The Parable Of Bob

Imagine someone living in a typical American city. We will call this guy Bob and Bob lives in the city of Metropolis. Bob is a single man living in the city, working at a job while he enjoys his youth, looks for a mate and figures out what to do with his life. Bob does not care all that much about anything else. After all, he has a decent apartment, enough money to go out on weekends and plenty of friends. Like most people starting out in the world, Bob is just a visitor passing through.

Now, Bob has a steady girl now and he is starting to think more seriously about things like where he should live, or maybe where they should live. He’s thinking about what he should do for a career, rather than a job. He’s also starting to notice the world around him a bit more. For example, the bus he takes to the subway stop is always dirty and it stinks a bit. The subway has bums and the toilets don’t work. The trash barrels are always overflowing, no matter the time of day.

Just as Bob is starting to think more about the world around him, the Mayor of Metropolis, let’s call him Mayor Dick, announces he is going to go on a listening tour around the city. He wants to know what is on people’s minds. Mayor Dick says it is time for the city listen to the people and address their issues. He will hold town hall style meetings in every neighborhood of the city. Bob decides he’s going to go to one of these meetings and tell the mayor about the transit system.

To Bob’s surprise, the first meeting has lots of familiar faces. He realizes that these familiar faces are his neighbors, people he sees every day, but knows little about, other than they seem to be around a lot. Even more surprising, he learns that they are there to talk about the transit system too. Like Bob, they don’t understand why the buses are dirty and why they let bums loiter in the subway station. When Mayor Dick arrives, they all take turns telling him about the problems with the transit system.

Now, Bob feels pretty good. For the first time in his life he is involved in his community and beginning to know his neighbors. He was never much for politics, he never voted, but this feels like a good thing. Bob is not naive though. He knows politicians love making promises, but rarely deliver. Still, this Mayor Dick guy seemed sincere and he seemed to understand what was being said about the transit system. He even said he had ridden the subway to their town hall meeting.

Not long after the listening tour ends, Mayor Dick holds a press conference where he announces changes to the transit system. After talking to the community, he has slashed the budget for cleaning the buses. He has had all of the trash barrels removed from the subway stops and he has given the city’s bum population free transit passes so they can ride the buses and subway as much as they like. The city’s main newspaper writes glowing articles about Mayor Dick’s new initiatives.

Bob and all of his neighbors are outraged. How could this be? He was at the meeting and no one said they wanted more bums in the subway. Everyone specifically said they wanted fewer bums. Bob starts to think that maybe people at other meetings may have confused the message. On the bus to work one day, as a naked hobo masturbates in the seat across from him, he hears on the radio that Mayor Dick, after the success of his last listening tour, will hold another next month.

Talking with his neighbors, they agree that they need to get the word out to the rest of the city about the transit problem. After all, there is no way they wanted things to be made worse with the buses and subway stations. Maybe they don’t use the system that much or had other priorities. They all agree to form a group to raise awareness around the city about the shabby condition of the transit system. They will attend every meeting and make their voices heard by everyone.

Along comes the next listening tour and Bob and his people are set. They show up at every meeting wearing red shirts with their slogan on it. “Bus Reform Now!” is their slogan and they bring hats and buttons to every meeting. To their delight, everyone is receptive and peppers Mayor Dick with questions about the problem. Mayor Dick tells the people he has heard what they have to say and he promises to address it. “Now is the time to build back better” he says.

Bob is feeling pretty good at this point. He organized a city wide campaign to raise awareness on the transit issue. He got people all over the city to tell the mayor they wanted the system cleaned up. Not long after, Mayor Dick holds a presser where he announces that the city’s lunatic asylum will be closed and the inmates released, with free passes, into the subway stations. All cleaning will cease, even inside the stations and the toilets will be abandoned to chance.

As Bob and his neighbors watch this, they are stunned. This Mayor Dick guy is either an idiot or up to something. No one could want more bums and no one has ever said they wanted lunatics in the subway stations. Theories begin to circulate about what is really behind the mayor’s action. Meanwhile, the media begins to talk ominously about a secret conspiracy to undermine the city government. They brand Bob’s organization as dangerous subversives trying to undermine the government.

Bob and his neighbor have had enough. There is an election coming up and they are going get Mayor Dick thrown out of office. They agree that Bob is the right man for the job, since he organized the transit awareness group and people now know him. Bob signs up to run for mayor. To his surprise, he is greeted with big crowds all around the city as he goes to speak about his plans for the city. A keystone of his campaign is to reverse Mayor Dick’s changes to the transit system.

Everyone is feeling pretty good about things. The media has mostly ignored Bob’s campaign, continuing to call him a dangerous subversive, but the crowds at his events say that the people want change. The election finally arrives and not only does Mayor Dick win, he wins rather handily. It was not very close at all. Bob and his neighbors can’t believe it. The media claims that Mayor Dick’s listening tour and transit reform was the key to his victory. They hint that maybe he could be president one day.

Days later, Bob is found dead in his apartment. He has two gunshots in the back of the head, so the media declares it was suicide. Bob’s girlfriend, now his fiancé, tells everyone that Bob was not suicidal and he did not own a gun. The media claims Bob had a serious midget porn problem and was mixed up with Russian gangsters, so even if he did not kill himself, he probably deserved it. It is another example of how democracy must always be vigilant against people like Bob.

–The End.

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4 years ago


Should be dissident graffiti and posted in bathrooms, colleges, every internet space still open. It’s concise, punchy, and literally everyone will understand what it means and the implications.

that would be absolutely devastating as normie meme appealing to the DR and normie boomers too.

Doesn’t matter if you even LIKE Trump, we need to effectively spread and normalize the simple readily understandable idea that the system is now fundamentally illegitimate – and that plenty of us KNOW it.

Last edited 4 years ago by Anonymousse
Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

Leave Post-It notes in random public places that say TRUMP WON. Sort of like the old Chick tracts.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Corn
4 years ago

But watch for hidden cameras. No foolin’, either.

Joey Jünger
Joey Jünger
Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

“The 2020 election was rigged in 1965. Google Hart-Celler.”

Reply to  Joey Jünger
4 years ago

I was thinking one year earlier: 1964.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Joey Jünger
4 years ago

Ah. Those wicked Boomers again.

Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

“Trump won. Get over it.”

Bill Mullins
Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

“Trump won. Get over it.”

That hasn’t worked the past 4 years; why would you suppose it work now?

Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

Monkey wrench, monkey wrench. No one will be “devastated” by a meme. If Bob & Co. took Mayor Dick’s policies one step further and “cancelled” bus service through maintainence sabotage (not something I’d ever do, seeing as how it’s illegal), that might draw some attention, including unwanted attention, but then maybe Mayor Dick might consider suicide himself. How many times must Bob be kicked in the balls before it begins to hurt?

Last edited 4 years ago by Montefrio
Reply to  Montefrío
4 years ago

Yeah so people are scared to write a political slogan with a sharpie but are going to launch commando raids to sabotage public transport? Is this the time we all just go ahead and announce this whole dissident thing was a total LARP all along? That we like netflicks and lattes as much as any silicon valley drone? Spending the day with a bunch of boomer waffen types and they’re drinking beer among their trump flags and looking forward to the big negro feetsball game tonight. They’ve got the safes full of guns and the MREs and the whole bit… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Anonymousse
Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

I live in South America, out of USA for 22 years and am not up to speed on its mores, but still don’t wish to believe all are gelded save for faggots (not necessarily gays, just limp noodles unwilling to bestir themselves beyond whining) who will simply bend over and take it. I’m a boomer (74) and don’t know any “waffen” types, don’t watch sportsball and am 6’3″, 186 lbs, no gut, and sensible discretion prevents me from saying what I might or might not be doing from afar. Nevertheless, if my stay-behind relatives and friends are any indication, you’ve… Read more »

Reply to  Montefrío
4 years ago

Yep, a lot of folk here paint with too broad a brush.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  CompscI
4 years ago

Well, unless they are raggin’ on Boomers. After all … Original Sin is a Boomer product.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Montefrío
4 years ago

Wow! Am now watching you folks argue about being either 1) a stupid civnat patriot uslessly squatting/hunkering in to fight and die for country, or 2) a stupid idiot traitor who cut and run when the going gets tough. We don’t want you anyway, traitor!   There are some other things to consider for the near future. Some folks have studied and prepared as best as possible for decline, what it looks like and how to prepare. Lots of folks in the prepper world believe there are only two options when it comes to survival: bugging out or hunkering… Read more »

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

PS Once you become attitude resilient and list your options, after that you have time to figure out whether to fight, monkeywrench or amscray.

Last edited 4 years ago by Range Front Fault
Mark Auld
Mark Auld
Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

Good advice and well said,oh Lady of the Range. My town in SW 90% white and conservative, all public offices held by Republicans. They’ll have to parachute Chinese troops in here to upset the apple art. Of course now we wait and see what decrees come down from the new kids in D.C.

Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

The Beef is TALKING

Last edited 4 years ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Oh, and please, Range, pull back on the “trai…” word, Montefrio is an early adopter, a trail maker for the amscray.

He started his prepping a tad sooner, is all- thanks.

Overall, useful and excellent advice, too. Thanks again.

Last edited 4 years ago by Alzaebo
Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Good grief! Alzae…you’re sounding like girls! If you guys are getting testy like fat Mormon women then time to drive that T up and eat some beef! Was speaking generalities about the two options being batted about, and no finger was pointing. Good for Montefrio. He can teach us. Now let’s saddle up and start sticking together. There was no time for this as they walked into the OK corral.

General Disarray
General Disarray
Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

The Beef is TALKING

I suggest that we do not discuss her flatulence online as it is impolite.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  General Disarray
4 years ago

Ha! There is none eating beef-salt-water. Plants gas you up.Plants gas cows up. I EAT those critters only.
Ribeye tonight.

Last edited 4 years ago by Range Front Fault
Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

Good job. You are more of man that hell of a lot of supposed dissidents.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

AB….that compliment means a lot. Thanks. Moving beyond victim brings one options and enjoyment.

Major Hoople
Major Hoople
Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

Thanks for those links.

Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

cut and run when the going gets tough. “? I left 22 years ago for purely financial motives. And what is “bugging out”, pray tell? “Cut and run” is synonymous with bugging out!
“the ability to simply pick up and go where the danger is not.”
Sounds like cutting and running as well.
Guess that’s okay with you as long as it’s done within the USA at some future date that may never come.

Nunnya Bidnez, jr
Nunnya Bidnez, jr
Reply to  Montefrío
4 years ago

Yo, Monte,
Papa don’t take no mess

Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago


you’re on a roll, Anonymousse

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

Ah, yes. Those wretched Boomers again. Of course.

Will the Guatemalans be Boomers, too?

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

If you have anything to suggest that will not result in “life without parole,” I’m all ears.

Reply to  Montefrío
4 years ago

If you are more Libertarian inclined you might read Sara Hoyt.
She has been discussing the issues we face a lot and solution of all kinds in the comments. she’s not “one of us.” but its good to break from the echo chamber and to see that yes “not us” people are pissed off but being rational about it.

Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

Love ya abprosper. But I absolutely loathe Sara Hoyt on a number of grounds. LIKE ALL CAPS AD INFINITUM. Sara has a room temperature g IQ.

Nope. Nada. Never. Is that you, Sara?

Reply to  TheRapierWit
4 years ago

I’m not a fan either but she has been almost tolerable lately.
Also just seeing her crew talk about the issues is interesting. Even Libertarian types are pissed off.

Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

Thhanks for the tip. Checked it out and not a fit for me, but then I’m drifting further and further away from the computer. Spring is here where I live and I’ve become re-engaged with our farmlette and caring for plants. I find it very refreshing!

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

I had no idea so many Chinese agents lived in Detroit.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Montefrío
4 years ago

This won’t fit Z’s excellent allegory, but it will address your suggestion: Real world public transit is slowly being sabotaged by the very people employed to maintain it. What passes for long-range “planning” these days by government bureacracies guarantees a few things. First, that replacement of equipment will not be accurately planned, nor will ongoing maintenance be done. You see, making sure you hire a “diverse” work force and feather fat union salaries or pensions takes priority. Second, all this is run by “equal opportunity” employees. Now, maybe administration can absorb sub-optimal manpower, but operations and maintenance alas must interface… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

It’s okay to be White.
Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself.
Trump won.

…yep, I can practically feel the world changing as I type.

RJ Grunt
RJ Grunt
Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

In flyover territory, some nice person will spy the graffiti, remove a wet wipe, scrub the expression clear, and never read the message.

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

…the FBI is investigating these hate crimes. Just awful Diana. Frightening. Coming up next, [local franchise] is two games out of first place, highlights of their last second win…

Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

What level of a risk do you consider acceptably low in order to allow you to take ANY action EVER? I hear all this talk about civil wars, population exchange, partition… but we think the government is so all powerful and it has cowed us to the extent that an IRL post-it note is a suicide mission? It’s cool to call this stuff “samizdat” lately. Some people ever know the role of samizdat in delegitimizing the regime and helping drag it down. Do you think the soviet intelligence agencies laughed off participation in that? Anyway you’re posting on a website… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Anonymousse
Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

You gotta be pretty short for that to go over your head.

Look lady, I know its emotional times. But making those kinds of assumptions about others here based on a single lolpost is unbecoming.

Also, post it notes are gay office boi material. Get yourself a Brother QL-800 and design and print your own. You see, thats how you add to the discussion. You’re welcome, soldier.

Alfred Doolitttle
Alfred Doolitttle
Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

Hey man, no hate. Although the specifics of your idea don’t invigorate me, because they frankly seem to limp dikked, no offense, the concept of influencing perception, which is what you are saying, appeals to me. Many of the things that annoy us, this gaslighting bullshit, where these people hold up this weird mirror that reflects all these fake things back at you-Hacking that, or using that mirror to reflect reality back at us, is something i personally am very interested in, but i think we can aim even higher than post it notes. The question that most interests me… Read more »

Reply to  Alfred Doolitttle
4 years ago

Dude most people are not fighty types but sheep. The American Revolution was fought by 3% of the population. Even most cops aren’t fighters. Most are are out of their minds when dealing with active shooters. Read up on a lot recent cases and you will see it. It gets worse the more educated people become because they have more invested in the status quo. To find the men who can step up you need to look at those professions where hard work and danger are part of the job. There are a few fighty types on this blog but… Read more »

Reply to  Rwc1963
4 years ago

Yeah man, IDK, I’m both profoundly naive, and hugely cynical and skeptical at the same time. It makes interpreting people’s behavior and words much more difficult than if I were a mere unapologetic cynic or someone who was just smarter in general. I can’t even fathom what percentage of the posters here are legit dissidents. If I had a blog like this, and I weren’t a fed, i’d unapologetically micromanage the hell out of the comment section. I understand deeply that whole paradigm of censorship and what not. I wouldn’t give a fart about liberals posting, but fed/Israeli/foreign psyops posters,… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Doolittle
4 years ago

“and I weren’t a fed” Ha ha! Hope not, but as noted right above, They either already know who we are or could easily find out. Of course it is possible to cover the trail, perhaps perfectly, but I suspect that few of us take such measures. In all matters I tend to be the powerless pessimist, so to speak. And, sadly, that applies to a lot of what we discuss here. The government/Jewish Kabbala/whatever may indeed be more powerful, but nothing is all powerful. And yes, we are tiny fish in a huge pond. But we are not powerless.… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

I don’t care who knows what as far as the G men are concerned, I’m just a citizen expressing my free speech, my nose is clean and I have zero criminal intent. What bothers me is how such entities could use mediums like this to either manipulate people, or harvest data or feel the lay of the land amongst people who think this way.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

I don’t care who knows what as far as the G men are concerned, I’m just a citizen expressing my free speech, my nose is clean and I have zero criminal intent. What bothers me is how such entities could use mediums like this to either manipulate people, or harvest data or feel the lay of the land amongst people who think this way.

The Greek
The Greek
Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

Just my two cents, but I don’t think most people aren’t in for the fight because government it too powerful. I think the bigger issue is that the vast majority of people are too comfortable. Until Democrat policies really effect the daily lives and pockets substantially for most normies, there won’t be enough ground swell for anything. For example, if we were to see record, Venezuelan or 1920s Germany type inflation because of out of control spending. That’s literally what it will take.

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago


Succinct and brutally put

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Is you jerking off publicly changing the world? Shitlibs burn cities and attack police when a fat guy in panties is called by his legal name… right wing just got the most powerful office in the world stolen from them. But we’re playing too cool for school like OMG LOL CRINGE? How about you propose some useful practical action that can or even COULD actually be taken. Then someone can be too cool for that and propose their own instead. And instead of trying any or ALL of those incremental things we can all point in a hundred different directions… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Anonymousse
Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

Practical action? Drop out. Sell your stuff, buy a place cash, do cash only work or hide your money in a mattress. Deny them one more taxpayer. If enough do just that, the system starts to buckle. About all we can do in practical terms. Otherwise, leave the country. I know people say that’s cutting and running, but having dealt with the government enough I know what makes them tic. If, say, one million of America’s brightest white boys decide the country offers them no future and they leave en masse, the government is going freak out. That is a… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Falcone
The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Cashless economy dead ahead. Travel restrictions without vaccination passport, and even then you’ll have to travel without using the dreaded fossil fuels.

Jacques Lebeau
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

That is a really smart and practical suggestion. I am already long gone and won’t be coming back, but I totally applaud the idea. Leave the USS Woke to sink and watch the left flail as they realize what’s happened

DaQuaveontaveous Doolittle
DaQuaveontaveous Doolittle
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Hey Falcone, first off, I like you based on your comments sir. Your advice though, is lacking virility, and won’t make any difference, not to mention assuming a million of the brightest, who are embedded in the establishment like ticks, and already well rewarded monetarily, therefore compromised, will jump ship, is completely delusional. I foresaw this shitshow, minus the racial element, a long time ago, or maybe i’m just a nutty loser, I could be either i suppose, either way, it only matters if people that truly matter to the system drop out, not fringe kooks like me. It’s easy… Read more »

Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

First off every shitlib riot is protected by the police and mayor’s office. This is why they can get away with it. Trump is almost universally hated by most Republicans and that is why they let the fraud happen. He has no allies outside of his MAGA supporters, Secondly,. If we dare to openly organize ourselves the Feds or local po po will crush us. If we openly resist antifa thugs it is heritage whites who do prison time. Just ask the Rise Above Movement kids or the Proud Boys(who are mostly ethnics and gays). Right now we are limited… Read more »

Capt Willard
Reply to  Rwc1963
4 years ago

Err, Trump has no support “outside of MAGA”…which is, at 70 million votes, the largest voting block in the history of the country. (Biget’s 4am pre-filled in scan tron forms not withstanding.) And its working people.

All we have to do is call in sick to work on the same days (cause Covid, ya know). Do it for a week. Everyone of us. Not very complicated. The system breaks down. And we become the “supreme court”.

Last edited 4 years ago by Capt Willard
Reply to  Capt Willard
4 years ago

Great idea. I always taught a mass walk out would grab their attention

Another thing is for white tradesmen to deny services to liberals. “Nope, don’t work that area. Sorry.”

Let the liberals hire their beloved POC and have everything fail on them

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Rwc1963
4 years ago

If you have the chance, tie the garage door opener cord of a Black person into a noose shape, and it will take several hundred man-hours of FBI time too 😀

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

“Get guns, get ammo, get ready! (This is about deer hunting, not political)”

Last edited 4 years ago by Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

what have our guns netted us so far? You think maybe once we hit 400 million they’ll gain sentience and take back the country for us?

people talking about guns like they’re about to start a shooting war and yet too scared to put up a flyer?

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

Hey bro, I dont know what you’re talking about. I was talking about deer season.

On a serious note, you’re right, and I’ve made this point myself. But right now, every sentient being knows the system is a tyrannical regime. I guess Im hoping against hope that that changes something.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

There is no fixing this state of affairs. Lines have been drawn.

Capt Willard
Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

We all skip work for a week. All 70 million of us.

We get recounts. We do it again. We get a re-vote. We are holding the cards here.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Capt Willard
4 years ago

When do we do it? How can we be sure everybody will do it at the same time? Organization is the key. And if the Power Structure attempts to crush us when we organized, that’s just a chance we’ll have to take. But all of this paralysis by analysis and treating the Power Structure as if it has godlike puissance must end.

Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

people talking about guns like they’re about to start a shooting war and yet too scared to put up a flyer?

That’s what it’s like being on the dissident right in the SF Bay Area.

Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

Nobody wants to stick their neck out. Conservatives are pragmatic, but they lack the suicidal monomania of the left.

Reply to  Lanky
4 years ago

Or perhaps they just still have something to lose. The Leftists in the street are losers sharing an apartment with more losers. To them, protesting (rioting) is a lark and a good night out. To a typical Normie/conservative such behavior is precisely what they decry and consider bad behavior. However, they are not adverse to public displays in a legal, peaceful, and orderly manner. Case in point. Last Sunday, the Trumpists organized a car rally for Trump supporters in this, the most liberal of AZ cities. 900+ cars organized at a far North shopping mall and drove all across the… Read more »

Reply to  CompscI
4 years ago

Conservatives are supposed to be smarter than leftists right? How smart is it to wait until the wolves are at your own door before doing something?

The virtue signalling from conservatives about how they are so above all of the leftist in the streets taking action, is nothing but cowardliness.

Politics is like a football game played in the rain and snow. If you are only cutout to play tennis in the warm sunshine by youself-with no teammates, you are going to get BTFO real quick…which is exactly the story of the right, at the present time.

Last edited 4 years ago by Phoenix
The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Lanky
4 years ago

Very true, but there’s also the problem of the vastness of the country. And whom would anybody attack anyway? Getting to D.C. is a non-starter, since they’d know people were coming and would stop them in Oklahoma or someplace.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
4 years ago

I guess you haven’t seen rush-hour (hell, even non-rush hour) traffic around DC. Cops would just walk up to your car while stuck in traffic and write you a summons for unlawful assembly or something 🙂

Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

I agree that a gun is useful for home defense if you survive the legal challenges afterwards. But there is unlikely to be a Red Dawn type scenario. But buying a gun or several guns does give you the feeling that you are doing something.

Bill Mullins
Reply to  skeptic16
4 years ago

buying a gun or several guns does give you the feeling that you are doing something. Not me. I have Age-related Macular Degeneration in my dominant eye. This past February may well have been the last time that eye could be corrected to 20/40. If I am essentially legally blind in my dominant eye then the prudent thing for me to do is to sell everything but the 12gau pump. If my shooting eye is blind all I can reliably hit anything with is a scattergun. Besides, I can use the cash just now. Reckon how long it’ll take Kameltoe… Read more »

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  skeptic16
4 years ago

Sensible remark. Realistic.

Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

The 2A crowd does nothing but sit around and polish their guns (and their dicks) and blabber about not letting the gubment take their guns…all as the gubment is locking people for simply defending themselves. When the gubment actually does come to take their guns, they will hand them over just like they’ve handed their nation over to every shitstain that’s crawled in from the 3rd world…

Bunch of gas-bags..

Reply to  Phoenix
4 years ago

I concur. Have witnessed with friends when the laws shifted. Moreso, consider Oz and Kiwiland. Too much to risk losing and “let’s have faith in our government.” Dumbarses.

Reply to  Phoenix
4 years ago

And you and yours have done what to date? Be specific, we all would like to follow your lead. Gas bags seem to be on your side as well.

Louis DeMarco
Louis DeMarco
Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

Trump lost the election when he fired Chris Kobach and disbanded Crosscheck 2 years ago.

Bill Mullins
Reply to  Louis DeMarco
4 years ago

Trump lost this election in November of ’16.

Reply to  Louis DeMarco
4 years ago

Very true. Trump was flat out stupid and gutlless to fire the only man trying to keep our elections honest. FWIW Kobach is hated by mainstream GOP pols. Do you they resisted him just as much as the Dems when it came to voter fraud.

Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

If some degenerate wrote a bunch of degenerate graffiti, he gets an art contract with the city’s beautification program. But if Bob writes “Trump won,” they will hunt him down like a dog and hit him with hate crime charges and send him to prison under the maximum sentence.

The law has been weaponized and politicized. The bums masturbating on the subway are left alone. The “teens” can jump the turnstile (fare) and break stuff.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

Wear it until you love it. And die in it. This is your new form of government you f-cking plebe. Shut up and take it. (in total agreement w/ you BTW but perhaps people need a clear definition of their gov’t type which is neither democracy or republic.)

Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago

Yep, they have been doing it a long time. But frankly I think it “feels” different now. Like maybe it was the exception then and not anymore. It has been dialed to 11 for 5 years now. “Mostly peaceful protest” has become a meme in the same way “teens” became a meme. Whatever is going on, I think we might very well get an answer very shortly. The theft of the election and the widespread cheating is so blatant and so in your face that it cannot be plausibly denied. Will Trump’s supporters do more than bitch online about the… Read more »

Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

The over-the-top open fraud is a flex, a taunt, a ” and what’re ya gonna do about it, punk?”

A dominance display.

(And, multiple Moishes have announced, yes indeedy, they’re making lists.)

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

While the odds are very much against, the Electoral College does not convene until December 14. A lot can happen in five weeks. It ain’t over until it’s over.

Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago

Excellent article. Thanks. I find it ironic that the original Sam Francis article spends a great deal of time discussing the terrible consequences of releasing violent felons back into the public. Welcome to “criminal justice reform” 2020 by way of 1994. That is one of the problems Biden’s 1994 crime bill was written to address — and it did.

If Biden 2020 agreed with Biden 1994, I would approve.

ETA: Of course, as Francis goes on to mention, the federalization of what should be personal and local responsibilities are paving stones on the road to tell we have been walking.

Last edited 4 years ago by Vizzini
Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

Cringe-level cowardliness.

Capt Willard
Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

What if Bob and his friends, who obviously do all the real work in this town, call in sick?

And cause there is a symptom free deadly “Biget” virus afoot (the media says so), Bob’s people don’t do any essential work till Biget is cured?

Last edited 4 years ago by Capt Willard
Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

Trump Won Again.

Excellent idea there.

Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

Love it!

Bill Mullins
Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago


Should be dissident graffiti and posted in bathrooms, colleges, every internet space still open.

The problem is that the proggies’ comeback would only be “Okay. So?”

Reply to  Bill Mullins
4 years ago

Propaganda is not for them. We need to incrementally develop solidarity and ideological commitment among right leaning people and perhaps appeal to well meaning clueless nonaligned normies

There’s absolutely no point in engaging civilly with leftists anymore, we should only notice their opinions to the extent it’s useful to galvanize our own people.

Louis DeMarco
Louis DeMarco
Reply to  Bill Mullins
4 years ago

Amy Coney Barret whiffs for her first at-bat.

Reply to  Louis DeMarco
4 years ago

What happened?

Knuckles Unibrow
Knuckles Unibrow
Reply to  Louis DeMarco
4 years ago

Amy Coney Barret whiffs for her first at-bat.

You misheard. It’s

Amy Coney Barret whips her first brat, news at eleven.

4 years ago

Bob was a racist.

Jacques Lebeau
Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

And a filthy elitist. He thinks he is “better than” a naked, masturbating bum. He probably committed suicide when he realized how despicable he was.

Reply to  Jacques Lebeau
4 years ago

He didn’t even join in with the bum so he committed a microaggression.

Reply to  skeptic16
4 years ago

If the bum were Asian, a reaally micro aggression

Reply to  Lanky
4 years ago

Bob did not kill himself!!!

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

His name was Seth Rich.

Reply to  Lanky
4 years ago

I don’t think I’ve ever seen an asian bum. And I live in CA where they would most likely be.

Slime Mold
Slime Mold
Reply to  skeptic16
4 years ago

There are indeed many bums in Asia. They are called “monks.”

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Slime Mold
4 years ago

If the 2000 year old writings of Buddhism (Pali canon) are a guide, indeed they are. It is also worth noting that the ascetics take a vow of poverty and support and the public supporting them is completely voluntary.

Reply to  skeptic16
4 years ago

There are definitely some Asian bums in Vancouver.

Reply to  Hun
4 years ago

A veritable smorgasbord of Asian bums in Thailand. Not my thing though.

Charles St. Charles
Charles St. Charles
Reply to  skeptic16
4 years ago

I lived in Korea for two years and saw exactly one bum. He lived in the walkway under a highway I passed through each day walking to work. While he seemed to be mentally ill, he was quite docile and respectful and many times my wife or I gave him a few “dollars” in the local currency as we passed by. Seoul was the safest and most modern city we have ever lived in and we miss it still. Then we moved to Los Angeles. One the first day of her new job, my wife was accosted by an angry… Read more »

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  skeptic16
4 years ago

Manspreading, no doubt. It’s a thing these days.

Henry Lee
4 years ago

And all of Bob’s neighbors move South and vote Blue.

Reply to  Henry Lee
4 years ago

“and are astonished when the same thing happens again….” I can’t wait to see what Portland turns into now that any and all drugs are now legal. Should be great entertainment. Would pay a subscription fee for live cam feeds.

Reply to  SamlAdams
4 years ago

I was looking at property in Oregon. The broker told me he along with a lot of others are now moving to Idaho.

Oregon was the always that place for white Californians to escape to. Now those people are fleeing Oregon for Idaho.

Just struck me as funny

Last edited 4 years ago by Falcone
RJ Grunt
RJ Grunt
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

They’ll be surrounded by their fellow potatoes.

Farnsworth Perrywinkle
Farnsworth Perrywinkle
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Lived in Oregon from 1990 to 1993…. and oh yes, Californians are also discovering Idaho as a place to bring their disease to. Californians and yankees are a pathogen seeking out a new host to infect. And the first arrivers are the most virulent

Reply to  Farnsworth Perrywinkle
4 years ago

They just bought a house called the Auburn Castle in Auburn, NY. Money from Phile.
These cunts had better lay low politically.

Its all of Western NY and Western PA. You can’t find a surveyor with less than a months backlog.

These scumbags are the disease, the noggers are just a symptom, like Poz sarcoma.

Reply to  Guest
4 years ago

We need to move to the middle of nowhere. Innawoods is a meme but it’s our best shot

Major Hoople
Major Hoople
Reply to  Guest
4 years ago

Can confirm. Needed woods surveyed. Best local guy is booked to New Years.

Reply to  Farnsworth Perrywinkle
4 years ago

If one of their first observations upon moving to the new paradise is any variation of “its so white here”, you know they are carriers of the mind virus and need to be destroyed for the good of the colony.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

Example variations are statements like:

“I miss being able to go for Indian and Thai.”

“What do you mean there’s no independent theater in town?”

Farnsworth Periwinkle
Farnsworth Periwinkle
Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

Oh yes indeed, you know that –

Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

That’s my TDS best friend in coastal northern California!!

Word for word, yesterday!


Last edited 4 years ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Farnsworth Perrywinkle
4 years ago

First move: cut down the trees and build McMansions

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

If The Dick Party sets up shop in Boise, does that make it a private Idaho?

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Running errands this morning in my Idaho town. There were California car tags everywhere. Too late for the Summer tourist season and too early for ski season.

Farnsworth Periwinkle
Farnsworth Periwinkle
Reply to  Judge Smails
4 years ago


Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

It strikes me as prophetic & sad. The White Flight continues apace.
In a few more decades there won’t be an Idaho or Oklahoma or wherever to flee to because the encroaching mud colored plague will come from all sides. Brazil North.
The time to act was 2 decades ago. The time to REALLY act is now, but like South Africa or other suicidally altruistic whites we will continue to cede beliefs, physical ground, and eventually lives. So it goes…

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago

Correct. Not much difference now between Boulder, Utah and Boulder, Colorado. Gia Lefties both. Cedar City has subdivisions for Kalifornians going up in all 4 directions. Overheard a man next to me in a restaurant say he just sold one of his properties in West Yellowstone and bought bench property overlooking the Bitterroot River in Montana. When you start hearing people in Mesquite talking about moving to Montana…..with cash in hand, that can outbid any local, there goes the neighborhood. Many can now outbid those whose money is tied up in their home.

Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago

What the fuck will happen next you think?
white men get subjected/isolated/scapegoating to death
white women use their womanhood to voluntarily subordinate to another tribe
The women knew they can survive mostly when they open the leg at occupied territories

The financial – tech oligarchy will use the Americas endless plundering machine to the other healthy Sovereign nation
I guarantee that whole right minded Humanity will curse and condemn White American for their cowardice
We hope before that happened America collapse

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Falcone, it isn’t funny for us folk living in Idaho. The Cali scum already elected a commie woman as mayor of Boise. I guess I will check out SD when my lease is close to ending.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
4 years ago

Didn’t mean to rub salt in your wounds!

The mountain states and Dakotas have lots of appeal, but they’re popular.

I’m probably going to take a chance on Blue Ridge Mountains and westerly Virginia or thereabouts. It’s losing population so I probably won’t make money on a house but I like the fact that it’s NOT a magnet for newcomers and that every county around me for over 100 miles is 90%+ white.

Last edited 4 years ago by Falcone
Stranger in a strange land
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

FYI – at least here at the Southern end of the Blue Ridge – it’s a strong magnet for new comers

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

My parents (both long dead) chose that precise area to retire to, ca. 1975-1999. The mountains are beautiful and isolated but it’s not the suburbs. Keep in mind my perspective was from a teen/young adult, isolation has its downsides. Personally, I never want to live somewhere the mailbox on the nearest state road is a twenty minute drive away 🙂 Also, did I mention that this rural property was all but unsaleable, and this during the 1990s, a time of economic boom? In the end, Mom bequeathed it to her Church.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

No worries, brother. We are on the same team.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

My guess is that, if you were to live in very rural Oregon, it will probably be hardly changed. Speaking partly from first-hand experience, to a certain extent, rural life requires a certain amount of sobriety. Being drunk or high can (literally) put you in the ditch without much notice. Being a street person who can beg for spare change and buy his hit or shoot up in the alley probably works best in the big city. Soup kitchens and free medical care are relatively accessible. In a rural area where the nearest house is a mile or more away,… Read more »

Farnsworth Perrywinkle
Farnsworth Perrywinkle
Reply to  Henry Lee
4 years ago

Oh lord you couldn’t be more right….. All of Bob’s neighbors move South and vote more communist than they ever did and work to install Mayor Dicks everywhere –

Reply to  Farnsworth Perrywinkle
4 years ago

If you vote for a Dick, you are going to get a Dick. Good and hard.

Farnsworth Perrywinkle
Farnsworth Perrywinkle
Reply to  Henry Lee
4 years ago

Here in the enemy occupied mid-Atlantic the New York / New Jersey yankee invasion is unrelenting. And they’re convinced that the problems with the cesspits they’re leaving is that people didn’t vote hard left enough. The yankees that flee south are the worst Stalin worshipers out there –

Reply to  Farnsworth Perrywinkle
4 years ago

Blacks and Yankees

I don’t know how people in the south do it anymore

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

They escape into college football. State’s negroes are better than Tech’s negroes.

RJ Grunts
RJ Grunts
Reply to  skeptic16
4 years ago

We should invent a new national sport. Speed Cotton Picking. Give ’em wide receiver gloves, doo rags, jerseys and cleats. Set a thousand on each field and watch the mayhem ensue across many fields live on TV. Hold pick-offs culminating in, you guessed it, The Cotton Bowl ….

Reply to  RJ Grunts
4 years ago
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Genuine ask: Has “Yankee” come to mean any resident of the northeast? Because if you look into the demographics, the Dutch and English populations are vanishing. The largest pop. is in Maine where they’re about 20%. Everywhere is dominated by some combination of Irish/Italian/Greek/Quebecois/Germans . . .

Reply to  RoBG
4 years ago

What I, personally, mean by “Yankee” is a presumptuous, loud, and arrogant know-it-all with an accent and who, very often, engages in conspicuous consumption and looks down on and sneers at anyone who likes animals and the countryside. You’ll know them when you meet them.

Last edited 4 years ago by Falcone
David Wright
4 years ago

I support Mayor Dick. I have always supported Mayor Dick.
Wear your mask!

Reply to  David Wright
4 years ago

He’s done so much for the children. I talk with my son’s teachers and they all love him. He’s done so much for the teachers.

These spoiled millennials like Bob need to stop thinking the world revolves around them. I understand the subway system is dirty. So



Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago


Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Learn to code Bob.

Reply to  Guest
4 years ago

Or start your own bus company, says the libertardians.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Phoenix
4 years ago

Is there perhaps a correlation in the fact that some, perhaps most, “public transit” systems were privately owned and operated in the days of segregation? Rosa Parks and all the other crusaders have now earned the right to sit anywhere on any bus or train. The problem is, the quality of the people who ride on such transit continues to hit all-time lows. And, I suspect, there are few or no privately owned mass transit services in the USA these many decades. I suppose that, just like with the problems that afflicted public education for largely the same reasons, governments… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

I hope the Dems are happy with their French Revolution style coup. It would be great if they quickly go to the part where they all guillotine each other, skipping over the middle parts.

Jacques Lebeau
Reply to  huerfano
4 years ago

I was looking forward to the part where they revise the calendar and change the names of the months. The month of Floydan, the month of Antiflon and so on. But the circular firing squads will also go down well.

Reply to  Jacques Lebeau
4 years ago

You do realize that happens only after their enemies are dead, in prison, or fled right?

More died in the Vendee -300,000- in about 6 weeks then the rest of the official Jacobin terror. The French ignore the Vendee’s Infernal Columns.
Who killed all in their path, exterminating the province.
Oh, and they lost too.

Reply to  Guest
4 years ago

So? If it gets that way, fight back.
Your average Deplorable has proportionately far more firepower than a Frenchman of that period being roughly as well and equipped as the infantry.
And yes sure tanks all that, not gonna happen and frankly our equipment is falling apart anyway and won’t be impossible to counter.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Guest
4 years ago

More like the Soviet breakup. They’ll fight to keep territories they see as valuable, but good riddance to those they can live without.

4 years ago

Yeah Trump only has two choices make a deal with people that don’t honor deals or stay and fight because they are going to kill him and his and his children if he doesn’t. And I guess on the smaller scale that’s true of all of us

Reply to  whitney
4 years ago

I think making Trump and his family and associates into cornered rats is a really smart move for our commie friends. They should include people that voted for him too, especially the ones who own lots of guns. This will make them very popular.

Reply to  Peabody
4 years ago


Capt Willard
Reply to  whitney
4 years ago

Every one of Trump’s 70 million voters calling in sick to work would be a bigger power play than their “Biget wins” scam.

I’d be happy to take a week off, maybe 14 days, Covid is dangerous as hell, you know, but generally a symptom free thingy.

Let Pres-Elect Biget and the MSM run the supply chain, keep the motor pool running, debug their own code, balance the books without us for a few weeks. They can’t.

Last edited 4 years ago by Capt Willard
4 years ago

Bob’s death does not end matters. Public safety requires that we go after all his supporters and enablers, too. If you suspect that a neighbour or co-worker is or was or could be a Bob supporter, please inform Mayor Dick’s office. It’s about the children!

Reply to  cynewulf58
4 years ago

Fortunately, now that every idiot has a literal supercomputer at their fingertips, and public finance disclosure laws make searching for names/addresses/maps to find addresses a trivial matter, we can easily find anyone who donated money to Bob.

(You know what we do to those who donated to Bob, right?)

Last edited 4 years ago by ProZNoV
Cereal Decoder Ring
Cereal Decoder Ring
Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

I’ve actually considered utilizing those tools to reach out to those folks. A neighbor is a super donor and I never would have guessed it.

It’s like the chaga tea Z Man discount. We’re all on that list.

Reply to  Cereal Decoder Ring
4 years ago

Expect Portland to lead the way with targeted harassment/vandalism/violence towards individual houses with lists like this. With Trump gone it’s practically state sanctioned.

Interesting times.

Last edited 4 years ago by ProZNoV
Reply to  cynewulf58
4 years ago

Contact AOC’s office to have them added to her “enemies list”.

Capt Willard
Reply to  cynewulf58
4 years ago

Bob’s supporters all caught a symptom free “deadly” virus called Biget20. They weren’t able to go to work for quite a while. No one fixed the motors. No one debugged the code. No one drove the bus.

The cure for Biget20 turned out to be Mayor Dick stepping down. Go figure.

Last edited 4 years ago by Capt Willard
4 years ago

Boy, that cheered me up. A happy ending always does.

– boris & natasha

must get moose and squirrel!

4 years ago

OK, so what is the moral of this story Aesop? The ending is grim and defeatist, so are we to assume that all is lost and fighting back is pointless? Or how about a different ending. After the election, Bob leaves town and is never heard from again. He effectively disappears from the consciousness of Metropolis and becomes a nobody. One year later, Mayor Dick dies in a freak accident in which he is electrocuted by his toothbrush. Shit happens and the world keeps turning, only now with one less asshole in it.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

The moral is politics in a political district beyond a small town is likely to be a losing game for an honest, sincere, productive person. If a town has its own “transit system”, it’s probably too big. The presence of bums is a telltale sign as well.

Capt Willard
Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

Bob’s supporters catch a “deadly” symptom free virus called Biget20. They are not able to go to work for quite a while. No one fixes the motors, debugs the code, drives the bus.

The cure for Biget20 turns out to be Mayor Dick stepping down. Go figure.

4 years ago

At this point I’ve decided, like ZMan, that the only way to win at voting is not to play.

I think we need to work out some form of sortition system. State legislatures and the US Congress should be selected by lot, with the bodies electing one of their own members to serve as governor/President.

We think of the ancient Greeks as the founders of democracy, but they warned against elections. They considered them a step on the road to oligarchy.

David Wright
Reply to  Corn
4 years ago

Actually I hadn’t voted since Buchanan got taken down, twenty years. Then Trump came along and said what the hell even if it is just one stinking vote. I don’t even bother with local as I have experience and insight about all that.

oh well, back to the old days.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  David Wright
4 years ago

Same. Trump was the first mainstream candidate to get a vote for me since Buchanan’s run. Electoral politics became pointless after Buchanan came up short (or did he?).

Reply to  Corn
4 years ago

I think we need to think of some kind of ‘soft secession”. It would be a sort of passive aggressive resistance where certain federal laws are quietly ignored and cooperation with the federal government is selective. Just like the Left has done with drugs and immigration. For example, fair housing laws or affirmative action could be ignored. Forbidding military recruiters in public schools and selective cooperation with the FBI and Federal Marshalls would be good possibilities. Before any of this is done, it could be very useful to set up a state owned bank like North Dakota. Another matter to… Read more »

Reply to  Corn
4 years ago

Greeks didn’t need elections because the didn’t have universal suffrage—and obviously their City-state was much smaller. The key to our current problem is universal suffrage. Probably never fixable at this point, but can be traced back to where we first drifted off from the Founders intent.

Reply to  Corn
4 years ago

I’ll still vote in the local elections. But for president, there’s not point…your vote doesn’t matter.

Reply to  Corn
4 years ago

The good news is, the Zman doesn’t need to figure out how to overcome democracy– it’s already dead.

We have a collective Monarchy, believing itself Chosen by Divine Right;

A hereditary aristocracy, entitled to privilege;

A clerisy, focused on Court intrigue.

We’re back to historical norms.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Democracy is a rich man’s trick.

Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

The only thing that I’d add to the parable is that Bob notices that, in addition to the neighbors that he aleady had, he sees more and more new people, of different races, wearing different clothes and speaking different languages. All of these people receive free passes to ride the transit system and all of them support Mayor Dick, who now refers to himself as Mayor Ricardo.
I was watching French television and the commentator out and out admitted that immigration into Georgia had caused the state’s political orientation to change.
Trump Won!

4 years ago

It seems like the main takeaway in Bob’s parable is the political dicks of the world continue to “dick” us backwards and forwards six ways from Sunday because they can and there are never and I mean never any serious consequences. Maybe a lost election here and there while moving on to the next gig in the system – big f-ing deal. This former country is a complete joke.

RJ Grunt
RJ Grunt
Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

Anything made by man can be undone by man. Any political system will eventually be gamed then spoiled. There is an ancient repository divulging all instances and imstructing how to do it in the future. To gain access, you must wear a small hat.

Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

As long as you play by Dicks rules(House rules) you will lose. You win by not playing by Dicks rules.Instead when Dick is driving to work he is broadsided by a cement truck and killed. The city councilmen who rubber stamped his edicts have accidents as well. Maybe one gets gruesomely whacked, others find their homes burned to the ground.. The local TV editor who white washed Dicks dirty laundry vanishes and is never seen again. The point being when one side plays hardball you better as well or you will end up like Ken Starr, Seth Rich or SEAL… Read more »

4 years ago

I’ve passed along this so-called article to Mayor Dick’s Director of Communications and Community Outreach. She will be holding a press conference at 3 PM to discuss the absurd and unconscionable distortions and meritless accusations that are rife in this slanderous hit piece.

You can also contact the Director at City Hall, c/o Sarah Shapiro, 4th Floor.

Felix Krull
4 years ago

Bob made the mistake of breaking cover. He should have organized online and anonymously, and spent his time productively shitposting instead of having picnics in meatspace.

Great column, though.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Bum Lover !

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Go away.

4 years ago

What happens if Trump refuses to accept the results of the rigged election? Even if ordered to by the courts? What if he calls on Americans to resist the coup?

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

By what channel would Trump communicate sedition? They’re all controlled. The FCC would it shut down within a day.

Trump is a civnat. He doesn’t want to die in supermax. When he loses in court, he’ll concede.

Reply to  ChicagoRodent
4 years ago

Behind the manicures and bouffant is a man willing to mix it up in the streets

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Time will tell.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Nah, he’ll pay someone else to mix for him, give the nom de geurre “Pompous Pilot” and send him forth decked out Trump style.

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

No. Trump is as repelled by Blood as he allegedly is by germs. Its in Art of the Deal, the collections at Levittown at Fred’s low rent properties repelled him. My heart sank when I read that part.

Now to be fair, he always sold and delivered peace,

He has multiple chances indeed obligation by duty to crack down, he did not.

If he loses in courts, he walks away. He did more for us than anyone. He’s just not a war captain.

Now mind you- he walks away with all the plotters exposed.
That ultimately is his greatest achievement,

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Guest
4 years ago

Yes, Trump’s greatest achievements were inadvertent. He accidentally exposed the State as vicious and corrupt.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Yes, because who didn’t politics was dirty before now?

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  ChicagoRodent
4 years ago

Interestingly, he will die in a Supermax anyways no matter if he concedes or not. Anglin has already stated, with I believe 100% accuracy, Trump will be ‘Roger Stoned’ along with select members of his family within 12 months or less of leaving office once his immunity expires. If anyone thinks otherwise they’ve been asleep for the past 4 years. The level of hatred & TDS these people suffer from is deeply clinical in nature and acuteness. Trump has humiliated the TPTB too long and too often, they will see him imprisoned and stripped of all his former glory before… Read more »

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago

Check out this video and analysis by Matt Bracken distilling the today globalist election-stealing coup:
More about Who then what normie can do, except those local to vote “counting.”
As I repeat, the new action Great Reset coup happened last spring. This is consolidation time.

Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago

I doubt this. Too many of you underestimate the President and just how cunning he is. If he even thinks this is the case and no doubt he has considered it, he’ll either have a way out Israel has nukes for example or declare that the fraud states are in rebellion and Cross the Rubicon as more than a few are suggesting. He might well lose that fight and end up dead or in prison but he also might take the place down with him or win. He is if you’ll forgive some astrology for a moment a Leo rising… Read more »

Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

Agree re Trump’s character, but it’s Rohan (not Gondor), whom he has to call for aid.

Reply to  Suburban_elk
4 years ago

You are correct in that. Its been too long since I’ve say down to read or watch LOTR.

Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago

Good. Let him be the Holy Martyr, then. Any one of us would only be a Kacinsky or McVeigh.

Last edited 4 years ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago

That of course would be a shame. Trump aside however, such vindictiveness can only accrue to our benefit. Dragging Trump through the Courts will serve as a daily reminder to Normie just what the enemy has in store for he and his as well as a rallying point DR’s.

It is an old understanding that martyrs of the opposition should not be made if it can be avoided.

Last edited 4 years ago by CompscI
Capt Willard
Reply to  ChicagoRodent
4 years ago

Did he organize a single boat rally or truck rally, call for a single one? We know what to do.

The country grinds to a halt. Just use all your sick days.

Bruno the Arrogant
Bruno the Arrogant
Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

I wonder if it’s not to our advantage that Trump lost? Even without the presidency, he remains a wealthy and powerful man with the means to make plenty of trouble. And given that he knows he’s likely been cheated, I won’t be surprised if he makes a jihad over bringing down the establishment that shafted him.

If he’s good and truly pissed off, he could be plenty more dangerous out of office than he ever could have been in it.

Reply to  Bruno the Arrogant
4 years ago

He lost pretty much everyone I know by refusing to be more hands on with the riots

If a president doesn’t step in while American cities are burning, he’s not worth my time or energy

And please no “Dude, not his jurisdiction. Civics is your friend”

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

But Jarod said they should let the cities destroy themselves!

Reply to  Valley Lurker
4 years ago

I’m sure Jared has his exit strategy sorted. (BTW: if you wish to see what a toxic force Javanka was, go look at their political donations record.)

Reply to  RoBG
4 years ago

CNN reported that Jared is advising Trump to concede. I guess all the prep work for taking out Iran is done.
If this whole thing is not some kind of charade and Trump does survive, he could be very based.

Reply to  skeptic16
4 years ago

Fake news. CNN is never to be trusted. Never.

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

I suspect that’s why his share of white male vote went down, and why he lost Minnesota. Sure, the Dems in the state and city are to blame, but it’s not like Trump sent troops in and ran a clinic on how to curb civil unrest

Louis DeMarco
Louis DeMarco
Reply to  Drew
4 years ago

If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Biden, then you ain’t White.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

There was definitely a clear argument to be made that the Feds should step in where state and local officials had abandoned their duty to uphold the order required for civil society.

I think that would have sold better to a lot of people.

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

I think he should have crushed the riots myself however and no offense here but your friends are retards if they abstain or wose voted Joe because he wanted to follow the law .
Its no wonder we are in such shit, “Muh principles.” gets us the mess we are in.

Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

Antifa is clearly an interstate criminal enterprise. Why aren’t any of their cells infiltrated?

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
Reply to  skeptic16
4 years ago

The FBI Director said that ANTIFA didn’t exist (with a straight face).

Reply to  skeptic16
4 years ago

Deep state shenanigans, people in high office who expect politics to be a certain way and will not comply with alternate views on how to do things. Antifa serves the people they like so it doesn’t get investigated. The US is flat out not a Republic or a Democracy, its a semi tyranny much like Turkey or the like, run by the permanent government. Democrats own the FBI basically and the Republicans resist this too as a huge chunk of the wealth they have is driven by the kind of spending. Fixing that isn’t easy but creating the smallest possible… Read more »

Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

There really is no organized, coherent opposition. The alternative is for them to fail or break into factions and fight each other.

Reply to  Bruno the Arrogant
4 years ago

If Trump loses and walks away, he’s going to die in prison. The Left has never hated anyone the way they hate Trump, and those the Left hates end up dead. If he’s dumb enough to let that happen, then he deserves it. Meanwhile let’s all LARP some more about how we’re got all the guns and the military is behind us and anyway we can move to North Dakota. Hey, is the sequel to Cuties out on Netflix yet?

Reply to  Severian
4 years ago

Maybe he shouldn’t have trusted his jews so much.

Reply to  Severian
4 years ago

Yeah, I can see Trump fleeing to Russia, like Snowdon, if the Left seeks to jail him.

Reply to  Kapper
4 years ago

Well, at least we’d have confirmation of the things a lot of us have been saying about him in that case – he sure does Tweet a mean game, and can keep doing it from Vladivostok.
Or he could, you know… pursue other remedies. The 101st Keyboard Commando Brigade is behind him all the way (from one side of mom’s basement, all the way to the other side).

Reply to  Severian
4 years ago

Guns don;t matter when men lack the guts and brains to use them. And running won’t help one bit this time around. as the Dems have declared war on whites.
What the whites here don’t get is everyone here is now a target for the Left as are the Trump supporters Like Severian states what the Left hates they murder.
Get it folks? This is the reality of what we are facing down the line, not next month or next year but it’s coming once the ruling class feels it has the power to do so.

Farnsworth Periwinkle
Farnsworth Periwinkle
Reply to  Bruno the Arrogant
4 years ago

Oh, ok – so when he was president he just “exposed” corruption but as a private citizen with no political power he will somehow, “make a jihad over bringing down the establishment…”? Oh brother –

Bruno the Arrogant
Bruno the Arrogant
Reply to  Farnsworth Periwinkle
4 years ago

As a private citizen he’s free to establish his own media outlets, file lawsuits, and establish relationships that aren’t available to him as a president.

If you haven’t noticed, yes as a media mogul he’d have quite a bit more power than he has as president, as far as influence goes. Look at which one just won the election. The president or the media?

Reply to  Bruno the Arrogant
4 years ago

I see what you’re saying. We’re just coming from two different places. You think the Left will let him BE a private citizen. I think China Joe’s executive order #1, signed five minutes after he’s sworn in, sends federal marshals too arrest Trump… who, tragically, will be so despondent over his fate that he’ll check out in the usual way: two slugs in the back of the head. Suicide, the coroner wrote. The only question then is, will President Harris have him exhumed in March and burned for heresy like a medieval pope?

Six Million!
Six Million!
Reply to  Severian
4 years ago

She’ll have him stuffed and mounted at the Smithsonian. Then twerk exclaiming on live stream “Willie got it but you ain’t evah gonna grab THIS pu<>y!”

Reply to  Severian
4 years ago

Woohoo! Shredder Party!!

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

It wouldn’t be worth it. The lackluster response of the elected republicans suggests they will continue their passive-aggressive resistance. Best to let the whole system stink with the taint of fraud. Let Biden explain why the Green New Deal won’t happen and why we attacked Iran.

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
Reply to  skeptic16
4 years ago

I’m sick, because I am eagerly awaiting the war with Iran so I can laugh hysterically at all the “trump as warmonger” assholes. Oh, and should really hardcore covid restrictions be implemented, I am ghoulishly looking forward to the small biz owners I know, already barely making it, winding up on the street when I told them not to vote for Biden for that exact reason and they did anyway.

Last edited 4 years ago by Valley Lurker
Reply to  Valley Lurker
4 years ago

The democrat’s haven’t had a war president since LBJ (neglecting Clinton’s adventure in the Balkans). It’s their turn.

Reply to  Valley Lurker
4 years ago

Friend, nobody should want war. That’s possibly one reason Trump lost: he opposed Bibi’s longed-for war with Iran at America’s expense.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Valley Lurker
4 years ago

Not sure you will get that. That is a Neo-con thing and while Kamala & Joe are J00 bootlickers the new ‘progressive’ left that is the actual rising star in the dem party is quite anti-semitic (Ilhan Omar, Rashida Taleeb, et. al.)

Dems are a bit ahead of the curve it would appear on Naming the J00. 🙂

Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago

Disagree. Jared will have a job- and a celebrity divorce.

Last edited 4 years ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago

Do you really believe “the Squad” is a match for AIPAC, Brookings Institute, Center for American Progress etc.?

Reply to  Valley Lurker
4 years ago

They were hedging their bets– no I’m waiting for the university pension holders!

Reply to  skeptic16
4 years ago

Which is why I always ask folks to reflect upon the question: Who always wins? No matter which way the vote goes, who always gets their agenda, on a plate, with flowers and a bow?

Reply to  RoBG
4 years ago

Perhaps by gutting the Iran deal and putting together a coalition of Arab states to recognize Israel, Trump carried the game as many innings as he could and Biden’s been called from the bullpen as a relief pitcher.

Farnsworth Periwinkle
Farnsworth Periwinkle
Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

If what Epaminondas suggested happened it wouldn’t last long…. then Rod Serling would come on and say he hoped you liked that night’s episode –

Farnsworth Periwinkle
Farnsworth Periwinkle
Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

If what Epaminondas suggested happened my first question would be what third-grader was in charge when it was made crystal-clear that cheating would be done to the highest order possible and why wasn’t anything done to prevent it? –

Reply to  Farnsworth Periwinkle
4 years ago

Maybe Trump the best thing for /ourguys/ would be to lose.

Kick-starting the Awakening- anything else is fingers in the dike.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Trying to awaken the masses is pointless and we’ve been over it again and again and again. What’s needed is an ideology and will to power. At that point we can fix things. The people of the developed world and its not just us are just mice in a mouse utopia. We (and that again is not just the US) haven’t bothered to breed in any numbers in what 50 years? Its not a game over but any attempt “make the Saxon hate” or “wake them up” any of the other platitudes we have are useless. The people must gain… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

If his family were threatened I believe he would request assistance from the people, much like de Gaulle did when the French were near Civil War in the ’60s.

I question how much support he has in the military and Leo communities.

Obama and co had eight years to run their Stalinist purges and brainwashing techniques. They seem to have been quite effective.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

Trump should have had other priorities than Making Israel Great Again.

Capt Willard
Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

All 70 Million of us call in sick to work for a few weeks and its over. We get recounts, we get re-votes. We win.

You think this country runs without us?

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

Good story, this is a realistic appraisal of where politics is now. A friend told me about a show, Mindhunter, or something where he had seen an episode on the serial killer Ted Bundy. He was fascinated, the way you are w evil people. I knew about Bundy and wasn’t fascinated. Ted Bundy was a pathetic loser. Not b/c he was evil, he certainly was. But b/c he had no impulse control and no ability to channel his sick urges in a way that profited him. When Florida’s electric chair fired him up, nothing fascinating or worthy of study was… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

Ted Bundy was advised to consider a career in politics. A former criminal profiler for the FBI said there was a large overlap between serial killers and politicians.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  skeptic16
4 years ago

Maybe Bill Clinton was a Ted Bundy w impulse control, just a thought??

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

Perhaps. What I believe the case being made is that both Pol’s and Serial Killers are “psychopaths” or if you want to distinguish, sociopaths and psychopaths. Point is that these people are broken. They often function well in society, perhaps even better, because they simply don’t give a rat’s ass about you and your feelings. Somewhere around 5% of the population is estimated to be sociopaths. You can find interesting stories of such in the book, “The Sociopath Next Door”. You are nothing more to them than a tool to be used, then discarded. It’s all about themselves, but they… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  CompscI
4 years ago

I think the system always selects for these people, they have a natural advantage, by not giving a cr*p. But they are also low on fear. Once the stakes are mortal, normal people don’t want to play the game. And with rules being openly shat on, we are inching towards that situation I think. Especially considering the background story of Epstein, ‘Arkancides’, the FBI, media and others suppressing the Hunter laptop. I mean, not to be a ghost story teller but I see the conjectures of a way of politics involving murder, ‘anything to win’, full scale Machiavelli. An environment… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

Yes, natural selection- the social environment is self forming.

‘What is cultivated’.

Last edited 4 years ago by Alzaebo
Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

I’ve read Machiavelli’s (famous) books. Fascinating. One of my favorite quotes is from Roger Bacon (paraphrased): “We are much beholden to Machiavelli and others, for he writes what men do, not what men should do.”

Reply to  CompscI
4 years ago

Corporate environments seem to attract psychopaths more so than blue collar jobs.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  skeptic16
4 years ago

From the director level it’s skin suits, all the way up.

Reply to  CompscI
4 years ago

A psychiatrist called Hare did a lot of work on psychopaths. I think his number was about 5%of the population.

He put together a list of 20 character traits.
You see a lot of them in successful politicians..

Last edited 4 years ago by bilejones
Reply to  CompscI
4 years ago

That’s also the difference between black and white. Blacks can read people like a book, while most whites can’t read others at all.

Also strong in low empathy and self-centeredness. Social, narcissistic, uncaring of consequence- the breeder’s brain, hindbrain processing dominant.

Last edited 4 years ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

Hillary was. Poor Willy- she had to arrange a speech coach for him, he was so terrified of speaking in public.

Little known is his eidetic memory- Willy never forgets a name or a face.

4 years ago

Nowhere in this irresponsible hit piece does the author mention the new Otter exhibit at City Park.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

And Comet Pizza restaurants on every corner…

Jacques Lebeau
4 years ago

Good Lord Z-Man! Agreed that we live in dark times, but The Parable of Bob really is dark. (Your intent, no doubt, and it certainly gets one’s attention.)
A suggestion: how about a Parable of Tom at some future date, hinting at an effective way to actually reform the “transit system?” Only if it won’t land you in jail of course.
Many of us are groping towards solutions — it is getting abundantly clear that traditional remedies don’t work. Thoughts about what might work appreciated.

Last edited 4 years ago by Jacques_Lebeau
Reply to  Jacques Lebeau
4 years ago

It really cracks me up when people say reform now

Reply to  whitney
4 years ago

Oh we’re reforming alright. Into China. It’s globohomo’s plan. Whites are the new uyghurs. More than half of America seems fine with it.

Reply to  ChicagoRodent
4 years ago

Now there’s a meme. “Whites are the New Uyghurs”.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Hoagie
4 years ago

And once that catches on, the media will shift the scant coverage it does give the Uyghurs to none at all. Ask Afrikaners. Twofer, slogan becomes irrelevant and their Chineae masters approve.

Only answer is to quiet the lying mouth. When journalists became propagandists they cashed in the neutral protection of truth speaker for active combatant. They should not think they can remain above the consequences of the war they fully engage in.

I speak hypocritically here, of course.

Reply to  Penitent Man
4 years ago


Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  cynewulf58
4 years ago

Damn it. Thank you. Autocorrect. This is your last warning autocorrect. You’ve been spoken to about this before. Bastard.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Penitent Man
4 years ago

I’ve posted before about rock songs that are about the press. Here’s a new “to me” one (I heard the Simply Red version.) Originally by The Kinks in 1966. This sounds remarkably like Z’s uncharitable opinon of journalists 🙂
“The reason I am stupid,
Is because I read you every day.
You misquote all of the true things
Because they rub you the wrong way.
Hey, Mr. Reporter,
How ’bout talking about yourself?
Do you like what you’re doing,
Or is it that you can do nothing else?

Reply to  ChicagoRodent
4 years ago

People are underestimating how much China hates yt. They are still mad about the opium war. They don’t distinguish between white nationalities, so white is white, to them English aggression = Americans.

Joe and Kamala are anti-white, and are CCP puppets, so what does that say about CCP?

The CCP is not your friend – at best we should be cautious about them until we know more about their intentions.

Mr. Bingo Bongo
Mr. Bingo Bongo
Reply to  B125
4 years ago

The Opium wars is an excuse. What did the Tibetans or for that matter the Formosan natives ever do to the Han?

Reply to  Mr. Bingo Bongo
4 years ago

Sure but that’s the narrative they use against us.

Against the Tibetans, well they used to invade and rape Hans so that’s the justification.

However the same demographic techniques used against Tibetans is also being used against us. Makes you wonder.

Reply to  B125
4 years ago

You’re claiming this is a Chinese plot?

If farce its too dry even for me.

Reply to  Guest
4 years ago

I’d say B125 understands that the Chinese have interests, not friends.

Again, an enemy we can understand.
Double-dealing is an old and acceptable strategy in balance-of-power.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Guest
4 years ago

I can believe they played some partial role, probably revenge for globohomo’s obsession over their satellite states (Hong Kong being the latest example), but it’s ridiculous to think they were be-all-end-all in this scheme. I suppose just as normie hides his nationalism behind Zionism, he hides his “anti-Semitism” behind Sinophobia.

Reply to  B125
4 years ago

The Chinese, at least, are an enemy we can understand. That other bunch use war tactics so alien to our mindset we don’t see them.

More trouble is that white sociopaths do ‘get’ those tactics, and copy them successfully.

But!- the white internal enemy is much easier to see, so I think it’s more effective to concentrate firepower on our own, despite my own strong bias.

Last edited 4 years ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  B125
4 years ago

What? The chinks are gonna hold the brack smoke against us now, like the darkies have been holding slavery over our heads? Is there never a statute of limitations for poor old YT??

Bill Mullins
Reply to  ChicagoRodent
4 years ago

Problem for them is I don’t have enough usable parts to make parting me out profitable. I would not wish my organs on anybody but a mud-slime jehadi.;)

Hannibal Lecter
Hannibal Lecter