Election Math

Note: I have a Thanksgiving themed post up at Taki this week. I have a long essay in my long promised on the subject of the Puritan Question. This a small taste.

An iron rule of the universe is that anything that has value will inevitably be forged or stolen, usually both. This is especially true of elections, because the election promises to bestow the most valuable thing of all to the ruling class. Elections give the ruling class legitimacy. As a result, every American election has had irregularities. Whether it is the Democrats calling out the dead vote or Democrats busing in illegal’s to vote in the suburbs, Democrats have been gaming elections since forever.

This most recent election may set a record for irregularities. It is hard to know if the claims being made by Trump are real. Trump’s track record on truth telling is not great, but even putting his claims aside, this election has more strange angles than any election in American history. Too many states have had ballots magically appear in the middle of the night or last minute rule changes that favor one side. When this happens in the third world, the West demands new election.

Here’s a bit of data that should jump off the page. In the modern era, no incumbent that has increased his vote total from the previous election has lost. Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Clinton and Bush all won reelection by increasing their vote total from their first election victory. Obama saw a slight down turn in his vote total, but his 2008 victory was landslide. Trump increased his vote by 17% over his 2016 total, 73,763,979 versus 62,984,828, yet his vote share declined and he lost.

To call this unprecedented is a wild understatement. A contested election between two new candidates generates a lot of interest. Elections with an incumbent are referenda on the person holding the seat. If people are happy with him, his vote total goes up. The voters now have more certainty about the man. If the voters are not happy, then his vote total goes down, as people who voted for him sit out or vote against him.

What the vote totals are telling us this time is that millions of people who did not vote for Trump in 2016 either came out to vote for the first time in their life in 2020 or switched from opposing him to supporting him. Yet, despite millions being happy with his term in office, millions more were so outraged that they came out of nowhere to vote against Trump. The improbability of this is hard to overstate.

This brings up probably the most absurd anomaly in election history. According to the official narrative, Joe Biden brought in close to 15 million new voters. The last four elections saw the following vote totals: 121,056,394, 129,390,000, 126,035,116,   128,824,246. The vote total for 2020 was 153,548,144. If we net out the 11 million extra who voted for Trump, we are being told that the vibrant and exciting Joe Biden, a man who could not win a primary, added 15 million new voters.

Everywhere else in life, an extreme outlier is a red flag that warrants investigation, because it suggests something unexpected has happened. If a sprinter shows up at an international event and runs a sub-nine second 100-meters, his life will be torn apart on the assumption he is cheating. If it snows in July, people are going to wonder if the gods are angry at us for some reason. When things don’t follow the normal patterns, people naturally wonder why. Can you spot the oddity here?

 Election Year US Population Total Vote % of Population
1948      146,600,000      48,399,989 33%
1952      157,600,000      61,093,955 39%
1956      168,900,000      61,319,768 36%
1960      180,700,000      68,334,742 38%
1964      191,900,000      69,972,432 36%
1968      200,700,000      72,514,998 36%
1972      209,900,000      75,645,594 36%
1976      218,000,000      79,973,609 37%
1980      226,500,000      84,843,024 37%
1984      235,800,000      92,032,260 39%
1988      244,500,000      90,695,171 37%
1992      256,900,000    103,756,701 40%
1996      269,700,000      94,686,514 35%
2000      282,200,000    104,338,854 37%
2004      292,800,000    121,056,394 41%
2008      304,100,000    129,390,000 43%
2012      313,900,000    126,035,116 40%
2016      323,100,000    128,824,246 40%
2020      331,000,000    153,548,144 46%

Now, the claim will be that the public was so outraged over the terrible Donald Trump that people who had never voted came out to vote for Biden. The plausibility of that claim is undermined by the fact that we have no example of this. The pattern is that the unpopular incumbent sees his voters either stay home of vote against him. Carter lost 13% of his vote in 1976. Bush lost 20% of his vote in 1992. We’re supposed to believe that Trump increased his vote by 17% because people were angry?

Compounding all of this is the fact that exactly no one found evidence of this in their polling in the run-up to the election. It is one of the things that pollster try to gauge when doing a poll. How enthusiastic are the voters for each guy? Trump had a big lead in enthusiasm, which was obvious in the final weeks. He was speaking to massive rallies, while Biden was speaking to empty parking lots. Apparently, those enthusiastic Biden voters really went out of their way to conceal themselves.

Of course, the basic vote totals make the post-election analysis about why Trump lost sound rather ridiculous. You cannot seriously claim he failed to appeal to his voters in some way when he increased his vote total by 17%. That means we have to believe that an 80-year old dementia patient inspired millions to vote for the first time, because Trump did not appeal to his base enough. That’s the sort of logic you get from people who want attention, not answers.

Now, we will hear a lot about the “Tucker Carlson standard” where any questioning of the system must include incontrovertible proof. That is just an effort to create a false dichotomy in order to avoid explaining the weird anomalies about this election. Where the facts lead us is to shift the burden of proof. The principle of parsimony says that something very unusual went on during the voting and counting process. It is on the defenders of the process to explain what happened.

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Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

Another anomaly of the election is that the Democrats lost seats in the House of Representatives in the same election as a Democrat won the presidency. That’s very unusual–the normal pattern is for a candidate to have “coattails” that help his party’s candidates to win. Presidents tend to lose seats in off-year elections. The lack of coattails might be explained if a very charismatic candidate won an election even though his party’s policies were not popular, but that’s clearly not the case with Biden/Harris. The most likely explantion is that the ballot stuffing and miscounting that went on were directed… Read more »

Reply to  Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

I think stealing the election only for Biden was a deliberate part of the plan. The Dems knew that the nut-less wonders in the GOPe would immediately get onboard with the theft as long as a few of their beaks stay wet. It will be interesting to see if the Left openly steals these Senate seats in GA now. If they get away with stealing the Presidency there’s little to stop them from going all out to steal the Senate.

Reply to  RDittmar
4 years ago

Stealing both of these Senate seats is a best case scenario for the fast collapse outcome. It will be like a junkie going on his last bender, the descent to the bottom will be quick and definitive. Very likely all of the debt bubbles will explode in quick succession and DC will then tax the dead corpse of the economy into final submission. Real hardship will return and then it’s either World War time or the Fall of the US Empire. Fitness selection coming on like a freight train. Are you ready?

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

If I lived in georgia I would vote Democrat just as a middle finger to the corrupt and traitorous Republicans.

However, if they could rig the election for Biden, theres no reason they couldn’t rig the election for a GOP senator, to keep the illusion of a 2 party democracy going.

Reply to  B125
4 years ago

Yeah, that would be 4D chess kind of shit indeed. Either way, any sane person now knows that voting is a fools errand. But habits die hard and plenty of normies will flock to polls to appease their conscience.

Hoosier Mama
Hoosier Mama
Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

I will continue to vote in every election because even if they cancel or reverse my ballot decisions then I will still be a consideration they must account for.

If I do not vote, I am empty space, a non-entity, and a zero they do not have to account for any longer.

Hold your nose and make them work for it. Showing up in person to vote can indirectly influence events; sitting around with one thumb up your arse and the other scrolling here contributes zero influence.

Reply to  Hoosier Mama
4 years ago

Fair enough, but the other side of the coin is a reasonable response as well—voting implies consent. To me consent can only be given in a “fair game”. It is obvious the game is rigged—you can’t win, you can’t break even, hell, you can’t even quit the game (if folks who are touting democracy are to be believed). Well, I quit. No more. Want to get me back in the game Republicans (and any honest Dem’s)? Then make substantive and demonstrable changes to the present system of voting. Just that simple. Of course, this will never happen as long as… Read more »

Reply to  CompscI
4 years ago

Very well said. I do not consent to participate in a rigged game of pretend voting. I do not consent to being part of the ‘polity’ of Weimerica. I do not consent to living in clownworld.

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

The leftists that rule over us would like nothing better than having conservatives not vote. You can vote and understand that it is only one avenue of several to pursue. It feels like a bunch of incels over here, hating women because they got rejected a few times. Those men who are successful (and everyone for that matter) have racked up tons of rejection. Trump did win the presidency. He appointed three actual conservatives to the Supreme Court. He stayed the hell out of wars, had a successful economy and imposed considerable rule of law with the border. If people… Read more »

Reply to  CompscI
4 years ago

I think the way this works in corrupt third world states is that if you have any ambition you work on buying off the local party bosses in your area and can then set about ignoring the law. So the system here would be that the Democratic Institutional Revolutionary Party gives the Karens and soyboys their mask rules for instance, and then businesses and individuals just pay someone off to go about their normal lives sans masks. It just turns into an informal tax system where local thugs get a cut of the prosperity that can actually only exist in… Read more »

Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

Yea, immigrants have a lot of first hand experience dealing with corrupt destructive governments.

YT still thinks “the government is us”

Reply to  CompscI
4 years ago

Voting doesn’t imply consent. If you don’t vote, you are accepting your lot. The best answer is not to throw away all remaining power. The best answer is to try your best with voting and also other avenues. Protests, legal action, building communities, supporting important voices, all of it. I try to do all I can. You aren’t guaranteed to win, but the surest way to lose is not to show up. Would Trump have a win right now if every conservative had voted for him? Of course. Folks imagine they are ruled over and hopeless. This is pathetic. Republicans… Read more »

Reply to  Hoosier Mama
4 years ago

You are apparently new here and unfamiliar with my recommendations for making an actual difference. When you show up to vote and think you are forcing them to cheap to an ever increasing degree, you are not really deterring them, you are making them into better cheaters.

Last edited 4 years ago by TomA
Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

Urging conservatives not to vote is something leftists would advise.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Hoosier Mama
4 years ago

nah, got to kill the GOP to have a chance at getting rid of the dem crime machine. enjoy your stay in the matrix…

Reply to  Karl McHungus
4 years ago

If the nationalist right refuses to vote they cede the conservative party to the Mitt Romneys of the world. I just threw up a little in my mouth thinking about that.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

Voting has stopped many harebrained immigration schemes in over the years. What would America look like without that?

Reply to  B125
4 years ago

The GOP has fought for real conservatives many times. They allowed Trump to be their candidate and their President, for goodness sake. Throwing in the towel is pathetic. I’ll keep voting and keep trying. If Trump can give so much effort every day, we can do so much less.

Reply to  Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

I thought that the dems losing house seats even as they won the presidency was sure evidence of fraud. So I looked at the past 50 years worth of house results in presidential election years. And was surprised to see that the winning presidential candidate party lost house seats about half the time.

4 years ago

The most useful math course – well beyond algebra, trig, or calculus – is Probability & Statistics. Maybe there’s a strategic reason the education establishment ignores it. Trig and Calculus are relatively benign, but a basic understanding of Prob/Stats is the reddest of red-pills.

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

Make my living in that world. And believe me if we got this sort of unexpected variance our quants would be defenestrating themselves.

Henry Lee
Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

Back in the last century at Georgia Tech, the three big killers were German, Thermo and Statistics.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Henry Lee
4 years ago

But not “The Rap Videos of Run DMC”?

Reply to  Henry Lee
4 years ago

Though one of my kids would add “Ship Dynamics” to that list.

Milestone D
Milestone D
Reply to  Henry Lee
4 years ago

Let’s see … didn’t take German, but got a C in Thermo and a D in stats. The joke when I was there was Emag, Re-mag, three-mag, management. thwg!

Milestone D
Milestone D
Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

Heresy! NR says every Mid must take Calc & Calc-based physics! How dare you suggest that some other math might be more important! If Nuclear power admiral says it is important, then it *is* important. So it is right and good that Stats is relatively ignored.

4 years ago

It was blatant theft. He won by a landslide. All the new red seats they’re all riding his coattails. The only people I know denying it are legitimately terrible people. These are people that lie and steal and think nothing of it. They think they’re good people. And like we all know we’re not voting our way out of this

Reply to  whitney
4 years ago

No one believes Biden crushed Obama watching ing them wiggle and squirm holding up the lie for the next four years at least promises some possible entertainment but could get ugly too if they play the double down game and claim it means a huge mandate. I can see Kamala sent out to make that case to the sheep. “The most popular president of all time with 77 million votes is a clear mandate to that America wants the green new deal and wants public option and wants…..” notice how ever since Clinton, it’s like everyone is auditioning for the… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Why would they wiggle and squirm to hold up anything? The lie is being cemented now. They will strut and shout from the rooftops, not wiggle and squirm.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  JustaProle
4 years ago

Correct. Wiggling and squirming is for people who actually have some semblance of a conscience and shame.

Reply to  whitney
4 years ago

For your consideration:
Rudy lays it out:
Powell lays it out:

Reply to  whitney
4 years ago

You are absolutely correct, and this election is an IQ test for the masses. If you cannot see reality for what it is, then you deserve the consequences that are about to unfold. As others have commented, this attempt at election theft is an inflection point in our history. If they succeed, social trust will go negative with a vengeance. And that is no trivial thing.

4 years ago

The strangest bit of election mathematics, by my estimation, is how Biden was able to pick up a few hundred thousand swing state votes in the hours after those states announced they would stop counting for the night.

T. Morris
T. Morris
Reply to  Tyche
4 years ago

Try upwards of a million just between Pennsylvania and Michigan.

Reply to  T. Morris
4 years ago

I was counting them distributively for each state, but yes you are correct. I suppose gaining a million or so votes by means other than addition is an even stranger mathematical phenomenon!

Reply to  Tyche
4 years ago

Yep – like flipping a coin a few hundred thousand times and it coming up TURD every time.

4 years ago

“It is on the defenders of the process to explain what happened.”
Just so. Will an explanation be provided? Not looking to go Guiness for longest-held-breath.
Unless Sidney Powell does have very convincing evidence re Dominion, the dem steamroller is likely to pancake her and many, many others. Should this take place, my faith in the solidity of USA as a nation will be lost.

David Wright
Reply to  Montefrío
4 years ago

It takes this for you to lose faith? Where have you been?

Reply to  David Wright
4 years ago

I’ve been in South America for a long time and will continue to be. I should have written “faith in human decency in the USA”, a faith that in spite of everything I contined to hold, shaky though it has become. The USA has clearly changed more than I understood. I imagine I’d have lost it earlier were I there.

4 years ago

Obviously the fix is in.

But, we live in a society where children can have other genders than “boy” and “girl”, and where blacks (and some muslims) are deified as sage people.

Truth doesn’t matter anymore, Biden could get 6 billion votes and it would all be the same.

Moe Noname
Moe Noname
Reply to  B125
4 years ago

“Of course there was massive fraud, but Orange Man Bad”, they explained.
Every Single Biden Voter
Pronouns he/him
Black Lives Matter
We are all individuals.

Reply to  Moe Noname
4 years ago

You forgot “Wear A Mask!”

Reply to  Moe Noname
4 years ago

Sadly, even if Trump and Co. could prove the fraud in time, the NY Times and CNN would basically argue, “Yeah, it was stolen. But it’s Trump, so who cares?”

Reply to  B125
4 years ago

Notice they didn’t cheat their way to victory by a narrow margin

they went full audacious double down chutzpah and say he won in a popular vote landslide

what this foretells in terms of their governance is anyone’s guess But it’s probably not good

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

It means permanent lockdowns, mandatory vaccines, extreme mass immigration, green new deal, impoverishment of middle America, etc.

And worse, I’m sure

Reply to  B125
4 years ago
Reply to  B125
4 years ago

So basically the status quo. (There won’t be a green new deal in the forseeable future, unless the oil & gas industries branch out for some sweet government gibs. They are after all in the donor class.)

Reply to  B125
4 years ago

Optimists. Take off those rose-colored glasses, will ya?

4 years ago

What gets conflated here is “irregularity” vs. “fraud”. Seen plenty of frauds in my business career and can’t think of an example that did not begin with detection of “irregularity”. And no examples where the sort of multiple std. deviation variances you see here did not yield a fraud under careful examination. Problem is those frauds are complex “paper cases” that require careful examination of the documentary evidence and then usually turn on the willingness of some of perpetrators to cut a deal and provide direct testimonial evidence. The timeframes we’re dealing with here don’t afford that luxury. And the… Read more »

Reply to  SamlAdams
4 years ago

Saml, I think we do the same, or similar work. Living in the realm of probability sets and expected outcomes, the BS detectors become rather sensitive. One gets anomalies all the time, but not patterns of anomalies, or whirlwinds of repeated, pat, and rather impossible anomalous outcomes, all in the same direction, in the same way, at the same time. As if one had four hurricanes hit Newfoundland in a weekend.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Though it is true that the good Lord did not love Louisiana this season.

Reply to  SamlAdams
4 years ago

“The timeframes we’re dealing with here don’t afford that luxury.”

That’s the biggest obstacle and one that team Trump simply won’t be able to overcome. Math is hard and trying to get most folks to understand all of the statistical variables so that they truly appreciate the amount of fraud is impossible in the time that remains before Biden’s inauguration day.

Reply to  SamlAdams
4 years ago

The problem is that our elections are not auditable. Recounting illegitimate votes won’t yield a different count. Even registering to vote is an honor system in most places, often requiring no more than a recent utility bill. In MA you have to actively and repeatedly decline to register to vote if you renew your driver’s license online. Uncreased mail-in ballots? How do you prove they’re frauds?

4 years ago

The thing about mathematics is that it is non-partisan. Strangely enough, the left keeps trying to enlist math. The numbers seem to be resolutely resisting their progressive charms.

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

Everything is now partisan

Last edited 4 years ago by Marko
Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

I though it was a well-established fact that math is racist.

Mo'ray Washington
Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

I love effin science?

Reply to  Mo'ray Washington
4 years ago

I effin march for science! Wearing a pussy hat.

JR Ewing
JR Ewing
4 years ago

It all stinks to high heaven, but what’s the point of arguing about it? This result has been predestined since November 9, 2016. There was no way Jose they were going to let Trump win again and there is no way Jose that this “election” gets overturned. Point being, I’d LOVE for it to somehow be proved and the skies to open up and it all become clear, but that will never happen. And since that will never happen, the media will just push the narrative and the Uniparty will move forward and be glad to be rid of that… Read more »

Reply to  JR Ewing
4 years ago

There was so much spontaneous and organic support for Trump and literally none for Biden that this stolen election has to be obvious to anyone who is at least willing to open their eyes and tune out the pathetic msm. If this is allowed to stand, we are beyond hope. Maybe it’ll be a tipping point – if not, I don’t know what will shake people out of their stupor.

Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

I think people, consciously or not, realize the country is split into two

On one had there are the people outside of government, or all of us. And then it’s them, and everything they do is for the organization that is the government. We are the people in the stands, the audience.

Why get upset with what goes on on stage? It’s their deal. Their problems.

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

The problem is that what goes on, on the stage eventually affects the audience, often in unpleasant ways. Everyone knows the dems are crooked from the word go. But after four solid years of colluding against and caterwauling about orange man bad, then to attempt and perhaps pull off this massive a fraud – talk about jumping the shark. But it looks like we’re gonna have to bend over and take it sans the k-y…

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

What’s going on onstage will affect the audience by the MAGA audience never voting again if the Dems get away with the steal. I know I won’t ever vote again. What’s the point?

Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

I agree about voting. This will probably be it for me. I just loathe these lefturd progs with a white hot hatred. On top of it all we’ll have to constantly hear how legit the election was an how the people have spoken and all the other smarmy bs they can dredge up. Makes me sick.

Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

I think the Biden admin is going to be hamstrung by a legitimacy problem

Everyone knows he didn’t win

Perhaps the Russia hoax was preparation for how to deal with a real hoax

Who knows. But if Kamala thinks Trump voters are going to obey her dictates, she’s got another thing coming

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Falcone, that’s right. They bought it, they own it. They get to name it and clean out the litter box. Make them own it like LBJ.

Bridge Up
Bridge Up
Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

They want you to know it’s all lies and that you cannot change anything. That’s their thrill and why they do it.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  JR Ewing
4 years ago

Anyone with two brain cells can see that the steal has been proven conclusively. All this has done is confirm what we all already knew – the US is a Leftist dictatorship. Trump was simply an accidental intermission.
But nothing (other than a few redpillings) will come of it.

Last edited 4 years ago by c matt
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  JR Ewing
4 years ago

The question is, what will Trump do with his enormous political swat in the coming years? Cadaver Joe will be the “official” president but Trump will be the shadow president. If he chooses to do so, he could gum up the works of this society by encouraging his recently disenfranchised supporters to engage in all sorts of disruptive behaviors, and most of them (us?) will go along with his injunctions. Trump could, in effect, be the tribune of an essentially separate nation from that ruled by Biden and the Power Structure.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

Why not? It’s what Obama did.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Peabody
4 years ago

Right. But I think Trump could be Obama on steroids in this role.

Hoosier Mama
Hoosier Mama
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

Trump is a carnival barker. Most of us who supported him initially realize the hoop diameter is smaller than the overinflated basketball. His opportunity to scam us is past and we’re not gonna pay attention to him anymore.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

what other handles is this person using?

Stranger in a strange land
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

Disruptive behavors – such as?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Stranger in a strange land
4 years ago

A very wide range. Everything from refusing to pay taxes, to civil disobedience, to acts of infrastructure sabotage, to street violence, to–dare I say?–white national organization.

Now, do I think Trump will push it that far? No. However, the opportunity exists for him to become one of the very most significant historical figures in America’s or post-America’s history. It is within his power to wreak fearful, possibly terminal damage upon the Power Structure. It’s simply a question of doing it and staying alive after the fact.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

if trump couldn’t do anything to keep them from stealing a national election — while he was president — he won’t be able to do fuck all later.

David Wright
4 years ago

Knowing the current vote count and how it was trending before we all went to bed and then waking to the new numbers, we knew the fix was in and worked.

4 years ago

Now connect the dots. We’ve just witnessed an overt, in-your-face, power grab via election theft on a scale never before seen in this country. The media is awash in propaganda and memetic warfare aimed at pacifying the masses and pushing the new Homogeneous Mankind model of social engineering. The rule of law is officially dead and there is no cavalry coming over the hill to save us. Hunker down, go dark, survive. If you appear feisty and smart, the jackboots will come for you first. Ancient wisdom.

Last edited 4 years ago by TomA
Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

Read “The Gulag Archipelago”; really should be required reading for dissident politics in the US.

There’s no hunkering down, there’s no escaping, short of leaving the US.

Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

Hunkering down is about basic survival and not cowering in the dark. You can’t fight back from a concentration camp or a grave. Don’t make it easy for them to target you. And if you think it can’t happen here in the Good Ol’ USA, then your DNA is of no use to the rest of the species. Die bravely on the barricades if you must, but your impact will be small and fleeting.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

that book was written by a guy who got caught. look for works by the mice that didn’t get caught.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

The “rule of law” hasn’t existed for some time now. What is commonly referred to as the “Law” is arbitrarily interpreted and selectively applied based upon the politics and characteristics of the parties involved.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

Sports stadiums are empty.
I propose a new boost to the economy-

Lions and MAGA voters!

Imagine, just imagine the pay-per-view!
All proceeds, of course, will be donated to the World Wildlife Fund.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

We could see this coming a mile away yet we were powerless to stop it. I blame the GOP for being feckless and Trump was not on top of his game for smelling out a setup. It was clear with the hysteria over Covid at the beginning of the year that this was a ramming rod to bust up Trump’s front lines. Mail in ballots are notorious for their ability to be manipulated and conservative inc put up no opposition to them. Let alone any electronic fraud that also happened. The democrats and the black populated and controlled cities are… Read more »

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

IMO Trump thought he had the fraud covered by simply overwhelming the states with enthusiasm for his side. In an ordinary election, he would have been right. The Wuflu/mail-in ballot thing snuck up on him, as did the stretching out the vote count for days and weeks this time around. and also some states being willing to simply flip the voting machine switch to openly post millions of votes for the other guy. All of these elements came up unexpectedly in recent months, and caught him out.

Beetle McTurk
Beetle McTurk
Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

“Caught him out’?
The Bolshies were openly saying in the press they planned to steal the election. Biden was on film talking about ““most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”

Anyone who unironically voted, anyone who is dismayed and clucking over the results, is living in all-encompassing Denial. Didn’t they learn anything about the true nature of their ‘representative government’ when the whole Jeffrey Epstein debacle was eliminated from public consciousness?

4 years ago

Like I say, I will at least get some amusement at watching the establishment act like Biden really did get 77 million votes. How they going to frame that when it makes Obama look bad? I guess it was a massive vote for Obama 2.0? That might be the narrative they have planned. but also when universities and intellectuals have to analyze the success of campaigns. How is anyone seriously going to be able to state that Biden ran the most successful campaign in the nation’s history. at some point the schism will have to appear between what really happened… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

I mean White Men are just better than Blacks and Women. Duh. Democrats just have to never run a non-white or a female again and they’ll get 80 million votes and up and up from now on.

To turn serious, when Kamala loses in 2024, that will legitimately be where the evidence points.

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

President Kamala will be happening much sooner than anticipated. Joe Biden will be in a wheelchair soon, his dementia is bad.

I don’t believe trump lost any white male support, or old folks support. The election is just entirely false. Trump had great support but as I said he could win by 50 million and Biden would find 90 million more ballots.

We live in the clown world, 3rd world now.

Reply to  B125
4 years ago

Biden won the cyber vote, is about all we can assume is true

trump won the actual human vote

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

I’m stealing that

Moe Noname
Moe Noname
Reply to  B125
4 years ago

Throwing little lies like “Trump lost white male votes” is part of Screwtapes method. The blackpill may be magnified in Z-Man’s virtual hall, but sorry guys: we are NOT representative of Joe 6 Pack or Tommy White Wine Spritzer.
I may have a small social circuit, but all of the Trump ambivalent in 2016 were Trump fanatics in 2020.

Reply to  Moe Noname
4 years ago

I didn’t vote this year

First time in my adult life that I didn’t vote.

I live in CA, so myTrump vote wouldn’t mean anything, but even so I didn’t feel Trump was worth my time.

And my ambivalence may speak for many.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

same for me (not voting this year; live in CA). had a mail in ballot but just couldn’t get it done. the lack of any convictions the previous 4x years, and the total worthlessness of the GOP, smothered any enthusiasm i might have had.

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Im a white guy and didn’t vote either. I understand Trump supporters, but you could give the guy a complete dictatorship, get rid of congress and the supreme Court and he still wouldn’t get much done because the problems in America are past the point of correction, and because their would still be massive resistance by leftists. As such, I just don’t see any point in voting for Trump because the best case scenario is not much different than the worst. If you’re still focusing on voting rather than preparing for problems, you’re crazy.

Gunner Q
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

I only vote in CA to keep my taxes down. Sometimes it works.

Reply to  Gunner Q
4 years ago

same here

Reply to  Gunner Q
4 years ago


“I only care about low taxes.” You deserve what you get, traitor.

Enjoy that goddamn fine cuisine!

Last edited 4 years ago by LineInTheSand
Gunner Q
Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Notice that is not what I said, Mister Binary Thinker.

Reply to  B125
4 years ago

True enough.   The voting in the USA is no longer legitimate.  It is now obviously manufactured to deep state requirements -probably since Ovomit in 2008, at least. I confess, I saw the excitement across Michigan & Wisconsin over the summer and I voted.  Never again. All done voting. Losing a real election is one thing, but being a chump is another matter. It took me a long time to get here, but I now realize I am no longer a citizen in a republic. Your votes are stolen here, ergo, there is no vote. I am now officially a dissident. Very curious… Read more »

Reply to  Crispin
4 years ago

Yep, we are merely the audience to the show that is politics. People in the stands cheering on our team but otherwise have no control of the play calling, who gets hired, fired, traded.

Our vote is like buying a ticket for admission

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Your “vote” is meaningless, but your “abstention” from the process perhaps not so. We will see, but in any event it would seem less gut wrenching to abstain.

Reply to  CompscI
4 years ago

I’m definitely abstaining

They don’t want me around, fine by me. Done voting for their stupid little drama games and their bull.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

The establishment will have no difficulty talking about Biden getting 77 million votes. Lying and talking themselves into ridiculous ideas are what they do. Their minds have been in a constant state of cognitive dissonance for a long time.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

The establishment and the actual useful fools that voted for the Cryptkeeper. I’ve already decided not to be drawn into any arguments with the people I know or suspect who voted for Dementia Joe. It’s just not worth it.

Reply to  Peabody
4 years ago

Nonsense. The propaganda potential is huge. “Wow, that old white guy was wayyyy more popular than Obama, huh?” Make them live up to their own standards, convert the normie. Ours is an evangelical task, to redpill those that might still be reached.

Reply to  Educated.redneck
4 years ago

You think anyone who voted for a man with obvious dementia is actually reachable? I know these people. They aren’t. They will go down with the Good Ship Progressive and blame it on Trump. Not that a good mocking isn’t warranted but only for the squirm factor.

Reply to  Peabody
4 years ago

Do what makes it fun for us and ours. Mocking them is fun, especially when it’s phrased such that they have to squirm between the Scylla and Charibdis of their cogdis. And remember, the arguments between V and Chancellor Sutler are for the audience; what the characters say or does not change the end result of the conflict between them (the movie ends the same each time!), but are there to inform each successive viewer.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

I can see the politicians and MSM keeping up the lie with a straight face but I can’t see it in the graduate school classrooms at places like the Harvard Kennedy School where they do their case studies on the do’s and don’ts of campaigns, where they train the future campaign operatives on tactics and marketing and so forth.

Unless stealing the election is now part of the learning

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

LBJ would like a word on electoral fraud… This is about as new as jewish funded pornography.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

haha where do you think all these psychopathic fukkers come from?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Serious? What’s this word “serious”? The US is no longer a serious country.

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Everybody knows the vote was faked, even the Dems and the media. The next step for the Dems and the media is to claim “this is dogcrap and we are going to make you eat it”. It’s all part of the long game. Humiliating their enemies is part of their strategy. As a side benefit for them, it corrupts and destroys yet another western institution, to their benefit.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

As has been pointed out, even Harris knows since she hasn’t retired her senate seat.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
4 years ago

given that the left kills anything it gets ahold of, and also given that the left has demonstrably captured the federal government, it is only a matter of a few years before they bring that whole shit show down around their heads. now that the GOP has been thoroughly discredited (only the truly dim witted will still bother supporting them) the internecine fighting will start within the dem party to divvy up the spoils. further, they have radicalized a huge swath of the country to monkey wrench the prog project every chance they get, even if it just means slacking… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Karl McHungus
4 years ago

Pretty spot on. This was the moment the Ruling Class decided to be openly hostile to its subjects.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Karl McHungus
4 years ago

It seems like the AOC wing of the party would be in to the modern U.S. military as it turns into a giant make-work project for diversity outcasts who are unable to score enough to get a no-work corporate job, but she was out there calling for defunding again recently. I wonder then if maybe, just as conservatives hide their pro-white views behind railing against anti-Semitism, if leftists like AOC hide their anti-Jew views behind anti-white racism.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Karl McHungus
4 years ago

Hayduke Lives!

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

looks like an interesting read 🙂 thanks!

4 years ago

The moves on election night to simply stop counting votes were such that anyone with the common sense of a 5th grader could see that something was fishy.

Stranger in a strange land
Reply to  el-porko
4 years ago

True, but when discussing the Leftist throngs and common sense, they’re 2 yr olds. 5th grade common sense is not something they aspire to – let alone could achieve

Last edited 4 years ago by Stranger in a strange land
4 years ago

Ok, so everyone knows the fix is in. I guess the real question is wtf is ever going to end this shit? If these cock******* actually get away with this blatant, fraudulent shit, there really may not be any hope. Great way to kick off T-giving week.

Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

The fact that no one really cares the vote was stolen can only mean people know the country is bullshit and a joke and not worth getting upset over

wait until they ask young people to die for it

thats going to be interesting

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

You mean they aren’t willing to die for a glorified shopping mall?

Moe Noname
Moe Noname
Reply to  Chet Rollins
4 years ago

You mean you and your family haven’t visited the Blessed Shrine outside Harrisburg dedicated to the mall cops who laid their life down in the course if duty? They have an Aunty Em’s pretzel shop…

Reply to  Chet Rollins
4 years ago

As Darren Beattie once quipped “Imagine if an enormous shopping mall and a multi-trillion dollar casino had the world’s most powerful military.”

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Why any sane white make would enlist in the military is beyond me. Let the alphabet fight and die for globohomo.

Reply to  skeptic16
4 years ago

Desparation. National Service. The latter because the former. Unconnected young folks won’t be able to find work between the newly imported and children of the connected. Whites will be forced out from the trades. School will be pointless. National Service will offer a path towards social credit advancement. The food will be better. They’ll get out from the basement. Enough will take the deal and fight for their oppressor.

Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

Do not despair, that is part of their strategy to defeat us. Go dark, survive, and be patient. The time to act will come, and it must be deployed in singular doses from the shadows.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

Resistance will be crushed like the Palestinians. We will not just be fighting our oppressor but nearly all of our neighbors as well. And our neighbors will be literally drugged into compliance.

This biotch ends with the collapse. Our kids won’t see the light. Their progeny won’t know how to run anything and our expectations lost.

Reply to  Sox
4 years ago

Clearly you’re not up to the task. Stay on the sidelines and out of the way. You may want to go into the closet and masturbate. It will help you relieve your anxiety.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  TomA
4 years ago


Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

Easy to say for those of us who already squeeked past Checkpoint Charlie into the land of milk and honey. That is a TALL order for a 20ish White Single Male in a blue city. Help where you can.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

and whom exactly will be waiting for? there just aren’t enough people — of any color — that are willing to support a non-socialist form of government. use imperial Rome as an example; where/when/who rose up to do as you want here (and were successful)? Will the GOP lead us to Elsian fields? guffaw.

Last edited 4 years ago by Karl McHungus
Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

I could not agree with your essay more today. Like probably everyone here I think the election was probably stolen. But as somebody just said a few days ago, suspecting something and proving it to Legal standard are two very different things. In a similar vein I am one of those who believes that covid-19 is caused by a virus that escaped from a lab in Wuhan almost exactly one year ago. There is ample circumstantial evidence to support such a hypothesis. But again, proving that to a scientific standard will probably never happen.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

“proving it to a Legal standard”
That argument only has merit in a country where the rule of law still exists. As with voting, the illusion of a legitimate legal system is necessary to keep the masses from going postal.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

Proving to a legal standard is not the be all and end all. Corruption aside, the SCOTUS is not bound to rule for the law. They may very well take into consideration the effect of any ruling. Chief Justice Roberts is accused of this in his ADA tie beaker vote. Brown vs The Board of Education deseg ruling was another. The discussion among the Justices centering more upon the civil effects of outlawing segregation, than its Constitutionality.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
4 years ago

If you believe the system is beyond repair and needs to be replaced with something not hostile toward our people, widespread voter fraud obvious even to the most obtuse was the best possible outcome. It took something of this magnitude to shake NormieCon out of his slumber. This did it. We were signaled for months that the unsolicited, mass-mailed ballots would be how the State made certain the outcome was acceptable to it. And indeed it happened. The same-day totals were determined, ballot counting stopped simultaneously in the four most corrupt cities in the swing states, and backdated ballots marked… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

The taint of fraud will haunt Biden

I think that is Trump’s plan. To lay a big fart in the elevator before exiting and leave Biden behind locked inside

Last edited 4 years ago by Falcone
Christian Attorney in Ohio
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Maybe I know lots of obtuse people. Even when you confront people with the numbers, you receive responses like “Well, everything is different now because of Trump.” It seems like a high IQ does not protect one from being deceived. I bet most Ivy League graduates believe the media that “claims of voter fraud are unsubstantiated.”

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
4 years ago

Bush 92 might be an anomaly because of the Ross Perot factor. But another good example making your case is Hoover 32, vote total down 24%. It’s also good because this year we also had an economic depression, with unemployment above 15%, the common definition of a depression, albeit briefly.

Reply to  Jack Boniface
4 years ago

I am pretty sure the unemployment numbers are cooked to appear lower than they really are. They’ve been doing that all along, of course, but it is worse now.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Yeah the inflation numbers too, which are at Soviet levels of believability at this point.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Bogus unemployment numbers is nothing new. In the USA they only count people who are registered and actively looking for work. People who are disabled, able-bodied welfare recipients, retired or otherwise unemployed, people who work for volunteer activities, Etc are not counted. Even in the best of times the unemployment rate would probably be two or three times if a more realistic definition were used.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

You drop off even if you’re seeking work if you don’t find a job w/in a certain number of weeks.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

Nothing bogus about the figure commonly used for unemployment. It is traditional to use this number and has been for just about ever.

There are other obtained figures for folks unemployed, but able to work. You can look these up, but they are not hidden, and are collected along with the unemployment figures you cite.

The growing number of employable folks outside the “unemployed” category you decry as bogus was commonly discussed during the Obama era to dispute his recovery claims.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  CompscI
4 years ago

but they were still excluded from the official figures.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
4 years ago

Even there was no recoverable evidence or eye witness whistleblowers, it’s painfully obvious the election was stolen.

A candidate who couldn’t fill a phone booth gets the most votes in Presidential history?


Its hard to believe people could be that stupid.

Christian Attorney in Ohio
4 years ago

Great post, as usual. One would think even the liberal media would acknowledge that the numbers are somewhat curious. Where did these 15M new Biden voters come from? Democrats need a large minority turnout to win. They achieved this in 2008 with Obama at the helm. A record 62% of registered voters turned out. (Wikapedia does not show the turnout for 2020, probably because it would be in the high 60’s.) In 2016, the minorities did not turn out for Hillary. Most Democrats blamed their loss on this (before the Russia collusion nonsense started). Now they want us to believe… Read more »

Reply to  Christian Attorney in Ohio
4 years ago

100 million people knowing Biden is illegitimate could turn out to be a good thing ????

Last edited 4 years ago by Falcone
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

The Canadian government is already proving itself to be illegitimate based on its, and the peoples’ response to the COVID pandemic. Rural areas are completely ignoring everything (and not spreading it much either). Browns and blacks in the city are spreading it alot, they’re ignoring everything too. The government has been reduced to pathetically begging the brown people to please social distance. People seem to be learning what the Soviets did – do enough to not be noticed but basically ignore everything else. Another example is the Canadian government’s “assault weapon” ban. As far as I can tell the number… Read more »

Reply to  B125
4 years ago

do enough to not be noticed but basically ignore everything else”

That’s going to be my new thing

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

It could be, maybe dissidents are the real winners of this sh*tpie of an election. Civ nats are in cognitive dissonance meltdown now. Some of them will emerge from the other side of their stupor as hardline dissidents.

4 years ago

I am pretty sure that Sydney Powell is paid opposition who will talk about election fraud being likely and then somehow find none. Or she will only find small batches of fraud that are inconsequential. You cannot be too cynical, as ZMan says.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

she caught it off Schumer or Schiff

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

There’s no such thing as “paid opposition.”

All conservative pundits are paid opposition. I thought that was obvious to everybody here.

William Middleton
William Middleton
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Do you think Sidney Powell is in it for the grift (she has set up her own grifter website) or do you think she has truly gone insane? I’m inclined toward the former but you can’t rule out the latter.

Also, does the Right suffer from a higher degree of grifters than the Left? My guess is yes but not sure if people have any other thoughts.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

What’s Lin Wood’s excuse? He’s now actively undermining the two GOP Senate candidates for their lack of fealty to Wood and Powell’s delusional ravings.

Is he a secret Democrat or just publicity-crazed.

If the latter it won’t end well for him.

David Wright
Reply to  Yak-15
4 years ago

As soon as I heard a few statements in that trembling voice, I knew it was over.

Reply to  David Wright
4 years ago

As soon as I heard her mumbling something about “algorithms” I knew it was over.

William Middleton
William Middleton
Reply to  Peabody
4 years ago

She claimed that Trump broke the algorithm and that there was a raid on a server in Germany and “our guys” got it. The libel suits by Dominion are going to be astronomical. Maybe she truly went insane?

Reply to  Yak-15
4 years ago

My hunch is she may have been gaslit on purpose. Her history is not of getting over her skis. Taking her out as legitimate opposition would be a very smart move by the Leftists.

Reply to  Yak-15
4 years ago

She knows the vote is ginned up, and is trying to get out front in showing how it was done. Whether or not she can make a case, we will see. I have doubts she can get there in time, if at all.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

The Trump team have already decided on a path to victory via the mail-in ballot fraud. It’s good to have strong statistical evidence the computers are rigged, but since they don’t have time for a thorough software/hardware investigation, the Trump team is going to let Powell keep pursuing it on her own. She understands and agrees with the plan. Those computers are definitely a problem. Steve Cortez gave a great explanation this morning on Newsmax.

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

The Plan?
Are you serious?

Biden is President in 57 days.
Start planning around that.
Interesting front runner for SECDEF; the 2d most corrupt woman in America; Michelle Flournoy. Lol.

Happy Days are here again…

Reply to  GetBackUp
4 years ago

Keep your fingers crossed. This could bring down a lot of people. It could change the course of history. Or not.

Bridges Up
Bridges Up
Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

A thorough investigation? Computer forensics can be rendered extremely fast as compared with paper.

Lightning fast if you have NSA recording and building a 3D holographic data picture on every server communicating via webz in foreign countries.

Nunnya Bidnez, jr
Nunnya Bidnez, jr
Reply to  Bridges Up
4 years ago

only if NSA answers toTrump…
if they’re independent of him,thte way the CIA apparently is, then all bets are off.

Reply to  Yak-15
4 years ago

Powell is a clear and present danger to the GOPe because she intends to expose their culpability in the coup and election theft. People like Romney will go to prison if she succeeds. Trump’s legal team is trying to finesse things so that these treasonous bastards can skate and still recover the election.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

One lawyer, or a small group of lawyers, funded by donations, cannot possibly go against the establishment uniparty.

I wish it were not so.

Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

The SPLC would like a word with you. And the NRDF, Sierra, NAACP, Greenpeace, blah blah ad nauseum. Lawfare works, stop being a jackass of doom.

Reply to  Educated.redneck
4 years ago

The SPLC has something like a half billion dollar endowment.
They’ve (as well as the other grifters you’ve mentioned) been at it for decades, and half, if not more, of the political establishment backs them without question.

But yeah, send Sydney Powel $20. That should work. Money well spent.

Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

You think they started with 300 attorneys at 1/2 a billion? Or do you think they started back in the 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s, and worked for decades to build up what are no extreme left institutions with huge cultural and legal power? You seem to be falling into the “I can’t get total victory in 6 months, let’s just not try” category there. Despair is a sin, my man. Send Powel $20, go ahead; not being sarcastic. We raised $2,000,000 for Saint Kyle of Kenosha’s bail – USDC filing fees are what, $450? $2k a deposition? You can do… Read more »

Reply to  Educated.redneck
4 years ago

All of those groups are basically in cahoots with elements of the deep state. They’re not winning against hard competition. They’re one side of a kabuki show.

Which, come to think of it may also be the case with Powell.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

IMO Trump would rather bow out somewhat gracefully than burn the house down. He actually loves the country, in the old-school CivNatty way, and will only go so far to take things down, not because somebody has something on him, but because he does not want to see the country burn. If a good case can be made in his favor on the vote, he will keep going. But he isn’t pushing things. I think he has all the goods on a lot of things, and has seen all the treachery in DC, and is measuring his response as to… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

I wish he would burn it down. Release all classified materials on USS Liberty, JFK, 9/11, Ukraine, financial bailouts, Israeli spying, Epstein. I don’t care if it outs CIA or FBI agents or operations.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Yep, I’ve been saying for a while that Trump isn’t a Sulla or Pinochet – and that’s exactly what we need.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

well then he will deserve what is coming his way if he steps down.

Reply to  Yak-15
4 years ago

It seams to me that unless she drops some huge bombshell by friday, that she is evidence of some vector causing insanity. She is a former federal prosecutor that became a crusading defense attorney, won a number of cases and exposed the corruption of the DoJ along the way. She’s not a nut job or gadfly.

4 years ago

The interesting story was the Democrat primaries. You don’t have to agree with any of them, but when the Party keeps changing the rules after each primary to include this candidate and exclude that one, you know they were pursuing their desired outcome, voters be damned.

Reply to  RoBG
4 years ago

The desired outcome was beating Trump. Period. And the Democratic voters were totally on board with that. Like the “greatest field of candidates in Republican history” in 2016, the variety and backgrounds of the Democratic candidates in 2020 didn’t matter. Governors, mayors of big cities, mayors of small cities, congressmen, senators and billionaire businessmen — all of them had to be measured against one standard: Will you beat Trump? As different competitors rose and fell, victory in November was the wall none showed they could hurdle. For instance in spite of his boomlet, Mayor Pete was never viable because of… Read more »

Spin geraht
Spin geraht
4 years ago

Ray Charles could see it.
The question is what are you going to do about it?
They are their lists.
I’ll make mine,
Accountability on the rocks.

Reply to  Spin geraht
4 years ago

San-ta Claus
is coming,
to towwwn

4 years ago

Just spitballing in light of the Tucker/Powell stuff and how the SC is stacking up. Hypothesis: Trump was offered a deal for a favorable SC in exchange for maintaining the facade of democracy. Hence talk of Dominion and the Germany raid being portrayed as Q conspiracies, Tucker’s outburst and the distancing from Powell. Can’t have people realizing how wide and deep the fraud goes. Art of the deal. Trump gets a second term, the left gets to mount a color revolution and try to unseat him, the deplorables get the shaft (again), the party goes on for a dying establishment.… Read more »

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

Maybe, something like that.

I still think Don is going to win, somehow, or at least get close before a ruling in the SC sinks him.

I’ve cooled off since the election and realized that I don’t really care either way, Trump is gonna legalize DACA as soon as he gets back in.

Trump is good, but he’s no saviour. We are failing the course, Trump got us a 65% on the final exam when we needed a 95% to pass.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  B125
4 years ago

That’s about the only “cope”: things are going to get much worse over the next four years no matter what. It might work out that from a political and organizational standpoint that a Biden victory, and especially a Biden “victory” would work out slightly better for us (though certainly not enough to actually make me “want” Biden).

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
4 years ago

President Harris might spark a revolution. If it’s Trump the left can cry foul and stage their own revolution. Trump would actually be more advantageous to the left— especially an emasculated Trump who avoids conspiracy and other edgy topics. As for me I’m about sick of Trump rebuffing his supporters in favor of snakes. I was a willing pawn, but not simply so he can stay in office. Not in it to cover his ass if he won’t cover mine. Supported him to the extent I felt he was supporting me. Mustered what I could for the campaign but I’ve… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Paintersforms
Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

He lost me by doing nothing about the rioting

He didn’t have to send in the troops but he could have been on TV every night railing against it and how Dem politicians won’t let him do anything.


But instead he sat by while America burned. He can go f00ck himself as far as I am concerned.

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Charlottesville started the slow bleed for me. It was pretty obvious in the aftermath he was going to spend the rest of his term proving he was for everybody but white people. I like to finish what I start but that’s not license to take me for granted.

Whatever. Best of luck to him I guess.

Last edited 4 years ago by Paintersforms
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Why should we lament Nuggras and other riffraff burning down their own lairs?

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

It makes me angry

I understand your position. But it bothers me deeply that any American president would let our cities burn. It wouldn’t have killed him to stand up for civilization. But he decided to play politics, which he sucks at.

At one point he was saying “Without borders, you have no country”

Well, without law and order you don’t either, so pick a side Trump or GTFO

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

your point is valid, as is the one to let them burn. just two different discussions is all 😛

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
4 years ago

I think Biden is the one, not Trump, who are going to give us those additional four years we have all be wanting to get ready

He’ll be a sufficient plug in the dyke for four years

then get the hell out !!!

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

Well guess I was wrong about that!

4 years ago

There was enormous vote fraud. If Sidney Powell’s assertions that Smartmatic/Dominion contains functionality allowing votes to be weighted and there being machine interfaces that allow batches of votes to be dragged to “trash”, if that’s true, we are living in political hell.

what I find so weird is that so many of these alt-right personalities, who at one time referred to Trump as “God emperor”, appear to now hate him with such white hot intensity. Don’t ever disappoint the the purity of the alt-right.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

There is mathematical knowing and there is knowing in real life. I do not know in the former sense, the Pythagoras-Gauss sense, that the election was stolen. I do not have a chain of logic from which I can reach from established election facts to established election proof without some uncertainty. But I know in the real life sense that this was fraudulent and that this is the beginning of something very ominous. The most eerie thing is that they didnt bother to cover it up very well. When someone doesnt mind shooting someone else in broad daylight you know… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

It was a scam run by Africans

Of course they didn’t cover it up well

But that’s our near-term future with these morons in charge of the state. And what else can go wrong?

We all need the equivalent of a hard hat to get through these next few years in one piece

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

A lot of us will not come through the next few years in one piece. Reality is beginning to seep through the fluff

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

Wonderful, perhaps we have another philosopher in our midst. However, I must admit that I know next to nothing about the pre-Socratic philosophers, Hericlitus and Parmenides, notwithstanding somewhat. I agree that the “this thing could’ve happened” argument is a far cry from the “this thing did happen, and I can show you” argument. I hope that Sidney Powell can prove that vote totals could’ve only changed, in the way that they did, by virtue of some “manual intervention”. I’m assuming that she doesn’t have any computer logs that actually captured the intervention, and must have to show it by the… Read more »

jason y
4 years ago

Well, I obviously agree that these data are very strange, and I agree with those who claim the ballot rejection rates are impossibly low. This election demands greater scrutiny. On the other hand, I looked at a fairly specific claim of fraud and came away disbelieving it. Trump’s team – sorry, an independent lawyer participating in Trump’s team’s press conferences – has claimed that Dominion altered vote totals in Michigan. To check this claim for plausibility I looked at county level vote data by Voting System. I found the Voting System data here: https://michigan.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=f3d6f6232f4f4ae3b0c74e661b599c2f The first thing you’ll notice is… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by jason y
jason y
Reply to  jason y
4 years ago

I will add here that I understand and endorse our blog host’s reasoning wrt leaning into fraud allegations regardless of their truth value. I get it.

I still like to know who is FOS!

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  jason y
4 years ago

I agree. It was Trump’s to lose and he lost it. He could have done a thousand things to not lose it (see Ann Coulter postings) like putting the military on the border and pulling them from protecting goat fukers 10 times zones away. He failed for one simple reason. He thought his redneck base in the north was as dumb as niggers and would follow him anywhere. They’re not smart, but they’re not niggers.

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

Absolutely right. And here’s another reason — his love affair with blacks, which netted him all of 2% more of their votes. I’ve long criticized Buckley Conservatives for giving lip service to the base and room service to the donors. But with Trump it was the Platinum $500 billion Plan to the blacks and the fucking free market to the Rust Belt. The same free market that had abandoned that region to opioids and decline over 40 years. Trump trusted those malefactors of great wealth to fulfill his economic promises. Idiotic. The culpability of Trump’s libertarian economic advisors — Kudlow,… Read more »

Reply to  jason y
4 years ago

Very interesting info .. and, yes, I had no idea that other voting systems were being used in adjacent counties. You stated that voter turnout was generally up across the board, and if that applies to the instances that you quoted, then that eliminates one of my explanations. The other explanation may be changes in the party registrations. Maybe these counties turned more blue over the past 4 years? 2% is not alot, right? However, If the number of Trump votes fell, given an equal number of registered Republicans in those counties, then that would take care of my 2nd… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
4 years ago

Saying Trump was going to win because he filled stadiums is like saying that at least 51% of a city likes monster truck rallies because they fill the local stadium.

Yes, Trump had a lot of support, but he animated the partisan left in a way I’ve never seen. It was his demeanor. They would have voted for a rock or a tree or anything else on the ballot against Trump. The irony is that Trump mostly governed as a left wing Chris Christie Republican.

4 years ago

“This most recent election may set a record for irregularities. It is hard to know if the claims being made by Trump are real. Trump’s track record…” Part of the 1984 effect is getting you to not believe, trust your own eyes. And thus, trust your own ability to process. The apparent TDS of the bog host here leads to these limiting terms, “may”. If this election “may set a record” then that would mean there is some other more blatant, quantified election event it is competing against. “Claims being made by Trump…” In the words of Reagan, “there you… Read more »

4 years ago

How about the anomaly in blue states/counties that were considered secure… Los Angeles County:
Biden LOST votes from 2016
Trump INCREASED votes from 2016
How does that happen if BIDEN was such a winning candidate?
Official Records: https://lavote.net/home/voting-elections/election-resources/past-elections

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  PatS
4 years ago

dems didn’t need to cheat in cali.

4 years ago

OT: I love this. Asians suffer from no racial guilt.


But, while it’s satisfying to see blacks told the truth, keep in mind that being invaded by an overclass is worse for the indigenous people than being invaded by an underclass.

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Theres no difference between a white and a black in their eyes… we are all savages.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  B125
4 years ago

not true.

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

I saw that yesterday. What struck me was that East Asians are still allowed to have opinions which, if uttered by Wypipo would have them un-personed. (BTW: Asians staged a similar protest when TPTB determined that admissions to Boston Latin and other exam schools would be more “fair.)

Reply to  RoBG
4 years ago

In my city, asians led the protest against homeless shelters being built in residential neighborhoods. They chartered busses to attend the county commissioners meeting and got the plan stopped. The white liberals were all upset.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  skeptic16
4 years ago

and the white conservatives did nothing, as usual.

Jacques Lebeau
4 years ago

An excellent analysis — really works for me because it is possible to check and verify. C’mon Tucker, do the friggin’ math and get on board. (Not holding my breath.)

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Jacques Lebeau
4 years ago

still watching Fox, eh? why not just watch NBC straight up or something?

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
4 years ago

Haven’t done the deep math, but it’s plausible the massive increase in voting absentee and mail-in cause some of the shift. It’s simply more convenient to not have to bother with election day lines.
It goes without saying the mechanisms for eliminating fraud by these methods were neutered by design too.

Last edited 4 years ago by Chet Rollins
Reply to  Chet Rollins
4 years ago

they knew the number of mail ins gong in

Pretty sure the massive increase is from purported in-person voting

Reply to  Chet Rollins
4 years ago

This is the only argument they have on the left, that Mail in ballots are so successful, even a terrible candidate with no enthusiasm can earn more votes than anyone in history without even campaigning or being able to speak. Someone should really address this possibility or conservatives will never win again.

4 years ago

[…] ZMan counts it up. […]

4 years ago

Biden was just needed to backfill all the grease that went unserved when Hillary lost. It was never about how it affects us. This is why they didn’t do much cheating for the House or Senate. How that affects us is we should have a majority in the Senate and a near stalemate in the House that will render Biden a lame duck. All he’ll be able to do is work up shady backroom deals to enrich himself. But he shouldn’t be able to enlist us all into too many wacky ruses. And I think we’re all too smart to… Read more »

4 years ago

Another factor in the increasing percentage of total population voting is the aging of the population. The average agents been growing for decades and the baby boom demographic bulge is entering its terminal stage.

Its long been known that young adults don’t vote – or vote in such low numbers that they essentially don’t matter. And that at the opposite end – every senior citizen votes (or almost all). With a gradual increase in between the two extremes.

It would be interesting to see the chart with additional columns for average age and percent of the population over 65.

Higgs Boson
Higgs Boson
4 years ago

Women are both mystified and enchanted by the elusive unicorn hypergamy. They are unlikely to dismount this divine trickster, even though it takes them to places wise men never tread. So goes the vote. How has the political landscape of the country changed since women had the right to vote?

4 years ago

Why are we discussing this? The Dems and the Bush/Romney types agreed long ago that Trump would not get a second term under any circumstances. Probably at the time Drudge and Fox stopped pretending to be right wing. We saw what was happening over 4 years but did nothing to slow or reverse it. We lost, and we deserved to lose based on our performance. That doesnt matter, unless you think it matters if America was murdered or committed suicide. America is still dead. What just happened was the Battle of the Milvian Bridge. The new religion will be enshrined… Read more »

4 years ago

Well, one thing that was different about this last election is that tens of millions of unsolicited mail in ballots were sent out. It is entirely possible that tens of millions of people that could bother to show up in person did mail their ballots back.

William M Briggs
4 years ago

Love the table! Great way to show the steal.

4 years ago

Cucker Carlson standard= line em up boys, it’s time for the elephant walk.

Tarl Cabot
Tarl Cabot
4 years ago

”It is on the defenders to explain what happened”.

No. They control the institutions. The burden of proof is always on us. At least, as long as we continue to play by peacetime rules.

4 years ago

Without Covid Trump wins. Without Covid-sanctioned easy voting Biden’s lack of appeal would have weakened the Trump-hate by denying it easy expression and Trump would have won.  It was the combination that cost him the election in a Republican year.  The lack of preparing for what easy voting would make possible is on the Trump campaign and Trump himself. Complaining about it now only illustrates their own lack of foresight and hard headedness.  In the end Trump lost the election himself. It was a winnable year for anyone but Trump.  Ironically, just as Trump was the only Republican who could… Read more »

Reply to  Starboard
4 years ago

Nonsense. Tell us what Trump should have done to ensure a fair and corruption free vote? Lots of gratuitous assertions here.

Reply to  CompscI
4 years ago

The state legislatures in PA, MI, GA and WI, all of them known battleground states, are all controlled or half-controlled by Republicans. They determine election law. They should have been organized to restrict mail-in balloting, something which was understood to help Democrats. The teams of lawyers Trump boasted about to Laura Ingraham well before the voting didn’t show up until it was too late. They should have been pushing and pressuring the local authorities much earlier for greater transparency or for limiting access. Everyone, not just Ingraham, knew trouble was coming. Here in Montgomery County volunteers got together and organized… Read more »

Christian Attorney in Ohio
Reply to  Starboard
4 years ago

All of those states, except Georgia, have Democrat governors who would have vetoed any attempts to clean up mail-in balloting.
By the way, I grew up in Chester County and remember when Reagan would carry 65% of the vote. Too many urbanites and not enough Amish have moved in since.

Reply to  Starboard
4 years ago

The covid hoax was used to 1) blame Trump for everything, and 2) justify mail-in voting. This allowed for the hoax of Biden winning. There may be some Dominion s/w fraud that adds to the election hoax, as well. So, I agree … no covid equals Trump winning. The Dominion s/w fraud just wouldn’t be capable by itself, cuz the election would not even be close.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
4 years ago

don’t you mean Tucker Romney?

Reply to  Karl McHungus
4 years ago

He prefers to be called Tucker Von Romney

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  Karl McHungus
4 years ago

Eff Cucker Tarlson, esq.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
4 years ago

I’m thinking that MSM news presenters are there to distract, misdirect and ultimately, demoralize their audience. The demoralization comes at the end of their usefulness when they suddenly change.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  skeptic16
4 years ago

they can only demoralize you if you watch and listen to them; which i don’t. at all.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Karl McHungus
4 years ago

On that topic, check out this zerohedge article. Don’t let the headline mislead you. Our alternate universe appears to be the truth more or less while the opposition’s is well you’ll get the idea.

Tarl Cabot
Tarl Cabot
Reply to  Karl McHungus
4 years ago

Please, this Sidney Powell cargo cult is risible. She got pwned.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Tarl Cabot
4 years ago

there is plenty of room between calling carlson names, and being a fan boi for powell.

T. Morris
T. Morris
4 years ago

Can you spot the oddity here?


4 years ago

This is good, but what do you mean Biden didn’t win a primary?

4 years ago

“Election Math”… hmmmm? More like Erection Math. We the People have been getting that shaft since 1861. Forensic Accountants use Benford’s Law to find mathematical anomalies, aka as fraud. Take Pennsylvania ‘s 67 counties and insert the numbers into Benfor’s Law and see what you come up with. This is the starting point of the investigation. Next would come the actual physical examination of the voting process. Whether it was paper ballot, computer or optical reader. Most of US vote fraud (ooooops) is done via computer and optical reader. How many here know how to do a forensics recovery of… Read more »

4 years ago

[…] was stolen. Many facts and reasonable inferences support this: the dramatic enthusiasm gap; Trump getting millions more votes as an incumbent but somehow still losing; Republicans somehow gaining a dozen seats in the House […]

4 years ago

[…] was stolen. Many facts and reasonable inferences support this: the dramatic enthusiasm gap; Trump getting millions more votes as an incumbent but somehow still losing; Republicans somehow gaining a dozen seats in the House […]