Up until not so long ago it was possible to argue that the political divide in America was over means rather than ends. Both sides had the same general goal, but they disagreed upon the course needed to get there. Alternatively, the debate was over the best possible end, which is an extension of the same debate. The fights that ensued were over the facts and the interpretation of the facts. Somewhere along the way, that changed and the debate is now centered on propaganda.
A good current example is the Breonna Taylor issue in Louisville. For the longest time, the mass media has claimed that cops murdered her for no reason. They executed a “no-knock warrant” and just opened fire, killing her in the process. This led to riots in Louisville and contributed to the summer of mayhem. It turns out that none of that was true and the Breonna Taylor story was a complete lie. The only thing true about it was the names of the people involved.
This is a familiar pattern in these cases. First, we get the incident, which often goes unnoticed by the mass media. Then sometime later the story bursts on the scene with an official narrative and a media kit, which always includes images of the victim from when they were young. In an instant, every hair-hat in the media is chanting the same lines over top the same canned video. A mob is then ginned up wherever it happened and the authorities then rush to jail some white guy.
Go back to the Trayvon Martin story and you see the same operation. First there was the well-orchestrated media campaign. Then we got protests followed by famous blacks showing solidarity by wearing hoodies. The famous blacks are heralded by the media for their courage. Then we learned that Trayvon Martin was not a boy, but a man who was bashing the head of George Zimmerman against the curb. The whole thing was a carefully choreographed propaganda campaign.
The thing about patterns is they usually indicate some common agent upstream from the observable pattern. In this case, it is becoming clear that a well-financed group is working in the shadows to create these incidents. Before the grand jury announcement in the Breonna Taylor case, someone shot video of a U-Haul truck full of riot accessories being unloaded in Louisville. The renter was easily identified by the identification numbers on the side of the truck.
It has been clear for some time that left-wing groups were involved in the civil unrest going on around the country. Groups like Antifa started showing up at Black Lives Matter protests in Portland and Seattle. The assumption has been that various left-wing groups have been drawn to these incidents, looking to take advantage of the situation in order to push their agenda. In other words, you get the incident, then the unrest and then the left-wing groups flooding the zone.
In reality, the order is reversed. It is increasingly clear that well-financed agitators are creating the incidents. They prepare the media kits, organize the mobs and then supply them with riot equipment. Then they use the media coverage, which is all based on the media kits, to rope in support from famous rich people. A century ago, bourgeois radicals joined the communist party in order to feel special. Today they provide bail money to rioters. The useful idiot is a constant.
There are two important take-a-ways from this bit of reality. One is the people behind this stuff are playing a long game. It takes years to build out the infrastructure to orchestrate something like this. It is impossible to do this in every city, which is why it has been the far-left strongholds hit with these riots. The one exception is Louisville, but maybe that was targeted for other reasons. Regardless, this has been a long-term project orchestrated by sophisticated players.
The second take-a-way is that the authorities are either compromised and unwilling to dig into these networks or incapable of doing it. The top of the country’s domestic intelligence pyramid is obsessed with right-wing extremism, a thing that is about as real as leprechauns riding unicorns. Maybe this is deliberate or maybe the people at the top are so disconnected from reality they think it is real. Either way, this has flowed down through the system. No one is looking behind these riots.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but the fact that internet sleuths are better at finding and identifying radicals caught on video than the police and FBI is important. This tubby women behind the U-Haul truck caper is a great example. Surely the cops see this stuff and report it to their superiors. Detectives could discover who owns or rented the vehicle without leaving their desk. Yet, time after time, it is internet detectives who locate the people behind some incident caught on video.
Where we find ourselves now is in a world where well-organized and financed domestic terror groups are operating with impunity in major cities. The government at all levels is either unable or unwilling to confront it. Again, it is not as if there is a mystery as to who is writing the checks to these radical networks. In cases where it is murky, a search warrant would clear it up. If the people in charge wanted to put an end to the unrest, they could do so tomorrow.
That is another clue. There’s no doubt that just as the Soviet Union was able to compromise swaths of the Western ruling class, these radical actors have been able to co-opt segments of the American Left. That means internal resistance within the ruling class to looking at who is behind this stuff. The Soviets had agents all the way into the White House in the FDR years. It is not unreasonable to think that radical actors and fellow travelers operate within the administrative state.
There may also be a mix of naivete and stupidity. What has happened this year is right out of the handbook on psychological warfare. There are the hundreds of little lies seeded in the popular culture, which in turn make the big lies more plausible, but more outrageous when they are discovered. The point of these operations is to destroy social trust and trust in the ruling class. Someone or a collection of someones is waging a psychological warfare and our rulers don’t see it.
Alternatively, instead of the political class being the pawns, it is the American people being used as pawns in some great game among the ruling class. The rioters are just useful idiots, used as stage props in a media campaign. That’s certainly possible, but does anyone think these people are that clever? Even if these people are just pawns themselves, it still leads back to the same place. We are in the midst of a psychological war on the country and no one is fighting back.
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Antonio Gramsci’s “long march through the institutions” has reached its’ destination. It took awhile, but it’s here. They’ve got the schools, movies, music, newspapers, magazines, electronic media, churches, government, corporations and more. It’s overwhelmingly depressing, but I keep telling myself we have the truth on our side. Last night Tucker mentioned to Mark Steyn that the left is at war with nature, and nature always comes out on top.
Nature always wins . . . but it is slow.
Unless nature takes the form of a tsunami.
Nature eventually won in Russia. Was the wait worth the cost?
Roger Kimball wrote a book about postmodernism called Experiments against Reality. I love that title.
“…as sure as water will wet us, and as sure as fire will burn…the Gods of the copybook headings, with terror and slaughter return.”
I used to be confused and wonder how these things could happen. Then I realized what they all had in common.
Hint: four letters long and starts with a “J”
If that’s the case they’re playing with fire. The fly in the ointment for these wannabe revolutionaries and tyrants and oligarchs is classic – and oh so wonderfully American: behind every blade of grass, there’s a rifle.
They’re not playing with Fire.
This is their business and politics. That is; Arson for the insurance money. They burn down the cities, they’ll make out good on rebuilding them as either low rent housing or to gentrify again in a generation.
Sure they hate us, but why not profit from the hate?
Arson for the insurance money is called Jewish Lightning for a reason. Basically its everything they do, all is a permutation of same.
Lotsa rifles but no organization: going nowhere we are.
As I read more and learn more, the more things make sense and fall into place.
My own personal experience with the JQ Redpill was to deny it and deny it until one day I realized the evidence was simply too overwhelming for it not to be true.
Same. It’s the residue of the extreme levels of moral conditioning we get from childhood up.
Jews have very successfully meme’d White identity into the ultimate evil and themselves as the good Chosen of God. Holocaustianity is the new Crucifixion story and BLM is the new Exodus story.
Setting yourself against this feels like deviltry until you get used to it. You have to put yourself through a form of de-programming and aversion therapy.
If you’re a Jew, and you basically own our economy, have full control of media, large banks, and everything that matters, why would would you destabilize your own base? If anything you wouldn’t want this. You don’t want sudden movements or political wind changes. You want a placid environment where Americans watch sportsball and consume as you rip them off and bend their military will to your own ends. I see other actors who have had the US dollar/Naval fleet boot on their faces for a long time. And believe me I love blaming Jews for things.
it makes perfect sense actually. If you’re a Jew, and you have been prosecuted and pushed out of EVERY nation you ever lived in (for many interesting reasons), you would want to create a world where it is impossible to prosecute you anymore. A world of chaos where whites and blacks Christians and Muslims all hate and kill each other, and don’t have time to analyze your Jewish crimes against humanity. A new world order. Watch the documentary Europa- the last battle in archive.org
There are certainly some evil ashkenazi who want to destroy, like soros, but I think most of them have a similar mindset to blacks: They’re in constant fear of the right wing. They think if they push the country far left enough, that will mitigate another Hitler or ethnocentric purge. Unlike the blacks however, jews end up in positions of power and are way more effective. I’ve been redpilling a J that I met years ago via text, but he will always vote left. He just thinks the right wing will come for them all again. The irony is, if… Read more »
Repeat; Its called JEWISH LIGHTNING for good reason.
The answer is they were losing power. If we must burn to regain the power over us, no problem. Omelettes need eggs.
If we are going to get biblical, I see the joos as nothing more than a repeat of the biblical Pharisees.
This is why they hate Christianity. God has regularly chastised those muppets when they strayed, and made them pay for it in blood.
But we must not lose perspective. The jews will not end the American empire anymore than they ended the Roman Empire. Our problems with them are a symptom of the disease, not the cause of it.
We are rotting from within. The jews and blacks are merely opportunistic parasites preying on us and our own weakness.
Very true. This is not only American problem but all white countries have a total luck for self awareness. Most white nationalists in all white countries blame the foreigners and desperately avoid the simple question, how could those foreigners entered the country in the first place. Immigration is one of the most voted question on the last 50 years and anti immigration stand is political suicide not because of foreigners but our own fellow white people vote you down. Many politicians know about downside of immigration But they also know that running from anti immigration platform mean certain loss and… Read more »
Yes, its us. Its white men that have done this to ourselves.
No, we have’nt take your guilt trip and go knit a sweater with it.
It’s white women. Feminism was the original white schism, cleaving us in half
The main problem with white people is, and always has been, white people.
I’m still reading Fuerle (“Erectus”) and he, like many authors on the Race issue, correctly points out that Blacks blame Whites (and/or “racism”) for many faults that are clearly for Blacks to solve alone. When I hear our side blame the Jews for this or that, I think some of the same psychology may be operative. Please don’t get me wrong, I am not saying Jews are innocent or don’t have outsize influence in our country. Applied to Blacks, I’m the first to agree that racism exists (in fact, I’m racist!) but having established that, it is a stretch to… Read more »
I don’t think it’s always an orchestrated takedown. They’re just always left wingers, and they happen to have slightly higher avg IQ, stricter parents, and ingrained in-group preference, so they are overrepresented in positions of influence. You can find at least one of them behind every major ridiculous left wing precedent in the federal courts in the last 80 years. They’re 25% of all billionaires, 30% of american nobel prize lauriates. It doesn’t need to be a concerted effort from a group that powerful. If they lean left, the whole country goes.
If our culture can be Africanized, it can be Judaicized.
Didn’t the Queen of Sheba already try that?
WRT comments above, please see this very informative article re: the operators behind the color revolution being foisted on America.
If BLM is the new Exodus story – they need to wander around in the wilderness for another 40 years.
And debark in the Levant.
3 words: manna from heaven
Roman Catholics, whatever their own issues and whatever bleeting comes from Rome, are still deeply mistrustful of Jews. The more ethnic the Catholic, the deeper the mistrust. This is especially true among hispanics. I mention this in the event that Trump nominates Coney Barrett. Whatever her shortcomings, she clearly triggers the Jews, Feinstein above all. If the tribe turns confirmation hearings into an anti-Catholic circus, we should not allow autism to prevent us from exploiting this opening. If the autism lives loudly within you, try thinking of it not as making allies but as opening up another front in the… Read more »
No one holds a grudge like the Jews. They will never forgive the Catholics for outmaneuvering them after the fall oft he Roman Empire.
Listening to Alex Jones/Robert Barnes today. Barrett is a Trojan horse for the Deep State. She supported the mask mandate in Illinois. She is the wrong Catholic. The Cuban gal is the one he should appoint.
Her two Haitian diversity tokens prevent me from marching under that flag.
Triggering the libs isn’t much fun anymore after I’ve watched Based Gorsuch & Kavanaugh in action.
Like too many modern Catholics, she’s a Voodeo-Christian at heart.
What passes for the “Cathoic Church” is not the same as it was. The docs of the 1960s are all about chit-chatting with our “Elder brothers in the faith”. Thats right. Barrents religion things that J*ws and nevue “catholics” hold the same faith. And Barrets “people of praise?” Thats a ecumenical protestant-like group that is very liberal. I went to a few events of theirs when I was coming back into the church and they creeped me out. They reminded me of “young life” in high school. I don’t trust her but she is better than the floridian. I really… Read more »
Pardon my ignorance, to whom are you referring with the phrase “the Floridian”? I honestly didn’t know that Notorious RBG had passed until I read somebody’s comment on it somewhere. I don’t watch the news. When I do, the loaded .40 cal I keep beside my bed starts looking entirely too tempting.
(cue rabid boomer-hater urging me to use said piece)😉
“Triggering the Libs” is political masturbation.
It accomplishes nothing, hollows out your soul, and leaves behind a mess.
is it (((johnson))) or is it )))johnson(((?

You may have a point here
I am catholic and I think it was pretty much bred into to me a mistrust of the JJJs
Which is why I find it a little strange that white protestants don’t have that same instinct or sense of revulsion. And that they have to be “taught” to mistrust them via academics like MacDonald.
Well, unlike the ancient Egyptians, the USA set up promised lands for both the Negro and the Jew successfully. The catch has been trying to encourage the aforementioned ethnic groups to move to these homelands. If these two plans ever achieve success, I have a plan to create a homeland for the Gypsies. The only gotcha there is how will we keep them in it? 🙂
I was the same with negro intellectual inferiority.
No question that, as in most things involving the upper echelons, they are over-represented. But they are not exclusive. There are plenty of non kosher confreres involved.
While it is true that our enemies are not solely kosher, those non-Hebraic opponents do not have the Tribe’s ethnocentrism and Millenia-long lust for vengeance.
True, but why do people feel the need to remind everyone of this whenever someone names the primary source of anti-White agitation – media-wise, financially, legally and intellectually?
This is a residue of the Jew taboo – “don’t look like one of those crazy Joo-haters, make sure you signal everyone how reasonable you are.”
I don’t think it’s virtue signalling when it is among disidents all by themselves, like here on the blog. You are always a bad man for thinking unapproved thoughts. If you don’t push back on the JQ-obsessed, the whole thing will turn into one giant dysfunctional antisemitism blog. Not to mention it’s true. The small hats have big influence and there is no denying that. But the small hats can’t (are are not) do it by themselves. If the small hats all went home to Israel tomorrow, we would still have a lot of these problems. The Jews are not… Read more »
I’m not too worried about this place becoming a raging hot-bed of crazed antisemitism, but if a nigga could…
The Final Cope is the idea that Jews are simply better at ethnocentrism.
The Jews are anti-White and anti-Christian in particular. Michael Medved himself said so in Commentary years back and he’s still catching intra-Tribal flak for it.
Zionism is about Jewish supremacy, not a Jewish homeland. They’re not members of the Woke Coalition – they’re the generals. And they want more than just “safety for muh Izrul.”
The Jewish idea of victory is Purim, not Appomattox.
From the linked article: This tension, of course, has long been an accusation of our enemies. But it is not an issue of divided loyalty; that is a canard. Rather, the sense of disquiet is a natural accompaniment to being the outsider, the marginalized one who does not feel fully at home. This is the central truth of the creedal nation, there is no such thing. Identity runs deep. They act the way they do in our nations precisely because they are not members of our nations, but are outsiders. There is nothing especially evil about them. Muslims are doing… Read more »
To me, this goes back to heresy, which J*ws constantly fomented. There were always greedy Catholics who would side with jews for gain, but with the full acceptance of protestantism as “Christian”, the tiny hats had no problem in getting wild-eyed heretics to go along with, contraception, abortion, dirty movies sodomy, you name it. Yes, the European man is to blame, but whiteness cannot hold us together, it must be something deeper. At one time the whole world was Catholic. The best of the world. For a thousand years! The last 100 seems to be the last gasp of what… Read more »
Purim!! Oh! Oh! I remember this one. We studied it in Sunday School! That’s where evil Persian Visier Haman, to get revenge on Jew Mordecai, hoodwinked Persian Emperor Xerxes into issuing a decree allowing anyone who wanted to to be able to kill any Jew they felt needed killing without having to.be worried about being prosecuted for murder. Also, they could appropriate said Jew’s money or property and it would be hunkey dorey. This forced the heroine of the story, a Jewess named Hadassa (Persian name Ishtar – I always thought it odd that a book of the Hebrew Bible… Read more »
(comment moved to Glenfilthie)
Here’s an insensitive ethnic joke, but with a teaching purpose. (Heck, even Google might allow it with such a disclaimer.) Three white nationalists are walking on a beach and one finds a brass lamp. He rubs it. A Genie appears. “Sorry guys I don’t look like Barbara Eden, but I shall grant you each one wish.” The first guy says, “Send all the blacks to Africa.” “Done.” says the Genie. Second man: “Send the Jews to Israel.” Genie nods, “Done.” Finally, the third man thinks a moment and says, “I’ll have a Diet Coke.” Now, this joke is funny in… Read more »
Good point. (Dirty protestant trash…)
One is not obligated to mention the arms whenever one makes reference to the octopus.
You will know Americans are serious about fighting back when and only when they are willing to call out the four-letter word beginning with a J
Even if just in a humorous way. But something
This is not a fight that can be won or even organized until people are willing to break that taboo and be open and honest about who is largely behind our problems.
Sounds like blaming everyone else for your problems, really. Humor is ultimately a cope, not a weapon. Until American whites stop feeling sorry for themselves and get their stuff together, they’ll continuously be taken advantage of. Antisemites, ironically, have it worse because they’re stuck in a holding pattern of who defines them; in this case Jews. Zman’s observation of that negative identity problem isn’t original. You see the same thing in a abused women and American blacks,
I note that the Zman rarely says the J-word.
Like the N-word, we’re not supposed to actually notice who is doing a majority- per capita!- of the looting.
No no no This not coping JJJs are a problem for us. If you can’t see how they are actively trying to harm us, then you’re blind or willfully ignorant But onto to my point, which is that too many whites are scared of calling them out or actually putting two and two together and see how they are responsible for so much of the trash in our lives and the pushing of multiculturalism, marxism, afro-centrism, whatever the case may be which all has the same result of weakening our culture and our people. They don’t weaken me, I have… Read more »
Have you seen a documentary Europa – THE Last Battle on archive.org? It’s all there, it’s long but worth it, you’ll understand everything.
I watched the early part of that “documentary”. It seemed to me that it was an admixture if some facts, many half-truths and a boatload of innuendo and creative interpretation. I really got the kind of vibe that I get watching that “Ancient Aliens” guy with the wild hair. However, I did bookmark the video (it’s over an hour long) for future watching. Still, though, my bravo sierra detector was going off a lot. Some of the documentary seemed similar in tone to that thoroughly debunked screed “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”. But then I’m as skeptical of… Read more »
The Jews need America. Nowhere have they had it so good. We made Isreal possible. What is their end-game?
Second, if there are three Jews, there are four opinions. No way they can coordinate. Hell, look at how many Jews sympathize with Palestinians.
There are Jews who do everything they can to blend in and there are Jews who do everything they can to stick to their own. It is not a monolithic group.
Yes, there are enough of them who are not self-loathing that they advocate for Jews. But this is exactly what whites need to do.
And there’s another point about these manufactured outrages over police brutality: they’re always fake. The police (or the civilians in Trayvon and jogger cases) just follow procedure. So why don’t they pick actual victims of police brutality for poster boys? Because if the “victims” were actual victims, you’d see the responsible police officers go to jail, and then there’d be no systemic racism to riot over. The police need to be innocent or the scam doesn’t work. Then there’s the element of provocation: joggers don’t care if people are habitual criminals, but white people do. Championing violent criminals as civil… Read more »
I took an aikido class and we trained for kneeling on someone’s neck. You don’t have to apply pressure, just keep your knee a couple of inches above his neck and he isn’t going anywhere no matter how big he is. In class I tried the technique on my training partner—by coincidence he’s a cop half my age and 6″ taller than me. Yup it works.
I wrestled for a dozen years. Control the head and you control the body. Watch NCAA wrestling and you see this plain as day.
In the movie platoon one of the characters (Bunny?) said “When your mind is free your ass will follow.” The inverse is also true.
‘Free your mind and your ass will follow’ – George Clinton circa 1970 (Funkadelic).
“Free your ass and your mind will follow” — Bill Clinton circa 1997.
Works for football and politics as well.
Derek Chauvin demonstrated the correct way to take a knee for a black criminal.
Say it right there first time, and you won’t have to say it a second time.
That’s a good observation. They must be fake because the cops must be unpunished. The only time you get both a dead black and an unpunished cop is when the shoot is good, so all these shoots are good.
How do you explain the failure of some deplorable someplace to start with the pew-pew?
How do you explain the failure of some deplorable someplace to start with the pew-pew?
My guess would be that they don’t want to go to jail for ten lifetimes, but it’s probably something you’d better ask an American about. I never understood why firearms were part of the American political conversation to begin with.
It will happen. It’s just a matter of time.
But why? To what purpose? Who are you going to shoot?
I’m not against gun ownership and if I lived in America I’d probably want one myself, depending on where I lived, but I just don’t see how this militia stuff is going to work out in real life.
Are you seriously considering challenging A-10s and AH-64s with rifles and fertilizer bombs?
in a nutshell, not one of those assets works without a finger on the button, and all those fingers know how community karma works.
I’m talking about a lone shooter offensively taking out a few ANTIFAGS or BMs, and I’m not saying it’s wise. But it’s bound to happen.
As for a more broad-scale conflict, keep in mind the terrible difficulties the USSR and US had in Afghanistan. Technological superiority does not automatically lead to victory. Additionally, I remain skeptical of the willingness of the military to use overwhelming force against a white separatist movement. In fact, I think a large segment of the military would likely defect to our side.
Excellent point about the police needing to be innocent in order to push the scam. Never saw that angle before and yet it is almost universal in these cases. Thank you.
And then you have cases like Daniel Shaver. https://tinyurl.com/ybxf6c9b
Alas, real victims of grotesque police brutality are hard to find, and they’re rarely black.
They have DAs all over the country on constant lookout for these cases, you’d think they could find one or two.
You make some good points, but here’s one you miss: The BLM guys have to lie about nearly all the incidents, because cases of actual police misconduct are very rare, compared to the vast majority of arrests with or without injury/death to suspect. As I note above, I think Breonna is a plausible case of police bad luck, not to say misconduct, although based on the reports I read, I’m surprised one or more officers wasn’t charged with manslaugter or involuntary homicide. Breonna’s family also has received a whopping compensation, for wrongful death I assume. I go on red alert… Read more »
The BLM guys have to lie about nearly all the incidents, because cases of actual police misconduct are very rare. They don’t HAVE to. While actual cases of police misconduct may be rare, they could easily rustle up a handful in a country of 330 million people, and then they wouldn’t have to lie. Yet, I must admit, racism does exist. Western man towers over the rest of the world in ways so large as to be almost inexpressible. It’s Western exploration, science and conquest that have revealed the world to itself. Other races feel like subjects of Western power… Read more »
Not hating them, not treating them as an enemy, is the worst racist insult imaginable.
that quote is a golden nugget of insight. thanks.
This article by Ann Coulter on the Omaha bar owner and subsequent suicide:
There is everything in this piece to make you hate them all forever.
What will our side do about this or can do?
What will our side do about this or can do? Who’s stopping you? Be like that farmer in the opening scene of “The Flight of the Intruder.” He’s plowing the field behind his ox and hears a jet flying up the valley. Unslings his WWII-era rifle, takes aim, and shoots. Goes back to plowing his field. Has no idea if he hit anything or not, has no emotional investment in the outcome. Pure Zen serenity. Probably shoots at a dozen planes a day, didn’t know in this instance he killed the bombardier. Of course I’m speaking of rifles and… Read more »
Of course I’m speaking of rifles and shooting metaphorically.
Oh good, I was setting up a blind in my backyard until I re-read this part. I can do metaphors.
I am a monk of peace. That said these people have names and addresses. Feel free to pick one, show up at their home, and give their family a one-man mostly peaceful protest.
A Greek tragedy for the 21st century.
An alternative ending might have been to drive his vehicle to the abode of any random…demonstrator, park it their living room and commence a 360 degree mostly peacefully protest.
From her piece: ”We have all the guns.” falls flat indeed. the Conservative equivalent of “diversity is our strength”. Maybe if we just repeat the mantra louder it will start to make a difference. A soldier, patriot, Trump voter, taxpayer small business owner, 2A practitioner, with two trusted fellow Americans. Still not enough. Death by the mob or by his own hand the cause is the same. Anyone who has been unilaterally compelled to run the “Family” Courts gauntlet can easily draw many eerie parallels. They want you dead or enslaved. They get what they want. The war on men… Read more »
Arms are useless without the will to use them.
Mao was exactly right when he said true power comes from the barrel of a gun.
So is it separation? Complete withdrawal? Building insulated and self-reliant communities? Or is it vote harder? muh guns? Civil war now twit memes? The Big Question: What Now? White minds want to know. Consensus is the war will come for us all. Okay. The low hanging fruit appears to be city dwellers. Then move out to the suburbs. The rural question is a bit more fuzzy for me. Do nomads fair better? Is there a strategy for small, rural communities to stay off the radar? If building a close-knit cell of like minds, what number of people engages the law… Read more »
I live in hurricane country. After the first storm you learn: nobody is coming to save you. Plan accordingly.
But the real issue is that its global. The entire Western World Has Fallen simultaneously to this. The UK and Australia are deploying troops to enforce lockdown rules. And I think everyone knows at this point that means they’re only policing white people. Every now and then you’ll see an article about how well the nations of Africa are doing managing covid. We all know that’s not true, they’re not managing this better than all the industrialized nations, it’s just not that bad. The global death toll is going to hit 1 million soon. Of course a lot of those… Read more »
A disease that kills people over 70 and/or with serious comorbidities – there’s something you don’t have to worry about in Africa.
It’s still worth hitting over mask-moonbats over the head with this since it is literally impossible for them to craft a come-back since it would violate their “anti-racist” programming.
Fatties and old people, mostly.
Of which Africa has neither, and the US has more than it’s fair share.
Is thought AU was, but the UK? I had a quick perusal of The Guardian, a paper always keen for government to enforce the common good, and I could not see such a report. Nothing from the BBC either.
In the UK’s case, the absence of any real wars for our lads in the forces means that make-work is coming their way. It has hit other public entities hard so why not create some more.
I think the bobbies are too busy hunting down people saying unapproved things on the interwebs to bother with covid violations. Scratch that, they dont seem to mind calls for jihad from the “new Englishmen”, just the pale old ones that notice (and really, what is an Englishman? Mary Beard proved beyond a reasonable doubt that even the Romans in Britannia were entirely sub-saharan Africans to a man).
Some MP made a speech requesting Boris Johnson use the military. He, at last word, had not risen to the bait.
Johnson did rise to the bait.
The police rejected the offer.
Oh no, I saw a vid where a gaggle of bobbies were not only surrounding and threatening an unmasked man out walking his baby stroller– then one of them sneakily kidnapped the baby.
For all intents and purposes, Australia already is a police state and has been one for decades. But it has not been flooded with Third Worlders to the extent the UK, US and Canada have been. Maybe it is just a matter of time, but that’s the situation there. Mind you, the Aussies have too much immigration, too, but not to the blatantly anti-White levels seen throughout the rest of the Anglosphere (excepting New Zealand, too).
I was in Sydney last year and I must remark that there were minimal joggers. Repeat, minimal joggers. But of course they have the aborijoggers. The most alarming thing was my arrival at the airport. Upon proceeding to luggage collection, I noticed that out of the six flights I could see on the board, five came from China. Upon leaving the airport and driving into Sydney proper, for a good two miles every billboard was advertising some Chinese built apartment blocks. Then there were the stacks of ‘Chinese-AU’ hybrid people milling about Sydney. but not to the blatantly anti-White levels… Read more »
Things can change quickly, and it has been three years since the last time there, but based on my last visit and twenty or so previous to it, the following: Australia’s primary immigrants are the Chinese. Since at least the Eighties the Chinese presence has been sizeable in Sydney. Only in the last ten years or so has that been mildly true throughout the country. Vast swaths of Australia remain almost exclusively White, including Melbourne, which is a huge city. Most of its immigrants are from Western Europe to this day. Australia has absolutely no free speech to mention when… Read more »
Diversity showed its benefits during the COVID crisis. The 3rd worlders basically don’t give a single shit about “social distancing”. The whites kind of take cues from them and things are pretty normal here.
In all-white goodwhite cities/areas though, they are going insane about this. They are truly lunatics, living in constant fear and putting themselves into a depression to “fight covid”.
The 3rd Worlders are also intelligent enough to be out grifting and scamming welfare instead of sitting around watching CNN and NPR like goodwhite flunatics.
This is my experience too. I’m actually glad I live in a diversity. Most of the ones that are burning are white
No need, even if Beer Flu was real.
HCQ is handed out like candy across the continent as a malaria prophylactic and zinc can be picked up in their diets.
One million what? Total deaths from COVID? So what? That is still not much worse than a normal-to-bad flu season.
The USA alone is not far from the 200,000 milestone (tombstone?) The Great Google says that 130,000 people die daily worldwide, all causes. Last I checked, excess deaths (USA) is actually LOWER recently than it was a year ago, pre-pandemic.
I do agree that no sensible person would take any statistic coming from Africa with any seriousness. Even many of the stats from developed countries should be looked at skeptically, as we’ve already seen multiple times with the wonderful CDC/WHO.
I think it amusing that the likely funder of these operations, George Soros, has become the Voldemort of our times. As Newt Gingrich found out on Normie-Con red meat network Fox, saying his name will get you shut down. What do we know about Soros? He has poured money into DA races nationwide to elect turn-em-loose-Bruce types that refuse to prosecute many crimes, especially when committed by blacks under the whole lie of “disparate impact.” I wish the Trump Administration would do more to follow the money and arrest the financiers. The black-clad brownshirt “antifascists” are nothing more than drug… Read more »
It’s amazing that almost every incident that the national media has blown up depicting Whites as “out to get the black man” has not turned out to be the way they described it after thorough investigation. Trayvon, Michael Brown, Smollett, Bubba Wallace, St. Floyd, the Jogger, the Kenosha guy, now Breonna Taylor. Just by random chance you’d think a few of them would go their way. But I suppose it doesn’t matter to them. Who cares about the truth, since the cities will burn anyway.
Doesn’t matter to blacks, when you have an 80 IQ and are highly emotional you’ll get worked up.
Works on goodwhites too, they want to feel guilty so they lap it up too.
The Derb calls it “Narrative Collapse”.
It’s so very, very predictable.
The point is to engineer anarcho-tyranny in the moment. Subsequent debunking isn’t really a problem.
It is plainly obvious neither Trump nor Barr (unless he is actively working with the Left) never had operational control of the government.
pretty sure many army generals are globalist marionettes from obama period, trump needs to replace them & the important figures from secret services & then go after leftists full force, mainly soros, someone needs to make an example out of that filthy jew.
Trump should have been purging the government, especially the military, since day one. Even if the rest of the government remained disloyal, he could have used the military to enforce his will on a select few bureaucrats to keep the rest in line. Instead, because he’s an idiot, he did nothing and just expected these Marxist traitors to kiss his ring. That’s what he did by offering Mitt Romney a position as SOS. The guy later voted to impeach him. Lol. He also hired a Ted Cruz spy who spent years working to undermine him. When she was discovered, he… Read more »
Trump not brooming every position he could on day zero and filling them with loyalists is going to be a fatal mistake.
Agreed. I knew that would happen when, in the immediate aftermath of the 2016, Trump went on SIXTY MINUTES and told Leslie Stahl he would not seek HRC’s prosecution. But the silver lining was the Deep State still did not suck up to Trump, which would have worked, and went full bore on a coup.
Barr is legacy deep state. He started working for the CIA when he was still in college and was the one who pushed for Bush-the-elder to pardon the Iran-Contra conspirators at the end of his term. As Chief Executive Trump is/was not compelled to hire/retain the likes of Barr, Pompeo, Wolf, Bolton, etc. Yet he did.
He literally can’t process a scenario so far into one of the distribution’s tails.
It’s like my Silent Gen parents. They literally shut down if I even start hinting at the idea we may not have a nation 6 or 7 weeks from now.
Same with my Boomercon father. He drones on about low taxes, ending identity politics, and how hard work and individualism are what makes the West great. Hard working himself and highly intelligent. Bring up demographic change and it’s like a brick wall slams down around his mind. He gets really uncomfortable and says some vague platitudes like “they will assimilate over time”, “I think everything will work out”, etc. Or lately he just stops talking and effectively ends the conversation. These are just gentle redpills I drop, nothing crazy. He’s either actually so conditioned that he’s not able to process… Read more »
It sounds like the second stage of grief, denial. My late father died in the middle of the coup attempt and was transitioning from shock to denial, and sounds much like your Dad. It is hard for anyone who lived in the immediate aftermath of post-war America to accept the United States has become such a disgraceful shithole.
reminds me of german veterans crying in nazi museum, present is unthinkable to past europeans, they really thought future can only go upwards, that’s why i hate optimism, i am a cynic till the end
Same with my Boomer aunt. She’s a republican but goes on and on about “the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King.” I point out to her that the left doesn’t believe any of that stuff, demands segregation, and promotes racism and she goes blank. She even went to one of those BLM struggle sessions a few months ago and got Covid and spread it around to her family, one of whom is in his 70s and had a severe reaction to a medication they gave him (but survived — barely) … and all because “muh legacy.”
Grim on too many levels to count.
Antifa can break out riot-shields etc. while guys like Rise Against Movement got years of jail for taping their fists. Getting yourself out of proximity with non-Whites and their Antifa vanguard has never been more urgent or important. You can and will go to prison (to be brutalized and murdered) for defending your family, your life and your home or business. As I mentioned in my comment on Greg Hood’s “Orania vs. Freedomtown” post at Unz and in response to Striker’s piece there on Jake Gardner, it’s increasingly clear that the legal system is a one-way ratchet and meat grinder… Read more »
The pushback has to start locally with communities of Our Guys within White super-majority populations who assume positions of leadership and influence and even electoral office .
The guys on this site think voting is a waste of time. Now you want them to run for office.
We’re saying voting for Sleepy vs. Orange Judas is a waste of time, not the local sheriff who decides who to lock up or his buddies at the courthouse.
voting for Sleepy vs. Orange Judas is a waste of time
I disagree. You witnessed how globohomo has exposed itself like never before once Trump was elected President. They’re in a tailspin and reelection will send them into mach tailspin. Provided you want to get the show a’goin’, reelecting Trump is smart.
Vote for Trump.
The reason to vote for Trump, really the only reason, is to make the State further reveal how corrupt and fraudulent it is when they try to overturn the results or refuse to recognize them if he wins.
At the very least to cancel a vote for Biden.
I’m not saying that all. I’m saying vote for Orange Judas, hope he wins, and make the State further discredit itself by denying the results or stealing the election. That’s another potential tool. I get your argument but the idea that just because Sleepy wins Whites suddenly will wake up and smell the coffee is a real stretch and has no factual or historical basis. My guess is the anti-White oppression would tamp down some if Biden won and Whites would go back to sleep themselves. Being openly disenfranchised might do the trick and wake up Whites, though.
Voting is worthwhile as a tool when it is available as one that matters. Local offices, where a friendly official actually matters, is an instance where the tool is useful
The guys on this site think voting is a waste of time. Now you want them to run for office.
I see no contradiction. Be the one to count the votes, not the dupes voting.
Also, as Exile writes below, office is not just about federal government, you can do a shitton of good on your local school board or fire department. Remember, with every political office comes money that you can give to your friends.
“The government at all levels is either unable or unwilling to confront it.” They’re funding it. That “report” that claimed 93% of riots were “peaceful”? Funded by the State Department: https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1308984147592044545 Of course, corporations are funding it too, and they’re not even hiding it: they’re loudly trumpeting their money laundering in the media. This is why when I heard the FBI was dispatched to Louisville last night to “help” the local police, I laughed with derision. As if that hive of homosexuals would “help” anyone but the rioters themselves. FBI probably went to help BLM and Antifa with logistical support… Read more »
There is very little doubt the FBI was dispatched to make sure their pet terrorists were treated as well as possible.
That was always the play through the entirety of the Obama years where some hug conglomerate would get “caught” doing something naughty, they would then be “fined” with the fine going to “community groups” that were really nothing more than marxist fronts. After Trump was elected there was a move to wash those fines through the treasury first (and probably last), not sure what happened to it though.
First–this is excellent, very well done. And here we get at the nut of it: The second take-a-way is that the authorities are either compromised and unwilling to dig into these networks or incapable of doing it. The top of the country’s domestic intelligence pyramid is obsessed with right-wing extremism, a thing that is about as real as leprechauns riding unicorns. Maybe this is deliberate or maybe the people at the top are so disconnected from reality they think it is real. Either way, this has flowed down through the system. No one is looking behind these riots. It is not… Read more »
Pretty sure Barr and Durham are simply golems sent to keep normie cons asleep by running out the clock until after the election, whereupon everyone will be so distracted by the lawfare, ballot harvesting, and potential coup it won’t matter anymore.
That’s very possible, but the bottom line is Barr and Durham could not prosecute those behind the failed coup even if they wanted to do so.
This piece on Unz by Mike Whitney, an old-time Lefty, tell the bald truth about the coup attempt: treason.
Who is Durham? I forgot.
Nice to know that Covid funds are paying for some of the rioters bills: https://nationalfile.com/bail-project-linked-to-antifa-u-haul-got-up-to-1m-in-federal-covid-funds/
Beer Flu is cover for the all-time great bust out/looting operation.
The takeaway is that this IS a conspiracy. Part of a bigger conspiracy. Not just coincidences, nor incompetence, nor accidents, nor just idiots having access to social media etc…
Have you seen a documentary Europa – THE Last Battle on archive.org? It’s all there, it’s long but worth it, you’ll understand everything.
it absolutely is. i’m going to keep posting this link, which IMHO should be info going viral.
I think that it is likely, given the crop of people who tend to rise to the top of these entities, that they just cannot be bothered to do the hard work to find out. Especially when said hard work may reveal truths that will mark you out as the enemy, then you can kiss your status goodbye.
There is that. When the subject of Ottomans enslaving whites comes up it’s a bit of a puzzlement since during a big piece of that time frame there were several huge navies in Europe. It’s not as if they couldn’t do something, it’s just that the rulers couldn’t be bothered. Another tell too is the enforcement of gun laws. For as much as the leftists in charge of cities complain about guns, they rarely charge gun crimes, and if they do the sentence is usually pled down and rarely enforced itself. Like so much, it’s too much like work: everyone… Read more »
I remember a documentary by Peter Hitchens that was about the EU. I believe he went into a large room, full of books; these, he revealed, were all the volumes of European Union legislation thus far produced. I immediately thought: ‘No wonder this Brexit thing isn’t getting done, who the hell wants to sift through that lot!’. That’s the thing, as our systems become larger and far more complex, the work to restructure and reform them just becomes far too daunting. Granted, there are men out there who relish such a challenge, but they a few and far between. It… Read more »
The EU, like the US simply cannot be reformed.
i often find myself wishing i were creative enough to find new slow, terminal physical torments for creatures such as this (see the picture):
Nigel Farage once said he had the personality of a damp rag. Probably an insult to damp rags.
The Ottomans and Crimean Tatars were enslaving whites from the east. The Venetians were profiting from the trade. It stayed in the east, so the west did not care.
True. But simultaneously, North African Moslems were enslaving Europeans from Sicily to the Netherlands.
The function of the rulers was to perpetuate their rule over their land. Second was acquiring additional lands.
There was no way they were acquiring the Ottoman Empire so military action was a waste of their own personal resources.
I’ll wager DHS branding white supremacists the major US domestic threat is quite deliberate. DHS is to be employed as the primary vehicle used for suppression of rights and liberties (particularly 2nd amendment) of legacy americans.
I have thought for a long time that the nations authorities are intentially not pursuing the radical left organizations in the streets. And the rabbit runs deep. I work for a company Trump tweeted about in the past when the company was for sale but because the transaction required government approval the DOJ was involved. The DOJ showed its colors. The DOJ ignored Trump in my companies case before it. The DOJ ignores Barr. Barr has no more influence than Trump over his own agency or Barr is a insider who is very good at the game. We really are… Read more »
Who is there to fight back? The entirety of the government is compromised one way or another and the general population is either too stupid, oblivious, or afraid to act. I’m currently at a place where masks aren’t required (a lone oasis of sanity) and probably half the people are still wearing them and giving the stink eye to people that aren’t. Given the current situation I wonder how we managed to advance as far as we have.
Most people are just followers. They don’t drive any “advancements”.
The most infuriating thing is that everything they claimed happened to Breonna Taylor actually DID happen to someone else, but he was a white male, so of course he got no attention or sympathy. Duncan Lemp is the real victim. The fake Breonna Taylor story is really the true Duncan Lemp story.
“The point of these operations is to destroy social trust and trust in the ruling class.” Hence the right needs to stop seeing government as the problem and start seeing it as the solution. Also hence the restraint on the right, when you get down to it. There’s no more legitimate function of government than keeping the peace. The rank and file know this and know what happens if government fails in its responsibilities. What has yet to happen is the realization that if we’re going to salvage the nation, we’re going to have to seek institutional power. In other… Read more »
I upvoted and would agree but it seems too far gone this time. But, yes, it always was a mistake to leave the governance to bad people.
Others have speculated, and I think they’re on to something, that we’re being set up for an eventual Thermidorian Reaction. In that case, why not co-opt instead of settling for tptb’s version of the right. Or it could be the left is genuinely sacrificing the institutions they control to get Orange Man.
From a civilizational perspective, what is there to lose? From an individual perspective it’s bold, but fortune favors the bold. Almost makes me wish I was born this century for the opportunity to really make a difference.
We may know in a few months. Terror’s reign seems to be just getting wound up but we’ll see.
Where we find ourselves now is in a world where well-organized and financed domestic terror groups are operating with impunity in major cities. The government at all levels is either unable or unwilling to confront it. Again, it is not as if there is a mystery as to who is writing the checks to these radical networks. In cases where it is murky, a search warrant would clear it up. If the people in charge wanted to put an end to the unrest, they could do so tomorrow. I came to a similar realization about the bullshit “war on terror”… Read more »
RS, There are people posting here who have buried family members who served in the forever wars. My “last straw” was after the Pensacola base shooting. Do you think you could muster .000 . . .% of Americans who want to spend their tax dollars training Saudis to fly jets? I think not. Yet we have no say. On it goes.
Look, they have a good plan. Maybe a great plan. That organization that pays bail for their criminals and rented the U-Haul with the riot gear in Louisville has a presence in dozens of cities and a web site complete with “Who We Are” photos of all the enemies of the human race right there, plain as day. That’s real organization. So, really good plan.
And everybody has one until they get punched in the mouth.
Tyson (I assume) had no idea of the depth contained in that bit of philosophy.
Tyson is a reader I suppose…
Aha – Mike’s reading von Moltke is likely then the source of where he picked up this bit of wisdom
Iron Mike has a tatt of von Moltke on his face. No foolin’.
Tyson’s critique of the Schlieffen Plan is required reading for any student of WWI.
Tyson reads until his lips get tired.
And it’s serious business, played for keeps. Smarter wins ultimately, so get smart now. The problem is not the useful idiots at the bottom of the social pyramid. Focus. Go dark. Be opportunistic and spontaneous. Use what you know. Accidents happen.
Media making stuff up is nothing new. Back in the mid-fifties our local newspaper fabricated a story about my Dad out of whole cloth. The media likes to brag about layers of editors and fact checkers but the reality is they aren’t much better than Granny on the party line a hundred years ago.
To me it’s not so much the stuff they make up: It’s the stories they relentlessly promote vs. the stories they bury. You know, like little white kids being shot in the head or tossed off balconies in malls by grown-ass joggers.
There are two worlds, the one before 1964 and the one after. Our empathy well is being drained dry for what comes next. The target is the hominids who are incompatible with western civilization who will never assimilate.
Apparently the CivNats are planning another event in Portland on Saturday. This should go swimmingly.
The ultra patriotic civ nat “Rambo Biggs” types are starting to irritate me more than the Antifa types.
They parade around like a bunch of fucking morons, shout stupid shit, and in a lot of ways are more uniformed than their adversaries.
At least Antifa knows they are working for the Jews. The civ nat imbeciles don’t realize they are just the right flank of the Jews.
>They parade around like a bunch of fucking morons, shout stupid shit, and in a lot of ways are more uniformed than their adversaries.
Sounds like some people I used to know a few years back.
Hard men often have to learn hard lessons the hard way.
But these guys are on our team, and more than a few of them understand this. They have figured out a way to get out in the street without drawing the full state response.
Suggesting, directly or not, that they are agents of international Jewry is unproductive and defacto anti-white.
This might just be another troll to draw Antifa out and get it to fight and attack fellow leftist travelers. Apparently the Proud Boys “event” in Philly was just such a troll: they never had any intention of going and just wanted Antifa to go crazy for the show.
And it worked too: without any boogeymen to fight, Philly Antifa just started attacking random neighborhood people and its own members. Perfect destabilization.
Heh. Kind of like putting a bunch of different bugs in a jar and shaking it up.
We’re made a lot of enemies around the world over the last 70 years. It’s not unreasonable that each one of these enemies has an operations budget to launder into these very groups. It’s the price we pay for continuous meddling.
That’s the thing I keep coming back to. Let’s take the U-Haul woman. She is a fatty, so we know she is not skipping meals. That means she has a salary from a job that allows her to travel around the country. People have identified her at other events. So, the Feds could pick her up and then get a warrant to look at her finances. Or, they could just take a peak without a warrant. The person signing her check is the next stop. Creating a reason to look at that firms books is not that hard. Where are… Read more »
Chris Wray is a Deep State plant (and just as crooked as Comey, cut from the same cloth). Don’t expect anyone at FBI to chase the Antifa/BLM criminals. Ain’t gonna happen. The whole Bureau is rotten, through and through.
The forever war on terror justified an entire MIC industry around “Follow the money”, Threat Finance. The problem is of course that the system tasked to that objective happens to be part of the bigger System that happens to be the biggest financier and clearing house of war and terror in all of human history. So the hunters must hunt “bad guys”, the arbiter of “bad” being the shadow it casts on a particular day at a particular time, which is determined elsewhere within that system based on Noneya. Luckily all that infrastructure is not wasted as the legislative, regulatory,… Read more »
Must be kosher ham…good stuff, Screwtape.
It’s really obvious that a Federal prosecutor could roll up the whole organization in a week or two. Much easier than getting people to flip on the mob. They just don’t have the political will or cover necessary.
U-Haul Lady is all the proof needed to demonstrate how ludicrously corrupt federal “law enforcement” has become. The odds are far higher the FBI is investigating who exposed U-Haul Lady’s identity rather than checking into her financial ties and involvement in domestic terrorism.
Case closed on the State’s protection of Antifa and BLM terrorism now.
Yes. Absolutely. There’s no free lunch and someone needs to find the ones buying her lunches. So many of these non-profits with egalitarian names. And so interesting that Obama had a gatekeeper watching 501c3s who went after the tea party ones while the Antifa related ones sailed through.
Tucker got into this a couple of weeks ago. He said on his own he came up with a name in very short order (I think it may have been “Black Visions”), so why hasn’t our good old gubmint revealed every rung on the ladder by now.
But hey, we’re still getting shamed for not wearing masks and we should just move along cause there’s nothin’ to see there.
The CEO of twitter threw a few million at her organization.
It really is time to start throwing the aiding and abetting terrorism charges at the bastards.
You have just given an excellent reason to not have e-mail, phone records, financial statements. Of course some of these cannot be avoided. But you should keep the paper (and digital) trail in mind if you plan to organize.
In poll after poll US citizens want us to be less involved in world affairs. Yet the opposite happens. No matter which party is in charge. It’s as if politicians say one thing to get elected and then do the will of their globalist masters.
And if that’s the case, they will be only too happy to abet the dissolution of the US by funding our side once we finally get our merde together, organize and begin taking action.
I think your mention of “internet sleuths” is important. There are a lot of people online who know what’s going on. The question is how much of the Online Realist Right worldview can bubble up into the official channels of power–and how fast. People know that some of Tucker Carlson’s team, and some of the Republican aides, are supping at the online d-right trough. And I like how the Revolver website is trying to migrate certain issues into the Overton Window. But it’s still going to be a challenge to valorize our anonymous, scattered, but huge Online Realist Right as… Read more »
4chan could have the entire Antifa/BLM/Marxist network rolled up for a RICO indictment in a week.
Zman: in a future post, would you put your steel trap mind to what a “separation” scenario might look like? The more detail on a practical level the better. I’ve been thinking about it and concluded it would not happen until there is a leftist puppet in the White House. A Repub like Trump would not allow it to happen causing true chaos. With the leftists pushing back the bullets will really begin to fly. I don’t even see necessarily states per se pushing for separation but regions i.e. “outstate” areas. Would love to read your thoughts.
What people pretend to believe in public for self-preservation and what their lying eyes (/s) tell them are two different things. Has there been a single government program or DOE scheme intended to close whatever “gap” is currently fashionable that has delivered on its promise?
It’s good to see this idea is finally getting some real traction, at least in the comments sections of DR websites. For a long time it was dismissed out of hand or ignored, but now I think people are realizing it’s our only chance for survival. We don’t control enough of the institutions to ever fight back, and it’s increasingly obvious this country is headed into a Bolshevik revolution with our team on the losing side. The first step to separation is simply embracing the idea. Once a critical mass is reached, ideas on how to make it happen will… Read more »
This is indeed how I see “it” happening. There’s a giant Three Gorges Dam of frustration ready to burst here and one of the small cracks is going to blow the whole thing open soon.
This is another installment from Zman that demonstrates he’s getting it. Six months ago the idea that the riots were planned behind the scenes Z would have screamed was a “conspiracy theory!”. But as we see, they are, just as many “conspiracy theories” are conspiracy realities.
I don’t think he’s ever screamed anything, least of all that.
Same game plan as Ukraine, Libya, Syria, Belarus, Venezuela… most of them have been successful. The ones that weren’t like Syria resulted in years of bloodshed.
For some reason now they are doing it to their own “home base”. They either have no more use for us, want to destroy us, or the USA is not actually the home base (might be israel).
I have no idea what’s going on, but a) there is massive ethnic displacement of whites and b) when somebody says they hate me and want me dead, I take it at face value.
Did you even know who Z was six months ago?
Of late, I’ve noticed new posters turning up making similar claims on various topics. Maybe it is something. Maybe it is nothing.
One thing I’ve noticed about the Zman is his propensity to emotional over reaction to everything.
WTF? Seriously? You must be reading the Bizarro-land Z Blog.
Ahem. /s (sarc tag)
Droll. So very droll.
Sometimes I can’t help myself.
I thought the sarcasm would be self evident.
His schtick is, if anything, a propensity to dry cynicism and casual disregard of the kind of emotionalism you accuse him of.
I’ll bet everything new to us, he has already heard a million times.
All I wanna know is – did Nadler actually shit his pants?
I’m already thinking of parlaying that into a verb, “I ate way too much sauerkraut, time for a serious nadler!”
Let’s get Fauci to investigate.
Among DVEs [Domestic Violent Extremists], we judge that white supremacist extremists (WSEs) will remain the most persistent and lethal threat in the Homeland through 2021.” And might be seen wearing American flag patches either on the sleeve or breast of their work shirts. I’ve had 3 people call me a racist walking down the street in LA since March. 2 “white “ and one black. When I asked them why, same answer every time. The flag patch on the company issued uniform. Amazing. Those wedding bands look good. I can’t wear one because I’m working around high voltage and large… Read more »
Louisville was a target of opportunity. The Breonna Taylor shooting was at best complete incompetence by the cops involved. So the people who organize communist agitation groups latched on and went there since they would have outraged locals in support. But you could tell it wasn’t their home turf despite the current Democrat governor. The cops were really aggressive in breaking up the crowds and making arrests. FBI teams and National Guardsmen were waiting in wings if things got out of control. I doubt Louisville turns into another Portland or Seattle. The locals simply wouldn’t tolerate it.
I don’t see the incompetence. They were serving a warrant, and the criminal started shooting. They returned fire.
The girl was next to they criminal, completely aware he was armed and preparing to resist.
where is the incompetence?
Missing a guy 10 times and fatally shooting another person is competence?
I’d also argue that 1:30am raids in plainclothes with no bodycams is stupid and begging for this kind of shitshow. The competent cops I know like the cams because it protects them from false accusations.
If I were a cop I would refuse to go on duty without body armor and a body cam. Both are absolutely needed for survival.
i’ve never been sympathetic to the notion of no-knock raids. if they really want someone in custody, is there really no better way? innocent whites that get caught up in kinetic, violent raids should elicit huge protests. i’m thinking of the guy in nevada who didn’t crawl correctly, sobbing on the carpet of a hallway, begging for his life, finally shot by a badged psychopath with an AR-15 with the eject port hatch etched with the words “you’re f*cked”. maybe one imagined good that could result in all this is future zero tolerance for bad cops by good cops –… Read more »
True, but the FBI is there likely to assist the terrorists.
Louisville was a test case to see how much shit the joggers and commies can get away with in a not “true blue” area. So far we’re call learning stuff and it ain’t good.
Each of these demonstrations by protest gangs follows a scripted pattern. It’s like watching a stage play or movie. All participants know the story and their lines.
Producer: Soros & Co.
Director: Those who cannot be named.
Actor: Street mob, police onlooker, medic, fifth column politician.
Extra: Spectator with smartphone camera.
Stagehand: Graffiti “artist,” bus driver, weapon supplier.
Lighting and camerawork: TV and internet media.
Publicist: Print media and op-ed writer.
Audience: The rest of us.
I’m a Westerner and have never been to Kentucky, so I know little about the area. The mayor of Louisville is a Democrat. Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear is a liberal Democrat.
It appears to me that the good people of Louisville are getting exactly what they deserve for voting for Democrats, just like the good people of Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle, New York, Chicago, etc. Why is Louisville any different?
Maybe a slight difference but – Kentucky has a Republican legislature and will probably have a Republican Governor after the next cycle. In other words, it’s not deep blue.
It’s not deep blue yet but a few more huddled masses yearning to breathe free will take care of that.
Appalachia as f uk.
I unfortunately have been to Kentucky on a business trip and was expecting the humidity, but was shocked at the amount of blacks. If you live west of the rockies it’s hard to comprehend just how many there are. Even the white people in that state have bad genes. You can tell.
My wife is from California and I’m originally from Florida. On her first trip there she asked me why are all those black guys hanging around the street corner? I said because that’s what they do, just sit around on the corner all day. She was shocked by just how many there were too.
Leads the nation in tobacco chewing. I used to think it was WV because a Washington DC DJ would make jokes about that, but I looked it up and KY is the winner of the golden spittoon 🙂
The uhaul renter, holly zoller is joeshh. Martial law, followed by 10k arrests and/or killings would settle this down quickly. What the hell is trump waiting for?
Trump is not taking the bait. The Deep State desperately wants to trigger another Kent State kind of counter-reaction in the hope that it will sway enough Swing Voters to lessen the burden on their voter fraud campaign. Despite their best efforts, Trump has not made any unforced errors thus far. But the Deep State will escalate unceasingly, so stay out of the big Liberal cities if you don’t want to become collateral damage.
He can take their money though.
Overall I think Trump has played the riot game quite masterfully. It’s pretty obvious that the prepared narrative was “Trump the Dictator” who would send his stormtroopers into places like Portland and Seattle to crush “peaceful protests”. Except he held them back as long as possible and then pulled them back a bit to let the local law enforcement fail again to enforce the law and show the local leadership as either complicit or feckless. Even the stupidest purple-hair in Portland now can see that Trump wasn’t the guy burning downtown for 100 nights. If there’s a “good” endgame for… Read more »
A total lack of support from the FBI, CIA, DOJ, and military brass?
I mean, it’s obvious to me as an outsider. It has to be visibly apparent to Trump.
The military lowered the last remaining mask. It has been difficult enough to get Boomer Cons to accept the Deep State is totally corrupted, but even those few who would go there wanted to hang onto the myth that the military was some pure and good institution. That may be about to change, too.
Oh man, I just read a great article explaining how modern generals and admirals are simply self-interested technocrats that enrich themselves on the Forever Wars…wish I had the link to post for everyone.
Nadler isn’t in the ruling class, he is another pawn. This is probably a war between factions of the ruling class. The best option for white nationalist is still the same; do our best to sit it out and hope we can salvage something when the dust clears.
There is a quaint series from the ’70s called Hidden Agenda on Prime that goes over a lot of this same thing. Funny thing is had I seen it back when it came out, I (along with I am sure most people) would have laughed it off as fringe.
It is still a bit “out there.” But now it at least makes me go “hmm ….?”
Rich, decrepit billionaire jews are trying to shove a new world order up your ass. Everyone senses it, few people say it. There’s a good reason you’re wearing a mask. submission. If you want your kids to be cattle for these pieces of shit….by all means , follow orders. If not, harden your heart for a fight. Our ancestors had the balls and the will. Deep down, do we?
Balls isn’t the problem, an utter lack of any organization to work with is the problem. Few if any will choose the futile good death. Which is why the Right Wing shouting down anyone who says “organize” is the worst and most suicidal betrayal of all the betrayals. There is no right wing, it was prevented from coming into existence _ by the Right. Fear of Feds, jail, etc. The Founders did not magically appear in 1775. They had existing colonial militias complete with tax and pay systems along with generations of warfare using their own militias and paying, arming,… Read more »
So long as “internet sleuths” are finding and identifying the radicals and financiers, the guilty cannot sleep safely at night.
We’re not “permitted” to mention the financiers. They have private jets, helicopters, and 300 ft. yachts waiting to whisk them away to foreign ports where they can send their onboard former seal team security forces to bribe or threaten the port authorities for moorage and supplies. Or they go to Israel (where they’ll pay more but be completely sheltered).
Where is the FBI, they used to infiltrate everyone, but they are not to be found. Last night, in Kentucky was the first I have heard them mentioned, they must have been attacking their offices.
There’s been little comment about the shortage of exploding Mohammad’s during the Trump regime.
Very simple really: The head of the FBI’s Counter Terrorism Division, Peter Strzok was too busy working the coup against Trump to have the time to manufacture any.
There’s no doubt that just as the Soviet Union was able to compromise swaths of the Western ruling class, these radical actors have been able to co-opt segments of the American Left.
sorry to disappoint the yuri bezmenov crowd but it was the cia who brought in the frankfurt school and other commies who infiltrated the left, not kgb.
yuri bezmenov could not appear on air if he were to blame cia, in fact i am 90% sure he worked for them, communist defectors such as bezmenov and pacepa had to play ball in order to get their privileges.
Bezmonov was neo-con goy-feed but that doesn’t mean the Cambridge Five and other notable Commie spooks weren’t Commie spooks. The Frankfurt School got here long before there was a CIA or even an OSS. They were at Columbia by 1935 b/c Bad Uncle https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frankfurt_School The criss-cross comes from the fact that Bolshevism was Jewish/Lefty from the start so to the extent the proto-U.S. Deep State was in bed with the Soviets to fight Bad Uncle, it was already sleeping with the present enemy. Around the time antisemitism became the norm again in Russia post-(((Kruschev))), the neo-con ascendancy was underway in… Read more »
Learn something new everyday..thanks Exile.
Hi everyone, I really enjoy Zman’s content, I’ve been consuming it for about 6 months now and this is my first comment. My question is- Where was the Right when all these anarchists and left wing extremists were the major dissenting voices against Globalism, at the various G8 summits around the world in the 90’s and early 2000’s? Lapping from the Chamber of Commerce golden corporate milk bowl? The economy was good then for the conservative working man so not a peep was to be heard from them either. The schizophrenic fringe left need to be brought into the tribe’s… Read more »
American capitalism has inspired the Right to throw them out completely, as it has with religion in general. Thoughts?
It is much more likely the anti-White violence and rhetoric has divorced the Right from the left-wing than capitalism or basic economics. That’s simply an assertion I can’t evaluate it without a factual basis.
I think it’s certainly a lot of different things, the biological differences between the types are already there, waiting for a wedge to be driven into them, but my point being there are/were “conservative” useful idiots of American style capitalism that when times are good, and even sometimes when they’re bad, fail or choose not to find any commonality with some of these people who may actually, just be virtue of thousands of years of shared history and genetics, have more in common than we sometimes care to admit. American rootless capitalism doesn’t seem to always care who it makes… Read more »
Wondered about the handle, for starters.
If you have been reading here any time, surely it must be obvious True Cons are not at the top of the evolutionary heap for most of us. It is difficult to imagine alliances with people who either refuse to acknowledge the ongoing genocide or want to participate in it. One is as bad as the other.
The handle Xerox was truly a most bizarre coincidence, I assure you. I suppose it’s possible it entered my subconscious at an earlier time, although I mostly consume Zman’s podcast and the blog not as much, and have only read comments on maybe 3 occasions. But it’s possible. Anyway… I see opportunity in these people for more race realism red pilling. I was a staunch “race is fake” person most of my life. I have seen the light. Once that illusion is broken, the neural pathways can open up in tumbling domino like sequence. That is why they invest so… Read more »
Thanks for the gunmemorial suggestion. Yes, that needs to get lots of love. Just as these riots will radicalize at least as many Whites as cow them–I’ll take it!–they probably also will redpill quite a few of the “allies” as soon as the joggers decide the safest White faces to punch are the closest. True Cons are just as hard to reach as the neo-Wobblies, but White skin will become a redpill for many of them, too. While the reality is many people are permanently lost after lifetimes of brainwashing, those who are not hopeless are far more numerous despite… Read more »
Yep, the Left has made it personal. It’s no longer different view of of policy or economic theory. It’s a blood feud now.
BTW, regarding the anti-white rhetoric and how that is what’s actually driving the divide: Of course that makes perfect sense to us who realize race is just biology and biology is real, but most of these people think race is just a perception, and that it is therefore a choice. White is a mentality to them, and they have been deceived into thinking it is an evil and unsustainable mentality. Many of them even craft fairly intellectual and creative self deceptions. I once trafficked in such ideas myself. So they do not understand the perception of those who take their… Read more »
I agree entirely.
Worst case, they’re useful idiots. But they could be the DR’s useful idiots. And UI are necessary for any outgroup.
This is not me …
Detectives could discover who owns or rented the vehicle without leaving their desk. Yet, time after time, it is internet detectives who locate the people behind some incident caught on video.
Most cops are nothing more than armed bureaucrats. At least half are completely incompetent and lazy. The majority of the rest will do the least amount necessary to keep riding the gravy train. The remaining ones are very dangerous indeed as they are split between crusaders trying to save the world and blatant criminals.
…but does anyone think these people are that clever?…
Click on the link and behold a waddling Mr. McGoo (aka the distinguished chairman). The very epitome of ‘politics is show biz for ugly people’
My husband always says Nadler reminds him of a tick.
a fat tick at that
“It is impossible to do this in every city, which is why it has been the far-left strongholds hit with these riots. The one exception is Louisville, but maybe that was targeted for other reasons.” Louisville is a liberal stronghold. The are tons of McGrath and Biden signs in neighborhoods throughout the city. The Archbishop of Louisville wrote a letter just this week to donors, saying that the Breonna Taylor protests were a natural result of, “racism, America’s original sin.” While Kentucky is generally a red state, Louisville most definitely is not, and there’s a lot of contention between Louisville residents… Read more »
I’m a resident of Kentucky (smaller, rural town), and I can concur. Louisville is a complete leftist stronghold. It’s also extremely dangerous. A&E didn’t set up shop there to film the First 48 for nothing.
As for our governor; he’s been a complete train wreck. Common sentiment is he got voted in via the teachers because of pension issues.
Epoch-making post, as some German academic would say. Some people can see the patterns (e.g., lone nut gunman, innocent black child photos) and others, no matter how “smart” an IQ fetishist like Sailer would call them, never will. It’s an element of intelligence that surpasses “IQ”. There’s no correlation btw IQ and not being tone deaf or color blind either. The greatest philosopher I ever knew was completely without aesthetic perception (tone deaf, paintings were just colors, etc.) but had the integrity to admit it. He even taught Hegel’s Lectures on Aesthetics one year. Spengler would call it “physiognomic tact,”… Read more »
Someone can both see patterns and have an high IQ. The two are not mutually exclusive.
While not a complicated psy-op campaign, its been extremely affective. We did much of this Iraq without as much bang for the buck. One thing we are doing is we are collecting on the leadership of ANTIFA. Its taken several months but news reports of the joint task force set up to follow the money and detail the leadership tree are finally slipping out. They have it as a DHS/DOJ thing but the various and esoteric special mission units assigned to support our Intelligence services have been active in trying to get ahold of the framework that runs ANTIFA. Take… Read more »
I think we need a “Come to Jesus” talk about Jews. The problem with the anti-Semites is that they ascribe like Kevin McDonald magical qualities to Jews and can’t see beyond the ideas in their heads. Urban, professional, renting, Jews are a problem — but so are pretty much everyone an urban professional who rents. They literally have no skin in the game and no risk. And the problem is GLOBAL, sorry to say. You can see the same thing in India, in Turkey, and in the Philippines. With the usual ultra liberal deracinated, atomized, genderqueer mutants screaming at the… Read more »
Kevin MacDonald is one of the most level-headed guys around. People who try to fit him for the Wignat Mad Scientist suit have neither read his work or met him.
Agreed. I don’t know whether evolutionary psychology is an actual phenomenon or not. There is a lot of research that indicates it is. I don’t know and don’t have the educational background to make an informed judgment one way or another, and that is not a dodge. But even if evolutionary psychology is simply a theory and not a proven actuality, that does not mean Kevin MacDonald is a quack–he is a brilliant academician. MacDonald certainly makes a credible case for evolutionary psychology in COC. I do know his chapters on the Frankfurt School, Freudian analysis, and Boasian anthropology are… Read more »
Yeah but his academic approach is both limiting and lacking in emotion No one needs “evolutionary theory” to explain to them why these people are trouble. It seems to me just a way to make criticism of JJJs into something socially acceptable because it has an academic basis in a world where the only thoughts and ideas that are acceptable are the ones that have been proven in a lab or through scientific method, etc. It’s one of our modern day bourgeoise conceits. You see it all the time on chat boards. You assert something, you state your opinion, and… Read more »
I have given some thought to the idea that the ruling class has actually gone full Manson and is trying to engineer a full-scale race war. Get the blacks riled up and marching on the suburbs and exurbs. Blacks don’t do planning and supply lines that well. They show up in the burbs with their handguns and get mowed down by whites with AR-15s and scopes who finally get that there’s nowhere left to run to. For all the blackity-black love the media puts out, the (((puppetmasters))) don’t really love them some blacks at all. Black Question – resolved, admittedly… Read more »
The Latino-black race war that has seen Latinos push blacks out of Compton and Watts is one of the most radioactive topics for the (((media))).
Z what is your Telegram?
Thank you very much sir.
What does Telegram do for you?
I get why Soros is doing this. He’s going to buy up cheap urban real estate and flip it to the Chinese. That’s his play. I also get why the Deep/Derp State is doing this — to prepare for a coup where they bypass the old line Dems and rule themselves. Think Reverse Pinochet. Where WE get the free Helicopter rides given by trannies, weirdos, and other freaks. Imagine for a moment you’re an FBI or CIA weenie like Peter Strozk. Maybe you’ve danced around and your gun fell out and went off. Who knows? At any rate you overthrow… Read more »
I caught Glen Beck’s Crazy Pills today. Essentially, he boils the psy-OP into antifa being the means to prompt Trump into legitimate action and the propaganda we have been subjected to about Peaceful Protestors and Trump the Dictator will get a Tianenmen Square moment to legitimize a Color Revolution.
I know Beck is insane and weird and also is right a lot. I don’t know what to make of it except it makes sense both from political strategy and spiritual warfare perspectives.
I don’t think that is too farfetched
As Z notes, this is highly coordinated and has been planned for some time. We can see that in that the antifa / BLM groups decided to go haywire in cities / municipalities where left wing mayors and DAs were already embedded, this way they could act with impunity and if anyone dare challenge them those people would be the ones arrested and charged.
Doing all of this to bait Trump into a Kent State scenario is not at all a bridge too far
well if the republicans hold the high court for the next 15 years – are we even now?
There is no “republican” party. It’s been consolidated to The Party. Or uni-party if you prefer. Pre-Civil War. Self-aggrandizement and feather bedding all ’round.
I’m really concerned that they got the goods on everyone. Just imagine the treasure trove that are the Google searches of these guys AND their families … the media has all of it. It’s hard not to feel the walls closing in around us.
I thought that Chad Wolf was kind of a no nonsense guy but he recently cucked and said that White supremacism is the big problem … are all of these guys being blackmailed?? I did read where his wife did something shady.