Popular revolts in occidental countries tend to build slowly and then have a series of tremors before there is some clarifying event. The reason for this is people unhappy with their conditions tend to look for simple answers first and then apply themselves to getting relief from the system within the rules. They identify the problem or what they think is the problem and then go to the people in charge with it. In modern liberal democracy it means engaging in the political process.
Then either by serendipity or a confluence of events driven by various actors, there is an event that causes the scales to fall from the eyes of the people. In isolation, the attack on the Bastille was a non-event, but in the context of the historical moment, it was revelatory. The 1980 strike at Gdańsk Shipyard in Poland is a more modern example of a small event ushering in a paradigm shift. People thought one way before the event and they thought a different way after it.
Events this week will prove to be one of those times where people quickly went from one view of their world to another. There have been many left-wing and wingless protests in Washington. Just a few years ago the Left filled the Capitol with protestors over the Kavanaugh nomination. Those come and go and they are forgotten because they have no connection to larger trends under the surface. It is just part of the way the inner party torments the outer party in Washington.
The storming of the Capitol opened a lot of eyes. The people in the media demanding mass executions of Trump supporters were just six months ago gloating over left-wing mobs burning cities. Six months ago, official Washington was telling us the cops were a problem and now they are demanding they open fire on protestors. When a black criminal died in police custody, they demanded vengeance. When a white veteran is murdered by a cop on video, they think it great fun.
This week has been clarifying, because it has confirmed what people have been slowly realizing at a subconscious level. The manufactured outrage of George Floyd would have passed unnoticed, if it had not been followed by the orchestrated campaign by corporate America to promote hostility to white people. If that had passed, then people may have forgotten about it, but that was quickly followed by the Covid lock downs and then the election fraud. The road to epiphany now seems clear.
Many on this side of the great divide have predicted we would end up at this point eventually, but no one has every relished it. The events of this week were not just an epiphany for the MAGA-hat wearing normies. It has been an eye-opener for many on this side, as well. Unless you have something wrong with you, you held out some small hope that the prediction would turn out to be wrong. That hope is gone now and with it comes a bit of sadness over the finality of it.
There’s nothing wrong with that. In a way, it is like the passing of an old relation who has been sick for a long time. Long ago you reconciled yourself to the inevitable and in your own way said your goodbyes. The waiting, however, becomes part of your normal so when the time comes there is a hole. Into it flows the remaining sadness at the finality of it all. That’s where we are now. What comes next is getting on with the new tribal politics of the future, free of nostalgia and sentimentality.
This week I have the usual variety of items in the now standard format. Spreaker has the full show. I am up on Google Play now, so the Android commies can take me along when out disrespecting the country. I am on iTunes, which means the Apple Nazis can listen to me on their Hitler phones. The anarchists can catch me on iHeart Radio. I am now on Deezer, for our European haters and Stitcher for the weirdos. YouTube also has the full podcast. Of course, there is a download link below.
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This Week’s Show
- 00:00: Opening
- 02:00: Sad And Angry
- 22:00: Strangers (Link) (Link)
- 37:00: The China Syndrome (Link)
- 47:00: Reality Never Dies (Link)
- 57:00: Closing (Be Like Me)
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Yes, I feel the sadness too. The systems that the UK and the US have did to an extent work for the sorts of people who still defend them. In the UK, we hear constantly from many how there is ‘poverty’ everywhere, we also later learn that the way to fix this is by throwing more money at the problem. Most of the targets of said money have, materially at least, far more than my grandparents ever had… Yet they are not happy people, many are scroungers. My grandfather would fondly show me images of him and his ten siblings… Read more »
Excellent point. Crass materialism ultimately is empty and soulless. Odd that rampant consumerism paved the way for totalitarianism. With no hint of irony the goods and services spigot will be turned off and along with the scarcity we will suffer full on dictatorship and deprivation.
Perhaps on of the best ways to prepare yourself mentally for the future is to start shedding luxuries and getting used to it.
True. It is very important for anyone with debt to start shedding it ASAP, too.
Perhaps. With money printing, debt goes to zero. You can pay off your debt with toilet paper. Debt jubilees are coming.
I suspect student loan forgiveness is in the offing. If so, you’d be a fool to bust your ass to pay them off right now. Then again, it may turn out that forgiveness is only for PoC.
That will end up removing a huge chunk of the White Left.
Leftists come in twp kinds , normal kids who were brainwashed into thinking that Leftism is normal (c.f Moldylocks) and Spiteful Mutants.
The normies will leave or form some other Lefty group hell discover Democratic Workers Socialism or something and the mutants will stay.
That won’t work.
So if there is a jubilee which BTW would be good for everyone it will be for everyone. Even some of our guys will get some.
I just paid. Off 20K. I thought, instead of investing it, I should pay it back.
Sucker born….
Do you mean you paid it in a lump sum or over time?
The $50k proposal takes care of 60% on the low end. The high end most likely contains the professional “White” class—and perhaps they don’t need complete forgiveness as much as they are going somewhere economically.
What is necessary is that the scheme of “student” loans for worthless students and degree areas is reined in. But don’t count on it. We’ll forgive and then reinflate the bubble in a generation or so.
Yeah, two ways to look at debt. Sure, with hyperinflation you’re paying back your loan pennies on the dollar, but when a loaf of bread costs $25, those pennies will be needed.
Nothing pays a better return than eliminating debt and baring actual starvation, getting out of debt is always job one. Also hyperinflation even high inflation requires velocity of money and to get that the economy has to open fully for a period of time. Otherwise all the money printing just subsidizes a few businesses, This seems good but even the retreads in charge of our society are aware its not. So either open up or the money goes nowhere. Decisions, decisions. Also China isn’t ready to drop the dollar . Until they do , yperinflation will not be a thing… Read more »
My point is that usually wages rise with inflation. 100 years ago a well-paid man earned $20 per week and could buy a suit or an ounce of gold. Today, he might earn $2000 per week and could buy a suit or an ounce of gold.
Automation plus a global surplus of labor ensures indefinite wage decline.
In time all developed societies will shrink in population and collapse to a sustainable level.
This includes China which is at 1.6 same as every other developed nation basically.
Africa and such will probably die off to starvation, Africa always wins.
2150 will look like 1910 or 19880 maybe.
Good lord. It’s not your debt they’ll inflate their way out of. Your chains are assets to them.
Let me know when you get a shot at the latest primary offering at the Federal Reserve window. Sheesh.
Despite the USG minting 1/3 of the money its ever had in its history in a single year, yes in a stinking year the inflation has been mild. This is mostly do to lock downs but not entirely as we’ve been running the pressed and all that is going up is low margin necessities. We’ve impoverished our country and while yes the few looters at the top have benefited from it, even icons like Hollywood are now decayed post apocalypse zones. The grab for the remaining loot is going to be fierce as the last of US assets are sold… Read more »
You keep losing until it stops bothering you. Or, the beatings will continue until morale improves.
This is what happens when the so-called “Right” reveres the GDP uber alles, and the Left hijacks capitalism and uses it to push black supremacy and anti-white racism. Tradition and beneficent social structures are bulldozed into a landfill and a cancerous fascism replaces them.
II Peter 3And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.:3
Same here. My Mom was one of 8 kids. They lived in a two bedroom house, including my Grandma’s sister. Eleven people in about 700 square feet. They have all had great, happy lives, and remain very close, to this day. No one in this country today knows that type of poverty, unless they are mentally ill homeless.
You have described to a T my upbringing, only 900 sq ft and 3 bedrooms. It wasnt poverty but dad was washer and dryer repairman, so very tight.
Wait…we used to repair things?
Been there done that. 3/10 stars for economics won’t recommend though homogeneous and free was nice 8/10 there.
Not true. A lot of people in the US go hungry and poverty here is fairly endemic even among Whites. My family was smaller but I have known the joy of a welfare Christmas, EBT (Food Stamps back in the day) and food boxes as have millions of others many who still do. And yes we rarely have such large families though but no one can afford them anyway without massive sacrifices. People won’t make that sacrifice for a society of Mammon and Moloch. Beyond that sense should suggest you should limit the number of children you have to those… Read more »
“Coming Apart”
“Bowling Alone”
There’s a reason the Amish are so happy. The bonds of community are the ultimate safety net.
Freedom of association is gone, and with it, community.
You really only have freedom of association with homogeneity.
Coming Apart resonated with me. One thing I recall from the book that I thought important was the unabashed licentiousness and double-standards of the elites. I think it was Murray who wrote this (he’ll think twice after getting clobbered in faux Poison Ivy: Middlebury), and he opined that the proles look at and mimic the elites and that in the past, the elites at least feigned decency and uprightness. Now their bed-hopping with the latest hip-hop stars, say, like Fiddy-Cent. Good book. I highly recommend it.
I’ve read it. Quite good if you can get a copy. The book to read now if you can get it as its apparently soft banned (out of print, no reprint) is the Fourth Turning by Strauss and Howe . It basically explains everything going on, with high accuracy and good detail even though the book is pre 2000.
I was in DC Wednesday. I was with the million who would not back down. I saw the mayhem and glory, the day that everything changed. I was there with two other men from Fernandina Beach, with no weapons but with unlimited courage. We had all missed the fall of the Berlin Wall, but somehow we knew that this would be an event of equal significance, a day when everything changes. Don’t let them sway you with stories about how it was all staged by antifa. They’ve lost control of the narrative and are desperate to get it back. Just… Read more »
I support the troops
meaning you all. You are the real troops.
Fuck those other guys
Thank you sir
Thank you
I knew beforehand that this would be one of those things like Woodstock where there was always 100x the number of people who claimed to have gone than actually went. But even then, I couldn’t swing it as I’m essentially a cog in the system of my job. It’s good to be so invaluable in a way, but it’s also impossible to ever get a moment’s rest. Anyway, long story short, that’s why I depend on patriots like you to carry the torch. There were a few attendees in the comments of Instapundit and I’ll tell you what I told… Read more »
Thank you.
My excuse for missing the Berlin Wall coming down was that I was three years old at the time, but I did manage to march with the yellow vests last year in Paris.
With BLM the police knelt to them, but with this they were using every weapon they had. Luckily no one had issued live ammo.
It was a massive white pill to break past serious crowd control measures and breach one of the most important buildings in the world armed with only a give em hell attitude.
DC, January 6th May well mark the beginning of Civil War II.
Thanks for the field report. Thank you and all the patriots who were there that day. Yesterday a group of patriots raided the governor’s mansion in Washington State as well. Things are still moving quickly. I’ve been checking Gab TV a lot. They have the stuff you won’t find on YouTube and other enemy owner media. I’d say everyone should stay aware of the propaganda media line as well as the dissident sites for real video streams of all this stuff.
Full on Stoicism for me going forward.
Same. I will look back with fondness, forward with determination.
I’m at that point with you, Mr. Wright. I’m surrounded by the enemy, and many of my oldest friends have turned coat. It’s an admirable way you speak of. I am wrestling with just holding my tongue, day by day (and I have to, being located deep, deep in enemy territory).
Same here. Been reordering life as much as possible to avoid unnecessary interactions. For day to day transactions, directing them to the like minded and away from the Left minded. Local charity included.
directing them to the like minded This. Bitcoin was the subject the other day on this site, and it naturally sprouted into the normal discussions of metals, gems, 401ks, bullets booze and beans as currency, etc. Differing opinions on the merits of each were discussed. I think we missed the ultimate prepper investment. People. Human capital. OUR people. The like-minded and awakening. Building friendships, alliances, comradeship. Recruitment. Forming community. Race aware white people helping to lift and sustain each other. I have guns to defend myself but I need to sleep at some point. I have skills but I can’t… Read more »
Yes, but how to find those like-minded people? I don’t want to uproot myself to gain just one friend and what community can be trusted to reject the next wave of Chinaball lockdowns?
I’m looking at a cross-country opportunity right now. Should I burn my connections right before Bolshevik Biden picks up the nuclear football? How does one predict the future?
Commodities at least sit still.
You have to reach out and risk a little, or a lot. Isn’t that what investments and commodities are? Do you move or not? Dunno. Up to you. What can you find where you are? You won’t find a craigslist listing for “need healthy traditional white people for our town”. But you can look up demographics of an area you are considering moving to can’t you? How many churches are there? What is the culture like? The area I call home is 93% white. Churches are as thick as ticks on a coon dog. Equestrianism, hunting, shooting, boating and off-roading… Read more »
I dont think we can keep on moving
No. We can’t. But instead of wandering a battlefield on my own, I’m better off finding my shield wall brothers, my phalanx companions, my platoon’s foxholes… use whatever metaphor you like… it is a battlefield and don’t forget it. We aren’t quiting the field, we are rallying.
Amen my Brother…I think a lot of eyes were opened just in the past week and maybe just maybe people will finally realize that it’s who you live around that will determine what kind of future you have… Building Community is where it’s at and always has been…Hope you are well Brother and that God’s Blessings are upon you…
Sent you a message back channel. God keep you and yours, Brother.
Replied a bit ago Brother hopefully it made it…
Sorry been crazy busy. Ill check.
keep your eyes and ears open and your mouth closed. freefor needs intelligence from deep in enemy territory. good luck and god speed.
good choice
Forrester’s quote, that the essential American soul is hard, stoic, isolate, and a killer keeps popping up in my mind.
Stoicism ultimately means accepting you cannot control events, only your reaction to events. Much of life’s satisfaction is found in how you train your mind to react to things.
“Hope is the first stage of disappointment”.
(I am bitterly, bitterly disappointed; stoicism is a work in progress)
To echo what Kestrel said, I have been advising my adult children to be silent about the current events. One of mine posted a prayer after the Capitol incident. In my opinion, that just makes her a target. Pray silently. And for the love of God surround yourself with like minded family members, and grow your tribe.
i never realized how difficult that is, but even dad, at 82, is seeing the light.
And for the love of God surround yourself with like minded family members, and grow your tribe.
Amen on that I’m glad more and more see the light that you can’t do this on your own…You need good people to survive what’s coming…
Napoleon said to understand a man you have to know what was going on in the world when he was 20. We of the gray-hairs are saddened because we remember a far different America, and we saw it frittered away. But today’s 20-something? I can’t imagine a response other than cynical resignation.
It’s a bitter pill recognizing that Mexico is a healthier nation-state than the USA.
“But today’s 20-something? I can’t imagine a response other than cynical resignation.” A very salient and sobering point. My oldest is 16 and for the last two years, he and I have been reading classics from ancient Greece and Rome together, for the simple reason is that I want him to understand how our people evolved to this point and that there were and could still be better times ahead. I explained to him that after the fall of Rome there were small communities here and there – mostly monasteries – who not only held on to and spread the… Read more »
You’re following in the footsteps of the late Charles Weyrich who, in the 90s, argued that America was an enemy of Western civilization, and that its partisans must go underground, create communities separate from American society, and preserve the best of the West for future generations. He also used the monasteries/Dark Ages analogy.
It’s Paul Weyrich, BTW.
My parents both grew. Up in 1950s and 1960s America. Except for being drafted, which I admit must have been scary, they always seem to want me to konw how easy I have it and how great my life is and how tougher they had it.
My mom lived in a town that was so replete with Catholics, that angelus bells went off all day. Now we have phone dings….
I’m going to quote this comment elsewhere and link back to this page. It provides an important vision on how to move forward.
Yeah I’m not sad at all.
Happy to see it crumbling and starting to burn.
A virus spreads with no cure to find
God has had enough of our shit
A nuclear war breaks out and that’s it
To be on this planet living your life
To see it all end would be alright
You cant complain, you wouldn’t die alone
You can die with loved ones and die at home
And you’re not missing anything when you’re gone
Plus seeing it all end and what goes on
To see this great world come to an end
Would be the next best to seeing it begin
these 20-somethings are jazzed and loving it
I have always tended to gravitate toward youth, my nature always being ahead of the curve so what was always normal in my mind 30-40 years ago has taken root and has grown to be the basic norms of today’s young. So I’m kinda of loving it too. Normie considered me a weirdo when I was young but now the world sounds like me and normie is yesterday and laughed at. Yay! I have finally become normal !
When conditions change, and I think they will soon (currently are, really) that resignation will also change. Tptb have to go for it all, they know it and they are, and on some level they know they’ll fail.
I am surprised they have gone all in. It seems like they are invincible now. But wait until the debt bubble bursts.
Something tells me a bunch of bubbles will burst this year— and tptb won’t have a compliant public to trust their plan.
Yes. Things will slowly degenerate until the world turns on the dollar, then collapse.
I’d rather deal with a Sinaloan cartel than the uniparty. The drug lords are savages, but at least they’re motivated by normal acquisitiveness rather than a perverse desire to torture their own people.
The Nietzschean supermen of the alt-right always sneered at the normie drive toward homeostasis, but it’s natural for an organism to want things on an even keel, to continue going as they’ve gone. My dog knows what time it eats and goes out, and that I can’t pick her up when she’s gone to her little bed in the corner of my room. Our elites’ constantly shifting of the rules, their relishing of changing the rules based on nothing but their whims, caprice, and relieving their boredom, has made it clear to even the dullest normie: We are much, much… Read more »
I don’t blame them. At least a dog will bite you when you kick it in the ribs.
i don’t think humanity had worse elites than what whites have right now.
mongols – didn’t genocide you if you paid tribute
islam – didn’t genocide you if you converted
ISRAELITES – genocide you no matter what, in fact the more whites submit to their control the more they want to destroy us
to be ruled by israelites is to be ruled by satan himself.
The Bible says being ruled by foreigners is a punishment from God.
However bad leaders are common as flies.
Some examples.
The Thirty Years War ended up killing half the population of parts of Germany.
Henry the 8th turned England into an abbatoir, ruined the holy relics and destroyed a centuries old highly functional welfare system and changed the faith so he could divorce.
Stalin murdered on an massive scale for an insane ideology and out of paranoia.
Oh and there was that Cromwell mess runing a fucntional monarch
That skull could also be used for drinking vodka.
It is sad. I took down my Christmas decorations yesterday because epiphany is over and when I thought about next year it all seemed so uncertain
I was quite bummed after the election. Even a cynic like myself did not expect the open fraud, and moreso did not expect so many people to dismiss fraud claims outright and support the system. Then comes the righteous and wonderful storming of the capitol, which was ridiculous but it should bring a smile to most people’s faces. Alas, it brought cries of terrorism, and many defending that pig cop. I’m saddened and amazed that more people don’t realize what this is leading to. I really hope that Z is right and there’s a populist uprising in waiting, that we’re… Read more »
The mask worship and Church of Anti-Racism were the tell for me. That degree of psychological damage, particularly among young White women, is irreversible.
Getting awoman to think on a cultural/historical level… What would that world look like? (so beautiful) the 15%that can are the most attractive girls I’ve ever met.
Women have no business in public life. In a way, this is our fault. Rights rights rights adn more rights. Here a right, there a right.
While there are rights that people have, they dont change. We didn’t discover a right for wives to politically compete with their husbands In the attic somewhere.
What’s bothered me is the rush to pin it on antifa and essentially give them the win. Liars will lie about you, snakes will stab you in the back. At some point you have to embrace the suck and stop trying to win the argument. (And yes I was concerned about optics when it was about not inviting nazi comparisons. Now there are martyrs.) Happily it looks like the average MAGA type is willing. So-called leadership, political, media, or otherwise, not so much. After his vow to punish the Capitol stormers, Trump is another Benedict Arnold as far as I’m… Read more »
Trump’s vow to punish the stormers was to be expected.He has a very bad habit of throwing his supporters under the bus because he’s a coward and fraud at heart.
We saw it in San Jose, the deplatforming of conservative sites, the relentless attacks by Antifa goons on his supporters. Lets not forget how he purged his staff of nationalists and replaced them with swamp rats.
Sad but true. He’d been wearing me down since Charlottesville but that was the last straw.
I was hopeful but skeptical about Trump mainly because of a blatantly and shamelessly mercenary thing I saw him do on his Celebrity Appreciate show. I watched one season since it had several interesting “contestants”. One was Clay Aiken who, being a relatively normal kind of guy, pretty much blew the other clowns out of the water in terms of the stated goals of the contest (raising money for charity and herding ego driven cats to the task at hand). At the end the choice was between Aiken and Arsenio Hall, who literally dindu nuffin during the course of the… Read more »
If it weren’t for bad character, he’d have no character at all.
I watched the first three or four seasons of the apprentice before I got bored with it. And the two biggest ale always for me where that:
Trump at a fundamental level was a conventional thinker that embraced the cult of experts.
Trump was ridiculously politically correct on multiple points.
Both of which are completely contrary to THE NARRATIVE of his personae in office. And tells me that this whole epoch has bullshit on many levels.
Formerly, I supported Trump pretty much to the hilt. But, ruefully, I must admit that you are correct. Trump, like all politicians, is nothing more than a liar in support of his own naked self interest. And he’s a traitor into the bargain. To hell with him.
I’m wondering if he’ll be the one to release the Crackdown.
He got us to the Rubicon and then drove away. But then we advanced; the miracle happened at last.
I took the same oath Ashli Babbitt did- but now that we’re rising I can die knowing it’s not for nothing. The Americans are marching. That is the miracle worth dying for…
Amen, brother.
Especially sad was the sight of so many Trump signs and banners in the brief siege of the Capitol. How many cucks are still out there! If there was ever a hill not worth dying on, it’s Trump. I’m still trying to understand what went down that day. At first reports, it seemed like an outburst of rage among well-meaning but misguided normies. But enough anomalies are being discovered that it looks like at least some demonstrators were agents provocateurs who had been planted to light the fuse. Some of the invaders seem to have been photographed previously at Antifa… Read more »
Even if it was an op to trigger the Pavlovian response in righties that We aren’t like them, they lit the fuse, and it’ll backfire. I get the sense there’s a growing contingent that is over the rhetorical battle.
We don’t need these leaders, we need to fight and let them rise. One already did , Ashli Babbit. She died out in front, which sadly happens to brave leaders. But not for nothing…
Dying for nothing shall be the fate of the enemy.
We’re a long way from the French Revolution. I agree that we’re about to live through a very faggy (but still dangerous) version of the Bolshevik revolution combined with Plantation of Ulster. TPTB will crack down on the kulaks while trying to colonize our lands with my pliant POC.
I have to admit. It’s a clever plan.
But it has a flaw: It can’t work long-term. POC can’t run squat. Eventually, the system will start to show cracks, and the remaining Whites will have little to lose.
It would be foolish to assume that (((they))) have no plan for after Whites are gone. White genocide was planned in the ashes after WW2 (I have late 1940s American Jewish Committee board meeting minutes where they discussed how to kill every last German and get away with it). How they trick the Han after seeing what happened to us is a different matter. May the devil finally meet his match.
Yeah, Morgenthau certainly would have loved to see that. But the usual suspects will have an issue against the Han. I don’t think people truly understand how looking like us enables them to do most of what they do. The Han quite literally see them for what they are, another tribe. Every time one of them opens their mouth to a Chinese politician or business man, that Han see a foreigner giving him advice and immediately recognizes that the advice is suspect. The usual suspects have made no inroads in the Japan. They will make little in China. A con… Read more »
Hence marrying Chinese women?
Won’t work. They’ll still look different and have very different last names.
Also, Jews are a race. Dilute the blood, and they’re no longer particularly good at being Jews.
I’ve seen it in the DC area. The quarter and half Jews don’t have the drive or intensity of full bloods.
edit: that’s interesting. Why then so many Jews who don’t look particularly Mediterranean? Khazars? Admittedly I haven’t looked into it much.
And why marry a Chinese woman if you’re not marrying in? To each his own I guess!
And why marry a Chinese woman if you’re not marrying in? Have you been around Jewish women? 🙂 As to why Ashkenazi Jews often don’t look very Mediterranean, it’s because they’re only about half Mediterranean. At some point, Jews who were possibly Khazar converts made their way to Europe and took European brides who converted. Amazingly, pure blood Ashkenazi Jews all descend from ~350 people, i.e. very inbred. Of course, the Ashkenazi Jews spent the next thousand years getting more and more “Jewish” so to speak as the least Jewish in temperament and outlook married into the local gentile populations,… Read more »
Makes sense. Thanks for the info.
Oh, good catch. The Cult of the Bride Gatherers learned in Hammurabi’s day that the women are the back door in.
Jews to Asia “East Indians and Chinese: let’s you and him fight!”
We already have nothing to lose.
We have lost our liberty, NOTHING else
The Plantation of Ulster is an interesting comparison.
The French Revolution Jacobins were forerunners of the Marxists and Leninists, just for the historical record.
The French revolution is nothing to emulate as they are like the current democRat ProgreSSives.
My wife never takes them down lol
I mean she does, but prob won’t be until the spring til she gets around to it
Christmas is over; Epiphany has just started. Upvote anyway. Point taken.
I think that uncertain is an optimistic way of looking at things.
All it took was white guys to flex an itsty bitsy amount of muscle to cause DC to freak out
and you know half of those women were turned on despite condemning it. Savannah Guthrie through her fake face of concern was probably wet as a puddle on that chair
This shows the way, not really back, to a new place. Give them pleasure and children.
I’m on board with that! Now if we could only convince them to stop being crazy…
It shows the ruling class is terrified of us when we get feisty, This is a good thing which we need to leverage,
I bet she really got excited by the Viking headdress guy. Deep down, they’re just waiting to be ravished by an alpha barbarian.
I could share many stories about that— and all the times I chickened out because Consent. Damned feminist brainwashing!
I’m not saying any of this was an “false flag” or “Antifa infiltration” or any nonsense like that, but it’s also clear that the most visible contingent of these clowns like Buffalo Headdress Tattoo Man weren’t necessarily MAGA normies, either, they were plain old rabble rousers who were just there for the excitement. And contra the narrative going around in conservative circles, Buffalo Guy’s documented presence at a BLM rally doesn’t necessarily prove he was Antifa either. If anything it just further illustrates he’s a weirdo drawn to spectacles. It just so happens that there indeed were some die-hard MAGA… Read more »
Chicks dig bikers and “Nazis” basically. Now if you’re both, Whooo!
what I find interesting is that they haven’t released the identity of the guy who shot Babbitt. With the various cops who’ve shot various blacks, the media immediately doxxes them and we have all their personal info and image graven in our memories. Their prior transgressions and histories are minutely examined. With this shooter, it’s like they’re “just part of the system” or whatever.
I apologize if this is discussed in the podcast, but I had the thought and wanted to say it right away.
Part of the “mostly just” system.
It shows they still know fear. Good.
They are going to protect him at all costs, but I think he was a secret service agent and that is part of the reason. To the inner party that is a different than just some city cop, they would never give up one of their members for shooting a deplorable. The guy who blogs under the name “Jim Treacher” got hit by a State Department goon in a van while walking on the D.C. streets ten years ago. The driver was clearly in the wrong, but not only faced no consequences, the D.C. police went to the hospital to… Read more »
This is correct. Not in 10,000 years will you learn the identity of that man. I said it yesterday and wasn’t kidding I do know several agents being a DC local myself, and Secret Service is a black box org by design. Just call him Mr. Smith because he is a suit wearing G-Man with a license to kill, that is all you need to know civilian.
Alphabet agencies run in the rarest of rarified air and have rules even MORE empowering than the cops who already have privilege you can only dream of.
I somewhat expect suicide will be the option selected for this shooter…. The bus stops for no one, it’s the handsoap of the left.
It was confirmed on local radio WMAL Chris Plante show the killer was black, but not identified.
It has been an eye-opener for many on this side, as well. Unless you have something wrong with you, you held out some small hope that the prediction would turn out to be wrong. That hope is gone now and with it comes a bit of sadness over the finality of it. You have to be soulless not to mourn today. If you are over 50 you feel the full gravity of the loss, and if younger are resigned to a bitter future that very well may involve a state of constant civil war; it certainly will involve a state… Read more »
Almost don’t want to admit it, but I feel alive. The conveyor belt existence I’ve never fit in and always rebelled against is breaking down.
Sort of guilty knowing decent people are getting hurt. But this person wins, that one loses, and that’s life. It’s out of our hands for the most part. What a time to be alive.
For the 50-somethings here, it is one of those things you knew in your gut was true, but it still hurts you when it becomes confirmed beyond any doubt.
I was a young adult in the 90s. I used to hang out with conservative Christians and they were always talking about “the culture war”. I don’t think many knew that wars of any kind evolve towards greater violence and fanaticism if they don’t end decisively. I’m pretty sure the Cold War would have gone hot eventually if one of the players hadn’t essentially died of a heart attack.
How ironic that most Americans thought, after winning the Cold War, that the country had it made in the shade. Instead, the US rapidly descended into a mad maelstrom and is every bit as dead as if the Rooskies had nuked it into slag.
The real enemy was always within.
The USSR was just enough of a threat to the ruling class that they needed us to protect them and their property, so they mostly behaved. Once the threat ended, we became a net liability.
I’m sad too because I’m mourning for my country. The Republic is truly dead and gone. The stages of grief are: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, then acceptance. Every like-minded person I know is somewhere between anger and depression. I’m trying to push myself and others to the acceptance stage.
The mourning I feel is similar to that of losing my dad to cancer. There is a kind of tide to mourning; acceptance then denial, hope then despair, as the inevitable moves from an idea to a reality. A great deal of my mourning has already happened. Yet the body of the nation still exists, kind of. The cancer has taken much already. Small, frail, almost hard to recognize. But it is still there. So I can’t mourn its death fully even though its terminal; everything on the chart points to that. But I also have to keep living, moving… Read more »
There goes the Star Trek Future and the When Covid Ends my friend dreams about.
His solution is to “hunt ’em all down, kill TrumpHitler” and then things will get back to Boomer Normal.
(Yes, even me, brother against brother. He can’t understand why we cannot see Trump’s evil.)
“when Covid ends”. I should put this phrase on the tombstone of my abortive efforts locally at being a “community organizer” (thanks Obama!) I kept hearing it from (sadly it was usually Boomers) people I thought knew the score about what was going on. Astounding that so many people would nod in agreement with statements about how we need to defy tyranny – and then chicken out of in person meetings that probably weren’t even technically against our Governor’s insane diktats that were not being enforced in any case. I think a few of those people are probably coming to… Read more »
I’ll always keep a gas cylinder in reserve for grilling any tasty road kill I come across to supplement the government issued Soylent Green crackers.
Just can’t stand the bug-burgers eh?
Other than the Vietnam vets Boomers had it very easy and anything that upsets that apple cart makes the bunnies crazy. A great number can’t cope with real hardship and though its not true Trump represents getting back to brass tacks , hard work and all that. Worse they fear the upcoming crash, possible civil war , social security croaking and blame Trump for that. On top of that mess unlike aged people in the past (I’m assuming he’s over 50) so many lack any dignity and aren’t prepared to die. Ugh. That said and we all know and you… Read more »
This was an extremely poetic post. Perhaps you could stylize it a bit for a blog submission to a site such as counter-currents
There is no acceptance stage for us. No new homeostasis, to use Z’s choice of word. Our leaders want us dead and gone and if we don’t push back against them… we’re dead and gone.
For the dissident, the foreseeable future is one of endless, daily denial of very powerful cultural & economic forces.
They are telling 75 million people, the group largely responsible for maintaining the thin veneer of civilization and figuratively (and literally) keeping the lights on, that they will have no representation in government, no participation in popular culture, and limited access to economic resources and opportunity.
And worse: we are on notice
The fact that you recognize the country is gone is a healthy if perhaps painful thing. No longer will you spin your wheels trying to salvage something that no longer exists. And if you have had this epiphany, then so have a great many others. Turning loose of America is the first step toward creating something better from the rubble.
I have reached the acceptance phase. It is actually quite liberating. I now fully understand that our overlords truly hate us. I shall act accordingly.
The Covid has been the last straw. It’s never going to end and any “rights” we think we might have are at best license from the ruling class that can be revoked at any time. Yes, the “rules” might persist for a while and things will seem “normal” most times, but the rule of law is now nothing more than the personal opinion of the highest level executive official who bothers to pay attention to the matter at hand.
Events, almost weekly, serve to further radicalize Right and Left. We are driven ever further apart. The Storming of the Hill and Ashli’s martyring may be the most polarizing events of all. The Left is howling and gibbering like crazed baboons in support of their new tyranny and, in totalitarian fashion, is calling for the mass immiseration of its enemies. The Right–as opposed to the Republicans and conservative talking heads–has now finally abandoned the notion that America still exists, and is moving on to the formation of something new and different. And, for once, the Right is every bit as… Read more »
I believe the ramifications of Jan 6 will be gradual. France was actually calm for about 2 yrs after Bastille. Russia was, more or less, calm between the first revolt of 1905 and then 1917. But yes, things will get nasty as it sinks in, on both sides, that there is NO common ground to compromise on. Not anymore.
The combination of the Kovid Kaptivity, the BLM riots, the Couplection and the Storming of the Hill will generate momentum that cannot be banked. The freight train is rolling down the tracks.
Indeed. I wonder what his Instagram page would look like. Certainly his person looms so large in modern ‘make a difference/do gooder’ mythology, that even the toothbrush moustache is still frowned upon.
The problem with all these young ‘change makers’ is that it is really all just one attention seeking grift. It will be alarming to see these people come of age, realise that they’ve made no difference, and then like clockwork blame some bogeyman (YT) and start the path toward tyranny.
If Hitler was alive on some island and had a Twitter account, it would the biggest account on the system. His timeline would be full of people desperate to show they hold the right opinion about Hitler.
Nailed it. Each Hitler tweet would be reported breathlessly and footage of public disdain would follow.
You don’t have to imagine it. This has been Trump for the last 4 years.
Funny because it’s true.
You’re wrong about one thing: the toothbrush moustache. Michael Jordan rocked that bad boy and didn’t get cancelled.
Now name a white guy…
Didn’t John Cleese sport one for a while?
Why. Did you bring an image of Z’s neighbor: that fag, movie maker, whats -his name. Eeew@!
Charlie Chaplin?
There’s been so many “changemakers” and celebrate milestones: civil rights, obama’s Election, sodomy as the foundation of marriage, abortion. Non of these is good enough.
If 65 years of civil rights is not enough for the black man to be what they think he should, can’t people tell that their weird utopia may need to be examined?
–Trump’s Final Gift
Let us be Honest; Wednesday Trump led his forces to the Rubicon…said march to Capitol ….
Then drove away.
The Americans advanced on their own, not without cost, and their would be masters ran …
Americans are a remarkably self organizing society.
Trump did many good things for America, perhaps his final gift was to show us we don’t need him, we need to be Americans.
nice take!
The bad guys have full spectrum dominance of the media. Even the football talk shows are carrying anti-Trumpster programs. They are bringing out all the big names in sports to bad mouth us. It appears to be the beginning of the mass arrests and probably eventual genocide. Unless.
Watch for it: there will be feature stories galore about former Trump supporters who have seen the light. It will be, frankly, hilarious.
Just part of the coming Woke theocracy.
The One Church. Hey, if our enemies the Romans could do it, so could we, only bigger and better.
The Star Trek Vision is coming, but it won’t have all those pesky Anglo values except as a sales pitch.
Hell, we already have Woke religious police that can murder people who blaspheme against church doctrine.
I think I would have preferred fundamentalist Islam. I kinda like the tilework and the music in some of those jihaddi training videos is kickin! Also only the women have to wear a burka.
Yeah, the Wokesters are definitely terrible at art and music.
No booze or pork in Islam though.
Hey! Islam is multicultural! No racism in Islam!
Gotta. Give it to the Arabs, they get women right…
Allah ‘u Akbar to that!
Just to clarify: The World Economic Forum hosts the Davos meeting, not just associated with them. For those who want to be truly terrified by the point of Covid lockdowns, see the WEF’s 10 predictions for 2030. The first one: you will have no private property, and you will be happy.
For the most part, you don’t have much private property right now. Your home is subject to property tax which equals a second mortgage payment so it is really on lease from the govt which can take it at any moment (oh yeah – the first mortgage payment means the bank owns it too). Your income is also subject to payment to the govt. For a large swath of Americans, the CC co’s. have a lien on your personal property as does GMAC or whoever financed your car. So “ownership” for most people is illusory.
For the most part, you don’t have much private property right now.
schwab(who is an israelite btw, not a german) probably means a minimalist lifestyle with no cars, small house, no meat, no money to leave to your kids etc
Got evidence to support your claim about Klaus being an Israelite?
as if a racist israelite like kissinger would take a german protege, how naive can you be
the name is common among german israelites
israelites have a long history of pretending they’re of a different nationality than they actually are
So now you’re claiming that Henry Kissinger took “a German protege” named Klaus? Is that what you’ve insinuated?
Stop expecting readers to do your work for you, and start producing some evidence. For example, if a Jewish news service or other propaganda outfit quoted Schwab claiming to be Jewish, that would count in your favor. But you’ll need to present that here with a link to verify your quote.
Yeah I read that is “you”ll have the same crap that you do today, but the government will have a claim to all of it instead of just ‘most of it'”.
Absolutely agree
This is not only true, it is so glaringly obvious the fact that nobody talks about it much indicates the ‘dissidents’ are as hopelessly brainwashed as the ‘Libtards’ they love to decry.
Jack Dorsey’s one tweet solution: “2030.”
They’re all in.
On male/female differences. No amount of hormone therapy or suppression is going to make up the difference. Spouse and I were both elite athletes in the same sport and our competition weights were within 10lbs of each other. She was considered a physical “freak” in terms of strength testing and we were both subject to regular testing protocols including VO2 and lactate tolerance by the national governing body and USOC (including random piss testing). The gulf in results was insurmountable. Once lung/heart capacity, bone and connective tissue differences are established at puberty, those cannot be chemically changed. Only real difference… Read more »
Serena and Venus are considered the ultimate in female athletes for their sport. Everyone slobbers over them. Yet a German male tennis player ranked 200 in the world whipped the shit out of both of them in back to back matches, and he had a beer and cigarette beforehand just for the sport of it.
BTW I told this story to a few black people and they refused to believe it. Serena especially is like this goddess to them against whom no white stands a chance. Delusional people.
Serena is pumped full of more PEDs than anyone on this side of an East German women’s shot putter.
tOtaLLy nAtUrAL bRo! Even for black women w/ their high T levels she is freakish. I’ll just leave this here for anyone that wants to defend this mutant…
That actually looks like something that belongs in a zoo
or a game preserve. do a remake of king kong, starring you know who….
Mike Tyson plays tennis? still looks ripped for his age!
Oh shit you’re right! Photoshop out the hair, add the face tattoo… convincing.
My eyes, my eyes!
The Klingons have landed
Here I already got a queasy gizzard and you have to go and post that.
I don’t know about the other one, but serena has clearly been using PEDs for a loooong tiiiime. I bet she is swinging dong with the best of them now. she is going to be crying when the bill comes due, health wise.
Mr. Adams,
If you haven’t already, I really hope you have at least 3 and preferably 6 or 7 children.
Four. Two NCAA athletes another with 3 national (junior) championships under her belt already. Another could have, but dual engineering degrees was a bit challenging.
Nancy ramming through an impeachment vote on Monday? Good….Good…. Behold! The country with the blue water navy and global reserve currency status is run by petulant five year olds…. But Shhhh.. Don’t tell Pat Buchanan, as he considers the Nations Capitol to be a “sacred temple of the Republic.”
She thinks people still marvel at her “audacity” and daring but everyone just thinks she’s an idiot
”Oh, what’s Nancy going to do today! She is such a hot pistol! No one wants to tangle with her. oh my god I can’t wait to see!”
no one ever liked her. How they manufactured her into someone who is supposed to matter has been kinda brilliant, but it’s all marketing and packaging.
These people literally watch House of Cards and think they’re these characters in some thriller. No one understands how fragile it all is. That’s the main point to society in 2020. Everyone is breaking the system without even realizing it. And good riddance. Because once the system is broken the game pieces all change and so does the board. They don’t get that.
Exactly except for the conclusion. They do get that. It is why the frenzy is underway to censor everything.
not Knowing how fragile it all is is their greatest weakness. Generally speaking, women are allowed to have jobs because we say they can. It’s an artificial environment men have created for them, like Disneyland. They saw how vulnerable they were the day when there weren’t men around to protect them and they were hiding under their desks, I know in my gut that this shit is soon going to end. It all ends when men say No Mas, tired of carrying the load so you can waltz around in life like it’s a movie set. Make me a goddamn… Read more »
No matter her $pend, you know she has old woman smell.
Making Trump a martyr is not a smart move.
I have had the privilege of listening to many a Zman podcast but I cannot recall ever before hearing the barely-suppressed anger that I heard in his voice today.
Related to the story of the greengrocer, USA Today is soliciting people to help them identify people who were at the capital protest and corporations are already firing those who participated. They want to make sure that everyone who opposes them is shunned and humiliated at the very least.
If they get fired for their politics or exercising their rights to free speech then, BOOM, huge lawsuit for wrongful termination. Courts will never stand for that. Give me a break. Look at how Trump has gotten in all of his conservative court picks. Even the 9th Circuit tilts conservative now. Huge!!! And despite Roberts, SCOTUS now tilts 5-4 conservative. These corporations will be sued into oblivion, and after Corporation A gets bankrupted no one else will try it. I hate lawyers as much as the next guy, but they are a necessary evil in a democracy. (how’s that for… Read more »
Yeah, Amy Coney Barrett is totally going to ride to our rescue.
Lol, well-done.
She cried with her adopted black daughter, over the death of fentanyl Floyd. She will epphhh the right wing relentlessly over the next 30 years with a few scattered bones tossed out.
You bring up the greengrocer, so I’ll bring up again my label of the “Mask-erade” as being the 2020 version of the Greengrocers sign.
Doesn’t accomplish anything, expected of all good citizens, and ultimately just a means of forcing humiliation upon dissenters.
The hand wringing from Pat Buchanan today was sad and dumb. This guy needs to drop dead already. He made a lot of good points throughout the years, but anyone who sees the Capitol Hill as some “desecrated” temple and not just some antebellum era constructed whore house is naive and stupid. This is where my anti-Catholic bias comes in. Anyone who goes to mass every morning like Buchanan, to some corrupt whore of an institution like that, can look at the whore of government and think it’s a “sacred temple of the Republic.” Seeing evil and calling it sacred.
American government is set up like the RC Church, so people like Pat get all sentimental and confused
Pope = Potus
College of Cardinals = Congress / SCOTUS
Bishops = governors
Archbishops = Mayors
Priests = City councilmen
Altar boys = campaign volunteers
Laity = voters
Rome = DC
And ALL belong to the same institution and are committed to its preservation. That makes us here on the DR the apostates and heretics. And they don’t like them no apostates and heretics!!!
“The guy needs to drop dead already”. Calm down please.
Bite me.
We are all mostly allies here. Not a good idea to piss off someone over a minor point of disagreement. We need each other. I don’t know you but i dare say that Pat has done more for our side than you have. No need to wish him dead. Calm down.
Pat has done so very much and he deserves credit—but that was then, this is now. His call is to return to times long past—another day, another age, another people. In that he is a “gatekeeper”. He tells people what they *want* to hear—not what they *need* to hear. I respect Pat, and wish him a long life—long enough to see the error of his thinking and to change. This could be taken as a curse as well. As far as this group goes, Wciv’s point is well taken. Aside from the occasional troll, we are more similar, than different.… Read more »
I am sorry now that I did not vote for PB when I could have just as I am embarrassed that voted for Romney against Silber. After so many years I still do not understand how could I ever vote for either of the Bushes and not once but four times; do I need to see a psychiatrist?
No psychiatrist. But for your penance, you need to tell your story to all those younger than yourself, such that they may learn and not make the same mistake.
I am an old Buchanan guy but you have a good point, Pat is out of touch.
He is old. The vast majority of old people live in a past inside their heads. I don’t get angry at them for it anymore. I just don’t take their advice.
yeah I haven’t visited the capitol building in quite a while. I forgot how much the public rooms look like a 19th century bordello.
I think that Paul Craig Roberts has it right in terms of what’s coming in latest column, so we better not mourn too long. He lays out the Establishment’s agenda now that Trump has been banished, and it’s not good. Prevent any political organization of deplorables Increase demonization of Whites via media, schools, gov, military, etc. Weaken the 2nd Amendment, i.e. start putting limitations on gun ownership Continue fomenting racial and gender divisions, something that would happen anyway so I don’t care Massive immigration to continue weakening Whites That sounds about right, and it’ll work – for a while. But… Read more »
Yeah but that “paradigm” as it were presumes that people still consider them legitimate and that the media still matters
We are in new open waters. We have finally made it off tranny island and have to get ourselves back home
True. Many a MAGA Normie is waking up to the fact that the establishment really hates them and that working through the system may not be the best path. It’ll take them a little while to fully digest that their country is gone, but, mentally, I believe that a barrier has been broken for millions of Whites.
I have made some headway with normie by comparing them getting dumped by a high school girlfriend or fired from a job to what is now happening with them and their country. Because emotionally and psychologically I think it’s all pretty much the same. And everyone can relate. And then you bring up things such as if your own family can abandon you, if your own parent or sibling can write you off , and it does happen to lots, why wouldn’t strangers in DC? Another thing is weird for me is I grew up in the south and I… Read more »
The Western World is dead. It is now Mordor. By the time white people wake up to their fate, violent revolution will be impossible.
pcg is one of those few people who really gets it, the immense trouble whites are in.
millions(as many as humanly possible) of americans need to grab their guns(as quickly as possible) and attack wall street and washington, all at once or else it’s all over.
The US is just the largest and most unruly of China’s new provinces.
Um, it’s not the Chinese pulling the main strings, though they do have influence. It’s the usual suspects.
Look, I acknowledge the unamed people have influence and are making bank on this mess, but I struggle with the idea the people running a nation of 1.4 billion and the world’s second largest economy have zero agency.
The Han people have an enormous, “chosen people,” complex of their own.
Quite useful in getting people to unexplicitly acknowledge racial terms, as well.
Yep, PCG definitely is worth reading. The man understands how far we’ve fallen.
Well yes, but its only over if we return to passive. And we aren’t. March, but with justified hope. Let the enemy die despairing. And if you’re alive on the other side and I’m not, do see Babbit gets the MOH. She earned it. A few years ago there was a fellow running round afghanistan with a death letter that said “tell my wife I died for nothing.” I get it. Now that is past. Now, we die for something; our people. That’s what so many of you could never understand. We weren’t fighting for Afghanistan or Iraq or certainly… Read more »
It’s amazing how Paul Craig Roberts and Pat Buchanan were both GOP, Washington insiders back in the day, but Mr. Roberts will go to his grave with a clear conscience. He’s red-pilled bordering on black. Is Pat Buchanan really this thick, or has he taken the ticket? Is it really so important to be invited on the respectable Sunday morning talk shows when you’re in your 80’s? Far better to go out like a boss. “Congress is a sacred temple”, sheesh. I’ve noticed that Mr. Roberts has stopped relating Reagan anecdotes. But I think Pat is still day-dreaming about those… Read more »
Lobby day is just around the corner
Whiskey: “Pat Buchanon on VDARE called the protest at the Capitol “a disgrace” and called it a temple. Haha. Buchanon is just like all the other grifters.” He’s not just like them. But he’s been very disappointing. For a long time now. I tire of his straight talk on a calm days. Then on shit-hits-the-fan days…when the opportunity comes to back that straight talk…he goes establishment.
Don’t they all.
Patrick J. Buchanan can be summed up in two words:
Ezola Foster
Oh,,, yeah!
It’s telling how the Left flooded the Capitol 7 or 8 times during the Trump presidency with nary a peep.
The Right does it once and suddenly all sides are crushing their pearls in a vice grip, autistically screeching about, “desecrating the sacred temple of Democracy!”
Buildings a block away from the White House were burning in June.
Because they’re scared of the right. They know they’ve got their mob under control.
Pat’s entire adult life has been a yearning to go back to the Americana of his youth. It’s gone, and Pat will soon be gone along with it. Can’t be angry with the old man for wanting his last years be in peace instead of upheaval, but some of us have a much longer time here, with children who will have to continue the fight. We can just smile, nod, and finish what we started, what he will not be alive to see.
Love you Pat, and your book The Unnecessary War is still in my top five reads.
“Can’t be angry with the old man for wanting his last years be in peace instead of upheaval.” Nah. I’ve thought long on it. Fuck the guy named Pat. Could have backed us at this crossroads moment. His passion would have meant something. He chose not to. I don’t care how many great past and future columns he writes. Done with him.
A “Temple?” It’s the world’s most expensive whorehouse.
I’ll give him a pass for being old school. He probably can’t grasp it any more than Paterno could wrap his head around a man and a boy.
“Ashli Babbitt: Say Her Name” I suppose we’ll see dozens of sportsballers donning that slogan soon?
God I wish someone would put BABBITT on the helmet. The reaction would only send more people our way.
He’d be digitized during the live game. The halftime show would feature two fish lips, one broad, and a white simp apologizing profusely for triggering the audience, and in the second half they’d announce that said player had retired to spend more time with his family.
Joe Buck: “Well Troy I know that people can disagree, but what [white player] did was unacceptable and the NFL is about unity, not playing politics. It’s about time the country moved on and concentrate on dialogue and healing, wouldn’t you agree Troy?”
A consolation prize awaits you in American literature. Most of the old white left is sure to remember Babbitt (1922), “a satirical novel about American culture and society that critiques the vacuity of middle class life and the social pressure toward conformity”.
By Sinclair Lewis
Read Babbitt at Project Gutenberg. Its author wrote Elmer Gantry, too.
Stop worrying about what the enemy does or does not do. Stop living and acting by reference to the people who wants us dead.
As others have alluded to, but want another way to make them shit their pants?
Pay off all credit cards. Not only do you get your freedom back, you make Schumer’s asshole burn like he ate 20 jalapeños the day before
Very solid. Everyone needs to pay off all debt as soon as possible, for reasons both economic and political.
Consumer debt is a bad thing. Leveraging 2.5% debt for 30 year loans in a 2-4% inflationary environment is a good thing. All major commercial real estate owners aim for a 10% cash flow above their debt. Any amount above a 1.10x debt service coverage ratio tells them to take the money and run (refi). No CRE investor ever puts down more than 10% equity in a purchase orvrefi. When the market falls 30-40 percent (like every single CBD office tower in the country will over the next 18 months) and your tenants move out, so what: the property owner… Read more »
I’ll just add here that over at ZH someone asked how he, as a lowly shlep of few means, could short the dollar, to which another commentator said “take out a loan”
This week… But, yeah, it was the end we all saw coming. But what’s on the way: our history is filled with these sorts of stories, from the Hot Gates to Covadonga to Vienna. That’s the thing to remember, fam: we are really good at this.
And I was getting bored, anyway.
Remember, for every Pearl Harbor there is a Midway
Since I breed livestock, I have a hard time regarding the “assigned male/female at birth” with anything other than stark, forthright contempt.
I don’t “assign” some of my cattle as cows and others as bulls.
Some of the bulls get castrated and are raised as steers, but they’re still male. Just males with no balls. The difference the lack of testosterone in cattle and goats makes is amazing and visible, but their sex remains the same.
I tried having a thoughtful conversation about a lot of this with a liberal and generally reasonable group of friends. I made some headway too. I said, “yeah, there are some guys who are very feminine and so forth and feel like women, and the same at the other end of the spectrum. And in between there are all sorts of things. No one disputes that.” Meanwhile what I learned was they confuse and conflate and substitute the word “gender” for “sexuality” Gender is either male or female. Sexuality is the entire spectrum of different things. But they have been… Read more »
I’m a mean old man who thinks things besides heterosexuality exist, but aren’t “legitimate.”
If I had a bull that would only mount males, he’d be hamburger (fortunately that doesn’t happen).
Every time we play nice and try to be accepting they just take another mile. Being tolerant of gays soon meant mandatory celebration, and now I’m expected to call some guy in a dress “her.” Nope.
I hear ya. I’m just saying that I was able a glimpse into their heads and reporting what I saw. Then I took a long hot shower.
Reminds me of someone commenting (perhaps here) that he hopes the line about genetics not impacting behavior doesn’t get out in the open because his dog breeding business would be sunk!
I’m going to buy a couple Cocker Spaniels and start breeding Great Danes. Breeds are just a social construct.
It’s like the pot on the stove, it’s boiling with the cover on and occasionally what your cooking bubbles out and slides down. You see it and hear the hiss as it slides down the pot, you can ignore it, but if you do, it will continue until enough leaks out and you have a fire on your hands.
Our elites can ignore the the boiling pot at their own peril.
As the old world dies, a new world is born…
To get back up to the shining world from there
My guide and I went into that hidden tunnel,
And Following its path, we took no care
To rest, but climbed: he first, then I-so far,
through a round aperture I saw appear
Some of the beautiful things that Heaven bears,
Where we came forth, and once more saw the stars.
Blake? [guessed without checking]
Dante’s Inferno
Ah. A man of culture. Such a rarity in these demotic days.
But we need a way to organize that isn’t just obviously doomed to fail. I am getting tired of typing comments into boxes on the internet. In other words, where is the round aperture.
Bowls and bowls of red pills for normies today. Now they get to feel how I’ve felt every day about politics for years.
It is perfectly clear that we are no longer a united people. No longer debatable. Divided by fundamental values that are not easily swayed or changed. There seems to be two parallel realities. One is the “Left” and the other the “Right”, spare me the labels. A geometric impossibility that is currently being forced into possibility. What happens when one attempts to break the stone cold laws of reality? Certainly nothing peaceful or joyful.
I pray for the Will to endure.
Maryland has the coolest flag.
I’d suggest studying up on the American Revolution in the southern theater and the northern frontiers—that is what we are in for. Albeit may be more digital and economic vs. kinetic. Good example when you have two populations completely intertwined with irreconcilable differences. It was brutal.
The British were actually far less domineering in the lives of the colonists than the Left is today. The Stamp Act was small beans compared to