The Media Revolution

In 2016, the Left was super confident they had the election in the bag. So confident, in fact, they got sloppy. It was around this time that the FBI was spying on the Trump campaign, assuming President Clinton would be cool with it. They are just as confident this time, but they probably don’t have the FBI and CIA spying for them. Given what happened in 2016, you would think they would be cautious, but instead they are overflowing with certainty. They know they will win.

One reason for this is they have purged almost all dissenting voices from their preferred media platforms. The Drudge Report is so over-the-top in his anti-Trump antics it feels like a parody site now. There is some speculation that he sold out to Silicon Valley grifters, but Drudge was always a creation of Neo-Conservative Inc. His sources and sympathies were always in that world. That whole scene has fired up the NeverTrump clown car for one more ride through the public square.

Twitter is just a far-left echo chamber. They have been purging so many people from the platform, even the most determined of trouble makers has grown bored with the effort it takes to get back on and stay on the site. Sites like Reddit and 4chan are muted for fear of being shut down like 8chan. That site was shuttered by the usual suspects and had to re-spawn as a weaker version of itself. Other than Gab and semi-private platforms, the internet is tumbleweeds and left-wing cranks.

One result seems to be a soaring confidence of the Left. They are carrying on like Dementia Joe will win every state twice in November. His vote will be so strong it will change the results of the last election. That’s an amusing exaggeration, but it is at the heart of their world view. Installing Biden in the White House will allow them to memory hole the 2016 election, as if it never happened. They will probably instruct textbook makers to skip the last four years of history.

Another result is some former enthusiasts of the Trump campaign are very depressed, certain that their guy will lose and that he deserves to lose. The anti-Semites, for example, are sure everyone is abandoning Trump, because the anti-Semites have been purged from the internet. It’s really weird how those guys on the one hand claim our greatest ally controls the media, but on the other hand they intensely follow the media and accept what they see at face value.

It is a good example of how the intensely on-line can lose perspective. When all of your inputs are from on-line media sources and people who agree with you, often two sets with great overlap, you get a warped view of the world. That’s the irony in what we are seeing right now. The former Trump fans who now hate Trump look at the media and see confirmation, while the people who hate those former Trump enthusiasts see the same media and also see confirmation.

The thing is, normal white people are getting really sick of the hate whitey stuff all over the media. During the last few months, whitey has been finding refuge in watching movies and television shows. Now they are being bombarded with explicit hatred of white people. If you circulate around normal people, it comes up a lot. When it does come up, the intensity is plain as day. These are people who would be Trump voters, so it is not as if this is changing minds, but it is pissing them off.

The puzzle is, with the lack of confirmation, will these people act on their anger and frustration this November. They don’t have anyone but Tucker in the media addressing their anger. They can’t get confirmation on-line, even from dissidents, as they have either been purged from social media, toned it down or now operate in semi-private venues like this one. Tucker having record numbers, however, suggests there is a deep reserve of pissed off Trump voters.

An important tenet of modern mass media is that these big social media platforms dictate public sentiment. The Left used to say, in the before times, that their control of the media was worth as much as 4-5 points in an election. That was probably an exaggeration, but it did seem to matter. They controlled what was discussed, thus always giving the Democrats home field advantage. They are now sure their control of social media is driving public sentiment.

Is the same true of modern media? The 2016 election could be used to argue both sides of that debate. Trump used Twitter to get around and control the media, by forcing them to respond to him, rather than the other way around. On the other hand, he was confronted by a wall of sound from the Left, but won anyway. It is easy to forget, but the Left was every bit as triumphant and nasty four years ago as they are right now, but the voters did not follow along as predicted.

He also had his rallies, which had to be covered by the media. This confirmed to his supporters that they were not alone. They saw lots of normal people enjoying the rallies and they saw the cranks in the media mocking those fellow normies. It was both confirming and infuriating. That’s the thing he needs to work around this time. He needs to let his voters see that normal people are just as angry at the revolution and that the way to express it is to support Trump.

One thing that has always been true about the American Left is they think rhetoric that works once will work forever and in all situations. The word “Nazi’ has been so overused that only far-left cranks respond to it with something other than laughter. Racist is heading in the same direction, as most normal white just laugh at it now. We may be seeing something like this with mass media. The Left has so abused their control of the media that it now amplifies sentiment, rather than alters it.

Note: The good folks at Alaska Chaga are offering a ten percent discount to readers of this site. You just click on the this link and they take care of the rest. About a year ago they sent me some of their stuff. Up until that point, I had never heard of chaga, but I gave a try and it is very good. It is like a tea, but it has a milder flavor. It’s hot here in Lagos, so I’ve been drinking it cold. It is a great summer beverage.

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4 years ago

Well, I certainly intend to vote for Trump and I’ll send him my money, as well. If you want to get lefty really going, refuse to wear a mask where you are not required to do so, and wear them in a sloppy manner even when you must have one on. To use lefties’ jargon: resist. When I see people out and about without a mask on, I suspect they agree with me. I smile, give them a thumbs up, and they respond in kind. Our secret handshake.

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

The Mask mandate is maddening. Just keep it underneath your nose if you must wear one. And if somebody says something to you remind them that research shows it’s Psychopaths that won’t wear the mask and do they really want to mess with a psychopath?

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

research shows it’s Psychopaths that won’t wear the mask and do they really want to mess with a psychopath?

Don’t do this. These people will take any inference they can you’ll do harm upon them.

Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

My friend did that – claimed she had asthma and shrieked at the woman getting in her face that she was getting too close and “Danger!!” She can pull it off and get away with it. I’m not a good actor and my rage shows through. I did buy an airsoft/paintball mask of the type Citizen recommended, though, and I wear it around my neck. Very occasionally I will pull it up over my nose, and then very obviously and deliberately down again. No one has approached me about it . . . yet.

Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

Could always give them the stiff-armed fascist salute.

Mark Stoval
Mark Stoval
Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

I have AFIB which leads to chronic congestive heart failure. I can’t wear anything that interferes with breathing.

I have been challenged a few times over not wearing a mask, but I have told them my condition and asked if they want to see the letter from my Doctor that I carry. All have said “no” and left me alone.

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

Who was that unmasked man?

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

Why not wear the mask out of politeness to old people who may be susceptible and store clerks who deal with so many people per day? I’m sure covid is exaggerated, but it’s not a hoax.

I wish we could channel all this energy for mask non-compliance into opposing BLM or immigration. The difficulty is that you can be mask defiant in your own life with few consequences but it’s not so clear how you can oppose BLM or immigration in your own life without becoming unemployable or imprisoned.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Would you wear a mask because of the flu all the time too? Out of politeness?

It’s all BS.

Reply to  Hun
4 years ago

The mask protests are a silly cope. You can’t protest the literal burning of your cities and the chimpouts by the ungrateful obsolete farm equipment, but you can give a hard time to the poor white service sector worker because of muh individual freedoms.

Bullshit or not the masks are the polite, white thing to do.

Reply to  volcker
4 years ago

The mask protests are a silly cope.

Who said anything about protests? You argue like a shill.

Bullshit or not the masks are the polite, white thing to do.

No, they are not. They are a symbol of submission. You only wear them, because you were ordered to do so.
If you never wore them during the flu season (and we both know that you didn’t), then you are lying to yourself and to others when you claim that this is about politeness. It’s your way of coping with the fact that you don’t have a spine.

Mark Stoval
Mark Stoval
Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Blaylock: Face Masks Pose Serious Risks To The Healthy

There are many other organiszatons who say the same, plus recent studies. Look them up.

4 years ago

Everything is over amplified these days and the hubris of the leftards is astounding. The hate Whitey shit, the negrophilia, the coronatard hysteria – literally everything. There is no nuance anymore. It’s like a little kid who keeps marginally pushing the envelope, testing the punishment boundary – and when none is forthcoming, goes full spoiled brat while mommy & daddy keep saying “you better not, or else” except there never is an “or else”.

Jeb's Turtles
Jeb's Turtles
Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

Liberal democracy is coming into its own.

Reply to  Jeb's Turtles
4 years ago

Government by tantrum.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

I talk to reasonable blacks too. The ones I talk to are kinda conservative in their personal views. They despise homosexuality in blacks but if married may keep a girlfriend on the side. They like the idea of good whites supporting Colin Kappernick and BLM but they don’t want whites leading the charge or standing in the front of the protest line. They liked the idea of blacks kneeling in protest at sporting events but I can detect a little discomfort now that everybody is joining in on the kneeling. All that kneeling from good whites takes away the idea… Read more »

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Blacks vote democrats, blacks don’t matter.
Other minorities are important cause they hate blacks, they especially dislike kissing their asses. If trump were to start pandering to mexicans at the expense of blacks, he might get pleasantly surprised.
All Trump needs to do is tweet mexicans need more representation other than that of drug dealers, latino lives matter.
Cops kill innocent latinos cause they think they’re gang bangers.
Replace black idols with mexican idols.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Frankly, I would cheer if BLM rampaged through wealthy liberal neighborhoods. Better yet, Jewish ones. Who’s funding these outrages?

Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

So would I. They can start in places such as Boulder, CO, Evergreen, CO, Fort Collins, CO, Park City, UT, and basically every other ulra-liberal, virtue signaling mountain town across the Mountain West that has been destroyed by these parasites. Sadly, I’ve witnessed too much for comfort of what these White, self-righteous Marxists have done in their wealthy liberal neighborhoods that all used to be rugged mountain towns inhabited by real people rather than smug a**holes.

Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

Ris nails it!

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Older blacks are Boomers too- as split and confused as we are.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Everyone here has had their “done with Trump” moment(s). His reelection if even demographically still possible would drive our enemies apoplectic. That would be great fun. Then he’ll talk a good game, maybe even do something positive…and two weeks later undo it all once people’s attention has been focused elsewhere. The transfer of wealth and power from whites to non whites will continue and all of the visa scams will be full steam ahead. The 1 trillion we spend on putting up with blacks will swell to some amount that is even more insane and Trump will back it 100%.… Read more »

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Blacks have an unspoken pact with the democrats.
Give us welfare & special media status & we vote democrats.
Point is this:
“The 1 trillion we spend on putting up with blacks”
continue happening with Biden, why you would think otherwise is beyond me.

Reply to  sentry
4 years ago

Well, lbj did say with the great society they’d have the n****** voting demoncrap for 200 years. And here we are only 55 in…

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  sentry
4 years ago

The point isn’t blacks. Trump will do the same as Biden. The point is white push back. Trump is Dr. Kevorkian. Whites go into a dream half-sleep believing Trump has their back. That won’t happen if he’s not there to suck all of the oxygen out of the tent.

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Trump is owned by jews, never said he’s a savior of any kind, BUT he can be useful. At least he does not want war & he can prevent total leftist takeover. Biden is useless trash.

Reply to  sentry
4 years ago

“At least Trump doesn’t want war.” He doesn’t want troops on the ground, or extended stays. But he’d love an opportunity to drop big explody bombs to boost MAGA morale.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Yes. Exactly my sentiment. 1000 invisible upvotes.

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Trump ripping on Colin Powell was classic Trump. I think Trump’s foreign policy is the best we have seen in a long time. Domestic policy?…meh

Reply to  sentry
4 years ago

Ignore blacks, they are silly children. Treat them like bad weather or any other possibly dangerous natural phenomenon. The problem in THIS country is mid-wit white NPC’s being programmed by the big nose little hat people through the media. Reach out to people of your own tribe and talk to them about what is in THEIR interests. If they are leftists, ask them why they are so concerned about other peoples interests. I’ve cornered a few this way and they really have no response

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Excellent points as usual, YV. Seems to me that voting Trump to ‘piss off the left’ is cutting of your nose to spite your face. Keep the eyes on the prize, as the noggers say – and that is not pissing off the left but waking up White people. Which is more likely – under Trump with more riots or under Biden/black womyn with overt hate-Whitey legislation? I don’t really know, but as already mentioned, I’m not voting.

4 years ago

Trump canceled his rallies supposedly due to covid but I just don’t even see how they can control the violence at this point. I ordered a collection of Sam Francis’ essays, a posthumus collection from 2006. Anarcho-tyranny is to on the nose not to pay attention to. He died from a botched surgery. You think his surgeon was a leftist?

Kentucky Headhunter
Kentucky Headhunter
Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

Agree that it just wouldn’t worth risking a beatdown to attend a rally, especially when you know your assailants can act with impunity and any attempt to defend yourself will result in your own arrest.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Kentucky Headhunter
4 years ago

I’d attend a Trump rally in a heartbeat. And if the savages come after me, they’re not going to enjoy it. The cops will do what the cops do. I’m not going to be intimidated.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

That’s what we said at Cville.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

It is indeed

Reply to  Kentucky Headhunter
4 years ago

I don’t generally wear t-shirts, or anything with a message, but back in 2016 I wore a “Trump because F&^k you” t shirt to the gym. I wouldn’t today (of course I haven’t been to the gym in months because of the paranoid restrictions) because I won’t risk my skin for someone who continues to flood my country with subcons and whose turncoat daughter pushes working women and single parenthood for the goys.

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

I wore a vintage Don’t Tread on Me t-shirt in addition to a subdued American flag bandanna on my head while grabbing some food at a small grocery store in Lee Vining, CA on the evening of July 4, 2017. I was confronted by a fervently-Marxist woman (late 20’s, early 30’s) who tried to get in my face over what I was wearing and what she perceived to be “far-right”. I verbally owned her until her boyfriend calmed her down and attempted to exit the store. As they were exiting, she tried to break away from her boyfriend and lunge… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Kentucky Headhunter
4 years ago

More is the pity. Florida does have a stand your ground law. 😈

Mark Stoval
Mark Stoval
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

Yes, Florida has a “stand your ground” law as well as a concealed carry law.

If someone advances on me aggressively, I will have no choice but to take them out. Since I have a heart condition that would prevent me fighting for more than a minute or two — I have no choice but to stop the assailant with whatever I happen to have on me.

4 years ago

In the late 90’s, World Championship Wrestling was a money-making juggernaut, getting massive cable ratings and selling out arenas across the country. That era coincided with the growth of internet-related wrestling websites, which complemented the already existing “dirt sheets” in chronicaling the behind-the-scenes happenings. This gave rise to an increase in the number of smart marks, fans who were in on the ruse but still willing to suspend disbelief. As these fans grew in number and expressed their knowledge by bringing signs to shows that referenced backstage events, the creative minds at WCW decided to give great consideration to smart… Read more »

David Wright
4 years ago

Visiting my mother at the assisted living apartments Trump name gets mentioned in derisive tones. Gretchen is their protector and every onerous edict is welcomed if it protects them. With mail in ballots these people will go hard on Trump.

On the other hand, my mild mannered 60ish Dentist was feeling me out. I have known him a long time and to see quiet seething rage which he definitely wants to express this November was a bit surprising. The riots, lack of law and order are really working their magic with many men. Who knows where it will go.

Altitude Zero
Altitude Zero
Reply to  David Wright
4 years ago

When people feel that they can’t speak their minds freely, it’s very hard to determine what they really believe, especially with women, who are far more socially conforming than men, at least publically. I think that it’s safe to say that Trump doesn’t have any LESS support than is being indicated right now,and he is still well within striking distance of Biden in the country as a whole, and leading in many key battleground states. As I said earlier, this election is going to be very close, and I’d be willing to be that a lot of states are going… Read more »

Reply to  Altitude Zero
4 years ago

As a resident of the Rotten Apple, I will tell you that working class Hispanics hate the BLM bullshit, and will tell you so without reservation.
At the very least, they will sit the election out, although a sizable fraction will definitely vote for Trump.
Same goes for a surprising number of working class blacks, particularly ones from the Caribbean. They already have a problem with black Americans, and the rioting and gay/trans BLM shit doesn’t float with them.
Again, most will simply sit out the election, but more than a few will vote Trump.

Reply to  Dave
4 years ago

What if that’s the surprise third party?
Based browns.

They have quietly, efficiently, taken the southwest without all the tantrum.

We’re in a Cold Civil War, is this the new Way?

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Altitude Zero
4 years ago

It depends on the country of origin in the sense that if it had a relatively large black population, the Brown Hordesman loathes BLM. While they always will defend their own, when it comes down to Whites vs. blacks, Cubans and Panamanians tend to side with the former, for example. Familiarity, contempt.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

In the cesspool by the bay, the light skinned latin people call the blacks “mayate .” And it’s not a term of endearment.

Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

Yup- “coffee beans”. A mild epithet.

4 years ago

The stridency of the media is a symptom of its desperation, not confidence. They know full well that their manufactured chaos and rioting is pissing off middle America, and there could be long term consequences as a result. And it’s going to get worse throughout the Fall lead-up to the election. The Deep State will become evermore desperate, violent, and extreme in their tactics. A lot of innocent blood will be spilled in the coming months because the Sheriff has gone fishin’. Durham’s tardiness comes a steep price.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I agree that the Left’s rank and file are true believers, but the media honcho’s calling the shots are not deluded by the propaganda they spew out. They know what they’re doing, and it’s not politics; it’s hot warfare they want. Get out of the city now. This is not patty-cake or rhetoric games.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

My understanding of the Jugoslav experience is that it was better to be in the cities than the countryside.

Would appreciate if someone with deeper knowledge on that topic could weigh in.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Read Selco on that he says he much rather would of been in the country than the city when it hit him…

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

When the crazy starts, it will be roving gangs of hormonal urban males that will represent the first lethal threats. Most people living in rural areas know their way around a long rifle. Dissuade the gang’s leader at 400 yards and the rest will disperse pretty quick. If you have to hunker down in a city, lots of concrete/brick and multiple shotguns are your best bet, but they will try to burn you out if your house is wooden. Ancient wisdom.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

People forget about the humble shotgun with all the focus on fancy AR-15s and “tacticool” add-ons. The fact is that rifles tend to overpenetrate in urban warfare. Shooting the bad guy isn’t so great if you shoot your neighbor in the next apartment too. Get a good 12 gauge if you’re stuck in the cities. Even if your state is one of those whose Not-so-instant-background-check system is clogged up now there’s stuff like this.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

Cities are better in white European countries. Cities always have more power than the country side and will take rural resources when needed.
In US, you need to be as far away from diversity as possible and diversity usually live in cities.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

In BSA, it’s a matter of proximity. The cities are controlled by the AWRs and overrun with Hutus. That is a perilous environment for YT. Our odds of living in relative peace are much higher in the burbs, small cities and sticks.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Was in Yugoslavia 1997-1998. as peace keeper or SFOR or soldier of zion or whatever.
Rural people are easy catch. The point is, you are not sitting in the sniper position 24/7. Actually you must work and when you sleep one eye open, then you will exhausted very soon, so when urban gang arrives, then you are easy catch. Fighting in the forest or whatever outside city is one of the deadliest guerrilla myths.

Reply to  Juri
4 years ago

That’s why Community is so important…Also my tribe has enough people in it to make it a hard target…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Sorry but rural can never win urban. This is the reason why people begun building cities and castles in the first place 12 000 years ago. Looking from distance, starving city is easy. Burn everything down something 50 miles radius and let them starve behind their walls. Reality is, that peasants revolt is never successful. I can,t write in the public forum something like “genocide 101, beginners guide” but rural guerrilla fight is never successful and never will.

Reply to  Juri
4 years ago

And fighting in the cities is a winning strategy??? Where you are easily cut off from resources…Well how about you do your thing over there and I will do mine over here and we will see who’s alive when it’s all said and done…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

I will say, Lineman, that there’s been lots of commentary about how the idea of bugging out is not so good, mostly for the reasons Juri outlines. You really need a community to survive and the idea some guys have of defending the cabin alone is not a real idea.

I would say, if you think you have the advantage in a fight, the better idea is to close and have that fight more quickly. It is logical to suppose you have that advantage in your own neighborhood than in a remote location.

Reply to  BTP
4 years ago

So your agreeing with me then is what your saying because I’ve said that since forever that you need a Community to survive…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

And rural communities already exist. Country folk are tightly knit.

Reply to  BTP
4 years ago

BTP, “defending the cabin alone” is a straw man. That’s never been what we’ve suggested. Juri, Mao & Ho Chi Minh disagree about “peasant revolts never work.” So does Trotsky. If the Red Army had consisted of nothing but factory workers from St. Petersburg, the White Guard would have crushed them by 1919. Trotsky’s dismissal of all the urban proletarian hokum and induction of the largely peasant troops of the Imperial Army is what won the Civil War. “By mid-August 1920 the Red Army’s former Tsarist personnel included 48,000 officers, 10,300 administrators, and 214,000 NCOs. When the civil war ended… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Exile, Stalin massacred the older officers some years after the victory, didn’t he? Poisoned Lenin (possibly) and axed Trotsky too.

So you demonstrate that the professional corps switched sides- that it wasn’t a ‘peasant revolt’.

If only I can live long enough to see the decades-old “activist trainer” industry- government employees on working sabbatical, and wannabe lawyers showcasing for a job- if only we can see them get their just results.

Fools n tools. No wonder history is suppressed.

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Fighting in the city has been advantage at least 12 00 years You can not cut off city from resources. City can go out and take whatever it needs. Peasants can not defend their resources from city highly organized and concentrated forces. I do my thing already over here. Watching from 100% white country your doom. over there .

Reply to  Juri
4 years ago

Yea if that city is a stable one that have each other’s backs…None of our cities have that they are going to eat each other and when that is done they will try and move out to the country and try and scavenge resources…Look what happened at Leningrad and they were a common people with a goal of survival…We don’t have common people in our cities anymore everyone is against everyone else…Yea well if our country goes yours won’t be far behind so laugh it up while you can…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

No I am not laughing, I watch with horror. I live in the former Soviet Union territory so I know pretty well how nice country may turn into hellhole. This happened with us once already 1917, There was a lot of resistance lasting as long as 1980 in Lithuania. 70 years all over the Soviet Union demonstrated that rural gun owners resistance is death sentence from beginning. Finally we got rid from liberal democracy but not with gunfight but with coup in higher echelon like Trump does right now.

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

You must have numbers to fight and survive. As to cities vs countryside; who lives where? That is the answer. We are breaking down into ethnic warfare to an extent, the question then becomes where do your people live? Where are they strong? What is true for Juri’s 100% white country rural vs urban is not true for America. Nor is the notion that the cities can band together and take what they want – not in America. But this is all fantasy anyway. What will happen is more of the same. There is no Right Wing in America, right… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Juri
4 years ago

History if full of instances of cities being reduced and destroyed by rural forces. Constantinople and the Turks ring a bell? Or your own collection of appanage principalities versus the Mongols?

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

The German starvation of Paris in 1871 was also a great example of cities being completely cut off from the rest of the world and forced to suffer a humiliating capitulation. Now, in a guerrilla war, the DR wouldn’t have the logistics to support such an airtight embrace, but there’s definitely a disadvantage inherent in amassing your assets in one central location.

Reply to  Juri
4 years ago

FerFal of Argentina agrees with Juri.

2001 Argentine currency collapse, thoroughly modern event, he says countryside is a target for the roving bandits.

Selco- I read his original thread- says their city was under siege, on a rocky mountain with no surrounding forest.

They survived by staying put.

Every lefty I’ve talked to has the same idea- “I’m a-gonna run fer the hills and take yer stuff.”

You betcha, Rambi. Or Bambo.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

They surviv d because they had a large family with lots of guns but if you had read Selco he says he much rather would of been in the country…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Lineman, I spoke to a Serb who walked home after work and found a bomb crater, thanks to American bombers. Nothing left but his lunchbox and the clothes on his back.

He and several hundred others lived for a year in the forest surrounding the town, but they didn’t need to go full Selco, so point to you.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Juri
4 years ago

The Viet Cong did quite well 😲

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

Yep, Viet Cong did well, also Islamic state and Antifa and other organizations, who have Wall Street and world communism support. In this case I agree. When Soros global network, also China and Middle East oil sheikhs put all their power behind some Beaver-hole county gun owners, those gun owners will probably win…:D. Lenin and Mao were not peasant protest but Wall Street most successful projects..

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Juri
4 years ago

I don’t believe foreign actors will be much of a factor in “America’s” looming conflict. But if they are, who’s to say they might not come down more on our side than the AWRs? I could see China and Putin actually helping us.

Reply to  Juri
4 years ago

Lenin and Mao were not peasant protest but Wall Street most successful projects..”

Perfect, Juri, a perfect pearl.

Reply to  Juri
4 years ago

Each situation is different. The Brits captured NYC and Philly during the Revolution, for instance. Maybe it comes down to the will to resist.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

France had 3* the population of the UK.
The Spanish empire also supported the rebels.
Not really sure France or Spain are going to be much help this time.

Reply to  joe
4 years ago

True but it was American military success that convinced the French in particular to support the colonists. It was a way to tie down and weaken their rival. Spain I wasn’t aware of, honestly, but the French would’ve stayed out if we were getting our butts kicked.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

Next time I hope they keep those cities 😀

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Juri
4 years ago

You don’t take into account the qualities of the respective fighting forces in “America.” In this country, rural whites have firearms and often military training, they know the terrain and their neighbors, and they have white levels of intelligence. The urban types are almost uniformly ignorant, stupid and untrained. If the Hutus come into the sticks, they will be slaughtered. This is not Serbia.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

This is a major difference between the former Soviet Union and what we have in the US. Russians, rural and urban, are still relatively normal human beings. If urban Russia, for some reason, went to war with rural Russia, it would be basically the same types of people on both sides. In the escalating civil war in the US the Leftists are almost all in the cities and consist of a varied rabble made up of blacks, hispanics, sexual degenerates, women, and soyboy “men”. When it comes time to form an urban raiding party only the former two factions have… Read more »

Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

Men and that means all of you here this is what we will be facing which is why I stress/plead with you guys to be forming up Communities and yet you linger about and talk online and that’s it…And I know not all of you are just sitting around but the majority of you are and that makes me pissed because you are letting your window of opportunity close without even trying… Answer this question honestly if these guys showed up and wanted your shit how many of you could actually defend it without dying and your family raped…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Cartels are another factor making cities less desirable and which will serve to accelerate the demise of U.S. hard power on its peripheries. They’re a “let’s you and them fight” faction that will focus on activities, areas and populations we’re increasingly removed from culturally and physically. A bunch of well-armed White men with no desire to purchase coke & weed, with known antipathy to criminals who are living in communities focused on responsible, sustainable living rather than accumulating palaces, gold, diamonds & mountains of cash make criminals look elsewhere first for opportunities. Look to 1990’s Russia for a good idea… Read more »

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

The Cartel “army” rolling up in your AO would present problems for any community, no matter how prepared. But I believe rural areas, and as Yves pointed out a tight knit community, present opportunities for defense lost in a city, or denser urban landscape. My experience (yes, n=1) so far in urban environments has not yielded trustworthy friends that I could rely on should the druglords roll up with their flashy trucks. Not for a lack of effort. Community value, for me and mine, is about shared values, trustworthiness, and dependability. To paraphrase Jack Spirko, “If times get tough, or… Read more »

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

Yes. Rural people are better attuned to the natural hierarchies and of the relationship of violence and eating. But don’t underestimate the urban pocs. They may be stupid but they are often well versed in violence. Urban whites, OTOH, are soft and clueless and submissive. Their daily interactions in diversitopia are instructed by, and constantly reinforce, this dynamic. Cities already have “no-go” zones. The underbelly of the diversity already owns the city. Whats left of the state will slip away or orient against white men should they actually step up. Which they wont. The urban poc clans already have violence… Read more »

My Comment
4 years ago

The virus is the wildcard. Trump’s biggest mistake has been in not getting out in front of it and keeping the discussion on the right of the divide grounded in reality. He continually caves to the leftist mob by trying to stake out a middle ground between reality and Armageddon most recently with masks and canceling the convention. He needs to craft a simple narrative and hold his rallies for the reason that Z mentioned. Tucker is giving white people permission to be angry. Trump needs to build on this. He should have the feds look into the McCloskey prosecution,… Read more »

Reply to  My Comment
4 years ago

What rallies? Last one was at a federal monument in order to justify any level of force needed to allow it to proceed.

What’s unfolding in the streets is one long anti-Trump rally by the anti white coalition.

Yesterday’s antiTrump rallies in Louisville and in Texas were surprisingly orderly – both sides were armed to the teeth and the only shot was an accidental discharge by NFAC.

4 years ago

I live in a shitlib-dominated area of Los Angeles, but my office is in South Central. I work around a lot of working class Hispanics and let me just say, these people are furious about BLM and all the rioting and looting. I joked with an older Mexican lady how nice it would be for us to get our own Pinochet, and her eyes got misty and she just smiled, nodded and said that would be a lovely thing. Don’t underestimate the Left’s capacity to self-sabotage their own ambitions. The woke whites are pissing everyone off and damn near everyone… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Subudai
4 years ago

You mean like unmarked vans picking up white protesters in Portland and instead of releasing them…they just disappear? Hmm….requires some thought …. 😀

4 years ago

Zman mentioned Samuel Francis yesterday. You guys remember The Conservative Chronicle? That’s where I found out about Francis. It was around in the early-to-mid 90’s. It was mailed to you and looked like a newspaper. It contained all the conservative newspaper opinion columns of the previous 2 weeks. Very handy to have, before the internet. It was interesting seeing a George Will column next to a Sam Francis column. You could discover some good writers from it, that you’d have never heard about otherwise. Like Paul Greenberg. A soft spoken Jewish guy with a gentry Southern accent who wrote for… Read more »

David Wright
Reply to  Frip
4 years ago

Blast from the past there. I had a subscription but I mostly read Francis from Chronicles. Later subscribed to Sobran’s newsletter.

Reply to  David Wright
4 years ago

Me too on the Sobran newsletter. Loved him. Remember buying his speeches on cassette? On the down side, he got in a repetitive rut in the mid 90’s. He became obsessed with Bill Clinton. And taxes. He had some great stuff on his other obsession, State Rights. That was key for him. But man, if he’d been born two decades later, all that anti Clinton, anti-taxation genius energy of his could have been channeled to more important causes. Because of severe diabetes he never finished his book on Lincoln. That sucks. It could have gotten him out of the poor-house.… Read more »

David Wright
Reply to  Frip
4 years ago

I have a signed copy of Alias Shakespeare just because Sobran wrote it. He wasn’t disciplined enough or focused to write books, so that is why so few.

He was a sort of savant which also contributed to his flaws. Jared Taylor pretty much said he was a hoarder.

Reply to  David Wright
4 years ago

A “hoarder”. That makes sense now. I emailed him in the late 90’s asking if he could mail me a copy of his Pensees (Thoughts/Reflections). That long essay he wrote in the 80’s for NR. (It wasn’t on the web). He said he would but he’d never be able to find it among all his papers. (And that much of Pensees embarrassed him now. He was quite young when he wrote it, so that’s a given. All writers look back at their early stuff and cringe). Anyway, I thought he was just kindly blowing me off. But, yeah, “hoarder”. Hah.… Read more »

Reply to  Frip
4 years ago

Sobran was Cancelled with the same tar-brush they tried to use on PJBuchanan: “Anti-Semitic.” PJB barely survived that; Sobran did not.

Reply to  dad29
4 years ago

Sobran, PBUH, was not tarred with antisemitism – he was in fact admirably J-woke and antisemitic.

“You dare not speak out against this tiny, oppressed, powerless minority – or they will destroy you.”

Reply to  Frip
4 years ago

Sobran was rigght to be obsessed with Clinton. That SOB is basically responsible for our hollowed out economy, China’s rise and being a nuclear superpower and let Wall Street go nit. He also gutted the Democratic party by turning it from being pro white working class to a party of upper class whites that you see today. Not to mention stuffing the FBI with his cronies and using the FBI to blackmail most of Washington.

Reply to  Rwc1963
4 years ago

There’s a reason: Red China and an Indonesian mining magnate, Riady, who held large leases in Red China financed his first primary run. They also threw a bunch of cash at him in the election(s), laundering it through “Buddhist nuns” and other scams.

Red China OWNS Bill Clinton, Hillary, and Biden. And every one of them went cheaply, like the whores they really are.

Reply to  David Wright
4 years ago

Great minds think alike. I also subscribed to The Conservative Chronicle, Sobran’s and Chronicles. Sam Francis had a e-mailed newsletter, Middle American News, which he recommended, and Rothbard-Rockwell. Loved Pat Buchanan. The National Review, too, from 1985-1994, when it turned noticeably neo-con. I keep photocopies of many of Dr. Francis’ columns in two big binders, which I plan to scan someday. I wish that I kept them all. Other columns and articles are on my computer and I have his books. Is there a website with ALL of his writings? I copied Gregory Hood’s pieces onto my computer and plan… Read more »

Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

That’s cool Ris. I think I have every article ever written by Sobran. Some going back to like, National Review 1971. Hell, I want to say ’68. Is that even possible? Libraries used to have these big books. You’d look up a guy’s name, and it would tell you the articles he’d written, and in what publications. So you’d then find that publication either as a real magazine from the library “vault” or on microfiche. This was late 80s early 90s, but it sounds like I’m talking about the 1940s. Things changed fast. Do libraries still have card catalogs? Dewey… Read more »

Reply to  Frip
4 years ago

Years ago, I tracked down articles in obscure journals at the college library in Newark. Past issue magazines were bound in big hardback volumes. We can read articles published in the NY Times dating from the 19th Century, but will low circulation out-of-business periodicals be preserved online?
Libraries still use the Dewey Decimal system, but library book catalogues are online now. Easier to find a book now because if the local library doesn’t carry it, a nearby one might.

Reply to  Oldrider
4 years ago

Thanks. I don’t think that that includes all of Dr. Francis’ writings. I need to scan and catalogue what I have and then cross reference the vdare items.
Thanks again.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

Sam Francis had two different types of writings. He had his normal newspaper columns, which would appear in newspapers (until he was purged) and VDare, Conservative Chronicles, another monthly, “Middle American News,” etc. Then he had his monthly column for “Chronicles” magazine, which was longer and more deep thinker kind of stuff, which didn’t appear in the other places as far as I know. I have a book which contains his Chronicles pieces called “Revolution from the Middle” which I prize very highly. You might be able to find it used somewhere, not sure. It’s paperback with a blue cover.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

I just looked on amazon and you can get Francis’ (type in Samuel, not Sam) Revolution from the Middle for between $65 and $150.

Reply to  Frip
4 years ago

I’ve often thought the same of Limbaugh. He’s been on the radio 30+ and was a true, albeit civnat conservative voice. He’s also made gazillions of dollars and changed the downhill slide of our country and society not one whit. A total waste, although he was fairly entertaining.

Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

“Although he was fairly entertaining.” True. That’s the thing about Rush. He’s an excellent broadcaster. A professional DJ friend of mine once put it that way to me. And the guy was super Liberal. My friend knew how hard it was talking by yourself into a microphone. Nevermind what he’s saying, Rush has the compelling manner of the natural speaker. Even when he’s mad, he’s got an undercurrent of upbeat energy. Contrast it to Bill O’Reily’s radio show. Mean Irishman and misanthrope. Made you uncomfortable to listen. Hannity is rat-tat-tat annoying. Dennis Prager is calm-condescending. Glenn Beck was a true… Read more »

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Frip
4 years ago

Limbaugh’s mind was really superior up to ’94 or ’95. You would hear entire and entirely unrehearsed essays off the cuff, nothing to edit or improve. To compose something well and speak it simultaniously is an extremely rare talent. Tocqueville’s single regret was that he didn’t have it. Then Bo suddenly lost the ability for original thought, because that was what he was doing, making realizations on the fly and excited in the process. When the drugs altered his mind he was no longer the same talent. He droned on making the same point three times when once he couldn’t… Read more »

Reply to  james wilson
4 years ago

Interesting observation about Rush post ’95. That’s about when I stopped listening (for work-related reasons). So I didn’t notice the verbal/mental decline. I recall the oxycontin fiasco. Rush. Mr. Conservative…doctor shopping. It’s kinda funny, not funny. I’m afraid of pills. I’ve seen first hand how they mess people up. I’ve got bottles and bottles of Xanax. I’ll only take one when absolutely necessary. If people knew how much Xanax and Vicodin I’ve stored up over the years I’d have pill-heads breaking into my home. Got lots of guns too, so…

Reply to  james wilson
4 years ago

Your insight on early Limbaugh’s sucess is spot on. The best speakers lead their audiences on a voyage of discovery in uncharted (i.e. unscripted) territory. I learned in high school speech and debate the power of extemporaneous speaking when my naturally lazy bones left aside team debate and composed original oratory (essentially a spoken essay) for the thrill of crafting a five to ten minute speach on the fly regarding a topic you’d just drawn at random from a coffee can 45 seconds earlier. This power is what Zman often displays in his unscripted podcasts, particularly when he leaves aside… Read more »

Reply to  Maus
4 years ago

Extemporaneous talking for an hour has to be draining. I don’t mind Z reading excerpts per se. Just not such long ones. Lots of short ones would be fine. Funny thing. I was listening to Z with a girl once. And she goes, “I hate how he talks! Make him stop!” I said, “That’s not how he talks. He’s reading. He reads in a sing-songy way to let us know he’s reading, and reading the words of an idiot.”

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Frip
4 years ago

Now, now, let’s not stereotype women. But maybe they really are more attuned to a speaker’s emotions than his message. This would certaily explain mass media’s typical commentator: smooth, reassuring, but with a content-free message 😀

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

Upvoting that, Layabout.

“…more attuned to a speaker’s emotions than his message. This would certaily explain mass media’s typical commentator: smooth, reassuring, but with a content-free message”

Milestone D
Milestone D
Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

I stumbled onto Rush on his third day broadcasting nationally, Friday 3 August 1988. I was 12 years old and that day changed my life. I have nothing but appreciation for Rush, but I’ve been tempted to call his show and ask him “looking back over your 30+ year career, what is it that you have managed to conserve? If I had said in 1988 that by the time you ended your show that the country would be $29T in debt, gay marriage would be embraced, a two term GOP president with GOP majorities in both houses of congress would… Read more »

Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

I liked Rush Limbaugh when he landed in NYC in 1988, but grew disenchanted due to his support NAFTA in 1993. Entertaining and at times profound, but still a mainstream civic nationalist conservative.

Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

I don’t think than a guy in favor of ALENA, so a “free” – trader supporter, can be qualified as “nationalist”. That is not coherent.

Does this guy was also a fan of Iraki wars 91 and 2003?

(btw, to answer to the message above, what’s wrong with enlargement of health care? A lot of right wing statesmen were in favor of it (Bismark, Napoleon III, Vargas, Peron, Benito and Dolphie, De Gaulle, Orban, and the actual very right wing government of Poland).

Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

Limbaugh tends to support the (R) Big Guy, whoever it is, and whatever they want.

Remember when Limbaugh believed all the polls as though they were Holy Writ?

Yah, hey. Good times.

Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

His advice to dittoheads that they must vote Trump is telling – “we don’t have any better choice.” If that’s the best he can say after this many years, knowing the same reptiles that Tucker talks about in his book, cue up Robert Lewis Dabney on Northern Conservatism. If you don’t make Republicans deliver on your agenda to earn your vote, you won’t get anything from them. Trump’s people hear guys making excuses for him and talking about how they can’t ever for for evil Democrats and smile inside. It gives them permission to take you for granted. Even Blacks… Read more »

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
Reply to  Frip
4 years ago

Thanks for the walk down memory lane.

Altitude Zero
Altitude Zero
Reply to  Frip
4 years ago

Remarkable how many of those guys went NeverTrump. That tells you something. And yeah, Suzanne Fields was kind if hot, in an odd kind of way. But she would have killed a dweeb like Will, who always struck me as the kind of guy who would have needed viagra at age 21. She has not gone NeverTrump, by the way.

Reply to  Altitude Zero
4 years ago
Reply to  Altitude Zero
4 years ago

Yes I remember her. She the opposite of HOT. Just another jewish woman pretending to be conservative. Her bottom line was always “is this good for the jews?” White’s could learn a lot from this worldview

Reply to  Frip
4 years ago

And to think this was once “edgy”. Sam Francis and Joe Sobran were the only ones who were truly on target. You can still read their articles 20 years later and benefit from the experience.

David Wright
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Hard to throw away, I still have a few Sobrans and Culture Wars. Up until recently I always had a subscription to Chronicles. My son comes over and takes to read, loves printed work.

while we are at it, lets get a deep web bbs going for dissidents. So cool.

Reply to  David Wright
4 years ago

Met Sobran (chauffeured him, too) at a charity event where he spoke and subscribed to his newsletter until it went away. Learned of him through The Wanderer. Hosted E Michael Jones in my front yard. Both forced you to think in different ways, and Jones is still at it, but becoming one-note “Jews!!”.

Reply to  David Wright
4 years ago

I didn’t know The Conservative Chronicle was still around. Especially a delivery print edition.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  David Wright
4 years ago

Speaking of Chronicles,(not Conservative Chronicles) I find it kind of interesting that the long time editor, Thomas Fleming, doesn’t get mentioned much these days and is never a guest on podcasts, although he does his own podcasts behind a paywall. He was very close with Francis and at one time, in dissident circles, he was well known. He was even a guest host and sometime guest on Chuck Harder’s syndicated radio show back in the late nineties, early 2000s. He was also on David Frum’s list of “Unpatriotic Conservatives” back in those days.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

That would be good thing Zman…

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Your ideas are intriguing to me and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter. Via an anonymous courier dropping it off at a secret drop point.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I’d rather keep reading your stuff online. Back issues don’t take up any shelf space and it’s easy to find something good from a couple years back and re-read it.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

An interesting idea. I miss reading magazines. My favorite was American Spectator, back in the days when it was the size of a news paper. I used to literally read it cover to cover. And always looked forward to the next one. It’s a shame what happened to them…

Reply to  Nick
4 years ago

I would take the Am Spec along on biz trips to read during down-time. Unfurled an issue at some airport and later glanced up–an older man in a Homburg was reading the same issue. Our eyes met, we nodded, and back to reading.

Allies are everywhere.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Yes yes yes!

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

And you could charge $200/year, instead of the loose change, stale Doritos and lint we find in our couches, that we send you currently 🙂 Hey! There’s my car keys…

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Frip
4 years ago

Ah yeah, it used to be (mostly) fully-archived on the Internet, too. I can’t find it anymore since you’ve mentioned it. Might be on a dark web site somewhere, but blech.

Altitude Zero
Altitude Zero
4 years ago

There are a lot of indications that at least a few members of the Left that are going to quietly vote Trump this fall, due to the egregious mental incapacity of Biden and the rising crime wave spurred on by the “de-policing” movement. There is no way to determine how widespread this is, but numerous independent, non-insane left-wing commentators, such as Michael Tracey and Anna Khachiyan (both of whom, as far as I know, are going to vote Biden this fall) have noted this, and stated that it is not a small-scale phenomenon. Like 2016, this election is likely to… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

The years of worsening crime could very well suppress the black vote. It’s hard to imagine a lot of blacks like the surge in crime that is mostly in their neighborhoods. It’s one thing to not want your grandson or nephew or whatever going to jail, it’s another thing when your kids are getting shot as collateral damage to the crime wave.

Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

Frankly, I don’t think blacks in general care much about about the criminality of their fellow simians. If they did, they’d do more about it themselves or demand more be done about it rather than bitching about racist, homicidal cops and then rioting when one ‘o dey goot boys gets offed violently resisting arrest.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

Agreed. I think the only Hutus who are seriously worried about the crime wave are those so old and feeble that they can do nothing to defend themselves.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

Being a drug dealer is a respectable occupation in the black community.
A man who can’t provide weed for his hoes is a dead-beat.

Reply to  sentry
4 years ago

Drugs are nasty but the moral difference between a drug dealer and say a liquor store owner or tobacconist is not that great.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

It dawned on me this morning that if “normie” type blacks would just get up and do something against the BLM and Antifah types – there probably isn’t much that could be done against them. Firstly – the BLM types have semi-effectively neutered the police – at least as a tool to be used against blacks. And the all the white BLM types – have made it such a hot topic to effect any sanctions against blacks that if there was some sort of normie black uprising they could probably get away with literal murder – and the incongruity of… Read more »

Reply to  Calsdad
4 years ago

Unfortunately, skin color will always be numero uno with 95%+ of them. That’s why I pay no attention to black conservative pundits like Sowell, Owens, Williams etc. Whatever they think means nothing other than to give civnats & cucks goosebumps.

Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

There’s that and another aspect is that a lot of cops are black and brown now. Multiply their numbers by ten for their family members and it’s a decently sized voting block that actually shows up.

In contrast the woke-wite are younger, don’t vote and the perception of their actually small numbers are magnified by the media by orders of magnitude.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Dinoethedoxie
4 years ago

Young Woke Whites are repugnant to everyone. The propaganda organs have deluded themselves on this point. Like Z, I hear in private things from people who previously would not even admit to their feelings on these matters. Almost as often as blacks, the subject of raw hatred is Young Woke Whites.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

It’s an astonishing movement that masses of young white men and (mostly) women can organize and burn down inner city black/minority businesses…and somehow this isn’t considered mind mindbogglingly racist.

Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

I’ve heard(on infowars) they even call them niggers, that might be the funniest part.

Mark Taylor
Mark Taylor
Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

Its blacks doing the burning and looting.

Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

If you’re truly relying on the purported underlying ‘decency’ of nogger 45 year old great-grandmothers to urge an end to the crime wave, I truly question your sanity.

Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

Blacks don’t care about crime the way whites do. If suppressing crime in their own neighborhoods means supporting whitey, most of them choose more gunfire and more funerals.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

The majority of Africans, like the majority of diaspora Jews, hate us more than they love their own children. If the election proves me wrong, I will be delighted to eat crow.

No one likes being ruled by foreigners, and if the foreigner is nice and puts up with your shit, then that makes it even more infuriating.

Reply to  Horace
4 years ago


Reply to  Horace
3 years ago

Excellent point. This is what people who wonder why Jews or LGBTs support Muslim immigration to Europe don’t understand. It’s not about rational self interest, but about the pleasure of seeing people you hate get angry and yet unable to stop you.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

Optimistic. The Melanic Hominid® reliably votes 90% Democratic.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I remember in the summer of ’88 how the media, as one, crowed about Michael Dukakis’ alleged rhetorical brilliance and how he would carve up that dullard George Bush in the debates. We know how that turned out.

Jason P
Jason P
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I’ll add another white pill to all this. Back when all the Floyd kneeling first started I left a comment here about how my whole family went along with the narrative. How it was a gut punch because I had been expecting them to at least begin to be red pilled by events… and instead they went the other way. Since then I’ve seen more and more rationalizing but, most of them seem to still be on board if less enthusiastically. The interesting case has been my sister. She had always been a pretty hardcore feminist. The JK Rowling thing,… Read more »

Jason P
Jason P
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

As far as data for the larger trend, Hunter Wallace had a post up a couple days ago:

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

These are the kind of polls I’ve been following lately. I’d call them “adjacency” polls since they don’t ask “are you voting for Trump or Biden” but rather concern themselves with the collections of issues and perceptions that seem to be adjacent each candidate. In a network graph these would be nodes one or two nodes removed from the candidate. I saw a video yesterday where they had a poll about enthusiasm. It turned out that 26% of likely Biden voters where “very enthusiastic” about their candidate. The number for Trump was 56%. When you factor in the strength Trump… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

 100% of surveys should be questioned. All categorical statements are false. ☺

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I certainly hope those poll results quoted by Z are accurate … even more so, because I agree Covid-1984 and BLM peaked too soon & the left is going to have to invent other schemes to keep the hysteria going.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

You mention “anti-semites” quite often. What exactly does that mean?

Reply to  Phoenix
4 years ago


Reply to  Vegetius
4 years ago

The Right Stuff??

Reply to  Phoenix
3 years ago

Yeah, I’d like to know if I’m a member of that category or not. It depends on definition.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I’ve been giving crap to normie types on other forums I spend time on for at least a couple of years now over their tolerance of the antics of Colin Kapernick and his ilk. As soon as the NFL upped the ante by openly supporting BLM – so did I. I noticed that quite a few people are jumping on that bandwagon now and openly degrading the NFL -and all who support it. Here in New England – the Red Sox decided to spend it’s own money putting up a “Black Lives Matter” banner on the backside of Fenway. As… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Calsdad
4 years ago

I contributed to Greenpeace for years until I found how Woke they were. Supporting BLM thugs or SLPC is a bit of mission creep from advocacy for wildlife. I would eat the last endangered whale before I will ever send them another dime.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

The analogy I always see used is spiking the football before they’re in the end-zone.

Reply to  Sandmich
4 years ago

Or tearing down the goalposts at half-time.

Reply to  Altitude Zero
4 years ago

People hate Trump but they hate burned out homes and businesses even more.

My Comment
Reply to  ExPraliteMonk
4 years ago

I don’t see any evidence of that. Many democrats may hate what is going on but they still trust the press and have Trump Derangement Syndrome. Even before Trump they felt Republicans were evil and that no matter how bad things are under democrats they still be worse under Republicans

Reply to  Altitude Zero
4 years ago

Mostly think they just won’t vote, instead of crossing party lines. That was me with, lets see…Bush I, Bush II, Dole, Romney. Pulled the lever for Trump last time as a F-U, Flight 93 gesture.

Going to be real hard to vote Trump this time.

4 years ago

I have spoken to a number of white people who agree with things I say about the war on whites that they would have rolled their eyes at a year ago. I think whites are becoming more and more racially conscious, though they don’t want to be.
As an aside, I think you are going to see a surge in interest in old movies that feature no BIPOC. I myself have made this switch.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
4 years ago

I see it as Biden’s to lose. They’re already trying to figure out how to get him out of the debates. A debating Alzheimer’s patient won’t look good. Trump would probably ask him to draw the face of a clock or something. If he chooses a negress or Tammy Duckworth I see those as a drawback. No one wants to hear from some pickaninny or see some second base drone on and on about her “sacrifice” for Raytheon in the middle east. I was a Trump voter in 2016, after passing on magic underwear and war monger McCain. I can… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

The debate thing is overblown. Biden debated in the primaries and was fine.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

That was several months ago. His condition is progressive.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
4 years ago

The thing is, normal white people are getting really sick of the hate whitey stuff all over the media. During the last few months, whitey has been finding refuge in watching movies and television shows. Now they are being bombarded with explicit hatred of white people. If you circulate around normal people, it comes up a lot. When it does come up, the intensity is plain as day. These are people who would be Trump voters, so it is not as if this is changing minds, but it is pissing them off. If Trump wins*, it will be due to… Read more »

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Jack Dobson said: “Any outcome now is a win-win for dissidents because the State is clearly oppositional to the people now.” “Mystical references to society and its programs to help may warm the hearts of the gullible but what it really means is putting more power in the hands of bureaucrats.” -Thomas Sowell People always misunderstand the nature of power. left wing dissidents right wing dissidents, it doesn’t matter. Power is for itself, not the greater good. And despite what any individual politician might want to accomplish, or whatever good flows down from on high to the general public is… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

I actually agree re the acquisition of power and my point still stands. Most here agreed it would take a 2X4 to the head for Whites to awaken, and by damned out came the 2X4 in the form of domestic terrorism. The terror is how power is supposed to be acquired (I am no longer convinced this will work–quite the opposite actually, but that’s beside the point). Whites have seen where this path leads and cannot unsee it now.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Jack Dobson said: “The terror is how power is supposed to be acquired (I am no longer convinced this will work–quite the opposite actually, but that’s beside the point). Whites have seen where this path leads and cannot unsee it now.” Everything you see happening now is the continuation of the plans set in motion by several financial and political power blocks that have been in the works for decades. Both the communists and capitalist global elites have the same agenda. Global domination. They just want to get there by a different route. But some of their tactics are the… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

Thanks, great interview. Favorite lines:

“The time bomb is ticking…Unlike myself, you will have no place to be sent to.”

4 years ago

It’s hard to get a feel for anything these days, for the reasons Z has outlined.

One good proxy might be Washington’s primary election on August 4. Their Far Left Governor is seeking a 3rd term, and has been fully supportive of CHAZ and the Seattle rioters. Washington is unique in that it’s a totally open primary and all candidates appear on a single ballot.

Jay Inslee’s final percentage might give us a good idea how upset people are ( or aren’t).

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Thing is, as in any election, who counts and certifies the votes. Do you really believe any election this year will reflect the voters?

4 years ago

I think you could argue three ways. Yes, three. The first is that respected pollsters with credibility on the line are predicting a Dem Tsunami. Taking the Senate by a huge margin, Biden winning decisively and strengthening the House. Biden is up 13 in Florida, at this time Trump was up 3 there against Hillary. Moreover they are saying that Biden has pulled even with Trump among WHITES. And that Trump has decisively lost the suburbs, and the movement was entirely after April. That moreover the gains Biden made was entirely among White women, who have post BLM / George… Read more »

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Whiskey
4 years ago

If the dumbass voters in this country want 8 more years of the Obama regime x10, then screw it, I’m through. they can just fuck off and suck black communist dick. They’ll deserve every ass fucking there going to get and then some. If that happens, I’ll turn my back on the whole stinking mess and just go and have a good time untill I head off to the big sayonara .

Reply to  Whiskey
4 years ago

The dog not barking is the Joint Chiefs- furious for the Mule’s disruption of their shock capitalism industry.

Good catch. That explains so very much. This is looking like Exile’s example of the Red Army brass switching sides, above.

Domestic intelligence is ultimately a subset of military intelligence, the actual secret rule from the shadows.

Some Guy
Some Guy
Reply to  Whiskey
4 years ago

I mostly agree that suburban white women are mostly down with BLM. Suburban white women was what clinched the election for Trump and let’s not forget that many of them ran back to the Democrats in 2018. Trump won them because of their visceral hatred for Hillary, who they thought she was an irritating phony. BLM messaging has matured. In 2016, BLM celebrated cop killers which is a big no-no, even in the defund police era. In 2020, you get the ACAB and defund police stuff but no venerating any killers, just victims. The intended target of this optics shift… Read more »

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

Not completely off topic.

comment image.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

In Ireland, Prof Dolores Cahill speaks about the stupidity of the global lockdown.

Prof Dolores Cahill Speaks at Time For Change Protest (Yellow Vest Ireland)

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

Here’s what your vote gets you folks.This is an artical about a 2014 study by Martin Gilens of Princeton and Benjamin Page of Northwestern. They based their research on a database of voters’ and interest groups’ positions on 1,779 issues between 1981 and 2002, and how those positions were or weren’t reflected in policy decisions. The conclusions: “The central point that emerges from our research is that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while mass-based interest groups and average citizens have little or no independent influence,” the scholars conclude, providing… Read more »

4 years ago

Not voting for Trump is objectively anti-white.

Reply to  Vegetius
4 years ago

Do you want to go over the cliff at 90 miles an hour with Democrats or at the speed limit with Trump?

Some Guy
Some Guy
4 years ago

Reading the comments here and elsewhere, I’d be real cautious of this deus ex machina moment where whites wake up just in time to vote for Trump. I live in a swing state in white collar work and most people are invested in the Whig History “the right side of history is always on the left side.” I see lots of white people saying it’s a good thing that these riots are going on because white people have been ignorant of the plight of the noble black person for too long. The shocking part is that many of them are… Read more »

Reply to  Some Guy
4 years ago

Hate to say it but I agree with you. Until the insanity directly hits them they will show no outrage

Reply to  Some Guy
4 years ago

“It’s the path of least resistance because it lets them go home, grill some steaks, and watch some Netflix for one more day.” This is the problem in America. People are too comfortable to care about things that are much bigger than themselves. Take that comfort away and watch how quickly the pendulum swings. Further, the lack of education and knowledge of the world outside of America is dumbing down our nation. Many of Americans are extremely myopic, insular, and provincial in their mindset. They’re not well-read and lack a firm understanding of history. While Americans are complacent, let’s look… Read more »

Sam I Am
Sam I Am
Reply to  Some Guy
4 years ago

Agreed. 90% of the right is DR3. It always feels a bit foolish playing Cassandra, but right now at least there is no evidence of a massive whitelash. And that’s after two months’ of the most intense rioting since the 1960’s.

We’ll see what happens in November, but right now there are more white men angry about masks than about blacks and their (((white))) apologists rioting in the streets.

the right is dead
the right is dead
Reply to  Some Guy
4 years ago

The “moms” and “dads” defending the Portland rioters are astroturfed, but there are some real vets and libertarians showing up to defend them too. That shows you what shape the right is in these days. There will be no anti-BLM backlash.

The right is largely ok with the rioting because they don’t want their tranny and mulatto kids and grandkids to get hurt! The same people who helicoptered their kids and grandkids through college and into their first jobs are now anxious to make sure their little Kaydens and Jaydens don’t get hurt in the streets.

4 years ago

One reason for this is they have purged almost all dissenting voices from their preferred media platforms. The Drudge Report is so over-the-top in his anti-Trump antics it feels like a parody site now. There is some speculation that he sold out to Silicon Valley grifters, but Drudge was always a creation of Neo-Conservative Inc. His sources and sympathies were always in that world. That whole scene has fired up the NeverTrump clown car for one more ride through the public square. People still don’t seem to understand how Drudge works or its appeal. This is not really directed at… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  greyenlightenment
4 years ago

I agree. Although Drudge has way too many articles on people like Bret Easton Ellis for some reason, and also too many articles on the latest HIV cocktail (this one may actually be a cure) I generally like that it’s not Breitbart. While Drudge is Jewish, Breitbart seems WAY more full of little hat content. Also, Drudge is one of the few outlets that understands the gravity of our current deficit spending. You can’t even say that about most financial sites. Neo-cons couldn’t give a rats ass about deficits. They never did. Drudge also has great immigration content. Whatever Drudge… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

“Drudge has way too many articles on people like Bret Easton Ellis for some reason, and also too many articles on the latest HIV cocktail”

Because Drudge is homosexual, like Ellis, and male homosexuals bind together as tightly as if they were a racial group.

4 years ago

“The Drudge Report is so over-the-top in his anti-Trump antics it feels like a parody site now.”

it is remarkable. I stop by Drudge now and then to gauge the flu pandemic stories being offered. Whatever happened to the delightful Tik Tok nurses, their chubby frames accentuated by the scrubs garments? Those were good times.

Reply to  Jay
4 years ago

drudge must have made insane ad rev. from the virus from people constantly refreshing it for updates

4 years ago

They don’t have the FBI/CIA working for them?

How much do you want to bet, friend?

ed indiana
ed indiana
4 years ago

I think we often forget that rightward drift is like a conveyor belt. So while some former Trump supporters have been blackpilled and will not vote for him—and rightfully so in my opinion—there are other soft-right and soft-left people who, since 2016, have been nudged right and may vote for him for the first time in 2020, quietly and without telling their friends, family or the polls. But remember, Trump barely squeaked by in the swing states last time, so it simply comes down to whether the number of newly-scared whites and hispanics will make up for disillusioned whites who… Read more »

4 years ago

“The Left has so abused their control of the media that it now amplifies sentiment, rather than alters it.” At this very moment people are either believing it all or believing nothing. I don’t think clamping down on right wingers changes situation that much. There are some who won’t vote Trump second time cause he proved ineffective, but more will vote trump simply cause they hate media bias & rioters. If media proves ineffective against Trump & he wins I wonder if they’ll reform & start playing ball with the public again? Will they attempt to pander to whites, offering… Read more »

4 years ago

It’s strange. When it seems like the Democrats should have the presidential election in the bag, they find a terrible candidate with significant and obvious mental impairment. Maybe he’ll win anyway, but they could have virtually ensured victory simply by nominating a halfway decent candidate.
The Democrats are either incompetent or just trying to show off by getting a dementia patient elected president.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Federalist
4 years ago

Step back a couple thousand years, or forward. Look at this state we are in with the proper amusement, like we look at the democratic Athenian mob in all it’s wisdom about to committ suicide, or the conniving Roman Senators jostling to take a piece of what’s left of the Empire. If anything, we are the best Circus ever seen.

4 years ago

Trump is a numbers guy. Poll numbers, Dow Jones, TV ratings. Seems like he’s forgotten about fake polls and fake news. Did they finally beat him down, or is he out to lunch? Or is Q right? Lord help us.

4 years ago

It will be the ultimate irony if Trump wins with 30% support fromPOCs In the face of woke-white rage and alt-right despair.

Reply to  Dinoethedoxie
4 years ago

Hispanics would have to do the heavy lifting. Blacks thought police themselves like crazy. I’m even seeing it at work when I talk about Kanye West: “Yeah that album was hot, but man he’s nuts.” Etc.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

Winning 30% of the Hispanic vote won’t be difficult. Many Hispanics own little shops and restaurants and have a vested interest in protecting their property from destruction.
Joggers attacked two Mexicans at their bodega in Manhattan:
Hispanics look down upon Blacks. So do Asians. The only group that respects Blacks is the White. The uptick in crime and rioting is what happens when Blacks are let off the leash. Same thing happened in the 1960s.

Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

The only Hispanics that vote for Trump are Cubans.

Reply to  Dinoethedoxie
4 years ago

Trump is not going to win 30% of the POC vote.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

I’ve read this every election since I started reading online ca 1998 – POCs will vote for X!! Despite grumbling, despite what some people claim to hear or say, when it comes time to vote they vote their race and their perceived financial interests. Sure, most of ‘x’ dislike noggers – everyone can agree. But they always go with the most anti-White candidate every time. Guy at Sailer calls it minoritarianism.

4 years ago

Anti-semitism is a Jewish fetish. There I said it 🙂 You hate what you fear, and when the fear and hatred break you, you worship the thing.

To quote JLP (again), get off your knees, boy!

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

I refuse to be shamed by Z’s use of the term “anti-semite.”

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Speaking for myself and not knowing your attitude, it’s the fear and hatred that bothers me, because it’s a mental prison. Nothing wrong with criticism. I think Jewish dominance of our institutions is one of the leading factors in what’s gone wrong with America and western civ in general. Maybe, for the sake of argument, it was good once, but in my lifetime at least it’s been terrible. And the whole Judeo-Christian thing offends me. It’s not true, for one (just read the gospel), and I think it’s an attempt to hijack my religion and culture. A bunch of garbage.… Read more »

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

Same with the Athens and Jerusalem thing.”

Ouch! Yes, yes, now I see it.
(That hit close to home, thanks.)

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

From Amazon: ”As a society, we are forgetting that almost everything great that has ever happened in history happened because of people who believed in both Judeo-Christian values and in the Greek-born power of reason. In The Right Side of History, Shapiro sprints through more than 3,500 years, dozens of philosophers, and the thicket of modern politics to show how our freedoms are built upon the twin notions that every human being is made in God’s image and that human beings were created with reason capable of exploring God’s world. We can thank these values for the birth of science, the… Read more »

Ken Cuccinelli
Ken Cuccinelli
4 years ago

DHS head tweets helplessly* as violence, murder and rioting spread: Meanwhile these same feds are somehow able to shovel resources at local law enforcement to instantly immiserate anyone who puts up an “it’s ok to be white” sticker. *The supposed helplessness is only a public act. Behind the scenes the feds are actively collaborating with BLM and Antifa terrorists. There are now several documented instances of the feds doxxing their own unwitting conscripted pawns to BLM and Antifa. At this point I’m not sure which “side” I hate more. Both deserve each other, and I hope both destroy each… Read more »

4 years ago

When I print out an article the little green circle/207/text icon in the lower left corner ends up printed in the text and blocks out a 3/4 inch circle of text.
Wish there was a way for you to fix that. I’m not a tech guy and it’s annoying.


4 years ago

[…] Twitter is just a far-left echo chamber. They have been purging so many people from the platform, even the most determined of trouble makers has grown bored with the effort it takes to get back on and stay on the site. Sites like Reddit and 4chan are muted for fear of being shut down like 8chan. That site was shuttered by the usual suspects and had to re-spawn as a weaker version of itself. Other than Gab and semi-private platforms, the internet is tumbleweeds and left-wing cranks. […]

4 years ago

” It’s really weird how those guys on the one hand claim our greatest ally controls the media, but on the other hand they intensely follow the media and accept what they see at face value.”

We can reasonably disagree over Trump’s prospects – but are you seriously claiming our Fellowest Whites don’t control the media – or just that they’re all on Team Blue so polls are fake just like 2016?

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Z grants exceptions to the small hatted folk that he would never grant to other subversive populations. Possibly because they are smart and have money and he hopes that we can harness that power, which is silly.

I ask this question every few months. Z criticizes the 1980s conservatives for being subverted and dominated by the neocons, yet how is he any different today?

I get it that Z likes Paul Gottfried, but why doesn’t Clarence Thomas excuse the blacks in the same way that Gottfried excuses our “fellow whites?”

4 years ago

“The word “Nazi’ has been so overused… Racist is heading in the same direction”

Try mentioning “Jared”, though, and you’ll be cut off in midsentence on Tucker Carlson.

(Le Tuck, to his credit, knows subtle illustration works best.

/ourguy/ behind the lines.)

4 years ago

[…] ZMan does an overview. […]

4 years ago

Trump has made a few mistakes; Spending like a mad real-estate developer is one, listening to his daughter too much is two, and letting Fauci & Co. make a fool of him is #3. (There are others, too.) But the biggest is likely Fauci; this economy is stuck in the mud and he cannot goose it enough to get free before 10/1. However, that will not serve to elect Biden. Aside from the hubris of the Left which is pissing off the Right, the enthusiasm for Biden hovers around 3 on a 10-point scale. (Notice that the usual polls NEVER… Read more »

Jeb's Turtles
Jeb's Turtles
4 years ago

“For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known” 1 Corinthians 13:12 I’ve been continually reminded of the above verse while looking at current events this year through an online portal. Contrast the temptation towards the fatalistic acceptance of higher knowledge and authority in the biblical verse to the increasing volume of fire-eating rhetoric. We are awash with contradicting statistics and strident calls to action. If you aren’t careful you might get force vaccinated with autism or black people “genocided”… Read more »