Taboo Breaking

The Scandinavian nationalist, Fróði Midjord, is fond of saying that the way to break a taboo is to break the taboo. The logic is that taboos only work as a crowd control device when the crowd agrees with the taboo. If people stop abiding by a taboo, then it loses its power to enforce behavior. We see this with the social norms that have fallen away since the 1960’s. Things like adultery and divorce were normalized, in part, by people ignoring the taboos against them.

Of course, a good way to have your life destroyed is to go around breaking taboos, especially the ones that matter to the people in charge. Start talking race realism at your office and you not only get fired, you become unemployable. Break the taboo against fighting back against left-wing street thugs and you could end up in prison. Breaking taboos works only when a critical mass of people decides to break the taboo and a larger set of people are ready to join them.

That’s the other problem with taboo breaking. Without popular or institutional support, the taboo breaker ends up enforcing the taboo. He gets hauled out in front of the crowd and is properly punished. The crowd sees it and the point is made. If you don’t want to end up like the guy being made into an example, don’t break the taboo. Rosa Parks would not be known to us without the support of the ruling class. Her taboo breaking was welcomed by the people in charge.

Obviously, taboos are an essential part of every human society. They are the unwritten rules that habituate people to the historic norms of society. Usually, they have some basis in reality. A prohibition against going to the dark part of the forest is probably because it poses a real danger. A taboo against infidelity is rooted in the understanding that stable families make for a stable society. Shaming the adulterer is a way to discourage the behavior that disrupts stable family life.

Taboos also require a moral authority. We’re pretty sure belief, as in spiritual belief, co-evolved with language. There’s a pretty good chance that religion co-evolved with human settlement. As human groups began to settle down and invest in their territory, rather than just guard it, religion evolved to provide both the rules to govern human relations and to provide an authority for those rules. If the gods think you should not steal from your neighbor, you should listen to them.

When a taboo is rooted in religion or even tradition, it becomes self-enforcing. Humans are social animals, which means we want to be thought well of by others, so we look to show our conformity to group norms. One way to do that is public piety. The person known for fidelity to the faith or the traditions of the group is always going to be thought well of by his peers. Enforcing taboos is a good way to demonstrate your piety, thus you are someone that can be trusted by others.

This is the fundamental flaw in the current taboos. There’s no religious basis for anti-racism, for example. Even if there was, the people screaming about racism are flamboyantly opposed to religion. There’s nothing in our history or traditions that can be the moral authority for something like anti-racism. Republican virtue demands equality before the law and support for the basics of citizenship, but it does not require you to live next door to a black guy. In fact, it opposes such a requirement.

Most of the current taboos are deliberately conceived to contradict religion and tradition, which are dismissed as white privilege. The normal impulse to be around those with whom you have something in common has been anathematized in order to damage the normal functioning of society. Sending men dressed as women into the schools, while demanding everyone celebrate it, is nothing more than an outlandish rebuke of religion and tradition. Its only purpose is spite.

The same can be said for the whole catalog of modern taboos. There is no moral authority for them. There’s no logical basis for them either. A society that thinks sexualizing children is acceptable cannot rationally claim it is immoral to oppose the normalizing of men in dresses. The only authority for the current taboos is the force wielded by the taboo makers. They have control of the institutions and use that power to enforce these taboos on society.

Force is always the costliest form of rule. When the law is the habit of mind and obedience is the natural instinct, the ruling class does not have to spend very much to maintain order and their place at the top of that order. On the other hand, when their rule is at odds with habit and the people must be forced to obey, the cost of maintaining order eventually exceeds their capacity to impose it. Our ruling class is exhausting itself maintaining this collection of absurd moral codes.

It is why deliberate taboo breaking is probably the wrong course. Giving the people in charge easy targets and useful examples lowers the cost of enforcement. Mockery and avoidance do the opposite. It’s hard to drop the hammer on someone who is mocking your silly taboos. It’s expensive to root out the bad thinker minding his own business in the cubicle farm. The guerrilla in a modern moral war must live in the shadows, turning up to mock the enemy, but always avoiding direct confrontation.

Note: The good folks at Alaska Chaga are offering a ten percent discount to readers of this site. You just click on the this link and they take care of the rest. About a year ago they sent me some of their stuff. Up until that point, I had never heard of chaga, but I gave a try and it is very good. It is like a tea, but it has a milder flavor. It’s hot here in Lagos, so I’ve been drinking it cold. It is a great summer beverage.

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4 years ago

Nobody has ever had to deal with the rear-guard action of the left. Before the left takes something over, nobody is guarding the edges. This is how the left is able to break the taboos. Nobody is enforcing them. Then, once they take over, they ruthlessly enforce the taboo. Also, the left never really did what some of the loons claiming to be on our side want to do. When they “normalized” homosexuals, they didn’t do it by pushing gay porn on ABC. They did it by putting unoffensive gay people in our lives through things like TV. They were… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

Great points about the normalization techniques used to spread sodomite acceptance in the West.

Russia does not permit this in its media. I am convinced this is one of the reasons the GlobHom Deep State holds such visceral hatred for Russia.

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

Gay sex was turned into romantic love.  “The love that dare not speak it’s name has become the love that won’t shut up.” — Robertson Davies You are right that countering taboos directly may, if not practiced carefully, do more harm than good. But I’m not convinced when you say, “You have to make race-realism respectable by having respectable and affable race-realists.” We have long-running evidence to the contrary. Consider Jared Taylor and Peter Brimelow, both as respectable and affable as any race realist can be. Good on them for delivering truths that make many uncomfortable. But over decades,… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Gravity Denier
JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Gravity Denier
4 years ago

For all the health nuts on TV and the internet talking about how second hand smoke, Covid kills, breast implants, listeria in food, plastics leach chemicals, etc., you’ll never hear them talk about how anal sex is murder on the ass, and how you’ll be fitted for a butt plug a few years before you take yourself out. And you’ll never hear of the downside of the tranny mutilations. There’s a big taboo. The health downside of eating ass. This is “who we are” as Derbyshire would say. Our future Chinese overlords will mind us better.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Gravity Denier
4 years ago

“Something more is needed to connect with a lot of the other 98 percent.” How about a large-scale economic collapse resulting in widespread interruption of food production and distribution? That might get everyone’s attention.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

There’s not too many taboos left for the Left wing to break. The last 20 years was a mop-up operation. The taboos they’ve created are their own. I suppose child rape is still a taboo, but they’re working on it. In a few years you’ll read about how Epstein was perhaps Avant Garde. Hell, there’s a final bill going in the CA legislature to give free puberty blockers to kids. Where we’re at now if far beyond 1920s Berlin and the anarchy breakouts this year are just the beginning.

Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

What you propose is fine if your goal is respectabilty in service of your latent agenda. We’ll call it the Athenian approach. But what if Our Thing prefers the Spartan patent approach. They controlled a numerically superior class of helots through fear engendered by the systematic violence of an annual culling. As Machiavelli pointed out in The Prince, it is better for a leader to be feared than to be loved. If the Left actually believes we are monsters, then maybe it’s time to actualize their fear.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Maus
4 years ago

My favorite Machiavelli story is of the ruler who had a rebellion or highway robbers or some such problem. He sent in a bloodthirsty man who ruthlessly killed the trouble-makers. When the provincials howled, the Ruler was “shocked, shocked” that anyone would act so cruelly so he had his efficient subordinate sacrificed.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

Hence the common definition of “Machiavellian”. My favorite story from The Prince as well.

Balkan Fanatic
Balkan Fanatic
4 years ago

“Of course, a good way to have your life destroyed is to go around breaking taboos, especially the ones that matter to the people in charge. Start talking race realism at your office and you not only get fired, you become unemployable. Break the taboo against fighting back against left-wing street thugs and you could end up in prison. Breaking taboos works only when a critical mass of people decides to break the taboo and a larger set of people are ready to join them” If you want to break your chains and free yourself you have to be ready… Read more »

David Wright
Reply to  Balkan Fanatic
4 years ago

I am Spartacus!

Reply to  Balkan Fanatic
4 years ago

There’s a word for the Brave Men you mention above, and it MARTYRS. All revolutions have to have them to be successful.
Right now, nobody wants to be the martyr, hence no revolution.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I believe modern men are far less fearful of dying for a cause than going to prison for that same cause.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

I’d much rather die in a brawl with BLM/ANTIFAG than to do a stretch in the slammer.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Che, The Accidental Martyr

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Well, if one considers the Christianization of the Roman Empire a revolution…

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

The American Revolution isn’t one of your peaceful ones. Even the Neo-con sponsored Color Revolutions have a body count.and it’s rather some cases.
A peaceful revolution could work here but it would a level of white co-operation that is unheard of.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Rwc1963
4 years ago

For the most part, all successful revolutions occur when one group of Elites break with the other Elites. The American Revolution is a good example of this. The rebellious Elites rely on others to bleed for their revolution, and body counts inevitably will get high because most of those dying are considered expendable by the people who control their side.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

The American Revolution is not a great example for you. A sizable number of the American elites fought and actually sought out danger.

John Carter
John Carter
Reply to  Kapper
4 years ago

What’s with the obsession with being a martyr..? Martyr fantasizing is something people do when they feel utterly beaten and the only remaining path to glory is to go down in flames. It points to a lack of confidence in your ability to win. A casual perusal of historical rebellions, revolts, and revolutions shows that timing is everything. Going off half-cocked is a great way to ruin it for everyone. We need stalwarts here, not self-pitying pussies who just want a release of the tension. The former requires real moral fiber, the latter reveals to a lack of it. Cultivate… Read more »

Reply to  Balkan Fanatic
4 years ago

Going to prison, killing, dying all that as fine… but there needs to be organization behind it first to make it anything more than throwing your life away to help shore up the narrative.

Violent movements are still MOVEMENTS. Movement first then violence later if necessary.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

Exactly. And I am bending my thoughts and efforts toward creating that organization.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

That seems reasonable, Ostei; a passive ethno-nationalism would be a good foundation for it (similar to countless organizations advocating for blacks, Hispanics, homosexuals and women, but without the overt hatred and calls for violence that many of them display).

Last edited 4 years ago by Jim Smith
Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Balkan Fanatic
4 years ago

Ahh and here we have another brave keyboard warrior like the many who have been appearing in this forum recently. As someone who has followed your course of advice all I have to say is this- “You first n1gga!” It is so very easy to demand someone give up everything from the comfort of your air-conditioned home safely pecking away on your laptop. Lead by example. Report back here when you have. I did it your way, I went out into a direct action situation as a lone wolf waiting for everyone to follow my brave example. I was imprisoned,… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago

The lone wolf is more like a lone sheep running into a pack of wolves. One of the reasons this is such a problem is that so many people move, and by move, I mean interstate moving. A stable steady population is the foundation of a community. If you have a bunch of people from random locations across a continent as you have in the US, living in some suburban development, you don’t have a community, you have a zip-code, a geographical region. Nobody has roots. There is no family history. There are just random people who don’t know each… Read more »

Balkan Fanatic
Balkan Fanatic
Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago

You do not nothing about me. Inverse is true as well but based on what you wrote and how I doubt that any of it is true In no place or time did I advocate “lone wolf” I advocated action of which most efficient and suitable ways in the current circumstances is demonstration and street protest (including the fighting lefty lunatics if necessary) I have just come from one There was no more then 1200 of us much less than it would be necessary to shake the system in any meaningful way Yet I will do it again next week… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago

Encouraging your enemy to divide into two or more factions and then let the new competitors for power fight it out to the death is a time-honored tradition. Given the irrationality of the other side, we don’t even have to instigate, probably just help it along when the opportunity arises.

Last edited 4 years ago by Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Balkan Fanatic
4 years ago

Balkan Fanatic, you’re right. All of Zman’s ruminations, insightful as they are, always circle the central question. How did the other side become the system? Somebody, somewhere, pushed for something. Someone pushed for the 16th, 17th and 19th amendments. Someone pushed for the creation of the federal reserve. Someone pushed to devalue gold. Someone pushed for a fiat currency. Someone pushed for a deb/GDP of 50%, 75%, 100%, 110%, 153%. Someone pushed for abortion, homosexual marriage, normalizing transsexuals, foreign wars, voting rights act, civil rights act,immigration act 1965, each one of the 80 means tested social welfare programs, and on… Read more »

4 years ago

Pedophilia may be the last taboo. Watching the Epstein story unroll has been extremely unsettling. While technically “ephelbophilia”, that discussion in itself is a subtle push to move the Overton window by normalizing what was taboo until very recently. Very disturbing. I never anticipated the immediate jump from gay marriage directly into transgender worship after Obergefell v. Hodges. This move to destroy a very deep, cross cultural taboo regarding adults and kids can be seen coming a million miles away, and it’s awful. These idiots know all about Chesterton’s fence, and just don’t care. Everyone worries about crazy men going… Read more »

sam the man
Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

With 3rd term abortion being the right promoted by wymynz groups I dont see any of those ” primal child protection instincts ”’ kicking in

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  sam the man
4 years ago

read the demographic stats on which group is receiving the most abortions.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
4 years ago

That’s actually fascinating. Looked it up, did not expect to find what I did.

As a percentage of the population, blacks much more than whites. But in terms of actual real absolute numbers, more black babies than whites beginning in 2015.

Margaret Sanger would be proud.

Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

In the usa, white liberal whore feminists are usually the most vocal supporters of abortion, although not the most frequent users. It’s not that hard to take a pill every day or get an IUD inserted.

However sweden (25/1000) and UK (19/1000) as well as France have quite high abortion rates. Higher than the usa whites and blacks.

The USA abortion rate is falling each year and could simply be a symptom of drug abuse, incels, low t etc. (ie. People just not having sex as much) while Europeans aren’t as damaged physically or culturally.

Last edited 4 years ago by b123
Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

Its not 1973 these and with birth control and good sex ed, scared White girl abortion haven’t been a major thing in decades. Personally I don’t like abortion all that much but Sanger ad the other eugenics proponents were factually and morally correct. Selective reproduction is a positive good for society and with men just like any other animal, good breeding helps. Abortion for example has vastly reduced Down’s Syndrome and while Down’s Syndrome people are not morally worse than the rest of us, being anti test and abortion is being pro human suffering ad retardation. Heck if we could… Read more »

Reply to  sam the man
4 years ago

We’re into normalizing fourth term abortion now, soon fifth sixth seventh term etc

Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

Infanticide is normal in many cultures and practiced some in the West.
Its barbaric but I probably would not convict someone on charges for painlessly dealing with a deformed baby or the like. Healthy children or reasonably healthy ones though are a blessing and killing them is murder.

Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

Racism is fun and all but when we start musing that maybe we should kill actual babies for the hypothetical future greater good of our imaginary ethnostate we’ll have to part ways and sit in different parts of the front of the bus

I’ll take your average impulsive violent jogger over another european that cooly looks at a deformed baby and uses his high IQ and low time preference to muster the thought “yeah, sure let’s kill him, why not?”

Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

I’m up-voting this because its honest not because I agree, I’ve know this fact a long time. Frankly I consider the moralists cranks and while its better in their republic than in the globalists one and if needed I could tolerate it and play by their rules, I’m not trying to build that. Am rather closer to Secular European Right right than the American one. If the DR does take power it won’t be a single polity anyway Some parts won’t be ethnostates at all , some will be kind of Instapundit /WRSA Libertarian and others will be European Right.… Read more »

Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

So the definition of “moralist crank” is now “won’t kill newborns”?

2020, man….

Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

Read more carefully. I consider killing healthy newborns to be murder. Yes cranks. Ohio wants to ban aborting Down’s Syndrome babies because apparently there aren’t enough retarded people or screwed up DNA out there or he thinks the little guys are cute. Its not like he has to care for them after all. It doesn’t bother me deformed or damaged babies with no quality of life who somehow aren’t aborted die painlessly. It beats them suffering. While I would never mandate abortion ever, I also think Eugenics properly practiced (and note it was in the past more often than not)… Read more »

Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

Eugenics sounds like breeding animals. How is one person fit to do that to another? It’s too close to lefty’s God-playing project for comfort imo.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

Its called mate selection and using your brain. Pick a mate with no health problems, decent fertility and a good IQ, have babies. More dedicated folks test ,mates and babies for gene diseases and abort a fetus if they are serious. This eliminates Down’s Syndrome for the most part. I mean a bunch of people opposed to mixing with Blacks because they think they are stupider than they are are lecturing me on eugenics. Get real. Not race mixing is also eugenics. Now were their abuses? Yes. We don’t stop doing something useful because someone else went bonkwers. Otherwise we… Read more »

Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

Being picky about who you make babies with is good and healthy. Killing innocents for being subpar or any other reason is not.

The moral implications are enormous. Euthanize the old, the blind, cripples?

(I count fetuses among the living, and I count them from the moment of conception. When does life start, when is the child different from the mother’s body? A fertilized egg has a different genome than the mother. Good enough for me.)

Last edited 4 years ago by Paintersforms
Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

Subpar =/= severe fetal deformity.
That said if we had Gattaca style fetal selection and trustworthy science which we do not you bet I’d be using it on any children.
And note if I had a trusted Doctor who told my wife that our fetus was deformed, sickly, or just lousy and she wanted to abort I’d be OK with it.
If the fetsu was as good as either of us, I ca’t stop her from an abortion under the law but it would be an immediate divorce.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

I am opposed to mandatory eugenic euthanasia but many developed societies allow people to voluntarily end their own life in a painless fashion. If people under some circumstances wish too? Let them. Encouraging it is a grey area but having a pull the plug law and policy make sense. And note if I was a serious burden on my family I’d hope they’d pull my plug FWIW I also have no problem with public execution of criminals either or with sterilizing the insane and the criminal in some cases. The later may not be doable do to human rights issues… Read more »

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

Abortion is not “eugenics” in my thinking. It’s a final outcome of the failure of eugenics. Unfortunately, there will be such failures for the foreseeable future.

Genetic counseling is quite the thing these days, but the science is young and even in the best of circumstances, usually can only give probabilities. Couples are then left with the personal decision to “throw the dice”.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

I agree. Approach with caution.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

I’m all for taking calculated risks. Make your best bet, live with it, have faith it’ll work out.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

Eugenics should be supported by anyone who understands HBD. This includes abortion. Think of what our condition would be in the United States if it hadn’t eliminated so much of the black population. The Left, albeit for different reasons, also embraces eugenics. It is one of the few issues where, if pushed, they admit it is healthy not to have an even larger surfeit of feral blacks. Of course, the Left also wants White genocide as part of their eugenics program.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

Maybe I’m crazy, but choosing to avoid coal burning and deciding to snuff out a life seem to be on slightly different moral planes to me. But I am probably an extremist.

Nothing wrong with the goal of a healthy, smart populace. But not every means to get there is equally moral.

Last edited 4 years ago by c matt
Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

“I consider killing healthy newborns to be murder.” Oh well that’s totally okay then, so long as you want kill sick newborns. You know people over here on the right aren’t REALLY cartoon nazis like they show on your television, right? Because you seem to unironically aspire to be a bad guy from a Spielberg movie and that’s not a good look. This thing is about loving our own people, self determination for all, the preservation of all nations in their own lands, and building a beautiful authentic culture worthy of our ancestors. It’s not babies in brave new vats,… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Anonymousse
Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

The US was sterilizing the insane and the criminal on a regular and compulsory basis between oh 1907 and 1963. I assumed people here thought this was a good period in our history. Are you suggesting the US was run by cartoon Nazis at that time? I’m not willing to go that far but it was a sound pratcice that improved the American genetic stock. We also live in a time in which the sick are encouraged to humane suicide and there really isn’t a squawk about euthanasia at all. Abortion is settled law supported by 3/4’s of the population.… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by abprosper
Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

This is a thread about breaking taboo. I just did that. Deal. And I do understand that our thing isn’t going to put that in a policy paper. That’s fine with me. However it may still going to happen, the Chinese are already trying it have been since at least 2015 If it works our 100 IQ moral people are going to be splattered by Chinese Augments. I get the sentimental ideal, I’m the guy who coined A Hallmark Chanel World after all. Problem is that getting there is going is probably to come on the heels of a genocidal… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

Well, shit, why stop at deformed babies, or in utero? If you are true to your eugenics beliefs, you should be advocating for the disposal of all unfits, regardless of biological state.

Honestly, it’s not like downs syndrome or retarded make up a huge proportion of the population. In fact, high IQ liberals/progressives do far more damage to society.

Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

I appreciate sharp delineations.

You beileve allowing all babies to live is more important than racial solidarity. Enjoy your dsygenic jogger paradise.

I favor pruning for a vigorous white race.

Readers can decide whether they’d rather live in your world or mine.

Last edited 4 years ago by LineInTheSand
Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

The abortion issue is no different than the homosexual issue. That went from “please just accept that we’re normal humans” to “what do you mean you don’t celebrate fucking little boys, you bigot?!” in the blink of an eye. Abortion is well on the way from “safe, legal, and rare” to “let’s cull the untermensch.” Someone else posted it here but it bears repeating: you’re not God and you have no right to play Him. A meditation on Genesis would be helpful.

Reply to  KGB
4 years ago

Culling is going to happen—just a matter of when the science gets there—and it doesn’t require abortion.

Already there is fertilization of embryos outside the body for transplantation. We see stories from time to time wrt to who “owns” them and what to do with the “excess” embryos.

Now imagine, using our Chinese example of improving the IQ, we run a genetic analysis on each producing a genetic intelligence score. This is being done on adult subjects now. (Thompson commented in UNZ on such a study)

High scoring embryos are selected, low scoring are tossed. Viola—eugenics.

Reply to  KGB
4 years ago

Many of us are not Christians and as such appeals to Christian moral authority are irrelevant.
And while yes you may get a State of your own where they apply and such a state would be preferable to what we have, you aren’t getting ours without a massive fight.

Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

Get your what? A secular state where the elite decide who lives and who dies? That already exists and it sure as hell doesn’t belong to you. But if you’re inclined to go down that path, don’t be surprised when the wave doesn’t merely lap up against your toes before receding. The tide will swallow you up too, sooner or later. Enjoy.

Reply to  KGB
4 years ago

There is a difference between voluntary and involuntary. Also in case you don’t know history, if we were to roll back to the culture of say America 1950, there would be compulsary sterlization of the insane and criminal on a regular basis. The modern secular state does not have death panels or anything or the sort and no abortion doesn’t count. Its an ineptly run social democracy in the thrall of multiculturalism and tolerance as religion and degeneracy. Its more benevolent on the whole than 1940 ever was and has more freedom in many ways (legal weed, must issue, gay… Read more »

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Reads to me like you feel unable to contest successfully with grown men and have decided to wage war on the NICU instead. Have you been reading Clausewitz? That’s not at all what he meant by “pacifying” your enemies. Anyway if you read your pal Sergeant Schultz up there he’s looking to snuff a lot more cooing gurgling untermensch than just the annoying brown ones YOU might have in mind. So better make sure your little white baby doesn’t have a congenital heart defect or ectrodactyly. He’s fingering a scalpel lovingly and thinks they’ll consume valuable economic resources he could… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Anonymousse
Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

Trying to run a society on empathy is what women do and what got us into this mess. That said future USA need not be all about race. It can be a White run nation all about better people. If some eugenically excellent non Whites share our values and goals, good. In any case, there won’t be one DR nation but several. The religious types will need their own anti abortion paradise and can enjoy all the deformed fetuses and Down’s Syndrome that lets them virtue signal to their hearts content. So long as both nations abide by the low… Read more »

Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

This isn’t a racialist movement. In fact had we retained our earlier demographics and thus a stable ruling class/culture and avoided the current racism as sin hysteria , the issue wouldn’t matter very much. On the whole I’d prefer that badly damaged fetuses including a hypothetical mine not be born period and people try again. If I found out and note I have no children, that I only had bad offspring I’d fix myself. No way would I burden my family with such a thing and while I owe this society very little, in a healthier one I don’t expect… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  sam the man
4 years ago

Pretty sure Rollo Tomassi is correct that abortion is the ultimate expression of a woman’s hypergamy.

Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

That’s certainly a good point, as opposition to heterosexuality is a core element of one strand of feminism. They’d like to raise the age of consent to 30. But they are white women, and white women are being marginalized by the Left.

Reply to  MBlanc46
4 years ago

No they don’t – they just want ugly beta males to leave them alone.

White men failed the shit test of feminism. Any feminist whore will spread her legs for Chad who just laughs at her rhetoric.

In fact the kinkiest / most into degrading sex are usually the feminists.

Chad Hayden
Chad Hayden
Reply to  b123
4 years ago

My experience has been different — most rank and file feminists have a repressed sexuality. The best sex I’ve ever had was with conservative girls and latinas.

Felix Krull
Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

<i>But I wonder if this ongoing sexualization of children will lead to kinetic action by women against men as their most primal child protection instincts kick in? Must they wymens lead the way?</i>

Women seem perfectly okay with having someone take a knife to their baby boy’s genitals.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

zman, if this guy ever posts a dick pic (here), promise you will ban him. is there any off the shelf plug-ins for intercepting such pics?

Felix Krull
Reply to  Karl McHungus
4 years ago

Don’t worry, the internet is too small for my dikpik.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Clip art can be rendered on 1600 baud just fine.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
4 years ago

Karl, I think it’s sweet that you’re such a manlet, and don’t let your lack of size, vigor, or IQ constrain your posting.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago


Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Male circumcision among gentiles is an odd practice, to be sure. Pretty certain it was sold as a hygienic measure as late as the 1970s and 1980s; I hardly blame women for questioning any medical advice in the pre-internet days.

Let’s face it – the mommies of decades ago probably conceived their offspring with a circumcised male. Direct evidence that it doesn’t destroy form or function from their point of view.

Imagine if it’s still widely practiced in the non-Jewish west (I’ve no idea), it’s part of the ridiculous “Judaeo-Christian” hybrid.

Felix Krull
Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

I hardly blame women for (not? FK) questioning any medical advice in the pre-internet days. Seriously? If your doctor told you that cutting off baby’s earlobe would reduce the chance of earlobe-cancer by 95%, wouldn’t you ask him some questions? And we’re not talking earlobes here, we’re talking holiest of holy. Most of the world don’t circumcise boys, if it was a grave health problem I think we would have heard about it, even in the pre-internet era. I challenge any woman on this board to go watch a video on the procedure. I have not had the stomach for… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

I challenge any woman on this board to go watch a video on the procedure.

This, in fact, should be mandatory for all parents who want to mutilate their boy’s genitals, just like women should watch a video of aborted fetuses before they can get an abortion.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

I get annoyance with circumcision as a symbolically jewish practice creeping into christendom… but as far as noxious things they’ve talked us into it might barely make a list of the top four or five hundred. Really don’t get the fixation some people (only guys as far as I know) have on this. I’d rather we didn’t do it, but as this point it’s become just an another adopted arbitrary aesthetic cultural practice. It’s approximately on par with ear piercing and tattoos (I could do without those too, incidentally). Can we maybe start by being upset that they’re currently convincing… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Anonymousse
Felix Krull
Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

as far as noxious things they’ve talked us into it might barely make a list of the top four or five hundred… It’s approximately on par with ear piercing and tattoos Your analogies shock me, but it is an extremely poignant example of how taboos can be made and broken. And even disregarding the apples-to-oranges comparison, would you tattoo or ear-pierce your baby? In Europe, there are few greater extant taboos than cutting in small babies for frivolous reasons. The fact that Americans take it so cavalierly is a testimony to the malleability of human ethics. If you can get… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Felix_Krull
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

No I wouldn’t tattoo or have my baby’s ears pierced, but plenty of relatively normal relatively nice people DO have babies with pierced ears… and they all seem to somehow deal with the trauma okay. Again, not for me but just not a thing I’d suggest deserves all that much outrage… given the Mexico City Olympic record style outrages we’re currently inundated with. After say, a good couple very busy decades as omnipotent benevolent dictator, passively discouraging male circumcision might get on my to-do list. “In Europe, there are few greater extant taboos than cutting in small babies for frivolous… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Anonymousse
Felix Krull
Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

you’ve got someone upthread identifying with the “european right” suggesting that we should cut the throats of the aesthetically displeasing babies.

Congratulations, you’ve been Jewtrolled.

Seriously, if you were to guess, how many Europeans do you think subscribe to that?

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Anonymousse is referring to me with the the cut throat remark. Its total nonsense and if he wants to google severe fetal deformity , he might get my point better. I guess this was a lot more on topic than you might think, voluntary eugenics is still a taboo with some around here and by openly endorsing it I seem to have violated that taboo. I am however pleasantly supervised that the people around here aren’t so money cucked that they started wondering if we made people smart, who would do the cheap labor, The obvious answer is mow your… Read more »

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Parts of Europe allow healthy children with depression to use assisted suicide,
That is eugenics in action though I oppose it.

Felix Krull
Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

I had to google that, and am very dismayed to find you’re right, although “part of Europe” means the Netherlands.

I knew they had assisted suicide, but I always imagined it was an adult-only thing.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

That is very disturbing. How many formerly depressed, suicidal people now lead happy, productive lives? If they had lived in the Netherlands they may never have lived to get out of the black tunnel and into the sunlight.

John Carter
John Carter
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Great points Felix, but don’t many Euros pierce their daughters’ ears at birth?
Anti-circumcision is a useful wrench to throw in the gears but not a hill I’m willing to die on.

Felix Krull
Reply to  John Carter
4 years ago

Great points Felix, but don’t many Euros pierce their daughters’ ears at birth?

Yes, we do the full monty: ears, nose, navel… I had a Prince Albert done prenatally, sort of Danish tradition.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

you big pussy. in africa they do it at age 13 using a sharpened rock. sounds like you are just looking for an excuse to transition.

Vegemite Sandwich
Vegemite Sandwich
Reply to  Karl McHungus
4 years ago

Thanx for describing the cranial lobotomy your fellow africans performed on you. We are shocked you can type but there you are.

Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

Doctor requested permission for such on first son (80’s). Wife looked at me, I said “That’s one of the ways they rounded up the Jews in the old country”. (This was true and one of the things that concerned my father when I was born as he lived through that time. He discussed such with me as a young man.). Not another word was said and the doctor moved on to other (more salient) topics of the newborn’s condition.

And no, I’m not jewish.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

enjoy the elevated rates of penile cancer

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Karl McHungus
4 years ago

He’s right. Don’t feel bad for the down votes Karl, the truth is rarely a welcomed guest.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

Its not that hard to wash your dick instead of cutting foreskins off and not differentiating ourselves from them.
And yeah circumcision is fine for Jews and yes it may reduce disease but we aren’t Jewish. Its not for us.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
4 years ago


Last edited 4 years ago by abprosper
Reply to  Karl McHungus
4 years ago

That’s a myth and any doctor will tell you so. Basically, at best it’s a correlation between poor hygienic habits—like not washing with soap and water—and a foreskin to retain the smegma.

The basis for circumcision in the USA was hysteria over masturbation in the 1800’s which then evolved into hygiene concerns in the 1900’s. Neither were ever born out by scientific research.

Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

Abraham was commanded to circumcise his slaves just sayin.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

Did Abraham circumcise himself?

Regardless, it was for religious, not hygienic reasons.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Women are prime drivers of the level of sexual morality. The more permissive they are, the faster the house of taboos collapses. We’ve come down pretty fast.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Circumcision has been common among non Jews in the US for probably a century or more and is thought to have medical benefits.
If we get rid of Judaeo-Christian cultural baggage in some future DR society, than we can ban it.

Felix Krull
Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

Nothing to do with Christianity, Americans are the only Christians outside Africa to practice it. Getting rid of circumcision has another advantage: it establishes a symbolic, etho-cultural border to you-know-who. When it’s no longer normalized in Gentile America, the natural revulsion against mutilating newborns will re-establish itself quickly. Denmark is just a referendum away from getting two birds with one stone. Just today, the Danish Association of Anesthesiologists withdrew from a government advisory board in protest against the government insisting that you only need local anesthesia for circumcisions, and that any random snake charmer can perform the procedure as long… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Felix_Krull
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

The US doesn’t do national referendums and none of our problems will be solved by voting our way out of them anyway.
That said circumcision has been decline for decades. It needs too go lower for the exact same reasons you’ve noted but its slowly naturally contracting.

Felix Krull
Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

The US doesn’t do national referendums 

No, and my comment wasn’t meant as a suggestion for a solution, merely as an illustration of the power an established cut/uncut border to the special people.

Muh dick is a serious matter, it makes for excellent Jew baiting.

Last edited 4 years ago by Felix_Krull
Lady Dandy Doodle
Lady Dandy Doodle
Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

I think it is on the decline because Mexicans don’t circumcise and whites aren’t having babies. Sad.

Reply to  Lady Dandy Doodle
4 years ago

Latino fertility has declined a huge amount as well and it may well be below repalcment.

Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

“Latino fertility has declined a huge amount.”

You can tell yourself that, but my observations in California say otherwise.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

I’m sure illegal immigration has more than made up for the drop in fertility.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

It takes a generation or two, but it drops precipitously. Problem is so many Latinos are coming it there is no chance to stabilize to local norms.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

I live in California , a cheap part and I have seen less and less Latino babies since the booms of 2006-2007. Less immigrants of late too but that’s economic
The Hispanic Research Center notes that the Latino fertility rates has dropped an astonishing 31% since 2001.
However do to mass immigration the non White Hispanic population of this State is near half.

Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

Yeah, but would a national referendum be preferable to 9 old farts in SCOTUS dictating when things like gay marriage are now a civil right?

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Problem is the divisions are far too great for any consensus building. The only reerendum that makes sense is a separation and the various sides as locked into a bad marriage as they are will not let the other go.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

In the USA a Mohel does it and so far as I know there is no medical training or supervision. Unwanted complications are not unknown. But it is a religious freedom, and in this case it is our enemies so let them do it?

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

I heard more careful Jews have a physician in attendance as well.

Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

The Epstein story has provoked phony moral outrage. Bans against post-pubescent men having sex with post-pubescent women are, indeed, products of culture. Seventeen-year-old women aren’t children, they are perfectly capable of using their sexual wiles to get what they want. The real villains in the Epstein affair are these supposed children’s parents. If these girls are children, their parents are responsible for them. Parents that allow their female children to jump on a plane to some Caribbean island with strangers violate true universal norms of human behavior. Probably the basis for any religion is the regulation of sexual activity. The… Read more »

Reply to  nailheadtom
4 years ago

Seventeen year old women were girls last week. They have the moral sophistication and wisdom of people that were girls last week. Women who were just girls could probably make great wives and mothers as they learn the rest together with loving committed young men of comparable experience. Young women are prepared for that. They are NOT prepared for fifty year old billionaires offering them brushes with fame for transactional sexual access. A civilized christian society protects the vulnerable and channels them into healthy paths. The rest is greasy lolbertarianism or the transactional smut of the middle eastern bazaar (so… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Anonymousse
John Carter
John Carter
Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

Keep white knighting dude. Women long to pertain to a man. If they don’t pertain to a father they’ll search one out. Protecting them gets you nowhere, you must dominate them better than the competition. The problem of grown men having sex with 17 yr old girls will never go away because there will always be 17 yr old girls who want it.
Do you not remember from your youth how horny and wily teenage girls can be?

Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

Pedophilia only seems like the last taboo because you exist in 2020. If things go on unchecked the way they have been going on for the last 50 years, some future you will be thinking something that is absolutely unthinkable today will be the next natural taboo to fall.
Pedophilia wasn’t a taboo 40 years ago. It was “shoot on sight” unthinkable. We are so far into crazyland that we believe pedophilia is damn taboo.

Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

Human sacrifice – that’s always been their father’s main demand when he gets his way. All the rest is just creamy decadent gravy for ol’ scratch’s biscuits.

Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

Human sacrifice and the blood of goyim children.

All those “diverse” “Brown” people in California, TX etc all have (recent) ancestors who threw virgins into volcanoes in the last 500 years.

Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

Absolutely. That is where we are heading. Let’s not forget the Aztecs their culture developed to the point where they were cooking up humans with peppers and onions. It was a feast

Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

Indeed, the modern taboo isn’t pedophilia or any of the other sexual degeneracies that are positively celebrated, it’s the response to these disgusting practices that has been demonized. A hundred years ago perverts expected a sound beating that probably involved hospitalization, and juries were understandingly lenient when a pervert was killed in the so-called “heat of passion” that diminished the premeditation associated with first degree murder. If we must endure mobs of the degenerate wokerati “protesting peacefully,” then it’s time to bring back lynchings and vigilante justice.

Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

Good point. Damned depressing.

Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

The recent pedo creep is horrifying but its hardly new and it was not that recently thought a minor vice . Back in the late 18th century it was thought shockingly progressive when it was required that a girl be 12 years old to work in a brothel. If you want to tell me they were just there to clean up I’ll laugh at you. Peg boys I’ll leave that to your immigration were a thing in early Gold Rush era San Fransisco as well. I suspect quite a lot of these lads were quite young. Our society needs to… Read more »

Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

“ pedo… was as not that recently thought a minor vice… in… 18th century… was progressive when 12 years… in a brothel… Peg boys… were a thing… these lads were quite young.” Vice is not new, but your account reads an awful lot like you’ve credulously consumed revisionist accounts of the past. You know back when no one knew where babies came from and everyone died at 30 and women fainted if they saw an uncovered table leg but also white men just rolled in the mud and then raped brave POCs and burned any women with an opinion as… Read more »

Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

Only a credulous progressive would think people had gotten better and that we were at any point ever a super moral people. And note every time our history shows something inconvenient in not “current year” morality doesn’t mean Jews made it up. Concerns about child prostitution are not new. They were first voiced in the nineteenth century when fears were raised over young girls being sold by their parents into brothels in England’s cities. In 1885, journalist William Stead published an account of how he had bought a 12-year-old girl from her parents; this story appeared in the Pall Mall… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

Good points. Prohibitions against pedophilia are a recent Western phenomenon and most Eastern societies pay only lip service to this day . What is underway is a reversion to the mean.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

Last I heard the international sex tourism trade is still active in some countries. Alas, this includes children. Probably hard to find White ones, though.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

Lots of White girls end up abused in the UK by Paki grooming gangs.
This kind of thing s why I am in favor of collective punishment as well.

John Carter
John Carter
Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

Agreed. Make the entire Pakistani community responsible for bad behavior. Extra taxes, supplying labor for deadly or demeaning jobs, etc.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

How about collective expulsion?

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

100% onboard with that.

Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

While there is a segment of society pushing to normalize pedophilia, I think the majority of people find the idea horrifying, and the intelligence agencies of the ruling class find it useful for running blackmail schemes. That taboo will stand for a while at least.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  RoBG
4 years ago

I wouldn’t bet on it. Taboos previously considered unassailable have fallen like dominoes the last 20 years.

Official Boogna Tester
Official Boogna Tester
Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

ProZNoV said: “Pedophilia may be the last taboo.”

Don’t bet on it. There’s a lot more creepiness out there to be normalised. This is the ” Permanent revolution.”

Last edited 4 years ago by Official Boogna Tester
Reply to  Official Boogna Tester
4 years ago

Ugh. That’s a truly depressing thought. I fear you’re correct, however. What’s left to invert, pervert, divert, and subert?

(Don’t answer, because I truly don’t want to know).

John Carter
John Carter
Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

I can think of quite a bit. Anything that transfers sex, money, and power.

Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

If there is no God, then anything is possible.

Reply to  Presbyter
4 years ago

The Aztecs were a faithful and religious people.

David Wright
Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

Wrong religion if you call it that.

Reply to  David Wright
4 years ago

Sure. It only lasted a couple of centuries in a time frame where change was slow.
But assuming God=/= Christian God in these days is risible.
Christianity is pretty good for cheap moral capital but splinter groups like the Amish and non Whites are really into it. It may come back and that would be a good thing but we’d best assume that it won’t and build accordingly.

Last edited 4 years ago by abprosper
4 years ago

Humor was the approach during communism too. Theoretically it wasn’t permitted, but the enforcers viewed as going 1 mph over the limit. It’s disarming and non-threatening. At the same time, it subverts their order.

Reply to  H I
4 years ago

It’s amazing how many Soviet jokes became applicable to today’s situation:
“-When did the first communist election happen?
-When G-d brought Eve to Adam and told him: choose yourself a wife”.

“Patient to psychiatrist: Please diagnose me, as I think one thing, say another and then do something else altogether.
Psychiatrist: it means that you are very normal”.

Reply to  H I
4 years ago

it works, until the ruling class absorbs the comedians into the borg. of course, samizdat helps. but even then, eventually the jokes will have to give way to serious action. idk, i get tired of the online meme cold war, and i fear many have their racial sense of humor destroyed by Jews already. ergo, martyrs do matter, even if only on occasion on mid to later phases, to not make the revolution too dour and unappealing; but still bringing some needed reality to the situation. i mean, the jokes on joggers wouldn’t work if we didn’t have the sad… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by diconez
sam the man
4 years ago

When I saw women so happy when they legalized 3RD TERM ABORTION in NY it looked to me as some evil cult with blood sacrifice. A cult of Moloch.A new taboo is to criticize ” Reproductive health”

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  sam the man
4 years ago

The third term abortion women are mostly black and they know it. It’s hard for us to fathom, as functional white people on this forum, that there’s a segment of the black population that’s so morally degenerate and so lazy, that even when these woman, who were always going to abort their kids, are sitting on the couch, eating Doritos, with a big pregnant belly, it’s only because they’re too lazy to get the abortion at two, three, even five months. Then they say, with cockroaches scurrying by their feet, eating Dorito dust, “aw sheet, can’t fit my pants”, and… Read more »

Reply to  sam the man
4 years ago

Moloch worshipers sacrificed their first son for prosperity.
Modern whores sacrifice their first born to focus on career.(that’s how women view prosperity)
Based on Thomas Sowell’s research a person’s first born will usually be the smartest kid in the family, the first born represents the future head of the family, modern women offer their first child to Satan, because they want to whore around with high status men.
That’s EVIL!!

Last edited 4 years ago by sentry
John Carter
John Carter
Reply to  sentry
4 years ago

Carthaginians would plant an infant into the foundation when building a new house. Such things angered the Romans who were repulsed by child sacrifice. They would use it as one of their moral raizons de guerre whenever preparing to swallow another patch of land.

John Carter
John Carter
Reply to  John Carter
4 years ago


Reply to  John Carter
4 years ago

Not to contradict, but wasn’t it a Roman father’s job to “accept” the newborn infant, or expose him/her if not accepted? Seems a bit of a contradiction to abhor child sacrifice.

John Carter
John Carter
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

A bit of a contradiction from our perspective. I can see abandonment as having a different level of guilt associated than killing the child directly.
Romans had many laws that weren’t commonly exercised – legally the paterfamilias could kill anyone in the family, but this was unheard of by the late Republic.
I understand that child abandonment was more a matter of convenience – poor families, single mothers, or when the child was socially obtrusive. Not normally when the child was weak.

4 years ago

I see your argument but I have to say, how do you change the situation without a visible resistance? People need permission to resist. A normie happening upon dissident memes in the cubicle is not a revolution. If all great thinkers or movements followed the mock-and-avoid tactic, we’d probably have never progressed beyond Hammurabi’s code. You have written in the past that the entrance to Congress should be a hangman’s noose. Are not beefy “patriots” holding guns at rallies or protesting lockdowns or showing force against Lefty the noose we need right now?

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Absolutely. First non Soviet institution in my country was something called Heritage Investigation Group. Few old people around 1000 years old viking ax was not considered threat to regime. Later this organization expanded and became mass movement. From viking axes their interest turned to much never events, communist crimes for example. And so it went. But there is another taboo. Western people like to fight openly like knights on the white horse. I tried to explain to some Western friend that it is not good to form pro white movement, from beginners. It is better to build up movement under… Read more »

Official Boogna Tester
Official Boogna Tester
Reply to  Juri
4 years ago

Juri said: “But western people do not understand this type of approach.”

The leftists understand this perfectly well. Over the years, many of the names of left wing organisations where as unthreatening as mothers milk.

Last edited 4 years ago by Official Boogna Tester
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Official Boogna Tester
4 years ago

Yep. Students for a Democratic Society, for instance. Southern Poverty Law Center. NAACP.

Official Boogna Tester
Official Boogna Tester
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago
Last edited 4 years ago by Official Boogna Tester
Reply to  Juri
4 years ago

It’s also very clear that the Hamster Owners Union isn’t going to form on the interwebs.

Our host the Zman couldn’t be any more clear about this. Nothing beats face-to-face meetings that go well beyond the political with men in our immediate surroundings.

Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

The first rule of Hamster Owners Union is “you do not talk about Hamster Owners Union!!”

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

But Z, did those 60s conservatives truly confront the system? You yourself have said their focus was exclusively upon winning the Cold War, and that they put up no resistance whatsoever to the cultural revolution.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

We’re lucky to be living in the time when the system is breaking down. The demographic age is the end of liberal democracy.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I think a solid starting point to help normal people begin rejecting the current order is to show them how the discussion on racial issues is morally framed and to expose the maliciousness and incoherence of words like “racism.” As I see it, this approach has at least two benefits: 1) It dismantles one of our enemies’ most powerful weapons (it’s truly amazing that a single six letter word has managed to bring our civilization to the brink of collapse), and 2) it gives them a stark example of how our enemies neutralize us through frame control. Training our people… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Armin
Reply to  Armin
4 years ago

Don`t go frontal attack on strangers. Build thrust first. In the neutral organization people learn to know each other, thrust each other and only then you can address hot topics. Nobody dares to discuss dangerous issues with strangers.

Diversity Heretic
Reply to  Juri
4 years ago

Agree wholeheartedly! Never discuss issues of race realism with strangers! I got taught a lesson about two years ago and feel I was lucky to escape without violence. Never again!!! My personal Charlottesville.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

While risky enough in itself, I like the Socratic method. Here’s a possible example: Liberal: “Blacks are being discriminated against! It’s racism!” Me: “What, exactly, do you think is an example of racism?” L: “Well, um, they are under-represented in University, especially STEM.” M: “That’s very true, despite decades of preferences, free tuition, and other benefits. I agree that we should strive for equality. What do you think can be done?” … The point is to not confront your opponent, but give him enough rope to hang himself* 😀 or less likely, to be enlightened a bit. *Please forgive me.… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Ben the Layabout
Tom K
Tom K
Reply to  Juri
4 years ago

You know english pretty well, Juri, but it’s “trust” not “thrust”. It has a comical effect when you write “thrust each other”.

Reply to  Tom K
4 years ago

This is good example what is the difference between Western resistance and Eastern resistance. You care how it looks but I care how it works. You have brilliant writers who make Shakespeare proud when they complain in perfect English how bad is mass immigration. But instead of learning English I spent my time to put horrific Nazis into Government. Do you prefer mass immigration or do you prefer firmly closed borders and interior minister who is responsible for closed borders but does speak not English at all and will be laughed on his phrase “when you are black then please… Read more »

Tom K
Tom K
Reply to  Juri
4 years ago

Be well.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Juri
4 years ago

Juri! Chill out man. Don’t be so testy-cel. Tom was just trying to tell you that he wants to trust you, he just doesn’t want to thrust you. So take it as a complement. Seriously.

Last edited 4 years ago by Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

Nice complement compliment.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Herzog
4 years ago

Crap! Well, I guess I’ll have to give Juri a complementary parting gift.

comment image

There, how’s that?

Last edited 4 years ago by Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Armin
4 years ago

Last year Pew released a survey ( which found that whites are the only racial group where the majority don’t consider their race/ethnicity as very important to their identity. I wonder how much of this is conditioning and how much is just the way we’re wired.

Reply to  RoBG
4 years ago

And how much is nothing more than people simply giving the answer that is expected regardless of their actual opinions.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  RoBG
4 years ago

Looking at earlier surveys asking whites that question would go some way toward answering your question. My guess is that in 1959 a pretty high percentage of whites would have considered their race important to their identity.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

Funny, I would have guessed the opposite since in 1959, there was not much of threat to Whites. It was likely just taken for granted.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  c matt
4 years ago

Possibly. OTOH, whites were not subject to mass anti-white racism and indoctrinated into renunciation of their race, culture and heritage.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  RoBG
4 years ago

Wired, Bob, that’s why the egalitarian indocrination works when it can’t on anybody else. It’s a product of European outbreeding that exist to a degree that is present nowhere else on earth. The benefit was tremendous but the flaw has caught up to us.

Reply to  RoBG
4 years ago

I never cared about mine until ‘get Whitey’ went mainstream. Don’t know if that’s typical or how many whites are still in denial about it.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

One doesn’t have to think about ‘being white’ if one is free to simply ‘be white’. When the cost of being yourself goes from nothing to high, then you are forced to think about and make one of two choices: hate yourself or hate those attempting to get you to hate yourself.

Reply to  Horace
4 years ago

A banal slogan like, “It’s okay to be white” being seen as racist tells you that it is in fact not okay to white. Such was when the white pill finally kicked in.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

So it seems from you and others, that the key is somehow getting a critical mass for people on our side to effectively challenge (or better yet ignore) the system and float away to form our own new society. But what is a critical mass in this day and age? Some “patriot” types say only 3%. Others on this blog say 20. In the past, people could just float away, with 3% or 20% of true believers. Now, dissidents are potentially up against the military and global financial interests, and floating away is not an option. There needs to be… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

We’re being banned because TPTB fear we may one day get to 50%.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

Multiple strategies are an option, and likely given the large numbers of people. Why not form a non-profit group, maybe even receive goverment funding. Let’s see, how about “Caucasians for Racial Reconciliaton.” It’ll be a movement to educate Whites on the hazards of racism. Since TPTB knows that only Whites can be racist, it would be logical that only Whites would belong to such a group 🙂

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

How large is a pile? That’s the percentage we need. It’s an unknown number but when it’s reached things begin to happen. And yes, we need those goof ball Trump supporters with their pickup trucks and 2nd amendment support.
We are the nerds on this board most of the people we need are the non nerds.
Reach out to them in a way they understand.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

hmmm it’s a 250 not a bitch 150. This is how to win Friends and influence whites? We have the money and Farms. What makes you think we need you ?

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

This does explain the war against any local groups, I think. All of them – unless they are tools of the ruling class – the enemy of the ruling class. I’m not sure about the effectiveness of local communities, though. The secret societies back in the day were operating against regimes that were not totalitarian, which means the regimes were not dedicated to exterminating every non-state association. The success rate in totalitarian societies is pretty low – Solidarity, maybe; any others? Were there any on the Soviet Union? China? The Khmer Rouge? I get the argument. But I think, if… Read more »

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
Reply to  BTP
4 years ago

Every community, of any size, even in deep red areas, has SJWs committed to the cause who would love to expose the local “racist rednecks” to the national spotlight. ALL conventional media leans left and small town reporters can earn their stripes exposing their bad thinking neighbors.

Reply to  Judge Smails
4 years ago

You’re absolutely right about the shitlib contingent existing even in small communities in deep red areas. They’re more effective than they have any right to be, because in a small town everyone tries to get along, and while the strident liberals annoy a lot of people, they are rarely challenged. Maybe their brother spends a lot of money in your business, or your mom has been friends with their grandmother practically forever. People who disagree tend to just avoid them. I am an elected council member in a small town just like this example. At the beginning of June, there… Read more »

Reply to  Diavolobello
4 years ago

The only way forward for any of us is to organize neighborhood watches and make sure that the people on them are aware of the new threats of BLM and antifa flash mobs. Neighborhood watch groups are sometimes just a bunch of old women who keep an eye for “prowlers”. That’s important too but the main threat these days isn’t random non-political crime. The watch should also make sure it includes many people who are armed and have some training or at least range time. There needs to be a framework of a “rapid response team” as well that can… Read more »

Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

Our Police Department is very well staffed and I feel like a strong majority of our citizens support them, and our city government most definitely would expect and empower them to keep order and make arrests in the face of rioters. We can count on backup from our County and other communities, too. I guess if nothing else, I can stay on the Council as long as I can and block any shitlibs from acquiring power. We had one for a few terms, we called her “Ocasio,” not always behind her back, and she was always trying to introduce bullshit… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Agreed. If you start with a losing hand you likely lose. That Francis realized this nearly half a century ago and most of what passes as the Right today is hostile to the very notion explains much of why we are in this predicament.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

comes down to timing. there is a point in the process where open opposition is possible. getting to that point has to be achieved first, using other means.

Black Angus
Black Angus
Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

The change in the 1960s was to an order that had been forged over centuries out of our people – rule of law, fair trade, stable families, trust, education, building, production and storage (planning for survival) etc. They positioned thrift, prudence, faithfulness, modesty, courage etc as crusty old values that tied you down and stopped you being an individual who is their own god. Now we stand as the old stoic order against the powerful, ruthless, cruel, ahistorical, miseducated, brainwashed “cattle” who are part of a “borg” that offers comfort, distraction, destruction, consumerism, instant travel, drugs, faux fame. Sure we… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Black Angus
4 years ago

White civilization: three millennia to build, half a century to destroy.

4 years ago

What will it take to finally break and accept the taboo that whites and blacks cannot coexist in the same society? While Cannon Hinnant finally made the news, the number of black-on-white murders has soared in just the last couple of months such that even usually sedulous documenters like Colin Flaherty and Paul Kersey are struggling to keep up: John Shockley, Nichole Merrell, Veronica Baker, Nathan Garza, Seth Smith, Gary Tinder, Justin Prillaman (with James Prillaman still in the hospital), Jessica Whitaker, Donald Carlton, Roberto Lopez, Paul and Lidia Marino, Jerrie Lyn Ross, Joseph Hecht, John and James Savey, Norman… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  ElysianSpiritas
4 years ago

When we win, do not forget that these people want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it’s funny.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Most white people still don’t realize that when they smile at you they don’t like you. If see a chimp smiling at you he’s going to rip your arm off.

Reply to  ElysianSpiritas
4 years ago

That raccoon probably said the N word before the video started.

Reply to  Tommy
4 years ago

Racoons are cultural appropriators, they look like thieves with their adorable little masks, even a couple of them moving into your suburb can be a huge nuisance, they sleep most of the day and wander around all night, males are not monogamous and don’t contribute to raising their young…

Racist [clap] Raccoon [clap] had [clap] it [clap] coming [clap]

Reply to  Tommy
4 years ago

That’s just nature, red in tooth and claw. Go to YouTube and search for “chimps beat up raccoon.” First video is from the St. Louis zoo. Looks just like the new video of the youths.

Seth Sees All
Seth Sees All
Reply to  Tommy
4 years ago

The thing is, when those blacks said “only white people care about animals” they weren’t wrong. While there are plenty of white people who abuse animals, the cruelty, savagery and sadism in this example is very common among blacks and other nonwhites. White animal abusers are generally solitary losers who are hated and scorned by other whites, whereas groups of blacks revel in animal cruelty as seen here. It’s well known that affection for animals is very much a white thing, while Africans, Middle Easterners, and many Asians treat them very cruelly. I can’t remember if it was on the… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Seth Sees All
4 years ago

Empathy is a higher level brain function. Much more than “workin’ on beats” and “tappin’ dat ass.”

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Seth Sees All
4 years ago

Dogs are abhorred in Islam. It’s part of the religion, mandated by Mohammed himself.

Reply to  ElysianSpiritas
4 years ago

The Left already knows this. A great many of these anti racist groups are pushing for segregation as are many Blacks.
The useless old Conservative saw “The Left are the Real Racists.” is true and its a sneaky way around the race taboo.
The biggest differences between them and us on that view is we don’t believe in equality and that they want us to pay the bills.

Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

Their “segregation” means YOU can’t go into THEIR area, but if you don’t want THEM in your AREA you deserve to have your house burned down.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

Excellent point, much like in the present climate of “equal rights” it’s ok to have scholarships and preferences for minorities but not Whites, or at the university you can have a “Black” or “Latino” student group. But “White”? Doubtful.
On a slightly humorous note, you know things are getting bad if Blacks want segregation again!

Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

Baby steps. One segregation leads to another.

Stranger in a strange land
Stranger in a strange land
Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

Steve in Greensboro wrote yesterday that he was working on a “Progressive’s Dictionary” (an homage to Bierce’s “Devil’s Dictionary”). Here’s one of mine.
For the Progressive, a “racist” is someone who does not hate Whites.

I nomintate your defintion of segregation as the “S” word in that dictionary.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

Let the desire for segregation on both sides metamorphose into secessionist movements. Such a dynamic makes the ethnnostate much more feasible.

Stranger in a strange land
Stranger in a strange land
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

can’t happen soon enough

Reply to  ElysianSpiritas
4 years ago

Were those blacks using knives, they look too small to be a threat? I’d probably snap them like twigs.

Gregor B
Gregor B
Reply to  sentry
4 years ago

Maybe you could take on one of these joggers, but they always attack in packs—I prefer to call them “murders” as in “a murder of blacks”—of 5, 10, 50 even. Just like the way a pack of hyenas can bring down a healthy lion. Back in the day the only way packs of black kids were kept in line was the threat of violence from packs of white kids. Gangs of Italian, Irish and Polish kids kept the black scum out. Any city that held on to its white underclass longer avoided the worst fallout from blacks and so is… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Gregor B
Reply to  ElysianSpiritas
4 years ago

Yeah whenever someone from the church of “gun violence” starts blabbing I like to show them this: If the US was all white our “gun violence” problem would be as bad as the Czech Republic’s. We don’t have a gun violence problem. We have a black violence problem. Even mass shootings by white people are extremely rare and statistically insignificant, while there are black mass shootings at funerals, block parties and house parties every week that get little sustained national media attention because black shooters have such bad aim. The most important form of gun control that would save the… Read more »

Reply to  Adamssson
4 years ago

I still don’t get why the Las Vegas mass shooting was swept completely under the rug. This would be one of those shootings that would ordinarily be blamed on White people but the total lack of interest in covering it suggests it was some kind of op. It’s amazing that not one single group or organization is pressing on or investigating the shooting. No media is investigating. No gun violence nonprofits or foundations are digging. No groups of citizen advocates are investigating. We’re all just supposed to forget. Contrast this with Columbine where people talked about “trench coat mafias” for… Read more »

Reply to  TammySimp
4 years ago

It was probably a government op gone bad same as the Newfoundland shooting. No one is going to look into deep state stuff for good reasons, far too dangerous.
L.V. allowed some degree of at least public coverup because the terror caused by this would have crippled the economy in that entertainment driven town as well.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Adamssson
4 years ago

black shooters have such bad aim”

This will pay handsome dividends some day soon.

Reply to  Adamssson
4 years ago

Just prohibit blacks, period. They’re free to shoot as many of their fellows in Liberia as they’d like.

Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

I dare say mask-wearing is currently “America’s” most prominent taboo, along with so-called “anti-racism.” It is a taboo I break constantly, and I think I’m seeing more and more people break it as well.

Nothing wrong with mockery, though. Wear a WWI gas mask or a Darth Vader mask, or scrawl something snarky like “Mask Hysteria!” on a white mask. I think this is one insipid taboo we can destroy.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

Thankfully, people in my area are beginning to flout the mask restrictions in most situations.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

I’m not sure if you saw the story of the guy in San Diego who was hunted down by the entire city for wearing a KKK hood to the grocery store. Something that would have been seen on Jackass in the 90’s. That’s when you know you’ve hit the taboo. It also reminds us of how the 90s, despite the PC sht even back then were a long time ago.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

Mocking one taboo by breaking another. I like it. However, I’m guessing the ersatz klansman will be doing the rosary in San Q before too long.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

I think this is one insipid taboo we can destroy.

I’m not so sure. The mask taboo is not enforced by screeching SJWs or sanctimonius hypocrites in the media and academia, but by your fellow citizens.

Today, we finally got our first mask laws here in Denmark, they are now mandatory on public transportand people have taken to it like ducks to water.

So when you’re the only one in the bus without a mask and everybody looking at you like Typhoid Mary, it takes a special kind of sociophobia to not give a fuck.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

isn’t a mask really just another kind of circumcision? i mean, the men performing the circumcisions wear that exact kind of mask. this must be a difficult time for you, and your PCT (Post Circumcision Trauma), what with all the triggering sights of mask wearing strangers. just know i am here for you, any time.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Danes are a compliant people for the most part.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

Danes are followers. The only freedom they have left is stripping nude in a park and enjoying their two weeks of summer as they sun their genitals. They can’t even make right hand turns on red signals.

Felix Krull
Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

Steady on there; in the past few months the whole world has witnessed America wash the foot and don the mask, so maybe you shouldn’t throw stones.
And do you mind me asking how many Danes you’ve met?

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

I’m not being serious. A southern European would know I was pulling his leg. Northern europeans are too literal.

Felix Krull
Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

Ah. You got me.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

The peer pressure is real. However, as we slowly chip away it it, that pressure should dissipate rather quickly. In the meantime, those of us in the anti-mask van will just have to put up with dirty looks and occasionally being denied service at the grocery store.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

However, as we slowly chip away it it, that pressure should dissipate rather quickly.

Let’s hope so.

I don’t use public transport myself so I haven’t had to don the mask yet, but as the Covid deaths dwindle towards zero, I’m sure the hysteria and the restrictions will multiply correspondingly.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

And when the pandemic finally eases, the powers that be wil take credit for how much their mandatory masks, hand washing and social distancing were what made it end. And government-funded Gain of Function research will continue around the world, including in China 🙁

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

If masks worked, this “pandemic” would already be kaput.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Felix – Hope you possess that special kind of sociophobia. Know that I do, and while I hold my open mesh mask to my face upon entry/exit from a store, it hangs around my neck unworn at all other times. There have to be some of us who will buck the kind and gentle compassion bearers. Let there be an international alliance of those who don’t GAF.

Felix Krull
Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

Hope you possess that special kind of sociophobia

Me too, but my resolve hasn’t been put to the test yet and to be perfectly honest, I hope it never will.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Same here. Basically, I simply stay home. Had to go for a yearly at the doctor’s. It was humiliating. Brief discussion about how I spend my time, and I simply said I stay at home as it’s too depressing to interact with our current society. Only places I’ve been are some restaurants where mask wearing is restricted to servers. But even then, last I was there, a couple literally across the room wore masks and only pulled them down to take quick bites of food.

John Carter
John Carter
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Give it a month and rebels will start coming out of the woodwork.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Not that hard in America, which has a more individualistic tradition.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

I flout local mask restrictions. In a Walmart the other day I was the ONLY person not wearing one, until I noted two younger maskless guys as I was checking out. “Right on!” they called out, recognizing a kindred spirit. “Yep,” I answered, “it’s all bullshit anyway.” “Yessir! That’s true!” they said back to me. Nice feeling. This will spread as the virus burns itself out, even as elites try to extend it for political reasons.

Last edited 4 years ago by Jim Smith
4 years ago

Yes, painting a target on your back is suicidal as well as stupid. And the same police that will stand idly by watching Antifa/BLM riot and burn a city to the ground will throw your white ass in jail in a heartbeat for saying nigger in a public place. So how do you fight this insanity when there are no longer any adults in the room? Well, the elites have driven all the naysayers underground with a vengeance, so you must learn to fight in the dark.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

Economy will fight. Madness will always cause economy disaster. And then poverty and chaos and crime forces people to break the taboos. Communism or as you say liberal democracy will end always with economic disaster. For example, when your child is starving, you will not pay taxes anymore, you will break every last rule and regulation to run your last income source business, when security situation will be really bad, you will carry illegal gun and so on. Soviet Union came down this way.

Reply to  Juri
4 years ago

I agree that only a collapse can trigger genuine behavioral changes leading to real push-back against the tyrants that are fomenting chaos and domination. But that is only how the environment changes, not how you win. A winning strategy requires that you rigorously avoid fighting the bottom of the social pyramid and focus solely on the root of the problem. You don’t use a sledgehammer to kill a tick when a small hot matchhead will do the trick.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

Totally agree. This is worldwide problem. We down here in the Eastern Europe wasted 2 decades until we understood that we shall not fight with other dirt people about abortion or mass immigration or sexual perversity but we must attack the root cause, Soros appointed treasonous Governments. All Nazi victories in the Eastern Europe have happened running on economical platform and other popular issues. Rotten elite is the cause of all problems.And everybody who hate elite are allies.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Juri
4 years ago

Juri, may I suggest you not use “Nazi” if what you mean (I am assuming) “White Nationalist”? I only speak for myself, but I think most here in the dissident right would think they have very little in common with historic Nazi or today’s Neo-Nazi.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

I’d agree. Who in their right mind would associate with a failed movement such as NAZIism?

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Juri
4 years ago

I have a friend who lived under Polish communism and made a living then as a smuggler. “Did it worry you to break the law?” I asked him. “There was no law,” he answered, “you just did what you did to get along. Law was irrelevant.”

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

Yes. As Zman said a couple of days ago, “The guerrilla in a modern moral war must live in the shadows, turning up to mock the enemy, but always avoiding direct confrontation.”

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
4 years ago

Every so many generations a country hits hard times, and it’s only moral authority and ethnic solidarity (America in 2020 has neither) that get it through those times. The reason for the flowering of taboos, including now maskism, is that enough time has passed between the last material crisis in our history. All the people who were centered around reality are now dead, leaving a silly, shallow, hollow and boring people. Very few Americans, even in a land of millions of guns, have had bullets whizzing past them outside of a shooting range. Despite the decades’ long “hunger crisis” very… Read more »

4 years ago

Therefore you must never say the actual “N Word” but you must always literally say the “N Word”, like “hey why do N Word Americans commit so much crime?” if anyone objects to THAT because the “N Word” has ALSO become taboo to say… just start saying the N Word Word. “Hey that N Word Word stole my bike!” Which no one can object to because not only did you not say the evil word, you didn’t even say the formerly polite word that refers to the evil word. You merely said the polite word that refers to the now… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Anonymousse
Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

I never use the “N” word. Not needed any more, seems most everyone I speak with now understands the new term, “joggers”. I like that better.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

i use “joggers” too. everyone seems to know what it means, in context. i also freely use the word “negro” or “negress” freely. funny enough, no one ever calls me on that!? they shouldn’t, but still i would expect a lot more objections than are raised.

Al in Georgia
Al in Georgia
Reply to  Karl McHungus
4 years ago

I like jogging birdwatchers.

Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

Or just man up and call a spade a spade. If words are violence, then take the velvet glove off the iron fist.

4 years ago

Even mocking them can cost you your job, because language is violence. It might be better than out-and-out opposition, but pick your spots and leave yourself a line of retreat.

Reply to  MBlanc46
4 years ago

That is in fact the cycle apparent in many of the mass shootings that the Leftist media likes to focus on. First, the perpetrator endured some punishment like job loss or a restraining order for merely using words. If words are “violence” and you’re going to be punished for what you said, then in-for-a-penny-in-for-a-pound you might as well escalate to violent action. That this is a desperation move is why so many of these shooters self-deliver with their last round. For those who live, the outcome is hardly better as they are visited with the social death of being transformed… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  MBlanc46
4 years ago

According to a recent “woke” slogan, “silence is violence.” If naught else, we are constantly reminded that there is no pleasing irrational people.

4 years ago

You can break taboos, but you can’t be seen doing it in a high profile manner. Dirt people will be pretty much ignored if they are smart about it.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

You nibble around the edges of a taboo, you don’t run face first into the taboo and prove to everyone that their worst fears about you are true.

Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

agreed. but can’t stay in the shadows nibbling forever. memeing and blogging has its limits. you can be Marcus Aurelius droning on daily, but if the courtesans and even your successors won’t listen, why would it matter? you and your fellow useless secular stoics die away in their internet solitude. Saint Justin is the better example; you do need to eventually frame the taboo enforcers as worse than the taboo breaker being martyred; with good enough optics, preferably by having a worthy martyr and an undeniable sacrifice of him, this is possible. for example, it’s one thing to look like… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

It can be done locally and/or informally as long as you have sound logic and rhetoric to back it up, and as long as you keep your cool. They want to see you as a threat, that’s the main thing. For instance, I’ve said women shouldn’t vote over drinks with friends/acquaintances. The women were outraged, I calmly made my case that it’s because their emotions cloud their judgement, point out how they just reacted emotionally to me, talked about how women voting, forever wars, and national bankruptcy all coincide, the more women in government the more dysfunctional it’s become, on… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Paintersforms
James O'Meara
James O'Meara
4 years ago

” Rosa Parks would not be known to us without the support of the ruling class. Her taboo breaking was welcomed by the people in charge.”
Christopher Hitchens or Alex Cockburn mocked the “non-violence” myth for the same reason. The three “big triumphs”: India, civil rights, and apartheid, were all engineered the the powers that be. Postwar Britain wanted to offload India, civil rights was part of the Cold War effort (stop the Russians from calling attention to segregation), etc. Try nonviolence against a determined state and you’ll simply be crushed.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  James O'Meara
4 years ago

Yep. See Tenianmen Square as Exhibit A.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  James O'Meara
4 years ago

Yes. The list of successful non-violent efforts against State-sanctioned narratives and policies is bloody and short.

Balkan Fanatic
Balkan Fanatic
4 years ago

As for the system being bound to crumble because of the cost of maintaining it, you do understand that you are paying for that.Furthermore there is no significant cost in maintaining steeple that self police itself, steeple that in advance reject any rebellion other then “mockery”
What would weaken and potentially bankrupt the system is having to have thousands upon thousands of police officers week after week on the streets trying to subjugate hundreds of thousands of protesters

4 years ago

Shorter: “If you fight your enemies, they win.”

4 years ago

Look at Gobekli Tepe. Large sophisticated temple long before agriculture or settled life. Religion came very early.

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
Reply to  Steve
4 years ago

I watched a National Geographic show about Gobekli Tepe two days ago. The temple complex is massive, 900 meters squared, built in modern day Turkey by hunter/gatherers 11,500 years ago.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I’m fascinated with idea that gods are ancestors. The founder of a family that became a culture that became a civilization. The creator. That guy still held sway over potentially millions of people after many generations. Powerful man— a god.

Last edited 4 years ago by Paintersforms
Reply to  Judge Smails
4 years ago

I’m not one for conspiracy theories, but I have to admit there are a lot of things about the Egyptian sites, Giza in particular, that don’t make sense if you believe in the accepted history. Human civilization is likely much older than we understand.

American Citizen 2.0
American Citizen 2.0
4 years ago

The whole point of the new taboos is that they are not one’s that “The Patriarchy” would choose to enforce. So, the mere fact that you are rejecting one of the new taboos means that you are defending the old Patriarchy. That’s why breaking the new taboos won’t work… they want you to identify yourself as an agent of the Patriarchy so that they can enforce the new taboos on you. There is no scenario where being racist in public is going to lead to people reconsidering the taboo on racism. Feminists and non-white people are trying to institute new… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  American Citizen 2.0
4 years ago

What this all boils down to is too many people with too much time on their hands, in jobs funded somehow by the state, and those will too much to lose opposing them.

Reply to  American Citizen 2.0
4 years ago

If you are white, in a traditional family where anyone has faith or religion there’s already a target on your back. Getting pretty difficult not to be identified.

American Citizen 2.0
American Citizen 2.0
Reply to  Rich
4 years ago

That’s the whole point. They want to make you the weirdo and take away your “white privilege” so that you are worried all the time as if you live in a ghetto because they think this is what white culture did to black people.

Tom K
Tom K
4 years ago

Florence King once said that if you put a fence around the South, it would be the world’s largest insane asylum. I think that description aptly applies to the entire U.S.A. at this point. “Wake up, motherf*cker, wake up!” Wake up to what? Spear administrators and hysterical white girls invading suburban neighborhoods at 1 AM with bullhorns and searchlights yelling “Wake up, motherf*cker, wake up!”? That’s not a good look and not a good way to maintain social control. The Repubs don’t have to pin this on the Democrats. The Democrats have pinned it on themselves and despite their control… Read more »

Din C. Nuffin
Din C. Nuffin
4 years ago

We cannot “Vote our way out of this” because we didn’t “Vote our way in to it.” It isn’t elected politicians casting inoffensive queers and blacks on movies and television, or teaching our kids the virtues of Marxism in schools.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Din C. Nuffin
4 years ago

You have to wait for the collapse. Nothing will happen until the dollar spins out, and it’s an exhausting, multi-year wait.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

JR Wirth said: “You have to wait for the collapse.”

comment image

The collapse is now.

Last edited 4 years ago by Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

T’he only distinction between “change” and “collapse” is time line. That really is all we are arguing about here.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Well, Ok. Here’s the time line.

“How did you go bankrupt?” Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.”
― Ernest Hemingway
From: The Sun Aso Rises.

Last edited 4 years ago by Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Din C. Nuffin
4 years ago

Change is constant. Skirts go up, skirts go down. If your ideology is conservative, traditional and unchanging, it will succumb. The trick is to change in subtle, slow and safe ways while observing the consequences, so that you can change back if you need to. Diversity, moral relativism, and uncontrolled immigration were not subtle, slow ideological changes and as such, there is no turning back.

4 years ago

Real Taboo is White people have diversity, but other ethnic groups have unity White people divided with conservatism, liberalism, Homosexuality, Transgender stuff, and call it pseudo ideology and diversity There’s no liberalism or conservatism in the Jewish people, but they have tribalism, the best way to access wealth and power Unity is always a strength, individualism just makes you individually get attacked and defeated You don’t have to watch the News to know white men are losing, and Jews are most successful ethnic group in the United States Black and other ethnic group far better off than average white people… Read more »

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
4 years ago

many societies have practiced child sacrifice formally. we do it informally, and call it abortion. here’s something you can do: create some decent sized stick-in-the-ground signs that say “Temple of Baal” along with a picture of Baal. then go tag all the abortion clinics in your area. if you are caught, just say you are a Baal worshiper, and they will mistake you for one of their own. and that is the key to defeating this evil machine – mimicry and subversion. BLM is showing the way, by hunting trannies at night. didn’t know they were doing that? well they… Read more »

Walrus Aurelius
4 years ago

The Meme War has always been a guerilla war.

4 years ago

Hence the it’s ok to be white decals I’ve been plastering on countless parking meters all over LA. Sometimes I apply them in front of good whites walking their dog. Maybe I should rethink that tactic. What do think Zman ? I never put them on BLM posters or mailboxes thinking that might get me pinched. I do put them on the annoying scooters the fellas ride while they deliver cold food for grub hub, usually over the king Kobe memorial limited edition sticker.

Governor Pilonidal Cyst
Governor Pilonidal Cyst
Reply to  Hamsumnutter
4 years ago

I used to live in SoCal and I visit often, or at least I did prior to covid b.s. I’m pretty sure that many homes there have video cameras on their doors which record street activity with amazingly fine graularity. Many of these cameras record in infrared. Ensure you wear a yuge covid mask or somesuch, together with a skateboarder’s hoodie, before you approach the neighborhood targeted. Gloves too to avoid dna and fingerprints left behind. I now live in Chicago and every single space here is under video and other surveillance. (Yes I know I should leave but while… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
4 years ago

I did not completely follow you here: “A society that thinks sexualizing children is acceptable cannot rationally claim it is immoral to oppose the normalizing of men in dresses.” Both are irrational. A society that both sexualizes children and defends trannies is irrational and there is consistency to its embrace of these themes. Rationality does not seem to be urged at all, quite the opposite actually. Also, I disagree with you here: ” Mockery and avoidance do the opposite. It’s hard to drop the hammer on someone who is mocking your silly taboos.” It is not hard at all. Social media… Read more »

Ace Rimmer
Ace Rimmer
4 years ago

This is OT as it can be, but I have to lob this at you Zman.
Dilbert guy is stirring it up regarding Cville and the surrounding events and some of the ways that coverage and history of said event has been lacking. He’s making some really interesting assertions and I, for one, would like to hear your reaction.
This is so far out of left field that it may have resonance.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Ace Rimmer
4 years ago

It is pretty important when otherwise mainstream, anodyne people such as Adams start to rebel against State-mandated narratives. That is the part that really struck me about his full frontal assault on the Charlottesville hoax. It really is edgy for him to be full-on oppositional as he is here.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

I don’t usually have the patience for Dilbert Guy, but that’s pretty cool for a normie-right guy. He makes me wish I had an uncle or two nearby. Would be nice. Unkle Dilbert pops over on weekend. We crack a few White Claws. Watch the game on mute and casually talk politics. My relatives are cool but they’re all in the South. Poor uncles. It’s like they exist solely to be the weird guy in jokes.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

Excellent topic. I’m reading Jared Taylor’s Paved With Good Intentions (1992, available for free at Unz). Even at 28 years old, this is still an amazingly timely book, given the Woke mayhem recently and especially this year. While Taylor doesn’t make the point (so far as I know), it is no stretch to claim that Anti-Racism (call it what you like) has taken on many of the traits of a dogmatic religion. In the first place, the initial seeds of a good idea (equality of opportunity) over time have mutated into an awful charicature of itself. Second, a dogma demands… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

I was leaving the Garden store this morning and there was a normal looking guy walking through the parking lot holding his mask in his hand, waiting for the possible minute to put it on, and I looked up at him and said don’t forget to put on your face diaper on I smiled while I said it and I of course had taken mine off the minute I checked out. He looked pretty confused though. But I know he’s a normie that’s why he had his mask clenched in his fist

4 years ago

If antifa members were vanishing with no explanation, that would break a taboo and send an appropriate message.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
4 years ago

This discussion of taboos corresponds with Z’s last essay on “the large society problem” and how classical liberalism, communism, liberal democracy and fascism are all failures at solving it (not mentioned was that religions are also attempts). In the end, it’s all about who has the power to create and enforce taboos, and whether that power is the product of force or broad accord. Zman’s bombshell insight is that the solution may be “a passive ethno-nationalism organized around group identity and rights” (meaning taboos would and should be established and enforced through broad agreement within that group).

Last edited 4 years ago by Jim Smith
4 years ago

Equality before the law is one of those imprecisely-worded phrases that causes trouble. When you think about it equality is antithetical to law. Law governs conduct, so it’s essentially formalized discrimination. Then there are laws against discrimination. When you go to court you appear before the judge not the healer. It’s ridiculously contorted.

Maybe it’s a long-solved riddle. Haven’t looked into it. Idk my inner nerd is curious about it.

Last edited 4 years ago by Paintersforms
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

And perhaps this is why the AWRs want to abolish law and punishment. At least for a certain group of people.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

No doubt!

4 years ago

Zman: “This is the fundamental flaw in the current taboos. There’s no religious basis for anti-racism…There’s nothing in our history or traditions that can be the moral authority for something like anti-racism.”

Unfortunately, as we all know, the bible has plenty of implied anti-racist verses. (Lots of exclusionary ones too, of course.) But, yeah, there’s much to bolster pro-egalitarian taboos in that book and that religion.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Frip
4 years ago

comment image

Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

Christianity’s biggest problem is its universalism. If we’re all going to the same heaven, then why can’t Tyrone plow your daughter?

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

AHHSHitAHA! I dropped in on a bible study group in a Little Rock Arkansas church once. The hick leading the group a domineering know-it-all. I wish I’d thought of your question back then. I may have been roughed up by the good ole boys around me. But would’ve been worth it for the LOLZ.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Frip
4 years ago

Frip said: “…in a Little Rock Arkansas church…The hick leading the group a domineering know-it-all…”

Oh dear. The eternal animosity. City people vs country people. How depressing. What on earth was a civilised, sophisticated man of the world like you doing in Little Rock in the first place? No doubt just passing through, on your way to a real city with real people.

Last edited 4 years ago by Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

I can see how you’d take that wrong. But since I AM on the D-Right, you must know I don’t look down on poor country folk. This individual actually happened to be a hick and a know-it-all like I described him. I lived in Little Rock. One thing that bothers me about the bible is how contradictory it is. I’ve always felt bad for people (especially uneducated people) arguing over it. Like you’ll see in bible study groups. Makes you want to stand up and say “Look, NONE of you are wrong. Because it’s impossible to be right about this… Read more »

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Frip
4 years ago

Frip said: “..One thing that bothers me about the bible is how contradictory it is. I’ve always felt bad for people (especially uneducated people) arguing over it. Like you’ll see in bible study groups. Makes you want to stand up and say “Look, NONE of you are wrong. Because it’s impossible to be right about this absurd book of yours!”. Think of it this way. The old testament, to a large extent is the outer mystery. And the new testament is the inner mystery. It’s the difference between the letter of the law and the spirit of the law. And… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Official Bologna Tester
JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

mic drop.

4 years ago
4 years ago

Evolutionary anthropologist, Robin Fox uses George Orwell in many of his book and his argument is that Orwell shows that utopian systems will continue until those who believed in begins to suffer from the costs of maintaining it. I think we are also seeing elements of that in many western countries.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Thorsted
4 years ago

Evolutionary anthropologist. That sounds like a BS field with enough manure to grow a meadow of roses.

Reply to  Forever Templar
4 years ago

Evolutionary approaches to understanding social behavior, society have always been non-PC. Robin Fox came out with a book as reaction to B.F Skinners claims that human had no nature and all was learnt. That was in the seventies around the same time E.O Wilson came out with his book “sociobiology” that also said that much behavior had biological foundations. This provoked rage on the left. Steven Pinkers book “Black Slate” is also based on evolutionary assumptions and was criticized by the left. Bret Weinstein recently came into trouble at Evergreen partly because he much of his teaching was about evolution.… Read more »

Reply to  Thorsted
4 years ago

Evolutionary psychology/anthropology is an ever changing collection of new just so stories, plodding attempts to dream up a new book of genesis but this time without all that bothersome poetry, drama, and inspiration.

When we’re citing guys names Pinker and Weinstein that should give us a clue. Where is professor Shekelbergensteinfinkleschnoz on these issues, that’s what I’d like to know. I hear he has an ingenious proof that all our gentile “morals” are just arbitrarily evolved and outdated social constructs appropriate to howler monkeys.

I F’ing love science!

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Thorsted
4 years ago

Thorsted, tak! For anyone interested, I got several hits on YouTube with “Brainwash Norway” that looks like the episodes Thorsted mentions.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
4 years ago

another consequence of the phenomena presented in this post, is that high value prog individuals keep getting ‘canceled’; i.e. lots of friendly fire. it’s unavoidable when the taboos are so at odds with human nature.

Zman, do you feel/believe that the ruling class must not be seen to break taboos in public?

4 years ago
Jim Smith
Jim Smith
4 years ago

BUT WAIT: Doesn’t ethno-nationalism as a means of agreeing upon and enforcing taboos leave the door open to abuse and unjust treatment of “outsiders”? There are plenty of examples of this occurring even today (including among certain ethnic and religious groups). This may be why Zman added the adjective “passive” to his prescription, i.e. “a passive ethno-nationalism organized around group identity and rights” is the solution to the large society problem (i.e. further, how taboos are going to be promulgated and enforced in an organized community).

Last edited 4 years ago by Jim Smith
Reply to  Jim Smith
4 years ago

Each group is entitled to decide what constitutes abuses and unfair treatment.
You might not agree with my groups abuses and unfair treatment of dip-shits like you but I don’t give a damn.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Bilejones
4 years ago

The State thinks otherwise. To be blunt, Whites as a group are warned about and prevented from seeking their own self-preservation in general and pointing out their abuses and unfair treatment in particular.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Bilejones
4 years ago

And those groups should exist in distinct, sovereign polities.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Bilejones
4 years ago

So Bile, you have no problem with the way blacks treat whites in America, since “each group is entitled to decide what constitutes abuses and unfair treatment”? Try reading The Large Society Problem article and pay attention to the idea of “social norms…that are absolute, universal, and independent of kinship”. Passive ethno-nationalism answers the problem. A vicious, violent or hateful ethno-nationalism exacerbates it (as both history and experience demonstrate).

Last edited 4 years ago by Jim Smith
The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago


Dear South Korea,

I hate you.

South Korea Indefinitely Closes All Nightlife As Global COVID-19 Cases Top 23 Million

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

I’m not that excited. Korea will, in the end, simply be another example of a failed attempt at defeating a disease that can not be defeated, only lived will after it burns its way through the population.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

Z Man said: “…We’re pretty sure belief, as in spiritual belief, co-evolved with language. There’s a pretty good chance that religion co-evolved with human settlement.” Really? Who’s “…we’re pretty sure…” ? “The world cannot keep its own ideals. The secular order cannot make secure any one of its own noble and natural conceptions of secular perfection. That will be found, as time goes on, the ultimate argument for a Church independent of the world and the secular order.”  -G. K. Chesterton “An atheist is respectable as long as he does not teach that the dignity of man is the basis… Read more »

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Z Man said: “That’s the current consensus in evolutionary biology.” You said: “…we’re pretty sure…”which means your either an evolutionary biologist or at least a fellow who prefers science over faith. I’m not claiming to a great Christian. But obviously, the distruction of western Christianity is at the root of our problems. “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” -John Adams What will be a new religous foundation for us in a post-western Civilisation? Going back to the fundamentals of Christianity will be the only way… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

Going back to the fundamentals of Christianity will be a decision made for us by the Big Man. We just don’t know exactly when.

Reply to  Rich
4 years ago

Jews need to build temple first, christians will recognize him, after that he kills Enoch & Elijah, then anti Christ(jew ofc) rules for a period, then it’s Jesus Reckoning time.
That’s the gist of it.

Last edited 4 years ago by sentry
4 years ago

[…] This is the fundamental flaw in the current taboos. There’s no religious basis for anti-racism, for example. Even if there was, the people screaming about racism are flamboyantly opposed to religion. There’s nothing in our history or traditions that can be the moral authority for something like anti-racism. Republican virtue demands equality before the law and support for the basics of citizenship, but it does not require you to live next door to a black guy. In fact, it opposes such a requirement. […]

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

Off topic but worth the read.

This is an artical by Sundance over at the The Last Refuge intitled:
My Discussion With John Durham’s Lead Investigator, William Aldenberg…

4 years ago

I’m not a Star Trek aficionado, but if I recall watching as a kid, wasn’t there an episode that touched on this Community vs. Rationalism-Individualism topic? The people worshipped some stone god. Everything seemed peaceful and ran smooth. Kirk tried to get them to “think for themselves” and was rebuffed. I need to try and find that one. I may be mixing it up with the Pacifist planet episode.

Last edited 4 years ago by Frip
4 years ago

[…] ZMan indulges in a little sociology. […]