The Hindu Lebensraum

The word “colonialism” is like many useful words in the English language, in that it has been tortured by the Left to the point where it is unrecognizable. A generation ago the Left redefined colonialism to mean European success. The backwardness of the third world was the legacy of colonialism. Today colonialism is a synonym for the imaginary white privilege they see everywhere. Their project now is to decolonize everything, by which they mean drive off the white people.

Still, colonialism is a useful concept. Since the dawn of human civilization, those civilizations have been occupying land with settlers and taking control of settled lands in order to exploit them economically. The Egyptians, Phoenicians and Greeks spread throughout the ancient world by setting up colonies. Their people established settlements outside their home turf and used those settlements to establish trade routes and spread their cultural influence in the region.

In the modern day we see a different form of colonialism that reflects the fact that land is no longer the primary source of wealth. Instead of setting up camp in the non-white world to exploit their natural resources, the West now imports the useful portion of these populations for diversity purposes. Instead of importing ivory and exotic woods from Africa, Europe now imports the talented tenth from Africa, who contribute an exotic flair to the professional and university ranks of Europe.

The fastest growing population of the United States is South Asians, primarily people from the Indian subcontinent. The population tripled to six million over the last twenty years and the flow is increasing. Congress takes every opportunity to make it easier for the professional ranks of India to come to America. Much of it is under the guise of temporary worker programs, but like so many words in the English language, “temporary” means something different now.

Initially, the appetite for South Asian labor was driven by Silicon Valley. They wanted cheap labor to undermine domestic labor costs. When they were not colluding with one another to artificially suppress wages, they were colluding to import cheap labor from India, with the support of the Republican Party. Silicon Valley liked Indian labor because they spoke English and India was very accommodating. Chinese programmers are better, but the Chinese government is not easily exploited.

One result of this brain drain to the West is India has fallen behind China both politically and economically. The per capita GDP of China is five times higher than India, despite the fact India is far more open to Western investment. India has been happy to see their best and brightest head to the West, while the Chinese keep their smart people at home and force the West to come to China. Roughly half of India’s top talent now lives in Western countries. That is an enormous loss.

Another consequence of this is playing out in American politics. Indians have come to dominate the management layer in Silicon Valley. The people at the top may be from a different tribe, but the next layer down is getting very brown. One result is South Asians have the highest household income in America. Another is they have increasing influence in the political system. So much so that they essentially bought Kamala Harris a spot on the Democratic ticket. She is grateful.

These Indian colonies in the West have created a magnet for Indians back on the subcontinent, who want to escape their conditions. This opens the door for the Indians in the West to increase their status and power, by getting more and more of their people into their new colonies in the West. It is why both American political parties support unlimited visas for Indians. The flow of Indian money is now significant, so both parties are willing to sellout to this rising interest group.

The current population of India is 1.4 billion. If we assume the talented tenth is able to live and work in the West, that is 140 million people. If half of those think following their countrymen to Europe and America is the right thing to do, that is 70 million people ready to hop a steamer for the West. Of course, we are not just getting the talented tenth from India, so that is a very conservative number. Then you need to add in Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh and Afghanistan.

South Asia has a lot of people living in small spaces. Overall, the countries of South Asia have a population density of 303 people per square kilometer. The United States has a population density of 36 per square kilometer. If you are a people jammed into tight quarters, looking for some elbow room, North America looks like heaven. If that wide open space is begging you to come and your best people are already there establishing thriving colonies, the result is obvious.

One irony of this is that for a generation now immigration patriots have been warning us that the American ruling class is importing a new people. They did not like ruling over the middle-class white people that made the country, so they were bringing in new brown people to break the back of the middle and working class. It also appears that they are importing a new ruling class too. The affluent Indian colonists are ready to take their place at the top of the empire now. Kamala Harris says hello.

This is the ideal moment for this new tribe to flex its muscle as no group on earth is better at playing identity politics than South Asians. South Asia has been nothing but identity politics since the Indo-Aryan invasion of the subcontinent. India has been one of the most diverse places on earth, meaning that Indian ruling class has literally been bred to play identity politics. They now find themselves in an empire convulsed by identity politics and headed to majority-minority status.

If one wants to look ahead to how the American empire finally starts to crack, it may very well be at the top, rather than between the top and the rest. One camp will be the ascendant South Asians, while another camp will be the remnant of the Judeo-Puritan ruling elite from the last century. The former will be rooted in their local economic strength, while the latter will be supported by the Chinese Communist Party. Maybe some oil money from the Middle East thrown in for flavor.

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3 years ago

Personally, I’ve mostly had good relations with indians.

But don’t be fooled, they are extremely tribal and having a mass of indians in your country is a disaster.

Indians are the greatest threat to white people, unironically.

bob sykes
bob sykes
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Genetically, they are Caucasian, and even more they are Indo-Europeans, just like the Germanic peoples. They are close cousins to native American Whites.

Reply to  bob sykes
3 years ago

Distant cousins.

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
3 years ago

even that’s generous

Reply to  bob sykes
3 years ago

Idc what they are

They are hostile aliens who dislike me, my people, and my traditions.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

And deodorant…

Reply to  usNthem
3 years ago

Did you know that “malodorous condition” is a reason for flight removal from US carriers?

Indians and sub-Sarahan Africans. Oy. Vey. Cultural differences. I’m sure any Anglo-Saxon in 1066 would’ve been the same.

It’s 2020, however.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  bob sykes
3 years ago

If you’ve been around Indians, you’d know that they consider working-class Whites to be one small step above cattle.

You may consider them to be your distant cousin, but I can assure you that they don’t feel the same way.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

As a female I’ve had many negative interactions with Indian males in both work and university settings going back to the late 80s. They are an openly hostile bunch. I wonder how the current crop of lefty feminists square their love of diversity with this treatment as I’m sure it hasn’t changed one bit.

Reply to  Peabody
3 years ago

The indian influx into canadian campuses since Trudeau let them in, has caused almost complete segregation. The white minority (often leftist feminists) stick together. Poo and toilet paper are flung all around the curry-smelling bathrooms (no joke).

Does the experience change them? It doesn’t seem to. They are lunatics and true believers. However, for more conservative white guys (ever rarer than white libs) it does cause an increase in ethno-centrism and racism.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

There are some “well adjusted” indian-canadians usually born in canada but my guess is that this type will be decreasing as it is now literally impossible for them to integrate – there just aren’t enough white people left.

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Yeah like that radio fella, Jian Ghomeshi, very well adjusted

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

The dot-heads are now intermarrying with old family WASP offspring, with nary a squeak from the inlaws. The children are as dark as the mother, but bear ancient Yankee names. It’s happening in our family, too, w/ other outlier groups. Lots of Indian couple-doctors when my kids were growing up. Their kids do not spend a minute in public schools, but rather the best of the local private academies, then on to Harvard. The fact that these folks speak English, more or less, is hugely important, and gives them a leg up over the Chinese, who still do not quite… Read more »

Sher Singh
Sher Singh
Reply to  Dr. Dre
3 years ago

Kind of nasty, honor killing fixes such issues but the christian white man doesn’t do it. killing both discourages any sort of nonsense, however America & christendom are founded upon inter-marriage. This sort of horsesh#t will stop once enough ethnic enclaves have popped up. Among the anthropologically defined 356 contemporary societies of Euro-Asia and Africa, there is a large and significant negative correlation between Christianization (for at least 500 years) and the absence of clans and lineages The welfare of the social order, according to St. Augustine (City of God XV.16) and St. Thomas (Suppl. Q. liii, a. 3), demanded the widest possible extension… Read more »

Reply to  Dr. Dre
3 years ago

Barry being a Kenyan didn’t seem to matter.

Higgs Boson
Higgs Boson
Reply to  Peabody
3 years ago

Lefty women are encouraged to immerse themselves directly in their culture. A lone woman is an invitation to gang rape for this haplotype.

Sher Singh
Sher Singh
Reply to  Peabody
3 years ago

You’re hostile because they’re viewed as low status.
The same Germanics who today believe they rule the world, were not spit upon by Roman woman when they were slaves.

The lefty women simply farm out shaming this group of men to converted Hindu feminists.
Remember, women of colour are included in PoC so, feminism is just for white women.
I’m sure you’ve read white fragility?

Reply to  Sher Singh
3 years ago

Dear Sir,

actually genius you’re here to take the grenade for the Jews.

I’d run, if I were ye.

Reply to  Peabody
3 years ago

They’ll be banging then along with their negroes in a heartbeat.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Hoagie
3 years ago

They already are.

I’ve seen several Pajeet-White woman couple in recent months.

Decent or better looking White women.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Peabody
3 years ago

Well surely they are a step up from our default minority 😎

Reply to  bob sykes
3 years ago

The higher caste are part caucasian, not the lower castes.

Sher Singh
Sher Singh
Reply to  ronehjr
3 years ago

they’re all mostly caucasian and the genetic distance between a North Indian upper caste to an Anglo is about double what the Anglo-Italian one is.

That’s also not a reason to let someone flood your sh#t.

You don’t let your brother fuck your wife after all..

Reply to  Sher Singh
3 years ago

Go home. You’re not wanted here.

Sher Singh
Sher Singh
Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

your magic spell doesn’t work.
Ideology + Power = Politics
Ideology w/o Power = Magic

Scream till you go hoarse, not a single non-white is going anywhere.

You yell how you’re Native Americans, you got your wish. 🙂

Point the way
Point the way
Reply to  Sher Singh
3 years ago

not a single non-white is going anywhere.

This is why I support secession. I don’t want to live around these colonist racists anymore. Bye peet peet pajit. We should be going somewhere ourselves. … and we should work to destroy their system on the way out for good measure. Support China over India; refuse to fight over Tiawan; redistribute their wealth to ourselves in the form of social programs and higher taxes.

Immigration is war. Immigration is colonization. This man’s comment proves that. Anything they say to the contrary is just a self-serving lie.

Sher Singh
Sher Singh
Reply to  Point the way
3 years ago

Not really, but it’s obvious people like you aren’t gonna let us peacefully make a living.
We could go on but that’s really what it comes down to.

You hate Jews, but you’re so Judaized you take defending yourself from threats of genocide as colonialism & warfare.
I hope the people who change ur diapers ain’t black, boomer.

Reply to  Sher Singh
3 years ago

Perhaps not.

But you yourselves have no power here.

Reply to  Sher Singh
3 years ago

Its every brown person’s loss when whites are gone. Congrats on two failed indian societies

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  David
3 years ago

Why is it that the diverse POC flee from their Godforsaken shitholes to America, and then butch about Whitey when they get here? One would think that if they were all that, they would make their own corner of the world thrive. I guess we really do have magic dirt here. As a side note, what I’ve learned in over 30 years if construction,(you know, I’m one of those a step above cattle folk), when dealing with The Mighty Pajeet, I usually start WAY high when pricing projects. You have to let them think they, pardon the expression, Jew you… Read more »

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
3 years ago

That should be “bitch about Whitey”.

Reply to  bob sykes
3 years ago

The Sikh’s big aphorism is “death of the conscience is worse than death of the body.”

Incidentally, they killed Indira and Ram Ghandi over the uncalled-for attack on the Sikh Golden Temple in 1984. 20,000 Sikh were killed in retaliation. The Ghandis are Hinduvata, Hindu supremacists.

Fun politics that we’re importing.

I ‘met’ some Indian-Indians (not-Sikh), and now I fully understand why we crossed the Himalayas just to genocide those arrogantly stupid, nasty, insufferable azzholes.

(Btw, the original Dravidian Indians are the same stock as the cannibalistic Australian aborigines, and look just like them.)

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
Diversity Heretic
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Rajiv Ghandhi was killed by a Tamil Tiger separatist in a suicide bombing attacks. Indira was killed by her Sikh bodyguards for the reason you described. Superficially, much of the culture is pacifist but the political violence is quite real.

Reply to  bob sykes
3 years ago

Oh. Ya mean “they’re just like us!” Tell me kind sir, are Indians NattyCons too? Do you know a guy named Patel or Singh who wears camo and drives a truck? Well by golly, that settles it! He’s one of us!

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  bob sykes
3 years ago

That is true of northern Indians, but not the Dravidians of the south.

Reply to  bob sykes
3 years ago

Genetically we’re 98% chimpanzee, all of us.

Personally I prefer the real deal.
Here’s bananas, now STFU.

Reply to  bob sykes
3 years ago

“There is only one race….the human race.” (Rolls eyes, massive sarcasm).

*Pretty sure Han Chinese don’t subscribe to this theory.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

India is a shithole. Ask anyone who’s actually been there.

Massive wealth on top of slums where innumerable impoverished people crap in the streets.

(Or was that California?….wait a minute….)

Last edited 3 years ago by ProZNoV
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  ProZNoV
3 years ago

India is a nation of extremes, which is exactly what one would expect from a society rigidly stratified by caste. At the lower end is stupidity, ignorance and filth at a sub-Saharan level. But at the apex are intelligence, culture and refinement that can compare with the West. In other words, a very interesting place to visit and study, but not one in which we’d want to live.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

“…but not one in which we’d want to live..” or import where you want to live

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

The Indians in the DC area act very similarly to Jews.

The last thing Whites need is another tribal, merchant minority in our lands. (Though it will be fun watching those two groups battle to be our rulers.)

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

In the short run I’m putting better odds on the Jews. A lot of them look white and pass themselves off that way. Nobody mistakes a Hindu for a white guy. Innate and instinctual tribalism (raaay-cizm!) protects most whites from trusting Hindus while we’ve all had generations of propaganda about how even thinking a bad thought about a Jew is Nazism.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Well they imitate the NY Jews as much as they can.

OK. About the endgame…

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

The Hindu is accustomed to running a nation of impoverished, ignorant, superstitious peasants. They will know exactly what to do with political power over here.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Epaminondas
3 years ago

I’m banking on the bovine behavior of the vast majority of “Americans” to confuse them. Do they lord it over us or do they worship us?

Herbert Marcuse
Herbert Marcuse
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

But don’t be fooled, they are extremely tribal and having a mass of indians in your country is a disaster. In his essay, ZMan linked to the following study at Science magazine: The formation of human populations in South and Central Asia Note the centrality of an area called “Yamnaya”: Here’s Yamnaya at Wikipedia: Now recall the opening passage from Solzhenitsyn: In this book the presence of the Jews in Russia prior to 1772 will not be discussed in detail. However, for a few pages we want to remember the older epochs. One could begin, that the paths… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Herbert Marcuse
Herbert Marcuse
Herbert Marcuse
Reply to  Herbert Marcuse
3 years ago

Well now that’s fascinating – either a j00 or a streetsh!tter just voated me down.


American Citizen 2.0
American Citizen 2.0
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

I work in the IT world and yes there are a zillion Indians but the truth is Americans are basically useless for anything other than shopping and getting stoned. Indians are white people in almost every way except for they are brown. In terms of conversation, hobbies, interests… you are going to be perfectly fine being around Indians. That being said: yes, they generally think Americans are morons but you have to keep in mind that they see us all as one group regardless of race.

Locust Post
Locust Post
3 years ago

White Americans are disarmed when it comes to fighting the imported new class of talent from SE Asia and China. In every place I’ve worked, the imported Indians favor hiring their own as do the Chinese. Eventually, the whites become a rump group because they are not allowed to openly hire their cousins by law (affirmative action) and morality (pleasing the diversity gods). It is a terrible system. The best plan is to opt out and do your own thing. Forget learning to code unless you want to fetch curry for the boss. Learn a trade and build something you own, employing your own community.  

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Locust Post
3 years ago

Solid advice. We will see ethnic tensions between Chinese, Indians, and Judeo-Puritans escalate rapidly as the war in the Himalayas escalates, so there is one more reason not to play the game.

Reply to  Locust Post
3 years ago

There was a Korean guy as plaintiff in a class action against Intel alleging race discrimination because the Indian management only hired Indians. Lower caste Indians are also suing for discrimination because upper caste only hire and promote upper caste.
This country is going to be great!

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  MikeCLT
3 years ago

And yet I distinctly remember an Indian tourist telling me the caste system was extinct.

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
Reply to  Forever Templar
3 years ago

did he also give you his honest opinion of Africans ?

Moe Noname
Moe Noname
Reply to  Forever Templar
3 years ago

“Indian tourist”? You mean the governess of South Carolina?

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  MikeCLT
3 years ago

Caste your fate to the winds 🙂

Reply to  Locust Post
3 years ago

As long as we are law abiding we are doomed. Don’t hate the invader, imitate them.

And learn to use Fire and Flames for those pesky HR problems.

Reply to  ABCer
3 years ago

“Hans, get der flammenwurfer”

3 years ago

The Hindu Indian colonisation of Britain and Canada is more advanced than for most of the US. Not sure about Australia, New Zealand and Ireland, but they probably aren’t too far behind. Have noticed that Indians often like to run low end franchises as beachheads when arriving in a new place. They staff them with extended family to keep costs down. Eg. Super 8 motels, Subway sandwich shops, various gas station chains, 7-11s, Papa Johns pizza etc. Have yet to see one running a McDonalds or Chipotle. Maybe the barriers to entry are more arduous or mandatory franchise rules don’t… Read more »

Reply to  RaceRealistAnglo
3 years ago

Are you doing your part?

Stop shopping at places full of indians. When I see all indian faces at a fast food restaurant I leave. There are a few white owned gas stations which I always frequent when possible.

Only time I frequent indian-owned shops is when I’m eating indian food, which is like once a year.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Agreed. I preferentially support White owned businesses. When you’re on a long road trip, sometimes a gas station etc just turns out to be Hindu. It’s not as tho a Hindu-owned alert flashes on my smartphone map to warn me off.

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  RaceRealistAnglo
3 years ago

We used to — before the corona virus — travel on road trips thru several states. Besides the frequently visited places where we know the owners, I have found that big truck stops are best for avoiding Hindu-operated service stations. It’s odd but the ones they took over were the Shell and Exxon stand-alones. I berated the check-out clerk at one of these outside of Columbus OH a few years ago. I told him that the women’s rest rooms in the NYC subway system were cleaner than his joint. I was p.o.d and am happy to report that the place… Read more »

Kentucky Headhunter
Kentucky Headhunter
Reply to  RaceRealistAnglo
3 years ago

Sidewalks of Vancouver were almost entirely filled with brown faces, and I’m not talking “First Nations”.

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  RaceRealistAnglo
3 years ago

I mentioned in a post above that a “prestige” chain (3-4 stores) of liquor stores is run in my TN city by a family with a name that’s the Hindu equivalent of “Smith” or “Johnson” — and one of their relatives is a prominent local surgeon whose wife is on all the important ladies’ boards here, whose benefit parties the liquor stores are happy to contribute to in a big way, as long as they get recognition as commercial sponsors. Too funny. Their glowing eyes and flashing smiles are kind of creepy, and they practically rub their hands together like… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Dr. Dre
3 years ago

If there is anything we can snicker about, it is that virtually all these recent arrivals will be thoroughly Americanized (e.g. corrupted beyond recall by our culture) within three generations 😀

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
3 years ago

> One camp will be the ascendant South Asians, while another camp will be the remnant of the Judeo-Puritan ruling elite from the last century.  While working some late hours in India, some of the management went through the rounds making sure all the women left the office before it got too late, stating it was unseemly for a lady to be out late at night. When we went out to the bar the next day, the same dynamic was at work. It was daunting to have a culture that actually cared about the integrity of its women. The incredibly… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Chet Rollins
Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

Globohomo destroys all.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

The spitting is the same with recently arrived Chinese, as is the littering to a lesser degree, but you don’t see it because unlike the Indians they seldom venture into the enclaves of other ethnics. While they don’t spit, Hispanics also litter like hell and you can observe it because they interact with other racial groups as do the Indians.

Locust Post
Locust Post
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Here’s a bizarre yet truthful story. Some years ago I hired a Chinese PhD guy to write code. He ended up stealing all the company code. I fired him and went after him legally. One night, a car pulled up to the company office main entrance. His wife stepped out of the passenger side of the car, walked up to the front door, pulled her sweat pants down and squatted out a giant pile of digestively processed chop suey. It was all caught on the security camera. The local cops didn’t do anything because there was no property damage. The… Read more »

Reply to  Locust Post
3 years ago

What did we learn from this story?

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

I think the lesson is obvious.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Don’t trust chi-coms, that’s the moral.

Reply to  Retronomicon
3 years ago

Don’t trust aliens of any color. Han, pajeet, Mussulman, Jevv, nogger, mulatto, hapa, etc.

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

Thank you.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

Words to live by.

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
Reply to  Retronomicon
3 years ago

That, and I hate (((Judges)))

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Especially in relation to your average nog, who I guess they were more used to dealing with.

Reply to  Locust Post
3 years ago

I listened to a podcast where a PRC delegation went to the Netherlands for a demo of some highly-advanced flood control system they have. Upon returning from a lunch-break they discovered the demo laptop had been stolen. (A similar thing happened w/ a friend who did a demo for his company’s DNA sequencing tech–they didn’t even bother changing the dimensions or color of the machine. )

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

I can confirm this. There is an Indian cash & carry a few doors down from where I work. During the corona virus they mandated wearing gloves in the store, yes gloves. Then outside the store there were heaps of thin plastic gloves strewn about the parking lot and stuck in the bushes/landscaping. It was really sick. All they needed to do was have a garbage can outside the stop. Instead they made outside the shop the garbage can. Mind you, these are the so-called high-caste silicon valley Indians, not your average street shitters

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

‘In Lagos’. The Brits imported an Indian managerial class to run Africa.

Idi Amin’s solution: kill ’em all.

2050 gonna be lit!

Chester White
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Red Man or Copenhagen?

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

I don’t see a hair’s width of difference between libertarian and progressive goals. Now, let’s have a discussion on who Mitch McConnell would allow Trump to appoint, for all you in-the-know libertarians… between Jan. 2017 and current date how many times has McConnell recessed the Senate?

Reply to  hal
3 years ago

I found hope in these videos of what is potentially to come. It will be interesting to read the comments if any of this comes to be in the next week.

Reply to  hal
3 years ago

Q-tier nonsense. As Z himself has noted, Trump is nothing more than a lucky bullshitter. To imagine there’s some behind-the-scenes magic going on is to deliberately fool oneself.

Last edited 3 years ago by SixxSigma
Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

The event that ended my patronage of Pete’s Fresh Markets food bar was watching the Dots taking food from the steam tables with their hands, tasting it, and putting the uneaten portion back in the tray. What kind of creature does that with a complete lack of awareness?

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Go to Japan. Trash free, graffiti free. Zero bike locks.

No matter where you’re going, when you leave Japan, you’re going to a third world country by comparison.

It is not a 3rd world shithole; I’d love to live there, but they don’t want me, and I respect the hell out of them for it.

Ethnicity and culture matter.

Higgs Boson
Higgs Boson
Reply to  ProZNoV
3 years ago

They typically don’t speak English, and kanji is hard to learn. Real estate is available and cheaper now due to falling birth rates, though. They are allowing Asian immigrants in, but are having issues with the Vietnamese and Australians.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

Bill collectors are eunuchs who find the late-pay and follow him around, lifting their robes to expose their mutilated genitals until he relents.

Republicans: Import those guys!

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
3 years ago

If this immigrated labor force was oil, tropical hardwood, or some mineral that must be mined, the Left would be screaming about how we are using too much of the world’s resources and leaving the exporting nation impoverished.

Reply to  skeptic16
3 years ago

no doubt the left is the best at always promoting the wrong ideas.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  skeptic16
3 years ago

This is sowing the seeds of the marginalization of the Left’s sugar daddy academia. Indians and to a lesser extent Chinese are educated in their homelands.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  skeptic16
3 years ago

Unfortunately the teeming wretched masses are the world’s most abundant renewable resource!

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
3 years ago

I wish more people knew what shit jobs Indians do in tech. East Asians are far superior, but when the Indians come here they find a culture that responds favorably to pushiness and arrogance in place of talent. Any con man can reach the pinnacle of success in this country (see Donald Trump or Elon Musk). East Asians are actually hindered in the corporate structures, due to their deferential culture. So some Indian comes from a “prestigious” Indian University, which is the US equivalent of a JC in Mississippi, and through sheer arrogance bowls us over. Kamala is just such… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

Rigorous admissions testing into Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) as well as Tsinghua and Peking Universities in China is why students from these schools are valued by grad schools and businesses in US. These kids are smart and work hard. The Indian kids speak english which allows them to work in management careers here in the US.

In my experience, students from these schools are legit.

Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

I find them to be a mixed bag, with most being average. I blame the staffing agencies that most of them come through. They lie like you read about.

GK Chestnut
GK Chestnut
Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

And that head bob… She does a good head bob. Practice makes perdect!

3 years ago

The thing about “high skilled” immigration is that it really isn’t. I mean look at Harris. She doesn’t strike me as overly smart.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
3 years ago

” If half of those think following their countrymen to Europe and America is the right thing to do, that is 70 million people ready to hop a steamer for the West. “ This has been foreseen. This is Camp of the Saints playing out in real time and not only are our leaders not preventing it, they are attempting to open the flood gates even wider. The fact that there isn’t armed insurrection in the streets of DC shows how pathetic we’ve become. The ‘Founding Fathers’ kicked it off for far less than a genocidal ethnological race replacement campaign. I’ll repeat… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Apex Predator
3 years ago

This has been foreseen.

Raspail’s foresight was incredible. He captured the attitudes and actions of the various groups so perfectly that I have to wonder if he had precognition or a time machine.

3 years ago

…colluding to import cheap labor from India, with the support of the Republican Party.

When well-meaning but misguided civnat conservatives tell me how important it is to vote Republican (particularly in light of the Georgia Senate races), I cite the example of the current GOP majority Senate voting unanimously for legislation to “hugely benefit hundreds of thousands of Indian professionals in America.”

Last edited 3 years ago by Federalist
Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Federalist
3 years ago

The ink had not even dried on the re-election certifications of Graham and Cornyn before they began to agitate for amnesty and Lee lobbied to greatly expand visas for India. If these were rational and intelligent men it would indicate they know their looting has to accelerate. As it is, these are stupid grifters unaware of how this has blown up in their faces.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

I got a fund-raising email from Mike Lee yesterday, banging the cup for Georgia. It’ll probably never be read, but I returned some choice words for him, particularly as it relates to importing cut-rate labor. They really think we’re stupid.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

Has it blown up, though? We just had a four-year object lesson in Voting Doesn’t Matter. These guys work for the donors and fear the blackmailers. Where does that leave average working- middle- class Americans?

Reply to  Federalist
3 years ago

Sponsored by my junior senator from Utah. This will directly put tens of thousands of great jobs out of reach of Americans in the “Silicon Slopes” south of Salt Lake City.

The GOP must die.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Bingo. I’ve been writing for years that the big fight on the Left will be between Jews-Puritans and Indians. I live in the DC area, and there are a lot of Indians here. It’s eerie how they act like Jews. They are obsessed with owning a business. Any business. IT workers will buy any franchise they can find. It doesn’t have to be tech related. Oh, and they treat their workers like crap, like slaves, which, of course, is how they see them. They immediately get involved in local politics, not out of any love of community but as a… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Jews also tried to suck up to the Han (Zuckerberg married one) and were slapped down. Whites just need to play the old Jew game of “you and him fight” and isolate from what is going to prove a very toxic stew.

Sher Singh
Sher Singh
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Oh, did I mention that Indians view poor Whites are Untouchables. They view blacks and Hispanics as wild animals and cattle, respectively. R they wrong? Untouchable means socially dilapidated and unwelcome in polite society; although still part of the same society. That describes poor whites to a tee. For the others I’m sure you can figure it out. 🙂 The only difference between now & 50 years ago, is poor whites can’t treat non-whites as untouchables. 🙂 I’d offer an alternative and way out, but as of now you’ll only accept ideas from the west. You must fall before you… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Sher Singh
3 years ago

Yeah, those Western ideas haven’t done anything for the world.

But I’ll agree on the falling part, though for your sake, you better hope we don’t get back up. (Admittedly, it doesn’t seem likely at the moment, but history isn’t a straight line, things change.)

Sher Singh
Sher Singh
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

The Anglo-American empire does resemble Carthage more than Rome, but it didn’t start out that way, and Rome was no stranger to clerical oligarchy ether by its later years. And Christianity in Rome was leftist to begin with and only got lefter, though of course it never got nearly as bad as our state religion today. The leftward slide was halted by the fall of the Empire, when Catholicism was forcibly accommodated to the traditions of the barbarians, producing the warrior Christ of King Clovis. This was the basis for a good thousand years of Western Civilization, but the Church… Read more »

Reply to  Sher Singh
3 years ago

I’d offer an alternative and way out, but as of now you’ll only accept ideas from the west. 

“Take poo to the loo.” That’s a lesson “from the West” that your people can’t seem to learn.

Sher Singh
Sher Singh
Reply to  Federalist
3 years ago

Racialized tribal thinking is all you have left. You used to borrow ideas from abroad and consider being exposed to new opinions a virtue. Christian moralism has sadly made you little more than a technically skilled Nigerian. Al-Biruni said of the Hindus after Ghazni that they’ve been scattered like atoms and regard the ideas of foreigners with distrust, whereas their ancestors were open to them (engaging in debate & discourse). I’d rather have patriarchy & no toilets, although the white man (system) is the greatest feminizer of recent history. Much of the Anglo-French colonialism of the Near East was… Read more »

Reply to  Sher Singh
3 years ago

Pointing out the West’s fall from grace from the mountain of fecal matter your people have accomplished. How many billions of indians suffer, starve, and prostitute themselves while their only hope, intelligent indians, abandon them to eventually be lost in the dna amalgam of the latino, white, african USA? Light skin is the result of 14,000 years of farming which controlled for higher average intelligence among europeans as well as the eventual chinese, korean and japanese. Bangkadeshi Razib Khan published that research in 2010. A few centuries of collapse might sting, but ANY group of isolated whites is enough to… Read more »

Reply to  David
3 years ago

Yep, that is the incongruity I notice in Z-man’s posting. The talented tenth within the Indian subcontinent is not nearly the same as the talented tenth within the Chinese subcontinent. Indian national IQ estimated at 83 or so, Chinese at 105.

Simply put, Chinese can field quadruple the intellectual resources that an India can. That we attract a significant number of the Indian “talented tenth” probably means little. India, simply can not compete. Even if no emigration had occurred from Indian, China would have double the intellectual power of India and would win the race in the end.

Last edited 3 years ago by CompscI
Reply to  Sher Singh
3 years ago

The others here have been quite hard on you, somewhat justifiably. I find your perspective interesting and you do seem to understand “the woman problem” which is more central than most even on the DR think. I also think feminized Christianity, the death of the Warrior Christ, is at the heart of the decline of the West. Your greatest problem is arrogance. Like the British in your own homeland you think that you deserve to rule. You do not, and like them you will be driven out. I don’t feel a need to denigrate your culture (though your posts at… Read more »

Sher Singh
Sher Singh
Reply to  pozymandias
3 years ago

Obviously, Brown Sikhs don’t have to rule the West. Sikhi or rather Indo Aryan Indo European w/e Paganism should. I’m anti Dr or w/e label you put on it because I don’t think it can save whites।। I recognize that Christianity has been the greatest race mixer ever and these dumfuck will be dragged back to their ancestors one way or another. You wouldn’t treat your brother any other way. We already have Punjab, the Guru told us (Jatts) to take lands elsewhere but we refused. When we can refuse God himself for taking these other lands what makes you… Read more »

Reply to  Sher Singh
3 years ago

Interesting. Please portray that alternative way out- this is a salon.

Teacher Nanak came back ten times to teach Punjab how to withstand the Islamic onslaught, that bested even the Mongols at the Yalu River. Teach us, our people must learn.

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
Sher Singh
Sher Singh
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago ਖਤ੍ਰੀ ਸੁਭਾਵ ਬਰਨਨੰ ॥ ਸਵੈਯਾ ॥ ਸੂਰਮਾ ਜੁਧ ਤੇ ਭਾਗੇ ਨਹੀਂ ਤੇਜ ਰੂਪ ਵਹੁ ਚਤੁਰ ਸੁਜਾਨ ॥ ਧੀਰਜਵੰਤ ਦਾਨ ਮੈਂ ਦਾਤਾ ਈਸਰ ਬਿਖੈ ਨਿਤ ਅਰਪੈ ਪ੍ਰਾਨ ॥ ਪਰ ਉਪਕਾਰੀ ਸੁਖ ਸਭ ਦੇਵੈ ਖਤ੍ਰੀ ਬਰਨ ਕੋ ਐਸਾ ਜਾਨ ॥ ਆਤਮ ਧਰਮ ਮੈਂ ਨਿਤ ਦ੍ਰਿੜ ਰਹਤਾ ਐਸਾ ਪੁਰਖ ਜਾਨੋ ਪਰਧਾਨ ॥੬੪॥ ਗੋਬਿੰਦ ਗੀਤਾ ਕ੍ਰਿਤ: ਗੁਰੂ ਗੋਬਿੰਦ ਸਿੰਘ ਜੀ The Description of the Nature of a Warrior. A warrior is one who never departs from the field of battle, with a splendorous form they are clever and intelligent. A possessor of resolve, a giver of charity, and always ready to… Read more »

Reply to  Sher Singh
3 years ago

Why, thank you for the reply. Much to digest. Shugariyah.

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

They immediately get involved in local politics, 

This is actually true, lots of weird names in Loudoun local politics.

Old Knight
Old Knight
3 years ago

We’re getting a big influx to Australia, too.This is where the diversity argument falls apart. They drive out and dominate. Instead of the all the different types of retail outlets and services that once existed, there’s spice shops and curry houses everywhere.

3 years ago

I read something that some lowercaste Indian in Silicon Valley said that the Brahman Indian’s would pat them on the back to check for that string that all the brahmins wear and if they didn’t have it they would all of the sudden not be invited to any parties or anything. They lower caste Indian was lamenting this new development because he’d been treated so well by the native population. I have no sympathy

Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

this was a fake news concocted by some Bangladeshi NGO or NGO which has ties to Bangladesh.

it was later debunked.

Reply to  Rahul
3 years ago

i’m sure those “low caste” people didn’t mentioned how much reservation (affirmative action) they have in govt sector jobs and universities, so much that they can get to elite colleges (IITs) by getting only 20 marks in entrance exams.

Reply to  Rahul
3 years ago

Go home and take your caste/varna disputes with you. You are not wanted here.

Reply to  Rahul
3 years ago

Go home. You’re not wanted here.

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

They come out any time the topic of india/indians come up. Perhaps paid troll farms from the india lobby, who knows.

From real life experience their games do not work as I discount anything and everything that an Indian says without even bothering to think about it or refute it.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Yes, I’ve noticed the same whenever any conservatard or DR site posts anything about Indians – they flood the comments with endless screeds about their bloodlines and history. They are a profoundly alien people who are increasingly marrying Whites, whom they both envy and resent. Miscegenation really is a crime against nature.

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

I know an alpha white guy who’s married to an Indian woman. They have 5 kids together.

It’s very sad to see a high fertility, attractive white person throwing away their genes like that.

Also your kids will hate you for being white, no matter what you do.

Raslip Mugfrid
Raslip Mugfrid
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

India’s IDF

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

that is amazing! Do you think they read the blog all the time or just have an alert for every time something pertaining to India pops up?

Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

I think they read. I think a lot of not-us read. I know people on “our side” that watch antifa sites… similar thing, I think.

Reply to  Rahul
3 years ago

What was debunked? That’s the caste systems that exist in India is not transplanted over here? That the calcified system of two thousand years just disappears here? Magic dirt indeed!

Sher Singh
Sher Singh
Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

he’s correct that lower castes get massive reservations and Indian hate speech laws make AOC blush.
Beyond that, screaming go-back while being a diabetic boomer at the age of 57 doesn’t do anything but induce cringe.
Sorry, 58*

Reply to  Sher Singh
3 years ago

Let’s get more specific, shall we? You are hairy and often darker than N3groes. Your features are coarse. You smell of rancid body odor and curry. Your culture is inherently corrupt and filthy. You are as nepotistic and materialistic as Jevvs but cannot pass as White. You envy and resent White man and his civilization, which you will run into the ground. That you think your comments are welcomed at a DR forum speaks to your absurd ethnocentric self esteem. GO HOME.

Last edited 3 years ago by 3g4me
Sher Singh
Sher Singh
Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

We don’t envy or resent whites, and see the neo-liberal capitalism ravaging them as akin to the one foisted upon our lands.

We’re the North Indian peasentry, not only will we prevent White genocide we will make them re-assert their pre-Christian Aryan Identity.

We’re already home, we’ve been waiting for you to come home for 1500 years. 🙂


Reply to  Sher Singh
3 years ago

Susuriyahkhar, we are two branches of Indo-Europa, brothers under the skin.

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

P.J. O’Rourke was once one of the funniest men in America. In this piece, titled “Foreigners From Around The World,” penned in the late 70s, he described Indians as “dismal, obsequious deminiggers”.

Reply to  KGB
3 years ago

And where does he choose to live?

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
Reply to  KGB
3 years ago

I assume PJ wrote that before he supported Hillary

Reply to  Sher Singh
3 years ago

Chaiwalla, the last thing that goes through your mind once you fail the reeducation camp is very likely to be 3g4me’s boot heel. Or you can go back now. Learn from the decolonization of Africa: follow the English and get out before it collapses, or you get the exciting sawmill treatment the Portuguese got in northern Angola.

Sher Singh
Sher Singh
Reply to  Educated.redneck
3 years ago

We only have one ocean to throw the Turks for you the Gods gave 2।।


3 years ago

Reality matters. No amount of analysis or voting is going to alter the trajectory of further legal and illegal immigration into the US. People are flooding here because of our gravy train of affluence. And as long as the gravy train is rolling, that will not change. If you really want to prognosticate, ask yourself what happens AFTER the gravy train runs out of gravy. That is the future you must prepare for.

Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

When the gravy train runs out of gravy, a lot of problems will take care of themselves. People of various colors and heritages will be bailing out like the tech companies which are fleeing California today.

The trick is to be locally selfish bastards, and don’t make it easy for anyone who is not like you to set up housekeeping near you, once people start searching for greener pastures.

Reply to  Dutch
3 years ago

It will never run out.
They have North America’s resources as collateral.
And nukes.

Reply to  Dutch
3 years ago

That ten acres I have the womenfolk parked on in Missouri is still, and will remain, diversity free. Even though they are hillbilly trash, they’re trash I can understand.

Every few years, a black family moves in. Nobody talks to or greets them, nobody. They never last, and move right back out. No unpleasantness involved, but hillbillies are kinda… strange.

That, plus, the whole town virtually shuts down for the first week of deer season.

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

I’ll be ready when…..


G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
3 years ago

A good book if you can still find it is Edward Duttons Making Sense of Race. In that book he touches on the Indo-Aryan influence and the resulting caste system in India. I bought the book on Amazon an interestingly as soon as I purchased the book it was unavailable for further purchase and I got several messages from Amazon telling me my delivery was delayed and offering me a refund. I finally got the book. The pink haired SJW Amazon and the ADL employed must have got a remote controlled dildo shock and woke up to the fact that… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by G Lordon Giddy
Sher Singh
Sher Singh
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

It’s touchy because it attempts to foist all of Modern India’s problems on a ruling class which hasn’t ruled since 1000AD. Golden Age India ie Guptas had rigid caste yet was the freest, most prosperous society in the world – with the highest global GDP % ever recorded. The Euro-centric view of India is that it was always poor & backwards, economic & material data shows otherwise. Blaming Whites and Muslims for the current state of India would interfere with the strategy to contain Hindus within the sub-continent. British & Muslim strategists were concerned with Hindus making a play on… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Sher Singh
3 years ago

Computing the GDP for India in 1000 AD is methodologically impossible. Your claim is nothing more than wishful thinking.

Reply to  Sher Singh
3 years ago

So… “We wuz buddhas n sheit.”

Reply to  David
3 years ago

Hint: Buddha had blue eyes.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Watching Indian pop music videos is an interesting exercise. The people cavorting about in them are young, beautiful and whiter than most Italians.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

Sounds like those Puerto Rican shows: if “canned tan” was banned tomorrow Sabato Gigante would look like a production out of Southern France.

Diversity Heretic
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

Skin whitener sells very well in India even though some of it contains some rather scary chemicals. I think that there has been some controversy about its use in Miss India pageants.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Diversity Heretic
3 years ago

In the wake of St. George’s demise, Loreal ceased making skin whitener. I guess you’d call that…ahem…aTONEment.

3 years ago

Diversity is a strength and India is the most diverse society on earth. Surely they must therefore be the most powerful nation on earth. Oh…

3 years ago

It would seem the stink of curry and ghee are in our future – I can hardly wait.

Reply to  usNthem
3 years ago

think of the positive, some indian women can reach high levels of sexiness.
also, i’ve just homemade some sausages, my home smells of pig shit right now, curry odor ain’t that bad.

Last edited 3 years ago by sentry
Reply to  sentry
3 years ago

I find indian women beautiful too – if I wasn’t race aware I would probably marry one.
Indian women do have a thirst for the white cock – first hand experience can confirm.

Of course this is a pyrrhic victory since it just distracts white men from procreating with a white woman instead.

Sher Singh
Sher Singh
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

women chase status, anti-racism will make white male status below that of livestock.
I wouldn’t cheer your demographic displacement in the name of sexual degeneracy.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Indeed. Those big, brown eyes can be very alluring. And Indian girls often have very nice breasts.

Sher Singh
Sher Singh
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

The future is white men being beheaded for looking at em so.. :shrug:

Also preferring tits over ass is associated with depression and autism. 🙂

Reply to  Sher Singh
3 years ago

Or a stiff neck and a limp weenie.

Reply to  Sher Singh
3 years ago

Sher Singh: Nonsense. The future is indian men enjoying pride parades and bathhouses once the poz gets to you. There’ll be a billion indians living, defecating, AND having gay sex in the streets then; whether the streets of Calcutta or San Francisco, who cares? Women will be the least of your concerns, and of no concern at all for the majority of your men. Then you’ll be replaced by the next group. Welcome to globohomo, it always gets more than it gives!

Reply to  Educated.redneck
3 years ago

Can confirm. A small truckstop in AZ closed its showers because of Indian men having sex in them.

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Sher Singh
3 years ago

Heh. You Desis don’t have the balls to sling a blade in anger.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Attractive, well-groomed Indian gals are great, enthusiastic sport.

Reply to  sentry
3 years ago

Indian women are, on average, barely a step above blacks in appearance. Yuk.

Kamala Hair-Ass
Kamala Hair-Ass
Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

They have hairy ass cracks and overgrown beavers

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

But the exceptions are very exceptional, indeed.

Chester White
Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

Where does Hillary fit on that continuum?

Reply to  Chester White
3 years ago

Hillary? Well, I suppose we could add another axis to the graph for non-humans…

Reply to  usNthem
3 years ago

Ghee- rancid butter, yum yum

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
3 years ago

Makes one wonder if the whole Russia ruse in Trump’s first three years was a diversion to keep him and his DOJ from taking a deeper dive into the Silicon Valley monopolies and their Section 203 protection. And he and the GOP had both chambers of the house in his first two years to tear down that 203 wall. As we all know, they did nothing… oh wait – a tax break. And the SV Indians said (using best Indian sub continent accent), “Thank you. Come again!”

Kentucky Headhunter
Kentucky Headhunter
Reply to  Boris
3 years ago

Did you not read the post? The GOP works for the Indians. “His DOJ”? The DOJ spent the last 4 years trying to get rid of Trump.

Reply to  Kentucky Headhunter
3 years ago

Randhawa/Jindal 2024!

MIGA (make india great again)

Reply to  Boris
3 years ago

Trump wasn’t distracted. He was all talk from the beginning. Look at his pardons which are totally under his control – jewish scam artists, negro drug dealers and rapper. Even his attempts to fight obvious election fraud are a clown show.

Reply to  skeptic16
3 years ago

“durr dur fake news. I am really mad . I am going to tweet about how mad i am” Pretty much sums up the past 4 years.

Ppl who saw through the empty promises in 2017-2018 took a lot shit/hate but were right.

Last edited 3 years ago by greyenlightenment
Reply to  skeptic16
3 years ago

My last hope was that he would pardon Assange and Snowden, who exposed corruption and war crimes. Instead he’s been pardoning the war criminals they exposed and of course, the corrupt. And everyone that has Javanka’s ear.

Reply to  RoBG
3 years ago

One theory being floated is that Jared K has outsized influence because his money will save Trump’s “empire” in a couple of months. He has a personal net worth of $300 million +.

Trump’s “fortune” has always been built on leveraged deals and mountains of debt. It is what it is, and the US economy is a shell game that Trump has been very successful at.

Trump is going to need help when he leaves office in January. Jared will be one to watch.

Reply to  Boris
3 years ago

the dems ran down the clock and succeeded in preventing trump from doing anything for the first 2.5 years of his term. After Trump was cleared of all collusion, this gave him abotu 2 years to tackle stuff like tech censorship or immigration, which he didn’t. According to Dilbert guy and others, this is ‘libs being owned’ and ‘winning’.

Reply to  greyenlightenment
3 years ago

Yeah, Trump was forced to pick John Bolton and other neocons. He was under terrible duress.

Reply to  greyenlightenment
3 years ago

Didn’t the Republicans control the Congress for the first two years?

3 years ago

They will be better and worse than the Jews, and this is because they are less savvy. Jews played the Fellow White People card, Indians will play the Fellow POC card. But they wont be as good at juggling the various factions.Under their leadership the Intersectional Coalition will begin to crumble.
Unlike Jews who have some faint sense of ownership and kinship with our culture, the Brahmins as a whole have no sense of ownership whatsoever. They will vandalise and plunder everything with incredible arrogance and crudity.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

One thing I’ve noticed about South Asians is that there are quite a few loquacious ones who speak excellent English that are adept at passing themselves off as White people who just happen to be brown.

It’s a neat trick with terrifying implications.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Lol sounds alot like another group of fellow whites.

Their numbers and age are a huge threat to white people alone. Indians literally ruin everything they do/join. Clubs at universities are now all indian because they all had the idea to “meet new people”. Alot of them legitimately want to meet non indian people but they are only surrounded by indian faces.

They’re pretty miserable in Canada, on an individual level. We might also be importing a less dominant caste.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

yes.I think they also are chameleons. One got a little nervous when I talked about persecution of Whites, which I found telling

3 years ago

I’m skeptical of the Judeo-Puritan meme. Seems like Moldbugian deflection. The Puritans opposed FDRs plans, and the New Deal passed with the support of the Ellis Island crowd, despite opposition from heritage Americans. Similarly, the universities were fine when the Puritans ran them, and transformed only when they passed the batons to the little hats. Yes, Jews have their allies and fellow travelers, but these allies are acting like fellow travelers and not as representatives of Puritanism. BAP made the point, I think, that Moldbug pointing to the Puritans is like Marx arguing that everyone is driven by greed. Useful… Read more »

Reply to  H I
3 years ago

it is evident. that Protestants and to a lesser extent Jews established much, if not all, the post-ww2 government-industrial complex . All of these 20th century institutions were founded and headed by Protestants who belong to the same secret societies and attended the same colleges. Until only recently Catholics and other non-Jewish minorities held little influence. Look what happened to the Kennedys, who are Catholic, when they tried to enter politics.

GK Chestnut
GK Chestnut
Reply to  greyenlightenment
3 years ago

Protestants and Jews are philosophically lawless.

Reply to  greyenlightenment
3 years ago

Why blame the protestants for the problems with the system that cropped up only in the 20th century? System worked okay in northern europe and USA for a long time.

Reply to  H I
3 years ago

Obviously. The Puritans were the first European people erased/overwhelmed by mass migration.

Reply to  H I
3 years ago

BAP mentioned something like this in one of his recent podcasts.

People these days love to dump on the puritans/WASPs so they don’t have to exclusively blame small hats for 20th century problems. If you have to apportion the blame for the mess we are in today, not much can be credited to puritans/WASPs.

Last edited 3 years ago by acetone
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Beam, meet mote- unfortunately true. I’m certainly guilty.

Once, we were their Scourge- now, they are ours.

But only now. Perhaps the last 5000 years is preparation for the next 5000.

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
3 years ago

One thing I learned from working w/ S. Asian H-1Bs is that they self-sort into cliques based upon their state, language, class, and religion. And they bring their ancient quarrels and hatreds with them. One day I went out for a walk at lunch and came back to discover five of them had got into a massive brawl in the office and had been fired (charges were filed, but they were deported.) Another time I found out one of the teams had been conducting meetings in Kannada to sabotage the guy whose state language was Bengali or something else. And… Read more »

Reply to  RoBG
3 years ago

It’s important to be mindful of why these behaviors exist. They exist and persist because that is what “worked” in the environments of their ancestral evolution. IOW, these are the behaviors that their ancestors needed to have in order to survive and thrive in the local communities in which they evolved over centuries, if not longer. These are likely to be DNA-based and therefore cannot be easily altered through force of will. It appears strange to you because your ancestors evolved in a different place and you innately perceive a foreigner in your midst.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  RoBG
3 years ago

This also happens with other immigrants. The last town I lived in NoVA had a sizeable Latin American population, largely Central American. Small communities pop up of those not just from the same country, but often same locality. Of course this is nothing new. If Jose found a good job, the rest of the family will come and often to live with Uncle Jose. I’ve read that in some areas (e.g. CA) entire apartments get rented not just to Mexicans, but Mexicans from the same towns. I guess it’s not racial discrimination as long as a White person isn’t doing… Read more »

Reply to  RoBG
3 years ago

I gotta ask: is this IT consulting (Tata, Infosys)? The situations you describe are worse than the ones I have seen…

3 years ago

Well yes, agree. Not that their crackup helps us. This is why we need a nation and why we must learn to hate and put hatred into action again. Make Americans Hate Again. MAHA. Or we don’t make it and we shouldn’t. We must have someplace of our own. BTW the latest grift is sadly Localism. Now I am all for localism, I live in one of the many Bedford Falls in America. But now that the GOP and ConservaINC have picked it up you know for certain it’s a GRIFT. Having lost DC and any National Standing, having utterly… Read more »

Reply to  ABCer
3 years ago

If anyone is sitting at the local table, by virtue of writing a check, or is sniffing around to collect a check, your locality is being middlemanned and grifted.

Reply to  ABCer
3 years ago

Mostly agree but I think that in the case of America at least, many localities can hold off the flood of immigrants if their federal government will get out of their way and let them do what needs to be done. Remember a few years back when the Lefties were aghast that whites in Southern Arizona were daring to do armed patrols near the border? For a while Sheriff Joe Arpaio was right up there with Hitler for a lot of Lefties. A lot of the problems, at least in Red States, would “magically go away” if the locals were… Read more »

Reply to  pozymandias
3 years ago

That is a huge IF, if fact it didn’t work because there was no follow through.

3 years ago

So, Dinesh D’Souza is NOT our ally?

Reply to  skeptic16
3 years ago

Not because of his ethnicity, but because he’s a grifter.

Reply to  RoBG
3 years ago

Because of both, dammit. And his ethnicity is a key part of why he’s a grifter.

Clayton Barnett
3 years ago

On Gab, I have tried to paint strip-mining the talent of the 2nd and 3rd world as hopelessly racist. It got some traction. I’d love to see the Progs take this up and become “useful idiots” for the preservation of Heritage America.

Reply to  Clayton Barnett
3 years ago

If they are a great resource, aren’t they a great resource in their home country? And aren’t we unfairly exploiting this resource?

Higgs Boson
Higgs Boson
3 years ago

Quantum politics is the new normal. This is going to take some getting used to.

Reply to  Higgs Boson
3 years ago

Multipolar world

Liberty Mike
3 years ago

Manifest Destiny for the Nahasapeemapetilon family.

Higgs Boson
Higgs Boson
3 years ago

The glue of tradition holds the Hindu nuclear family together. I work with women who had their polarities flipped since moving here. They would prefer a western lifestyle. They are moving in the direction of becoming childless feminists.

Reply to  Higgs Boson
3 years ago

Fewer brown people – whether here or in their homelands – can only be seen as a plus. However, even one is too many.

Higgs Boson
Higgs Boson
Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

Once trapped inside the pink ghetto bell jar of feminist indoctrination, vulnerable foreign women have little hope of escape.

M. Murcek
3 years ago

The usual sort of idiot says “look how hungry the Chinese are for NBA!” Not so much. A certain class of Chinese look at it as a place to park money where they think it’s outside the CCP’s grasp. Is it, actually? Maybe some nasty surprises ahead in that regard. In terms of Hollywierd movie remakes where Sam Spade is black, probably not so much not at all…

M. Murcek
3 years ago

“I will throw in with anyone but other people like me” just doesn’t sound like a sucess strategy.

3 years ago

here’s a novelty take – what if the problem isn’t with the billionaire class but with the “servant class” with someone like Gretchen Whitmer as there avatar. If Michigan had a billionaire democratic governor – they would at least be smarter.

Moe Noname
Moe Noname
Reply to  krustykurmudgeon
3 years ago

Sorry Krusty,
Money is not the key.
Our Illinois billionaire, one man-mass gathering, is only smart enough to find the food trough. Makes the MI governess look like a pointy headed Mensa type.

Reply to  krustykurmudgeon
3 years ago

Why not both? Whitmer is terrible, but her bad behaviors are supported by the people that give her money.

Consider the Washington Post. Do the journalists that write terrible articles deserve blame or do the editors that publish the articles? Or does Jeff Bezos for owning the operation? The answer, I think, is they all do!

3 years ago

So this is the plan to defeat China? Steal the brain trust of India?

To paraphrase Belloc:

“What ever happens, we have got, lots of Hindus, and they have not?”

Last edited 3 years ago by ProZNoV
3 years ago

I do admire the outspokenness of some Indians, as opposed to Whites who are too encumbered by political correctness and conformism. .

Last edited 3 years ago by greyenlightenment
GK Chestnut
GK Chestnut
Reply to  greyenlightenment
3 years ago

but the persecution if Whites for sticking up for Whites is real, take it from me!

3 years ago

For what it’s worth most of my interactions with Indians have been with Indian Christians. Most of whom with Portuguese or similar surnames. Goans, and Kerala-ites. Different people, more western in culture and attitudes.

3 years ago

Your articles are really starting to depress me lately Zman. Is there any hope to fight against this stuff? I just dont want our people to commit a mass suicide. We need a sports expression I remember once saying you need to celebrate even your half victories. Do we have any even half victories?

Reply to  Johnny
3 years ago

Most likely the majority of our people will commit mass suicide. However i also believe that the white people of 2100 will be far different than the white people of 2020.

Reply to  Johnny
3 years ago

A memetic war is raging, and the Elites/Progressives are intentionally trying to infect you with despair. Do NOT let them succeed. Turn off the TV and avoid the MSM like venereal disease. If you need a White Pill, know that there are over 200,000 skilled hunters in Wisconsin alone, and probably ten times that in Texas; now add in the rest of the country. When things go hot, your team will not be a pushover. This is not South Africa. And it’s never too late to learn to hunt.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
3 years ago

There is a Cold War hangover element to throw into the mix. The dreaded Russians were allied with the democratic Indians, and the Judeo-Puritans propped up China in response. Jews and to a lesser extent the Puritans have often found themselves frozen out by their former Chinese allies when it comes to significant ownership and control, and while obsequious, the Indians like neither ethnic element of the out group that controls them at the moment. There is a distinct possibility of direct conflict between India and China in the near future (it actually is underway but muted). The Jews will… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

Re: “saner elements”: Heritage America, Russia, Eastern Europe, and those in Western Europe** who hate Globohomia should be forging alliances now. This will be the new cold (and hot) war for the 21st century. India and China will vie with each other for the prize of being the main looter-polluter nations who will try to expand their control of the world through strategic immigration, nepotism, and IP theft and other white collar crime. The challenge we face is to build ties with each other, eject the Indians and Chinese, and get India and China to weaken each other. Yes, I’ve… Read more »

Brawndo Tall Can
Brawndo Tall Can
3 years ago

If race is a construct of the white male capitalist pig patriarchy then how can there be racism?

3 years ago

Maybe based on this the next GOP Presidential Nominee in 2024 will have to be Bobby Jindal or Nikki Haley

Reply to  Johnny
3 years ago

I think there some GOP types that would have liked to pick Nikki had Trump not happened. Post Trump, I don’t think she’s an attractive candidate anymore. Core Americans are becoming more sensitive to identity. She (and people like her) are going to have a harder time bluffing it through the primaries.

GK Chestnut
GK Chestnut
3 years ago

Learn a trade, build community, garden (snuffle!)

Higgs Boson
Higgs Boson
3 years ago

Speaking of Kamala Harris, Z, what are your thoughts on the topic of telegony.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

The Camp of the Saints may be coming true but le author guessed the wrong continent and the wrong social class (caste).

Last edited 3 years ago by Ben the Layabout
Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Plus now we have that disgusting third-world trash camping out at this blog apparently.

Higgs Boson
Higgs Boson
Reply to  Valley Lurker
3 years ago

Lurking until triggered.

Higgs Boson
Higgs Boson
3 years ago

How were we navigated into the scapegoat zone on the race spectrum chart of the oligarch’s globalist slave market ticker symbol. Are the flying monkeys in our government orbiting globalist billionaires on the take? Why aren’t they being held accountable.

Reply to  Higgs Boson
3 years ago

We obey laws, we are peaceful, we are sheep. We deserve this as long as we are weak.

Higgs Boson
Higgs Boson
Reply to  ABCer
3 years ago

True. But is strength on par with violence? The pot is simmering.

Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

I want the white ethnostate. Nothing else will do.

However, of all the PoC with which we are being inundated, Indians are probably the least disagreeable. They’re far more personable than East Asians, far more lawful than Africans and Latinos, and more congenial to whites than all of the above. They also assimilate to Western norms more readily than the other groups.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

“Assimilation to western norms” = mud babies and complete demographic takeover.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

I, too, want a White ethnostate, but Strongly Disagree about subcons.. They operate and milk cash businesses just like East Asians. They are involved in high finance with just as many swindles as Jevvs. They have no concept of community or the commonweal. They are not congenial to Whites but are either at their feet or at their throats. They are the least likely to give their children White names, the least likely to be Christian or embrace Christian behavioral and moral norms. Their ‘assimilation’ is that of Jevvs – wearing jeans and eating pizza does not an American make.

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

Edit: should have responded to Ostei.


In my experience Indians are pretty resistant to assimilation. They are also smart, have language skills that let them step out of STEM and alot of them are hard left. For instance, AOC is basically a sock puppet for a Indian kid from Harvard (her former chief of staff who ghost wrote the green new deal — see link below). Indian politicians are BTFOing normie white politicians in the WA state Democrat party. Subcontinal guys are formidable and deserve attention from us. For sure they will be a problem moving forward.

Last edited 3 years ago by acetone
Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  acetone
3 years ago

In my post above I mentioned a young Indian man who was running for US Senate in TN. In multiple campaign pieces and appearances he spoke of his Christian faith, which is commonly — and seemingly unselfconsciously done in Tennessee — something as a Yankee transplant I’m not really used to. How about Kamala? Is she going to put her hand on a bible when sworn in? What did she do when installed as CA AG? Interesting. Of course she’s married to a Jewish lawyer so I’m sure they’ll figure out something appropriate to handle the situation. Maybe keeping her… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

I’ve had way bigger blow
ups with pajeets than East Asians. Just my experience. Both have wrote cultures that lack imagination. The pajeet CEO of Microsoft, Nadella, can wear the same jeans as Steve Jobs, can emulate his mannerisms in public speaking, can wear the same t shirt, but he came into a company that was already built. Pajeets are only good in environments that are already built, which they spend years driving into the ground (see the Indian rail system).

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

Of all the imports, I’ll take the Latinos. They actually have a strong sense of family and local community, and often show respect when basic human respect is given (almost no other imported cultures ever do much of that). Most of them simply want to set up housekeeping and a shop. Still, they push the rest of us out in doing so…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

They are so assimilating in say San Fran. Why now we have street shitters too!

3 years ago

Europe now imports the talented tenth from Africa

You must be joking, Z.

3 years ago

Every article the Z man writes is at least pretty good, has great points and presents relevant facts to back the arguments up, but the tone and long term outlooks are strikingly incongruent. The big bad thing that is about to destroy America changes so constantly and is so monolithic that it sounds like leftist rhetoric. One day it’s the Chi-coms controlling politicians, the next it’s the Brahmins, one day Bill Gates and Fauci are omnipotent overlords, the next it’s Obama, or Big Tech….. or is it all of them? What about Comey, Brennan and the Deep State, I thought… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Guy
3 years ago

If I have understood Z in the past, he is bearish on China. I certainly am, anyhow. It still doesn’t mean the PRC is a huge problem, primarily because it has a huge Fifth Column among the political and corporate sectors. But long term, it will fade faster than Japan in the Eighties.

Single events and problems do not destroy a nation, necessarily, but all of them chip away at its fabric.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

I thought that was obvious 20 years ago.

Reply to  Guy
3 years ago

Not every article has to point towards some complete explanation of politics and the world, 

No, but it needs sound that way! Dont spoil our fun!

Sher Singh
Sher Singh
3 years ago

Eh, you got Sikhs.

Reply to  Sher Singh
3 years ago

My experience is that Sikhs are cut from a different cloth. They seem to be more respectable, not that I’d prefer to live around x-million of them

Reply to  Retronomicon
3 years ago


Sher Singh
Sher Singh
Reply to  Retronomicon
3 years ago

More or less, recognizing a good ideology doesn’t mean importing mass immigration.
Sikhi is generally against inter-caste anyway,

Worship is due first to the Guru and second to the sword. The right to rule is won and sustained by the sword,

How is that as a religious/socio-political idea not better for any oppressed group of people (non-elite white males) than ghey republicanism.

There’s a big difference between loving your own group and looking down upon others, used to be 80-20 is a good ratio; now we’ve shifted to 20-80 and chaos. :shrug:
sustained by the sword.

Reply to  Retronomicon
3 years ago

That fiction of Sikh respectability comes from those who fought for the British crown. Read about the Sikhs who’ve ‘retired’ to England, destroying a number of White villages in the process. And Sikhs in Canada are heavily involved in crime, and many have become truckers bringing their criminal enterprises far and wide.

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

Sikhs are wannabe Arabs.

Ghetto trash. Maybe the old guys are wise men who sit around the Gurdwara all day but in general Sikhs are much more assimilated into gang and thug culture like Noggers.

Anyways, I’m tired of Idolizing x group because “at least x group is better than y”. None of them are *my* group and therefore are a threat.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Anyways, I’m tired of idolizing x group because “at least x grop is better than y.” None of them are *my* group and therefore are a threat.”
Very well said. Strongly agree.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Ha ha! Oh man, so damm true- even Bollywood has gone totally ghetto.