Éireannach Diúltach

Today is St. Patrick’s Day, which is when people around the English speaking world celebrate having driven the Irish from their community. Businesses dust of the old “Irish Need Not Apply” signs and post them up. People mock the Irish by getting drunk and starting fights in public. Everyone wears green. Going out for corned beef and cabbage is a big thing, even during the pandemic. The meal is capped off by leaving a small tip in the tradition of the flintiest people on earth.

This is not true, of course, but it would probably be a better way to respect the Irish people than the current way of celebrating the day. St. Patrick’s Day in America is mostly just another version of Cinco de Mayo. That is, a reason for restaurants to roll out some themed specials and college kids to wear silly outfits. The difference is the college kids will not get in trouble for making fun of the Irish or for culturally appropriating them by wearing stereotypical Irish clothing.

The Irish are, however, a good topic for dissidents to study. Ireland struggled through a long and unpleasant occupation by a people who sounded a lot like them and looked like them but were not them at all. The Irish were ruled for a long time by clever, resourceful aliens. Crushing Irish resistance became an obsession with the British at times, even when it was not in their interest. This is, of course, the situation for white people in America now, just without an armed resistance yet.

How the Irish fought the British and how the British fought back is something highly relevant to modern America. The Irish eventually won their independence by driving up the cost of occupation. This came at a heavy cost to the Irish, as well. There are more people of Irish descent in America than in Ireland, because the long battle with the British made living anywhere else better for most Irish. There is also the fact that Ireland was never and will never fully united under the Irish flag.

Ireland is also a great example of how negative identity can destroy a people much faster than a conqueror. The Irish during the struggles became a people defined by their hatred of the British and their long history of oppression by the British. This made them wholly unequipped to go into the world as a full independent people. Ireland was immediately consumed by globalism. First it was the boom-bust of global economics and then it was the homogenization of global culture.

Starved of its ancient enemy, the Irish had no reason to exist, so the Irish ruling class joined the global ruling class, in spirit if not actuality. What that means for Europeans is embracing a plan of self-eradication. They elected a gay Indian as their ruler and set about importing as many nonwhites as they could find. Ireland’s Project 2040 promises to import a million Africans. If you do the math, they plan to make the Irish a minority in Ireland in this century. It is a plan for national suicide.

There is a popular meme where you see American soldiers disembarking on D-Day being told their kids will be trans or some other equally vulgar fad. The idea is that if our ancestors knew what defeating the fascists would lead to in a few generations, they would have refused to fight. One suspects that if Michael Collins could have seen Leo Varadkar, the gay Indian prime minister of Ireland, he and his compatriots would have turned their guns on their own people.

It is no surprise that the Irish have often called themselves the blacks of Europe, as they share the same sense of identity as American blacks. The Irish think the comparison works because they are both musical people, but it works better in the context of negative identity. Both the Irish and American blacks are defined by their long struggle, real and imagined, with another people. Without that struggle, the Irish have ceased to exist in a meaningful way. Like their memories, Irish is history.

There is a lesson here for dissidents across the West. It is not enough to hate the ruling class and hate the liberal democratic system that sustains them. Hatred is a powerful motivator and a powerful rallying cry. It can only be a tactic in the larger strategy for national independence.  It may feel good to hate a person or a group of people, but it can never come to define you or your people. By rooting identity in the relationship with another group, you become that group’s slave.

This is why Jews have survived as a tiny minority, often among people who hate them, without having to assimilate. Jewish identity is a positive one. It is largely the same in all times and all places. They adjust to the host population or in the case of Israel, the relative strength of her neighbors. Otherwise, Jewish identity in 19th century Russia is the same as in 21st century Manhattan. The people and places change, but Jews and the complaints about them remain the same.

This is why “Yes, But Is It Good for the Jews?” is an old punchline to jokes. Jews are famous for always thinking first about whether some situation, even a disaster, is good for them and their people. They joke about it among themselves. No one ever asked, is it good for the Irish, but plenty of Irish wondered if it was bad for the British. They were, in effect, putting the interest of the British ahead of their own. Because they have a positive identity, Jews never think this way.

If the pubs are open in your part of the hellscape that is Covidian America, enjoy a green beer and some inauthentic Irish culture. Everyone, even the Irish, are entitled to have some fun when the chance arrives. In between points of green beer, think about why Irish has been reduced to a trashy holiday and how best the fight for national sovereignty can avoid the fate of the Irish. If freedom means infinity Africans and gay Indian prime ministers, what is the point of the struggle?

A new year brings new changes. The same is true for this site as we adjust to the reality of managerial authoritarianism. That means embracing crypto for when the inevitable happens and the traditional outlets are closed. Now more than ever it is important to support the voices that support you. Five bucks a month is not a lot to ask. If you prefer other ways of donating, look at the donate page. Thank you.

Promotions: We have a new addition to the list. Havamal Soap Works is the maker of natural, handmade soap and bath products. If you are looking to reduce the volume of man-made chemicals in your life, all-natural personal products are a good start. If you use this link you get 15% off of your purchase.

The good folks at Alaska Chaga are offering a ten percent discount to readers of this site. You just click on the this link and they take care of the rest. About a year ago they sent me some of their stuff. Up until that point, I had never heard of chaga, but I gave a try and it is very good. It is a tea, but it has a mild flavor. It’s autumn here in Lagos, so it is my daily beverage now.

Minter & Richter Designs makes high-quality, hand-made by one guy in Boston, titanium wedding rings for men and women and they are now offering readers a fifteen percent discount on purchases if you use this link.   If you are headed to Boston, they are also offering my readers 20% off their 5-star rated Airbnb.  Just email them directly to book at sales@minterandrichterdesigns.com.

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3 years ago

So Zman, who is the group that is occupying America?

3 years ago

As one of your Jewish readers (Jewish in the way that Eamonn deValera was Jewish,) who, raised among Irish Catholics and who learned to say “Dia dhuit, go raibh ma’hagat” before I learned to say “shalom,” I suggest folks keep in mind that the value of racial or ethnic identity lies in the hope of its perpetuity. That’s not the case for observant Jews who see themselves as a temporary people whose purpose is to bear witness until Messiah comes. At that point, it’s time to go out of existence. (Who decides when Messiah comes is another question.) This is… Read more »

Reply to  imbroglio
3 years ago

Imbroglio, you made a couple of good points but some of your statements are not true.
Observant Jews don’t see themselves as a temporary people, and definitely don’t plan to go out of existence once the Messiah comes.
The Jewish definition of antisemite is someone who hates Jews, it has nothing to do with relative “necessity” or any other qualifier.

Reply to  imbroglio
3 years ago

Why would anyone evaluate themselves based on some fake standards invented by evil parasites..

3 years ago

Just read this at 8:00 pm west coast. Amazingly I’m not drunk, and the house doesn’t smell like corned beef. This is,I’m sorry to say, the first time in my adult life I didn’t indulge in the “ Irish cinco “ foolishness without having to think about it. Maybe your getting through my thick, scripted skull Zman & company. I’m part Irish and have been to Ireland, including Belfast. Better late than never. Forward to freedom! As they say over there on the emerald island.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
3 years ago

The fucking point of it is to stand straight and tall for the ghosts dead in the dirt behind you.

Reply to  Dennis Roe
3 years ago

And the ghosts in front

They get you too

Plastic Paddy
Plastic Paddy
3 years ago

Although I greatly enjoy your blog, as an ethnic Irishman I have to disagree with you here, Z. Sure, some Irish identity is negative, but the Irish upper classes have always tended to be exploitative. Most Irish identity is positive; hard-working, friendly (Ireland is the friendliest country in Europe, hands down), humorous (not taking ourselves too seriously – hence the plethora of Irish jokes), a bit ditzy sometimes, lovers of the countryside and sports, producers of great music (U2, Dubliners, Lennon/McCartney) as well as empire builders. Plus we’re willing to bury old grudges and move on – just look at… Read more »

Reply to  Plastic Paddy
3 years ago

One side of my wife’s family is from Ireland (Derry, but Catholic) and I have to agree with you. Her family is refined and highly educated and friendly as can be along with being gracious hosts and so forth. They always made you feel welcome and would take time to get to know the person behind the social masks, a trait I share with them and something that is definitely becoming a rarity in our dumb, obnoxious and superficial society. But that’s them. Then I compare them to the typical Irish you find around America. And there you run into… Read more »

Reply to  Plastic Paddy
3 years ago

You forget Thin Lizzy and Van Morrison when listing great Irish bands. And you try and steal Lennon. LOL

3 years ago

From a few years ago from YouTuber, Black Pilled. Review of Gangs of New York. The Nature of Power. Some good lines from The Butcher at 18:25.


3 years ago

Excellent post. In terms how whites need to think as a group emulating the Jews isn’t a bad thing nor is using the Irish Travelers – who are basically invisible yet have their own communities, laws, etc. We must however not ever emulate raging idiots like Ammon Bundy who goes around with a arrest me poster on his back. That said, the Jews and Irish Travelers groups keep a low profile and figured out ways to use the system to their advantage. One thing out side has to do is is to get practical and learn from their tradecraft. Because… Read more »

Post Constitutional Conservative
Post Constitutional Conservative
3 years ago

The Irish reublicans, both the IRA and the non-violent ones, are a good group to take notes on for how to run an effective dissident propaganda campaign (minus the actual acts of violence). They made sure every avenue of public space was either serving their ends or being subverted to serve their ends. You could say that’s what the American left always did but the American left have nothing on the Irish republicans. In the 1970s American leftist militant groups even tried aping the style of the IRA but didn’t do it very well. Their strategy was always about making… Read more »

Plastic Paddy
Plastic Paddy
Reply to  Post Constitutional Conservative
3 years ago

The IRA’s long campaign of violence failed, and only inflicted much unnecessary suffering. The same can be said about their Unionist equivalents.

Reply to  Plastic Paddy
3 years ago

You do realize the plight of the whites here in the U.S. cannot be resolved peacefully as both the elites along with the rank and file Lefties want to eradicate them..

One thing the idiot right, the ones who run around with the little book on the Constitution, never understood was that our system only worked if people fought for it tooth and nail. We didn’t, we gave our power to crooks who repeatedly lied to us while they stripped the country and people of everything.

Reply to  Rwc1963
3 years ago

I view the constitution as a rule book of gentleman’s agreements. There’s really no teeth to enforcing any of it. It all depends on everyone just following the spirit of the document for the sake of decency.

That’s the gist of Addam’s famous quote about our constitution only being for for a moral people.

It worked pretty well with the founding stock and culture. And less well as America’s culture and people drifted away from that founding stock with immigration.

Doesn’t work at all now, though.

Post Constitutional Conservative
Post Constitutional Conservative
Reply to  Plastic Paddy
3 years ago

I never said the IRA were a good group of people. I said they were effective at propaganda and this is hard to dispute.

The fact that they did kill a bunch of innocent people and many people still think they were the good guys shows just how good they were at the propaganda side of their operation.

Reply to  Plastic Paddy
3 years ago

The police procedurals of Armagh’s Stuart Neville are works of fiction, but they give the reader a bloodshot-eye view of those espousing “Irish Freedom” as well as those in the “No Surrender” bunch. Nationalism, of the Irish or the Ulster kind, became rackets. One of the effects of the wonderful global economy was the import into Eire and Ulster of East European gangsters offering their blond, blue-eyed “wares.” For a British–not to say Loyalist–opinion on the post-Anglo-Irish Agreement situation, Peter Hitchens’s Mail on Sunday essays may are well worth reading. It may be a minority view, but he definitely believes… Read more »

Reply to  Crabe-Tambour
3 years ago

Note to self: Proofread before before “Post.”

Nikolai Vladivostok
Reply to  Post Constitutional Conservative
3 years ago

Why is, ‘Epstein didn’t kill himself’ not scrawled on every surface in the Empire? What’s wrong with kids these days? Guess they’re not allowed to leave the house anymore.

Gunner Q
3 years ago

“That is, a reason for restaurants to roll out some themed specials and college kids to wear silly outfits.”

Those holidays are the best holidays!

Geo. Orwell
Geo. Orwell
3 years ago

“If freedom means infinity Africans and gay Indian prime ministers, what is the point of the struggle?”

One recalls a line from David “Spengler” Goldman regarding collapse. “It’s not the end of everything, it’s just the end of you.” “You” in this case is the West. That is the point.

Reply to  Geo. Orwell
3 years ago

The end of White people means the end of Western civilization (spare me the spergs spewing about Han playing classical music). That would mean the end of everything I love, from architecture to literature to music to means of thought to modern conveniences to everyday mores and manners. Life would go on, but it would not be a life I would choose to live, or a society I would choose to subject my descendants to. So in personal terms, I would call it the end of everything.

Bill Mullins
3 years ago

In between points of green beer, think about why Irish has been reduced to a trashy holiday

And how the major media – such as Google – have completely removed St Patrick from his namesake holiday. Google’s doodle for today has absolutely no hint of St Patrick, Catholicism or Christianity. Sad fact but true.

James J O'Meara
James J O'Meara
3 years ago

Those nostalgic for the “good old days” of clerical busybodies need to reflect on this:


Reply to  James J O'Meara
3 years ago

The country was a lot better off with Blue Laws, strict enforcement of the MPAA rating system and displays of Christianity in the public space,

Today we have secularism which promotes tramps like Cardi B who sell young girls on becoming whores and insane men in sun dresses who want to mutilate our children.

Oh lets not forget the torture porn on TV, stuff that 20 years ago would have been rated x and only shown in backwater theaters.

Reply to  Rwc1963
3 years ago

Bullshit. It isn’t ‘secularism’ that promotes filthy ghetto trash. Have the balls to say who it is.

Secularism is simply following the 1st Amendment. It doesn’t ‘promote’ anything.

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  James J O'Meara
3 years ago

Protestant trash

3 years ago

By 2100 with Project Ireland 2040, “St. Patrick’s Day” will be known as “Irish Remembrance Day.”

Bill Mullins
Reply to  Indispensable_Destiny
3 years ago

With a majority jogger population? I doubt it!

James J O'Meara
James J O'Meara
3 years ago

All “Dissident Right” folks reminiscing over the return of clerical busybodies and alien episcopal supremacy needs to watch and reflect on this:


James J O'Meara
James J O'Meara
3 years ago

For a more positive view of the Irish, consider Boston’s longtime mayor, Michael Curley. He was elected over and over, and the Boston Brahmins hated him (for obvious reasons) but could never figure out how he kept getting elected. The “secret” of course was the boatloads of immigrants coming over, right under the Brahmins’ noses. That and the massive vote fraud this enabled.

Sound familiar? Oddly enough, Biden is the first Catholic president since…. JFK.

“The Anglo Saxons are a strange and stupid race.” — Michael Curley

Reply to  James J O'Meara
3 years ago

There would not have been a Boston for the Irish to migrate to had it not been for the Anglo-Saxons. Economists believe that Curley was a long-term net negative for the Irish: https://www.nber.org/system/files/working_papers/w8942/w8942.pdf

3 years ago

Maybe the best way to deal with the jews is the celebrate purim by dressing up like rabbis, eating bad recreations of the seudat purim, getting drunk, and marching down the streets to the sound of graggers.

3 years ago

Your balls will swell to twice their normal size while you listen to this song of Irish rebellion.


Come out ye Black and Tans!
Come out and fight me like a man!

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

Congo River & Carlingford by the Clancy Brothers.

3 years ago

I will add to my remarks above with a comment on yesterday’s FT column by one Iseult Fitzgerald, about having her jaw broken by a “teenage boy” in an “unprovoked attack” while walking home 7 months pregnant from work in South London. The police investigated but abandoned the case after a week. London is filled with surveillance cameras every five feet. She never identifies the assailant by race, but at the end of the article “wonders” about the assailant and wants to know more about him. I would submit that is the women of Ireland, no longer needing/wanting a beta… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

Partly white men’s fault too. There are wayy too many white betas, porn addicts, stoners, and sticks. A buff, conservative, serious white man is more attractive than a negro any day of the week.

White women have high standards too. Too high, they’re very entitled. I can sleep with a new asian / indian girl every day. But most modern white girls are entitled sluts and I don’t have interest in them outside the ones from the church community (and even then I’m very skeptical and verify closely).

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Forgive me for being tiresome, but if we controlled the media then the white girls would love us within a year. It’s harsh to say, but women have little ability for independent thought.

Whiskey blames the girls. I blame those who control the media, whom Whiskey wants to excuse.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

Girls still love white guys – if they’re tall, strong, unpozzed and serious. They like bad boys. Especially asian girls. They have said things about race that rival comments on this board.

Do the opposite of what the said media says.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

No argument from me. But women, for the most part, 3g4me and Julie excepted of course, are literally programmed by those who control the media.

We must face this reality and respond accordingly.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

I believe one of the dating sites conducted a poll, or through some method found out which races were preferred by the opposite sex. White males and white females were the winners. (of course!) Black females were ranked at the bottom. I can’t recall the exact order.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

I’ll have to defer on what turns on asian ladies But shouldn’t you be behaving in a way that white girls like? Decent white women don’t like guys who are “serious” ( I.e. boring). Perhaps I misunderstood what you mean but maybe not. And white girls, and I know this for a fact, do not like white guys who have been with Asian women, As with white men never wanting white girls who’ve been with blacks, white women don’t want white guys who have been with Asians (yellow fever) I guess the moral of the story is that making oneself… Read more »

Herbert Marcuse
Herbert Marcuse
Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

Whiskey blames the girls. I blame those who control the media, whom Whiskey wants to excuse

You can’t spell “Whiskey” without “Y-K-W”.

comment image

Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

“The police investigated but abandoned the case after a week. London is filled with surveillance cameras every five feet. ” I think last week the police found the body of a woman who was kidnapped from an area of South London. The woman in question lived in Brixton and the last confirmed sighting of her was, apparently, via CCTV walking down Clapham High Street. The report I read said that they could not confirm she had made it home before the event. Now, Brixton is right next to Clapham High Street, but even if the lady lived 500m as the… Read more »

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

I should add that in the case of the kidnapped woman, the man accused is in fact a white police officer, which makes the case even more intriguing. I was not implying that vibrancy was responsible for the woman’s death.

But it is responsible for a whole host of unsolved and forgotten crimes that ‘Whiskey’ alludes to above.

Bill Mullins
Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

Or the whole assault was captured on video and the assailant was a sand jogger so the police wisely closed the case as “unsolved”. Daren’t prosecute a sand jogger for doing what comes.naturally.

Reply to  Bill Mullins
3 years ago

I keep seeing european women posting all over social media, giving stern lectures to men about “not raping”. I’m sure that’s going to stop Ahmed 😂.

But again, where are the men? You take one of ours, we take 5 of yours. It’s the only language savages speak. It’s not “fair” but that’s the only way to deal with it.

She Was A Constitution Nut
She Was A Constitution Nut
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

B125, you wrote that

“You take one of ours, we take 5 of yours.”

In other words, the policy is ‘Eyes For An Eyelash’. That’s thinking with your head screwed on right, with scant input from Jesus the Sado-Masochist. The theory and practice of operant conditioning come to mind now.

“It’s not ‘fair’ but that’s the only way to deal with it.”

Well, that was a rapid recidivism to humanist sentimentality. Wtf happened to you?

American Citizen 2.0
American Citizen 2.0
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

I have not seen anyone take 5 of anything in response to anything that’s happened over the last couple of years. Pure bluster. Nobody is fighting back. Just internet comments.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

A great historical city destroyed by AWR and multi-culti. The same goes for virtually every major American city, although none of them have the historical importance of London, of course.

Matthew Woelfle
Matthew Woelfle
Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

So the “Guns of Brixton” are a relic of the past.

Reading Dickens can make me long for a London that, while it undoubtedly had its fill of squalor and crime, must have been a marvelously fascinating creation.

Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

Whiskey blames the girls. I blame those who control the media, whom Whiskey wants to excuse.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

Seriously, Whiskey is the best representative that I’ve ever seen of someone whose entire purpose is to redirect your anger from those who deserve it to those who are ignorant pawns.

He’s been at this for at least a decade.

3 years ago

Just be understated and wear an orange polo.

3 years ago

Tremendous talent, this Z-man. Always insightful. Since ole Joe has promised me the grand sum of $1,400 genuine US currency, my contribution will be refreshed.

3 years ago

As with the Irish, so go the Scots. Hatred of the English and a desire to go back the the EU plan of replacing themselves with blacks.
I think the Irish and Scots hate the English as we still have a positive self image. Even if it is as arrogant, rampaging, drunken yobs. Thats the way to build an Empire!

Reply to  mikebravo
3 years ago

I’m mostly Scottish. Why are my people and the Irish such pathetic f@gs? Actually, I could tell you why but you would find it tiresome.

They traded their traditions of rebellion for Gl0boHom0. I’m simply sickened.


Bill Mullins
Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

The blood of William Wallace and Robert Roy MacGregor has gotten damned thin, sad to say. Makes one.wonder if all the Scotts with any gumption didn’t emigrate to the U.S. Damned sure made a name for themselves in the War Between The States.

Reply to  mikebravo
3 years ago

The whole “hatred of the English” thing would resonate so much more if itwasn’t dependent on employment in England, remittances from those employed in England, etc. There’s a podcast called “Irishman Abroad” (it’s good) But the main sponsor is a money transfer company.

Reply to  RoBG
3 years ago

Yeah, the shame only increases…

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

But why? (I am myself from a mixed family.) After the ’16 election Ireland sent an envoy to MA asking that they not deport the Irish working illegaly. If people can organize to that extent why can’t they make Ireland an economic hub? Seriously, Ireland should be giving Hong Kong a run.

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
Reply to  mikebravo
3 years ago

These days few people in Ireland hate the English, there are 3 reasons for this, 1 peace in Northern Ireland, 2 once immigrants from Nigeria ect started arriving, the English or anyone from the UK no longer seemed very foreign, I work with a few English lads, most people like them, one of them is ex British army and everyone likes him, 3 most people in Ireland have cousins in England, Its not right to hate family It would be a little different in Northern Ireland, but maybe not that much, hating the ruling class in London is a little… Read more »

3 years ago

[…] ZMan goes ethnic. […]

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

As usual, a mostly good essay. You fail to mention one source of eternal conflict among the Irish: Religion. Ireland is one of the few, indeed perhaps the only, European Caucasian nations in modern times, up to the present, where competing religions openly discriminate against, and sometimes kill, each other over religious differences. No matter, mind ye I haven’t checked statistics, but I’d wager me hard-earned pay that “normal” violent crime, especially by imported filth, swamps any fratricidal casualties of the befreckled, whiskey-swilling, potato-eating natives. Agree that demographic change won’t improve Ireland, or any other once-white majority nation. A few… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

As an outsider, it has always been difficult to wrap my head around the idea that someone would pipe-bomb their neighbor because they are a different religion.
Bizarre times, The Troubles were.

Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

An excellent and very wise piece. And how ironic is it that we must be more like Jews and less like the Irish?

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
3 years ago

The Irish suffered more than most from the post-Vatican II madness. They used to be poor, priest-ridden and philoprogenitive. They sent so many priests to the USA, they took over the hierarchy from 1850 until recently. Now they are rich, have close to zero vocations and a birth rate of 1.71 per woman (even lower for native Irish). They need a new St. Patrick to cleanse the demons, beginning first in Rome.

3 years ago

When the West was at least nominally Christian, it was healthy, despite internal wars and what have you. When it lost Christianity it was probably doomed, – that was its positive identity. (Jewish pornographers from the 60’s say that part of the reason they got into the business is because they knew it would corrode Christian morality.)

Reply to  JohnB
3 years ago

Jewish pornographers talk a lot of shit. By definition, they are not religious people, and they also knew it would corrode Jewish morality, which is very similar to Christian morality.

nunnya bidnez, jr
nunnya bidnez, jr
3 years ago

Z-man …
The clock setting on the comment system is still showing EST, not DST.
All the time stamps are wrong.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

A man after my own heart. God bless you.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Yes, it was all part of an Imperialist plot so that every town on the railroad line wouldn’t have its own local time 😛

Moe Noname
Moe Noname
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Well, after the people demanded that we change our clocks twice a year (Science!), Congress voted on a law, it was vetted by the courts: if you don’t like the law (“rule” “mandatory guideline”), you can just make your own clocks.

Bill Mullins
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

I find it terribly ironic that, as last year, we are now “saving daylight” for activities either prohibited or at least curtailed by the lockdown. Reckon swimming pools and outdoor recreation areas will be open this year? It was downright depressing to drive by an empty water park last summer.

Genghis Paleokhan
Genghis Paleokhan
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

It’s all so dumb. Arizona doesn’t do EDT, but some Indian tribe within its borders does it to be in sync with their fellow tribesemen in a neighboring state. Another AZ tribe within that first tribe’s territory doesn’t do it. So one can go forward an hour and then back an hour travelling within the same state.

3 years ago

The major goal of the Puritan Roundheads was the extermination of both the Irish and the native Americans. The survivors of these two populations weren’t members of the warrior class and in general only wanted enough to eat and a warm, dry place to sleep. This remains the case today. Events like St. Patrick’s Day, an anti-holiday in England, are celebrations of ethnicity buried in a bloody past. So there must be some statute of limitations on incomplete genocide. The IRA was a huge inconvenience to ostensibly normal Irishmen. No one today would accept a rebellion by the Chiricahua Apaches… Read more »

Reply to  nailheadtom
3 years ago

The path forward is not to try and push back the tide, but to rid the host of disease, whose infection cells are still quite few in number. The root problem is not insurmountable.

Reply to  nailheadtom
3 years ago

Of the 13 colonies only 3 NE (minus RI) had Puritan settlements. The other 10 were all “Cavaliers” and Maryland even had a RC settlement (Charles Carroll was the only RC signer of the Declaration.) Some Indian tribes aligned w/ the colonists (see King Philip’s War and later the French and Indian Wars.) TBH I doubt a single Puritan settler ever gave a thought to the Irish.

Reply to  RoBG
3 years ago

Oliver Cromwell, the “Lord Protector” of the Commonwealth, was a rabid Puritan and his New Model Army was made up of similar anti-Catholic, anti-Irish sociopaths who attempted to kill as many Irishmen as possible and send the survivors into slavery in the various British colonies and confiscate their land to award to English Puritan absentee landlords. Upon the return of Charles II in 1660, all combatants in the War of the Three Kingdoms were pardoned, with the exception of those that had signed Charles I’s death warrant. Two of them, Edward Whalley and his son-in-law William Goffe, had fled to… Read more »

3 years ago

A New Tomorrow (cont) Reflex reaction. When danger abounds & change is needed, the most common public contribution is the canary-in-the-coalmine shriek of warning. This is an attempt to induce a herd reflex reaction that will hopefully redirect everyone to safer ground. Voting is a variation on this theme and requires slightly more effort than public whining, but suffers the defect of the middleman. Now that vote fraud has been institutionalized, the latter has become a fool’s errand so the wailing & gnashing of teeth will only increase. There is a better path forward, but to take it, you must… Read more »

nunnya bidnez, jr
nunnya bidnez, jr
3 years ago

One of the best articles by Zman;
clearly written, cogent analysis.
excerpts need to be circulated far and wide,
printed and pasted up in public areas.

Altitude Zero
Altitude Zero
Reply to  nunnya bidnez, jr
3 years ago

Yes, very good indeed, a lot to unpack and think about here. It’s also interesting to note, in passing, that as American Jews have come more and more to prize hating the Goyim more than loving the Jews, their own numbers are plummeting due to assimilation, low fertility, and suicide, while in Israel, where a more positive identity holds sway, Jews are doing great. A “Light unto the Nations” indeed!

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Altitude Zero
3 years ago

Bingo! The Holocaust story – which they believe 100% – changed American Jews. They went from a positive identity to a negative identity. Look at what they’re doing – with the help of far too many Whites – to the United States and Europe. Would any sane Jew think that importing millions of Muslims and Africans into Europe would be “Good for the Jews”? Is a 25% Muslim France better for the Jews than France of the 1970s? No. Are American Jews really better off sticking out like a sore thumb among the AOCs and Omar Ilhans than blending in… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

I saw a talk by Eliot Abrams once where he spoke of “holocaust worship”, my term, can’t remember what he called it, becoming a substitute for traditional Jewish religious practice. He thought such shoah obsession was NOT good for the Jews.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

“Look at what they’re doing – with the help of far too many Whites – to the United States and Europe. Would any sane Jew think that importing millions of Muslims and Africans into Europe would be “Good for the Jews”?”

One might think, if a fanatical Zionist, that importing teeming masses of Muslims and Africans to the US and Europe might encourage them to ‘make Aliyah’.

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
Reply to  rashomoan
3 years ago

But even thats a bad idea

Take Germany as an example, German politicians always support Israel, no matter what, but in the next few decades you will see Muslim politicians emerge in Germany who refuse to support Israel, it will be the same in France, Belgium, the UK ect, Muslims have zero WW2 guilt

Israel won’t last long without western support

nunnya bidnez, jr
nunnya bidnez, jr
Reply to  Altitude Zero
3 years ago

If you divide the jews into two rough groups,
the orthodox vs the seculars,
you’ll find that the seculars >don’t< hate the goyim;
they want to be goyim.
The orthodox don't hate the goyim either, they only interact with them for business purposes, otherwise they're indifferent.
The orthodox (all the many varieties, some of whom don't get along with the others) have a dozen kids per family, the seculars have less than replacement values of children.
I don't think any of them "prize hating the goyim".

Reply to  nunnya bidnez, jr
3 years ago

Seculars are the crazy and destructive ones.

My experience is that conservative and orthodox j*ws are neutral to white gentiles. They are very aware that they are a different group, but the awareness doesn’t cause hatred. “We do what we gotta do, they can do whatever they wanna do” is their attitude.

And frankly I have come across far more insane white gentiles (usually germanics) who hate whitey and promote BLM, transgenderism, etc. than J’s of any stripe.

Ofc my word isn’t the Bible on this maybe others have had different experiences.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

I think you’re right about the germanics. They tend to be protestant. Protestants don’t put Jesus on the cross. Why? Is it YOUR cross?

Something I’ve wondered about as a non-self-loathing celtic-germanic mutt.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

I’m an anglo prot. I think the problem is when the cross *goes away*. We have no moderation or middle ground. We’re either very conservative, and zealous for Christ, or pathological degenerates. The term “blondes have more fun” has some truth. Italians don’t seem to go so nuts after being secularized. Modern SJW self hatred is literally just a secular inversion of anglo evangelical teaching. Anglo evangelicals are big on talking about our brokenness and sin and evil. Of course we can overcome this through repentance. Therefore our natural self hatred is washed away. Modern Germanic SJW are also self… Read more »

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Idk it’s something I wonder about— the urge to be crucified for our ‘sins’. Something I’ve never felt, never gotten from reading the Bible.

Never got it from my grandparents, either. Irish, Scottish, German; Catholic, Mennonite, Lutheran, but all more American and Christian than anything. Something changed, something introduced guilt, and in my experience Protestants have the zeal for it.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Actually I did feel it— in college. Then I decided to not spend time and money on advanced degrees, and the feeling subsided.

Idk just my observations.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

The Frankfurt School was a blatantly Jewish project, but its more fervent adherents are, as you write, Gernanic. Parenthetically, most Frankfurt School adherents, Jew and Gentile are blissfully ignorant about the roots of Woke. In one of the crowning ironies of all this, when Woke gets a total grip–it is near–it likely will turn Israel to glass and turn inwardly against Zionists.

Woke is negative identity as ideology and has the potential for far more death and destruction than its Cultural Marxist daddy .

Altitude Zero
Altitude Zero
Reply to  nunnya bidnez, jr
3 years ago

“I don’t think any of them “prize hating the goyim”.”

Perhaps not, but the Goyim could certainly be forgiven for thinking that. What’s your explanation for the relentless hostility shown by some Jews towards Western Christian society? Most Jews obviously are not Goyim haters, but the general phenomenon has been noted by Jews as diverse as Stephen Steinlight, David Cole, and Larry Auster. And it’s also certainly possible to want to be something, while also hating it – see Blacks feelings about Whites for starters.

Lucius Sulla
Lucius Sulla
Reply to  Altitude Zero
3 years ago

It seems that it is the Jewish leadership organizations who in essence “hate” White Christians. They make it clear that their objective is to oppose the White Christian majority, purportedly to make it safer for themselves, unlike early 20th century Europe.

Maybe the average Jew does not hate White Christians, but their leadership does. And since they stay in silence, I’ll equate them to the Germans who stayed silent as the Nazis did their thing.

nunnya bidnez, jr
nunnya bidnez, jr
Reply to  Altitude Zero
3 years ago

” What’s your explanation for the relentless hostility shown by some Jews towards Western Christian society?”

I think those secular jews are mostly communists, who hate Christianity not because of religious reasons, but because commies say “religion is the opiate of the masses”.
Their hostility arises from their communism, not from any remnant of jewish culture or dogma they might still have.

Reply to  nunnya bidnez, jr
3 years ago

nunnya: Beg to differ. STRONGLY differ. The orthodox DO hate the goyim. They routinely spit on them in their neighborhoods, here, in the UK, and in Israel. They will literally not touch/shake hands (even before the corona hysteria) and consider White Christians subhuman. People who label them ‘conservative’ are missing about 95% of the picture. They vote repuke more than dem because of the neocons and because the dem/pox coalition is, on the whole, antizionist (and because their cult leader/rebbe tells them to). They have multiple children, many of them with immediately identifiable physiognomy and less than stellar IQs –… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  nunnya bidnez, jr
3 years ago

I used to think along similar lines. Alas, I no longer can. I’ve got a very good friend who is a prominent Jewish academic, and he has confided to me–unbidden, I hasten to add–that a high percentage of American Jews bear animosity to gentiles, and that, among other Jews, it is a not uncommon topic of discussion. My friend believes that the Jewish/gentile rivalry has been ongoing since antiquity, and that it continues to this day.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Altitude Zero
3 years ago

Come to think of it, that is one issue we should try and get Evangelicals on board with the DR. It’s no secret they have long supported Israel (the Nation-State.) Of course, the Zionist lobby is happy with that. We need to take the further step, help in bringing God’s kingdom, to assemble all the Jews back in Israel. We can’t do the whole world, but we could send all of America’s back! Hell, some of them already have citizenship and the rest can get it no problem! 😎

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Ben, “and the rest can get it no problem” simply isn’t true. Despite being “eligible” for it, it is much harder for Jews to get Israeli citizenship than many folks realize, the application process can take years, and even once they have citizenship, it’s often hard to fit in and live there. American Jews have the highest failure rate of assimilation among Jewish immigrants to Israel. That’s one of the reasons for so many dual citizenships, many American Jews of all stripes went there in their idealistic youth, didn’t or couldn’t fit in, and soon left permanently to return to… Read more »

3 years ago

Positive identity formation usually starts with aesthetics. Commies and…. others…. were quite successful with their initial appeals because they had a distinctive, edgy “look.” It has degenerated into hipsterism and face tackle these days, but everyone still has a distinctive “look” in mind when calling someone an “intellectual” – that look was a deliberate creation of the Bolshies. Social proof gets you most of the rest of the say there – it you’re gonna *look* like a radical, you have to really BE a radical. Given that, a good place to start might be “I’m an American-American” or something like… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Yes, kill your TV today. Stop rubbing feces in your eyes & ears. TV is not benign. It kills your soul in slow motion & really is that bad.

Green Plant Light
Green Plant Light
Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

People are already doing exactly that. NFL: multiyear viewership lows; Golden Globes: 60% viewership decline; Grammys: catastrophic 51% ratings fall; NBA: record championship lows. The people are speaking. It’s hard for me to believe all of that is due to Covid-19 when so many people are stuck at home with nothing to do or watch. I mean, why wouldn’t Whites want to watch a Grammys award show where militant black singers win awards for “Juneteenth” albums, twerk like a stripper on stage, celebrate BLM with “hands up” gestures, and demand our people serve as their racial accomplices? /s … I… Read more »

Reply to  Green Plant Light
3 years ago

Why would anybody watch to watch the grotesque obese mutt “rapping” about “wet ass pussy”.

Reply to  Green Plant Light
3 years ago

I did see a headline that Beyonce won her 26th grammy. This compares to 7 for the Beatles, 3 of which came after their breakup. That pretty much tells you all you need to know about the current music scene.

Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

Excellent treatment of the subject. It is worse than you may realize…
“Four arguments for the elimination of television”
by Jerry Mander
Publication date  1978

David Wright
Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

So no pajamas bottoms in public, check. No flip flops, check.
What about my backwards ball cap?

nunnya bidnez, jr
nunnya bidnez, jr
Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

Today the NYC school system is promoting
“pajama day”
all the teachers and students are encouraged to wear pajamas to school.
Meanwhile, we’re quarantined for a week because one student tested positive last week.

Now I wonder if the timing of Pajama Day was deliberately chosen to deprecate St Patrick’s.

Reply to  nunnya bidnez, jr
3 years ago

At the end of the day.

If you’re white, you’re white, and you will be hated, mocked, and inundated into a minority.

It’s kind of a strange position, everybody from irish to italian to english is now hated and called an oppressor.

Well, sometimes siblings quarrel or even fight. Now the entire family of european christians are under attack, and it’s time to work as brothers and put aside any previous conflicts (for now) until the existential threat is dealt with.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  nunnya bidnez, jr
3 years ago

Not sure how they’ll tell the difference. In the way-back days of when I went to high school in the early nineties girls wore whatever they woke up in to school.

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Poz nozzles. I’m not the best judge of what’s good rhetoric, but I like that and will be using it. Thanks.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Agreed on personal aesthetics. I wear a flat-top straight out of 1961 and a fedora straight out of 1951, in no small measure, as a big FU to the aesthetic horror of the present and the egalitarianism that undergirds it. I tend to slightly overdress for the same reason. And I listen almost exclusively to classical music and the American Songbook. As a nice side-dividend, this is all a balm for the aesthetic contusions we experience daily living in this hideous society.

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

There’s a discreet ‘trad’ movement in men’s style. Most of the fellows would swear they aren’t part of Our Thing, but the fact that every trad site quickly starts discussing matters WASP and then generates its very own weeping communist concern-trolls tells you all you need to know. Check out “Ivy Style”, which has traditionally been pretty fun, and even though the former owner has sold on to a team that’s monetizing the site a little more blatantly, you will still find plenty of interest. The trad look is still with us; it’s just a matter of how hard a… Read more »

Reply to  TBD
3 years ago

The comment policy was a group decision (the other guys don’t post much anymore, but Rotate Chestnuts is a group blog. I’ll bring up changing it the next time we all get together for drinks).

3 years ago

I left Ireland for the US in 1995, when the power of the Church was visibly waning and the country was relatively poor and traditional by western European standards. The Celtic Tiger boom in the economy ushered in Ireland’s first encounter with mass prosperity and embrace of divorce, immigration, diversity etc. The media have completely embraced modern progressive thought, as have the leaders. A recent referendum that approved abortion for the first time was passed two to one and dancing in the streets was observed. On visits home, friends and family are concerned in case my incorrect thoughts are heard… Read more »

nunnya bidnez, jr
nunnya bidnez, jr
Reply to  Coimhlint
3 years ago

Do you think that changing the laws regarding taxes, corporate governance, residency and citizenship,
would facilitate the departure of the globalist locusts?
If the open invitation to multinational corporations disappeared,
would the non-Irish leave for greener pastures?
Could ordinary Irish be convinced to vote for those changes to law,
or is it too far gone? Don’t they still have a majority of the population?

Reply to  Coimhlint
3 years ago

Always thought legal abortion is very damaging to society. It’s one of the most foundation underpinnings of modern feminism (which is one of the main pillars of Globohomo). Sleeping around is ok. She can always abort it, worst case. A baby would really stop her from being a strong career woman! It’s just not the right time now. She can also abort it, worst case. It gives women the ability to engage in the basest and most destructive impulses. She might not want to abort it but the option is always there. And she will use it if necessary. It… Read more »

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
3 years ago

Good post, I agree with most of it But just one point, Varadakar was never elected to be Prime minister, he became leader of his party, who at the time were the largest in the parliament, at the next election it took him 5 counts to be re elected, I don’t think that has ever happened. a sitting PM in Ireland will be elected on the first count and his vote will be large enough to elect 2 or 3 party members. he’s not popular and I doubt he will lead his party at the next election, I would bet… Read more »

3 years ago

I didn’t know Micheal Martin was a gay indian.

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
Reply to  Buckshot
3 years ago

Its far worse, he’s a Cork man

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  (((They))) Live
3 years ago

I’m pretty sure that there’s a joke in the combination of a gay Indian and a Cork man.

nunnya bidnez, jr
nunnya bidnez, jr
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

there was a young man from Kent
whose pecker was twisted and bent
..something something…
instead of coming he went

Bill Mullins
Reply to  nunnya bidnez, jr
3 years ago

How about:
There once was a young man from Kent
Whose pecker was twisted and bent
And though try as he may
At the end of the day
Instead of coming, he went!

Admittedly the scansion in the 5th line isn’t perfect but over all it works. I did add a syllable/word to the first line because it needed it.

Oh, and my ancestors got out in time to fight the French and Indians. Been fighting for the flag since before Betsy Ross sewed the first one.

Reply to  nunnya bidnez, jr
3 years ago

To save himself trouble
He put it in double

Reply to  nunnya bidnez, jr
3 years ago

I learned it as:

There once was a man from Ft. Kent
Whose d1ck was so long that it bent
To avoid any trouble
He folded it double
So instead of coming he went

David Wright
3 years ago

My now deceased uncle made it his life’s mission to celebrate his irish heritage and all things Irish. He knew the songs, the traditions and certainly the drink. The panic washed over him after I did some family research that part of him may be Scottish. Of course the the two countries did a lot of fraternizing. I never got the same feeling being maybe only half, but I do celebrate their hardiness and resolve. Also, the treatment as slave labor (whatever term you like) in America. Other than their contribution of crooked politicians they thrived and contributed much to… Read more »

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
3 years ago

I saw Bono and U2 shortly after Trumps election.
What a God awful political concert.
After watching that fiasco I was thinking
Cromwell should have stayed and leveled Ireland.
But the regular Irish suffer the same as we dissidents here in America and we do need to seek out positive goals and a positive identity.
Good essay.

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
3 years ago

Well Bono is a rock/pop star so of course he’s on the left, but not when doing his taxes

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  (((They))) Live
3 years ago

I once saw The Edge – which really has to be one of the worst, douchebag names of all time – mention in an interview that U2 being based in Ireland wasn’t “tax efficient.”

Pretty Edgy there, David.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Agree on The Edge, but I would give the nod to Sting, which as Dana Carvey pointed out is a verb, present tense: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x31ltya

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

One of my classmates Ma was besties with “the Edge’s” Ma back in the day. He got invited to all the concerts.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  (((They))) Live
3 years ago

I had the privilege to see U2 in 1991, shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall. USA was ten years into a Republican administration; was Thatcher still in UK power? The circus of Clinton was still two years in the future. Windows 3.1 was brand new. Life was great. Anyway, seemed like a nicer time. Certainly not as politicized as today. Back then, Bono and Co. jetted around trying to feed the teeming poor of Africa or some such errand. It was a drizzly summer day in DC, RFK Stadium (outdoors). A girl standing on her chair ahead of… Read more »

Corinthian Leatherface
Corinthian Leatherface
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
3 years ago

At a concert, Bono claps his hands during a song and tells the crowd, ‘with every clap, a child dies in Africa’. Somebody yells from the nosebleeds, ‘then stop bloody clapping, wanker!’

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
3 years ago

What the hell were you doing at a U2 concert? It would take a shit-pile of money to convince to sit through their trash.

Golden Meanie
Golden Meanie
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

I would have gone to see them pre-90s, and all that Achtung Europa trash. The intro to The Joshua Tree’s opening song, Where The Streets Have No Name is timeless. They recorded precisely one good song after 1988 and that was One, the only good song from Achtung.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Golden Meanie
3 years ago

“War” is a great album. But their music doesn’t justify their insipid political lectures.

3 years ago

If hating your oppressors ends up taking your own people out, then blacks (at least our wondrous american version) should be gone soon – although probably not soon enough, but one can dream. And the majority of right thinking Whites better start thinking about what’s good for them and damn everyone else.

Reply to  usNthem
3 years ago

Eventually the progs will tire of them. Neither progs nor nogs have a plan for what to do when that happens.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Negative identity is useful as a motivator to achieving your goals, but it can’t THE goal.

Btw, I always thought that Ireland was a great candidate for stealth invasion. There’s only 5 million people in the country. A couple hundred thousand dissident right Americans who earn the right to vote could easily tip the scales.

Alas, the Irish that I’ve met seem congenitally SJW. It’s bizarre. They’ve kept their Irish orneriness but have channeled that energy into being the most hardcore liberals that you’ll ever find.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Invasion is a terrific idea!
Thing is, though, I wouldn’t want anything bad to hapen to the current inhabitants. Nevertheless, they are all terminally leftist, so out they must go.

I propose moving them to Greenland. Lots of room for them & they can bray about global warming, etc. as they huddle in their new igloos.

We will one day come to call this forced migration, “The Trail of Beers”.
[apologies to any Cherokee readers ]

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
Reply to  Crispin
3 years ago

That’s pretty good. The trail of beers!
I can see normie conservatives forced to march to re-education sleep overs by rabid SJW ‘s while carrying their big screen TV’s and wearing their football jerseys with jogger names on the back.

Reply to  Crispin
3 years ago

Or the Trail of Ale. Maybe the Route of Stout. For those with ancestors who were Wild Geese, Irish expats who fought for Napoleon, Le Rue de Brew. We could go on to invent a name for the smacked ass EU pussies who have adopted wine.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Puerto Rico might be a better candidate. Displace the natives who are migrating to the continental welfare states anyhow. Way better weather. They might preempt this strategy by turning it into a state though.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Technojunkie
3 years ago

I’ve thought that a decent idea and it wouldn’t take that much of a migration to take over the place, but it’s short on natural resources, hosts a Navy base, and creating some sort of Singapore-style island that’s built solely on human capital isn’t really our thing.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
3 years ago

Diego Garcia? In civilian life, one co-worker was ex-Air Force and had been stationed there. He said you could walk around the whole island in a short time. On duty there there were two options. Work. Drink. 😎

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Please revise above “Work. Drink.” to “There were three activities available. Work, sleep, drink.”

Latest anecdotal “evidence” on odd posting behavior: On Firefox, I cleared cache & cookies and it’s been much more successful.

3 years ago

Very helpful. Clarifies your concept of negative identity.

American Citizen 2.0
American Citizen 2.0
3 years ago

Z Man has been subtly promoting/mentioning Fascism lately. We are currently experiencing some kind of next gen Fascism with the merging of Corporations and the Government into one woke religious complex. Or maybe it’s communism. Who really knows. There are no leaders. It’s just a bunch people semi-promoting lone wolf attacks without trying to be too obvious. I think it’s time for me to move on from this type of content. It’s just the same thing over and over. No real changes. Not high-IQ material. Just pandering to white geezers. Maybe try to launch a satellite or cure a disease… Read more »

3 Pipe problem
3 Pipe problem
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

He obviously hasn’t availed himself of Gottfried’s primer on fascism.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  American Citizen 2.0
3 years ago

I get your point. Sooner or later, the time for complaining ends and the time for doing begins. Hell, Steve Sailer has been complaining/noticing for 25 years without ever telling anyone to do something. That said, there are a lot of newbies finding their way to our side, and they need help. But, yes, we all need to start doing things that can help. Personally, I’m at step one, trying to find like-minded people in my area so we can form small groups. I realize that sounds pretty mundane, but it’s a start. For others, action might be leaving the… Read more »

Agent Scully
Agent Scully
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

“We just need to do something man” — signed, a guy who totally isn’t a fed.

Funny how that comment came directly after that massage parlor shooting.

>”Do what? What do we do?”

>”Well, what do you think we should do, wink wink? Oh, and could you lean closer to that odd-looking clock when you say it. Enunciate and speak loudly.”

PS. You should outright ban that guy for good measure. Back-stabbing drama should be an automatic purge. We don’t need trash like that hanging around.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

True. I read his comment very quickly and upon review, it’s pretty damn douchey. But I get the desire of people to want to “do something” rather than just talk, though his comment now seems more like a way to get people to quit altogether. Whatever his motives, it’s good to remind people of what they can do in their own lives to help. Also, as you mentioned, the FBI wouldn’t be arresting people nor would Congress be getting ready to pass legislation to attack us if we weren’t getting under their skin. What they fear most is Whites is… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Organize, but do so quietly. Don’t be stupid planning, or even saying, anything that might get you implicated.

Meanwhile, in the very unlikely chance you genuinely find yourself in a position to “do something.” Keep your pans to yourself. Do it alone. Don’t leave tracks. And keep your big mouth shut. 🙂

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Pls approve comment. (I think it’s currently in limbo).

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

It’s hard to meet those like minded people. So far I’ve only met a few guys who are actually on our side, and this was a few years ago before I was fully on our side. We’ve now lost touch. I meet some great people through the church groups and religious network. Unfortunately their identity is actually too positive. Their values for raising the next generation of (white) children are solid and they aren’t self hating. But they are weak on the topic of race. They currently seem to be gaining Brazilian mystery meat members – I dunno if they… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

The main decision is whether to live your life according to agrarian tradition or industrial modernism. If the former, then you have to decide whether you will openly resist modernism or opportunistically subvert it. A lesson to draw from today’s post is that resistance is futile, which means subversion is the better tactic against the current order. However, there’s little point in going contrary to modern industrialism if you enjoy it’s conveniences, as you’ll always eventually surrender to keep your comforts.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

You just gave me a horrible idea. But fortunately, I would be loathe to give up shellfish, pork, or the option of working on Saturday 🙂

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

The massive permanent vote fraud is the game changer, that hopefully creates a critical mass of normie conversions, since they can no longer claim we can vote our way out of it.

Gunner Q
Reply to  DLS
3 years ago

Are they cognitively capable of desiring a non-democratic America? I fear not.

Reply to  American Citizen 2.0
3 years ago

“It’s just the same thing over and over. No real changes.” Yes, I suppose it is. But as wokism is repetitive I suspect the counter to it must be, too. This is a good place to let of steam and to remind oneself of the eternal struggle – and all it’s repetition. “Not high-IQ material.” Need it be? Perhaps a year ago, Z posted an essay about jelly beans in relation to how a central bank operates. I sent that one around, it was a good point made in an engaging way. “Just pandering to white geezers.” Quite so. And… Read more »

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

It’s not just white geezers. A number of young white guys have a vague idea of what’s up. It’s hard not to be redpilled after sitting through an anti-white diversity seminar at work. Not to mention the white guys are increasingly gravitating towards each other socially.

Unfortunately the response to the anti white stuff is one of despair or passive acceptance. “Oh well, I guess that’s just how it is…”. Plus with legal weed and tinder you don’t even need to think about it!

Reply to  B125
3 years ago


I must confess to interpreting the term ‘geezer’ in an English fashion. This need not apply to an old man, but also a man of any age. Or in fact a good, loyal man: “A diamond geezer” shortened to “A diamond”. I am unaware of how it is used outside London, however. It may well be that the Mancs, Geordies, Brummies and Scousers have their own understanding of it!

I assume on the North American continent a ‘geezer’ is always an old man?

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

Yes, pretty much only used to refer to a grouchy, out-of-touch old man.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

Orange, I’ve always wondered why Sabbath’s young bass player adopted the name “Geezer,” which in the USA means “broken down old man.” Surely, this wasn’t going to help him with the groupies.

Does “Geezer” have a better connotation in the Old Country?

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

Line, yes ‘geezer’ does have, for a certain class of people, a better connotation in London. It is mainly used (or used to be used) to describe a lad, a man’s man, confident &c by the working classes of London. Upper and middle classes may use the term in a derogatory fashion: ‘Be careful, he’s a bit of a geezer’. Perhaps issued as a warning to their daughters that a) he is of lower class status and b) he is probably a womanizer. As I said above, the term ‘A diamond’ which is the shortened form of ‘A diamond geezer’… Read more »

Reply to  American Citizen 2.0
3 years ago

I will suggest to you that the primary benefit of this blog is that it is educational. Secondarily, it is a safe place to vent, which can be therapeutic. Beyond that, it is not, and should not be, a place to promote ideas that will get you thrown in prison in a heartbeat. The latter is just plain stupid. So if you’re looking for maximum stupid; then yes, you should go elsewhere.

Mark Auld
Mark Auld
Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

Very well said Sir!

Reply to  American Citizen 2.0
3 years ago

“Maybe try to launch a satellite or cure a disease instead of griping.”

You first, retard!

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
Reply to  American Citizen 2.0
3 years ago

High IQ material? Please enlighten us all with the link to your forth coming think piece on blogs of the right that meet your discerning standards and those that do not. Remember to use lots of insider jargon.

Reply to  American Citizen 2.0
3 years ago

AC 3.0, if I could get ZMan to promote fascism then my work here would be done!

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  American Citizen 2.0
3 years ago

Addition by subtraction.

3 Pipe Problem
3 Pipe Problem
3 years ago

You mentioned Michael Collins, a favorite Irish rebel of mine. If for no other reason than as a cautionary tale, it is noteworthy to point out that the history of the Troubles was marked by constant infighting and splits within the IRA and the myriad other dissident groups struggling against the purported enemy, the Brits. Collins was able to negotiate this morass and won freedom for all but the six northern counties; for his trouble, deValera’s faction had him assassinated for selling out.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

This. They were an earlier version of the PLO and successor groups.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Zman — objectively it is not true that the Irish then had a negative identity. The Gaelic Revival starting in the late 1800s led to the revival of Gaelic sports, the Gaelic language, world renowned playwrights and poets such as James M. Synge and Sean O Casey. Not to mention Yeats. The Irish government to this day supports Gaelic language, sports such as hurling (no jokes please) and the like. I would instead argue that what ruined Ireland was in no particular order: A. Managerial insecurity replacing ownership of land/business. B. The freedom of women to replace their menfolk with… Read more »

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
Reply to  3 Pipe Problem
3 years ago

Collins was killed in 1922, Ireland was split in 1925, Collins and others expected a much smaller Northern Ireland, 2 maybe 3 counties, I’m not sure if he would have agreed to the 6 county split

3 years ago

At some point, the Irish Catholic began to identify with the universalism of his church more than with his own blood-and-soil ethnicity. I once heard an Irish radical from the Bay Area declare – speaking of the WASPS – that the reason they, the Irish, were hated was because of their catholicity. Essentially, he was admitting that the Irish Catholic possessed a negative identity. This Irishman was more concerned about why the Irish were hated than with why they could rarely assimilate effectively. It was an interesting version of the “race card” he was using. And indeed, you’ll find many… Read more »

Reply to  Epaminondas
3 years ago

In what way did the Irish not assimilate effectively in the US? I’ve always thought of them as having done so at least as well any other people in terms of culturally integrating into the country they emigrated to.

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  tashtego
3 years ago

It was the Irish vs the Scots-Irish in the Civil War. That’s pretty assimilated.

Reply to  tashtego
3 years ago

Maybe that’s true today, but in colonial times most of the Irish came here as indentured servants or transported convicts which likely set up social barriers. (People forget that the reason the Brits started sending convicts to Oz was that the Americans prevailed in the Revolution.) Then you have to consider that pre- Vatican II RC’s were not really encouraged to assimilate to the then overwhelmingly Protestant culture. The parochial school system gained hold at least in part because they feared assimilation.

Reply to  RoBG
3 years ago

“People forget that the reason the Brits started sending convicts to Oz was that the Americans prevailed in the Revolution.”

I’d give more upvotes for this if I could. There were a significant number of Irish carted over to Australia and Tasmania. I believe the first settlement on the coast of Western Australia was an effectively all Irish one.

Reply to  Epaminondas
3 years ago

Epaminonondas, as a little chap in protestant England, I don’t recall anyone being fussed about the Irish as such. But Catholics were definitely distrusted. ROMAN Catholics, was the expression. And while I never got any sense of hate for Catholics among the WASPS, just a mild sense of them not being Our Kind, I certainly remember some hate coming from the Appalachians. I suspect that goes back to the old Scots-Irish business. So perhaps your Bay Area radical was partly on the right track. Of course, plenty of people would hate him just for being a Bay Area radical, but… Read more »

Carl B.
Carl B.
3 years ago

The next iteration of “Celtic Woman” will be black, Pak, and trans.

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  Carl B.
3 years ago

Should be interesting to experience the Irish jigs with rapping and twerking.

Reply to  Stranger in a Strange Land
3 years ago

Yes, the next TikTok sensation will be jive step-dancing while singing a sea shanty.

3 years ago

Your best one yet.

Brother John
3 years ago

The flintiest people on earth are not the Irish, but the Scots. That’s how “scotch“ tape got its name.

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  Brother John
3 years ago

Or the invention of copper wire – 2 Scots fighting over a penny

Reply to  Brother John
3 years ago

Is Scrooge McDuck still a cartoon?

Or is that a racist stereotype? God, I miss ethnic humor. Everyone is so damned offended all the time.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Brother John
3 years ago

Yes, although in USA another ethnic group often is portrayed as the skinflints 🙂 I suppose it was a Scotsman who proposed making only one-sided tape or paper, as he duly noted that in common use, only one side of the two-sided material was actually used, therefore there was 50% waste. The proposal never got funding because they were too frugal 😀 While that’s a silly joke taking indecent liberties with topology, here’s some real history: In the early 1970s, the Federal government, at least DoD, somebody got the brilliant idea to save money by switching from 8.5×11″ standard letter… Read more »

Strike Three
Strike Three
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

I wonder if it’s the underlying Calvinism that does it. The cheapest, greediest goyim I’ve ever known have been Scotsmen and Dutchmen. I used to be a member of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (an American fundie denomination), and I’ve known immigrants from both countries that were disgracefully, shockingly, cheap. Fundamentalist, Sunday-sabbath keeping Calvinists. I had to get out of that church before my soul dried up 50 years before my body dies.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Search: “Carnegie Library”

Reply to  Brother John
3 years ago

One day someone made fun of a kilt, and the Scot in question grew irate enough to invent the Caber Toss.

3 years ago

Ireland’s Project 2040 promises to import a million Africans.

I’ve started to wonder how much of this type of insanity is driven by American imperialism, direct and / or cultural.

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
3 years ago

95% of it is my guess.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Alex
3 years ago

I’m still befuddled by the lack of contrariness in our nominal allies. All the while I was growing up much of Europe made it a point to see what America wanted, and do the opposite; but now they all seem to want to scramble on board Uncle Sam’s Big Train of Poz.

Corinthian Leatherface
Corinthian Leatherface
Reply to  Dinothedoxie
3 years ago

All American overseas influence is poison.

Reply to  Corinthian Leatherface
3 years ago

America is the Great Satan. The Muslims were correct all along.

The traditional white Americans are, of course, not the Great Satan, only those who conquered them and wore their skins.