Rambling Man Vol 3

Note: I will be on with Patrick Casey tonight at 7:00 PM. The topics will be 1) the importance of the kids staying off my lawn, b) why my generation’s music is better than the current crap and iii) why we used to wear an onion on our belt. You can click this link to listen, but you need an account to ask questions in the chat.

The last segment of the show this week is mostly about this clip featuring Andrew Sullivan and Christopher Caldwell. Someone on Gab sent it to me, suggesting they are starting to stumble into the Cloud people – Dirt People thing. Listening to the two of them, I felt like I was eavesdropping on a conversation among aliens. I was struck by their solipsism and lack of imagination. They both know there are people and societies outside their world, but they do not think too hard about them.

What really got me was how the two of them agreed that they are part of the global economy, while the rubes out in flyover country are not. It is fair to say that neither of them is part of the economy at all. Writing essays for one another is economic activity of a sort, but only at the furthest edge of the leisure end. The guy riding a leaf blower around an office park is involved in the global economy. He is from another country and his tools are sourced from around the world.

This gets to the heart of the current troubles. The ruling class is stuffed to the gills with provincial mediocrities who think they are worldly sophisticates. When our betters go abroad, they go to places that are filled with the exact same people they experience in Washington, New York, or any of the elite enclaves. Look around at where these people live and work and it is always the same. Their world is an extended version of the college campus, a shelter from the reality of the rest of us.

I think this is one aspect of the managerial class that gets missed. One reason these people assume all people are the same is that in their world it is true. For the most part, race, sex, ethnicity, even class, are superficial attributes. That nice African from the sociology department has a funny accent, but otherwise he is not all that different from the Jewish guy in the anthropology department or the white woman from the psychology department with the dream catcher on her door.

There also seems to be a sense of randomness to their outlook. Hollywood stars are far Left mostly because they know they got lucky. For them, life is a lottery, and they got a winning ticket, so they assume this is how the world works in general. The mediocrities in the managerial class seem to have adopted the same view. They look around at the sameness around them, the utter lack of utility, and they think they are the beneficiaries of good fortune, which they call privilege.

This is not wrong, but it does not work as they imagine. For them, life was simply a matter of following the clearly written instructions. Almost all of these people have the same sort of background. Professional parents, private schools, elite colleges, self-actualizing career choices. All around them are people who have the same story, so why is it they get to live relatively easy lives? It must be their privilege, which they now project onto the world outside their walls.

This week I have the usual variety of items in the now standard format. Spreaker has the full show. I am up on Google Play now, so the Android commies can take me along when out disrespecting the country. I am on iTunes, which means the Apple Nazis can listen to me on their Hitler phones. The anarchists can catch me on iHeart Radio. I am now on Deezer, for our European haters and Stitcher for the weirdos. YouTube also has the full podcast. Of course, there is a download link below.

For sites like this to exist, it requires people like you chipping in a few bucks a month to keep the lights on and the people fed. It turns out that you can’t live on clicks and compliments. Five bucks a month is not a lot to ask. If you don’t want to commit to a subscription, make a one time donation. Or, you can send money to: Z Media LLC P.O. Box 432 Cockeysville, MD 21030-0432. You can also use PayPal to send a few bucks, rather than have that latte at Starbucks. Thank you for your support!

Promotions: The good folks at Alaska Chaga are offering a ten percent discount to readers of this site. You just click on the this link and they take care of the rest. About a year ago they sent me some of their stuff. Up until that point, I had never heard of chaga, but I gave a try and it is very good. It is like a tea, but it has a milder flavor. It’s hot here in Lagos, so I’ve been drinking it cold. It is a great summer beverage.

Minter & Richter Designs makes high-quality, hand-made by one guy in Boston, titanium wedding rings for men and women and they are now offering readers a fifteen percent discount on purchases if you use this link.   If you are headed to Boston, they are also offering my readers 20% off their 5-star rated Airbnb.  Just email them directly to book at sa***@mi*********************.com.

This Week’s Show


  • 00:00: Opening
  • 02:00: The Blood Of The Innocent
  • 17:00: Spiteful And Vindictive (Link)
  • 32:00: The Ruling System (Link)
  • 47:00: Preferences (Link)

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Incredulous Rube
Incredulous Rube
3 years ago

Z, the Wake Forest coach did not shoot anyone. He punched a homeless man who was acting a bit weird. He punched him once and that apparently was all it took to kill the guy.

Love your stuff but when you get facts like this so obviously wrong, I have to wonder about your characterizations of other situations that I know less about. Gell-Mann Amnesia effect and all that.

Astral Turf
Astral Turf
3 years ago

I enjoyed the appearance in Casey’s show. You should do more streams! Perhaps more entertaining ones, for instance the Killstream.

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
3 years ago

Great cast, Z! Take on Chauvin, but i especially like the slavery of justifying preferences.

I find myself doing this all the time, trying to assemble arguments to back up my preference for things of the Right.

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  Hi - Ya!
3 years ago

The ultimate expression of this is the civil rights act and the 1965. Immigration act. Some genius, a social better, discovered that Whites MUST dilute themselves in a sea of brown and black. Its a new anti-right, in a way, given to us by priests of a kind.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Hi - Ya!
3 years ago

Very thought-provoking, that segment. I will add when Z fleshes it out but, man, maybe his best moments ever on the podcast. The Sullivan-Caldwell exchange exemplifies the worst aspects of this moment. To think Sullivan, in particular, demands people conform to his narrow definition of society after agitating for years (sometimes almost semi-persuasively) foer people to accept his radical redefinition of marriage. “Hubris” doesn’t even come close.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

To be fair, I just listened back to the Sullivan-Caldwell segment. They kind of get the outlines of the problems at tomr but seem blithely unaware of their roles. Caldwell does acknowledge his role in the global economy as “modest,” which is overstated but kind of being real. So “hubtis” may be a bit OTT.

Autistic Frog
Autistic Frog
3 years ago

The Cloward-Piven Strategy was an example of what are commonly called Trojan Horse initiatives — mass movements whose outward purpose seems to be providing material help to the downtrodden, but whose real objective is to draft poor people into service as revolutionary foot soldiers; to mobilize poor people en masse in an effort to overwhelm government agencies with a flood of demands beyond the capacity of those agencies to meet. Cloward and Piven calculated that the flood of demands which they were recommending would break the budget, jam the bureaucratic gears into gridlock, and bring the system crashing down. Fear,… Read more »

American Citizen 2.0
American Citizen 2.0
3 years ago

I think you overlook that a lot of people really do believe that Black people should be lifted up to join the ordinary world and they see the statistical evidence of disparity as being proof of some kind of cause outside of Black inferiority genetically… and by “inferiority” I mean their inability to conform to white culture. In other words, the anti-racist stuff is genuinely persuasive to low IQ wealthy white people who feel a sense of purpose and community by rallying around this cause. They don’t want to force Black people to conform to white culture and they don’t… Read more »

Reply to  American Citizen 2.0
3 years ago

Then do something! First, kill your TV and the news infection ceases. Second, you’re the one who’s whining in this post, so stop complaining that “others” are not solving the world’s problems fast enough for you. Grow up. daddy is not here to kiss your booboo and make it go away. Third, you still control yourself, so act in your own self-interest. If you believe that the ship is sinking, then start building a life raft.

3 years ago

Nice choice on the closing music, the Teutonic metal band Accept. “Princess of the Dawn” was from the first of their Big Three albums in the early 80s – Restless and Wild, Balls to the Wall (which gets all the airplay), and my personal favorite, Metal Heart. Put on MH and Turn it up to 11. It’ll melt your brain.

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  Boris
3 years ago

Wow, Blast from the past. Def Leppard, Quiet Riot Ozzy Priest. I stopped listening to metal in high school for some reason.

3 years ago

“Trump had almost 4 meaningless years” ?? This statement from the podcast is another cope. It’s saying that “my side lost and it is a devastating blow but I am going to act like it doesn’t matter just so I won’t be disappointed”. Trump wasn’t going to allow in the ten million illegals as speculated in the podcast. Trump didn’t do much but he didn’t not enforce the border as sleepy Joe is doing. Biden’s victory was devastating demographic loss for heritage USA. We can not vote all we want to show the GOP a lesson but the demographic replacement… Read more »

3 years ago

Chauvin is our guy whether we like him or not. He goes down and the POCs have claimed another scalp and will be seen more and more as the winning side. He might have a been a bad cop who didn’t care for people of any color but he has to be our guy. The USA is turning into a free version of prison where you have stay with your own and you have to support your own almost unflinchingly. This talk of not supporting Chauvin makes me think that people fully expect him to be convicted and they are… Read more »

Reply to  WJ16
3 years ago

So all your conversations amount to telling people their opinions are just a copes. That’s fun.

3 years ago

Good show!

What particularly interested me was the last segment. It reminds me of a book by T. Sandefur called, “The Permission Society: How the Ruling Class Turns Our Freedoms into Privileges”.

Also, “Forbidden Grounds” by Joseph Epstein. He argues for the right to discriminate, “for good reasons, for bad reasons, or no reason at all”. I.e. you don’t have to explain why you make the choices you make. There’s a review of the book at AmRen.

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  Poirot
3 years ago

Yes, and the right. Gets in on the game. There are books written about how to argue this or that issue.

3 years ago

Pet theory: civilization is sin. It’s born of conquest, i.e., the blood of the innocents. The more civilized, the more sinful. That’s why throughout history you see all sorts of degeneracy, child sacrifice, and these sorts of things in decadent civilizations. The sin keeps growing and demands more and more blood until it destroys itself or is destroyed. Witness the tranny madness, the tens of millions of babies killed in the womb, the debasement of masculinity and femininity. Just because we don’t have overt public rituals doesn’t mean it’s not going on. This is also why the first and second… Read more »

Strike Three
Strike Three
Reply to  Paintersforms
3 years ago

Pet theory: there can be no such thing as freedom of speech. If all speech is allowed, within a (relatively) short period of time the most aggressive and numerous faction(s) will curtail or eliminate the “free speech” of those in the wrong groups. Leftists don’t believe in freedom of speech. I am somewhere to the right of Genghis Khan, and not only do I “not believe” in freedom of speech, I will argue that “believing in it” has got nothing to do with it. Ergo, the first amendment is nothing but a “liberal” phantom. The Founding Fathers didn’t believe in… Read more »

Reply to  Strike Three
3 years ago

I agree. Every society has its unquestionable beliefs and taboos. These beliefs are the mortar that bind the society.

The Founders established a society that had the most free speech ever, but in their time, blaspheming Christianity was not tolerated.

On the leftist side, Karl Popper wrote that the tolerant society cannot tolerate the intolerant, meaning us. He is restating the truth Strike mentioned, from the left.

I want a society where considerations of non-white immigration or job outsourcing are literally unspeakable.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

“I want a society where considerations of non-white immigration or job outsourcing are literally unspeakable.” bravo mother trucker. bravo

Reply to  Strike Three
3 years ago

Well then covid is a plague and we’d all better get vaccinated! And China is an important trading partner, Israel our greatest ally, the Russians our greatest enemy. And men have periods, too. And lest I forget, Joe Biden is the most popular politician in the history of the United States!

Free speech only fails when people don’t have the balls to call out bad ideas.

Reply to  Paintersforms
3 years ago

I’d argue the loss of free association is the bigger problem, having bad ideas and people forced on the public.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Paintersforms
3 years ago

I’m with you. Free speech becomes an impossible ideal when a population comes to include those who see it only as a means to an end, at which point it stops. This was predicted in the Sixties and has proved true.

Go try to argue HBD at Berkley.

The Greek
The Greek
Reply to  Strike Three
3 years ago

You can go even further with this conundrum: allowing total freedom of religion means allowing a religion that believes in exterminating other religions, these absolute values can be shown to be totally impractical when pushed to their limits.

Reply to  The Greek
3 years ago

Australian philosopher David Stove (who gets the panties of some folks on this side in a twist) was one of the fiercest defenders of free speech, but by the end of his life he was arguing in all seriousness that anyone who voiced “the Equality opinion” should be shot.

Sounds about right to me.

Reply to  The Greek
3 years ago

Freedom is a battle of wills.

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  Strike Three
3 years ago

Its true, there is no right to speak falsehood. There is no real absolute right to freedom of speech.

But lets win first.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  Paintersforms
3 years ago

Good observations but your chain of causation is reversed. What there is, is sin. Civilization is its being held in temporary abeyance. Civilization is under constant attack by ‘the world, the flesh and the devil’ (aka sin). First it degenerates, then it breaks.

The degeneration that you’re seeing and describing is the effect, not the cause of sin.

3 years ago

I support the cause, and will support any emergent leader, but Patrick Casey is really dull. Maybe that’s for the best, given how our charismatic leaders have fared.

I’ve met Patrick and found him to be a smart, decent guy.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

DLive has decided not to show me the replay, if it exists, so I can’t judge.

Reply to  Reziac
3 years ago


I’m curious what you think.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

First I’ve seen of this Patrick Casey fellow. He’s pleasant, polite, and doesn’t inject himself into the guest. As I’m quite tired of the loud-and-brash types, I prefer this restrained style. (Or why I’ve become a regular listener for many of the Epoch Times’ interviewers.)

How sensible he is by himself? Subscribed, so we’ll see. (Thanks for the link.)

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

Smart and dull is my opinion of Patrick Casey as well.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Agreed entirely. If you have on a guest, it’s not about the you, it’s about the guest. I greatly prefer this “unexciting” style, which does not give me an urge to throttle-and-cork the host.

And contrary to your contention, you make a good guest, because it doesn’t take much to get you to spit out a coherent little monologue with its own little insights. None of this monosyllabic or prepared-speech crap that we could just as well get from an About Me page.

3 years ago

Judge Rules Some Ghislaine Maxwell Details Too “Sensational And Impure” To Be Revealed To The Public

“Sensational and impure” like Dr. Seuss, not wholesome and uplifting like the Grammy Awards or Desmond is Amazing.

“We’ll decide what you deserve to know, peasant.”

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

IOW – some of the wrong people would be outed as sexual deviants.

3 years ago

What was the intro with the pale horse of death? That was weird. What was its significance to the podcast?

Reply to  Hiawatha
3 years ago

Oh, yeah, I meant to ask where that clip was from.

Delaware Dasch
Delaware Dasch
Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

“Pale Rider” starring Clint Eastwood

3 years ago

[…] ZMan’s weekly podcast. Highly recommended. […]

3 years ago

@Compsci re: faculty grading papers, the good-but-not-elite program where I got my PhD managed to basically destroy itself, such that faculty do now, in fact, have to grade their own papers in most cases (which is why they all went to multiple guess online exams; COVID has been great for lazy bastards, have you noticed?). Academia as we know it will be dead in a decade, god willing, but should anyone want to try to recreate a university system when our great-great-great-great grandchildren finally claw their way back out of the Dark Ages 2.0, my old stomping ground would be… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Don’t let the lesbians push out the old hippies.

How about, don’t let the hippies push out the staid old academics with respect for history and tradition?

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

Alas that happened long before my time. Watching the hippies getting pushed out, and being utterly baffled by it, was instructive. Watching the lesbians make the same type of mistake — letting in a trannie — was hilarious, as is watching the lesbians acting as befuddled as the old hippies were. History shouldn’t be an academic discipline in the first place, if we’re being honest. There’s no body of specialist knowledge that requires professional instruction. I myself learned 95% of the “sources and methods” stuff on my own with the help of archivists; the rest is just memorizing fugly jargon.… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Severian, it’s interesting to observe that lesbians are a mostly powerless group in every enclave except academia.

F@gs, mostly of a certain ethnicity, control Hollywood and a significant piece of Conservative, Inc., but lesbians have no purchase anywhere except in academia, where they seem to punch far about their weight.

Any thoughts on why they are so potent there? I’m always thankful for your unique insights.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

In my experience, it’s a combo of two things – unpleasantness and unlimited free time. They’re always up for a fight, and since 99% of “male” profs are total pussies, they win all the fights they pick (or, usually, just threaten). But if they do end up having to fight, they have unlimited free time in which to do it (if for no other reason than they’re all highly medicated and don’t need sleep). Combine the two, and even if you win this round, troll devote the rest of their lives to ruining you. I started grad school with a… Read more »

Major Hoople
Major Hoople
Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

“Scribble, scribble, scribble, eh, Mr. Gibbon?” I expect Mr. Gibbon learned to scribble on his own quite well.

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Second paragraph is excellent! Had a lesbian and muslim (on full scholly at a Jesuit school!) destroy my undergrad humanities department. Guess where the lesbian works now? NPR of course!

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Severian, no disagreement here. My background is in the College of Science. Last bastion of rigor left at the old institution. But even that was being chipped away. Never enough minorities to suit the prog’s.

As far as a declining department, tell me about it. In the beginning we had a completely different level of faulty. Folks who developed the algorithms for Human Gnome Project, or sorting languages for AT&T, and Google search engines. They left for the dollars and the fame those companies could provide. They were never quite replaced.

Old Codger
Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago

Remember, my good sir, that accuracy in science is just as racist as anything else. Unless I am mistaken, many (most?) schools no longer grade off for incorrect answers on math exams. Specifying a single correct answer these days is racist – unless the question is about your beliefs and/or response to.the latest example of jogger public debauchery. Damn! Some days I am SO damned glad I am old and will (likely) not live to see the “full flower” of leftist utopia. Sucks to be young these days. You dweebs get to “enjoy” all the wonderfulness the left is going… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Shorter version, keep the wammen out and teach the men to act like it. That also implies the showing up for class thing since everyone refusing to go to anything in person is basically just cowardice in the face of a rather minor threat. If what you’re learning is valuable you’ll man up and show up. Hell, the same principle would eliminate most of these useless corporate and government jobs. If your job isn’t worth getting a bad cold for, it was never worth paying you for. Go home, smoke a phat bowl, and listen to your Iron Zepplin records… Read more »

Reply to  Pozymandias
3 years ago

I don’t think this is very original, but I believe much of the pandemic madness is fueled by the gals- I live a block from the athletic fields of a elite college (its athletic programs are division III elite as well.) They have closed down their sports for an entire year, and it very much looks like there’ll be no Spring sports this year. This was decided by the presidents of the DIII conference; six of the eleven member presidents are women. I think ( although I may be way underestimating the pussy-ness of non female college presidents) that wouldn’t… Read more »

3 years ago
Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
3 years ago

Great commentary about the upcoming show trial!

Reply to  Hi - Ya!
3 years ago

Show trial looks unfair. Feel bad for Chauvin.

Reply to  acetone
3 years ago

I’ve read that at least five of the selected jurors are BLM supporters.

Yeah, that’ll be fair…

James J O'Meara
James J O'Meara
3 years ago

As I’ve observed before and elsewhere, the “Never Forget” mentality is the result of the takeover of the Left/Democrats/Liberals by the Judaics. If they aren’t Jews, they think like Jews (that’s how you go along to get along in the party). As they say on Wall St., “Dress British, think Yiddish.”

Wade Hampton
Wade Hampton
3 years ago

Another great Power Hour. Thanks for all the work you put into creating content for us. I could nitpick this issue or that one, butt I’m not in the mood. I think you like thrash music. Here is my contribution. Filter’s “Hey Man, Nice Shot” about everybody’s favorite politician, Bud Dwyer.


3 years ago

They do this in the US too. See for example “not who we are”. Google ngram link below (link deleted because of spam filter). Interesting phrase if you think about it. Who and what are “we” and “are” and who defines there words? Thought leaders, people that control media and discourse. Its a phrase that is only heard shouted at people below from people above. As phrase used as a rhetorical tool, its ambiguity explains its utility. I think old school liberals (Mencken et al) would have hated the phrase because of its stupidity and inherent deceptive qualities. These days… Read more »

Reply to  acetone
3 years ago

Comment above meant for “Juri” down thread. Had to resubmit to miss spam filters. Lost position somehow. Apologies.

Reply to  acetone
3 years ago

Ugh. “Not who we are” is one of my personal pet peeves. I remember when it started cropping up everywhere, along with its variants “not who I am” and “not who you are.” I can’t hear the phrase uttered without wanting to slug the speaker.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

I lean more toward “We’re all in this together”…

3 years ago

J.D. Vance: “Hello, fellow hillbillies!”

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

(I’m presuming he’s wearing a hat that says “Tractor Hat,” when he says that).

Major Hoople
Major Hoople
Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

Looks to me like a campaign vehicle for good Ol’ boy J.D. Plus the others on that board look like Washington strivers who have done a bit okay but not really top shelf, and are looking to push out the Con Inc. oldsters and grab the good stuff for themselves. Latching onto Vance and the acceptable sort of populism angle is the ideal grift.

3 years ago

Some TV channel I record off of who did a “documentary” on the George Floyd thing, totally sympathetic to Floyd, did manage to play enough of a role of “white-devil’s advocate” to show a still frame of the arrest footage, when he is still in his own car, where you can clearly see Floyd is swallowing drugs. His mouth is agape and you can clearly see the big white baggie or rock that is in his mouth.
My prediction is none of the facts will matter and the cop is going to prison.

Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago

Cop in prison or city burns some more.

Reply to  Rich
3 years ago

Yeah floyd becoming expensive for Minneapolis. 27 mil settlement and all the burned buildings and such. At least they can take comfort from the magnificent leadership of Mayor Frey.

Reply to  Sidvic
3 years ago

The politicos dont care. Theres more money where that came from. Taxpayers bend over.

Reply to  Rich
3 years ago

The other option is cop is acquitted, the city burns and then the feds charge him on the “civil rights violation” at the federal level.

We can easily get the best of both options!

For the cherry on top, the now wealthy family of Floyd will sue him personally for the “civil rights violation!” The Chauvins tried divorcing right when this happened and a judge actually refused the divorce! She was getting everything, which means the Floyds get nothing. An uncontested divorce where the wife gets everything was blocked by an SJW judge. Unreal. There is no rule of law.

Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago

Eventually this will lead to Whites hoisting the Jolly Roger and ending multiple gene lines among White upper class Wokesters.

Seriously we won’t get a decline like Brazil, because the Blob and the wokesters made it clear they want us dead and gone. They will overstep as the hateful f**ks they are and boom.

3 years ago

Yet another stellar podcast, thank you. I’ve been thinking about the article from a while back by the ungrateful cow complaining about her Trump supporting neighbors who shoveled her driveway and your segment on the partisan mind. It is maddening to witness the lunacy of the left. They are unrelenting. From the opening of the floodgates at our southern border as well as the millions of “legal” immigrants pouring in from South Asia and elsewhere, the blue and purple haired fatties pushing hormone blockers and mutilating babies, the tranny pedophiles at kindergarten story time, the globo homo “military”, the woke… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Melissa
3 years ago

The problem is that these lunatics will never allow us to leave and live in peace.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Slovenia is looking more and more appealing.

Reply to  Melissa
3 years ago

I’m slovenly and would fit right in.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Reverse it, no one ever lived in peace. Put your boot in their ass. No matter how small the slight, make a motherfucker pay. Bring the pain, with vengence. Small deeds create movement and inspiration.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Dennis Roe
3 years ago

I hear you.

For now I’m good with being sand in the gears.

Reply to  Melissa
3 years ago

The Wokestoppo want us dead. Just look how they freak out over those “it’s okay to be white” posters. These people are totally insane, if not outright evil.

We won’t get a homeland let alone a region of the U.S. that’s not infested by these monsters unless we earn it the old fashioned way.

3 years ago

The other day, I overheard two students (you can guess what kind) discussing the uselessness of study. One part almost bowled me over:
“History sucks, man. Ya know, that shit ain’t worth nothin'”
“Nah man, we need history for racism and shit.”
Wow. For these people, the only function of history is as a repository of excuses for their indolence and barbarism.

3 years ago

Note for Z: A professional homosexual is called a Promosexual.

3 years ago

The most interesting thing about that YouTibe clip is that Andrew Sullivan’s channel has only 1.5 k subscribers. This former NYT journo can only get a tiny fraction of the audience that independent guys have. Tim Pool has 1.5 M subs. Mediocrities like Sullivan can’t survive outside the bubble of corporate media promotion.

Reply to  Gauss
3 years ago

That’s because people don’t “read the journalist,” they read “the paper” They are basically outsourcing their ability to judge one freak for another. They read the journo because xir is in “the paper” When they are out there alone and on their own, without the banner of the org, they get judged by their own merit. Chris Cuomo had his own YT channel at one time and his videos got hundreds of views. Nobody would ever listen to that fool if he didn’t have the CNN logo behind his head.

Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago

And it seems few watch CNN as well. 😉

Reply to  Gauss
3 years ago

I believe it was Sullivan who was the original promoter of the Magic Negro Coates.

Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

“That nice African from the sociology department has a funny accent, but otherwise he is not all that different from the Jewish guy in the anthropology department or the white woman from the psychology department with the dream catcher on her door.” This is so true that it’s amusing. And it relates to something I’ve long noted about academia. Namely that the Vice Provost at the University of South Alabama has far more in common with a sociology professor at Dartmouth than he does with a plumber in Mobile. Academia is an archipelago of AWR that bears little resemblance, culturally,… Read more »

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

It’s true, but it’s not amusing. It’s why I never was able to fit in with these people even after getting my graduate degrees. I grew up getting the fuck beat out of me, routinely. Nobody ever gave me anything. My dad worked at the Chevy plant. My extended family was very small, and they all hated each other. None of them had ever been to college. None of them had any money. I inherited nothing, and had no “connections.” Yet these assholes sit around stroking each other off about “white privilege” and instituting affirmative action against people like me… Read more »

Ex-Pralite Monk
Ex-Pralite Monk
Reply to  Xman
3 years ago

My father quit school at age 16 to work in a coal mine. As soon as he turned 17 he joined the Navy and got out of that mine for good. One of my mother’s first jobs was—no lie—picking cotton during the summer at our family’s cotton field on the Florida panhandle. My father was a coal miner, my mother picked cotton. Anyone who talks to me about my white privilege is told to go F himself.

3 years ago

Interesting comments on the small town, instinctual origins of “The American Moment.” I too am concerned it’s just another grift, like Freedomworks and other groups were to the Tea Party movement. But a correction: the National Review article by Jack Butler, Jonah Goldberg’s former assistant, cannot be characterized as “echo chamber” to the new attempt at co-optation, unless you didn’t read it. It, like you, called out the American Moment as 3 young guys trying to find their place in the Swamp, cocktail parties and all. Of course, while you were approaching the new grift to protect America First, Butler… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Do you remember when Ross Perot ran for president? At his convention acceptance speech the very first thing out of his mouth was to direct all the people in the room who harbored a “racist agenda” to head to the exits. This was in 1992. It is a perfect example of why Conservatism, Inc. was always a loser. They’ve always been more about virtue signaling than actually standing up for their base. These fools have always been so self-unaware that they don’t even know when they are libeling their own. Amazing.

Reply to  Epaminondas
3 years ago

I used to work for EDS, one of Perot’s companies in the late 90s. On the site I was working, we actually had a site manager who was flown up from EDS’ headquarters in Texas to run the account into the ground, which he dutifully did. He was a stiff and a fake Christian. (Jesus was an anti-racist immigrant before it was a meme) His first act of running the account into the ground was to hunt out blacks to work on the account. 2 were reasonably acceptable, but the rest were typical. We got all the 90s version of… Read more »

Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago

Friend worked for EDS, down in the trenches on the HP account. From what he said, the whole thing was set up to scam the customer (HP) by making good and damn sure every call would run over the mandated limit, and EDS charged HP by the minute.

3 years ago

Brood X now. Brood 331 later. Number station 23.


The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

Go search for, “number station.”

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

I know what a number station is. I was just marveling at the Zman’s inclusion of it in the show, and whether there was more to it than just an inside joke.

3 years ago

A New Tomorrow (cont) Keep it simple. Let me repeat that. Keep it very, very simple. Simple is your very best friend. And the simplest thing that works is always the best option. Simpler springs from clarity of purpose and is typically much quicker and far less prone to mistake or mishap. Simpler is what you know best and it helps you keep your cool and be fluid & focused in your actions. No doubts, no tells, no hesitation. And when done, it’s like tying your shoes; it’s much easier to erase it from your memory as if it never… Read more »

3 years ago

Ahhhh sorry Z, my letter to you has been in my drawer for 3 weeks now. A combination of very busy days and laziness has prevented me from sending it so far.

3 years ago

There have been many requests for Z to craft a short summary of our ideology.

He did a fine job of that with his list of 3 items at the top of this post. Problem solved.

3 years ago

The only other fanatics that hold a grudge like the Left are Muslims. I was a History Major and it still took me a while to connect the dots that the 9/11 attacks were revenge for their loss at the Battle of Vienna in 1683. People like that are dangerous and shouldn’t be allowed in a Western country, much less be allowed to have power.

Gunner Q
Reply to  Drake
3 years ago

” the 9/11 attacks were revenge for their loss at the Battle of Vienna in 1683.”

You thought they were being honest?

They hate you and want you dead, but they can’t name any crime you’ve committed. Thus, they blame you for whatever they can. The only reason they dredged up incidents that happened before the existence of your half of the planet was even common knowledge is because that’s how desperate they are to hate you, hate you, hate you.

It’s not about holding a grudge. It’s about not looking at themselves in the mirror.

Reply to  Gunner Q
3 years ago

Yes, the inferiority complex drives hatred towards whites in every white nation. I’ve seen it with east asians, south asians, especially punjabis, and pakistans as well as arabs.

Truth is we’re just not meant to live together and would all be happier separate. Even on a superficial level the men are objectively uglier than white men. That alone + hypersexualized culture causes issues for them. They are also ugly on the inside.

Reply to  Drake
3 years ago

They hate you because you are a infidel and thus lower than dog poo. In the Koran and associated works, they encourage true believers to wage incessant war against us infidels. And for those that can’t directly fight us they are encouraged to financially support those who do.

OBL was just a black letter follower of the Koran. Nothing he did was against Islamic teachings. This is always hidden by the MSM and most conservative outlets.

Lastly please understand that Islam has always been at war with the rest of the world since it’s inception. They are no ones friends..

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  Drake
3 years ago

People ask who’s hand is moving the Biden sock puppet’s mouth. Take your insight about Muslim grudges and Z’s observation about mindless Prog spitefulness and merge the sets.

It’s B Hussain Obama. He personifies both.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Merrick Garland himself is a recent beneficiary of the Left’s institutional grudge-holding.

His AG post is a consolation prize for not making the Supreme Court. It is also another knife twist for the failed Bork Supreme Court nomination.

Heck, if they manage to impeach Kavanaugh, I wouldn’t be surprised if they put Garland up for the SC again.

3 years ago

I thought the show’s format was good, Z. WRT your preferences bit… as I listened to you talk about not needing permission to say or think the way you do… I realized I have heard it all before, just in different terms. “Who are you to judge people with different sexual preferences?” ” What consenting adults do on their own time in their own places is THEIR business…” “My rights to free speech are protected under the Constitution! You have no right to try and silence ME…” “You can’t judge people by the colour of their skin!!!! Or their religion!… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

In Europe this does not work. Communists answer that “because this is right ” or in Europe there are European values and who does not like European values, feel free to leave. Our commies do not have their values. Our commies only defend universal human or European values.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

And in Asteroids, the hyperspace button would even occasionally and randomly cause your ship to self-destruct. A perfect outcome with the shitlib in your life!

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Not only are they trying, they are doing and succeeding.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

That’s the ol’ “Who are you to judge?”
A standard reply is “Who do I have to be?”

3 years ago

“Yet there is another trait that I have noticed in them as well. They all have horrible self-esteem issues and retcon their life narrative to omit their privilege.”

Indeed. They really are a collection of the most disgustingly puss filled vaginal warts one has the bravery to imagine.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

Huh? This comment was meant as a reply to “Reynard”; whose original comment may appear above, below or to the side of this one!

3 years ago

The Spiteful and Vindictive segment made me remember something I read decades ago. Nixon ran for US Congress against a former movie star, Helen Gahagan one of the beautiful people who was also married to actor Melvin Douglas.

Like Hillery, she was supposed to be a shoe in for the office but Nixon clobbered her and the left never forgot it. This was in the 1950’s. They finally got their revenge with the Watergate hearings which forced Nixon out in disgrace.

If true, that is some long range boo boo hurt.

3 years ago

sure, whites should have the right to live among other whites if that is their preference

problem is human rights as a concept are nothing but a caprice of long past european elites

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  sentry
3 years ago

Unfortunately, the concept of human rights is an endless cornucopia of potential goodies for non-whites at the expense of whites. Rights are never confined to the basics of human existence. They expand into things such as their “right” to live in your country and do whatever they dam’ well please when they get there.

Chester White
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

If it has a price tag, it cannot, by definition, be a right.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

I tried to listen to Cadwell and Sullivan but couldn’t take it. Besides the appalling lack of masculinity, the conversation was intensely boring. As Z says, they are stunningly provincial – but they were also clinical. They spoke of the masses as though they were watching an ant farm. I had the feeling that the only reason that these guys cared about what might going on was that it potentially threatened their comfy lifestyle. There was no real feeling for the flyover Whites that they discussed. In the end, Cadwell and Sullivan are yet another example of people whose whole… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Couldn’t have said it any better. Great comment.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Well put, old son. Worth a hundred upvotes. Right, I’ll listen to the show now.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

I saw this attitude all over academia. It’s surreal. I remember a party at a faculty member’s house back in grad school. I went to the bathroom, and taped onto the toilet was a set of elaborate instructions — the water keeps running if you flush and don’t jiggle the handle using the exact four-step process they’d discovered, by trial and error, over months (as rude mechanicals are despised in college towns, it’s no surprise that the one plumber was booked solid, and in no hurry to get out to help them. That’s a strategy we should think long and… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

One of the adolescent moments that always stuck with me involved my father working on a project in the backyard. Two of my neighborhood buddies were over, we were just messing around, and my dad asked me to hand him a wrench. Well, I grabbed a pair of pliers. He growled at me, “I said a ‘wrench’, you cork!” My friends laughed at me and used that term derisively for a while after that, but the shame I felt in that moment spurred me into improving my ability to work with my hands. But I had a father in my… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Oh, I imagine there was one “tool” he had handled with great regularity…

3 Pipe Problem
3 Pipe Problem
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

“I realized that he had reached young adulthood never having held a tool…..”

While at the same time becoming one, lol!

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Hell, as a young man, I was never smart enough to get a white collar part-time job—until I got in graduate school. Then I was able to even get “no-show” positions on government grants. Yeah, I took them—but they never made me a better person that all the blue collar stuff at came before, only taught me what a racket the system was and left a bad taste in my mouth. Of this I am grateful.

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Screwing together IKEA furniture tests the limits of my mechanical abilities: BUT, as a youth I had all sorts of ordinary jobs- roofing, (you have not really lived until you’ve had to find a leak in a flat factory roof in the middle of a Minnesota winter) running a restaurant, selling flowers wholesale… All of these jobs left me with a great deal of respect for people who could do things- I’d submit most of our ruling class never did any actual work. I was lucky to figure out a way to get paid to shoot my mouth off- but… Read more »

Reply to  Ganderson
3 years ago

I had old guys teach me stuff when i was a kid. I’ve also found youtube to be an incredibly useful teacher. Just learned how to sharpen a chainsaw blade a couple of months ago. Turns out the saw is completely unusable if the chain is sharpened incorrectly.

Reply to  Ganderson
3 years ago

What’s gotten really ridiculous is how easy patches and repairs to common mechanical and structural problems has become, and yet, repairing things eludes more people than ever before

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Ganderson
3 years ago

“…but I look with envy at people who can actually fix stuff.”

You should get over the defeatism and quit beating yourself up. If you wish to improve a skill, the best way to do so is to actually do it. Take apart an old appliance and try to put it back together. Try to improve something in your home.

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

In addition, when I taught prep school in NYC ( VERY rich kids, mostly) we, the staff, had a lot of respect for that minority of kids who had part time jobs- especially the rich ones, whose parents thought it might be a good idea for little Josh and Naomi to see what work is like!

Reply to  Ganderson
3 years ago

I often wonder about the needless complexity of modern life, and if it’s a conscious strategy on someone’s part to diminish traditional Man Skills. I’m about with you on the IKEA-assembly level, but I still often try to give simple mechanical repairs ago, and I’ve noticed that there’s so much additional, seemingly meaningless complexity to things. Example: I had to jump start my car. Red to red, black to black, right? Except… I had no idea where the battery even was. Not joking. I’m looking under the hood, and I can’t recognize a damn thing. So I went to YouTube,… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Academics likely win the prize for ignoring reality, indeed, despising reality. Cocooned in their modern-day monasteries, they prattle on about how many blacks souls fit on the head of a pin. Like them, I grew up without learning how to fix things. (Dad was, you guessed it, an academic, at least, part-time.) Luckily, I did work hard jobs. The difference between me and them was that my lack of natural mechanical ability gave me huge respect for those who could work on cars or fix the lawnmower, so much that I forced myself to learn these skills, even if it… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

As an English Lit major in the early 90s, I had a lot of profs who were still of the generation that allowed for some masculinity. Yeah, they were often bearded eccentrics but they actually loved male past times like baseball and would talk about doing work around their homes. I remember one prof laughing when I referred to a dreadlocked classmate as “oakum head”. There’s simply no way an English professor today would know what oakum is.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

No, the academics aren’t the modern priestly class, the attorneys are.

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Given the utter helplessness of these folks, it would behoove the local White repairmen to take their sweet time to repair the appliances of academics and assorted BS artists that populate upscale neighborhoods.

Let the buggers suffer for a while. Even better would be a general strike. The howling from those silk sock wearing clowns would be exquisite.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Well done that man.
Comment of the week.
Please play again soon.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

“The problem is that these folks to start to believe words over reality…”
That is not a problem exclusive to the Cloud People, C. Pretty much every leftist is the same. Even the ones that can fix dish washers.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Great observation, although fixing the dishwasher is beyond my ken; I have an agreement with my dishwasher guy: I don’t try to fix the dishwasher, he doesn’t try to teach History!

Caldwell is one of the few to report honestly about the unfolding demographic disaster in Europe, coming to a theater near you, if it hasn’t already arrived.

David Wright
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

We’ve always been an ant farm to these types. Every once in awhile a few of our ants escape the enclosure and it is even more painful watching them signal the right things to their masters.

Every family and community has a few of them. Status seekers or traitors? Oh, and they always live in even less diverse areas than the ones they left.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

“””…These people bore me because they are, in the end, children who think like children….””””

Yet those children are somehow in power and destroying entire Western Civilization and not a single adult can`t figure out, what to do.

Reply to  Juri
3 years ago

Reminds me of the old Twighlight Zone episode: “It’s a Good Life”
About a child with god-like mental powers. He could change weather, transform humans, read minds – the whole package.

Rod Serling’s opening narration excerpt:
“…This is the monster. His name is Anthony Fremont (Bill Mumy) . He’s six years old, with a cute little-boy face and blue, guileless eyes. But when those eyes look at you, you’d better start thinking happy thoughts, because the mind behind them is absolutely in charge. This is the Twilight Zone.”

Reply to  Juri
3 years ago

They are in power because they won’t hesitate to use violence against us. Plus they found a plentiful supply of sadistic white men who for a buck will beat and kill us on command. It’s like Rockefeller said a long time ago to the effect he could pay one half of the population to police the other half if he so chose to. Study American history of the early 20th century. It gives us plenty examples of lower class white men working for these tyrants. And murdering us when we got uppity. The failure of the DR is not understanding… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

“Words are reality to them.” You just described the normie response to the plandemic fiasco as well. They find it perfectly reasonable apparently that ‘2 weeks to flatten the curve so hospitals won’t get overrun’ a year later has morphed into ‘take the untested jab so you won’t get as sick when you get this horrible disease’. All words, no evidence, but in my area they are getting even more militant about the boogeyman. I had an excellent English prof back in the day who once said “Those who do not know how words are used will be used by… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

I listened to it. What was remarkable was how wrong they were about well-known things, such as where the poor people live and why they live there. They think the poor people are going back to their small towns. In fact, they are clustering in ghetto urban neighborhoods or lower-cost ex-urbs.

Rural towns are not made up, primarily, of people who can’t afford to live in the city. At least, that’s not why they live there. It’s much easier to be poor in the city, in many respects.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

According to the cdc rural areas have a comparatively low rate of opioid overdose too… Small metro areas have it worst. Like white ghettos in dayton ohio for instance.

It’s clear they’ve never been to a small town. Definitely not full of the fittest or smartest or richest people ever but the most degenerate whites congregate as homeless in urban ghettos.

Leftists don’t understand, it’s the classic “voting against their own interests” line. They don’t see how somebody could value other things over money, ethnic food, and leftist virtue signalling.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Re: ethnic food

I made some excellent “authentic” burritos for dinner last night. It’s amazing how with the internet, and one hour of spare time, we can find and cook classic mexican recipes.

I didn’t even need 30 million illegal mexican aliens to do it.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

“You didn’t build that burrito!” — Barack Obama

Strike Three
Strike Three
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

“people whose whole lives have been about words.” Yes; this is exactly right. The msm, the Twitterati, the vast majority of Patreon harlots; all of them have so many words, but absolutely none of the Word.

Now, whenever I discern actual Logos in a man’s written or spoken words, I stick around and pay attention.

This is why I keep coming back here. You may be a “citizen of a silly country”, but your comment was a blessing.

Corinthian Leatherface
Corinthian Leatherface
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Their livelihood is based on words, and by the subject of your post, yours is not, yet you outduel them in their own game. Why? Experience, that’s why. Well done, sir!

3 years ago

This “life as a series of simple instructions” worldview really sheds light on their attitudes towards “the poor” and especially “Diversity.” If life is so damn easy — and it is, obviously, look around — then why can’t they do it? Just fill out the right form, tick the right box, and when you’re unsure, always mark “C” on the standardized test. What could be simpler? If they won’t do it, it’s because they can’t do it… and since that can’t possibly be the result of anything as icky as genetics, it must be someone’s fault. (Lately I’ve been trying… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Inspired by Nietzsche, here’s a baleful thought. We are, in general, correct to bemoan fatherless homes. Yet one must allow that some fathers are so evil, a child is better off never knowing him.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

There’s some truth to that. Given the degraded state of the negro male, would that little Hutu really be better off with him under the same roof? Genetics is much more of the problem than family structure, or its lack .

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

Truth might be six of one, half a dozen of the other—both equally bad! As noted, father or no father, genetic proclivities come in play. My take is—if the father were any good, he’d remain a significant part of the child’s life, but that’s just my “White Privilege” speaking. 😉

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Sev; Can’t reply to your battery box post, so I’ll do it here. You *might* be right about the battery box cover’s being useless. But you have to consider the culture and incentive structure involved in its being there. IOW, it adds some, admittedly slight, cost and weight. So if it were without any redeeming automotive value, some prick of a factory engineer would have yanked it out of the assembly line long ago. (They live for that shyte.) You’re completely right, though, that automotive design engineers care not a wit for making life better for customers who do their… Read more »

3 years ago

“The ruling class is stuffed to the gills with provincial mediocrities who think they are worldly sophisticates…are far Left mostly because they know they got lucky. For them, life is a lottery, and they got a winning ticket, so they assume this is how the world works in general. The mediocrities in the managerial class seem to have adopted the same view. They look around at the sameness around them, the utter lack of utility, and they think they are the beneficiaries of good fortune, which they call privilege…For them, life was simply a matter of following the clearly written… Read more »

Reply to  Reynard
3 years ago

That “I worked my fingers to the bone for this!” attitude is always hilarious. I hate to keep sounding the same note, but eggheads are the crew of Leftists I know best, and they have it in spades. Faculty parties are nonstop litanies of their time in the salt mines. “In grad school, I worked seventy hours a week!” “I worked eighty!” “Well, when I was on research sabbatical, I worked one hundred!!!” I like a drink, but one of my great regrets is never getting drunk enough to ask “Holy Jeebus, what did you DO with all that time?… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Same in high school- I used to work with a guy who said he spent an hour grading each term paper- and claimed he stayed up until midnight grading homework every night…. As you know, Sev, I live in a college town (area, really) with three prestigious small colleges, a (dying) hippie school and a BSU. Many of my hockey buddies are engineering profs- I’d say they earn their money- they also don’t whine much, unless it’s about how liberal arts faculty don’t work very hard. My wife and I are acquaintances with two now retired senior administrators at the… Read more »

Reply to  Ganderson
3 years ago

But why would the Media publish them? They think those eggheads really earn their pay. (It’s weird, the respect Normies have for academic types, even now, and especially the people who should know better. I used to make fun of my colleagues’ pretensions — “As Herr Professor Doktor Severian, PhD, I shall have the Big Mac, not the Whopper” — but oddly enough that crap really works. The same silly sorostitute who acts like coming to your class is the biggest favor she could possibly do you, will fawn all over you when you show up during her shift at… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

True, that, Prof Severian. I picked up a trick from the author John Steinbeck on how to strike up a conversation with strangers. I find some opportunity to remark how much he is underpaid and under appreciated and how the bosses just assume the work will magically get done, not knowing a thing about the nitty-gritty.
I have NEVER been corrected by them.

Reply to  Firewire
3 years ago

Back before I retired — that is, when my already low reserves of give-a-damn had been completely exhausted — I used to rib colleagues about their easy life. I’d make a big deal about how this was absolutely the easiest job I’d ever had. I mean, I’m gonna go teach my one class, maybe grade a few papers… that’ll take me about up to noon, after which I’m gonna have a snack and then go play a round of golf. Except that now I don’t even have to grade papers, because you tenured guys who work so, so, SO hard… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Lol you guys are hilarious. I need to employ these tactics in my own life.

One point of contention. The Whopper is indeed the fast-food burger of a true pretentious gentleman–so much better than the Big Mac. tsk tsk!

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Faculty grading papers? That was not the case where I was. If faculty, as a Prof, you were assigned one or more TA’s and they did all the grading on exam’s. Heck, I can still remember the arguments as to how many TA’s one needed for a particular sized class.

Reply to  Firewire
3 years ago

“trick…on how to strike up a conversation with strangers. I find some opportunity to remark how much he is underpaid and under appreciated”. Not recommended. You know who does that? Prison inmates trying to corrupt prison guards. And ex-cons to barmaids. It’s…unpleasant.