There are several remarkable things happening in response to the massive push back from Americans to the oligarchic coup we are seeing unfold. The one getting the most attention, of course, is the hysterical reaction by the political class. Their rhetoric is so out of sync with reality it suggests mental illness. One thing not getting noticed is how Conservative Inc. appears to collapsing right in front of us. Look at the flagship of that racket, National Review, and it should have tumbleweeds on it.
Their first big think piece in response to the epiphany protests was something so bizarre that it could have been from the Babylon Bee. Put aside for a second that most people in America have no memory of Reagan. These are people endlessly howling about the need to court nonwhites and that nonwhites are their future. The typical black is 27 years old and the typical Hispanic is 11 years old. Talking about Reagan to these people is like talking about Frederick the Great or Napoleon.
Look into that piece and the writer’s cure for what ails the country is the exact thing 75 million people voted against twice. Being the party of global enterprise at the expense of the culture and spiritual welfare of the people is why the Republican Party is headed to the dustbin of history. Tone? The GOP has been obsessed with tone policing everyone for generations now. The reason people voted for the loudmouth is they are sick of being told they cannot speak out against what is happening.
Of course, the slovenly Kevin Williamson has been pounding away at Trump and Trump voters in service to his paymasters in the uniparty. What you have to admire about Williamson is that he is loyal to his paymasters. Most pens-for-hire show a little reluctance, as their conscience tends to gnaw at them. Not old Kev. He was bought to be a foaming-at-the-mouth Trump-hater back in 2015 and he stays bought. The Iranians use guys like this to clear mine fields.
His most amusing post of the bunch thus far is this one, where he lays out his big strategy for the collection of rent boys and house slaves called the conservative movement. Down in the middle he writes, “The big technology companies are the most successful thing going economically in the United States; the Europeans, who have nothing to compare to a Facebook or a Google, resent them and fear them; Democrats hate them, blaming Facebook for the election of Trump in 2016.”
This is what most people used to call a bald-faced lie. The Democrats love the tech oligarchs every bit as much as National Review and for the same reason. They both get gobs of cash from the Silicon Valley oligarchs. The tech companies are systematically erasing anything resembling dissent to the official orthodoxy. They are even erasing people Williamson would call allies. For old Kev, the only allies are those who can keep his refrigerators stocked. He’s happy to be an organ grinder’s monkey.
Of course, you see nothing on National Review concerning the most relevant issue of the day, which is tech censorship. For a collection of people who amusingly insist they are a movement, you would think they would have something to say about the thing everyone is discussing. The one exception is the piece they get from Victor David Hanson, but he has no role in the editorial stance of the site. In fact, he is notable in being the last actual conservative writing for the site.
Of course, Conservative Inc. is not just National Review, but it has always been the canary in the coal mine. The more vibrant and active sites are shifting into the populist camp as they realize there is no future with the National Review types. The average age of a NRO reader is over 70 now. You’ll note that most of their stories get few comments and that is because many nursing homes no longer provide free internet access to their patients.
All of this is good news. The National Review type has always been a hindrance to the genuine right-wing, because they operate as the “good” conservative. That is, the Left anoints them as the opposition, so money and attention flow to them. Meanwhile, the genuine opposition to the Left is begging for scraps and attention. Stripped of that credibility, it is no longer possible for them to play that role. The money will continue to dry up and National Review will go the way of all legacy media.
All of this points to something much bigger. What has unfolded since the election has opened the eyes of millions of people. Despite the rhetoric from their cult leaders, even many lefties are getting nervous about what is happening. They live close enough to reality to know what lies ahead if we keep on this pace. For Conservative Inc., it means they no longer have an audience hoping that a settlement can be negotiated with their friends on the Left. Principled surrender is no longer an option.
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The big technology companies are the most successful thing going economically in the United States; the Europeans, who have nothing to compare to a Facebook or a Google, resent them and fear them; Democrats hate them, blaming Facebook for the election of Trump in 2016.” Aughghgh! Facebook is not “technology” – it’s a shitty myspace clone written in a few weekends by a Harvard teen turned political sociopath once he had money rain down on him by the random hand of the network effect. The gas turbine is a technology. Optical tweezers are a technology. Photolithography – what makes all… Read more »
“Optical tweezers”
Wow, haven’t heard anyone mention that in twenty years.
Last I heard it was being used to manipulate DNA strands.
Can you provide any interesting links??
it also doesn’t manufacture anything, so it doesn’t employ many people. funny enough, because of that, the big tech companies are now moving out of cali because there is no need to be close to suppliers (because there are no suppliers!).
I can see some…logic to being ruled by the likes of Microsoft and Apple since they have actual engineering staffs and release actual products. I’d still hate them, but at least there is a value proposition that be argued in what they do. Companies like Twitter, GoDaddy, Facebook, Amazon, Uber, etc. are just grift operations. Their products are no more than ‘roided up spreadsheets and to call them “tech companies” is like calling my house a “nuclear power concern” because that’s what powers my morning toaster.
oh lord, a MS ruled society would blue screen in a year.
We’re headed into a hi-tech dark age.
Tend to agree, but rather than big software I think it is the over-reach of the Green energy pseudo religion and its almost certain failure that will put a good part of the world into what I’d call on a soft Dark Age.
Uh, that’s basically the stated plan of the World Economic Forum’s, “Great Reset.”
It’s clear that they’re moving to Windows as a subscriber service where you don’t own any of it. That should raise some alarm bells among the Libertarians, and the CivNats.
That’s the Thing in investing, now, subscriber services such as Salesforce rather than buying and tweaking new releases.
that’s why i am sticking with Win7 😛 run linux on my home laptop, with a win7 VM. win10 should pay users to have it on their machine, as MS uses *your* machine to run ads to you.
Same for Twitter, Instagram, etc.
And Google hasn’t really had a strong innovation in a long time. A good search engine is nothing special anymore, nor is Maps. They want to be an AI company, but are purposefully lobotomizing their algorithms in the name of social justice.
As for web services with AWS and others, there’s nothing impressive about buying thousands of servers and putting them on a farm.
They really don’t realize what a paper tiger our technology really is.
I just watched what I think is a Spielberg movie, called “Enter Player One”. I. Think. Anywho,,, the nerdy, socially dysfunctional tech wizard is held up almost like a saint. It reminds me of a dot-head, Demi-nogger that was a customer of mine telling me how she LOVED and admired and looked up to Zuckerberg. I never heard anyone say that about a tech guy. But Jobs had a few movies made about him
My point is that there is a strange worship of these guys.
ever seen what young speilberg looked like?
Musk is not as bad as Gates, Zuck, Dorsey et al, but their is a fanboi cult around him. At least Musk actually builds things that work, though they require subsidies.
Informal poll: How many of you have ever encountered a Tesla car in your day-to-day lives? I know some States are pretending to go ALL ELECTRIC (car-wise) by 20XX. But the infrastructure doesn’t exist. I do not get their stock valuation in the Casino.
An office woman where I work has one. Not common but not super rare around my way.
I drive by an actual Tesla dealer 20 miles north of the home of the Z-man to get my back un-gefucked by my Chiropractor.
See the occasional car on the roads.
In other words, you live within shouting distance of the gilded Imperial Capital. In Jesusland they’re as rare as hen’s teeth.
Tesla is a unicorn that farts rainbows to the scientism cult.
It will have insane valuation until it doesn’t.
well, it’s a bit more than a unicorn. any particular reason some people here are down on Tesla?
they are all over like fertilizer, in socal (guessing norcal too).
You are ignoring that these technological marvels allow the US to lead the world in cat videos both quantitatively and qualitatively.
“Black boxes plugged in together, ” is the type of work that is often, but not always, disguised under the title, “Systems Engineer.”
I actually blame Microsoft for starting this trend and talking about all their shit ideas as “technology”. I think they started that in the 90s. Before that all technology could pass the “kick test”. If you can kick it, it’s technology. It was doubly infuriating to me because I knew that most of their “innovations” were just ideas other people had been doing for years which they renamed and sold to their moronic customers as something new. I still get angry when I think about how they hyped up the fact their new versions of Windows could multitask – 10… Read more »
here’s how bad ms is. before they rolled out win 1.0, they owned a unix variant that was fully multi tasking and multi user. they could have put a gui on top of that very easily, and leap frogged apple. but billy g hated unix for some unfathomable sperg reason, so he made them put the gui (win 1) on top of ms-dos?!
From what I can tell, the conservative establishment is now just as respected among conservative people as CNN, NFL, and AOC. Just another annoying bleating cow to ignore.
They have no idea. They think everything is going back to normal. I heard the NFL is dialing back the African and rap content on tv broadcasts – I don’t care if it’s true, I’m not checking – they figure out way too late.
Former conservatives are either checking out, or going dissident. Keep redpilling.
i hate the fake right with a white hot passion. the left is just a virus that needs treatment.
I had been a lifelong football fan. Now I see it as black people giving each other brain damage chasing a ball. When they are not chasing it, they focus all the energy their 85 IQs will allow, to actively hate their customers.
Same here. I backed away from the NFL early this season, then turned on the Bears-Saints playoff game Sunday, because…well, I dunno, it’s the playoffs. I couldn’t sit through it. The commercials are all race-mixed, or depicting the white guy as soyboy/dumbass, etc, then “George Floyd” stamped on that white foam part sticking out of their helmets…I had to turn it off. I’m done.
Let’s lower the urban body count and Increase African-American Employment at the same time!
Gladiator Games: ESPN Dispute Settlement
Battle Beagle (Hate Twatter):
“There’s going to be the perfect tweet pointing out the hypocrisy of the Left…and then BAM, the Right wins it just like that! F-22s will fly over dumping chicken tenders and the credits will roll with awesome music.
Some of you will even get a GF”
The final red pill is identity. The anti-identity gatekeepers will fight to their last check from our rulers to try and stop whites from viewing themselves as a people. Luckily, the Left will shove that pill down the throats of whites, and there’s nothing the National Review or others can do to stop that from happening because the GOP has lost power. It was always going to end this way. The Left gained power by being anti-white and importing non-whites into the country to demographically overwhelm us. The GOP had two choices: Fight that plan (in which case, the GOP… Read more »
RNC theme song ought be taps, or perhaps better yet Chopin Funeral March
or this:
Funny part is, they ARE the party of Whites anyway. What a tragedy.
I’ve enjoyed the pushback instapundit is getting. Every one of his ridiculous articles or others articles just get hundreds of comments telling them pretty much to f off its great
I was thinking the same. The site’s strength has been a pretty generous tolerance for commentators who call them out. It even looked to me that after years of Ed Driscoll writing snark equating left wing government oppression to right wing memes someone finally reined him in as the reply comments were getting worse and worse (or in our case, better). It could also be that he wizened up which I doubt. Still, Reynolds doesn’t seem to want to run an operation like that, a normie punching bag operation where he stands in for the normie who dreams of going… Read more »
Reynolds is or was a shill for Amazon. He’s as big of a grifter as National Review.
he still begs crumbs from bezos.
reynolds is a complete pussy. the worst kind of chess piece – the self sacrificing pawn.
He’s a typical libertarian as Z describes them: there when you don’t need them, gone when you do.
Reynolds is incapable of differentiating between a Libertarian and a Libertine. Z-man seems to have this problem too, at times.
Decent people have a self-directed morality independent of the fatwah’s of the State,
Sarah Hoyt is the only one there with any spine. But she posts in the middle of the night.
Instapundit is a subsidiary of PJMedia. They have an “editorial viewpoint.”
you don’t vey 😛
The WSJ will hopefully be flushed down the same sewer as NRO. The time for negotiated settlements and peaceful coexistence is long gone.
Same for The American Conservative. I was a plank subscription owner back in 2002 mainly because I was always a fan of Buchanan (the co-founder) and (because of him) TAC was about the only mag on the right that opposed the Iraq war and dared call out the ((lobby)) behind it. They stayed pretty true to that course until the Obama admin. Then began a slow shift from paleo-con to the neo-con “can’t we all get along” camp. The last straw was round about 2014/15 when they cancelled Phillip Giraldi for daring to criticize ((the ones who shall not be… Read more »
My years were a little off (it was 2017), but here’s the article that TAC did not publish and got Geraldi fired.
pat is just a failed grifter. forget him.
there are none so blind…
Dreher is the epitome of chucked Christianity, and the most obnoxious part is I lost count of how many times he wrote something to the effect of “it seems our only plausible conclusion is what is happening in reality is <badthought>, but that is evil to assume, and will force us to do unpleasant things and have unpleasant thoughts, so it must be rejected out of hand.” If you believe we are ruled by corrupt oligarchs who specifically hate white people, but are religiously unwilling do some very messy things, fine, we can still work with that. In order to… Read more »
lol, that’s Dreher. I recall he really liked WrathofGnon’s twitter posts until someone pointed out that this traditional, local, environmental, good urbanism guy was some sort of raciss. Then Dreher disavowed. Embarrassing.
The only answer the System offers to the JQ is to pretend that your fingers slipped while typing the name of that metrosexual men’s magazine. IOW, even saying that there is a JQ takes you a fair way down Red Pill Boulevard.
They just did an excellent piece on the fraud, however…
I believe it was ultimately to start a war with Russia using Syria as the excuse. Bonus points for a failed Syrian state.
Just canceled my subscription after many years. Looking for another credit card co. We can also play the cancel game.
Does that mean peaceful separation is off the table?
The one exception is the piece they get from Victor David Hanson, but he has no role in the editorial stance of the site. In fact, he is notable in being the last actual conservative writing for the site. Yes, I’m surprised that VDH is still there, to be honest. Even a couple of years back I recall reading one of his pieces there, nothing great, but it was in stark contrast to almost everything else presented at that site. What has unfolded since the election has opened the eyes of millions of people. Despite the rhetoric from their cult… Read more »
hanson is an academic. ‘nough said.
He believes in the “idea” or the “proposition” of the country, doesn’t he? He loves telling anacdotes about the Mexicans or Latinos in his area.
Most of those anecdotes are not favorable. He’s written many pieces relating how the Mestizos have, literally, trashed the Golden State.
And a very good academic at that. His knowledge in his field is matched by few. Why do you see such as a negative? I see it s a plus. Lots of commentators one reads—once anyway—are painfully ignorant of simple history. They check the wind and parrot others in the political sphere rather than create and disseminate new understanding. Please, do elaborate on VDH.
IMO, he’s too mainstream conservative civnat. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a good writer and historian but he’s also kind of like Rush in that he longs for America as it was and never will be again. If we just vote harder and point out all the fallacies of the left, that’ll do the trick.
Right, and the right argument will win the day
I have a memory. He was on board, big time, for the Global; War on Terror. Unless he’s publicly apologized for that, I have little interest in what he might have to say.
Yeah, well, so was I. At the time, many people thought the Muslims were the biggest threat to the West. We didn’t know we, ourselves, were the biggest threat to the West.
Where are the Musselmen now? They just disappeared.
No, not enough said. VDH is not your typical academic. He is a very learned classicist, historian, Greek scholar and does not deserved to be lumped is with the others. Check out his history books, from the Greeks to WW II.
tell us which of his books you have read, please.
“Who Killed Homer?” A great defense of the importance of understanding the classics.
“Carnage and Culture”, “Mexifornia”, a warning that what has happened in Ca. would spread to other states.
“Why the West Has Won”
“The End of Sparta”
“The Second World Wars”, an amazingly well researched, thoughtful book.
Probably more on my book shelves, but what I can recall without even much looking.
DVH is a true scholar, reads Greek too.
VDH is only interesting in that he is a writer for NRO who does not openly hate the conservative movement. He pretends that he’s a man of the people, only his people are Mexicans.
I don’t read VDH a lot, but when I have I’ve noticed he’s been pretty open about the damage Mexicans have done to the area he lives in — the trash, the theft, the vandalism, the lawlessness and contempt for regulations and the welfare. I haven’t noticed much of what he writes be approving of Mexicans.
He wrote the book “Mexifornia.” (And it wasn’t promoting transforming California into North Mexico.)
His big point with Mexicans is that there hasn’t been enough intermarriage with White Americans. He also does the whole “as long as its legal” bit. VDH only looks good in comparison to the traitors at NRO. Put VDH’s writing against Z-Man or any dissident writer for that matter. To the extent that he is good, he drives traffic to NRO. I don’t deny he is good on some aspects of dissident politics. But he is NEVER going to say “Mexicans belong in Mexico. They are not us.” He will NEVER say Mexico is like Mexico because it’s full of… Read more »
I can’t. Believe people spent time commenting here defending him.
and these self same people also claim to support Zman’s thesis. i guess the word to reconcile these two mental positions is: LARPing.
VDH openly laments his state turning into a third-world Latin American dump. He regularly writes about the difference between coastal elite California and the neglected interior. I’m not sure your comment can be defended by the facts.
Milestone D: True, but also true that Hanson believes in race-blind civic nationalism – that many of those same Mestizos who’ve destroyed his home state can, by embracing ‘magic principles,’ become real ‘murricans. I don’t read civic nationalists. Hanson may know certain historic/military facts, but if he refuses to recognize the reality of race and ethnicity and the power of such, he’s ignoring a vital element of history.
YES! He rants about how there hasn’t been enough interracial marriage and a bunch of other stuff.
This is precisely why I said VDH only looks good in comparison to the cucks and traitors at NRO.
Sadly, I know this first hand. I read VDH regularly until I started reading Z, which was only about 2 years ago.
And, thus,,, he is dangerous, and not on our side.
Vitriol is hardly ever supported by facts.
put a number on “hardly ever”, please. because to me that is an unsupportable position.
You’re thinking of Fred Reed. 🙂
haha you are right! old fred quieted down a bit about the cultural superiority of mexico, when the cartel carnage started getting noticeable.
Nonsense. You obviously have never read or heard VDH speak. He loves Mexicans? Read Mexifornia. He has been driven off his farm by illegals. That he speaks in a softer tone perhaps than we here does does nothing to diminish his condemnation of the immigration situation.
Compsci – Strongly disagree. He fully believes in ‘legal immigration’ and the mythical ‘melting pot.’ He doesn’t believe race or ethnicity to be any hindrance to such, because only ‘culture’ matters, not genetics (from whence culture originates). He does not condemn the incoming hordes, only their technical status and the pace of their purported assimilation.
Why people are clamoring to defend this. Guy. Is beyond me
They have a lot of power but they’re also hysterical and panicking, which is a very, very bad combination. It could be bad for us but also for them. Taking part in most media consumption (and definitely financially supporting most media) at this point is like voting or public protest: you win (or at least hold them to a stalemate in this insane phase) by refusing to play at all. Don’t even comment on mainstream conservative sites since we should deny them so much as a barometer (they don’t care enough to listen but they are scared enough to eavesdrop).I’m… Read more »
first off, why would anyone red pilled (or otherwise, really) spend even a second on sites known to be pozzed?! because they long for the old safe slave life.
there is a way to have your cake and eat it too, kind of. share credentials. i know one set of credentials (for all premium OTA sites, like HBO+, etc) that over 50 people were sharing, for over 3 years – and the owner of the credentials didn’t even know it.
Don’t. Protest?
25,000 troops in the Capital. They’re sleeping in the hallways of the Capitol, listening to ad hoc speeches by the Speaker thanking them for stopping “The Insurrection”.
They’re literally insane.
I never thought they’d be stupid enough to do something like start a war with China or Russia Russia Russia, but now I’m no longer sure.
We are not going to war with China, they own too many reps. War with Russia will end up in nuclear fire , EMP weapons or worse.
It will be Iran although maybe not that as they are tight with Russia right now.
They’d love to go all martial law before the Deplorables organize but that’s a low probability item as they can’t trust the enlisted troops. There are Deplorables even among the POC troops
(((They))) want war with Iran, but (((they))) need Iran to “start” the war, so far the Iranians have been very smart, and more or less refuse to take the bait, things will get interesting in a few months
“25,000 troops in the Capital” made me think of this song:
We are ripe for a strong man, with all that entails both good and bad. It only takes a small fraction of a population to push an entire culture into madness or redemption. We stand on the edge of a knife, waiting for which way this is going to fall.
They say there is a lot of ruin in a nation, but we Americans like to do everything fast. I’m guessing even us old farts are going to get to see what comes next.
Yep, no snow plowing back and forth across the green circle slope. It’s skis together poised over the telluride plunge – straight down. Let’s get this shit show going. There’s much retribution to be meted out.
yah, and that is just what we are going to get.
Retribution…egads, yet again. Yikes.
That’s like the Crucifixion of the Trump. The left thinks a big clean finish will Solve Everything.
I do tell my Biden besty that I want him to live long for two reasons. First, nobody else will get my jokes; second, I wish him to see all that he has wished for.
Edit: on second thought, umm, maybe not
i was thinking how the left is making Trump into a martyr. a rallying cause.
Conservative Inc, National Review, GOPe, etc: “We must stay true to our principles!” “That’s not who we are, we must do better!” “America is the greatest country on God’s green earth!” “We have to be inclusive!” Blah, blah, blah, blah…..Never any mention on actual immigration policy. The numbers, how many, who, etc. Never any plans on bringing jobs and industry back. Never specific talk ending the stupid wars or bringing troops back from all over the world. It’s all vague feel-good sentiments and nothing more.
They actually had a pretty strong anti-immigration writer awhile back named Krikorian, but I don’t want to give them a click to see if he is still there, or waste precious seconds of my life to see if he has cucked.
Didn’t see this comment before I posted. I very seldom give them a click, too, but I haven’t seen Krikorian there for years.
He still submits columns to them, although his output on National Review has dropped way off from what it was in the past. Nothing so far this year and only two columns since October 1st. In his case, he might have stopped submitting to them on his own. What does a genuine immigration restrictionist have to gain from writing for National Review? If anything it taints him with people who want to restrict immigration.
He’s with the Center for Immigration Studies. If you’re ever looking for immigration stats/news/articles or a portal to official gov’t stats, that’s the place to go.
Never any plans on bringing jobs and industry back. No, there aren’t. How would such a plan work when none of the common folk can visualize their offspring running a sheet metal break or a Bridgeport? Check out the dimensions of the student loan debt, an offering to the gods of higher education and the finance industry, and you’ll see that zillions of dollars are borrowed by non-thinkers that don’t want to spend 5 days of every week of their future getting tired and dirty trying to pay for cell phones, new cars and expensive mortgages. Their quest for white-collar… Read more »
the thing is, office work sucks donkey balls now. i tell all my kids to avoid a career in an office. and the pay aint that great for most that do work in an office.
typo it’s brake, not break.
He may still be there, but it seems based on increasingly rare visits to the fading Clownworld site that Mark Krikorian of the Center on Immigration Studies has lost his gig at National Review. He and his center are rock solid on reducing or eliminating immigration altogether. But, racist now. Also, as Z pointed out, immigration-reliant Big Tech throws the slop in the trough for National Review.
At this point, if you’re not aware that manufacturing jobs are being lost to tech instead more than outsourcing, you’re being deliberately ignorant.
Talking about industrial production jobs like it’s a work program is misguided. You may as well bring FDR’s TVA back. The improvements in physics application, robotics and technology mean that the demand for human labor has been radically decreased. Reversing the trend means a lower standard of living and the working conditions of the 1950s (or earlier).
Consider two proposals: First, autarky, where a country tries to be as economically self reliant as possible. Second, that we have an economy to serve the people rather than a people to serve the economy.
If we have a people who are more fulfilled by manufacturing jobs than service work then we structure our economy for that, even if it introduces economic inefficiencies.
This means that the truck driver keeps his job even if driverless trucks are available and that a factory worker has a job even if robotics are available.
We buy only the products of our country.
I completely agree that we should arrive for an autarky and providing meaningful jobs to citizens. I don’t think that onshoring all production is going to lead to as many new jobs as is believed, and I would bet that prices of common goods go up in this scenario, at least in the short-term. Furthermore, the incentive to automate probably intensifies because of domestic labor regulations. That said, the easiest way to increase domestic manufacturing jobs would be to impose a $10/gal. tax on diesel fuel and ban the production and use of eighteen-wheelers. The most natural consequence would be… Read more »
with all the natural resources the US has, it could close its economy to the outside world completely, and everyone’s quality of life would immediately improve.
That would require a State that has the power to do so , inspectors everywhere and a huge system to prevent subversion by the globalist money boys.
We’ve also exported a great deal of natural resources to China and they are gone for good so we may not have as much as we used to.
when you export food crops, you still have the farm 🙂 we have only begun to tap the natural resources of this continent. my point is still valid.
Sure but when you export gold and minerals, the mine is than empty.
I’d second that. If everyone could be a software engineer, I’d go for that too—but they can’t. Drew’s insistence on inevitable off shoring would seem to accelerate the great class divide we are experiencing.
hmm, sounds like the guy over at
Drew is right and doesn’t deserve down voting. Automation is a huge cause of job loss. Amazon, Travelocity and Craigslist and the like are all job killers. Craigslist for example wiped out the entire newspaper classified industry, tens of thousands of jobs and replaced them with thirty in total. However you are also right, autraky will help though as stupid as our population has become and as deindustrialized as we’ve become hard would be hard to do. Also we have always been a trading nation other than a brief period a hundred years ago so it a painful cram down… Read more »
Yet China still finds work for the Uighurs in their concentration camps and American corporations use millions of low-paid Asian workers.
This idea of the radical decrease in the demand for human labor is a grift to get American workers to accept their obsolescence. There is vast need for human labor. But it’s all going offshore.
I agree with you. But if we’re talking about make-work jobs programs, let’s call them make-work jobs programs. And let’s also be honest about tradeoffs with this approach: if we’re concerned about preserving certain forms of labor, we’ll be at risk of being unable to pivot to improvements in tech and manufacturing because we’re trying to preserve the old ways of production.
It’s not makework, to have men instead of robots. I swear that all furniture these days is sized for “tiny Asian average”. If I want something Big & Tall then I have to make it myself because those efficient modern factories only do one-size-fits-most.
When it’s men wielding the tools, custom orders don’t require retooling.
They also cost a lot more and have lower churn.
Now despite what money boys think we aren’t poorer because we can’t change couches every few years but its a hefty trade off.
Also while China doesn’t use it do to order sizes there is plenty if tech that allows retooling . You need 50 big guy couches, run up and order.
We are not quite to full post industrial manufacturing yet but its there. If you doubt me go watch How Its Made or the like and see how few people are needed for most goods.
The corporate addiction to efficiency is, ironically, what prevents new technologies like 3D printing and desktop robotics from being used to produce goods in small, less centralized shops. Modern techniques can easily be adapted to make virtually every product a “one off”. Imagine shoes made to order based on a 3D scan of your feet just as one example. There’s another irony which is that “green” fanatics and DIE (diversity, inclusion, equity) fundamentalists absolutely love big corporations because it’s easy to control a few big choke points than many small ones. It’s also hard to argue that there are not… Read more »
It’s not make work. Apple and Nike, for example, depend on this labor to make real products. We don’t have to try to “preserve” this form of labor. It’s essential, and it exists. We just have to bring it home. If we weren’t importing millions of foreigners, the US population would be on track for a modest decrease, which would dovetail nicely with future improvements in automation. Haven’t you noticed how incoherent the uniparty’s enthusiasms are? “We need more immigration to do jobs Americans won’t do and increase the GDP. If we don’t have immigration America will fall behind!” “Automation… Read more »
From what evidence I’ve been able to find, American manufacturing output has increased and manufacturing jobs have decreased. What, besides automation, explains this?
Furthermore, if manufacturing is reshored, is it likely that manufacturers are going to automate as much as they profitably can? Or are they going to suddenly reverse the automating trend to maintain or increase the labor item line on their balance sheet?
Certainly they’ll try to increase automation if labor costs rise. That’s fine. But lots of work simply cannot at this time be efficiently automated. This is not an argument for keeping that work offshore. Labor costs and the purchasing power of better-paid workers work toward equilibrium. I’d rather the work go to robots and machines built and maintained by Americans in American factories than Chinese and Mexican peasants. Onshoring won’t cause any fewer American jobs than offshoring. It will result in many more jobs, regardless of the level of automation. And, to repeat myself, a lack of immigration will cause… Read more »
Restricting immigration combined with “on-shoring” will at the very least cause labor markets to tighten and housing prices to fall which could actually lead to a baby-boom if a household could be supported on a single income.
Productivity. (Productivity and wages used to mirror each other. Since the ’70s productivity is way up and wages have been flat-ish.)
Wages measured as percentage GDP are less than half what hey were fifty years ago.
Automation is going to destroy millions of jobs (but apparently only for White Americans), so we need more UBI and government wealth redistribution!”
You are being grifted.
i actually believe most videos of robots are cgi animations, no real skynet progress is being made.
you tell me if this doesn’t look like hollywood bullshit.
As someone who has spent most of his adult life supporting manufacturing the whole automation thing seems ill grounded for a number of reasons. First, lets just get this out the way: there’s not a lot of people who can do it well. You’re going to be lucky enough to find someone who can feed material into a machine and push a button without blowing anything up. Second, it’s radically expensive; yes it can pay for itself if it replaces expensive labor but it’s almost never that clean cut because… Third, you can’t fire machines. If you’re an apple grower… Read more »
I’m in a similar role.
They tried limited automation in the plant I support and they found the machines were simply not accurate or reliable enough to replace manual labor on our products at our production volumes.
I know of a Swedish consultancy that are excellent at industrial automation. Everyone of their staff are super sharp.
The one plant I have seen them operate is a very limited product mix.
Its highly scripted but quite real. I’m somewhat familiar with systems to do that kind of thing and its not that much harder than controls automation really.
We have self driving cars on the road now and self driving trucks in Texas (made by Google) as well.
This is why there is such a push against the deplorables. They just have had the last few rungs of the economic ladder kicked out from under them by lockdowns and soon more automation.
Its moving too “socialism or death” and the deplorables do not want socialism.
Unless the work is bespoke deliberately choosing men over machines is make work unless its cheaper migrant labor which is essentially greed to the point of treason if you ask me.
I like your input here AB but I think you sometimes make the problems seem a bit bigger than they really are. Prefer men over women, Americans over foreigners, and sure, careful custom work over sloppy mass produced crap, stop subsidizing fake “higher” education for idiots, stop propping up housing costs with government loans, stop immigration – you’re 90% of the way to higher birthrates, affordable housing, and an end to the sex and class wars. Sadly, I think ol’ comrade Stalin had it right. Show me a problem and I’ll show you a man, no man, no problem. The… Read more »
I do not disagree with many of your solutions but I will remind you that the birth dearth began in 1972 when most of the negative conditions we face now were much smaller. A decent argument could be made that the natural low fertility was it in the 1930’s and that the after war boost was a bubble too. Planned obsolescence as a mainstream issue is a hundred years old at least. These aren’t issues you can fix with policy tweaks. They are integral to the culture, Beyond that a DR Republic will probably come after a civil war with… Read more »
is that you jeb?
Caveat, military tech I’m not sure having a dated manufacturing base matters all that much in a closed economy.
Heck if we went isolationist we could even get by with a somewhat backward military as well.
or no standing army at all!
Facing a rival nation with 4 times our population and advanced tech probably necessitates a standing army alas, though I’d like just a standing Navy and a string modernized nuclear deterrent.
In the last Farm Bill they included language preventing any aid from being used for automation. Cheap labor über alles.
Yeah the automation claim is way over exaggerated. China, india, and mexico comprise hundreds of millions of jobs that were born in the US. More importantly, our tax payer funded US navy is protecting the global transport and supply chain for these foreign competitors goods for FREE. Theres no way theyd travel safely across the world at a cost cheaper than our own products, without our own taxes paying our military to protect them. Its a godamn clown world trade network burning us at both ends.
It may be that automation has had a negative effect on the number of manufacturing jobs. However, allowing jobs to be moved offshore will clearly also have a negative effect on the number of manufacturing jobs. There is usually more than one reason for things happening in an economy.
Funny stuff. Conservative, Inc., reminds me of Marco Rubio during the GOP debates. The fat Jersey governor called Rubio out for repeating canned lines, and Rubio responded with the very same canned line, verbatim, he had just recited. I listened to conservative talk radio just the other day for the first time in a long time. Someone was guest hosting for Limbaugh (Ken Matthews, maybe?) and the dude was dumb as a rock. He spouted things that could have been lifted from a 1984 GOP political consultant’s playbook. It was so disconnected from the present age it was jarring: 30-year-old… Read more »
if you can’t get off, might as well try and enjoy the ride 🙂
Bought season tickets.
So all aboard for the American tour,
And maybe you’ll make it to the top.
But mind how you go.
I can tell you, ’cause I know.
You may find it hard to get off.
Pink Floyd, “Free Four”
more like: “drivin’ that train, high on cocaine, casey jones you better, watch your speed”
I figured they did the communist dictator thing and pulled a bunch of uniformed troops into the capital but gave them plastic weapons and no ammo; but now I’m wondering…maybe not. It would take a level of clueless unseen probably in the history of mankind to bring several battalions of fully armed soldiers in to guard the most unpopular government since the Civil War. I mean, I’m sure it will work out for them, but if it doesn’t? Well, that’s not the kind of mistake that you’re going to get a mulligan on.
Interesting post. Where is our Man in DC to comment on this? I can only give you second hand: in the Vietnam years, on post, even in war zones, soldiers routinely were denied ammo. My guess is the same for the current mess in DC. Some units armed yes, but the average soliders? You gotta be kidding. I’m of course not privy to current troop strengths, but I think it’d be a Herculean task to even get 2,000 combat trained soliders into DC on reasonably short notice. Yes there are many military bases in the neighboring areas, but combat infantry… Read more »
Perfect post. Out of curiosity was his MLK reference about the FBI audio tape from the 60’s where’s he’s laughing as his friend rapes a woman in a hotel room?
It was!!!
That Rubio performance remains one of the most jarring things I’ve ever witnessed. There was something sinister about it, something in the shadows that we weren’t able to see.
After Epstein it’s coming into focus, though.
“Increasingly I am amused.”
Me too. For some odd reason, our temporary fade from the world stage is reason for optimism. We are outnumbered, and our oppressors will turn their sights on each other.
Whites will hunker down, quietly beavering away in the background while Clown World’s vaudeville consumes itself. Our value will only rise as Nature’s cull reduces the overpopulation.
This is the social Black Death. Nature will not be foresaid. We will take heavy losses, yet rise from the ashes in greatness as we have done, again and again, since the Ice Ages. We are Heaven’s will.
Now that the insane left is in charge, Trump voters can now go on the offensive instead of constantly playing defense trying to defend voting for Trump. Big fat targets for ridicule. That is, if it’s still legal to do so.
Just because one doesn’t have a living memory of some leading figure does not mean they can’t understand or even want to return to the politics of that time. Of course with Reagan I do remember and I don’t want to go back to that. Coolidge maybe. The level of control politically and culturally held by our idiot masters is still astounding. I went to a Barnes and Noble the other day (still there) and Obama’s book was prominent everywhere. I mean all over, laying flat one after another taking up three frickin tables, not stacked. It was as if… Read more »
I went to a Barnes and Noble the other day (still there) and Obama’s book was prominent everywhere. I mean all over, laying flat one after another taking up three frickin tables, not stacked. It was as if nothing else had been written in years. Somewhere buried to the side was a small book titled to the effect, Stupid shit Trumps says. It is a great shame that all large book stores now shove woke garbage in one’s face, regardless of where one may be. When I visited Boston a couple of years back, I went into the Barnes and… Read more »
I just saw yesterday that the number one bestseller on Amazon is George Orwell’s “1984.” When was that written, in the 1940’s? Another question I have, is it being read by concerned citizens as a warning, or by our enemies as an instruction manual?
Heh. Orwell’s book remains the most terrifying thing that I have ever read. I found it more terrifying than any of Solzhenitsyn’s works.
I would wager that most people are purchasing it because both ‘left’ and ‘right’ claim that our world is heading toward just such a totalitarian position. That is one thing they can agree on, I suppose. So I am going with ‘concerned citizens’ on this one.
If you haven’t you should read Huxley’s Brave New World. Our future is an amalgam of Both Huxley and Orwell.
it was written in 1948 🙂 hence the title
Meanwhile Twitter has banned the hashtag #1984
Are you being serious? They did?
Jack claims, “numeric hashtags are not permitted.”
So we can go with #fourteeneightyeight?
1619 maybe?
Yes, the microdosing moron did ban that hashtag.
They. Are like a 12 year girl who was left in charge while the teacher went to take a phone call
Orwell (Eric Blair was his real name) was originally going to title it ‘The Last Man in Europe’. He got the main idea from the Tehran conference where the world would be divided up into spheres of influence. I think his view of the govt statements/newspapers was taken from his experience in the UK in the run up to and during WW2. He mentions it a lot in his diaries. It was originally going to be called 1980 but was delayed for a few years as he had TB, so it changed to 1982 then 1984. He died soon after… Read more »
The book was originally entitled 1948, which was then current year. The publisher said they would not publish the book with that title, so he crossed it out and wrote 1984.
Regarding the smug self satisfaction these people display reminds me of Jim Goad’s description as the new church ladies.
The. Worst. Its all about struggle and perseverance. Its almost 6th grader level
“almost 6th grader level”, I told ya the 5th grade was hell
I’d love to study the H man., I don’t believe anything I was taught about him. I believe I have what my leftist enemies would call an “open mind” on the subject!
Well, The Last Days of Hitler is rather short, and very considered. There is no emotional wailing about the evils of the man. Just well reasoned judgement on one subject only: his last days and the author’s investigation of his whereabouts immediately after the fall of Berlin. Perhaps the most stunning thing about the book (who’s first edition was published in 1946) is the introduction to the 3rd edition, which was published in 1956. In this introduction the author details how many questions he had had about the Russian’s knowledge of Hitler’s demise were answered by a wave of German… Read more »
My. Understanding of the Hman and the nazi’s didn’t really become the villains we know today until almost the 80s. Although, I remember hearing a song from the 30s or 40s called “the man with the little mustache has got to go”.
thanks for the suggestion!
that isn’t quite accurate. the holocaust wasn’t much mentioned in the media; see The Producers, for example. made in 1967, by a jewish writer/director, about a play named “Springtime For Hitler” played for laughs.
nazis in the movies were shown in the context of the war, so they didn’t have to be made into “villians” as they were portrayed as “enemies”. the left was more likely then to call someone a fascist, than a nazi.
i would say the 80’s were around the time when nazis were portrayed post-war, and made into plain evil doers.
start with this guy:
I have sampled Nietzsche and he is great. Very disjointed but plenty of potential quotes. It’s not just voyeuristic abysses.
I bet he was a good writer. Frued was a great writer, beautiful writer but made a lot of mistakes.
I’ve only listened to that Richard strauss’ Tone poem. And heard some abridged criticisms from Chesterton
David Irwin wrote a book about H that he researched for 10 years. I’ve not read it but I will do so within the next 6 months. DI tends to ski off-piste in his analysis so it may or may not be your thing.
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, by Shirer is a good place to start. He was actually in Germany during the rise of the NSDAP.
Famous political figures are too busy to write their own autobiographies.
I also welcome almost any alternative. We are long way down the road to China. The repression is not as violent…yet. But it’s coming. And as Z says, in 100 years China will still be full of Chinese.
maybe, maybe not. what are the chances they self-immolate? or set off a hot war they lose badly? pretty good i would say.
Perhaps, but I can’t foresee who would go to war with them. Most of the US leadership is bribed to look the other way. It’s pretty amazing what a cheap date our politicians have been. Trillions in gains for the CCP for a few million to the families of the DC kleptocracy. I also can’t see Europe having any will to fight them. As long as they play it smart, they can pretty much run the board.
yeah, but that was when they didn’t own the country. thinking of the hitler/stalin pact and how that worked out. i might be wrong, and we all end up working in a paddy. but i think the dems will fuck with china much more vigorously than trump ever did.
China’s history of internecine strife is longer and bloodier than that of the English speaking people. Just last year, as the Wuhan lockdown was ending, there was a conflict on a bridge that connects Hubei (Wuhan) and Jiangxi provinces, with the Jiangxi police teaming up with regular citizens to lay a beating on Hubei residents who tried to cross the bridge. There are linguistic differences throughout China that help fuel regionalism. too. I know that predicting the economic collapse of China is old hat, but someday the downturn will come and it remains to be seen if the residents hinterlands… Read more »
I’ve puzzled over China’s long history of civil wars, since they had no J**s to blame it on.
Ethnic and urban divisions, of course!
Thank you for solving this mystery.
The Mandarin eunuchs took only 3 generations to reduce China to rubble. Academia does have its downside.
I always thought that too, but a lot of Chinese have dunk the multi-culti jungle juice (recall how many of their mid-tier elites went to American universities). While I was there for a brief stay I saw where the Han coasties imported labor from the non-Han hinterlands. Not a lot to be sure, but it’s a brief walk from that to importing a bunch of Afghans, etc under the guise that they’ve always been a Chinese province of sorts.
They are forcibly sterilizing and brainwashing their Uighers and bragging about it on Twitter. Jack Ma has been missing for months. Any government that can do that is under no pressure to go woke anytime soon. The CCP can import as much labor as they want without having any pressure to make them citizens. Even if they did, their citizens votes count for even less than ours.
what is a problem for china is their males are just as soyed up as our. they are all fap addicts and only interested in video games. plus many families only have one kid, so are loathe to give him up for a war.
That would be a strength, not a “problem”.
The Children’s section is somehow even worse. It’s mostly gay shit, girl power, and anti-racism. The ones directed at boys have some cucked titles like “A Good Boy doesn’t need to slay Dragons”.
One of my favorite childhood memories was going to the book store, and they took that away from us.
I stumbled upon two womyn at the self improvement section. A quick glance revealed two big bookcases of witchcraft and astrology. They looked somewhat deranged. Witches are real.
And they burn!
Burn dinner, mostly.
haha nicely played!
When my wife and I went into a Barnes and Noble looking for kids books a couple of years ago that was stunning. They still had some good choices, but you had to go looking for them. Everything on display was woke propaganda. Based on how the shelves looked it doesn’t sell well either.
Go to antique malls and yard sales (I realize the latter may be few in the age of the Fauxdemic). Buy old Golden Books or anything published before 1965. Buy old books at, or anywhere else you can find them. Boycott modern, woke publishers and their propaganda.
That is mostly what we have done. We noticed as we have built our collection that the change to making sure children’s books had diversity in them started the late 60s to early 70s. Of course the problem with older copies is that most them are deteriorating, especially if you regularly read them to your kids. Updated editions of Little Golden Books will be edited to include diverse characters.
Go to library book sales. Most have a children’s section with old books.
Children’s books today are pure pozz.
Disgusting. I went to a library. In Falls. Church and they. Had. Displayed “Two Boys Kissing”.. I complained but was told it was popular
Perhaps Barnes & Noble and the like are a great place to begin leaving post-it notes. Whether on the shelves or inside the most woke books.
I’m availing myself of TV while at my Biden besty’s place. The drum of visual wokedness is unrelenting.
I swear North Koreans must run the media and marketing companies. Pretty soon they’ll make the ‘off’ button illegal.
at least you’ll know who dropped the dime on you, when the knock comes on the door 🙂
That may not be a joke. I think it’s in Gulag Archipelago where was mentioned that you could end up going to prison for merely not listening to the appropriate radio broadcasts as well as for listening to the inappropriate ones.
The missing off button at all airport TV’s has now been found. CNN is pulling out of the deal and will no longer pay to be the sole broadcaster.
Not enough travelers apparently.
Surely you have noticed by now DC looks like a war zone. That’s because it is.
Mr. Chao is owned by his in-laws who are owned by the CCP. Mitch McConnell’s Overton bubble and it’s invertebrate crew are on the wrong side of history, and have as much to lose as the other communists if a document dump occurs.
This problem will solve itself in ways the GOP establishment never dreamed of.
would love to see mitch get the treatment, and have all his china money taken away.
I was there for the first stop the steal. I lived in DC, lived in NOVA, and was so disheartened by how it looked. There were roving antifa on bicycles that would block streets by riding really slow. I use to go to so many concerts and plays, not worth it anymore.
Live 25 miles from DC. Haven’t been there in 30 years.
Grew up in the Md. burbs. Last visited with my sons 14 years ago – couldn’t pay me to go back. Nuke it from orbit.
Wouldn’t the appropriate expression for trips to Washington be
“Haven’t been there in a coons age”?
Asking for a friend.
Zman is right: forget the marches around the Capitol building. Waste of time.
Much more effective would be 100,000+ people marching peacefully and patriotically through the swank neighborhoods on public streets where the cloud people gather together in the DC area.
Seriously. Not one single word need be spoken, not one fist raised. I think that would be spooky effective.
100% True but I also think Normie is not bright enough for this which is why it will be -really- hard to get a mass movement off its feet w/o literal ‘Directions for the Stupid’. 100,000 people sauntering through Kalorama, Georgetown, K Street (lobbyists corridor) speaks volumes. ‘Congrats, you can defend the “Temple” but your homes and (((bartering centers))) are completely unprotected.’ This would then put fear into these spineless p-ssies yet again that would then require another 25K troops thereby turning their city into a virtual prison with them constantly looking over their shoulder for Joe Six Pack with… Read more »
Surrounding the private schools that their spawn attend would be effective.
you know what would work? put out on social media that there is a big block party with free booze and weed. make it look like a black event, and get it spreading in the ghetto. those fukkers will burn the targeted neighborhood to the ground!
The old me would agree with you – perhaps a decade or more ago. Now, I cannot. Nothing peaceful will achieve anything. Not advocating any specific action by any one person, just stating that no government change or populist revolution ever occurred peacefully. No voting, no silent marching, no signs, will change anything. They hate you and they want you dead and your children raped and they think it’s funny. Keep that in your mind at all times.
While, it would be “peaceful”, it would also be extremely menacing, particularly if everyone were openly carrying something legal like a baseball bat or broken bottle.
Except for the USSR: it fell with fewer deaths than an August weekend in Chicago.
if you start counting on the day it fell 😛
I live where you describe. It would Freak. These. People. Out.
The fundamental problem with AWFL’s & ShitLib’s is that they think that they are immune from the consequences of their positions. Zone their kids into crappy schools and they’re suddenly their tune changes.
A silent, polite, but confident march through Bethesda neighborhoods would be very effective.
We have to let go. Williamson is going to do what he does – let him and the other media hacks do what they do in a vacuum. They succeed at what they do by trolling you. Walk away… you won’t regret it. I don’t have the time of day for shitlib/conservative cucks and loons. We have far, far bigger problems. We not only need our own platforms, we need our own banks, our own supply lines, our own communities with our own terms and conditions of service. Normie is off the couch. He might not be ready to pick… Read more »
Very well said, but unbridled ridicule is part of our arsenal.
Z’s piece was pure ridicule. Totalitarianism can withstand many things, but ridicule and humiliation wounds it. The Storming of the Capitol was hilarious. That’s one of the main reasons for the hysteria.
And it’s worked so well for … what? The last 20 years? These guys will not be shamed. If your ridicule becomes too effective and makes them feel bad or foolish, they’ll ban you, or silence you or unperson you. Why waste the time? Unless there is sport and merriment in it for us, on our side – you have no business Over There engaging with them. Those platforms are what they are because of guys like us. Without us, they become loony bins and viper pits that get old and boring fast. The dissidents are in danger of becoming… Read more »
If only the big money conservatives had spent their dollars developing alternate pay processors and media platforms instead of think tanks.
That’s like China supplying US military electronics; Con Inc. is dependent on their “enemies.”
how to de-google. A few alternatives. There may be a real long term movement here.
I’ve been asking people to do a google images search on
“Happy Black Women”
“Happy White Women”
No-one has said they did it and it was fine. The usual expression was shock.
A couple of obvious liar cat women “Didn’t have time for that nonsense”. To the obvious question “How do you know it’s nonsense”? they scuttle off.
Here’s a great quote from Williamson in his “End of the GOP” column of Jan. 12, which sums up his and NR’s attitude: “I have met the people, I know them well. And if this country has any future, it is with the Establishment. The People are insane. Meet the People:…” There follows a picture of the Viking protester, Jacob Anthony Chansley, his face painted red, white and blue while holding an American flag.
Another advantage of having the panty-twisted overlords going full retard and waking up the proles is that once one recognizes the hate it becomes easier to see it. And it is everywhere. One needn’t dissect these wannabe ivory tower pieces, on the “right” or down the official NYT/NPR pipe alike, to find straight statements of hate. They still torture english and turn the truth into an inside-out pig, but they tell you quite plainly that they hate you. They can’t help it. Their own anxiety and insecurity over their tenuous status and economic position predicated on peddling lies bleeds out… Read more »
I can’t believe that. How could he get away with that? Was “People” capitalized?
The GOPe has long been overrun with Fake Conservatism , Conservatism is an attitudes type like this guy. You know the sort “sure he does unspeakable things to children and robs his country blind but what lovely bow tie and suit , such a conservative at heart.” The reality is Actual Conservatism is policy, minimal foreign intervention, economic nationalism and social conservatism. The exact views run out of the party years ago. This is why almost no one under like 70 and who isn’t a Country Clubber pays any mind to these dorks and they exist by grifting and by… Read more »
Piggy Williamson just can’t accept he is a prole. He was born a prole, and a prole he shall die as. It’s in his DNA. Here’s something the younger people here may not be aware of; in the 60’s and 70’s there were lots and lots of political assassinations, and not just the two biggies. And it was mostly dems killing other dems. Keep in mind the jacobins ended up getting the chop, by way of a historical precedent. China may be in for a suprise too, once they become the dems official scapegoat for the mess they are both… Read more »
I am not sure that all the Chinese cash in the world will save them from an Indian (U.S.) president and Jewish elite.
yah, they miscalculated badly.
J-Disney is now showing kids how to wrap a sari and celebrating Indian contributions. The Usual Suspects are saddling up another tiger to ride.
I’m building a raised garden frame as we speak. Well, planning on it…
The financial advice is solid. Let me add buy any expensive hard goods such as appliances and vehicles in the next year. Even a depreciating asset like a car will be a better investment than stocks and bonds.
As for Williamson, like most people from humble backgrounds he pays undeserved respect to the elites because he has an idealized version of them. He should have realized at this point what unimpressive scum most of these types are, but he hasn’t or, to be charitable, fakes like he hasn’t.
My ex-wife suffers from the same unrealized dream of class elevation. She’s hopelessly prole but because she went to an Ivy League school, she could see all the upper class people she so desperately wanted to join. And she would ape their manners, and go to their parties, and out-perform them in school … and prole she remains. It was embarrassing really, bc no matter how much she mimicked them, she never fit in. So she’d dump on her own kind, thinking it would elevate her status. It never worked, though she still runs around with her nose in the… Read more »
yep, same phenomena at work. this condition was a staple of the movies, back in the olde days.
Paul Fussell referred to them as “Middle class strivers” (highly recommend Class: A Guide Through the American Status System by Paul Fussell) and mocked them endlessly.
And that’s why we need to atomize the government and not the people. After the revolution, after the cancer on the Potomac is razed and the earth salted, there should be no seat of government. Everything can be done electronically. You want to schmooze with the other elites? It’s on your dime.
The pussies at American Thinker disabled comments today. Here’s what editor Thomas Lifson had to say:
It is news to almost nobody who reads American Thinker that a political witch hunt is underway. Parties in and out of government are looking for excuses to suppress and destroy voices that oppose the left.
Because AT lacks the ability to monitor comments in real time, and because our position that comments are a forum, not something that we publish, is being called into question, we can no longer publish comments.
We take this action with a heavy heart
When the leftist mobs come for Lifson, at least he can tell them he surrendered first.
and sincerely
all that site does is hire shit writers to repackage actual articles. nothing original. i had already stopped going there even without being banned. i have no appetite for trimmers or collaborators, here are the few sites i now read: TheZman (of course) Voxday (mostly for rumours and so forth) Zerohedge (even though they have lots of bogus articles) Anonymous Conservative (mostly waiting for him to admit Q was bogus and he was a chump) Sites I have dropped since election: Instapundit American Thinker Townhall the Gateway Pundit Unz/sailer (poor steve is living in a protective plastic bubble suit) I… Read more »
We all know what needs fixing. The question is how to fix it.
You may want to give a free trial of Investors Business Daily, Financial Times, or Seeking Alpha. These are Financial periodicals but they have moderated comments sections. I’ve stated before that sometimes the comments are more interesting than the articles, in particular has a lot of political commentary articles and it’s fun to read both of UK and the US opinions and also offer your own comments.
Odin, hear me! As we Boomers fade, may our Great Brainwash fade with us!
Odin! he’s for sit-down-pee-ers. Crom is the one true god!
Crom doesn’t care anyway. It’s useless to call upon him on his mountain , because he is a gloomy and savage god who despises the weak. However, he gives a man courage, free-will, and the strength to kill their enemies at birth.
Since he doesn’t care, why not both?
good point 🙂
But Crom never listens!
In their guts, most white people sense they are being set up for the kill, prepped and seasoned for a fuckin meatgrinder. The cells of their ancestors are waking up. Whitey was the King of Pain. Hell’s around the corner if that’s what they want.
We’ve talked about the “mental energy” white men have on here before.
Yeah, our senses are pricking up whether we like it or not. Many of us just wanted to grill.
Not really. The reality of twenty years of continual warfare is that the Special Forces Olympics + Big Data is very, very good at killing select groups of people. Of course, the innumerate in charge figure 73 million plus is easy, but certainly Biden/Harris will have at their disposal about 30,000 very highly trained people able to remove forever about a million Deplorables without much effort. That’s reality: Predator Drones and Hellfire missiles used against jihadi wedding parties will be used against MAGA wedding parties. However, the Abwehr leading up to WWII was very clever in destroying much of the… Read more »
If I were to say “what has happened” it would be that my whole life I was taught/told to be friendly, and include other people who were “disadvantaged”, and to be open minded, etc etc and then the second “we” became a loathed minority of electorate, i.e. the moment the tables turned, the cultural ethos is so hostile and hate filled from the left that democracy itself is no longer tenable. They finally get a heaping helping of the pie and then they snatch all the pie away from everyone. And the Conservative Inc/New Republic/Republicans are somehow deluding themselves that… Read more »
That’s how I was raised.
Honestly it would have been possible if everybody believed in it. But I think only white people are capable of believing that.
It wasn’t until I was surrounded by 3rd world aliens that I quickly snapped out of it.
It won’t be “game over” for everyone, until the Whites are gone or have simply dropped out. Western civilization has never been built or sustained by anyone except us. Yes, other cultures existed and exist, but no other “color” has matched what we have achieved. Without us, everything falls apart. Exhibits: Rhodesia, South Africa, etc.
“Honestly it would have been possible if everybody believed in it.” that’s not how human nature works. we were not designed that way.
there are two ways to learn human nature. one is to study chimps in the wild (and not the bonobos). the other is to watch children interact when unsupervised.
They tried to spin their failure and lack of will to repatriate the slaves into some half-baked tale of virtue
What kind of people does that? You have to be pretty twisted to take that load of crap and repackage it as part of God’s plan
They took it way too far.
guess the gop has been soft on immigration from the get go
Indeed, not shipping the back was a huge mistake