 years ago

The good news is I guess that a lot of those “News Max” normie cons you talked about still at least have functioning instincts, even if they don’t have the education or the details to go with it (excepting this instance where the muck got raked). You cannot look at someone like John Podhoretz or Bill Kristol and not see that something is terribly off and that they can’t be trusted. It’s like when you watch a prison documentary and the camera wanders over to the corner of the rec yard where the squirrely guys with coke bottle glasses are… Read more »

4 years ago

I got into it with Goldberg almost 15 years ago over at NR when they first started having a comment board. Or it could have been at another ConInc website where his article had run. At any rate, he wrote this piece trying to tamp down dissident rage over the attempt to mainstream faggotry. It was the most cringeworthy piece of ConInc shit you can imagine. I called him every name I could think of and invented a few more. He’s a vile leftist demon posing as a voice of conservative reason.

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

The least you could have done here was quote it in full for future generations!

Reply to  TeachEm2Think
4 years ago

I recall “bilge swilling pseudo-jew”. There are others I can’t remember.

4 years ago

The truly sad thing is that we are set to go down without even knowing that it is happening, let alone that we would not want to financially support our destruction, let alone that we would want to try to stop it. It is like we have a fatal parasite but one side effect of the parasite is it releases a chemical into your brain that makes it impossible to acknowledge you have a problem and worse makes you behave in ways that helps the parasite and destroys you faster. It is the perniciousness of evil that when you are… Read more »

Clayton Barnett
4 years ago

I’d like to congratulate the commentors for doing such a good job not pointing out the elephant with big nose in the room.

Reply to  Clayton Barnett
4 years ago

It must have been a struggle not to write ‘gradually you begin to hate them’ somewhere in this post.

A real triumph of willpower.

Reply to  Clayton Barnett
4 years ago

(((A tiny group of people))) wearing tiny hats?

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I am beginning to wonder how many of the usual suspects and usual beneficiaries have had their hands dirtied with Chinese money. It has been well established that a bit of cash in an envelope can go a long ways in yanking people around, and I am beginning to suspect that there has been a massive ongoing Han program involving payoffs and misdirection.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

I’ll say it again – the DNC is just the local CCP franchise.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

How does that square up with the supposed “J tribe” control?


Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Z Man said: “Leave the Shriners out of this…”

Shriners or Hells Angles, you decide.

comment image

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

” Get your motor runnin’
Head out on the highway
Looking for adventure
In whatever comes our way…”

comment image

Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

Don’t make me do it without the fez on.

Balkan Fanatic
Balkan Fanatic
Reply to  Clayton Barnett
4 years ago

Speaking of which read this if you ever wondered where are the real allegiances of Ron Unz

Balkan Fanatic
Balkan Fanatic
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Read his article and failed to see any place where he is blaming Jewish progressives There is that concept known as “Kosher Sandwich” Either half of the sandwich manipulates gullible whites on that particular side but both have fundamental agreement on the essential points promoting their interests 1- Immigration is good White majority bad 2- No amount of billions sent to Israel or blood spilled for the greatest ally is sufficient It is by acting in the coordinated unison (and deception) that such tiny (hat) a group of people was able to completely subvert the White majority in a relatively… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

As I just commented there, Ron’s always been wrong on immigration, particularly with Hispanics – it’s his worst Jewish prior. He keeps citing his 2010 article but I’ve pointed out to him before that crime rates have been on the rise in LA and other areas of CA in the decade since. He’s an example of how HBD and IQ-spergery isn’t enough. If your only arguments for why you don’t want to lose entire regions of your country to non-Whites and foreigners are based on statistics, guys like Ron will try to wonk you with NAxALTs and stats. I’m committed… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Very well said.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Exactly. He’s still pushing the morality of civic nationalism and we’re pushing the morality of “because we live here.”

We don’t need “good reasons” or any reasons to oppose immigration. It’s not a moral issue.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

May be because once someone reads your erudite and on point essays, they then find a lot of the pabulum he offers unpalatable. Yes, he has published a lot of guys who are on ADL’s forbidden list, but he’s still his own gatekeeper in a way.

Sal's Torpor
Sal's Torpor
Reply to  Balkan Fanatic
4 years ago

To his credit, Unz publishes the very same WNs he criticizes. He really does seem to be a free speech absolutist. He has the usual blinders due to his ethnic background in which his kind has historically always felt most comfortable in polyglot societies such that they could play different groups off each other, but I honestly don’t begrudge him that. It’s part of his ethnic nature and it’s on us to recognize and respond to it appropriately. What positions like Unz’s fail to address is that white Americans have a right to desire their own kind simply for that… Read more »

Balkan Fanatic
Balkan Fanatic
Reply to  Sal's Torpor
4 years ago

Free speech Let me paraphrase a great man from our past When I hear “free speech” I immediately release the safety on my browning
For 70 years that concepts have been used to subvert our world (See Larry Flynt, among many others) If a few people are allowed to write these days in relatively obscure blog changes nothing in the big schemes of things
The people reading his blog are in the language of today “red pilled” for the most part and traditional agitprop propaganda will never change their minds
But somebody they trust may Think about that

Reply to  Balkan Fanatic
4 years ago

Yup! Unz has hoovered up Sailer, SBPDL, Audacious Epigone, and other dissidents as they were deplatformed from other sites—he even republishes some of the TRS guys, though they’re smart enough to maintain their main presence elsewhere and are therefore not totally beholden to his site. I suspect the collection of all these dissidents in one place is not out of any “free speech” altruism but to eventually “shoot all the fish in the barrel.” All the effort Sailer, Kersey, AE and others put into their work will one day be all gone at the flip of a switch. Never trust… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Sal's Torpor
4 years ago

Exactly. So many political discussions get bogged down in details about the pros and cons of various issues. It’s idiotic.

The simple, pure statement, “I prefer my own people”, is enough. No further discussion needed.

Why do you want to stop immigration? “They’re not my people, and I want this country for my people.”

Why do you not want to live around blacks? “They’re not my people and I prefer my own kind.”

Etc., etc.

Balkan Fanatic
Balkan Fanatic
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

True but now think who are these people who purposely obscured the simple and the obvious by pushing the clouds over the clear sky of yesteryear’s
Think about it in the context of “intellectual discussion” and “free speech”

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Citizen of a Silly Country said: “Exactly. So many political discussions get bogged down in details about the pros and cons of various issues. It’s idiotic.”

Various issues and deferring shades of ideological adherence. Factionalism, it’s one of the main things that screwed up the paleocons.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago


It’s really that simple. And they don’t have an argument against this. It shifts the ball to their court where they have to explain why you actually need diversity forced on you.

“Facts and Logix” is the worst possible way to debate.

Reply to  Sal's Torpor
4 years ago

The extent to which in-group preferences have been suppressed among white people—largely by Unz’s people—at the same time as they are indulged for other groups is unforgivable. The black-white friction Unz refers to is a distraction. Hispanics in the southwest and Asians and Dot Indians in the northwest are far more peaceful and seemingly agreeable, yet they still funnel jobs, housing and other opportunities to their own while shutting out white people. And of course Jewish nepotism is infamous. I’m not even angry at them for this. Of course they favor opportunities for their own; I would think them diseased… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Balkanization
4 years ago

I’ve actually used this logic on my CivNat friends and family. I tell them (truthfully) that other groups find it abhorrent and morally wrong to NOT be racist in favor of their own people. Other groups view their ethnicity as a family – which, of course, it is. Therefore, what kind of person doesn’t give preference to their family over someone else’s family. What kind of parent would give their child’s inheritance or family business to another person’s child and leave their own child penniless. Often, it’s the first time in their lives that they’ve ever heard that not only… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

In this sense racism builds civilizations and nations. I’m not joking or being glib—it’s the truth.

Reply to  Sal's Torpor
4 years ago

There’s a wealthy housing development in a nearby town that is mostly Indian with the rest East Asian. No Whites, Blacks or Hispanics live there. Is that by deliberate discrimination?
I understand that Indians prefer to live around their kind, but why are Whites denied the same right? Like you, I prefer my own kind. Old saying: Birds of a feather flock together.

Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

In Canada they either market the homes overseas to new immigrants, sold before they come here. Or, it’s posted to Chinese / Hindi only websites.

Is it “discrimination”? I guess not technically.

Asians will be a much bigger problem than blacks or Hispanics. you guys aren’t as far down the Asian road as Canada is but you will soon get a taste of vibrancy, Asian style.

Reply to  Balkan Fanatic
4 years ago

He has a point that it’s mainly white commies trying to start a race war now, but that doesn’t mean whites don’t care about becoming a minority, as he seems to imply. California isn’t burning— it’s collapsing as people leave. I’m sure it’s just the onerous taxes and liberal politics they’re fleeing. Right?

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Balkan Fanatic
4 years ago

I finally got around to reading the Unz link. It is utterly incoherent. He transitions from how horribly wrong opponents of mass migration have been to how all vestiges of historic America may be erased by White communists and their non-White foot soldiers. I would ascribe it, and partially do, to the old Jewish “you fight him” strategy, but no matter how evil, even that lacks the internal contradictions Unz displays.

Reply to  Clayton Barnett
4 years ago

I thought I’d contribute a little play on words in that the American right has been consumed by an army of jewdases, swarming America like a plague of locusts…

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Clayton Barnett
4 years ago

Not naming the Jew is a terrible strategy and continuing to do so will make things worse for everyone including Jews. The JQ is a problem with a continuous paper trail that stretches back 3000 years. Their behavior mimics itself again and again and again. The reaction to this behavior breaks down into two camps: The Hittite-Assyrian Model:      Slaughter them The Babylonian-Persian Model: Corral and Expel them. No matter what century or millennium nor where they set up shop… the Jew’s repeated behavior would run its course for a handful of generations and then reap one of the two paths above. The hubris… Read more »

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

The JQ is like getting into a girl’s pants – it can’t be done when first you meet, and if you can she’s probably mentally deficient

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Ha! That’s a good one 🙂

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

This isn’t a site for JQ-virgin incels.

If you want to trick Trad Caths and TruCons into Jewish awareness maybe someday when they’re ready, that’s up to you.

Cities are on fire and there’s something to be said for a more honest approach. This isn’t 2015 anymore, as much as edge-posting alt-Lights would like to mash that wayback button.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

How did running around shouting “Jews will not replace us!” Work out at C’Ville?

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

There’s been a lot of quiet “hmm, maybe James Fields did nothing wrong” muttering among civnats teetering on the brink of ethnonationalism as they watch the current riots.

And blacks are beginning to blurt the same thing as they ever so slowly realize it’s not whitey who’s keeping them down…

So C’ville was a couple years ahead of its time, but now eerily prescient.

Reply to  Ungerific
4 years ago

There is? Do you have examples?

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

It’s all part of the way we’re not allowed to notice that some places/times are good and others bad and that the good times and places tend not to have a lot of certain kinds of people around in them. It’s easier to do this with blacks because they keep reminding us of themselves every so often by setting things on fire and committing petty crimes. When called out the response is fairly predictable too. A quick “fuck you crackah!” followed by a burst of poorly aimed gunfire. The Jews are smarter so calling them out can cause you trouble… Read more »

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

It’s in their own book, the contract Yaweh made with himself on behalf of Israel. I will be your Father and preserve you, you will be my children and love and obey me. But they were, as has been noted in the same texts, a stubborn, stiff-necked people filled with foolishness. After witnessing the parting of the red sea, and the pillar of fire leading them, Moses disappears for a day, and what do these people do:? Build an idol to another god. Over and over again they screwed over the widow, the poor for profit; sacrificed infants to Moloch… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
4 years ago

What makes them especially evil is that they are preying on the most vulnerable people in the country. These are the average white people who have no representation in the halls of power. Mostly, they are happy to be left alone to live their lives. These are the people who trust the system. I go back and forth on conservatives. Are they just fucking retarded or so desperate for representation they will avert their eyes from “their” representatives’ obvious betrayals? It probably is the latter, and your pull quote above certainly makes the case for it. “Soulless grifters” pretty well… Read more »

Owen Glendower
Owen Glendower
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago


Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Jack Dobson said: “I go back and forth on conservatives. Are they just fucking retarded or so desperate for representation they will avert their eyes from “their” representatives’ obvious betrayals?”

The U S congress has a lower approval rating than ass cancer. But most of the incumbents are re-elected time after time. How is that possible? Why do voters push the botton for the same old crap over and over again? Are the voters lazy and ignorant or just unfailingly hopeful and naive? Yes and yes.

Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

By and large, voters choose from the choices made available to them, who are mostly grifters of various persuasions. Those grifters who most reliably play ball with TPTB get the party sponsorships, dollars, and publicity that are required for getting through the primaries and onto the general ballot. Voters could be less lazy, but it is an uphill battle against a well-coordinated and well-financed system.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Agreed. The system is so entrenched and so massively blob-like, there’s no fighting it – like Z’s description that we’re out of the canoe and being swept down a boulder strewn stream hoping there isn’t a thousand foot waterfall around the next bend. There has to be some existential crisis that shakes the system to its core so something new can rise up in its place – it’s the only hope. Unfortunately, it’ll undoubtedly be a painful transition for pretty much everyone.

Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

Same reason people will say public schools are bad but ‘their’ local school is great. And some police go too far, but their local guys are terrific. People either can’t see the forest for the trees, or all they see is forest. It really is that binary. People are utter fools or they wake up. All the excuses for the folks in between don’t cut the mustard with me – look at the hordes still on Unz after all these years, making the same arguments over and over and over.

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

Agree. Pretty soon the binary may come down to: 1) You have rifle and magazines, 2) You don’t have rifle and magazines. I’m putting my money on group 1.

4 years ago

The Left knows it’s business. Say what you want, Jonah talks a good talk. His impersonation act is a waste on the red pilled, but he still sounds good to many of my fellow Yesterday Men.
I think the tide is turning though.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Absolutely agreed. Taking these people out along with the GOP is an absolute necessity. A prime example of their intentions is one Nikki Haley, a curried c*** who would steal the pennies out of a dead man’s eyes while assuring his widow it is for her own good. Conservative, Inc., has lined her up as their gal but there are others in the lab if she doesn’t work out. Whether Trump loses this fall or leaves office in 2025 almost is irrelevant at this point. We have to force ourselves first and then convince others to realize the system no… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Mitt Romney and Liz Cheyney are being promoted as candidates for leadership in the Senate and House GOP after the election. Haley is almost a lock to run for President in 2024. There will be huge push to take back the party and blame all the losses on Trump. It is important to get people to walk away from these grifters before that happens.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Barnard
4 years ago


The sooner more people understand that Cuckservatives are simply the punching bag for the Dem faction of the Uniparty the better off we’ll all be.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

The Wild Geese Howard said: “The sooner more people understand that Cuckservatives are simply the punching bag for the Dem faction of the Uniparty the better off we’ll all be.”

Waiting for the average white voter to wake up and band togather will happen right after all the purple haired communist lesbians join a church, marry a cisgender male and start having babys. Ain’t gonna happen.

Some Guy
Some Guy
Reply to  Barnard
4 years ago

The 2024 GOP prospects are looking awful. That’s another failing of Trump: he never once takes interest in investing in the party besides himself. I’m sure he thinks Ivanka would be his ideal successor. The field is pretty grim. Nikki Haley will be on the side of temporarily embarrassed neoconservatives who want nothing more than to apply the 2013 GOP playbook from their “lessons learned” from Romney’s defeat, which is moving the party further to the left and ignore whites entirely (vs. the scraps we have now). Then you have the Ted Cruz/Marco Rubio/Josh Hawley set that talk a decent… Read more »

Reply to  Some Guy
4 years ago


Keeping an eye on Hawley though. Who knows?

Some Guy
Some Guy
Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

Hawley shows promise and maybe I’m too cynical these days but I want to see Hawley put some skin in the game under pressure that helps the working class. I guess I’m in a “show me, don’t tell me” mood these days.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Some Guy
4 years ago

“The 2024 GOP prospects are looking awful. That’s another failing of Trump: he never once takes interest in investing in the party besides himself.”

Odd to have to come to the defense of Trump, but why would he give a flying one about the Republican Party? McConnell and Ryan authorized congressional investigations into the Russia BS. He had as many knives planted in his back by the GOP as he did from any other source.

Reply to  Some Guy
4 years ago

If he’s not in jail, I fully expect Trump to be the 2024 GOP nominee.

Reply to  Barnard
4 years ago

it needs to be a mass walkout too, otherwise we get another TR or Ross Perot or Pat Buchanan.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

The problem is that an actual occupational skill set becomes worth less all the time, while joining a grift gets easier, and there are more of them available. As people get on the grifting bandwagons of one sort of another, they are pretty much lost to the likes of us. That’s one of the hardest parts of our work now. People will sell their souls for a new boat in the driveway.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

These folks take second mortgages on their souls.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

I pretty much agree the political system in this former country is completely non-functional. However, I will say that this election, assuming there is one, will be the last chance to perhaps somewhat alter the course we’re on, assuming Trump wins. At least we’ll circle the bowl a bit slower before the final flush. The mere fact that another jogger will be on a ticket this year and that a pajeet is even in the discussion down the road is indicative in just how far this former country has fallen. Between this damn virus, the economic and psychological damage, as… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

That’s definitely a problem. However, once they start putting their solutions on the menu, it’s the same John McCain stuff we’ve always had. The Middle Eastern forever wars, immigration, etc., all indefensible. Even conservatives should be rolling their eyes over this stuff. So they can preen that Trump lost, but when they dig up McCain’s corpse and prop it up under an American flag, they’ll have the same reaction in the next set of primaries. Defending Afghanistan is like defending colon cancer.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

I forgot to mention that they’ll attempt to procure a “conservative” version of the green agenda for the millennial crowd, just as everyone will want cheap gasoline to live they’ll want some carbon tax to make it 10 bucks a gallon. Total losers.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I don’t think Trump is going to lose if the can control the voter fraud. The riots and the constant SJW meddling in journalism, entertainment and sports are starting to blow back on the left. In short order they will be tearing themselves apart and attacking each other. Purges will begin soon.
be prepared and lay in stocks of popcorn, beer and ammo.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago


Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

Yesterday Men is a marvelous term.

Gloom n Zoom
Gloom n Zoom
4 years ago

?1595856689 I only lurk at gab, but wanted to chime in . Discounting stocks and mutual funds as at least 50% rigged chicanery and ‘printer go brrrr’, the Boomers aren’t as secure as the big chunks of those bars would suggest. The Millenials aren’t interested in buying their surburban homes, even if they could afford it. They aren’t marrying and reproducing in any case. The incoming zoning laws to push vibrancy into the suburbs won’t help either. There’s a similar bubble in the boomer affectation of muscle car prices. The big one though, is entitlements. Those will be the first… Read more »

Stacey Abrams
Stacey Abrams
Reply to  Gloom n Zoom
4 years ago

I take your point but the graph is misleading in that it captures Boomers at the very end of their wealth accumulation and Millennials at the beginning of theirs. I’m not a boomer so I have no reason to defend them, but their bar will only shrink over the coming decades while the bars for Xers and Millennials will grow.

Assuming, of course, that the generational wealth transfer won’t be confiscated and redistributed to blacks as reparations.

Reply to  Stacey Abrams
4 years ago

Stacey, good luck with your VP bid. Making you VP and eventually President will be the strongest dose of “defeatism,” as Z explained the term in his last podcast.

Reply to  Stacey Abrams
4 years ago

This is correct. You must control for age of the cohort. So the graph is meaningless to prove the point. However, the aspect of wealth transfer is essential to understand.

Yep, the Boomers have all the wealth, however they ain’t taking it with them. Bloomberg has estimated between $40T+ and $60T+ will pass down to the Millennials and other cohorts. That’s not chump change. It will buy a lot of houses. That market is not going away.

Nunnya Bidnez, jr
Nunnya Bidnez, jr
Reply to  Stacey Abrams
4 years ago

The graph is especially misleading as it shows Boomers with $30trillion of pensions and “other”;
There is no there there, no trillions of dollars socked away in pensions and “other”. It is all illusory estimates of future cash transfers, future asset appreciation, Social Security in the “lockbox”, future allocations that may never be given to the Boomers, all at the whim of our descendants.

Reply to  Gloom n Zoom
4 years ago

I’m surprised that there’s enough members of the Silent Generation still around to sustain the wealth on that chart

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

I’m not.

The late Silents (1940-1945) did very well during the post-WW2 boom.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

Geese – quite agree with you; it’s just that they’re on the wrong side of the actuarial table

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

It would be interesting to see in inflation-adjusted dollars what their peak worth was. I could see that on a per capita basis that may have been the wealthiest generation.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Any intellectually honest boomer will admit they had it better than any other generation in history.

Any Boomer who says otherwise, note how their argument always boils down to “stuff.”

David Wright
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Had it better economically maybe but that isn’t the only measure by far.
Being one and knowing many, they sure dispersed way to much on their progeny to the point the millennial and zoomer issues.
That’s just in my world though.

Reply to  David Wright
4 years ago

Again, one must always define the terms of the argument. What is specifically meant by better? For example, many Boomers will speak of having worked their way through school. I did. But then they make the mistake of implying millennials should do the same and that they are a bunch of lazy and privileged “snowflakes”. Those of course are “fighting words” and a pretty stupid comparison. When I went to University the tuition was something like $140 at a major top twenty State University. Even at min wage, one could earn such. So yes, I, as a Boomer, had a… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

To your point, I feel like Boomers had a pretty optimal return on their effort. Yes, hard work was required, but results were basically guaranteed upon putting in the work.

As mentioned previously, I don’t have any animus towards Boomers for having been able to enjoy what I’ve just described. I do get my hackles up when they try to pretend it’s still the same way it was.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Agree about the dividing line for animus. I don’t mind that the Boomers had it so good, but please don’t waste my time trying to tell me that 2020 is just like 1960.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

I trust stats to a degree. Again, an inflation-adjusted analysis is needed here along with a per capita figure. If it isn’t the Silents it is the Boomers, agreed there. The Silents fascinate me because when you get down to it, these were the traitors who gave us the 1965 Immigration and Nationalization Act, Brown v. Topeka, the Civil Rights Act, the works. Why? Guilt due to wealth?

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

I attribute it to the enormous proportion of the electorate that was 1st gen Americans (children or grandchildren of Ellis Islanders).

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

I don’t know. My Silent Gen mom was a heritage American and she was on the hook for every bleeding heart leftist cause out there, while my Greatest Gen Dad was the child of immigrants and very conservative. My Stepdad, after my Dad died was also Silent Gen and super liberal despite having been a Marine. He was also a government worker all his life afterward — postal worker. So that probably explains his hard-on for big government.

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Postal Worker, huh? Ever read Charles Bukowski’s “Post Office?”

The Right Doctor
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

I’m a mid-boomer, born 1954. We had it better than any other generation. In history. Ever. Subsequent generations will be dealing with decline. Once STEM goes social justice, the planes start to fall out of the sky.

Reply to  The Right Doctor
4 years ago

Just like that footbridge in Miami did…

Appreciate you keeping it real

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  The Right Doctor
4 years ago

I think all the ongoing issues at Boeing are indicative of the rot that has already entered STEM.

Some Guy
Some Guy
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

I concur. I’m in a STEM industry and have all kinds of great stories about how competent and qualified white and to some extent asian males get passed over on promotions, project management opportunities, etc. They usually pack it up and leave or create their own consulting firm where they get hired by their original employer for 2-3 times the money. The corporate inflicted diversity is hitting all medium and large firms at a minimum. There’s no real escaping it at this point and no industry is immune to it in 2020.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Some Guy
4 years ago

Some Guy-

Isn’t it incredible how even sub-par women and minorities in the STEM space have life handed to them in a platter?

I’ve spent close to 20 years in the MIC and believe me the poz is all over this industry.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

I dunno. It had to be pretty sweet to be Silent Generation. You missed WW 2. Relatively few of you had to fight in Korea or Vietnam. Most of your peak years, you lived in an overwhelmingly White country. You benefited from all the boom years. You got in on the ground floor on all the big schemes: Social Security, Medicare, etc. and retired early enough to fully benefit from them. You lived the bulk of your life not having to see the country you grew up in really falling apart, and you have either already kicked off or will… Read more »

Reply to  Gloom n Zoom
4 years ago
G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Rush Limbaugh alluded to the Heritage Foundation and the AEI the other day on the radio. To paraphrase Rush he said something like the conservative think tank foundations have been working on changing the policy while the left worked on changing the culture.
Rush saying this is sort of like the father on his death bed now saying oh by the way my children ran my business into the ground and now all that’s left is a whore house operation.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

The legacy element is hard to let go for True Believer Cons, so that was a pretty big deal coming from Limbaugh. The legacy element also causes very insightful people to waste their time and thoughts in these groups and publications. Out of interest, I went to NRO just about an hour ago and found this from Christopher Caldwell: https://www.nationalreview.com/magazine/2020/08/10/ibram-x-kendi-prophet-of-anti-racism/. Despite all the True Believer Con flaws, that relatively long read is one brilliant piece of analysis about the Anti-Racism Cult. Yet it is wasted by publication in NR, and Caldwell himself is wasted at the Claremont Institution. Yet the… Read more »

Some Guy
Some Guy
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

That is why I’m optimistic that we will turn it around eventually. It may not happen with the 2020 election or when whites are the majority but longer term. Once the grifters get chased off or no longer deemed useful and establishment conservatives like El Rushbo are over, there will no longer be boomercon bromides to put stock into, just reality.

Owen Glendower
Owen Glendower
4 years ago

I wonder if Zman has collected the comments he used to leave at NRO that caused so much distress and consternation amongst the grifter set. I never got to see them in the wild as it’s been a decade since I’ve intentionally looked at anything on that site. I imagine they are hilarious and awesome.

David Wright
Reply to  Owen Glendower
4 years ago

I used to love reading and commenting at Taki’s. I notice a few here from back then. Of course with people like us there was always the curmudgeonly aspect.

Reply to  David Wright
4 years ago

Takimag was a daily for me until they deep sixed the comments – never really understood why, but it pissed me off and now I only check in occasionally.

Reply to  Owen Glendower
4 years ago

Comments from the DISQUS era are no longer on National Review’s website. I think the only way to get them would be for the user to page down through his DISQUS comment history. I have tried looking for things in my comment history before. Their system usually gives me an error if I go more than a few months back, it isn’t worth the trouble.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Weed through the Cheka to find a good candidate. Make sure each cell knows what turf is theirs and which is not. Find an assignment best suited to your talents. Assimilate… to infiltrate… to alter. Grift at the mark’s expense but not so much that you derail our goals. Keep a few extra irons in the fire so you can fake a bit of independence. Coordinate sub-rosa. Seder is best… If you have to fall on your sword just nick yourself…we’ll find you something else when the storm blows over. Don’t get too caught up in the flim-flam…remember your primary responsibility… Read more »

Basil Ransom
Basil Ransom
4 years ago

I think the problem is one that Zman and others have pointed out numerous time before that the NR and conservative Inc was patched together in the 1950’s around the single issue of opposition to communism (with or without CIA involvement). The neocons breathed new life into it once they their cart to the wagon but when those old meanies in Moscow gave up the game in 1991, the whole reason for Conservative Inc existing ceased overnight. Yes, they managed to grift through the ’90’s but it wasn’t until the massive screw-up in the Middle East during the Bush years… Read more »

Liberty Mike
4 years ago

Goldberg is noisome. He is offensive.

But, he doesn’t have anywhere near the reach of FOX grifters like Hannity, Jesse Waters, and Judge Jeanine. Saturday night, the latter two featured Ben Shapiro and Charlie Kirk, respectively on their griftcasts.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Liberty Mike
4 years ago

I would disagree mildly. This gets to Z’s point about print having more influence despite the smaller audience. Goldberg’s Liberal Fascists book, though full of logical lapses, was the go to source of inspiration for normie pundits for years.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

TV is a passive medium. Print requires a much deeper mental commitment. Also, people reading political commentary are dramatically more likely to get involved in politics in some form or another.

Print is talking to that small % of the population that actually matter politically. TV is talking to the couch potatoes.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Print is simply one step up the ladder. The script writers for TV read the books, condense them and the “commentary shows” put a face on them.

John Wilkinson
John Wilkinson
4 years ago

Thanks for this great article, Z Man.

you might have seen the transition the other night when Sean Hannity, grifter extraordinaire, picked up after Tucker Carlson signed off, and be defended Bezos and his obscene billions for proving “goods and services we want, desire, and need” (as long as it’s honest). It created a stir on Twitter.

I touched on it in my Counter-Currents article today.

I seriously have to wonder how much money Sean Hannity gets from these neocon think tanks


Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  John Wilkinson
4 years ago

The transition to the Hannity segment somehow worked, and well. Your larger point about how much of our present situation is self-inflicted is taken, but the verb tense should be “was.” It is attempted homicide now, and whether the previous suicide attempts have weakened us too much to fight off our wannabe murderers remains to be seen.

Again, great read and impressive and surprising transition.

John Wilkinson
John Wilkinson
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Not sure I follow you. You agree with Hannity?

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  John Wilkinson
4 years ago

Dear God, no. I was referencing, obviously badly, your clever transition from the harmful effects of fast food to Hannity’s cliched defense of marketism.

The only issue I might take with your otherwise excellent piece was the headline’s implied description of food as one of “the little things.” The centrality of food to our lives and our culture make it a big thing degraded by the advent of widespread fast food.

John Wilkinson
John Wilkinson
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Haha ok. It threw me off a bit because the subject I “transitioned” to was about a “transition” from one show to the next. Two transitions for the price of one!

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  John Wilkinson
4 years ago

Re-reading my first comment, it is confusing. I edited copy in a former life, which makes that all the worse.

A partial non-sequitur, but the look of disgust on Tucker’s face at the end of Hannity’s marketism spiel is priceless.

Keep up the good work at CC.

4 years ago

Anyone ostensibly on the Right who doesn’t express open contempt for the GOP and yearn for its destruction is either controlled opposition or trapped in the past. There aren’t even a dozen people involved with the GOP who I would trust or emulate at this point. The removal of the GOP from American politics is necessary for any advancement of real opposition politics. Cue Rush with his “we don’t have any better choices” copes and ooga-booga about Democrats destroying America if we don’t hold our noses and vote GOP just one more time – the same thing he told us… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Exactly. For generations dissidents have tried to infiltrate the GOP to “convert” it or steer it toward their ends, but those dissidents have only ever assimilated into the borg and turned into civnats at best, or into a new crop of neocons at worst. The few who refused to bend were simply purged. (Over the next few years, look for the sprinking of “based” GOP suits to start yammering on about war with Ebil Chyna or for taking in millions of Hong Kong immigrants.) The GOP, at the state and national levels at least, has proven unreformable. We’re not going… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Destruction of the GOP wouldn’t be cool if it came to that, but TDS driving out ConInc. and the neocons and forcing them to marry the reanimated corpse of ProgDem would be delicious.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

*Would be cool*

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Total annihilation. A pointless exercise in futility. The true believers are dying in droves.

Some Guy
Some Guy
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

I admit I waffle between wanting to see it scorched and the lesser of two evils argument. Although I have to say that if Hillary wound up winning, odds are we wouldn’t be as screwed as we are now. Much like how Obama curtailed immigration once they thought one party rule was finally upon us, the white base was punished with hordes of immigrants with a complicit Trump tweeting about monitoring the situation. A Biden presidency may just go back to Obama era politics or even less so now that they would feel comfortable in one party rule again. As… Read more »

Reply to  Some Guy
4 years ago

If you want to be fairly represented by the politicians, they need to be people like you. There is no talking your way around that. You can try to find a way to make that happen, or reject it all if you can’t. Your choice.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Dutch said: “You can try to find a way to make that happen, or reject it all if you can’t. Your choice.” I posted this yesterday, it deserves repeating. Here’s what your vote gets you folks.This is an artical about a 2014 study by Martin Gilens of Princeton and Benjamin Page of Northwestern. They based their research on a database of voters’ and interest groups’ positions on 1,779 issues between 1981 and 2002, and how those positions were or weren’t reflected in policy decisions. The conclusions: “The central point that emerges from our research is that economic elites and organized… Read more »

Reply to  Some Guy
4 years ago

We’re in a strange place where the Trump offspring are posting old video clips of Joe Biden stating his support for trad marriage (a position literally every politician of either party paid lip-service to not that long ago) as if that’s going to motivate people to get out and vote.

Some Guy
Some Guy
Reply to  RoBG
4 years ago

The “own da libs, trigger da libs” shtick is getting tiring. Leave it to the Trump kids to push more voters to Biden. Considering most gays only cared about marriage to get on their partner’s health plan that covers Truvada, pushing to legalize gay marriage was a wasted effort and certainly not worth defending now.

Reply to  Some Guy
4 years ago

Obama didn’t try to curtail immigration. In fact he tried to shove DAPA down our throats like he did DACA. Only a federal judge prevented that atrocity from being executed. Had HRC won, they promised a comprehensive amnesty of 30 millions illegals.

Reply to  WJ0216
4 years ago

Trump has given more than 30 million of them de facto amnesty instead. #Winning.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

I share your disdain over Trump’s de facto amnesty but this Clinton email, which Wikileaks obtained, illustrates how close we came to absolute open borders. I expect this will be attempted again, perhaps as early as January. De jure White genocide could happen more quickly than de facto White genocide: “*Hillary Clinton Said Her Dream Is A Hemispheric Common Market, With Open Trade And Open Markets. *“My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, some time in the future with energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and… Read more »

4 years ago

A+ for post title alone. The purgatory of “Doctor Conservative’s Purple Pill Elixir” is a massive impediment to bringing men all the way over the great divide. I watched in horror as this same phenom trapped men in the comforts of enlightened apathy, stung by one of the many tentacles of grift in the “mens rights” and PUA sphere. The purple neurotoxin so powerful that even as these men were awakened by the pile of ash that was their marriage or career they could not matriculate to sovereignty. Instead they became followers of one hustling prophet after the other, each… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

I know a twenty-something who used to watch Shapiro videos and is now on to AJ, so that’s good. Hopefully there are many more on the same path.

Currently nudging him towards Owen Benjamin. Say what you will, OB understands tactics.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

Yes Benjie working the college campuses plucking rising dissidents before they bloom is something we need to counter with those nudges. I never paid much attention to him but have a few friends that told me how their kids were passing around his “facts>feelings” floggings of campus snowflakes. Granted, their affinity is more out of amusement than anything else since most know almost nothing of history or appreciate the broader implications of what they experience on campuses. Still, anything to move them away from mere spectator into an actual player is going to help prevent them from becoming jist another… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

Yeah OB goes over the top but his core message of homesteading, building community, getting out of debt, getting married and starting a family, loving God and so on is excellent. His use of humor and mockery to undermine the religion of science and tackle the JQ is extremely effective, even if it’s too much sometimes. Notice the small hat meme catching on. Even caught Shroyer talking about grabblers the other day. Don’t know what he’s up to since he went off itunes back in May. Wish him the best.

4 years ago

Only in the Age of Parasite Man can the likes of a Jonah Goldberg (et al.) be considered a leader of any stripe. Would anyone follow this fat little shit into an actual battle. No, of course not. We won’t see real leaders emerge again until we have real battles with real stakes and a real survival imperative. Until that happens, we will continue to degenerate as men and diminish the evolutionary heritage that our forefathers bequeathed to us.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

They peaked in the 90’s. The biggest problem they have is the former, dying, white middle class attempting to make ends meet, even shopping at Walmart and Costco. The more hopeless, pill popping and indebted they become, the more the (((Shtick))) loses salience. It’s gone green like last month’s corned beef.

Some Guy
Some Guy
Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

I’d argue they peaked during George W. Bush than the 90s. Tricking hundreds of thousands of disproportionately working class southern whites into fighting a war that many now admit was BS. Hearing Sean Hannity tell hucksters and grifters that they’re real Americans. Remember all the various sideshows like Terri Schiavo? Lots of AEI and Heritage-backed carnival barkers running all kinds of grifts. The silver lining is that the bag of tricks is running empty. Jonah Goldberg and Co. are on the losing end too. He will always be able to grift his way into six figure annual incomes but he… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Some Guy
4 years ago

Bringing up Sean (my good friend John Lewis) Hannity and Dan Crenshaw in the same post is too much for my stomach. Started dry heaving.

4 years ago

If we put our country up for sale we shouldn’t be surprised when we get sold out. It looks like the public never thought any of this through. Not shocking, but c’mon man!

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

That’s what maddens me. The various POC/immigrants cannot help but consider Whites weak and naive, when we freely make available our country and our labor for their own progeny. Every program, every government gibme that exists, they will assiduously take advantage of. Why not? It’s as though White people go around with a ‘kick me/rob me/rape me/kill me” sign on their backs.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

Act like a doormat and you will be treated like one.

The first thing most YTs need to do is stop acting like doormats.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

Absolutely, both of you.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

And there wasn’t even any negotiation – we just took the low ball offer and slunk away.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Of course, you’re right, but the truth is that the GrifterCons picked an easy mark. Right-leaning Whites eat up the CivNat, colorblind, Invade-the-World/Invite-the-World con. On the other side, White Progressives were easily persuaded to trash their own people and invite our destruction. Yes, mass media controlled by our fellow ((Whites)) laid the groundwork for all of this. But we still allowed it to happen. Imagine someone trying to accomplish something similar in Japan, China or Israel. It wouldn’t happen. The elites and the people would never allow it to get started. I’ve argued that maybe it was our success that… Read more »

4 years ago

Right on cue, National Review is having another fundraising drive. According to Jack Fowler’s post last night, they have raised $42,598 towards their goal of $250,000 from 492 donors. There is really no excuse at this point for the average white person to still be falling for this grift. These have to be the same people sending $50 to candidates like John James to prove they aren’t racists. I remember the good old days in the National Review comment section when a couple of us pointed out that puff piece written about a blue state Senate challenger was an obvious… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Barnard
4 years ago

It is hard to determine whether National Review does the never-ending PBS-style fundraising out of necessity or just because you can never be rich enough. It may also mask their bribe-taking from the likes of Google.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Good point. Hopefully their role as controlled opposition is coming to an end.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Jack Dobson said: ” …Hopefully their role as controlled opposition is coming to an end.”

That day won’t come until the left takes full control and sends their no longer useful asses to the camps.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Are they all connected? It took me months of phone calls and dozens of fund-raising letters returned to get Heritage to stop contacting me. I’ve been getting Zioclops mailings for the past 6 months and doing the same thing – writing hell no, taping on pennies, and mailing it back postage paid. Senate surveys, ‘immigration patriot,’ conservatard this and that. It’s endless. That’s another reason I want my name off the voting rolls.

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

National Review will sell you mailing and email address to almost anyone willing to pay them for it. I assume most of the other groups are the same. Once you got in the system your address will always be floating around Conservatism, Inc.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Barnard
4 years ago

Barnard said : “Once you got in the system your address will always be floating around Conservatism, Inc.”

You’ll get all kinds of junkmail from organizations and businesses you’ve never heard of. Beg letters, advertisments, you name it. stacks of free fireplace kindling.

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

The non-stop cup-rattling by Con, Inc. is really pissing people off. I’ve heard about this from TruCons I know.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

I don’t quite remember how my name/number got in their files, I think it was donating money to tornado relief in OK at one point, but they pass you around like a blunt at Snoop Dogg’s house. For the life of me I can’t understand how they did this, but I started getting calls from Con. Inc. at my work number. A couple times I had to rather bluntly tell them that they were never to call me during work hours. I felt a little bad because it always seemed like an elderly woman was making the calls, but you… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Unless they are keeping the corporate donations out off their 990 somehow, it is a necessity. Although they could easily cut costs and produce a very similar product to what they have now. Why a fading print magazine and opinion website feels the need to occupy Manhattan office space boggles the mind. They have to keep this going as long as they can. Who is going to pay these writers even 75% of what they are making now if/when National Review ever closes up shop?

Stacey Abrams
Stacey Abrams
Reply to  Barnard
4 years ago

Are the donations from small fry lumpenconservatariat even all that important? Most of AEI’s or NR’s money comes from a handful of billionaires and corporations, including a good chunk abroad from our Greatest Ally. I would think not all that many average white people are even falling for their grift. NR and their ilk are merely using an insignificant sprinkling of small-time donations as astroturfing cover for the real dough rolling in from ten powerful people. It’s nothing like fundraising for Antifa and BLM: while the vast majority of their money also comes from billionaires and corporations, a hell of… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Stacey Abrams
4 years ago

Shaking down working and middle class conservatives hit its peak with Richard Viguerie and direct mail, which he more or less invented and elevated to an art form. Check his bio; Beltway Conservatism, Inc., has been grifting and producing kabuki a long, long time. After Reagan’s election, the shift was made to fund the Republican Party, which posed as the avatar of the Right, primarily through corporate donations, particularly from the Military/Industrial Complex. To see what actually concerns Mitch McConnell, note his vitriol the other day when Bernie Sanders proposed to reduce “defense” expenditures by 10 percent. Many of us… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

For years my husband insisted on sending $ to Judicial Watch, because he felt all the proof of government criminality they got through FOIA was worth it. I think (I hope?) I’ve finally convinced him it’s a waste of time and money. That seems to be the last hurdle for a lot people – that ‘the law’ is irrelevant without men with money and power buttressing it.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

Putting aside Trump as Trump, there was an outright coup attempted against him and no one got prosecuted. Trump’s “conservative” Supreme Court choice Gorsuch found the already dubious Civil Rights Act prohibited discrimination against trannies. Judges no longer even pretend to follow laws.

Judicial Watch may not be a grift–I honestly don’t know–but it is fighting a long-lost battle.

4 years ago

The fundamental problem with media is the “advertising revenue model”. With the “donor funding model” as a distillation of all the negatives of the former. Under both, the consumer become the product, the advertisers-donors the real customers and ultimately, the media organization become propaganda outlets. Every advertising or donor supported media organization will follow the NR trajectory at greater or lesser speed. The only way to break the cycle is through a subscription revenue model that also bans advertising. But people have become conditioned to expect media to be free to consumers and reject paying for content to any great… Read more »

Reply to  Dinoethedoxie
4 years ago

National Review survivors on gifts left to it by the estates of its long-dead readers. It would have been gone years ago otherwise.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Dinoethedoxie
4 years ago

Well said. For those rare gems like here that don’t yet charge, may I suggest the occasional (or monthly) voluntary contribution? I do it here and a few other places. I should do it for more.

Spin gerah
4 years ago

I’ll sure miss Ned, the world was better with him in it. We are diminished.

4 years ago

Wow, I hate to hear the sad news about ‘Ol Remus. I will miss his blog. He was a scholar and a good man. May he Rest In Peace!

Ace Rimmer
Ace Rimmer
4 years ago

Worst of all, Goldberg even uses his own dogs to garner sympathy on Twitter. He can go straight to hell, but I’ll always have a place in my heart for Pippa. #trueconfessions

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
4 years ago

Goldberg, nice Irish or Swedish dude, The fuckin jews are termites, eating out and consuming your house from within. Look at the disgraceful shit going on…who provides the money? The Termites want you broke. Fuck them.

4 years ago

The last thing they are are Judas’s. They are just doing what ‘Bergs’ do. The only way they would be Judas’s is if they did something contrary to the good of the other Bergs..

Balkan Fanatic
Balkan Fanatic
4 years ago

Testimony to the lunacy of the age we are condemned to live in
A black man comes to a commi barricade shouting “All lives matter”
Commies (as far as I can see all white) shout back “black lives matter”

4 years ago

OT: I just read where John Lewis’ body will lie in state at the U.S. capitol. So, now the other foot will fall. We’ll be treated to weeks of hero worship for some OG civil rights African because God forbid that he receive less adulation than St. George the Felon, who had five funeral services after his precious black body was kneeled upon. There will never be enough grovelling to satisfy them. I was with Ol’ Remus formerly because I didn’t care. Out of sight, out of mind. But now the Saxon has begun to hate…

Some Guy
Some Guy
Reply to  Maus
4 years ago

We tear down old traditions and statues and in it’s place, we establish bizarre rituals. During the lowest depths of the Cultural Revolution, we never had anything like this or do like George Floyd and put him in a golden casket and have his corpse shipped around in some morbid display of religiosity-style reverence for his funeral. Did either Kim Il-sung or Kim Jong-il get a golden casket? We might be entering into North Korean territory here.

4 years ago

As you say, its mainly a scam since almost no actual GOP voters know who any of the the Looter Cuck/Cheap Labor , you know once known as Country Club Republicans even are. The only exception to this seems to be Ben Shapiro who is like the most important person on Facebook. And note while most of the actual voters know who Tucker and Hannity are, Tucker presents as a moderate populist as does Hannity though how they actually are I don’t know. I’m giving them the benefi of the doubt since they earn an honest living since people actually… Read more »

4 years ago

On this side of the Pond Ol Remus is missed.
Please let this be known. He was well respected.

4 years ago

Goldberg on his podcast: “I think the mental-capacity attacks on Biden are dishonorable and ugly. And there was a time in American politics where you wouldn’t go-there like this.” Well at least this guy is consistent. Always with the same principled takes. I’d like to overhear him at a bar and walk up like some Robert DeNiro character and go, “Say dishonorable again motherfucker. Say it. Say it again you piece of shit. Do it. Say dishonorable again you little prick and I’ll shove this bottle so far up your ass…”

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

While Edith Wilson served as president, questions were raised constantly about her husband Woodrow’s mental and physical fitness. So throw in his great-grandmother.

Goldberg is a sleazy, sweaty, lying fat bastard. That isn’t just a screw-up and is deliberately false.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

LineInTheSand has a secret crush on Goldberg. He listens to his podcast on the way to work.

Reply to  Frip
4 years ago

Maybe “crush” in the more literal sense. I do listen to Goldberg’s podcast. Commentary’s podcast with Podhoretz and Rothman is even better. They are all smart and funny and occasionally quite explicit about their ethnic loyalties.


They often say things that I agree with and it is a good mental exercise to note the exact point at which my disagreement begins.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Slightly OT, but did happen to see any of Darren Beattie’s and Ben Garrison’s recent flexing on Jonah? (I denounce myself for having laughed, but . . .)

Reply to  Frip
4 years ago

Well, maybe DeNiro’s wife…..

4 years ago

I regret that only discovered The Woodpile Report about 18 months ago. It quickly became a weekly must- read. RIP, Remus.

Reply to  Based5.0
4 years ago

What a loss. The Woodpilot Report and TheZman were the only bloggy sites I checked in on a regular basis. RIP, Remus.

Steve Ryan
4 years ago

Z, I believe Ol’ Remus met his Maker back in June. Once his wife passed, I think he was ready to go himself.

4 years ago

>What makes them especially evil is that they are preying on the most vulnerable people in the country. These are the average white people who have no representation in the halls of power. Mostly, they are happy to be left alone to live their lives. These are the people who trust the system. They are willing to trust others to look out for their interests in Congress and their state legislatures. The GrifterCons prey on these people like jackals, stealing their money and selling out their interests. I dunno about vulnerable. Maybe gullible. They prey on average-IQ ppl with a… Read more »

4 years ago

Unfortunately, Goldberg is quite likable. His latest podcast: https://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/cdn2.sounder.fm/15050/audio–52615–758–2251–8b6b2230-b1ea-4b02-9f14-acb2cb983d14.m4a?v=1595652801

I can understand why normie conservatives like this guy, not that his likability changes any of the fundamentals of our conflict.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I never found Goldberg likable. Just like I don’t like Seth Rogen movies.

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

“Just like I don’t like Seth Rogen movies.” Funny how you think that means something. ‘A man who does not like Seth Rogan is a man who’s forgotten how to laugh.’ – Abraham Lincoln


Reply to  Frip
4 years ago

I know exactly what he means. There is something about Seth Rogan that gives me the willies at a fundamental level. He triggers my instinctive disgust response. So do Jonah Hill, Patton Oswalt, David Cross and Andy Dick.

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

Good point.

Him and Jonah Hill. The other ‘likeable’ Jewish idiot.

always felt uncomfortable watching them. And Many, Many others who have turned out to be smaller hats.

It’s amazing how once I took the redpill I realized all the people I instinctively disliked had much in common.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Most people don’t make effective activists or accomplish political change.

Being a weirdo or degenerate isn’t going to impress anyone or make me consider somebody an effective revolutionary. But I’ll take a 20% share of Whites who are genuinely committed to activism over a Big Tent of majoritarians chasing likes & percentage share.

You can’t trick someone into being a racist and you can’t fool Shlomo into giving you power and influence. If you’re not taking heat, you’re not challenging power.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

95% of what keeps people inside the fences is social coercion, not some principled objection to “wig-nattery.”

If it became impossible to dox someone for being a wignat tomorrow, we’d have that 20% within 2 years.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Ultimately, events and not personalities will drive many to the WN position. The lawless assaults on Whites in recent weeks probably are the biggest recruitment tools imaginable and help open people to the DR position.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Per the recent poll, 77% of American right wingers are afraid to express their views in public.
The hard Right has a great deal more intellectual rigor and depth in the 21st century and we always dominate any uncensored media venue – as confirmed by the enormous efforts made to keep those 77% in fear.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

What are you doing? Surreptitiously turning people on to Goldberg? I can’t believe you’ve done this.


JR Wirth
JR Wirth
4 years ago
