The Pirate Age

The GameStop story, which is becoming more of a general short squeeze story, is a good example of what happens when an economy is fully financialized. Since there is little money to be made in making things or creating things, the best human resources flow into finance, where a bright person can get rich finding a slight imbalance in the marketplace for an asset or an error in the holdings of another player. The economy becomes a massive poker tournament with the central bank as the house.

If you step back and think about the transaction at the heart of this story, there is no moral or economic reason for it to exist. The practice of shorting a stock can have both moral and economic utility. In the former case, an investor seeing some corruption in a company or sector is letting the world know about it by betting against it with his own money. On the latter point, the blend of shorts and longs provides useful data about stocks and sectors for investors and planners.

When everyone at the table is using chips borrowed from the house and many of the whales at the table will never have to repay the house, both of these functions are flipped on their head. In the case of GameStop, some sharps were gaming the system in an effort to artificially deflate the value of otherwise good companies. GameStop is a solid little company that is an example of modern retail. They are a value-added retailer, which is the future in the world of digital commerce.

The point of the shorting activity was not to reveal some flaw in the company’s approach or signal a lack of faith in the retail sector. The point of the trade was to fool other investors into piling in on the short, so the price of the stock would collapse. This would allow the hedge funds behind this scheme to make a quick profit. The losers in this will be the people holding the stock and the company itself. Like all victims of piracy, their only crime was in trusting the system.

The neoliberal defenders of financialization will counter that the WallStreetBets activity is exactly the sort of self-regulation imagined when the process of financialization began in the 1980’s. Instead of government bureaucrats with no understanding of the market picking winners and losers, savvy players would do battle in the marketplace. In this case, clever traders saw an opportunity to raid the pirate ships raiding companies like GameStop and they carried off some booty for themselves.

This sounds great, if you are a pirate. There is no doubt that the people involved here love the action in the same way gamblers love it when some guy is on a huge roll at the craps table. It is an exhilarating drama, even for the observers. The thing is most people are not pirates and have no interest in being pirates. More important, they do not wish to be ruled by pirates. They do not want to live in a world of no fixed rules, just the shifting standards of the pirates making war in the economy.

This brings us to the purpose of having markets and rules to govern trade between people within a society. In order to have a society with any chance of survival, you have to have rules governing exchange between members. Otherwise, your society is a war of all against all. This opens the prospect of outsiders exploiting these constant divisions in order to conquer or destroy your society. Obviously, you want to prevent this, so the rules are designed to reduce division.

Put another way, economics is a tool. That tool is used to bind the people closer together, by rewarding the things that promote the common good and punishing those things that harm the common good. Inevitably, they help the society to strengthen itself against other societies. Just as males compete with one another for mates, societies compete with one another for resources and status. One is linked to the other as an immutable part of the human condition.

Neoliberalism reverses the relationship between society and economics. Instead of society wielding economics as a tool, pirates pick up parts of society and swing them around like flails at one another. In this example, a little company that probably should be private, is seeing its share prices stuffed into the cannons of financial pirates and fired at the ships of other pirates. When it is all over, the pirates will sail away to the next skirmish, while a little company lies in ruins.

This type of economics is inherently unstable. For one thing, the pirates must always be looking for new raiding opportunities. This is why the United States, the pirate’s cover of globalism, is always belching out raiding parties around the world. The quest for new plunder is insatiable. The constant war with Russia, for example, is over the pirate’s desire to financialize the vast natural resources of Russia. The Middle East is chaos, in part, because it is endlessly plundered by pirates.

More important from the perspective of the West, financialization undermines the institutions, because they become partners in the endless raiding. Instead of being the source of stability in a society, they are seen as aiding and abetting the pirates endlessly plundering the economy. Look around the West and the one universal thread is the public no longer trusts or respects its institutions. The people inside the institutions look out seeing nothing but sails on the horizon.

The age of pirates ended when the British government decided it was no longer in their interests to promote it. The British navy went out and sank pirate ships where they found them, and pirates were hung when they were caught. Eventually, order was restored to sea commerce. The modern world lacks an authority with the will and ability to bring the pirates under control. The public, on the other hand, demands such an authority, so eventually, they will find one or create one.

A new year brings new changes. The same is true for this site as we adjust to the reality of managerial authoritarianism. That means embracing crypto for when the inevitable happens and the traditional outlets are closed. Now more than ever it is important to support the voices that support you. Five bucks a month is not a lot to ask. If you prefer other ways of donating, look at the donate page. Thank you.

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3 years ago

The amount of normal white Americans being red pilled since the November elections cannot be over estimated.

Reply to  Durendal
3 years ago

My old mother said to the other day, first words out of her mouth, I’m sick of black people! She is mostly sick of her TV shows glorifying the black man and denigrating the white man but she can’t avoid noticing and she is over it. She ranted for like 5 minutes. And then on February 1st she sent me a text saying “its Black History Month! Now we’re going to have to hear about black people a hundred percent of the time instead of just 70! Haha!! She’s not the only one. And let’s hope the young ones are… Read more »

Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

It’s funny, the things Normie begins to notice when the sportzball and entertainment industries crap out….

David Wright
Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

It’s also funny how much people still can’t see if told not to or just incurious. Look at those thousands of troops in D.C. right now. It is blatant, brazen and now inside a razor wired wall to boot.
It’s very presence is screaming at us and should send shivers down the spines of Americans and what it portends.

Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

The Troops behind the new Green Zone are a display of hysterical cowardice by the Congress, not strength.

The Troops by the way being states national guard, as the active military turned them down. Moreover the NG, most deplorable of all, despises these people and their dubious orders. The mission is show of force, lethal force only justified in defense of life.

It’s Bluff.

Fascist, repressive regimes can’t be maintained by hysterical old biddies like Mitch and Nancy, never mind vapid tramps like AOC.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

It’s also they don’t have to be around them, working remotely for example. the whole thing was always a house of cards. The only reason whites acted or trained themselves to be accommodating to blacks is because they had to work with them and for fear of being fired. So at the behest of your bodily fears your brain gets busy organizing your thoughts so only the allowable ones are moved to the front and the bad ones are buried deep in the attic. This way even in a heated moment, you are likely to not let a bad word… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

The only reason whites acted or trained themselves to be accommodating to blacks is because they had to work with them and for fear of being fired.

Hmm. Not too sure many even trained themselves but were trained, some of the denial is staggering. As if The Lord himself was on our side, I notice AmRen pushing this one again:

Admittedly, the creator of the documentary selected only ‘True Believers’, but the white’s attempts to avoid saying anything bad about other races… ever, is something to behold.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

The training just happens by itself. Maybe some of it is deliberate, but seems that most of it happens behind the scenes.

I know this much, get a few beers in a guy who has to work with blacks and then get a few beers in him when he doesn’t. Night and day in what he is willing to say or let on. If he has to work with them he may try to steer the conversation into a politically correct safe zone, even after a few beers. Having to work with them creates a mental fence. Just does.

Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

I make comments like that in front of my elderly mom quite often. “Do we live in the Congo now?” as the fifth straight commercial featuring joggers airs. I’ve yet to get her to voice a word in agreement but I know she sees it. It’s kind of an experiment I’m running to see how much prodding it takes to overcome the “No Noticing!” brainwashing.

Reply to  KGB
3 years ago

Yeah the utility of having old people wake up is limited but it is nice to be in agreement with your family. My two sisters are hard left so I’m the only one she can rant to. I started with look how they always make white husbands and fathers idiots. She saw it as soon as I pointed it out. The race thing came later

Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

My mother (96yo) complained when we saw some gay couples cuddling around in a an aids medicine commercial.
“they can’t allow that on tv, can they”?
Allow, nothing. They’re PUSHING it on us , Mom.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

I speak frankly to teenage kids. One of them is now the professor of bio-chemistry at a major university twenty years later. I haven’t heard from him in many years but recently he told me everything I ever presented to him turned out to be true. I keet it to a half dozen or so of the major deceptions, and sooner or later they trip over it for themselves. I never fail to tell a young person I value that to understand who rules over them through propaganda they must Google up “white couples” and “American inventors”. I had a… Read more »

Reply to  james wilson
3 years ago

Wow, that’s high larious. Funny how many white couples have a black spouse in them. The photos of American inventors shows Thomas Edison, followed by 10 blacks before you get to Ben Franklin.

Reply to  james wilson
3 years ago

Google up “white couples” and “American inventors”
I did that and was amazed. It’s still pretty over the top–if that is toned down I can’t imagine what it was like before. Very funny!

Last edited 3 years ago by Mockingbird
Reply to  KGB
3 years ago

Used to be my family politely ignored me. Now they jokingly call me a bigot. They’ll be giving me lessons soon enough I’m sure.

Reply to  Paintersforms
3 years ago

You *are* a bigot. Now let’s define “bigot”…

Reply to  CompscI
3 years ago

That’s right. Taking the word back!

Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

And those ridiculous lists of things black people invented, which they really didn’t. It’s not like there aren’t real things for which black people can take pride in.
But everything has to be about blacks and so anything that you can find, even at a major stretch, where a black was involved, no matter how trivial the contribution, it’s all black and we whiteys would still be in caves beating our ugly white wives if not for them.

Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago

It’s not like there aren’t real things for which black people can take pride in.


Reply to  Sandmich
3 years ago

Sportsball, dancing, jazz. And I’m spent.

Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago

A lot of black people believe this. It’s a whole race suffering from the Dunning Krueger effect. Unlimited confidence and low ability. Actually, they’re the race that has it, we’re the race suffering from it

Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

It’s leading to our demise

Being around black people seems to have altered white people at the genetic level, making them weak and unable to reproduce

Truly bizarre. But bottom line whether we like it or not, our survival depends on removing blacks from our midst. Their negative effects on us as a people are deep and far-reaching. Not fun and games anymore.

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

Too late. White youth is 90% Africanized.

Reply to  Carl B.
3 years ago

90% is probably a bit high but it’s indeed scandalously high.

Reply to  KGB
3 years ago

Youth are not the end of the story. Look, if you could have known me when I was a teenager, then into college years, you’d have seen a liberalist, hard nose, arrogant asshole not entirely different from I suspect the majority of “youth” today. And I include not passively putting up with people who pissed me off. But for the Grace of God, I could have been an AntiFA type we see today. People age and as they get experience they can and do change. From my perspective, the information that can cause such change is more abundant and available… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

We’re not weak just burdened.

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

I disagree. There are European countries with very few blacks suffering the same fate. Japan is Asian with very few blacks and basically no black Japanese and they suffering from it.
I am sure it is not helping, but it is not the root cause.

Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago

Not just blacks, but true outsiders. Such as Muslims, which seem to have similar effects on Europeans. I think it is not about blacks per se, but in America’s case it is, but about having to get inside the engine compartment and move things around so the thing works. In our case, we have had to move our own survival instincts around so we are able to live around blacks in a semblance of harmony. Yes, the engine is running, for now, but meanwhile what is going on deep down in the bowels of the thing is going to destroy… Read more »

Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago

It’s insane how many cultures around the world have adopted aspects of African-American pop culture.

Reply to  KGB
3 years ago

That’s because America is the epicenter, the engine of globohomo. Especially with this culture of idolizing musicians and actors. This is made infinitely worse by the small hats controlling all entertainment media. They pump this garbage out to the world. This horrible noise and propaganda. It grates my friggin ears. I just can’t listen to it or watch it. It literally causes me pain when I am exposed to it.

Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago

It’s funny how the little hatters love blacks, but most prominent blacks think they are bloodsuckers, while most evangelicals love the little hatters, but the little hatters think evangelicals are dangerous loons one step away from cranking up the ovens.

Reply to  KGB
3 years ago

It’s rebellion. I remember not too long ago the Japanese youth with their Elvis hair styles and 50’s jeans look, rock and rolling in the streets to the astonishment of their elders. Now they look to an even more risqué culture to get (negative) attention.

Reply to  KGB
3 years ago

Not really when you realize how influential American movies and advertising is in many countries. Worse the local governments have no idea that the crap from Hollywood is eradicating their native cultures or changing them so much they are no longer recognizable.

Reply to  KGB
3 years ago

It’s a debased degenerate culture. It is easier to walk down than to walk up

Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago

The global neurolinguistic pipe, modern media equipment, was built by America and is still the leading light.

The problem is, it’s occupied by someone else whose greatest strength is storytelling.

Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago

The root cause is the US spewing it’s toxic culture across the planet. China is about the only country with the clout to tell Hollywood to FOAD when they push the joggers on them.
The faster Hollywood and D.C. go down the drain the better off the world will be.

Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago

Its American Liberalism thats killing the West, not niggers, not Jews. < although…yes, they eagerly fall to it.

I remember Black people from the 70s. Rap, crack, pop culture, destruction of fathers and masculinity – its universal to all of us. The Japs have no blacks.

The left must go.
Moreover given they’re quaking behind the DC Green Zone they know their hours grow late.

Moe Noname
Moe Noname
Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago

Wait: are you saying black women did NOT run the US space program? Now you’re just typing crazy stuff… Let me tell you, they made a movie about it and everything, so it must be true.

Reply to  Moe Noname
3 years ago

My boss, an older boomer , smart guy in many ways, believes the Hidden Figures propaganda that some voluptuous black women took us to the moon. Told me this three times. Last time he said it I did an “ackshually… it was the Nazi scientists we stole from Germany after WW 2”. Felt good.

Reply to  Moe Noname
3 years ago

Heck that’s nothing. Recently Oprah made a movie about Henrietta Lacks, a Black women, of HeLa cell culture fame. Henrietta died of cancer in the 50’s or so, but while treating her the doctors took a culture of her cancer cells. These cells, being cancer, were defective in that they were immortal and continued to replicate in simple cell culture media—forever. This of course gave scientists a good example (at that time) of a cancer that they could experiment with for chemical treatment to kill cancer cells. Her cells were sent to labs around the world for such study. In… Read more »

Spin geraht
Spin geraht
Reply to  CompscI
3 years ago

I read the book about the hela cells.
As I recall Mrs. Lacks died from ovarian cancer. She had been treated for gonorrhea several times and when she died had several STDs and a UTI. The story was that her husband had brought home the “GIFTS” sad but typical.

Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago

And the obsession with slavery in the 1800s is a great distraction from the slavery underway right now which is what pisses me off about black people. They get so hooked up on things from 100s of years ago they can’t see what’s happening and are too ignorant and maybe even too feeble-minded to see the atrocities right in front of their faces. They are such tools. And you would think they have to be thinking that, geez, if these people in charge can turn on regular white people after saying how great they were for the longest time, what… Read more »

Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago

I’ve often noted and mentioned this before, but blacks will get ridiculous and out sized credit for completing even the most mundane task that the average White would do w/o thinking. They do love to be fawned over and a certain group of Whites love fawning over them.

Black Flag
Black Flag
Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago

Blacks invented the internet. With the help of Al Gore of course…

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago

It’s their month. Here’s a musical selection very appropos. Z used it on one of his shows.

Charles St. Charles
Charles St. Charles
Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

I feel it too. For most of my adult life I have dealt with Negroes with an open but cautious tolerance. Now I don’t want to see them, hear them, smell them, be anywhere near them, see them in entertainment or news, talk about them at all, etc. I have a serious case of Negro fatigue. I recently moved to what appears to be one of the Whitest parts of the MidWest and I haven’t seen a single Black person in the flesh in three months. Guess what? I don’t miss them in any way – what is it that… Read more »

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  Charles St. Charles
3 years ago

Umm, murder, drug dealing, rap, welfare grift, unwed mothers, traveling, palming, end zone dances, burning , looting, rape, the knock out game, the first Lady with a dick.

Reply to  Durendal
3 years ago

Just wait until real hardship arrives in suburbia. The stampede will be biblical.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
3 years ago

Reminds me of a scene in the movie Margin Call, about the stock market crash in 2008. One of the analysts figured out the crash the day before everyone else, and all the top execs flew in for an emergency meeting. One of the ladies asked the man his background, and he stated his extensive engineering and physics studies. She asked “So, you’re a rocket scientist”, to which he said yes and stated how much better the money was in the financial sector. We have battalions of potential rocket scientists who are, instead, being hired mercenaries for large financial firms.… Read more »

Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

Shoot, building things that can actually benefit human society and/or deepen our knowledge of the universe is so yesterday. When you can use your intelligence to game the financial system mostly run by grifting idiots, and can cash in big time, why not? Don’t have to work as hard, make better $$ and can afford to buy all the useless crap that rich people typically do. Modern (former) america in a nutshell.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  usNthem
3 years ago

I just read a really good post by Scott Locklin arguing that we will never again be a, “society that builds things.”

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

I believe it. Unless it involves re-building or repairing things that used to work – if appropriate parts can be found or, god forbid, made.

Stranger in a strange land
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Building things outsourced to the PRC – and a few other Asia-subcontinent counties. USA exists to provide financing via funny money and consume things. Which, I suppose will work – at least it until it doesn’t.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

“The quest for new plunder is insatiable.” Arguably, this is at the heart of woke capital. Up until WWI or so, capitalist expansion was geographical (i.e. exporting products into new territory, setting up production facilities in new territory, etc.). Since geographic expansion has been fully achieved, there needs to be a new realm for expansion. This new frontier is individual identity, which replaced the group identity of yore. Woke capital is simply creating new markets by selling to identity groups instead of regions. As a result, there is a drive for ever-increasing identity groups because that is literally market expansion… Read more »

Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

It is unfortunate that so much talent is either funneled into finance for building/buying/selling complicated derivatives or into tech for advertising and blender recommendations.

However, given the current state of universities/NASA/government labs/etc, I don’t think it is actually that misallocated.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  OffByOne
3 years ago

> However, given the current state of universities/NASA/government labs/etc
That’s another problem. Even the pure people who don’t care as much about money don’t have a place to go where they can just work without politics getting in the way. The new generation missed the exhilarating cowboy days of the early internet.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  OffByOne
3 years ago

These days the real talent is locked up and being burnt out at SpaceX.

I don’t know how Elon is getting around the diversity mandates with the fedgov contracts SpaceX holds.

I want to say it’s because they are a private company, but that seems far too simple.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

I don’t know how Elon is getting around the diversity mandates with the fedgov contracts SpaceX holds.

A recent news item is that SpaceX is being investigated by the DoJ for discriminating against non-US citizens.
I can’t speak to the talent at SpaceX, although Musk’s companies certainly have a reputation of burning out employees. However, current estimates for SpaceX’s total number of employees is only around 8,000. Talent is definitely locked up elsewhere as well.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  OffByOne
3 years ago

SpaceX can afford to burn out talent because it’s a resume-maker the way Google was 15 years ago and Microsoft was 30 years ago.

Reply to  OffByOne
3 years ago

I heard that too, but I thought DFARS (or was it ITAR?) didn’t allow that?

Reply to  OffByOne
3 years ago

The plaintiff in the suit is neither a Citizen nor a Green Card holder. This sounds insane to me.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  RoBG
3 years ago

It shouldn’t sound insane. It isn’t your country any more.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  RoBG
3 years ago

That was one benefit of working directly for the, er, um, for various government agencies. 🙂 Everybody you worked with had to be a U.S. citizen. Even back in the 80s-90s, however, it was still disappointing who met that requirement.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

The rot goes all the way through. How many decently intelligent people do we have who should be figuring out how to get rare resources out of the earth and make them into something, but are instead getting their MBA so that they can better move numbers from one column in Excel to the other (without regard to what such movements do).

Lucius Sulla
Lucius Sulla
Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

You bring up NASA, which causes me to mention something semi-related. Last week was the 35th anniversary of the Challenger disaster. That was a formative event in my life, the first real tragedy I remember. I recall coming home from kindergarten that day and seeing the replay over and over on the TV. Back then, the space program was one of our crown jewels. And for little boys like me, it inspired us and captured our imagination. I had space shuttle toys and loved watching the space launches on TV, which all used to be televised live. Remembering that event… Read more »

Reply to  Lucius Sulla
3 years ago

No national funeral for Buzz Armstrong, yet 3 for Scuzz Floyd.

How that nigga president hated us as he runs a shadow coup from his DC mansion.

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Man, this really puts things into perspective.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago


There’s even a NY Post story how he planned to run his coup.

Reply to  Lucius Sulla
3 years ago

“The Challenger’s doomed journey felt especially devastating because it carried a crew that reflected the diversity of the United States and multiculturalism that was beginning to emerge after the civil rights era …” (from We’ll never be told whether Challenger was just another affirmative action debacle, like “Operation Eagle Claw,” the laughable Iranian embassy rescue under Carter. Columbia, the next space shuttle to blow up, continued the tradition, with our first outright Israeli astronaut and I don’t remember who else. I think Musk is a needed hero for the space exploration.

David Wright
3 years ago

Do these pirates wear eyepatches or little hats?

Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

Little hats.

Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

Do these pirates wear eyepatches or little hats?

Maybe both.
Ahoy Vey.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Federalist
3 years ago

Ahoy Vey

Stealing it (in the spirit of the thread)

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
3 years ago

“What did the Jewish pirate call out to a passing ship?”

Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

Sure the tiny hats are ubiquitous in the circus tent. But for all the redpilled and dissident big men counting hats there sure seems to be an affinity for what schlomo has on offer, i.e. goodfeelz “winning”, make money buy things, talk about both as virtues. Ive yet to encounter a white dissident king who would leave a nickel on the table while selling his mcmansion to a young white family; his business to an eager up and coming young white man whose little hat bank leaves him 5% short in the cap stack; his farm to a young white… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

I believe that mindset is changing and that tight-knit groups of whites are forming all over America and other white countries.

Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

You don’t mess with money

rather, you can let the young white family buying your house have some of your stuff, and that works just as well. Let him keep the tractor, or table saw, or the nice fridge, etc. But you don’t mess with money.

why? I don’t know, but that’s just one of those iron rules of the universe, perhaps akin to a guy agreeing to be raped, and I don’t think it has anything to do with schlomo

Last edited 3 years ago by Falcone
Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

When you meet your Maker, He won’t care about all those nickels you’ve hoarded to bribe Him with.

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

It’s not about that, and it would be wise to refrain from being shallow, platitudinous, and intellectually lazy. For better or worse, money has a certain place in human affairs and has human meaning unto itself. Put it this way, loan a friend $100 or loan him a power tool of similar value. You know and I know that when he doesn’t pay you back $100 it affects us differently on an emotional and psychological level. If he instead never brings back your power tool you feel differently about it and are not as angry. With money it’s personal. Always… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Falcone
Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

What do you call a loan?

A gift.

I’ve given away so many “gifts”, I must be friggin’ Santa Claus. All those gifts were a gamble. You’d slap me upside the head, really you would.

My only consideration was this: “could this possibly help a white person?”

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

I hear ya, all I am saying is that money has this unique effect on all people. White people too. It’s a losing battle to fight the ways it manifests itself. Better to just be cognizant of its power. And it goes both ways an affects both parties to the transaction. I think the enduring appeal of the Lord of the Rings is because it recognizes this power over us and is not afraid to say so and show how even the best of us are weak when in before it. Again, I don’t know why it is, but just… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

My wise Father who passed 2 years ago always said consider the loan a gift. If you would give it to the person then it was OK to loan it to him. If you wouldn’t then don’t. Just don’t expect to be paid back and you wont be disappointed. If it comes back that is a bonus. My advice is remember there is no better way to lose a friend then to loan him money. Better to cry poor then do that. Give it to him sure but loan it not so much. The mindset of giving it creates a… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

I’ve always admired Daffy Duck’s outlook on wealth:

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Took me along time to figure out (and still working on it) but someone quoted in a thread on here that “love of money is the root of all evil.” Then it hit me – love of money, not money itself. Money seems to be one of those tar babies that you can never be too sure if you are ruling it or it is ruling you. So best be utilized with great caution.

Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

I’ve yet to encounter a White dissident king who would leave a nickel on the table . . . to [help] a young White family

My husband and I gave one of our nephews and his beautiful cornflower blue-eyed, blond haired wife the down payment to buy a house plus paid off a sizable chunk of her ridiculous student loan to encourage them to start raising a family and for her to stay home to raise it. They did and she is.
Now you’ve can say you’ve had at least one encounter.

Reply to  Peabody
3 years ago

Thats awesome! Thats kin. Good on you, still. I reckon more of my bitter point was to highlight the nature of the transactional man. A tiny hat is easy to mock and despise, but what of the white man at the same table, playing the same game, solving toward the same priorities while schlomo moves around the pea? When he “wins”, is he really taking house money – or his brothers’? There is a point where the trader becomes a traitor, but only if his people matter to begin with. At least pirates are loyal to their shipmates, that is,… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

What makes them better at looking out for their own? Thousands of years of outsider status and perceived unjustified persecution. They swim in those waters – most Whites don’t even see the rip tide about to engulf us.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Peabody
3 years ago

Do you think Jews are immune to victimizing fellow Jews? They may consider themselves the Chosen, but they are still human beings with all the defects that come with that. The Old Testament is hardly a blanket vision of Israelite unity against the outside world.

Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

It’s hard, no doubt. In this system, he who does not steal robs his family. I try to be generous, but often fail. And to Falcone, “fair deal and square trade” is part of who we are; it feels alien to ask or receive favoritism, or even charity, in an arms-length deal with another adult. Recently, I had some trades work done. I got the quote, found the equipment for $xxx online, and was sore tempted to do it myself. But the tradesman was our people, and explicitly Christian, so I paid him $x,xxx to do the work. But I… Read more »

Reply to  Educated.redneck
3 years ago

I’ve had that same argument in my mind. A few years ago, there was one remaining mom-and-pop TV shop around and I was trying to figure out which option was better? To spend the money there and sustain a community of my people, or buy it elsewhere cheaper, thus increasing the amount of money that my family has at their disposal — for wants and needs. There’s no universal answer and I can see the merit in either option.

Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

Unlike Whites, the Bagel people look out for their own kind. Their greed only goes so far. They provide schools for their kids, private loans for poorer Jews, homes for their aged.They have advocacy groups to protect their people. Whereas the white monied class has no problem off-shoring entire companies to China and putting his fellow whites on the street. When Milken created LBO’s to loot American businesses into oblivion, white businessmen and investors rejoiced over the new ways they could profit from Milken’s legal piracy. Look at the CofC full of whites who shit on the country for a… Read more »

My Comment
Reply to  Rwc1963
3 years ago

Whites are the only group that doesn’t have in group preference. Good whites love to virtue signal about hating whites so there is no way Secession would ever work out. Even if the states seceded the same dynamic would be at play including the tribe owning the media and entertainment.

Reply to  My Comment
3 years ago

I’ve thought a lot about the secession thing and have to agree it’d be very difficult. Not only would joggers, little hats and various shade mud people have to be kicked out, but the damn White hating White leftards as well – maybe even an extra special punishment for them. It would require a major culling which just doesn’t seem feasible barring some disastrous existential event which forces the issue.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

I understand where you are going with this Screwtape, and I salute your call to arms (or alms). I also think Durendal is on to something. That attitude is changing, but it will take time. The Jews are further along that cohesion paradigm because they have been a repeatedly despised minority in country after country for almost two thousand years. Don’t underestimate the power of oppression in solidifying your identity… even if it is often self-inflicted. Hell, there are even museums celebrating offenses against them in countries that never harmed them. It’s a great schtick. We as whites, simply haven’t… Read more »

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

They have no moral conscience. We’re just cattle to be exploited.

Reply to  Peabody
3 years ago

Good on you — well done!

Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

We’ve been down so low it looks like up.

Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

We have a set of interconnected problems to solve. One is the small hats. Another is the deracinated white elites who believe they can prosper in the new racialized anarcho-tyranny.

In what order should we solve these problems? Some people, like the NJP, want to focus on the former problem first. Others, paleocons perhaps including Z, want to persuade the latter first.

Let’s see what works.

Finally, not to brag, I give thousands of dollars per year to the dissident right.

Last edited 3 years ago by LineInTheSand
Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

 “Few men have virtue to withstand the highest bidder”

Marty Grove
Marty Grove
3 years ago

This is what is disturbing about libertarians. They’ll argue about how a pirate economy is what they want. Anarcho-capitalists will drive this point till they die.
It’s always centered around a wet-dream like Atlas Shrugged, where they imagine themselves as titans of industry who “help” ordinary people.
Never crosses their mind that, in reality, the closest thing we have to that is Jeff Bezos or Bill Gates, who clearly despise the little man.

Stranger in a strange land
Reply to  Marty Grove
3 years ago

Not a perfect analogy, but odd that at one point Bezos and Gates might have been the Galt and Rearden character types. Lately however, seems they would more represent the James Taggart, Wesley Mouch characters.

Reply to  Stranger in a strange land
3 years ago

More like Lex Luther or Bond Villains.

Last edited 3 years ago by Dinothedoxie
Reply to  Marty Grove
3 years ago

“They have a right to cause real harm”, libertarians forget that people come in groups. They also treat legal fictions like corporations and agencies as if they’re individuals to be reasoned with.

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Marty Grove
3 years ago

“They have a right to cause real harm”, as if legal fictions like corporations and agencies are individuals to be reasoned with.

(sorry, edit button glitching)

3 years ago

Imagine being the CEO of GameStop, or belonging to the board. Must be an interesting feeling to be a cannonball.

Reply to  OffByOne
3 years ago

Feeling sorry for merchants is something I don’t do well. Gamestop’s owners went for the prize. So did others.

Reply to  Epaminondas
3 years ago

Agreed. One thing I realized a couple weeks ago is how my favorite companies to deal with aren’t traded on the NYSE (specifically, Aldi and Menards, and even Trader Joe’s). If a company wants to swim in shark-infested waters, so to speak, I can’t be bothered to care when they get bitten.

Reply to  OffByOne
3 years ago

I’d be pretty self satisfied that the hedge funds were getting killed. After all they were killing me.

3 years ago

Know thy enemy. Waking Up To Reality (cont) Jackboots are real. They exist because no tyranny can survive without them. Most are Caucasian men who have been screened & selected based upon their proclivity for following orders and the propensity to act with violence on autopilot. And they all believe that they act with righteousness and official sanction which immunizes them against guilt or restraint. They could be your neighbor and will still feel no remorse for your persecution. They are formidable, lethal, and prefer to attack only in overwhelming numbers. And they are best avoided. There is no upside… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  TomA
3 years ago


There are enough woke/PC bro types and civnatters in LE and the military for the Bolsheviks to field a formidable force.

3 years ago

The public, on the other hand, demands such an authority, so eventually, they will find one or create one

Always a good thing to remember. There is a market and a demand for everything. It’ll be interesting to see how the demand for ‘protection from diversity’ increases massively in the coming years. Even if it has to be done by, ahem, unofficial contractors.

There are still millions of people who want a stable family in a safe neighbourhood. And this is a major selling point of anyone offering community, or talking about banding together as the smegma of wokism descends.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

Self segregation in that way will be made illegal for the average white but red sea tribe members will be allowed that kind of protection.

Reply to  Durendal
3 years ago


Reply to  Durendal
3 years ago

There is a good chance that may happen. In the US before the UK, but at some point all men – and this is hard to face – will have to ask not whether it is illegal, but whether is it just. I don’t know how I’ll stack up, but that tipping point is coming, and I hope I choose right. It is a horrible and frightening question to ask oneself, yet here we are. Get all the good, solid people round you while you can. Make all the good, solid people from you while you can. Also, we’ve yet… Read more »

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

“ask not whether it is illegal, but whether is it just”

Law used to be represented by a balance of the scales.

Blindfolded Fortuna holding them is both the yin and the yang. The heart and the arm, neither overwhelming each other.

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

I always liked the thought that, “It’s illegal because it’s wrong. It’s not wrong because it’s illegal.”

Moe Noname
Moe Noname
Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

There is a legal term called an “attractive nuisance”. Think rusty girder shaped like a teeter-totter balanced near a cliff or a closed amusement park full of fun things to fall off of. The owner of said nuisance has to put a fence around such “nuisance” or suffer liability when children, US citizens or other trespassers harm themselves. My wife and I live in a safe community to raise our children. High taxes act as a fence against poor people. Almost double the tax amount in order to pay for private schooling and avoid the degenerate culture. Open societies, towns/… Read more »

Reply to  Moe Noname
3 years ago

There is a legal term called an “attractive nuisance”.

Me being a bigot and all, the first thing I thought of when I read this was: women. Off to Gyno-Gulag for me.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

The downfall of many a man, and a necessary evil since the dawn of the human race

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Moe Noname
3 years ago

“High taxes act as a fence against poor people.Almost double the tax amount in order to pay for private schooling and avoid the degenerate culture.” Interestingly, while this is the ‘classic’ wisdom, it is almost wholly inapplicable in our Extreme Clown World. You are probably going to encounter far more degeneracy surrounded by a bunch of rich white people then you would surrounded by some salt of the earth low income trailer hicks. May want to read some of your kids textbooks and talk to their teachers sometime, you may get quite a surprise… (yes, even private school) Rich white… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Apex Predator
Reply to  Apex Predator
3 years ago

May want to read some of your kids textbooks and talk to their teachers sometime, you may get quite a surprise…

Indeed. I couldn’t agree more. Locating public schools, finding the staff and examining their Twitter feeds is a most revealing exercise. It is a great tool to use for converting others; scary as it may at first be.

Reply to  Apex Predator
3 years ago

I recommend parents of school age children do one of two things: Talk to your child’s classroom teacher before the first class; or talk to the principle before first class if teacher is unresponsive. This discussion should request a class syllabus for the year or semester, so that you know what is scheduled to be taught. And this discussion should include asking if there will be any guest speakers, presentations, or instruction outside of what is specifically listed. None of this is private or not the standard for all teachers. They are required to have this information and are held… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by CompscI
Reply to  CompscI
3 years ago

I applaud and support every word. I did this every year, even in my sons’ Christian schools. They still use teachers with the same credentials and accreditation that public schools use, and the Christian text books have gone way downhill over the past 10-15 years. Guard your children for the precious future they represent.

Moe Noname
Moe Noname
Reply to  Apex Predator
3 years ago

Amen, Apex. Very good point on the privileged private schools. My kid’s schools are splinter Catholic, non-diocean. Cardinal would prefer to shut them down, but hasn’t figured out how to without going the full 2020 election route.

Reply to  Apex Predator
3 years ago

Well said. Additionally, most wealthy “White” enclaves have their share of magic dirt Han or a Pajeet ‘doctor.” You’re more likely to find a genuinely White neighborhood if you search by school enrollment ( and the racial dot map (although it is out of date as based on the 2010 census). Money alone is no guarantee of community.

Gunner Q
3 years ago

“The thing is most people are not pirates and have no interest in being pirates.”

I’ve felt this way for a long time. There’s no place for us cash-under-the-mattress men in the modern marketplace. Everything’s gotta be a scam, entitlement or loophole in a world whose rules are constantly changing for the sake of change. Like wiping away your footprints at the crime scene.

Reply to  Gunner Q
3 years ago

And worse, you are a sucker for not playing, for not getting yours. This is where my long comments above strike: there is “white” culture and there is (((white))) culture. Under the same tent playing the same rigged games, the only difference I see between them is one takes better care of their own. On the margin, of course. To be dissident in the long run, our culture must coalesce around status, priorities, goodwill, and pro-social pro-community attributes and actions that must supersede the Market and muh gains. Otherwise its arbitrage, usury, and profits all the way down while being… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

The story of Jacob and Esau comes to mind 🙂

3 years ago

One way to fix the current system would be to eliminate limited liability, so that everyone who owns a company, whether directly or by proxy, is fully liable for the behavior of the corporation it owns. The other fix would be to only permit direct sales of shares privately. There is really no economic value to short sales, options, puts, etc., at least from the standpoint of functional output of the businesses. There’s no reason for the economy to be treated like a casino when Vegas exists for gamblers to get their fix.

Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

Eliminating limited liability means every small business owner who runs afoul of the woke mob is at risk of losing his home. No thanks.

Reply to  Barnard
3 years ago

Unofficially he almost is anyways, almost. If you don’t bake the cake – it’s lawfare, doxxing, public and private harrassment…

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

There are better ways to not bake the cake. Bake it, but do a crappy job, and still demand payment.

Reply to  Barnard
3 years ago

Hate to tell ya but we already are.

Reply to  Barnard
3 years ago

Small business owners are also less likely to run afoul of the mob, since the mob generally targets large, TRE companies.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Barnard
3 years ago

Yes, that’s the whole concept of where the corporation came from in English (?) law. It took a few centuries, but eventually we learned how to fully exploit it for evil purposes.

Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

Are there any corporate legal beagles around? I’d be willing to bet that there is law and legislation to prevent this kind of thing, and that it is being ignored – much like insider trading. The usual power brokers never get punished for doing that – just the dirt people…

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

most jurisdictions that allow for limited liability also provide for exceptions for fraudulent activity or recklessness, or other nefarious conduct. But as always it is not the laws that matter, but who interprets/enforces the laws.

She Was A Constitution Nut
She Was A Constitution Nut
Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

Limited liability in British commerce goes back at least as far as the Limited Liability Act 1855. We need to understand well that history in addition to similar developments in other places, esp. the USA, Germany, Japan, etc. There is no way to make capitalists behave better without abolishing it. As things stand, commerce is rigged to encourage extreme recklessness and to socialize costs, and this on the pretext of obtaining benefits which we now know include rootlessness, destruction of society, and oceans with plastics up and down the water column. Probably another step forward will be the elimination of… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by She Was A Constitution Nut
Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Financialization has corresponded with Washington taking over more and more political power from the states. Financialization consolidates power on the economic side.

Industrial capitalism spreads power throughout the economy, much like when states used to be more important than the federal government.

Then, of course, you have technology and tech companies consolidating power in their realm. The country is now run by a very small elite in Washington, Wall Street and Silicon Valley.

Moe Noname
Moe Noname
3 years ago

Thought experiment:

1. China conquers Taiwain in 1-3 weeks.

2. At least two US carrier groups are sunk attempting to “save democracy”.

3. US decides maybe democracy isnt that important.

4. Long Beach, Seattle/ Vancouver, Oakland accepts Chinese military ships in exchange for manufactured goods from the orient.

The US would have peace (“Be safe!”), but only as a vassal state.

Don’t blame me. I voted for Kodos.

Reply to  Moe Noname
3 years ago

None of this is happening any time soon.

Reply to  Hun
3 years ago

Or ever, probably.

Reply to  Hun
3 years ago

Correct – China doesn’t have the sea lift required. Taiwan would immediately assemble nuclear weapons. The one thing China can’t deal with presently is the U.S. nuclear attack subs, which would sink their navy and cargo fleet.

Reply to  Drake
3 years ago

Further thought experiment:
If the USA’s Fleet Command becomes fully, woke trans, and POC populated…
Wouldn’t that offset the Chinese shortcomings?

Reply to  Crispin
3 years ago

The subs maybe… Not Taiwan’s willingness to defend itself.

Reply to  Crispin
3 years ago

That a carrier might be hit, or even sunk is not beyond the pale. But that China goes gallivanting around the world is entirely without basis. China at this time remains attached to its land. It can not project power, nor do I think it wants to project power as we like to project it.

Reply to  CompscI
3 years ago

There’s no history of them doing so in the last five hundred years.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Drake
3 years ago

It would never happen because China already rules the US through Xiao Bi-Deng, therefore no need.

Reply to  c matt
3 years ago

That was my first thought. My second thought was why do we care who rules Taiwan?

Spin geraht
Spin geraht
Reply to  DLS
3 years ago

Because we have a long standing defense treaty with Taiwan.

Reply to  Moe Noname
3 years ago

A real collapse is the cure because it forces awareness and action. For that reason, the Deep State would choose to manufacture a different type of phony war. The core idea is to distract the plebs with measured anxiety, but not existential fear, and then ship all the alphas overseas in endless lukewarm conflict. Methinks Yemen could become the next tarbaby scapegoat.

Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

I thought that’s what the Red Chinese Plague was for.

Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

What happens when the alphas stop joining up? The draft? That’ll be the day. Can you imagine drafting all the aspiring rappers?

Reply to  Semi-Hemi
3 years ago

What happens when the alphas stop joining up?

Lots of CivNat/NormieCons who were waving the flag and in love with the military just a couple of months ago now say that they wouldn’t serve and would do anything to stop their sons from joining. The change is astounding.
They can talk all they want about blacks, browns, women, and gays. The actual trigger-pullers are mostly regular white guys and they’re saying “to hell with this.”

Reply to  Federalist
3 years ago

If Trump and the election debacle has done anything, it has shattered a lot of normie love for the neocons and their wars. On many web sites George W Bush and Cheney are are almost universally reviled. 15 years ago these same people were spouting off “we just can’t cut and run” or “we have to fight them over there so we dont have to fight them over here”. Or they were were jerking off over the killing of Uday and Qusay.

Reply to  WJ0216
3 years ago

That was me except for the jerking off part. Now I can honestly say Al Gore couldn’t have been much worse, and he is clinically insane. Same as my belief that McCain or Romney would not have been much better than Obama.

Reply to  Semi-Hemi
3 years ago

No, blacks will receive deferments for every last thing, leaving it up to – you guessed it – the straight, white male population to once again, do ALL heavy lifting.

Reply to  Steve
3 years ago

The military will not accept any recruit with an IQ below 83, give or take a bit. That leave 50% of American Blacks “deferred” right off the bat. Add another large percentage as ineligible due to criminal background or drug use and you have perhaps a third eligible for the draft.

Reply to  CompscI
3 years ago

Rules you say?

Spin geraht
Spin geraht
Reply to  CompscI
3 years ago

If it were a real war they would take them.
Early in the terror wars they were taking pretty much anybody.

Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

I’m not sure they could even pull that off anymore. It’d almost assuredly have to be some 9-11 or PH type event – an evil attack on the precious “homeland” to get enough people to buy into it. Of course these evil bastards probably wouldn’t have a problem going to such lengths and hammer a (former) american city, claiming it was the ruskies or chinks. In any event, the covidian nonsense has been such an unexpected winner, why not just come up with something similar, but much more dire to get the sheeple cowering even more.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Moe Noname
3 years ago

Won’t happen because it doesn’t need to and it’s far too messy.

On Xitler’s orders Xiden will get the troops tangled up in the Middle East to facilitate the MIC grift, box in Russia, and facilitate the BRI project.

The PLA will waltz into Taiwan with fairly light resistance.

Reply to  Moe Noname
3 years ago

China will take Taiwan, because it must.
A US carrier may be sunk, revealing the US for the over extended paper tiger it has become.

US democracy isn’t important.

The Chinese will never invade the US mainland. But they’ll control it where it counts anyway.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  ProZNoV
3 years ago

Based on the behavior of the US government and media China has no need to invade North America.

Taiwan is of enormous financial, intellectual, industrial, political, and strategic value to the West and China.

At some point, the fat, gay, incompetent, tranny-filled US military will no longer be a credible deterrent.

Based on recent PLA activities, they appear to believe that point is drawing near.

Last edited 3 years ago by The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Back in December it was leaked that the CCP has infiltrated Western corporations, governments, and universities. The MSM sure gave that story a leaving-alone.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  RoBG
3 years ago

The only MSM coverage I saw was Sky News Australia, who are surprisingly red-pilled. I’m amazed they are still on the air.

If the West is that compromised, imagine how compromised Taiwan is, being 100 miles from the mainland and sharing a common ethnicity and language.

Simply a matter of time.

Last edited 3 years ago by The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

The KMT (Nationalists) have spent two decades indicating that they’d be very happy serving as lapdog colonial governors under a CCP regime. Chinese penetration into Taiwan is surely very thorough. The only question is, how much is the opposite true? Thirty years ago, every Taiwanese industrialist worth his salt pulled up stakes and moved across the Strait. Most of them created a second life there, with a second wife and family even. For two generations, the struggle in Taiwan has been between biology/tribe and ideology. We would presume to know who will win that game, but it’s a bit different… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  KGB
3 years ago

Taiwan has subs and reportedly nukes. As a result, Taiwan may face more hostility than love from the West if its oligarchs feel their investments are in danger.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

The only true threat the PRC poses to Americans is its Fifth Column in the United States, which is vicious and dangerous. China might feel compelled to liquidate its Fifth Column some day if it goes a bit rogue. It could give a damn less about anyone or anything else in the United States otherwise along as its overseers keep things in order.

Reply to  ProZNoV
3 years ago

Our new “governor” Kim-Jung Goldberg.

Black Flag
Black Flag
Reply to  ProZNoV
3 years ago

We’re already ruled by evil commies from a land far far away we just continue the illusion that our evil commie rulers are chosen by the people. Even Fox said it was legitimate so no questions! That being said, at least Chinese rule would do something about the jogging population. McCain is rolling over in his grave at the thought of missing a good ol ship fire party though.

Reply to  Moe Noname
3 years ago

Sinking a carrier “group” would be quite the undertaking, and for as little as I think of the diversitard military about the only way China could pull it off would be if we were docked in one of their ports. Now sinking a carrier is perfectly doable and I’ve heard there are even many third rate countries that could pull it off (depending on their suicidal tendencies). What’s interesting though is the move would be akin to the Japanese concentrating on sinking the battleships at Pearl Harbor: they’d be taking out the weapon from the last war. Apart from the… Read more »

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Sandmich
3 years ago

From what I’m given to understand there is no real conventional way to wipe out a carrier group short of a nuclear attack. Supposedly the Russians have some toys that can pass through the rings of anti-air/ballistic missile protection, but whatever – being Russian, their stated qualities are questionable if they work at all. A full sinking wouldn’t really be necessary, though. A carrier is an expensive platform from a bygone era. Do enough damage to one to require a return to home waters and you’ve effectively “destroyed” it.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Forever Templar
3 years ago

Hypersonic missiles.

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  Sandmich
3 years ago

Nuke subs secure carrier groups. Sink a USN carrier and in 15 minutes you are radioactive dust.

Reply to  Carl B.
3 years ago

Decades ago I read non-fiction a book which influenced the novel Red Storm Rising and in it the author pointed out that blowing up a bunch of ships and fish with a nuke provides a very poor justification for unbridled nuclear retaliation.
Now that being said, who knows what is going through the minds of insane wokies pulling Biden’s strings.

Reply to  Carl B.
3 years ago

I wonder if we will use nukes in any war short of response to nukes or direct land invasion.

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  CompscI
3 years ago

A nuclear-armed dying empire is a very dangerous thing.

Reply to  Carl B.
3 years ago

The soviets weren’t.

Reply to  Moe Noname
3 years ago

China is the successful model.

Co-dependent frenemy mercantilism will replace big war, except for low-level turf wars.

Why? The stratosphere class are above borders. They are becoming their own ‘sphere’. The tradeoff for land wars will be increased population and pollution.

(The Chinese naval fleet only need defend Chinese turf, thus its slow build, in contrast to historical Japan.)

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
American Citizen 2.0
American Citizen 2.0
3 years ago

For me it’s interesting to see how the Yellow Vest protests in France are similar to the GameStop protest in Finance. The mainstream media and political elites do not want to give any air (or airtime) to the grievance that is very clearly being expressed by the people who are participating. The media and politicians want to talk about the things they have already decided will be the narrative focus. Any events that happen outside that narrative focus are ignored. I have found it odd how there is no news at all outside of a very narrow band of topics… Read more »

Reply to  American Citizen 2.0
3 years ago

Kill your TV. Watching the mainstream media news just infects you with despair, defeatism, and fits of hand-wringing. And none of it is actionable intelligence, so the exercise is pointless and time-wasting too. Even worse, repeating their message in other forums is aiding & abetting the felony. Last, please avoid the Bongino habit of laughing hysterically at the snark you hurl at them. It doesn’t solve any problem and is very poor entertainment to boot.

Thud Muffle
3 years ago

“In order to have a society with any chance of survival, you have to have rules governing exchange between people”

But First you need honest people

Reply to  Thud Muffle
3 years ago

We have neither.

James J O'Meara
James J O'Meara
3 years ago

The economy is created by society for its own benefit, not an independent pirate? Someone will need to come along and set things straight? Look out Zman! That’s the kind of rational thinking that led the most rational and educated people in Europe in a certain direction. Gosh, we can’t have that!

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
3 years ago

Much of this piracy would disappear if interest rates were allowed to rise to their natural level. They haven’t been there in decades. If someone is making a good return on savings, that capital is less likely to be deployed into exotic financial instruments in an attempt to make a margin above inflation. Most of this damage was done by the Federal Reserve, which has been juicing the system to bail the economy out of each and every recession since 1990. It’s easier said than done however. If this situation was ever corrected the recession that rebalances everything would be… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

I agree, but it will never happen because the interest on the national debt would become untenable.

Reply to  Drake
3 years ago

Without central banks and their money laundering, most crime and corruption would have a stop put to it.

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Drake
3 years ago

We’re in a pickle. The vast majority of people even in Finance don’t understand that one basic concept. That the historic rate of interest, around 5%, would bankrupt (not literally, in outlays) the Federal budget. The larger the pile of debt the more motion is necessary to keep that debt churning at the periphery. This is why hurricanes never get above Cat 5, because the perimeter can’t move fast enough. The storm then goes into entropy. Debt works in the same way. The interest rate is the barometric pressure in the interior. The pressure is now zero, nowhere to go.… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

in an attempt to make a margin above inflation. Inflation is a creation of the Fed (or govt generally) Once upon a time, 20 years ago I had data on retail prices for the US going back to 1800 – 200 years. Three things were blindingly obvious. The well known “Inflation is a fact of life and the Feds job is to hold it to around 2-3% bullshit” story that we’ve been told Prior to that deflation was the usual way of life: i.e. goods became cheaper. Five seconds of reflection and you realize, of course they do- people who… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by bilejones
Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

I understand now why my friend shakes with anger at the “insurrection.” Likewise with “extremists” “attacking” Wall Street.

His income is multiple income streams are from pensions and government, it affords him a nice life in a diversity-free enclave.

Without the government and Wall St., there are no pensions. Attacking the system is an attack on his mortgage and family.

This is an existential battle. They consider us the raiders.

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Anyone with an annuity of any kind will be a big loser going forward. And anyone in the bond market in general.

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Also, they have no past or future; they don’t understand that we see the long chain of our past and future stolen. This is why they gain such meaning from faux WWlls like covid or anti-whatever.

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
Reactionary Utopian
3 years ago

“When it is all over, the pirates will sail away to the next skirmish, while a little company lies in ruins.” Be patient with me; I studied physics in school and worked a career in engineering, and I’m sure there’s some business-world fundamental here that I’m not seeing. Help me. Suppose I have a business, Game Stop. I need capital to expand it by buying more capital equipment: stores and fixtures, I suppose, whatever it is you need to Stop Games. Okay, so you issue stock, people buy it, you take the money and buy your capital goods, and let… Read more »

Reply to  Reactionary Utopian
3 years ago

Technically, the wild gyrations in GME over the past week have no relation to the company’s fundamentals, which Z has pointed out are not bad. It was nothing more than an opportunity for two opposing factions – wall street insiders vs. retail outsiders to duke it out in a pretty much unprecedented fashion. Lots of money made and lost, but I imagine the company officers and employees benefited very little other than to see their retirement accounts (if they have them) and any company stock they might own shoot to the moon and crash back to earth. Company stock holders… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  usNthem
3 years ago

Note that a lot of the retail outsiders were guys who have fond memories of GameStop and gaming in general.

This is why u/DeepFuckingValue was able to mobilize the masses on YouTube and WSB. He understood this key psychological part of the situation.

You couldn’t mobilize people like that over an alfalfa farming stock that was 140% short.

Reply to  Reactionary Utopian
3 years ago

use the Hallmark ruse, never go public with your shares—

Reply to  Reactionary Utopian
3 years ago

To first order, I suppose it is the shareholders that lose or gain money. However, there are second order effects. For instance, depending upon how low the share price falls, it may no longer be possible to raise sufficient funds (for acquisitions, expansions, etc) by selling shares. This could force the company to need to borrow.

Reactionary Utopian
Reply to  OffByOne
3 years ago

Yeah, I can see that. Thanks!

Reply to  Reactionary Utopian
3 years ago

Not really in my wheelhouse but I’ll try. GME was being naked-shorted with the intention to force the stock price down below where the fundamentals would dictate. This can (and was probably intended to) cause a cascade effect where everyone starts running for the exits thinking there’s something wrong with the company. When that happens vendors go from allowing 30+ day terms to demanding “cash on the barrel” and at that point it’s game over and off to bankruptcy court.

Reply to  Reactionary Utopian
3 years ago

From the company management perspective it doesn’t matter provided you have enough cash in the bank to cover invoices, and don’t have debt. After the IPO the stock market is simply a market in second hand goods. Hence it’s called the secondary market. It is essential as people need an incentive to buy into the IPO in the first place. Another way to look at it, is that a savvy company with cash on hand can use this to it’s advantage. If the shorts win and weak hands sell, then the company can buy back shares at way below market… Read more »

Reply to  Reactionary Utopian
3 years ago

The broad answer to that question is that it matters because your equity is only one component of your capital structure. Debt is the other. And a severe collapse in your equity will impact the terms and structure of debt/credit offered to your firm. GameStop probably had a revolving line of credit which it used to fund operations. That line of credit likely was canceled, or at least severely restricted, during the short squeeze. Ditto for vendor financing terms. Few large businesses can survive on cash terms, even if they are profitable. Once their credit lines get cut it’s a… Read more »

Reactionary Utopian
Reply to  Guest
3 years ago

Thanks for the above several replies.

It seems like debt is the underlying problem. In my simple way of thinking, a well-run company would control its spending so that it can operate on a cash basis. Acquisitions and expansion? If the money’s not already there, maybe you just don’t do them. Another way of looking at it might be that a well-run company can simply be privately held. No need to sail in pirate-infested waters.

Again, I appreciate the comments.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Reactionary Utopian
3 years ago

It also matters in that corporate laws also impose fiduciary obligations on the corporate management to the shareholders. This may trigger litigation when the stock price falls and shareholders sue claiming mismanagement for not optimizing the value of their holdings. True, they would have to prove the mismanagement and that such mismanagement caused their losses, and as long as you are doing a good job at Stopping Games, it may be challenging to prove. But lack of evidence never stopped someone from filing a ruinous lawsuit.

3 years ago

Z — the argument the elites make is that technology allows them to have ever changing rules and the ability to cancel people at will “virtually.” No need for a gulag or killing fields, that’s 20th Century. Canceled people can’t buy food or do anything and starve to death on the streets. And they can be replaced by an infinite number of immigrants who technology will make into replaceable widgets.
That is the argument I hear anyway. All over the FT.

Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

…assuming that the quality of those work force replacements is sufficient to meet the talents necessary to make those widgets.

Last edited 3 years ago by WCiv...---...
3 years ago

“The pirate’s cover”

I think you meant “The pirate’s cove”. Good essay nonetheless.

3 years ago

GME is crashing. One set of pirates have left. Another set of pirates is having fun now. Pigs got slaughtered.

Reply to  Hun
3 years ago

There was no reason to continue to hold a long position in Game Stop past Friday. The short contracts all had to be met then and the company’s financials do not support a stock price of $350. It will settle down below $50 a share. This was unavoidable.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Barnard
3 years ago


The big guys squealed about getting caught napping, but they’ve been around the block.

Eventually they were going to wriggle out of their shorts one way or another.

Reply to  Barnard
3 years ago

Exactly. The ones who kept holding or bought when the stock crossed $300 are the pigs that got slaugtered later.

Reply to  Hun
3 years ago

Those who bought GME must have known that the stock would crash eventually. I like to think that they bought the GME for the pleasure of defiance.

Although the inevitable outcome will be GME stock returning to what it was a month ago, the whole exercise was a successful proof of concept. Good to know this can be done.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

The smarter ones either planed to sell to the covering shorts or to the greater fools. The suckers kept buying every time someone from the first group wrote “keep buying!”

Reply to  Hun
3 years ago

I’d like to think that they weren’t suckers but rather rebels willing to lose some money to strike a blow, but I don’t know.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

Well, clearly the Redditors (WallStreetBets) couldn’t possibly have moved the market alone. There was big money, probably other hedges, that came in on the way up (and down, no doubt). But it’s still nice to see a few of the shorts lose several billion collectively 🙂

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Hun
3 years ago

Lost a bit on 1 share of stock, two options expired wortheless Friday. One profit so far. But I have several low puts for Feb 26 that I’m rooting for

Higgs Boson
Higgs Boson
3 years ago

Time spent on Reddit insurgent timelines has been interesting. Their objective is to destroy our two-tiered class system, motivated by revenge more than money. They act collectively, are intelligent and strategic, and might just succeed. I thought I knew how corrupt the cartel is, but I’m learning a lot.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Higgs Boson
3 years ago

I’m not so sure about that.

Going after silver means going after JP Morgan, which is one of the world’s real centers of wealth and power.

JPM can easily eat several million retail guys with stimmy checks for lunch.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
3 years ago

Democrats demonized Trump for putting up a wall between Mexico and the US and then President Biden issued a executive order stopping further building.

But they wasted no time putting a wall around the US Capitol building and calling in the Army to secure it.

Nancy Pelosi must have been really upset when she saw someone walking off with her lectern.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
3 years ago

Makes you realize what a once mighty, powerful, robust country we once were, to still be alive and kicking, after all the abuse she has taken. “first the chill, then the stupor, then the letting go.” We’re somewhere between room temperature and rigor mortis.

3 years ago


3 years ago

This is worth a look.
The title is bullshit, it’s far from complete but it’s a start.
I’m using Firefox and swisscows.

Reply to  Bilejones
3 years ago

I switched to Brave and DuckDuckGo. I can barely tell the difference.

Last edited 3 years ago by DLS
The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  DLS
3 years ago

I really need to get off my lazy IT ass and move to Linux.

There are several distros that make it super easy.

Mint is probably the simplest.

Last edited 3 years ago by The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  DLS
3 years ago


Brave and Duck Duck Go are excellent alternatives.

3 years ago

[…] ZMan nails it. […]

3 years ago

This Wall Street piracy sounds like a scheme perfectly suited for Dan Cringeshaw

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
3 years ago

Germany once had an actual Pirate Party in our Parliament, sans eye patches and parrots.

Last edited 3 years ago by Karl Horst (Germany)
3 years ago

economics is how things get made. politics is who gets to keep them.

3 years ago

” The practice of shorting a stock can have both moral and economic utility. In the former case, an investor seeing some corruption in a company or sector is letting the world know about it by betting against it with his own money. On the latter point, the blend of shorts and longs provides useful data about stocks and sectors for investors and planners.” For the first time ever I think, Zman, your talking bullshit…I am a long term investor (never shorted a stock)…there is NO necessity for a company ( or your gun, guitar, shoes, lawn mower, you get the… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by jim
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Granted naked shorting is worse…..but markets have been in existence thousands of years (more on than off) and for the huge majority of those years there was no short selling of any kind ….even the times of market disruptions when short selling of any kind was outlawed, the markets settled down ,albeit, with much less volume and volatility…
Thank you for this discourse….
P.S. Could be wrong, but guessing our Jewish friends promoted this through the years…of course, my Sicilian brothers and sisters learned rapidly (or rabidly!) from them..

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

If you have a coin collection, YOU own it so you can sell it or buy more….it’s not the same as borrowing your coin collection from a third party and I sell it and promise the third party to buy it back so they can give it back to you…..truly don’t understand your point….it is incredibly different

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  jim
3 years ago

Yes, this is new to me too. The borrowed share of stock has become a chain of IOUs which multiplies the default risk. This is as logical as me renting a car and then selling it 🙂

She Was A Constitution Nut
She Was A Constitution Nut
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Suppose that I buy a package of corn tortillas for my dinner. In what way is there an implicit short sale, in the relevant sense of the term “Shorting”? Most often I get my tortillas from Aldi, which first acquires a long position in a package upon buying it from the maker or a distributor. Aldi closes out that position by selling the package to me, presumably at a higher price. The maximum possible gain or loss to Aldi on the long position has been obtained, and that’s the end of it for them, at least for that package. Unlike… Read more »

Reply to  She Was A Constitution Nut
3 years ago

The thing that’s beneath the reporting surface with “shorting” a stock is that it’s inherently fraudulent. in theory the shorter “borrows” the shares and agrees to return them at a specified date. Except that hardly ever happens. What does happen is that the shorter “borrows” them from a firm that is holding the shares for a third party. For example: you have gamestock shares in your portfolio that is handled through Dino’s brokerage. And then Dino “lends” your shares to Pirate Joe for his short play for a transaction fee. Problem is that the shares aren’t Dino’s to play with… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

I think what jim is missing is that shorting is really just using debt to acquire shares and agreeing with another party to make a future sale transaction at the current price. Farmers do this all the time, because they are farmers and not commodity traders. They want to lock in the current prices so they know what their profit is from the actual farming. Yes, farmers actually own their commodities for a time, but that is usually funded with debt as well. The only difference, which is no small thing, is that farmers actually add value to the process,… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by DLS
Reply to  jim
3 years ago

Long term investing doesn’t mean you won’t necessarily short a stock. By not buying a stock you’re betting that its price does not change. By shorting a stock you’re betting that the price decreases. A short can also help you hedge your long positions.

Last edited 3 years ago by OffByOne
Reply to  OffByOne
3 years ago

If your “betting” your not really “investing”…but even investing is a gamble when you can’t believe the numbers management gives you..

Reply to  jim
3 years ago

While I believe naked short selling should be illegal, short sellers often perform the useful function of exposing fraud in the market. While this does not apply in the case of Game Stop, Valeant and Wirecard are some well known examples. Many fraudulent Chinese stocks have been exposed by short sellers.

Reply to  jim
3 years ago

Naked shorting, options, and leveraged buyouts- the ‘hostile merger and aquisition’ craze- were all legalized during the 80s. A hedge fund used to be Kellogg’s buying enough wheat futures to keep making cereal.

They didn’t used to exist, and were tools of the pirates to create financial feudal fiefdoms and cartels. Covid is medical tyranny, anti-racism is cultural tyranny, etc., these are the tools of a pirate State to raid its captive populace, the serfs who live there. Not yer granpappy’s capitalism, not anymore.

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  jim
3 years ago

Yes, any investment in the presence of uncertainty is a ‘gamble’/’wager’/’bet’. For instance, taking out a loan to complete a STEM degree is an ‘investment’ in oneself, but also a bet on future earnings relative to the loan and the interest. Can you, or someone else with this position, give an argument against short selling? I’m honestly interested, as I saw a clip of Tucker Carlson expressing a similar sentiment against short selling, and it seems many people share this sentiment. I should also note that there is an error in my post, as instead of betting on whether the… Read more »

Reply to  jim
3 years ago

The difference between investing and gamboling is that gamboling is always zero sum, with the dealer taking a cut. Whereas investing is positive sum – the investment increased the total wealth society.

Reply to  OffByOne
3 years ago

That’s a good point. If you sell shares with large capital gains, you have a significant tax expense. Shorting allows insurance without incurring that cost.

3 years ago

The only comments worth reading are the original comments to your articles. This is true for other posts from other sources. It’s interesting how many comments are derivatives, responses to other comments, etc. These are not worth reading, and yet, the greater the number of these, the greater you can tell the effectiveness of the original post. Good job, btw, on your post. I believe you are right.

She Was A Constitution Nut
She Was A Constitution Nut
Reply to  Anonymouse
3 years ago

Here’s another comment for you to frown about and sneer at. Its subject is the leading institution for the financialization of commerce.

Reply to  Anonymouse
3 years ago

I believe we call your derivatives, conversation. It is an art. You should try it sometime, as opposed to trolling.

Reply to  Anonymouse
3 years ago

I find the commenters on this site to be first rate, and have learned much from the back and forth. On a lot of sites, it can devolve into name calling, but this site is so good I almost always read the comments to the end.