Sports Entertainment

Last week, the Wisconsin athletic director sent out a letter to supporters that the university would lose 60-70 million dollars this year due to the reduction in football games being played in the fall. If the season is cancelled, the losses will top 100 million just for the fall. That may be an exaggeration, but there is no question that a cancellation of the college football season will cost the big-time college programs tens of millions in revenue. It is a billion-dollar industry.

ZeroHedge pointed out that ESPN has a billion dollars in ad space to sell for this fall’s college football season. They also have ad space for other sports as well, but college football is the prime mover of ad space. It is unlikely that ad buyers will want to buy ads when ESPN is running replays of card games this fall. ESPN’s primary income stream is mandatory cable fees, they net close to nine billion in fees every year, but a billion dollars in ad revenue still counts for something.

Of course, everyone knows no one is watching ESPN at the moment, but that has no impact on the cable fees. The way it works is a service like Hulu of Comcast pays ESPN nine dollars per month for each subscriber to their service. These deals are not contingent on viewership. As ZeroHedge points out, the language in these deals does not require the content provider to deliver particular content. As long as ESPN is beaming something, they get paid for it.

Even so, the mass disruption of sports is going to have an impact on the economic model of professional sports. Out of work people will begin to look at that cable bill and wonder if it makes sense. Cable providers will begin to look for ways to get out from under their ESPN deal. For its part, ESPN will not be paying the leagues for content when the leagues are shutdown. Like the economy as a whole, professional sport is about to experience an unprecedented jolt.

Way back when the lock downs were on the table, the sober minded warned that you can’t lock everyone in their homes and not have consequences. The modern economy is a highly complicated balancing act that has evolved to produce increasingly efficiency, along with the retail excess. Even small disruptions can upset the balance within supply chains resulting in unexpected outcomes. Start turning off large bits of it and before long the whole thing starts to crash.

The first glimpse of this may be what is happening with sports. Major League Baseball is the first to re-open, but it is quickly becoming a disaster. The empty parks make the television product less than compelling and now games are being cancelled as players test positive for the virus. The NBA is struggling to keeps its knuckleheads inside the compound where they plan to play their games. The NFL is seeing droves of players sit out the upcoming season for fear of the virus.

The thing no one dares mention is the impact this lock down is having on interest in spectator sports. Being a sports fan is like being a smoker. Part of the dependency is the ritual and structure of it. The smoker takes a break every hour to smoke, collect his thoughts and get the nicotine hit. The football fan has their weekend in the fall, where they have scheduled social activities around games. Like the smoker, the sports fan builds their life around the habit.

People who quit a vice like smoking or drinking note that they also quit the social scene that goes with it. They lose touch with Sally from accounting who they used to take smoke breaks with every day. The people at the bar are no longer a part of their life. That’s what will happen with sports. Those weekends in the fall will be filled with other things and after the withdrawal pains subside, the habit will be lost. People who cut cable know this experience. In time, you don’t miss it.

This is not idle speculation. It has been known for a long time in the sports world that the recovery time after a work stoppage is very long. When a sports league shuts down due to labor strife, it takes years for the fans to return. It’s not because they are mad at the greedy players and owners. The fans simply find other things to do with their time and many of them drift away entirely. Millions have probably broken the habit already and that is before the hate whitey lectures were added.

There is one final piece to this puzzle. The growth of sports entertainment has tracked the arc of the Baby Boom generation. Look at attendance figures for sports in the 1960’s and 1970’s, before Boomers were dominating the market. Ball parks rarely sold out and the audience for televised product was limited. In the 1980’s as the Boomers took over the marketplace, sports boomed. When they could play tennis, professional tennis was huge. Then it was golf that had a boom.

The fact is, the sports entertainment model was built for and on the Baby Boomer generation, which is now entering its power down cycle. Boomers are retiring and that means down-sizing their lives. The major sports leagues are facing a demographic reality that cannot be overcome with happy talk about diversity. Non-whites don’t spend like whites and they cannot sustain an economic model built for whites. What happened to California is what is coming for sports entertainment.

This demographic cliff has been known to the sports leagues for a long time, which is why they happily throw in with the hate-whitey stuff. Sure, many of the principles really do hate white people, but much of it driven by the carnival barker’s belief in his ability to will an audience into existence. They really do think they can cast the same spell on the brown hordes that they cast on white people and get the same result. The virus panic and cultural revolution will put those theories to the test.

It is hard to see how the old sports entertainment model survives the current crisis. That doe not mean these leagues fold or that sports entertainment dies out. It’s just that the old model was built for an old America, one that no longer exists. On the other hand, sports entertainment has been a vital part of keeping whitey under control. Something will have to be done to reestablish the mind control device known as sportsball. Perhaps part of woke America will be mandatory sports watching by recalcitrant whites.

Note: The good folks at Alaska Chaga are offering a ten percent discount to readers of this site. You just click on the this link and they take care of the rest. About a year ago they sent me some of their stuff. Up until that point, I had never heard of chaga, but I gave a try and it is very good. It is like a tea, but it has a milder flavor. It’s hot here in Lagos, so I’ve been drinking it cold. It is a great summer beverage.

For sites like this to exist, it requires people like you chipping in a few bucks a month to keep the lights on and the people fed. It turns out that you can’t live on clicks and compliments. Five bucks a month is not a lot to ask. If you don’t want to commit to a subscription, make a one time donation. Or, you can send money to: Z Media LLC P.O. Box 432 Cockeysville, MD 21030-0432. You can also use PayPal to send a few bucks, rather than have that latte at Starbucks. Thank you for your support!

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3 years ago

Two things changed my viewing habits. In the early 2000’s, a world champion boxer bought the house next door. In 3 weeks, we were on the property line with drawn, loaded pistols. Never again would I engage in activity that would funnel money to the nagger class of leeches. The boxer eventually ended up spending 10 years in a federal prison for defrauding the government of moneys meant to support the refugees from the Katrina flooding in New Orleans. Could not have happened to a more deserving dindunuffin. Second, a bobcat began taking my hens. For two full months, I… Read more »

Reply to  waitingForTheStorm
3 years ago

Don’t keep us in suspense! Did you get the bobcat?

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago


Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

He did, he’s told that story before 😉

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
3 years ago

Wow. I did not I had a following…

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  waitingForTheStorm
3 years ago

I was a good story, hard to forget!

Reply to  waitingForTheStorm
3 years ago

Bobcat Lives Matter …. doncha know?

Reply to  TeachEm2Think
3 years ago

Not if they are taking my hens. I promise you.

Reply to  waitingForTheStorm
3 years ago

Did you get the bobcat?

Reply to  Moss
3 years ago


Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Moss
3 years ago

Bobcat isn’t protected wildlife? Kill the wrong animal and you can face several years in prison. I’m a cat person, but I can understand the need of a “farmer” to protect his livestock.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

In my state they are classed as nuisance animals when they are taking livestock. Nuisance animals can be taken if they are causing damage to your animals. I looked it up before I acted.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  waitingForTheStorm
3 years ago

I’d rather have a pack o’ bobcats as my neighbors than a Hutu.

3 years ago

As a former consultant to NASA I associated with electrical engineers and a couple of fighter pilots and I’ve never come across similar high achievers that followed sports ball. Like, if it was Sunday and we were hanging together at the end of the day one might hear, “Was the Super Bowl today?” …”Who knows”

David Wright
Reply to  Contributor
3 years ago

Joe Sobran wrote once: Imagine a jewish man drinking beer all day and watching football on Saturday. It’s really hard to imagine that.

Liberty Mike
Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

NAJALT alert:

A former very good friend, 10 years deceased, was just such an animal, except add cigarettes, cocaine, sportsball gambling, and weed to the mix.

True to form, he was a CPA, and loyal to his tribe. But, he was more loyal to his addictions.

What did we have in common? Sportsball fanaticism.

Thankfully, I had the wisdom and the stones to part company with him

Reply to  Liberty Mike
3 years ago

You mentioned gambling. That is a major driver for the love of sports, especially football. I had a white collar friend who was more interested in chasing women and his boat than football. Then he got into gambling and he could rattle off statistics of every obscure fullback in the NFL.

Reply to  Liberty Mike
3 years ago

I learned a very long time ago that there a whole list of things that people engage in that are complete wastes of time and money.

TV watching in general
Coffee drinking

Learning how to avoid time sucks – has left me with a lot of “extra” time in my life to actually go out and accomplish real things.

Apple Jacks
Apple Jacks
Reply to  Calsdad
3 years ago

Coffee drinking

We are no longer friends, Calsdad. How could you say that. No coffee no peace.

Reply to  Apple Jacks
3 years ago

One of my first jobs out of high school was in a printing factory. That place was chock full of coffee addicts. The company didn’t let them smoke inside the building – so they’d drink coffee incessantly. Mostly out of those crappy coffee vending machines they had back then. It was just another substance abused by addicts was my view of the whole thing. Coffee cups all over the floor – puddles of coffee on the control panels of machines, etc., not already being a coffee drinker – it just gave me a bad visual of who coffee drinkers were.… Read more »

Apple Jacks
Apple Jacks
Reply to  Calsdad
3 years ago

I’ve always found tobacco nasty to behold and so like you I never had the urge to try it.

Without coffee, however, I transform into a feral beast. Beware. I’ve got my eyes on the anti-coffeans. All hail to the roasted bean.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Apple Jacks
3 years ago

Anti-Coffee may be a future Crusade. They’re running low on social dysfunctions to protest or seek additional funding to combat 🙂 So in the future, we can expect once-hip Starbucks to be picketed and firebombed because they serve a product that is known to be addictive, and its production exploits Juan Valdez and other poor peons slaving in banana republics, etc.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

If they go there, they’ll be sorry …

Reply to  Calsdad
3 years ago

…and here I just don’t drink coffee because it bothers my stomach and my blood sugar levels….!!

And I find tea drinking to simply be more genteel…

Liberty Mike
Reply to  Calsdad
3 years ago

Cigarettes, cocaine, drinking, and gambling have never been an issue for me. Weed and sportsball fanaticism have been. Between the two, the latter has been more difficult to shed. Over a period of 5-6 years, I gradually weaned myself from MJ and have been completely free of it for 21 months. Sportsball, OTOH, has been much more of a challenge. In my case, for 20 years, I patronized the NFL, MLB, and college football by taking sportsball road trips courtesy of companies like Major League Vacations. I had to see the Big House and be part of a crowd of… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Liberty Mike
3 years ago

Several years ago I got the idea that we could visit all the MLB ball parks in a year. My wife thought I was crazy, and fortunately she won out.

Reply to  Calsdad
3 years ago

Coffee? Good thing you did not list bourbon…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Moss
3 years ago

Or rye.

Reply to  Calsdad
3 years ago

This “pandemic” has been a blessing in disguise regarding the lock-downs of places such as coffee shops. Personally, I’ve saved a lot of money — though I do miss the environment and meeting new people at some of the ones that I used to frequently patronize.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Amwolf
3 years ago

You must have found some coffee shops that were not loci of AWR. The vast majority of them, including Starbuck’s, of course, are enemy territory.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

Yes, they were independent coffee shops nestled away in mountain towns and/or somewhat rural areas. Unfortunately, I’ve noticed some dreadful changes among many of them over the last couple of years which has led me to quit visiting a couple all together. New ownership at one of the coffee shops were overtly hard-Left and their ideologies trickled down to the staff and within the overall environment. Another shop started to hire openly LGBTs and vocal SJWs. Some of the others remain OK, but the customer base has shifted to a far-more Marxist crowd than in previous years when there was… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Amwolf
3 years ago

One of my favorite local restaurants hired a tranny waiter. His presence killed my appetite so I no longer patronize the joint.

Reply to  Contributor
3 years ago

There’s a lot of truth to this. I’ve spent much of my adult life around high-performance individuals who have a higher expectation of what life should be. Many of these individuals were extreme athletes as I’ve competed and embarked on many of adventures with them. Further, these people weren’t only world-class athletes, but they were also highly accomplished in every aspect of their lives — from education to professional endeavors. Most would openly mock people who watched TV or immersed themselves in frivolous twaddle such as sportsball.

3 years ago

I had a random discussion with a colleague today who I had not seen in quite awhile due to the lockdowns. I was moving a bunch of heavy items so I was walking around without my mandatory face diaper because it’s hard to breathe dragging around a 300lb cart. Anyway, she didn’t mind and asked me what I thought about the masks. We agree they’re pretty stupid and that to the extent people bother wearing them it’s mainly out of a sense of politeness. (I’ve seen octogenarians at the grocery store look at me with stark raving mad terror for… Read more »

3 years ago

The NFL is seeing droves of players sit out the upcoming season for fear of the virus.

The power of the propaganda that has big strong men in the primes of their lives cowering in fear of a cold & flu bug is astounding.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

You forgot to factor in the fact that those “big strong men” also have a very, very modest IQ and thus …..

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  TeachEm2Think
3 years ago

They skipped out on any science classes in high school and never took any in college.

They are so scientifically illiterate they have no understanding of what a virus is and how it can infect someone.

carolina reaper
carolina reaper
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

They are so scientifically illiterate they have no understanding of what a virus is and how it can infect someone.

This is a reference to Dr. Fauci?

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  carolina reaper
3 years ago

Or as I like to call him, Dr. Fao-chi.

Or should it be Dr. Fauxi?

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

Good on them. Why risk flu+ on top of injury to entertain people? Frankly the NFL is a world of hurt anyway. We can keep the economy sort of alive in a a zombie mode by massive money printing but the entire edifice is going to decline 50%. or more Even if/when we get a handle on the virus or get our heads out of our asses policy wise, the economic shrinkage is still going to be permanent since most of the economy is superfluous. The effects of what will be 50% plus unemployment and underemployment are unknown to us… Read more »

Reply to  abprosper
3 years ago

Why risk flu+ on top of injury to entertain people?

For the huuuge paychecks. The flu isn’t a serious risk to them.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m all in favor of the death of sportsball. My post was just about the ridiculous fear of the Chinese Flue that people buy into.

3 years ago

In my sportsball addiction days, I loved reading the newspaper sports columnists. The suspense would build just before the game, then you eagerly bought the Sunday paper to read the Homeric tale of how your team won or lost, and what was ahead. Or how your team exacted revenge for a past loss. Then the cycle would begin again on Monday, rising to a crescendo of anecdotes, innuendo, and injury reports creating fan anxiety. What a multicultural clown car I finally exited.

Reply to  Epaminondas
3 years ago

I remember my brother and his friends all collecting baseball cards and playing softball or football pickup games. With the collapse of civic life due to two income families, diversity, and electronic entertainment, that’s almost vanished. The only ‘team’ sport my older boy enjoyed was airsoft games, and the younger one spent a few years in a church-sponsored football team. Otherwise it was individual, paid athletics (fencing, MME, etc.). The younger one still watches football with dad although they both know I hate it.

Reply to  Epaminondas
3 years ago

Awww, c’mon Ep, everyone is allowed to have a hobby or some frivolous distractions in life! My brother (retired US Army and current perfesser of business classes) has been a subscriber reading The Sporting News for at least 50 years. I haven’t asked him yet about any of this — why spoil his fun when the franchises are doing their level best to implode?

3 years ago

i was once a huge sportsball guy. Now? Don’t care.

My experience is not unique.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  MemeWarVet
3 years ago


I used to live and die with my college football and pro hockey teams.

Now I have no idea who’s even on their rosters and I don’t care.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

I have to chime in here to agree, with a caveat. My best sports experiences, by far, involved my own play or that of my kids. But the interest, shared experiences in pro and college sports was HIGH. So unlike many (most?) posters here that “never got into” I played a college sport. All of my four kids played college sports; two went to the NCAAs in their sport . We traveled. They traveled. Spent lots of time and $$$$. Now, zip. No interest in the enemy combatants that have occupied the diamonds, courts and fields. No watching, attending, gear,… Read more »

Reply to  Owlman
3 years ago

Cannot edit so add: college sports to the post, along with pros. Then again, the NCAA is a pro sports league.

Reply to  Owlman
3 years ago

Agree. Best, most intense, game i ever watched was my 12 yrs daughter’s soccer championship.

3 years ago

How the fuck did ESPN con it’s way into a model where 90% of their revenue comes from cable cos with no regard to actual viewership.

Reply to  Dinoethedoxie
3 years ago

It is because they used to draw in huge numbers. It has only been the past five years or so that their model has been collapsing. Soon they’ll take the hit as the cable providers tell them no more.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  WOPR
3 years ago

It seems like five years ago is when ESPN began implementing some social justice programming.

Reply to  WOPR
3 years ago

There’s a lot of incessant whining about “what can we do?” – well guess what: going around telling people that ESPN gets a cut out of your wallet even though you don’t watch them – is one thing you CAN do.

A couple of years ago there was some slight rumbling about that ESPN situation – and people were giving their cable providers some amount of crap about it. Don’t think it really went much of anywhere – but at least there was finally some level of awareness.

Reply to  Calsdad
3 years ago

Weren’t channels like BET trying to stop the unbundling of cable offerings?

Reply to  Dinoethedoxie
3 years ago

I asked a cable provider years ago. I was told that they had to take ESPN to get other packages that they wanted, like Disney and Nick. Because of corporate ownership of the contenet, it was a package deal: all or nothing.

Reply to  waitingForTheStorm
3 years ago

Pressure needs to be fed back up the chain to stop that kind of thing. If enough people start dumping cable – for the explicit reason that they don’t want to pay for certain channels – then sooner or later they’ll be forced to take notice.

To paraphrase Tom Hanks: Your money goes up the chain, you pay the cable provider and the cable provider pays the content providers. If you stop paying the cable provider – well then sooner or later the content provider loses money as well.
comment image

Reply to  Dinoethedoxie
3 years ago

That is the cable model. Whatever channels are in your package, whether you watch them or not, they’re getting a percentage of your cable bill. So if you have a channel in your package that you hate and so don’t watch it it doesn’t mean anything because they are still getting your money. The only way to cut it is to cut that bill

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Whitney
3 years ago

That is true, but wouldn’t lack of viewership affect how much they can charge for ad spots?

Reply to  Whitney
3 years ago

I cut my cable in the early 2000s for financial reasons, but Z is right, after a while you just don’t miss it.

Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago

Likewise. I got rid of my TV in 2007 and haven’t owned one since. Further, I’ve watched not more than a minute of TV in over 10 years. It’s become foreign to me and everything about it is inherently toxic.

Reply to  Amwolf
3 years ago

I stopped watching the idiot box during the Brexit campaign over four years ago now. Not only do I not miss it, but when I find myself in a room where a TV is on, I find really annoying.

Nunnya Bidnez, jr
Nunnya Bidnez, jr
Reply to  Mikep
3 years ago

I quit watching TV back in ’88.

I win.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Nunnya Bidnez, jr
3 years ago

For all intents and purposes, I quit in ’92. That was also the year I stopped listening to pop music.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Mikep
3 years ago

Nothing destroys the ambiance of a restaurant more surely than the presence of boob toobs. But they’re practically ubiquitous. When at all possible, I request a table as far away from the idiot box as possible.

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

I’ve been known to change my mind about entering a restaurant that plays TV, especially multiple screens to cover every viewing angle. Or, with loud music. Hip-hop? Color me gone.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Gravity Denier
3 years ago

Oh, hell ya’. Rap is an instant deal-breaker. If I hear that shit in an establishment I’ll never go back.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

I (used to) go to the local 24Hour Fitness. I could only stand it for about 30 minutes as the blaring music alternated between some hip hop gangsta and some kind of current day Alanis Morrisette. Now 24Hour has filed for bankruptcy.

Reply to  Mikep
3 years ago

I love that term: “idiot box.”
My Dad called it that, too.
And: “the boob tube.”

Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago

It’s been a long time since I’ve had a TV also but I traveled a lot before the pandemic and so I would travel to places and there would be a TV. I always kind of considered it a bonus that I would watch TV. But four months without one seems to have done it because I finally travelled again and I never turned it on. And it feels different. It’s like the last of those tendrils are out of my brain

Reply to  Whitney
3 years ago

Right with you, don’t miss it. When I come across a TV now, the noise is absolutely jarring. Sports is even worse. They dial up the crowd noise to 11. It’s probably subliminal advertising!

Reply to  Moss
3 years ago

Tv B gone tv killer keychain universal remote. Those public places that insist on blaring loops of espn or CNN. Zap.

My globogym has giant tvs going constantly even though there are no sports to watch. Cheap entertainment to turn them off one by one and watch some chunky chica in poly sausage casings run around trying to re-ignite the warming glow for the poc contingent getting their daily talking points. Also buys me time to lose the mask for a heavy set. The dissident must learn to enjoy the smallest of victories.

Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

…chunky chica in poly sausage casings..

Hahahahhaa…oh the visual! I’d like the IR TV Remote Grenade. Something small and covert, that you could stick to the ceiling of the room and it would randomly blast the off command until the battery runs out.
That would be worth a few service calls…

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

I tried a few of the TV zapper apps for my Android but no workee. Great idea though. For the innocent, the TV Zapper is a remote control that sends “power off” command to all known models of TV 😀

Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

I thought you were joking but there really is such a device!

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Moss
3 years ago

Agree. A TV in my house has a high correlation with a partner who watches it endlessly. At one time, my “quality time” with girlfriend was to watch one Lifetime or other movie of equivalent quality, most nights 🙂 Now I am probably a poor example of a man for a long-term relationship, but I am much happier without a TV or a TV-hypnotized female in my house.

The Right Doctor
The Right Doctor
Reply to  Dinoethedoxie
3 years ago

Cable came along for the masses in the ‘70s. Ted Turner. ESPN debuted in 1979 and showed a lot of Australian Rules football because the North American broadcast rights were free. They gradually began to have the money to show US-mainstream sports. This is what led to the demise of the various games of the week. It also led to people getting cable. MTV was still several years away. In the early years, when there wasn’t much ‘extra’ content out there to populate cable channels, access to ESPN was probably the reason the majority of cable subscribers signed up. That’s… Read more »

Mark Stoval
Mark Stoval
3 years ago

I stopped watching sports, other than high school, 20 years ago. It got to where they were all black and way over-represented but no one saw a problem. But in other fields, like engineering, if blacks are under-represented then all hell breaks loose until some black bodies are hired. I guess I am just Boomer enough to say: fuck this shit. Either we have a level playing field like Martin Luther King wanted or we have quotas. If it is quotas and special treatment then I say it is time for war. Real blood in the streets. I am sick… Read more »

Reply to  Mark Stoval
3 years ago

“I am sick and tired of being a whipping boy just because my white ancestors build damn near everything that matters in this world.”
White ancestors were guilty of fighting nazis instead of killing jews, not cause they built a great civilization.

3 years ago

Here’s hoping the bell is tolling for major professional & college sports. Like a lot of others my age, I was a big fan 40 odd years ago. However, the recent decades have seen the negrification of football and xspecially basketball – our negros are better than yours. Baseball is basically unwatchable as most games are interminable. Announcers can’t just call the game, but have to pontificate on things no one wants to hear or gives a shit about. Now with all the coronatardation gripping the populace, I don’t see how any of this crap gets off the ground. There… Read more »

Famous Carew
Famous Carew
3 years ago

I recently discontinued my AT&T streaming TV that included several channels of ESPN. Replaced it with the Sling “blue package” that includes zero ESPN. Saved $30/month in the process. It’s not a boycott, I am never going back.

Pat Seesaw
Pat Seesaw
3 years ago

I’m excited for spectator sports to collapse, but I’m even more excited in how this might destroy many state colleges. The biggest name brand private schools are basically mutual funds with vestigial buildings attached, but many state colleges aren’t nearly as rich and depend on sports to pull in Boomer alumni donations. If those dry up, along with the student loans… Industrial education needs to collapse even harder than industrial sports. There’s some viral video going around of refreshingly anti-BLM sentiments captured in some small town in Arkansas, but the people in the video mostly seem to be 50+ years… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Pat Seesaw
3 years ago

Amen about the collapse of most universities.

At this point they are nothing more than a mental abattoir for free thought and inquiry.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

+1 for your macabre metaphor. For equally ghastly wordplay, coupled with that English wit that is as dry as a popcorn fart 🙂 here’s a classic Monty Python skit that features the word.

Reply to  Pat Seesaw
3 years ago

“Both public education and higher education need to collapse now, yet Republicans, in their characteristic idiocy, are yammering on about the need to reopen schools in the fall.”

Standing ovation.

Defund the police and by all means, defund the schools. They are the licensing bottleneck, the chokepoint of Party approval.

In Iraq, you couldn’t get a government job unless you were a member of the Ba’ath Party.

We have a similar situation here with college degrees.

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

At least, Baas Party was quite decent, compare to Demoncrats and to Stupid Party.

I hope W. will die very slowly from a painful bones cancer.

3 years ago

Of course people like athletes are refusing to play. I assume they get paid for the season anyway, why not get the same paycheck without taking the physical beating of a sports season?

The same is true with public teachers, most of them seem to be getting paid anyway without having to deal with unruly kids. Other than making it more difficult to seduce their students, why would a teacher not want to just stay home and collect a check?

Strange Lurker
Strange Lurker
3 years ago

8 years ago, the cable company I had been with for something like 15-20 years tacked on a $3 “sports surcharge” onto everyones bill to make up for the shitty deal they cut with ESPN. I disconnected the cable box myself as soon as I read that, called and canceled the entire TV package. Told them their DVR/converter box was in a bag on the front porch. Never looked back.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
3 years ago

I suspect all sports, not just professional ones, are going to see a decline in attendance even here in Europe. For example European skiers are in decline and not just because of “climate change” and less snow – although to be fair, that is a measurable factor. Wealthy boomers are getting too old to ski, and younger millennials can’t afford the cost of equipment, travel, hotels and ski passes. Millenials also spend less time on the slopes as their parents did at the same age. So hotels in the area are seeing a decline, as are restaurants and local shops.… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

That’s another possible trajectory for sportsball — the plaything of the idle rich. I lived for a long time in a city with a failed professional hockey franchise. They marketed it to all the East Coast transplants as the old-time, blue-collar game they loved. The problem was, actual blue-collar types couldn’t afford the ludicrous ticket prices, the astronomical parking fees, the $12 beers, the $9 popcorn… the only ones who actually attended the games, in other words, were corporate bag munchers — marketing guys, lawyers, all of them still on their phones while the game was going on. I could… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Some Cloud People may try to buy franchises, too, as vanity projects. Isn’t Bezos trying to grab the Redskins or whatever they are called now?

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

The best baseball game I ever watched in person was the Stockton Ports minor league team. Cheap tickets, cheap hot dogs and those guys played their hearts out.

In comparison, going to watch the SF Giants cost a fortune and I don’t think they’re hearts were in it.

Does Little League even exist anymore in America or what that just a 50’s-60’s thing?

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
3 years ago

Whoa! Someone else who was out here with me in enemy territory, if only briefly. Who knew?! What year?

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
3 years ago

Little League exists, but I think you’re referring to the Minor Leagues — each Major League club has several Minor League affiliates, where they develop young players (similar to the multi-tier system in soccer, I think). “Little League” is organized youth baseball. But, like everything in America these days, it’s completely commercialized — since all the parents are convinced that their kids are future stars, you have kids as young as 10 playing baseball year-round, going off to “training camps,” etc. It’s disgusting.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

As I understand it, Little League is baseball for children.
I wasn’t sure if it existed anymore.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
3 years ago

Understood. No offense intended, of course – I know you know a lot about the USA, but the organizational tables of youth sports is pretty obscure. 🙂 It does exist, but it’s mostly for parents to live their fantasies now – it’s not the community-builder it once was.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
3 years ago

I have attended the Little League World Series a few times and it’s far and away the most enjoyable sporting event out there. Williamsport itself may have its share of vibrancy but you’re still in the middle of rural PA, and for the most part you’re surrounded by your own people. The games are free and high quality, everyone’s low key, players and fans mingle freely, and the anti-white symbols are minimal. I still recommend it to anyone looking for an old(er)-fashioned sportsball event.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
3 years ago

Karl, like your anecdote, best game I attended was the San Francisco Giants—farm team. The major team was playing in the local stadium to a sold out crowd, but also had their farm team playing the other farm team in the local practice field adjacent to the stadium. The practice field was very similar to any typical HS field with small area of bleacher seats right behind the batter’s box. I managed to sit perhaps 15 feet behind the action. I got a whole new insight into the skill and power of those players. Nothing like being in the big… Read more »

Diversity Heretic
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
3 years ago

If one really wants to watch sportsball, AAA minor league baseball is probably the best value for money.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

I’d say young men have been extremely feminized while young women have been masculinized.

The problem is that, despite what the outdoor and running magazines will have you believe, there are very few women who stick with a sport after high school. Those masses of women simply do not exist.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

I lost my faith in the fitness movement (and advertisers) after I found that at the real gym, the women didn’t look like the ones on the TV ads 🙂

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Or they are so uncomfortable talking and looking another man in the eye that they stare at their feet and contemplate their navel when talking to me.
I know there is a lot of Boomer crap going around but the numbers of us who have testosterone far exceeds the coming generations.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

I dread seeing all our beautiful golf courses covered with condominiums, but that’s where this is headed.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Z, you are unfair on today’s youth. In Lagos, basketball can be played nearly everywhere. Beyond that, there’s intense aerobic activity: sprinting away from the cops, duck and roll when there’s a drive-by, and weight training by seeing how much stuff you can carry away from your latest burglary or, if you’re a pussy, shoplifting 😀

Diversity Heretic
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Along similar lines, Steve Sailer has been pointing out the decline of American football in high schools, in favor of less dangerous sports such as soccer and lacrosse. There is an aspect of black avoidance in such choices, but I wonder about the increasing evidence of traumatic head injuries associated with football. My father was an all-state high school football player, I played junior and senior high football, but if I had a son, I would counsel him to avoid playing football.

David Davenport
David Davenport
Reply to  Diversity Heretic
3 years ago

 but if I had a son, I would counsel him to avoid playing football.”

You’re on the Left, and part of the problem.

Maybe you shouldn’t have a son.

3 years ago

It’s amazing that young healthy NFL players, who on every play, risk significant bodily injury, broken bones and long term brain damage, are afraid to play because of the Wu Flu. No rational perspective on risk.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago


It’s incredible how many negroes I’ve seen wearing their face diapers outside on bright sunny days with no one within a few hundred feet.

They also seem to love wearing them while they drive down the highway at speed.

carolina reaper
carolina reaper
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Joggers where I live place top of the mask under their nostrils so when breathing through their noses the are exposing and exposed to any particles in the environment. A mask is just a fashion accessory for any of us but the jogger destroys whatever protection he might otherwise enjoy. And you know the nogs don’t wash their hands or cover their faces when sneezing.

Reply to  carolina reaper
3 years ago

Perhaps it doesn’t fit over their nose.

carolina reaper
carolina reaper
Reply to  KGB
3 years ago

No. The correct question for your suggestion is: what are jews. It was jews for ten shekels. Joggers tend to have broad but flat noses readily accommodated under face masks (check out FBI surveillance videos of the negro robbing banks; the masks fit).

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Z Man said: ” Blacks fear that which they cannot see. Ghosts, white privilege, viruses.”

And personal responsibility. Don’t see much of that in the hood either. Education, hard work and delayed gratification. It’s all white supremacy, specifically designed to keep the black man down.

3 years ago

NBA to players: We’ll give you $10+ mil a year to play a game that never adapted itself to giant men, so it’s effectively a children’s game for you. But there’s one thing: don’t go to strip clubs during pandemics.

Players to NBA: I literally don’t know what to spend $10+ mil on other than floozys, so no can do on the flesh pots.


Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  ProZNoV
3 years ago

If it’ll make you feel better, roughly half of these pro athetes are bankrupt within a few years of retirement. 🙂 “So I have heard.”

3 years ago

It’s hard to be excited about this. The social culture around sports will not be rebuilt. What happens to all those guys do they become even more socially isolated?

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Tykebomb
3 years ago

Good question.

Reply to  Tykebomb
3 years ago

A very good point, the default for younger men of video games and porn are a definite downgrade from being obsessed with sports.

Reply to  Tykebomb
3 years ago

That’s why we need to be building Communities so they have something to invest their time in that’s worthwhile to them and the progeny…

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Tykebomb
3 years ago

Tykebomb said: “What happens to all those guys do they become even more socially isolated?”

For a lot of the over 50 crowd, it’s going to be more booze, drugs, gambling and suicide.

3 years ago

Time to edit the tagline, Z!
“The Z Blog | Sports, Culture, and Other Stuff”

3 years ago

It’s hard not to laugh. So the Joggers who took a knee are having to take a seat. The whole structure of cable fees where the ESPN’S get their revenue by force from those who don’t watch is ripe for change. Trump should sic the FCC on them with a mandate to break it up within the next quarter- It really is time to take the war to them. Similarly He should fire all PBS appointees etc- Were I him I’d go after one or two of those guys for treason – there’s no end of broadcasts giving aid a… Read more »

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
3 years ago

Baseball embracing BLM is a major mistake. Looking at the comments section for various articles, such as one reporting that they’re displaying a BLM logo on the pitchers mound, show overwhelmingly angry comments. Most along the lines of keeping politics out of sports, which is their “escape” from all of that. Many are now understanding the Marxist agenda of BLM also. When you scan the crowd at a major league baseball game, it’s very white. There are some Hispanics, especially for Dodger games, but generally it looks like 1970s America. Scolding whites for their racism when all they want to… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Wolf Barney
3 years ago

AWFLs love BLM and baseball is the least AWFL-friendly sport I can think of.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

what is “AWFL” ?

Reply to  Wolf Barney
3 years ago

ESPN was reportedly thrilled four million viewers watched the opening night game between the Yankees and Nationals. Although baseball ratings had already gone off a cliff compared to what they were historically. What is the growth strategy when the graph for viewership of the World Series looks like this? Last year’s series only averaged 14 million viewers because 23 million tuned into Game 7.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
3 years ago

My first Dodger game was one of those early moments of “this is not my country anymore”. Driving into “Chavez Ravine” was like crossing into TJ from San Diego. The stands were still fairly white but the hostile swagger of the invaders and overall dirt-world vibe was quite a jolt. Even before I became situationally aware I thought it was a terrible place to be: one way in/out in an urban canyon surrounded by brown shantytowns and 50,000 people drinking for four hours. Fun fact. Chavez ravine was once a place where they housed smallpox patients during an outbreak in… Read more »

David Wright
3 years ago

Most major cities already subside the arenas, maybe through various manipulations they will find a way to subsidize the teams themselves.

You are right though, after Boomers then what? Young men in their twenties and thirties aren’t mimicking their elders sports patterns.
We have got to get more people to pull the tv plug along with Netflix, Hulu and other pozzed crap.

Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

The subsidies to build new arenas have been failing when put to the voters for several years now. City and state governments have been trying to bypass the voters to still get these deals done. The votes in San Diego, with fans being told outright the Chargers were leaving if it wasn’t approved weren’t even close. I doubt there will ever be a popular vote for a new sports stadium in the United States again. The argument city government types made that they drive economic growth was always dubious, but they can’t even try to make it now.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Barnard
3 years ago

On several occasions having visied two city arenas (RFK in DC and Veterans in Baltimore), I note they are usually — not always* — located in blighted urban areas. Even if city owned, I’m sure the well-connected made big bucks selling the property, or building the stadium. Even in my younger years, walking to/from the arena entrance exposed one to a distinctly unfriendly street life. I guess “safety in numbers” and there was some police presence, but I’d avoid such areas outside of major event times. Jobs for the locals? If only! Most of those people wouldn’t qualify to work… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

Cash-strapped cities won’t be building new stadiums. As Barnard wrote, that already was a dead horse.

White Alyssum
White Alyssum
Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

“… after Boomers then what? Young men in their twenties and thirties aren’t mimicking their elders sports patterns.”

The games will be altered and made more vulgar to appeal to their coarser, more vulgar dusky audience. Whites will watch and be further coarsened. This is what happens when you let these folks in your culture — you take them in and they become part of you, like it or not. Just as the Mexicans bred with the Africans in their country and those blacks became part of the Mexican fabric.

Reply to  White Alyssum
3 years ago

For those of you who still have a TV, look at what happened to the show Family Feud. After running through a handful of white hosts, they hired a jogger. The show then devolved from white bread brain candy to a steady stream of vulgarities, with each question intended to elicit the money shot of an elderly female saying, “something, something, body part!” to loud guffaws.

3 years ago

When I was in high school, Lakers and Dodgers and Angels games were not broadcast live every day. Some of them had replays after the 11pm news. Some didn’t.
On weekend there would be a more games live. But a lot of those were nationally televised “games of the week” and might or might not feature local teams.

3 years ago

I keep saying over and over and over again: Make the left bleed by taking away the money. If white/right people can’t do simple things like stop supporting their enemies thru watching sportsball (there’s plenty of other ways to pass your time) – then there really is no hope. This Wisconsin athletic director just admitted the strategy would work. You might not be able to convince your normie friends to support a white homeland – but if you can’t at least make them feel badly about supporting an enterprise that has turned into their direct enemy – you’re really not… Read more »

Reply to  Calsdad
3 years ago

Sure, but it will take quite a while for all of that to filter down. Likely two or three years before TV revenue takes a big hit, and government subsidies are dumped.

Reply to  Dinoethedoxie
3 years ago

Well if you started three years ago you’d already be there now….

Wouldn’t you?

Reply to  Calsdad
3 years ago

I’ve personally disconnected from sports over the last decade. Last year, I’d watch football on sundays while I napped. And I’d catch snippets of baseball games winding down at night during the week – but never a whole game. Haven’t bought any sports merch in decades either. So..

Reply to  Dinoethedoxie
3 years ago

They don’t care if you watch. They get paid if you buy cable, not watch the game.

Reply to  Hoagie
3 years ago

My cable package does not include ESPN. Such would have been a show stopper. However, as others have noted here, I should not have a “package” period—and they’re right.

Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago

I had basic cable up until 15yrs ago, $50 TV antenna ever since, 1 cent per day (did the math)
Stopped watching NFL when Bud Adams moved the Oilers in 1992. I don’t care if our nogs beat your nogs on Sunday.
I found other interests.

Reply to  Hoagie
3 years ago

This is why you should cancel cable.
As for effective boycott, A&E cancelled the execrable Cop-A-Ganda show Live PD and lost half their audience.
This won’t kill them off but it will reduce their ideological reach, the chance they can bait people into “other stuff” and may well get them kicked off cable at some point.
Its never futile to boycott , quietly and personally.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Hoagie
3 years ago

Just cut the cable in my household within the past month. Works great. Saves money too.

Reply to  Calsdad
3 years ago

I think Corona Chan probably enables a “few years” strategy to be far more effective than it would otherwise.
Total economic collapse does have a few upsides after all.
However cutting sports, cutting TV , cutting streaming services , reducing Internet time can be jarring for people and so it may be that we have to take baby steps.
They way I figure it, people with spare time in 1920 found stuff to do (whittle, machine shop, reading, art, martial arts practice) and we ought to do the same.

Reply to  Calsdad
3 years ago

Imo boycotts are pointless. We would need to boycott the whole economy and really the entire country. There’s a word for that kind of boycott: secession.

Any company that doesnt toe the line now can be brought to heel by greater financial powers. It is only a matter of time.

Reply to  Irishfarmer
3 years ago

The way that I see it, is that boycotts aren’t necessary about hurting whatever business, but more-so about upholding your convictions. I boycott many of businesses such as most large, multinational corporations. I no longer give business to Starbucks, Target, and other brands that enable, promote, and or support neo-Marxism in addition to destroying local, independent businesses. My decision to no longer stop in a Starbucks while on the road isn’t going to hurt their business. However, I can sleep better at night knowing that I’m staying true to my convictions and not supporting the enemy.

Reptilian Skinsuit
Reptilian Skinsuit
Reply to  Amwolf
3 years ago

Ditto for me to include Proctor & Gamble/Gillette. Never again.

Reply to  Reptilian Skinsuit
3 years ago

After that insulting ad I have not bought a Gillette razor, and will never do so again.

Reply to  Reptilian Skinsuit
3 years ago

Home depot & Pepsi Co

Reply to  Amwolf
3 years ago

I have never dated obese black women. Is that a boycott – or do I just not like fat smelly black women?

The whole “boycott” word game gets annoying after a while. It’s like the gays constantly berating me for “homophobia”.
Look – I don’t have an irrational fear of homosexuals. I just don’t like them – there is a difference.

Apple Jacks
Apple Jacks
Reply to  Calsdad
3 years ago

I have never dated obese black women.

Me neither. Butt I did rent one. Not for THAT. I used her black lady backside “bookshelf” as semi-mobile storage for my law books as I paced around the room. Whites and hottentots can indeed collaborate.

Reply to  Calsdad
3 years ago

“Irrational fear of homosexuals”. Is that different from the normal dislike of homosexuals that most ordinary people have? In my case I experience a strong sense of disgust at the thought of homosexuality. As disgust is an evolved response to potential health threats, I consider it a rational fear, and, I believe that Mr Charles Darwin will fully support me on this.

Reply to  Mikep
3 years ago

They use the word “homophobia” intentionally. They’re trying to cast your dislike of homos as irrational (go look up the meaning of the word phobia). Constantly beating me about the head with the word “racism” is another example of this. They’re trying to cast dislike of black people as a hate crime.

I prefer the word homoloathing. Or maybe homomosity.

Reply to  Calsdad
3 years ago

It’s impossible to take these people serious as they’re sexual deviants who live a self-serving lifestyle. God produced man and woman to procreate, which is a generative act. Homosexuality is regressive as it doesn’t lead to procreation. Whether one is religious or not doesn’t matter in this case as even if you simply look at homosexuality from a Darwinist perspective, it’s unnatural for the very same reasons. In regards to the “racist” insult, it was Trotsky who coined that term and we all know the motives behind Bolshevism in addition to the catastrophic results of such an evil ideology that… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Calsdad
3 years ago

You’re so homophobic that biologists are going to have to reclasify you as a Hetero sapiens 😀

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

I may need to steal this!

Reply to  Mikep
3 years ago

“Irrational fear of homosexuals” is nothing but the neurotic projection of the unstable, who cannot imagine having an opinion unaccompanied by hysterics and drama.

Reply to  WhereAreTheVikings
3 years ago

It’s the way it always is with leftards. Any disagreement and you are a “hater”. I have no fear of homos, just rational disgust over their sexual proclivities. The same with trannies – just a rational belief they should be either slapped back into reality or locked away where they can play with ken or barbie, depending on their mood…

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Mikep
3 years ago

No expert here, unless reading a few books about evolution counts 🙂 Yes, homosexuality is “abnormal” to humans, but not as much as you’d think. Of course, from the purely evolutionary biology point of view, homosexuality is not a survival trait simply because they would not reproduce. So they probably exist as a variant for whatever reason, sort of like the rare albino animal that would be unlikely to survive because of poor camouflage. Now don’t get me wrong, I am not defending the ass thief, but consider that while (say) homosexuality may be an aberration, it is not unknown.… Read more »

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

It’s not important to get involved in debate about what behaviors are “natural” — most are for some people at some times and places.

Instead, aggressively support the right of free association. Let everyone (including inverts) follow their preferences about who they want as neighbors, who they accept in daily life or who they hire.

Freedom of choice in human relationships, whether personal or business-related, will cripple the “hater” and “phobic” invective. The response: “I’m neither a hater or phobic, but the law says I have a right to be. So stick your words where the lighting is dim.”

Reply to  Amwolf
3 years ago

I cant disagree with you there. Minimizing your economic footprint, even if it doesnt hurt the enemy, probably is good for the soul and worth it for that alone. I also avoid tv and video games and most movies cos i have kids and the thought of voluntarily paying someone to brainwash them is too much.

Reply to  Irishfarmer
3 years ago

I applaud you for taking the appropriate steps to safeguard your kids from being indoctrinated by today’s Cultural Marxist garbage.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Amwolf
3 years ago

As a general rule, the larger the entity, the more malice it bears for white people. Boycotts should thus start at the top. That said, the bigger the corporation, the harder it is to avoid. Amazon being the…ahem…”prime” example.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

I agree. Companies such as Amazon, Microsoft, Google, Walmart, etc. are all monopolies who’ve caused us great harm. However, many can be avoided with some will power. I quit using Amazon in 2017 and that was a lot easier than you’d think. There are many of alternatives to Google and Walmart. Unfortunately, it’s difficult to move past Microsoft because they’re universally used within the global business world. However, Russia has recently banned their services from being used within their country, so there might be some hope for other accessible options.

Reply to  Amwolf
3 years ago

WRT Microsoft, IIR, Russia and China had their number decades ago. They basically run Linux or their own home grown stuff for government functions. Both of these countries not as stupid as us with vital functionality on IT matters.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

We can also support the infrequent corporation who says “no” to the Poz.I now make a point to buy Goya foods, when it’s something I need.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

I will do so as well.

Reply to  Amwolf
3 years ago

Here we go listing all the companies deserving to be boycotted. It would be easier to simply list those companies deserving to be patronized. Unfortunately—and most frustrating for me—there are not that many and most of them are hard to avoid. To survive these days I’ve found myself doing more and more business with Amazon. Can someone describe a less worthy company for a DR to patronize? I’m beginning to hate myself. Like an addict, I return over and over.

Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago

Compsco – You’re right; they’re almost all pozzed. I loathe Bezos and don’t like giving him money, but I also loathe being out among the masked and diversified. It seems to be a question of pick your poison, so I pick online ordering and delivery when I can. Unless one lives in a more rural setting with local businesses, it’s really hard to support one’s own.

Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago

Amazon loses money on Prime orders under $30 because of the cost of pick, pack and ship. So, place nothing but small orders. Ideally, under $15. Bleed them out.

Major Hoople
Major Hoople
Reply to  Archer
3 years ago

ok then! stop consolidating my orders. lots of small orders.

Reply to  Amwolf
3 years ago

Courage is as much a habit as any other virtue. Boycotting people who hate you seems like an easy way to get into the habit of actually making sacrifices, no matter how small, for your supposed beliefs. Religious groups have understood this for centuries. The Catholic giving up something for Lent is affirming, both to himself and others, that he believes. There’s also the networking aspect of finding alternatives to those few consumer items you actually need. This is going to be hugely important if we want to create an alternative economy and lifestyle. I got a bag of that… Read more »

Reply to  Irishfarmer
3 years ago

Boycott implies something temporary. As in “I’m not going to buy your product or service until you do what I want” If you’re so cucked that you can’t divorce yourself entirely from the enterprise after they finally can’t stop themselves any more and come right out and demonstrate and tell you to your face that they are your enemy (which is something you should have figured out long before now anyway) – then what we’re really talking about here is a hopeless case. All you’re offering up is an excuse. TAKE AWAY THE DAMN MONEY. When BOA gives away a… Read more »

Reply to  Calsdad
3 years ago

You might like it better at Vox Day’s blog where anyone who says anything remotely grounded in reality is similarly called a black piller and shouted down with insults. A call to action only works if it is effective action. A boycott may be action, but its not effective action. Im all for doing something, but my patience for bad ideas or avoiding grappling with the difficult facts of our situation has run out. We pissed away decades on conservatism, white nationalists, shilling, and every other mode of “action” that has amounted to nothing. No need to dredge up tactics… Read more »

Reply to  Irishfarmer
3 years ago

Seriously – what is wrong with you? I keep saying – it’s not a friggin boycott. Move your goddam money into places where it doesn’t go to fund your enemies. If these “actions” haven’t amounted to anything – it’s probably because YOU DIDN’T ACTUALLY DO ANYTHING. Why is it that one of the most constant behaviors that I’ve noticed out of conservative and/or right wing types – is their constant whining when asked to take ANY form of actual action. Funding your enemies is the real bad idea. In fact it’s just moronic. But I guess that’s maybe the Republican… Read more »

Reply to  Calsdad
3 years ago

Why is it that one of the most constant behaviors that I’ve noticed out of conservative and/or right wing types – is their constant whining when asked to take ANY form of actual action.

Instead of canceling their cable they’d prefer to wait for the government to pass a law requiring unbundling, which will never happen.

You know, if our side keeps losing maybe our side is full of losers.

Major Hoople
Major Hoople
Reply to  Calsdad
3 years ago

it may not hurt those who hate us, but it can help our people thrive. every chance you get put some money in the pockets of our side.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Irishfarmer
3 years ago

Like many of us, I’ve given up on Facebook, Twitter and most recently NextDoor, primarily due to censorship of opinion, even if I wasn’t a direct victim. In the NextDoor case, I specifically said why I was leaving, and basically it was that free thought was suppressed, that critical issues were discouraged if not outright forbidden, and msot importantly, that I refused to participate any more. In Rand’s terms, I was withdrawing my consent. I don’t expect these entities to reform themselves to my standards, but neither will I lower myself to theirs. The best kind of boycott is when… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Nextdoor is one of the most effective ways of confirming your neighborhood is chock full of morons. I say that with all humility.

Reply to  Rich
3 years ago

Every now and then, I sort of like messin’ with my local Socialist club.
It’s kind of fun.
They lack self-awareness to see the connection about why we have crime / bad drivers (lower yt percentages and thus lower adherence to basic rule of law) and yet they (the yt’s mostly) ask on that forum: “Why is there so much ignoring the STOP sign at XYZ intersection?!”
Well, stupid, if you didn’t support so many Squatemalans coming to our neighborhoods, then we woulnd’t have to put up with them attempting to drive!

Reply to  Rich
3 years ago

Truth. Nextdoor is bloody awful.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Irishfarmer
3 years ago

Until we create the ethnostate, we should boycott where we can. Any disscon who buys Nike products isn’t a disscon.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

I couldn’t agree more. Nike has taken a lead role is corporate-sponsored Marxism. There are so many of examples from who they sponsor, the messages that they promote, and causes that they support. Nike is a garbage company and no friend to the Right.

Reply to  Amwolf
3 years ago

…and they make sh***y running shoes.

Reply to  Carrie
3 years ago

That they do.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

I disagree. I buy and proudly wear the WHITE checkmark… and let people know why. Damage their image as much as possible.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

I boycott Nike but I still have two perfectly good Nike athletic shirts. I wear them inside-out to hide the Nike logo. In general, I don’t wear clothing with logos unless I agree with the company/organization.

Reply to  Irishfarmer
3 years ago

As Amwolf has noted, boycotts are for you not them. The idea is they don’t get as much of YOUR money, as little as possible. One thing we can learn from the Left is encouraging ideological purity, “right think” because if you are still staring back at Sodom and Gomorrah, you are still under their thumb. Go do something productive for yourself and your kin or go start a flag football league with like minded neighbors, play D&D do something but chow down on the trash they want you to eat. This many not kill them outright but they will… Read more »

Reply to  Irishfarmer
3 years ago

Sorry to double post but I forgot something. You actually can and probably should basically boycott the whole economy. Buy only what you need and your preps from friendlies if possible and save in cash as much as you can. The less you buy, the weaker the system gets and while you can’t kill it since for the time being fake bucks are still being taken, as we’ve seen the system is very fragile. It can die of neglect and the fact no one wants it and if you are ready? Maybe you can get what you want politically. This… Read more »

Reply to  Calsdad
3 years ago

Yes. The opportunity is here for all of us is to provide the nudge about supporting the enemy to those in our sphere. But thats only part of it. Some of these men will be pretty bummed out by losing one of their main distractions. I recommend focusing less on the negatives, “ESPN/NFL hates you” etc and more on the positives. Their dance card just opened up. For the first time, these men will have free time that many have been claiming to never have. Thursday night NFL. All day Saturday CFL. All day Sunday NFL. Monday night FB. Now… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

Exactly right Brother…We can’t leave a field barren otherwise the cockleburs will grow and take over the field…We have to be planting the good seeds which you mention above after pulling up the weeds…

Reply to  Lineman
3 years ago

It’s interesting. Z mentioned a while back that the establishment turned out to be the biggest accelerationists. He’s right, they’re throwing fat hanging curves at us. It almost makes you wonder, but it’s more likely they’re self destructing. At this point I’m trying to convince others not to go down with them.

Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

+1, Screwtape. Removing support should be energized by where you plan to invest that support. Our people are natural builders and while all men will trend toward laziness, we are the least lazy (as proven by, well, all of the modern world).
Let us get back to the roots of work. Hobbies that take some level of committment, pursuit of mastery, community found with those pursuing similar. THAT is where we can go, right now.
Watching people play anything should cause us to question what it is we are finding value in. Remember, if it’s “free”, you are the product.

Au Jus
Au Jus
Reply to  Calsdad
3 years ago

What’s to stop the gov’t to either directly or indirectly bailing out sports ball? Not sure of the mechanism but I can hear it now ” we must support these cherished institutions now more than evah…”

Reply to  Au Jus
3 years ago

Dan Crenshaw can’t wait to co-sponsor the Sportsball bailout

Reply to  Calsdad
3 years ago

>you’re really not cut out for this fight And there it is. So rather than a virtue-signalling circle jerk about when we woke up about sportsball or stopped watching tv… Act. Salt the open wound that millions of young white fans are presently suffering. They are out there. Target pro baseball and college football forums. The closer to home, the better. Troll in the spaces where sports-based video games and things like fantasy football intersect with social media. Pound away on the greed, stupidity, criminality and cowardice of the players. Break their young hearts now. This sort of cruelty may… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Calsdad
3 years ago

I refuse to use P&G products (one of my many boycotts). How many white males have done this? 10%? Maybe? Even when belittled by advertising they still thoughtlessly throw the same products into their basket. It’s a pride issue. It’s and honor issue, even if the bottom line isn’t felt by P&G. There’s not much hope for the brainwashed. The best counter to it is having some incident that turns your life upside down. The “African American Friend” who you thought was your friend who completely f-ed you over, showing him to be a true nigger that hated you all… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

I haven’t bought a Gillette product since the toxic masculinity ad.

Reply to  Calsdad
3 years ago

I am a huge college football fan, but if they take knee will never watch another game again. Have already stopped watching NFL and don’t miss it one bit.

Reply to  Peter
3 years ago

College football used to be fun to watch in addition to attending the games when an opportunity arose. However, it’s best to quit supporting college football simply because of how most US colleges and universities are now chest-deep in their support of Cultural Marxism and have become overrun by SJWs. I graduated from a top tier college football powerhouse and top 50 globally ranked university who was one of the first to axe their homecoming king and queen because it wasn’t inclusive. Now my school believes that there are no genders and routinely attacks conservatives on campus by making them… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Amwolf
3 years ago

Academia not only supports CultMarx, it played a massive role in creating it. That alone is reason to visit harm upon it in every way possible.

Reply to  Amwolf
3 years ago


T. Morris
T. Morris
Reply to  Peter
3 years ago

I stopped watching pro football in the early ’90s, college football and cable t.v. in the early 2000s. I love the game of football, so always look forward to the Fall and “Friday Night Lights.” Albeit, some of the larger high schools are as bad as college level, but I don’t attend their games in any case. I’ve never cared anything at all for sportsball otherwise.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Peter
3 years ago

They will take the knee. We’ve already seen what Mike Gundy allowed to be done to him by the jumped up Hutu running back at Oklahoma State. As the ball-playing idiots finally hoist in the power they possess, they will begin behaving even more obnoxiously than usual. And that means kneeling, among other things.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
3 years ago

Don’t stop at sports, unplug that jewtube and chuck it in a dumpster where it belongs. The smallhats have been filling Whitey’s heads full of shit since they killed Kennedy.

3 years ago

Not much difference between watching sports & watching porn, porn is less fake though

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
3 years ago

I wish I could see this, but I think the shakeout will be minimal. You have a lot of wiggers out there. Some even have tats of their favorite sportsball teams. A lot of whites out there are as dumb as a box of nails. By no means the same level as blacks. They also have no pride or sense of identity. Even the ones who make good money spend it on dumb things like a competition barbecue trailer or a massive TV that they hang outside on their RV at a tailgate…or anything made by Dodge. The biggest problem… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

Man you don’t want to be friends with anyone here do ya😉Been a Dodge owner ever since I could drive…

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Lineman
3 years ago

Sorry about that. I assumed you drove a Ford, or, if you’re retired and want a more cushioned ride, a Chevy. I didn’t know Dodge people posted on here.

Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

Lol no worries up here in Northern Country the weather is to harsh on Ford’s and Chevy’s so we have to drive the only thing that’s tough enough to do so…Also kinda like being able to drive a machine that has over a million miles on it and still going strong…

Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

Now you know. On top of everything else, driving a Dodge still has a hint of “redneck” to it. They don’t make Escalades.

I’m not one to get drunk and see how deep and long of a mudbog I can clear with my truck, but, hey, if I needed to or wanted to, I’ve got the rig for it…

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Dutch
3 years ago

I know. It’s about the Hemi. But doesn’t a Dodge just disintegrate around its engine? And it’s owned by Eye-talians now.

Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

My 1999 Ram truck is tootling around nicely. First spots of rust on the rocker panels.As with all of them it rides a hell of a lot better with most of a ton of stone in the back.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Bilejones
3 years ago

All of these dissident Dodge people everywhere. Shocking.

Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

It can be demoralizing to see the ghetto culture infect our people. So we have to focus energy where it is most productive. Triage is part of the process. Minimal is still more than zero, a lot better than negative, which is where things have been going. The shakeout net needn’t catch the whigggers and other unfortunates. We need to stop thinking about how to save all whites or change the world or stop the “government” from doiing xyz and start thinking about what kind of people we want in our lives and actively pursue those people. Create bonds with… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

Well said Brother…Damn we need upvotes back on…

Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

Thanks for putting that so succinctly, Screwtape.
Very well said.
It’s worht the time to listen to your “spidey sense” and pursue people who we/you feel (by the gut) are worth it, and leave the others alone.
It’s hard, but we only have so much time and energy.

3 years ago

The one thing the carnival barker forgets is that the brown hordes don’t have the cash that whitey does. They may get by through printing and asset confiscation for awhile… I suppose sustainability isn’t really something they care to much about anyway, so long as they can escape before the crash.

Reply to  BadThinker
3 years ago

Not many places to escape too. Everywhere is falling apart. You also better hope whoever takes over can’t keep the nukes (or build new ones) or other lo range weapons and is adverse to using them.
Otherwise those rich foreign people spending down gold assets in your country have just painted a massive target on your back.
Tunr them over for revolutionary justice or else a city gets it is pure Bond villain but I’d bet it will work.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
3 years ago

it’s episodes like the imposed demise of sportsball — a major piece of the prog effort — that makes what’s going on now feel like the Tet offensive in 1968. This is the PRC sending every piece racing across the board in futile banzai charges against Trump. But they are doing severe damage all across the prog asset base. And actually helping Trump. Tom me Trump is using political rope-a-dope to encourage the Dems to punch themselves out before the election gets here.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
3 years ago

I don’t get the whole hate on PRC shtick emerging on the right. What is it with us falling for a continuous stream of boogeymen?

Fuck Iraq! Ooh-rah!
Fuck Iran! Ooh-rah!
Fuck Syria! Ooh-rah!
Fuck Chyna! Ooh-rah!

Moved the embassy to Jerusalem! Ooh-rah!

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Harry
3 years ago

A certain type of cynic might see it as one group of global elites scoffing at another set of global elites.

Reply to  Harry
3 years ago

Sounds like you get it, Harry 🙂

Reply to  Harry
3 years ago

Conversely, the PRC is led by a cabal of aggressive schemers with a massive superiority complex. If one doesn’t want to abide by a seemingly organized campaign against them, fine, but resist the urge to think they are anything but your enemy, politically and racially. If you think Jews do a shitty job as your cultural and economic overlords, you have no idea how much worse the Chinese would be.

Reply to  Harry
3 years ago

The best example I can think of in regards to mainstream America’s ability to get spooked by the boogeyman – was the whole ISIS thing. Judging by the reactions I saw from a good many people you would have thought that ISIS Bear bombers were cruising up and down the east coast and the US Navy had submarines tracking the ISIS blue water navy as they sailed their 100,000 man invasion force towards the beaches of the Outer Banks. It was a definite insight into the mindset of a good many people in this country and their unthinking fear of… Read more »

Reply to  Harry
3 years ago

China own Horrywood!
Goldwyn-Mayer honorable Ch’in lineage.

3 years ago

The Plague seems to be doing a good job keeping people under control.

It’s interesting that capturing the imagination is even more effective than physical intimidation. Must be a white thing.

Reply to  Paintersforms
3 years ago

And thinking about it, it makes sense. Whites might not have the highest average IQ, but given the evidence of our inventions, we must be the most creative. All those cold dark winters drinking and daydreaming, hunting thick forests, etc.

Reply to  Paintersforms
3 years ago

On the contrary, after reviewing my life experiences with many of the people I had to work with — Asiatics of every sort; Africans of every sort (domesticated and foreign); and Middle Easterners of every sort — I have concluded that those IQ results are mostly propaganda. The Jews and Asiatics are highly overrated! Just because one knows how to study for an exam does not mean one has the analytical discipline to be accurate AND decisive. And creativity cannot be measured by exams. If the future is to be saved, it is The West which needs to be guarded… Read more »

3 years ago

I took an interest in pro sports starting when I was in college when I saw that the one safe subject for conversation was how the sports teams were doing. Without the social aspect, a lot of people will ignore pro sports.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Raymond R
3 years ago

This is an excellent point. Sports talk serves as a cultural bridge in a multi cultural work space. Take away that lingua franca and smoothing over differences becomes a lot more difficult. Especially as racial tensions rise.

3 years ago

There’s the famous saying that “facts are stubborn things.” Demographics are more stubborn. Like all things seemingly COVID related, all these baked-in-the-cake consequences have merely been accelerated. We don’t need to boycott for the sake of ESPN’s demise … we need to boycott everything that sucks positive productive energy from our lives. Motives matter.

Reply to  CAPT S
3 years ago

Stop using the word boycott and just stop doing it.

Make it permanent.

Reply to  Calsdad
3 years ago

Sure thing bud … synonyms for “boycott” are snub, spurn, withdraw from. Can’t you grasp that I’m on your side?

Reply to  CAPT S
3 years ago

Yea Capt I don’t know why people can’t be civil on shit like that…Most of us here are on the same side…

Reply to  Lineman
3 years ago

Refer to earlier posts in this thread where people whined about “boycotts”. In my experience the whining from people even when you point out explicitly how they’re getting screwed over by some institution – is just pathetic. “Boycott” appears to be some sort of trigger word along the lines of “isolationist”. My guess is that lefties intentionally go after people when “boycotts” are discussed because they know if they got legs against certain institutions – they’d be hard pressed to make up what was lost. That’s why I mention “isolationist” – because I remember how Ron Paul (and others) were… Read more »

Reply to  Calsdad
3 years ago

So what does that have to do with being civil to one another on here… Listen you said so yourself that boycotts are for wanting change til they see things our way well I highly doubt they are going to so our boycotting will go on until they are gone…

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Calsdad
3 years ago

Now, sort of a synonym, “blockade” will get people’s attention. Sort of a no-choice boycott 😀

Reply to  Lineman
3 years ago

Whatever, the language po-leese, seriously. I started boycotting Burger King the moment they condoned throwing shakes at Nigel Farage. McD, BLM = minus me. Now it is obvious that these companies sell a toxic product made to make you obese, and are greasy. They serve as magnets for cheap labor, cough, cough. And yet even their ESL employees are getting replaced by automation, kiosks right out in front of them. The list grows, and it is remarkable when you personally tally up the $$ that even ONE person can deny these Marxist fronts. Mike/Apple – the slave/indentured/forced labor crowd, same… Read more »

Reply to  Owlman
3 years ago

Mike = Nike. You knew that. And lookie-lookie, Volkswagen is right there IN the focal city of wee-gur forced labor.

Now what company can lay claim to being founded on the combination of SLAVE LABOR + SCAM than good old VW? The “KdF Car”… sure.

All of these fulminations about the “guilt” of Americans for “slavery” – no Statute of Limitations on guilt that can be monetized … right before it becomes clear that these most Woke corporations are NOW, IN REAL TIME exploiting forced labor ….

Just a coincidence.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
3 years ago

Someone has commented on this board that Patrick Mahomes half a billion dollar contract may be the Pickett’s charge high water mark of modern day professional sports.
i think that is right.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
3 years ago

We can hope so. I’m old enough to remember when Reggie White’s 4yr/$17m contract with the Packers was big money. Less than 30 years ago!

3 years ago

NBC (owned by Comcast a chief competitor of Disney, owner of ESPN) is dancing around to cope with this- and the possibility of disaggregated cable fees by pushing a lot of Sports content onto a Web Channel-, free at a basic level but $5-$10 a month for most.
When all of this settles out it will be a hoot to see what happens to the Public Broadcasting System.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Bilejones
3 years ago

Bilejones said: “When all of this settles out it will be a hoot to see what happens to the Public Broadcasting System.”

As long as the Democreats can pump loads of fiat currency into PBS , the beat will go on.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
3 years ago

This demographic cliff has been known to the sports leagues for a long time, which is why they happily throw in with the hate-whitey stuff. Sure, many of the principles really do hate white people, but much of it driven by the carnival barker’s belief in his ability to will an audience into existence. They really do think they can cast the same spell on the brown hordes that they cast on white people and get the same result. The virus panic and cultural revolution will put those theories to the test. Cable providers will collapse almost simultaneously for these… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

Correct. My comments hither and yon have been based on the economics: assuming a 50-75% “White” boycott, how do these franchises expect 3% of the “african-American” population — the ones with expendable income — to maintain the income streams that they have come to expect over the last 10-20-30-40+ years?

The Right Doctor
The Right Doctor
Reply to  TeachEm2Think
3 years ago

I’d love to know where that figure on the disposable income of blecqs comes from. Non-trivial trivia.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
3 years ago

On the other hand, sports entertainment has been a vital part of keeping whitey under control. Something will have to be done to reestablish the mind control device known as sportsball. They can’t let it go. They will probably drastically shorten schedules and cut salaries while they ratchet up the marketing to get YT worked up for the big clash once or twice a week. We’ll see a lot more corporate sponsorship and other forms of public hoopla helping to set the stage and raise interest in these events. There will be a lot more narrative leading up to the… Read more »

Reptilian Skinsuit
Reptilian Skinsuit
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Well, and that would mean a large segment of the gambling industry, licit or otherwise, will shrink proportionally. I often wonder how this shutdown will affect betting and the interests served.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

The setup in our state are casinos only on the various injun (feather not dot) rezs. It’s their way of getting back at us pale faces for kicking their asses back in the day – taking our wampum.

Reply to  usNthem
3 years ago

That does raise another question about Covid shutdowns, what are Native American tribes going to do to make up for the revenue shortfalls they will get hit with this year? They had to already be in decline a lot places because of other legalized gambling, and it isn’t like they can turn to other sources of revenue to make up the difference.

Reply to  Barnard
3 years ago

Probably their primary source of tribal revenue other than what they get from uncle sugar.

Reply to  usNthem
3 years ago

I’ll bet you the rez near me makes more money on gas and cigarettes.

PGT Beauregard
PGT Beauregard
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

What the leagues dont realize Z, is that all this woke jaboonery will finally drive home to Whitey that he has a target on his back. How do you think he is going to spend his Sundays now? At the gun range; rehearsing tactics for conflict, noting who in his community is on the other team. In short, he will be preparing for war. The reason fighting is allowed in hockey is so the players dont bash each other over the head with sticks. Sportsball serves the same purpose; it lets whitey blow off steam, and brainwashes him into thinking… Read more »

Reply to  PGT Beauregard
3 years ago

I hope you are right Pierre!

Reply to  PGT Beauregard
3 years ago

“noting who in his community is on the other team…”
This. They had one of these “protest marches” in my town. I was not alone putting out feelers to find out who the kids were that marched. And by extension whom their parents are. Good to know who the traitors are for a variety of reasons.

Reply to  PGT Beauregard
3 years ago

PGT, a hopeful message but I suspect THEY will have a new Soma pill at the ready.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Yves Vannes
3 years ago

That, and if baseball is any gage, ‘roids.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Yves Vannes
3 years ago

Since the country is drifting Left anyway, why not make it a government partnership. We’ve enduring PBS for half a century or more, so why not the Public Football League? “Tonight’s play-off game is made possible with a generous grant from Amazon and funding from the National Endowment for the Sports.” 🙂

3 years ago

Esports. The coming generation will just tune in to watch adderol athletes and see who can flick their mouse faster in Counterstrike. Thats probably a joke, but I dont know tbh.

Reply to  Irishfarmer
3 years ago

My son spends more time watching other people play video games than he does watching people play sports ball.

So not a joke.

Reply to  Dinoethedoxie
3 years ago

Better to worship asians than blacks

c matt
c matt
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Question: Will it become a summer or winter Olympic event?

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Likewise. It mystifies me.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

At the risk of outing myself as a complete loser, i have watched professional counterstrike esports which is why i used that example. I dont play video games anymore, but when i did that game was my go to. Watching the pros was interesting, in a similar way that to me football is the most interesting sport: they have to fight for every inch of territory and occasionally the teamwork comes together just right to allow one guy to make a big “play”. It was mildly exciting for a few matches and then it quickly wears off. I understand the… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Irishfarmer
3 years ago

I don’t know, football is pretty impenetrable. When I was relating the rules to a foreigner they were baffled as to why I was watching what was apparently a courtroom drama sprinkled a smidge of violence concerning an oblong ball.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
3 years ago

Watch rugby

Reply to  sentry
3 years ago

Love rugby.
In my estimation, they are tougher, b/c 1) there is more skill involved adn 2) they only wear a mouthguard and/or a small headpiece to tape their ears (if they’re in the scrum).
Plus: its a European homeland sport!

The Right Doctor
The Right Doctor
Reply to  sentry
3 years ago

No committee meetings before every play in rugby. No time for TV commercials – escape the poz!

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago
It was set in 2019…they just missed it!

Reply to  Moss
3 years ago

Actually, we seem to have this going on informally right now. Not quite a sport yetcomment image

Reply to  Moss
3 years ago

Yup, time for some new sports. Motorboat destruction derby. Unmanned RTV mine field crossings (how far can they get before they blow up?). Motorcycle drawn chariot races (it’s been done). Junk car cliff jumping (goes on now). Basically anything with a motor, involving destruction and/or explosions. If we are going to waste time, let’s have as much stupid fun with it as possible.

Apple Jacks
Apple Jacks
Reply to  Dutch
3 years ago

The name of the show: North Korean Defector. Winner gets official permission to cut a sheaf of wheat. Loser gets strapped to grid coordinates and mortar bombed or fed to sharks with frickin’ laser beams on their heads.

Reply to  Dutch
3 years ago

Pretty much what a bunch of 8-10y/o boys would invent. IOW, perfect! Fire crackers, bb guns, caps, and whatever dragged from the shed or garage we thought dad wouldn’t miss. So its come full circle.

I started losing interest in pro sports when it started taking itself too seriously. Its called ‘playing’ sports for a reason. The corporate globohomo blackening was just a last nail.

Felix Krull
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

That’s because you don’t play computer yourself. It’s like with soccer: if you do not have the faintest idea about what’s going on on the pitch, all you see is people kicking a ball around. At any rate, you don’t watch the players in esport, you watch the game. I used to watch televised Starcraft tournaments – the players were all from South Korea, so it’s impossible to tell them apart in the first place. There’d be the occasional shot of the players, sitting utterly motionless in their perspex bubbles since their hands were below the frame, but 96% of… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Irishfarmer
3 years ago

Eh, I’ve been into video games for a long time and I don’t see the appeal of watching others play.

Joe Rogan is 100% right they are a huge time sink with no redeeming benefit.

My interest declined when I realized that the game mechanics are the same year to year while the developers just disguise them in fancier assemblages of pixels.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

True. Couple that with cut throat economics for the publisher leading to rushed production, hiring of more incompetent designers, and more political intrusion and aside from prior dopamine addiction to gaming the appeal is getting harder to see.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Big time lifetime gamer here and the story I always relate is an interview Game Informer had with the guy who “beat World of Warcraft” (i.e., had completed EVERY task, at the time). When they asked him how he felt about his accomplishment he said (paraphrasing) “nothing but an f’n waste of time”.
As far as distractions go, you could do worse, but as the other commentator here points out, development has hit a wall. Triple-A titles any more are just reskinned takes on previous efforts, but now full of Poz’ed bullshit that makes it tiresome rather than enjoyable.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

The Wild Geese Howard saiid: “Eh, I’ve been into video games for a long time and I don’t see the appeal of watching others play.”

When I was young and dumb, I played the slots quite a bit. But the few times I’ve watched vids on Youtube of other people playing, bored me to tears.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Irishfarmer
3 years ago

It’s no joke. That is essentially what esports boils down to – insane mouse DPI tracking and superior frame rates. There’s even celebrity-style endorsement contracts that occur. I don’t play, I’m in my late 60s, but custom building and tuning high-performance PCs is a bit of a hobby and you can’t help running into these cocksnots. Esports is what the custom-PC market seems to have oriented towards, too.

3 years ago

Your demographic points are also why the NBA has made itself completely subservient to China. More people in China watched the last game of the 2019 NBA Finals than watched in the U.S. This is their plan to survive the collapse in U.S. fan interest. Eventually they will likely have two divisions, one of American teams which will only be located in major cities and one in China.

Reply to  Barnard
3 years ago

The best part of China becoming the top superpower is seeing all these blacks kissing those Jackie Chan feet.

3 years ago

Ive been saying for years that sports bars will eventually be filled with live gamer streams. Blacks will disappear from the hunter gatherer limelight

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
3 years ago

Reading all of the anecdotes regarding sports on TV, I am reminded of my favorite memory regarding a sporting event. The year was 1987 and Dennis Conner was attempting to get the cup back from the Aussies. The problem was it was being held half way around the world, and aired around 1:00 AM. My wife and I would nap and then get up to watch. Funny what you do when you’re young and newly married. I still get goosebumps remembering the final turns of a race and Conners spinnaker unfurling. It was a wonderful feeling of pride. It was… Read more »

3 years ago

Football, college and pro, is hugely supported by betting.

3 years ago

I grew up in the Bronx a mile from Yankee Stadium, so you could say my blood has pinstripes, but after seeing the team kneel for the national anthem they are dead to me.

3 years ago

another field that will take a hit very soon btw is the nerd entertainment one, which has been so based on jews drawing crazy comic-book stuff for whites for decades… until these whites are weak enough from all the babble to be stabbed in the back; in the name of diversity and alluring the mythical mountains of black and brown nerds that must exist somewhere, according to (((them))) at least. fortunately many of these nerd-whites do tend to be more discerning than the sports-whites and vote with their feet and wallets more often; however, they still have the habit ingrained,… Read more »

Reply to  diconez
3 years ago

Both Marvel and DC exists to sell movies and animation. Comics though are serious SJW infested and basically dead. Another upside of Corona Chan is the harm done to TV and Movie production and the losses . The sooner these are weakned or better die and are replaced by something else the better. We are almost to the point where green screens and computers can make good films cheap and online distribtuion through our own sources makes them available and profitable. We can and should have a parallel economy where wqe do as little business with outsiders as possible. And… Read more »

Some Guy
Some Guy
3 years ago

Sportsball TV watching was always more of an escapism ritual than anything about the game itself. It’s a way to ignore their nagging wives, forget about their dead end jobs and just enter into another world for a weekend. Its been chiseled away at for decades. First you had the lie that domestic violence increased during the Super Bowl. That got so much backlash the left retreated from sportsball for the 90s and into some of the 2000s. Then it was hiring female reporters. At first they played up the eye candy but they sucked the oxygen out of whatever… Read more »

3 years ago

ball parks in 60s and 70s were emptier, and tv baseball down, because integration on one hand and urban decay around parks in another. on the other hand though, nfl boomed those years, perhaps as it is a superior tv sport – and therefore the first to blackify most alongside basketball, which was eventually inevitable due to the height requirement. hockey remains white, perhaps because it was the uncucked winter alternative to basketball; then again, both were created by cucked nordics and northern anglos, so who knows; at least the ice naturally wards off tropical colors away. tennis and golf… Read more »

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
3 years ago

this is completely off topic, nonetheless, it has to be said. this is an excellent example of why we are all doomed.

TV for Dogs! Chill Your Dog Out with this 24/7 TV and Music Playlist!

Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
3 years ago

Seems better than most of what is on TV. $15 a month is too much but $5 a month for streaming pretty pictures to all my devices might be worth it.

White Guy
White Guy
3 years ago

We cut our cable and satellite connection years ago. Sports no longer exists to us. I only see what is happening by what I see passing in the websites I frequent. As my wife says, nothing will make us happier than to see all sports industry, pro and college die a much deserved death.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  White Guy
3 years ago

I am still shocked to learn that a college sports coach can earn $2-million. It’s disgusting. Meanwhile a STEM PhD professor earns what, $70,000 to $90,000?
And you wonder why students are in trouble? Sorry to say, but it seems the values of your education system are completely upside down.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
3 years ago

Karl Horst said: ” I am still shocked to learn that a college sports coach can earn $2-million. It’s disgusting. Meanwhile a STEM PhD professor earns what, $70,000 to $90,000?”

The world is ran on market forces. If the education system brought in the kind of money that the sports industry does every year, the administrators and professors would be living in Hollywood mansions. Red China finally got the message. Which makes the demise of pro sports the least of your problems.

“Sports Industry To Reach $73.5 Billion By 2019”

Diversity Heretic
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
3 years ago

Who Are Iowa’s Top Five Highest Paid State Employees Iowa Hawkeyes Head Coach Kirk Ferentz – $2.37 million. Iowa Men’s Basketball Coach Fran McCaffery – $1.79 million. Iowa State University Head Coach Steve Prohm – $1.68 million. Iowa State Head Football Coach Matt Campbell – $1.25 million. UI Athletic Director Gary Barta – $1.18 million. Two other state employees made more than $1 million in 2018, although their names may not be as recognizable to most Iowans. Matthew Bollier and Andrew Pugely are orthopedic surgeons at the University of Iowa. Bollier, who made a little more than $1.2 million in 2018 as a clinical… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Z’s losing his touch. The entire essay scarcely mentions the “Woke” politics that has poisoned even pro sports, taking the knee, the Black Anthem and whatever the latest foolishness is. I know that he makes much mention of this elsewhere, it’s just odd that he doesn’t mention it as part of Pro Sports’ decline. I’m not a sports fan, but I can sympathize with former game watchers losing the opportinity to even indulge. Blame the pandemic for most of that, but Z’s essay shows many of the other contributors to its decline. Probably this is wishing for too much, but… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Blacks in college sports at any major school is probably not the way to get minority attendance numbers up as they’re just not that many athletes—even if everyone were Black. Heck, my old University is looking toward 45k fte’s in 2019. All the sports teams—male and female—probably don’t account for 1k of them.

3 years ago

A bit of advice for anyone who has kids that wanna play teams sports. BECOME AGRESSIVE, skills come later.
In fact the most skilled ball handlers out there end up at best as nothing more than a 5 minute youtube sensation.

Chad Punked
Chad Punked
3 years ago

And just like that DHS gives up even on the pretense of law and order: Yeah, the DHS head is covering his cowardice with some mealy-mouthed BS about phased withdrawal, transitioning to state police, drawing down their forces and augmenting with other resources instead, blah blah blah, but the fact is the governor of Oregon would not have released such specific information (“starting tomorrow…”) had she not gotten some kind of reassurance from DHS on their retreat. I guess DHS was worried about “optics”! Ultimately most of us couldn’t care less if Portland burns to the ground, but it’s… Read more »

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
Reply to  Chad Punked
3 years ago

A lot of the mayhem and destruction we are seeing in America’s cities could quickly be brought to an end with a 3 a.m. no knock raid on the Soros family compound and the homes of a few other one precenters but for some reason that never happens.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Judge Smails
3 years ago

Soros is just a bag man. If he were sent to Guantanamo, they’d have his replacement ready within the hour.

Reply to  Judge Smails
3 years ago

They should go after Soros for his collaboration with the Nazis for rounding up Jews.
The Chosen wouldn’t know how to play it.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Bilejones
3 years ago

The commies always forgive their own anything. Never underestimate the hypocrisy of the left.

Reply to  Chad Punked
3 years ago

So what is the end game? Oregon state cops follow governors orders and allow anti fa to burn down the federal court house and likely much of downtown?

if President Kushner had balls which he doesn’t he’d copy Lincoln and jail half the country. Of course the riots according to Gallup have something like 80% approval so there is that. On the other hand the Joint Chiefs might just remove Trump and install Biden and Harris really.

Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

The end game is the media game. Let cities that don’t vote Trump burn anyway. Its not like they’ll vote for him less and he might gain a few votes there or elsewhere.
And its simply not possible to pull a Lincoln. Too many disloyal officers who are Liberal dumb fucks or think they are Constitutional Patriots to make it happen.
It would also cause the Union to collapse and unlike in Lincolns day we can’t put Humpty Dumpty back together again, too many factions and races all armed and many violent who won’t obey orders.

Diversity Heretic
Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

Perceptive comment! Trump clearly has the legal authority to protect federal property whether state and local officials like it or not, but there is a real question over whether his orders would be followed or not. And it wouldn’t have to be military–some combination of the FBI, CIA, NSA, Federal marshalls and a portion of the armed protective services of federal agencies could stage a coup. The Secret Service and the military could just stand aside. Trump and Pence forced to resign and Pelosi installed as caretaker president pending the election of Biden/Harris and the arrest of the usual suspects.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
3 years ago

I think rock climbing could become a valid pro-sport. I’m seeing more of these climbing centers open up and watching a competition on TV, it really kept my attention. I’m not sure if blacks can dominate this sport. 1) it doesn’t involve a ball. 2) you need a physique that doesn’t have a giant ass dragging you down. 3) It involves strategy and forward thinking as you maneuver. While they genetically still have one hand in the tree and I’m sure they can climb well, like through smashed windows to loot, I’m not sure if they have the correct body… Read more »

Crack Head
Crack Head
Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

I’m a former technical climber with friends who climb. When we watch films in private of others climbing we invariably speed up the videos to get to the parts that interest us and then we switch it off and talk about more entertaining things or go out for beers and broads. Without a backstory like free climbing or a particularly challenging route or a family problem (such as a handicap) the sustained viewer interest in climbing just isn’t there. Popular sports are lucrative for professional athletes because ordinary folks can participate in them at some level. Ordinary folks boulder at… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

Yea or 3gun challenge…