Despite the uncertainty of the age, it is worth the time to think about what monsters are waiting for us in the new year. With The Pretender being installed in the White House, there will be new challenges on the political front. The people in charge will have a new bag of tricks to distract people from what they are doing. The media will now have to transform from their Trump hating to making Biden sound good. The world will look a lot different in just a few months.
The first thing the omens are tell us is the murder rate in Baltimore and other diverse cities will take off in 2021. An odd thing about Lagos on the Chesapeake is that the murder rate is much higher in odd number years. The locals seem to hate prime numbers for some reason. The number of murders for 2020 was higher than typical for even numbered years, which suggest we are seeing an upswing. This will be the year Baltimore becomes Bodymore Murderland again…
The Covidians will not back down. There will be reports of “vaccinated people” getting Covid and that will be enough to keep the panic rolling. Covid has now replaced climate change as the left-wing religion of fear. They need to feel they are part of a holy cause to give purpose to their lives. Some politicians will try to ratchet back the fear mongering, but they have unleashed forces they cannot control. Mask wearing and other gestures are now the uniform of the enlightened…
Retail economic pain will become obvious to everyone, as the damage done from the lockdowns starts to cut deep into local economies. The media will work hard to ignore it, because they will be running cover for The Pretender, but more and more people will start noticing the long lines at food banks and the shuttered businesses. The reality of two Americas will become more obvious and begin to creep into political conversations, especially on the fringes where taboo topics are allowed…
Joe Biden will be forced to resign by Labor Day. Starting in the spring, stories about his mental decline with start to turn up in the official media. His handlers will let him flail around in public, prepping the public for his eventual removal. Behind the scenes, the deal for him to resign will include his family getting a pass on their crimes. The Hunter Biden investigation will be broomed and that will pave the way for him to pass the baton to the new generation of vibrant leaders…
Trump will quickly fade from the scene. He will keep making noises, but his audience will dwindle quickly in 2021. One reason is he has fallen for the wrong advice at every turn, so there is no reason to think he changes now. He will be told that former presidents go away for a year and he’ll do it. Instead of holding a rally on inauguration day, which he has hinted at a few times, he will play his role in Biden’s inauguration show and say all the things he is told to say.
There’s also the fact that his fanbase is ready to move on from Trump. For many people who held their nose and voted for Trump in 2020, they started out hoping for a reformer, but ended up hoping for a revolutionary. Trump was neither of those. He was just an opportunist who rode popular discontent to office, but never really understood what was happening in the country. It was just another deal. The movement he started is ready to outgrow him now. He came in like a lion and will go out like a lamb…
This is the year we start to see some highbrow establishment characters embrace the populist cause, as they look for a way to remain relevant. The departure of Trump from the scene gives them cover to shed their old skin in favor of a new one. You can see this in the second rung of the commentariat. They are starting to talk about trade, the plight of the working and middle-class and even corporate abuse. They will take great care to avoid the demographic issues that drive most of this…
Once the pieces are on the board in Washington and a new round of looting can begin, look for the Republicans to work hard to share the blame for the coming economic troubles with the Democrats. The sinking of the Covid money by turtle man was a preview of what we can expect. Money for friends of government will sail right through, but things popular with the public will be blocked by whichever party did not promise it to their voters. It will be a game of bad cop – worse cop…
Expect the Republicans to make another push for amnesty in 2021. The cheap labor lobbies are salivating at the prospect of unlimited cheap labor. The GOP brain-trust is convinced that they can remove the troublesome immigration issue for good by pushing through an amnesty and expanded foreign worker visas. That way they never have to pretend to care about illegal immigration again, since they have effectively made all immigration legal. They are really that stupid…
Finally, we begin to see a changing of the guard in the dissident space. The old sort of white identity politics that started in the last century will continue to fade away. Similarly, the race aware civic nationalism of the previous generation will give way to a new class-demographic sensibility on the Right. This will be most obvious among the younger generation of activists. Their takeaway from the Trump years is that the system and the elites running it are the core problem.
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For sites like this to exist, it requires people like you chipping in a few bucks a month to keep the lights on and the people fed. It turns out that you can’t live on clicks and compliments. Five bucks a month is not a lot to ask. If you don’t want to commit to a subscription, make a one time donation. Or, you can send money to: Z Media LLC P.O. Box 432 Cockeysville, MD 21030-0432. You can also use PayPal to send a few bucks, rather than have that latte.
Did not stay up to watch the ball drop, but shared some bubbly with my wife, and watched what passed for entertainment for a while.
The USA is now an African country, totally negrified, coarsened, and enstupidated, without a trace of any European culture. There was virtually no music on any channel, just mindless chanting and writhing. Even the few whites present participated in the African tribalism.
As Kersey says, Black Ruled America.
Happy New Year, and may God save us one and all.
you weren’t trying very hard to find suitable entertainment.
We watched TCM and there was “That’s Entertainment and That’s Entertainment 2 shown back to back.
Lots of good clips from musicals.
My wife and I laughed when they showed a Mickey Rooney/Judy Garland clip where Mickey and the Guys in the chorus all were in black face, including the big lips!
Needless to say that would never fly today. In fact mist of that stuff would never fly today.
Happy New Year to all.
Send your lefty friends a DVD of this film:

Al Jolson looks just like Elijah Muhummad did at 24, when he was still Eli Wallace (but with more hair). Remember him, the FBI’s informant who flooded Black America with heroin, Meyer Lansky’s old Prohibition gig? The guy who shot his upstart lieutenant, Malcom X?
That would be (((Asa “Al Jolson” Yoelson))).
Big lips would make a funny covid mask….
your calling attention to this picture of Al Jolson will make it and him disappear from wikipedia by day’s end…
But that’s precisely it. To find quality white culture in AINO, you have to go back in time.
Ok OK, I gotta ask what is AINO?
America In Name Only. I had to look it up too.
Dam’. And here I thought I invented that one.
I find the casual off hand racism of 1930’s movies to be hilarious. In Alice Adams, Katherine Hepburn’s character says of her brother “he knows so many amusing ‘darkie’ stories” 😛
There’s a great line in Casablanca when Ilsa asks the waiter about the “boy” (Sam) playing the piano. One of my favorite movies of all time. Surprised it hasn’t been deep sixed for that alone.
It will be. Or, more likely, it will be politically korrekted. Perhaps Bogie will be melanin-enriched and his nose turned into a double-barreled shotgun.
I lived in casablanca for a couple years.
There is a Rick’s place, its owned by a black American woman. She was ecstatic when Obama won reelection.
Give it another 5 years. By then the Doctrine of the Current Year will require big lips and wide noses on everyone, even whites. Racist Mickey and friends will be rehabilitated… until they are banned again when the doctrine changes.
my wife and I did the same thing. they were both great .
Cut the cord. No White should waste any time watching the filth and indoctrination aimed at populace.
Agreed. However, unless you’re a hermit on a hilltop in eastern Kentucky, the cord is imposed upon you. Or better yet, wrapped around your neck.
Serious dissident avoid enemy media. Turning off the TV and media is really easy and while other people, in diminishing numbers to note can try and impose the culture on you, its harder than ever to actually do. No office water cooler for one and a simple “sorry I don’t watch X, Y,Z or have a T.V.” is an immediate thought stopper. If for some reason people ask what you do the answer is I read , I paint, I draw, I learn instruments, I whittle.” Stuff like that. What we should be doing not eating leftists dog food or… Read more »
being from eastern ky, i can tell you its there to
Sorry to hear that.
Bang on. Not only is AINO’s “culture” African, its political system is moving that direction, and when the economy collapses, the fiscal situation will also become sub-Saharan.
Ah, so! African In Name Only.
Good one!
Actually, America in Name Only.
Ah, got it! Ignore my previous question.
They gave you twerking and see? Not a drop of gratitude. Whypepo be all alike.
i finna steal dat
gnome sane?
After all the treason, corruption, fraud & lying etc., that has been laid bare in the sunlight for all to see, it’s hard to believe DC will just go back (or be allowed) to business as usual. Granted, there are millions of willfully blind and/or stupid people out there, but there are millions more who’ve had their eyes finally opened to what is happening and I can’t see many just quietly acquiescing to this “new normal “. The cat is out of the bag and there ain’t no getting it back in. There are many accounts that need settling and… Read more »
It will go on unabated. What are people supposed to do…vote for change and trust their institutions?
The looting will continue there is nothing left to steal. “The people” have no say.
I still don’t get what the end goal is.
What are they going to do when everything is stolen and totally gone to shit? I guess they want to be like indian billionaires living next to masses in slums?
Seems like it was much nicer for a rich person to live in a safe, prosperous, and white country, instead of living in lockdown like Mexico or brazil.
Eh, there was a tweet today that noted how the SF technocrat class absolutely love virtual life during lockdown while essential workers scamper about delivering their every whim.
The new status signaling, ’twas said here first by one of our astute commenters.
I admit that I (somewhat) resemble that remark (sorry, old joke). I’m fairly anti-social by nature anyway and tend to prefer inanimate things, systems, processes, and nature to people. Typical Asperger’s “male brain” type. I’m also a techie though I can’t seem to find work in the field due to a variety of factors, the largest of which is millions of Indians. I’ve found that oddly enough, my actual behavior during all this has been a lot like that of the SF technocrats and Covid-cowards. I basically just hate going anywhere anymore and wouldn’t mind getting groceries delivered if it… Read more »
Please, switch to apocalyptic dystopian games. I’m certain it’ll improve one’s outlook.
Plus you can blow off some steam by killing people in the games.
Pretty much you’ve said what I’ve been trying to state. The niceties of life—all of them are White peoples’ inventions, not colored. Even in India and Brazil. Get rid of White people and progress in these areas stops, followed by maintenance and support. Yeah, it may take a century, but it will happen. Only wild card is China, Japan, Korea. They might keep the technological progress going as White contribution declines. But what will TPTB trade for such in the 22nd century?
They have enough, and need go no further.
As They told you, it is THIS world that They desire. They can live in no other- only we, the whites, are made to break free of the nest.
Even so in the East. Gatauma Buddha had blue eyes.
PS- I mean this on a literally spiritual level as well.
No, the real wildcard will be Russia. As I’ve said here before, in the very near future the Amerika/China/Europe axis will attempt a concerted gang-bang of Russia. How Russia responds will dictate the future of this planet, perhaps it’s very existence. The axis would love nothing better than to sink its teeth into Russia’s vast natural resources. And just imagine the lebensraum for all the cheap third world labor to make it run! It’s just those pesky 2000+ nukes. Russia’s history is filled with repelling foreign invasions and the Russians don’t carry the baggage of white guilt that cripples Europe… Read more »
Fascinating comment.
You’re dead on, straight shooter. God bless.
Wow. MacKinder’s Heartland, our homelands where we were forged.
Russia has enough of our classified information to destroy the country, if leaked.
No one will provoke this.
Very true. Russia and Eastern Europe are ironically carrying the torch now for “Western” values.
The spiritualist Edgar Cayce did predict that Russia would eventually be, “the light of the world.”
Dunno’, except this:
The purpose of power is power, and more of it.
The purpose of great wealth is great wealth, and more of it.
The aphorism of “I’ve never met a rich man who wouldn’t give it all away, for just a little bit more wealth” applies.
The purpose of power is power, and more of it.
The purpose of great wealth is great wealth, and more of it.
Yes. Once you’ve reached the point that you could never spend your money in ten lifetimes, “power” and “wealth” becomes indistinguishable.
That’s why most people don’t understand bankers. It’s not about owning the money, it’s about controlling them – it matter little that the money you control are not your own.
Why they do what they do is irrelevant. Reality is reality, and you must deal with it as it is nonetheless. The key question is . . . what are YOU going to do about it? That is something you can control and should be your focus moving foward.
I think the question is, “what should we expect from them?”
You never go on a hunt without first studying your prey.
OK, I’ll bite. How does knowing the “why” help you in your hunt planning? I’m open to learning new skills. Please enlighten me.
> I’m open to learning new skills. Start studying psychology like yesterday: In particular, learn your Clusters like the back of your hand: And to understand the nature of the NPC [the Non Playing Character, aka the sh!tlib], memorize this groundbreaking study: Red Brain, Blue Brain: Evaluative Processes Differ in Democrats and Republicans February 13, 2013 Democrats showed significantly greater activity in the left insula, while Republicans showed significantly greater activity in the right amygdala. tl;dr == Psychology >>>>>>>>>>>>> Intellect ————————————————– PS: Note that “Sadistic Personality Disorder” was very briefly in the DSM during the Reagan Administration:… Read more »
All well and good, but how does this knowledge connect to a successful hunting outcome? Deer have notable behaviors that can help you predict their location at certain times of the day and also evasion techniques.
This is why we lose.
Your avoidance of my question speaks volumes. So I have another question for you. Have you ever actually hunted any type of game? And no, video game simulations don’t count.
I believe he is referring to 2 legged game in which case knowing as much as possible about your target would be ideal since the critter has a rather much larger brain capacity (usually) than the 4 legged kind. More clear now?
Agreed, but why doesn’t really come into play. All living things are creatures of habit, and ascertaining habits is about WHAT behaviors they exhibit. It hard to hide a tangible habit, whereas many people are good at obfuscating their thoughts.
Jesus H Christ you are an utterly hopelessly obtuse sperg.
This is why we lose.
TomA just likes goading people to fedpoast. He kinda glows in the dark, yah?
No, my goal is education. You don’t hunt a deer by asking WHY it does what it does. You hunt by observing WHAT is does (i.e. reality) and using that knowledge to your benefit. Once upon a time, good men taught others how to hunt properly, not psychoanalyze the prey.
As I noted in a response to Compsci, hatred of YT drives so much of this. There need not be any end game other than punishing and subjugating white people. AINO is an anti-white fascist state.
Something is going to coalesce i just hope to recognize it in time to be a part.
Logic and reason must prevail, western civilization must survive.
I give up! What does AINO stand for?
Got it! America In Name Only, amirite?
You got it in one. Gold star.
It is actually pretty sweet to be a wealthy person in Brazil.
Yes, as long as you live in an isolated compound with bulletproof windows and a mercenary guard force. Did I forget to mention the glass shards embedded in the top of perimeter wall and maybe some razor wire to boot?
Have you actually spent much time in Brazil? I have. The wealthy there don’t spend all their time under siege. They basically have an entire separate world they live in where the squalor of the underclasses is conveniently screened off and only occasionally impacts their existence.
Yes, and that works until it doesn’t. See, for example, the French and Russian Revolutions. As they say in the stock commercials, past performance is no guarantee of future success.
And based on the low white birthrate in brazil, we are about to see this in action.
Dictatorship / apartheid – or “democratic” venezuela. That’s their and our future.
Brazil has been remarkably stable among South American countries since its independence in 1822. And it managed to end slavery without killing 3/4 of a million of its own people. The 1889 coup that changed it from a monarchy to a “republic” was in many senses “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.” The changes since then, such as the coup of 1930 were, again, just different elites scrambling for power. That seems to be the way it always is in South America and Brazil was somewhat less destructive about it than most nations there. Brazilians like their… Read more »
Sure, but where do the ultra rich in Brazil get the niceties of life that their wealth buys them? Not from those living in the Favelas. They get such—or at least use to—from 1st world countries, White countries, like the USA and the EU.
I can accept Ostei’s alternative explanation, but from my thinking, TPTB are killing the goose that laid the golden egg, exchanging a White population for current minorities. And I’m not sure one can separate “wealth” from the population/economic underpinnings of a White society which provided such riches to them.
I imagine they’re counting on a compliant Asian population to supply the world.
Also, Brazil isn’t an unproductive country. It’s a nice sleepy underachiever with a number of large industries and extensive agriculture. For the elite and the administrative classes, it has most of the benefits of being first world without the annoyance of anyone expecting them to be policeman to the world.
And like many countries, they’ve exported their surplus labor to the US ( both legally and illegally) and have that hefty remittance income to rely upon.
The compliant Asian population has been doing it so far.
Their time will come.
Thee people have private security everywhere they go and in their neighborhood and residences.
And labor is cheap and those security jobs give the guards a foot into the administrative state and the privileges that entails, so they do their jobs enthusiastically. But don’t make the mistake Europeans do when talking about America as if the whole thing is a dystopian wasteland, the worst block of inner city Detroit. Most of Brazil is perfectly lovely and safe to go about your life in with only minimal precautions. I’ve spent a lot of time there, months at a time, and was never robbed or mugged (which is more than I can say for my time… Read more »
They are also particular about who they let in to settle there, and are quick to move along those transitting through from Africa or Asia headed for the USA after the people traffickers take their cut.
Brazilian women are hot. I’ve been with a couple.
The elites hate traditional white people. They will rest much easier when we are finally subdued, even if the country is significantly poorer.
Seems like it was much nicer for a rich person to live in a safe, prosperous, and white country
They’ve done so for more than a century. It’s getting boring. Having a motorcades with a platoon of armed guards when they go shopping is much sexier.
There is no end game. They don’t propagate, they have no skin in the game, live for today, for tomorrow we die. Get while the getting’s good. Atheism and nihilism, the lessons preached by the University, Netflicks, the media, a spiritual deadend, and our Waterloo.
Agree. Once you have seen something, you can’t un-see it. And, what’s up with Lin Wood? He is spouting off like a crazy person but I have never heard that he is crazy. Maybe I just missed the news that day.
Mr Wood is claiming that Epstein is still alive?! How do you say that with a straight face?!
The options would seem to be “crazy” or “correct.” I haven’t a clue which it is.
By moving your lips. Not saying one way or the other, but how do you know he’s dead, beyond speculation?
Who knows? I vote “dead.” Just like Robert Maxwell he had outlived his usefulness.
Since the beginning I’ve thought the possibility that he is alive was likely.
Yes there were/are a lot of powerful people that want him to be dead.
But don’t you think his equally powerful and likely far more capable enablers would rather keep him alive. First as a reward. Secondly for the next operator and lastly if I were epstine I would have had a insurance device set to go in the event of any double cross that would blow the lid off for all involved.
He’s where all the jew criminals run to.. Right next to Palestein
A prediction of mine is that it was Biden that crossed the Rubicon, not Trump. As our esteemed blog host posits – he is just a puppet. An old corpse that can be trusted to parrot the company line – with occasional gaffes and malfunctions. He will tell the same tired pretty lies, he will sell out Americans, and it will be nonstop scandals and incompetence during his reign. Things will go great for the ruling class, but for the average American… this is just the START of your troubles. Small business is now impossible. Free speech and personal liberties… Read more »
105 is pretty good!
People lack an awareness of what IQ numbers mean. 115, for example, is within the top one-sixth of whites (Whites). Even including East Asians that would be easily top ten percent of world populations.
Among whites 2% are 130 plus, and that is more than enough. Even Tocqueville observed in that day that there were an exess of intelligent men without meaningul work or status and they are the ones who attacked the very societies that afforded them priviledge.
IQ average is extremely important.
Biden is the real deal Manchurian candidate and the Chinese will manage his performances very carefully. He will be instructed to feign anti-Chicom rhetoric for a while in order to fool the masses, while working behind the scenes to undermine the US economy and military. Ideally, all of this will happen as a slow boil and no one notices the corrosive treason happening right under their noses. For this reason, patriotic insurgency is an existential duty of all true Americans.
Are you trying to parody a Breitbart commenter?
No, the facts are readily ascertainable. In Feb 2014, Hunter Biden traveled to China to accept a bride on behalf of his father. He stayed at the Four Seasons Hotel where he was videoed having sex with underage girls while doing coke and heroin. As a result, the Chinese have all the Bidens by the short hairs and can dictate policy in DC as they wish. That is no trivial matter, and it won’t to away just because you wish to remain ignorant.
But will the scandals be recognized? Obama’s administration was one scandal after another. Usually several at the same time. But the media still promotes the myth of “remarkably scandal-free administration” as uncontroversial fact.
With all due respect, small business won’t be impossible, if one has capital that is not leveraged. i have a small foundry, lathe/machine shop, and forge coming online in the summer. I have customers lined up around the field,(it’s next to the farm), who want to do business with Americans and not Hans. Heres the thing. In the past, I failed at business because of a lack of experience and money to make a go of it. Downsize, get that small farm, and avoid government entanglements at all cost. use cash wherever possible and while you still can. Barter is… Read more »
Outstanding. I’m seeing the same kinds of small production outfits popping up where I am, and have two adult children who’ve started their own successful artisan businesses. Every one of these operations – when run iaw your guidelines – is covered up with work. When the business is coupled with a small homesteading venture, the opportunities yield compound interest (food, water, fuel, etc). Couple anti-fragility with business sense and our people with thrive … as long as they’re located in communities of similarly-minded folk.
As long as you can stay under the radar you should be fine, in that case, assuming the Donks don’t crater the economy – which they will if they do half the stuff they are promising to do. No offense meant, I am just thinking hypothetically – the ROI on chasing small buisinessmen like you probably wouldn’t be worth it to the Donks as they try to tighten the screws. In their boots, I’d target your customers by casting a tax net as far as possible. That of course, is the second prediction for 2021 that we can take to… Read more »
“where there’s a will, there’s a way.”
The largest annual convention in Vegas is the second-hand sellers: equipment, inventory, sundry. Local or industry brokerages do as much trade than brand name corporations.
The public is generally unaware of these quiet networks. The volume they conduct is huge.
Barter or in-kind renumeration is very much possible, the Peruvian economist who studied third-world economies said most trade is simply off the the books.
Perhaps we’ll do as was done before 1888, when the dollar was nationalized. The US had 10,000 currencies, small towns issuing local scrip.
when the foreclosures start and mass unemployment can no longer be financialized as an industry The next big crash will be the rental real estate industry. Even if the lower middle class gets a one time $2000 payment in the next few weeks, that will only pay the rent for at most about three months [and in much of suburbia, where the jobs used to be, $2000 would pay three months’ rent on only a very modest one bedroom apartment, with nothing left over for utilities or food or medicine]. In 2020, pretty much every state in the union instituted… Read more »
That’s how present Treasury Sec’y Steve Mnuchin went from being merely wealthy to a 1%-er after the ’08-’09 foreclosure crisis. Fun fact: It was Kamala Harris who chose not to prosecute!
Kamala Harris, who just happened to be married to (((Doug Emhoff))).
A rentier class without renters.
Yup, the smart guys ain’t thinking very far ahead.
Or, as the Zman says, they may not be able to leash what they’ve unleashed.
Edit: unless the government owning everything is what they had in mind in the first place!
If you want a concise presentation of the Great Reset theory in its strongest (and occasionally conspiratorial) form can check this out:
Catherine Austin Fitts Full Interview Planet Lockdown – YouTube
This suggest that small and medium-sized businesses will be destroyed on purpose. I’ve heard Biden say that he wants a nationwide lockdown–which would go some way towards accomplishing that.
Yeah I mean it’s so obvious this is not about a virus anymore and destruction seems to be the goal. Because, you know, if you’re putting in a new kitchen you got to tear out the old one out first. I’m expecting a national lockdown also. I think all the governor’s will fold. I’m also expecting this phrase to become topical
“And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”
In 2021 the mark of the beast will still be the face diaper. Cant buy or sell without it!
Mark v1.0 – face diapers
Mark v2.0 – subcutaneous chip/ fluorescent tattoo
Mark v3.0 – injectable nanomachines
Actually, it will be proof of vaccination. It would simplify things if they just tattooed it on the inside of our wrists.
Build back better means demolish the remnants of Western civilization.
Spot on Whitney. Best wishes to all of you. Z—your star is in it’s ascendancy! Good for you. You are perfecting and your writing is excellent. Prediction: The Missing prediction is control of us through our food supply. The Commies have always known this and used this tool endlessly. No one here is apparently noticing this. The WEF is telling you what it is up to. Right in front of you. One of it’s tools is equating protein sources/cow farts with climate change. They’re serious. They want to get rid of animal agriculture. Why do you think Bill Gates invested… Read more »
I’ve always been the distrustful sort and have a technical focus so I’ve wondered for a long time why more effort isn’t put into creating small scale self-enclosed life support technologies. Water and sewer, in particular, keeps a lot of people dependent on city utilities and the alternatives, wells and septic tanks, are costly and troublesome. Lots more of us could escape the hive if there was an easy way to make a closed-loop water system. Yes I know, drinking your own pee – yuck – ultimately that’s what you’re all doing anyway. All the water on earth has been… Read more »
The end game of the “great reset” is global digitized currency, thus achieving total control over everything. Fitts is just one of those sounding the storm. The Corbett report is also excellent.
Delete storm,insert alarm.
CAF is great.
I just pray she can improve her health because her insights are so useful and will continue to be going forward.
Big boxes are open because they are money printers for globalist billionaires, various unamed people, and the CCP.
Mom and Pop shops aren’t.
This is no surprise. Small business is the last remaining vestige of America. It must, therefore, be destroyed.
Hate Twitter:
“Can just imagine China building their maglev trains, experimenting with eugenics to create supermen, building up an actual space program, then looking at American Shaniquas twerking on cars and transgender children”
Ask not fo’ who Shaniqua twerks, she twerks fo’ thee.
Anyone who comprises himself by working with the GOP is also part of the problem. Gullibility will no longer be an excuse going forward. Nice guys finish last.
We all know now that the GOP just carries water for the leftists. They exist solely for the purpose of keeping up appearances that we still have a two-party system. We all know that the dem voters will keep showing up to vote, multiple times, even if they are dead. I have a feeling that a lot of GOP voters are gonna quit voting for good now.
The next election could very well turn the nation blue. They will then have to rig elections in favor of the GOP just to keep up appearances.
At some point they will have to pass a law requiring every citizen to vote. Otherwise, the appearance of legitimacy for the political class will be lost. They will never allow that.
Yeah, at that point they can generate whatever numbers they decide are needed to suit their facade of Republican democracy.
On the good side, it’s easier to print fake ballots than to deal with ascendant POC, so maybe the Sellout class will get a clue.
(and to flash phony numbers! Wm. Briggs, I think, pointed out that more people voted than are registered, nationally, as voters.)
Yeah, that was not a surprise after revelations about the electronic tabulation shenanigans needed to push Biden past Trump. You really can’t dump a shitpile of ballots all for Biden, so you need to dump a percentage of Trump in those, hence more voters (votes) than registered.
The GOP must be destroyed.
I dream of a day when uttering the words “I used to be a Republican” are met with the same scorn, derision, and disgust as 1960’s Germans who told their kids “I used to be a Nazi”.
“I am a Nationalist, though at one time I used to be a damned Conservative. What was I thinking?”
A white nationalist.
“What was i thinking”.
Enlightenment. Who knew? Who knew our government was so corrupt? It was all so well hidden until a man named Trump tore down the entire facade. We once prayed in school said the pledge of allegiance, and admired Efflim Zimmerist Jr. That old America is dead.
Don’t worry the GOP is well on it’s way to dying. Trump exposed the GOP as a bunch of anti-American oligarchic puppets that they are. The Turtle is now busy giving America the middle-finger along with his RINO butt buddies. Everyone sees it, even the normies at BB and they hate it.
Most whites never understood that the GOP hates the white middle and working classes as long as I can remember. Sure there were outliers like Reagan and Trump but since the 60’s the GOP worked against the average American..
Reagan gets far more credit than he deserves.
In a natural and healthy ecosystem, the stupid die off first and foremost because they are otherwise a contagion upon the community.
TomA, if we prioritize a healthy ecosystem above all else, what happens when a significant number of the winners are the racial enemies of white people?
This individualistic thinking leads to white individualists being picked off one by one by the ethnocentric groups.
The continental US mirrors the dominant environment of Europe, which is why European immigrants readily adapted and thrived here. Races and ethnic groups that have an ancestral adaptation in a different type environment are not well suited to thrive here, despite the interference of governments. As to your second point, most of the problems we face currently are traceable to the actions of a small cadre of powerful whites that fancy themselves as a benevolent oligarchy. The necessary remedy involves focusing on them as you describe. IOW, you have defined the solution, not the problem.
Why the collective left beat the individualist libertarian:
Groups of three, four, or five perform better on complex problem solving than the best of an equivalent number of individuals, says a new study appearing in the April issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, published by the American Psychological Association (APA).
The future belongs to those groups who can best work together and pool resources. That means the hyper individualist, do-gooder diversitarian European is probably out the door. China will rule this earth.
Psychology has always been one of the most ideological disciplines.
If you believe that study…
Individual talent does not matter therefore concentrate on creating diverse groups.Judge people by their emotional intelligence to better form the groups.Psychologists are already trying to find new forms of intelligence to justify more affirmative action.
IQ does not stack too well when it comes to intellectually abstract tasks. Or it only really works if the average IQ of the group is high.
“The old sort of white identity politics that started in the last century will continue to fade away. Similarly, the race aware civic nationalism of the previous generation will give way to a new class-demographic sensibility on the Right.” If that’s true, we’re doomed. The only way white people can survive is by developing white identity. To save your group, you have to have it thinking of itself as a group. That’s why left-wing genocidaires push the “there’s no such thing as white people line” so hard. If we think of ourselves as just individuals, then we have nothing to… Read more »
Z does nothing to back up this claim, its kind of out of the blue, and I don’t understand it
You misunderstand. The new white identity politics will be more forward looking, rooted in present realty and less crude. The young are not interested in the costume stuff or in decorating themselves with references to German philosophy. They are moving away from the race aware civic nationalism.
There are a lot of cultural differences between the different nationalities of white people. The costumes and the decorations all point to a culture that is different from the culture of the white people currently living in the USA. You’re not going to get the majority of normal white people to align themselves around a fundamentally German ideology, even if they ever were to reject their funny-mustache-man bad pavlovian conditioning.
If white people decided collectively to take their own side for once, since everyone else is, I’d call that a big win. Leave the costumes at home.
dont. You think. Allowing peopl to associate, and. Do business with, who they want to, will go a long way to solve a lot of problems?
It might, but it doesn’t seem that anyone but whites cares about that.
In the great panorama of Western civilization, Nazism is an aberrant blip scarcely worthy of notice. We cannot jettison Western civilization as we marginalize Nazism.
As long as there are jews around who control the media, they will be yelling Nazi at the top of their lungs at the slightest hint of White identity politics. So the issue will remain relevant long after we are dead. I’m not speaking as a fan of nazi larpers or JQ centered podcasts either. Just trying to be realistic. I’m pretty sure at this point it is a conscious decision by some Jews to wind up the Nazis so they repel normal White people.
I’m sure the Jews will do just that. To hell with them. We must assert our identity regardless.
“their funny-mustache-man bad pavlovian conditioning”
The very source of my own antisemitic zealotry. Our generation was the target of the Brainwash, German references will fade with our passing.
The Zman is correct, the young are already adapting to a mixed world.
White identity without the baggage of Western civilization? This sounds like a recipe for failure. We are our glorious past as well as our repellent present and our uncertain future.
Culture is downstream from biology. If Whites survive, Western civilization survives.
True. But if we demolish our own past, both by physically abandoning it to the Other, and intellectually by neglecting or condemning it, we create an unnecessary Dark Age and gravely impoverish our future existence. We must preserve everything about our past as best as we can.
I know. This kowtowing to the absolute lowest denominator is both infuriating and depressing. It spells the doom of western civilization if serious changes aren’t made quick, fast & in a hurry.
On the few occasions that I’ve spoken with guys in their 20s who are probably on our side, what I’ve found interesting (good and bad) is how unencumbered they are by the past. WWII, the Cold War, even the United States being a free country simply don’t register in their brains. In their minds, you might as well be talking about Caesar’s campaign in Gaul. These are all just historical events or periods that they’ve never known. But they are very aware that they’re despised. They’ve been blamed for every ill since they hit kindergarten. In that environment, they either… Read more »
The educational industrial complex had a lot to do with that. Whether it blows up in (((their))) faces or ours, is yet to be seen.
9/10: drinks the kool aid, smokes more weed, becomes more cucked. Glumly accepts their fate.
1/10: gets mad.
I’m one of the 1/10. What’s interesting is to see how people react. It’s not always who you would expect. In fact many of our guys are people I would have had no interest in knowing prior to 5 years ago.
Some people just seem naturally insulated from Globohomo. I remember as a kid, the overt anti-white anti-male agenda hadn’t ramped up yet. But we were always hit with the latest moral panic in the classroom.
Save the planet! Water bottles evil! Climate change! Penguins dying! Sad polar bear!
Even as a 10 or 12 or 15 year old kid it struck me as bullshit, idk why. I was just never into it. Today that strain of leftist thought has morphed into hostile anti-white ideology. It would be good to research into what traits protect some of us so well.
We’re probably missing a muddy middle. Lot of White guys who grumble and just deal with it as best they can. But you are right that it can be surprising which men find their way to our side – and which drink the kool aid. I know a guy who is ex-Marine, very smart, very good with statistics. A no BS kind of guy. He voted for Biden (though he’s generally more a CivNat Republican but Trump was too loud and divisive for him), talks about lack of diversity in his industry, etc. He’s a true believer in colorblind Civic… Read more »
These are the mostly stand up guys who raise their kids, pay taxes, coach little league, whom you want in your foxhole, and populate all the other roles that make up civic life. But they are GIs. Government Issue. Often times thay are vets and they have farmed out their views on race, and race alone, to Uncle Sam. Or they were high school athletes and swallowed whole the civil rights views of Coach Civnat who’s WL record was more important than your grandchildren’s future America. I have an Uncle; ex Military Intelligence, vaguely Republican, hates Trump, immigration booster, guilty… Read more »
I do think that he was a Marine matters. I live in the DC area so I’ve known a fair amount of current or ex-military. They are a very, very colorblind CivNat bunch. I’d assume part of it was their training, but there seems to be something more. They seem to want to believe in our Magic Dirt. They definitely like belonging to a bigger cause, so perhaps colorblind CivNat is the way to let their mind convince itself that their beloved military (and country) don’t hate them. Regardless, it’s weird talking to them. The blinders in their brain are… Read more »
Whitey are good team players. Of course, when the coach is a moral illiterate thats not an advantage.
Oh, I would have kept talking politics.
Probably would have mentioned something about disgracing an oath as well.
One cannot connect with a past that his been denied to you. Our miseducation system has seen to it that young “Americans” are ignorant of Western and American history.
I regularly use this as an example of my “past being denied” I grew up in a small NH town. 97% white people. I was taught all about MLKjr. I said his speeches at a talent show. Constant Blackity blackity black in the media and education. All the while, I would drive down “Corbin Rd. , Drive by “corbin park” Big mansion on the hill owned by a guy named Corbin. “corbin covered bridge” never learned a damn thing about this guy named “Corbin.” Austin Corbin was the guy they should have been teaching me about. A railroad baron, made… Read more »
For young white kids, the greatest American heroes are MLK, Rosa Parks and Harriet Tubman. No foolin’. The Africanization of AINO is well nigh complete.
No kidding. I went to the local public library to find a book on Martin Luther for my godson’s history project. the librarian promptly took me to the MLK section. When I told her that I was looking for books on Martin Luther, not MLK, she put on her “interested” face and asked sweetly, “Oh? And what did *he* do?” White heritage is being buried every day by these dopes.
Heritage Americans, Melting Pot Americans, and Diverse Americans. 3 nations with 3 histories, each born from war imo. Just throwing it out there
Good one, Painter, saved for further thought
Ironically, the ties to the past are what defines them. If you don’t understand how you got here, you’re non existent, you’ll be crushed by those who cherish who they are. They want your fuckin head on a stick.
Not really a zealous believer in Nick Fuentes, “the Plan and the Movement”, but this video I think is what you’re talking about, Z.
You can clearly tell he understand what optics means. This is always what you wanted “A face you can trust to a highly skeptical public”
Fuentes keeps scratching himself in that video. Fleas are not good optics.
They are moving away from the race aware civic nationalism. From the essay: “Similarly, the race aware civic nationalism of the previous generation will give way to a new class-demographic sensibility on the Right.” How is “class-demographic sensibility” not just another form of civnat existential meta-cuckery? Race awareness is [by definition] the only psychological condition which is not [one form or another of] existential meta-cuckery. Or is that precisely your point – that the Frankfurt School will subtly & gently guide the race-aware away from the bother & uneasiness & worry of Truth and back home into the warm soothing… Read more »
To dismiss the alt right as “costume stuff” is tendentious.
It feels like Sisyphus forever pushing the stone up the hill. Each generation of optics-aware young whites think they are finally going to sneak up on our enemies by pretending to be their allies.
It’s all so tiresome. We can’t sneak up on them.
The common argument is that good optics are needed to convert normies. .
Good point. I just can’t pretend that we’re going to save the country by being the most faithful Constitutionalists.
I guess the kids can give it another try. Occasionally, doing the same thing over and over does yield different results. They’re just going to do it without me, which I am sure doesn’t trouble them.
The best optic for converting normies is giving orders to guys with guns and having them obeyed, as well as having your signature on the IRS refund check. It does not matter how you acquire political power, but that’s what normies respect. You don’t convert normies to acquire per, you acquire per to convert normies. If an antisemite started running the government tomorrow and started killing (((people))), normies would amazingly start becoming red-pilled JQ.
You don’t succeed by repeating the failed strategies of the past. Stop getting stuck on stupid: no one under 35 who can pass a NICS check and has an iq over room temperature wants anything to do with the swastica panties crowd. That crowd has never and will never achieve anything except sentencing enhancements.
Z – how do you know that?
Other than more YT are vaguely aware something has happened and they hate us there is no white identity politics.
A wish is not the real.
2021 is going to suck so bad it will make 2020 look like the good ol’ days. Expect the market to crash as people unemployed due to the 2020 COVID hoax can no longer afford to “invest” in overvalued equities. Expect mass bankruptcies from permanently shuttered small businesses. Expect inflation to get worse as the government money printing goes unabated. Already, the Dow is $30,000, middle-class people are paying $300-400,000 for housing and a pickup truck is fifty grand, yet the lying government tells us there is no inflation. Bullshit. Expect a big push for drastic, California and New York-style… Read more »
The endgame of the ChiComs is to dislodge the dollar as the reserve/petro currency. If that happens the only things that will matter are beans, bullets and gold.
One of the most important purposes of the Belt and Road initiative is to drive demand for the yuan and an alternative transaction system that stands totally outside the petro-dollar and SWIFT systems that are owned by the US.
It’s a global object lesson on the importance of building your own platforms rather than trying to bend the existing dominant platform to your own needs.
China also does not export degeneracy, which is a huge advantage in resource-laden, socially conservative nations like those found in Africa and the Middle East.
A lot of folks, not just the ChiComs, want to dislodge the dollar. Shouldn’t take too much pushing. Despite the power of inertia, in view of the rapidity of change/decay/degradation over the past 5 years I’ll wager it happens before 2030, with all the attendant ills.
i have a 2021 prediction
media will blame anti-vaccine people for not helping out with the pandemic, they’ll say pandemic will be over if 90% get vaccinated, then you’ll see the corporations and the aoc bitches going after the dissidents.
It’s obvious the (((media))) are using masks and vax as a cudgel against resisters and to further confuse and divide the populace.
Oh, score. Major score. #1 prediction.
Anti-maskers/vaxxers will the ‘wreckers’ causing the continued lockdowns. Witches!!
Me thinks you avoided the elephant in the room in your predictions post. As real pain descends upon the middle and lower classes of the actual citizens of the United States of America, rising anger will morph into tangible actions. And since the charade of voting has been revealed as cruel scam, politicians/pundits promising redemption at the ballot box will fall on deaf ears. Many people will start using their newly imposed “leisure” time for other forms of protest. And take it to the bank, the Federal Jackboots will over-react (hello Waco & Ruby Ridge redux) and that will pour… Read more »
he is predicting what he thinks will happen, not what he and others want to happen
The time has come for hard truth to be spoken with clarity. We no longer have the luxury of endlessly debating trivialities and sleepwalking past the graveyard while sipping a latte. No rebellion was ever won from the couch or the keyboard. We were build to move and act. If you need to assuage your anxiety, go out back and chop a cord of wood. You’ll feel like a man again, and it’s never too late to start.
The two-tiered justice system is nothing more than a means of imposing tyranny on the narrative breachers.
Yes, the more I see, the more I’m thinking that you’re correct.
Covert, small, do what you can. Sabotage. Lots of opportunities out there.
To paraphrase your words: “time to shit or get knocked off the pot by a fucking 2×4”
The Soviet Union was ultimately brought down by a population that just quit supporting a corrupt system. They did this in ways small and large, some passive and some active; and all while pretending to be model citizens. It took them 80 years to get there, and tens of millions of dead bodies in the gulag, but they persisted nonetheless. I think it can be done much faster than that if people are given good training and guidance.
No- that is not what bought down the USSR. It was bought down by Reagan cutting the money off and Soviet leadership cutting loose the Warsaw pact, combined with Gorby blinking.
the USSR at the end could not feed them through the winter.
Or in short active leadership, not passive people bought down the USSR.
At the end of WWII, German tanks (although superior in design) were failing left and right because the slave labor that build them was intentionally doing poor workmanship. Now imagine an entire population doing that in some form or fashion. The Soviets lost their people in the wake of the 1930s purges, and that cancer finally brought them down in the early 90s.
TomA: I can’t give you an A in history. Sorry.
Not on the USSR, not on Germany.
Not on German tanks.
BTW going through the purges and genocides in the hope of eventual exhaustion 60 years later isn’t an attractive or even viable option.
Nor is being slave labor for anyone.
JFC. Be a slave, just be a sneaking surly slave. You might even be a man again in 60 years if you survive.
Jessus flocking christmas.
Whatever defects the German tanks had, you know what machine you wanted to be in at a confrontation with a Sherman, or four Shermans.
Most of the failures were related to the drivetrain and turret motors. The tank crew had a manual backup crank for the turret (slow, but it worked), but when the drivetrain failed, you were a sitting duck and many crews quickly abandoned the tank.
Agreed. The German tank problem was not enough tanks, their tanks even if a bit maintenance finicky with the Panther were superior at the end. I don’t think the Germans were having their machines sabotaged, as I said above. I don’t think the USSR was bought down lol by passivity. Which didn’t help the 30~40 million murdered now did it? Tanks: The Germans invaded France and Russia with superior tactics and radios which made a difference, in truth the poor Germans especially in Russia were always outnumbered but better led to the end. The Germans got quite the shock in… Read more »
Should tyranny arise in the US, I can guarantee you that they will not ask your permission before implementing purges or genocide. IOW, it’s not something you can wish away; it either happens or it doesn’t. Ditto for being enslaved as forced labor. Those people fought back in the only way feasible, by doing shitty work on Nazi tanks. That’s neither cowardly nor dishonorable.
That’s fair Tom.
We have other options.
Moreover forced labor we can already see is not even an option.
They want us gone, we’re not worth the risk.
“The murder rate in Baltimore and other diverse cities will take off in 202.” One of the first rules of leftism is: leftists don’t care about the things they pretend to care about. If they really cared about black people, they would obviously go in for no-nonsense policing. Of course, all they really care about is power, so they’re more than happy to throw away black lives, indeed anybody’s life, to get it. The best description I’ve heard of left-wing “policies” is that it’s bait–just a trick to give them power. And you end up broke and dead and they… Read more »
Not necessarily so.
Leftists ARE capable of logic – provided it coincides with their emotions. Where it conflicts – emotion wins, every time, hands down. This in turn also drive secondary undesirable neoliberal traits like the virtue signaling that is part and parcel of their fake ideologies like feminism, homosexual/pervert acceptance, and multiculturalism – just to name three.
However, your screed applies to their rulers in spades. They write and cast the morality plays that drive the rank and file shitlibs just as you say.
Conservative Inc does it too, only with much less success.
I’d go step further and cynically suggest the Left sees this as an absolute feature over in the gun control wing. Troll through BoJ statistical database and the first thing that jumps out is that the US, once you take the vibrant major metro homicid element out, looks like…Europe.
AINO doesn’t have a gun problem; it has a negro problem.
I’ll be a little more specific and say Negros between the ages of 15 and 25.
Even more specific, male negroes 15 to 25 (actually 14-41 if FBI stats are to be believed).
I’d definitely broaden that category. I’ve seen too many cases recently of home invasions or attacks carried about by male noggers aged 30-45, and too many of 65 year old granddaddy noggers caught by DNA analysis for crimes they committed 25 years earlier.
Possibly some of the same released due to Ivankas prison reform?
The Left not actually caring about something is what makes the BLM grift so hilarious.
Who else is ready to go tell a jogger,
“Y’all got played by the unamed people!
Haha! “Who started the NAACP?”
Hard truth. As with welfare policies that force fathers out of the home and require single mothers to raise bastard children alone, and then add in abortion-on-demand; Democrat policy is a covert genocide for the Black race in America. Even more cruel, low IQ blacks are incapable of figuring out what is happening to them and slavishly keep voting D in exchange for a dollop of token gravy. Genocide in slow motion is the most heinous because the victims never wake up to the threat. Joe Biden is a friend of the Blacks just like Xi is a friend of… Read more »
The purported “covert geocide for the Black race in America” is extremely low on my list of major issues I’m concerned about.
I don’t know which is worse. The fact that we have a major political party committed to genocide, or a victim class that is rooting for them to be victorious. We live in strange times.
They’re doin genocide wrong. Black pop is increasing in the US. Also, nordic countries do a good bit of redistribution of wealth. Doesn’t seem to be “driving fathers out of the home”. To paraphrase an earlier commenter, we dont have a welfare problem normiecon, we have a black problem.
So when did you get to choose your parents? Do you really want to blame a newborn for a heritage they did not choose, then raised in an environment they did not choose, and bequeathed DNA better suited for sub-Saharan Africa than Detroit? Each of us has no choice but to play the hand we’re dealt in life, what that may be. And no, I don’t think government implemented genocide is justified just because you hate a particular race, ethnicity, or religion.
Whoa slow down there Rev Al. Your hypothesis doesn’t fit the facts. Further, if anyone is hating it is he who insists on the framing of black under achievement in moral terms; innocent blacks victimized by immoral whites. Stop the hate and explain how black underachievement is universal while whitey’s eeeeeville grasp is not.
Black people underachieving in our mid latitude seasonal environment is no different than Caucasians faring poorly trying to live in the Congo. There is a natural evolutionary explanation for why there are very few blacks living in Alaska.
I was schooled in this whole “blacks can do better if we fix families and educate them better” scenario by an acquaintance of mine who just happens to be a black guy raised in Detroit. He is an engineer and travels the world teaching customers to use the equipment his company sells. When education came up he told me there is nothing that can be done with most blacks. That the kids he grew up with never had a chance, not so much because of the circumstance, but because of IQ. Mark says he was fortunate because both of his… Read more »
What? Now I’m a fan of the democrats ?
Who wudda thunk it.
Actually, they do care about the negroes. The reason the AWRs oppose no-nonsense policing even though it means many more dead negroes, is because the negroes prefer killing one another to being policed by YT. The AWR policy is to allow negroes to be negroes, which, of course, means that their turf is nothing more than Angola with Nikes, sail foams and Lexuses.
Sail foams! Aaaaaaaaaaaha! I had to look that one up. Brilliant.
Actually Angola is now nothing more than Angola with Nikes, sail foams, and Lexuses. The third world is like this. Overall you see poverty, ignorance, despair, filth, and violence. At the same time everyone is frantically thumbing their sail foams and having dreams filled with crass visions of owning (or carjacking) a Lexus someday. The globalist “plan” such as they even have a plan, seems to be for the entire planet to eventually resemble Angola, Baltimore, or Malmo. Only the weather and the form of pidgin being spoken by the natives will tell you where you are. It won’t matter… Read more »
Same thing in Toronto.
Bmw, mercedes and land rover (on credit) are all the rage for arab, paki and black yoofs with a little bit of money. Things like housing becoming unaffordable and crime going up? Sheeeeit.
Theyve ruined the brand for me. But look at the fag and african commercials from these companies recently and it’s no great loss.
Ooga booga.
The demise of the middle class has been going on for decades. The Trump regime was its last (political) gasp. This year: What remains of the deplorable middle class – particularly for whites – will be systematically outsourced and/or destroyed by Executive Orders for “equity” hiring practices. Trade deals will be made that eat out the remaining substance of American production. Spending will soar, particularly with the implementation of Kamala-Kare and enhanced Electronic Benefit Transfers to every American. Look for inflation in late 2021, particularly as China seeks to further destabilize the dollar. Critical theory (along with continued faggotry and… Read more »
I figure we’re due for our Suez crisis moment, and Taiwan seems like the best prospect of a national humiliation that quickly devolves into a national shrug of indifference, illustrating America’s departure from world dominance. We’re spending billions in DoD on GPC (great power competition) but most of our antibiotics come from China – so our “new” strategy might not be the most serious undertaking. And while frantic concerns about GPC are used to justify buying expensive weapons systems (that don’t really work, or are tactically irrelevant… looking at you LCS) what do we spend our precious training opportunities on?… Read more »
Milestone – exactly right shipmate. Life on the other side of retirement is good, as long as you avoid the temptation to do the DoD civilian or corporate double-dip. Get thee to a community of like-minded men and plug-in with the vet community. Lots of warrior-minded men out here in the heartland.
The mere threat of unleashing a biological weapon somewhere on the Eastern seaboard will result in immediate surrender. Bank it. We haven’t been the only ones stunned by the utter feminization of our country”men”. China won’t have to fire a single shot. It also will present an opportunity to set up autonomous zones amid the chaos.
Taiwan probably has nukes, too. The primary concern in D.C. will be what that does to their investments if a few cities on mainland China start to glow.
Don’t expect Jill Biden to take this sitting down. She’ll be mad as a wet hornet having to leave after barely getting the new drapes in. She’ll attempt to manage her husband through this.
excellent point
Among the real movers and shakers, “Doctor” Jill is a nobody. She doesn’t have the clout to stand in the way of Kamala’s backers.
Heh. I’ve heard of “mad as a wet hen” and “mad as a hornet,” but never “mad as a wet hornet.”
Real men are not afraid to mix metaphors.
Even though she’s a smart doctor, lmao, she will be easily pushed aside.
Hey, hey, that’s DOCTOR Jill Biden, buddy.
The humor potential is off the charts.
A positive sign is many on the right have stopped blaming the decline in power directly to increases in Hispanics and Blacks. The demographics are bad, but they are not the core reason for the decline. They are starting to understand that minorities are just biological shock troops for woke whites and corporations to dilute Heritage American power. If whites realize they can push the accelerationist hate of the racial grievance class on their woke white masters things could get very entertaining. A conversation for a heavy wealth tax forced upon the Bezos of the country for reparations would be… Read more »
pro comment, and both points are well taken.
How can you Normie-Cucks be so stoopid?
If Dr Jill & (((Doug Emhoff))) are not stopped now [in the next five days], then all future election winners will be determined by Dominion/Scytel/CIA.
Absent an uprising on Wednesday January 6th, there will never again be any authentic elections.
For all the gas they cannot think of anything but voting and posting. I am digesting Dominion manual.
The Dominion software is so feature rich the fraud never needed all that paper ballot stuffing, but Dems too stupid and cowardly to use.
Yet they won, and will now take every elected office too.
The price of passivity is extinction – and it is just.
For all the gas they cannot think of anything but voting and posting. Normie-cucks just can’t seem to grok paradigm-altering sociological Black Swan events, such as the arrival & imposition & installing & institutionalizing of the Fake Election. B-b-b-but muh GOP precinct chairmanship. B-b-b-but muh GOP voter canvassing. B-b-b-but muh GOP get-out-the-vote-effort. B-b-b-but muh GOP charity softball game & barbeque. B-b-b-but muh GOP yard signs & baseball caps & bumper stickers. B-b-b-but muh GOP (((Facecock))) & (((Twatter))) discussion groups. B-b-b-but muh GOP poll watchers. B-b-b-but muh GOP National Convention every four years. B-b-b-but muh autographed photograph of me & Dubyah… Read more »
Mark Zuckerberg is a Jewboy but Jack Dorsey is not.
Reparations should certainly be extracted from the corporations and billionaires to restore small businesses destroyed by the lockdown madness they supported. I don’t much care if the PoC get a cut of that pie too if it will bring them in as soldiers in the fight against the elite.
Reparations: They’ll be extracted from us, with the PoC continuing to serve as their paramilitary thug militia to get the Suburbs and cucks to pay up. Pay they will.
The lockdown madness isn’t madness, it’s method.
The madness was we submitted.
I see the US going the way of Yugoslavia. And that will be good for whites in general, as it will allow them to coalesce regionally. The centrifugal effect of this partitioning will send all the brown asses off to their own pieces of magic land (although the magic will not be working in their areas, for some unfathomable reason). And what exactly will all this cheap labor be doing, with the retail and service economy shut down?
Idk. In theory it’s a good thing for white people.
In practice I’m not sure, when I look around at how clueless, liberal, and soft the vast majority of us are.
At least 30% would get cleansed right out of the gate in a Yugoslavia type scenario.
My husband used to argue that once things went really bad here, all the enrichers would scurry home. He doesn’t claim that anymore. Sure, some of the small hats will make aliyah, but the Han and Pajeet are accustomed to living high among chaos, and even the Mestizoed ‘Murrica is still better than on the street in Lagos or Tegucigalpa. Most White suburbanites haven’t a clue or a chance.
I still think many if not most will slither off. It is somewhat heartening to see places like New Zealand getting nervous about potential American refugees but poorer places would welcome the coin.
The rest however will be “forged of fire”. No one will like it, but it is inevitable. Remember the Predo principle, most of the work in any entity is done by a small number of individuals, the rest come along for the ride.
“Predo principle”
should read Pareto Principle
Vilfredo Pareto is the greatest genius no one’s ever heard of.
Good. Let the dead wood of the white race vanish from the earth.
It’s a given. Any suburb within 30 minutes or so of the vibrancy will be ablaze before the sun sets.
They won’t be laboring, they will be consuming welfare gibs courtesy of the US Treasury. Legacy Americans, of course, will be on the hook when the bill comes due.
YT is sitting on trillions in 401Ks and IRAs. I don’t think that the AOC wing of the Democratic party will allow that to stand.
Ha! Somehow it will be all our fault, once again.
I suspect that they might try to get two full years out of Biden, so that Queen Kamala can run in both 2024 and 2028. It’s not clear that Biden can make it two years. I could, of course, be wrong about that and the real rulers might push him out much earlier. They may not need to push him very hard. Several times on the campaign trail Biden indicated that he would be content to serve as a mere placeholder. Even in his advancing senility, he seems aware that he is nothing more than a straw man.
The farther we get from World War 2 the better chances we have of regaining some antibodies against the forces in the elite class that have essentially ran a psyc operation on our white population since the last disaster in Europe. When everyone is a Nazi, No one is a Nazi. When everyone is a racist, No one is a racist. Hopefully distance from the 20th century will provide a new outlook and means to fight back. As for predictions? I agree on all that was said but war was not mentioned so I will predict war somewhere. My guess?… Read more »
“He was just an opportunist who rode popular discontent to office, but never really understood what was happening in the country.”
I don’t understand your logic. The reason Trump was so hated was because he did understand what is going on.Was he as effective as I wanted on immigration? No. But at his core trump knew either we have a country or we don’t.
The reason Trump was so hated was because he did understand what is going on.
i think he was hated cause he was a republican who disrespected hillary and the interests that were backing her up.
regular media goons are programmed to attack anyone who opposes the democrats, diversity and female empowerment.
Trump had no foothold in the bureaucracy. The system is designed to swallow lone actors in a web of regulations and procedures. Mr. Smith won’t work.
The best that can be said for Trump is that we now have some idea of who we can work with in the Imperial Capital. I say some becuase its still not clear what are useful stones to build a populist foundation or dirt clods.
I’d agree. The most valuable gain in the last four years is that Trump forced these people out of their trench lines and into the open field. That may prove very useful in the future.
The Great Unmasker. A little ironic, no?
The hate Trump for two personal reasons. First, he’s an alpha male – caricaturlely so. Which is anachronistic in feminized America – and ridicules the beta male nonsense of the elites in contrast. Secondly, he openly mocked the national elites as idiots and incompetents and losers. Its the personal effrontery and the risk of exposure that motivates most of the hatred to him – not policy differences. A masculine unemotional elite would have quickly coopted Trump by flattering him, giving him some flashy symbol to brag about and then quietly doing what they wanted behind the scenes. instead, our elites… Read more »
I’ve never understood why they didn’t just give him the wall — and then make it pointless with vast, legal immigration. He and the CivNats would have been crowing about their “victory” for the next eight years while their neighborhoods were getting overwhelmed with Patels, Changs and Garcias.
(Ugh. Why do autocorrect systems act like plural doesn’t exist? It inserted an apostrophe in front of the “s” at the end of each of those names and forced me to change them back. Ha ha. It did the same thing with “systems” in this parenthetical. FFS.)
I suspect that drug & human trafficking may have something to do w/ that.
… and adding to that, from another comment in the thread – a mad, wet hornet
Trump retained 95%+ approval from republicans during the entire duration of his first term. With the exception of Bush after 911, no president will ever have a super-majority of support. This meme that “he is hated” is excuse for his inability to meet even the lowest of expectations.