The Purpose Driven Life

An underappreciated aspect of human society is that humans in large communities need a set of common beliefs. Large society in this context means anything larger than the Dunbar number. Once you get to that number, law codes and a way to enforce them are a necessity. One tool to do this is a common set of beliefs held by most of the members. This provides a mechanism for those rules to become a habit of mind, a shared reality we would think of as culture.

A simple example of this is a taboo against an activity. Let’s say a poisonous berry grows in a part of the forest. The people may develop a taboo about eating anything or even entering that part of the forest. Perhaps they evolve a legend about one of their gods cursing the place or prohibiting people from entering it. Once enough people believe this, it becomes part of the law code of society and it is enforced by collective action against those who break the taboo about entering that area.

It is a crude example, but we have many such examples in the modern day that are not much different from that crude example. For example, Americans remain convinced that eating fat will anger the health gods. There is no science behind the Standard American Diet, but most Americans accept it as true. They don’t think about it. It is just part of the shared beliefs they grew up with and live within, so they accept it as true. We accept all sorts of behavior and environmental nonsense on faith.

Now, it should be noted that the shared beliefs do not have to be accepted by everyone in a society for them to work. Going back to our sacred bit of the forest example, it is not necessary that everyone accept the myth. It just has to be a critical mass that accept it and is willing to act on it. Unless there is an equally compelling reason to resist the myth and the reason is held by a sufficient number of people, a minority belief will become the majority belief in practice, if not spirit.

It is not too hard to find examples of this form of minoritarianism. American history is riddled with causes that were championed by a minority. The proliferating set of taboos related to the Covid beliefs held by the ruling class are a great example. A tiny number of people, relative to the population, deeply believes in these Covid taboos, so they have launched a crusade against Covid. America looks like a weird Muslim country now, because lots of people joined this new belief.

That is another aspect of shared belief. It appears that another prerequisite for large human society is a sense of shared purpose. The answer to why we are here and what is the purpose of our lives is answered within that shared set of beliefs. “My life has meaning because I am part of this great cause of my people” is a highly efficient way of enforcing group behavior. The best rules are those eagerly enforced by a set of true believers whose purpose in life is to enforce compliance.

Move backward through popular politics in America and you see one holy crusade after another driving the political debate. Today it is driven by Covidians. Before that it was driven by white liberals thinking Obama was Jesus. Before that it was driven by the war on terrorism. When the Baby Boomers had kids in school the crusade was to fix the schools so everyone could be educated. Go back further and we had a war on drugs and, of course, the great crusade against the evils of communism.

American history has been one crusade after another. The great battle between good whites and bad whites exists because it fills that need for a purpose. In the albescence of some external foe, the good whites keep their crusading skills sharp by going to war with the bad whites over some moral cause. This not only gives purpose to their lives, but it also reinforces those shared beliefs about who they are and why they exist. The reaction from the bad whites serves much the same purpose.

If you observe the Covidians for a bit, you see this need for purpose. The HBD community, for example, rushed to be the early adopters of the new faith, sensing it was a way back into the community of the respectable. It was not a conscious decision on their part. They did not vote on their secret e-mail list to become Covidians. It was the result of a shared desire to be rehabilitated and restored to polite society, along with the general sense that their purpose in life is to inform the rulers on the human sciences.

The same can be said for the women volunteering to be the mask police in every community in America. The natural role of women has been so reduced in status that this artificial role of Covidian den mother has become highly appealing. Mothers have been far less emotional about things like mask wearing and social distancing than the army of unattached, childless females. The reason is they have kids to scratch that maternal itch, so being a Covidian den mother has little appeal.

The fact is, human societies need shared beliefs. One aspect of that shared belief is a shared purpose. Most people, certainly not all, need that space labeled “purpose” to be filled by society. This is especially true of childless females. It is also true for males with no male role to play. Stripped of natural sex roles, this need for purpose is filled with causes that give purpose to life. The people wearing masks in their cars are not sheep following orders. They are believers looking for a god.

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Charles St. Charles
Charles St. Charles
3 years ago

“The same can be said for the women volunteering to be the mask police in every community in America. The natural role of women has been so reduced in status that this artificial role of Covidian den mother has become highly appealing.”

After decades of trying to figure out exactly what is destroying the Western world, I have come to the conclusion that the most devastating blow to a normal reasonable thriving culture in the West was extending the franchise to women and encouraging them to find their fulfillment outside the family.

Last edited 3 years ago by Charles St. Charles
Reply to  Charles St. Charles
3 years ago

Yes we live in a matriarchy. I’ve had this patriarchy/matriarchy debate with women a lot over the past couple of years. Where they tend to win is that they state (I live in the UK) that something like 95% of rape accusations never get to court. Therefore patriarchy. Now, I have a very good friend who has spent 20 years as a detective in the metropolitan police – 8 years of that dealing with rape victims. I was drinking with him the other day and asked him about that stat. What I wanted to know was if there was a… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Damian
3 years ago

This corresponds with the religious aspect of these movements, in this case the War on Patriarchy. When we kept statistics, the most falsely reported crime, and there wasn’t even a close second, was rape. The FBI once compiled detailed statistics on falsely reported crimes, and then certain aspects were de-emphasized. Guess which ones. Police used to be circumspect in investigating rape claims and now, as a matter of policy, believe all women. The gods demand belief despite a rich history of deception and lies and thousands of years of recorded history What your friend described is highly amusing because the… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

Yes, political correctness is a war on noticing. And humans are really good at two things: comparing our status to that of others, and recognising patterns. So the stats have to go, lest we recognise the patterns.
And just like the feminists were silent over the hundreds of thousands of white working class women who were groomed, drugged and raped by predominantly Pakistani gangs; they are silent about the coal burners burning coal and paying a toll. I feel extremely sorry for the groomed teenage girls, less so for the club sluts.

Reply to  Damian
3 years ago

I don’t think hell is a big enough price to pay for both the muslims doing the grooming and the whites who looked the other way.

They need to suffer hell in this life, before their eternal damnation. I pray one day we get the opportunity.

Reply to  Damian
3 years ago

good rule of thumb is whether a tribe refers to the ancestral homeland as a fatherland vs a motherland

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

Interesting point.

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

Hmm. Mother Russia dominated by based leader Putin. The Glorious Fatherland of Germany awash in the filth of Merkel’s millions. This rule of thumb does not pass the smell check as a useful generalization.

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

Germans were the only ones with a fatherland (that I know of), and all we got is a crappy homeland – and home to every Tom, Dick and Harry shade of mud to boot.

David Wright
Reply to  Damian
3 years ago

So they are not raping anyone of consequence. Now I am not so bothered anymore.

Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

And neither are the feminists it would seem! Except as a tool to bash ‘men’ with.

Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

Whoa shinola, that’s the sound of the iron within hardening, of blades being sharpened.

Reply to  Damian
3 years ago

“Yes we live in a matriarchy”
Last night my husband was reading an article about ‘effective management traits’ and the second recommendation was ‘treating people with kindness and dignity’ or some such feel good tripe. I said that sounds very feminine and not at all what I experienced in 30 years of working. He was surprised by that statement, but after discussion had to admit its validity. The sneaky social engineering bastards are quite good at low key wedging this type of feminizing crap into every nook and cranny of our lives. Hell must be run by woke feminists.

Reply to  Peabody
3 years ago

Classic masculine traits are; honour and reputation. Classic feminine traits are; protecting the (perceived) weak, and ensuring no one is offended. Hence the ‘kindness and dignity’. When I joined the Army in 1997 (as an Officer) it was simply: ‘lead by example, and be consistent with your men’. UK military is completely pozzed now though!

Reply to  Peabody
3 years ago

any how-to guide or listacle is bullshit. My view has always been results. Everybody has a different way to create a successful business model. Everything else is gravy.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Damian
3 years ago

The fake French woman mayor of Paris is being sued by the French government filling 60% of the Parisian government with women, which is a violation of France’s federal gender equality law.

You just can’t make this stuff up.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Yes I read about that earlier today. I do like seeing laws that were passed for one thing ending up on the ‘other foot’ as it were.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Who filed suit, other women or gays/trannies?

The Woke Empire Strikes Back, gnawing off its own leg.

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Serpent eating its own tail.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Good. That’s pure Rules for Radicals #4 shite right there. Give it to them good and hard.

Reply to  Damian
3 years ago

Restrictions on promiscuity are designed to protect women, primarily, despite feminists’ assertions to the contrary. These same restrictions also help beta males as you mentioned. Basically the vast majority of society benefits from more traditional gender roles.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

It used to be the psychopath 2% got the harems, and their kids ruled.

Civilization happens when the betas have all the kids instead, and build a society.

Hypergamy demands she bears the bad boys offspring, and gets the nice guy to raise them- so the ‘path 2% lines return to power.

She’ll vote for the ‘paths, while men vote for their hunting band- so, sorry, ladies, we tried, but no, limited franchises only.

That hold true for races and classes as well, so at least the girls aren’t the only ones limited.

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

2000 years of tradition can’t be wrong. And common sense. What is interesting that has happened since, well, maybe the enlightenement, is all these common sense traditions are thrown out, when some smarty-pants discovered “rights”.

THen, the rest of society is dumbfounded, and speachless and defenseless. These rights are continuing to be discovered, like scientific discoveries.

Discovering rights is then suppose to make society better. Now that its not, its surely because of bigotry.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Damian
3 years ago

And that, moi droogs, is why rape is not classed as a “hate crime.”

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

Hadn’t thought of that, but – yes, of course.

Reply to  Charles St. Charles
3 years ago

On. The. Nose. Women ruling men, having a marriage be a political battleground is a disaster for a culture/ society. I blame all of our problems on women’s suffrage

Reply to  Cal
3 years ago

movies sure didn’t help in their glorification of the sexuality of women. Putting god-size beauties on a screen the size of a barn has had its consequences

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

People have slobbered over Godlike beauties since those Venus statues back in the neolithic.
Now giving women the vote? That had consequences.

Reply to  Cal
3 years ago

A couple of years ago I had hoped to blame women’s suffrage for the creation of the Fed but alas the Fed had preceded the 19A by a half dozen years.

Reply to  Charles St. Charles
3 years ago

universal suffrage in general is a mistake.

ISTM that society began to fall apart when women entered the labor market work force in mass numbers. Ironically, that first happened in WWII. The “women’s” movement and permanent move of women to the labor force was driven by lesbians in the late 50s and on who looked back with nostalgia on WWII, and had no maternal instinct.

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
3 years ago

and the irony is that even with women working no one can afford a house for the most part

If all of a sudden women left the work force the wages of men would double to compensate for the lost income but then you’d save a ton on daycare, education, food

Win win

Last edited 3 years ago by Falcone
Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

My 20-year-old daughter working on the floor of a big hardware/home improvement store can afford a house. I don’t know where this “nobody can afford a house” bit comes from.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

In most urban and semi-urban areas, if you don’t want to live around joggers you will have to pay through the nose for even a modest bungalow. The fewer joggers, the more outrageous the price. Conversely, if you can tolerate even a small number of joggers and some random gunfire there are many deals to be had.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
3 years ago

Believe me, I am well-aware. What I hear with “nobody can afford a house” is “nobody can afford a first house that meets their unrealistic standards.”

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

“First house”- “starter home”- the diversity is turning us into a nation of house flippers, refugees, and Army brats. One can only run so many times before the kids start to fall apart.

Good on you and good on that 20-something, by the way. That used to be normal. Now it’s something worth celebrating.

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

One of the most loathsome species of whites are house-flippers who buy houses in decent white nabes and then rent them to Hutus, thus destroying nice parts of town. A classic case of the wages of greed. Slavery was another.

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Starter homes have always been a thing. My daughter’s little two-bedroom house isn’t spacious. Maybe OK for a couple and their first kid.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
3 years ago

Success in America is measured by how far away from Joggers one lives.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

May depend on location?

Reply to  Rich
3 years ago

Well, of course it does. So? Live where you can afford to live.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

It comes from California.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

did you co-sign?

Making a loan to a girl with maybe 3 years experience in a low wage retail job is not a loan most lenders will make

But good for her. She’s not the norm

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

No, we didn’t co-sign.

All five of my kids except the 14-year-old own at least one home now (oldest daughter, 31, owns three). The middle boy’s home knocks my socks off, it’s nicer than my house, nicer than many weathy urbanites I know. We did help with the down payment on that one, but he has his own loan, and he and his wife also work retail jobs, but in rural Missouri, out in the Ozarks.

Last edited 3 years ago by Vizzini
Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

Women, on balance, perform negative work in the workplace. That is, they get nothing done themselves and wreck the stuff the men are trying to do. Removing most of them would immensely boost productivity.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Dinothedoxie
3 years ago

The natural boundaries of sex roles is a classic example of Chesterton’s fence.

Last edited 3 years ago by Chet Rollins
Reply to  Dinothedoxie
3 years ago

Very true- the expansion of the GI Bill to civilian society was pushed by lesbians and yenta radicals.

They correctly saw it as a path to opportunities and power. The nose under the tent, a raiding base to grab more territory.

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Charles St. Charles
3 years ago

It’s the essence of Satan’s lie, going all the way back to the garden. Our culture has been reinforcing the lie for decades. A good exercise is to read T. Roosevelt’s Mother’s Day speech; today that speech is anathema to the “liberated” female.

Reply to  Charles St. Charles
3 years ago

Let me again riff off that and add that abortion fanaticism has been lethal

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

“It’s just a clump of cells.”

I believe Leftists are dehumanizing the fetus as part of their obsessive drive to separate getting off, their highest aspiration, from natural reproduction, their most hated feature of human life.

Rather, the true Leftist prefers to reproduce it’s kind through one of several available cycles of abuse, be it mental, physical, or a mixture of both.

This form of reproduction is why Leftists are such miserable, hate-filled people.

Last edited 3 years ago by The Wild Geese Howard
Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

Abortion was one of the many weapons to bring about anomie. Anomie: a societal condition defined by an uprooting or breakdown of any moral values, standards, or guidance for individuals to follow. Thus follows the building ground of ashes they desire for the Glorious New Future. The latest (and possibly final) iteration is the normalization and acceptance of pedophilia. I’m not talking about the spirit cooking conspiracies, Qanon all government officials are pederasts, et al. There has been a massive increase in the promulgation of “academic research” lately trying to destigmatize adult-child intercourse. California has just pushed forward legislation removing… Read more »

Reply to  Penitent Man
3 years ago

I think they just want to diddle kids.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  KGB
3 years ago

Certainly some do. But to not see it as one among many weapons attempting to break the bonds of the traditional, the moral, the beautiful, the true is short-sighted. That’s the big conspiracy. That these things become enshrined in law despite a majority of people desiring they be made illegal. Not whether Leon Podesta is a pervert. Though he probably is.

Last edited 3 years ago by Penitent Man
Reply to  Penitent Man
3 years ago

In grad school (the Imperial Capital) I rented a room from a stool pusher. All his friends were queers and they were all randy as jack rabbits. They were junkies for gay sex. I have my suspicions that at the very least they liked looking at younger boys. I believe there are some that love the fact that an ancillary benefit to their degeneracy is the breakdown of traditional society, but in the main they just wanted to nut in some guy’s ass.

Reply to  Penitent Man
3 years ago

No doubt

denying natural bodily responses always has consequences, often deeply psychological

Denying the body its food, say, through bulimia,look at the mental problems that causes or feeds or is a reflection of. Now try denying the body the urge to reproduce, something not good is going to happen to one’s mind and spirit

Reply to  Charles St. Charles
3 years ago

ZMan has said many times that the worst thing you can do to a society is send its women to work.

Reply to  MikeCLT
3 years ago

Plenty of work in the home if they’re doing it right. Doubly so if there are kids, and again if they’re home schooling (honestly, who wouldn’t homeschool just to avoid our degenerate public schools?)

Charles St. Charles
Charles St. Charles
Reply to  ProZNoV
3 years ago

My Mother did not work outside the home or even get a drivers license until well into her 40s, my Father taught her to drive when he was given a terminal cancer diagnosis. She cleaned our house, did laundry, and cooked meals every day and generally shepherded two troublemaking boys to adulthood while my Father worked overtime and weekends at an East Coast shipyard. My Brother and I often remark to each other how lucky we were to have that kind of childhood and marvel at how younger generations and even many of our peers seem to lack resilience, competence,… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Charles St. Charles
Stranger in a strange land
Stranger in a strange land
Reply to  MikeCLT
3 years ago

or make soldierettes out of them

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  MikeCLT
3 years ago

Even worse, sending them into combat.

3 years ago

Imagine a culture so thoroughly debauched that it believes a woman can find meaning in PowerPoint, travel, and riding the carousel. Well, of course they are going to lurch from one stupid idea to the next.

David Wright
Reply to  BTP
3 years ago

You know how many women, even good ones, who are always hoping to make a difference in whatever low level position they inhabit out in the world. How much damage do you think that inflicts on us, all from good intentions. Can’t just make and raise babies anymore.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

Women can make babies, but they do a lousy job of even raising children without firm male guidance.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

Ever see a dog raised by a chick that wasn’t bonkers?

Last edited 3 years ago by Falcone
The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

In the early ’00s I knew the cutest, fittest redhead with degrees from Phillip-Exeter, Columbia, and UChicago.

Her expressed dream was, “to get a director-level role to change the world making policy.”


Reply to  BTP
3 years ago

Anyone remember the show Ally McBeal

That sort of encapsulated all of this

Man I hated that show. I remember girls at work talking about it and seeing their lives as episodes of it.

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

It got worse when they graduated to Sex In The City.

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

Hahaha! Ally McBeal was my show, the one I couldn’t miss!

I must’ve gone thru a box of Kleenex with every episode, so cleansing!

3 years ago

One aspect of that shared belief is a shared purpose. Most people, certainly not all, need that space labeled “purpose” to be filled by society. This is especially true of childless females. It is also true for males with no male role to play. It is remarkable to me, how many ills of society would go away – granted in generations, not days – if these purposeless males and females just had children. That’s all. The family is a shared belief of society, even in these times, it is just that these people cannot, must not, give into the biological… Read more »

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

No. Kidding,,, and its mostly quite good. Practice, I guess!

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

“… if these purposeless males and females just had children. That’s all.” Well, let’s not forget that joggers, Musloids, and Appalachian meth-heads have lots of kiddies and that – by itself – doesn’t do much for society. Added to your prescription is the need for government to stop subsidizing unwed motherhood, and the reestablishment of disapproval/shame upon deadbeat males. Then add a plethora of incentives for marriage and disincentives to divorce. I see too many “liberated” females dropping their kids off at day care to think that childbearing, alone, does anything positive for society. Our taboos need to be turned… Read more »

Reply to  CAPT S
3 years ago

Added to your prescription is the need for government to stop subsidizing unwed motherhood, and the reestablishment of disapproval/shame upon deadbeat males. Then add a plethora of incentives for marriage and disincentives to divorce. Yes, yes and yes. Particularly on the second. I had the ‘day care’ talk with some friends over the weekend. I was heavily outgunned, with most not seeing the harm in dropping the child off in a stranger’s care. As if they had better things to do. I think that people are far too trusting. Perhaps I should have searched for the names of the carers,… Read more »

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

Yes and pubic school is really day care with extra indoctrination.

Reply to  G706
3 years ago

Covid has really bore this “daycare” slight out. Hell, locally the media doesn’t even argue any more about “lost” education wrt online, remote instruction. The discussion between the people and the school authorities is “where do I park my kids while I go to work?”

Heck, one school district opened up the cafeterias to allow drop off of students with *no* instruction! I can imagine what a hell hole that is.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

Orange Frog, your friends all support daycare out of pure self interest and self justification. Many years ago I got absolutely piled on in a bible study because I wouldn’t consider daycare (I was desperate for a second child and my husband was concerned with costs and health insurance). Every other member of said bible study had their children and/or grandchildren in daycare, and they all accused me of being entitled and selfish for refusing to consider farming out my progeny to minimum-wage strangers.

Stranger in a strange land
Stranger in a strange land
Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

I suspect said Bible study group would have some interesting opinions relative to Proverbs 31.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

“dropping the child off in a stranger’s care. As if they had better things to do.”

Oh, that hurt, that really hit deep.

Kudos to you and Capt S, a brood doth not society make.

(And, note to dickheads- they beat the absolute living sh*t out them, too, so don’t give the booswash about that magic cure-all.)

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  CAPT S
3 years ago

Yes. Natural sexual polarity needs to be restored. Can’t happen until the war on boys and men is stopped. Natural male hierarchy needs to be restored. This can’t happen if men are forced to compete with women for status. Restoring natural feminine-driven status is only half the challenge. Men must be granted their natural status as well. Elevating trad motherhood alone won’t solve the issue of feral females. See: tradthots. Build up boys to become men worthy of female submission. Men lead; women follow. This is the biggest challenge on our side if a future for our children is indeed… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

Words of wisdom (but I expect nothing less from you, Screwtape). I still see those same lies and fallacies from online conservatards about their daughters (majoring in ‘x’ in college, strong, capable, independent, financially savvy, etc.) and yet they supposedly can’t find any worthy men. Why on earth would a genuine man want someone who would refuse his natural leadership and challenge his authority in every way?

Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

Women like to submit.

I’m just naturally redpilled. I’ve had feminists submit completely to me, and tell me they want to have kids with me and becoming like mother’s. After we break up, back to their same bitchy childless selves.

It makes women happy to submit, they don’t actually like making big decisions. They’re also bad at seeing things clearly so they can’t figure out what they want.

Part of the feminism problem is a white male problem. White men need to be worthy of submission.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

This is all basic stuff going back at least to the Bible and probably well before. We have a crisis of masculinity in the west. And PUA/”redpill” of sleeping around isn’t a solution, it’s a fake solution.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

What brought me back to believing, after spending much of my 20s as an atheist, was learning that Genesis contains irrefutable lessons about the differences between the sexes. Once I grasped how much wisdom there was in book one, I was able to overcome the intellectual resistance that atheists pride themselves on.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

ever pick up a grown cat by the back/ scruff of the neck? It’s very interesting but they immediately assume and revert to the passiveness of a kitten, just hang there motionless as if a switch has been turned

women very similar. They can be all feisty and whatever, in your face, but get them on the bed and get ready to put it in and they automatically revert to the submissive posture

berry intwesting

Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

until the war on boys and men is stopped. Natural male hierarchy needs to be restored. This can’t happen if men are forced to compete with women for status.”

So good. Last line, perfect.
Our enemies want us weak and gelded.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

Generations? I don’t think so. Overnight

Men change overnight when the wife starts smelling of vanilla when she’s knocked up

Joey Jünger
Joey Jünger
3 years ago

I think the Covidians/Progs are going to have a very, very rough four years. It’s not just the old “They won’t have Nixon to kick around anymore” line. Trump became the center of their lives, the devil they shouted down, in the same way that old Solunar cults were convinced that they had to shout the moon away from the sun during an eclipse, lest the sun never shine again. America has been a one-party state for a long time, and the left has had all of the power, but with demographics (and more explicit fraud, helped by the intelligence… Read more »

Reply to  Joey Jünger
3 years ago

Only matter of time before having to look at Biden’s white face every day sets them off on another rage episode

Biden will not be spared.

David Wright
Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

Look at the news today with that spic bartender calling for replacement of Pelosi and Schumer. The revolution continues.

Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

there’s a body bag being readied with her name on it

Stranger in a strange land
Stranger in a strange land
Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

The spic bartender, or Pelosi?

Reply to  Stranger in a strange land
3 years ago


Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

Insufficient – go Old Testament on them, i.e. down to the xth generation. Her mother, brother, and traitorous White boyfriend also need to be removed.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Good point. Trump was a steam valve and it has been closed even as the boiler gets ever hotter. If I had to hazard a guess, the Left will brutalize Harris after Biden fades and turn their fury on her corporate patrons (dump tech stock while you can). Most of us will be rooting for injuries. On the other side, the MAGA types walking away from the GOP as the Georgia run-offs take place indicates they have arrived at the place their left-wing counterparts soon will be.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

Harris strikes me as an empty vessel willing to be a political “Schmoo” for whomever can offer her a bit of power. She’ll fit right in with the Leftists and if dumping tech into the abyss after Joe finally hits the neuron death event horizon, she’ll happily do that.

Reply to  SamlAdams
3 years ago

Revolutions always eat their own. I’m not optimistic, but my one consolation is that the Trotskyists, Leninists, Stalinists, and Maoists will probably be too busy show-trialing each other to get around to really sticking it to us. Watching Toothy McTits the Bartendress on either — meaning, eventually, both — ends of a New and Improved Moscow Show Trial will be comedy like no other.

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

I have hope, too, the mighty Tempest In A Teacup is just another reality show, the hijinks of the Puppet Empress and her court in the distant Imperial Capitol.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

the left has to realize that Harris is very risky. Otoh, if Biden is incapacitated by 2024 – who else do the dems have? Tim Walz maybe? Inslee is probably too old to be an “up and comer”

Reply to  krustykurmudgeon
3 years ago

Aw, shucks, as if Harris mattered.

Ham Sandwich 2024!

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

I think De Santis has a future

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

I go with Trump as Teddy Roosevelt and Biden as Woodrow Wilson (we can simply skip over Taft). WW was followed by Harding and Coolidge, but that won’t happen this time around, with the vote all manipulated.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Overlapping 2020 with historical american contexts doesn’t work because the historic american people are now de facto a marginalized minority community.

Nobody knows where the future is headed. Brazil is probably the very very best case.

Last edited 3 years ago by B125
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Trump had to go as he threatened the core of the global economic order: the US and West provide cut-rate resources (food, raw materials) to China in return for cut-rate manufacturing made by cheap/slave labor and no environmental standards. THIS is why the hysterical reaction. Of course nearly all the ruling class from Biden to McConnell are in China’s pocket. Trumps rebasing manufacturing to the US threatened Xi’s Chinese Dream: 1. crush rival oligarchs, 2. micro-manage every tiny aspect of ordinary people’s lives in China by social credit, 3. have rising living standards, more and cheaper protein, cars, etc. This… Read more »

Reply to  Joey Jünger
3 years ago

They will find something as their new evil token. They always do. Probably McConnell will become the next Hitler, or the new Speaker when the GOP retakes the House in 2020. Look at how much hay they made out the white supremacist unicorn for the last four years.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
3 years ago

The Hong Kong flu of 1957 and 1968 was equally as bad but in that America sane men still made reasonable decisions and the Covid shit would have stayed in the medical section of the newspaper. That 1968 or 1957 world still had some cultural ether floating around of shared Christianity and shared reason left within it. The rise of feminism and decline in masculinity and the resulting Karen’s, the rise of a hostile media, and the resulting loss of any shared culture has contributed to bringing us the Branch Covidian crisis. How do we find meaning again? We find… Read more »

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
3 years ago

We labeled ’57 and ’68 as Asian and Hong Kong. Didn’t even get the one in ’68. Got the one in ’57. I was in elementary school and the whole 6th grade was on a one week trip to a camp. Half the kids started getting sick while there, so they packed us all up and took us home. As soon as you felt better you were back at school. Estimated US deaths vary from 70,000 to 115,000 but population was only 170 mil compared to the 330 mil of today. I don’t believe the fatality numbers were jacked in… Read more »

3 years ago

Covid is a religion. Maybe thats the way to unite a non-society like those living in the borders of these United States….

Reply to  Cal
3 years ago

Covid is a religion.

Yes, perhaps this can be the basis of a new belief system replete with holidays: Merry Chrismask!

On a more serious note it has united a certain bunch of people. They can’t get enough of ‘the covids’.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

If it our masters want to keep Covid going, there is plenty of Z’s mask den-mothers to enforce. Its possible , there will really never be a return to normal life, maybe, but maybe not!

Reply to  Cal
3 years ago

My strategic political thinking is that turning men against these kinds of women would be something to unite men across all races, except (((them))) of course who have muh matriarchy

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

It is.

No man of any race can stand AWFL bitches, especially not at work. It’s the only thing we have in common lol. A few white soys are on the AWFL side but most are not.

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

It seems even Jewish men don’t much like Jewish women.
In the US only half of all Jewish people are married and of them less than half to other Jews.
I some Orthodox synagogues up to 1/5 of the members are married to non Jews.

Reply to  abprosper
3 years ago

An Israeli friend becomes visibly upset, bordering on violent, when you suggest he should date a JAP.

Reply to  Educated.redneck
3 years ago

Israelis are quite different than American Jews.
Still tribal but a lot more rooted in reality.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  abprosper
3 years ago

They don’t get married by state standards so they can get welfare and food stamps. They’re married within their cult by a rabbi.

Reply to  Dennis Roe
3 years ago

agree 102%

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Cal
3 years ago

The unmarried, childless Den Mothers are too psychologically damaged to continue any endeavor. Excuse the crudity, but all of them are just one good horsefucking away from following a new guru. The poor guru soon learns mentally deranged followers become stalkers.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Cal
3 years ago

I see no light at the end of the Kovid tunnel. Anybody hoping the vaxes herald a return to normalcy is in for a rude awakening.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

couldn’t that lead to a sort of “general strike” among the workforce. Or are we all compliant sheeple?

Stranger in a strange land
Stranger in a strange land
Reply to  krustykurmudgeon
3 years ago

I guess we’ll see

Reply to  krustykurmudgeon
3 years ago

I’d rather no go down this road but it may take a wall of lead to fix things. This won’t bring back normalcy or stability for a long time but enough bullets and nooses will bring back sanity.
Ultimately the US has been bat-crap insane long before COVID 19. I’d guess it started 2009 or so with the election of Obama.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  abprosper
3 years ago

The US started down Bat-shit Lane in the 60s, alas.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

The ease at which our institutions up and died suggest they were quite weak in many ways. Some of this was the unending war that ‘capital” waged on anything that could improve workers lives and some of it was the states absolute terror of private organizations like unions, grange halls, club. anything bigger than the easily controlled nuclear family. In some sense to defeat the USSR and our race issues we became too much like the USSR and that resulted in our society coming to an end, Now in fairness people stopped wanting large families in 1972 if not before.… Read more »

Reply to  abprosper
3 years ago

This will make some people miserable to be sure but overall the midery index would be lower.

Another weird aspect of human nature is the proclivity to chase after some goal or activity at great effort only to discover that the effort was wasted upon attaining it.

The modern desire for career and property over family being a prime example. Modern women freed from childbearing and motherhood are almost universally miserable. And seek an endless stream of things to fulfill their sublimated maternal instinct.

Last edited 3 years ago by Dinothedoxie
Reply to  Dinothedoxie
3 years ago

For the bulk of mankind space travel is also one such thing. Big goals give the elite a hit of dopamine and maybe a little pride to those in that society who see them but its fleeting. Most big goals save those like the Hoover Dam or the TVA which have material benefit are worthless in the long term. Religious goals are exempt from this but religion is not a big part of our society right now. As for motherhood, there were and are plenty of women who are no happier with kids than without them. The only way to… Read more »

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

what generation of Americans put FDR in for power for 4 terms and raised the boomers ?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  krustykurmudgeon
3 years ago

Unfortunately, I’ve seen scant few signs of rebellion in my neck of the woods.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

mine neither. I wont wear a mask, but even in the rural south, everyone is masked up pretty tight.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  grab-ass
3 years ago

Ditto here in West Texas.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

Rebellion with a goal is pointless. we don’t have goals and won’t start to have them till early January and the elections is decided.

Reply to  abprosper
3 years ago

This was meant to be without not with.
As an aside, “get rid of the people in charge is a good starter goal.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  abprosper
3 years ago

The goal, with regard to Kovid, is mass defiance which makes enforcement of the Power Structure’s idiotic diktats impossible.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

I see some in my area, A few people playing loosey goosey with masks and more than a few stores ignoring capacity limits since it does not appear that they are being enforced.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  abprosper
3 years ago

I see a few anti-maskers–in addition to myself–but it doesn’t seem the numbers are growing.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

Passivity ends when you are dead, and a very long living death called life it is…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

i’ve heard different things from true believers: one said, spring is when its over, others say its never going to be over. They will change their tune only when they are told to do so….

Reply to  Cal
3 years ago

“There is no ‘post-covid’.”

Truer words were never spoken.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

I have a conversation with someone yesterday who started talking about tents that were full and people on ventilators. I honestly did not know what she was talking about but I don’t watch the news or anything and all I said was I can’t trust the media, she agreed, and what I see around me is zero deaths. She was sad she couldn’t get the vaccine right away

Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

zero deaths You’re clearly ignorant. Covid has chalked up huge numbers of fatalities. I am reminded of the decorator who slipped off his ladder and broke his neck due to Covid. Furthermore, it is a well known fact that Major General Charles Gordon, was speared to death during his last stand at Khartoum, due to Covid. I jest, of course. Yeah, nowadays, whenever someone in ‘real life’ speaks about Covid, I just nod and occasionally ask a question or two. Then go on my way. I know what my eyes tell me, and they tell me I am being scammed.… Read more »

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

Or a woman I saw interviewed that flatly stated that when her elderly father had a fatal heart attack in their home that the death would be classified as COVID since all bills would be covered and none left to his estate. Otherwise they would be on the hook for whatever Medicare did not cover in ICU in the 24 hours it took him to expire.

Reply to  SamlAdams
3 years ago

This is one of those handy pieces of information I’d love to be able to get on demand. Just when someone is banging on about ‘government statistics’…

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

neither Tuco, Blondie nor Angel Eyes wore masks.”

Just give it time. I note that a decade or so ago, Spielberg went back to the movie “E.T.” and changed the government agents handguns to radios in the chase scenes for anti-gun virtue signaling.

Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

Saw a piece on the news this morning about number of hospitalizations here in NY for COVID. Only 10% of the peak number and mortality is confined to the very old and/or those with severe co-mobidities. But this has morphed from “flatten the curve” to “control society”. Cuomo almost sounded disappointed that he’s going to be shipped more vaccine than they can administer. Am sure he has a task force working on a “four corners” strategy to slow it down.

Reply to  SamlAdams
3 years ago

Cuomo is a narcissistic, selfish, and arrogant pig, i.e., typical pol. Note that he was lambasting Trump in April and demanding *all* available ventilators from the government stock pile for NY (40k or so). Of course, he said when he was done with them, he’d return them to the stockpile for distribution to other states. Trump told him to take a hike and the result was that there were no cases of excess deaths from lack of ventilators in NY. Hell, NYC didn’t even fill the hospital beds they were provided. Also, we now know that the standard prescription of… Read more »

Reply to  CompscI
3 years ago

Oddly, NYC hospitals show no 2020 spike in respiratory admissions.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  CompscI
3 years ago

NYC was ventilating people to death in the spring.

Cuomo wanted all the vents to really spike the death toll.

Last edited 3 years ago by The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

Truly that woman was possessed by the holy spirit of Covid-thlu!

Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

She was talking about the “outdoor dining” restaurant sidewalk tents in New York City. They’re full of the homeless who took them over.

Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

Yes Dear.”

then laugh.
if she gets angry become more amused. This worked for 2 million years, until the 20th century.

Reply to  ABCer
3 years ago

good one!

Reply to  ABCer
3 years ago

or, “after that can I go play with my friends?”

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

Well Whitney, for what it’s worth, when this whole shitstorm started, in downtown Chicago, the G took over a hotel across the street from Northwestern Hospital. It has 176 rooms. It would be used for the overflow from NW. They used a total of 4 rooms.
in addition, McCormack Place had a 3,000 bed emergency hospital set up, ready to go, for when the shit hit the fan.
Not one bed was used.
The good news is quite a few Government contractors got paid, and in the end, that’s all that really matters.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Cal
3 years ago

One of many alternative beliefs offered up by the Left. A raceless society. Mother Gaia. A nation-less future. I f**king love science. All forms of human coupling is stunning and brave. Sacrifice your future offspring to fight overpopulation. Slut walk. Etc. None of these beliefs have to be coherent. They can even be counter to each other. Their purpose is to weaponize against the traditional: Destroy the Before to make the new and glorious After. Utopia must be achieved on a level ground of ashes. Their Covid is a lovely weapon. With a somber (masked) angelic face of a protective… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Penitent Man
3 years ago

Contradictions are rapidly accommodated. To cite one example, to adjust for Anti-Racism, Climate Change had to embrace mass migration despite the obvious environmental degradation that ensues. It is, in part, why outdoors activities now are criticized. Can’t have White folks enjoying nature when it might impede their Great Replacement.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

Contradictions are rapidly accommodated. 

Absolutely. And where strained tangential logic won’t accommodate voodoo will serve. Priveledge theory as example. Given comparable starting points in America whites will outperform blacks and therefore it must be white privilege in society… tangential logic.

Subcontinent and Southeast Asians in America outperform white and blacks… Priviledge theory meets the end of logic and voodoo ensues.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Penitent Man
3 years ago

Excellent post. I’d never really thought of it quite that way before, but Kovid really is the perfect weapon to destroy a society the AWRs despise. Alas, they may not like the society that emerges from the ashes they produced.

Reply to  Penitent Man
3 years ago

Slogans, as CS Lewis would say.

Reply to  Penitent Man
3 years ago

None of these beliefs have to be coherent. Its like an anti Christianity, or a parody of Christianity. The trinity is mysterious. We beleive it, becuase of the the authority which gave it to us. We trust the authority. Somethings can be said about it coherently, but mostly, it is a mystery we cannot understand while on earth. ,Covid and the rest of your examples are absurd, and cannot be defended intellectually, But they can be defended emotionally. “slut shaming” is mean so we shouldnt’ do it. It doesn’t take to many logical steps to see that sluts destroy a… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by grab-ass
Reply to  Cal
3 years ago

It might be more accurate to describe it as unchrsitianity V. 16.8.1. It’s just the current flavor of the anyone-but-christ rationalist/atheist crowd, where you can believe anything as long as it’s not Christian.

Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

This atheist totally agrees with you.

It’s war on the Whites and their Christian culture- and on no one else.

The denominations, even secular denominations, are turned against one another; the intent is to bring low the whole of the people.

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Cal
3 years ago

Quite so, Global Warming Apocalypse didn’t ‘take’, neither did One Nation Under Diversity.

3 years ago

Perhaps the best way to respond to the branch covidians would be to say, “this isn’t my religion and you shouldn’t try to impose it on me.” It gets right at the heart of it.

Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

“I’m sorry, but I don’t belong to the Covid religion.”

Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

“Not my religion!”

Stealing that and using it, thanks

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
3 years ago

Secular religions always have the highest body counts. More people were killed in the original Great Terror over a span of a couple of years than during the entirety of the Czarist rule, to cite one example. How many will die in the name of Anti-Racism?

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

It kills me how many lefties still recite the Crusades, which killed 1-3 million over a century, compared to 75-100 million under Mao and Stalin in just a few years.

Higgs Boson
Higgs Boson
3 years ago

The masked dodos line up for injections of mystery genes while the annhilators among us plot to destroy the GOP with the stones of their own duplicity.

Santa may deliver hacked document dumps for Christmas that once seen cannot be unseen.

Christmas is going to be lit.

Reply to  Higgs Boson
3 years ago

As a Canadian, I am confused. Many of the dissidents say it’s all over and have proclaimed Biden the winner. Others say that there are still bombs to fall and Trump isn’t out yet. I pray they are right. But… which is it? I am all over Alt Tech and there is all kinds of evidence of voter fraud right on video tape with sound, names and faces. If ever I have seen a place for the right to stand and fight, this right here is it. It’s why I get so frustrated with the dissidents walking away from voting.… Read more »

Higgs Boson
Higgs Boson
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

If only the kakistocracy knew how to code.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Just looking at numbers, bet is the f*ckery was a combo platter of emergent behavior and deliberate fraud. In exactly what proportion, not sure. But tell people that Literally Hitler is in office for four years and they are happy to hand over a blank ballot to a harvester or vote the mail ballot that was forwarded to the new address in a new state. Add in some triple scans of fraudulent ballots and there you go. But the real fun will happen if the folks tracking this down keep going and produce the level of proof needed after Jan.… Read more »

Higgs Boson
Higgs Boson
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

The new normal will be defined by high iq people pushed to the fringes by entitled dim wits.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

The next step, which is here today, is that John Q. Public can take all the evidence which is right in front of his eyes, and he can choke on it. The current reality is that right and wrong, evidence and affidavits, all mean nothing at all any more. That is the world we live in. The violations of the mechanics of the election process and the rule of law are now simply evidence that TPTB may have the power, and we do not. Or it is a culture simply spiraling out of control. Take your pick.

Last edited 3 years ago by Dutch
Reply to  Dutch
3 years ago

I vote for option A, the TPTB have the power, and we do not. 

i see the Global Plantation with ‘citizens’ as house and field nigras,

and dissidents and criminals as Uyghers in labor gulags (with unmentioned medical experimentation on the side.)

On the “plus” side, this may be the Ice People unifying to oppose the Global South. A War of Two Hemispheres.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

It’s why I think we will see a mad rush to make everything normal again in 2021, but it is probably too late. Exhibit A is the kabuki underway in Congress about the Covid Relief legislation. The propaganda organs are really playing it up and the concerniest concerns over the Lil’ People are being expressed by the likes of McConnell and Pelosi. The public gladly will pocket the money and then resume to wanting to see them all dead. Everyone finally goes a little too far. They did. It is too late. The intensity of anger is shocking. We are… Read more »

Gunner Q
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

I don’t see a return to normal happening. No con artist is going to tell the world he lied to them and no True Believer would accept it if he did. Both would perpetuate the Covidism Cult just for ego defense. Not to mention all the power-tripping governors losing their superpowers.

This is too big to be wrapped up by a quick game of ‘pin the blame upon the patsy’. And frankly, the underlying problems have been too long in coming.

Reply to  SamlAdams
3 years ago

Peter Navarro, who serves as an adviser to President Donald Trump, concluded in a report on the integrity of the 2020 election that the allegations of irregularities are serious enough to warrant an urgent probe and substantial enough to overturn the results.
The findings of the report (pdf), released on Dec. 17 and titled “The Immaculate Deception,” support the claim that the election “may well have been stolen” from Trump. Navarro, who is director of the White House Office for Trade and Manufacturing Policy, produced the report in his capacity as a private citizen.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

whatever happens, the toll it takes on Biden’s legitimacy is assured

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

The left doesn’t care. More reason to install the Hindu Whore.

Higgs Boson
Higgs Boson
Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

The black hats have a kamikaze mentality. These annhilators will gladly rip the brakes out of the government and burn it to the ground.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

I recall the Durham report was just around the corner since early this year. But Barr turned out to be another swamp creature protecting the lair.

Last edited 3 years ago by DLS
Reply to  Higgs Boson
3 years ago

Mitch McConnell’s wife’s family, (Elaine Chao), is a front for the shipping container giant owned by the CCP.

We forgot it was a Republican investment house, Touche and Deloitte, that sold China as an investment vehicle.

And, corporate ‘privatized’ prisons.

The Democrats supplied state pension funds for the Red Chips (Chinese ‘stocks’), and supplied the bodies for prison labor at 24 cents/hour, sold to corporations and the state governments.

Higgs Boson
Higgs Boson
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Mr. Chao’s in-laws own him. The Twitter OSINT corner is nuking her bigly. The beginning of his end is just beginning.

3 years ago

I’m just posting this because it’s absolutely hilarious and every needs a laugh

Johnny Rebel
Johnny Rebel
3 years ago

A society that allows fat flatulent fortyish childless harpies, onesie wearing Jaden Manbuns and ancient Fauntelroy fossil political hacks to boss them around will be erased from the history books.

Moe Noname
Moe Noname
Reply to  Johnny Rebel
3 years ago

I don’t know what the universe is saying, but I rented “Little Lord Fauntelroy” last night for my kids to re-watch this weekend. Unfortunately, the purple haired childless harpies run my state, county, town and local library, so I have to wait a few days for them to pull it from my mostly closed, fully funded, multimillion dollar library building… (“there’s COVID out there!!!)

Au Jus
Au Jus
Reply to  Johnny Rebel
3 years ago

Haha “female, fat, flatulent & forty” was how we described the typical patient having, what is called a HIDA scan in nuclear medicine.

3 years ago

Males & females stripped of sex roles. I don’t know how young people of the “traditional” opposite sex get together anymore – well I do, but you know what I mean… with all of this covidian insanity going on including shutting down typical meeting venues, I don’t know. I’m sure as hell glad I’m at an age where I don’t have to worry about that or have young kids in this bizarre world we now find ourselves in. But I worry about our unattached younger son and our older one with a four year old. These are not happy times.

Reply to  usNthem
3 years ago

The first step for the four old, as they approach the appropriate age, would be homeschooling. Is this something possible in your son’s situation? Would he entertain it?

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

He currently lives in Spain and I’m not sure what kind of policies they have on that, but I’ll find out. Thanks.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  usNthem
3 years ago

What is being done to young people is utterly criminal.

Healthy societies don’t mortgage their future like this.

Abusing youth in this way is deeply sick.

Reply to  usNthem
3 years ago

I don’t know how young people of the “traditional” opposite sex get together anymore
they don’t

3 years ago

“Covidian den mother”, I’m gonna steal it.

Kentucky Headhunter
Kentucky Headhunter
Reply to  BobG
3 years ago

I’m thinking almost no one under 40 knows what a “den mother” is.

Reply to  Kentucky Headhunter
3 years ago

Weeblo here

Reply to  Kentucky Headhunter
3 years ago

Yeah, the end of the Boy Scouts. They did everything the Leftists demanded wrt homosexuals and female inclusion, and are still being sued out of existence—for the very reasons they kept those groups out!

Reply to  CompscI
3 years ago

The Boy Scouts are a good object lesson in why giving inches of ground to Leftists today will lead to them taking miles later.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  CompscI
3 years ago

Damn the Scouts. For capitulating to the AWRs, they richly deserve it.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

I can’t bring myself to care.
I had friends in scouting in the 80’s and they were filled with mendacious dishonorable win at any cost cheaters.
Good Riddance.

3 years ago

Destroy the family and you have an open field with respect to the mass creation of motivators.

Feminize the society at the same time to make the more easily persuadable more powerful.

All law is built on the reasonable man concept. When there is no social consensus the reasonable man standard fails and there is nothing to replace it but assertion.

Last edited 3 years ago by fenster
3 years ago

No fault divorce has hurt men’s ”purpose”.

Reply to  Cal
3 years ago

Oddly signed into law in California by then Governor R Regan, then the rest of the states fell like dominoes.

David Wright
3 years ago

I’m not sure about Americans negative views on fat in their diets. Something is making us all plus size. I see no aversion.

You talk of one crusade after another looking for a cause explaining on how we got here and why the crazy reaction to covid. Europe is just as totalitarian now and as easily compliant to dictatorial orders. Lack of a traditional faithful population marks them as easy prey by despots, large and small. Covid den mother, I like that.

Kentucky Headhunter
Kentucky Headhunter
Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

Well, there are the naturally occurring fats and oils in real food, which we’ve always eaten and have been prized in many Western cultures throughout history, and then there are the garbage fats and oils that are in all the processed foods that so many Americans consume daily.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Kentucky Headhunter
3 years ago

Good! Now you’re thinking and noticing! We’ve been lied to about fat for over 70 years. You figure out the reasons. THEY knew when Vilhjalmur Steffanson returned from arctic exploration claiming he lived on whale-seal-walrus and assorted sundry other critters fat and meat, and he never looked or felt healthier. He was scoffed at, so he asserted to put him and a buddy in a New York hospital for a year eating fat and meat, and document his evidence. He then wrote The Fat of the Land. It’s online. THEY knew. This was in the 20’s-30’s. Ever wonder why French… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Range Front Fault
Reply to  Range Front Fault
3 years ago

Fake food so they can sell us fake medicine- and then sell us more fake medicine for the aftereffects.

Economics, science, work, food, medicine, art, music, movies, stories, history, architecture, law, governance, religion, birth and motherhood-

The Unnamed Ones take all we create and turn it into a twisted, degraded caricature. They cannot be us.

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

A practicing pediatic clinical doctor in Oregon collected 10 years of live datasets on his patients, categorized by unvaccinated, partially vaxed, and the full CDC schedule.

He showed a hockey spike of chronic ailments that directly correlate with the amount of vaccination.

Historical data correlates the skyrocketing chronic diseases in our children with increasing vaccinations.

These usually become recurring lifetime ailments.

He was shut down and delicensed 5 days after publishing his findings in a major peer-reviewed journal.

We’re poisoned for continuing “profit” streams. This ain’t about real medicine, which is cure.

Or real food, to nourish and heal.

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Range Front Fault
3 years ago

saved bacon fat, and……butter-sour cream-heavy cream.”

Please stop. Science shouldn’t make one drool, should it?

Higgs Boson
Higgs Boson
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

When I was on keto, I snacked on bacon dipped in sour cream. I felt great. Hope to get back on track in January.

Reply to  Range Front Fault
3 years ago

Weaponizing hydrogenated corn and soybean oil from our Midwestern farmers…I like it. China, eat all you want!

Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

I think you’re right about the fat, David. My diet is shite, and I don’t exercise much. Yes, I am overweight… but hell’s bells, there are people out there that make me look slim. Is it genetics? Or maybe metabolic issues?

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

forced closure of drinking places has been a godsend for me and many out here in Lockdown City

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

Probably a multi-factored cause, but certainly genetics plays a part—in some races a *major* part. Take a look at any of our Native America peoples in AZ. Obese to an extreme, diabetic, and the dialysis clinics around the reservations full with them. Some time back a researcher dared to write a paper hypothesizing the cause as to genetic differences. He made good argument wrt the tribes’ HBD adaptation to scare food supplies and diabetes onset in a modern situation of plentiful supply of processed food and sugar. He was cast into the void as an example to others who dare… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by CompscI
c matt
c matt
Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

The problem is multifaceted. Genetics, as always, plays some role. But you should be able to be reasonably healthy. Most of it is (1) the replacement of naturally occurring fats and meats with processed crap, (2) the disparaging of meat (esp. red meat), (3) the increase of sugar and carb intake over natural fats. No. 3 probably the biggest offender.

Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

Excessive carbohydrates make people fat. Fat and protein in your stomach signal your brain that “you’re full”. Carbohydrates don’t. They also trigger insulin spikes and troughs that create a vicious cycle of over consumption.

All of that is probably an adaptive response to times when excessive carbohydrates were only available for a short period of time, followed by a relative scarcity. So our bodies instinctively over consume them when they are available to store fat to be drawn down in the coming lean months,

Except that in the modern world there are no lean months.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Dinothedoxie
3 years ago

Exactly. See my comment above. In fact, elimination of fat from the diet leads people to overeat and become obese.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

Except vegetable oil. To be avoided at all costs and it’s hidden in almost all low quality processed food. It’s unnatural presence in our pantry is one of the main reasons Americans are a fat and sick people.

Reply to  Peabody
3 years ago

And corn syrup sweetener, or sugar (simple carbs)- same effects as Dinodoxie relates, and snuck into all food.

Side note- over 50% of our food supply pays the kosher tax- who the fqk are these jacked-up foreigners to demand that we obey their laws and pay their tribute?

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

These healthy, low-fat diets are turning us into a nation of obese diabetics. Fattening the cattle, heh.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Dinothedoxie
3 years ago

Yup. Unless you have tertiary health issues it’s fairly simple at any age.

Animal fats good. Protein consumption with copious amounts of water good. Either of the above with an overage of carbohydrates bad. Sugar above regular trace amounts bad. Occasional (rare) sugar carb treat okay. Processed soy bad for men and teen girls. Processed foods almost universally bad. If your food looks approximately like it did in nature good. Green veggies and vitamins C and D good.


Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  Dinothedoxie
3 years ago

Not yet, but they’re coming.

Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

I must say, David, and I understand the negative votes this may invite, but Covid has been good for me. I save money, don’t drink, lost weight, look great, complexion fresh, do yard work an read to fill the time gaps. And my work hasn’t suffered.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

There is little to no correlation between fat intake and obesity. A celery calories has the same effect as a carrot calorie. Also, one of the biggest lies foisted on us involved fat intake and cholesterol levels, to take it further. You literally can eat your body weight in cholesterol-rich food and it will not raise your blood cholesterol level a single digit. Now, if you did eat your body weight in any food, the obesity thing would kick in. The cholesterol lie is a great study in how the old religions are slow to die, too. The complete lack… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

I gave up eggs and shrimp cocktail for years believing this crap. Two of the healthiest foods you can eat.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  DLS
3 years ago

Exactly. Both are low in calories per ounce, too. Much of the obesity epidemic, first here and then throughout the world, resulted from this mis/disinformation.

Reply to  DLS
3 years ago

Eggs are a good example. If you go back decade by decade, you will see wax and wane in the published articles wrt “are they good or bad”. Coffee is another one.

Basically, eat what you want in moderation, exercise, get your 8 hours sleep. You’re welcome.

Reply to  CompscI
3 years ago

Few breads, eat less, more slowly, in bites (give the tummy 7 minutes it takes to tell the brain ‘something’s in here’.)

I forget I was eating or hungry halfway through. So simple. It just disappears.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

The fundamental problem is that US foodstuffs are literally loaded to the gills with sugar.

I’ve seen packages of ground beef that list HFCS and added sugar as ingredients.


Last edited 3 years ago by The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

The US has no real economy and is highly corrupt. No one in charge gives a real crap about the American people only the grift. The Facklers and their Oxy are not unusual in any way. The only way to deal with it is ruthless application of power and given the attitude of many of these people, we are talking Stalin with a migraine after an assassination attempt level nasty just to keep them from burning it all down out of spite. Also if we do get power and are smart, for good sake decentralize it. America needs victory garden… Read more »

Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

Read “The Big Fat Suprise” by Nina Teicholz. “Starting in the 1970’s, Congress intervened in the question of what Americans ought to eat, and this involvement by government propelled the low-fat diet down a new path, taking it out of the realm of science and into the world of politics and government”.
One more giant Red Pill.

Reply to  GetBackUp
3 years ago

Yup, Big Sugar lobby paid our gov mouthpieces to replace tasty fats with sugar- to mask the loss of taste from removing the gram of fat.

Reply to  GetBackUp
3 years ago

Have to add- Good Calories, Bad Calories…”Diseases of Civilization” is well documented by the British back to the 17th c.

Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

Modern obesity is probably just the result of a certain market logic of efficiency taking hold. If you start with low quality ingredients and want to improve the flavor you can take two approaches. One tactic is to replace some of the low quality stuff with better quality things of the same type. Swap out those tasteless hothouse tomatoes for ripe ones for instance. Try organic carrots and celery in that soup instead of the over-fertilized conventional ones. The other approach is to take advantage of the human body’s ancestral “flavor hacks”. In other words, don’t change a thing in… Read more »

Reply to  pozymandias
3 years ago

Entemann’s Bakery tankers- these guys told me they used to bring in loads of milk, butter, cream- now they bring in chemicals.

Must be a new board of directors, ya think?

Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

I’m not sure about Americans negative views on fat in their diets.”

Go easy on Wright, here, folks, he’s being his delightfully subtle self again!

David W., you simply are too civilized for these barbarians.

3 years ago

When men stop believing in God they don’t believe in nothing; they believe in anything. – G.K. Chesterton

My Comment
3 years ago

Sailer seems to be the best poster child for the HBD community seeking to adopt the beliefs of the ruling class. He fell hard for the coronavirus hoax then somewhat came back to reality with the Summer of Floyd. Now he is steadfastly refusing to see any election fraud in spite of all the statistical impossibilities being something that should be right up his alley.

Curious if Z has any grand thoughts on Sailer

Charles St. Charles
Charles St. Charles
Reply to  My Comment
3 years ago

Sailer’s recent “suck it up, take the needle, and let’s get back to normal” article is a bridge too far for me. If 2019 was “normal”, I’m not interested.

Trapped on Clown World
Trapped on Clown World
Reply to  My Comment
3 years ago

A lot of those HBD guys are on the spectrum, that’s why they can get caught up in minutiae of analyzing the deaths of 80 year olds and not conceptualize that their entire world is being destroyed.

Its ultimately why the entire HBD movement is a complete waste of time. You’re just attracting people like sailer, a guy who spend hours analyzing baseball stats for fun. You need artists and people who can speak to the soul.

Reply to  Trapped on Clown World
3 years ago

We said for years that modernity is unfit for dorks and women, that to feel peace they need a strictly ritualized social life, and the monkey’s paw heard us.

Reply to  Hemid
3 years ago

I love that story. A great moral about getting exactly what you asked for.

Reply to  Damian
3 years ago

That rings a bell… story, author, please!

Reply to  My Comment
3 years ago

He bothers me lately. All this time he’s talking about black tendencies toward criminality but then shuts his mind off to the possibility that their criminality may have manifested itself in their willingness to engage in a program of vote fraud

Last edited 3 years ago by Falcone
The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

I was vexed by the random UK Paki rape gang article he barfed out the other day.

Hey guy, most of us noticers were aware of that at least 5 years ago.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Could be wrong, but I think Brimelow buying himself a “castle” speaks to his longing to be back in good stead with the loyalists

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

“If you look at their arguments, they are always appeals to the present ruling class to look at their evidence.”
Describes Sailer to a T, and brings to mind Jared Taylor as well. Facts convince no one; almost all people of any IQ level are influenced by emotion and rhetoric.

My Comment
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Z, do you think some of the genuflecting the HBD crowd is now doing to key Narratives is due to a desire to not get pushed off the economic field altogether more than their desire to get back on the tent? The demonitizations are just in their early stages. We don’t yet know how broad they will get but I imagine sailer really doesn’t want to rely on bitcoin donations to pay the bills. Z, do you think some of the genuflecting the HBD crowd is now doing to key Narratives is due to a desire to not get pushed… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by My_Comment
Ricardo Williams
Ricardo Williams
Reply to  My Comment
3 years ago

Sounds just like Luke Ford. Z Man hit it out of the park on his critique of HBD-IQ fetishists.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  My Comment
3 years ago

Sailer is a case study in an otherwise intelligent person so concerned with peer pressure he yields with the slightest resistance. Whenever someone drones on about how our movement needs more in academia and high culture (true to an extent), think about people like Sailer and Murray and you realize what a dead end that is.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

Murray has written some wonderful things on paper, but seems to personally have an upper-class contempt for the unwashed white working-classes that is at odds with the tone of his actual writings.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

I don’t know Sailer but he lives a short bike ride away in the same zip code. I may pedal over there and drop a vile of testosterone on his front porch

Stranger in a strange land
Stranger in a strange land
Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

Better make it a bucket if you can carry it on your bike.

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

A vile of testosterone… now that really is somw Toxic Masculinity

Reply to  My Comment
3 years ago

I started to lose respect for Sailer with his writings about Covid, but could cut him some slack because he’s a cancer survivor whose immune system is likely compromised due to chemo. I’ve lost all respect for Sailer since the election. He comes off like such a buffoon with the “what election fraud?” crap that I can’t even be bothered to read him anymore. I’m not sure who is worse, people like Sailer or the Republican normiecons at places like Powerline whose mantra seems to be “yes, those nasty Democrats stole this election, but we’ll vote harder and we’ll really… Read more »

Reply to  Guest
3 years ago

Had never heard him speak but recently have watched videos, and Sailer’s manner of speaking and tone of his voice is not what I had expected. He chews his words and has a pompous air

I thought he would be more down to earth and less academic in style.

Reply to  Guest
3 years ago

This is the hill, true, and they’re waving the white flag of surrender.

Reply to  My Comment
3 years ago

Hbd is a tool for bringing people over to our side. But the ideology itself is worthless

“Oh, asians have high iq and low murder rates – I guess we just need to surrender our country to them!”

“I’m not racist, asians and Jews are better than whites!” – jared taylor

But it is a good stepping stone for normiecons who haven’t figured it all out yet. I don’t punch (dissident) right.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

As Citizen of a Silly Country noted on a thread here the other week, being HBD aware is important, but not sufficient. Many who consider themselves HBD aware re noggers are tone deaf re Jevvs and Orientals. The important thing is to be pro-White.

3 years ago

At the Grocery store, we are supposed to wait for the prior shopper to finish before putting our food on the conveyor. I deliberately over wait, thus making the attendant have to request me to load my food. I then say “Oh! I wasn’t sure; it’s different everywhere.” They typically agree. I add “I don’t want to make the covid god angry; the volcano could go off.”
(The reason for for saying it’s different every where points out the capaciousness. Which I try to get them to agree to. )

Reply to  Disruptor
3 years ago


Geo. Orwell
Geo. Orwell
3 years ago

The people wearing masks in their cars are not sheep following orders. They are believers looking for a god.

This is a lesson in combining perspicacity with brevity.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
3 years ago

This is absolutely true. The worst mask-holes are barren women. In 19th Century they would have been the stern, finger-wagging Methodist church ladies who saw a teenager dance.

3 years ago

Excellent piece. Only thing would add is that as we’ve become a society of abundance, the crusades become further and further disconnected from objective existential reality. The berry analogy, however wacky, kept people from dying. Now, as our Governor LIttle Il Douche demonstrated yesterday at a bill signing, the major threat to our existence is Confederate flags being displayed on government property or sold in state run gift shops..or something.

Reply to  SamlAdams
3 years ago

We go after the “little” things because the “big” things are hard, and we are governed by mediocrities.

Geo. Orwell
Geo. Orwell
3 years ago

The great battle between good whites and bad whites exists because it fills that need for a purpose. In the albescence of some external foe,
This is either a typo, or a witticism so dry it makes the Sahara weep.

3 years ago

Hopkins’ piece over at Unz is a must read.
Just about dead right.

Reply to  Bilejones
3 years ago

Get the same article from the source.

C.J. Hopkins, a lefty dissenter, offers a lot to chew on.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Dutch
3 years ago

I like his line noting that the term “lockdown” is a prison phrase.

Reply to  Bilejones
3 years ago

I’d have to second this recommendation. The last paragraph must be read as it is a call to action, while the previous are quite a black pill.

3 years ago

Mostly OT: The global ruling class does some truly laughable things. Everyone who even casually follows sports knows that PED and doping is widespread among Olympic athletes. Russia got caught and given the anti-Russian hysteria of our age from the globalists, they have been trying to drop the hammer on them. This ruling just announced Russian athletes can compete in Tokyo in next year’s summer Olympics and the 2022 games in Beijing but not under the Russian flag. Also they will not play the Russian national anthem for gold medal winners. Hopefully the impending collapse of the globalists will cause… Read more »

Reply to  Barnard
3 years ago

So they can’t use their flag or their name, eh? I got an idea:

Name: USSR
Flag: Hammer & Sickle

It’s been tried and tested over the years and seems to have a brand behind it. In fact, I’d wager the Soviet flag is even more recognizable than their current offering.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

How is the Olympics still even a thing? There are entire classes of “women’s” sports – diving, gymnastics – that can only be done by pre-pubescents; all the rest will soon be dominated by men-in-dresses. Meanwhile, among the men’s sports, it’s better living through chemistry, and the winners are all Africans who use the podium to denounce the very countries who sponsor them. I know, I know – given all that, they’ll soon enough make watching the Olympics mandatory, but while anyone still has a choice I simply can’t imagine anyone caring.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

I’m at a point where I root for the people who look like me in international competition.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

I used to do that in sports bars. There’d be some UFC fight or something on, and I’d start cheering for the White guy. Or the football team with the White QB, whatever. Someone would invariably ask if I was a big fan of so-and-so, and I’d reply “nah, I just root for the White guy.” At first everyone thought I was a weirdo, but now I get lots of nods…

Reply to  Barnard
3 years ago

Does one expect Putin to allow this? Russia has shown before that it can boycott an Olympics, and I’m betting that the Russian population is not as craven as others of the West and will gladly refrain from participation.

a bee ee?
a bee ee?
3 years ago

The other day some cunt in a supermarket gave me shit for not pulling my mask up over my nose. It took every ounce of self control not to bash her face in.

Reply to  a bee ee?
3 years ago

I had a similar situation about 2 weeks ago. Wife asked me to pick up an item on way home and I went into the market without a mask – just forgot it. I even talked to the manager about where to find the item, he didn’t even mention the mask (knows I’m a regular) and we chatted. When I went to the aisle I heard loudly a Karen say “Some people just can’t follow the rules”. Just ignored and went about my business but Karen had to approach me. “You need to wear a mask”, I then asked Karen… Read more »

Reply to  SwissGuard
3 years ago

This is such a horrible time.

Reply to  a bee ee?
3 years ago

This is the time for the scolds

3 years ago

Once upon a time, perhaps about 10,000 years ago or so, most people lived a hunter-gatherer lifestyle and did not know what they were going to eat that day. They also lived an outdoor existence that exposed them to various natural hazards and threats. As such, they did not have the luxury of being bitchy about trivial things because just staying alive was a more urgent need. Those days are gone. And the arc of our specie’s evolution changed fundamentally when we became civilized and affluent.

Last edited 3 years ago by TomA
Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

I think much of our problems stem from there simply being too many people. So many in fact they begin repeating themselves as if the DNA ran out of combinations and starts creating replicas. So a person dies, well no biggie, there are plenty more where he came from. They begin looking and acting exactly the same. Strangely enough you can ask 500 of them what they think and can then extrapolate it to know how 100 million think. Politicians in turn seem them only as types of marketing cohorts: soccer moms, and so forth. All respond identically to the… Read more »

3 years ago

Christ was, is, and will be the answer. We are in this predicament because our culture has turned its back on Him. “Even if Adam never fell, the purpose of history would still be the incarnation.” John Zizioulas.

Reply to  Eric
3 years ago

I think the problem is a private, between-your-own-two-ears Christ, apart from a societal Christ, like Europe had for 100- 150 centuries. Its freedom of religion, that, blasphemously, puts Christ and Mohammad or MLK on the same level

Moe Noname
Moe Noname
Reply to  grab-ass
3 years ago

Mark Twain’s “Connecticut Yankee” allowed for freedom of conscience in the kingdom.
The concept of allowing mutually antagonistic religions in the same space, however, would have been considered absurd.
Per the Heartiste (PBUH), “Diversity + proximity = war”

joe tentpeg
3 years ago

“Move backward through popular politics in America and you see one holy crusade after another driving the political debate. Today it is driven by Covidians.”

AKA…’The Flu Cult’. 

3 years ago

Yeah, welp… if this shite keeps up, the next Crusaders will be the Boogaloonians.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
3 years ago

Wow. Lin Wood just totally redeemed himself in my eyes. I never thought that would be possible. In his effort to whore after the cameras he’s actually causing institutional damage to a branch of government that deserves it, likely without even knowing he’s doing it. It’s been a long time coming. And I can totally see Roberts on pedo Island. He has that look about him. I can’t put my finger on it.

wandering southerner
wandering southerner
3 years ago

In the absence of some external foe, the good whites keep their crusading skills sharp by going to war with the bad whites over some moral cause.

No one encapsulates how scummy Good Whites can be than people like Chad Loder:

Reply to  wandering southerner
3 years ago

This expose shows how the 1% have always deflected good whites’ anger onto bad whites, but the Loder example has me wondering why the most recent deflection happened. I think it started with Occupy Wall Street: during Obama’s reign OWS identified the 1% as the root cause of wealth inequality in America. Compare the clarity of OWS’s name and mission—the problem and solution were right in their name—with the ambiguity of the Antifa that replaced them. What is Antifa even fighting for, and what even is “fascist”? Well, they’re purposely ambiguous so they can be flexibly marshaled against anyone the 1%… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by DynaDeflection
3 years ago

The late Lawrence Auster used to say there are three kinds in the liberal script. Goodwhites, badwhites and blacks who aren’t moral agents, just objects for goodwhites to demonstrate their virture on.

Reply to  Cameron
3 years ago

By moral agents, does he mean that, because of their emotional/psychological/intellectual retardation as a race, they cannot be reasonably responsible for their behavior? My friend, who knew Auster, said that he would refuse to engage in debate with blacks.

Reply to  grab-ass
3 years ago

the phrase he might have used is “moral actors.” I think he meant that in the white liberals mind they didn’t play a role as actors morally, they were just objects to serve the liberals moral vanity.

Reply to  Cameron
3 years ago

makes sense….

3 years ago

It’s not just the childless women though pushing this mask bs

Reply to  Krustykurmudgeon
3 years ago

women + betas

3 years ago


Reply to  ABCer
3 years ago

Couldn’t resist…😉

3 years ago

And what’s worse, these believers discard the real God, and instead choose the false hollow pantheist/deist Universe-god idol, and Covid as a false hollow virus-demiurge idol.

3 years ago

A great example of the Zman’s topic is handicapped parking. Certainly it’s perhaps an American’s greatest daily goal to find a parking spot as close to the front door of the supermarket as possible. But some of those spots must be sacrificed to those with authenticated mobility problems related to health. Usually this health issue is related to some cardio-vascular problem or an injury. When one of these conditions present themselves medical treatments include therapy to alleviate the symptoms of a stroke, for instance. Patients are REQUIRED to exert themselves to the extent of discomfort or even pain in order… Read more »

Reply to  nailheadtom
3 years ago

In most large Progressive cities, handicapped parking spaces are almost never available and are generally occupied by “hefty” black women who think of these spaces as their ancestral birthright. And many care not if they actually have an authorized handicapped placard to display on the rear view mirror. And God help the naive imbecile that dares to question their right to use the space nonetheless.

Stranger in a strange land
Stranger in a strange land
3 years ago

Direct hit of hammer on head of nail.

3 years ago

I live in Los Angeles and am trying to escape here because of muh diversity

But reading between the lines, is life really that bad in areas where whites are majority? It seems there are problems everywhere, where diversity is a problem here but that crazy mask-obsessed white people elsewhere might not be much better? I’d still rather take my chances on white areas but can anyone expound?

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

Hell, just move north a bit to Kern County, but stay out of Bakersfield. Concealed carry is trivial, and we don’t have a lot of other madness. Anywhere on the eastern front of the Sierras is probably good to go as far as that goes.

Reply to  Allen
3 years ago

I know Kern County well. Even north of it are interesting places. But my personal tastes lean more toward SLO County

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

SLO county is Gone. I’ve fought the good fight here for 21 years. A local judge just disallowed our DA from prosecuting Tianna Arata and BLM team’s case. Likely the state will not pursue any of the charges either. SLO city itself has been destroyed this year.

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

worse among Whites for sure. I’ve been to the ghettos, no noggers wear a mask. They only wear them in White areas, Latins too

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

I’m in FL and things are relatively sane, with the exception of the mask brigade. The cult seems to be widespread and beyond hope at the moment, but I’m starting to see cracks in their armor. But we do have a sane Governor and a local sheriff that says, “if someone breaks in shoot ’em!
Demo is 75%W, 10%B, 10%H, balance Mutts.
It’s almost the other side of the coin here. Many are still asleep, like they don’t know why you think anything is wrong. Stealection may be an initial wake up call for this area.

3 years ago

I guess because it’s so sad that it goes unremarked that if Covid is your purpose in life…

3 years ago

Re: the childless women and their need for purpose, I used to joke that if Orange Man really was what they say he is, he’d found a Bund Deutscher Madel and enjoy the vote of 100% of young men – and 75% of all women – in perpetuity. (As for the purposeless young men, brown is a fetching color). Personally, I wonder if those “Promise Keeper” guys from the mid 1999s still have some of their organization manuals and by laws lying around…

3 years ago

The response of the hbd folks surprised me the most. I get why all the Karens and the blue-hair weirdos went down that path. But Greg Cochran? I had to stop reading his blog.

3 years ago

Several of my coworkers out west all got covid along with their parents and some elderly grandparents. Nobody died or had a difficult time at all it seems and I think they’re mostly against vaccines too.

Dr ExCathedra
Dr ExCathedra
3 years ago

One of your best.

3 years ago

We can’t even say that “Judeo——-Christian. Values” (as noxious as that term is) Unites our society. So it might as well be the Covid that unites us….

Reply to  Cal
3 years ago

Uncle Joe and Kamel Toe Harris will unite the ignorant dirt people, you deplorable dissident!!!
We’re all in this together, dontchya know…!

Reply to  Cal
3 years ago

Judeo-Christian is a contradiction in terms. Makes as much sense as Judeo-Islam (same roots, right?). Jews regard Christians as useful dupes. I’ve no problem with that…my prob is that Christians since the 1980s are stupid enough to buy into the trope which is just marketing and manipulation. Christ is either the son of God who redeemed the world through sacrifice (Christian), or a heretical unorthodox false prophet who the ruling Jews used state power to execute (Judaism). There’s no reconciliation. Doesn’t mean there has to be acrimony, but every time 2 passport little hat Bennie S says “Judeo Christian”, I… Read more »

3 years ago

Ever since my husband left me and the kids for the past 2 years, i’ve not been myself I was heartbroken a day come when i was reviewing some reading of how i could forget the depression and Heath broken , i saw a testimony shared by Marina from USA about a spell caster named Dr.Okeke how he being helping people rebuild their broken marriage or relationship. I contacted Marina to confirm how Dr. Okeke helped her and she clarified everything to me of how he helped her and that gave me the courage to get in touch with Dr. Okeke… Read more »

3 years ago

If you don’t love Jesus……. go to hell.( Merle haggard)

3 years ago

Steve Sailer posts the chart I’ve been asking to see: excess deaths. Looks as if the final toll will approach 500,000 dead in the United States. Sure, exploited by the ruling class, but normie gets that people are dying.

3 years ago

I embarrass myself. The Z-audience is correct that the social and physical is where the real action is. The metaphysical is a secondary phenomena generated by the living. I apologise when sometimes it seems I’m appealing to magic. Thanks much, Z-folk, for this needed reminder. What started me barking is that it seems whites only came up with the concept of Heaven. No other peoples have it. I say that’s so because it’s the physical reality. The rest are limited to the purgatorio within the ionosphere. Although the Creator is as mindless as an avalanche- “the Creator” refers to the… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Everyone has heaven

For blacks it’ a McRib and Colt 45

3 years ago

[…] ZMan casts an eye backward. […]