Generational War

Note: The first Taki post of the year is up. I start the year off with some soothing words about race. I also have a post up behind the green door on the move The Searchers, which is ranked #96 on the top-100.

Generational politics has been a part of American culture since the middle of the last century when the Baby Boomers started making noises. Youth culture started in the 20’s during the Jazz Age, but really came into its own in the 50’s and 60’s. Today it is just assumed that each generation has its own unique identity. Zoomers, Boomers and Millennials are separate tribes with nothing in common. On this side of the great divide, “boomer” is commonly thrown around as an epithet.

One of the great ironies of our political culture is that whites are never allowed to play identity politics, unless it is generational identity politics. That because generational war is pretty much a white thing. Zoomers can rant and rave about the Boomers, because it is assumed that both groups are white. You never hear the gatekeepers lecture us about the danger of generational identity politics like they do with other aspects of identity like race, sex or even region of the country.

Putting all of that aside, there is a generational aspect to our politics that will be front and center in the near future. The Baby Boomers get grief for the cultural revolution, but in reality, they were just consumers of that revolution. Despite all the radical rhetoric, the Boomers emerged into adulthood with a high degree of institutional trust. The Left has a deep faith in government and the process of government. The Right has a deep faith in capitalism and the process of the marketplace.

This institutional trust is apparent across the political spectrum. The mainstream Left demands absolute fidelity to the institutions they control. For example, skepticism of the mass media is treated as a dangerous conspiracy theory. The mainstream Right was in a constant state of panic over Trump challenging the system. Even dissident Boomers maintain faith in the system. They are sure that getting the right people in the right offices will result in polices rooted in demographic reality.

This is to be expected. The Baby Boom generation came into a world that not only worked, but worked amazingly well. They were raised up in a high trust society with a booming economy. In their youth they got to enjoy a flourishing popular culture and in their adulthood, they were gifted a robust economy. Through their middle years, they got good schools for their kids and great health care for their parents. The system has been great for that generation, so their loyalty is sensible.

This deep trust in the system will only become more intense as the Baby Boom generation gets older. The first wave of Boomers is either on the cusp of retirement or already retired. Right behind them is the second wave that perks up every time an ad for retirement services comes on the television. What old people do not want is for things to change. Despite the obvious problems in politics, the culture and economy, the Baby Boom generation trusts the system. They have no choice.

Despite their vast influence, the Baby Boom generation will soon begin to give way to the next generation, which is the Millennials. Generation X is too small, and they have been shut out by the massive generation ahead of them. The Millennials are now ready to start taking up their place in American society. The first wave of that generation is approaching forty now. Over the next decade, as the Boomers head into retirement, their children will take over for them as the dominant generation.

Unlike their parents or possibly grandparents in some cases, the Millennials have a different lived experience, as the beautiful people would put it. They came into easy times like their parents, but they never had to fear war, recession, or the ideological threat of Soviet communism. They never had to think much about the system or trust in it in anyway, because the system was never under any threat. For them, the current order was just a part of nature, something taken for granted.

One result of this is an unrealistic sense of entitlement. You see this most acutely on the Left, where the new generation of radicals sound like spoiled children. Their demands are those of a toddler faced with a toy that is not working. They look around and demand to know why diversity is not blooming wherever they look or why there are things within eyeshot that hurt their feelings. Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez is a petulant child, but also the face of the new American Left.

Another feature of this generation is an absolute faith in themselves. The doting of their parents and the hours of esteem building lessons paid off. Millennials are a wildly confident generation. This makes perfect sense. Things just worked out well for this group, especially those who entered the managerial class. As long as they ticked the right boxes, the treat came out at the bottom. A generation raised on participation medals reached adulthood highly confident in their ability.

They also have a deep faith in their sense of right and wrong. They start from the assumption that their desires are the moral high ground. Whatever they want is not the right thing in the empirical sense, but the right thing morally. This means they receive criticism and failure as a personal affront. Add in their sense of entitlement and this is not a generation built for struggle. They expect and demand things work the way they want them to work and that’s the end of it.

For Millennials, politics will be intensely personal. They define themselves by their lifestyle choices and the opinions they promote. Personal accomplishment plays a minor role, because everything that matters has always been here for them. Gesture politics is all about moral signaling for a generation that conflated everything into some aspect of their personal identity. This is why mainstream political discourse increasingly sounds like a fight between a divorced couple.

For an aging empire showing signs of decay, this sets up an interesting dynamic over the next decades. As the system begins to break in serious ways, the older generation will want to protect it at all costs. On the other hand, the people tasked with fixing the system will be their overconfident, sanctimonious kids. Compounding it will be the fact that the Millennials have come this far assuming the system is just a part of the natural world, like the weather. It does not require maintenance.

The generational war that is shaping up is not between the Zoomers and the Boomers, but between the Boomers and their kids. One side maintains a deep trust in the system, while the other has a deep trust in themselves. One side will demand the system be repaired and defended, while the other will take this as a personal affront. Meanwhile, the people capable of maintaining the system will be too old to do it, while the people tasked with it will be too self-absorbed to be bothered. Good times.

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3 years ago

The young ones don’t understand that the boomers came in waves. My parents where at the leading edge of the boomers, and I was born at the very tail end. My grandparents voted for politicians that argued about how best to build a nation, how to care for the kids, and invest in opportunities for them. My own parents voted for politicians that want to offshore my job, import tons of human trash from the third world, and pull our wives out of the home and put them in the workplace. Anyone that disagrees is a racist, homophobe, sexist, etc.… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by John Smith
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

I think the funny thing about generational discussions is that it’s always about Whites, or at least that’s the implication. No one (or at least me) thinks of joggers, beaners, asians or any other mystery meat when thinking about generational issues. Geez, you’d almost think this former country is 90% White again…

Reply to  usNthem
3 years ago

To be fair most noggers don’t have real families unless you consider the welfare queens and baby momma things as ‘families’.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

Dysgenic dynasties. And boy are they nasty!

Last edited 3 years ago by Kevin Balch
Herbert Marcuse
Herbert Marcuse
Reply to  skeptic16
3 years ago

Dysgenic dynasties. And boy are they nasty! Already fifteen years ago, circa 2005, Charles Murray, in his infamous Footnote Number Forty-Four, was already seeing a cataclysmic drop in Kneegrow IQ, of 3.5 points, between late 20th Century Kneegrow mothers & their children: The mean of the subset of mothers whose children were tested was 83.7. The mean of their children was 80.2. For many years now, I have been nursing a hunch that the Pareto curves in Da Projectz fall off like a cliff – instead of the 80/20 curves you get in White statistics, my guess is that… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Herbert Marcuse
Reply to  Herbert Marcuse
3 years ago

There was some hatestatistic floating around the manosphere a while back, that based on STD transmission and treatment, approximately 80% of black females mated with around 10% of black males. The AiA population is an extremely hypergamous harem culture, with all that entails.

Felix Krull
Reply to  usNthem
3 years ago

That’s because nobody cares about what BIPOX think or do. The only people I’ve heard discuss generational differences in the black culture are Jesse Lee Peterson and Jared Taylor, both noting the fact that this generation of blacks are way more dysfunctional than their Jim Crow grandparents.

Reply to  Felix Krull
3 years ago

Imagine what your child would be like if they were born with an IQ of 85 but were told from birth that they are exceptionally talented, any failures are never their fault, rules don’t apply to them and that everyone works 24/7 on ways to keep them down.
A joy to live with to be sure.

Felix Krull
Reply to  skeptic16
3 years ago

Yes. And that is pretty much the theme of Zman’s Taki column today:

That is the key to understanding the resentments of the talented tenth. At some level, Roger Reeves knows he is nothing more than a decoration for the managerial-class whites who have manufactured him. Instead of wearing a red waistcoat and holding a lantern, he publishes authentic African gibberish for the benefit of whitey. He would probably be happier holding the lantern. At least it would be honest.

Last edited 3 years ago by Felix_Krull
Reply to  Felix Krull
3 years ago

One of zs best. Made me start thinking about poetry again!

Reply to  Felix Krull
3 years ago

I loved Zman’s quoting of the poetry. So cringeworthy.

Reply to  Felix Krull
3 years ago

What my old grandmother once said: “They don’t like what they see in the mirror.”

Lloyd Bonafide
Lloyd Bonafide
Reply to  Felix Krull
3 years ago

The Negro poet was channeling his inner Jim when he: “Once, I let a ghost ride me over a row of pews” Mark Twain The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Afterwards Jim said the witches be witched him and put him in a trance, and rode him all over the State, and then set him under the trees again, and hung his hat on a limb to show who done it. And next time Jim told it he said they rode him down to New Orleans; and, after that, every time he told it he spread it more and more, till by… Read more »

Herbert Marcuse
Herbert Marcuse
Reply to  skeptic16
3 years ago

an IQ of 85

As noted above, towards the end of the 20th Century, Charles Murray was already seeing a new generation of Kneegrows with an average IQ of only 80.2; in Da Projectz now, several generations later, it would not be at all surprising if the average IQ of newborns was 75 or lower [and maybe even much lower].

This idea that Kneegrowz in the USA still have an average IQ anywhere close to 85 is sheer nonsense.

Reply to  Herbert Marcuse
3 years ago

They are regressing to their native state, the average IQ in subSaharan Africa being 70–and that’s probably dropping too…

Reply to  Felix Krull
3 years ago

That’s because back in those days, blacks were actually held to account for their actions, and Whites weren’t afraid to deal with them as need be, unlike today.

Herbert Marcuse
Herbert Marcuse
Reply to  Felix Krull
3 years ago

this generation of blacks are way more dysfunctional than their Jim Crow grandparents Kneegrow generations in Da Projectz last for no more than 15 or 20 years. Final Jim Crow generation: Born circa 1945 Children: Born circa 1960 Grandchildren: Born circa 1975 Great-Grandchildren: Born circa 1990 Great-Great-Grandchildren: Born Circa 2005 Great-Great-Great-Grandchildren: Born Circa 2020 By contrast, White generations [at thirty years apiece] would look more like: Boomers: Born circa 1945 Millennials: Born circa 1975 Gen Zyklon: Born circa 2005 So if you talk about the “current generation” of Kneegrowz having “Jim Crow” grandparents, you’re [subconsciously?] projecting White K-Selected sociological stability… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  usNthem
3 years ago

That’s because most blacks never had a future anyway, so generational politics was meaningless.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

You are entirely correct to do so. My parents, born in the early 40’s walked out of high school in to career level jobs. Dad quit in grade 10. Mom got her high school diploma and learned to type. From that they built a family, they had the big hobby farm, the new vehicles, the big RV, the vacation property in Arizona… and I got endless lectures about how they deserved it and how they worked really hard for what they had. Mom was a snivel servant clerk, and Pop flew a desk at the executive municipal level. They told… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

I guess I’m not alone in thinking the boomers are arrogant.

David Wright
Reply to  Hi-yah!
3 years ago

His parents aren’t boomers.

Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

Yes and no, David. If you go by dates, they are ‘pre-boomers’ by a couple years. But they certainly cashed in on the boomer demographic wave, and their attitudes, values, an culture is Boomer all the way.
By contrast, I made the boomer demographic by 6 months, and my values and attitudes bear far more similarity to the Gen X crowd.

Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

In some ways, the Silents were even more fortunate than the Boomers, and in my experience can’t understand why everyone doesn’t have a good job that pays well…

Reply to  Hi-yah!
3 years ago

You’re certainly are not. I used to listen to Limbaugh whose listeners were almost all Boomers and they all parroted the same BS that Glen’s parents did.
Those boomers embraced all the crap policies that ruined America for their kids and they couldn’t see it.
To them globalization, off-shoring, down sizing, importing foreign coolies was a good thing. And if you complained you were a crybaby.

Reply to  Rwc1963
3 years ago

Yeah at some point during the boomer’s lives “low taxes” became “anything for GDP!” EVen if it meant baking our tax-payer funded military favors into trade deals that send millions of jobs overseas. The republicans completely folded on anything social and changed the party into the party of globalization. I support free markets locally, but internationally, there is no free market. It’s a bunch of governments subsidizing and bailing out there failing industries to win contracts and access to new consumers, hoping they can raise prices in 20 years.

Reply to  Rwc1963
3 years ago

I rmember rush saying something about trends in relocation, and that massive relocation meant prosperity. That was the first time I started thinking that his priorities in life could not about been straight.

my cousins and aunt and uncle on my dads side lived on another coast, like my brother does now. I have no relationship with them. Thats not great for a culture…

Reply to  Hi-yah!
3 years ago

Its outright toxic. One of these money above else groups American Enterprise Institute I think was pimping paying people to move to chase jobs in big cities since people decided that having a network of people to help them and a home was more important than money. Made me palpably sick and its one of the things that will be vexing for any DR run nation. Functionally Make it Here, Sell it Here, Buy it Here will have to be crammed down throats till people can live in place for their whole life for generations if they chose to do… Read more »

Some Guy
Some Guy
Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

I’m a huwhite male in a senior management role at a multibillion globohomo corporation. You get to see entry level jobs loaded with resumes with white guys with impeccable qualifications. Instead they’re treated as trash while HR fawns over a pee oh cee with a 2.5 GPA and changed majors four times. It is bleak out there for white people. Even white women are about the same status as white guys. The anti-white sentiments in Corporate America is blatant and obvious.

Some Guy
Some Guy
Reply to  Some Guy
3 years ago

One other thing to add: One thing I see is that nepotism is blatant. Anti-white hiring practices limit what white college grads can start off with. So the parents of managers, directors, and vice presidents will urge HR to move their kid to the top of the resume stack. So you get a lot of sons, daughters, nieces and nephews getting the entry level jobs. Nepotism isn’t anything new of course but I’ll ask their parent about the job market and it’s the same story: their white kid did all the right things but didn’t check enough diversity boxes. Usually… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Some Guy
3 years ago

I’m an engineer that works in a similar corp.

Your comments about resumes, pee-oh-cees, and nepotism are spot on.

Some Guy
Some Guy
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

For a while I wondered what would happen when diversity causes firms to fail but we got to see the answer to that this year with the Boeing bailout and PPP: tax breaks, bailouts, and free money. These businesses can just paper over their diversity-induced inefficiencies. So these businesses will never have to face accountability when they can barely function due to diversity rot. The upside could be that white people are going to be forced to be more entrepreneurial but financing options are going to be limited when banks discourage white-owned small businesses so therefore they can’t get a… Read more »

Reply to  Some Guy
3 years ago

Yet the stock market will continue to rise, even as small-business North America falters. Globohomo’s markets are the government-subsidized rest of the world now.

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Some Guy
3 years ago

I see a silver lining: the Han took over west coast real estate because it is all community financed. No bank loans, it is all cousins and kin lending money, and it works great for the group. We could do worse than to learn from them there.

Reply to  Some Guy
3 years ago

Here’s the Great Reset in action:

Boomers are the last generation to remember what the country was like when it actually worked for its people, so it’s hard to blame them for not really understanding that things like rule of law and free speech no longer exist. When they pass away, and all memories of the old US go with them, America will see a massive “stairstep down” in its ongoing decline.

Reply to  Terry
3 years ago

I’m no boomer and 53 and I remember what it was like Growing up in Florida probably helped. We used to be the only ones on the beaches, my brother and our friends and occasional tourists with hot daughters. We had the place to ourselves. One thing I try to impress upon young people is how uncrowded America was back then and how that played into the sense of freedom and infinite adventure. Perhaps the biggest thing I feel bad for them is they will never know an uncrowded America and how awesome it was. All the other stuff that… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

When I graduated high school in 1983, the U.S. population was 230 million.

Today it’s 330 million, and the increase of 100 MILLION PEOPLE — grok that for a second — has been almost entirely nonwhite.

Stranger in a strange land
Reply to  Xman
3 years ago

Grok it indeed.

Reply to  Xman
3 years ago

When I was a kid Florida had 6 million people and now it’s like 22 million, almost quadrupled And we had a beach house in perdido key which is on the Alabama border and there were maybe 10 houses on it. Today it looks like those pictures you see of Miami Beach — hi rise after hi rise. But even Clearwater Beach near where I lived in Tampa was a fifth as crowded as today I try not to look back and be forlorn but if anyone can imagine what it was like to have among the world’s most beautiful… Read more »

Some Guy
Some Guy
Reply to  Terry
3 years ago

These firms are pushed to diversify faster and faster. Now that so much wealth is in the hands of places like Black Rock and Vanguard, they along with banks are urging to adopt diversity equity and inclusion plans. Not laying off white guys may mean the difference between getting a loan to cover payroll or not. As mentioned before, white women are increasingly on the chopping block as well. A common route for middle class white girls is the health care industry but as we see from the complaints about Tiktok nurses being too white, white women are on their… Read more »

Reply to  Some Guy
3 years ago

It’s basically all-white upper management gazing like benevolent overseers over the masses of stupid non-white employees and then patting themselves on the back for being morally virtuous.

Corporations do not function all that well anymore, however when every corp. is declining at the same rate, people don’t notice as much.

Anyways, one day the diversity is coming for upper management too. Being eaten last still involved being eaten.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Some Guy
3 years ago

And the very same disabilities that are imposed upon whites entering the corporate workforce are also imposed upon whites entering college. Whites are being winnowed out of the system in an effort to turn us into a permanent underclass. The Power Structure still has a long way to go to accomplish this, in no small measure because the gifted white race still finds ways to outstrip the brainless Hutus despite the discrimination against them. Nevertheless, unless the Power Structure is demolished, or better still, we create the ethnostate, whites will be an underclass within 25 years.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

The key is to make Woke, Inc., suffer. The Covid lockdowns are about to strike a blow, and we need to pile on. If that means a temporary alliance with the Left to tax the hell out of them, do it.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago


Reply to  Some Guy
3 years ago

That’s why I am pushing my kids into STEM careers. It’s harder to pretend POCs are good at it.

Last edited 3 years ago by DLS
Reply to  DLS
3 years ago

That’s not what I am seeing up here in Canada – and granted, we are more progressive than you awful horrible capitalist pig dog Yanks…
But our STEM fields are loaded with east indians and chinese. They can’t stand noggers either and they usually get pushed into the high profile PR type jobs, where they can be brought out when extra virtue signalling is required…

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

Actually in Canada it’s becoming known that many indian grads are incompetent scammers/liars, and chinese grads are CCP agents. If you talk to a tech recruiter they will tell you that they simply don’t get many white/canadian born resumes – white kids aren’t going into STEM. The psych classes are pretty white, though.

However once an Indian takes over the department, that department will be filled with indians no matter what.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  DLS
3 years ago

STEM is a good profession, but your earning potential tops out fairly quickly unless you jump to management or finance.

Corps have plenty of ways to inject PoCs into STEM, typically via lower-skill Systems (cabling pre-made boxes together) and Project (chasing people for status updates) engineering type jobs.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

I have them convinced to save everything they can for their first 5-10 years so they can be financially independent at 40-50, and do whatever they want. They don’t need to make top salaries for that.

Last edited 3 years ago by DLS
Reply to  DLS
3 years ago

If that is your plan, they will get beaten with the reality stick. It does not work anymore, and hasn’t since the mid-2000’s.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

The way it was put to me early in my engineering career was “Engineering: Great profession, lousy career”.

Reply to  DLS
3 years ago

Yeah. Don’t know about that. They will be competing with the entire Subcontinent and half of China.

Reply to  BTP
3 years ago

Sure, but better than competing with lower end diversity for bureaucratic jobs with fuzzier accomplishment meters.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  DLS
3 years ago

STEM is fine, but I’d push them to be entrepreneurial or at least what I’d call “problem solvers.” The vast, vast majority of employees – even very smart and/or highly educated ones – simply won’t step out, look at problems and figure out a way to solve them. They want to be directed and responsible only for what they’ve been told to do. Every business is desperate for problem-solvers, people you can say, “Hey, Mike, we got a mess over here, can you figure what’s the problem and what people you need to fix it?” Obviously, blacks and Hispanics are… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Going to an employer and telling him him you have “problem solving skills” is not going to get you a job,. That is what having a STEM degree signals.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  greyenlightenment
3 years ago

Agreed, but we all find our way into the door at some point. It’s what you do after that matters. But, yes, the credentials help to start.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

That is exactly what I tell them: You get paid to solve problems or create something. The more difficult the problem or creation, the more you get paid.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  DLS
3 years ago

Young people should go into their boss’ office and just say, “Hey, Bob, I just wondering if there was some part of your job that you’d prefer not doing. I could pick it up and free up some time for you for things that are more valuable for you to do.”

Reply to  DLS
3 years ago

That is no longer true, outside of tiny mom & pop outfits. The current situation is they can batter themselves half to death working too hard, and they will see no promotion, gain, or even recognition; the favorer protected group will get it, regardless of merit or reality. Sorry, they are Untouchables. There ain’t no “pull yourself up by the bootstraps” for your melanin-challenged progeny in the modern job market.

Reply to  Educated.redneck
3 years ago

What is your alternative?

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  Educated.redneck
3 years ago

If you work for government or corporations, you’re a whore for an unforgiving pimp no matter how comfortable your life is….you’ll die wondering why you did it, why you sold your soul.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

I was often the one given such jobs. And I LOVED it! About the only thing I miss in retirement was the 10% of the time I had such assignments.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Nice idea in theory; but game your scenario out: “Sure boss, easy fix. Fire the diversity. Problem solved.” Not gonna work. When woke management worships the POC and refuses to see reality, “solutions” are not possible and copes must suffice. Or, perhaps you’re really a Cat Fancier and really thinking about an Endlosung. Mike from the Austrian division didn’t do so well with that plan either.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Maus
3 years ago

That’s why some of us go out on our own. Businesses need competent people to function, even if they have to hire them outside of the firm.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

And dont forget, everyone dies. I’ve noticed that too about Indians, being all talk.

Reply to  DLS
3 years ago

Harder, but not impossible for AA to intrude, where merit should be the rule.

Reply to  CompscI
3 years ago

You’re arguing about how Paulus can hold the eastern front as the Red Army marches into Berlin. Go take a look at any major STEM employer: Boeing, Intel, etc. are all deeply absorbed into the Borg. It is too late, we can no more “retreat to STEM” than we can white flight our way to success. It hasn’t intruded, it has conquered.

Spin geraht
Spin geraht
Reply to  DLS
3 years ago

Sometimes its irritating to read whining about no opportunity. Boomers weren’t in control in 1965 when the ball got rolling with the poc shit, that was the “greatest generation” They were steeped in leftist ideology due to the depression and FDR. And Trumans desegregation of the military Blax were still blax but not nearly as dysfunctional. Most of them worked & didn’t live on handouts, the resentment industry hadn’t mainstreamed. The early boomers did have a huge advantage in that the country wasn’t flooded with illegals and entire industries hadn’t been offshored yet. Think its true there were more opportunities… Read more »

Reply to  DLS
3 years ago

Globalist says “hold my beer, challenge accepted.”
You have no idea. Engineering is not exempt from this; computer programming is not exempt. “Harder o fake” – like a federal election is hard to fake? It is everywhere. “Muh STEM is based in reality” is not only a cope, it is now a falsehood: see, Boeing. Stop thinking the financial self-interest of the enemy will prevail. It will not. They would rather conquer us and rule the ashes, every single time.

Reply to  Educated.redneck
3 years ago

Ok, I will tell them you said to give up all hope and not try to compete.

Reply to  Some Guy
3 years ago

That’s why, since the summer of 2020, virtually every commercial has an intact black family or an interracial couple.

Propaganda only works if its subtle.

Reply to  manc
3 years ago

Yep, I spend my time counting the commercials wrt race. It’s sickening. Even when a White is featured—outside of miscegenation—it is almost never in a significant role. For example, a delivery boy to a large, Black occupied home.

At least 50% of the commercials are Black based/oriented, perhaps 25% White, the rest a mixture of Asian and Hispanic and White. I’m kind of amazed there’s not more of a push for Hispanic based commercials. As a population, they are the largest minority. On the other hand, the race grouping termed “Hispanic” is pretty bogus.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  CompscI
3 years ago

AINO is black supremacist, not Hispanic supremacist. How and why Hutus got to the top of the status hierarchy is an interesting question.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

Why, because of slavery and stuff of course!

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  usNthem
3 years ago

Probably as good an explanation as any. However, the Injuns got the dirty end of the stick, too, and are hardly in the same category as the Hutus when it comes to cultural and political prominence.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

They sure did, but dirty, rotten bastards though many of the tribes were, they did at least put up their dukes, got their asses ultimately kicked, got Rez land and pretty much left to their own devices. I think injuns have been out of sight, out of mind for so long, no one really much cares about them, other than to hit the local casino on occasion. Joggers on the other hand have been a visible blot/blight on the land and society in general for some time and have now become the pet dujour for many – much to our… Read more »

Reply to  CompscI
3 years ago

Cut the cord, you are aiding and abetting the enemy.

Reply to  CompscI
3 years ago

there is nothing pretty about that bogosity

Reply to  Some Guy
3 years ago

Why I regret taking up the cudgels for them all these years. The ultimate insult was to get government bailouts for covid during the riots and turning around and donating to BLM.

Reply to  Some Guy
3 years ago

I see this too. I’m an italian american polyglot, so I’m checking the ‘latino’ box next time I switch careers, just to see if I can pass.

Some Guy
Some Guy
Reply to  david
3 years ago

Whites need to start swallowing their pride and check off as much diversity boxes as possible. Any potential Iberian ancestry? Check off the Hispanic box. Identify yourself as queer on your resume. Sure you might have a wife and three children but HR will be too petrified to ask you to demonstrate your “queerness.”

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Some Guy
3 years ago

All whites in the southern tier of AINO are part Cherokee. Just ask us.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

so is my Senior Senator despite her latest claims to the contrary; I know, I know she was just too modest.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Some Guy
3 years ago

With all due respect, I don’t need your frontline report to know this. All I need do is watch corporate commercials these past 20 years or so. The AWR fairly drips from one’s flat screen. Then there’s that massive support for the anti-white terrorist organization known as BLM…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

Incidentally, I didn’t mean to sound snarky. Was just wanting to point out how obvious corporate’s anti-white animus has been all these years for anybody who was willing to see it.

Some Guy
Some Guy
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

That’s fine. There are a lot of people who still believe that it won’t happen to them until it does. Reminds me of the quote that it’s a recession when your neighbor loses his job but it’s a depression when you lose your job. I know people who have grumbled about the diversity racket but now get to deal with it first hand when their hard working son and daughter who did all the “right things” are effectively locked out of careers. Many instances are the children of the cloud people to use Z’s vernacular. The real question is if… Read more »

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

Blow Up You TV was advice from 1971. Its still good today.
No TV, No Movies , No Media and the enemy has much less reach.
This year Hollywood revenue declined 80% do to COVID 19 and economics and while they can always count on Uncle Sugar to bail them out even he if has to mint 1/3 of the money ever minted in a single year to do so, which he did.
This doesn’t matter. Its like giving a man with cancer amphetamines and vitamins. He is still dying.

Reply to  Some Guy
3 years ago

I sent about 380 resumes out to get my second job; my first professional job paid about minimum wage; i have a double major undergrad from a top 10, plus prof degree and license. I did not get into my 1st or 2nd choice postgrad because of AA (95+% admissions rate if poc, <2% if white). I paid 3x what the boomers did for my home to escape the blue city madness. It is rubbed in my face on a daily basis, not something “those uneducated slackers” have to deal with. The millenials take it personally because it is personal.… Read more »

Reply to  Some Guy
3 years ago

If you think it’s bad in corporate America, you should see what it’s like in the academy. I spent 20 years as a professor with a terminal degree in my field, and for only two of those years was I employed full-time with benefits. My entire “career” (if you can call it that) I saw the dumbest and most incompetent Negroes and women promoted into good-paying, tenure-track jobs over white men, exclusively due to their racial and gender identity and their leftist politics. I got thrown off a search committee once when I objected to hiring a Negro with only… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Xman
3 years ago

Academia is the belly of the belly of the beast. Every terrible idea that plagues AINO can be traced to academia, albeit in many instances, French academe.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

Well then. A laxative is in order. And perhaps an enema.

Reply to  skeptic16
3 years ago

Maybe a neck trim? Truth is being insanely rich and isolated has allowed the US the luxury of dodging history for over a hundred years.
The time is up and future USA will have to settle its differences by force. One people, one ideology maximum of 10% deviation per land, period, Long term, mandatory nationalism and if you don’t like it? Leave or else.
That’s history and its coming like a rocket sled on rails right at us.

Spin geraht
Spin geraht
Reply to  skeptic16
3 years ago

I dream of refrigerated trucks, full, going from every institution of “higher learning” to the Nevada test site.
Where long deep trenches are waiting.
Lol. In mine craft of course

Reply to  Some Guy
3 years ago

That’s what I’m thinking about lately
White women think if they remove white men, they will be the top
Jewish and Black coalition never thought about giving any right to the their future sex slave
But Grima cunningly hides motive and whispering white women to betray their kinds

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

That is kinda my story as well, except my parents weren’t mean about it. I knew nothing about the job market, I just assumed I was a loser for many years…

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

My parents were silents and shared your parents’ attitudes, but with a twist – they moved to DC when my father got a job with the government back in 1953. Everyone else they knew also worked for the government. When my husband and I (late boomers) chose to leave the Foreign Service and encountered economic difficulties thereafter, my mother was absolutely baffled. No concept of private business practices, no idea of what non-government gold-plated health insurance cost, etc. I have never even attempted to discuss the economic difficulties my sons have encountered; I might as well be speaking Greek.

Last edited 3 years ago by 3g4me
Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

most non-white parents make sure their kid’s well being, regardless of kids character
I really don’t know why, especially old white people don’t care about their offspring
Its like white tribe wanted to eradicate themselves

white baby boomers will take necessary resources with them to the graveyard
resources that their children need it to fight against anti-white politics
that’s not so good riddance

Reply to  Yman
3 years ago

Americans, especially Northern and Western Europeans were taught to encourage rugged individualism and the nuclear family for the sole goal of increasing consumption and increasing the power of the people in charge. The nuclear family is the weakest possible stable configuration of the family and is ideal for Big Business, Big Church and Big Government in ways that a large extended family , a clan or a tribe (in this case a network of families) is not. Throw in millions of economic migrants and you have the recipe for chaos and a fracturing. Now around here in So Cal some… Read more »

Spin geraht
Spin geraht
Reply to  Yman
3 years ago

Horse shit.

Reply to  Spin geraht
3 years ago

Well that’s a thorough and compelling argument /s.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Yeah, that is a great point. I always struggle with the millennial designator. There is a HUGE difference between the older Millenials vs younger because of the technological changes that occurred. The older went through all of school (and college) with no data on phones, limited text messages, no social media, and experienced the beginning of the digital age. The younger essentially experienced the digital age beginning in grade school. That difference is massive from the standpoint of how someone views the world.

Reply to  Brah
3 years ago

Brah- Excellent point, not merely between older/younger Millenials but also between generations. Both my husband and I are fairly bright and capable and not technophobes, but we totally missed the beginning of the digital age because we were restricted to typewriters in our government work, for security reasons. Returned to the US and Windows and mice and were totally lost. Our son, on the other hand, began learning computers in Kindergarten. Enormous difference,

Reply to  Brah
3 years ago

There is a sub-catagory called the Oregon Trail generation. I’m one of them. If you know what the Oregon Trail game is, you’re likely one too…

Reply to  Retronomicon
3 years ago

I don’t know about that as a generation, but my older kid (born ’92) loved that game, and played a lot of other computer games as well (started with Storybook Weaver at age 6). He also had a gameboy and played XBox with friends and now does tons on his phone, but he never lost his love for books and reading that we initiated when he was a mere infant.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

A good, solid line of demarcation is whether a Boomer was out of college or had made it in a business prior to the 1973 oil crisis. The United States has been in decline a long, long time and the Reagan era really just papered that over.

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

This is true.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

My belief is that the nation peaked in September 1962 when JFK gave his moon speech at Rice university. It was downhill ever since. No, not particularly a fan of JFK. He set a lot of bad things in motion that would have caught up with him had he lived.

Reply to  skeptic16
3 years ago

They did catch up to him that’s why he didn’t live.

Reply to  skeptic16
3 years ago

peter theil made a similar comment about the late 60s

Reply to  skeptic16
3 years ago

When they rolled the final credits on Johnny Carson- that was America’s curtain call, 1992. They just don’t make ’em like Johnny anymore.

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

In real life, he was a prick. Which is typical for entertainers.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  skeptic16
3 years ago

That’s certainly the right timeframe. America’s peak was sometime from 1957 to 1965. That was the sweet spot.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

For some unimportant reason I can’t recall, I re-watched “American Graffiti” the other day. It almost had me in tears. Southern California circa 1960 was the closest it can ever get to utopia… and those very people lit it on fire, then took a dump on the ashes, solely because they were bored (not least, the man who made “American Graffiti,” and every actor in it).

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Indeed. To look back upon the beautiful society that was tossed into the cesspit is to weep. And George Lucas must be near the top of any dissident list.

Reply to  skeptic16
3 years ago

Among the “lot of bad things in motion” that he set was allowing the formation government employee unions, I do not think the idiocy of that can be topped.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

I was born on the tail end of the boomer cohort and graduated college in 83 with honors back when that meant something only to have to do the same job I was doing before I went (secretary) because we were in the first of many recessions. Interest rates on mortgages topped out at 16%. Flying was still very expensive (but a vastly superior experience to today’s Greyhound in the Sky nightmare). Credit wasn’t handed out like candy then so things like a properly functioning new car were a pipe dream for most middle class people even into their 30s.… Read more »

Reply to  Peabody
3 years ago

Great point. Economy and great jobs are not everything. The severe downward spiral of morals is far worse. Divorce use to be taboo, mixed marriages were illegal. Now, you could be unemployable if you say that one should marry within their own race. Thats the tip off for me. How could something in one time be ok or evil, but a 100 years later be the opposite. Thats why I don’t buy the evil of racism. You can’t find racism in a Catechism before 1980. If the Catholic Church didnt condemn racism in the 16th century, how could it possibly… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Peabody
3 years ago

You were one of those who had the first entitlement cuts, then. From memory, it is 67.5 to draw Social Security for anyone born after ’58 or so? This crap has been ongoing a long time. The advent of the cultural rot, as you pointed out, really coincided with the ’65 INA. Only now are we calling out the enemies.

Reply to  Peabody
3 years ago

I graduated 2 years earlier and remember buying a car with a loan at 21% interest.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

Another demarcation is if you need your grandkid to explain how to use the thingie.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

I agree. Its interesting to note that the US hit below replacement fertility in 1972 and has stayed there since then. This is the year the oldest boomers hit age 22. Its also when the economic endgame started since the effects of easy divorce where only a year old and not ubiquitous and most women were still basically women. The US was also around 80% or more White than as well so it wasn’t yet immigration. This is not something that can be fixed though. Even in a hypothetical essentially White DR future republic is going to have to fight… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

This past summer I was talking to my boomer cousin out and about. I’m a late 40’s gen X and his takes on immigration and race are astounding. We live in a small city in the upper Midwest which was 30 years ago about 99% white. Well big ag has broke the local union in the 80’s and imported tens of thousands of Hispanics and changed the city so much that whites are less than 50% in the school district. Crime is rampant and we have broke and failing schools. My youth seems like a dream now. Well he’s retired… Read more »

Reply to  Durendal
3 years ago

Yep. That is my parents in a nutshell. My mother accused me of being a fascist and racist when I told her that she might change her voting habits if 95 Somalis moved into her lily white retirement neighbourhood. They loved vacationing in Arizona where they could hire beaners for casual work at a pittance. They seriously don’t give a hoot about the kids and never have. I think for most, they grew up in an age of rampant materialism and chasing that almighty buck was more important than family. My mother bragged about being one of the first of… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

Upon further reflection, we have to keep in mind that the Boomers faced incredible new advancements never seen before in the history of mankind: Plentiful food. Labour saving electronic appliances like vacuums, stoves, dishwashers, etc. The Pill allowed women to control reproduction. Housing and transportation were cheap and easy. They assumed that because they had it all free and easy… their kids would too.
We have the advantage of 20/20 hindsight.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

Hindsight is 20/20, and even if resentment is merited, I don’t believe it’s helpful.
Let’s focus on “mak[ing] strong old dreams, lest this our world lose heart”

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

We Boomers were the first generation in all of (northern) human history that didn’t have to store food for the winter. The dream of millenia. Whatever you wish, just take it off the shelf, all you can. Men of the Golden Age.

Of course we were going to screw it up. We were the first, how would we know?

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

Yes, upper middle class Whites love Hispanics because they allow those Whites to live like upper class Whites. What those Hispanics do to working class Whites is none of their concern.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

“Yes, upper middle class Whites love Hispanics because they allow those Whites to live like upper class Whites.”

That is the story of US big cities in a nutshell. See it in CA, WA, Nova etc. Its gets sooooo old seeing the neighbors with the BLM yard signs not lifting a finger to do their own yard work, house work, renovations, child care etc. They moralize to everyone about BLM issues while taking every advantage of illegal (or low cost legal immigrant) labor that hurts low income or middle class Americans.

Spin geraht
Spin geraht
Reply to  acetone
3 years ago

I live on a neighborhood like that. A few weeks ago a jogger with a BLM shirt showed up trying to sell the magazine for the shutins scam I told him he wasn’t going to get a damn thing from me first because I ain’t falling for his lame ass scam. And second because I hate communist ass blm. Totally shocked the shit out of him. Then I told him the rest of the neighborhood are pretty much all liberals full of white guilt and he would likely do real well with them so get to stepping. And that if… Read more »

Reply to  Spin geraht
3 years ago

Probably the first critical word that negro had ever heard.

Reply to  Spin geraht
3 years ago

Haha! That’s awesome. Last time that happened at our house we told the very glib young man he was wasting his time on the magazine scam. He looked confused but he and his sidekick went away quietly so mission accomplished.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  acetone
3 years ago

One mystery from last summer remains why these BLM4ever types lured young Prog Whites into gentrifying neighborhoods and then turning on them.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Diversity is for those who cannot afford to avoid it.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

Yep, what kind of White loser can’t be successful enough to pretend to love diversity.

That’s the attitude of upper class Whites.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

Great line.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

great point. My parents have this mentality, but they are still broke in their late 60s. Blew all their money on divorces and junk. Call me a nazi for talking about declining intelligence and supply and demand effect of 3rd world immigration.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Durendal
3 years ago

I’ve seen this scenario a thousand times over. “I’ve got MINE, f you.” That’s the boomers.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago


”Hooray for me! F💧💧k everyone else”

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
3 years ago

FYI it’s been that way for several thousand years.

Gunner Q
Reply to  Durendal
3 years ago

“My youth seems like a dream now.”

Quoted for truth by another Gen X-er.

Reply to  Gunner Q
3 years ago

“My youth seems like a dream now.” Quoted for truth by another Gen X-er. Same here. Gen X-er born and raised in what would unfortunately become Silicon Valley… Surrounded by orchards as far as the eye could see. Now its condos and McMansions and wall-to-wall a**h*les. My folks bought their house for $32k, in 1972. Now its “value” is roughly $1.5 million. And they wonder why my wife and I have been renting for the last 30 years… We missed the boat, never being able to accumulate a 20% down-payment since wages stagnated (between layoffs!) while prices skyrocketed thanks to… Read more »

Reply to  Durendal
3 years ago

That’s the classic upper middle-class white mentality in a nut shell and is why they vote lockstep for people like Hillary or Newsom. At their core they are selfish SOB’s who don’t care how destructive the policies they support as long as they make bank from it. This is how we got globalization and all it;’s attendant pathologies shoved down our throats. It’s how CA got turned into a giant shithole by Boomers who sold out the state so they could get a plaintium pension and salary packages. So when you see some grey haired fuck from CA moving to… Read more »

Reply to  Durendal
3 years ago

Full disclosure: I am a boomer.
The other day my sister berated me for my racism and wondered why I was so angry about when my life has gone so well.
She lives in a 97% white town a few miles from the rust-bucket shithole we grew up in that is importing impoverished refugees to stem decades of population declines.

Reply to  Durendal
3 years ago

Which means. The whole racism thing is and always has been a propaganda job.

Altitude Zero
Altitude Zero
3 years ago

Far be it from me to defend the Boomers, who I have been complaining about my whole life, but the common GenX stereotype that Boomers are the author of all our misfortune is an oversimplification. The factors most responsible for our current decline, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and Hart/Cellar, were put into place by the “Greatest” and “Silent” generations. No Boomer voted for these things. No Boomer voted for anyone who voted for these things. Yeah, the Boomers didn’t repeal them, which is a real failing, but they were not initially responsible. Also, the current cry that Boomers… Read more »

Reply to  Altitude Zero
3 years ago

I was just thinking about that. And the 65’ immigration act. And Timothy Leary wasnt a boomer.

Reply to  Hi-yah!
3 years ago

The Beatniks were a real problem, no doubt, precursors to the Boomers

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

They were hippies before the hippies.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Altitude Zero
3 years ago

Yep, the “Greatest Generation” started this train, but it’s also true that the Boomers loved the direction.

David Wright
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

I Don’t see a lot of pushback from any generation

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

Quite true. But the Boomers were still in a position to push back – as were the Greatest Generation. Xers and later generations were already under threat for going against the diversity train.

David Wright
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Just wear your mask will ya?

Reply to  Altitude Zero
3 years ago

most of these people are dead so now boomers get the blame

Reply to  Altitude Zero
3 years ago

If you look into the history of those bills they were overwhelmingly written and sponsored by 1st generation children of immigrants. I’m reluctant to paint with too broad of a brush but there seems to be a sizeable sub-population of “poem on a statue” people that had no interest in preserving or assimilating into the culture of the country they chose to immigrate to.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  RoBG
3 years ago

Absolutely true.

Stranger in a strange land
Reply to  RoBG
3 years ago

The huddled masses who are tired and poor and yearing to..get some free stuff.

3 years ago

“Today it is just assumed that each generation has its own unique identity. Zoomers, Boomers and Millennials”

Us Gen-Xers never get any love

Reply to  Memebro
3 years ago

at least no one blames you of anything

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

On a practical level, the Boomer managerial class has passed over Gen X and hired and promoted Millennials because they are cheaper and frankly more pliable. It is readily noticeable in private industries that management skews younger and older for this very reason.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

No doubt that is as big of a factor as economics in many instances.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

That is very true. I had a boomer client who was always trying to mentor me whenever he hired me for a project. He had no experience in my field, and no knowledge of my priorities, yet he was always giving me advice. He really enjoyed being a mentor, to the point he was oblivious to the reality that I was simply humoring him by listening politely. Dropping him as a client was immensely satisfying, especially since he was blindsided by it. God, he was a self-absorbed ass.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

I’m not so sure about self esteem, but I like having workers who want to learn the knowledge I’ve accumulated over the years (construction). There’s nothing like seeing the light go on in a young man’s head when he realizes the side of the line, and the kerf of a saw blade, makes a difference in the quality of work.
But yes, I am approaching geezerhood.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

One thing where you see boomer nostalgia is in the fan base for manned spaceflight. Boomers are probably so distraught over how screwed up the future has turned out that they seek refuge in having humans return to the moon to give them back something from their youth.
In a way, this bonds the boomers with the much younger fanbois of Elon Musk. The adoration of Musk is cult-like.

Reply to  skeptic16
3 years ago

Instead of drinking the Flavor-ade, we drank the Tang. So true.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Having taught college for many years, I can confirm this in spades: to the Millennial, “self esteem” means “ostentatiously following the rules, come what may… while stabbing any little bitch of a Becky who gets in your way in the back as deep as the knife can go.” They are as close to pure sociopaths as you’ll find outside the DSM. An entire generation of Tracey Flicks.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago


GenX is far too independent-minded and stubborn for the liking of most Boomers.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

I asked my GenX son what he most disliked about the Boomer Generation, after he gave me a copy of A Generation Of Sociopaths. I was totally surprised to hear his visceral hatred of White Boomer Women because they aborted one half of his Generation paving the way for their replacement by open borders immigrants. The surviving GenX men are the toughest and most capable cohort in the USA. If anything survives the collapsing empire, it will be them who protect the core.

Last edited 3 years ago by jpb
Reply to  jpb
3 years ago

Son is fukin based

Reply to  jpb
3 years ago

Yes, nobody has had more abortions than white boomer women.

Abortion rate is wayy down compared to the 80s, and 90s.

Of course it takes 2 to make a baby so… Yeah boomer men are just as responsible tbh.

Reply to  jpb
3 years ago

GenXers are the chosen ones

Reply to  jpb
3 years ago

That is actually … UPLIFTING!

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

I’ve noticed that too. Boomers don’t really seem to know what to do with GenXers. I find the Xers tend to end up in Omega type positions, or those requiring a lone-wolfish, hired assassin kind of attitude. The come in and get the job done after the teamwork/change management/brainstorming sessions produce produce little of value.

Reply to  huerfano
3 years ago

That description of GenXers fits me to a tee

Reply to  huerfano
3 years ago

The box ticking is ridiculous in construction M&E now.
We used to be able to circumvent that..
Now have to wait till that bullshit is over to go to site and resolve it in quick fashion.
I’m just surprised that some firms in my city figured out 20 yrs ago that having tradesman on staff would help.
Although there are only a few of us.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

But we’re still vigorous and we’re highly competent. I think that’s going to matter

Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

You might be Silent, but you’ll be the leaders. May all our gods aid you.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Shadows are fine.
Let the brats young and ancient steal the attention.
Murphy’s Laws of Combat: don’t be conspicuous on a Battlefield.
Goes well with: Tracers work both ways.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

We’re like Beethoven’s 4th.

Reply to  Memebro
3 years ago

We had that decade where radio stations were adding X- to their monikers and playing Nirvana. And we’ll always have Friends

Reply to  BTP
3 years ago

We have a lot of creative entertainment to look back on, but Friends is one of the last that I’d point to with pride.

American Citizen 2.0
American Citizen 2.0
Reply to  KGB
3 years ago

Who didn’t have a girlfriend who got that Jennifer Anniston haircut?

Herbert Marcuse
Herbert Marcuse
Reply to  KGB
3 years ago

Friends is one of the last that I’d point to with pride

Hopefully that was tongue-in-cheek.

  • Seinfeld: July 5, 1989 to May 14, 1998
  • Friends: September 22, 1994 to May 6, 2004
  • Sex & the City: June 6, 1998 to February 22, 2004

Seinfeld, Friends, and SATC were the jewels in the crown of the Frankfurt School’s drive to unleash snide snarky sarcastic Passive Aggressive Personality Disorder as a form of meta-sociological warfare designed to destroy White America.

Those three Talmudvision shows were arguably as important weapons in the drive to annihilate the White Race as were Griswold and Roe.

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
Reply to  Herbert Marcuse
3 years ago

Kind of liked Seinfeld for a while, once I became Jew wise its hard to watch for long

Reply to  (((They))) Live
3 years ago

Actually, being jew wise may make watching more useful. Just like knowing the rules for football (which I never did) would make watching Monday Night Football (which I never watched) more interesting.
You would be more aware of their scatological humor, neurosis, self-centeredness, petty behavior and envy of attractive, accomplished gentiles. Then you can take Larry David’s graduate-level class.

Reply to  skeptic16
3 years ago


Reply to  Herbert Marcuse
3 years ago

I turned off my TV in the late 1980s so I missed these cultural gravemarkers.

Reply to  Memebro
3 years ago

And don’t want any. Just leave me the fuck alone..

3 years ago

Millennials are a wildly confident generation.”

This is pretty inaccurate. The main internet haunts of Millennials (Twitter and Reddit are the most prominent) make it pretty clear that that a large number of (white) Millennials take antidepressants and/or anti-anxiety medication. Possiblity even a majority of them do. They also talk a lot about their anxieties and worries, as well as imposter syndrome. They have little to no confidence. They are, however, exceptionally arrogant.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

One of the most subversive elements of the medical-industrial complex is that you effectively aren’t allowed to criticize the generational spike in psychiatric concoctions for young people, or imply that the progress of the last fifty years had made people unhappier. Any honest assessment would lead to the entire Psychiatry and Sociology fields being razed to the ground and salted and their priests being exiled to the desert.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

The pill spike is fitting, if not predictable. Millennials might be the only generation whose parents treated their childhood as a time of wonder rather than a training ground for adulthood. They weren’t allowed to fail or even face setbacks, so they have no ingrained coping mechanism. The drugs are a substitute for that.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

The modern idea of childhood being for play and wonder in an abnormally controlled environment needs to die a horrifying death, and parents need to retake their place as primary educators. The nice part about the Covid nonsense is it’s forcing parents to do just that. I’ve met plenty of solid millennials, and the key similarity in all of them is high IQ and a disciplined family structure. I imagine the coddled ones feel internally after every setback like my 6-year old son feels after losing in Stratego, running around screaming about unfairness. He can learn to cope now or… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

parents need to retake their place as primary educators.

At about 7, the responsibility for a boy’s education must be taken away from his mother and given to the father or he will never grow up to be an adult.

As a father, you can be a friend of the boy or a friend of the man but you can’t be both.

Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

What. Do you mean by “drugs.” The drugs millennials take are almost placebos. They not get you high or anything. I wonder if they do anything.

I was always hearing about greatest gen on tranquilizers and uppers. Wasn’t that “mothers little helper”?

Reply to  Hi-yah!
3 years ago

If the context of my comment didn’t make it clear, a drug is an organic or synthetic substance meant to be consumed to alter a human’s biochemistry, particularly cerebral biochemistry

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

Pill-popping is one of America’s major pastimes, along with tax evasion and drunk driving.

The (((ad))) industry has spent decades and trillions programming people to see good health as a matter of popping the right pills.

I also like how they keep deleting forms of legitimate mental illness from the DSM inventory.

Last edited 3 years ago by The Wild Geese Howard
Gunner Q
Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

The pill spike is because the shrinks know what’s causing the depressions but they dare not speak against it. Demand no divorce or default-father custody? Tell society that women are happier in the home than the cube farm? Call out politicians and their owners for the intentional demolition of society?

Or, “here’s a pill. Best of luck to you. I still got med school debts to pay off “

Reply to  Gunner Q
3 years ago

I am in my 20s. The mental health of our age group is appalling. It’s pretty much normal for people to have a mental illness. And the other people’s behaviours (lying in bed watching Netflix and smoking weed) reveal that many more are depressed.

Also dating is a disaster. We’re past the point of hookup culture, it’s now “flaming tire fire” culture. Birth rates are going to plummet.

Some make out okay but I’d say the majority are depressed and lonely.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

And that is before covid and the Great Reset.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

What happens if there is enough chaos to disrupt the supply of psych meds? A significant percentage of the population going through withdrawal just as TSHTF.

Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

True. Their confidence, as it were, comes from perceived approval. A confident man of the 1960s always bucks the trend to some extent. A confident man of the 2020s has a cohort of yass-queen behind him.

Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

Before I was cancelled, all my customers were millennials. Besides being obviously very woke, they used contraception so the women could have a career, and they could lavish their children with exceptional educational and extracurricular experiences. As far as attitudes, they were all different,TBH.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

Anti-depressants and anti-anxiety drugs are just slow mo versions of what the Sacklers did.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
3 years ago

 That’s because generational war is pretty much a white thing. You never hear the gatekeepers lecture us about the danger of generational identity politics like they do with other aspects of identity like race, sex or even region of the country. All going according to (((The Plan))) anything, anything, that keeps white people atomized & divided is an axiomatic good to these demonic entities. They are well aware of what the greatest (and really only) threat is to their continued world domination. They financed and propped up two of the worst brother wars in human history to attempt to eradicate… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
3 years ago

To a large degree the generational finger pointing is counter productive to whites. There have always been whites who embraced the “I got mine so f**k you ” mentality. The same way you can find white males who will happily murder their fellow whites for money.
I think a lot of issues we do have are with upper class middle class whites who live such socially and economically isolated lives that they tend to embrace every insane feel good policy that comes down the pike.

The lower classes are too busy trying to survive than indulge in that shit.

Reply to  Rwc1963
3 years ago

“The lower classes are too busy trying to survive than indulge in that shit.”

Spot on. I’ve been saying for years that we’re in this “identity ” mess cuz things are too easy for this younger generation.

3 years ago

Today it is just assumed that each generation has its own unique identity.”

I don’t know who first said this, but ones interests must not be mistaken for one’s identity. Each generation has it’s own popular culture and shared reference points, but it is only the shallowest people in each generation that turns it’s cultural references into a substitute for personality. And yes, I’m definitely talking about Beatles fans.

Poolside with Melania
Poolside with Melania
3 years ago

Social Security and Medicare will be ground zero in the Boomer’s last stand for ‘the system’. Monetary policy for my working years has been tailored for that in both the slow inflational squeeze and stockmarket bull run, but the music is going to stop. I can’t see them yanking the rug out from under the boomers but they have, and will continue to, slowly inflate away the benefits. COLA or not. Most Xers are cogent enough to not expect anything from either entitlement. Govt will uncap ‘contributions’ on the front end and means test it on the back end. The… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Poolside with Melania
3 years ago

Don’t forget the trillions in 401ks and similar retirement assets.

I’m sure AOC, the Squad, and the CBC already have detailed plans how those should be redistributed…

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

That has been proposed for decades. However, I’m not sure how one could implement such. The 401k’s are invested in one form or another. I suspect most in stocks and rest in bonds. (Yes, there are any number of alternatives, but for discussion…)

How does one attempt to take over a 401K without affecting the market? Hell, we already have the Fed buying half the market.

Last edited 3 years ago by CompscI
Reply to  CompscI
3 years ago

People tend to overestimate who holds what in the market. As of Q3 2020 the wealthiest 10% own 88.3% of stocks while the bottom 90% own 11.7%. So who benefits from the Fed injection of $120B a month of printed fiat money into the financial markets?

Reply to  CompscI
3 years ago

How does one attempt to take over a 401K without affecting the market? 
by putting a “wealth tax” on it and reducing the overall SS benefits in proportion with the amount of being held; and if sold then put a tax increase on it sharper than normal “income”, after all it was allowed to accumulate “unearned”.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Which is why I am looking into strategies to convert out of these traps.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Instead of dropping out politically as Z has suggested, our side should join the libs in going after the trusts and other vehicles the wealthy use to shelter income from cap gains and inheritance taxes. Let’s see how woke the rich are when they have to pay for it.

Reply to  MikeCLT
3 years ago

Establishing a trust does not provide a way to avoid/decrease inheritance taxation. Their purpose is to lockdown an estate after the trustee’s death so that the final arrangements cannot be challenged in probate.
“Step up in basis” however, does allow heirs to inherit equities at the value at the time of death. Ie. your father purchased Acme stock at $100/share, and when he passed it was worth $200. As the heir, you do not owe taxes on that $100 increase in basis, only on any gains over $200 when it’s sold.

Reply to  Poolside with Melania
3 years ago

Gen X here. Never expected/planned to get a dime of SS or Medicare, and planned accordingly.

If the 401(k) ever gets “nationalized”, hopefully there will be enough time to pull it out and get it out of the US.

50+ years of sacrifice, self-denial, scrimping and saving disappearing in a second tends to make some people rather irrational.

I’d rather burn it all in a huge cash bonfire than hand it over to Uncle Sam. Fook that.

Last edited 3 years ago by ProZNoV
Stranger in a strange land
Reply to  ProZNoV
3 years ago

Boomer here – your assessment is spot on.

Reply to  Poolside with Melania
3 years ago

SSI is not a large problem as it has a cash inflow. Right now the cash inflow averages 73-77% of payouts. So in theory, a haircut on benefit payout of 25% immediately balances out the system. This is actually what the law states *now*. That’s not to say the system is a good one however, nor that they won’t change the benefit reductions to be income or wealth specific—such that the highest recipients ($3300 ?) get a 50% reduction and the lowest a $0 reduction. Medicare is another story wrt to promised benefits as the Boomers age and get sick… Read more »

Reply to  CompscI
3 years ago

It’s interesting that you don’t even hear about a commission to study ways to “save” social security. SS used to be a core issue for democrats. With their core constituency young nonwhites who see SS as a program for old white racists, they are certainly not interested in getting their crap wages taxed for that. So much for “Immigrants are vital for saving social security”. SS ought to be funded on a pay as you go system and the “Trust Fund” done away with. Treasury bonds are the only practical investment option for the trust fund for various reasons. But… Read more »

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
3 years ago

Interesting that the Gen-X’ers are much more cynical than both Millennials and Boomers and less likely to take everything for granted. Probably might have to do with the collapse of the family they witnessed with their own eyes in heir generation, while the millennials just assumed the dysfunction was the norm, since that’s all they ever knew. Had an interesting conversation over the Holidays with my retired father and brothers regarding the police. My Gen-X brother is what would be considered a Bernie Bro was stating his disdain for the police, stating they only care about protecting the powerful. My… Read more »

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

> They sound like characters from 1970’s technocratic liberalism.
Given my brother was trying to push the idea of an A.I. that would perfectly allocate resources according to need, yeah, pretty much on the nose.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

Just machines to make big decisions, programmed by fellows with compassion and vision.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  skeptic16
3 years ago

I like to think
(it has to be!)
of a cybernetic ecology
where we are free of our labors
and joined back to nature,
returned to our mammal
brothers and sisters,
and all watched over
by machines of loving grace.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

The Bernie Bros are pure nostalgia. Both sides have huge nostalgia contingents. Hell, the GOP is almost completely made up of people nostalgic for a long-dead past. But I think that we forget the Dems have plenty of those groups. The Bernie Bros want a return to the 1970s where plucky leftists groups fought “the man.” Very old Whites Dems still think of the Dem Party as the party of working man. Older environmentalists (all White) remember a party of saving the Spotted Owl or something. A lot White women remember a party that protected their rights to work and… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Since I am part of this cohort (Born in ’69), most of the folks that I know and associate with despise folks like Bernie and all he stands for. I’m not sure of the reason for this, the people I knew growing up came a from a variety of backgrounds. Most were working class and we had a smattering of other things thrown in; White collar, professionals, self employed, etc. My guess is – and it is the big complaint from our age group – is Bernie and his followers are on the “free shit” kick. Myself and most of… Read more »

Au Jus
Au Jus
Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

I’ve noticed over the past several years that dissidents seem to be almost exclusively made up of Gen xers. I think the psychological profession came up with the idea of “oppositional defiant disorder” for us angry Gen X men. I’ve worked in healthcare management for many, many years and the blossoming of the ridiculous, non-productive, b******* departments, staffed almost exclusively by females is infuriating, bewildering and disappointing. I don’t have any data to back it up obviously but us Gen Xers definitely seem to be an angry bunch of m************. For good reason I believe as we straddled decades where… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Au Jus
3 years ago

I think the defense industry could give health care a run for its money on the useless paper-pushing front.

Speaking of health care, I love how they’ve racketized all aspects of WuFlu.

My favorite new racket are all the overpaid, low/no-skill, “essential,” contact tracing and sanitizing jobs that are perfect giveaways to vibrants.

It’s just another form of diversity tax in the end…

Last edited 3 years ago by The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

When I hear of an event that happened in a city I am unfamiliar with, I will look at its Wikipedia entry to get a sense of its demographics. Often the top ten employers are listed. Usually the top employer is either a school district or hospital system.

Stranger in a strange land
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

just what we need – some more heroes to worship and adore

Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

Your youngest brother has perhaps the best attitude for happiness

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

This Xer had a Hallmark card youth growing up on Main Street USA that was revealed to be a total fraud when I got to college.

No idea why I’m cynical. None at all.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

how was it a fraud? seems like it worked out great for you.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Karl McHungus
3 years ago

Fair point, Karl.

Long story short, knowing what I know now from both sides there were fundamental issues during the first decade of my parents’ marriage.

So, they had me and LARPed a happy marriage through the next two decades, then split.

Ignorance really would be bliss.

Last edited 3 years ago by The Wild Geese Howard
Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

So, they had me and LARPed a happy marriage through the next two decades” see a lot of sacrifice in what they did; they aren’t getting that time back. anyway, thanks for the answer…

Moe Noname
Moe Noname
3 years ago

There are not enough Gen-X’ers to keep the lights on. The relatively smaller age cohort in their forties and fifties know what a maual typewriter is and can use it. They understand what a computer processor is, how it relates to RAM and various I/O ports and can use it. They can fabricate incredibly precise parts using CNC tools. They understand if you don’t have coal/ gas/ uranium, then none of the above items will ever be made again and we will be back to clubbing each other over the head after we run out of ammo (or when that… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Moe Noname
3 years ago

GenX was the last pre-all digital generation that used to play outside until dark and spent summers riding bikes rather than hiding in the basement with the Xbox.

For me, we are past the point where I can say I liked society. I had a pretty good life under the old paradigm.

I have no interest in the future being planned for me and all Dirt People.

If that sounds grim, it should.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

I had not previously thought of it in these terms, but children were the first to suffer lockdowns.

Reply to  Moe Noname
3 years ago

Hippies used to be cool

Isn’t that something? I used to admire them, mainly for their music and their nuanced understanding of life as it related to me growing up in a changing world. They were good mentors and older brother and sister types. And they used to dream of hitting off to Paris to live life as an expat. They used to embrace and love western culture.

What happened?

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

They grew up and reality hit them in the face.

Free love (at that time) went against the very nature of women. They soured on it quickly. Boys grew to men and panhandling dried up as an adequate profession for survival—there being only so many smoke shops, comic book stores, co-opts, and such that could be started. The “turn on, tune in, drop out” generation eventually did—except in the opposite direction.

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

Hippies were the sons and daughters of the well-off. They became the Yuppies. The rest is history.

Last edited 3 years ago by Carl B.
Reply to  Moe Noname
3 years ago

the last competent generation when it comes to hands-on skills

3 years ago

And then there are those of us Boomers who have anticipated civilizational melt-down for a long time. We prepared for it. So don’t come to me with concern on your face. I don’t give a shit. The thing isn’t worth saving.

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  Epaminondas
3 years ago

Right on, as it were.

Reply to  Epaminondas
3 years ago

Me too. I hate labels, and the individual is not the mean. I’ve been fighting the insanity since hair on my balls, and I can still out ride most men 40 years younger. Identity politics is about who can whine the loudest; to wit, in a healthy society gets you a fist reality check, not more gravy.

Reply to  Epaminondas
3 years ago

There are any number of such Boomers in this group. I guess, we are an odd lot. Perhaps it’s our background that kept us so grounded.

Reply to  Epaminondas
3 years ago

The certain group of upper middle class, yankee boomers are the worst.

Not all boomers are bad. However, most have the free market individualist bootstrap mindset, which is by far the most damaging ideology to our people.

Even jared Taylor thinks that.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

I was that way. My explanation for my change in views is that the experiments were conducted, the data is in and the hypothesis demonstrated false. This applies to free trade, corporate deregulation, drug legalization and immigration.
Then I say, “When the facts change, I change my opinion. What do you do?”

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
3 years ago

Meanwhile, the people capable of maintaining the system will be too old to do it, while the people tasked with it will be too self-absorbed to be bothered. Good times.

That’s pretty much the bottom line and why the United States will implode rather than have a slow, managed, Davos-approved decline.

To your first point, generational politics is encouraged among whites and exclusively among whites because it is so divisive. The Left may cynically offer increased Social Security and other benefits to keep the elderly whites in line and their children and grandchildren all the more angry at them.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

That’s pretty much the bottom line and why the United States will implode rather than have a slow, managed decline
this should be a daily prayer, maybe tommorow will be the day when usa/globalism collapses and whites can become tribal people again.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  sentry
3 years ago

It will be an answered prayer. The frenetic looting underway indicates the implosion is highly anticipated.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

Reminds me of those movies where there are only a few seats available on the spaceship to take you away before the planet explodes and everyone is scheming to get a seat, forking over tons of money, etc

I wonder if this sense of impending collapse isn’t much more than what you get when the world has been fed too much Sci Fi

but then the evangelicals have been pushing this same thing for years, and even the popularization of Norse mythology is playing a part. Everyone waiting for the big battle of the end times.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

It will be financial and lame, nothing spectacular so perhaps “implode” was a poor verb choice. Unfortunately it has no fictional element.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

I have learned to trust my gut. Mainly because it has done me right my whole life. Not everyone is the same. My gut tells me something is a brewing, and my education in history, being pretty rudimentary but complemented with lots of travel and so forth, tells me we are in a fin de siecle — an expression that has always stuck with me. A snake shedding his old skin for new. But that’s as far as my gut goes. But my experience, and interacting with my dog, tells me whatever happens she will still be there giving me… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

That’s what matters, of course.

Reply to  sentry
3 years ago

The status of the US Dollar is the EKG of the system. Learn to recognize signs of cardiac arrest.

Reply to  skeptic16
3 years ago

there’s no guarantee economic collapse = end of globalism, this shit has nothing to do with importing non-whites to pay boomer pensions

Last edited 3 years ago by sentry
Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  sentry
3 years ago

It’s genocide, and has been well underway for almost 80 years now. Just think of AmerIndians being chased off the reservation every ten years or so.

Reply to  sentry
3 years ago

Unless they have a great power to heard the cats and digs unleashed from the chais back into the global bodega, it’s likely to spiral out of their control.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

I’d argue the Great Reset and 2020 are the Davos managed Implosion. They want us gone.
Money they get from Central Banks. Who needs customers?
We’re too dangerous and too hated to keep around.
Anyone who imposes 2020 isn’t interested in our ‘human capital’.
They fear it.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  ABCer
3 years ago

Agreed, absolutely.

Reply to  ABCer
3 years ago

I think they are attempting something like the controlled demolition of the USSR. Does anyone really believe that the USSR folded just because of Afghanistan or the threat of Star Wars? Or that half-assed coup the “hardliners” launched against Gorbachev? Or that the chronically drunk Yeltsin’s heroic stand brought down the evil empire? The fall of the USSR was simply a reorganization putting the state assets into possession by the (((oligarchs))). A Soviet defector from the early 1960s Anatoly Golitsyn wrote a prescient book in 1983 “New Lies for Old”. He claimed the USSR would appear to fall but it… Read more »

David Wright
3 years ago

It’s fun watching people of a certain age struggle with boomerism. RamzPaul, ” I’m Genx was born in 1963″. As if that makes any sense. Or the other, I’m a late boomer, born in 1955. We came of age……blah, blah
Tiresome and pathetic. And yes, I was born in the 50’s, draw and quarter me if you will. When you are done with that bring the other charges against me:I am Catholic, white male, right wing, married with children and grandchildren. A lot to answer for.

Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

And to be thankful for!

David Wright
Reply to  Hi-yah!
3 years ago

Indeed I do.

Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

The interesting thing is the current young generations didn’t “come of age” like previous ones did, which was under some blend of a fashion, music, film, or news-driven mini-period. The young generations are all tech- and news-driven. There are no mini-periods any more; the last one was ’round 1995 when Friends, Dave Matthews, and bowling shirts with goatees were the rage. You could step in a time machine and go back to any year in the past twenty and nobody would think you’re out of place, except for the communication device in your pocket.

Moe Noname
Moe Noname
Reply to  Marko
3 years ago

Pop quiz: name a single show which is shown on TV network.
I think “The Simpsons” are still on the air…that’s all I could come up with.

Anyone else on this comment board have another common TV cultural item?

The “Orange Man Bad” series doesn’t count since it was cancelled by the network exec’s.

Reply to  Moe Noname
3 years ago

The last TV show I remember watching while still in production was “Doogie Howser MD”. I think that was like 1989. The only time I’ve watched TV in the past 20 years is when I am at a restaurant and sportsball is on or at their airport and I am forced to hear CNN. If I was still working and traveling frequently, I would get one of those TV-Be-Gone universal TV remotes that are small enough to put on your keychain. It would make airports far more tolerable.