If you are over the age of forty, you have been hearing, in one form or another, the argument that you must vote Republican to keep the Left from turning America into a socialist country. The pitch gets punched up with promises on certain issues, depending upon the audience, but the basic argument has never changed. The reason to vote for the Republicans is to prevent the Left from doing socialisms. About half the time, this is enough to win elections and keep the parties equal.
It is hard to pinpoint when this argument became the standard pitch for conservatives and the GOP, but the 1990’s is a good guess. After 12 years of Republican presidents, the degenerate Bill Clinton took the helm promising all sorts of Great Society style programs, like socialized medicine. Newt Gingrich responded with the Contract with America and the GOP took the House for the first time in generations. The reason is people wanted to stop those socialisms!
In fairness, from the perspective of the standard issue conservative, the Clinton years were a golden age. Clinton started no pointless wars of choice on behalf of unnamed people working for an unnamed country. Inflation adjusted per capita spending was flat for the first time in forever. The deficit declined and there were a few years in which there was a budget surplus. Clinton even signed off on welfare reform, a long-standing conservative goal going back to the 1960’s.
Then the conservatives told everyone that Bush was a slightly retarded Reagan, who would usher in a new conservative resolution. In the Bush years the Republicans had the House, Senate and White House. Spending skyrocketed, we got two pointless wars of choice on behalf of unnamed people working for an unnamed country and they added the foundations of a police state for good measure. From the perspective of the standard issue conservative, Bush was a disaster.
In 2006 and 2008, many sensible white people did the sensible thing and walked away from the Republicans. In 2006 and 2008, the Democrats had huge electoral victories, winning the House, Senate and White House. People forget that they had veto and filibuster proof majorities in both chambers in 2008. Again, we heard the cry from Republicans that the only way to stop the bogeyman from putting socialisms on you was to vote for them so they could stop the socialisms.
Sometimes the worst thing that can happen is you get what you want. This has been the case with both standard issue conservatives and the GOP. That old pitch about voting Republican worked and it kept working, but in the process, it hollowed out both conservatism and the Republican Party. They went from being a movement with a laundry list of reforms and goals to being a collection of mediocrities at the railyard yelling “stop” for some reason.
There are a many useful lessons for dissidents in the Trump era, but one of them is that the Republican Party is no longer a plausible agent of change. They have become a negative identity, that publicly opposes whatever their good friends in the other party are pitching at the moment, but privately despises the people they represent. Thirty years ago, the call to vote Republican to stop the rollback of the Reagan years was possibly sincere, but since then it has become just another grift.
In the comments of these stories at Breitbart, we are seeing regular people wake up and begin to look forward, rather than backward. That old plea to stick with the Republicans because socialism seems to be failing. After all, they ask, if the vote will be stolen and the Republicans do nothing, what is the point of voting? What is the point of the Republican Party if they cannot be bothered to defend the very system that allows them to exist as a political party?
Republicans and Conservatives have no answer for these questions. It is why they are carrying on as if concerns about election fraud are wild conspiracy theories. Their instinct is always to repeat what the Left is saying when they are in a jam. That alone should be enough to cause people to walk away from the party, but that is not always easy to notice. Conservatives have been conditioned for generations to embrace Progressive morality, so they don’t notice it.
Regardless, the only way forward is for people to abandon the GOP entirely and let them sink into obscurity. Georgia will be the big test. The comments on conservative sites like Breitbart suggest something has snapped. These people did everything they were told, and victory was stolen from them. Now they see the party that claims to represent them defending the theft. The 2020 election may have broken the civic nationalist spell, leading to a break with the GOP.
As risky as it may sound, it is the only way forward within the rules of the current electoral system. Consider it the Flight 93 option or perhaps the denouement to the Flight 93 election. With no other options available within the rules, this is a last effort to preserve the rules by forcing the parties to defend the rules. Otherwise, we are left with John F. Kennedy’s admonition. “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”
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Actually I walked away after Buchanan got shafted, didn’t vote again until 2016. Now I am done for sure. You can hate your enemies so much but for traitors in your midst I have a loathing on a whole new level.
They just got done shafting us again on immigration visas and backing away from fighting the tech oligarchs and they want our vote still? Even a few average conservatives I know have explicitly said they hope the country breaks down so we can do a rebuild. Let them all eat shyte. Let the chips fall where they may.
Well the newly hatched “let it burn so we can rebuild” folks best fully complete the circuit: …a future for our children. The SA-Rhodesia-Brazil-Venezuela-Yugoslavia future that will unfold after 100M newly minted paperwork American hyphen mexicans, indians, chiners, and africans stake their claim in the woke land grab of globoequality, the ability and opportunity to build anything will hinge upon capable white men forging robust tribal bonds and savagely defending them against both the remanent of a hostile State and the locust appetites of our paperwork citizens. The institutional tentacles of national party politics revealing its head may be the… Read more »
paperwork citizens, good one, I’m totally stealing that… Those scum were the bulk of my clients. They thought they owned this coutry They thought they had a RIGHT to be here.
Stick around. You are arriving on the far shore. It’s a little disturbing at first, I can attest. Truth is on this side… and it is a warm bright beacon.
Given how fake the 2020 presidential election was, I could see them rigging races for Republicans in the future to maintain the illusion of choice and partisanship.
We live in a clown age where nothing is real.
This would explain why the republi-frauds seemingly do not care about being re-elected..
A backdoor deal of this sort is the only thing that makes sense in this regard..
Politics are now a greater sports-entertainment spectacle than WWE pro-wrestling.
It’s kayfabe, all the way down.
Exactly. How can you fight for a party that won’t even fight for itself?
That’s the question everyone asks and the “SAVE THE SENATE” people have no good answer. They tried saying that the Repukes will stop the excesses of Pelosi and Schumer. The Repukes then proceeded to flood the country with H1B’s. They were left sputtering. One thing I have noticed is that the trolls are the pro-Repukes.
reconsider voting locally, even democratic primaries if they are dominant players in your area , there degrees of evil.
I have experience dealing with local politicians while being on various committees, the fix is always in. They pretend to ask for your input, vote or ideas, then they do what they always were going to do. No thanks.
I have to disargee with you for a change. Local participation for those of us that are of the community building endeavor is a necessary evil.
The Party chooses the Candidate. Both of them. It’s why nothing that the voters want ever happens.
Reminds me of being on committees and teams at the telephone company.
The war against Christian Serbia on behalf of Muslim Kosovo happened under Clinton.
Also the first Gulf War and the bombing of Sudan. But those were before “A Clean Break” https://tinyurl.com/nm8j9v9, PNAC, the Office of Special Plans https://tinyurl.com/y3xytd28 and the blatant neocon takeover of US foreign policy.
wasn’t the first Gulf war under Bush I?
Clinton was roasted for the somalia debacle shown in the movie “Blackhawk Down”.
Clinton bombed Iraq in ’93,’96 and ’98. He also bombed Afghanistan in ’98 but people tend to forget that.
didn’t he bomb egypt or something immediately after the lewinsky thing? First time I heard the phrase “wag the dog”
That was the August ’98 bombings of Sudan and Afghanistan during his grand jury testimony in the Lewinsky affair.
He destroyed one of the very few pharmacuetical plants in Sudan. That’s a war crime therefore it must have been a war.
Bush I. Dick Cheney was Sec Def or Army Sec for that one. Can’t remember which, I was a young NCO and it was above my pay grade. I know now it’s always the same villains though.
Of course, the First Gulf War was under Bush. American history is almost ignored in schools today.
Wait, wasn’t Gulf War I a George Bush the Elder production? Something about blatant “babies thrown out of incubators in hospitals” propaganda?
The propaganda was a “Nurse” testifying before Congress about the “babies thrown out of incubators in hospitals” and the incubators taken to Iraq. The Nurse was the daughter of the Kuwaiti Ambassador. Theperjury was orchestrated by Hill and Knowlton a New York PR firm.
They suffered no penalties for this felony, an obvious case treason.
They just won a contract with the WHO.
that was NATO
NATO is a US sock puppet.
w/o US funding NATO would cease to exist.
We are NATO.
I bumped into some young Serb fighters at a social event shortly after that cluster. They had been more militia than soldiers. They were dumbfounded as to why they were attacked. Weren’t they part of the West now, having chucked the Communists? Didn’t we know how dangerous Islam is? Didnt we know Turkey was just going to once again expand into their lands and flood them with foreign Muslims? I offered that extermination camps make for bad optics. Again they were shocked, they said neither side had taken prisoners in the fighting. They had no qualms about their own personal… Read more »
Well, we both were.
The extreme violence headed for the West due to Islamic immigration alone is off the charts and so big that most normies cannot comprehend it. Especially in Europe. Take a look at Israel, and how harsh they have to be on Muslims. Same with China.
The only “hope” is that these muslims get pozzed from liberalism and globohomo, ironically.
report from Michigan , they’re not being pozzed here and they have been here for a few generations now.
OT: or they poz for a brief time. OBL had his time as a playboy and France has noted that their “radicalized” Muslims are being drawn from the ranks of western-raised young men rejecting French society. Saint Augustus syndrome… use yourself up in the fleshpots and then go zealot.
western elites always had a soft spot for muslims,
I recall some pope proposing to one of the Mehmed sultans that the muslims should join hands with catholics against orthodox christianity, said he’ll help the sultan become the greatest man beneath God, but those pesky eastern europeans thought otherwise and saved western asses countless times. british empire kept the ottoman empire alive, american empire protects turkey from russia.
fortunately this time around western elites bypassed the eastern countries and brought muslims directly into their homelands. Happy days!
The British empire destroyed the Ottoman empire:World War One is a subject worthy of your attention. Turks are still very bitter about this to this day. France under Francis 1st allied with the Ottomans. The Kaiser in his book explaining the German defeat of 1918 blames Germany’s blocking(via the Berlin conference) of Russia’s advance on Istanbul to be a cause of Russian alignment with France. The Janissaries in the Ottoman armies were more likely to be Eastern Europeans. The Americans are latecomers to the party but have not gone out of their way to enhance Turkish power the way the… Read more »
that happened in 1914, which was very late. there were seven great powers in the 19th century, british empire was typically allied with ottoman empire during that period, the british kept them floating. The Crimean War was a military conflict fought from October 1853 to February 1856 in which Russia lost to an alliance made up of the Ottoman Empire, the United Kingdom, Sardinia and France. during first world war turkish grip over eastern europe was already gone, meaning british empire didn’t help orthodox christians one bit, also usa which is brit empire extension picked up the mantle and continues to support… Read more »
The Crusader era became a confusing mess of loyalties and personal aggrandizement. The Templars executed some military actions on behalf the Sultan in Egypt, and El Cid fought for both Christian and Muslim warlords intermittently.
if you look at it objectively you would notice western europe made the ottoman empire into what it was. crusaders sacked constantinopole instead of fighting muslims, which led to the weakening of the byzantine empire and its subsequent defeat at the hands of muslims. eastern europeans warriors(dracula was among them) gave catholics the opportunity to destroy ottoman empire several times, but catholics refused, choosing instead to backstab eastern europeans. british empire kept ottoman empire floating during 19th century. usa protects turkey from russia nowadays and they destroyed yugoslavia on the behalf of muslims. but what can one expect from demented… Read more »
OT again: we tend to view the Crusaders and Christians of that period with a modern eye. The Crusades were a Norman endeavor. These were the second and third generation (at most) from Norse pagans gone a-Viking. Illiterate warlords just beginning to surrender cousin marriage and polygamy, whose kith and kin a few hundred miles to the east were still practicing pagans. You don’t get a lot of subtlety and nuance with this kind. If Pope says the Eastern Orthodox are heretics worse than heathen Saracens, I can snatch some loot and land… well where do I sign up? That… Read more »
I believe it because the ideology still strongly discourages questioning authority and is just fine with grinding poverty, which are exactly the circumstances the elite want for the Great Reset.
Mosques are enemy bases for plotting, storing and trafficking arms, human trafficking, drug trafficking, and laundering money.
And the First and Fourth Amendment ensure all those pro-American activities will continue undisturbed forever.
SO are temples you’re surrounded by jews and arabs who want you dead, Merry Christmas.
support your serb bretheren , buy https://www.prvipartizan.com/ , when you can find it .
Its decent ammo usually at a good price too.
I’ll check it out. My round count is superb, but if it’s a good deal and I can help a Brother out…
The wars against our fellow Whites in Serbia opened my eyes to the extent of the internal propaganda operations in the United States. It was the first time I fully realized how evil “our” nation is. But, hey, we can enjoy the hell out of rioting the next time our kids are told to die for our Greatest Ally, right?
No more Brother Wars. Except against the Woke. They have chosen a different kind of “brutha” against their own.
Tell the Germans and Dutch-they seem to be squaring up to the Poles and Hungarians via the EU.
German economic and demographic warfare against the southern European countries countinues.
Whenever the Germans become relatively powerful they start attacking other European countries. It is considered progress when they only do it via economic and political coercion even if the strategic effects are arguably more devastating over the longterm.
Mark, I understand and see the problem. The same goes for the Germans as it does here. They, as we, must support the right kind of groups that put Our people first. Foment dissent against the globohomo. Make enforcement costly and reject their authority. None of this will be easy or assured.
At present it seems peaceful non-compliance, anonymous sand in the gears, and building community with the like-minded are the ways to go.
Agreed but that is strictly “for now” until we build a foundation for what kind of state we want.
Its fine to do “A Righter, Whiter, Brighter Future” as rhetoric or a meme but you need meat on those bones to win.
The Bow Tied Looter Cucks s like to say that Conservatism is an attitude, that is an outright Satanic lie.
Real Conservatism is a policy for life against the living death of globalism and consumerism.
Last year I spent some time with a Serbian woman of around 40. She told the story of being a little girl during the war when one day the soldiers came and told her family they had 10 minutes to get out. They were shuffled on to buses along with other families. The ones who tried to bring their pets watched them shot to death. She had relatives in Denmark so was able to stay there during the war. When she came back the Serbian government helped her family rebuild as the only thing left of their home was the… Read more »
Oh that older croatian man knew the answer, it was a payback for ww2. Not a nice thing to admit in this time and age
After 911, I remember hearing “sadam hussain” and thinking, “wha?” But then I just trusted away. Must be what is right…
<i>strenuously denied extermination sites. I still don’t know the veracity on that either way.</i>
It is utterly fictional.
The International Criminal Tribunal found no mass graves. It was concluded that less than 2,000 people were killed in the ten years leading up to the Kosovo intervention, this number counting both Serbian and Kosovars, and both civilians and combattants.
That’s kind of what I’ve seen as well. The whole Milosevic thing became so convoluted, I lost track. Honestly, as an American I was guilty of the whole “foreigners doing foreign shit, what do I care” mentality. I’ve since then seen the errors of my ways with regard to the globalists, and am now playing catch up.
…as an American…
Europeans don’t know FA about Kosovo either and didn’t back then.
And how many Europeans do you think could give a coherent account of what goes on in South America?
I lost track.
Not by coincidence; if they want you to not pay attention, they convolute their stories.
Uncle Milo, for all his flaws, fought for his country and its independence from both Russia and America.
Funny, they are digging up mass graves of kosovars as we speak (type)
I think about this every time I hear the latest thing the media and government are trying to get US citizens outraged about, whether it’s Belarus, Iran or Uighurs in China. I am not saying I have the correct scoop about any of those things, but I am surprised how many “conservatives” let their Gell-Mann run wild: One minute they’ll be complaining about the dishonest media and the corrupt deep state in thrall to globalist interests, the next they’ll be parroting the latest fire and brimstone about how we have to “do something” about Iran or the fascist dictator in… Read more »
Yeah, the roar of lies is deafening. It’s hard enough shrugging off my classic American attitude of not giving a crap about other countries.. and playing catch up trying to educate myself… compound it with the blatant prevarication and angling, it is even harder. My general rule of thumb now is to see who is angling for what. Neocons, Israeli lobby, Bush cabal figures, EU ministries, Mitt Romney… probably a shitty deal for Our People.
Me too.
Who cares?
Who cares?
Us Europeans.
The US-UK (and German) intervention in the Balkans created two new Mohammadan states in Europe: Bosnia and Kosovo. Together with Albania, they constitute the major bridgeheads for the Islamic mafias on the Continent.
Quite a few Albanians in NYC;
some are Christians, many are moslem.
There are several car theft rings on Staten Island run by albanians.
I guess there must not be a single country that doesn’t have representation on this land mass. A purge of epic proportions is needed. Unfortunately and sadly, it is extremely unlikely to be forthcoming.
A big red pill moment for me, personally. I was studying international politics at the time and confidently told everyone I knew that there would never be a war because there was no Security Council resolution, that, in fact, the UN observers had reported no “genocide” up until the point where they were withdrawn from Kosovo at US insistence.
Apart from creating another Mohammadan state in Europe the Serbian War made moot the UN charter about not waging aggressive wars and simultaneously changed NATO from a defense pact into a vehicle of globalist imperialism.
Clinton was the first Neocon.
Clinton’s war against Christian Serbia just happened to be run by (((Cohen))), (((Albright))), and (((Clark)))), while (((Lewinsky))) was giving him head.
Just sayin’.
Yeah, I was going to bring that up as well. As I recall, our intervention had something to do with “ethnic cleansing” the Serbs were doing. Seen any Cherokees or Choctaws in Georgia lately? I always marvel at how the hypocrites in high places can spout this stuff with a straight face!
Yeah I confess to not paying too much attention after that. Even granting that point (which shouldn’t be granted) the best that could be said is that Clinton started no pointless wars against foreign enemies; domestic enemies on the other hand, well that’s a big part of why W won.
Many of the “Republicans” now seem to be straight-up left-wing infiltrators. Not even “cucks” or special-interest whores, but literal leftists who simply pretended to be Republicans. In particular, the Republican party in Georgia (the rotten crew who want Biden to win) and South Carolina (Lindsay Graham, Tim Scott, Nikki Haley, et al.) don’t seem to be conservative in any way. The eyepatch guy is another obvious infiltrator. Once the infiltation is complete, then your choice is just two left-wing parties. Then you start to see things like unanimous votes to allow in infinity Indians and unpersoning our southern ancestors. The… Read more »
“Many of the ‘Republicans’ now seem to be straight-up left-wing infiltrators.”
Mayor Bloomberg ran as a Republican, but had previously been a Democrat. Many of his policies were left-wing .. like his nanny-state rules about soft drinks, trans-fats, & smoking restrictons.
That was nearly twenty years ago.
Bush’s gift of leftist infiltrator John Roberts keeps on giving. This score begs to be evened.
Old expression from an old and old school LA radio personality, George Putnam:
“Democrats want socialism yesterday, Republicans want it two weeks”
Perdue already basically said he was looking forward to working with Biden, but somehow these clowns losing will bring in socialism. Even the most right wing nitwit can see this as a con.
Like Z said, when Breitbart is lost, you’re in serious trouble.
The eye patch man – a former SEAL officer, is another McCain in the making. He’s anti-2A, belongs to the WEF, taught at Harvard. One can see he’s been groomed.
White people are on the Republican plantation.
Raffensberger, Kemp, and Loeffler (at least) are crooked.
The H1B giveaway in the middle of a “pandemic” is the last straw. The era of fighting at the ballot box is over.
Mark it: that will be remembered (not reported, but remembered) as one of the greatest political mistakes in history. It was the last straw even for some cucks.
CIS reports that last year 30K illegals with FINAL deportation orders were issued work permits. A couple of weeks ago (Nov. ’17) they proposed changing this. https://tinyurl.com/y5kho985 Should have been done Jan. ’16.
Can someone explain to me why Utah isn’t tar and feathering Mike Lee for spearheading the H1B treason?
Some of the Mormons that I know are civic nationalist universalists and have said to me that we should fill up all the empty spaces in flyover country with people, immigrants presumably. I guess it’s all about more conversions to Christ.
And Lee will be reelected. And Romney too. Because the magic LDS de-coder ring will tell them to do it. Because they are that stupid. Half the women in porn are ex-mormons. It’s easy for them as they’re used to getting a load in the mouth from UT politicians all the time.
Perhaps it’s due to their history, but Mormons have always been open-borders universalists.
I live amongst the LDS. You are correct about their open border stance.
That said, other than the Amish, they’re the last remnant of the Olde Worlde in the US that has anything left that approximates real community…pro and con.
As their primary state (UT) is rapidly being taken over by fleeing Californians, their young men are figuring it out.
Too little, too late? Probably. Secularism and modern control (internet, mostly) is relentless.
Fun fact: If a person converts from: Orthhodox/Anglican/Lutheran//Roman Catholic(prob. others also) to another they don’t have to be re-baptised because It’s considered to be the baptism of Christ. Mormonism is considered a cult and their baptisms aren’t recognized.
It is because Mormons are not Christians, despite their self-labelling.
I used to give Mormons a pass despite their heresy because at least they were white, and more importantly whites that bred. Now, their Councilors (Prophets, Apostles, whatevers) can join the Pope and Southern Baptist Conventioneers in hell.
Mormons have nothing to do with conversions to Christ
The corruption is aggravating, but the stupid! A smart GOP senate play would have been to rig the vote so that it passed but fell two shy (“missed it by *that* much”). With that unanimous vote they’re basically saying that they don’t even have it in them to try and pretend anymore, which doesn’t seem like a very wise play.
Immigration: the only issue I’ve consistently cared about for 35 years. Democrats are honest about it. They want to replace you. They’re actually honest about their whole platform, and they push it relentlessly.
Republicans are just awful.
Republicans are awful no doubt. But what didn’t happen under Trump is very important. We didn’t get 30 million amnesty that Biden is proposing. For the life of me, I will never understand perfectionists spergs that think since Trump didnt build the wall then the whole presidency was a disaster. Effing spergs. Many comment on this site.
As to the Flight 93 aspects of the recent elections, it’s as if the plane is hijacked, you break into the cockpit, you find the Democrat in the pilot seat flying the plane, and there is the Republican, sitting in the co-pilot seat, doing nothing. He says, yes, it looks bad, but it’s not quite as bad as it looks. He tells you it will all work out, maybe next time for sure, just go back and sit in your seat, and have the stewardess bring you a stiff drink.
Alternatively…. You and your Republican copilot had their throats slit because they were told to “trust the plan”. Then everyone else on board was murdered. That’s it. That’s the Flight 93 story as told by the movie. There’s no happy ending, and the Flight 93 story is worse than you know or I can tell. Suffice to say when I saw the Flight 93 movie in the theater (movie used real pilots, real flight attendants, real controllers), I wept like a F-ing child. Anyone who was in commercial aviation on 9/11 would love to tell you more, but can’t. R… Read more »
This is the post of the year on the Z Blog. Once again, Z Man tells people what they need to hear, not what they want to hear. I’m tired of the “but the Democrats are so much worse” or “we need to buy time” arguments from battered GOP housewives. Again, we heard the cry from Republicans that the only way to stop the bogeyman from putting socialisms on you was to vote for them so they could stop the socialisms. I’d go even further and say, bring on the socialism! Someone on Twitter pointed out that Republicans already dole… Read more »
The pajeet visa piñata was really something. As small businesses are vaporized left and right in the plan-demic. I just love the timing. And they’ll do it again and again.
George Carlin was right.
Beautiful rant, and true. White people have to get over their ‘principles’ and ‘doing the right thing.’ America has been a dead man walking for years. Social trust and community capital are things for homogeneous societies, not a maggot-ridden corpse. We are the suckers if we don’t try to get what we can of what’s left and use it for our own people.
We’ve had socialisms for the very rich and very poor since I’ve been alive, and dog-eat-dog capitalism for the working- and middle- classes. If bailouts were justified, they should have come with massive strings attached to the benefit of the average American working stiff taxpayer.
All too true. There is a reason we say we are not voting our way out of this.
” socialisms” Vintage Z right there. I actually could see the State stealing the Georgia run-offs FOR the Republicans to try to prop up the illusion the United States remains a functional democracy. The absolute fear on the faces of GOP leaders, along with all pillars of the State, tells the tale. Most people now realize the United States is an illegitimate, evil regime. There is a possible majority who actively hate the country now. Groups such as the hilariously named Lincoln Project are running commercials on freaking Fox, which has collapsed right along with support for the government, touting the… Read more »
They’re being used like rubes because they are rubes. Half of them decamped to Newsmax, which is a FNC clone, but with different names for the talking heads. And they skew older. Once someone is over 40, he or she is generally locked into place for life, politically speaking. God created grim death to change things up.
I’ll have to say some of these types in my circles have been quite radicalized by both the lockdowns and this election theft. And they are a bit on the old side, too.
I know a jew in New York, a normiecon ben Shapiro Erick Erickson watcher who suddenly went to 100 since the election and now supports the militias being called out in favour of trump. Idk what that means exactly. But if it’s any indication even milquetoast conservatives are mad as hell
The Democrats are catering to various of their pets that despise Israel… Mussies, self-loathing Tribe, and Academics… it scares your New York acquaintance. He’s probably just doing the old “let’s you and him fight ” routine. Never trust anyone who does a 180 overnight. They’re either angling or lunatics.
That isn’t true. Most of it is institutional brainwashing/advertising. A lot of young people just reflect the popular politics around them when they are young just to fit in. When I finally embraced my people and understood that their achievements / social structures / boring whitebreadery were a reflection of us I felt a great relief and sense of homecoming. The previous decades of being a stupid, knee jerk, wooly headed “leftist” were shed with ease and relief. The final obstacle, the hardest lie to dislodge was the one about the plucky (almost Christian!) defenders of “democracy” in the Middle… Read more »
I made this comment above.
When Loeffler wins it will be even more proof that elections are entirely fake. Her husband is connected to China and she bought a Mao portrait.
‘Most people’ realize no such thing..
Might as well. It’s not as if they would rule any differently.
The last thing Assange tweeted out before he was taken down is this:
No one in mass media writes about the CFR anymore but they were the primary target of the John Birch society, and the CFR controls foreign policy to this day. That video where Biden bragged about getting the Burisma prosecutor fired? That was at a CFR event. Behind the CFR is the big banks – JPMorgan and Citibank – that control the Federal reserve.
The intelligence agencies are rightly called the deep state, but the core of the deep state is the big banks. philosophically their biggest sin is fractional reserve banking, which is always prone to failure and always requires a sucker – the public – to bail them out.
The whole system is rotten and needs to be torn down. Usury is a sin for a reason.
If you get a chance, read The Shadows of Power by James Perloff. It is extensively documented and the logic in it is air tight. Written in the 1980s, it is as relevant now as it was then.
There is very much an organized conspiracy going on, and it is by a couple of Jewish banking families to create a one world government. America has been too rich compared to other nations to allow it to come about, which is why they have an ongoing war against our country’s wealth.
Our wealth is already theirs: their enemy is the faith of your fathers and your white skin.
If every nation develops in image of its people, then what is happening now reflects who the current elites are and it seems they think the ideal society should be urban, rootless, anonymous, selfish, isolated and paranoid. Just “healing the world” I suppose.
Fuuuudddgggeee..another book?
Why not? I’m on so many “forbidden book” lists by now it’s not even funny.
”Camp of the Saints” for sale on Vdare for $150+. Bought it years ago for $15-ish. Should be equally cheap with on demand publishing.
Want to know what the “banned” books are? Look for hard copy books that are $$$. That’s the source for forbidden ideas. It’s not “Mein Kamph”, “The Communist Manifesto”, or Mao’s “Little Red Book”. It’s stuff like this.
This what your rulers fear.
It’s “No More Mr. Nice Guy” for politics.
The question for the awakening of normiecon is whether he will convert the self-loathing from years of putting others first, following the rules, and lying to himself that subordinating his needs is about upholding his “principles” – and still never getting the girl, into self-determination and prioritizing his needs and those of his people ahead of all else, to be secured at any cost. Its a mind f$ck. Many do not make it to the other side. But its a start.
It’s all we’ve got.
Contempt is the greatest weapon we have at our disposal. As David Burge said back when he was less cucked, the left kills a fine institution, guts it, then wears it as a skin suit demanding respect. Another corollary is Aslan in The Last Battle when an obvious usurper tries to con the Narnians with an obvious fraud. The right is starting to realize an institution is just people, and not some metaphysical entity, and the level of respect it should be given is equivalent to the quality of people inside said institution. The last domino to fall is when… Read more »
“Aslan in The Last Battle.” I fear we are more likely to experience “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.” People will forget about Aslan. It will always be winter, but Christmas will never come.
Lord have mercy on us. Help us to be ready for the final battle.
I’m not a very religious person, but Kamala is the Whore of Babylon.
The plans for the vax are eerily reminiscent of the Mark of the Beast.
The right is starting to realize an institution is just people, and not some metaphysical entity…
Excellent point. This is the big take-away I have had. Actually, the institution has never been anything but the people.
The Republicans just unanimously voted to give tech jobs to Indians instead of Americans in order to help the one industry in this country most committed to the erasure of the US as a sovereign, European based nation.
They always come together as a party when it comes to defending the desires of their true masters.
yeah, but tech workers are so pozzed that i don’t care when they get fucked.
There’s still a huge amount of denial. Which will be gone by February. We’re used to Hollywood endings. Bruce Willis at the end of Die Hard with the blanket over him and some coffee. That’s not how the world works. The world is more of a European art film with no epilogue. Biden wins…FIN. I’m actually enjoying the torture of the Trumpians. The carefully crafted Fox News matrix is flickering around them. They’re seeing two black cats. Laws of physics being violated. Did Trump sign the Mike Lee half million new pajeet bill? If I could drive to Vegas and… Read more »
Upvoted solely for “fake as his daughter’s tits.”
I was waffling on that one, but credit where it’s due.
what evidence is there to the tits being fake? post pics…
. Bruce Willis at the end of Die Hard with the blanket over him and some coffee. THat funny!
The only exception I would recommend is local and state elections , It REALLY matters who your county sheriff and prosecutor are. The primaries are more important than the general election too. but for the house,senate and president, why perpetuate the lie that there is a choice.
Correct. It is why the communists now field DA candidates. They know. It is very important to have sheriffs and DA’s who openly despise the federal government.
Absolutely true.
George Soros is supporting certain district attorneys for a reason.
I used to believe that – decades ago. But I quit voting even locally (made a stupid exception in 2016) after every bond issue I voted against won, and every pajeet and Han candidate won, and the idiot White women workers gushed over the black head of the local repukes. Perhaps if you live in a small, rural town, voting might still be useful, but not in the ‘burbs, particularly here in Texas. I despise electoral politics and faux democracy and want it all to burn.
And don’t think that black Republican isn’t swimming in white women. It’s a perk of the role.
But… he’s so articulate!
“These people did everything they were told, and victory was stolen from them” Blatantly stolen! And then told they’re crazy for noticing. It’s like somebody walked into your house, while you’re home and you have cameras, stole a bunch of stuff from you, you called the police, show them the video and they said “Oh no that didn’t happen”. I’m not so worried about the jackboots coming down because of too much diversity which will inevitably descend into tribalism. I think its just going to look like a game of whack a mole. Though it’s definitely going to hurt when… Read more »
The GOP is the flip side of the criminal enterprise grift coin. Change my mind.
And the Canadian actor, Stephen Crowder, is one of those grifters. Change my mind.
Exactly. It’s not easy stepping out of the comforts of the GOP and it’s Shaun Hannities and Rush Limbaugh’s. I even like Rush, he is a good guy, but the GOP as constituted now with few exceptions has the mindset of Funeral Directors and Insurance Salesmen.
And we are going to need Atilla the Hun or Braveheart as we go forward.
Until we get such men? I am going to withdraw from the theatre.
I still have the AM talk radio station on in my car, out of habit. As I drive I hear snippets of Rush Limbaugh, the people filling in for him as he dies, not to mention to little kike Shapiro and the other one Levin. When I was listening to these people in the 90’s, were they saying basically the same thing or has my own mindset changed so radically over the past 20 years that I see through every platitude and lie? Just yesterday the five minutes I heard from the Limbaugh fill in was going on and on… Read more »
What is amazing is how much hatred it has engendered in Normies. I was talking to some very white bread family members last night and they make us here seem quite tame.
As a young kid, i had a job i didn’t like. It got worse. I began to hate my job. It took a while to find another, but i did, and i liked my new job. Lesson here. If you want to keep eating, don’t quit your job until you find another.
“just walk away”
best advice in past 25 years
done and done, my elderly parents too, and they railed on me for voting for perot.
Indeed, what is to be done?
One thing I know for certain, nothing is changed by following the rules laid down by your opponent. I would suggest people start small in their own lives, in their own homes. Reduce your debt, buy from trusted local merchants, educate your children in the fashion you see fit. Educate yourself, learn to be more productive for yourself and your family only. Think local, act local, and stay local.
They are all good first steps.
Another very important step for dissidents is to stop avoiding jury duty. That’s one place where a single individual can make a big difference. Especially today with political and racial prosecution on the horizon. Get on juries by hook or crook and vote your race and political identity.
You just might save some poor white’s life from being ruined by a woke prosecutor.
Mark Twain said it best-over 100 years ago:
1)”If voting made any difference, they wouldn’t let us do it.”
2)”There is no distinctly criminal class in America, except congress”
“The deficit declined and there were a few years in which there was a budget surplus”
But the national debt went from $4trillion to $6trillion,
far outstripping any “declines” in the deficit. Sleight of hand, substituting a huge long term debt for smaller short term deficits.
I think your take is closer to reality. But with the uniparty running it up to… what is it, 24T? Sort of picking nits?
Temporary increases in tax receipts due to the internet bubble. That popping at the end of Clinton’s second term was inevitable.
I provided a graph showing inflation adjusted per capita spending. Government simply did not grow under Clinton.
Your per capita graph introduces a few moving variables like population growth and inflation that can fuzzy the point. Here are the raw figures for receipts and outlays under Clinton and the first few years of Bush the Lesser. You can clearly see the three years of surplus under Clinton (1998-2000) were due to receipts rising faster than outlays, but in no year did spending decrease. You can then see the deficits reappear under Bush when the internet bubble burst, and tax receipts dropped. Spending growth was higher under Bush, but that was when the pointless wars started, not some… Read more »
I got interested in politics during the hostage crisis in 79. Over the decades I watched as the GOP begged people to vote for them. We gave them everything they wanted and yet things kept getting worse for us. We got more illegal immigration, rotten trade deals that benefited the super rich, we lost the culture war, a dying middle-class. A system rigged against the ordinary American. Lots of s senseless wars that cost us trillions. We saw the GOP was only interested in giving tax breaks to the rich and corporations.even as they curbed stomped the American worker. Now… Read more »
killing the gop is the only way to kill the dem party.
There are a surprising number of commenters here who can’t seem to fathom doing anything other than continuing to vote GOP.
This only shows how far the dissident right has to go if even some commenters on this site—who already know more than GOP normies—still can’t fathom doing anything other than voting.
I mean, look at Lawnerd’s rationalizations. If this is the state of dissidents, we are a sorry bunch indeed. The first step in learning how to do our own thing is to dump the GOP.
Meh. I’m not going to dump on them that wanna vote still. Fine. Do so, for all the good it will do. There were those here that promoted not voting for Trump because he wasn’t really… Our guy. But, so many voted for him that the fix is glaring to all. If you want to vote, go ahead, just please start keeping track how much those Republicans actually conserve, actually cave, and actually enrich themselves. You should have been doing this already, but I understand some folks are kind of slow and can’t let go of shibboleths.
They aren’t regular readers. The Indian Comment Factory has been fired up again by National Review.
Lawnerd is a pussy and a cuck. He probably has a fat girl friend who smells like old grease. Fuck him and all the little white gloved conservatives he represents…
Once again the trope that Clinton created a budget surplus. He did not. Government debt increased very year for the last eighty years.
The so-called surplus under Clinton was achieved only by lumping together Social Security revenue and payments with government revenue and spending. Federal spending still was larger then federal revenue, but the Social Security revenue excess over SS payments made the combination of the two appear to be a “budget surplus.”
And no one cares. Please stick to the topic.
So in short, we are left with accelerationism?
The lie that just won’t die
The last time Government spending was lower than Government receipts was 1957. U.S. Debt has increased every year since then
The “Budget” doesn’t matter.
What matters is how much was spent.
“Spending skyrocketed, we got two pointless wars of choice on behalf of unnamed people working for an unnamed country and they added the foundations of a police state for good measure.”
Open borders too, and lectures about our moral failings for not liking it. That said, I never got why Bush made the left so crazy. His ideological godfathers were LBJ and Nixon, not Reagan, and his overt piety and sanctimoniousness was borrowed from the Jimmy Carter playbook.
Reagan wasn’t sanctimonious and open borders? Even his Challenger speech was overrated. Just another con man in a dogshit brown suit who was selling out the white middle class. The rot just wasn’t seen yet outside the rustbelt states.
I struggle with this take because Reagan did give some great speeches.
However, when one looks at Reagan’s record on immigration and gun control, it’s pretty disappointing.
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised because Reagan did spend a large portion of his life as a Democrat.
Reagan got the Amnesty ball rolling. Bush-the-elder doubled legal immigration, created H-1B and OPT out of thin air and lost his reelection bid. Back then they felt the need to pretend that after this latest amnesty, enforcement was coming. Pinky swear. They don’t even pretend anymore.
I suggested withdrawing from the Georgia Runoffs back on November 10th.
I think it is what will happen….
Clinton started the business of pointless wars with Serbia, which cleared the war for sh!t like Iraq. His support for a balanced budget, criminal reform etc., only came into existence when the Republicans seized both houses of Congress in 1994. Clinton himself bitched that he had been turned into an Eisenhower Republican.
It was the end of the Cold War and economic restructuring of the 1980s that resulted in the prosperous 1990s.
Didn’t take long to screw that up…
How soon they forget. Clinton followed Bush the Wrinkled who had two jolly little adventures in Panama and Iraq. He, of course was following the example of Ronnie and his invasion of the existential threat that was Grenada.
Grenada was an existential threat. If it weren’t, we wouldn’t have sent Clint Eastwood there.
And we can go all the way back to Woodrow Wilson’s invasion of Haiti, come to that…
As Scott Adams (of Dilbert fame) has stated, and I’m paraphrasing … “If the Republican observers were kicked out during ballot counting, then that’s all the fraud proof that we need … it should all be thrown out on that basis alone.” (Me talking now) I agree … we don’t need to get into the weeds and confuse people. I mean, the video in Georgia of the observers leaving due to a false water main break, and then the ballot counters pulling suitcases (they had handles on them) out from under the table should be enough to investigate everything in… Read more »
I’ve read several of the many affidavits, all of which are sworn under penalty of perjury. The Fraud was comprehensive brute force hack with paper, people and programs such as Dominion, and as Z pointed out weeks ago they are rubbing our faces in it. The election could be tossed in 28 states because of Dominion software issues such as Ranked Choice Voting [operator pick wins], could be tossed in the swing states because of paper and people fraud, etc. This will not happen. So lets stop asking ourselves what they did, we knew that by 0400 on Nov 4th.… Read more »
Re-reading the blog post, I miss the big energy of 2016. The flight 93 article was a powerful one that I sent to friends and family to get political for the first time in their lives. I remember cucks getting pressured or resigning in 2016-2018. Maybe it was fake but it felt like true populist uprising on the upswing and it was truly interesting to see people flail against it unsuccessfully. Say what you will but two of the largest political dynasties got shattered. Conversely, now we’re being told we have to vote and donate to these cuckservatives in Georgia… Read more »
Great post. Last month I was BSing with some normiecons who were certain the real solution was moving further to the left and embracing even more based minorities. I broke from the normie facade and asked what is the purpose of conservatives who don’t conserve anything. They were unfazed and said the reason was ownin’ da libs. To many normiecons, beating Team Blue is their only real stance they take seriously. I suspect this is the case for a large chunk of voters because team blue represents so many things and people they don’t like that they don’t care how… Read more »
The GOP has doomed itself to go down the same deain they sent the Whigs, and for pretty much the same reasons.
Has anyone else noticed the extreme dichotomy of belief on this issue of voting for RINOs endlessly. The wise and sane have seen the light and physically shutter and retch at the thought of voting R once again. Conversely, people like Bongino will come to your house and beat you to death if you fail to vote R in the upcoming Georgia senate election theft. There is no common ground (or common sense) that can now unite these two disparate cohorts of the electorate. I pray that the Ds steal this state election by 100+ million votes.
let Bogino win elections without me. if it was really so important, he would start shooting people.
Republican’s voters are Dale Gribble. Republican politicans are a gay Johnny Redcorn. Everybody knows what’s going on. The only question is, is Dale just ignoring all this because he doesn’t want to bother resetting his life, or does he really not see it?
Trump always faced an uphill battle. I for one am grateful for all we got from him. Superhuman, really. He rode a bucking bronco for longer than anyone expected. He showed people how to fight against the odds. Has anyone learned anything? “Walk away” to what? “Regardless, the only way forward is for people to abandon the GOP entirely and let them sink into obscurity. ” This seems about as well thought out as the Antifa plan. Wreck everything and then the promised land will emerge. Burn it all down and then what? Wait for a savior? Kill yourself? This defeatism… Read more »
Trump’s only real or lasting legacy is that he becomes an avatar for the resistance; a sort of rallying cry or totem. It may not be justified based upon his actual real-world achievements but these things seldom are.
This is a very important point. Trump’s actual achievements were inadvertent but yuge, among them the illumination of how grubby and corrupt of a shithole the United States is. The failed coup attempt already had many people radicalized and this election theft has thrown fuel on the fire.
True. Richard the Lionheart, that most English of heroes, spoke only French and lived in England for only a handful months in his entire life. The reality is less important than the symbolism once time adds patina.
well, Britain had territory on the continent, during his reign. Look up who his mother was…
Whole mess is confusing isn’t it? Duke of Normandy subject to the King of France but in rivalry, Bretons under Enlish dominion, nobody in the “English” court actually being English or even speaking the language. It’s a fun dive if you like head-scratchers. All I know is Sean Connery (Richard Or’Leon) showing up at the end of Robin Hood talking about kissing the bride in a Scotish brogue probably wasn’t accurate… but was hilarious.
There was no Britain back then. Richard was a Plantagenet king, descended from William the Conquerer. He was Norman French, as were the entire ruling class.
The Plantagenets were constantly fighting with each for territory in France.
that’s funny, because the Romans called it Britain…
Norman French is a misnomer. They were Vikings that had lived on the coast of France for a generation or two.
Henry V is “That most English of heroes” but the underlying point is valid.
True that, I should have said to modern lore. Every Robin Hood movie ever has always made him the noble English king, coming home and setting things to right. Only he never made it home. His corpse did. His body to Anjou and his heart to Normandy. France.
Attaboy, Dan.
Which borders?
The gop was fighting to not flood the country with 3rd world scab h1b labour, in the middle of an economic pandemic?
Oh wait…
Even if we have all the guns but aren’t hard enough to resist B.A.M.N. and worse aren’t willing to learn to do so in an organized fashion, we deserve what we get.
The powerful do as they will, the weak suffer as they must.
Thank you for saying this.
I walked away after GW. I voted in 2000, watched him with his own COVID hoax, and continue to watch after he and ilk murdered 1 million plus Iraqi. Then came Trump, and Trump just gave no shits. No he is not brilliant but he is orders of magnitude better than the what he have had in my lifetime. Yesterday, in public, and again he called out the Gov. of Georgia publicly to do the right thing and at least call the legislature to session to order signature checks. I cannot think of any politician in my lifetime that would… Read more »
About the GOP. The GOP has never been about the white working class and is in fact despises them. The GOP is only incidentally white only because whites had nowhere else to go – especially after Clinton signed NAFTA. Who flipped CA? It was the GOP. They fully embraced GlohoHomo after Arnold left and promoted candidates that made Jerry Brown and Feinstein look good by comparison. They are the party that voted lock step for a illegal war in Iraq that cost us trillions and thousands maimed., And destroyed a country in the process. Oh yeah and they ran Romney… Read more »
Every major hoax perpetrated against this country … racial equality, feminism, gay rights, anti-patriotism, systemic whatever, immigration (diversity is our strength), COVID, denying election fraud, etc., … has been very over-represented by the 2%. As a result, China will be eating our lunch and popping the bag! Maybe that’s part of the plan??
There’s been a concerted effort by that faction to destroy the historical cultural fabric of this country since the 1960s … I just don’t know why this is not obvious to everyone.
Zman, you’re 100% right about the GOP as a whole—it’s useless and deserves to die. But what about the few brave, sincere individuals within it—should we support them? Also, walking away is only half the battle. whether we vote or not, we need to build some alternative political vessel, like a grassroots network of national populist cells who could field their own candidates. The history of third parties in the US isn’t encouraging, but right now enough people may be sufficiently fed up to make one viable.
“The history of third parties in the US isn’t encouraging, but right now enough people may be sufficiently fed up to make one viable.”
You still think voting is the answer? You still think that if we can only get the right politicians in, everything will be fine.
We are doomed by the Legions of people like you who cannot draw meaningful inferences. All of this has been obvious since Waco, but Legion still cannot understand.
you mean “good republican” like the supposed “good nazis”? maybe if one of these guys ever spilled the beans on the whole shit show and then resigned, i might consider supporting them…if they run 3rd party.
If you have one that’s good I suppose. All of my ‘R’s are absolute tools so I know it’s nothing I need to concern myself with.
I have a Pavlonian response after reading your columns where I check freedommunitions. com to buy (or try to buy) more ammo. With shipping, remanufactured .556 defensive rounds are now pushing $1.00 a shot. Price has doubled since this spring. You should be getting a commission.
Wow, seems like you really have to be careful talking about the Small Hatters here. Just had another comment go into the “bit bucket”! I was just mentioning how Rick Santelli (CNBC) went off on Andrew Whathisname and Steve Leisman. Joe Kernen got Rick started, though. But I used a couple of other descriptive terms (nothing derogatory) in my previous comment, which appears to have triggered something. It was either deleted or sent to purgatory! What a country!! Even here you can’t speak your mind.
Hold the line, dissidents. Flight 93 cockpit just got stormed.
Should have been done in early 2017 as part of following up on his campaign promise to drain the swamp. In December 2020 it’s too little, too late.
We go on and on about all of the symptoms but we don’t talk enough about the root cause. It’s the 98/2 rule … 98% of our problems are caused by 2% of the population … that is, of course, something of an exaggeration, but you get the point. That’s the national divorce that’s needed.
Unicorn hypergamy picks up the scent of dead men walking, the herd constellates, the stampede ensues. Gird your loins and prepare for the sh😶t test of the century.
Chicks dig revolutionaries, so long as they have a good body count.
Hypergamy is energy, a force of nature that has to be sublimated in order to be survived.
The problem is – in “walking away” – you give the Dems/Left the opening they’ve been waiting for to clamp down, install permanent one party rule, & put their jackboot on the necks of all of us. We all know how radical they’ve become. They were bad before but the advent of Trump really drove them insane. Yeah – I get it – the Rep’s are a bunch of cuck, limp-wristed pussies who can’t fight, but freedom lost is seldom ever regained. They’ve denied us the soap box thru social media, denied us the ballot box vis-a-vis a stolen election,… Read more »
There are a lot of options before the cartridge box. The most basic example is mass civil disobedience. If every restaurant opened tomorrow, good luck closing them all down, regardless of how many guns they have.
Chet is right. We have options in the interim. Build optional movements, embrace the persecution, organize disruption, encourage their infighting, and BUILD COMMUNITY. Some movie I watched years ago had a rapist telling a woman that she was going to be raped. She could lay back and it could be quick and easy or if she put up a token fight… brutal and protracted. It was creepy and honestly I dont remember what her choice was. Don’t think I finished it. At this point, we are going to get raped. “This is going to happen…” is what the villain said.… Read more »
don’t forget priority number # 1. have a family. if you don’t , nothing else matters .Nothing else.
Overall, people suffer from “normalcy bias”. You still hear this “after Covid” talk from otherwise sane conservative people. They aren’t familiar enough with totalitarianism to realize that “after Covid” there will be the drumbeat to force the vaccine on us, then the refrain with be “the virus has mutated” (ignoring the fact that viruses ALWAYS mutate). Then there’s Covid-21, 22, and 157… Most of us here have been reading about politics and history for years and recognize what’s going on. The average small businessman doesn’t have this background. So there’s still time for a lot of people to get radicalized… Read more »
It begins. I have a friend up in this area. He says things are getting a bit spicy with community show of force backing these establishments and the local policing authorities are saying in no uncertain terms that they won’t be touching this with a ten foot pole. Now it remains to be seen if Inslee will use state troopers.
Chad Bianco, Riverside County CA. Standing up to it.
Same with mayor of San Diego.
I live and run a SB in Z-Man’s Lagos on the Chesapeake. While we were shut down for 3 months, we are open now (and barely making it). The funny thing, however, almost ALL of the SB’s in this area are happily WANTING lockdowns. No lie. There is a laughable merchant’s association, here, and the leadership actively works to discourage people from coming to the neighborhood to shop…again, no lie. They want everyone to “be safe.” It is really a hard thing to get my head around. My business relies on foot traffic, not Web, so their actions are in… Read more »
This. In the SB restaurants I go to I’ve been unable to squeeze even a guarded criticism of the lockdowns out of the owners/management (as opposed to a national chain place that we frequent where lockdown talk elicits eye rolls). It seems like a goodly number, perhaps even a majority, are True Believers.
ive been saying this since march. We have to laugh at masks, kick out the health inspectors, create some autonomous zones.
Exactly. Even when walking away we can exact a toll; a big ole rainbow trout hidden in the HVAC duct. How about every morning over coffee, reading Zman and other hate sites, contact one of the tattle resources for “reporting businesses that are violating the current Covid-19 restrictions” in your AO and log in a few “businesses” for them to track down? Some of my favorites include the HQ offices of my blue state senators, immigration law firms, and the coffee shops that were handing out BLM signs all summer. I only have so many burner emails so Shaneequa probably… Read more »
A lot of us talk about this being war, by which most people mean some flashy and noisy business with lots of explosions and gunfire. Well, we’ll probably get to that eventually but petty harassment, name calling, vandalism, and sabotage are all tactics in war as well. At some point, you’re going to have to do something that makes that coworker with the multicolored hair just outright hate you anyway. Getting his faggy little coffee house shut down for Covid nonsense is a way to convey to him that, just as he and his Lefty friends will not leave you… Read more »
Let loose some roaches or mice if it is a eatery and call the health dept. Drop some roofing nails in their parking lot.
Put up white power meet up flyers specifying the business in question.
Or maybe some “free food” for the Homeless flyers.and on the local craigslist.
You never have to shut “all” down and they know it. You make a crushing example of a few, even one, and some will crumble. You need just a crack in the wall.
Actually, you are not getting it. You keep falling for the same con and you keep repeating the same chant. Re-read the post.
This is the typical GOP voter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yovyyjjKmFw
You go ahead and hit the lever hoping for a nice little treat, I’m going to go workout…
Walking away is the decision that it is time to stop kicking the can.
“……& put their jackboot on the necks of all of us.” Maybe true but it appears that the Republicans will do nothing to stop this anyway and may well join in.
Nah. The Republicans will bend low and whisper in your ear how the boot on your throat isn’t all that bad for you. But if you vote for them, they’ll see about getting the pressure lifted a bit.
Yep. We saw the collective silence of the GOP over Anti-fa and BLM riots.
BTW I remember the 2018 Orange County elections where the Dems using ballot harvesting flipped Red Orange County Blue. What was the GOP and Trump response? Nothing.
Remember Kris Kobach and his effort to get rid of voter fraud in 2017? The GOP turned on him and Trump kicked the man to the curb.
The point is the GOP DOES HAS NOT EVER cared about voter fraud
in “walking away” – you give the Dems/Left the opening they’ve been waiting for to clamp down, install permanent one party rule,
trump had no impact in stopping that, what are you expecting from republicans with him gone?
I expect more of the same.
With one limp wrist in the kickbacks and bribes cookie jar and the other one pointing at Trump, the only thing these losers can win is the Darwin award.
If the republi-frauds have a small advantage in the senate, it won’t matter anyway as there are plenty of them who will vote with the leftists on virtually every major issue anyway..
That’s the point, Poindexter. The only way to Heaven is through Hell. Otherwise, get used to being f@cked in the ass forever, and ever, and ever… I’m a relatively well-off middle-aged man, and I’m resigned to dying via gunshot. Took a long time to come around to this understanding, I’m no hero and I’d much rather die in my own bed, preferably next to a hot redhead. But the writing is on the wall. I have no children of my own, and I have no intention of going out like a punk. It’s actually kind of invigorating when I ponder… Read more »
They’re going to do it anyway. And if there are any Repubs left, they’ll be clamoring to help.
We have been a uniparty since Reagan left office. And the uniparty has worked hard at stripping us of our rights, our future our culture and dignity since then.
What is happening in GA is the same thing that happened here in CA where the GOP turned on it’s base and pushed a bunch of loathsome globohomo crooks on the people. This is how CA went from Red to Blue.
And yes only the bullet box is left to us.
An analysis of what the enemy must do, and can do. (as opposed to his intentions). Mirabilis 2020 must continue forever. Now politics is power, and that’s all. That’s my only lens for politics – power and it is correct. Short version of below: our worst problem as Americans is that we aren’t a one party state yet, and the one party must continuously go forward now after the stolen election or hang for what they’ve done: so they must repeat and increase 2020 until all our resistance both party and as peasants is crushed. The Uniparty must finish us… Read more »
Andrew Anglin (Daily Stormer) cited Zman in his column today. I sense that AA is considered to be alittle sketchy in some DR circles, but a lot of what he says seems pretty spot-on. I also recommend Real Jew News (Nathan Somebody). He’s a Messianic Jew and calls people out … he doesn’t seem to be controlled opposition. But he is quite colorful n his schtik might irk some people.
Most Republicans won’t abandon the party because most people want a team to root for no matter the issue. However, we may find that the gop is a minority sooner rather than later because people no longer care
Republicans or GOP, whatever you want to call them, they’re purpose is to lose every time … they’re controlled opposition … the other side of the kosher sandwich. It feels like we’re back to the Tea Party, but it was hi-jacked and subverted by the Usual Suspects and is now defunct. They do it Every.Single.Time. Start a new party and the cockroaches will come in. They’re probably trying to infiltrate the AF movement that Nick Fuentes is leading right now. He better be watching for (((them))).
I’m done with anything Republican. If Biden hangs on, I don’t see myself voting again unless something yuge happens … yes, I mean Martial Law. I’m not going to humiliate myself by standing in line for a ruse. This is the Rubicon … there’s no going back if Biden is Prez. “National Divorce” is fanciful, but does anyone think that a semi-Communist, Jew-ran government, is going to allow it?? In the succinct words of our Prez-Elect, “C’mon man!”.
Clinton left the Reagan tax cuts alone, while Bush raised taxes lol. Bush was pretty bad. We do need a new breed of conservative politicians and I thought 4 years of Trump would have facilitated that to some extent. I guess not.