The Rise of Gyno-Fascism

A dozen years ago, the neoconservative gadfly Jonah Goldberg wrote a book titled Liberal Fascism, in which he argued that it was the American left that had the love affair with fascism, rather than the right. Like everything that comes from neoconservatism, his tract was actually a left-wing polemic dressed up as a right-wing critique of the left, but it made a useful point.

That is, the American left has always been rhetorically opposed to fascism, hysterically so at times, but there has always been a great deal of overlap between Progressivism and fascism. The fascists a century ago borrowed from the American left. Over the past century, the American left has returned the favor. As a result, Progressivism has evolved into a strange hybrid form of fascism.

Of course, this does not mean that Progressives will be sporting arm bands and khaki outfits anytime soon. That cartoonish version of fascism that has been a staple of American pop culture for generations is not making a comeback. Even putting aside the absurd characterizations, early-20th-century fascism was a product of the industrial age and has no place in post-industrial, technological societies.

Instead, what we are seeing in America is a highly feminized, mutant form of fascism that is unconcerned with the practical aspects of governance and instead obsesses over the aesthetic and moral aspects or rule….Continue Reading

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3 years ago

Women are, for the most part, socialists and fascists by nature. America’s founding fathers knew this, and wisely refused them the vote or positions of authority.
“The result is the emergence of a neurotic, authoritarian ruling ideology obsessed with soft issues and wholly negligent of the practical aspects of running a country.”
They can’t even hold their families together. With soaring divorce rates and dysfunctional families, the community collapses. When enough communities collapse, the state collapses. We are seeing this now in California and several blue states. Shitlib women are cancer.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

Democracy and the Republic itself are the problem since the system can’t adapt to new problems because vested interests pay to prevent needed change. The old document and systems can provide a useful starting point, it was written for a world in which even trains and telegraphy did not exist and was agrarian. And all that is ignoring demography and moral shifts. We need a new system that meets the real world we live in, with its computers, cars , planes, genetic engineering and all the good and ill tech can bring. if you think you don’t, look at the… Read more »

3 years ago

The difference is between Direct and Indirect authoritarianism. Direct authoritarianism is straight forward and personalised. You know who is in charge, the rules are direct and clear and there is someone who embodies authority. Direct authoritarian societies want you to know that you are are ruled and who is in power. It is the authority of the overbearing Father. Indirect authoritarianism is depersonalised. There is no one person or structure to embody authority. Rules are complex and unclear. Power is maintained through gaslighting, psychological manipulation and social pressure. Systems of indirect authoritarianism try to hide power and deny being powerful.… Read more »

3 years ago

Women (and womanly men) instinctively conceive of the world as a giant kindergarten where some nice elderly lady forces everyone to share and be nice. The “r” in “r/K.” As long as there are independent men in the world, this vision is impossible.

I don’t want to share with Africa, India, Mexico or any non-white country. As Blake said: One law for the lion and ox is oppression. I refuse to be forced to be equal with the civilizationally incompetent.

How I long for Nature to reassert herself even if She sweeps away my personal comforts.

Last edited 3 years ago by LineInTheSand
3 years ago

Agreed, and that will not work out well against traditional patriarchal societies. China, for one. President Xi is a practical man. So is Putin. So too is the Jalisco New Generation Cartel. None of these groups are likely to be impressed with safe spaces and strident demands in the media. Much less deranged men in dresses.
Indeed, the very weakness of female-led societies invites attack. Like a wounded herd animal draws a wolf-pack or lions or hyenas.

Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

When you see how many incompetent yet tyrannical gyno-morons there are in the corporate world (almost always white/Jewish), the immivasion starts to make sense.

My globocorp inc is ripe for a takeover, or will simply be put out of business, because even mediocre brown men could run a company more efficiently than these Karens.

In general our society is ripe for a takeover. And until white men stand up and take charge, we will continue to be invaded and plundered.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

If Biden is installed it’s going to be hilarious (for all the wrong reasons) watching the Karens in the USSA care-ocracy attempt to start and sustain major wars.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Yes, this is probably going to be the next big blunder. It seems the Karens are now Carin’ a lot about Syria and it just so happens that the Russians do too.

Diversity Heretic
3 years ago

Just before I read this piece I saw a news announcement that Joe Biden’s entire “communications team” will be women (and all with Y chromosomes). And there’ll be a female secretary of defense. The results might be entertaining if they weren’t so tragic. Unfortunately, it will probably require something close to societal collapse before men will finally be able to reinstitute a patriarchy, and it may take the form of conversion to Islam. The increasing dominance of women, and Chateau Heartiste’s Six Sirens of the Sexual Apocalypse may be a greater problem than racial differences.

Reply to  Diversity Heretic
3 years ago

Joe Biden’s entire “communications team” will be women (and all with Y chromosomes).

Equality is grand, isn’t it.

plus, Afghans will now be given a stern lecture to respect women’s right to abortion.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Pashtuns are all boy lovers anyway; not much need for abortions in their culture.

US Military just turns a blind eye to all the pedophilia in Afghanistan as a matter of policy. It’s well documented.

Long as the wymenz get to learn how to read though.

Last edited 3 years ago by ProZNoV
The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Diversity Heretic
3 years ago

Can’t wait for Obamao retread Jen Psaki to field powder puff questions about what China Joe had for lunch.

Actually, yes, yes I can.


Last edited 3 years ago by The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Diversity Heretic
3 years ago

all with Y chromosomes

Jen Psaki and Kate Bedingfield are trans women?

I guess, especially looking at that jaw on Bedingfield, I’m not surprised.

Last edited 3 years ago by Vizzini
Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

I had to re-read that line several times. We are now in a place where reality cannot be distinguished from a typo.

Geo. Orwell
Geo. Orwell
3 years ago

None of this will be written into the law or reviewable by a court. After all, you have a right to a bank account or access to a public event. This is not communism.

“The thing that he was about to do was to open a diary. This was not illegal (nothing was illegal, since there were no longer any laws), but if detected it was reasonably certain that it would be punished…”


Reply to  Geo. Orwell
3 years ago

Someone does not know, what the communism means. Communism by the nature is illegal tyranny. Almost every last communist repression was and is illegal by their own laws. Entire communism operates outside the laws and by unwritten rules. This is how tyranny must operate. When you follow whatever laws, then people learn fast to live with those laws and you do not have total tyranny anymore. Like you today, people in Soviet Union were repressed mostly outside law system.

Reply to  Juri
3 years ago

This is rather Anglo-American sort of bias. What is illegal is whatever the State codifies as such. Communist societies are rife with laws and often as not the people sent to gulag were guilty of some kind of crime against those laws and often even given a trial under the modified Napoleonic Code most such states used. Obliviously “annoyed the dictator.” is not specially a law but Lèse-majesté has a long history in our societies and don’t anger powerful people is universal in all human societies.The small state, limited laws is a conceit of modernity or during collapse periods when… Read more »

Reply to  Juri
3 years ago

Communism by the nature is illegal tyranny.

No more than Democracy is. The tyranny of “The People” is no more tyrannical than that of the few.
The Constitution of the USSR was a far more equitable document than that of the US.

I.M. Brute
I.M. Brute
3 years ago

Z… thanks for reminding me why I quit going to Taki’s Magazine years ago. I had to stop reading your article halfway through because of those incessant, intrusive, flashing ads all over the page. It was utterly impossible to concentrate. I do enjoy your point of view, just not on THIS format!

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  I.M. Brute
3 years ago

Not sure what browser you’re on but the uBlock Origin extension will kill most ads.

AdBlocker is pretty good as well.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

I use the Brave browser also. This is the pop-up I get.
Thanks for visiting TakiMag! We’ve detected that you’re using an ad blocker. We depend on ad revenue to keep creating quality content for you to enjoy for free, so if you like our work, please consider supporting us by either:
a. Disabling your ad blocker for this site, or
b. Signing up for ad-free access.

I open Firefox just for Taki because a few of the authors are that good.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Brave is also noticeably faster than Chrome. How much of this is due to a better codebase and how much to blocking ads I can’t say but unless the sites you like are among the few that don’t work on Brave you should probably use it.

Reply to  I.M. Brute
3 years ago

use Firefox with Ublock.
Swisscows as a search engine is pretty good and unlike Duckduckgo doesn’t have servers in Israel.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
3 years ago

In most of America, the things that one expects from government, like maintaining roads, are being ignored in favor of moral causes.  This reminded me of something. Those functions are the macro scale version of doing the chores at home, of cleaning up and all that stuff. House cleaning, in addition to being necessary, is probably equivalent to some mild form of exercise as a workout. Go for a hike or even a mild jog is probably the same as most house work. But one is ‘fun’, the other is ‘work’. Ppl who can’t clean up, and Im not good… Read more »

3 years ago

Trump hated is driven if large part by his overt masculinity and posturing as a caricature of an alpha male. It’s completely against the grain of today’s feminized culture. A direct rebuke that threatens the matriarchy’s messaging and enrages self loathing beta and gamma males who fall pathetically short compared to his masculinity.

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
3 years ago

Men who are comfortable with themselves react with respect (and maybe envy) for a man like Trump.

Feminized men and soys react with hatred (a negative form of envy or jealousy).

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Trump reminds me so much of my Dad. I’m perfectly comfortable with him.

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
3 years ago

There’s a lot of truth to this. Fundamentally, the road to serfdom is travelled by those who want someone else to provide them with security (or, more precisely, the feeling of security). The reason why white conservatives keep laying down in response to federal tyranny is because they are mostly corporate men. They won’t fight the onslaught because they are already part of it, but in denial about their role. If you’re an employee and live in the suburbs, you can’t be dissident in any meaningful sense. You can talk, but your lifestyle betrays you. As such, the system will… Read more »

3 years ago

After Stalin’s death, European communism was much more benign than this. As long as you didn’t actively undermine the Party, you were left alone.

Reply to  Hun
3 years ago

I think I can live with this.

The CCP has a social credit score that penalizes, but will also allow you to debase yourself and be “made right” in the eyes of the CCP.

Not so, with the US corporatization of “approved” social policy. Fall from grace once, and you’re fooked, forever.

3 years ago

I note in passing that the voters in Georgia’s upcoming senatorial race have a choice between a liberal woman and a radical black man. The cynicism of the ruling class knows no bounds.

Last edited 3 years ago by Epaminondas
Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Epaminondas
3 years ago

Or their sadistic sense of humor

3 years ago

At the risk of sounding ridiculous, when sex is the only outlet men have left, they’ll put up with anything to get it.

Reply to  Paintersforms
3 years ago

Sex is also why white men put up with immivasion more than they should… having a “diversity” of women around makes it easier for white guys to get laid, especially beta guys. It’s a release valve. They’d rather have hapa kids than fight to fix society.

If I was a brown woman I’d fuck white men too they are hideous especially Pakistanis.

This is one of the “benefits” to living in a 70% non white area. Well it would be if I wasn’t racially aware.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Not only that, but white women are the most “diverse” Asian women within their groups, all look alike. It is difficult to tell one Chinese woman from a 100k others.

I have always found the average white woman to be way more attractive than even the top 10% of other women, with maybe only the very top 1% of other women being able to compete with our average women.

3 years ago

The ruling class is now a needy girlfriend with a personality disorder, demanding we drop everything to hear about her day.”

Absolutely friggin brilliant. And funny.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
3 years ago

The American left is dripping in estrogen.

And that made my day lol Effing true lol

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
3 years ago

The ruling class is now a needy girlfriend with a personality disorder, demanding we drop everything to hear about her day.

Okay this one keeps on giving lol I love women and I do not want them in power. No society would survive that.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
3 years ago

The material prosperity that flows from liberal democracy softens society, allowing for the swapping of the sexual poles, where women take on the role traditionally played by males. The result is the emergence of a neurotic, authoritarian ruling ideology obsessed with soft issues and wholly negligent of the practical aspects of running a country.

And BINGO! You’re overstacking this one w ready-to-shoot quotes lol

Higgs Boson
Higgs Boson
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
3 years ago

Swapping sexual poles might also explain falling birth rates and anger management issues.

Steve in PA
Steve in PA
3 years ago

This insightful post reminded me of the Biblical narrative of the fall, found in Genesis, Chapter 3. Eve was easily seduced by “the Serpent,” because her feminine nature desired seduction and she failed to apply objective (i.e., “masculine”) analysis, relying on the emotional appeal of becoming “as gods.” Adam, for his part, understood the ramifications of joining her in this act of rebellion, but deliberately chose to do so out of his natural inclination to protect his weakerfemale companion from the isolation and ultimate death of his partner. History abounds with similar examples of chilvaric sacrifice. That’s really all you… Read more »

3 years ago

I find that enormously hopeful. They’re not going to be able to maintain it which means it’s going to be a lot harder to keep us under their thumb. And if things collapse, they no longer have access to their antidepressants and I think everyone knows at this point that the withdrawal off those is absolutely debilitating. Picture all your enemies on the floor in a fetal position crying. It’s my happy place. But I’m reading Eichmann in Jerusalem right now and it is absolutely horrifying how the Jewish authorities led other jews to the camps. I could definitely see… Read more »

Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

Yes. I think that there is not too small a chance of them just crumbling under the weight of reality. It is just all so daft. At a friends place over the weekend, Sky Sports was on in the background – the football (soccer) was on. Every time there was a female commentator. Everyone in the room commented on how bizarre it was to see all these women shoe-horned into these roles. The subject quickly turned to how many joggers had recently been appearing in the adverts, and these were by normal people. I’m reading Eichmann in Jerusalem right now… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

Beware those turncoat whites. 

Goodwhites will sell dissidents out for an extra ration of Victory gin faster than the speed of light.

3 years ago

Is there no self respecting dictator out there that can put this former country (now cuntry) out of its pathetic misery? Xi, Un – anyone?

Stranger in a strange land
Stranger in a strange land
Reply to  usNthem
3 years ago

Not exactly dictators, but close enough – Lee Kuan Yew is dead, but his kid Lee Hsien Loong now runs the show in Singapore.
I’d sooner take my chances with them running the show in the US a la’ Singapore vs. whatever big Estogen Harpy Inc has in store.

3 years ago

It’s all the AWFLs who lost their jobs as the Secretary’s and executive assistants, typists back in the 90s. Fascism was foreseen as coming as early as 1994 by Edward Luttwak, mind you AWFL fascism was a bit too far to see. Luttwak said in 1994 the dislocation of the managerial class would lead to fascism in the future. They were getting gutted at that time by automation, removing the need for clerical workers and their supervisors. Who shall they boss around? 🙁   The Managerial class’s fascism is here, it’s called ‘wokeness’.  That it is superficially left, and not so superficially post-theist Christian… Read more »

Tarl Cabot
Tarl Cabot
Reply to  Puma
3 years ago

Good take on Lind. Scapegoating seems to be the main point of his otherwise perceptive work- deflecting blame from the usual suspects. The shame is that the Puritans deserve it. Like Esau, they sold their birthright to Jacob.

3 years ago

Until now, we have had a two-party system. At some periods and regions, one party has had overwhelming dominance, but generally the parties have alternated in the presidency. That is now changing. By flooding the nation with Third Worlders (in complicity with the employer class), and out-and-out cheating when required, the Dems will henceforth have permanent control of the presidency, and quite possibly the Congress, as well. That will certainly change how the citizenry will react to the political system. I certainly can’t see what form that change will take, but there will be a change. It will probably not… Read more »

Higgs Boson
Higgs Boson
3 years ago

Behold the rider of the pale horse, unicorn hypergamy, basking in the attention and comfort of Beta Bae until unicorn hypergamy picks up the scent of Sniper Bae and bolts, racing through any hellscape to get to his lair.

Feminist fascists have social engineered their mitochondrial DNA out of the perimeter of the circle of life, creating a future in which they themselves can’t exist in the form of descendants.

Can’t wait to see what kind of meat suits female trans humans will be sporting.

3 years ago

When I saw the title of the article I was intrigued. I had a fleeting hope it was gonna feature white women in their early 20’s wearing a unform involving gogo boots, mid-thigh skirts, fitted blouses, and armbands while marching in lockstep. Then reality reasserted itself.

Also imagine if Karens were enforcing our standards, our customs, and our values.

3 years ago

Moar… The Ranked Choice Voting feature of Dominion Software was actually voted on ‘controversially’ in Maine, but at least they did vote it in on a referendum, instead of just installing it as a operator level admin feature like Dominion did LOL. It is sold as: Ranked voting is any election voting system in which voters use a ranked (or preferential) ballot to select more than one candidate (or other alternative being voted on) and to rank these choices in a sequence on the ordinal scale of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.  It is charitably Proportional Representation [see Brazil, Iraq]. In however the Dominion system it’s a operator… Read more »

3 years ago

I just posted a comment but I used the J word and it got held up for approval. Amazing!

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

I agree. What’s the weirdest word?

Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

Why I’ve started spelling it Jevvs anywhere I comment – bypasses the algorithm, at least for now.

Jason Y.
3 years ago

A good example of aesthetics having priority over pragmatics is Gov. Cuomo’s nomination for an Emmy. In a sane world he would be forced to resign (or worse) for choosing policies that predictably killed a few thousand of his constituents, but instead he’s celebrated for his tone and demeanor during press conferences. You have to laugh.

Higgs Boson
Higgs Boson
3 years ago

The store won’t take it back after the warranty expires.

3 years ago

Maybe the problem isn’t so much ‘liberal democracy’ as it is with the elimination of strict voting restrictions.

Reply to  Phoenix
3 years ago

We don’t have a systems problem, we have a personnel problem. That’s like putting voting restrictions on cannibals. There isn’t any ‘system’ short of the grave or Supermax that could render our elites and their fellow traveling strivers safe. Not Democracy. Nor Aristocracy Not monarchy Not dictatorship Not Patchwork Not Communism Not Fascism Not neoliberalism Certainly not conservatism. ^by the way they have elements of all the above^ When someone wants to use the school system to sexually groom children, when someone’s use of the border patrol is an escort service NGO for illegals, when someone sics the police on… Read more »